Newton Papers Letter Nat Phil Cohen Ed
Newton Papers Letter Nat Phil Cohen Ed
Newton Papers Letter Nat Phil Cohen Ed
On Natural Philosophy
an d related docum ents
Cambridge, Massachusetts '• 1958
© Copyright 1958 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
k_/cholars are unanimous in describing the 18th century as the
“age of Newton,” but the exact sense of this phrase requires some
clarification. Pope’s couplet, about nature and her laws being “hid
in night” until God created Newton “ and all was light,” has
probably misled the many historians who have quoted it and it
betrays a wonderful ignorance of the nature of science. We do not
understand nature by the revelation of single laws, but rather by
an apparently endless sequence of discoveries and of theories in
vented to explain them. If any stage of this sequence seems to rep
resent so great an advance that it marks a new era, it may appear
as a revelation but the revelation is never complete. The greatest
work in science is as much characterized by the creation of new
questions for the next generations as by the formulation of partial
answers to questions raised in the past. Newton may be esteemed
as the dominating figure of the 18th century—and even, to some
degree, the 19th—because the questions he raised were so funda
mental that the best brains in science were hardly up to answering
Those who have written about the “age of Newton” have tended
Newton attempted to show that the aether was responsible for the
cohesion of bodies, played a part in the actions of acids and other
chemical reactions, operated to produce and maintain the gaseous
state, caused various optical phenomena, and could be considered
“the cause of gravity.” This letter was widely studied in the middle
of the 18th century, and its influence on chemists and physicists
was marked.3 It was quoted or cited by many students of electricity
and affected the form that was taken by theories of electrical action.
The hypothesis of the aether also turns up in Newton’s optical
papers, published in the Philosophical Transactions during his young
manhood,4 and was the subject of a famous long paper read at the
Royal Society in 1675/6, and published by Birch in his History of
the Royal Society in 1757.5 Finally, the aether is seen to be of impor
tance in the letters Newton wrote to Richard Bentley in 1692/3,
which were published in 1756.6
The ability of the aether, or “ aetherial medium,” to produce so
many different types of natural phenomena must have been partic
ularly satisfying to Newton in demonstrating a kind of unity of
nature. In a letter to Oldenburg, 25 Jan. 1675, Newton wrote:
Where I say, that theframe of nature may be nothing but cether condensed by
afermental principle, instead of these words write, that it may be nothing
but various contextures of some certain aetherial spirits or vapours con
densed, as it were, by precipitation, much after the manner, that vapours
are condensed into water, or exhalations into grosser substances, though
not so easily condensable; and after condensation wrought into various
forms, at first by the immediate hand of the Creator, and ever since by
the power of nature, who, by virtue of the command, Increase and multiply,
became a complete imitator of the copies set her by the Protoplast. Thus
perhaps may all things be originated from aether, &c.
penmental science and Franklin’s work in electricity as an example thereof (American Phil
osophical Society, Philadelphia, 1956).
3 This letter is reprinted below in Section Three.
■'These papers or letters are reprinted below in Section Two.
5 Reprinted below in Section Two.
6 Reprinted below in Section Four.
that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate
determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric
and elastic\spirit operates.” Although he always presented his
thoughts on the aether with some degree of tentativeness, he did so
over so long a period of time that the conclusion is inescapable that
a belief in an aetherial medium, penetrating all bodies and filling
empty space, was a central pillar of his system of nature.
As postulated by Newton, the aether was composed of particles
that mutually repelled one another or that were endowed with a
centrifugal force. The aether was imponderable, odorless, tasteless,
and colorless, but had certain implied properties of rigidity so as
to support undulations, such as those which were a concomitant
part of optical phenomena and also those allied with the transmis
sion of sensations to the brain. Differing in density throughout space
according to the location of bodies in that space, the aetherial me
dium was capable of causing gross bodies to move toward one an
other according to the law of universal gravitation. Thus Newton
could, by invoking the aether, satisfy the criterion set forth in a letter
to Bentley:
It is inconceivable, that inanimate brute matter should, without the
mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and
affect other matter without mutual contact, as it must be, if gravitation
in the sense of Epicurus, be essential and inherent in it. And this is one
reason why I desired you would not ascribe innate gravity to me. That
gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one
body may act upon another at a distance thro’ a vacuum, without the
mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and force
may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity,
that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a compe
tent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it.
Newton’s speculations were studied very carefully during the
next two centuries, and they produced important consequences.
The writings about a universal fluid gave sanction to the creation
of other imponderable fluids, such as the electrical “fluid” and the
“fluid” of caloric. The development of the concepts of these “fluids”
did not slavishly follow Newton’s principle of “density.” The scien
tists who tried to explain electrical phenomena by variations in den
sity of some “subtle fluid” were not able to produce results of
importance, while those who sought to identify the “electric fluid”
8W hat is needed at the present time is a critical and variorum edition in which
there will be displayed all the changes made by Newton in the successive versions
he produced during his lifetime. Such an edition is presently being undertaken by
Professor Alexandre Koyre and the writer.
9 Regrettably, in the first printing of 1952, the printer omitted part of the valu
able Analytical Table of Contents that had been prepared by Professor Duane
H. D. Roller. This fault has been corrected in the second printing.
volume. Horsley did not include the letters about Newton’s discov
eries that were published in the Philosophical Transactions, and to
which Newton replied; since a reply is meaningless without the
document that occasioned it, the present reprinting includes all the
contemporaneous printed material relevant to the controversy—by
Newton and also by those who took i^sue with him. Horsley re
printed Newton’s four letters to Bentley, but he did not include
the two sermons—or Boyle Lecture—relating to them. We have
included the latter because they help the reader to understand
Newton’s letters and also because they represent the first popular
ization of Newton’s system, and inaugurate the doctrine that New
tonian celestial mechanics may prove the existence of the God who
created the universe.
In addition to the Bentley material and the Newtonian letters
and papers from the Philosophical Transactions, we have included a
letter by Hooke and the long paper by Newton (explicating his
hypothesis of the aether) from Birch’s History of the Royal Society.
Both were made public by having been read at meetings of the
Royal Society, but neither one was published in the Transactions.
Since all too few readers in the 20th century are familiar with
Latin, the 19th-century translations of the Latin documents have
been included. But the short “ Theory of the Moon” is not repre
sented in the present collection, since it consists primarily of a prob
lem in applied celestial mechanics. It may be found in various
eighteenth-century works, e.g., the English version of David
Gregory’s The Elements of Astronomy (2 vols., London, 1715), and its
Latin predecessor, and in John Harris’s Lexicon Technicum. Also
omitted is Newton’s table of refractions of stars, published by
Halley in an article of his own in Phil. Trans. No. 368.
Finally, the volume also contains Fontenelle’s eloge of Newton,
the first biography of Newton to be printed, which was based in
large measure on materials furnished to him by John Conduitt,
Newton’s nephew and amanuensis. This work was immediately
translated into English from the French and was widely reprinted;
it gives us some indication of the popular reaction to what Newton
did, and also serves as one of the primary documents in the strug
gle between Newtonianism and Cartesianism. There is a certain
anomaly about Newton’s position as associe etranger of the Academie
Royale des Sciences (Paris), since his Principia was so largely de
voted to an attack on the Cartesian philosophy, which was then
the reigning system in France. Not only did Newton show in the
Principia that the “hypothesis of vortices” is inconsistent with ob
served phenomena, but his Opticks also confuted the Cartesian sys
tem. We know that Newton’s antagonism to Descartes was ex
treme, that he not only made a pointed attack on Cartesian physics
again and again in the Principia, but in his own copy of Descartes’
geometry “marked in many places with his own hand, Error, Error,
non est Geom.’no So strong was this feeling on the part of Newton
that we are led to suspect that the title of his masterpiece, Philo-
sophice Naturalis Principia Mathematica, was intended to show its su
periority over Descartes’s Principia Philosophies, of which a copy of
the edition of 1656 in quarto was in his library. And it is tempting
to suspect further that when Newton altered the HYPOTHESES
at the beginning of Book Three of the Principia (in the first edition
of 1687) to “ Hypotheses,” “Phsenomena,” and “ Regulse Philo-
sophandi,” the latter were intended to supplant Descartes’ “Regulae
ad Directionem Ingenii.”
Newton is generally said to be one of the first group of eight
associes etrangers elected to the Academie Royale des Sciences, and
the official list of members includes his title as premier titulaire. The
manuscript Registres show, however, that he was the last of the
eight to be chosen, and that the choice was made only on the
fourth discussion of the question. Under the new charter of 1699,
there was place for eight associes etrangers, of whom the first three
were G. G. Leibniz, E. W. v. Tschirnhaus, and Domenico Gugliel-
mini, who were already members when named to the new title on
28 January 1699. According to the manuscript Registres, on Sat
urday 14 February 1699, “ On a resolu a la pluralite des voix de
proposer au Roy M rs. Hartsoeker, et Bernoulli, Paine et le cadet,
pour Associez Etrangers,” the Bernoullis being the brothers Jacques
and Jean (Ier). Then, according to the Registres, on Saturday 21
February, “M r. Roemer qui a ete autrefois membre de l’Academie
et qui est retourne en Dannemarc depuis longtemps, et Mr. Newton10
10 Sir David Brewster, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac New
ton (Thomas Constable and Co., Edinburgh, 1875), vol. 1, p. 22n.
ont ete nommes pour les deux places qui restoient d ’Associes
R obert E. S c h o f i e l d
The Newton material appearing in this volume is reproduced in
facsimile from the texts as they originally appeared, preserving the pag
F ir s t E d it io n S eco n d E d it io n
Text [italic 1-3 9 lines, first ends 1-3 7 lines, first ends
heading] unto the the living
1 1st setting, double
s ligatured, lines 5,7.
2-3 2d setting, double
s separate.
N ew to n ’s P apers on the Im p ro v em en t of
the Telescope an d on Physical O ptics
Optical Papers
T homas S. K uhn
scribed in his Thaumantias liber de arcu coelesti . . . (Prague, 1648) and are discussed
by L. Rosenfeld in Isis 17, 325-330 (1932). Grimaldi’s Physico-mathesis de lumine . . .
(Bologna, 1665) includes many discussions of prism experiments. Hooke’s theory
and experiments appear in his Micrographia (1665), reprinted by R. T. Gunther as
vol. X III of Early Science in Oxford (Oxford, 1938), pp. 47-67. There is no reason
to suppose that Newton in 1672 knew of the work of either Marci or Grimaldi,
but it is an index of the state of optical experimentation in the 17th century that
Grimaldi, Marci, and Boyle had, among them, performed all three of the experi
ments that Newton employed in his first optical paper.
6 Letter from Newton to Oldenburg, the secretary of the Royal Society, dated
Cambridge, 18 January, 1671/2. Thomas Birch, The History of the Royal Society of
London (London, 1757), vol. 3, p. 5.
7 See particularly Descartes’s diagrams and discussion, cited in note 5, above.
to a mixture of light and shade at the region of contact between
the refracted beam and the dark (Descartes); or they were a con
sequence of the varying “condensation” and “rarefaction” pro
duced at the edges of the beam by the variation in the angle at
which rays from the finite sun were incident upon the prism
(Grimaldi); or they were generated by some other mechanical
modification (Hooke and the later Cartesians).
There was no consensus as to the nature of the particular modi
fication that tinted white light, but there was agreement that there
was only one such modification and that its positive or negative
application (for example, condensation or rarefaction) to white
light could produce only two primary colors. These two colors,
usually red and blue, represented the extreme applications of the
modification, so that their mixture in appropriate proportions
would generate any other color by producing the corresponding
intermediate degree of modification. More recent experiments
have, of course, shown that two primary colors will not suffice, but
color-mixing experiments performed with crude, equipment are ex
tremely deceptive, a fact that may also account for Newton’s ini
tially surprising assertion that spectral yellow and blue combine
to produce a green.8
All of the modification theories of prismatic colors fail ultimately
because of their inability to account quantitatively for the elonga
tion of the spectrum observed when, as in Newton’s version of the
experiment, the screen is placed a long distance from the prism.
But even with the equipment so arranged, it is not immediately
apparent that the elongation of the spectrum is incompatible with
the modification theories. For since the sun has a finite breadth,
rays from different portions of its disk are incident upon the prism
at different angles, and even in the absence of dispersion this dif
8 In modern terminology, blue and yellow light are complementary; that is, they
mix to give white. The green produced when blue and yellow pigments are mixed
is the result of subtractive color mixing, a process different from the mixing of
spectral colors. But in fact a long-wavelength spectral blue and a short-wave
length spectral red can be combined to produce a light-green tint. By combining
in different proportions a blue near the green region of the spectrum with a red
near the yellow it is actually possible to produce a number of shades of blue,
green, red, yellow, and intermediate colors. The two-color theories were not so
foreign to experience as has been imagined.
not explain some of the experiments upon which Hooke had based
his own theory. In particular, Newton’s theory, as of 1672, would
not explain either diffraction or the colors of thin sheets of mica,
both of which Hooke had described in his Micrographia (1665). Nor
would Newton’s theory explain the colors produced by confining
air between sheets of glass, an observation that Hooke reported to
the Society on April 4 and June 19 in his further examination of
Newton’s doctrine.18 The latter communication, incidentally, in
cluded a clear description of the phenomenon usually known as
“ Newton’s rings,” and it seems probable that Newton borrowed
it from Hooke and employed it to develop a revised theory ade
quate to handle Hooke’s experiments. For Newton, in his long letters
of December and January 1675/6, did succeed in solving Hooke’s
problems to his own satisfaction and to that of most of his con
temporaries. But to do so he had to modify his original theory by
the introduction of an explicit sethereal medium which could trans
mit impulses as pressure waves, and this was an immense step
toward Hooke’s theory. Hooke, of course, did not accept even this
later modification. He always felt that Newton’s use of both cor
puscles and aether impulses violated Occam’s injunction against
the needless multiplication of conceptual entities.19
In the final analysis Hooke was wrong. As Newton clearly
showed in his belated reply, Hooke’s pulse theory of light was in
capable of accounting for linear propagation; nor could Hooke’s
modification theory of color account either for the experimentum
crucis or for any of the novel color-mixing experiments that Newton
apparently designed specifically to meet Hooke’s objections. This
much of the reply was effective, and Newton might better have
begun and ended with the elaboration of these arguments, for
Hooke had challenged neither Newton’s experiments nor the
adequacy of his theory to resolve the experiments. But this is not
what Newton did. In his lengthy and gratuitously caustic response,
whose incongruity with Hooke’s critique has escaped attention
since the two have not before been printed together,20 Newton at
print Hooke’s critique with Newton’s reply. The omission must have seemed a
gratuitous insult to Hooke, particularly in view of the tone and substance of New
ton’s comments.
21J. M. Keynes, “Newton the Man,” in the Royal Society’s Newton Tercentenary
Celebrations (Cambridge, 1947), p. 28. These documents can be put to other uses,
however. Examine, for an opinion of the Hooke-Newton exchange directly opposed
to the one given above, the analysis provided by Brewster, Memoirs, vol.l, pp. 86-
92. But Brewster cannot avoid providing repeated illustrations of Newton’s efforts
to escape from controversy (for example, pp. 95-99).
88 For example: “Though 2 rays be equally swift yet if one ray be lesse y" y°
other that ray shall have so much lesse effect on y“ sensorium as it has lesse motion
y” y“ others &c.
“Whence supposing y* there are loose particles in y‘ pores of a body bearing pro
portion to ye greater rays, as 9:12 & y8 less globules is in proportion to y° greater
as 2:9, ye greater globulus by impinging on such a particle will loose ^ parts of
• . o
its motion y° less glob, will loose j parts of its motion & y° remaining motion of
ye glob, will have almost such a proportion to one another as their quantity have
viz. y : 9: l^w 0'1is almost 2 y° lesse glob. & such a body may produce blews and
purples. But if ye particles on wch ye globuli reflect are equal to ye lesse globulus
it shall loose its motion & y“ greater glob, shall loose — parts of its motion and
such a body may be red or yellow.” H all,.“Sir Isaac Newton’s Note-Book,”
p. 248.
29 Brewster, Memoirs, p. 50 n.
30 These critically im portant letters, reprinted below, deserve far more study
and discussion than they here receive. But such discussion necessarily assumes the
proportion of a critical analysis of the second and third books of the Opticks for
which these letters provided a draft, and the space for such an analysis is not here
available. For a discussion of the central ideas in these later letters, as they emerge
in the Opticks, see I. B. Cohen’s introduction to the recent reissue of the Opticks
(New York, 1952).
Space limitations also prevent my discussing Newton’s posthumously published
design of “An instrument for observing the Moon’s Distance from the fixed Stars
at Sea.” W hen written this paper contained im portant novelties_pf design, but
before it was published these new features had been independently incorporated
in practical navigational instruments by several designers. On these instruments
see Lloyd Brown, The Story of Maps (Boston, 1949), pp. 191 ff.
eses. The next great step in optics, the development of an adequate
wave theory, was retarded by the grip of Newton’s corpuscular
hypotheses upon the scientific mind. But Newton’s remarks about
the role of hypotheses in science were dictated by personal idio
syncrasy as often as by philosophical acumen; repeatedly he re
nounces hypotheses simply to avoid debate. And so he has seemed
to support the further assertion that scientific research can and
should be confined to the experimental pursuit of mathematical
regularity—that hypotheses which transcend the immediate evi
dence of experiment have no place in science. Careful examina
tion of Newton’s less systematic published writings provides no evi
dence that Newton imposed upon himself so drastic a restriction
upon scientific imagination.
The achievements initiated by Newton’s own imagination are
unsurpassed, and it is primarily the magnitude of his achievements
that directs attention to the man. If the resulting study displays
error and idiosyncrasy in Newton’s complex and difficult person
ality, it cannot lessen his unparalleled accomplishments. It can
alter only our image of the requisites for preeminent scientific
achievement. But this alteration is a goal worth pursuing: a true
image of the successful scientist is a first condition for understand
ing science.
( 3°75 ) Plumb.Bo.
February 19. i6£ .
The C O N T E N T S .
A Letter of M r.Ifaac Newtoas'Matbematick<Profe/Jdr in the Vniverfi- ‘
ty of Cambridge• containing bit New Theory about Light and C o
lors : Where Light it declaredto be not Similar or Homogeneal , but
confiflingof dijformrays, fame of which are more refrangible than o-
tbers : And Colors are affirm'a to be not Qualifications of Light, de
riv'd from RefraUions of natural Bodies3{as ’tis generally believed j )
but Original and Connate properties, rvbicb in divers rays are divers:
Where feveral Obfervations and Experiments are alledgedto prove the
[aid Theory, An Accompt of fame Boobs: I. A Defcription of the
E A S T - 1N D I A N CO A STS, M A L A B A R ,C O R O M A N D E L ,
CEYLON,&c. in Dutch, by Phil.Baldasus* II. Antoni! le Grand
1N S T I T V T 10 PHlLOSQPHlAZ,(ecun&xim principia Renati
D es-Cartes; novel methodo adornata & explicata. III. An Efjay
to the Advancement of MVSlCK^b by Thomas Salmon SII.A.
Advertifement about Thason Smyrnaeus* An Index for the Trails
of the Year 1671.
S I R,
O perform my late promife to you, I Ihall without Further
T ceremony acquaint you, that in the beginning o f the Year
1666 (at which time I applyed my felf to the grinding o f O ptick
glades o f other figures than Spherical,^ I procured me a Triangu
lar glafs-Prifme, to try therewith the celebrated Phenomena o f
G g g g Colours,
C 3°76 )
Colours, And in order thereto having darkened my chamber,and
made a fmall hole in my wiudow-ihuts, to let in a convenient
quantity o f the Suns light, I placed my Prifme at his entrance, that
it might be thereby refradted to the oppolite wall. It was at firft
a very pleafing divertifement, to view the vivid and intenfe co«
lours produced thereby j but after a while applying my felf to con-
fider them more circumfpeddy, I became furprifed to fee them in
an oblong form j which, according to the received laws o f R efra.
dlion, I expedted fliould have been circular.
They were terminated at the fides with (freight lines, but at the
ends, the decay o f light was fo gradual, that it was difficult to de
termine juftly, what was their figure; yet they feemed femicir-
Comparing the length o f this coloured SpeUrum with its breadth,
I found it about five times greater 5 a difproportion fo extrava*
gant, that it excited me to a more then ordinary curiofity o f ex
amining, from whence it might proceed* I could fcarce think,
that the various Tbtcknefs o f the glafs, or the termination with fha=
dow or darknefs, could have any Influence on light to produce
fuch an effedtj yet 1 not amifs, firft to examine thofe
circumftances, and fo tryed, what would happen by tranfmitting
light through parts of the glafs o f divers thicknefles, or through,
holes in the window o f divers bigneffes, or by fetting the Prifme
without fo, that the light might pa(s through it, and be refira&ed
before it was terminated by the hole : But I found none o f thofe
circumftances material. The fafbion o f the colours was in all thefe
cafes the fame.
Then I fufpedted, whether by any unevennefs in the glafs, or o-
ther contingent irregularity, thefe colours might be thus dilated.
And to try this, [ took another Prifme like the former, and fo
placed if, that the light, palling through them both, m ightbe re*
fradied contrary ways, and fo by the latter returned into that
courfe,from which the former had diverted it. For, by this means
I thoUght,the regular effedts o f the firft Prifme would be dcftroyed
by the fecond Prifme, but the irregular ones more augmented, by
the multiplicity o f rcfrattions. T he event was, that the light,
which by the firft Prifme was diffufed into an oblong form, was by
the fecond reduced into an orbicular one with as much regularity,
as when it did not at all pafs through them. So that, what ever was
the caufe o f that length,’twas not any contingent irregularity.
( a°77 )
I then proceeded to examin more critically, what might be ef
fected by the difference of the incidence o f Rays coming from di
vers parts o f the Sun» and to that end, meafured the feveral lines
and angles, belonging to the Image. Its diftance from the hole
or Prifme was 22 fo o t ; its utmoft length 13* inches; its breadth
2 -f; the diameter o f the hole o f an inch j the an gle, with the
Rays, tending towards the middle o f the image, made with thofe
lines, in which they would have proceeded without refraCtion,was
44 d e g ,56'. And the vertical Angle o f the Prifm e, 63 deg. 12'.
A lfo the Refractions on both fides the Prifme, that, is, o f the In
cident, and Emergent Rays, were as near, as I could make them,
equal,and confequently about 54 deg. 4'. And the Rays fell per
pendicularly upon the wall. Now fubduCting the diameter of the
hole from the length and breadth o f the Image, there, remains 13
Inches the length, and 2|- the breadth, comprehended by thqfe
Rays, which pafTed through the center o f the faid hole, and con*
fequently the angle o f the hole, which that breadth fubtended,
was about 31', anfwerable to the Suns Diameter; but the angle,
which its length fubtended, was more then five fuch diameters,
namely 2 deg. 49'.
Having made thefe obfervations, I firft computed from them
the rcfraClive power o f that glafs, and found it meafured by the
ratio of the fines, 20 to 31, And then, by that ratio, I computed
the Refra&ions o f two Rays flowing from oppofite parts o f the
Sun’s dificus, fo as to differ 31* in their obliquity o f Incidence, and
found, that the emergent Rays fhould have comprehended an
angle o f about 31', as they did, before they were incident
But becaufe this computation was founded on the Hypothefis
o f the proportionality o f the fines o f Incidence, and Refradion,
which though by my own Experience I could not imagine to be
fo erroneous, as to make that Angle but 31', which in reality was
2 deg. 49'5 yetm y curiofity caufed me again to take my Prifme,
And having placed it at my window, as before, I obferved,that by
turning it a little about its axis to and fro, fo as to vary its obli
quity to the light, more then an angle o f 4 or 5 degrees,the C o
lours were not thereby fenfibly tranflated from their place on the
wall, and confequently by that variation o f Incidence, the quan
tity o f Refradion was not fenfibly varied. By this Experiment
therefore, as Well as by the former computation, it was evident,
that the difference o f the Incidence o f Rays, flowing from divers
Gggg2 parts
C 3°78 )
parts o f the Sun, could not make them after decufTation diverge
at a fenfibly greater angle, than that at which they before conver
ged j which being, at mo ft, but about 31 or 33 minutes, there
ftill remained fome other caufe to be found out, from whence it
could be 2 degr, 49'.
Then I began to fufpeft, whether the Rays, after their trajedti*
on through the Prifme, did not move in curve lines, and accord
ing to their more or left curvity tend to divers parts o f the wall.
And it increafed my fufpition, when I remembred thatl had often
feen a Tennis ball, ftruck with an oblique Racket, deferibe fuch a
curve line. F or, a circular as well as a progreflive motion being
communicated to it by that ftroak, its parts on that fide, where
the motions confpire, muft prefs and beat the contiguous Air
more violently than on the other, and there excite a reludtancy
and reaction o f the Air proportionably greater. And for the fame
reafon, if the Rays o f light fhould poffibly be globular bodies,
and by their oblique paflage out o f one medium into another ac
quire a circulating motion,they ought to feel the greater refiftance
from the ambient iEther, on that fide, where the motions con«
fpire, and thence be continually bowed to the other. But not*
withftanding this plaufible grouud o f fufpition , when I came to
examine it, I could obferve no fuch curvity in them. And be
sides (which was enough for my purpofe) I obferved , that the
difference ’twixt the length o f the Image, and diameter o f the
hole, through which the light was tranfmitted,was proportionable
to their diftance.
T he gradual removal o f thefe fufpitions5atIength led me to the
ExperimentumCrucisf which was this: I took two boards, and pla
ced one o f them clofe behind the Prifme at the w indow , fo that
the light might pafs through a fmall hole, made in it for the pur
pofe, and fall on the other board, which I placed at about 12 feet
diftance, having firft made a fmall hole in it alfo, for fome o f that
Incident light to pafs through. Then I placed another Prifme be*
hind this fecond board, fo that the light, trajedted through both
the boards, might pafs through that alfo, and be again refradted
before it arrived at the wall* This done, I took the firft Prifme in
my hand , and turned it to and fro flowly about itsA xit, fo much
as to make the feveral parts o f the ImagejCaft on the fecond board,
fucct flively pafs through the hole in i t , that I might obferve to
what places on the wall the fecond Prifme would refradt them.
C 3079 )
And I faw by the variation o f thole places, that the light, tending
to that end o f the Image, towards which the refraction o f the firlt
Prifme was made, did in the fecond Prifme fuffer a R efrad ion ,
confiderably greater then the light tending to the other end. And
fo the true cau feo f the length of that Image was detected to be
no other, then that Light confifts of Rays differently refrangible,
which,without any refped to a difference in their incidence,were,
according to their degrees ofrefrangibility, tranfmitted towards
divers parts o f the wall.
When I underftood this, I left o ff my aforefaid Glafs works;
for I faw, that the perfedion o f Telefcopes was hitherto limited,
not fo much for want o f glaffes truly figured according to the pre*
fctiptions o f O ptick Authors, (which all men have hitherto ima
gined,) as becaufe that Light it felfis a Heterogeneous mixture of
differently refrangible Rays, So that,were a glafs fo exadly figured,
as to c o lle t any one fort o f rays into one point, it could not cob
le d thofe alfo into the fame point, which having the fame Inci
dence upon the fame Medium are apt to fuffer a different refracti
on. N ay, I wondered, that feeing the difference of refrangibili-
ty was fo great, as I found ir,Telelcopes fliould arrive to that per*
fed ion they are now at, For,meafuring the refradions in one o f
my Prifmes, I found, that luppofing the common fine o f Inci
dence upon one o f its planes was 44 parts, the fine o f refradion o f
theutmoft Rays on the red end ofthe Colours, made out o f the
glafs into the Air, would be 68 parts, and the fine o f refradion o f
the utmoft rays on the other end, 6p parts: So that the difference
is about a 24*/; or 25^ part o f the whole refradion. A n d cin fe-
quently, the objed-glafs o f any Telefcope cannot co lled all the
rays, which come from one point o f an o b je d fo as to make them
convene at its Joeys in lefs room then in a circular fpace, whofs
diameter is the 5 o ^ p a rto f the Diameter o f its Aperture ; which
is an irregularity, fome hundreds o f times greater, then a circu
larly figured Lens, o f fo fmall a fedion as the O b je d glaffes o f
long Telefcopes are, would caufe by the unficnefs o f its figure,were
Light uniform.
This made me take Reflexions into coDfideration, and finding
them regular, fo that the Angle o f Refledion o f all forts o f Rays
was equal to their Angle o f Incidence; I underftood,that by their
mediation Optick inftruments might be brought to any degree o f
perfection imaginable, provided a RefleXing fubftance could be
( 3080 )
found, which would poliih as finely as Glafs, and refieft as much
light, as glafs tranfmits, and the art of communicating to it a Pa-
rabo\ic\ figure be alfo attained. Eut there feemed very great dif
ficulties, and I have almoft thought them infuperable, when I fur
ther confidered, that every irregularity in a reflecting fuperficies
makes the rays ftray 5 or 6 times more out o f their due courfe,
than the like irregularities in a refracting one : So that a much
greater curiofity would be here requifite, than in figuring glafles
for Refraction.
Amidft thefe thoughts I was forced from Cambridge by the Inter
vening Plague, and it was more then two years,before I proceed
ed further. But then having thought on a tender way o f polifh-
ing, proper for metall, whereby, as I imagined, the figure alfo
would be corredted to the Iaft j I began to try, what might be ef-
fedted in this kind, and by degrees fo far perfected an Inftrument
(in the effential parts o f it like that I lent, to London,) by which I
could difeern Jupiters 4 Concomitants, and fhewed them divers
times to two others o f my acquaintance. I could alfo difeern the
M oon-like phafe o f Fenus, but not very diftindtly, nor without
fome nicenefs in difpofiDg the Inftrument.
From that time I was interrupted till this laft Autumn, when I
made the other* And as that was fenfibly better then the firft
(efpecially for Day-O bjects,)fo I doubt not, but they will be ftill
brought to a much greater perfection by their endeavours, who,
as you inform me, are taking care about it at London.
I have fometimes thought to make a Microfcope, which in like
manner fhould have, inftead o f an O bject-glafs, a Reflecting
piece o f metall. And this I hope they will alfo take into confe
deration. For thofelnftruments feem as capable o f improvement
as Tele(copes, and perhaps more, becaufe but one reflediive piece
o f metall is requifite in them,as you may perceive by the annexed
diagram, where A B
reprefenteth the o b
je c t metall, C D the
eye glafs,F their com
mon Focus,and O the
other focus o f the rue-
tall, in which the ob»
jedt is placed.
( 3o S l )
But to return from this digrefiion, I told you, that Light is not
fimilar, or homogeneaI,butconfiftsof<#^0nwRays,fomeof which
are more refrangible than others : So that o f thofe, which are
alike incident on the fame medium, fome fhall be more refra&ed
than others, and that not by any virtue o f the glafs, or other ex*
ternal caufe, but from a predifpofition, which every particular
Ray hath to fuffer a particular degree o f Refradion*
I fhall now proceed to acquaint you with another more notable
difformity in its R a y s, wherein the Origin of Colours is unfolded :
Concerning which I fliall lay down the Dottrinc firft, and then, for
its examination, give you an inftance or two o f the Experiments,
as a fpecim enofthereft.
T he D od rin c you will find comprehended and illuftrated in
the following propofitions*
I* As the Rays o f light differ in degrees o f Refrangibility, fo
they alfo differ in their difpofition to exhibit this or that particu*
lar colour. Colours are not Qualifications of Light) derived from
R efradions, or Reflections o f natural Bodies(as ’tis generally be.
lieved,) but Original and connate properties, which in diyers Rays are
divers. Some Rays are difpofed to exhibit a red colour and no
other; fome a yellow and no other, fome a green artd no other,
and fo o f the reft. N or are there only Rays proper and particu
lar to the more eminent colours, but even to all their intermediate
2. T o the fame degree o f Refrangibility ever belongs the fame
colour, and to the fame colour ever belongs the fame degree o f
Refrangibility. The leaf Refrangible Rays are all difpofed to ex
hibit a J^ed colour, and contrarily thofe Rays, which are difpofed
to exhibit a R e c o lo u r, are all the leaft refrangible: So the mofl
refrangible Rays are all difpofed to exhibit a deep Violet Colour,and
contrarily thofe which are apt to exhibit fuch a violet colour, are
all the moft Refrangible, And fo to all the intermediate colours
in a continued feries belong-intermediate degrees of refrang'bili-
ty. And this A n alo gy’twixt colours, aud refrangibility, is very
precife a n d ftr iffj the Rays always either.exadly agreeing in
both, or proportionally difagreeing in both.
3. The fpecies of colour, and degree of Refrangibility proper
to any particular fort o f Rays, is not mutable by R efradion, nor
by Reflection from natural bodies, nor by any other caufe, that
I could yet obferve. When any one fort o f Rays hath been well
( 3o82 )
parted from thofe o f other kinds, it hath afterwards obftinately
retained its colour j notwithftanding my utmoft endeavours to
change it. I have refracted it with Prifmes, and reflected it with
Bodies, which in Day-light were o f other colours; I have inter
cepted it with the coloured film o f Air interceding two comprefi
fed plates of glafs * tranfmitted it through coloured Mediums,and
through Mediums irradiated with other forts o f Rays, and di-
verfly terminated it; and yet could never produce any new co
lour out o f it. It would by contra&ing or dilating become more
brisk, or faint, and by the lofs o f many R ays, in fom ecafes
vary obfcure and d a rk ; but I could never fee it changed in
Y e t Teeming tranfmutations of Colours may be m ade, where
there is any mixture o f divers forts o f Rays. For in fuch mixtures,
the component colours appear not, but, by their mutual allaying
each other, conftitute a midling colour. And therefore, if by
refra&ion, or any other o f the aforefaid caufes, the difForm Rays,
latent in fuch a mixture, be feparated, there {hall emerge colours
different from the colour o f the compofition. Which colours
are not N ew generated,but only made Apparent by being parted*
for if they be again intirely mix't and blended together, they will
again compofe that colour, which they did before feparation.And
for the fame reafon, Tranfmutations made by the convening o f
divers colours are not real; for when the difform Rays are again
fevered, they will exhibit the very fame colours, which they did
before they entered the com pofition; as you fee, Blew and Y e llo w
powders, when finely mixed, appear to the naked eye G reen3 and
yet the Colours o f the Component corpufcles are not thereby
really tranfmuted, but only blended* For, when viewed with a
good Microfcope,they ftill appear B le w and D5?//c»>interfperfedly.
5. There are therefore two lorts o f Colours* The one original
and fimple, the other compounded o f thefe. T he Original or pri*
nviry colours are, B e d , Y ello w , G reen , B le w , and a Violet-.purple,
together with Orange, Indico, and an indefinite variety of Inter
mediate gradations.
6 . The fame colours in S p e cie with thefe Primary ones may be
alfo produced by com pofition: F or, a mixture o f Y ello w and B le w
m ikes G r e e n ; o f B e d and Y ello w makes O r a n g e ; o f Orange and Y e h
lo w ijh g reen m a k y e llo w . And in general, if any two Colours be
mixed, which in the feries o f thofe, generated by the Prifme,are
( 3083 )
not too far diftant one from another, they by their mutual alloy
compound that colour, which in the faid feries appeareth in the
mid* way between them* But thofe, which are utuated at too
great a diftance, do not fo. Orange and In d ico produce not the
intermediate Green , nor Scarlet and Green the intermediate
7. But the moftfurprifing.aud wonderful compofition was that
o f Wbitenefs. There is no one fort o f Rays which alone can ex
hibit this. ’Tis ever compounded,and to its compofition are re-
quifite all the aforefaid primary Colours, mixed in a due propor*
tion. I have often with Admiration beheld, that all the Colours
o f the Prifme being made to converge, and thereby to be again
mixed as they were in the light before it was Incident upon the
Prifme, reproduced light, intirely and perfedly white, and not
at all fenfibly differing from a direB Light o f the Sun, unlefs
when the glaffes, I ufed,were not fufficiently clear 5 for then they
would a little incline it to their colour.
8. Hence therefore it comes to yzUjhatWbitenefs is the ufual co«
lour o f Light 5 for, Light is a Confufed aggregate o f Rays indued
with all forts of Colors,as they are promifeuoufly darted from the
various parts of luminous bodies. And o f fuch a confufed aggre
gate,as I faid,is generated Whitenefs, if there be a due proporti
on o f the Ingredients * but if any one predominate,the Light muft
incline to that colour $ as it happens in the Blew flame o f Brim-
fto n e; the yellow flame o f a Candle j and the various colours o f
the Fixed ftars.
9. Thefe things confidered, the manner, how colours are pro
duced by the Prifme, is evident. For, o f the Rays,conftituting
the incident light, finde thofe which differ in Colour proportio
nally differ in Refrangibility, they by their unequall refradions
muft be fevered and difperfed into an oblong form in an orderly
fucceffion from the leaft refraded Scarlet to the moft refraded
Violet. And for the fame reafon it is, that objeds, when looked
upon through a Prifme,appear coloured. For,the difform Rays,
by their unequal Refradions, are made to diverge towards fe-
veral parts o f the Retina, and there exprefs the Images o f things
coloured, as in the former cafe they did the Suns Image upon a
wall. And by this inequality of refradions they become not
only coloured, but alfo very confufed and indiftind
10. Why the Colours o f the Rainbow appear in falling drops
H hh h of
/ 3o 8 4 )
o f Rain, is alio from hence evident. For, thofe drops,which re-
fr a d the Rays, difpofed to appear purple, in greateft quantity to
the Spectators eye, refrad th e Rays o f other forts fo much lefs,
as to make them pafs befide it and fuch are the drops on the ii>
fide o f the P r im a r y Bow, and on the o utfideof the Secon d a ry or
Exteriour one. So thofe drops, which refrad in greateft plenty
the Rays, apt to appear red, toward the Spectators eye, refraCt
thofe o f other forts lo much more,as to make them pafs befide i t »
and fuch are the drops on the exteriour part of the P rim a ry , and
interiour part o f the S econ d a ry Bow.
11. The odd Phamomena of an infufion o f L ignu m N e p h r itic u m ,
L e a f g o ld ) F ra g m en ts o f colou red g la fs , and fome other tranfparently
coloured bodies, appearing in one pofition o f one colour,and o f
another in another, are on thefe grounds no longer riddles* For,
thofe are fubftances apt to reflect one fort o f light and tranfmit
another; as may be feen in a dark room, by illuminating them
with fimilar or uncompounded light* For, then they appear o f
that colour only, with which they are illuminated, but yet in one
pofition more vivid and luminous than in another, accordingly
as they are difpofed more or lefs to refled: or tranfmit the incident
12. From hence alfo is manifeft the reafon o f an unexpected
Experiment, which Mr. H o o \ fomewhere in his M icrog ra p h y re
lates to have made with two wedg-like tranfparent veffels,fill’d the
one with a red, the other with a blew liquor : namely,that though
they were feverally tranfparent enough, yet both together became
opake j F o r,if one tranfmitted only red,and the other only blew,
no rays could pafs through both.
1 3. I might add more inftances o f this nature, but I fliall con
clude with this general one, that the Colours o f all natural Bodies
have no other origin than this, that they are varioufly qualified to
refled one fort o f light in greater plenty then another. And this
1 have experimented in a dark Room by illuminating thofe bodies
with uncompounded light o f divers colours. For by that means
any body may be made to appear o f any colour. They have
there no appropriate co lo u r, but ever appear o f the co
lour o f the light caft upon them, but yet with this difference,
that they are raoft brisk and vivid in the light o f their own day-
light-colour. M in iu m appeareth there o f any colour indifferently,
with which'tis illuftrated, but yet moft luminous in red, and fo
( 3°85 )
Bife appeareth indifferently o f any colour with which‘ tisilluftra-*
ted, but yet moft luminous in blew. And therefore Minium re-
fleCieth Rays ofany colour, but moft copioufly thofe indued with
red j and confequently when illuftrated with day-lighr, that is,
with all forts of Rays promifcuoufly blended, thole qualified with
red fhall abound moft in the reflected light, and by their preva
lence caufe it to appear o f that colour* And for the fame reafon
Bife, reflecting blew moft copioufly, fhall appear blew by the ex*
cefs o f thofe Rays in its reflected light $ and the like o f other bo*
dies* And that this is the intire and adequate caufe o f their co«
lours, is manifeft, becaufe they have no power to change or alter
the colours o f any fort of Rays incident apart, but put on all co*
lours indifferently, with which they are inlightned.
Thefe things being fo, it can be no longer difputed, whether
there be colours in the dark, nor whether they be the qualities
o f the objects we fee, no nor perhaps, whether Light be a Body*
F o r, fince Colours are the qualities o f Light, having its Rays for
their intire and immediate fubjeCt, how can we think thofe Rays
qualities alfo, unlefs one quality may be the fubjeCt o f andfuftain
another; which in effeCtis to call it Subftance. W e fhould not
knowBodies for fubftances,were it not for their fenfible qualities,
and the principal o f thofe being now found due to fomething
elfe, we have as good reafon to believe that to be a Subftance
Befides, whoever thought any quality to be a heterogeneous ag
gregate, fuch as Light is difcovered to be. But, to determine
more abfolutely, what Light is, after what manner refra&ed, and
by what modes or aCtions it produceth in our minds the Phan-
tafm sofColours, is not fo eafie* And I fhall not mingle con
jectures with certainties.
Reviewing what I have written, I fee the difcourfe it felf will
lead to divers Experiments fufficient for its examination : And
therefore I fliall not trouble you further, than to defcribe one o f
thofe,which I have already insinuated.
In a darkened Room make a hole in the Chut o f a window,
whofe diameter may conveniently be about a third part of an
inch, to admit a convenient quanti y o f the Suns ligh t: And there
place a clear and colourlefs Prifme, to refraCt the entring light
towards the further part o f the Room,which,as I faid,will thereby
be diffufed into an oblong coloured Image. Then place a Lens o f
H hhh 2 about
( 3085 )
about three foot radius (fuppofe a broad Obje£fc-g!af$ o f a three
foot Telefcope,) at the diftanceof about four or five foot from
thence, through which all thofe colours may at once be tranfmit-
ted, and made by its Refraction to convene at a further diftance
o f about ten or twelve feet, i f at that diftance you intercept this
light with a fheet o f white paper, you will fee the colours convert
ed into whitenefs again by being mingled. But it is requifite,that
the Prifme and Lens be placed fteddy, and that the paper, on
which the colours are caftj be moved to and fro $ for, by fuch
motioD, you will not only find, at what diftance the whitenefs is
moft perfeft,butalfo the colours gradually convene, and
vanifh into whitenefs, and afterwards having crofted one another
in that place where they compound Whitenefs, are again diffipa-
ted, and fevered, and in an inverted order retain the fame co
lours, which they hud before they entered the compofition. You
may alfo fee, that, if any o f the Colours at the Lens be intercept
ed, the Whitenefs will be changed into the other colours. And
therefore, that the compofition o f whitenefs be perfect,care muft
be taken, that none o f the colours fall befides the Letts.
In the annexed defign o f this Experiment, A B C expreffeth
the Prifm fet endwife to fight, clofe by the hole F of the window
( 3°®7 )
I f you proceed further to try the impoffibility o f changing any
uncompounded colour (which I have aflerted in the third and
thirteenth Propofitions,) 'tis requifite that the Room be made ve*
ry dark, leaft any fcattering lightjinixing with the colour,difturb
and allay it, and render it compound, contrary to th ed efign o f
the Experiment. ’Tis alfo requifite, that there be a perfeCter fc-
paration o f the Colours, than,after the manner above defcribed,
can be made by the Refraction o f one Angle Prifme, and how to
make fuch further reparations,will fcarcebe difficult to them,that
confider the difcovered laws o f Refractions. But i f tryal fhall
be made with colours not throughly feparated, there muft be al
lowed changes proportionable to the mixture. Thus if com*
pound Yellow light fall upon Blew Bife^ the Bife will not appear
perfectly yellow, but rather green, becaufe there are in the yel
low mixture many rays indued with green, and Green being lefs.
remote from the ufual blew colour o f Bife than yellow, is the
more copioufly reflected by it.
In like manner, if any one o f the Prifmatick colours, fuppofe
Red, be intercepted, on defign to try the aflerted impoffibility
o f reproducing that Colour out of the others which are preter-
mitted ; 'tis neceflary,either that the colours be very well parted
before the red be intercepted, or that together with the red the
neighbouring colours, into which any red is fecretly difperfed,
(that is, the yellow , and perhaps green too) be intercepted, or
elle, that allowance be made for the emerging o f fo much red ouc
o f the yellow green, as may poffibly have been diffufed, and
fcatteringly blended in thofe colours. And if t hefe things be ob-
ferved, the new Production o f Red, or any intercepted colour
will be found impoffihle.
This,I conceive, is enough for an Introduction to Experiments
o f this kind ; which if any o f the J{.Seeiety (hall be fo curious as to
profecute,I fhould be very glad to be informed with what fuccefs:
That,if any thing feem to be defeCHve.or to thwart this relation, I
may have an opportunity o f giving further direction about it, or
o f acknowledging my errors, if I have committed any.
Sofar this Learned and very Ingenious Letter ■, which having
been by that Jlluftrmu Com pany, before whom it was read, with
much applaule committed to the confideration of fome o f their
Fellows,well verfed in this argument, the Reader may poffibly in
an other TraU be informed o f fome report given in upon this Dif*
courfe. An
'Tab. I-
C 4o04 )
( 4005 )
G D an Iron wire , holding a ring o f brafs, in which the
fpeculum CD is fixed,
F, a fmall Eye-glafs flat above, and convex below, o f the
twelfth part o f an inch radius^ if notlefs; forafmuch as the
metal collects the Sun’s rays at 6j inches diftance, and the
Eye-glafs atlefs than! o f an inch diftance from its vertex :
Befides that the Author (as he informs us) knew their di-
menfions by the tools to which they were ground, and par-,
ticularly meafuringthe diameter o f the hemi-fpherical Con
cave , in which the Eyc-glafs was wrought, found it the fixtb
part o f an inch.
G G G , the fore part o f the Tube fafto’d to a brafs-ring
H I , to keep it immoveable.
P the hind-part o f the T u be, faftn'd to another
brafs-ring P Q ,
0 ,an Iron hook faftn’d to the Ring P and furniflvt
with a fcrew N> thereby to advance or draw back the hind-
part o f the T u b e, and fo by that means to put the fpecula
in their due diftance.
M Q J} 1 a crooked Iron fuftaining the Tube, and faft-
ned by the nail R to the Ball and Socket S , whereby the
Tube may be turned every way.
T h e Center o f the flat fpeculum C D , muft be placed in
the fame point o f the T u be’s Axe, where falls the perpen
dicular to this A x e , drawn to the fame from the center
o f the little Eye.glafs : which point is here marked
a t T.
And to give the Reader feme fatisfa&ion to underftand, in
what degree it reprefents things diftindt, and free from co
lours, and to know the aperture by which it admits light $
he may compare the diftances o f the focus E from the ver
tex's o f the little Eye-glafs and the Concave fpeculum, that is,
E F , t o f an inch, and E T V , 63 inches; and the ratio will
be found as 1 to 38 $ whereby it appears, that the Objedfo
will be magnified about 38 times. T o which proportion i;
very confentaneous, an Obfervation o f the Crown on the
weather-cock,about 300 feet diftant.For the fcheme X fig.9„.
reprefents it bigger by times in diam eter, when leen
( 4006 )
through this, than through an ordinary Telefcope o f about
2 foot long. And fo fuppoling this ordinary one to mag*
nifie 15 or 14 times, as by the defcription it Ihould, this new
one by the Experiment muft magnifie near as much as hath
been affigued*
Thus far as to the ftru&ure o f this Telefcope* Concern
ing the Metalline matter, fit for thefe reflecting Speculutnt,
the Inventor hath alfo confidered the fame, as may be feen
by two o f his Letters, written to the Publifher from Cam
bridge Jan. 18. and 29. 1677. to this effeCt, vi
1* That for a fit metalline fnbftance, he would give this
Caution, that whileft men feek for a white , hard and du
rable metallin compoficion, they rcfolve not upon fuch an
one, as is full o f fmall pores, only difcoverable by a Micro-
fcope. For though fuch an one may to appearance take a
good polifh, yet the edges o f thofe fmall pores will wear
away fafter in the polifhing than the other parts o f the me
tal j and fo, however the Metal teem polite, yet it fhall not
reflect with fuch an accurate regularity as it ought to do*
Thus Tin-glafs mixt with ordinary Bell-metall makes it more
white and apt to refled a greater quantity o f lig h t ; but
withall its fumes, raifed in the fuGon, like fo many aerial
bubles ,fill the metall full of thofe Microfcopical pores. Bite
white Arfenick both blanches the Metall and leaves it folid
without any fuch pores,efpecially if the fufiod hath not been
too violenr. What the Stellate Ptyulus o f Mart ( which I
have fometimes ufed) or other fuch like fubftance will do,
deferves particular examination.
T o this he adds this further intimation, that Putty or other
fuch like p ow d er, with which ‘ tis polilhed, by the iharp
angles o f its particles fretteth the metall, if it be not ve*
ry fine, and fills it full o f fuch fmall holes, as he fpeak-
eth of. W herefore care muft be taken o f th a t, before
judgm ent be given, whether the metall be throughout the
body o f it porous or not.
