Students' Perception of Physics Laboratory Equipment in The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

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Students' Perception of Physics Laboratory Equipment in the University of

Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Article · July 2017


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6 authors, including:

Van Ryan Kristopher R Galarpe

University of the Philippines


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Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),777-781,2017 ISSN: 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 777


May Bellen T. Alerta1, Regine Ann A. Florendo1, Chemar May B. Salvado1, Shanne M. Gonzales1,
Katharine Denise G. Camomot1, and Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe2,*
BS Applied Physical Sciences, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro, 9000 Philippines
Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro, 9000 Philippines

For correspondence E-mail:
ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to determine the perception of undergraduate students towards the standard and
improved physics laboratory equipment in the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP), formerly
known as Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST). This study adopted the research design of descriptive
statistical survey, wherein students-constructed questionnaire was used to gather the necessary responses needed from the
students. The sample size was comprised of 322 random students from all colleges. This was established in order to extrapolate
a better response of perception towards the standard and improved equipment for kinematics and torque experiments.
Kinematics had two set-ups which consisted of stopwatch (standard) and timer (improved). Likewise, the torque experiment
consisted of a meter stick with clamp and knife-edged balance (standard) and a hanger (improved). Both set-ups of each
experiment were compared. The data were analyzed using the two-way ANOVA, mean and percentage. Findings show that
there was a significant difference in the laboratory equipment depending on the user. For kinematics the stopwatch was
perceived better to use. For torque experiment the hanger was perceived positively. Overall, the genders of the respondents do
not affect their performance (p-values: 0.96, 1.29, and 0.41).

Keywords: kinematics; torque; physics; laboratory equipment

1. INTRODUCTION 2. to foster science inquiry skills that can transfer to

Science education requires schools to have appropriate other spheres of problem solving;
laboratory equipment/materials to facilitate learning 3. to help the student appreciate and in part emulate the
effectively. In every experiment, the laboratory equipment is role of the scientist; and
essential in accurate data gathering [1]. Laboratories may (i) 4. to help the student grow both in appreciation of the
provide virtual and physical investigations which can meet orderliness of scientific knowledge and also in
the goals of science courses [2] and (ii) provide an understanding the tentative nature of scientific
environment for cognitive apprenticeship enhanced by theories and models.
formative assessment [3]. This medium of learning may act Physics as a college course requirement is offered in the
as an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts University of Science and Technology of Southern
introduced in the lectures. Laboratory works in coupled with Philippines (USTP) prior to K-12 implementation. However,
laboratory simulations may likely increase the chance of a the extent of this learning outcomes cited from [6, 7,8] were
positive learning outcome [4]. A better laboratory learning not assessed in the college physics laboratory courses. It is
interaction with instructional simulations can help students with this purpose that the study was conducted to locally
understand a real system, process, or phenomenon [5]. determine the perception of students studying physics with
In a review of the literature, references [6,8] proposed a the use of the standard and improved physics laboratory
classification of goals for laboratory instruction in science equipment. The researchers also determined which of the
education: Physics laboratory equipment was perceived by the students
1. to arouse and maintain interest, attitude, satisfaction, (both genders) likely improved their performance.
open-mindedness and curiosity in science;
2. to develop creative thinking and problem-solving 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
ability; (3) to promote aspects of scientific thinking 2.1 Framework
and the scientific method (e.g., formulating Laboratories have been found to be at the workplace where
hypotheses and making assumptions); practical activities are conducted to enhance science concept
3. to develop conceptual understanding and intellectual and theories [9,10]. It is a primary vehicle for promoting
ability; and formal reasoning skill and students understanding, thereby
4. to develop practical abilities (e.g., designing and enhancing desired learning for students [11]. The changes of
executing investigations, observations, recording equipment may affect the performance of students due to the
data, and analyzing and interpreting results). prototype of the equipment. Thus, this study aims to know the
References [7,8] summarized the goals of laboratory work in perception of students in USTP on the standard and improved
four main areas: laboratory equipment in physics. In this study, the perception
1. to foster knowledge of the human enterprise of of students were assessed to know if their perception will
science so as to enhance student intellectual and depend on the type of equipment (Standard or Improved); and
aesthetic understanding;
778 ISSN: 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),777-781,2017
the performance of the students were examined if it was
affected by their gender (Male or Female). Table (2) Demographics of the respondents
College Courses Gender Age No. of
Table (1) Conceptual Framework of the Study Respon-
Independent Variable Dependent Variable dents
BS Applied Male 17-18 8
A. Equipment A. Students’ perception College of Physical Sciences Female 17-18 8
1. Standard a. Strongly Agree (SA) Arts and BS Chemistry Male 17-18 8
1.1 Kinematics b. Agree (A) Sciences Female 17-18 8
(Stopwatch) c. Disagree (D) BS Applied Male 17-18 8
1.2 Torque (Meter d. Strongly Disagree Mathematics Female 17-18 8
stick with clamp and (SD) BS Environmental Male 17-18 8
knife-edged balance) B. Students’ performance Science and Female 17-18 8
2. Improved a. Easy to use Technology
2.1 Kinematics (Timer) b. Time consuming BS Food Science Male 17-18 8
2.2 Torque (Hanger) c. Require of orientation and Technology Female 17-18 8
B. Gender before experiment College of BS Civil Male 17-18 10
1. Female d. Aids knowledge in Engineering Engineering Female 17-18 10
2. Male lectures and BS Mechanical Male 17-18 10
Architecture Engineering Female 17-18 10
2.2 Research Design
BS Computer Male 17-18 10
This study was descriptive-comparative type of research. It
Engineering Female 17-18 10
was descriptive because the responses of college students
BS Electrical Male 17-18 10
towards the standard and improved laboratory equipment Engineering Female 17-18 10
were determined. It was also comparative because standard College of BS Information Male 17-18 8
and improved equipment were compared according to Industrial Technology Female 17-18 8
students’ perception, and performance with regards to their and BS Automotive Male 17-18 8
gender. Information Mechanical Female 17-18 8
2.3 Hypothesis Technology Technology
This research was conducted in USTP campus during the first BS Electronics Male 17-18 8
semester of S.Y. 2016-2017. The following null hypotheses and Female 17-18 8
were formulated and tested at p=0.05: Communication
1. There is no significant difference between the standard Technology
laboratory equipment and the improved laboratory BS Electrical Male 17-18 8
equipment according to the perception of students. Technology and Female 17-18 8
2. There is no significant difference in the performance
College of BS Education- Male 17-18 10
of students in laboratory experiments according to Policies Physical Sciences Female 17-18 10
gender. Studies, BS Education- Male 17-18 10
Education Mathematics Female 17-18 10
2.4 Respondents and BSED Male 17-18 10
The group computed the sample size by Slovin’s formula and Management (Technology and Female 17-18 10
obtained a sample size of 322. The sample was composed of Livelihood
students from all colleges: College of Engineering and Education)
Architecture (CEA), College of Arts of Sciences (CAS), BEED Special Male 17-18 10
College of Industrial and Information Technology (CIIT), and Education Female 17-18 10
College of Policies Studies, Education and Management Total number of respondents 322
(CPSEM), who were able to use the standard equipment and
students who were able to use the improved equipment in 2.5 Survey Questionnaire
Physics 10. These were the colleges of the former Mindanao The research instrument used in this study was a student-
University of Science and Technology (MUST). The constructed questionnaire (SCQ). It contains 4 items question
respondents were asked about their perception towards for both standard and improved equipment which have 4
experiments on Motion of Free Falling Body (1-D option choices. Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Strongly
Kinematics) and Torque. See Table 2 and Figure 1. Disagree (SD), and Disagree (D). The respondents were made
to select what is preferable for them from the limited set of
options provided. See Figure 1.

Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),777-781,2017 ISSN: 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 779
Table (3) Students’ perception on standard and improved
equipment in Kinematics experiment
Statements Stopwatch Timer
It is easy to use. 90 57 12 2 92 58 6 5
a b
Using this 58 79 17 7 52 61 29 19
equipment is time
Orientation in 52 61 21 27 70 61 8 22
using this
equipment must
be done before
c d doing the
This equipment 67 76 7 11 68 77 9 7
aids my
Fig (1) Kinematics experiment: (a) stopwatch; (c) timer and knowledge in
torque experiment: c) meter stick with clamp and knife-edged Kinematics
balance; (b) hanger experiment.
Legend: SA-strongly agree; A-agree; D-disagree; SD-
2.6 Conduct of Survey strongly disagree
The questionnaires were randomly given to students in For question number 4: “This equipment aids my knowledge
USTP. The questionnaire was administered to them to about kinematics.”, 67 strongly agreed, 76 agreed, 7
determine their perception and they were also collected disagreed, and 11 strongly disagreed for stopwatch; and 68
immediately to avoid alteration. strongly agreed, 77 agreed, 9 disagreed, and 7 strongly
2.7 Data Analyses disagreed for timer. The respondents chose timer as the
Mean, percentage, and two-way ANOVA were used to test equipment that aids their knowledge in kinematics
the hypothesis in this study. The obtained data were experiment than the stopwatch. Overall the highly perceived
computed and used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of on the Kinematics experiment was the timer, owing
significance. This level of significance set the basis for accessibility and recall convenience.
rejecting or accepting each of the hypotheses.