2. He not having tried, as he faith, many proportions
o f the Arfenick and Metall, does not affirm, which is ab-
foIuteJy beft, but thinks, there may conveniently be ufed
( 4007 )
any quantity of Arfenick equalling in weight between a fixe
and eight part o f the Copper, a greater proportion m aking
the Metal brittle*
T h e way, which he ufed, was this. He firft melted the
Copper alone, then put in the Arfenick, which being melted,
he ftirred them a little together,bewaring in the mean time,
not to draw in breath near the pernicious fumes. A fter this,
he put in Tin, and again fo foon as that was melted ( which
was very fuddenly) he ftirred them well togeth er, and im
mediately powred them off*
He faith, he knows n ot. whether by letting them ftand
longer on the fire after the Tin was melted, a higher degree
o f fufion would have made the metall porous; but he thought
that way he proceeded to be fafeft,
He adds, that in that metall, which he fent to London%there
was no Arfenick, but a fmall proportion of Silver 5 as he re
members,one (hilling in three ounces o f metall. But he thought
withal), that the Silver did as much harm in making the me*
tall fofr, and fo lefs fit to be polilh’t, as good in rendring it
white and luminous*
A t another time he mixed Arfenick one ounce, Copper fix
ounces,and T in two ounces: And this an Acquaintance o f his
hath,as he intimates,polifh’t better,than he did the other.
As to the objection) that with this kind o f Perfpedtives, ob»
jedfcs are difficultly found, he anfwers in another letter o f his
to the Publifher, o f Jan. 6. 16%. that that is the inconveni
ence o f all Tubes that magnifie much 5 and that after a little
ufe the inconvenience will grow lefs, feeing that himfelf could
readily enough find any day-Objedfo, by knowing which way
they were pofited from other objedts that he accidentally faw
in i t ; but in the night to find Stars, heackuowledges it to be
more troublefom e; which yet may, in his opinion, be eafily
remedied by two fights affixed to the Iron rod, by which the
T u be is Jfufteined; or by an ordinary perfpedtive gJafs faftn’d
to the fame frame with the Tube, and directed towards the
fame objedt, as Des- Cartes in his Dioptricks hath deferi-
bed for remedying the fame inconvenience o f his beft T e-
( 4 OO8 )
S o f a r the In v en to rs L e tte r s touching th is I n jlm m e n t : o f which
having communicated the defcription to Monfieur C h rijiia n
H m e n s de Sfu lichem ^ we received from him an Anfwer to this
effedt, in his L etter o f Febr. ig* 1672. ft.n*
I fee by the Defcription, you have fentme o f Mr. N e w to n s
admirable Telefcope, that he hath well confidered the advan
tage, which a C oncave fpeculum hath above C onvex p ia ffes in
collefring the parallel rays, which certainly according to the
calculation, I have made thereof, is very great* Hence it \
is, that he can give a far greater aperture to that fp e c u lu m ,
than to an Objedt-glafs o f the fame diftance o f thc fo c u s , and
confequently that he can much more magnifie objedb this
way, than by an ordinary Telefcope. Befides, by it he a-
voids an inconvenience, which is infeparable from convex
Objedb Glafles, which is the Obliquity o f both their furfaces,
which vitiateth the refraction o f the rays that pafs towards
the fides o f the glafs , and does more hurt than men
are aware o f . Again, by the meet refletftion o f the metallin
Jp ecu lu m there are not fo many rays loft, as in Glafles, which
refledt a confiderable quantity by each o f their furfaces, and
befides intercept many o f them by the obfeurity o f their
Mean time, the main bufinefs will b e , to find a matter for
this fp ecu lu m that will bear fo good and even a poliih as Glaf-
fe s , and a way o f giving this polifh without vitiating the
fpherical figure. Hitherto Ihavefound no S p e c u la , that had
near fo good a polifh as G la fs; and if M. N e w to n hath not
already found a way to make it better, than ordinarily 1 ap
prehend, his Telefcopes will not f o well diftinguifh objedfcs,
as thofe with Glafles. But 'tis worth while to fearch for a
remedy to this inconvenience, and I defpair not of finding
one. I believe, that M ^N ew ton hath not been without con-
lidering the advantage, which a P a ra b o lica l fpeculum would
have above a S p h erica l one in this conftrudtion j but that he
defpairs, as well as I d o , of working other furfaces than
fpherical ones with due exadtnefs; though elfe it be more
eafie to make a P a r a b o lic a l than E llip t ic a l or H y p e r b o lica l ones,
by reafon o f a certain propriety o f the P a r a b o lic ^ Com idt which
( )
is, that all the Sections parallel to the Axis make the fame Pa*
Thus far M. Hugenius his judicious L etter $ to the latter part
o f which, concerning the grinding Parabolical Conoids, Mr.
Newton faith, in his Letter to the Publiflier o f Feb. 20. 7 1 .
that though he with himdefpairs o f performing that work by
Geometrical rules, yet he doubts not but that the thing may
in fome mcafure be accomplilhed by Mechanical de-
( )
light, at an hundred foot diftance, and that at an hundred
and twenty foot diftance I could difeern fome of the words.
When I made this tryal, its Aperture ("defined next the Eye)
was equivalent to more than an inch and a third part o f the
Obje6t-metalU This may be of fome ufe to thofe that fhall
endeavour any thing in Reflexions j for hereby they will in
fome meafure be enabled to judge o f the goodnefs ©f their
Inftruments, Sec.
N . B. T he Reader may expetft in the next Month another
L etter, which came fomewhat too late to be here inferted j
containing a Table, calculated by the fame Mr. Newton, a*
bout the feveral Apertures and Charges anfwermg the feveral
Lengths o f thefe Telefcopes.
C 4032 )
in ce my laft Letter I have further compared the two Te-
S lefcopes, and find that o f Metal to reprefent as well the
Moon,as neerer ObjeCts, fomethingdiftin&er than the other.
But Itnuft tell you 3lfo,tbatI am not very well aflured o f the
goodnefs o f that other, which I borrowed to make the Com-
parifonjand therefore defire,that the other Experiment fhould
be rather confided in, o f reading at the diftance o f between
a 100 and 120 foot, at which I and others could read with it
in th cTratifaflions, as I found by meafure : At which time
the aperture was i j - o f an Inch 5 which I knew by trying,
that an o b fta cleo f that breadth was requifite to intercept all
the light, which came from one point o f the objeCi.
I fhould tell youalfo, that the little plain piece o f metall,
next the eye-glafs, is not truly figured: whereby it happens,
that objects are not fo diftinCt at the middle as at the edges.
And I liope, that by correcting its figure, ( in which I find
more difficulty than one would expeft,.) they will appear all
over diftinCt, and diftinCter in the middle than at the edges.
And I doubt not but that the performances will then be
But yet I find,that there is more light loft by reflection o f
the metall which I have hitherto ufed, than by tranfmifiion
through glafles: for which reafon a fhallower charge would
probably do better for obfcure objeCts jfuppofe fuchan one,
as would make it magnifie 34 or 33 times. But for bright
objeCts at any diftance, it feems capable o f magnifying 38 or
40 times with fufficient diftitnftnefs. And for all objects, the
fame Charge, I believe, may with advantage be allowed, i f
the fteely matter, imployed at London, be more ftrongly re*
fleCtive than this which I have ufed.
The performances o f one o f thefe Inftruments o f any length
feeing known* it will appear by this following Table, what may
( 4033 )
be expe&ed from thofe o f other Lengths by this way, if Art
can accomplifh what is promifed by the Theory. In th tfirjl
Column is expreffed the Length o f the Telefcope in feet 5
which doubled gives the femidiameter o f the Sphere,on which
the concave metall is to be ground. In the fecen d column are
the proportions of the Apertures for thofe fcveral Lengths.
And in the th ir d column are the Proportions o f the Charges, or
diameter o f the fpheres, on which the convex fuperfictes o f
the eye*glaffcs are to be ground.
( 4°34 )
In like manner, i f a half foot Telefcope may diftin&Iy mag-
nifie 36 times with o f an Inch A perture, a four foot T e
lefcope fhould with equal diftinftnefsmagnific 171 times with
6 inches Aperture ; and one o f fix foot lhculd magnifie 23a
times with 8 j inches A perture» and-fo o f other lengths. But
what the event will really be, we muft wait to fee determined
by experience. O nly this I thought fit to infinnate, that they
which intend to make trials in other lengths, may more rea
dily know how to defign their Inftruments. Thus for a four
foot Tube, fince the Aperture fhould be 5 or 6 inches, there
will be required a piece o f metal 7 or 8 inches broad at leaft,
becaufe the figure will fcarcely be true to the edges. And the
thicknefs o f the metal muft be proportional to the breadth,
leaft it bend in the grinding. T h e metalls being polifbed ,
there may be tryals made with feveral eye>glafles, to find,
what Charge may with beft advantage be made ufe
C 4035 )
•wherewith the Atmofphcre is impregnated, corrodes and
rufts i t ; or at le a d , at its exhaling,' leaves it covered o-
ver with a thin skin, confiding partly o f an earthly fe-
diment o f that moifture, and partly o f the duft, which
flying to and fro in the Air had felled and adhered to
When there is not occafion to make frequent ufe o f
the inftrument , there may be other waies to preferve
the metal for a lon.g time ; as perhaps by immerging
it in Spirit o f wine or fome other convenient liquor*
And i f they chance to tarnifh ; yet their polifh may he
recovered by rubbing them with a foft piece o f leather,
or other tender fubftance, without the affiflance of any
fretting pow ders, unlefs they happen to be rufty .• for
then they muft be new polifhed.
I am very fenfible, that metal refle&s lefs light than
glafs tranfmits; and for that inconvenience, I gave you
a remedy in my lad L e tte r , by affigning a fliallowar
charge in proportion to the Aperture, than is ufed in o*
ther Telefcopes* But, as I have found fome metaline
fubdances to be more drongly reflective, and to polifh
b etter, and be freer from tarnifhing than oth ers; fo I
hope there may in time be found out fome fubdance
much freer from thefe inconveniences , than any yet
C )
M r. Ifaac Newton’/ Considerations upon p a r t o f a L e tt e r o f
JM onfeur de Berce p r in te d in th e E ig h t French Memoirs, c o n .
cetning the C a t a d n o p tr ic a l Telefcope} preten d ed to be im p rov’d
and refined by M . Caflfegrain.
C 4°57 )
you’l have lefs difficulty in difcovering the Q bje& s, than in
that o f Mr, Newtons,
C 4°58 )
ly form ed, yet would only refled: th o fe n y s truly, which re*
fpedt the axir. 3 1 he errours o f the faid convex will be much
augmented by the too great diftance, through which the ra y s,
reflected from i t , muft oafs before their arrival at the Eye-
glals. For which reafon 1find it convenient to make the Tube
no wider than is ncceflary, that the Eye glafs be placed as
near to the Oval plane, as is poffible, without obftrudting any
ufeful light in its pafl'age to the objedt metal. 4. T he errors o f
the objedt-metal will be more augmented by reflexion from
the convex than from the plane, becaufe o f the inclination or
deflexion o f the convex on all fides from the points, on which
every ray ought to be incident. 5, For thefe reafons there is re-
quifite an extraordinary exadfcnefs in the figure o f the little
convex, whereas I find by experience, that it is much more
difficult to communicate an exadt figure to fuch fmall pieces o f
Metal, than to thofe that are greater. 6 Becaufethe errors at
the perimeter o f the concave Objedfc-Metal, caufedby the
Sphericalnefs ofits figure,are much augmentedby the convex,
it will not with diftindtnefs bear fo large an aperture,as in the'
other conftrudtion. 7. By reafon that the little convex condu
ces very much to the magnifying virtue o f the inftrument,
which the Oval plane doth not, it will magnify much more in
proportion to theSphere,on which the greatconcaveis ground,
than in the other defign; And fo magnifying Objects much
more than it ought to do in proportion to its aperture,it muft
reprefent them very obfeure and d a rk » and not only fo, but
alfo confufed by reafon o f its being overcharged. N o r is
there any convenient remedy for this. For, if the little con
vex be made o f a larger Sphere, that will caufe a greater in
convenience by intercepting too many o f the beft rayes; o r,if
the Charge o f the Eye-glafs be made fo much fhallower as is
neceflary,the angle o f vifion will thereby become fo little,that
it will be very difficult and troublefom eto find an objedt, and
ofthat objedfc, when found, there will be but a very fmall part
(eenat once.
By this you may perceive, that the three advantages, which
Monfieur CaJJegrain propounds to himfelf, are rather difad-
vantages* For, according to his defign, the aperture o f the
( 4° 59 )
inftrument will be but fnjall,the object dark and coufufed,and
alfo difficult to be found. Nor do I fee, why the reflexion is
more upon the fame axis,and fo more natural in one cafe than
in the other: fince the axis it felf is reflected towards the Eye
b y the Oval plains and the Eye m aybe defended from ex
ternal light as well at the fide, as at the bottome of the Tube*
You fee therefore, that the advantages o f this defign are
none, but the difadvantages fo great and unavoidable, th rtl
fear it will never be put in pradtife with good effedt, And when
I confider, that by reafon o f its refemblance with other Te-
lefcopes it is fomething more obvious than the other conftrudb
io n ; I am apt to believe, that thofe, who have attempted any
thing in Catoptricks, have ever trycd it in the firft place, and
that their bad iuccefs in that attempt hath been the caufe, why
nothing hath been done in reflexions. For,Mr. Gregory, ftpeak
ing of thefe inftruments in theaforefaid book pag 9 7, fayeth;
Demechanica hctum fpectdorum & lentium, ab aliis fruflra tenta*
ta, ego in mechanicis minus verfatus nihil dico. So that there have
been tryals made o f thefe Telefeopes, but yet in vain. And I
am infot med,that about 7 or 8 years fince,Mr. Gregory himfelf,
at London, caufed one of fix foot to be made-by Mr. Eeive^
which I take to have been according to the aforefaid defign
defcribed in his book ; becaufe, though made by a skilful Ar-
tift, yet it was without fuccefs.
I could wifli therefore, Mr. Cafpgrain had tryed h!s defign
before he divulged it .* But if,for further fatisfa&ion, he pleafe
hereafter to try i t , I believe the fuccefs will inform him, that
fuch projects are o f little moment till they be pat in pradtife.
(4 0 6 0 )
IL T o cover over both Ends o f the Prifm with paper at /everal
diftances from the middle j or with moveable rings,to fee,how
that will vary or divide the length o f the figure, infilled upon
in the faid Theory.
III, T o move the Prifm f o , as the End may turn about the
middle being fteady,
I V . T o move the prifm by (hoving it,ti!lfirfttheoncfide,than
the midle, than the other fide pafs over the hole, obferving the
fame Parallelifm.
C 4061 )
ture o f the Prifm without any variation o f the length: Or, if
the aperture be augmented on all fides, the image on all fides
will be fo much and no more augmented,
3. O f the third experiment I have occafion to fp ea k in m y
aofwer to another perfon 5 where you*l find the effects o f two
Prifms in all crofs pofitions o f one to another deferibed. But
if one Prifm alone be turned about, the coloured image
will only be tranftated from place to place, deferibing a cir
cle or lome other ConiekSedtion on the wall, on which it is
projected, without fuffering any alteration in its fbape, unlefs
fuchas may arife from theobliquity ofthe wallorcafual change
o f the Prifms obliquity to the Suns rays.
4. The effedt ot the fo u r th experiment I have already infi-
nuated telling you(in pag.3076 ofthe T ra n (a ftio n s') that Light,
paffingthrough parts ofthe Prifm of divers thickneffes, did
ftill exhibit the fame Phenomena.
ATor^thatthe long axes o f the two Prifms in the experiment
deferibed in the faid pag*3076 o f the Tranfaftiotu, were parah
lei one to another* And for the reft o f their pofition}you will
beft apprehend it
by this Scheme ;
where let EG de- £
figu the window;
F the hole in it 5
through which the
light arrives at the
Prifms 5 A BC the
firft Prifm , which
refra&s the light
towards PT,paint*
ing there the co*
lour in an oblong
fo rm » and aCy the fecond Prifm, which refracts back again the
rays to where the long image P T is contracted into a round
T hep lane*y toB C , and $y to AC, I fuppofe parallel, that
the rays may be equally refracted contrary ways iu both Prifms.
Aod the Prifms muft be placed very near to one another j For
( 4062 )
i f their diftance be fo g r e « 9that colours begin to appear u uh e
light before its incidence on the fecoud Pri£ra, thofc colours
will nor be deftroyed by the contrary refractions of tharprj/OT
T hefe things being obfervedache round image Q jv ill appear
o f the fame biguefs, which it doth when both the Prifmsare
taken away,that the light may pafs directly towardsQfrom the
hole without any refradion at all. And its diameter will equal
the breadth o f the long image P T , i f thofc images be equal!,,
diftant from the Prifms. ” ^
If an accurate confideration o f thefe refradions be d e fin e d
it is convenientjthat a Lens be placed in the hole F,or imtnedi!
ately after the Prifm s/o that its foeut be at the image Q or P T
For,thereby the Perimeter o f the image Qand the ftraight fides*
ofthe image P T will become much better defined than other-
C 4o87 )
( 4088 )
Igitur Radii oppofiti, ex altera fuperficie Prifmatis emergentes ma-
gis divergunt (5> divaricantur, quarnf i nallatenus, aut fatten*
qualiter, omnes infraBi procejjijjent. ticfraBio aatem ifia radiorum
fit folummodo versus eas partes quee fingipoffunt in plants ad axem
Prifmatis. reBis 5 nulla autem refraBionis■ itucqualitas contingit
versus eas partes, qua intelliguntur in plants axi parallelis ; nt
facile demonjirari potefl: fuperficies enim due Prifmatis cenjeri
pojjunt interfit parallelret ratione habita ad inclinationem axis^cum
fingula ipfi axi parallelce fint. RefraBio autem per duos paralleles
pianos fuperficies nulla computaturi quia quantum a primafuperficie
radius in unam partem torquetur , tantum ab altera in oppofitam
partem detorquetur. Igitur cum radij folares e foramine per Prif.
ma tranfmijji ad latera quidem mnfrangantur, procedunt ulterius3
perhide ac fi nulla Prifmatis fuperficies obfiitiffet, (habita, inquamy
ratitne folxm ad lateralem iUam divaricatienem5 ) at verb cum
iidem radij adfuperiores feu inferiors partes, alij quidem magis>
alij verb minus, utpote incequaliter inclinati, infringantur 5 nectjfe
eft eos magis inter fe dmaricari, adedque (£ in longiorem figuram
gfuinfi calculus rite obeatur, ut radij laterales inventi funt h
Cl. N ewtono in ea latitudine quce fubtendit arcum g 1 \qui arcus
refpondet diametro Solis j it a nullus dubito} quin ilia inventa
quoque altitudo imagmis, qua 2 gradus & 49' fubtendit 3 fit ilia
ipfa qua eidem diametro Solis pofl incequales refraBiones in illo
jpfo cafu refpondeat<r
E t revera , pofito
Prifmate A B C , cu-
jus angulus A fit 60
grad. Radio D E flut
faciat cum perpendi
culari E H angulum
go grad. Invenio il-
lumy dum emergitper
F G , facere camper»
pendiculari F I angtu
lumy6gr> i i '. M ve
rb pofito alio radio d
E, quicum perpendi
cular t
C 4 o89 )
culariE H facial unguium 29*. 3o', invenio ilium, <&/« emirgit
per f g, facere cumperpendiculari fi, cingulum 78*. 45'. Vnde ifti
duo radij D Ej d E, quiprocedere fupponuntur ex oppofitis partibus
difci Solaris, faciuntque inter fe angulum 30', iidem dum emergum
per linens F g , f g } ita divergtiut ut conftituant angulum inter fe 2
gr, 23. Quod fi duo alj radij ajfumerentur magis accedentes ad
perpendicularem E H, fv.g. qui cum eademperpendiculari facerent,
unus quidem, angulum 290. 30*, alter verb,293. o f ) tunc iidem ra-
dij emergentes magis adhuc divergerent3conflituerenlque angulum
majorem etiam aliquandoplus quamtrium graduum. Et prceterea
augetur ulterius ifla intercapedo refrafforum radiorum ex eo, qudd
duo radj D E , d E,concurrentes in E, illico incipiunt divan cart,
atque impingunt in duo punUa disjunUa alterius fuperfjciei, tiempe
in F 6? in f. Quapropter non fiifficit ad obeundtim rite caleulum, ex
longitudine imaginis impaHce in ehartamfubtrahere magnitudinem fe-
raminis feneftrce , quandoquidem etiam pofito foramine indtvifibili
E, adhuc fieret aliud veluti foramen latum in alia fuperficie , nempc
Quod etiam vocat Experimentum crucis, mihi quidem videtur
quadrare cum vulgaribus £s?receptis Refracliontim regulis. Nam, ut
modo ojlendi, radij folares, qui accedentes & convergentes faciunt
angulum 30', egredientes deinde etiam pofl indivifbile foramen di
vergunt in angulum duorum & triumgrad, Quapropter non minim,
fi tjli radij, figillatim impingentes in alterum Prifma, perexiguo
item apertum foramine, imtqualiter infringantur, cumfit incequalis
illorum inclinatio. Neque refert, quod ifli radij attollantur aut
deprimantur per converfionem primi Prifmatis, manente immoto fe-
cundo Prijniatefquod tameninomni cafti fieri non poteft) vel qudd
manente prime immobilifecundum moveatur, ut fucccffive radios co
loratos totius imaginis excipiat ti!perptopriumforamen tranfmittat;
utrolibet enim mode neceffe eft radios illos extremos, hoc eft, Rubrum
ff? Viohceumjneidere in fecundum Prifma fub imquali angulo, a-
deoque eorundemrefraUionem ejje imequalem, ut Violaceorum fit
Cumigitur manifefta caufa apparent oblongae cjufmodifigurce radi
orum, caufaque ilia ex ipfa natura ftefra&ionis oriatur $ non vide-
:ur neceffe recurrere ad aliani Hypothefm, aut admittere diverfam it-
lam radiorum frangibilitatem.
Xxxx 2 Quod
( 4 o 9-o )
Quod deinde excogitavit de Coloribus ? iUtidquidem egrdt
gie confequitur ex pretedente Hypothefi ; veruntamen nonntillas
(S ipfum patitur difficuitates. Nam quod ait3 nudum colorem,
Jed potius candore’m apparere, ubi omnes omnium colerum
radij prom}/cue eonfunduntnr3 id verb non videtur conforms om~
nibus phcenomenis, Certe qwe varied ones cernuntur in permifii-
one diverJorum corpor-um , diverfs co’onbus imbutorum 3 tee-
dem omnirib obfervantur in pertni(lions diverforum radiorum divetjts
item coloribus imbutorum : Atqne optime ipfe advertit, quod qntm-
iidmodum ex flavo & ceeruleo corptre exfurgit viridis colorj it a. ex
Jlavo & ceeruleo radio viridis item color ejjicitur. §}uare ft omnes
omnium colorum radii fmnlcenfunderentur3 necejfe ejjet in ijla hypo-
theft, ut ille color appareret, qui revera apparet in permixdone om
nium pigment otum, A tquifhjla, bocejl, rubrum fm ul & flavum
and cum Ceeruleo & purpurea aliifque omnibus , Ji qute ftnt3 contes
rantur & cenfundantur} non jam candidus3 fed obfearus & fatter
color exfurget. Ergo (imilis color appareret in lutnine ordinario,
quod conflaret ex aggregatione omnium colorum.
Preeterea nihil prime afpeUu magis ingeniofum magifqut aptum
videtur, quam quod ait circa experimentum acutifjimt H o o k ii,
quo duo diverft liquores3 quorum alter rubeus3 alter carulensy
terque ftgilladm pellucidus, Jimul permixd, opaci evadunt. idau-
tem ait Clarijfimus Newtonus ex eo oriri, quod unus liquor folos
rubeos natus fit tranfmittere, alter verb folos flavos 5 unde pert
ntifli nnllos travfmittent. Hoc 9 inquam, videtur Jlatim valdc
appofitum 5 nihilominus tamen ex eo conficeretur s quod frnilis
opadtas fieret in permijlione qtmumcmque liquorum qui ejfint du
verji colons • quod, tamen vernm non ejl,
Mt, Nttvtont
C 4 0? 1 )
C 4°92 )
atqm adeo ang. KflA^ang* n m B 9 $3 ang, F L A —ang.BHI'9(£
proinde refraUorum H i & tnn eadem erit adinvicem inclmatia ac
eft incidentiumradmum FL (3 JfG. Sit ergo angulus F k K^ 30 win,
tequalisnempe folart diametro9 (3 erit angulus , quem H I S3 mn
comprehendunt, etiam 30 modo radii FL S3 JfG <equaliter ret
frangibiles ftatuantur.At mibi experientiprodiit angulus ille ckciter
a grad. 49. min. quem radius H I, extremum violaceum colorem, S3
m n,cseruleum exhibens} conftituere j acproinde radios illos diverfi-
mode refrangibiles effe, five refraUiones fecundum difparemfinuum
incidentice S3 refraUionis rationsmperagi necejfiario concedendum eft.
Addit praterea R,P. quodnonfuffieit adobeundum rite calculum,
ex longitadine imaginis impaUce in Chartam fubtrabere magnitudinem
foraminis feneftrre 5 quandoquidem etiam pofitoforamine indivi(ibilit
adhttcfieret aliudveluti foramen latum in fofteriori fuperficieprifma.
tis. Mihi tamen videtur9 his non ebftantibus, quod rejraPliones ra*
diorumjn anteriori ceque ac inpofteriorifuperficie Prifmatis dccuffan-
tium,ex adhibitis prineipiis pojfint rite computari, Sed f t res (ecus
ejjety latitude hiatus in pofteriori fuperficie, quod ad infiar forami
nis eft, baud efjiceret erroremduorumminutornm fecundorumj & in
rebus prail ids non opercepretium duco ad minutias iftas attendere.
Illiinfiiper experiment, quod Crucis vocaveram, nihil adverfa*
tur 1{fP 9 aum contendit, incequales radiorum, diverfis coloribus im-
butorum, refraUiones ex ineequalibus incidentiis effeUasfuiffe. Ham
radiis per duo admodum parva, ah invicem diftantia S3 immota fo
ramina,tranfeuntibus, incidentice ilia, prout ego experimentum inftu
tui, omnino cequales erant, & tamen refraUiones liquido incequales.
Sin ille de experiments noftris dubitet, oro,ut radiorum diverfis co
loribus prceditorum refraUiones ex incidentiis paribus men(uret9 S3
fentiet incequales ejft. S i modus ille, quem ego ad hoc negotium ad-
bibui, minusplaceat (quo tamen nullus poteft ejfe luculentiorf) facile
eft alios excogitate 5 ficut S3 alios ipfe baud paucos cum fruUu ex*
pertus film.
ContraTheoriam Coloribus obtjcitur9 quid pulveres diverfo
rum colorumpermifti.tion candidumfedfubobfcurum S3 fufcumcolorem
exhibent. Mihi verb albus, niger, (3 omnes intermedii fufci, qui ab
albo (3 nigro permiftis componipojfunt, non fpecie colons fed quanti
tate lucis tantum dijferre videntur. E t mm in mifttone pigmentorum9
fingula cotpufcula non nifi proprium colorem refietianttadeoqqmaxima
C 4°93 )
pars lucis incidents fupprimatur & retimatur 3 lux reflexafubobfcu-
ra evadequaftearn tenebris 'permifia^deb ut non intenfum albarem,
fed qualem nigredmis permiftio conpcitftoc eJLfufturn, exhibere debeat.
Obijcitur dcinde, quod a liquoribus quibujcunque diverfi colons in
eodemvaje commiftisyceque ac in diverps vafis contentis^opacitas oriri
debet s quodtamen, aity verumnon ejje. Sed non video confequen-
tiam. Namplurtmi liquores agunt in (e invicem,(3 novamfibi mu-
tuo partium contexturamfecretb inducunt 3 unde opeicis diaphani}vel
variis coloribusy ex coloribus permiflorum nulla medo oriundis,pr<edi*
ti evaderepoffunt. Et bac de causa experimenta hujtsfmodi minus
apta femper exiftimaviy a quibus conclufiones deduct pojjhit. Subnoto
tamen} quod ad hoc experimentum requiruntur liquores faturis £? in*
tenfis coloribuspnediti, quiperpaucos nifi proprii colons radios tranf-
mitfant 3 quales rarb occurrunty ut videbitur illuminando liquores
cum diverps coloribus Prifmaticis in obfcurato cubiculo, Nampauci
reperientur} qui inpropriis coloribus fatis diaphani appareant, inque
alienis opaci. Convenit pneterea, ut adhibit1 colores ftnt inter (e op-
poptiy quales exiflimofore rubrum & cceruleum3 vel fiavnm 13 vm
idceum, vel etiam viridem 6 purpureum ilium qui coccineo affirms eft.
E t ex bujufmodi liquoribus nonnulli (quorumpartes tingentes non con*
gredientur) forCafe permifti evadent opaciores. Sed ae evetitu nihil
Jum follicitusy turn quod luculentius eft experimentum in liquoribus
feorftm exiftentibusi turn quod experimentum illud (ftcut & Iridis,
TinUura N e p h r i t i c (3 aliorum corporum naturalium phenomena)
non ad probandam fed ad illuftrandam tantum doUrinam propofui.
QuodR. P, Tbeoriam mftrarn Hypothefin vocat, amice habeo,
Iiquidtm ipft nondumconftet. Sed alio tamen conftlio propofiieram, IS
nihil altudcontinere videtur quam proprietates quafdem Lucis,
quasjaminventas probare baud difficile exiftimo, IS quasft non veras
epe cognofcerem3 pro futili (3 inani fpeculatione mallem repudiaret
quam pro mea Hypotbeft agnofcere. Quid verb cenferi mereaturgex
refponjionibus adanimadverftones Domini N.N.fortaile ftatim p r o
dituris thrifts patebit'. Intereamle, (3 perge amare
Tibi devinHiffimum
J Newton
* Ignatius Gaston Pardies, a French Jesuit, and professor of mathematics in the Parisian college
of Clermont, was borh in 1636. He entered the Jesuits order at 16 , and after some time he devoted
himself entirely to mathematics and natural philosophy . In this latter branch he followed the opi
nions of Descartes, though he feebly affected the contrary. H e died at Paris in t673, aged only 37,
of a contagious disorder caught at the Bicetre, where he officiated as a preacher and a confessor. He
And as I have given some attention to that subject, and also made experiments,
I shall here inform you of what has occurred to me on that new doctrine.
It seems very extraordinary that the learned author should make light to con
sist of an almost infinite number of rays, endued with a natural disposition of
retaining and exhibiting their own proper colours, and that are disposed in a
certain peculiar way to be refracted, some in a greater, and others in a less de
gree : that these rays which, while promiscuously blended- together in open
daylight, are undiscernible, and exhibit only the colour of whiteness, should
notwithstanding in refraction have rays of one colour separated from those of all
others, and, thus separated, appear in their proper and native colours: and that
bodies should appear of a certain colour, red for instance, which are adapted to
reflect or transmit rays of that colour only.
This extraordinary hypothesis, which, as he observes, overturns the very
basis of dioptrics, and renders useless the practice hitherto known, is founded
entirely on the experiment of the prism, in which rays entering into a dark
room through a hole in the window-shutter, and then falling on the wall, or
received on a paper, did not form a round figure, as he expected according to
the received rules of refraction, but appeared extended into an oblong form :
whence he concluded, that this oblong figure was owing,to the different refran-
gibility of the rays of light.
But it appears to me that, according to the common and received laws of
dioptrics, the figure ought to be, not round but oblong. For since the rays •
proceeding from the opposite parts of the sun’s disk, are variously inclined in
their passage to the prism, they ought also to be variously refracted; that since
the inclination of some rays is at least 30' more than that of others, their re
fraction must also be greater. Therefore the opposite rays, emerging from the
other surface of the prism, become more diverging, than if they had proceeded
without any refraction, or at least with an equal one. Now that refraction of
the rays is made only towards those parts, which may be supposed to be in the
planes perpendicular to the axis of the prism; for there is no inequality of re
fraction towards those parts which are conceived to be in planes parallel to the
axis, as may easily be demonstrated: for the two surfaces of the prism may be
was author of several ingenious works, which are written in a manner remarkably neat and clear, by
which he acquired considerable credit, and by his talent as a teacher; but, unfortunately for him, lost
himself by the above imprudent attack on Sir I. Newton’s theory of light aiid colours His works
were chiefly, 1 . Elements of Geometry, translated into English by Dr. John Harris, secretary of the
Royal Society. 2 . Discourse on the Knowledge of Beasts. 3. Statics, or the science of Moving
Forces. 4. Two machines for drawing dials. 5. Discourse on Local motion, 6'. Horologium Thau-
mauticum Duplex. 7. Dissertation on the Nature and Motion of Comets.
and having a very small hole in it, be unequally refracted, since their inclina
tion is unequal. Nor does it alter the case, that those rays are raised or de
pressed by the rotation of the first prism, the second remaining immoveable,
(which however cannot be done in all cases, or contrarysvise, the second being
turned while the first is fixed, that it may successively receive the coloured rays
of the whole image, and transmit them through its proper hole; for in either
case it is necessary that the extreme rays, viz. the red and the violet, should
fall on the second prism under unequal angles, and consequently that their
refraction be unequal, that of the violet being the greater.
Since then, here is an evident cause of- that oblong figure of the rays, and
that cause such as arises from the very nature of refraction ; it seems needless to
have recourse to another hypothesis, or to admit of that diverse refrangibility of
the rays.
The author’s notion of colours indeed follows very well from the preceding
hypothesis ; yet it is not without its difficulties. For when he says, that all the
rays being promiscuously blended together, yield no colour, but rather a white
ness, this does not seem conformable to all the phenomena. Doubtless the'
same variations that are seen in the mixture of divers bodies of different colours,
are also observed in the mixture of different rays of various colours: and the
author himself has well observed, that as a green colour arises from a yellow and
3 blue body, so likewise a green colour is produced from a yellow and a blue
fay. Therefore, i:f all the rays of the several colours be blended together, it is
necessary in that hypothesis, that that colour should appear, which in reality
arises on mixing together the several sorts of painters colours. That is, as the
red, yellow, blue, purple; and all the others, when mixed together, produce,
not a white, biit an obscure sated colour. So also ordinary light should appear
of the same colour, being a like aggregate of all the colours.
Indeed nothing can be more ingenious and proper, than what he says about
M r. Hook’s experiment, in which are two different liquors, the one red, the
other blue, and eich apart transparent, yet when mixed together they become
opaque -, this the ingenious author thus explains: that the one liquor is disposed
to transmit only the red rap, the other only the yellow; hence, both being
mixed together, they transmit none at all. But it should seem that the like
opacity should take place on the mixture of liquors of any other different colours:
which however is for enough from the truth.
VO L I. 4Z
seems to me, that the refractions of rays crossing each other, both in the an
terior and posterior surface of the prism, may be justly calculated from my
principles. But if the case were otherwise, the breadth of the hole in the
posterior surface, if such there be, would hardly produce an error of two seconds;
and in practice such niceties may well be neglected.
W hat the Rev. Father contends is not inconsistent with what I called the
Experimentum Crucis, viz. that the unequal refractions of rays endued with
different colours, were produced by unequal incidences: for transmitting rays
through two very small immoveable holes, and at a distance from each other,
the incidences, as I made the experiment, were always equal, and yet the re
fractions were manifestly unequal. If he has any doubt of our experiment, I
request that he may measure the refractions of the said rays of divers colours
from equal incidences, and he will then see that they are unequal. But if he
dislikes the manner in which I have performed this matter (than which however
nothing-can be clearer) it is easy to devise other ways; as indeed I myself have
tried several other methods with advantage.
Against the theory of colours it is objected, that powders of divers colours
mixed together, do not yield a white, but an obscure and dusky colour. But
to me, white, black, and all the intermediate dusky colours, which can be
compounded of mixtures of white and black, do not differ as to their species,
but only as to their quantity of light. And since in the mixture of painters’
colours, each corpuscle reflects only its own proper colour, and therefore the
greatest part of the incident light is suppressed and retained; the reflected light
will become obscure, and as if mixed with darkness, so that it exhibits not an
intense whiteness, but an obscure dusky colour.
Again it is objected that an opacity ought equally to arise from a mixture of
any liquors of different colours in the same vessel, as from the same liquors
contained in different vessels; which however he says is not true. But I see no
consequence in this. For many liquors act mutually on each other, and acquire
a new texture of parts; hence they may become opaque, or diaphanous, or of
various colours, in no manner owing to the colours of the compound. And
on that account I have always esteemed experiments of this kind not so proper
to draw conclusions from. It must also be noted that this experiment requires
liquors of full and intense colours, which transmit very few rays besides those
of their own colours; such as rarely occur, as will be seen by illuminating
liquors with different prismatic colours in a dark room. For few will be found
diaphanous enough in their own proper colours, and opaque in the others. Be
sides, it is proper that the colours employed be opposites, such as I count red
and blue to be, or yellow and violet, or green, and that purple which ap-
4 z 2
proaches to scarlet. And perhaps some of these liquors mixed together, whose
tinging parts do not coalesce, will become more opaque. But I am not solicit
ous about the event, both as the experiment is clearer in liquors apart, and as
-the experiment (like the phenomena of the iris, and the tincture of lignum
nephriticum, and of other natural bodies) I proposed not to prove but only to
illustrate the doctrine.
I do not take it amiss that the Rev. Father calls my theory an hypothesis,
inasmuch as he was not acquainted with it. But my design was quite different,
for it seems to contain only certain properties of light, which, now discovered, I
think easy to be proved, and which if I had not considered them as true, I
would rather have them rejected as vain and empty speculation, than acknow
ledged even as an hypothesis.
C 4004 )
A S t r u t of Quere's propounded by M r . Ifaac Newton, to be de
term in 'd by E x p e r im e n ts , p o jitiv ely a n d d ir e B ly concluding b it
neve Theory of L ig h t a n d Colours 3 a n d here recom m ended to th e
In d ustry o f the L o v e rs o f E x p e r im e n ta l P bilofop b y, a s they were
gen erou jly im p a rted to the P u b lijh e r in a L e tte r o f the f a t d M r .
Newtons o f July 8 .16 72 .
N the mean while give me leave, Sir, to infinuate,that I can-
5 notthink it effectual for determining truth, to examin the
fcveral waies by which Phenomena may be explained, unlefs
where there can be a perfect enumeration o f all thole waies*
You know,the properMethod for in q u irin g after the properties
o f things is,to deduce them from Experiments,And 1 told you,
that the Theory,which I propounded, was evinced to me, not
by inferring’tis thus becaufe not otherwife, that is , not by
deducing it only from a confutation o f contrary fuppofitions,
but by deriving it from Experiments concluding pofitively
and direCtly. T he way therefore to examin it is, byconfi-
dering, whether the Experiments which I propound do prove
thole parts o f the Theory, to which they are applyed; or by
profecuting other Experiments which the Theory may fug-
geft for its examination. And this I would have done iu a due
Method 3 the Laws o f R efra B io n being throughly inquired in
to and determined before the nature o f Colours be taken into
confederation. It may not be amifs to proceed according to
the S e r ie s o f thefe Q u e r ie s 3 which I could wifh were determi*
ned by the Event o f proper Experiments • declared by thofe
that may have thecurioficy toexamin them.
1. Whether rays, that are a lik e incident on the fame M e d u
urn, have u nequal refractions3 and how'great are the inequa
lities o f their refractions at any incidence ?
a. What is the Law according to which each ray is more
orlefi refraCted ; whether it be that the fame ray is ever re
fracted according to the fame ratio o f the fines o f incidence
and refraCtion; and divers rays,according to divers r a tio 1ss, o r
that the refraCtion o f each ray is greater or lefs without any
certain rule ? T h a t i s , whether each ray have a certain de*
gree o f refrangibility according to which its refraCtion is per*
formed 3 or is refra&ed without that regularity f
3. Where
( 5°°5 )
3. W hether rays, which are endued with particular degrees
o f refrangibility, when they are by any means feparated, have
particular colours conftantiy belonging to them; v i the leaffc
refrangibleySVar/^ j the molt refran gible,^ ^ Violet 3 the mid
d l e , 5 and odiers,other colours ? And on the contrary?
4* W hether the colour o f any fort o f rays apart may be
changed by refraCtion ?
5. W hether colours by coalefcing do really change one an
other to produce a new colour,or produce it by m ixing only j?
6. W hether a due mixture o f rays, indued with all variety
o f colours, produces Light perfectly like that o f the Sun,and
which hath all the fame properties,and exhibits the fame P h t-
nom etia ?
7. W hether the component colours o f each mixture be re*
ally changed 3 or be only feparated when from that mixture
various colours are produced again by RefraCtion ?
8* W hether there be any other colours produced by refra
ction than fuch, as ought to refult from the colours belonging
to the diverfly refrangible rays by their being feparated or
mixed by that refraCtion ?
T o determine by Experiments thefe and filch like Qu&re’s
which involve the propounded Theory, feems the molt pro
per and direct way to a conclufion* And therefore I could
wilh all objections were fufpended, taken from Hypothecs or
any other heads than thefe two 3 O f (hewing the inefficiency
o f Experiments to determine thefe g>u*res or prove apy other
parts o f my Theory, by affigning the flaws and defects in my
conclufioas drawn from them » O r o f producing other Ex
periments which direCtly contradiCfc me, i f any fuch may feem
to occur. F or if the Experimeifts, which I urge, be defective,
it cannot be difficult to fho w the defeCts; but if valid , then by
proving the T heory they mull render all Objections invalid.
So far this accurate Propofer; whofe Method appearing to be
molt genuine and proper to the purpofe it is propounded for,
anddeferving therefore to be confidered and put to trial by
Philofophers, abroad as well as at home 5 the Publiflier, to
invite and gratify F oreign ers, was willing to deliver the a-
bove recited Extradt o f Mr* Newtons Letter in the language
alfo o f the Learned, as folio w eth ; Zzzz a E x-
( 5006 )
E x c e r p tu m e x 'Ifaacl k e m m E p if t o la , n u p er a d E d ito r e m f c r ip t ,q u a
i p f e g e n u i n a m f u g g e r i t M e t h o d u m , d o f t r i n a m fu a m d eLuc 8c Cv-
loribus, a n te h a c p r o p o ( it a m ,e v in c e n d i , f u b je ft a c c r t o r u r a ^ M ^
torum, d e b itis E x p e r im e n tis fo lv c n d o r u m a f e r ic .
I let at mihi hac occupant tibi pgnipcare, nequaquam cenfere me, efficacem
_j cum ejf? determittand* veritatis rationem,qud diverp examinantur mci
di, quibus Phenomena explicari pojfunt, nip ubi perfella fHerit omnium ifo-
rurn modorum Enumeratio. Nofii, gentsinam proprietAtes rerum invepigandi
Afethedum ejfe, qua ill* ab Experimentis deducuntur. Ac jam ante tibi dix-
eramTheoriam a mepropoptam evittam mihifuijfe, n o n q u i d e m i n f e -
r e n d o r c m i t a f e h a b e r e q u i a h a u d f e b a b e a t a J it e r , i. e. non earn de-
ducendo duntaxat d contrAriarum fnppopthnum confutation ■, f e d ip f a m a b
E x p e r im e n tis , p o fitiv £ & d ir e f t e c o n d u d c n t ib u s , d e r iv a n d o . Ve
ra itaque ratio earn examinandi hac erit, p conpderemus fcilicet, mm E x
perimenta a mepropopta illas Theoria partes , quibus accommodantur, reve
rse probent , velp alia profequamur Experimenta, qua ab ipfa Theoria ad
examinandam earn fuggerantur. Atque hoc ipfum JMethode genuind peri ve-
lim \ pervepigatkprimum ac determinatis Legibus R c f r a f t i o n i s , priufquam
C o l o r u m naturadi/quiratur. Prater rem itaque haudfare crediderim,dif-
quiptionem hanc exJequentium Q u a e f it o r u m ferie inpituere; qua quidem ut
d folertibwfagacibufqut natura Afjfu^ronunciatis Experimentorum Even-
tibus,dirimantur ,in votis qudm maxim'ehabeo.Eafunt \
P r i r n o , Num radii, qui x q u a l i incidentid in idem medium incidunt^Re-
frattiones habeant in a r q u a le s quantaquepnt refraclionum,quas illi fubeunt,
inaqualitates in quavis incidentia ?
S ecundo, ea Lexpt, juxta quam radius quilibet magis minufve
refringitur}ptne, quod idem radius femper refringatur fecundum eandem ra-
tienem Sinuum Incidentia & RefraUionis } diverp autem radii, fecundum
rationes diverfas ? An verb, quod cujufibet radii refraSlio major minorve
pt abfque alia regula certa ? Hoc ep, Vtrum mufquifque radius certurn ha-
beat gradum Refrangibilitatis, juxta quern pat ippus refrattia ■, an verb re
fringatur pne ijta regularitate ?
T e r t i o , Num radii, certisgradibut refrangibilitatis praditi, quanio,quo.
demttm cumquemodo ,fecernuntur,certos obtineant colores ipps proprios $puta
radii minimi omnium refrangibiles, Coccineum '■>maxima refrangibiles, fa-
tttrum Violaceum \ intermedii, fub-Viridem S alii, alios? Et e contra.
Q u a r t o , Num color cujufvis generis radhrum feorpm ettipentium
mutari popint Refrablione ?
Q u i n t O , Vtrum colores coalefcendo reverd fe invicem mutent adprodu-
cendum colorem novum i an verb eum producant nonnip fe invicem com*
mifcendo ?
Sexto, Num debita radiorum mifcela , omnigend colorumvarietate prx-
dita, Lucem producat Solari luci pmUUmam-, quaqttt eafdem omnino pro^
prietates obtineat,eadcmque Phsttomtna exhibm ?
( 5007 )
S e p t i m o , Vtrum componentes cujufvi* mifctU colores revert mutentur \
tn verb fecernantur duntaxat, qttando ex mixture illavarii colores ritrfum
prodaatntnr per Refrablionem ?
O f t a V O , Denturne ulli alii colores RefraSlione produbli prater eos,qnts oriri
oportet d Coloribus, ad radios diverJtmod'e rcfrangibiles pertinentibns, dum
illt refrallioHc iftd fecernantur vel mifcentur ?
Per ExperimentA determinare fmiliave Quafta , qua propoftam
Theoriam involvant, max'tme genaina direSlaqae videtar ad Conclujionem-
via i Proindeque omnes velim Objellionesfufpcndi, qua ab Hypothefibus de-
[amantur allifve Fontibus aliis , qitdm his auobus -y quibtts nempe v e l often t
datur Experintentorum ad detcrminanda hac prebandajve nilas alias
Eheoria meet partes infujficientia, hallucinationes defelhif]fie in Conchijieni-
bsu meis inde dedaflu indigitando •, v e l alia prodiicantnr Experimenta, e dia-
metro mihi oppojita, Ji qax talia occurrere videantnr. Si enim Experimental.,
qnx d me urgentur, laborant defettibtts , difficile haudfuerit eos oflendere h
Ji vero validafuerint, to ipfo dim Theoriam meam afferent probantqae om
nes Objecliones convellmt.
C So12 )
A S e co n d L e tte r o f P .Pardiet, w r i t t e n t o th e P u b liflie r fr o m Paris
May 2 1 . 1 6 7 2 . toUt.Newtons A n f w e r , m a d e t o h i s f ir f t L e t t e r ,
p r i n t e d i n Numb. 8 4 .
( 5013 )
ftluodamctat, errorem, qui oriri poffet in ca/culo, ex eo, quod dixerantt
veluti foramine faUo in pofteriori facie prifmatts ■, errorcm , inquam> il
ium eon pojfe indueere fenfibilem varietatem : id optime annotatum eft -
neque ego exiftimavi, inde multum augeri colerum latitudinem , fed tan-
tummodo accuratam calculi rationem indicare volui: ftftuaprotter etiam &
ego in praxi negligendam hanc cautionem cenfeo.
Circa E x p e r i m e n t u m c r u c i s , ncquaquam dubito, quo minus in fm
experiments talem fttum adbibuerit, in quo s e q u a li s inclinatie fuerit Ra
diorum incidentium 3 qtiandoquidem id ita d fe praftitum expreffe aftir-
vtat. Verum id non ego peteram conijcere ex its qua in T r a n f a & i o n i -
b u s legeram i, ubi ponuntur duo exigua dr maxim'e diftantia foramina, dr
mum Prifma prope p r i m u m foramen quod eft in feneslra ^ per quod
Prifma radij colorati erumpentes incidunt in alterum diftans foramen.
Addebatur autem, quod ad hoc nt omnes illi radii fucceftive inciderent in
f e c u n d u m illud foramen , convertebatur primum Prifma fnpra axem :
Atqui hoc tnodo neceffe eft mutari inclinationem radiorum qtii incidunt in
fecundum foramen : atque indicavi ego in Uteris , quod perinde fe fe res
habiret, five manente primo Prifmate immobili, fecundumforamen attolle-
retur ant deprimeretur, tit poffet fucceftive radios omnes depicia imaginis
Solaris excipere -t Jive manente ifto fecundo foramine immobili, prtmum
prifma converteretur , ut ita eadem imago fttum mutaret , atque in fo
ramen impingere fecundum omnes fucceftive partes poffet. Sed alias fine
dubie adhibuit cautiones folertijftmus N e w t o n u s .
ftlug circa C o l o r c s objeceram , eptimi foluta exiftimo. ftftyod au
tem T h e o r i a m iftam , appellarim H y p o t h e f i n , id cert'e ego nullo ad-
hibito conftlio feci ; atque nomen ufurpavi quod primum occur) it : qua-
propter velim ut ne per contempturn adhibitam vocem ejufmodi exiftmet.
Praclara fane inventa femper ego magni feci3 Clariftimum verb N c w t O -
n u m imprimis fufpicio ac veneror,
A a a aa 3 Mr* Newtctu
f 4 OI4 )
C 5 01 5 )
quali diverforum radiorum (feu Inminis independentium partiurn) refrangibi-
litate, in longum diduci pojftnt.
J^uod autem non aliunde oblongentur, monftravi in Liter is relatis in P j l l l .
Tranfaftionibus, Num. 80. E t ut rationes facilius percipianttsr , non
gravabor jam fuftits explicare.
Scilicet ex obfervatione, quod radii poft refraflionem non incurvabantur,
fed redid ad parietem prtgreffi fuere, patuit, eandemfuijfe eorum ad fe mu-
tno inclinationem cum modo exierunt Prifmate, atque cum impegermt in
parietem -, & proinde Longitndo colorurn ex inclinatione radiornm emerfit quam
inter refringendum obtinucre, hoc eft, ex quantitate refrattionis quam fin-
guli radii in Prifmatepatiebantur : Adeoque cum colorttm longitude latitu-
dinem aliquot vicibus ex obfervatione fuperavit, fequitur, majorem fuijfe itt-
aqualitem refraftionum qtidm potuit oriri ex inaqualitate incidentiarum.
fiftuin imo ex figura imaginis colorat £, quad nempe non fait Ovalts, fed ad
latera duabus parallelis reflis lineis terminata, patnit, earn ex indefinite
multis imaginibus Solis, per inaqualem refraElionem in longum diftrattis ( <sr
ferie continud difpofttis, conftitui j adeoque radios d finguhs partibus folaris
Difci provenientes per tot am fere lonfttudinem colorum difpergi ; & proinde
fimiliter incidentium inaquales effe refrafHones. id quod aliis etiam indiciis
oftendi poffet.
Conftat itaque diverfas ejfe refraEliones, ubi pares funt incidentho, Sed
amplius inquirendum eft-, ZJnde oriatur ilia diverfttas ■, An fit a caufa ali~
qua incerta & irregulari, vel certd lege, fecundum quam radius quilibet
aptuseft determinatam aliquam refraflitnem pati. Per incertas & irrega-
lares caufas intellige afperitates infuperftcie, velvenas diverfet denfttatis in
interiori parte vitri ex quo Prifma conftaturh item irregularem [iturn pororum,
quos nomtuU't ob luminis tranfmiffionem direfto tramite per vitrum omnifa-
riam traijei ftatuunt b nec non tremores <$' inaquales eommotlones parttum
atheris , aerie, vel vitri •, radiorum in refringente fuperftcie fe mutuo for-
taffe comprimentium refulturam ab invicem ejufdem cujufque. radii divift_
onem ac dtffipationem in partes divergentes, quas velnumero ftnitas vel in
definite multas in fuperftcie aliqud continuatim jacentes imagtnari liceat; vel
quamvis aliam diffuftonem & dilatationem Luminis quam pojfumtts excogitare,
non ortarn ex diverft pradifpofttione cujufque radii ad refraUionem, in certo
aliquo & conftanti gradtt patiendam.
fftuod autem diverfa refraflio non orta fit ex nllis ejufmodi caufii incertis
& irregularibus, probavi per Experimentum duortim confimilium Prifmatum
in contrario fitu juxta-pojitorum, itaut po/terius contrari'd fad refrafttone
retro-fleSleret radios, & fic regulares efteEhts prioris deftrueret , fed per
iteratas refradiiones attgeret irregulares. Vtpote f t print Prifma diffunde-
ret ac divergere faceret parallels radios e.g.per afperam polituram-, ina-
quabilem denfitatem, aut irrcgularem fttum pororum Prifmatis vel per
tremulos mottts partitm atheris,atris ant vitri \ vel per dilatationem luminis
propter partium ejus (i.e. radiornm) fe mutuo comprimentium relaxationem
verfus adjacenttafootia)qm vel nnllo vel minus conftipato lamine, irradiantur •
C $0I&)
vel denique per cujufque radii dilatationem aut difirattionem in complures di-
vergcntes radios: turn fane poflerius Prifma magis dijfunderet ac diffiparet
radios per dittos irregularitates atherts, aSris, ant vitripvel per iteratam di -
latotionem luminis d refringentisfuperficiei rcfiflcntia demo confiipati ac dif-
fnfi, vel etiam per cujufque radii dpriori diffrattione ort't iteratam dijfrottto-
nem ac dtvifionem in longe plures divergences radios. Et fic Lumen magis
differgeretur per refrattionem fecitndi Prif motis, & in parictemprojcttant
Imagines,n duplo longiorem minimum exhiberet, quant perfolam ^refrattionem
prioris Prifmatit exhiberi potuiffet. fififamobrem cunt, experientid telle,
refrattiofecundi Prifmatis adeo non difpergat lumen ut contrahat & in prifii-
nutnfiatum reducat, efficiatque ut informa Coni pojlea progrediatur, perinde
ac ft nullam omnino refrattionem pajfum fuijfet ’•> concedendum efl,Dijfufionem
Luminis, a refrattione anterioris Prifmatis ejfottam, non oriri ab aliqua pra-
fat arum caufarum, out alia quavis irregularitute, fed diverfe refrangibili-
tati diverforum radierumfolummodo tribuendameffe '■>utpote qua radius unufi-
quifque, ex injitadifpofitione tantamrefrattionem in pofieriori Prifmate ac in
priori pajfus,reducitur in parallclifmum cumfeipfo b & fic omnes radii ad fie
mutuo eafdem inclinationes refumunt quas ante refrattiones habuere.
Demum, ut hoc omnia fiumme confirmarem, adject Experimentum illud
quodjam nomine C r u c i s paffim infignitur : de cujus conditionibus cum R. P.
dubitaverit ,placuit jam defignare Schemate. Sit B C anterior tabula, cui
Prifma A immediate prdfigitur, fitque D E altera tabula, quafi duodecim
pedibus abinde difians, cui fiuffigitur alterum Prifma F. Tabula autem ad x
& y ita perforentur, ut aliquantulum lucis ab anteriori Prifmate refratta,
C 5017 )
ntnt in itto pofteriori Prifmafe, ex eo quod ad diverfa loca parietis vel cujuf-
visobftaculi G H, pedibus aliquot nlterius remoti, allabentur \ putay i o -
l a c e i radii ad H, r u b r i ad G, & i n t e r m e d i i ad loca intermedia : & tamen
propter determinatam pafitionemforaminum neeejfe eft ut ft mills fit incidentia
radiorun* cujufque coloris per utrumque trajebli. Atque ita ex menfura con.'
ft at radios, diverfts coloribus ajfetlos, habere diverfas leges refraclionum.
Sedfufpicor unde adduchss fit R.P, in dnbitationem , nempe videtur collar
tajfe p r i m u m Prifma A p o l l Tabulam B C,atque ita convertendo circa A x-
cm, veriftmile eft inelinationem radiorum qui interjacentforamina propter in
termedium refractionemfuijf ? mutatam. A t ex deferiptione expoftta in P h i l .
T r a n f a f t i o n i b u s debutt Tabula ilia collocari p o f t * vid. A W . 80. p.3078.
Prifma,ut radii inter foramina in diredtm jacerent, qitie 'vci'ia ' Latino
' ita fo-
quemadmodum ex verbis '■> I t o o k t w o B o a r d s a n d mint', Capiebam duas
p la ce d o n e o f them c lo fc b eh in d the P rifm Tabulas ]ignea$,.unam-
qua earum immediate
at t h e W i n d o w * , conftare poteft. JEt ttfsu E x collocabnm pojl Prifma
periments idem innuit. ad feneft ram.
E x abund.rnti placet obfervare, quod in hoc Experimento colorata Lux ob
refraftionem fecundi Prifmatis longs minus dijfunditur ac divartcat, quarts
cum alba exiflit, adeo ut imago ad G vel H fit pen'e circularis ■, preferdm ft
Prifmata ftatuantur parallela& in contrario fitu angularum, prout in Sche-
mate deftgnantur. JHuinetiam, ft praterea diameter foraminis y adaquet la-
titudinem colorum, nulla erit ejufdem colorata lucis in longum dijfufto fed
imago, qua d quopiam colore ad G vel H cjfwgitur, (pofttis circularibus fo-
r amiribits, & refraUione pofterioris Prifmatis non majori qudm prioris, ra-
diifque ad obftaculum qudm proximo perpendicularibtts, ) erit plane circularis„
Id quod arguit dijfuftonem, de quafupra egimus, non ex contagions vel con-
tinuitate materia mdulantis am celerrime mota velftmilibus caufts ortarty-ejfe,
fed ex certa rtfractionum cujufque generis radiorum lege. Cur antem Imago
ilia in mo cafu fit circularis, & in aliis nonnihil oblongata, & quomodo dijfu
fto lucis in longitudinem in quolibet cafu pro arbitrio minui.poffttfi Geometric
determinandum & cum experientia conferendum relinqus.
Poftquam P r o p r i e t a t e s L u c i s his & ftmilibus experimentisfatis explorata
fuerint, fpeblande radios tanquamejus five collateralsfive fucceftlvas partes,
de quibsu experts ftmus per independentiam quod ftnt ab invieem diftinbla \
Hjpothefes exinde dij.udicandxfunt, & qua non pojfunt conciliari reijeiendse.
Sed levijftmi negotii eft, accommodare Hypothefrs ad hanc DoEtrinam. Nam
ftqttis Hypothefin C a r t e f i a n a m defendere velit, dicendum. eft, globulos• efts
inaqunles • vel preffionesglobulorum ejfe ali.ts aliis fortiores, & inde di ver-
ftmod'e refrangibiles, & aptas ad excitandamfenfationem diverftorum colorum.
E t ftc juxta Hypothefin C l . H o o k i i dicendum eft, TJndulationes atheris efts
aliis majoresfive crafftores aliis. Atque ita in cateris. Hac enim videtur
effefumms necejfaria Lex & Conditio H y p o t h e f i u m , in quibus Naturalist
corporaponuntur conftare ex quamplurimis corpufculis acervatim context is, ut
a, diverfts lucentium corpufculis,vel ejufdem corpufculi diverfts partibus (prout
mainfigure*,mole>ant aliis qstalitmbns differuntftnaquaks prefftoncs,modones
( 5018 )
aut motacorpufcula per athera quaquaverfum traijciantur, ex quibtts,confuse
miftis, lux conjHtuifupponetur. Et nihil durius ejfepotejl in iflis Hypothe-
Jibus quarts contraria fuppoftio.
E x apertura five dilatatione Ends inpofteriori facie Prifmatis ,quam R. P.
dixit ejfe veluti foramen, fujficit, quod error non emerget fenft'bills ft medo
aliqnis emergcret. ^ufodji calculus juxta Obfervattones precise ineatur,
error erit nullus. Nam diametroforaminis h longitudine Imaginis fubduBd,
reftabit longitudo quam Imago haberet fi modoforamen antf Prifma ejfet indi-
viftbtlc , idque non ohflante prafatd lucis dilatatione in pofieriori facie Prif.
matis ; ut facile ofienditur. Deinde ex data ilia longitudine Imaginis,ac di-
flantia dforamine indivifibili, tit & pofitione & forma Prifmatis, & ad id
inclinatione incidentium radiorum, ac angulo,qutm refradii radii, ad medium
Imaginis tendentes, cum d centro Solis incidentibus conflituunt, catera omnia
detcrminantur. Et qua determinant refraBiones & poftiones radiorum,fuf-
ficiunt ad caleulum i f arum refraUionumritc ineundum. Sed res non tanti ejfe
videtur ut maram inferat.
Jfubd R.P.DoBrinam noflram H y p o t h e f i n vocaverit, non aliundefaBum
ejfe credo qudm quod vocabulum ufurpavit quod primum occurrit-, fquidem
mos ebtinuit ut quicquid exponitur in Philofophia dicatur Hypothefs. E t ego
fane non alio con(ilio vocabulum ijlud reprehendi qudm ut ne invalefceret ap-
pellatio qua reBe Philofophant'tbus prajudicio ejfe pojfet. R.Patris verb can
dor in omnibus confpicitur -, indeque modus ejferendi Benevolentiam, qui mihi
minimb convenit. ffuod tamen nofra non aifplicent,vehementergaudeo. Vale,
Dab. C a n t a b r i g . u moJ u n i i 1 6 7 2 .
pendent; since some of the parts may be intercepted without the others, and
be separately reflected or refracted toward’s different sides. This being pre
mised, the whole force of the objection will lie in this, that colours may be length
ened out by some certain diffusion of light beyond the hole, which does not arise
from the unequal refraction of the different rays, or of the independent parts
of light. And that the image is no otherwise lengthened], was shown in my
letter in Numb- 80 of the Transactions ; and to confirm the whole in the strictest'
manner, I added that experiment now known by the name Experimentum Cru-
cis ; of the conditions of which, since the Rev. Father has some doubt, I have
qhought fit to represent it by a scheme. Let BC (fig. 10, pi. J5) then be the
anterior board, to which the prism A is immediately prefixed, and let DE be
the other board, at the distance of about 12 feet from the former, to which the
other prism F is affixed. And let the boards be perforated at x and y in such
a manner, that a little of the light refracted by the former prism may pass
through both the holes to the second, prism, and be there refracted again. Now
let the former prism be turned about its axis with a reciprocal motion; then the
colours falling on the latter board DE will be raised and depressed by turns; and
thus the several colours-may at pleasure be made to pass successively through the
hole y to the latter prism, while all the other colours fall on the board. Then
you will see that the said rays of different colours will be differently refracted at
the latter prism, as they will be seen on different places of the opposite wall, or
of any obstacle GH, at the distance of some feet from i t ; as suppose the violet
rays at H, the red at G, and the intermediate rays at the intermediate places:
and yet, because of the determinate position of the holes, the incidence of the
rays of each colour through both must- be similar. And thus it appears, by
measuring, that the rays of different colours have different laws of refractions.
But I suspect what it was that caused the Rev. Father to doubt; viz. it seems
he placed his first prism A behind the board B C, and thus by turning it about
its axis, it is probable that the inclination of the rays intercepted between the
two holes may have suffered some change by the intermediate refraction. But
by the description before given in the Transactions, the first board ought to be
placed after the prism, that the rays may pass in a straight direction between
the-holes, agreeably to my words ; “ I took two boards, and placed one of them
close behind the prism at the window.” And the design of the experiment re
quires the same thing.
It may be further observed; that in this experiment, because of the refraction of
the second prism, the coloured light is much less diffused and less divergent, than
when it is quite white, so that the image at G or H is nearly circular ; espe
cially if the prisms be placed parallel, and their angles in a contrary position, as
ip the present figure. And besides, if the diameter of the .hole y be equal to
the breadth of the colours, the coloured light -will not ho diffused lengthwise;
but the image, which is formed by any colour at G or H, will be manifestly
circular,; supposing the holes tp be circular, and the refraction of the latter
prism not to be greater than, that of the former, and the rays to be nearly per
pendicular to the obstacle. This shows that the diffusion, above-mentioned,
does not arise from the influence or continuity of the undulating matter, pr
matter put into a rapid motion; or any suGh like,causes, but from a certain law
of refractions for every species of rays. But why the image is in one case circu
lar, and in others a little oblong, and how the diffusion of light lengthwise may
in apy case 'be diminished at pleasure, I leave to be determined by geometri
cians, and compared with experiments.
After the properties of light shall, by these and such like experiments, have
been sufficiently explored, by considering its rays either as collateral or succes
sive parts of it, of which we have found by their independence that they arte
distinct from one another; hypotheses are thence to be judged of, and those
to be rejected which cannot be reconciled with the phenomena. But it is an.
easy matter to accommodate hypotheses to this doctrine. Tor if any one wish
to defend the Cartesian hypothesis, he need only say that the globules are un
equal, or that the pressures of some of the globules are stronger than others,
and that hence they become differently refrangible, and proper to excite the
sensation of different colours. And thus also according to Hook’s hypothesis,
i t may be said, that some undulations of the sctber are larger or denser than
others. And so of the rest. For this seems to be the most necessary law and
condition of hypotheses, in which natural bodies are supposed tg consist gf a
multitude of corpuscu)es cohering together, and that from the different particles
o f lucid bodies, or from the different parts of the same corpuscule, (as they may
happen to differ in motion, figure, bulk, or other qualities) unequal pressions,
motions, or moved corpuscules, may be propagated every way through the aether,
of the confused mixture of which light may be Supposed to be constituted,
And there car be nothing more difficult in these hypotheses than the contrary
As to that aperture or dilatation of the light in the posterior face of the prism,
which the Rew Father supposes to resemble a hole, it is sufficient that ,no sensi
ble error can arise from it, if any at all. For if a calculation be made precisely
according to the observations, the error will be found nothing. For by sub
tracting the diameter of the hole from the length of the image, there will remain
that length which the image would have, if the hole before the prism were an
indivisible point, and that notwithstanding the aforesaid dilatation of the light
in the posterior face of the prism; as is easily shown. Then from that given
length of the image, and its distance from the indivisible-hole, as also from the
position and' form of the prism, and besides from the inclination of the incident
rays, and from the angle whiph the refracted rays betiding to ’the-middle of the
image make with those that are incident from the sun’s centre, all other things
may be determined. And the same data that determined the refractions and
positions of the rays, are sufficient for an accurate calculation of these refrac
tions. But this matter seems not to be of importance enough to be much re
As to the Rev. Father’s calling our doctrine an hypothesis, I believe it only
proceeded from his using the word which first occurred to him, as a practice has
arisen of calling by the name hypothesis whatever is explained in philosophy
and the reason o f my making exception to the word, was to prevent the preva
lence of a term, which might be prejudicial to true pliilosopny.
The above answer being sent to the Rev- Father Ig. Pardies, he returned his
acknowledgement in a note as below.
I am quite satisfied with Mr. Newton’s new answer to me.. The last scruple
which I had, about the Experimentum Crucis, is fully removed. And I now
clearly perceive by his figure what I did not before understand. When the ex
periment was performed after his manner, every thing succeeded, and I have-
nothing. further to desire.
T H E II I S T O R Y OF T H E [ , 6 7 '.
tf But, how certain foever I think myfelf of my hypothefis (which I did not take
M up without firft trying fome hundreds of experiments) yet I fhould be very glad
“ to meet with one experimentum cruris from Mr. N e w t o n , that fhould divorce me
“ But it is o.ot that, which he fo calls, will do the turn; for the fame phte-
“ nomenon will be folved by my hypothefis, as well as by his, without any man-
“ ner of difficulty or {training : nay, I will undertake to lhew another hypothefis,
“ differing fr o m both his and mine, that lhall do the fame thing.
“ That the ray of light is as it were fplit or rarified by refradtion, is moft cer-
“ tain ; and that thereby a differing pulfe is propagate'd, both on thofe fides, and
“ in all the middle parts of the ray, is eafy to be conceived and alfo, that differ-
“ ingpulfes or compound motions fhould make differing impreffions on the eye,
“ brain, or fenfe, is alfp eafy to be conceived : and that, whatever refracting me-
“ dium does again reduce it to its primitive Ample motion by deflroying the ad-
“ ventitious, does likewife reftore it to its primitive whitenefs and fimplicity.
“ But why there is a neceffity, that all thofe motions, or whatever elfe it be
“ that makes colours, fhould be originally in the fimple rays of light, I do not
yet under Amu the neceffity of, no more than that all thofe founds muff be in
“ the air of the bellows, which are afterwards heard to iffue from the organ-
“ pipes; or in the ftriog, which are afterwards, by different ftoppings and ftrik-
“ logs produced •, vylfich firing (by the way) is a pretty reprefentation of the fhape
** of .a refracted ray to the eye; and the manner of it may be fomewhat imagined
“ by the fimilitude thereof: for the ray is like the firing, ftrained between the
M luminous abjedt and the eye, and the flop or fingers is like the refradting fur-
“ face, 00. the one fide of which the firing hath no motion, on the other a vi-
“ bracing one. Now we may fay indeed and imagine, that the reft or flreight-
“ nefs of the firing is caufed by the ceffation of motions, or coalition of all vi-
“ farations; and that all the vibrations are dormant in i t : but vet it feems more
w natural to me to imagine it the other way.
C a “ A nd
12 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E
“ And I am a little troubled, that this fuppofition fhould make Mr. N ewton
“ wholly lay afide the thoughts of improving telefcopes and microfcopes by re-
“ fractions ; fince it is not improbable, but that he, that hath made fo very, good an
“ improvement of telefcopes by his own trials upon reflection, would, if he had
“ profecuted it, have done more by refraCtion. And that reflection is not the
“ only way of improving telefcopes, I may poffibly hereafter Ihew fome proof
“ of. The truth is, the difficulty of removing that inconvenience of the fplit-
“ ting of the ray, and confequently of the effeCt of colours, is very great; but
“ yet not infuperable. I have made many trials, both for telefcopes and mi-
“ crofcopes by reflection, which I have mentioned in my Micrographia, but de-
“ ferted it as to telefcopes, when I confidered, that the focus of the fpherical con-
“ cave is not a point but a line, and that the rays are lefs true reflected to a
“ point by a concave, than refraCted by a convex-, which made me leek that by
u refraCtion, which 1 found could not rationally be expeCted by reflection : nor
“ indeed could I find any effeCt of it by one of fix foot radius, which, about fe-
“ ven or eight years fince, Mr. R e e v e made for Mr. G r e g o r y , with which I
“ made feveral trials; but it now appears it was for want of a good encheiria
“ (from which caufe many good experiments have been loft) both which confi-
“ derations difcouraged me from attempting further that way; efpecially fince I
“ found the parabola much more difficult to defcribe, than the hyperbola or el-
“ lipfis. And I was wholly taken from the thoughts of it, by lighting on divers
“ ways, which in theory anfwered all I could wifh for ; tho* having much more
“ bufinefs, I could not attend to bring them into ufe for telefcopes; tho* for mi-
“ crofcopes I have for a good while ufed it. Thus much as to the preamble ; I
“ fhall now confider the propofitions themfelves.
“ Firft then, Mr. N e w t o n alledgeth, that as the rays of light differ in re-
“ frangibility, fo they differ in their difpofition to exibit this or that colour:
“ with which I do in the main agree; that is, that the ray by refraCtion is, as it
“ were, fplit or rarified, and that the one fide, namely that which is moft refraCted,
“ gives a blue, and that which is leaft a red: the intermediate are the dilutings
“ and intermixtures of thofe two, which I thus explain. The motion of light in
“ an uniform medium, in which it is generated, is propagated by Ample and
“ uniform pulfes or waves, which are at right angles with the line of direction ;
“ but falling obliquely on the refracting medium, it receives another impreffion
“ or motion, which difturbs the former motion, fomewhat like the vibration of a
“ firing : and that, which was before a line, now becomes a triangular fuperfi-
** cies, in which the pulfe is not propagated at right angles with its line of direc-
“ tion, but afcew, as I have more at large explained in my Micrographia; and
“ that, which makes excurfions on the one fide, imprefies a compound motion on
“• the bottom of the eye, of which we have the imagination or red; and that,
“ which makes excurfions on the other, caufes a fenfation, which we imagine a
*l blue ; and fo of all the intermediate dilutings of thofe colours. Now, that the
^ intermediate are nothing but the dilutings of thofe two primary, 1 hope I have
“ fufficiently proved by the experiment of the two wedge-like boxes,, defcribed
in my Micrographia. Upon this account I cannot affent to the latter part of
^ u the
** The eighth propofition’I cannot at all afient to, for the realons above ; and
“ the reafons of the blue flame of brimftone, of the yellow of a candle, the
“ green of copper, and the various colours of the ftars, and other luminous bo-
** dies, I take to proceed from quite another caufe, eafily explained by my for-
“ mer hypothefis.
“ I agree with the obfervations of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh, though not
tc with his theory, as finding it not abfolutely necefiary, being as eafily and na-
“ rurally explained and folved by my hypothefis.
14 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ if y i.
“ fering from if, and from this, which he hath defcribed in his ingenious dif-
“ Nor would I be tinderftood to have faid all this againft his theory, as it is
“ an hypothefis; for I do moll' readily agree with them in every part thereof, and
“ efteem it very fubtil and ingenious, and capable of iolving all the phaenomena
“ of colours: but I cannot think it to be the only hypothelis, nor fo certain as
“ mathematical demonftrations.
“ But grant his firft propofition, that light is a body, and that as many co-
“ lours as degrees thereof as there may be, fo many forts of bodies there may
“ be, all which compounded together would make white •, and grant further,
“ that all luminous bodies are compounded of fucb fubftances condenfed, and
“ that whilft they fhine, they do continually fend out an indefinite quantity there-
“ of, every way in orbem, which in a moment of time doth difperfe itfelf to the
“ uttnoft and moft indefinite bounds of the univerfe •, granting thefe, I fay, I
“ do fuppofe there will be no great difficulty to demonftrate all the reft of his
“ curious theory : though yet, methinks, all the coloured bodies in the world
“ .compounded together fhould not make a white body, and I fhould be glad
“ to fee an experiment of that kind done on the other fide. If my fuppofition
be granted, that light is nothing but a fimple and uniform motion, or pulfe
“ of a homogeneous and adopted (that is a tranfparent) medium, propagated from
“ the luminous body in orbem, to all imaginable diftances in a moment of time,
“ and that that motion is firft begun by fome other kind of motion in the lu-
“ minous body ; fuch as by the diflolution of lulphureous bodies by the air, or
“ by the working of the air, or the leveral component parts one upon another,
“ in rotten wood, or putrifying fifti, or by an external ftroke, as in diamond, fu-
“ gar, the fea-water, or two flints or cryftal rubbed together •, and that this
“ motion is propagated through all bodies fufceptible thereof, but is blended or
“ mixt with other adventitious motions, generated by the obliquity of the ftroke
“ upon a refradting body, and that, fo long as thofe motions remain diftindt in
tc the fame part of the medium or propagated ray, fo long they produce the fame
>“ effedt, but when blended by other motions, they produce other effects: and
“ fuppofing, that by a diredt contrary motion to the newly imprefled, that ad-
“ ventitious one be deftroyed and reduced to the firft fimple motion ; I believe
<c Mr. N e w t o n will think it no difficult matter, by my hypothefis, to folve all the
“ phenomena, not only of the prifm, tinged liquors, and folid bodies, but of
“ the colours of plated bodies, which feem to have the greateft difficulty. It
“ is true, I can, in my fuppofition, conceive the white or uniform motion of
“ light to be compounded of the compound motions of all the other colours,
“ as any one ftraic and uniform motion may be compounded of thoufands of
compound motions, in the fame manner as D e s c a r t e s explicates the reafon
■“ of the refradtion; but I fee no neceflity of it. If Mr. N ew ton hath any
argument, that he fuppofes an abfolute demonftration of his theory, I fhould be
8 “ very
R O Y A L S O C I E T Y OF L O N D O N .
“ very glad to be convinced by it, the phenomena of light and colours being, in
“ my opinion, as well worthy of contemplation, as any thing elfe in the world.”
C 5084 )
M f. Ifaac Newtons A nfm r tofome €onfiderationt upon his Do-
Urine of L ight and Colors 3 which DoUrine tvas printed in
N um b. 80. ofthefe “t raUs.
1I{, I have already told you, that at the perufal o f the con-
S fiderations, you fent me, on my Letter concerning Refrac
tions and Colors, I found nothing, that, as I conceived,mighc
not Without difficulty be anfwer’d. And though I find the
Conjiderer fomewhat more concern’d for an Hypothecs, than I
expedited $ yet I doubt not, but we have one common defign 3
I mean, a fincere endeavour after knowledge, without valuing
uncertain fpeculations for their fubtleties, or defpifing cer
tainties for their plainnefs : And on confidence o f this it is,
that I make this return to his difcourfe.*
The firjl thing that offers it felf
* Which D ifcourfe was thought
nee diep to be here printed at length,
is lefs agreeable tom e, and I begin
becaufe in the body o f this Jnfw er with it becaufe it is fo. T h e confi-
are to be met with the chief particu derer is pleafed to reprehend me
lars, wherein the A nfwerer was
concern’d, for laying afide the thoughts o f im
proving Optiques by Rpfraftions.
1. Of the Pradi^ut part of Op-
I f he had obliged me by a private
Letter on this occafion, I would
have acquainted him with my fucceffes on the Tryals I have
made o f that kind, which I (hall now fay have been lefs than
I fometimes expected, and perhaps than he at prefent hopes
for. But fince he is pleafed to take it for granted, that I have
let this fubjeCtpafs without due examination, Iffiallreferh im
, . „ . „ . , „ to my former Letter, * by which
x'ffc * fi that conjcfiure will appear to be
un-grounded. For, what I faid
there, was inrefpeCt o f Telefcopes o f the ordinary couftruCti*
on, fignifying, that their improvement is not to be expected
from the n>ell-figuring o f Glaffes, as Opticians have imagin’d j
but I defpaired not o f their improvement by other conftru-
Ctions, which made me cautious to infert nothing that might
intimate the contrary. For, although fucceffive refractions
that are all made the fame way, do neceffarily more and more
augment the errors o f the firft refraction 5 yet it feem’d not
im pofliblefor contrary refractions fo to co rred each others
inequalities, as to make their difference regular 3 and, i f that
C 5085 )
could be conveniently effe&ed, there would be no further dif
ficulty. N o w to this end 1 examin’d, what may be done not
only by GlaJJes alone, but more efpecially by a Complication o f
divers fucceffive Medtumsi as by two orm ore Glafles or Cry-
ftals with Water o r fome other fluid between them ; all which
together may perform the office o f oneGlafs, efpecially o f the
Objedfc-glafs, on whole conftru&ion the perfection o f the in-
ftrument chiefly depends. But what the refults in Theory or
b y Tryals have been, I may poffibly find a m ore proper occa-
fion to declare.
T o the Aflertion, that Rays are lefs true refleeted to a point
by a Concave, than refracted by a Convex, I cannot aflen t5 nor
do lunderftandj that the focus o f the latter is lefs a line than
that o f the former. T he truth o f the contrary you will rather
perceive by this following Table, computed for fuch a Reflec-
ting Concave, and Refracting convex, on fuppofition that they
have equal Apertures, and c o lle t parallel rays at an equal di-
ftance from their vertex ; which diftance being divided into
15000 parts, the Diameter o f the Concave Sphere v/ill be
60000 ofth ofe parts, and of the Convex, 10000 5 fuppofing
the sines o f Incidence and RefraCtion to be, in round num
bers, as 2 to 3* And this Table fhews, how much the exterior
rays, at feveral Apertures, fall fhort o f their principal foe us.
( 5086 )
tsques» yet I mull for this as well as other confideratio ns prc
fer them in the Theory before Refractions.
W hether the Parabola be more difficult to describe than the
Hyperbola or ElUpp> may be a Quyere : But I fee no abfolute
neceffity o f endeavouring after any o f their defcriptions. For,
i f Metals can be ground truly Spherical, they will bear as great
Apertures, as I believe men will be well able to communicate
an exact polifh to. And for Dioptrique Telefeopes, I told
you, that the difficulty confifted not in the Figure o f the glafs,
but in the DifFormity o f Refra&ions : W hich if it did nor, I
could tell you a better and more eafie remedy than the ufe
o f the Conic Sections.
Thus much concerning the Practique
tan th> rieor*1"e part of Optiques. 1 flsall now take a view
o f the Confiderations on m ^Theories. And
thofe confift in afcribing an Hypothecs to me,which is not minej
in Aflerting an Hypothecs, which, as to the principal parts, is
not againft me 5 in Granting the greateft part o f my difcourfe
i f explicated by that Hypothe/ir $ and in Denying fome things,
the truth o f which would have appear’d by an experimental
O f thefe Particulars I, fhall difcourfe in
n‘- order. And firft o f the Hyp.tfofii, which
is afcribed to me in thefe w ords: But grant
his firjl fuppofition, that light is a bodyi and that as many colour$ or
degrees as there may bei fo many bodies there maybe s aU"which com-
ponndedtogether wouldmake White, & c. This, it feems, is taken
for my Hypothecs. ‘Tis true, that from my Theory I argue the
Corporeity o f Light; but I do it without any abfolute pofitive-
nejfs, as the word perhaps intimates j and make it at moft but a
very plaufible confequenee o f the D o& rine, and not a funda
mental Suppojitton, nor fo much as any part o f it 5 which was
wholly comprehended in the precedent Propofitions. And I
fomewhat wonder, how the Objector could imagine, that,when
I had afferted the Theory with the greateft rigour, I Ihould
be fo forgetful as afterwards to affert the fundamental fuppo-
fition itfelfw ith no more than a perhaps. Had I intended any
fuch Hypothefis, I fhould fomewhere have explain'd it. But I
knew, that the Properties>which I declar’d o f Light} were in
( 50 8 7 )
fom e meafure capable o f being explicated not only by that,
but by many other Mechanical Hypothefes♦ And therefore I
chofe to decline them all, and to fpeak o f Light in general
terms, confidering itabftra&Iy, as fomething or other propa*
gated every way in ftreight lines from luminous bodies, with,
out determining, what that Thing is,* whether a confufed
Mixture o f difform qualities, or Modes of bodies, or o f Boa
bies themlclves, or o f any Virtues, Powers, or Beings what-
foever* And for the fame reafon I chofe to fpeak o f Colours
according to the information o f our Senfes, as if they were
Qualities o f Light without us. Whereas by that Hypothecs i
muft have confidered them rather as Modes o f Senfation, ex.
cited in the mind by various motions, figures, or fizes o f the
corpufcles o f L>ght, making various Mechanical impreflions
on the Organ o f Senfe; as 1exprefTed it in that place, where I
fpake o f the Corporeity o f Light.
C 5088 )
( 5089 )
whofe parts are Jlike fo many fragments o f fuch Plates.
T h ele feem to be the molt plain, genuine and neceffary
conditions o f this Hypotbefi: And they agree fo juftly with my
T heory, that if the Animadverfor think fit to apply them, he
need not, on that account, apprehend a divorce from it. But
yet how he will defend it from other difficulties, I know not,
For, to me, the Fundamental Suppofitiou it lelf feems impof-
fible • namely,That the Waves or Vibrations o f any Fluid,can,
f k e the Rays o f Light, be propagated in Streigbt lines,without
a continual and very extravagant fpreading and bending every
way into thequiefeent Medium, where they are terminated
by it. I tniftake, if there be not both Experiment and De-
monftration to the contrary. And as to the other two or three
Hypothefes, which he mentions, I had rather believe rhem fub-
je tt to the like difficulties,than fufped the Jnimadverfur fhould
ielecSt the world for his own.
What I have laid o f this, may be eafily applied to all other
Mechanical Hypothefes, in which Light is fuppofed to be caufed
by any Preffion or Motion whatfoever, excited in the eether by
the agitated parts o f Luminous bodies*For,it feems impoffible,
that any o f thofe Motions or Preffions can be propagated in
streight lines without the like fpreading every way into the
fhadow’d M edium , on which they border. But yet, if any
man can think it poflible, he muft at leaft allow,that thofe Mo;
tions or Endeavors to motion, caufed in the ather by the feve-
ral parts ofany Lucid body that differ in fize, figure, and agi
tation, muft neceffarily be unequal .* Which is enough to de
nominate Light an Aggregat of dijjbrm rays, according to any
o f thofe Hypothefes. And if thofe Original inequalities may
fufficeto difference the Rays in Colour and Refrangibility, I
fee no reafon, why they, that adhere to any o f thofe hypothefes,
fhould feek for other Caufes o f thefe Effe&s, unlefs (to ufe the
Objectort argument) they will multiply entities without ne-
T he third thing to be confidered is, the Condition of the
Animadverfor s Conceffions, which
is, that I would explicate my 7 heo- °f
? , . , .r i . 1 a w *, and t bur hmiiatm tv m IhP9*
net by his Hypothecs: And it I could , ^ f
comply with him in that point,
C SO9 ° )
there would be little or no difference between U s. For he
grants, that without any refpect to a different Incidence o f
rays there aro different Refradtions 5 but he would have it ex
plicated, not by the different Refrangibility o f feveralRays,
b u tb yth e Splitting and Rarefying ot ethereal pulfes. He
grants my third, fourth and fixth Propositions; the fenfe o f
which is, That Umcompounded Colors are unchangeable,and
that Compounded ones are changeable only by refolving them
into the colors, o f which they are compounded ; and that alt
(he Changes, which can be wrought in Colours, are effected
only by varioufly mixing or parting them : But he grants theta
on condition that I will explicate Colors by the two Aides o f a
fplit pulfe, and fo make but two fpecies o f them, accounting
all other Colors in the world to be but various degrees and di-
lu tin gso fth o fetw o. And he further grants, that Whitenejje is
produced by the Convention o f all Colors j butthen I mull ab
low it to be not only by Mixture o f thofe Colors, but by a far
ther Uniting o f the parts o f the R ay fuppofed to be formerly
I f I would proceed to examine thefe his Explications, f
think it would be no difficult matter to fhew, that they are not
only mfufftcientybnt in fome refpectsto me Cat leaft) un-inttfli-
gible* For, though it be eafie to conceive, how M otion m aybe
dilated and fpread, or how parallel motions may become di
g g i n g 5 yet I underftand not, by what artifice any Linear
motion can by a refracting fuperficies be infinitely dilated and
rarefied, fo as to become Superficial: O r, i f that be fuppofed,
y e t i underftand as little, why it fhouldbe fplit at fo fmall an
angle only, and not rather fpread and difperfed through the
whole angle o f Refraction. And further, though 1can eafily
imagine, how Unlike motions may crofs one another ; yet I
cannot well conceive,how they fbould coalefce into one uniform
motion, and then part again, and recover their former U n-
likenefs 5notwithstanding that I conjecture the ways,by which
the Animadverfor may endeavour to explain it. So that the D b
rect, uniform and undifturbed Pulfes would be fplit and di
sturbed by Refraction j and yet the Oblique and difturbed
Pulfes perfift without fplitting or further difturbance by fol
lowing Refractions, is (to me) as unintelligible. And there is
( S089 )
as great a difficulty iu the Number of Colours; as you will fee
But whatever be the advantages
or difadvantages o f this Hypothecs, 6explain .that it is not itecejfitr/, to limiter
m f DoBrine by any Hypo-
1 hope I may be excufed from ta thefis.
king it up, fince I do not think it
needful to explicate my Doftriue by any Hypothecs at all. For
it Light beconfider'd abftradtedly without refpe& to any Hy«
pothefis, I can as eafily conceive, that the feveral parts of a (In
ning body may emit rays ofdifiering colours and other quali*
ties, o f all which Light is conftituted, as that the feveral parts
o f a falfe or uneven firing, or o f uneavenly agitated water in
a Brook or Cataradt, or the feveral Pipes o f an Organ infpi*
red all at once, or all the variety o f Sounding bodies in the
world together, fhould produce founds o f feveral Tones, and
propagate them through the Air confuledly intermixt. And,
i f there were any natural bodies that could refieft founds o f one
tone, and ftifle or tranfmit thofe ofanother; .then, as the Echo
o f a confuted Aggregat of all Tones would be that particular
T o n e , which the Echoing body is difpofed to refledt; fo,fince
("even by the Animadver[or's conceffions) there are bodies apt
to reflect rays o f one colour, and ftifle or tranfmit thofe o f ano
ther j I can as eafily conceive, that thofe bodies, when illumi
nated by a mixture o f all colours, muft appear o f that colour
only which they refledi.
But when the Objector would infinuate a difficulty in thefe
things, by alluding to Sounds in the firing o f a Mufical inftru-
ment before percuffioo,or in the Air o f an Organ Bellowes be
fore its arrival at the Pipes; I muft confefs, I underftand it as
little, as if one had fpoken o f Light ina piece o f Wood before
it be fee on fire, or in the oyl o f a Lamp before ft alcend up the
match to feed the flame.
You fee therefore, how much
7. The difficulties of the Aniinadver*
it is befides the bufinefs in hand, fors difcottrfe xbflratied ftam Hy
to difpute about Hypothecs., For pothecs, and cen/idcr’d mote gem*
which reafou I (hall now in the
laft place,proceed to abftradi the
difficulties in the Animadverfors difeourfe, and,without having
regard to any Hypotbeflsi confider them in general terms. And
tftey may be reduced to thefe 3 ^ustres: L i l l i 1.Whs*
( S ° 92 )
1. W hether the unequal Refra&ions, made without refpeft
to any inequality of incidence, be caufed by the different Re-
frangibility o f feveral R a y s; or by the fplitting, breaking or
difTipatiug the fame R ay into diverging parts ?
2. W hether there be more than two forts of Colours ?
3. W hether Whiteuefs be a mixture of all Colours f>
The Firjl o f thefe Quteret you
3i T h a t th e , R a y a ! n o t f p l i t , c r a n y
tth c r v a ife d i l a t e d . may find already determin'd by
an Experiment in my former L e t
ter; the defign o f which w astofhew , That 1he length o f the
colour’d Image proceeded not from any unevennefs in the
Gtafs, or any other continent Irregularity in the Refra&ions.
Amongft: other Irregularities I know not, what is more obvb
ous to fufpedt, than a fortuitous dilating and fpreading o f
L igh t after fome fuch manner, as Des-Cartes hath defcribed in
his ./Ethereal Refratftions for explicating the Tayle o f a Comet;
or as the A nimadver[or now fuppofes to be effedfed by the
■ Sphering and Rarifying o f his ^Ethereal fpulfes, And to p:e=
vent the fufpicion o f any fuch Irregularities, I told you, that
1 refradted the L ight contrary ways with two Prifmes fuccef-
fively, to deftroy thereby the Regular effects o f the firjl Prifine
by the fecond, and to difeover the Irregular effects by augments
ing them with iterated refractions. Nov/, amongft:other Ire
regularities, if the firjl Prifme had fpread and difupated every
ray into an indefinit number o f diverging parts, the fecond
fhouid in like manner have fpread and diffipated every one o f
thofe parts into a further indefinite number, whereby the I.
mage would have been (till more dilated, contrary to the e-
venr, And this ought to have hapned, becaufe thofe Linear
diverging parts depend not on one another for the manner o f
their Refra&ion, but are every one ofthem as truly and com-
pleatly Rays as h i whole was before its Incidence; as may ap
pear by intercepting them feveraliy.
T h e reafonablenefs of this proceeding will perhaps better
appear by acquainting you with this further circumftatice* l
fometimes placed the fecond Prifme in a pofition Tranfverfe to
the firjl) on defign to try, if it would make the long Image be
come four-fquare by refra&ions croffing thofe that had drawn
the round Image into a long one. For, ifam ongft othtr Ir
regularities the Refradfion o fth e fifi Prifme, did by Splitting
C 5C93 )
dilate a Linear ray into a Superficial, the Crofs refradions o f
thatfecond Prifme ought by further fplitting to dilate and draw
that Superficial ray into a Pyramidal folid. Bur, upon tryal,
I found it otherwife ; the Image being as regularly Ob*
long as before, and inclin’d to both the Prifmes at an angle o f
45, degrees,
I tryed alio all other Pofitions of the fecond Prifme, by tur-
ningtheEnds about its middle parti and in no cafe could ob-
ferve any fuch Irregularity. The Image was ever alike incli-
n ed to b o th Prifmes, its Breadthanfweringto the Suns D ia
meter, and its length being greater or lefs accordingly as the
Refra&ions more or lefs agreed, or contradi&ed one ano
And by thefe Obfervations, fince the Breadth o f the Image
was not augmented by theCrofs refra&ion ofthe/<?ro»dPrifme,
that refradion muft have been perform’d without any fplitting
or dilating o f the ray ; and therefore at leaft the Light inci
dent on that Prifme muft be granted an A ggregatof Rays un
equally refrangible in my fenfe. And fince the Image was e-
qually inclin’d to both Prifmes, and c.onfequently the Refra«
dions alike in both, it argues,that they were perform’ d accor
ding to fome Conflant Law without any irregularity.
T o determine thefecondQoaz- ,
re,the Animadverjor referr* to an
Experiment made with two
Wedge-like boxes, recited in the Micrography o f the Ingenious
Mr, Hoo\ Obferv. io , pag. 73. the defign of which was to
produce all Colours out o f a mixture o f two. But there is, I
conceive, a double defed in this inftance. For, it appears
not, that by this Experiment all colours can be produced out
o f two 5 and, if they could, yet the Inference would not fol
That all Colours cannot by that Experiment be produced
out o f two, will appear by confidering, that the T in durc of
Aloes ^which afforded one o f thofe Colours, was not all over
ofone uniform colour, but appear’d yellow near the edge o f
the Box,and redat other pi aces where it was thicker: affording
all variety o f colours from afale yellow to a deep red orScarler,
according to the various thicknefs o f the liquor. And Co the
L 1 1 11 2 folution
( 5c88 )
Solution o f Copper, which afforded the other colour, was o f
various Blews and Indigos. So that inftead o f two colours,
here is a great variety made ufe o f for the produ&ion o f all o-
thers. Thus, for inflance3to produce all forts o f Greens, the fe-
veral degrees o f Yellow and paie 8/jh»mud: be mixed 5 but to
compound Purples, the Scarlet and deep Blew are tq be the In
N o w , if the Animadverfor contend, that all the Reds and Tel-
lows o f the one Liquor, or Slews and Indigo's o f the other, are
only various degrees and dilutings of the lame Colour, and not
divers colours, that is a Begging o f the Queftion : And I
fhould as foon grant, that the two Thirds or Sixths in M ufick
are but feveral degrees o f the fame found, and not divers
founds. Certainly it is much better to believe our Senfes, in
forming us, that Red and yellow are divers colours, and to make
ital'hilofophical Quaere) W hy the fame Liquor doth, accor
ding to its various thicknefs, appear o f thole divers colours,
than to fuppofe them to be the fame colour becaufe exhibited
by the fame liquor ? For, i f that were a fufficient reafon, then
Blew and Yellow muft alfo be the fame colour, fince they are
both exhibited by the fame Tintfture o f NepbritickWood. But
that they are divers colours, you will more fully underftand by
the reafon, which, in m y Judgment, is this.* T h eT in & u re o f
Aloes is qualified to tranftnit mofl eajtly the rays indued with red%
moil difficultly the rays indued with violet, and with intertnedn
at degrees of facility the rays indued with intermediat CoIours«So
that where the liquor is very thin, it may fuffice to intercept
moft o f the violet, and yet tranfmit moft o f the other colours;
all which together muft compound a middle Colour, that is, a
faint yellow. And where it is fo much thicker as alfo to inter
cept moft o f the Blew and Green, the remaining Greeny Yellow,
and Red,it muft compound an 0 *enge. And where the thick
nefs is fo great, that fcarce any rays can pafs through itbe-
fides thofe indued with J{td, muft appear o f that colour,and
that fo much the deeper and obfcurer, by how the liquor is
thicker* And the fame may beunderftood o f the various de
grees o f Blew, exhibited by the Solution o f Copper, by reafon o f
its difpofition to intercept J{ed moft eafily, and traflfmic a deep
.8lew or Indigo^ Colour moft freely.
B ft
C 5089 )
But, fuppofing that a l l Colours might,according to this ex'
peri men rep rod u ced out of t i r o by mixture 3 yec it follow®
nor, that thofe two are the only O r ig in a l colours* and that for
a double reafon. F i r j l 3becaule thofe two are not themfelve®
Original colours, bur compounded ofothers; there being no
liquor nor any other body in nature,whofe colour in Day- light
is wholly un-compounded. And th e n i becaufe, though thofe
two were Original, and all others might be compounded o f
them, yet it follows not, that they cannot be otherwile prodiu
ced* For I faid, that they had a double Origin, the lame Co
lours coienfe being in fomecafes compounded and in others
un Compounded s and fufficiently declar'd in my t h i r d and
fourth Fropofitions, and in the Conclufion, by what Properties
the .one might be known and diftinguilh’t from the other. But,
becaule I fufpedi by fome Circumftances, that thq D iJ lin B io n
might not be rightly apprehended, I lhall once more declare
it, and further explain it by Examples.