3.1 Overall students’ perception on kinematics
For question number 1: “It is easy to use.”, 90 strongly
agreed, 57 agreed, 12 disagreed, and 2 strongly disagreed for
stopwatch; and 92 strongly agreed, 58 agreed, 6 disagreed,
and 5 strongly disagreed for timer. For question number 2:
“Using this equipment is time consuming.”, 58 strongly
agreed, 79 agreed, 17 disagreed, and 7 strongly disagreed for
stopwatch; and 52 strongly agreed, 61 agreed, 29 disagreed,
and 19 strongly disagreed for timer. The respondents chose
stopwatch as the equipment that is time consuming during Figure (2) Overall percentage of students’ perception per
experiment. parameters for Kinematics experiment
For the question number 3: “Orientation in using this
equipment must be done before doing the experiment.”, 52 3.2 Overall students’ perception on torque experiments
strongly agreed, 61 agreed, 21 disagreed, and 27 strongly For question number 1: “It is easy to use.”, 73 strongly
disagreed for stopwatch; and 70 strongly agreed, 61 agreed, 8 agreed, 66 agreed, 17 disagreed, and 5 strongly disagreed for
disagreed, and 22 strongly disagreed for timer. The meter stick with clamp and knife-edged balance; and 75
respondents chose timer as the equipment that needs an strongly agreed, 63 agreed, 19 disagreed, and 4 strongly
orientation/lecture before doing the experiment. Laboratory disagreed for hanger. The respondents chose hanger as the
instruction when using improved equipment is necessary to equipment that is easier to use in the experiment. Primary
help student think about the instructional episode in such a reason can be attributed to high quality of improved materials
way as to evaluate their understanding in relation to what is [13].
experienced [12].

780 ISSN: 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),777-781,2017
For question number 2: “Using this equipment is time problem solving attitudes needed for future work in science
consuming.”, 80 strongly agreed, 33 agreed, 22 disagreed, [15].
and 26 strongly disagreed for a meter stick with clamp and
knife-edged balance; and 43 strongly agreed, 58 agreed, 31
disagreed, and 29 strongly disagreed for hanger. The
respondents perceived the meter stick with clamp and knife-
edged balance as the time consuming equipment during the
For the question number 3: “Orientation in using this
equipment must be done before doing the experiment.”, 63
strongly agreed, 81 agreed, 13 disagreed, and 13 strongly
disagreed for meter stick with clamp and knife-edged
balance; and 63 strongly agreed, 69 agreed, 13 disagreed, and
16 strongly disagreed for hanger. The respondents perceived
the meter stick with clamp and knife-edged balance as the
equipment to better aid their laboratory work under the torque Figure (3) Overall percentage of students’ perception per
experiment. parameters for Torque experiment

Table (4) Students’ perception on standard and improved 3.3 Students’ performance based on gender
equipment in Torque experiment Two-way ANOVA was used in determining if the
Statements Meter stick with Hanger performances of students during experiments, according to
clamp and knife- their perception, differ with respect to gender. Three sub-
edged balance hypotheses were formulated and tested to determine if these
were accepted or rejected.
SA A D SD SA A D SD 1. There is no significant effect from the gender factor
It is easy to use. 73 66 17 5 75 63 19 4 on the performance of students.
Using this 80 33 22 26 43 58 31 29 2. There is no significant effect from the perception
equipment is time factor on the performance of students.
consuming. 3. The interaction between gender and perception do
Orientation in 63 72 13 13 63 69 13 16 not affect the performance of students.
using this
equipment must Table 5. ANOVA results on the performance of students
be done before
(tested at p=0.05)
doing the
experiment. Source of Variation P value F critical Decision
This equipment 71 79 4 67 67 72 19 3
aids my
Gender 0.96 5.3177 Accept
knowledge in
Kinematics Perception 1.29 4.0662 Accept
Legend: SA-strongly agree; A-agree; D-disagree; SD- Gender x 0.41 4.0662 Accept
strongly disagree Perception
For question number 4: “This equipment aids my knowledge
about torque.”, 71 strongly agreed, 79 agreed, 4 disagreed, The calculated P-values for gender factor, perception factor,
and 7 strongly disagreed for meter stick with clamp and and its interaction are greater than p=0.05, thus the gender
knife-edged balance; and 67 strongly agreed, 72 agreed, 19 and perception do not affect the performance of students in
disagreed, and 3 strongly disagreed for hanger aids their experiments. These results agree with the findings of
respondent’s knowledge in kinematics experiment. The [8,16,17,19,20] that students’ performance is not determined
respondents perceived the meter stick with clamp and knife- by gender in terms of the interaction of gender and treatment
edged balance as the equipment that aids their knowledge in on students’ academic achievement.
torque experiment. Practical activities using this equipment
enhance the understanding of physics theory and phenomena 4. CONCLUSIONS
[14]. The present findings showed that there is a significant
The overall responses of the students for the Torque difference on the laboratory equipment and it is dependent on
experiment showed favorable perception towards the use of the user. The equipment that has the largest choice on
meter stick with clamp and knife-edged balance (see Figure kinematics experiment is the stopwatch, and on torque
3). Students had different perceptions on the equipment they experiment is the hanger. The ANOVA results shows that
had used during experiments. The importance of experiment gender have no effects on the performance of students.
in school is that it provides learners the opportunities to use Overall, laboratory equipment is not the basis for learning yet
scientific equipment to develop basic manipulative skills and it helps students to easily visualize and understand physics
practice investigative or inquiry activities and develop theories. The improvement on the laboratory equipment is
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