That Colour is Primary or Original, which cannot by any
Art be changed, and whofe Rays are w o t a lik e refrangible :
And that Compounded, which is changeable into other colours,
and whole Rays are not a lik e refrangible. F o r i n j l a n c e b to
know, whether the colour of any G r e e n obje&be compoun*
dedor not, view it through a Prime, and if it appear c o n fu fe d j
and the edges tinged withB/w, Yellow* or any variety o f o-
ther colours, then is that G r e e n compounded of fuch colours
as at its edges emerge out of it: But if it appear d i f ti t i B , and
well defin’d, and entirely Green to the very edges, without
any other colours emerging, it is of an Original and un-cona-
pounded Green. In like manner, ifa refraded beam of light,
being call on a white wall, exhibit a G r e e n colour* to know
whether that be compounded, refra&the beam with an in-
terpoled Prifmc$ and if you find any Difformity in the refra
ctions, and the G r e e n be transform’d into B le m ) Y e llo w 3or any
variety o f other colours, you may conclude, that it was com
pounded o f thofe which emerge : But if the Refra&ions be
uniform, a n d t h e G r e e n perfift without any change o f colour,
then is it Originaland uu compounded* Andthe reafon why
I call it fo, is, beeaulea G r e e n indued with fuch properties can
not beproduced by any mixing o f other colours.
C 5097 )
N ow ,if two G r e e n ObjeCts may to the naked eye appear of
the fame colour, and yet one o f them throngh a prifme feera
c o n f ttf e d and variegated with other colours at the edges, and
the other d i f li n U and entirely Green » or, if there may be two ,
Beams of Light, which falling on a white wall do to the na
ked eye exhibit the fame G r e e n colour, and yet one of them,
when transmitted through a Prifme, be uniformly and r e g u -
l a r l y refraCted,and retain its colour unchanged, and the other
be ir r e g u l a r l y refracted and to divaricate into a multitude o f
other colours j I fuppofe, thefetwog»v£W.r will in both cafes be
granted o f a different Origin and conftitution. And if by
mixing colours, a g r e e n cannot be compounded with the pro*
perties of t h e V n c h a n g e a b l e Green, I think, I may call t h a t an
V n - c o m p o n n d e d colour, efpecially fince its rays are alike refran-
gible,and uniform in all refpects.
The fame rule is to be obferv’d in examining, whether R e d ,
Orenge Yellorvfileiv, or any other colour be compounded or
not. And, by the way, fince all White obje&s through the
Prifme appear confus’d and terminated with colours, Whitenefs
muft, according to this diftinCfcion, be ever compounded, and
that the moft of all colours, becaufe it is the moft confus’d and
changed by Refractions*
From hence I may take occafion to communicate a way for
the improvement o fM ic r o fc s p e s by RefraCtion. The way is,
by illuminating the ObjeCt in a darkned room with Light o f
any convenient colour not too much compounded: for by that
means the Microfcope will with diftinCtuefs bear a deeper
Charge and larger Aperture, efpecially if its conftruCtion be
fuch, as I may hereafter defcribe for, the advantage in Or
dinary Microfcopes will not be fo fenfible.
f. , There remains now the t h i r d
a l l C o lo u rs . Quasre to be confider d, which is,
Whether W h iten tfc be an Uniform
Colour, or a diffimilar Mixture o f all colours ? The Experiment
■which I brought to decide it, the A n im a d v e r fo r thinks may be
otherwife explain’d, and fo concludes nothing. But he might
eafily have fatisfied himfelf by trying, what would be the re*
fult o f a Mixture of all colours. And that very Experiment
might have fatisfied him, if he had pleafedto examine it by
C 5 ° 96 )
the various circumftances* One circumftauce I there decla*
red , o f which I fee no notice taken; and it is* That if any co*
lour at the Lem be intercepted, the Wbitenefs will be changed
into the other colours : If all the colours but red be intercept
ted, that Red alone in the concourfe or crofting of the Rays
will not conftitute Whitenefs, but continues as much Red as
before; and fo o f the other colours. So that the bufinefs is
not only to (hew, how rays, which before the concourfe exhi
bit colours, do in the concourfe exhibit White 5 but to (hew,
How in the fame place, where the feveral forts of rays apart
exhibit feveral colours,a Confufiou o f all together make White.
For inftance, if red alone befirft tranfmitted to the paper at
the place o f concourfe, and then the other colours be let fall
on that Red, the Q u e f lio n will be, Whether they convert it in*
C >White, by mixing with it only, as Blew falling on Yellow
light is fuppos'd to compound Green 5 or, Whether there be
fume further change wrought in the colours by their mutual
afting on one another, until!, like contrary P e r i p a t e t i c qualb
ties, they become aflimilated. And he that (hall explicate this
laft Cafe m e c h a n ic a lly , muft conquer a double impofiibility.
He muftyfr^fliew, that many unlike motions in a Fluid can by
clafhingfoaft on one another, and change each other, as to
become one Uniform motion ; and th e n ) that an Uniform mo
tion can o f itfelf, without any new unequal impreflions, de
part into a great variety o f motions regularly un-equal. And
after this he muft further tell me, Why all Objefts appear
not o f the fame colour, that is, why their colours in the Air,
where the rays that convey them every way are confufedly
raixt, do not aflimilate one another and become Uniform be
fore they arrive at the Speftators eye!3
But if there be yet any doubting,’tit better to put the Event
on farther Circumftances o f the Experiment, than to acquiefce
in the poffibility o f any Hypothetical Explication. As, for in*
fiance, by trying,What will be the apparition of thefe colours
in a very quick Confcctttion of one another. And this may be
eafily perform’d by the rapid gyration of a Wheel with [many
Spoaks or coggs in its perimeter, whofe Interfaces and thick*
nefles may be equal and of fuch a largenefs, that, if the Wheel
beinterpofed between the Prifme and the white concourfe
C$084 )
o f the colours, one half of the Colours may be intercepted by
a fpoake or cogg, and the other half pafs through an inter*
ftice. The Wheel being in this pofture, you may firft turn it
{lowly about, to lee all the colours fall fucceffively on the
lame place of the paper, held at their aforefaid concourfe 5
and if you then accelerate its gyration, until the Confecution
o f thofe colours be fo quick, that you cannot diftinguilh
them feverally,the refulting colour will be a Whitenefs per
fectly like that, which an an-refracted beam o f Light exhibits,
when in like manner fucceffively interrupted by the fpoaks or
coggs o f that circulating Wheel* And that this W h i t e n e f t is
produced by a fucceffive Intermixture o f the Colours, with
out their being affimilated , or reduc’d to any Unifor
mity, is certainly beyond all doubt, unlefs things that exift
not at the fame time may notwithstanding a 6t on one a*
There are yet other Circumftances, by which the Truth
might have been decided} as by viewing the White concourfe
o f the Colours through another Prifme plac’d clofe to the eye,
by whole Refraction that whitenefs may appear again tranf-
form’d into Colours: And then, to examine their Origin, if an
Affiftant intercept any o f the colours at the L e n s before their
arrival at the Whitenefs, the fame colours will vanilh from a-
mougft thofe, into which that Whitenefs is converted by the
J e c o n d Prifme, Now, if the rays which difappear be the fame
with thofe that are intercepted, then it mult be acknowled;
ged, that the f e c o n d Prifme makes no new colours in any rays,
which were not in them b e f o r e their concourfe at the paper.
Which is a plain indication, that the rays o f feveral colours re
main diftinft from one another in the Whitenefs, and that from
their p r e v i o u s difpofitions are deriv’d the Colours of the fecond
Prifme. And, by the way, what is faid o f their Colors may be
applied to their Refrangibility.
The aforefaid W h e e l may be alfohere made ufe o f } and, if
its gyration be neither too quick nor two flow, the fuc-
cefsion of the colours may be difeern’d through the Prifme,
whilft to the naked eye of a Byftander they exhibit white
There is fomething ftill remaining to be faid of this Experi.
( 5 ° 5>9 )
merit. But this, I conceive, is enough to enforce it, and fo to de-’
cide the controverfy. How*ever, I fhall now proceed to fliew fome
other ways of producing whitenefs by mixtures, fince I perfwade my
felf, that this Affertion above the reft appears Paradoxical, and is
with moft difficulty admitted. And becaufe the Animadverfor defires
an inftance of it in Bodies of divers colours3 I Dial 1 begin with that.
Butin order thereto itmuftbe confider’d, thatfuch colour'd Bodies
reflect but fome part of the Light incident on them •, as is evident
by the 13 Proportion : And therefore the Light reflected from an Ag-
gregat of them will be much weakned by the lofs of many rays.'
Whence a perfed and intenfe Whitenefs is not to be expedcd, but
rather a Colour between thofe of Light and Shadow, or fuch a
Gray or D irty colour as may be made by mixing White and Black
And that fuch a Colour will refult, may be colleded from the
colour of Daft found in every corner of an houfe, which hath been
obfcrv'd to confift of many colour'd particles. There may be alfo
produced the like Dirty colour by mixing feveral Painters colours
together. And the fame maybeeffeded by Painting a Top (fuch
as Boys play with,) of divers colours. For, when it is made
to circulate by whipping it, it will appear of fuch a dirty co
Now, the Compounding of thefe colours is proper to my pur-
pofe, becaufe they differ not from Whitenefs in the Species of co
lour, but only in degree of Luminoufnefs: which ('did not the An
imadverfor concede it) I might thus evince. A beam of the Suns
Light being tranfmitted into a darkned room, if you illuminate a
ffieet of White Paper by that Light, refleded from a body of a-
ny colour, the paper will always appear of the colour of that bo
dy, by whofe refleded light it is illuminated. If it be a red bo
dy, the paper will be red, if a green body, it will be green; and fo
of the other colours. The reafon is, that the fibers or threds, of
which the paper confifts, are all transparent and fpecular ; and fuch
fubftances are known to refled colours without changing them. To
know therefore, to what Species of colour a Grey belongs, place a-
ny Gray body(fuppofe a Mixture of Painters colours,)in the faid Light,
and the paper, being illuminated by its reflexion, ftiall appear White.
And the fame thing will happen, if it be illuminated by reflexion
from a £/4r£,fubftance,
Thefe therefore are all of one Species ; but yet they feem diftin-
guilht not only by degrees of Lummoufnefs, but alfo by fome other
Inequalities, whereby they become more harfh or pleafant, And the
diftindion feems to be, that Greys and perhaps Blacks are made by an
uneven defed of Light, confifting as it were of many little veins
or ftreams, which differ either in Luminoufnefs or in the Unequal di-
1 M ram mm ftribution
( 5100 )
ftribution of diverfly cotour’d rays •, fuch a* ought to he caus'd by
Keflexion from a Mixture of white and black, or of diverfly eo.
lour’d But when fuch imperfb&Iy mixt Light is by aj e -
cond Reflexion from the paper more evenly and uniformly blended,
it becomes more pleafant, and exhibits afaint or fhadow'd Whice-
nefs. And that fuch little irregularities as theft: may caufethefe dif
ferences, is not improbable, if we confider, how much variety may
be caufed in Sounds of the fame tone by irregular and uneven jar-
rings. And befidesjthefe differences are fo little, that I have fome-
times doubted, whether they be any at all, when l have confider’d
that a Black and White Body being plac'd together, the one in a
ftrong light, and the other in a very faint light, fo proporti-
on'dthat they might appear equally luminous s it has been dif-
fioultto diftinguifh them, when view'd at diftance, unlefs when the
Black feem’d more blewlfh » and the White body in a light ftill
fainter, hath, in comparifon of the Black body, it felf appear’d
This leads me to another way of Compounding TYhitenefs •, which
is, That, if four or five Bodies of the more eminent colours, Or a
Paper painted all over, in feveral parts of it, with thofe feveral
colours in a due proportion, be placed in the faid Beam of Light j
the Light, reflc&ed from thofe Colours to another White paper,
held at a convenient diftance, fliall make that paper appear White.
If it be held too near the Colours, its parts will feem of thofe colours
tb it are neareft them •, but by removing it further, that all its part*
maybe equally illuminated by all the colours, they will be more and
more diluted, until they become perfe&ly White. And you may
further obferve, thatif any of the colours be intercepted, the Paper
will no longer appear White, but of the (Jther colours which are not
intercepted, Now, that this whitenefs is a Mixture of the feverally
colour’d rays, falling confufedly 00 the paper, I fee no reafon to
doubt of •, becaufe, if the Light became Uniform and Similar before
it fell confufedly on the paper, it muft much more be Uniform, when
at a greater diftance itfaiisonthe Spe&ators eye, and fo the ray*,
which.come from feveral colours, would in no qualities differ from
one another, but all of them exhibit the fame colour to the Specta
tor, contrary to what he fees.
N ot much unlike this Inftanceit is,That,if a polifht piece of Metal
be for placed, chat the colours appear in it as in a Looking-glafi?,
and then the Metal be made rough, that by a confus’d reflex
ion thofe apparent colours may be blended together, they fhall
difappear, and by their mixture caufe the Metall to look
( 5101 )
B u t fu r th e r t o e n fo r c e th is Experiment ; i f , in fte a d o f th e P a p e r s
a n y W h i t e Froth, c o n f i f t i n g o f f m a l l b u b l e s , b e i l l u m i n a t e d b y r e
f l e x i o n f r o m t h e a f o r e fa id C o l o u r s , i t (h a ll t o th e n a k ed e y e feem
W h i t e , a n d y e t th r o u g h a g o o d M ic r o f c o p e the fev e ra l C o lo u r s w i l l
a p p e a r d if t in - d o n t h e b u b le s , as i f f e e n by re flex io n fro m fo m a n y
fp h er ica l fu rfa ces, W ith m y n ak ed e y e , b e i n g v e r y n e a r , I h a v e al-
f o d i f c e r n ’d t h e f e v e r a l c o l o u r s o n e a c h b u b l e } a n d y e t a t a g r e a t e r
d if t a n c e , w h e r e I c o u ld n o t d iftin g u ifh th em a p a rt, th e F r o t h h a th
a p p e a r ’d e n t i r e l y W h i t e . A n d a t the fa m e d ifta n c e , w h e n I l o o k ’d
i n t e n t ly , I h a v e feen th e c o lo u r s d ift in d ly o n e a c h b u b le ; an d y e t,
b y f t r a i n i n g m y e y e s as i f I w o u l d l o o k a t f o m c t b i n g far o f f b e y o n d
t h e m , t h e r e b y t o r e n d e r t h e V i f i o n c o n f u s ’d , t h e F r o t h h a s a p p e a r ’d
w i t h o u t an y o th e r c o lo u r than W h ite n e fs . And w h a t is h e r e l a i d
o f F r o t h s ,m a y e a fily b e u n d e r f t o o d o f th e P a p e r o r M e t a l in th e f o r e
g o i n g E x p er im en ts. F o r , th e ir p arts a re fp e c u la r b o d ie s , lik e th e fe
B u b l e s •. A n d . p e r h a p s w i t h a n e x c e l l e n t M i c r o f c o p e t h e C o l o u r s may
b e a lfo feen in te r m ix e d ly r e fle d e d fro m them .
In p r o p o r t i o n i n g t h e f e v e r a l l y C o l o u r ’d b o d i e s t o p r o d u c e th efe
e f f e d s ,t h e r e m a y b e fo m e n ic e n e fs } and it w ill be m o re c o n v e n ie n t,
t o m a k e u f e o f t h e c o l o u r s o f t h e P r i f m c , c aft o n a W a l l , b y w h o f e
r e f le x io n th e P a p e r, M e ta l, F r o t h , an d o th e r W h it e fu b ftan ces m a y
b e illu m in a te d . A n d I u f u a l l y m a d e m y T r y a l s th is w a y , b e c a u f e
I c o u ld b e tte r e x c lu d e any flu t t e r in g L ig h t fr o m m ix in g w ith the
c o lo u r s to d ila te them .
T o th is w a y o f C o m p o u n d i n g W h i t e n e f s m a y b e r e f e r r ’d th ato-
t h e r , b y M i x in g l i g h t a fte r it h a th b e e n t r a j e d e d t h r o u g h t r a n f p a -
r e n t l y c o l o u r ’d f u b f t a n c e s . Forinftaxce, i f n o L ig h t be a d m itted in
to a room but o n ly through C o l o u r ’d g l a f s , w h o fe fev e ra l parts
a r e o f fe v e r a l c o l o u r s in a p r e t t y eq u a l p r o p o r t io n ; a ll W h i t e t h in g s
in th e r o o m H u ll appear W h it e , i f th e y be n o t h eld t o o near th e
G la fs. A n d y e t th is lig h t , w ith w h ich th e y are illu m in a te d , can
n o t p o f lib ly b e u n if o r m , b eca u fe, i f the R a y s , w h ic h at th e ir e n tr a n c e
a r e o f d i v e r s c o l o u r s , d o in t h e i r p r o g r e f s t h r o u g h t h e r o o m fuffer
a n y a lte r a tio n t o b e red u ced t o an U n ifo r m ity ; the G la fs w o u ld n o t
in th e r e m o te ft p arts o f the r o o m appear o f the v er y fam e c o lo u r ,
w h i c h i t d o t h w h e n th e S p e c ta to r s e y e is v e r y n ea r i t ; N o r w o u l d
th e rays, w hen tra n fm itte d in t o a n o t n e r d ark ro o m th r o u g h a little
h o le in an o p p o lite d o o r o r p a r titio n -w a ll, p r o j e d o n a P a p e r th e
Species o r r e p r e f e n t a t i o n o f t h e g l a f s i n i t s p r o p e r c o l o u r s ,
A n d , b y t h e b y , t h i s f e e m s a v e r y f it a n d c o g e n t I n l h n c e o f fom e
o t h e r p arts o f m y Theory, a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y o f t h e 13 Propsfuton. For,
in th is r o o m a ll n a tu r a l B o d ie s w h a te v e r appear in th e ir p r o p e r c o
lo u r s. A n d a ll the o f c o lo u r s in n a tu r e , m ad e e ith e r by
R e fr a d io n o r w i t h o u t i t , a r e h e r e t h e f a m e as i n the O pen A ir .
W o w , the L i g h t i n t h is r o o m b e i n g f u c h a D i f f i m i l a r m i x t u r e , as
M m mmm2 l
C 5 i °2 )
* h a v e d e fc r ib 'd in my Theory, the C a u fes o f a ll th efe Phenomena
m u f f b e t h e f a m e t h a t 1 h a v e t h e r e a f i i g n ’d . And I fee n o r e a fo n t o
fu fp ed , th a t th e fam e Phenomena I h o u l d h a v e o th e r cau fes in th e O -
p e n A ir.
T h e f u c c e f s o f t h i s E x p e r i m e n t m a y b e e a f i l y c o n j e d u r ’d b y t h e a p -
p e a r a n c e s o f th in g s in a C h u r c h o r C h a p p e l, w h o f e w in d o r e s are o f
c o l o u r ' d g l a f s •, o r i n t h e O p e n A . r , w h e n i t i s i l l u f t r a t e d w i t h C l o u d s
o f v a rio u s c o lo u r s.
T h e r e are y e t o th e r w a y s , b y w h ich I h a v e p ro d u ced PFhitcnefs as
by c a l l i n g f e v e r a l C o l o u r s f r o m t w o o r m o r e P rifm es u p o n th e fam e
p l a c e ; by R e f r a d i n g a Bt a n o f L ig h t w ith t w o o r th ree P rifm es fu c -
c . e f f i v e l y , t o m a k e t h e d i v e r g i n g c o l o u r s c o n v e r g e 3 g a i n ; by R e f l e
c tin g o n e c o lo u r to a n o t h e r ; and by l o o k i n g th r o u g h a P rifm e on an
O b j e d o f m a n y c o l o u r s •, a n d , ( w h i c h is e q u i v a l e n t t o t h e a b o v e m e n
t i o n ’d w a y o f m i x i n g c o l o u r s b y c o n c a v e PFedges f ill’d w i t h c o l o u r ’ d
l i q u o r s , ) I h a v e o b f e r v ’d t h e f l i a d o w s o f a p a in ted G la f s - w in d o w to
b eco m e W h it e , w h e re th o fe o f m a n y c o lo u r s h ave at a g r e a t d ifta n ce
in terfered . B u t y e t , fo r fu rth er fa tis fa d io n , th e Animadverfor m ay
t r y , i f h e p le a fe , th e e f f e d s o f f o u r o r fiv e o f fu ch Wedges f i l l e d w ith
l i q u o r s o f as m a n y f e v e r a l c o l o u r s .
B efid es a ll th e fe , th e C o lo u r s o f VFater-bubbles a n d o t h c r th in p ellu
c id fu b ftan ces afford fev era l in fta n ces o f W h ite n e fs p r o d u c e d by
t h e i r m i x t u r e •, w i t h one o f w h i c h I f lia ll c o n c l u d e t h i s p a r t i c u l a r . L e t
f o m e W a t e r , in w h ic h a c o n v e n i e n t q u a n t it y o f S o a p o r w a fli-b a ll is
d if f o lv ’d , b e a g it a te d in t o F r o t h , a n d , a fte r th a t fr o th has R o o d a
w h ile w it h o u t fu r th e r a g it a t io n , t ill y o u fee th e b u b b le s, o f w h ic h
i t c o n fifts ,b e g in t o b rea k , th e r e w ill ap pear a g r e a t v a r ie ty o f c o lo u r s
a ll o v e r t h e t o p o f e v e r y b u b b l e , i f y o u v i e w t h e m n e a r a t h a n d j b u r , 1
i f y o u v ie w them at fo g r e a t a d ifta n ce th a t y o u c a n n o t d iftin g u ilh th e
c o lo u r s o n e fro m a n o th e r ^ h e F r o th w ill appear p e r f e d ly W h it e .
T h u s m uch c o n c e r n in g th e d efig n
u . T b e t t ife B x p e n m e n t u m c r u c i s a n d f u b f t a n c e o f t h e Ammadverfcr's
isfah. C o n fid er a tio n s, T h e r e are y e t fo m e
p a rticu la r s t o b e ta k en n o t ic e o f , be
f o r e I c o n c l u d e ; a s t h e d e n y a l o f t h e ExpenmentftmsCmcis. On this
I c h o f e t o l a y t h e w h o l e f t r e f s o f m y d i f e o u r f e ■, w h i c h t h e r e f o r e w a s
th e p r in c ip a l t h in g t o h i v e b een o b j e d e d a g a in ft. _ B u t I c a n n o t b e
c o n v in c e d o t its in fu f fic ic n c y b y a b a re d e n y a l w ith o u t a lig n in g a
R e a f o n f o r it. Iam ap t t o b e lie v e , it has b een m ifu n d c r fto o d ; f o r
o th e r w ife it w o u ld h ave p reven ted th e d ifc o u r fe s a b o u t R a t i f y in g
a n d S p l i t t i n g o f r a y s , b e c a u fe t h e d e f ig n o f it is, t o f l i e w , t h a t R a y s
o f d i v e r s c o l o u r s , c o n f i d e r ’d a p a r t , d o a t Equal I n c i d e n c e s fu ffer V n-
tqxal R e f r a d i o n s , w ith o u t^ b ein g fp lic, r a r ific d , o r a n y w ays d ig
fa ted .
C 5203 )
I n t h e C o n f i d e r a t i o n s o f m y f ir f t a n d
f e c o n d P r o p o r t i o n s , t h e A d m a d vtrfo r ’*• Some particulars u em m n d td u
h a t h r e n d r e d m y D o c t r i n e o iVn-eq^al ^wi ir" ,<>n'
Refrangibility v e r y im p e r fe c t and m a im
e d , b y e x p l i c a t i n g it w h o l ly by t h e S p litt in g o f r a y s * w h e r e a s I c h ie fly
i n t e n d e d i t i n t h o f e R e f r a c t i o n s t h a t a r e p e r f o r m ’d w i t h o u t t h a t f u p -
p o s ’ d I r r e g u l a r i t y ^ f u c h as t h e Experimenttm Crude m i g h t h a v e i n
f o r m ’d h i m o f . A n d , in g e n e r a l I fin d , th a t , w h i lll h e h a th e n d e a
v o u r ’d t o e x p l i c a t e m y P r o p o r t i o n s Hypothetically, the m o r e m a teria l
f u g g e f t i o n s , b y w h i c h I d e i i g n ’d t o r e c o m m e n d t h e m , h a v e e f c a p ' d
h i s c o n l i d e r a t i o n ; f u c h as a r e , T h e U n c h a n g e a b l c n e f s o f t h e d e g r e e
o f R e fr a n g ib ility p ecu lia r to an y fo r t o f rays; the d r if t A n a lo g y b e
t w e e n th e d eg re es o f R e fr a n g ib ility and C o lo u r s } the D iftin ftio n
b e tw e e n co m p o u n d e d and u n -co m p o u n d ed co lo u rs > the U n c h a n g e a -
b le n e fs o f un- c o m p o u n d e d c o lo u r s } and the A flertio n , th at if a n y o n e
o f th e P r ifm a tiq u e c o lo u r s be w h o lly in te r c e p te d , th at c o l o u r c a n n o t
b e n e w p r o d u c e d o u t o f the r e m a in in g L ig h t b y a n y fu rth er R e f r a c
tio n o r R e fle x io n w h a tfo ev er . A n d o f w h a t ftr en g th a n d effica cy
t h e f e P a r t i c u l a r s a r e f o r e n f o r c i n g t h e Thesry, 1 d e f i r e t h e r e f o r e m a y
b e n o w c o n f i d e r ’d .
( 6 c %6 )
( 6087 ;
now. Mean time you may fee, that if thefe Experiments do
fucceed, it can no more be faid, that all the Colors are neccffa-
ry to compound White, and that ’tis very probable,that all the
reft are nothing but degrees of Tellom and Blew , more or lefs
Laftly, touching the Effcftof the different Refraflions of
the Rays in Telefcopical Glafles, Vts certain) that Experience
agrees not with what Mr. Newton holds* For to confider
only a picture, which is made by an objeft-glafs of 12 feet in
a dark room, we fee, it is too diftinft and too well defined to
be produced by rayes,that fhould ftray the 50th.
part * of the Aperture. So that, (as I believe f nTw-
I have told you heretofore) the difference of ton, faith
the Refrangibility doth not, it may be, alwayes ‘
follow the lame proportion in the great and 307?.
fmall inclinations of the Rayes upon the furface
of the GJafs.
Mr. Newtons Anfwerto theforegoing Letter further explaining
his Theory of Light and Colors, and particularly that of White-
nefs 5 together with his continued hopes of perfecting telefcopes
by Reflections rather than Reft ad ions.
( 6088 )
lors a white which to the naked eye fhall appear like other
whites, but alfo fhall agree with them in all other proper
But to let you underftand wherein fuch a white would
differ from other whites and why from thence it would fol
low that other whites arc otherwife compounded , I fhall lay
down this pofition.
( 6089 )
may make it alio appear o f a white color exaftly like A. Then
at a convenient diftaoce view thefe two whites through a
Prifin,and A will be changed into a feries o f all colors, Red,
Yellow ,G reen, Blew, Purple,with their intermediate degrees
(ucceediug in order from B to C . But «, according to the a-
fbrefaid Experiment, will only yield thofc two colors of
w hich't was compounded, and thofc not conterminatc like
the colors at BC,but fcparate from one another as at c and y,
by means o f the different refrangibility o f the rays to which
they belong* And thus by comparing thefe two whites, they
would appear to be o f a different conftitution, and A to con-
fift o f more colors then*. So that what Monfieur N. contends
for, would rather advance my Theory by the accelsof a new
kind o f white thaa conclude againft it. But 1 fee no hopes,
o f compounding fuch a white*
As for Monfieur N.his expreffion,that I maintain my do<$trine
with fome concern, I confefsit was a little ungrateful to me
to meet with objections which had been anfwered before,
without having the leaft reafon given me why thole anfwcrs
were inefficient. The anfwcrs which I Ipcak o f are in the
Tranfa&ionsfrom/Mg. $°92topdg, 5102. And particularly in
pag, 5095 5 to Ihewthat there are other fimple colors befides
blew and yellow , 1 inftance in a fimple or homogeneal Green,
fuch as cannot be made by mixing blew and yellow or any o*
thcr colours. And there alio I.lhew why , fuppofing that all
colors might be produced out o f tw o , yet it would not fo l
low that thofe two arc the only Original colors. The rcalbns
I defire you would compare with what hath been now faid o f
W hite. And fo the necefltty o f all colors to produce white
might have appear’d by the Experiment/*^. 5097,where 1fay,
that if aDy color at the Lent be intercepted, the whitened
(which is compounded o f them all) will be changed into (the
re fu lto fj the other colors.
However, fince there feems to have happened fome mif-
underftanding between us, 1 fhall endeavor to explain myfelf
a little further in thefe things according, to the following me
( 60^0 )
i I call that Light homogeneal, fimilar or uniform, whofe
rays are equally refrangible.
2- Atfd that heterogenealjwhofe rays are unequally refran
N ote.There are but three affedtions o f Light in which I have
obferved its rays to differ. v/s,Refrangibility, Reflvxibility,
and Color; and thole rays which agree in refrangibility a-
gree alfo in the other two,and therefore may well be defined
homogeneal, efpecially fince men ufually call thole things ho-
mogeneal,which are fo in all qualities that come under their
knowledg, though in other qualities that their knowledg ex*
tends not to there may poffibiy be fome heterogeneity.
3. Thofe colors I call firaple, or homogeneal, which are ex
hibited by homogeneal light.
4. And thofe compound orheterogeneal,which are exhibi
ted by hetcrogeneal light.
5. Different colors I call not only the more eminent fpe-
cies,red,yellow, green, blew, purple, but all other the minu-
teft gradations; much after the fame manner that not only
the more eminant degrees in Mufick3but all the lead: gradati*
ons are efteemad different lounds.
1. The Sun's light confifts o f rays differing by indefinite
degrees o f Refrangibility.
2. Rays which differ in refrangibility, when parted from
one another do proportionally differ in the colors which they
exhibit. Thefe two Propofitions are matter o f fadt
3. There are as many fimple or homogeneal colors as d e
grees o f refrangibility. For, to every degree o f refrangibi
lity belongs a different color,by Prop.2.And that color is fimple
by Def. i. and 3.
4. Whitenefs in all refpe&s like that o f the Sun’s immediate
light and o f all the ufual objetts o f our fenfes cannot be com
pounded o f two fimple colors alone. For fiich a compofition
m uftbem ade by rays that have only two degrees o f refran-
gibility,by Def. 1. and 3 j and therefore it cannot be like that
o f the Sunslight,by Prop. 1 $Nor,for the fame re?.fon, like that
o f ordinary white objects.
5, Whitcnefo
( 6091 )
5» Whitenefsio all refpefts like that o f the Sun's immedi
ate light cannot be compounded o f Ample colors without an
indefinite variety o f them* For to fuch a compofition there
are requifite rays indued with all the indefinite degrees o f r< *
frangibility,by Prop. i. And thofe infer as many fimple colorsj
by Def. 1. and 3. and Prop. 2, and 3.
T o make thefe a little plainer, I have added alfo the Pro-
pofitions that follow.
6. The rays o f light do not aft on one another in palling
through the fame Medium. This appears by feveral paflages
in the Tranfa£tions pag. 5097, 50518,jioo, and 5101. and is
capable o f further proof.
7. T he rays o f light fuffer not any change o f their qualities
from refraftion.
8* N o r afterwards from the adjacent quiet Medium. Thefe
tw o Propofitions are manifeft facto in homogeneal light,
whofe color and refrangibility is not at all changeable cither
by refraftion or by the contermioation of a quiet Medium*
And as for heterogeneal light, it is but an aggregate o f feveral
forts o f homogeneal light, no one lort of which fullers any
more alteration than if it were alone, becaufe the rays aft not
on one another, by Prop, 6. And therefore the aggregate can
fuffer none. Thefe two Propofitions alfo might be further pro
ved apart by Experiments, too long to be here deferibedo
9. There can no homogeneal colors be educed out o f lig h t'
by refraftion which were not commixt in it before : Becaufe,
by Prop. 7 , and 8,Refraftion changeth not the qualities o f the
rays, but only feparates thofe which have divers qualities, by
meanes o f their different Refrangibility.
1 o. The Sun’s light is an aggregate o f an indefioite varie-
ety o f homogeneal colors; by Prop, i, 3, and 9. And hence
it is, that I call homogeneal colors alfo primitive or original.
And thus much concerning Colors.
Monfieur N. hasthought fit toinfinuate,that theaberration
o f rays ( by theirdifferent refrangibility) is not fo confide-
rable a difadvancage in glaffes as I feemed to be willing to
make men believe,when I propounded concave mirrors as the
only hopes o f perfefting Tclefeopes. But if hepleafe to take
his pen and compute the errors o f a Glafs and Speculum that
O o o 000 colleft
( 6Q$2 )
c o lle d rays at equal diftances, he will find how much he is
miftaken, and that I have not been extravaganzas he imagins,
in preferring Reflexions. And as for what he fays o f the diffi
culty o f the praxis, I know it is very difficult, and by thofe
ways which he attempted it I believe it unpra&icable. But
there is a way infinuated in the 7ratifa&iont which
it is net improbable but that as much may be done inlargeTc-
lelcopes, as I have thereby done in fhort ones, but yet not
without more thenordinary diligence and curtofity.
( 6108 )
A n E x t r a c t o f ^ .I f a a c
Newton’s L e tt e r , m i t t e n to th e P u b li-
J h e r f r o m Cambridge April 3. 1673. co n cern in g th e N u m b er
Colors, a n d th e N eeejjity o f m ix in g th e m a ll f o r th e p r o
d u c tio n o f White 5 as alfo to u ch in g th e Caufe w hy a P iU u r e c a fi
by G la jjes in to a d a r k n e d room appearsfo d ifiin C t n o tw ith sta n d
in g i t s Irre g u la r r e f r a t i o n : ( W h ic h L e t t e r , b ein g a n Im m e -
d ia t a n jw e r to th a t f r o m Paris, p r in t e d N * .g 6 ,p ,6 o 8 6 > o fth e fi
Tradts, ,
J h o u ld alfo i f i t h a d n o t been m if-la id , h a v e i m m e d i
ately fo llo w e d th e (a m e.')
c 6 icp )
but were they all but two fizes, it would t« a v a ry yu zlin g
phenomenon. And I fliould think it as unaccountable, if the
feveral parts or corpufcles, of which a fhining body.confifta,
which rauft befuppos’d of various figures, fizes and motions,
(hould imprefsbut two forts of motion on the adjacent Ethe
real medium, or any other way beget but two forts of Kays.
But to examine,how Colors may be explain’d hypothetically ^is
befides my purpofe. I never intended to (hew, wherein con-
fifts the Nature and Difference of colors,but only to fhew, that
defa&o they are Original and Immutable qualities of the Rays
which exhibit them ; and to leave it to others to explicate by
Mechanical Hypothecs the Nature and Difference of thofe
qualities: which I take to be no difficult matter. But I would
not be underftood, asif their Difference confifted in the Dif
ferent Refrangibiliry ofthofe rays $ for,that different Refran-
gibility conduces to their production no ctherwife, than by
feparating the Rays whofe qualities they are. Whence it is,
that the fame Rays exhibit the fame Colors when feparated by
any other means 5 as by their different Reflexibility, a quality
not yet difeourfed of.
In the next particular, where N, would fhew, that it is not
neceflary to mix all Colors for the production of W hite } the
mixture of TeUoxv^ Green and Blew, without Red and Violet,
which he propounds for that end, will not produce w h i t e s t
Green 5 and thebrighteft part of the Yellow will afford no o-
ther colour but Yellow, if the Experiment be made in a room
well darkn’d,as it ought becaufe the Colour’d light is much
weaken’d by the Reflexion, and fo apt to be diluted by the
mixing of any other (battering light. But yet there is an Ex
periment or two mention’d in my Letter in the Trar.flidions
Numb,%83 by which I have produced White out of two colors
alone,and that varioufly, as out of Orange and afull Blew3 and
out of Red and pale Blew, and our of Yellow and Violet, as alfo
out of other pairs of Intermcdiat colors. The moft conveni
ent Experiment for performing this,was that of calling the co
lors ofoue Prifme upon thofe of another, after a duemanuer.
But what N. can deduce from hence, I fee not. For the two
colors were compounded of all others, and fo the refulting
White, ( to fpeak properlyJ was compounded of them all,
Q.q q q q q a and
C 6110 )
and ouly <J«-ootwfionnded of thofe two. For injiance, the
Orange was compounded of Red, Orange, Yellow and fome
Green 5 and the 5/£n?,of Violet,full Blew,light Blew,and fotne
Green,w*ith all their Intcrmediat degrees $ and confcquently
the Orange and Blew together made an Aggregate o f all co
lors to conftitute the White. Thus,if one mix red,orange and
yellow Powders to make an O range5 and green,blew and vi
olet colors to make a Blew , and laftly, the two mixtures, to
make a G rey; that Grey,though de-compounded of no more
than two Mixtures, is yet compounded o f all the fix Powders,
as truly as if the powders had been all mixtatonce.
This is fo plain, that I conceive there can be no further
ferupie 5 efpecially to them who know how to examine,whe
ther a colour be fimpleor compounded,and o f what colors it
is compounded 5 which having explained in another place, I
need not now repeat. If there foreN. would conclude any thing,
he muff Ihew, how White may be produced out o f two Vn.
compounded colors} which when he hathdone, I will further
tell him,why he can conclude nothing from that.But I believe,
there cannot be found an Experiment o f that kind j becaufc,
as l remember,! once tryed,by gradual fucceffion,the mixture
o f all pairs o f Un-compounded colors, and, though fome o f
them were paler, and nearer to White, than others, yet none
could be truly call’d White. But it being fome years fince this
tryal was made, I remember not well the circumftanccs, and
therefore recommend it: to others to be tryed again.
In the laft place, had I thought, the Diftinfrnefs o f the Pi
cture,which (for infiance) a T w clffoot Objeft glafscafts into
a darken’d room,to be fo contrary tome as N. is pleafed to af
firm,! fhould have waved my Theory in that point before I
propounded it. For, that I had thought on that difficulty ,
you may eafily guels by an exprefinn, fome-
* 5e«Numb. 80. vvhere in my firft Letter *, to this purpofe,That
I wonder’d,how Telefcopes could be brought
to fo great perfection by RefraCtions which were fo Irregular.
But,to take away the difficulty,! muff acquaint you /rtf,That,
though I put the greateft Lateral trior of the r*ys from one
another to be about j-0o f the Glaffes diameter •, yet -heir grea
ter error from the Points on which they ought to fall, will be
( 6lll )
And the rays, whofeerror
but ~ o f that diameter • coa, parifon to thofe, which are
is fo great,are but very ^ which fall upon.the mid-
refrafted m ore Juftly 3 *° *efra& cd with fufficient exadtnefs,
dle-parts o f the Glafo ar® a
the p e r im e te r and have m ea n de-
as al foare thofe that fall n . efe remain only the rays,
gree o f Reiirangibihty aD(j arc MOj l or leafl refrangible
which fall near the perim ^c p .^ urc< And thef | are
to caufe any fenfibie cont , . by tbe greater fpace, through
yet fo much further wea ^ jjg h t which falls on the due
which they are fcatter , ^ than that which falls on any
P''dot, is infinitely ^ore Which though it may feem a
o,hrr polm round abou - rable_ Yea, although (he
Paradox, is certainly a hero.ddk m o f the Glafs,
Light, which Paflcs 1 d A would the remaining light con-
were wholly intercep »J tb ed ue points,than at other pla-
vene infinitely more denfc Denfity,the Light, which falls in
« s . And by n°ofi07 conceive, ftrike .he (m.
^ f c ^ W » te^ r°f,herflHg,,,,wh,,h
m sT ound fb o u , if,(ball,in comparlfon, not be flrong enough
lo be animadverted,or to caufe any more fenBble confufiou m
the P iau re than » foumlbjr ^ ,he p ia „ re sppM„
r T h M co n ce tv e , t^e i rrcgular refraaion. But, if
o diflni ,notwit pieafe,how diftina the P iau re
this fatisne not,N. may try,uncpi«.«* > 1:^1-
will appear,when all the U rn is cover d excepting a lit le hole
next its edge on one fide only : A nd,.fm th iSca(e he pleafe °
meafure the breadth o f the colors thus made at the edge o f the
Suns piaure, he will perhaps find it to approach nearer to my
proportion than he expe&s.
( 6n a )
(2 1 7 ) N um b* n o .
Januar. 25. 16^.
_ The C O N T E N T S .
A Letter of Franc. Linus, animadverting on M r. Newtons theory of
Light and Colors',with an Anfwer thereunto. Extracts of two L e t
ters written by -Mr,Flatnflead,c/ii« Aflronomicalnature. Some Ob
servations and Experiments made by M r Lifter, touching the Ef-
forefcence of certain Mineral Globes»an oddfigured fris ; a Giotto*
petra tricufpis non-ferratajcerta/#Lapide$ Judaici^r kindfound
in England ‘the Electricalpower of Stones in relation to a Vegetable
Rcfin’jheFlower andSeed of Mufbroms',& the fpeedy vitrifying the
whole body of Antimony by Cawk.An Accompt offome Booksf.TraCts
containing i.Sttfpicions about fome Hidden (Qualities in the Air,with
an Appendix touching Celefiial Magnets and fome other particulars:
2. Animadverjions upon M r. Hobbs’* P R O B L E M A T A de VA-
CUQ.3.A Difcourfe of thcGaufe ofAttraction by SU C TIO N By the
Honourable R.Boyle, Efy.Fell.of the R.Society. II. K.jP.Claudii
Franc.Milliet deChales CURSUSfeu M U N D U S M A T H E M A -
TICUS,ikc.Ul.The S P H E R E of M.Manilius made anEnglifhPo-
em, with Annotations, and an Afironomical Appendix : By Edward
. Sherburn, JS/7.IV. AVON A,or a Tranfient View ofthe benefit of ma
king Rivers of this Kingdom Navigable',by R.S. V.An Effay tofa
cilitate the E D U C A T IO N of YOUTH, &c. by M, Lewis of Tot-
Experiment hetryed,by letting the Sun-beams through a little hole
into a darkchatnber;which paffing through a glafs ,Prifm to the op-
pofite wall, exhibited there a Spefirttm o f divers colours, but in a
form much more long then broad: whereas according to the receiv
ed Laws o f Refrafiion, it fihould rather have appeared in a circular
form. Whereupon concei vinga defed in thofe ufual Laws o f Refra
ction, he frames his new Theory o f Light, giving to feveral rays,fe-
veral refrangibilities, without refped to their Angles o f Inci
dence, & c .
Truly,Sir,I doubt not o f what this learned Author here affirms;
and have my felf fometimes in like circumftances obferved the like
difference between the length and breadth o f this coloured Spe
ctrum ; but never found it fo when the sky was clear and free from
clouds,near the Sumbut then only appeared this difference o f length
and breadth, when the Sun either (hined through a white cloud, or
enlighcned fomefuch clouds near unto it. And then indeed it was no
marvel, the faid Spc&rtm fliould be longer then broad ; fincethe
cloud or clouds, fo enlightned, were in order to thofe colours like
to a great Sun,making a far greater Angle of Interfe&ion in the faid
hole,then the true rays o f the Sun do make; and therefore are able to
enlighten the whole length o f the Prifm,and not only forne fmall part
thereof,as we fee enlightned by the true Sun-beams coming through
the fame little hole. And this we behold alfo in the true Sun-beams,
when they enlighten the whole Prifin:for,although in a clear Heaven,
the rays of the 5un,paffing through the faid hole,never make a Spe-
tfrttm longer then broad,becaufe they then occupy but a fmall part
o f the Prifm 5 yet if the hole be fo much bigger as to enlighten the
whole Prifm, you fhall prefently fee the length o f thzSpetfrum
muclLexceedifs.brfadlh; which excefs will be always fo much the
greater,as the length o f the Prifm exceeds its breadth,From whence
I conclude, that the $pettr$m,this learned Author faw much longer
then broad, was not effected by the true Sun-beams, but by rays
proceeding from fome bright cloud,as is faidjand by confequence,
that the Theory o f Light grounded upon that Experiment cannot
fubfift. ,
What I have herefaid,needs no other confirmation than meer ex
perience,which any one may quickly try; neither have I only tryed
the fame upon this occafion,but near 30 years ago fhewed the fame,
together with divers other Experiments o f Light, to that worthy
Promoter o f Experimental Philofophy, Sr. Kenelm Digby, who
coming into thefe parts to take the Spaw-Watm,reforted oftentimes
------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
( 219)
darkned Chamber, to fee thofe various Phenomena of Light
t0 divers Refra&ions and Reflexions, and took Notes upon
1h . which induftry if they alfo had ufed,who endeavour to expli-
thOTthe aforeffaid difference between the length and breadth of this
Ca^nr^d S p e t f r u m , by the received Laws ofRefraftion, would ne-
c° have taken fo impoftiblca task in hand.
ve reft i3?Honoured Sir,that it is far from my intent,that the tni-
n- ke here mentioned do any way derogate from that learned perfon:
Which truly might have happened to my felf, if at my firft tryal
thereof,the Sun had been in a white cloud,as it feems,it happened to
kim* Wherefore ceafing further to trouble you, I reft,
Yours to command, F r a n c is F i n n s .
6 Odtob.1674.
g jr A n A n f w e r to t h i s F e t t e r .
H E Letter you thought fit to write by way o f Animadverfi-
T on upon Mr. N e w t o n ' s new Theory of Light and Colors,
grounded upon an Experiment of letting the Sun-beams through a
little hole into a dark chamber, feems to need no other Anfwer but
this That you would be pleafed to look upon and confider the
Scheme in U r . N e w t o n ’s Anfwer to P . P a r d i e s in N u m L S ^ . o f t h e .
P h . F r a n f a d i o n s ^and reft allured,that the Experiment,as it is repre
sented, was tryed in clear days, and the Prifin placed clofe to the
hole in the window,fo that the Light had no room to diverge,and the
colour’d Image made not parallel (as in that c o n ju r e ) but.tranf-
verfe to the axis of thePrifm,
Fonion, Decernb. 17 .16 7 4 .
(4 9 9 )
A Letter of M r, Franc. Linus, written to the Pul?life? from Liege
the 25th of Febr.i 675. ft.n. being a Reply to the Letter printed
in Numb, n o .by way of Anfwer to a former Letter of the fame
M r. Linus, concerning Mr.Ifaac Newton’s Theory of Light and
Honoured Sir,
N yours of Dec. 17.which I received about the end of J<
I fay,I may reft aftiired, Firfl, that the Experiment was made in
clear days. Secondly, that the Prifm was placed clofe to the hole,
ft) that the light had no room to diverge: Add thirdly, that the I-
mage was not Parallel (as I con; eft ured ) but Tranfverfe to the
Axis of the Prifm. Truly, Sir, if thefe Affertions be admitted,
they do indeed direftly cut off what I Paid of Mr. Newtons being
deceived by a bright cloud. But if we compare them with Mr.
Newtons Relation of the Experiment in the Fbil,Tranf&tfions,N.
8° /».30 76. it will evidently appear, they cannot be admitted as
being direftly contrary to what is there delivered. For there he
tells us, the ends of the coloured Image, he faw' on the oppoftc
wall, near five times as long as broad, feetned to be Semicircular.
Now thefe Semicircular Ends are never feen in a clear day, as Ex
perience ftiews. From whence follows againft the firft Affertion,
That the Experiment was not made in a clear day.Neitber are thofe
Semicircular Ends ever feen, when the Prifin is placed clofe to
the Hole ; which contraditts the fecond Affertion. Neither are
they ever feen, when the Image is Tranfverfe to the length or Axis
o f the Prifm ; which direftly oppofes the third Affertion. But if
in any of thefe three Cafes, the Image be made fo much longer than
broad (as eafily it may,by turning the Prifm a little about its Ax
is) near five times as long as broad,than the one End thereof will run
out into a fharp Cone or Pyramis like the flame ofa Candle,and the
other into a Cone fomewhat more b lu n tb oth which are far from
feeming Semicircular : Whereas, if the Image be made not in a
clear day,but with a bright cloud,and the Prifm not placed clofe
to the Hole, but in a competent diftance from the fame (as you fee
it placed in the Scheme of the Experiment in iV.84.. p. 4 0 9 i j
then thefe Semicircular Ends always appear with the fides there
of ftraight lines juft as Mr. Newton there deferibes them. Neither
Tt t it
I 52
C 5° I )
is the length of the Image Tranfverfe, but Parallel to the length of
the Pnfm. Out of all which evidently follows, that the Expe
riment was not made in a clear day ; nor with the Prifm clofe to
the Hole; nor yet with the Image Tranfverfe(as is now affirmed,)
b u t by a bright Cloud,and aParallel Image ( as I conjeflured ;)
and I hope you will alfo now fay, I had good reafon fo to conje
cture, fince it fo well agrees with the Relation. And Experience
will alfo {hew you, if you pleafe to make tryal, as it was made, in
a dark Chamber,and obferve thedifference betweenfueban Image
made by a bright Cloud, and another made by the immediate rayes
o f the Sun: For, the former you fhall always find Parallel, with
the Ends Semicircular; but the latter you (hall find TranfVerfe,
with the Ends Pyramidical, as aforefaid, whenfoever it appears fo
much longer than broad.
More might be faidout of the fame Relation, to fliew that the
Image was not Tranfverfe. For, if it bad been Tranfverfe, Mr.
N e w t o n , fo well skilled in Opticks, could not have been furprifed
(as he fays he was) to fee the length thereof fo much toexceed the
breadth; it being a thing fo obvious and eafic to be explicated by
the ordinary Rules of Refra&ion. That other place alfo , in the
next p a g e 307 7.(where he fay s,the Incident Refraflions were made
in the Experiment equal to the Emergent,) proves again that the
faid oblong Image was not Tranfverfe, but Parallel. For it is
impoffible, the Tranfverfe Image fhould be fo much longer than
broad, unlefs thofe two Refraflions be made very unequal, as both
th e c o m p u ta tio n a c c o r d in g t o the c o m m o n R u le s o f R e f r a f lio n ,
and Experience teftifie. Wherefore Mr. N e w t o n had no reafbn to
tax (inpag. 4 0 9 1.) P. Panties of Hallucination,for making mpage
4088. thofe two Refraflions very unequal: For, that learned
Optike very well faw, that in a clear day fo great an inequality
o f length and breadth could not be made, unlefs thofe two Refra
flions were alfo made very unequal. Thefe places, I fay, might be
added to the former, and further here explicated if need were; but
there being no need, I ceafe to detain you any longer herein.
C 50° )
S IR ,
\ A 7^ en ^ou ^ ew ^ me Mr. L i n e ' s Pecond Letter, I remember
VV I told you., that I thought an anfwer in writing would be
infignificant, becaufethe difpute was noraboutany Ratiocination,
but my veracity in relating an Experiment, which he denies will
fucceed as it is deferibed inniy printed Letters: For this is to be
decided not by difeourfe, but new tryal of the Experitnent.Wftat
it is that impofes upon Mr. L i n e I cannot imagin', but Ifufpefthe
has not tryed the Experiment fince he acquainted himfelf with my
Theory, but depends upon his old notions taken up before he had
any hint given to obferve the figure of the coloured Image. I fliall
defire him therefore, before he returns any anfwer, to try it once
more for his fatisfaftion, and that according to this manner.
Let him take any Prifme, and hold it fo that its Axis may be
perpendicular to theSun’s rays, and in this pofture let it be placed
as clofc as may be to the hole through which the Sun Ihines into a
dark room, which hole may be about the bignefs of a Peafe, Then
let him turn the Prifm {lowly about its Axis, and he fliall fee the
colours move upon the oppofite wall firft towards that place to
which the Sun’s direft light would pafs, if the Prifm were taken
away, and then back again. When they are in the middle of thele
two contrary motions, that is,when they are neareft that place to
which the Sun’s direft ray tends, there let him flop 5 for then are
the rays equally refrafted on both fides the Prifm. In this pofture
of the Prifm let him obferve the figure of the colours, and he fliall
find it not round as he contends,but oblong,and fo much the more
oblong as the Angle of the Prifm, comprehended by the refrafting
plains, is bigger, and the wall, on which the colours are caft,more
diftant from the Prifm 5 the colours red, yellow, green, blew,pur
ple, fucceeding in order not from one fide of the figure to the o-
ther, as in M t . L i n e ' s con;efture,but from one end to the other; and
the length of the Figure being not parallel but tcanverfe to the
Axis of the Prifm, After this manner I ufed to try the Experi-
T11 2 menc
C 502 )
ment: For I have try’d it often ; fometimes to obferve the circum-
ftaiiccsof it, fometimes in order to further Experiments,and fome-
tinies to fihow it to others, and in ail my tryals the fuccefs was the
fame* But whereas Mr. L i n e thinks,! tryed it in a cloudy day,and
placed the Prifm at a great diftance from the hole o f the window;
the Experiment will not fucceed well if the day be not clear, and
the Prifm placed clofe to the hole, or fo near at leaft, that all the
Sun’s light that comes from the hole may pafs through the Prifm
aifo, fo as to appear in a round form if intercepted by a paper im
mediately after it has pad the Prifm.
When Mr. L i n e has tryed this, I could wifib,he would proceed
a little further to try that which I call’d the E x f e r i m e n t u m C r u e ts ,
feeing Ciflmif-remember not) he denies that as well as the other.
For when he has tryed them (which by his denying them, I know
he has not done yet as they fhould be tryed)I prefume he will reft
Three or four days after you gave me a fight o f M r . L i n e ' s fecond
Letter, I remember I thereupon fhow'd the firft of thefe two Expe
riments to thatGentleman whom you found with me,when yougave
me that vifit,and whilft ] was fttewing it to him, A . H . (a member of
the R . S o c i e t y ) came in and I fliewed it to him alfo.And you may re*
member,that R , H . two or three years agoe in a Letter read before
theR.SWetyand tranfmitted to me,gave teftirnony not only to the
Experiments queftioned by Mr.L/W,but to all thofefet down in
my firft Letter about Colours, as having tryed them himfelf; and
when you read Mr. L i n e ' s Letter at a meeting o f thefaid S o c i e t y
and was pleafed to do me the favour to propound the Experi
ment to be tryed in their prefence, R . H . fpake of it to them as
a thing not to be queftioned. But if it have not yet been tryed be
fore them, and any o f them, upon Mr. L i n e ' s confidence,doubt of
it, I promife when I fiiall have the happinefs to be at any more o f
their Aftemblies, upon the leaft: hint, to ihew ’em the trya! o f i t ;
and'! hope, I fliall not be troublefome, becaufe it may be tryed
(though not foperfeflly)even without darkning a room, or the
ex pence ofany more time than half a quarter of an hour; although,
if M e . L i n e perfift in his denyal o f i t , I could wifh it might be
tryed fooner there, than I fhall have an opportunity to be.amone
C 503 )
C 504 )
perpendicular to the Sm-beams.and then turn it about its a x is ,they
cannot niifs of feting the f i r j l Image; which having found,they may
doubleup a paper once or twice, and make a round hole in the
middle of it about * or *of an inch broad, and hold the paper im
mediately before the Prifm, that the Sun may ffiine on the Prifm
through that hole ; and the Prifm being flay'd, and held fleddy in
that pofture which makes the Image Stationary ; if the Image then
fall diredtly on anoppofice wall, or on a ffieet o f paper placed ac
the wall, fuppofe 15 o r 20 foot from the Prifm, or further offjthey
will fee the Image in fuch an O b lo n g figure as I have defcribed.w ith
t h e f t s at one end, the V io let at the other, and a B levp ijh g r e e n in
the middle : And if they obfcure their Room, as much as they can,
by drawing curtains o r otherwife, it will make the Colours the
This dire&ion I have fet down, that no body, into whofe hands
aPrifm Ihall happen,may find difficulty or trouble in trying it.But
when M r. Linus's friends have tryed it thus, they may proceed to
repeat it in a dark Room with a le fs hole made in theirwindow fhur.
And then I ffiall defire,that they will fend you a full and clear de
scription, How they tryed it, expreffing the length, breadth and
angles o f the Prifm; its pofition to the Incident rays and to the
window ffiut; the bignefs o f the hole in the window ffiut through
which the Sun ffiined on the Prifm ; what fide o f the. Prifm the Sun
ffiin’d on ; and at what fide the light came out of it again ; the di-
ftanceof the Prifm from the oppofite paper or wall on which the
Refratfed light was caft perpendicularly ; and the length,breadth,
and figure of the fpace there illuminated by that light,and the fci-
tuation o f each colour within that figure. And, if they pleafe to
illuftrate their defcription with a Scheme or two, it will make the
bufinefs plainer. By this means, if there be any difference in our
way of experimenting, I ffiall be the b etter enabled to difcern i t ,
and give them not ice,where the failure is, and how to reftifie it. I
fhould be glad too, if they would favour me with a defcription o f
the Experiment,as it hath been hitherto tryed by tA r.U n u s , that I
may have an opportunity to confider, what there is in that which
makes againft me.
S o f a r M r. Newton; which was thought fit to make publick with
the reft,that fo the Curious every where, who have a mind to try
the Experiment, may find the fuller direftions for their tryal.
( 557 J
He tells you that^lFhereasyou afare him, Fir ft,that the Experiment
was made in clear days; fecondly,that the Prifrn vpas placed clofe to the
holefo that the light had no room to diverge-, and thirdly, that the Image
was not parallel but tranfverfe to the axis of the Prtfm: I f thefe Af-
fertionsbe compared with my Relation of the Experiment in the Phil.
Tranfaffion N , 80.p. 3076. it will evidently appear, they cannot be
admitted at being direffly contrary to what is there delivered. His
reafons are thefe:
Firft, that I Paid, the ends of the long Image feemed femicircular,
which, he, never happens in any of the three cafes above ■[aid. But
this is not to fet me at odds with my felf, but with the experiments
for it is there deferibed to happen in them all; and I Bill fay, it doth
happen in them. Let others try the Experiment, and judge.
Further hefaies,that the Prifrn isplaced at a dijlancefrom the hole
in the Scheme of the Experiment in N. 84. p 4091. B u r , whit if it
were Co there ? For, that is the Scheme of a demonjlration, not of the
experiment, and would have ferved for the demonftration, had the
diftance been put twenty times greater than it is. In the Schemes
o f the Experiment JSf.Sop. 308 6, and J\f. 82 .p. 5016. it isrepre-
fented clofe, and clofe enough in the Scheme, N .83, ^.4061: But
Mr.hinut thought fit to wink at thefe, and pitch upon the Scheme
o f a Demonftration, and fuch a Scheme too as hath no hole at all
reprefented in it. For, the Scheme f Numb. 84. p. 491 is th is ;
C 558 )
3.He fays,that more might be [aid out of my relation tofhew,that the
Imxge veas not tranfvers, for i f it had been tranfvers, l could not have
been furprized^as 1faid l wus)to fee the length thereof Jo much exceed
the breadthJt beinga thing fo obvious & eafie to be explicated by the or
dinary rules ofRefra ctio n .^ on the contrary, it may rather be Paid,
that if the linage bad been parallel , I could not.have beenfurpri-
zed to fee the length thereof fonvueh exceed the breadth, it being
a thing fo extreaiuly obvious as not to need any explication. For
who that had but common fenfe,and faw the whole Priftn or a good
part o f it illuminated, could not expeft the light (hould have the
fame long figure upon the wall that it had when it came out of the
prifm ? Mr. Linus therefore, while he would ftrengtben his argu
ment by reprefenting me well skilled inOptieks, does but over
throw it. But whereas he fayes, l could not have been furprized at the
length, had the Image been parallel, it being a thing fo obvious and eafy
to be explicated by the ordinary rules of refration'. Let any Man take
the Experiment intire as I have there delivered it,that is, with this
condition, that the refractions on bothjides the Prijm were equal, and
try if he can reconcile it with the ordinary rules of refradion. On
the contrary,he may find the impofiibility o f finch a reconciliation,
demonftrated in my Anfwer to E. Eardies Jtf. 84,^.4091.
In tbelafit place,he objefls.tbat my faying in i\Z.8o, p.^oyj,that
the incident refractions were in the Experiment equal to the emer
gent, proves again, that the long Image was parallel. And yet that
very faying is a fufficient argument, that I meant the contrary, be.
caufeit bt comes wholly impertinent,if apply’d to a parallelimage;
but in the o her cafe is a very neceflfary circumflance. What is ad
ded therefore o f E. Eardies,might have been fpared, efpecially
fmee that Learned Perfon under(tood my difeourfe to be meant
o f a tranfvers Image, and acquiefced in my Anfwers.
This in anfwer to Mr. Linus' s Letter: And now to takeaway
the like fufpicions from his Friends, if my declaration of my
meaning fatisfienor, I fliall notefotne further pafifages in my Let
ters, whereby they may fee, how I was to be underftood from the
beginning, as to the aforefaid three circumftances.
For the D ay; I exprefs every where that the Experiment was
tried in the Sun’s light,and in iVi So. ^.307 7, that the breadth of
the Image by meafure anfwered to the Su»s diameter: But becaufe
it is pretended, I was impofed upon, I would ask, what the Ex
periment as it is advanced to that which 1 called the Experimen-
( S59 )
turn Cruets, can have to do with a cloudy day ? For if the
fm m tum »Cr/*;/(wbidi is thatwhich i depend on) can have no
thing to do with a cloudy day,then is it to no purpofe to talk of a
cloudy day m the firft Experiment,which does but lead on to that
But if this fatisfie not, let theTranfaCfions N . S3, p . 4060 be con'
ruhed .- For. t e e I tell you, how*, applying a3/ J to the S '
the freight edges of the oblong Image became dim m er than they’
w0uld tavd b e e n m , h „ n be L e n s : A circumflance which cannot
happen inM r.L*/^ scafeof a bright Cloud
f o r th e P e f u k n c f , b e 1 teUyo u i^ 8 a. . 3 o , 6 that it
was placed « /fe s en tran ce into the Chamber,and inV a o 8 e r
bad to make a hole the flint,andl/i,„ p)ace the Prifi, ; ts ;r
n e x t page I Fay again, that the PnfmABC is to be fet c c f e by he
hole F of the window EG ; and accordingly reprefent ir rlnfi
the Figure. Alfo m / ^ 30 77 I tell you, that the di fiance of the
Im age from the bole or /w/wwas 22 foot • which is as mnrh 1 ,
f a y ,that the Prihn (fuppofc that fide of it next the hole! m s as
( 56° )
C 692 )
H o n td S ir ,
R G afcoigne h a v in g r e c e iv e d y o u r o b l i g i n g L e t t e r o f
f a i d i n f t r u f t io n s , h e has r e q u e u e d m e to f u p p l y h is w a n t. In
c o m p lia n c e w it h h is r e q u e f t I h ave m a d e m an y T r i a l s ; the
iflu e w h e r e o f I h e r e a c q u a in t y o u w it h : n e x t , w it h fom e e x
c e p t i o n s , g r o u n d e d o n E x p e r im e n t s , a g a in f t M r .iV o v / c w ’ s n e w
T h e o r y o f L i g h t and Colours.
T h e v e r t ic a l a n g le o f m y P rifm w a s 6 0 ^ c g jth e d ifta n c e o f th e
W a l l , w h e r e o n th e c o lo u r e d spettruma p p e a r e d ,fr o m th e Win-
d o w , a b o u t r 8 f o o t : T h e d ia m e te r o f the H o le in th e W in d o w *
ftiu ts in le n g th th e lin e a, w h i c h u p o n o c c a fio n s I c o n -
^ t r a i l e d t o h a lf th e Paid d ia m e t e r ; b u t ftill w ith e q u a l
fu c c e fs as t o th e m ain o f th e E x p e r im e n t .T h e refra<9 i-
o n s o n b o t h fid e s th e P rifm , w e re as n ea r as I c o u l d m a k e th em ,
e q u a l,
( 693 >
equal,and confequently about 48 ^ .4 0 ', rhe refradive power
o f Glafs being computed according to the K a t i e o f the S i x e s
2 to 3. Thediftance o f the Prifin from the holein the Shuts
wasabotit 2 inches: The Room darkned to that degree as to
equal the darkeft night, while the hole in the Shuts was co
Now as to t h e i(T u e o f m y Trials j I confiantly found the
length o f the coloured image (tranfverfe to the axis of the
prifm) confiderably greater than its breadth, as often as the
Experiment was madeon a dear day, but if a bright Cloud
were near the Sun , I found it fometimes exadly as Mr. L i n e
wrote you, namely broader rhan long, efpecially while the
Prifm was placed at a great diftance from the hole. Which
Experiment will nor, I conceive, be queftioned by Mr.IWw-
t o n , it being fo agreeable to the received laws of Refradions.
And indeed the Obfervations of thefe two Learned perfons, as
to this particular, areeafily reconcileable to each other , and
both to truth 5 Mr N e w t o n (as appears by his Letter of A W .
laft, wherein more fully he delivers his mind) contending only
for the length of the Image (tranfverfe to the axis of the Prifm)
in a very clear day 5 whereas Mr. L i n e only maintain’d the
excefs o f breadth, parallel to the fame axis, while the Sun is
in a bright cloud. Though as to what is further delivered by
M r . N e n v t 0H ( P h i l . T r 4n f a f f . N . So./>. 3077 5 and oppofed by
Mr. L i n e , N t 2 $ . p 501.) namely that the length of the co
loured Image was five times the diameter of its breadth; I
never yet have found the excefs above thrice the diameter, or at
moft 3L while the refradions on both fides the Prifm were
equal* So much as to the matter of fad.
Now as to Mr. N e w t o n s Theory of L i g h t a n d C o lo u r s ,1 con-
fefs, his neat Sett o f very ingenious and natural inferences,was
to me upon the firft perufal a ftrong conjedure in favour of his
new dodtrine; I having formerly obferv’d the like chain of
Inferences upon fearch into Natural truths. But fince feveral
experiments o f Refradions remain ftill untouch’d by him, I
conceived, a further fearch into them would be very proper
in order to a further difeovery of the truth o f his Afimion.
For, accordingly as they are found either agreeing with, or
difagreeing from, his new Theory,they muft needs much fireng-
( 694 )
then,or wholly overthrow the fame. The Experiments I pitch
ed upon for this purpofe, are as follow :
r. Having frequently obferved , that the form of Objefts
viewed in the Mierofcope for rather o f the Mierofcope it felf)
conftfts almoft in an indivifible point, I concluded , two very
fmall pieces o f Silk, the one fcarlet, the other violet colour,
placed near together, Ihould, according to Mr. JSieveton s Theo
ry, appear in the Mierofcope in a very different degree o f
clarity, in regard their unequal refrangibility muft caufc the
fcarlet rays or fpecies to over-reach the Retina t while placed
in the due focus o f the violet ones, and confequently muft oc-
cafion a fenfible confufion in the vifion o f the former, one and
the fame point o f the Scarlet objeft affefting feveral nerves in
the Retina. Yet upon frequent trials I have not been able to
perceive any inequality in this point.
2. The fecond Experiment I made in Water* I took a
brafs Ruler, and fattening thereunto feveral pieces o f Silk, red,
yellow, green, blew’and violet, I placed it at the bottom o f a
fquare vefTel of W ater: then I retired from the Veffel fo far as
not to be able to fee the aforefaid Ruler and coloured Silks
otherwifethan by help of the refratted Ray. Now, did Mr.
JSfewton’s doftrine hold, I conceiv’d, I fhould not fee all the
mentioned Colours in a ftreight line with the Ruler, in regard
the unequal refrangibility o f different Rays muft needs dif-
place fome more than others. Yet in effeft.upon many Trials, I
conftantly found them in as ftreight a line as the bare Ruler had
appeared in.
3. T o advance this Experiment, I adjoyned a fecond refra-
ftion to the former of the Water, by placing my Prifm fo as to
receive perpendicularly the refrafted Jpecies o f the Silk and
R u ler; whereby only the emergent /pedes fuffered a fccond
refraflion. But ft ill with equal fuccefs, as to their appearing in
afhaight line, to the eye placed behind the Prifiu.
4. T o thefe two Refratfions I further added a third, by
receiving the coloured fpecies obliquely upon the Prifm j where
by both incident and emergent Jpecies fuffered their refpeftive
refraftions. But ftill with the fame fuccefs as formerly, as to the
ftreight line they appeared in.
( )
For further aflurance in this Experiment M tr
on, occafioned from previous knowledge of
tioninaftreight line, might poffibly p r e j u d i c e r£ ^
of theeye(asfometimes I have obferved to haon ^U^ a,ent
judgment the Eye pafleth upon the djfhnce o f O biSe >*? cfle
l e d into the room fome unconcerned perfons vvho/l • Ca*'
what the Experiment aimed at 5 and demanding w h e £ ° , l * m
Taw notrhe coloured Silks and Ruler i„ a crook°d , * 'r
anfwered in the negative. fhey
5. The next Experiment I made in nn^„ , .
lo u r s (as Mr. N e w to n terms them, JPrcp 5 ^ ’p.OUlKjfd
Having caft two coloured Images upon the vLw 7 ° ° lVs-
Scarlet colour of the one did fail in a ftremht Iin« / ,as *he
the Horizon) with the Violet o f the cite ? I £ ^pi? " .c | >°
on both through another Prifin, and found them ked UP-
a freight lin e p a r a lle l to th e H o r iz o n as ^ £ j ' ? pearin
done to the naked eye. Now according to m / *7d ? r " ,e ri7
fertion of different refrangibility in different ^> ton 3 Af-
ceive the Violet rayslhonld ruffe, a » re a ,t "fr 1 c°n-
Prifin at the eye, than the Scarlet o n L ^n d " r on in 'he
colours ffiould not appear in a ft,eight line p a ra fle L o th e ^
“ ^ A n o t h e r Experiment I made in order to fome further
difeovery of that furprizing P lto u m m * o f the coloured
Imaee. w hich occafioned Mr. J ffm tm ingenious Theory 0f
V l A nri rJnurs as alfo his excellent invention o f the re-
fle lfn s T<kft9* and »«/«■ ?'• H™ ” B 'hen fomettaes fuf-
" that not only the direft Sun-beams, but alfo other ex-
mneous light might poffibly influence the coloured Sf c0 rum
I hooed to difeover the truth of this fufpicion by means o f
the Sun-foots, made to appear in the coloured Image by placing
aTelefcopp behind the Prifin. But my endeavours proving
ineffeftual herein by reafon o f fome intervening difficulties I
thought at length o f a more feafible method in order to the
defigned difeovery, as in the following Experiment.
I fattened a very white Paper-circle (about an inch in dia
meter) upon my Window-fliuts; and beholding it through my
Prifin I found a Coloured image painted thereby upon my
Retina, anfwerable in almoft all refpefts to the former o f the
Y vv v Sun
C 696 )
Sun-beams upon the W all, efpecially when the Paper-circle
was indifferently well illuminated. This Image indeed appear
ed contrary to the former as to the fci tuation of Colours, that
is, the Scarlet appearing above, the Violet below , though but
faint. But this I was not furprized at, having obferv’d upon
differing the eye,that objeds are painted on the Retina after a
contrary pofture to what they appear to Sight. Having thus
rendred the Coloured image much more tradable than for
merly it was, I conceived good hopes of fome further dif-
covery in the point mentioned.
In purfuance then o f my former fufpicion, having fixed my
v Tab ir Pfifin in a fteady pofture, I caufed the paper C to be
Fig.5sid.' applied clofe up to the Paper-circle a b d : whereupon
the former Violet d, and Scarlet colour o f G vanished
into whitenefs. Next, 1 removed the mentioned Circle from
the Shuts,and placed it in the open window, fupported only by
theedge d: whereupon, to my aftoniflunenr, all the former C o
lours exchanged poftures in the Retina, the Scarlet now ap
pearing below , the Violet above; the intermediate Colours
fcarce difcernible. And here, on the by, ’tis very remarkable,
that, during this Obfervation, I dearly perceived both Blew-
and Scarlet-light to be transparent, J being able to difcern
feveral objeds through both , namely Steeples oppofit to my
window. Whence it follows, that thefe Colours do in great
part arife from the neighbouring light. Laftly, I placed the
Paper-circle anew, foas the one half b was fattened to the
Shuts, the other femicircle a being expofed to the open Air.
Whereupon the femicircle a became bordered with Violet
above, Scarlet below; but the other femicircle b quite con
trary. Hence I make the following Inferences.
FirjlyThat not only the Light refleded from the Paper-circle,
but alfo from the ambient Air, hath great influence upon the
Coloured image,efpecially as to the Violet and Scarlet colours.
Whence perchance it will not hereafter feem ftrange,that the
coloured Speftrumon the Wall is fo long, but only that the
breadvh is not greater. Secondly, Were there a more luminous
body behind the Sun, we fhould in all likelyhood have the co
lours o f the Sfettrum in a contrary fcituation to what they
appear in at prefent: Whence ('thirdly) it feems to follow/hat
( 697 )
- r idiarion and order of Colours, arifeth not fro*,
the present fclt*a ° " o f refrangibility ( as maintained by
anyintrinlecai ^ tin„ encand extrinfecal circumftant*s
For accordingly as the body be-
of neighbouring o j • ffiore Qr jefs illuminated than the
hind the Paper-ci feverai Colours changed their fcitu4.
Tyyy 2 Poft-
< <S>8 )
J Hft upon the clofe of the adjoyned Letter, l receivedfrom Mr.
Gafocme^yours o f May the fo u r th ; wherein you are pleafed
to favour us w ith an exa& account o f the famous Experiment o f
t he coloured Speftrum, lately exhibited before the Royal Society.
1 was much rejoyced to fee the Trials of that lllujlriom Company,
agreefo exa&ly with ours here, though in fomewhat ours difagree
from s^Ur.Newton, as you will underjland by the imlofed impar
tial account from,
Sir, &c.
( )
greater, he might have made the length not only five, but fix or
eight times the breadth and more. No wonder therefore that
found the Image fhorter than f d i d , feeing he tried
the Experiment with a lefs Angie.
The Angle indeed which I ufed was but about 63 degrees
12 minutes, and bis is fee down 60 degrees : the difference o f
which from mine,being but 3 degrees 12 minutes, is too little to
reconcile us, but yet it will bring us confiderably nearer to
gether. And if his Angle was not exatfly meafured , but the
round number o f 60 degrees fet down by guefs or by a lefs
accurate meafure (as I fufpetf by the conjectural meafureof
therefraftion o f his Prifm by the ratio o f thefigns 2 to 3 fee
downat the fame time, inftead of an Experimental one ) then
might it be two or three degrees lefs thao 60, if not ftiil Ief s:
and all this, i f itihouldbe fo, would take away the greateft
p a rto f the difference between us. &
But however it be, I am well allured, my own obfervation
was exaft enough. For I have repeated it divers times fince
the receipt o f Mr, Lucas’s Letter, and that without any con*
fiderable difference o f my Obfervations either from one ano
ther, or from what I wrote before. And that it might appear
experimentally, how the increafe o f the Angle increafes the
length o f the Image, and alfo that no body who has a mind to
try the Experiment exaftly, might be troubled to procure a
Prifm which has an angle juft o f the bignefs affigned b y me- 5
tried the Experiment with divers Angles, and have fet down
my Trials in the following Table; where the firft column ex
p r e s s the fix ADgles o f two Prifms which I ufed which
were meafured as exaGly as I could by applying them to the
angle of a S e d o r; and the fecond column exprefles in inches
the length o f the Image made by each o f tbofe Angles; its
breadth being two inches, its diftance from the Prifm 18 feee
and four inches, and the breadth o f the hole in the Window-
tout ~ o f an inch,
the jfngles of ' th e Lengths of
degr, min, the Image.
C 56 10 7i
I b e f ir f t P ? iJ m < 6 o 24
£63 26 I of
( 700 )
t h e A n g le s o f t h e L e n g th s o f
d e g r. m in . th e Im a g e .
, S 5* 0
t h e f e c o n d P r i f i n . <62 12 IOg
C.63 48 io l
the Angles of t h e L e n g t h s o f
degr. min. th e Im a g e,
( 5 4 o 71
the fecond P r i f m < 62 12 to {
h s 48 11
C 7° I )
Sun might appear furrotinded with darfcnefs, or i f the Suns
light were much ftronger chan it is , the colours would flill
appear to a greater length.
In all thefe Obfervat ions the breadth o f the Image was juft
two inches. But obferving, that the Tides o f the two Prifms, I
ufed.were notexaftly plain, but a little convex, (the convexity
being about To much as that o f a double Convex-glafs o f a
fixteen or eighteen foot Telefcope') I took a third Prifm, whofe
Tides were as much concave as thofe of the other were convex ;
and this made the breadth o f the Image to be two inches and a
third part o f an inch ; the angles of this P rifm , and the
le n g t h s o f the Image made by each o f thofe Angles being thofe
expreft in this Table.
In this cafe you fee, the concave figure o f the fidesof the
Prifm by making the rays diverge a little, caufes the breadth o f
the Image to be greater in proportion to its length than ic
would be otherwife. And this I thought fit to give you no-
tice of, that Mr.Lucas may examine,whether his Prifm have not
this fault. I f a Prifm may be had with Tides exaftly plain, it
may do well to try the Experiment with that; but its better,
if the fides be about To much convex as thofe o f mine are, be-
caufe the Image will thereby become much better defined.
For this convexity o f the fides does the fame effeft, as if you
fliould ufea Prifm with Tides exafily plain, and between it
and the bole in the Window-fiiut, place an Objeft-glafs of an
18 foot Telefcope, to make the round Image o f the Sun appear
diftinflly defined on the wall when the Prifm is taken away,
and consequently the long Image made by the Prifm to be much
morediftinftly defined (efpecially at its ftreight fides) than it
would be otherwife.
One thing more I Ihall add : That theutmoft length o f the
Image from the fainteft Red at one end to the fainteft Blew at
( 70 i )
the other, muCl be tneafured. For in my firft Letter about C o
lours, where I fet down the length to be five times the breadth,
I called that length the utmoft length o f the image 5 and I
meafured the utmoft length, becaufe I account all that length
to be caufed by the immediate light o f the Sun, feeing the Co
lours (as I noted above^) become vifible to the greateft length
in the cleareft days, that is, when the light o f the Sun tranf-
cends moft the light of the Clouds. Sometimes there will
happen to flioot out from both ends o f the Image a glaring
light a good way beyond thefe colours, but this is not to be
regarded, as not appertaining to the Image. I f the meafures
be taken right, the whole length will exceed the length o f the
ftreight fides by about the breadth of the Image.
By thefe things fet down thus circumdantially, I prefume
Mr. Lucas will be enabled to accord his tryals o f the Experi
ment with mine ; fo nearly, at lead, that there fhall not remain
any very confiderable difference between us. For, if fome lit
tle difference fltould Hill remain , that need not trouble ns any
further, feeing there may be many various circumftances which
may conduce to it 5 fuchas are not only the different figures
o f prifms, butalfo the different refra&ive power o f Glades,
the different diameters of the Sun at divers times of the year,
and the little errors that may happen inmeafuring lines and an
gles, or in placing the prifm at the window 5 though, for my
part, I took care to do thefe things as exaftly as I could.How-
ever Mr. Lucas may make fure to find the Image as long or lon
ger than I have fee down, if he rake a prifm whofe fides are not
hollow ground, but plain, or (which is better) a very little
convex, and whofe refrafting angle is as much greater than that
I ufed, as that he has hitherto rryed it with, is lefsj that is ,
whofe angle is about 66 or 67 degrees, or (if he w ill) a little
Concerning Mr. Lucas's other Experiments, I am much ob
liged to him that he would take thefe things fo far into confide-
ration, and be at fo much pains for examining them; and I
thank him fo much the more, becaufe he is the firft that has
fent me an experimental examination of them* By this I may
prefume he really defires to know what truth there is in thefe
matters. But yec it will conduce to his more fpeedy and full
C 7°3 )
fatisfaftion if he a little change the method which he has pro
pound ed,and inftead o f a multitude o f things try only the Ejc-
ferimentum Cattcu, For ic is not number o f Experiments, but
weight to be regarded ; and where one will d o , what need
many ?
Had I thought more requifite, I could have added more:
For before l wrote my firft Letter to you about Colours, I
had taken much pains in trying Experiments about them, and
written a Traftateonthatfubjeii , wherin I had fet down at
large the principal o f the Experiments I had trie d ; amorsgft
which there happened to be the principal o f thofe Experi
ments which Mr.Lucas has now fent me. And as for the Expe
riments fet down in my firfi: Letter to you, they were only fuch
as I thought convenient to feleft out o f that Tractate.
. But fuppofe thofe bad been my whole fio re, yet Mr. Lucas
flhould not have grounded his difcourfe upon a fuppofition o f
my want o f Experiments, till he had examined thofe few. For
if any o f thofe be demonftrative,they will need no afliflants,nor
leave room for further difputing about what they demonftrate.
The main thing he goes about to examine is, the different re-
frangibility of Light, And this I demonftrated by the Expc-
rimentnm Crucis. Now if this demonftration be good, there
needs no further examination o f the thing; if not good , the
fault of it is to be fhewn : for the only way to examine
a demonftrated propofition is, to examine the demon
ftration. Let that Experiment therefore be examined in
the firft place, and that which it proves be acknowledged, and
then if Mt-Lucas want my aftiftance to unfold the difficulties
which he fancies to be in the Experiments he has propounded,
hefliall freely have it ; for then I fuppofe a few words may
make them plain to him: whereas, fhould I be drawn from de-
mondrative Experiment to begin with thofe, it might create us
both the trouble of a long difpute, and by the multitude of
words, cloud rather than clear up the truth. For if it has al
ready coft us fo much trouble to agree upon the matter o f faft
in the firft and plained Experiment, and yet we are not fully
agreed; what an endlefs trouble might it create us, i f we ftiould
give our felves up to difpute upon every Argument that occurs,
and what would become o f Truth in fuch a tedious difpute?
Zzzz The
C 7°4 )
The way therefore that I propound, being the fliorteft and
cleareft (not to fay,the only proper way,) I queftion not but
M rX # w *w ill be glad that!have recommended it, feeing he
profefTes, that it is the knowledge of truth that he Peeks after.
And therefore at prefent I fhall fay nothing in anfwer to his
Experimental difcourfe, but this in general; that it has pro
ceeded partly from fome mifunderftandingof what he writes
againft, and partly from want o f due caution in trying Expe
riments ; and that amongft his Experiments there is one,which
when duly tried, is,next to the Exfcrbientum Cruets, the mqft
confpicuous Experiment,I know, for proving the different re^
frangibility of Light, which he brings it to prove againft.
By the Eojl-fcript o f Mr. Lucas's Letter, one not acquainted
with what has pafTed, might think, that he quotes the Obferva-
cion o f the R.Society againft me $ whereas the relation of their
Ob fer vat ion, which youfcnt to Liege, contained nothing at all
about the juft proportion of the Length.of the Image to its
Breath according to the angleof the Prifn^norany thing more
(fo far as I can perceive by your laft) than what was pertinent
to the things then in difpute,w«i. that they found them fucceed
as I had affirmed. And therefore fince Mr. Lucas has found the
fame fuccefs, I fuppofe, that when he exprefied , that he much
rejoyced to fee the Trials of the R. Society agree fo cxaftly with
hi*) he meant only fo far as his agreed with mine.
Andbecaufe I am again upon this firft Experiment, I fltall
defire, that Mr, Lucas will repeat it with all the exaftnefsand
caution that may be, regard being had to the information abouc
k , fet down in this Letter ; and then I defire ro have the length
and breadth o f the Image with its diflame from the Prifin, fet
down exaflly in feet and inches, and parts o f an inch, that I
may have an opportunity to confider what relation its length
a-nd breadth have to the Suns diameter. For I know, that Mr.
JL«o«Obfervation cannot hold where the refratting angle o f the
Prifin is full 60 degrees, and the day is clear, and the full length
of theColours is meafured,and the breadth o f the Image anfwers
to the Sun’s diameter: And feeing I am well allured o f the truth
and exa&nefsofmy own Observations, I fhall be unwilling to
be diverted by any other Experiments, from having afairend
made o f this in the firft place. Sir, l amf a .
C 705 )
Bad like to have forgotten to advife, that the Experimentmn
| Crucls,and fitch others as (ball he madefor knowing the nature
of Colours, he made with Pri(ms which refraff f i much, as to
make the length o f the Image five timet its breadth , and rather
more thdnjefs; for, otherwfe Experiments v>iU not fucceed U
plainly tvith others as they have done with me,
“ Sir, TT . . .
“ I have fent you the papers I mentioned, by J ohn S t il e s . Upon reviewing
« them, I find fome things fo obfcure, as might have deferved a further explication
“ by fchemes > and fome other things, I gild's, will not be new to you, though al-
“ mod all was new to me when I wrote them. But as they are, 1 hope you will accept
«« of them, though not worth the ample thanks you fent, I remember, in lome
“ dilcourfe with Mr. H o o k e , 1 happened to fay, that I thought light was re-
“ fleCted, not by the parts of glafs, water, air, or other fenfible bodies ; but by
the fame confine or fupcrficies of the sethereai mediums, which refracts it, the
“ rays finding fome difficulty to get through it in palling out of the denier into
<c the rarer medium> and a greater difficulty in paffing out of the rarer into t e
“ denfer; and fo being either refraCted or reflected ^by that fuperficies, as t e
circumftances they happened to be in at their incidence make them ab,e or
“ unable to get through it. And, for confirmation of this, I faid further, that
“ I thought the reflection of light, at its tending out of glafs into air, would not
“ be diminifhed or weakened by drawing away the air in an air-pump, as it ought
«c to be, if they were the parts of air that reflected : and added, that 1 had not
** tried this experiment, but thought he was not unacquainted with notions of
“ this kind. To which he replied, that the nation was new, and he would the
“ firft opportunity try the experiment I propounded. But upon reviewing the
“ papers I fend you, I found it there fet down for tried ; which makes me recol-
«l left, that about the time I was writing thefe papers, 1 had occasionally
“ in an air-pump here at Chrift’s College, that I could not perceive the reflection
‘‘ of the infide of the glafs diminifhed in drawing out the air. This 1 thought
“ fit to m.-ntion, leaft my former forgetfulnefs, through having long laid ancle
“ my thoughts on thefe things, Ihould make me feem to have fet down for cet-
“ tain what 1 never tried.
h Repfter, vol. v. p. 65.
“ Sir,
An Hypothefis explaining the Properties of Light, difcourfed of in my fe
“ veral Papers.
“ Sir,
“ In my anfwer to Mr. H o o k e , you may remember, I had occafion to fay
cc fomething of hypothefes, where I gave a reafon, why all allowable hypothefes
a in their genuine conftitution fhould be conformable to my theories; and faid
c; of Mr. H o o k e ’s hypothefis, that I took the m o ft free and natural application,
of it to phenomena to be this 1 : that the agitated parts of bodies, according
to their feveral fizes, figure, and motions, do excite vibrations in the aether of
various depths or bigneffes, which being promifcuoufly propagated through that
medium to our eyes, effeft in us a fenfation of light of a white colour; but,
if by any means thofe of unequal bigneffes be feparated from one another, the
u larged: beget a fenfation of a red coiour ; the lead:, or fhorteft, of a deep
violet; and the intermediate ones, of intermediate colours: much after the
tc manner that bodies, according to their feveral fizes, fliapes, and motions, ex
tc cite vibrations in the air of various bigneffes, which, according to thofe big-
tt neffcs, make feveral tones in found, &c. I was glad to underftand, as I ap
tc prehend, from Mr. H ooke ’s difcoufe at my laft being at one of your afiem-
tc blies, that he had changed his former notion of all colours being compounded
t c of only two original ones, made by the two fides of an oblique pulfe; and
tc accommodated his hypothefis to this my fuggeftion of colours, like founds,
a being various, according to the various bignefs of the pulfes. For this I take
tc to be a more plaufible hypothefis than any other deferibed by former authors,
tc becaufe I fee not how the colours of thin tranfparent plates or fkins can be
ti handfomely explained, without having recourfe to aethercal pulfes : but yet I
1 T ranfatt. n° 88. p. 5088.
tc i;i.-
“ The hypothefis of light's being a body, had 1 propounded it, has a much greater
“ affinity with the objector's own hypothefis, than he feems to be aware o f ; the vibra-
“ lions of the tether being as ufeful and neceffary in this as in his. For, affuming the
“ rays of light to be fmall bodies emitted every way from fhining fubftances, thofe,
“ when they impinge on any refracting or reflecting Juperficies, muft as neceffiarily ex-
“ cite vibrations in the tether, as flones do in water when thrown into it. And, fup-
“ pofing thefe vibrations to be of feveral depths or thicknefjes, accordingly as they are
“ excited by the faid corpufcular rays of various fixes and velocities; of what ufe
“ they will befor explicating the manner of reflexion and refraction; the production of
“ heat by the fun-beams ; the emiffion of light from burning, putrifying, or other fitb •
“ fiances, whofe parts are vehemently agitated -, the phenomena of thin tranfparent
“ plates, and bubbles, and of all natural bodies •, the manner of vfim, and the dif-
“ ference of colours ; as alfo their harmony and difcord; IJhall leave to their conft-
“ deration, who may think it worth their endeavour to apply this hypothefis to the
“ folution of phenomena.
250 T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [1675.
t! ,-he o p e n air, is n o i n c o n f i d e r a b l e a r g u m e n t . B u t it is n o t t o b e f u p p o f e d ,
“ t h a t this m e d i u m is. o n e u n i f o r m m a t t e r , b u t c o m p o u n d e d , p a r t l y o f t h e m a i n
“ p h l e g m a t i c b o d y o f te th e r , p a r t l y o f o t h e r v a r i o u s aethereal fp ir its , m u c h a fte r
“ t h e m a n n e r , t h a t a ir is c o m p o u n d e d o f t h e p h l e g m a t i c b o d y o f air i n t e r m i x e d
«> w i t h v a r i o u s v a p o u r s a n d e x h a l a t i o n s : f o r t h e eleC tric a n d m a g n e t i c e f f l u v i a ,
“ a n d G rav itatin g p rin c ip le , feem to a rg u e fuch v a r ie ty . P erh ap s the w h ole
“ f r a m e o f n a t u r e m a y b e n o t h i n g b u t v a r i o u s c o n t e x t u r e s o f f o m e c e r t a in aethe-
“ real fp ir its , o r v a p o u r s , c o n d e n l e d as it w e r e b y p r e c i p i t a t i o n , m u c h a fte r t h e
“ m a n n e r , t h a t v a p o u r s a re c o n d e n f e d i n t o w a te r , o r e x h a l a t io n s i n t o g r o f i e r f u b -
« f i a n c e s , t h o u g h n o t fo ea fily c o n d e n f i b l e ; and a fte r c o n d e n f a t i o n w r o u g h t i n t o
“ v a r i o u s f o r m s ; a t firft b y t h e i m m e d i a t e h a n d o f t h e C r e a t o r •, a n d e v e r fin ce
“ b y t h e p o w e r o f n a t u r e ; w h i c h , b y v i r t u e o f th e c o m m a n d , in c r e a fe a n d
“ m u l t i p l y , b e c a m e a c o m p l e t e i m i t a t o r o f t h e c o p i e s fet h er b y th e p r o t o p l a l l .
“ T h u s p e r h a p s m a y a ll t h i n g s b e o r i g i n a t e d f r o m aether.
« A t le a ft, t h e e l a f t i c e f f l u v i a f e e m t o in f t r u C l u s, t h a t th e r e is f o m e t h i n g o f
“ an sethereal n a t u r e c o n d e n f e d in b o d ie s . I h a v e f o m e t i m e s la id u p o n a t a b le
« a r o u n d p i e c e o f g l a f s a b o u t t w o in c h e s b r o a d fet in a b ra fs r i n g , fo t h a t t h e
«c g l a f s m i g h t b e a b o u t o n e e i g h t h o r o n e f i x t h o f an i n c h f r o m t h e t a b l e , a n d
“ t h e a ir b e t w e e n t h e m i n c l o f e d o n a ll fides b y t h e r i n g , after t h e m a n n e r as i f
“ I h a d w h e l m e d a little f ie v e u p o n t h e t a b l e ; a n d th e n r u b b i n g a p r e t t y w h i l e
«« th e g l a f s b r i f l d y w i t h f o m e r o u g h a n d r a k i n g f l u f f , t ill f o m e v e r y l ittle f r a g m e n t s
“ o f v e r y thin p a p e r , la id o n th e t a b le u n d e r t h e g l a f s , b e g a n t o b e a t t r a c t e d a n d
« m o v e n i m b l y t o a n d f r o •, a fte r I h a d d o n e r u b b i n g th e g l a f s , th e p a p e r s w o u l d
“ c o n t i n u e a p r e t t y w h i l e in v a r i o u s m o t i o n s ; f o m e t i m e s l e a p i n g u p t o t h e g l a f s
“ a n d r e f l i n g th e r e a w h i l e ; th e n l e a p i n g d o w n a n d r e f l i n g t h e r e ; t h e n l e a p i n g
“ u p , a n d p e r h a p s d o w n a n d u p a g a i n , a n d this f o m e t i m e s in lin e s f e e m i n g p e r -
“ p e n d i c u l a r t o t h e t a b l e ; f o m e t i m e s in o b l i q u e o n e s ; f o m e t i m e s a lfo t h e y w o u l d
« l e a p u p in o n e a r c h a n d d o w n in a n o t h e r , d i v e r s t i m e s t o g e t h e r , w i t h o u t
“ fe n f i b l y r e f l i n g b e t w e e n ; f o m e t i m e s f k i p in a b o w f r o m o n e p a r t o f th e g l a f s
“ t o a n o t h e r w i t h o u t t o u c h i n g t h e t a b l e , and f o m e t i m e s h a n g b y a c o r n e r , a n d
“ tu r n o ft e n a b o u t v e r y n i m b l y , as i f th e y h a d b e e n c a r rie d a b o u t in th e m i d f t
“ o f a w h i r l w i n d , and b e o t h e r w i f e v a r i o u f l y m o v e d , e v e r y p a p e r w i t h a d i v e r f e
“ m otio n . A n d u p o n A i d i n g m y f in g e r o n t h e u p p e r fid e o f t h e g l a f s , t h o u g h
“ n e it h e r th e g l a f s , n o r i n c l o f e d air b e l o w , w e r e m o v e d t h e r e b y , y e t w o u l d t h e
“ p a p e r s , as t h e y h u n g u n d e r th e g l a f s , r e c e i v e f o m e n e w m o t i o n , i n c l i n i n g th is
“ w a y o r t h a t w a y , a c c o r d i n g l y as I m o v e d m y f i n g e r . N o w , w h e n c e a ll th e fe
“ i r r e g u l a r m o t i o n s l h o u l d f p r i n g , 1 c a n n o t i m a g i n e , u n le fs f r o m f o m e k i n d o f
“ f'ubtil m a t t e r l y i n g c o n d e n f e d in t h e g l a f s , a n d rarefied b y r u b b i n g , as w a t e r is
“ rarefied in t o v a p o u r b y h e a t, a n d i n t h a t r a r e f a c t io n d if f u f e d t h r o u g h th e f p a c e
“ r o u n d th e g la f s t o a g r e a t d i f t a n c e , a n d m a d e t o m o v e a n d c i r c u l a t e v a r i o u f l y ,
“ a n d a c c o r d i n g l y t o a ct u a te th e p a p e r s till it r e tu r n i n t o t h e g l a f s a g a i n , a n d b e
“ r e c o n d e n f e d t h e re . A n d as this c o n d e n f e d m a t t e r b y ra r e fa ct io n i n t o an sethe-
“ real w i n d ( f o r b y its ea fy p e n e t r a t i n g a n d c i r c u l a t i n g t h r o u g h gla fs I efteem it
“ sethereal) m a y c a u fe the fe o d d m o t i o n s , a n d b y c o n d e n f i n g a g a i n m a y c a u fe
“ eleC lrica l a t t r a c t i o n w i t h its r e t u r n i n g t o t h e g l a f s t o f u c c e e d in t h e p l a c e o f
“ w h a t is th e re c o n t i n u a l l y r e c o n d e n f e d ; fo m a y th e g r a v i t a t i n g a t t r a c t i o n o f t h e
“ earth
1675.] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y OF L O N D O N . t 5x
“ earth be caufed by the continual condenfation of fome other fuch like tethereal
“ fpirit, not of the main body of phlegmatic tether, but of fomething very
“ thinly and fubtilly diffufed through it, perhaps of an unCtuous or gummy,
“ tenacious, and fpringy nature, and bearing much the fame relation to aether,
“ which the vital aereal fpirit, requifite for the confervation of flame and vital
“ motions, does to air. For, if fuch an tethereal fpirit may be condenfed in
“ fermenting or burning bodies, or otherwife coagulated in the pores of the earth
“ and water into fome kind of humid aCtive matter, for the continual ufes of
“ nature, adhering to the Tides of thofe pores, after the manner that vapours
“ condenfe on the Tides of a vefiel ; the vaft body of the earth, which may be
“ every where to the very center in perpetual working, may continually condenfe
“ fo much of this fpirit, as to caufe it from above to defcend with great celerity
“ for a fupply ; in which defcent it may bear down with it the bodies it pervades
“ with force proportional to the fuperficies of all their parts it a£ts upon ; nature
“ making a circulation by the flow afcent of as much matter out of the bowels
“ of the earth in an aereal form, which, for a time, conftitutes the atmofphere";
“ but being continually buoyed up by the new air; exhalations and vapours rifling
“ underneath, at length (fome part of the vapours, which return in rain, excepted)
“ vanifhes again into the tethereal fpaces, and there perhaps in time relents, and is
“ attenuated into its firft principle: for nature is a perpetual worker, generating
“ fluids out of folids, and folids out of fluids, fixed things out of volatile, and
“ volatile out of fixed, fubtil out of grofs and grofs out of fubtil; fome things
“ to afcend, and make the upper terreftrial juices, rivers, and the atmofphere; and
“ by confequence, others to defcend for a requital to the former. And, as the
“ earth, fo perhaps may the fun imbibe this fpirit copioufly, to conferve his fliin-
“ ing, and keep the planets from receding further from him. And they, that
“ will, may alfo fuppofe, that this fpirit affords or carries with it thither the folary
“ fewel and material principle of light: and that the vaft tethereal fpaces between
us and the ftars are for a fufficient repofitory for this food of the fun and
“ planets. But this of the conftitution of tethereal natures by the by.
“ N o w fo r th e c h a n g i n g th e c o n f i d e n c e o f th e a e t h e r ; f o m e m a y b e r e a d y to
“ g r a n t , t h a t th e fo u l m a y h a v e a n i m m e d i a t e p o w e r over the w h o l e te th er in
“ a n y p a r t o f th e b o d y , to f w e l l o r ( h r i n k i t a t w i l l : b u t th e n h o w d e p e n d s t h e
“ m u fcu la r
16 7 5 .] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y O F L O N D O N . 253
“ F i r d t h e n , I f u p p o f e , th e re is f u c h a f p i r i t ; t h a t is, t h a t t h e a n i m a l fp ir its
“ a re n e i t h e r l i k e th e l i q u o r , v a p o u r , o r g a s o f fp ir it o f w i n e ; b u t o f an te th e r e a l
“ n a t u r e , f u b t i l e n o u g h to p e r v a d e t h e a n i m a l j u i c e s , as fr e e l y as th e e l e f t r i c , o r
“ perh aps m a g n e tic , efflu via d o g la fs. A n d to k n o w , h o w the c o a ts o f the
“ b r a i n , n e r v e s , a n d m u f c l e s , m a y b e c o m e a c o n v e n i e n t v e f i e l t o h o l d fo f u b t i l
“ a fp i r i t , y o u m a y c o n f i d e r , h o w l i q u o r s a n d fp ir its are d i f p o f e d to p e rv ad e or
“ n o t p e rv a d e th in gs on oth er acc o u n ts than th eir fu b tilty. W a t e r a n d oil p e r-
“ v a d e w o o d and d o n e , w h ic h q u ic k filv e r d o e s n o t ; and q u ic k filv e r m etals,
“ w h ic h w a ter a n d oil d o n o t : w a ter and acid f p ir it s p e r v a d e fa lt s , w h i c h oil
“ and fp irit o f w in e d o n o t ; and oil and fp irit o f w in e p e rv a d e fu lp h u r, w h ic h
“ w a t e r a n d a c id f p ir it s d o n o t . S o f o m e flu id s , as o il a n d w a t e r , t h o u g h t h e ir
“ p a r ts are in f r e e d o m e n o u g h to m ix w ith one another, yet b y fo m e fecret
“ p r i n c i p l e o f u n f o c ia b le n e f s t h e y k e e p a f u n d e r ; a n d f o m e , t h a t are f o c i a b l e , m a y
b e c o m e u n f o c i a b l e , b y a d d i n g a th i r d t h i n g t o o n e o f t h e m , as w a t e r t o f p ir it
“ o f w i n e , b y d i f l o l v i n g fait o f ta rtar in it. T h e l i k e u n f o c ia b le n e f s m a y b e in
“ sethereal n a tu r e s , as p e r h a p s b e t w e e n t h e aethers in t h e v o r t i c e s o f th e fun a n d
“ p l a n e t s ; a n d t h e r e a fo n , w h y air f l a n d s r a r e r in t h e b o x e s o f f m a ll g l a f s - p i p e s ,
“ a n d aether in t h e p o r e s o f b o d i e s , th a n e l f e w h e r e , m a y b e, n o t w a n t o f f u b -
“ t i l t y , b u t fo c i a b l e n e f s . A n d o n th i s g r o u n d , i f t h e sethereal v i t a l f p i r i t in a
“ m a n b e v e r y f o c i a b l e t o th e m a r r o w a n d j u i c e s , a n d u n f o c ia b le t o th e c o a t s o f
“ t h e b r a i n , n e r v e s , a n d m u f c le s , o r to any th in g lodged in th e p o re s o f t h o f e
“ c o a t s , it m a y b e c o n t a i n e d t h e r e b y , n o t w i t h f t a n d i n g its f u b t i l t y ; e f p e c i a l l y i f
“ w e f u p p o f e n o g r e a t v i o l e n c e d o n e t o it t o f q u e e z e it o u t ; a n d t h a t it m a y n o t
** b e a l t o g e t h e r fo f u b t i l as t h e m a i n b o d y o f te th e r , t h o u g h f u b t i l e n o u g h t o
“ p e r v a d e r e a d ily t h e a n i m a l j u i c e s , a n d t h a t , as a n y o f i t is f p e n t , it is c o n t i n u *
“ a l l y f u p p l i e d b y n e w fp ir it f r o m th e h e a r t.
“ I n t h e n e x t p l a c e , f o r k n o w i n g h o w th i s f p i r i t m a y b e u f e d f o r a n i m a l m o-
“ tio n , y o u m a y c o n fid e r, h o w fo m e th in g s u n fo c ia b le are m a d e fo ciab le b y the
“ m ed iatio n
a- 4 T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E { i 675.
u m ediation o f a th ird . W ater, w h ic h w ill n o t d iffolve c o p p e r, w ill d o it, if
th e c o p p e r b e m e l t e d w i t h f u l p h u r : a q u a f o r t i s , w h i c h w i l l n o t p e r v a d e g o l d ,
‘ ‘ w ill d o it b y a d d i t i o n o f a little fal a r m o n i a c , o r f p i r i t o f f a i t : le a d w i l l n o t
“ m i x in m e l t i n g w i t h c o p p e r , b u t i f a little tin o r a n t i m o n y b e a d d e d , th e y m i x
“ r e a d i l y , a n d p a r t a g a i n o f th e ir o w n a c c o r d , i f th e a n t i m o n y be w a f t e d b y
“ t h r o w i n g fa ltp e te r o r o t h e r w i f e : a n d fo l e a d m e l t e d w i t h f i l v e r q u i c k l y p e r-
“ v a d e s a n d liq u e fie s t h e f i l v e r in a m u c h lefs h e a t th a n is r e q u if it e to m e l t th e
“ f i l v e r a l o n e ; b u t , i f t h e y b e k e p t in t h e t e f t t ill t h a t little f u b f t a n c e , t h a t r e -
“ c o n c i l e d t h e m , b e w a f t e d o r a lt e r e d , t h e y p a r t a g a i n o f t h e ir o w n a c c o r d . A n d ,
“ in l i k e m a n n e r , t h e e t h e r e a l a n i m a l f p i r i t in a m a n m a y b e a m e d i a t o r b e t w e e n
c< th e c o m m o n te ther a n d t h e m u f c u l a r j u i c e s , t o m a k e t h e m m i x m o r e f r e e l y ,
“ a n d f o , b y f e n d i n g a l ittle o f th is f p ir it i n t o a n y m u f c l e , t h o u g h fo l ittle as t o
“ c a u fe n o le n fib le tenfion o f th e m u f c l e b y its o w n f o r c e s y e t , b y r e n d e r i n g th e
“ j u i c e s m o r e fo c i a b l e to th e c o m m o n e x t e r n a l aether, it m a y c a u f e t h a t aether t o
“ p e r v a d e t h e m u f c l e o f its o w n a c c o r d in a m o m e n t m o r e f r e e l y a n d c o p i o u f l y
“ th a n it w o u l d o t h e r w i f e d o , a n d to r e c e d e a g a i n as f r e e l y , f o fo o n as th i s m e d i -
“ a t o r o f fo c ia b le n e fs is r e t r a c e d . W h e n c e , a c c o r d in g to w h a t I faid a b o v e ,
“ w i l l p r o c e e d t h e f w e l l i n g o r f h r i n k i n g o f t h e m u f c l e , a n d c o n f e q u e n t l y t h e a n i-
“ m a l m o t i o n d e p e n d i n g th e re o n .
“ T h u s m a y t h e re fo re t h e f o u l , b y d e t e r m i n i n g th is aethereal a n i m a l f p i r i t o r
“ w i n d i n t o th is o r t h a t n e r v e , p e r h a p s w i t h as m u c h eafe as air is m o v e d in o p e n
“ f p a c e s , c a u f e a ll t h e m o t i o n s w e fee in a n i m a ls : f o r th e m a k i n g w h i c h m o t i o n s
“ f t r o n g , it is n o t n e c e ffa ry , t h a t w e f h o u l d f u p p o f e t h e te ther w i t h i n t h e m u f c l e
“ v e r y m u c h c o n d e n fe d o r rarified b y this m e a n s , b u t o n l y that its f p r i n g is fo
“ v e r y g r e a t , t h a t a li t t l e a lt e r a tio n o f its d e n f i t y fh a ll c a u f e a g r e a t a lt e r a tio n in
“ th e p r e f f u r e . A n d w h a t is faid o f m u f c u l a r m o t i o n , m a y b e a p p l i e d to t h e m o -
“ tio n o f th e h e a r t, o n l y w i t h th i s d i f f e r e n c e , t h a t t h e f p i r i t is n o t fen t t h i t h e r ,
“ as i n t o o t h e r m u f c le s , b u t c o n t i n u a l l y g e n e r a t e d t h e r e b y t h e f e r m e n t a t i o n o f
“ th e ju ic e s , w i t h w h i c h its ftefii is r e p l e n i l h e d , a n d as it is g e n e r a t e d , let o u t b y
“ ftarts in t o th e brain t h r o u g h f o m e c o n v e n i e n t d u d l u s t o perform thofe m otions
“ in o t h e r m u f c le s b y i m p r e f i i o n , w h i c h it d i d in th e h e a r t b y its g e n e r a t i o n .
“ F o r I fee n o t , w h y th e f e r m e n t in t h e h e a r t m a y n o t raife as fu b til a f p i r i t o u t
“ o f its j u i c e s , t o ca u fe th e fe m o t i o n s , as r u b b i n g d o e s o u t o f a g l a f s , to c a u fe
B oyle
fl e l e f t r i c a t t r a f l i o n , o r b u r n i n g o u t o f f e w e l, to p e n e tra te g l a f s , as M r .
“ has fhevvn, a n d c a lc in e b y c o r r o f i o n m e ta ls m e lte d therein .
“ F i f t h l y , i t is t o b e f u p p o f e d , t h a t l i g h t a n d aether m u t u a l l y adt u p o n o n e
“ a n o t h e r , aether in r e f r a d t i n g l i g h t , a n d l i g h t in w a r m i n g a e t h e r ; a n d t h a t t h e
“ d e n f e f t aether adts m o d f t r o n g l y . W h e n a ray therefore m o v e s th r o u g h tether
“ o f u n e v e n d en fit'y , I f u p p o f e it m o d p r e f i e d , u r g e d , o r adted u p o n b y t h e m e -
“ d i u m o n t h a t fid e t o w a r d s t h e d e n fe r aether, a n d r e c e iv e s a c o n t i n u a l im (.u lfe o r
“ p l y f r o m t h a t fid e t o r e c e d e t o w a r d s t h e r a r e r , a n d f o is a c c e l e r a t e d , i f it m o v e
“ th a t w a y , o r retarded, i f the c o n tra ry . O n th is g r o u n d , i f a r a y m o v e
“ o b l i q u e l y t h r o u g h f u c h an u n e v e n l y d e n f e m e d i u m ( t h a t i s , o b l i q u e l y to t h o f e
“ i m a g i n a r y f u p e r f i c i e s , w h i c h ru n t h r o u g h t h e e q u a l l y d e n f e p a r t s o f t h e m e -
“ d i u m , a n d m a y b e c a l l e d t h e r e f r a d t i n g fu p e rfic ie s ) it m u d b e i n c u r v e d , as it
“ is
256 TH E H I S T O R Y OF T H E |j 675,
“ is f o u n d t o b e , b y o b f e r v a t i o n in w a t e r *, w h o f e l o w e r p a r t s w e r e m a d e g r a d u -
“ a ll y m o r e f a it , a n d fo m o r e d e n fe t h a n t h e u p p e r . A n d th is m a y b e th e g r o u n d
“ o f a ll r e f r a c t i o n a n d r e f l e x i o n : f o r as t h e rar e r a i r w i t h i n a f m a l l g l a f s - p i p e ,
“ a n d t h e d e n f e r w i t h o u t , are n o t d i f t i n g u i f h e d b y a m e e r m a t h e m a t i c a l fu p e r -
“ ficie s, b u t h a v e a i r b e t w e e n t h e m , a t t h e o r i f i c e o f t h e p i p e , r u n n i n g t h r o u g h
“ a ll i n t e r m e d i a t e d e g r e e s o f d e n f i t y : fo I f u p p o f e t h e r e f r a c t i n g fu p e rfic ie s o f
“ te th e r , b e t w e e n u n e q u a l l y d e n fe m e d i u m s , t o b e n o t a m a t h e m a t i c a l o n e ; b u t
“ o f f o m e b r e a d t h , t h e aether t h e r e in , at th e o r ifice s b f t h e p o re s o l th e fo l i d b o d y ,
“ b e i n g o f all i n t e r m e d i a t e d e g r e e s o f d e n f i t y b e t w e e n th e rarer a n d d e n f e r aethe-
“ re a l m e d i u m s ; a n d t h e refraCtion I c o n c e i v e t o p r o c e e d f r o m t h e c o n t i n u a l
“ i n c u r v a t i o n o f t h e r a y a ll t h e w h i l e it is p a l l i n g t h e p h y f i c a l fu p e rfic ie s . Now,
“ i f t h e m o t i o n o f t h e r a y b e f u p p o f e d in th is p a f i a g e t o b e in c r e a fe d o r d i m i -
“ n i l h e d in a c e r ta in p r o p o r t i o n , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e d i f f e r e n c e o f t h e d e n f i t i e s o f th e
“ r e th e rea l m e d i u m s , a n d th e a d d i t i o n o r d e t r a c t i o n o f t h e m o t i o n b e r e c k o n e d
“ in t h e p e r p e n d i c u l a r f r o m t h e r e f r a f t i n g fu p e r f i c i e s , as it o u g h t t o b e , t h e fines
“ o f i n c i d e n c e a n d r e fra ctio n w i l l b e p r o p o r t i o n a l a c c o r d i n g t o w h a t D es C a r t e s
“ has d em o n ftrated .
“ A m its i n c i d e n t p a r t , m n its i n c u r v a t i o n g
b y th e r e f r a c t i n g fu p e rfic ie s , a n d n L its
‘ ‘ e m e r g e n t p a r t. N o w , i f th e r a y A m b e
fo m u c h i n c u r v e d as t o b e c o m e a t its
e m e r g e n c e n, as n e a r l y as m a y b e, p a r a l-
lei t o C D , it is p l a i n , t h a t i f t h a t r a y
«' h a d been i n c i d e n t a l ittle m o r e o b l i q u e l y , ^
> See Mr. H ooke’s Micrographia, where he fpeakj of the inflexion of rays.
“ it
“ T h i s m a y b e th e c a u f e a n d m a n n e r o f r e f l e d i o n , w h e n l i g h t t e n d s f r o m th e
** r a r e r t o w a r d s th e d e n f e r aether : b u t t o k n o w , h o w it l h o u l d b e r e f l e d e d ,
“ w h e n it fta n d s f r o m th e d e n fe r t o w a r d s th e rarer, y o u a re f u r t h e r t o c o n f i d e r ,
“ h o w flu id s n ea r th e ir fu p e rficies are lefs p l i a n t a n d y i e l d i n g th a n in t h e i r m o r e
“ i n w a r d p a r t s ; a n d , i f f o r m e d in t o t h i n p la t e s , o r Ih e lls , t h e y b e c o m e m u c h
“ m o r e f t i f f a n d te n a cio u s t h a n o t h e r w i f e . T h u s , t h i n g s , w h i c h r e a d i l y fall in
“ w a t e r , i f le t fa ll u p o n a b u b b l e o f w a t e r , t h e y d o n o t e a f i l y b r e a k t h r o u g h i t ,
“ b u t a r c a p t t o Hide d o w n b y th e fides o f it, i f th e y b e n o t t o o b i g a n d h e a v y ;
“ S o , i f t w o w e l l p o l i l h e d c o n v e x g l a f i e s , g r o u n d o n v e r y l a r g e fp h e r e s , b e l a id
“ o n e u p o n a n o t h e r , t h e air b e t w e e n t h e m ea fily r e c e d e s , till t h e y a l m o f t t o u c h ;
“ b u t th e n b e g i n s to r e fill f o m u c h , t h a t t h e w e i g h t o f t h e u p p e r g l a f s is t o o
“ l i t t l e to b r i n g t h e m t o g e t h e r fo as to m a k e th e b l a c k , m e n t i o n e d in t h e o t h e r
“ p a p e r s I fen d y o u , a p p e a r in th e m i d f t o f th e r i n g s o f c o l o u r s : a n d , i f t h e
“ g l a f i e s b e p la in , t h o u g h n o b r o a d e r th a n a t w o - p e n c e , a m a n w i t h h is w h o l e
“ f t r e n g t h is n o t a b le t o prefs all th e air o u t f r o m b e t w e e n t h e m , f o as t o m a k e
“ them fu lly tou ch. Y o u m a y o b f e r v e a lfo , t h a t i n f e d s w i l l w a l k u p o n w a t e r
“ w i t h o u t w e t t i n g th e ir f e e t , a n d th e w a t e r b e a r i n g t h e m u p ; a lf o m o t e s f a l -
“ l i n g u p o n w a t e r w i l l o f t e n lie l o n g u p o n it w i t h o u t b e i n g w e t t e d : a n d f o ,
“ I f u p p o f e , aether in th e c o n f i n e o f t w o m e d i u m s is lefs pliant a n d y i e l d i n g
“ th a n in o t h e r p la c e s , a n d fo m u c h the lefs p l i a n t b y h o w m u c h t h e m e d i u m s
“ d i f f e r in d e n f i t y : f o t h a t in p a l l i n g o u t o f d e n f e r te th e r in t o r a re r, w h e n th e r e
“ r e m a i n s b u t a v e r y l i t t l e o f th e d e n fe r aether to b e p a f t t h r o u g h , a r a y fin d s
“ m o r e th a n o r d i n a r y d i f f i c u l t y t o g e t t h r o u g h ; and fo g r e a t d i f f i c u l t y , w h e r e th e
“ m e d i u m s are o f v e r y d i f f e r i n g d e n f i t y , as t o b e r e f l e d e d b y i n c u r v a t i o n , a fte r
“ t h e m a n n e r d e f c r i b e d a b o v e ; th e p a rts o f aether o n t h a t f id e , w h e r e t h e y are
“ lefs p l i a n t a n d y i e l d i n g , a d i n g u p o n th e r a y m u c h a fte r th e m a n n e r t h a t t h e y
“ w o u l d d o w e r e t h e y d e n fe r th e re th a n o n th e o th e r f i d e : fi r th e refifta n ce o f
“ th e m e d i u m o u g h t t o h a v e th e fa m e e f f e d o n th e r a y , f r o m w h a t c a u fe f o e v e r
“ it arifes. A n d th is , I fu p p o f e , m a y b e t h e c a u f e o f th e r e f l e d i o n o f q u i c k -
“ f i l v e r , a n d o t h e r m e t a llin e b o d ie s . I t m u f t a lfo c o n c u r to in creafe th e r e f l e d i v e
“ v i r t u e o f t h e f u p e r f i c i e s , w h e n r a y s te n d o u t o f th e rarer m e d i u m i n t o t h e
V ol. III. L 1 “ denfer:
“ T h u s m a y r a y s b e r e f r a c t e d b y f o m e f u p e r f i c i e s , a n d refle c te d b y o t h e r s , b e
M th e m e d i u m t h e y t e n d i n t o , d e n f e r o r rarer. B u t it r e m a i n s 'f u r t h e r t o b e e x -
“ p l a i n e d , h o w r a y s a l i k e i n c i d e n t o n t h e f a m e fu p e rfic ie s ( f u p p o f e o f c r y f t a l , g l a f s ,
“ ■ o r w a t e r ) m a y b e a t t h e f a m e t i m e f o m e r e fra d te d , o t h e r s refledted. A n d for e x -
“ p l a i n i n g th is , I f u p p o f e , t h a t th e r a y s , w h e n t h e y i m p i n g e o n t h e r i g i d r efift-
“ i n g a e t h e r e a l f u p e r f i c i e s , a s t h e y are adted u p o n b y i t , fo t h e y rea dt u p o n , i t a n d
tf c a u f e v i b r a t i o n s in i t , as fto n e s t h r o w n i n t o w a t e r d o i n its f u r f a c e ; a n d t h a t
“ th e fe v i b r a t o n s a r e p r o p a g a t e d e v e r y w a y i n t o b o t h t h e rar e r a n d d e n f e r m e -
d i u m s - , as t h e v i b r a t i o n s o f a ir , w h i c h c a u f e f o u n d , are f r o m a f t r o k e , b u t y e t
w c o n t i n u e f t r o n g e f t w h e r e t h e y b e g a n , a n d a lt e r n a t e l y c o n t r a d t a n d d i l a t e t h e aether
“ in t h a t p h y f i c a l f u p e r fic ie s . F o r it is p l a i n b y t h e h e a t , w h i c h l i g h t p r o d u c e s ipr
C{ b o d i e s , t h a t i t is a b le to. p u t t h e i r p a r t s in m o t i o n , a n d m u c h m o r e t o h e a t a n d
tc p u t in m o t i o n th e m o r e te n d e r aether •, a n d it is m o r e p r o b a b l e , t h a t i t c o jm -
“ m u n ic a t e s m o t i o n t o t h e g r o f s p a r t s o f b o d i e s b y t h e m e d i a t i o n o f aether th a n
u i m m e d i a t e l y •, as f o r i n f t a n c e , in t h e i n w a r d p a r t s o f q u i c k f t l v e r , t i n , f i l v e r ,
u and other v e r y o p a k e bod ies, b y g e n e ia tin g vib ration s, th a t run th r o u g h th e m ,
“ t h a n b y f t r i k i n g th e o u t w a r d p a r ts o n l y , w i t h o u t e n t e r i n g t h e b o d y . T h e f b o c lc
“ o f e v e r y A n g l e r a y m a y g e n e r a t e m a n y t h o u f a n d v i b r a t i o n s , and b y f e n d i n g
“ t h e m all o v e r t h e b o d y , m o v e all th e p a r t s , a n d t h a t p e r h a p s w i t h m o r e m o -
“ d o n t h a n it c o u l d m o v e o n e A n g l e pa rt, b y an i m m e d i a t e f t r o k e ; f o r t h e v j -
“ b r a t i o n s , b y I h a k j n g . e a c h p a r t i c l e b a c k w a r d a n d f o r w a r d , m a y e v e r y time-
“ in c r e a fe its m o t i o n , as a r i n g e r d o e s a b e l l b y o f t e n p u l l i n g i t , a n d f o at. l e n g t h
“ m o v e t h e p a r t i c l e s t o a v e r y g r e a t d e g r e e o f a g i t a t i o n , w h i c h n e i t h e r th e A m p l e
“ f h o c k o f a r a y , n o r a n y o t h e r m o t i o n in tl>e t e t h e r , b e fid e s a v i b r a t i n g - o n e c o u l d
“ do. T h u s in a ir f h u t u p in- a v e f i e l , t h e m o t i o n o f it s p a r t s c a u f e d b y heat,.
how violent foever, is unable to move the bodies hung, with either a trem-
“ bling or progreffive motion : but if air be put into a vibrating motion by beat-
“ ing a drum or two, it fhakes glafs-windows, the whole body o f a man, and
“ other maffy things, efpecially thofe o f a congruous tone : yea I have obferved it
“ manifeftly fhake under my feet a cellared free-ftone floor o f a large hall, fo as,
“ I believe, the immediate ftroke o f fiv&hundred drumfticks could not have done,.
“ unlefs perhaps quickly fucceeding one another at equal intervals o f time* iE the-
“ real vibrations are therefore the beft means by which fuch. a fubtile agent as
“ light can Ihake the grofs. particles, o f folid- bodies to heat them : and fo fup-
“ pofing that light, impinging on a refradtingor refledting aethereal fuperficies, puts
“ it into a vibrating motion, that phyfical fuperficies being by the perpetual ap-
^ pulfe of rays always kept in a vibrating motion, and the aether therein conti-
“ nually expanded and comprefled by turns; if a ray o f light impinge upon it,
“ while it is much comprefled, I fuppofe it is then too denfe and ftiff to let the ray
“ pafs
.16 7 5 .] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y O F L O N D O N . 259
“ p a fs t h r o u g h , a n d fo r e fle & s i t ; b u t t h e r a y s , t h a t i m p i n g e o n it a t o t h e r t i m e s ,
cc w h e n it is e ith e r e x p a n d e d b y th e i n t e r v a l o f t w o v i b r a t i o n s , o r n o t t o o m u c h
“ c o m p r e f i e d and c o n d e n f e d , g o t h r o u g h and are refradted.
“ F u r t h e r , c o n c e r n i n g th e r e g u l a r m o t i o n o f l i g h t , it m i g h t b e f u f p e & e d , w h e -
“ t h e r t h e v a r i o u s v i b r a t i o n s o f the f lu id , t h r o u g h w h i c h it p a fle s , m a y n o t m u c h
“ d i f l u r b i t : b u t t h a t f u f p ic io n , I f u p p o f e , w i l l v a n i f h , b y c o n f i d e r i n g , t h a t
“ i f a t a n y t i m e t h e f o r e m o f t p a r t o f an o b l i q u e w a v e b e g i n t o tu r n it a w r y ,
“ t h e h i n d e r m o f t p a r t , b y a c o n t r a r y a f t i o n , mufi: fo o n fet it f t r a i g h t a g a i n .
“ L a f t l y , b e c a u f e w i t h o u t d o u b t t h e r e are, in e v e r y tr a n f p a r e n t b o d y , p o re s o f
“ v a r i o u s f i z e s , a n d I fa id , t h a t te ther ftands a t t h e g r e a t e f t ra r ity in th e fm a lle ft.
“ p o r e s - , h e n c e t h e te th er i n e v e r y p o r e f h o u l d b e o f , a d i f f e r i n g r a r i t y , arid fo
“ l i g h t b e refradted in its p a l f a g e o u t o f e v e r y p o re in t o th e n e x t , w h i c h w o u l d
“ c a u f e a g r e a t c o n f u f io n , a n d fp o il th e b o d y ’ s tr a n f p a r e n c y . B u t confid erin g that
“ t h e te th e r , in all d e n fe b o d i e s , is a g ita te d b y c o n t i n u a l v i b r a t i o n s , and the fe v i -
“ b r a t i o n s c a n n o t b e p e r f o r m e d w i t h o u t f o r c i n g th e p arts o f te ther f o r w a r d a n d
“ backw ard, f r o m o n e p o r e t o a n o t h e r , b y a k i n d o f t r e m o r , fo t h a t th e te th er,
“ which one moment is in a greater pore, is the next moment forced into a lefs ;
“ and on the contrary, this mull evenly fpread the tether into all the pores not
exceeding fome certain bignefs, fuppofe the breadth o f a vibration, and fo make
“ it of an even denfity throughout the tranfparent body, agreeable to the middle
“ fort o f pores. But where the pores exceed a certain bignefs, I fuppofe
“ the aether fuits its denfity to the bignefs of the pore, or to the medium within
i t ; and fo being of a diverfe denfity from the EEther that furrounds it, refraCts
L i z “ or
I t w a s o r d e r e d , t h a t th is e x p e r i m e n t f h o u l d b e t r i e d a t t h e n e x t m e e t i n g 5 a n d
M r . H ooke p r o m ife d to p rep are it f o r th a t m e e tin g ,
December 16. M r. N e w t o n ’s e x p e r i m e n t o f g l a f s r u b b e d t o c a u f e v a r i o u s m o
tio n s in b it s o f p a p e r u n d e r n e a t h , w a s t r i e d , b u t d i d n o t f u c c e e d in t h o f e c i r c u m -
f ta n c e s , w i t h w h i c h i t w a s t r i e d . T h i s tria l w a s m a d e u p o n t h e r e a d i n g o f a l e t t e r
o f his t o M r . O l d e n b u r g , d a t e d a t C a m b r i d g e , 1 4 t h D e c e m b e r , 1 6 7 5 “ , in
w h i c h h e g i v e s f o m e m o r e p a r t i c u l a r d i r e c t io n s a b o u t t h a t e x p e r i m e n t .
T h e l e t t e r w a s as f o l l o w s :
" Letter-book, vol. vli. p, s8o.
“ T h e n o t i c e y o u g a v e m e o f th e R o y a l S o c i e t y ’ s i n t e n d i n g to fee th e e x p e r i -
“ m e n t o f g l a f s r u b b e d , t o c a u f e v a r i o u s m o t i o n s in b it s o f p a p e r u n d e r n e a t h ,
“ p u t m e u p o n r e c o l l e c t i n g m y f e l f a little f u r t h e r a b o u t i t ; a n d th e n r e m e m b r i n g ,
“ t h a t , i f o n e e d g e o f th e b rafs h o o p w a s laid d o w n w a r d , th e g l a f s w a s as n ea r
a g a i n t o t h e t a b l e as it w a s w h e n th e o t h e r e d g e w a s laid d o w n w a r d , a n d th a t
“ t h e p a p e r s p l a y e d b e l t w h e n th e g l a f s w a s n ea reft t o th e t a b l e •, 1 b e g a n t o f u f -
“ p e e l , t h a t 1 h a d fe t d o w n a g r e a t e r d i f t a n c e o f th e g l a f s f r o m th e t a b le th a n I
“ f h o u l d h a v e d o n e ; f o r in f e t t i n g d o w n t h a t e x p e r i m e n t , I t r u f t e d to t h e i d e a 1
“ h a d o f t h e b ig n e f s o f t h e h o o p , in w h i c h I m i g h t c a fily b e m i f t a k e n , h a v i n g
“ n o t feen it o f a l o n g t i m e . A n d th is f u f p ic i o n w a s in c r e a f e d b y t r y i n g t h e e x -
“ p e r i m e n t w i t h an o b j e d l g l a f s o f a te le fco p e , p l a c e d a b o u t th e th ir d p a r t o f an
“ i n c h f r o m t h e t a b l e ; f o r I c o u l d n o t fee t h e p a p e rs p l a y a n y t h i n g n ea r fo w e l l
“ as I h a d feen t h e m f o r m e r l y . W h e r e u p o n I l o o k e d f o r th e o l d h o o p w i t h its
“ g l a f s , a n d a t l e n g t h f o u n d th e h o o p , t h e g l a f s b e i n g g o n e ; b u t b y th e h o o p I
p e rc e iv e d , that, w hen on e e d g e w as tu rn ed d o w n , the g la fs w as a lm o ft the
“ th ir d p a r t o f an i n c h f r o m t h e t a b l e , a n d w h e n t h e o t h e r e d g e wras d o w n ,
“ w h i c h m a d e t h e p a p e r s p l a y f o w e l l , th e g l a f s w a s f c a r c e th e e i g h t h p a r t o f a n
“ i n c h f r o m th e ta b le . T h i s I t h o u g h t fit t o f i g n i f y t o y o u , t h a t , i f t h e e x p e -
“ r i m e n t f u c c e e d n o t w e l l a t t h e d i f t a n c e I fet d o w n , it m a y b e tr ie d a t a lefs
“ d i f t a n c e , a n d t h a t y o u m a y a lt e r m y p a p e r , a n d w r it e in it th e e i g h t h p a r t o f a n
“ i n c h i n f t e a d o f -J. o r ^ o f an i n c h . T h e b its o f p a p e r o u g h t to be v e r y l i t t l e ,
“ a n d o f t h i n p a p e r ; p e r h a p s li t t l e b it s o f t h e w i n g s o f a f l y , o r o t h e r l i g h t f u b -
“ fiances, m a y d o b e tte r t h a n p a p e r . S o m e o f t h e m o t i o n s , as t h a t o f h a n g i n g
“ b y a c o r n e r a n d t w i r l i n g a b o u t , a n d t h a t o f l e a p i n g f r o m o n e p a r t o f th e g l a f s
“ t o a n o t h e r , w i t h o u t t o u c h i n g t h e ta b l e , h a p p e n b u t f e l d o m ; b u t it m a d e m e t a k e
“ th e m o re n otice o f th e m .
“ A s f o r r e g i f t r i n g th e t w o d i f e o u r f e s , y o u m a y d o i t ; o n l y I defire y o u w o u l d
“ f u f p e n d t i l l m y n e x t l e t t e r , in w h i c h I i n t e n d to fet d o w n f o m e t h i n g t o b e a l -
“ t e r e d , a n d f o m e t h i n g t o b e a d d e d in t h e h y p o t h e f i s . ”
“ Y t h e c e n tr e s o f t h o f e f e m ic ir c le s , X Z th e l e n g t h o f a m u fic a l f ir i n g d o u b le t o
^ ------ "X
# *3 a £ .. ••••I
E $pa H & i1 ■p« 'T rr
\ $ 0 O
c D
“ X Y , an d d iv id e d b etw e en X and Y , fo as t o fo u n d t h e to n e s e x p r e f ie d a t th e
“ fid e ( t h a t is X H th e h a lf, X G an d G I th e th ir d p a r t, Y K th e fifth p a r r ,
“ Y M th e e i g h t h p a r t, a n d G E th e n in th p a r t o f X Y ) a n d th e in te r v a ls b e tw e e n
“ th e fe d iv if io n s e x p r e f s t h e fp a c e s w h ic h th e c o lo u r s w r itte n th e r e t o o k u p , e v e r y .
“ c o lo u r b e in g m o l t b r if k ly fp e c ific in t h e m id d le o f t h o fe fpaces-.
“ O n th is g r o u n d m a y a ll th e p h a e n o m e n a o f r e fr a d tio n s b e u n d e r f t o o d : b u t to-
“ e x p la in t h e c o lo u r s m a d e b y r e fie d tio n s, I m u f t fu r th e r f u p p o fe , t h a t , t h o u g h -
“ l i g h t b e u n im a g in a b ly fw ift, y e t th e a eth erea l v ib r a t io n s , e x c it e d b y a r a y , m o v e .
“ fa fte r th a n t h e ra y it fe lf , a n d fo o v e r t a k e a n d o u tr u n it o n e a fte r a n o th e r . A nd
“ t h is , I f u p p o f e , t h e y w ill t h in k an a llo w a b le f u p p o f it io n , w h o h a v e b e e n in -
“ d i n e d to fu fp e d t, t h a t th e fe v ib r a t io n s t h e m f e l v e s m i g h t b e l i g h t . B u t to m a k e
“ it t h e m o r e a llo w a b le , it is p o flib le l i g h t i t f e l f m a y n o t b e fo f w i f t , as fo m e a re
“ a p t t o t h in k ; f o r , n o t w it h f t a n d in g a n y a r g u m e n t , t h a t I k n o w y e t t o t h e c o n -
“ tr a r y , i t m a y b e a n h o u r o r t w o , i f n o t m o r e , in m o v i n g fr o m th e fu n t o u s .
“ T h i s c e le r it y o f t h e v ib r a t io n s th e r e fo r e f u p p o f e d , i f l i g h t b e in c id e n t o n a t h in
“ fltin o r p la te o f a n y tr a n fp a r e n t b o d y , th e w a v e s , e x c i t e d b y it s p a fia g e t h r o u g h
“ th e firft fu p e r fic ie s , o v e r t a k in g it o n e a fte r a n o th e r , t ill it a r r iv e a t th e fe c o n d
“ fu p e r fic ie s , w ill c a u fe it t o b e th e r e re fled te d o r r e fra d te d a c c o r d in g ly as th e c o n -
M d e n fe d o r e x p a n d e d p a r t o f th e w a v e o v e r t a k e s it th e r e . I f th e p la te b e o f f u c h
“ a t h ic k n e f s , th a t t h e c o n d e n fe d p a r t o f th e firft w a v e o v e r t a k e t h e ray a t th e fe
c o n d fu p e r fic ie s , it m u f t b e re fled te d t h e r e ; i f d o u b le t h a t t h ic k n e f s , t h a t t h e
fc‘ f o l l o w i n g rarified p a r t o f t h e w a v e , t h a t is,, t h e fp a c e b e t w e e n t h a t a n d th e n e x t-
“ w ave,
B C is t h e d if t a n c e , a t w h ic h t h e ra y is o v e r
t a k e n b y th e m o f t c o n d e n fe d p a r t o f t h e fir ft
<< w a v e : I f a y , t h e r a y s in c id e n t a t B , F , K ,
a a n d O , o u g h t t o b e reflected a t C , G , L ,
u a n d P , a n d t h o f e in c id e n t a t D , H , M , a n d
<c Qj_ o u g h t t o b e tranfmitted a t E , I , N , a n d
it R ; a n d t h is , b e c a u fe t h e r a y B C a r r iv e s
it a t t h e f u p e r fic ie s A C , w h e n it is c o n d e n fe d ,
tt b y t h e fir ft w a v e t h a t o v e r t a k e s i t ; D E ,
«c w h e n r a r ified b y th e in te r v a l o f t h e fir ft a n d
it f e c o n d ; F G , w h e n c o n d e n fe d b y t h e fe
tt c o n d w a v e ; F I I , w h e n r a r ified b y t h e in
tt te r v a l o f t h e fe c o n d a n d th ir d 5 a n d fo o n >
“ fo r a n in d e te r m in a te n u m b e r o f f u c c e f l i o n s ; a n d a t A , t h e c e n t e r o r c o n ta fl: o f
“ t h e g la f f e s , t h e l i g h t m u f t b e tranfmitted, b e c a u fe th e r e t h e a sth e r e a l m e d iu m s
“ in b o th g la ffe s a re c o n t in u e d a s i f b u t o n e u n if o r m m e d iu m . W h e n c e , if th e
“ g la ffe s in t h is p o ftu r e b e l o o k e d u p o n , th e r e o u g h t t o a p p e a r a t A , th e c o n ta d t
“ o f th e g la f fe s , a b la c k f p o t , a n d a b o u t t h a t m a n y c o n c e n t r ic c ir c le s o f l i g h t a n d
“ d a r k n e fs , t h e fq u a r c s o f w h o f e fe m id ia m e te r s a re t o fe n fe a n d a r ith m e t ic a l p r o -
“ g r e ffio n . Y e t a ll t h e r a y s , w it h o u t e x c e p t i o n , o u g h t n o t t o b e t h u s r e fle £ te d o r
“ t r a n f m i t t e d : fo r f o m e t i m e s a ra y m a y b e o v e r t a k e n a t t h e fe c o n d f u p e r fic ie s ,
“ b y th e v ib r a t io n s r a ife d b y a n o th e r c o lla te r a l o r im m e d i a t e ly f u c c e e d in g ray y
“ w h ic h v ib r a t io n , b e in g as i l r o n g o r f tr o n g e r th a n it s o w n , m a y c a u fe it to b e
“ r e fle fb e d o r tr a n fm itte d w h e n its o w n v ib r a t io n a lo n e w o u l d d o t h e c o n tr a r y .
“ A n d h e n c e fo m e l i t t l e l i g h t w ill b e r e fle & e d fr o m t h e b la c k r i n g s , w h i c h m a k e s
“ th e m
“ But to return to the lucid and black rings, thofe rings ought always to ap-
“ pear after the manner deferibed, were light uniform. And after that manner,
“ when the two contiguous glafies A Q_and A R have been illuftrated, in a dark
“ room, by light o f any uniform colour made by a prifm, I have feen the lucid
“ circles appear to about twenty in number, with many dark ones between them,
“ the colour o f the lucid ones being that of the light, with which the glafies were
“ illuftrated. And if the glafies were held between the eye and prifmatic colours,
“ caft on a fiheet o f white-paper, or if any prifmatic colour was direCtly trajeCled
“ through the glafies to a fheet o f paper placed a little way behind, there would
“ appear fuch other rings o f colour and darknefs (in the firft cafe between the
l< glafies, in the fecond, on the paper) oppofitely correfponding to thofe, which
“ appeared by reflection : I mean, that, whereas by reflected light there appeared
“ a black fpot in the middle, and then a coloured circle; on the contrary, by tranf-
“ mitted light there appeared a coloured fpot in the middle, and then a black circle,
“ and fo o n ; the diameters of the coloured circles, made by rranfmifiion, equali-
“ ing the diameters of the black ones made by reflection.
“ Thus, I fay, the ring3 do and ought to appear when made by uniform lig h t;
“ but in compound light it is otherwife. For the rays, which exhibit red and
“ yellow, exciting, as I faid, larger pulfes in the aether than thofe, which make
“ blue and violet, and confequently m aking bigger circles in a certain propor-
“ tion, as I have manifeftly found they do, by illuminating the glafies fucceflively
“ by the aforefaid colours of prifm in a well darkened room, without changing
“ the pofition of my eye or of the glafies ; hence the circles, made by illuftracing
“ the glafies with white lighr, ought not to appear black and white by turns, as
“ the circles made by illuftrating the glafies ; for inftance, with red'light, appear
“ red and black ; but the colours, which compound the white light, muft difplay
“ themfelves by being reflected, the blue and violet nearer to the center than the
“ red and yellow, whereby evet~y lucid circle muft become violet in the inward
“ verge, red in the o u t w a r d , a n d of intermediate colours in the intermediate
V ol. III. M m “ parts,
*66 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [1 6 7 5 .
parts, and be made broader than before, fpreading the colours both ways into
“ thofe fpaces, which I call the black rings, and which would here appear black,
“ were the red, yellow, blue, and violet, which make the verge of the rings, taken
“ out o f the incident white light, which illufbrates the glaffes, and the green only
“ left to make the lucid rings. Suppofe C B, G D , L F , P M , R N , S X , re-
« prefent quadrants of the circles made in a dark room by the very deepeft prif-
A Y C y Gl * L f Pf R S
** matic ra? alone; and Y (5, y 5,
“ * <J5, x ft, p v, <r £, the qua-
“ drants o f like circles made
“ alfo in a dark room, by the
<c very deepeft prifmatic violet ”
“ alone : and then, if the glaf- g
“ fes be illuminated by open
“ day light, in which all forts $
“ o f rays are blended, it is ma-
“ nifeft, that the firft lucid D
“ ring will be Y (i B C ; the fe- <$>
“ cond y S D G , the third, u
*c Acf> F L , the fourth M P,
“ the fifth p v N R, the fixth
“ <r £ X S , See. in all which
<fr the deepeft violet mult be
“ reflected at the inward edges
' reprefented by the pricked
“ lines, where it would be re-
“ flefted were it alone, and the deepeft red at the outward edges reprefented by
“ the black lines, where it would be refledted, were it alone; and all intermediate
“ colours at thofe places, in order, between thefe edges, at which they would be re-
“ fledted were they alone; each of them in a dark room, parted from all other
“ colours by the refradtion of a prifm. And becaufe the fquares o f the femidia-
“ meters o f the outward verges A C , A G , A L , See. as alfo o f A Y , A y, A a,
“ Sec. the femidiameters o f the inward are in arithmetical progrefiion of the num-
“ bersT, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, Sec. and the fquares o f the inward are to the fquares
“ o f the outward (A Y 9 to A O ’, A y 9 to A G 9, A A9 to A L», & c.) as 9 to 14,
“ (as I have found by meafuring them carefully and often, and comparing the
“ obfervations:) therefore the outward red verge o f the fecond ring, and inward
violet one o f the third, fhall border upon one another (as you may know by com-
“ putation, and fee them reprefented in the figure) and the like edges o f the third
“ and fourth rings fhall interfere, and thofe o f the fourth and fifth interfere more,
“ and fo on. Yea, the colours o f every ring mult fpread themfelves fomething
“ more both ways than is here reprefented, becaufe the quadrantal arcs here de-
“ feribed reprefent not the verges, but the middle of the rings made in a dark
“ room by the extreme violet and red ; the violet falling on both fides the pricked
“ arches, and red on both fides the black line arches. And hence it is, that
“ thefe rings or circuits o f colours fucceed one another continually, without any
2 “ inter-
<( intervening black, and that the colours are pure only in the three or four firft
" rings, and then intervening and mixing more and more, dilute one another fo
“ much, that after eight or nine rings they are no more to be diftinguifhed, but
“ feem to conftitute an even whitenefs; whereas, when they were made in a dark
“ room by one of the prifmatic colours alone, I have, as I faid, feen above twenty
“ of them, and without doubt could have feen them to a greater number, had I
“ taken the pains to make the prifmatic colour more uncompounded. For by
“ unfolding thefe rings from one another, by certain refradtions exprefled in the
“ other ! papers I fend you, 1 have, even in day-light, difcovered them to above
“ an hundred ; and perhaps they would have appeared innumerable, had the light
“ or colour illuftrating the glades been abfolutely uncompounded, and the pupil
“ of my eye but a mathematical point •, fo that all the rays, which came from
“ the fame point of the glafs might have gone into my eye at the fame obliquity
*c to the glafs.
“ What has been hitherto faid of the rings, is to be underftood of their appear-
“ ance to an unmoved eye: but if you vary the pofition of the eye, the more
“ obliquely you look on the glafs, the larger the rings appear. And of this the
“ reafon may be, partly that an oblique ray is longer in palling through the
« firft fuperficies, and fo there is more time between the waving forward and back*
“ ward of that fuperficies, and confequently a larger wave generated, and partly,
“ that the wave in creeping along between the two fuperficies may be impeded and
“ retarded by the rigidnefs of thofe fuperficies, bounding it at either end, and fo
“ not overtake the ray fo foon as a wave, that moves perpendicularly crols.
“ The bignefs of the circles made by every colour, and at all obliquities of the
<e eye to the glaffes, and the thicknefs of the air, or intervals of the glafies,
where each circle is made, you will find exprefled in the other papers I fend
** you; where alfo I have more at large defcribed, how much thefe rings inter-
“ fere, or fpread into one another; what colours appear in every ring, where
“ they are mod lively, where and how much diluted by mixing with the colours of
“ other rings ; and how the contrary colours appear on the back fide of the glafies
“ by the tranfmitted light, the glafies tranfmitting light of one colour at the fame
“ place, where they refletf: that of another. Nor need I add any thing further of
“ the colours of other thinly plated mediums, as of water between the aforefaid
“ glafies, or formed into bubbles, and fo encompafled with air, or of glafs blown
“ into very thin bubbles at a lamp furnace, &c. the cafe being the fame in all thefe,
excepting that, where the thicknefs of the plate is not regular, the rings will not
“ be fo ; that in plates of denfer tranfparent bodies, the rings are made at a lefs
“ thicknefs of the plate (the vibrations, I fuppofe, being lborter in rarer aether than
“ in denfer) and that in a denfer plate, furrounded with a rarer body, the colours
“ are more vivid than in the rarer furrounded with the denfer; as, for inftance,
more vivid in a plate of glafs furrounded with air, than in a plate of air fur-
“ rounded with glafs; of which the reafon is, that the refledtion of the fecond fu-
“ perficies, which caufes the colours, is, as was faid above, ftronger in the for-
* Obf. 24.
M m 2 “ m er
T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [1675.
“ mer cafe than in the latter : for which reafon alfo the colours are moft vivid,
“ when the difference of the denfity of the medium is greaceft.
“ Of the colours of natural bodies alfo I have (aid enough in thofe papers, fhew-
“ ing how the various fizes of the tranfparcnt particles, of which they confift, is
“ fufficient to produce them all, thofe particles refte&ing or tranfmitting this Or
“ that fort of rays, according to their thicknefs, like the aforefaid plates, as if they
“ were fragments thereof. For, I fuppofe, if a plate of an even thicknefs, and
“ consequently of an uniform colour, were broken into fragments of the fame thick-
“ nefs with the plate, a heap of thofe fragments would be a powder much of the
“ fame colour with the plates. And To, if the parts be of the thicknefs of che
“ water in the black fpot at the top of a bubble defcribed in the feventeenth of
“ the obfervations I fend you, 1 fuppofe the body muff be black. In the pro-
“ duftion of which blacknefs, I fuppofe, that the particles of that fiZe being dif-
“ pofed to reflect almoft no light outward, but to refradt it continually in its paf-
“ fage from every part to the next *, by this multitude of refractions, the rays
“ are kept fo long draggling to and fro within the body, till at Isft almoft all
“ impinge on the folid parts of the body, and fo are flopped and ftifled •, thofe
“ parts having no fufficient elafticity, or other difpofition to return nimbly enough
“ the fmart fhock of the ray back upon it.
" I fhould here conclude, but that there is another ftrange phenomenon of
“ colours, which may deferve to be taken notice of. Mr. H o o k e , you may re-
“ member, was fpeaking of an odd ftraying of light, caufed in itspaflage near the
“ edge of a razor, knife, or other opake body in a dark room •, the rays, which
“ pafs very near the edge, being thereby made to ftray at ail angles into the
“ /hadow of the knife.
After reading this difcourfc, Mr. P I ooke faid, that the main of it was contained
in his Micrographia, which Mr. N e w t o n had only carried farcher in fome parti
“ U p o n y o u r le tt e r I t o o k a n o t h e r g l a f s f o u r in c h e s b r o a d , a n d o n e f o u r t h o f
“ an i n c h t h i c k , o f f u c h g l a f s as te le fc o p e s are m a d e o f , a n d p l a c e d it a o n e f i x t h
“ p a r t o f an i n c h f r o m th e ta b l e . It w a s fe t in f u c h a p i e c e o f w o o d , as t h e o b -
“ j e tft -g la fie s o f te le fco p e s ufe t o b e fet in : a n d th e e x p e r i m e n t f u c c e e d e d w e l l .
“ A f t e r the r u b b i n g w a s f t i l l , a n d all w a s d i l l , t h e m o t i o n o f t h e p a p e r s w o u l d
“ con tin u e fom etim es w h ile I cou nted a h u n d re d , e v e ry paper le a p in g u p a b o u t
“ t w e n t y t i m e s m o r e o r lefs, a n d d o w n as o ft e n . I tr ie d i t a l f o w i t h t w o o t h e r g l a f i e s
“ t h a t b e l o n g to a t e le f c o p e , a n d it f u c c e e d e d w i t h b o t h ; a n d I m a k e n o q u e f t i o n
“ b u t a n y g l a f s w ill d o th a t , i f it b e e x c i t e d t o e l e f t r i c v i r t u e , as I t h i n k a n y m a y .
“ • I f y o u h a v e a m i n d t o a n y o f thefe g l a d e s , y o u m a y h a v e t h e m ; b u t I f u p -
“ p o f c , i f y o u c a n n o t m a k e it d o in o t h e r g l a f s , y o u w i l l fail in a n y I can fe n d
“ you. I a m a p t to f u f p e f t th e fa ilu r e w a s in t h e m a n n e r o f r u b b i n g ; f o r I h a v e
“ o b f e r v e d , t h a t th e r u b b i n g v a r i o u f l y , o r w i t h v a r i o u s t h i n g s , a lters th e c a fe . At
“ o n e t i m e I r u b b e d th e a fo re fa id g r e a t g l a f s w i t h a n a p k i n , t w i c e as m u c h as I
“ u fed to d o w i t h m y g o w n , a n d n o t h i n g w o u l d ftir ; a n d y e t p r e f e n t l y r u b b i n g
“ it w ith f o m e t h i n g elfe , th e m o t i o n s f o o n b e g a n . A f t e r t h e g l a f s has b e e n
“ m u c h r u b b e d t o o , th e m o t i o n s are n o t fo l a d i n g •, a n d th e n e x t d a y I f o u n d t h e
“ m o t i o n s fa in te r a n d d if f ic u lt e r t o e x c i t e th a n th e firft. I f the S o ciety h a v e a
“ m i n d to a t t e m p t it a n y m o r e , I c a n g i v e n o b e t t e r a d v i c e t h a n t h i s : t o t a k e a
“ n e w g la f s n o t y e t r u b b e d ( p e r h a p s o n e o f th e o l d o n es m a y d o w e l l e n o u g h a f t e r
“ it has la in ftill a w h i l e ) and let th is b e r u b b e d , n o t w i t h lin e n , n o r f o f t n a p p y
“ w o o l e n , b u t w i t h f l u f f , w h o f e th r e a d s m a y r a k e th e fu r f a c e o f t h e g l a f s , f u p -
u p o fe ta m e r i n e , o r th e l i k e , d o u b l e d u p in t h e h a n d , a n d th is w i t h a b r i f k m o -
“ tio n as m a y b e , till an h u n d r e d o r an h u n d r e d a n d fifty m a y b e c o u n t e d , t h e
“ g l a f s l y i n g all th e w h i l e o v e r th e p a p e r s . T h e n , i f n o t h i n g ftir , r u b t h e g l a f s
“ w i t h the f i n g e r e n d s h a l f a f c o r e o f t i m e s t o a n d f r o , o r k n o c k y o u r f i n g e r -
“ ends as o ft e n u p o n the g l a f s ; f o r th is r u b b i n g o r k n o c k in g w ith y o u r fin gers,
“ a fte r th e f o r m e r r u b b i n g , c o n d u c e s m o f t t o e x c i t e the papers. I f n o th in g ftir
“ yet, r u b a g a i n w i t h th e c lo t h till f i x t y o r e i g h t y m a y b e c o u n t e d , a n d th e n
“ rub o r k n o c k again w ith y o u r fingers, a n d rep eat th is t ill th e elecftric v i r t u e o f
“ th e g la fs b e fo fa r e x c i t e d as to t a k e u p th e p a p e r s , a n d th e n a v e r y little r u b b -
“ in g or k n o c k in g n o w and then w ill re v iv e th e m o tio n s, In d o i n g a ll t h is , l e t
“ th e r u b b i n g b e a lw a y s d o n e as n i m b l y as m a y b e ; a n d i f t h e m o t i o n b e c i r c u -
“ lars, l i k e t h a t o f g l a f s - g r i n d i n g , it m a y <!o b e t t e r . B u t i f y o u can not m a k e it
y e t fuC ceed, it im i f t b e let a lo n e till I h a v e f o m e o p p o r t u n i t y o f t r y i n g it b e -
“ fore y o u . A s fo r th e f u f p ic i o n o f th e p a p e rs b e i n g m o v e d b y t h e a ir , I a m fe-
“ cu re f r o m t h a t ; y e t in the o t h e r , o f d r a w i n g l e a f - g o l d t o a b o v e a f o o t d i f t a n c e ,
tc w h i c h I n e v e r w e n t a b o u t to t r y m y f e l f till t h e laft w e e k , I fu fp ed t t h e a ir m i g h t
“ raife th e g o l d , a n d th e n a f m a l l a t t r a t t i o n m i g h t d e t e r m i n e it t o w a r d s th e g l a f s ;
“ for I co u ld n o t m a k e it fu cceed .” 1
M r . O l d e n b u r g r e a d a le tt e r t o h i m f e l f f r o m M r . J o h n G a s c o i g n e , d a t e d
a t L i e g e , 1 5 t h D e c e m b e r , 1 6 7 5 " , a c q u a i n t i n g h i m w i t h th e d e a th o f M r . L i n u s
o f t h e e p i d e m i c a l d i fe a fe , w h i c h t h e n r a g e d t h r o u g h f o m a n y c o u n t r i e s , a n d w i t h
t h e r e f o l u t i o n o f M r . L i n u s ’s d i f c i p l e s , to t r y M r . N e w t o n ’s e x p e r i m e n t c o n c e r n
i n g l i g h t and c o l o u r s m o r e c le a r l y a n d c a r e f u l l y , a n d b e f o r e m o r e w i t n e f l e s , a c c o r d
i n g t o t h e d i r e c t i o n s g i v e n t h e m b y M r . N e w t o n ’s la ft le tt e r : i n t i m a t i n g w i t h a l ,
t h a t i f t h e fa id e x p e r i m e n t b e m a d e b e f o r e t h e R o y a l S o c i e t y , a n d b e a t t e f t e d b y
t h e m t o f u c c e e d , as M r . N e w t o n a f f i r m e d , t h e y w o u l d reft fatisfied.
M r. A u b r e y p r e fe n te d th e S o c i e t y w i t h his o b f e r v a t i o n s m a d e i n W i l t f f i i r e , w h i c h
b e i n g r e a d , h e w a s d e fir e d t o e n d e a v o u r t o p r o c u r e f o m e o f th e i r o n - o r e o f S e in
in t h a t c o u n t y , fa id t o b e f o r i c h , t h a t t h e f m i t h c o u l d m e l t it in his f o r g e : as a lf o
t o p r o c u r e f r o m E a f t o n - P e i r e s in M a l m e f b u r y h u n d r e d , f o m e o f t h e b l u e c l a y ,
f r e e f r o m f a n d , a n d a l m o f t o f t h e c o l o u r o f u l t r a m a r i n e •, w h i c h c l a y M r . D o ig h t
f u p p o f e d t o b e v e r y fit f o r p o r c e l a n e .
January13. C a p t a i n H e n r y S h e e r e s , J ohn M a p l e t o f t , M . D . x, a n d
S ign o rF r a n c is c o T r a v a g i n i w e r e p r o p o f e d c a n d i d a t e s , t h e firft in t h e n a m e o f
S ir J oseph W il l ia m so n , th e fecond b y M r . H ooke, and th e th ird b y M r . O l
M r. N e w t o n ’ s e x p e r i m e n t o f g l a f s r u b b e d , t o c a u f e v a r i o u s m o t i o n s in b it s
o f p a p e r u n d e r n e a t h , b e i n g m a d e a c c o r d i n g t o his m o r e p a r t i c u l a r d i r e c t io n s , f u c -
ceeded v e r y w ell. T h e ru b b in g w as m ade b o th w ith a fcru b b in g bru fh , m ade o f
f h o r t h o g ’ s b r i f t le s , w i t h a k n i f e , t h e h a f t o f t h e k n i f e m a d e o f w h a l e b o n e , a n d
w i t h t h e n a il o f o n e ’ s f i n g e r . I t appeared , th a t t o u c h i n g m a n y parts at on ce
w i t h a h a r d a n d r o u g h b o d y , p r o d u c e d t h e effeCt ex p e C te d .
There was alfo read the beginning of Mr. N ewton’ s difcourfe, containing
fuch obfervations, as conduce to further difcoveries for completing his theory of
light and colours, efpecially as to the conftitution of natural bodies, on which
their colours or tranfparency depend : in which he defcribes firft the principal of
his obfervations, and then confiders and makes life of them.
A t this time there were read the firft fifteen of thofe obfervations as follow *:
“ I fuppofe you underfland, that all tranfparent fubftances (as glafs, water,
“ air, &c.) when made very thin by being blown into bubbles, or otherwife
“ formed into plates, do exhibit various colours, according to their various thin-
“ nefs, although at a greater thicknefs they appear very clear and colourlefs. In
“ my former difcourfe about the conftitution of light, I omitted thefe colours,
“ becaufe they feemed of a more difficult confideration, and were not neceflary for
“ the eftablilhing of the dodlrine, which I propounded ; but becaufe they may con-
“ duce to further difcoveries for compleating that theory, efpecially as to the
“ conftitution of the parts of natural bodies, on which their colours or tranfpa-
“ rency depend, I have now fent you an account of them. To render this dif-
“ courfe fhort and diftindt, I have firft defcribed the principal of my obfervations,
“ and then confidered and made ufe of them. The obfervations are thefe:
“ Obf. 1 . Compreffing two prifms hard together, that their fides (which by
“ chance were a very little convex) might fomewhere touch one another, I found
“ the place, in which they touched, to become a abfolutelv tranfparent, as if they
“ had been there one continued piece of glafs j for when the light fell fo ob-
“ liquely on the air, which in other places was between them, as to be all re*
“ fledted, in that place of contadt it feemed wholly tranfmitted; infomuch that
“ when looked upon, it appeared like a black or dark fpot, by reafon of no fen-
“ fible light was refledted from thence, as from other places and when looked
“ through, it feemed, as it were, a hole in that air, that was formed into a thin
z R eciter, vol. v, p. 89. “ fieftion from this fpot, not only the verges o f
* “ Note, that there is fome light reflefled from “ it became lucid, butdivers lucid veins, as Ipecks,
“ thofe parts o f this black fpot, where the glades, “ appeared in the midlt of the blacknefs: but yet
“ by reafon o f their convex, ty, and fome little un- “ fome parts of the fpot feemed ftill as black as
“ evennefs o f their furfaces, do not come to abfo- “ before, 'which parts I take to be thofe, where
" lute contaifl. For by viewing the fun, by re- “ the glades touched.
2 “ plate
I 67f ] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y OF L ON D O N . 273
<( plate by being comprefied between the glafies; and through this hole obje&s*
that were beyond, might be feen diftindtly, which could not at all be feen through
c( other parts of the glafies, where the air was interjacent. Although the glafies
U were a little convex, yet this tranfparent fpot was of a confiderable breadth,
cc which breadth feemed principally to proceed from the yielding inwards of the
parts of the glafies by reafon of their mutual prefigure ; for by prefiing them very
cc hard together, it would become much broader than otherwise.
Obf. 2. When the plate of air, by turning the prifms about their common
cc axis became fo little inclined to the incident rays, that fome of them began to
cc be tranfmitted, there arofe in it many (len
cc der arcs of colours, which at firft were Fig. I.
(( fhaped almoft like the conchoid, as you fee
cc them here delineated. And by continuing
the motion of the prifms, thefe arcs in- : -~...'•V.vV>vSS;s\\
cc creafed and bended more and more about OUt ^
cc the faid tranfparent fpot, till they were V v .W \V '
“ Thefe arcs, at their firft appearance, were of a violet and blue colour, and
cc between them were white arcs of circles, which prefently became a little tinged
cc in their inward Jimbs with red and yellow, and to their outward limbs the blue
cc was adjacent; fo that the order of thefe colours from the central dark fpot,
cc was at that time white, blue, violet, black, red, orange, yellow, white, blue,
cc violet, &c. but the yellow and red were much fainter than the blue and vio
cc let.
“ The motion of the prifms about their axis being continued, thefe colours
cc contradted more and more, fhrinking towards the whitenefs on either fide of
cc it, until they totally vanifhed into i t ; and then the circles in thofe parts ap
cc peared black, and white, without any other colours intermixed ; but by fur
cc ther moving the prifms about, the colours again emerged out of the whitenefs,
cc the violet and blue at its inward limb, and at its outward limb the red and yel
cc low ; fo that now their order from the central fpot was white, yellow, red,
cc black, violet, blue, white, yellow, red, &c. contrary to what it was before.
“ Obf. 3. When the rings or fome parts appeared only black and white, they
were very diftincSt and well defined, and the blacknefs feemed as intenfe as thac
cc of the central fpot; alfo, in the borders of thefe rings, where the colours began
cc to emerge out of the whitenefs, they were pretty diltindt, which made them vi-
fible to a very great multitude. I have fometimes numbered above thirty fuc-
cc cefiions (reckoning every black and white ring for one fuccefiion) and feen more
cc of them, which by reafon of their fmallnefs I could not number. But in other
cc pofitions of the prifms, at which the rings appeared of many colours, I could
cc not diftinguifh above eight or nine of them, and the exterior of thofe too
cc were confufed and dilute.
VOL. III. N n « In
274 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [1-65-4.
“ In thefe two obfervations, to fee the rings diftind, and without any other colour
“ but black and white, I found it neceflary that I held my eye at a good diftance
“ from them. For by approaching nearer, although in the fame inclination of
“ my eye, yet there emerged a bluifh colour out of the white, which by dilating,
“ itfelf more and more into the black, rendered the circles lefs diftind, and lelt
“ the white a little tinged with red and yellow. I found alfo, that by looking
“ through a flic or oblong hole, which was narrower thanthe pupil o f my eye,
“ and held clofe to it parallel to the prifms, I could fee thecircles much diftinder
“ and vifible to a far greater number than otherwife.
“ Obf. 4. T o obferve more nicely the order o f the colours, which arofe out o f
“ the white circles, as the rays became lefs and lefs inclined to the plate o f a ir ; I
“ took two objed-glafies, the one a plane-convex for a fourteen foot telefcope,
“ and the other a large double convex for one of fifty f o o t ; and upon this lay-
ing the other with its plane fide downwards, I preflfed them flowly together,
“ to make the colours fuccefiively emerge in the middle o f the circles, and thea
“ flowly lifted the upper glafs from the lower, to make them fuccefiively vanilh
“ again in the fame place, where being o f a confiderable breadth, I could more
“ eafily difcern them. And by this means l obferved their fucceflion and quan-
“ tity to be as followeth.
** N ext to the pellucid central fpot made by the contad o f the glafles, fuc-
tc ceeded violet, blue, white, yellow, and red. The violet and blue were fo very
“ little in quantity, that I could not difcern them in the circles made by the
“ prifm s; but the yellow and red were pretty copious, and feemed about as much
“ in extent as the white, and four or five times more than the blue and violet.,
“ The next circuit or order o f colours immediately encompafling thefe was vio-
“ let, blue, green, yellow, and red. And thefe were all o f them copious and
“ vivid, excepting the green, which was very little in quantity, and feemed much
“ more faint and dilute than the other colours. O f the other four the violet
“ was leaft, and the blue lefs than the yellow or red. T he third circuit or order
“ was alfo purple, blue, green, yellow, and red, in which the purple feemed more
“ reddilh than the violet in the former circuit, and the green was much more
“ confpicuous, being as briflk and copious as any o f the other colours except the
“ yellow; but the red began to be a little faded, inclining very much to purple.
“ After thefe fucceeded green and red; the green was very copious and lively, in-
“ dining on the one fide to blue, and the other to yellow. But in this fourth
“ circuit there was neither violet, blue, nor yellow, and the red was very imper-
“ fed and dirty. Alfo the fucceeding colours became more and more im p ed ed
“ and dilute, till after three or four more revolutions they ended in perfed white-
“ nefs.
“ Obf. 6. The diameter of the firft ring, at the moft lucid part of its orbit,
“ was -W parts of an inch, and the diameter of the fphere, on which the double
“ convex objedt-glafs was ground, was an hundred and two foot, as I found by
“ meafuring it; and confequently the thicknefs of the air, or aereal interval of the
“ glaffes at that ring, was -ttttt of an inch. For as the diameter of the faid fphere
“ (an hundred and two foot, or twelve hundred and twenty-four inches) is to
“ the femidiameter of the ring -rV-o-j fo very nearly is that lemidiameter to T-t (ST,
“ the faid diftance of the glafies. Now, by the precedent obfervations, the
“ eleventh part of this diftance (-r-s-s-Wr) is the thicknefs of the air at that part
“ of the firft ring, where the yellow would be moft vivid, were it not mixed
“ with other colours in the white ; and this doubled gives the difference of its
“ thicknefs at the yellow in all the other rings, viz. 7^ TT) or, to ufe a round
“ number, the eighty thoufand part of an inch.
“ Obf. 7 . Thefe dimenfions were taken, when my eye was placed perpendict:^
“ larly over the glaffes, in or near the axis of the rings; but when I viewed
“ them obliquely, they became bigger, continually fwelling as I removed my eye
,efarther from their axis; and partly by meafuring the diameter of the fame
“ circle at feveral obliquities of my eye, partly by other means •, as alfo by mak-
“ ing ufe of the two prifms for very great obliquities, I found its diameter, and
confequently the thicknefs of the air at its perimeter in all thofe obliquities, to
“ be very nearly in the proportions exprefled in this table.
« In the two firft columns are expreffed the obliquities of the rays to the plate
“ of air; that is, their angles of incidence and refraftion. In the third column,
“ the diameter of any coloured ring of thofe obliquities is expreffed in parts, of
“ which ten conftitute that diameter, when the rays are perpendicular. And [in
“ the fourth column the thicknefs of the air at the circumference of that ring is
“ expreffed in parts, of which alfo ten conftitute that thicknefs, when the rays
*c are perpendicular.
“ Obf. 8. The dark fpot in the middle of the rings increafed alfo by that
“ obliquation of the eye, although almoft infenfibly. But, if inftead of the
“ objeCt-glaffes, theprifms were made ufe of, its increafe was more manifeft, when
“ viewed fo obliquely, that no colours appeared about it. It was leaft, when the
“ rays were incident moft obliquely on the interjacent air, and increafed more and
“ more, until the coloured rings appeared, and then decreafed again, but not fo
“ much as it increafed before. And hence it is evident, that the tranfparency
“ was not only at the abfolute contaCt of the glaffes, but alfo where they had fome
“ little interval. I have fometimes obferved the diameter of that fpot to be be-
“ tween half and two fifth parts of the diameter of the exterior circumference of
“ the red in the firft circuit or revolution of colours, when viewed almoft per-
“ pendicularly ; whereas, when viewed obliquely, it hath wholly vanifhed, and
“ become opake and white, like the other parts of the glafs. Whence it may
“ be collected, that the glaffes did then fcarcely, or not at all, touch one ano-
then, and that their interval of the perimeter of that fpot, when viewed per-
« pendicularly, was about a fifth or fixth part of their interval at the circum-
“ ference of the faid red.
“ Obf. 10. Wetting the objeCt-glafs a little at their edges, the water crept in
“ flowly between them, and the circles thereby became lefs, and the colours
“ more faint; infomuch that, as the water crept along, one half of them, at which
“ it firft arrived, would appear broken off from the other half, and contracted
“ into a lefs room. By meafuring them I found the proportion of their diameters
“ to the diameters of the like circles made by air, to be about feven to eight j
“ and
“ I have feen more than twenty of them, whereas in the open air I could not
** difcern above eight or nine.
“ Obf. 13. Appointing an afliftant to move the prifm to and fro about its
“ axis, that all its colours might fuccefiively fall on the fame place of the paper,
“ and be reflected from the circles to my eye whilft I held it immoveable ; I
“ found the circles, which the red light made, to be manifeftly bigger than
“ thofe, which were made by the blue and violet; and it was very pleafant to fee
“ them gradually fwell or contract, accordingly as the colour of the light was
“ changed. The interval of the glafs at any of the rings, when they were made
“ by the utmofl red light, was to their interval at the fame ring, when made
“ by the utmofl violet, greater than three to two, and lefs than thirteen to eight.
“ By the moft of my obfervations it was as nine to fourteen. And this pro-
“ portion feemed very nearly the fame in all obliquities of my eye,, unlefs when
“ two prifms were made ufe of inftead of the objeCt-glafies : for then, at a
“ certain great obliquity, the rings made by the feveral colours feemed equal;
“ and, at a greater obliquity, thofe made by the violet would be greater than the
fame rings made by the red.
“ Obf. 14. While the prifm was turned about uniformly, the contraction or
lC dilatation of a ring made by all the feveral colours of the prifm fuccefljvely
reflected from the objeCt-glafles, was fwifteft in the red, floweft in the violet,
and in intermediate colours it had intermediate degrees of celerity. Comparing
the extent, which each colour obtained by this contraction or diW " I found,
“ that
B7 8 T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [ i 6 71 .
“ t h a t th e b l u e w a s fe n fib ly m o r e e x t e n d e d th a n th e v i o l e t , t h e y e l l o w th a n t h e
« b lu e , a n d th e red than th e y e l l o w . A n d , to m a k e a j u f t e r e f f i m a t i o n o f t h e i r
“ p r o p o r t i o n s , I o b f e r v e d , t h a t th e e x t e n t o f th e red w a s a i m o ft d o u b l e to t h a t
«« o f the v i o l e t , and t h a t th e l i g h t w a s o f a m i d d l e c o l o u r b e t w e e n y e l l o w a n d
« g r e e n at t h a t i n t e r v a l o f th e g la fle s , w h i c h w a s an a r i t h m e t i c a l m e a n b e t w e e n
“ t h e t w o e x t r e m e s ; c o n t r a r y t o w h a t h a p p e n s in th e c o l o u r s m a d e b y t h e re -
“ f r a c tio n o f a p r i f m , w h e r e th e red is m o l l c o n t r a c t e d , t h e v i o l e t m o d e x p a n d e d ,
“ a n d in th e m i d f t o f th e m is th e c o n f i n e o f g r e e n a n d b lu e .
<’• Obf. 15. Thefe rings were not of various colours, like thofe in the open
“ air, but appeared all over of that prifmatic colour only, with which they were
“ illuminated : and, by projecting the prifmatic colours immediately upon the
“ glafles, I found, that the light, which fell on the dark fpaces, which were be-
“ tween the coloured rings, was tranfmitted through the glafles without any va-
riation of colour. For, on a white paper placed behind, it would paint rings
“ of the fame colour with thofe, which were reflected, and of the bignefs of their
“ intermediate fpaces. And from hence the origin of thefe rings is manifeft,
“ namely, that the aereal interval of the glafles, according to its various thick-
“ nefs, is difpofed in fome places to refleCt, and in others to tranfmit, the light
“ of any co lo u ran d , in the fame place to refleft one colour, where it tranfmits
“ another.
Thefe obfervations fo well pleafed the Society, that they ordered Mr. O l d e n
burg to defire Mr. N e w t o n to permit them to be publilhed, together with the
reft •, which, they prefumed, did correfpond with thofe, that had been now read
to them.
“ As for Mr. H o o k e ’s infinuation, that the fum of the hypothefis I fent you
“ had been delivered by him in his Micrography, I need not be much concerned
tc at the liberty he takes in that kind : yet, becaufe you think it may do well,
“ if I ftate the difference I take to be between them, I fhall do it as briefly as I
“ can, and that the rather, that I may avoid the favour of having done any
“ thing unjuftifiable or unhandfome towards Mr. H o o k e . But, for this end, I
“ mud firft (to fee what is his) call out what he has borrowed from D es C a r -
“ t e s , or others, viz. that there is an aethereal medium •, that light is the aCtion
“ of this medium; that this medium is lefs implicated in the parts of folid
“ bodies, and lb moves more freely in them, and tranfmits light more readily
“ through them, and that after fuch a manner, as to accelerate the rays in a cer-
“ tain proportion-, that refraction arifes from this acceleration, and has fines
“ proportional; that light is at firft uniform; that its colours are fome diftur-
“ bance or new modification of its rays by refraction or reflection j that the co-
“ lours of a prifm are made by means of the quiefcent medium, accelerating
“ fome motion of the rays on one fide, where red appears, and retarding it on
“ the
“ This, I think, is in (hort the fum of his hypothefis ; and in all this I have
<£ nothing common with him, but the fuppofition, that tether is a fufcep-
“ tible medium of vibrations, of which fuppofition 1 make a very different ufe;
“ he fuppofing it a light itfelf, which I fuppofe it is not. This is as great a dif-
“ ference as is between him and D es C a r t e s . But befides this, the manner of
“ refradtion and refledtion, and the nature and production of colours in all cafes
“ (which takes up the body of my difcourfe) I explain very differently from
him ; and even in the colours of thin tranfparent fubftances, I explain every
“ thing after a way fo differing from him, that the experiments I ground my
“ difcourfe on, deftroy all he has faid about them •, and the two main experi-
“ ments, without which the manner of the production of thofe colours is not to
“ be found out, were not only unknown to him, when he wrote his Microgra-
“ phy, but even laft fpring, as 1 underftood, in mentioning them to him. This
“ therefore is the fum of what is common to us, that aether may vibrate; and
“ fo, if he thinks fit to ufe that notion of colours, arifing from the various big-
“ nefs of pulfes (without which his hypothefis will do nothing) bis will borrow
“ as much from my anfwer to his objections, as that I lend you does from his
“ Micrography.
“ But, it may be, he means, that I have made ufe of his obfervations, and of
“ fome I did ; as, that of the inflection of rays, for which I quoted him ; that
“ of opacity, arifing from the interftices of the parts of bodies, which I infiffc
“ not on ; and that of plated bodies exhibiting colours, a phenomenon, for the
“ notice of which I thank him. But he left me to find out and make fuch cx-
M periments about it, as might inform me of the manner of the production of thofe
“ colours, to ground an hypothefis on •, he having given no further infight to it
“ than this, that the colour depended on fome certain thicknefs of the plate;
“ though what that thicknefs was at every colour, he confeflfes in his Microgra-
“ phy, he had attempted in vain to learn-, and therefore, feeing I was left to
“ meafure it myfelf, I fuppofe he will allow me to make ufe of what I took
“ the pains to find out. And this I hope may vindicate me from what Mr.
“ H ooke has been pleafed to charge m e with.”
The reading of the reft of Mr. N e w t o n ’s difcourfe was referred to the next
280 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [1674.
January 27. Mr. O l d e n b u r g produced from his highnefs prince R u p e r t a
piece of marble, having feveral pitftures of boys and trees painted upon it in fuch
a manner, that all the out-lines of the pi&ures were exactly defined without any
flowing of the colours abroad, and the colours fixed by the fire, and afterwards
fo polilhed, that they would be permanent, and laft as long as the marble.
“ Befides the aforefaid coloured rings, there would often appear fmall fpots of
“ colours afcending and defcending up and down the fide of the bubble, by rea-
“ fonof fome inequalities in the fubfiding of the water ; and fometimes fmall black
“ fpots generated at the fides, would afcend up to the larger black fpot at the
“ top of the bubble, and unite with it.
“ Obf. 18. Becaufe the colours of thefe bubbles were more extended and
“ lively than thofe of air thinned between two glaftes, and fo more eafy to be
diftinguifiled, I (hall here give you a further defcription of their order, as they
“ were obferved in viewing them by reflexion of the (kies, when of a white
“ colour, whilft a black fubftance was placed behind the bubble: and they were
“ thefe; red, blue, red, blue; red, blue; red, green; red, yellow; green, blue,
“ purple; red, yellow, green, blue, violet; red, yellow, white, blue, black.
“ The three firft fucceflions of red and blue were very dilute and dirty, efpe-
“ dally the firft, where the red feemed in a manner to be white. Amongft thefe
“ there was fcarcely any other colour fenfible, only the blues (and principally the
“ fecond blue) inclined a little to green.
V O L. III. O o “ The
282 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E
“ The fourth red was alfo dilute and dirty, but not fo much as the former
“ three: after that fucceeded little or no yellow, but a copious green, which at
“ firft was inclined a little to yellow, and then became a pretty brilk and good
“ willow green, and afterwards changed to a blueifh colour ; but there luccedcd
“ neither blue nor violet.
“ The fifth red at firft was very much inclined to purple, and afterwards be-
“ came more bright and brifk, but yet not very pure. This was fucceeded with
“ a very bright and intenfe yellow, which was but little in quantity, and foon
“ changed to green ; but that green was copious, and fomething more pure,
“ deep, and lively, than the former green. After that followed an excellent blue
“ of a bright fky colour ; and then a purple, which was lefs in quantity than the
“ blue, and much inclined to red.
“ The fixth red was at firft of a very fair and lively fcarlet, and foon after
“ of a brighter colour, being very pure and brilk, and the beft of all the reds.
“ Then, after a lively orange, fol owed an intenfe, bright, and copious yellow,
“ which was alfo the beft of all the yellows; and this changed, firft to a greenifh
“ yellow, and then to a greenifh blue; but the green between the yellow and
“ blue was very little and dilute, feeming rather a greenifh white than a green.
“ The blue, which fucceeded, became very good, and of a fair, bright, fky-colour;
“ but yet fomething inferior to the former blue: and the violet was intenfe and
“ deep, with little or no rednefs in it, and lefs in quantity than the blue.
tc In the laft red appeared a tinfture of fcarlet next the violet, which foon
“ changed to a brighter colour, inclining to an orange : and the yellow, which
“ followed, was at firft pretty good and lively, but afterwards it grew more and
“ more dilute, until by degrees it ended in perfedt whitenefs: and this whitenefs,
“ if the water was very tenacious and well tempered, would flowly fpread and
“ dilate itfelf over the greateft part of the bubble, continually growing paler at
“ the top, where at length it would crack, and thofe cracks, as they dilated;
“ would appear of a pretty good, but yet obfcure and dark, fky-colour; the
“ white between the blue fpots diminifhing, until it refembled the threads of an
“ irregular net-work, and foon after vanifhed and left all the upper part of the
“ bubble of the faid dark blue colour; and this colour, after the aforefaid man-
“ ner, dilated itfelf downwards, until fometimes it hath overfpread the whole
“ bubble. In the mean while, at the top, which was of a darker blue than the
“ bottom, and appeared alfo of many round blue fpots, fomething darker than
“ the reft, there would emerge one or more very black fpots, and within thofe,
“ other fpots of an intenfer blacknefs, which I mentioned in the former obferva-
“ tion; and thofe continually dilated themfelves until the bubble, broke.
“ If the water was not very tenacious, the black fpots would break forth in
“ the white, without any fenfible intervention of the blue: and fometimes they
“ would break forth within the precedent yellow, or red, or perhaps within
“ the blue of the fecond order, before the intermediate colours had time to dif-
“ play themfelves.
*8* T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E £1674.
«* at which any one colour is exhibited in thofe feveral obliquities, is expreft* in
«.* parts, of which ten conftitute that thicknefs, when the rays are perpendicular.
“ I have fometimes obferved of the colours, which arife on polilhed fteel by
“ heating it, or on bell metal and feme other metalline fubftances, when melted
“ and poured on the ground, where it may cool in the open air, that they have,
“ like thofe of water-bubbles, been a little changed by viewing them at divers
“ obliquities; and particularly, that a deep blue or violet, when viewed very
“ obliquely, hath been changed to a deep red. But the changes of thefe colours
“ are not fo fenfible as of thofe made by water; for the fcoria, or vitrified part
“ of the metal, which moil metals, when heated or melted, continually protrude
“ to their furface, where, by covering them in form of a thin glafiy lkin, it
“ caufes thefe colours, is much denfer than water, and I find, that the change
** made by the obliquation of the eye, is lead in colours of the denfeft thin fub-
“ fiances.
“ Obf. 20. As in the ninth obfervation, fo here, the bubble, by tranfmitted
'* light appeared of a contrary colour to that, which it exhibited by refledtiom
M Thus, when the bubbles, being looked on by the light of the clouds refiedted
from it, feemed red at its apparent circumference, if the clouds at the lame
** time, or very fudden!y, were viewed through it, the colour at its circumfe-
M rence would be blue. And, on the contrary, when by refiedted light it ap-
“ peared blue, it would appear red by tranfmitted light.
“ Obf. 22, A thin tranfparent body, which is denfer than Its ambient me*
“ dium, exhibits more brifk and vivid colours than that, which is fo much
“ rarer; as- I have particularly obferved in air and glafs: for, blowing, glafs
“ very thin at a lamp furnace, thofe plates encompafied with air did exhibit co-
“ lours much more vivid than thofe of air made thin between two glafies,
“ Obf. 23. Comparing the quantity of light refiedted from the feveral rings,.
“ I found it was mod copious from the firft or inmofi, and in the exterior rings be-
“ came gradually lefs and lefs. Alfo the whitenefs of the firft ring was ftronger than
“ that refiedted from thofe parts of the thinned medium, which were without the
“ rings,, as I could manifeftly perceive by viewing at diftance the rings made by
“ the two objedt glafies; or by comparing two bubbles of water blown at diftant
“ times, In the firft of which the whitenefs appeared, which fucceeded the colours,
** and the whitenefs, which preceded them, in the other.
“ Obf.
167*.] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y O F L O N D O N . 285
“ Obf. 24. When the two objeft-glafies were laid upon one another, fo as to
“ make the rings of colours appear, though with my naked eye I could not
“ difcern above eight or nine of thofe rings, yet, by viewing them through a
“ prifm, I have feen a far greater multitude, infomuch, that I could number
“ more than forty, befides many others, that were fo very fmall and clofe toge-
ther, that I could not keep my eye fo fteady on them feverally as to number
“ them : but by their extent I have fometimes eftimated them to be more than
“ a hundred. And, I believe, the experiment may be improved to the difcovery
“ of far greater numbers; for they feem to be really unlimited, though vifible
“ only fo far as they can be feparated by the refra&ion, as I fliall hereafter
“ explain.
“ But it was but one fide of thefe rings, namely, that, towards which the re-
“ fraftion was made, which by that refradion was rendered diftind; and the
“ other fide became more confufed than to the naked eye, infomuch that there I
“ could not dikern above one or two, and fometimes none of thofe rings, of
“ which I could difcern eight or nine with my naked eye. And their fegments,
“ or arcs, which on the other fide appeared fo numerous, for the moft part ex-
“ ceeded not the third part of a circle. If the refradion was very great, or the
“ prifms very diftant from the objed-glafies, the middle part of thofe arcs be-
“ came alfo confufed, fo as to difappear and conftitute an even whitenefs, whilft
“ on either fide their ends, as alfo the whole arcs fartheft
“ from the center, became diftindcr than before, appearing Fig. II.
*- in the form you fee them here defigned.
“ I have fometimes fo laid one objed-glafs upon the other, that, to the naked
•* eye, they have all over feemed uniformly white, without the leaft appearance
“ of any of the coloured rings; and yet, by viewing them through a prifm, great
“ multitudes of thofe rings have difcovered themfelves. And, in like manner,
“ plates of Mufcovy glafs, and bubbles of glafs blown at a lamp furnace,
M which were not fo thin, as to exhibit any colours to the naked eye, have
“ through the prifm exhibited a great variety of them, ranged irregularly up
“ and down, in the form of waves. And fo bubbles of water, before they be-
“ gan to exhibit their colours to the naked eye of a by -0ancle r, have appeared,
“ through a prifm, girded about with many parallel and horizontal rings •, to pro-
“ duce whicheffed, it was neceffary to hold the prifm parallel, or very nearly pnral-
“ lei, to the horizon, and to difpofcit fo, that the rays might be refraded upwards.
“ Having
2 86 T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [167*.
“ And firft, to fhow how the colours in the fourth and eighteenth obfervations
“ are produced, let there be taken in any
“ right line the lengths Y Z, Y A, and
“ Y H , in proportion as four, nine, and
“ fourteen •, and between Z A and Z H
“ eleven mean proportionals, of which let 33
“ Z B be the fecond, Z C the third, Z D j!
“ the fifth, Z E the feventh, Z F the ninth, 37
“ and Z G the tenth. And at the points
“ A, B, C, D, E, F, G , H , let perpendi- 3s '
“ diculars A a, B |3, &c. be eredted, by 34
“ whofe intervals, the extent of the feveral 33 '
“ colours fet underneath againft them, is to
“ be reprefented. Then divide the line A « 3t '
“ in fuch proportion as the numbers 1 , 2, 3 > 30
“ 5, 6, 7 •, 9, 10, 11 , &c. fet at the point ^
“ of divifion denote. And through thofe ' / /
“ divifions from Y draw lines x I, 2 K, 3 L •, 26 y
“ 5 m, 6 », 7 0, &c. ®s
“ te r m e d ia te
1674.] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y O F L O N D O N . 187
“ termediate parts of the lines 2 K, 6 », &c. againft which the names of thofe
“ colours are written below.
“ But farther, to define the latitude of thefe colours in each ring or feries, let
“ A 1 defign the leaft thicknefs, and A 3 the greateft thicknefs, at which the
“ extreme violet in the firft feries is reflefted ; and let H I and FI L defign the
“ like limit for the extreme red, and the intermediate colours be limited by the
“ intermediate parts of the lines, 1 I and 3 L ; againft which the names of thole
“ colours are written. And in the lecond feries, let thofe limits be the lines
“ 5 M and 7 O ; and fo o n : but yet with this caution, that the refleftions be
“ fuppofed ftrongeft at the intermediate fpaces, 2 K, 6 N, 10 R, &c. and to
“ decreafe gradually towards thefe limits, 1 I, 3 L ; 5 M, 7 O, &c. on either
“ fide, where you muft not conceive them to be precifely limited, but to decay
“ indefinitely. And whereas I have defigned the fame latitude to every feries, I
“ did it, becaufe, although the colours in the firft feries feem to be a little broader
“ than the reft, by reafon of a ftronger reflection there ; yet that inequality is fo
« infenfible as fcarcely to be determined by obfervation.
“ Now, according to this defcription, conceiving, that the rays, in which feve-
“ ral colours in here, are by turns reflefted at the fpace 1 K, 3 L , 3 M, O 7,
“ 9 P, R 11 , &c. and tranfmitted at the fpaces A FI I 1 , 3 L, M 5, 7 O,
“ P 9, &c. it is eafy to know what colour in the open air muft be exhibited
“ at any thicknefs of a tranfparent thin body. For, if a ruler be applied paral-
“ lei to A FJ, at that diftance from it by which the thicknefs of the body is
“ reprefented, the alternate fpaces 1 I, L 3, 5 M, O 7, &c. which it croffeth,
“ will denote the reflefted original colours, of which the colour exhibited in the
“ open air is compounded. Thus, if the conftitution of the green in the third
“ feries of colours be defired ; apply the ruler, as you fee, at n p a ?>, and by its
“ pafling through fome of the blue at w, and yellow at c, as well as through the
“ green p, you may conclude, that green, exhibited at that thicknefs of the
“ body, is principally conftituted of original green, but not without a mixture
“ of fome blue and yellow. By this means you may know, how the colours
“ from the center of the rings outwards ought to fucceed in order, as they were
“ defcribed in the fourth and eighteenth obfervations : for, if you move the ruler
“ gradually from A H through all diftances, having paft over the firft fpace,
“ which denotes little or no refleftion to be made by thinned fubftances, it will firft
“ arrive at 1 , the violet, and then very quickly at the blue and green, which, to-
“ gether with that violet compounded blue, and then at the yellow and red, by
“ whofe further addition, that blue is converted into whitenefs, which white-
“ nefs continues during the tranfit from I to 3 •, and after that, by the fucceflive
“ deficience of its component colours, turns firft to compound yellow, and then
“ to red, and laft of all the red ceafeth at L Then begin the colours of the fecond
“ feries, which fucceed in order between 5 and O, and are more lively than be-
“ fore, becaufe more expanded and fevered. And, for the fame reafon, inftead of
“ the former white, there intercedes between the blue and yellow a mixture of
“ orange, yellow, green, blue and indico, all which together ought to exhibit
“ a dilute an imperfeft; green. So the colours of the third feries all fucceed in
11 order
2 88 T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [i 67*.
“ order; firft the violet, which a little interferes with the red of the fecond or-
tc der, and is thereby inclined to a redilh purple; then the blue and green, which
“ are lefs mixed with other colours, and confequently more lively than before,
“ efpecially the green. Then follows the yellow, fome of which towards the
“ green is diftincl and good ; but that part of it towards the fucceeding red, as
“ alfo that red, is mixed with the violet and blue of the fourth feries, whereby va-
“ rious degrees of red, very much inclining to purple, are compounded. The
“ violet and blue, which lhould fucceed this red, being mixed with, and hidden
in it, there fucceeds a green ; and this at firft is much inclined to blue, but
“ foon becomes a good green ; the only unmixed and lively colour in this fourth
“ feries : for as it verges towards the yellow, it begins to interfere with the
“ colours of the fifth feries, by whofe mixture the fucceeding yellow and red are
“ very much diluted, and made dirty, efpecially the yellow, which being the
“ weaker colour, is fcarce able to fhew itfelf. After this the feveral feries inter-
“ fere more and more, and their colours become more and more intermixed, till
“ after three or four revolutions (in which the red and blue predominate by
“ turns) all forts of colours are in all places pretty equally blended, and com-
“ pound one even whitenefs.
“ And fince, by the fifteenth obfervation, the rays indued with one colour are
“ tranfmitted, where thofe of another colour are reflected, the reafon of the co-
“ lours made by the tranfmitted light, in the ninth and twentieth obfervations, is
“ alfo from hence evident.
“ If not only the order and fpecies of thefe colours, but alfo the precife thick*
“ nefs of the plate, or thin body, at which they are exhibited, be defired in parts
“ of an inch, that may be alfo performed by afliftance of the fixth or fixteenth'
“ obfervation. For, according to thole obfervations, the thicknefs of the thinned
“ air, which, between two glades, exhibited the orange or bright red of the
“ fixth order, was -r^-J-TT Parts of an inch. Now, fuppofe this thicknefs be
“ reprefented by G t , and the eleventh part of it, G h, will be about t 8-cW b- of
“ an inch. And fo G ft, G V, G S, G 0, will be T’S'SXrTSX TTWTfl TTTXnSXm
“ and t W o w -And this being known, it is eafy to determine what thicknefs
“ Of air is reprefented by G or any other diftance of the ruler from A H.
“ But further, fince, by the tenth obfervation, the thicknefs of air was to the
“ thicknefs of water, which between the fame glafies exhibited the fame colour,
“ as four to three •, and, by the twenty-firft obfervation, the colours of thin
“ bodies are not varied by varying the ambient medium ; the thicknefs of a
“ bubble of water exhibiting any colour will be three fourths of the thicknefs of
“ air producing the fame colour. And fo, according to the fame tenth and twenty-
“ firft obfervations, the thicknefs of a plate of glafs, whofe refraftion is meafured
“ by the proportion of the fines thirty-one to twenty, may be of the thicknefs
“ of air producing the fame colours: and the like of other mediums. On thefe
“ grounds I have compofed the following table ; wherein the thicknefs of air,
“ water, and glafs, at which each colour is moft intenfe and fpecific, is expreffed
“ in parts of an inch divided into ten hundred thoufand equal parts.
“ The
'Violet 12 9 74
Indico 9t t 84
Blue * 4t 11 94
O f the fecond j Green 16 12 104
order s Yellow W 4 i3t ii?
Orange * 9t *44 I2 |.
Bright red 20 l5 13
.Scarlet 16 *34
‘Purple 23 i 7T H i
Indico 24 18 1 Si
Blue 2 5t r9 1 64
O f the third
^ Green 2 74 20|-
order j Yellow 2 9i 22
Red 2 34 20
l_Bluilh red 334 25 2 It
rBluilh 36 27 234
J Green 37 4 284 244
Fourth order
) Yellowifh green 39 t 29 t 254
(.Red 44 33 28 4.
T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [1 6 * 4 .
“ obfervaiions, unlefs it be further deftred to delineate the manner, how the
“ colours appear, when the two objeift-glafies are laid upon one another: to do
“ which let there be defcribed a large arc of a circle and a ftrait line, which
“ may touch that arc ; and parallel to that tangent feveral occult lines at fuch
“ diftances from it, as the numbers fet againft the feveral colours in the table
“ denote. For the arc and its tangent will reprefent the fuperficies of the
“ glafTes, terminating the interjacent air, and the places, where the occult lines
“ cut the arc, will fhow at what diftances from the center, or point of the con-
“ ta<ft, each colour is reflected.
“ There are alfo other tlfes for this table ; for by its affiftance the thicknefs
“ of the bubble, in the nineteenth obfervation, was determined by the colours,
“ which it exhibited. And fo the bignefs of the parts of natural bodies may be
“ conjedtured at by their colours, as (hall be hereafter lhown. Alfo, if two
“ or more very thin plates be laid one upon another, fo as to compofe one plate,
“ equalling them all in thicknefs, the refulting colour may be hereby determined.
“ For inftance, Mr. H o o k e , in his Micrographia, obferves, that a faint yellow
“ plate of Mufcovy glafs, laid upon a blue one, conftituted a very deep purple.
“ The yellow of the firft order is a faint one, and the thicknefs of the plate ex-
“ hibiting it, according to the table, is 5 to which a d d g 4-> the thicknefs ex-
“ hibiting blue of the fecond order, and the fum wiil be 14 which moft
nearly approaches 14 4 ? the thicknefs exhibiting the purple of the third
“ order.
“ To explain, in the next place, the circumftances of the fecond and third
“ obfervations, that is, how the colours (by turning the prifms about their com-
“ mon axis the contrary way to that exprefled in thofe obfervations) may be con-
“ verted into white and black rings, and afterwards into colours again i
“ inverted order; it muft be remembered, that thofe colours aredilated by o
“ quation of rays to the air, which intercedes the glafies ; and that, according
“ to the table in the fevenrh obfervation, their dilatation or refle&ion from the
“ common center is moft manifeft and fpeedy when they are obliqueft. Now,
e the rays of yellow being more refradted by the firft fuperficies of the faid air
“ than thofe of red, are thereby made more oblique to the fecond fuperficies,
“ at which they are reflected, to produce the coloured rings ; and confequently,
“ the yellow in each ring will be more dilated than the red ; and the excefs of
“ its dilatation will be fo much the greater, by how much the greater is the obli-
“ quity of the rays, until at laft it become of equal extent withthe red of
“ fame ring. And, for the fame reafon, the green, blue, and violet, will be
“ alfo fo much dilated by the ftill greater obliquity of their rays, as to become
“ all very nearly of equal extent with the red ; that is, equally diftant from the
“ center of the rings. And then all the colours of the fame feries muft be coinci-
“ dent, and by their mixture exhibit a white ring; and thefe white rings muft
“ have black or dark rings between them, becaufe they do not fpread and inter-
“ fere with one another as before; and, for that reafon alfo, they muft become
“ diftinfter, and vifible to far greater numbers. But yet the violet, being
“ obliqueft.
“ Afterwards, by a greater obliquity of the rays, the violet and the blue be-
“ come fenfibiy more dilated than the red and yellow; and fo being further
“ removed from the center of the rings, the colours muft emerge out of the white
a in an order contrary to that which they had before, the violet and blue at the
“ exterior limbs, and the red and yellow at the interior. And the violet, by
“ reafon of the greateft obliquity of its rays, being, in proportion, moft of all
“ expanded, will fooneft appear at the exterior limb of each white ring, and
“ become more confpicuous than the reft. And the feveral feries of colours, by
“ their unfolding and Ipreading, will begin again to interfere, and thereby render
“ the rings lefs diftindt, and not vifible to fo great numbers.
“ If, inftead of the prifms, the objedt-glafies be made ufe of, the rings, which
“ they exhibit, become not white and diftindt by the obliquity of the eye, by
“ reafon, that the rays, in their paflage through that air, which interceded the
“ glafles, are very nearly parallel to themfelves, when firft incident on the glades;
“ and confequently, thofe indued with feveral colours are not inclined one more
“ than another to that air, as it happens in the prifms.
“ Amongft all the obfervations there is none accompanied with fo odd circum-
“ fiances as the twenty-fourth. Of thofe the'principal are, that in thin plates,
“ which, to the naked eye, feem of an even and uniform tranfparent whitenefs,
“ the refradtion of a prifm fhould make the rings of colours appear; whereas it
“ ufually makes obje&s to appear coloured only, where they are terminated with
l’ p 2 “ fhadows,
“ to it on that fide towards which the refradtions are made. For inftance, if
“ the red be tranflated to a d, the violet may be tranflated to b c> fo as to ap-
*« proach nearer to it at c than before; and, if the red be further tranflated to
a d, the violet may be fo much further tranflated to b c, as to convene with
“ it at c, and, if the red be yet further tranflated to u S, the violet may be ftill
“ fa much further tranflated to y, as to pafs beyond it at y, and convene with it
“ at e and /. And this being underftood, not only of the red and violet, but of
“ all the other intermediate colours; and alfo of every revolution of thofe co-
“ Jours, you will eafily perceive, how thefe of the fame revolution or order, by
“ their narrownefs at c d, and $ y, and their coincidence at c d, e and f , ought
“ to conftitute pretty diftind arcs of circles, efpecially at c dy or at e and / , and
“ that they will appear feveral at c d, at c d exhibit whitenefs by their coinci-
" dence, and again appear feveral at ? y, but yet in a contrary order to that
“ which they had before, and ftill retain beyond e and / . But, on the other
“ fide, at a b , a b, or a P>, thefe colours muft become much more confufed by
“ being dilated, and fpread fo as to interfere with thofe of other orders. And
‘‘ the fame confufion will happen at J y between e and f , if the refradion be
“ very
“ For confirmation of all this, I need alledge no more, than that it is mathe-
“ matically demonftrable from my former principles. But I fhall add, that they,
“ which pleafe to take the pains, may by the teftimony of their fenfes be afiured,
“ that thefe explications are not hypothetical, but infallibly true and genuine :
“ for in a dark room, by viewing thefe rings through a prifm, by refiedion of
“ the feveral prifmatic colours, which an afiiftant caufes to move to and fro
“ upon a wall or paper, from whence they are refleded, whilft the fpedator’s
“ eye, the prifm, and objed-glafils (as in the thirteenth obfervation) are placed
“ fteddy, the pofition of the circles, made fucceflively by the feveral colours,
“ will be found fuch, in refped of one another, as I have defcribed at a b e d , or
“ a b e d , or a |3 y S. And by the fame method the truth of the explications of
“ the other obfervations is to be examined.
“ By what hath been faid, the like phaenomena of water-bubbles and thin
“ plates of glafs may be underftood. But in fmall fragments of thofe plates,
“ there is this further obfervable, that, if they, lying flat upon a table,, be turned
“ about their center, whilft they are viewed through a prifm, fome of them ex-
“ hibit waves in one or two pofitions only; but the moil of them do in all pofi-
“ tions exhibit thofe waves, and that for the moft part appearing almoft all over
“ the glafs. The reafon is, that the fuperficies of fuch plates are not even, but
“ have many cavities and fwellings, which, how fhallow foever, do a little vary
“ the thicknefs of the plate 5 and by the feveral fides of thofe cavities there
“ muft be produced waves in feveral poftures of the prifm. Now, though it
“ be but fome very fmall and narrow parts of the glafs, by which thefe waves
“ for the moft part are caufed, yet they may feem to extend themfelves over the
“ whole glafs, becaufe from the narrowed of thofe parts there are colours of feveral
“ orders confufe'dly refledted, which by refraffion of the prifm are unfolded, and
“ difperfed to feveral places, fo as to conftitute fo many feveral waves as there
“ were divers orders of the colours promifeuoufly refleded from that part of the
“ glafs.
“ Thefe are the principal phaenomena of thin plates or bubbles, whofe expli-
<e cations depend on the properties of light, that I have heretofore delivered :
“ and thefe, you fee, do neceffarily follow from them, and agree with them even
“ to their very leaft circumftances; and not only fo, but do very much tend to
“ their
294. T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ r 67| .
«< their proof. Thus, by the twenty-fourth obfervation, it appears, that the
“ rays of feveral colours, made, as well by thin plates or bubbles, as by the re-
« fractions of a prifm, have feveral degrees of refrangibility, whereby thofe of
“ each order, which, at their reflection from the plate or bubble, are intermixed
with thofe of other orders, are feparated from them by refradtion, and affoci-
« ated together, fo as to become vifible by themfelves, like arcs of circles. For,
“ if the rays were all alike refrangible, it is impoflible, that the whitenefs, which
« to the naked fenfe appears uniform, Ihould by refradtion have its parts tranf-
« pofed, and ranged into thofe black and white arcs.
“ It appears alfo, that the unequal refradtions of difform rays proceed not
“ from any contingent irregularities, fuch as are veins, an uneven polifh, or for-
« tuitous pofition of the pores of glals, unequal motions in the air or aether,
“ fpreading, breaking, or dividing the fame ray into many diverging parts, or
“ the like. For, admitting any fuch irregularities, it would be impoflible for
“ refradtions to render thofe rings fo very diftindt and well defined, as they do
« in the twenty-fourth obfervation. It is necefiary therefore, that every ray have
“ its proper and conftant degree of refrangibility connate with i t ; according to
“ which its refradtion is ever juftly and regularly performed, and that feveral
“ rays have feveral of thofe degrees.
“ And what is faid of their refrangibility may be underflood of their reflexi-
“ biiity •, that is, of their difpofitions to be reflected, forne at a greater, and others
“ at a lefs thicknefs of thin plates or bubbles, namely, that thofe difpofitions are
“ alfo connate with the rays, and immutable, as may appear by the thirteenth,
“ fourteenth, and fifteenth obfervations, compared with the fourth and eigh-
“ teenth.
“ By the precedent obfervations it appears alfo, that whitenefs is a diflimilar
“ ■mixture of all colours, and that light is a mixture of rays endowed with all
“ thofe colours. For, confidering the multitude of the rings of colours in the
“ third, twelfth, and twenty-fourth obfervations, it is manifeft, that, although
“ in the fourth and eighteenth obfervations there appear more than eight or nine
“ of thofe rings, yet there are really a far greater number, which fo much inter-
“ fere and mingle with one another, as, after thofe eight or nine revolutions, to
“ dilute one another wholly, and conftitute an even and fenfible uniform white-
“ nefs. And confequently, that whitenefs mult be allowed a mixture of all co-
tc lours, and the light, which conveys it to the eye, mult be a mixture of rays
“ endued with all thofe colours.
“ But further, by the twenty-fourth obfervation it appears, that there is a con
ftant relation between colours and refrangibility, the molt; refrangible rays being
violet, the leaft refrangible red, and thofe of intermediate colours having pro
portionally intermediate degrees of refrangibility. And, by the thirteenth,
fourteenth, and fifteenth obfervations, compared with the fourth or eighteenth,
there appears to be the fame conftant relation between colour and refrangi
bility ; the violet being on equal terms refledted at leaft thicknefs of anythin
1674.3 ROYAL SOCIETY OF L O N D O N . 295
“ plate or bubble; the red at greatefl thicknefs, and the intermediate colours at
“ intermediate thicknefies : whence it] follows, that the colorific difpofitions of
“ rays are alfo connate with them, and immutable ; and by confequence, that all
“ the productions and appearances of colours in the world are derived, not from
“ any ph'yfical change caufed in light by refradtion or refledlion, but only from
“ the various mixtures or feparations of rays, by virtue of their different refran-
“ gibility or reflexibility. And, in this refpedt it is, that the fcience of colours
“ becomes a fpeculation more proper for mathematicians than naturalifts.
Mr. B erchenshaw prefented himfelf to the Society, and fhewed them his
fcale of mufic, wherein were contained,
2 . A fyflem of all the keys, by which the aforefaid intervals were completed ;
of which keys fome were natural; fome intended to the firft degree of acute-
nefs; fome remitted to the firfi degree of gravity; fome twice fpiffated; fome
twice afperated.
3 . In this fcale the magnitude, dimenfion, and proportion of the faid keys
were exa&ly demonftrated according to the proportional parts of a chord, the
chord being fuppofed thirty-fix inches long.
If it were demanded, whether there was any thing in this table and fyflem,
that was not to be found in the feales and writings of other muficians ? he
1. That the intervals in this table were perfect and complete. There was not
one too many, nor one wanting, which might conduce to the making of
2. That
39g T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ 167 *.
2. That the founds or mufical numbers contained in this fyftem arofe out of
the unifon, and from one another, according to the reafon of figurate, not
fimple numbers, (as, he faid, he could demonftrate by numbers afligned to the
refpedtive intervals in the table) for that fo the reafon of the ftate of mufic
3. That there are neither more or lefs keys in this fyftem, than would com
plete the aforefaid intervals.
4. That in this fcale all the tones are of the fame ratio, and that fo are all the
femitones, femiditones, ditones, and other intervals.
5 . That the true magnitude and dimenfion of every one of the faid keys are
demonftrated according to the proportional parts of a chord.
6. That the natural, genuine, and true reafon of the excellency and fullrtefs of
the harmony of three, four, five, fix, and feven parts, may clearly be difcerned
by the fyftem of feven parts.
He added, that many other things were to be found in this table and fcale, of
which little or no mention is made in the fcales and writings of either modern or
antient mufical authors; which, he faid, he intended to difcover, and to write of
them at large, as he fhould be enabled thereunto.
H e was exhorted to finilh this work, or at leaft to publifh this fyftem with an
explanation thereof,
After this was read the laft part of Mr. N ew ton ’ s oifervations, wherein he
confidered in nine propofitions, how the phaenomena of thin tranfparent plates
ftand related to thofe of all other natural bodies: of which bodies having before
mentioned, that they appear of divers colours, according as they are difpofed
to refledt m b it copioufly the rays indued with thefe colours, he now inquires
after their conftitutions.
Here, among many other confiderable things, he flrews, how the bignefs of
the component parts of natural bodies may be conje&ured by their colours : as
alfo, that the caufe of reflexion is not the impinging of light on the folid and
impervious parts of bodies, as was commonly fuppofed.
“ Prop. 1 . Thofe fuperficies reflect the greateft quantity of light, which have
u the greateft refracting power ; that is, which interceeds mediums, that differ molt
11 in their refracting denfities; and in the confines of equally denfe mediums there
“ is no reflection.
“ The analogy between reflection and refraCtion will appear by confidering, that
“ when light pafieth obliquely out of one medium into another, which refraCts
“ from the perpendicular, the greater is the difference of their denfity, the lefs
“ obliquity is requifite to caufe a total reflection ; becaufe as the fines are, which
“ meafure the refraCtion, fo is the fine of incidence, at which the total reflection
“ begins, to the radius of the circle ; and confequently that incidence is leaft,
“ where there is the great difference of the fines. Thus in the pafiing of light out
“ of water into air, where the refraCtion is meafured by the ratio of the fines, 3 to
“ 4 , the total reflection begins, when the angle of the incidence is about forty-
“ eight degrees and thirty-five minutes. In paffing out of glafs into air, where
“ the refraCtion is meafured by the ratio of the fines 20 to 3 1, the total reflection
“ begins, when the angle of incidence is forty degrees and ten minutes : and fo,
“ in paffing out of cryftal, or more ftrongly refracting mediums, into air, there
“ is ftill a lefs obliquity requifite to caufe a total reflection. Superficies therefore,
“ which refraCt moft, do fooneft reflect all the light, which is incident on them,
“ and fo muft be allowed moft ftrongly reflective.
“ But the truth of this propofition will further appear, by obferving, that in
“ the fuperficies, interceeding any two of thofe mediums, air or water, or other
tc liquors, common glafs, cryftal, and metalline glafies, the reflection is ftronger
“ or weaker accordingly as the fuperficies hath a greater or lefs refraCting power.
<e Thus, when other mediums are contiguous to air, the reflection is ftronger
“ in the fuperficies of glafs than of water, ftill ftronger in the fuperficies of cryf-
<c tal, and ftrongeft in the fuperficies of metalline glafs. So, in the confine of
“ water and common glafs, the reflection is very weak, but yet ftronger than in
“ the confine of water and oil, or almoft any other two liquors, and ftill ftronger
“ in the confine of water and cryftal, or metalline glafs: accordingly as thofe
mediums differ more or lefs in denfity, fo in the confine of common glafs and
cryftal there is a weak reflection, and a ftronger reflection in the confine of
“ common and metalline glafs : but in the confine of two glafies of equal den-
,c fity, there is not any fenfible reflection, as was fhewn in the firft observation.
“ And the,fame may be underltood of the fuperficies of two cryftals or liquors,
“ or any other fubftances, in which no refraCtion is caufed: whence it comes to
“ pafs, that uniform mediums have no fenfible reflexion but in their external fu-
perficies, where they are adjacent to their mediums of a different denfity.
“ Prop. 2. The leaft parts of natural bodies are in fome meafure tranfparent;
“ and the opacities of thofe bodies arife from the multitude of reflections caufed
“ in their internal parts.
V o l , III. Q__q “ That
2 9g T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H E [ 167*.
“ That this is fo, will eafily be granted by them, that have been converfant with
“ microfcopes: and it may be alfo tried by applying any fubftance to a hole, through
“ which the light is emitted into a dark room; for how opake foever thatfub.
“ ftance may feem in the open air, it will, by that means, appear very manifeftly
“ tranfparent, if it be of a fufficient thicknefs: only metalline bodies mull be ex-
“ empted, which, by reafon of their excefiive denfity feem to reflect almoft all the
“ light incident on their firft fuperlicies.
“ Prop. 3 . Between the parts of opake or coloured bodies are many interftices,
“ replenilhed with mediums of other denfities, as water between the tinging cor~
“ pufcles, wherewith any liquor is impregnated; air between the aqueous globules
“ that conJlitute clouds or mills; and for the moJt part fpaces void of both air
“ and water; but yet perhaps replenifhed with fome fubtiler medium between,
“ the parts of hard bodies.
“ The truth of this is evinced by the two precedent propofitions: for by the
“ fecond propofition there are many refleXions from the internal part of bodies,
“ which by the firft propofition would not happen, if the parts of thofe bodies
“ were continued without any fuch interftices between them, becaufe reflexions
“ are caufed only in fuperlicies, which interceed mediums of a different denfity.
“ But further, that this difcontinuity of parts is the principal caufe of the opa-
“ city of bodies, will appear by conftdering, that opake fubftances become tranf-
“ parent by filling their pores with any fubftance of equal, or almoft equal denfity
“ with their parts. Thus paper dipped in water or oil, the oculus mundi ftone
“ lteeped in water, linen-cloth oiled or varnilhed, and many other fubftances foaked
“ in fuch liquors, as will intimately pervade their little pores, become by that
“ means more tranfparent than otherwife. So, on the contrary, the moft tranC.
“ parent fubftances may, by feparating their parts, be rendered fufficiently opake;
“ as glafs, by being reduced to powder, or otherwife flawed, water by being form.
“ ed into many fmall bubbles, either alone in the form of froth, or by lhaking
“ it together with oil of turpentine, or fome other convenient liquor, with which
“ it will not incorporate, and horn by being fcraped.
“ To the increafe of the opacity of thefe bodies it conduces fomething, that by
* ‘ the twenty third obfervation, the refleXions of very thin tranfparent fubftances
are confiderably ftronger than thofe made by the fame fubftances of a greater
** thicknefs, And to the refleXion of folid bodies it may be further added, that
“ the interftices of their parts are void of air. For that for the moft part they
“ are fo, is reafonable to believe, confidering the ineptitude, which air hath to
“ pervade fmall cavities, as appears by the afcenfton of water in flender glafs.
“ pipes, paper, cloth, and other fuch like fubftances, whofe pores are found too
“ fmall to be replenilhed with air, and yet large enough to admit water; and by
“ the difficulty, wherewith air pervades the pores of a bladder, through which
“ water find ready palfage. And according to the eleventh obfervation, the ca-
“ vities thus void of air will caufe the fame kind of effeXs as to refleXion, which
“ thofe do, that are replenilhed with i t ; but yet fomething more manifeftly, be-
“ cauf«
“ Now, that they do fo, will further appear by the affinity of their proper-
“ ties : as that the infufion of nephritic-wood, and many other fubdances reflect:
“ one colour, and tranfmit another, like thin bodies in the ninth and twentieth
“ obfervations. That the colours of filks, cloaths, and others fubdances, which
“ water or oil can intimately penetrate, become more faint and obfcure by being
“ emerged in thofe liquors, and recover their vigour again by being dried, much
“ after the manner declared of thin bodies, in the tenth and twenty fird obfer-
“ vations: and that fome of thofe coloured powders, which painters ufe, may have
“ their colours a little changed, by being very elaborately and finely ground.
“ Where I fee not, what can be judly pretended for thofe changes, befides the
“ breaking of their parts into lefs parts by that contrition, after the fame manner
that the colour of a plate is changed by varying its thicknefs. For which rea-
“ fon alfo it is, that many flowers, by being bruifed, become more tranfparent
Q_q 2 u than
3oo T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ 1 67*.
than before, or, at lead, in fome degree or other, change their colours. Nor
“ is it much lefs to my purpofe, that, by mixing divers liquors, very odd and
remarkable productions and changes of colours may be effected, of which no
“ caufe can be more obvious and natural, than that the faline corpufcles of one
“ liquor do varioufly aCt upon, or unite with, the tinging corpufcles of another ;
“ fo as to make them fwell or fhrink (whereby not only their bulk, but their
“ denfity alfo may be changed) or to divide them into fmaller corpufcles, or make
“ many of them affociate into one clutter ; for we fee how apt thofe faline men-
“ ftruums are to penetrate and diffolve fubftances, to which they are applied ; and
“ fome of them to precipitate what others diffolve. In like manner, if we con-
“ fider the various phenomena of the atmofphere, we may obferve, that when
“ vapours are firft raifed, they hinder not the tranfparency of the air, being di-
“ vided into parts too fmall to caufe any reflection in their fuperficies : but when,
*' in order to compofe drops of rain, they began to coalefce and conftitute glo-
“ bules of all intermediate fizes; thofe globules, when they become of a conveni-
“ ent fize to refleCt fome colours, and tranfmit others, may conftitute clouds of
“ various colours, according to their fizes. And I fee not what can be rationally
cc conceived, in fo tranfparent a fubftance as water for the production of thefe
“ colours, befides the various fizes of its parcels, which feem to affeCt a globular
“ figure moft •, but yet perhaps not without fome inftability in the fmalleft of
“ them, by reafonthat thofe are moft eafily agitated by heat or any trembling mo-
“ tions in the air.
ce Prop. 6. The parts of bodies, on which their colours depend, aredenfer than
“ the medium, which pervades their interftices.
“ This will appear by confidering, that the colour of a body depends not only
“ on the rays, which are incident perpendicularly or its parts, but on thofe alfo,
“ which are incident at all other angles. And that, according to the feventh
obfefvation, a very little variation of obliquity will change the reflected colour,
“ where the thin body or fmall particle is rarer than the ambient medium, in
“ fomuch that fuch a fmall particle will, at diverfly oblique incidents, refleCt all
“ forts of colours, in fo great a variety, that the colour, refulting from them all
“ confufedly reflected from a heap of fuch particles, muft rather be.a white or
“ grey, than any other colour, or at belt it muft be but a very imperfeCt and
“ dirty colour; whereas, if the thin body or fmall particle be much denfer than
“ the ambient medium, the colours, according to the nineteenth obfervation, are
“ fo little changed by the variation of obliquity, that the rays, which are re-
“ fleCted leaft obliquely, may predominate over the reft fo much, as to caufe 3.
heap of fuch particles to appear very intenfly of their colour.
“ The greateft difficulty is here to know, of what order the colour of any
« body is ; and for this end we muft have recourfe to the fourth and eighteenth.
“ obfervations, from whence may be colleded thefe particulars.
“ Scarlets, and other reds, oranges and yellows, if they be pure and intenfe, are
« mod probably of the fecond order. Thofe of the firft and third order alfo may
“ be-pretty good; only the orange and red of the third order have too great a
“ mixture of violet and blue.
“ There may be good greens of the fourth order, but the purefi are of the third :
“ and of this order the green of all vegetables feems to be, partly by reafon of
“ the intenlenefs of their colours, and partly becaufe when they wither, fome of
“ them turn to a greenifh yellow, and others to a more perfect yellow or orange,
“ or perhaps to red; pafling firft through all the aforefaid intermediate colours,
“ which changes feem to be effected by the exhaling of the moifture, which may
“ leave the tinging corpufcles more denfe, and fogiething augmented by the ac-
“ cretion of the oily and earthy part of that moifture. Now the green, without
“ doubt, is of the fame order with thofe colours, into which it changeth, becaufe
“ the changes are gradual* and thofe colours, though ufually not very pure, yet
“ for the moft part are top pure and lively to be of the fourth order.
<c Blues and purples may be either of the fecond or third order; but the beft are
** of the third. Thus the colour of violet feems to be of that order; becaufe
“ their fyrup, by acid liquors, turns red, and by urinous and alkalazite turns
“ green. For fince it is of the nature of acids to diffolve or attenuate, and of
** alcalis to precipitate or incrafiate, if the purple colour of the fyrup was of
“ the fecond order, an acid liquor by attenuating its tinging corpufcles would tinge
“ it to a red of the firft order, and an alcali, by incrafiating them, would change
“ it to a green of the fecond order; which red and green, efpecially the green,
“ feem too imperfeft to be the colours produced by thefe changes. But if the
“ faid. purple be fuppofed of the third order, its change to red of the fecond
“ and green of the third may, without any inconvenience, be allowed.
“ If there be found any body of a deeper and lefs reddifh purple than that of
*c violets, its colour molt probably is of the fecond order. But yet there being
**■ no body commonly known, whofe colour is conftantly more deep than theirs,
“ I have
s o2 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ 167$.
“ I have made ufe of their name to denote the deepeft and lead: reddilh purples,
“ fiich as manifeftly tranfcend their colour in purity.
“ The blue of the firft order, though very faint and little, may pofiibly be the
« colour of fome fubftances; and particularly the azure colour of the Ikies
“ feems, to be of this order. For all vapours, when they begin to condenfe and
“ coalefce into fmall parcels, become firft of that bignefs, whereby fuch-an azure
“ muft be refledted, before they can conftitute clouds of other colours. And fo
“ this being the firft colour, which vapours begin to refledt, it ought to be the
“ colour of the fineft and moft tranfparent Ikies, in which vapours are not ar*
“ rived to that grofinefs requifite to reflect other colours, as we find it is by ex*
“ perience.
“ Whitenefs, if it be intenfe, is either that in the firft 'order of colours, of
“ which fort perhaps is the colour of white lead ; or elfe it is a mixture of
“ thofe fucceeding the third or fourth order, fuch as is the colour of paper,
“ linen, and moft white fubftances. If corpufcles of various fizes, exhibiting the
“ colours of the fecond and third order, be mixed, they fhould rather conftitute
“ an imperfedt whitenefs or grey, of which I have already fpoken : but yet it feems
“ not impoffible for them to exhibit an intenfe whitenefs, if they be difpofed to
“ tranfmit all the light, which they refledt not, and do not retain and ftifle much
“ of it. For thus 1 told you, that froth at a diftance hath appeared very White,
“ and yet, near at hand, the feveral bubbles, of which it was conftituted, \vere
“ feen tinged all over with rings of colours of the four or five firft orders.
“ Laftly, for the produdtion of black, the corpufcles muft be lefs than any of
“ thofe, which exhibit colours? For at all greater fizes there is too much light re-
“ fledled to conftitute this colour. But if they be fuppofed a little lefs than is re-
“ quifite to refledt the blue of the firft order, they will, according to the fourth,
“ eight, feventeenth, and eighteenth obfervations, refledt fo very little light as
“ to appear intenfely black, and yet may perhaps varioufly refradt it to and fro
“ within themfelves fo long, until it happen to be ftifled and loft ; by which
« means they will appear black in all pofitions of the eye without any tranfpa-
« rency. And from hence may be underftood, why fire, and the more fubtil
“ diifolver, putrefadtion, turn fubftances to black •, why fmall quantities of black
« fubftances impart their colour very freely and intenfely to other fubftances, to
« which they are applied why glafs ground very elaborately, on a copper-plate,
“ till it be well polifhed, makes the fand, together with what is worn off from
“ the glafs, and copper, become very black •, why black fubftances do fooneft of
“ all others become hot and burn, which effedt may proceed, partly from the
multitude of refradtions in a little room, and partly from the eafy commo-
“ tion of fo very fmall corpufcles; and why blacks are ufually a little inclined to
“ a bluifli colour. For that they are fo, may be feen by illuminating white
“ paper by refledtion from black fubftances, which will ufually appear of a bluifli
“ white. And the reafon is, that black borders on the obfcure blue of the firft
“ order, defcribed in the eighteenth obfervation, whence the corpufcles of black
fubftances are moft apt tp refledt that colour.
“ In
“ This may fuffice concerning the conftitution of natural bodies, on which their
“ colours depend. But for further underftandirig the nature of reflections, I
“ lhall add thefe two following propofitions.
“ Prop. 8. The caufe of the reflection is not the impinging of light on the
“ folid and impervious parts of bodies, as is commonly fuppofed.
“ This will appear by the following confiderations: firft, that in the pafiage of
“ light out of glafs into air, there is a reflection as ftrong or ftronger than in its
“ pafiage out of air into glafs, and by many degrees ftronger than in its pafiage
“ out of glafs into water. And it feems not probable, that air Ihould have more
“ reflecting parts than water or glafs. But if that fhould poflibly be fuppofed, it
“ will avail nothing; for the reflection is as ftrong, if not ftronger, when the air
u is drawn away from the glafs (fuppofe in the air-pump invented by Mr. B o y l e )
“ as when it is adjacent to it. Secondly, if light in its pafiage out of glafs into
“ air be incident more obliquely than at an angle of forty or forty-one degrees,
“ it is wholly rejicifed', if lefs obliquely, it is in great meafure tranfmitted. Now
“ it is not to be imagined, that light at one degree of obliquity fhould meet with
“ pores enough in the air to tranfmit the greater part of it, and at another degree
“ of obliquity meet with nothing but parts to refleCt it wholly; efpecially confi-
“ dering, that in its pafiage out of air into glafs, how oblique foever be its
“ incidence, it finds pores enough in the glafs to ttanfmit the greateft part of it.
3o4 T H E H I S T O R Y OF T H E [ i 6yh
« If any man fuppofe, that it is not reflected by the air, but by the utmoft fu-
ttperficial parts of the glafs, there is ftill the fame difficulty ; befides, that fucli
tca fuppofition is unintelligible; and will alfo appear to be falfe, by applying Wa-
“ ter behind fome part o f the glafs inftead of air. For fo in a convenient obli-
« quity of the rays, fuppofe of forty-five or forty-fix degrees, at which they are
“ all refletled, where the air is adjacent to the glafs, they fhallbein great meafure
tranfmitted, where the Water is adjacent to i t ; which argues, that their refledtion
“ or tranfmiffion depends on the conftitution of the air and water behind the
“ glafs, and not on the parts of the glafs.
<e Prop. 9. It is moft probable, that the rays, which impinge on the folid
“ parts of any body, are not refledted but ftifled and loft in that body.
“ This
i 6 y$.] R O Y A L S O C I E T Y OF L O N D O N . 305
This is confentaneous to the precedent propofition, and will further appear
“ by confidering, that if all the rays Ihould be reflected, which impinge on the in-
“ ternal parts of clearwater or cryftal, thofe fubftapces fhould rather have a cloudy
“ than fo very clear tranfparency.
“ And further, there would be no principle of the obfcurity or blacknefs, which
“ fome bodies have in all pofitions of the eye. For to produce this effedt, it is ne-
ceflary, that many rays be retained and loft in the body, and it feems not pro-
** bable, that any rays can be flopped and retained in it, which do not impinge on
“ its parts.”
[ H I ]
C >5« 3
the Telefcope, in one and the fame Place, both by
the direct Rays and by the refiex’d on es; but if the
Index be turned, the Star (hall appear in tw o Places,
whofe Diftance is fhewed, on the Brafs Limb, by the
By this Inftrument, the Diftance o f the M oon from
any Fixt Star is thus obferved: V iew the Star through
the Perfpicil by the dired Light, and the M oon by
the Reffext (or on the contrary); and turn the Index
till the Star touch the Limb o f the M oon, and the
Index fhall (hew upon the Brafs Limb o f the Inftru
ment, the Diftance o f the Star from the Lim b o f the
M o o n } and though the Inftrument fhake, by the M o
tion o f your Ship at Sea, yet the M oon and Star w ill
move together, as if they did really touch one another
in the Heavens} fo that an Obfervation may be made
as exadly at Sea as at Land.
And by the fame Inftrument, may be obferved,
exa&ly, the Altitudes o f the Moon and Stars, by
bringing them to the Horizon ,• and thereby the Lati
tude, and Times o f Obfervations, may be determined
more exadly than by the W ays now in Ufe.
In the Tim e o f the Obfervation, if the Inftrument
move angularly about the Axis o f the Telefcope, the
Star w ill move in a Tangent o f the M oon’s Limb, or
o f the H orizon; but the Obfervation may notwith-
ftanding be made exadly, by noting when the Line,
deferibed by the Star, is a Tangent to the M oon’s
Limb, or to the Horizon.
T o make the Inftrument ufcful, the Telefcope ought
to take in a large A n gle: And to make the Obferva
tion true, let the Star touch the Moon’s Limb, not on
the'Outfide o f the Limb, but on the Infide.
II. The
N ew ton on C hem istry, A tom ism ,
the H ith er, a n d H e a t
Chemical Papers
M a r ie B oas
1 See Catalogue of the Newton Papers Sold by Order of the Viscount Lymington (London,
1936). The most recent appraisal is by R. J. Forbes, “Was Newton an Alchemist?”
Chymia 2, 27-36 (1949). The best general account is Douglas McKie, “Some Notes
on Newton’s Chemical Philosophy Written Upon the Occasion of the Tercentenary
of his Birth,” Philosophical Magazine [7] 33, 847-70 (1942).
5 S. I. Vavilov, “Newton and the Atomic Theory,” in The Royal Society, Newton
Tercentenary Celebrations 15-19 July 1946 (Cambridge, 1947), 43-55, is in error in
believing that Harris mistranslated the Latin; the divergence is so great that he
can only have translated from another version.
6 For a list of books owned by Newton, see R. de Villamil, Newton: The Man
(London, n.d.).
To w h ic h is p refix ed
L O N D O N ;
P r in te d for A . M 1 l l a r, o p p o fitc Catharine-Street> in th e Strand
M D C C X L IV .
T he regard, which the great N e w t o n had for Mr. B o y le, will appear from a very curious
letter, which the former wrote to him, explaining his fentiments upon one of the mod
abftrufe points of philofophy, with refpedl to the aetherial medium, which in his O p tic s he
propofes as the mechanical caufe of gravitation. This letter having never before ieen the
light, will be proper to be inferted here.
“ Honoured Sir,
“ T H A V E fo long deferred to fend you my thoughts about the phyfical qualities we
« fpake of, that did I not elleem myfelf obliged by promife, I think I fhould be alhamed
to fend them at all. The truth is, my notions about things of this kind are fo indigefted,
that I am not well fatisfied my felf in them ; and what I am not fatisfied in, I can fcarce
“ elleem fit to be communicated to others; efpecially in natural philofophy, where there is
“ no end of fancying. But becaufe I am indebted to you, and yellerday met with a friend,
“ Mr. M a u ly v e r e r , who told me he was going to L o n d o n , and intended to give you the trou-
“ ble of a vifit, I could not forbear to take the opportunity of conveying tins to you by
“ him.
“ I t being only an explication of qualities, which you defire of me, I (hall fet down my
“ apprehenfions in the form of fuppofitions, as follows. And firft, I fupi>ofe, that there is
“ diffufed through all places an Ethereal fubftance, capable of contradlion and dilatation,
“ ftrongly elaftic, and, in a word, much like air in all refpefts, but far more fubtile.
“ 2. I suppose this aether pervades all grofs bodies, but yet fo as to Hand rarer in their
“ pores than in free fpaces, and fo much the rarer, as their pores are lefs. And this I fup-
“ pofe (with others) to be the caufe, why light incident on thofe bodies is refradled towards
“ the perpendicular; why two well polilhed metals cohere in a receiver exhaulled of air;
“ why 5 Hands fometimes up to the top of a glafs pipe, though much higher than 30 inches ;
“ and one of the main caufes, why the parts of all bodies cohere; alfo the caufe of filtration,
“ and of the riling of water in fmall glafs pipes above the furface of the llagnating water they
“ are dipped into: for I fufpeft the tether may (land rarer, not only in the infenfible pores of
“ bodies, but even in the very fenfible cavities of thofe pipes. And the fame principle may
“ caufe menllruums to pervade with violence the pores of the bodies they dilfolve, the fur-
“ rounding aether, as well as the atmofphcre, preding them together.
“ 3. I fuppofe the rarer aether within bodies, and the denfer without them, not to be ter-
“ minated in a mathematical fuperficies, but to grow gradually into one another; the ex-
“ ternal Ether beginning to grow rarer, and the internal to grow denfer, at fome little
“ dillance from the fuperficies of the body, and running through all intermediate degrees of
“ denfity in the intermediate fpaces: And this may be the caufe, why light, in Grimaldo'%
“ experiment, palling by the edge of a knife, or other opake body, is turned afide, and as
“ it were refrafted, and by that refraction makes feveral colours. Let A B C D be a denfe
“ body, whether opake, or tranfparent, E E G H the outfide
“ of the uniform tether, which is within it, IK L .M the infide
“ of the uniform aether, which is without i t ; and conceive the
“ aether, which is between E F G H and I K L M, to run
“ through all intermediate degrees of denfity between that of
“ the two uniform tethers on cither fide. This being fuppofed,
the rays of the fun SB, S K, which pafs by the edge of this
“ body between B and K, ought in their palfage through
“ the unequally denfe tether there, to receive a ply from
“ the denfer tether, which is on that fide towards K, and that
“ the more, by how much they pafs nearer to the body, and
“ thereby to be fcattered through the fpace P Q R S T , as by
“ experience they are found to be. Now the fpace between the limits E F G H and I K L M
“ I lnall call the fpace of the tether’s graduated rarity.
“ 4. When two bodies moving towards one another come near together, I fuppofe the
“ tether between them to grow rarer than before, and the fpaces of its graduated rarity to
“ extend further from the fuperficies of the bodies to-
“ wards one another; and this, by reafon, that the Ether
“ cannot move and play up and down fo freely in the k! PI ;
“ mull be lefs rare, than if the particle were greater; for were it 1,D in *
“ greater, its centre would be further from the fuperficies A B, that a
“ is, in a place, where the xcher (by fuppofition) is rarer. The lefs the particleK therefore,
“ the denier the tether at its centre, bccaufe its centre comes nearer to the edgeA B, where
2 the
I he L I F E o f the honourable R o b e r t B o y l e , 73
•• tlie xther is denfer than within the limit E F G H . And if the particle were divided from
11 the body, and removed to a d[dance from it, where the aether is fill denfer, the aether
“ within it muft proportionally grow denfer. If you confider this, you may apprehend,
“ how by diminilhing the particle, the rarity of the' aether within it will be diminilhed, till
“ between the denfity of the atther without, and the denfity of the arther within it, there be
“ little difference; that is, till the caufe be almoft taken away, which fhould keep this and
“ other fuch particles at a diftance from one another. For that caufe, explained in the fourth
“ and fifth fuppofitions, was the excefs of denfity of the external aether above that of the
“ internal. This may be the reafon then, why the fmall particles of vapours eafily come to-
“ gether, and are reduced back into water, unlefs the heat, which keeps them in agitation, be
“ fo great as to difiipate them as fall as they come together: but the grolfer particles of ex-
“ halations raifed by fermentation keep their aerial form more obftinately, becaufe the aether
“ within them is rarer.
“ Nor does the fize only, but the denfity of the particles alfo, conduce to the permanency
“ of aerial fubflances. For the excefs of denfity of the asther without fuch particles above
“ that of the aether within them is ftill greater. Which has made me fometimes think,
“ that the true permanent air may be of a metallic original; the particles of no fubflances
“ being more denfe than thofe of metals. This, I think, is alfo favoured by experience, for I
“ remember I once read in the Philofophical Tranfaftions, how M. H u yg en s at P a r is found,
“ that the air made by diflolving fait of tartar would in two or three days time condenfe
“ and fall down again, but the air made by diflolving a metal continued without con-
“ denfing or relenting in the lead. If you confider then, how by the continual fermentations
“ made in the bowels of the earth there are aerial fubflances raifed out of all kinds of bodies,
“ all which together make the atmofphcre, and that of all thefe the metallic are the moft
“ permanent, you will not, perhaps, think it abfurd, that the moft permanent part of the
“ atmofphere, which is the true air, fhould be conftituted of thefe; efpecially fince they are
“ the heavieft of all other, and fo muft fubfide to the lower parts of the atmofphere, and
“ float upon the furface of the earth, and buoy up the lighter exhalation and vapours to float
“ in greateft plenty above them. Thus, I fay, it ought to be with the metallic exhalations
“ raifed in the bowels of the earth by tile ailion of acid menftruums, and thus it is with
“ the true permanent air; for this, as in reafon it ought to be efteemed the moft pon-
“ derous part of the atmofphere, becaufe the lowed, fo it betrays its ponderofity, by mak-
“ ing vapours afeend readily in it, by fuftaining mills and clouds of fnow, and by buoying
“ up grofs andponderous Iriioke. The air alfo is the moft grofs unaflive part of the at-
“ mofphere, affording living things no nourifhment, if deprived of the more tender exha-
“ lations and fpirits, that float in it : and what more unaflive and remote from nourilhment
“ than metallic bodies ?
“ I shall fet down one conjeflure more, which came into my mind now as I was writ*
“ ing this letter. It is about the caufe of gravity. For this end 1 will fuppofe aether to
“ confift of parts differing from one another in fubtilty by indefinite degrees: that in the
“ pores of bodies there is Iefs of the grolfer tether, in proportion to the finer, than in open
“ fpaces; and confequently, that in the great body of the earth there is much lefs of the
“ grolfer sther, in proportion to the finer, than in the regions of the air: and that yet the
“ grolfer tether in the air affefts the upper regions of the earth, and the finer tether in the
‘1earth the lower regions of the air, in fuch a manner, that from the top of the air to the
“ furface of the earth, and again from the furface of the earth to the centre thereof, the
“ tether is infenfibly finer and finer. Imagine now any body fufpended in the air, or lying
“ on the earth: and the aether being by the hypothefis grolfer in the pores, which are in the
“ upper parts of the body, than in thofe which are in its lower parts, and that grolfer aether
“ being lefs apt to be lodged in thofe pores, than the finer aether below, it will endeavour to
“ get out and give way to the finer aether below, which cannot be without the bodies
“ defending to make room above for it to go out into.
“ F rom this fuppofed gradual fubtilty of the parts of aether fome things above might
“ be further illuftrated, and made more intelligible ; but by what has been faid, you will
“ eafily difeern, whether in thefe conjeftures there be any degree of probability, which is all
“ I aim at. For my own part, I have fo little fancy to things of this nature, that, had not
“ your encouragement moved me to it, I Ihould never, I think, have thus far fet pen to
“ paper about them. What is amifs therefore, I hope, you will the more eafily pardon in
Cambridge, Feb. a8, 1678-9. “ Your moft humble fervant,
“ and honourer,
“ Isaac N swton.
T his letter of our incomparable N e w to n may perhaps receive fome illuftration from ano
ther which he wrote a few years before to Mr. O ld en b u rg , and was as follows.
“ SIR,
“ T R E C E I V E D both yours, and thank you for your care in difpofing thofe things be-
“ tween me and Mr. L in u s . I fuppofe his friends cannot blame you at all for printing his
“ firft letter, it being written, I believe, for that end, and they never complaining of the
« printing of that, but of the not printing that, which followed, which I take myfelf to
“ have been p e r a cc id en t the occafion of, by refufing to anfwer him. And though I think I
“ may tally fay, I was very little concerned about it, yet I mull look upon it as the refult of
« your kindnefs to me, that you was unwilling to print it without an anfwer.
“ As to the paper of Obfervations, which you move in the name of the Society to have
“ printed, I cannot but return them my hearty thanks for the kind acceptance they meet
“ with there, and know not how to deny any thing, which they defire fliould be done.
“ Only I think it will be bell to fufpend the printing of them for a while, becaufe I have
“ fome thoughts of writing fuch another fet of Obfervations for determining the manner of
“ the produiftions of colours by the prifm, which, if done at all, ought to precede that now
“ in your hands, and will do bell to be joined with it. But this I cannot do prefently, by
“ reafon of fome incumbrances lately put upon me by fome friends, and fome other bufinefs
“ of my own, which at prefent almoft take up my time and thoughts.
“ T he additions, that I intended, I think I mull, after putting you to fo long expedlations,
« difappoint you in j for it puzzles me how to conneft them with what I fent you ; and if I
“ had thofe papers, yet I doubt the things I intended will not come in fo freely as I thought
“ they might have done. I could fend them deferibed without dependance on thofe papers-,
“ but I fear I have already troubled your Society and yourfelf too much with my fcribbling,
“ and fo fuppofe it may do better to defer them till another feafon. I have therefore at
“ prefent only fent you two or three alterations, though not of fo great moment, that I need
“ have (laid you for them -, and they are thefe:
“ W h er e I fay, that th e f r a m e o f n a tu r e m ay be n o th in g b u t te th e r condenfed b y a f e r m e n t a l
“ p r in c ip le , inftead of thefe words write, that it may be nothing but various contextures of
“ fome certain attherial fpirits or vapours condenfed, as it were, by precipitation, much af-
“ ter the manner, that vapours are condenfed into water, or exhalations into groffer fub-
“ ltances, though not fo eafily condenfable ; and after condenfation wrought into various
“ forms, at firlt by the immediate hand of the Creator, and ever fince by the power of na-
“ ture, who, by virtue of the command, In c re a fe a n d m u ltip ly , became a complete imitator of
“ the copies fet her by the Protoplall. Thus perhaps may all things be originated from
“ tether, (jfc .
A l it t l e after, when I fay, the tetherial fpirit may be condenfed in fe r m e n t in g o r b u r n in g
“ bodies, o r o th e r w ife in fp iffa te d in th e p o re s o f th e e a r th to a te n d e r m a tte r , •w hich m a y be, a s i t
“ w e r e , th e fuccus nutritius o f th e e a r th , o r p r im a r y fu b jla n c e , o u t o f w h ic h th in g s g en e ra b le
“ g r o w : inllead of this you may write, that that fpirit may be condenfed in fermenting or
“ burning bodies, orotherwife coagulated in the pores of the earth and water into fome kind
“ of humid adtive matter, for the continual ufes of nature, adhering to the fides of thofe
“ pores after the manner, that vapours condenfe on the Tides of a veffel.
“ I n the fame paragraph there is, I think, a parenthefis, in which I mention volatile falt-
“ petre. Pray llrike out that parenthefis, left it Ihould give offence to fomebody.
“ Alfo where I relate the experiment of little papers made to move varioufiy with a glals
“ rubbed, I would have all that llruck out, which follows about trying the experiment with
“ leaf-gold.
“ S ir , 1 am interrupted by a vifit, and fo m ull in hade break off.
“ Yours
Jan. 25, 1675-6. “ Is, N ewton.”
B ut to return to Mr. B o y le, in the year 1680, he gave the world the following trafts, v i z .
i h e A e r i a l N o S i l u c a : o r fo m e n e w P h tm o m e n a , a n d a p r o c e fs o f a fa S t iti o u s fe lf-jl:in in g fu b fla n c e ■,
London, in 8vo. A n e w L a m p , printed in Mr. H o o k e 's B h ilo fo p h ic a l C o lla tio n s , No. II. p.
33. and D iv e r s E x p e r im e n ts a n d N o te s a b o u t th e p ro d u cib len efs o f c h e m ica l P r in c ip le s , fubjoined
to the fecond edition of his S c e p tic a l C h e m ijl, at O x fo r d 1680, in 8vo.
T he Royal Society, of which he had been fo long one of the greatelt ornaments, now
thought proper at their annual eledlion on St. A n d r e w ’s day, November 30, this year, to
choofe him for their prefident. But after a mature confideration he excufed himfelf from ac
cepting that pod, for rcafons, which fhew his extreme tendernefs and delicacy in all matters of
confidence, and were reprefented by him in the following letter to Mr. H o o ke.
............................ - x p m jte r j
Lexicon Technicum :
Or, An U N I V E R S A L
Englifh DidionaryJ
V O L . II
J O H N H A R R I S , D . D. Secretary to the
R oyal-Society , and Chaplain to the L o r d H ig h -
Chancellor o f G R E A T- B R I T A I N ,
L O N D O N :
N A T U R A A C I D O R U M .
I n N i w i o s . 1 692.
C id o ru m p a r tic u la f u n t A q u eis Craffiores, & fropterea m in u s V olatiles, a t Terrefiribus
m u lto fu b tilio res & fropterea m u lto m in u s fix te . V i m a g n a A tt r a B i v d pollent, & in
hac 1ti confifiit earum A B i v i t a s , q u a & Corpora difj'olvunt & O rgana Senfm im a g ita n t & f u n -
g u n t. M e d i a fu n t N a t u r a in ter A q u a m & Corpora, & U tra q u e a ttra b u n t. P er v i m f i a m a t -
t r a B i v a m congregant u r circum f a r t iculas corfo ru m fe u Lapideas fe u M etaU icas i i f q • u n d iq • a d -
h a r e n t a r B iffim e , u t ab iifd e m deinceps per D ijlilla tio n e m v e l Sub lim a tio n em v i x poffint fe p a r a ri,
A t t r a B a vero & undique co n g reg a ta , e le v a n t, d isju n g u n t & d ifc u tiu n t particulas corporum ab
in v ic e m , i d e f l corpora d iffo lv u n t; & per v im A ttr a B io n is q u a ru u n t in particulas com m ovent f l u i -
d u m & f ic calorem e x c ita n t, p a rticu fa fq ; nonnullas adeo d ifc u tiu n t tit in A e re m converta n t &
Jic B u lla s g en era n t. E t b a c ef t R a tio D iffolutiom s d r F erm entationis; A c id u m v e r b attrahendo
A q u a m a q u e ac T e rra m efpc'tt u t p a rtic u la d iffo lu ta prom pts m ifcea n tu r cum A q u a eique in n a ten t
a d m o d u m fa liu m . E t quern a d m o d u m Globus T e r r a per v i m G r a v ita t is attrahendo a q uam fo r tiu s
q u a m Corpora levio ra , efjicit u t levio ra afcendant in A q u a , d r fu g ia n t de T erra . Sic p a r tl-
c u la S a liu m attrahendo A q u a m f u g a n t f e m u tu o d r ab in v ic e m q u a m m a x im a recedendo, per
A q u a m to ta m expanduntur.
P a r tic u la S a ils A lk a li ex T e n e ts d r A d d is fim ilite r XJnitis confiant j f e d h a A c i d a v i
m a x im a A t t r a B i v d pollent u t per ig n em non fep a rentur d S a le j u tq \ M e t alia diffoluta p r a c i-
p ita n t a ttrahendo ab ipfis p a rticu la r A d d a s quibus d iffolvebantur.
S i p a r tic u la A c id a in m in o ri proportione cu m Terrefiribus j u n g a n tu r , h a tarn a rB e re tinentur d
T erre firib u s, u t ab its fu p p r im i ac occultari vid e a n tu r. N e q ; e n im fe n fu m j a m p u n g u n t neq ;
a ttr a b u n t a q u a m , fed corpora dulcia d r q u a c u m a q u a a g r e m ifc e n tu r, hoc e f l pinguia3compo-
m in t j u t f i t in M ercurio d u lc i, Su lp h u rs co m m u n i, L u n a Cornea & Cupro quod M e rc u riu s
S n b lim a tu s corrofit. f i b A d d i vero fic fupprefji v i a ttr a c tiv e f i t u t pinguia Corporibus props
U n iv e r fis a d h a re a n t d r fia m m a m fa c ile c o n c ip ia n t,fi modo A c id u m ca lefa B u m in v e n ia t alia Cor
pora in fu m o accenforum q u a fo r tiu s a ttra h a t q u a m propria. S e d d r A c id u m in S u lp h u rd s f u p -
preffum fo r tiu s attrahendo p a rticu la s a liorum Corporum ( fc ilic e t T err ear) q u a m proprias, F er-
m en ta tio n em len t a m d r N a tu r a le m ciet d r fo v e t u fq ; a d T u trcfaB ionem Com pofiti.
Q u a P u trefa B io f i t a e f l in eo quod A s id e F erm entationem diu fo v e n te s ta n d em in in te r flitia
m in im a & primae Compofitionis partes interjacentia fe fe infinuant, in tim e q ; its fa r tib u s U n i t a
m ix tio n e m N o v a m efficiunt non a m o v s n d a m nec cum priors com m utandam .
I NT R O D U C T I O N .
In o m m S o la tiu m per M e n fir u u m p a rtic u la fio lv e n d a m a p s a ttr a h m tu r a fa rtib u s M e n fir u i
q u a m a f e mittuo- ■> *
I n om ni Ferm ent a! iane e fi A c id u m fupprejfum quod coagulat p racipitando.
O leum cu m n im is m a g n x m o lep b leg m a tis in tim e m ix tu m , f i t S a lin u m quidditm & f i c A cetu m
c o n ftiiu it, hie e tia m T a r ta r i fe u T e r r a a d m ifia habenda efi ratio.
M e rc u riu s a ttra b itu r i d e fi corroditur ab A c id ts 6 fic u t pondcre O bfiruEl 'tones to llit i t a v i a t-
tra llr ic e A c id a in fr in g it.
M e rcu riu s efi V olatilis & facile e le v a to r calorequia ejus p a rticu la ultima: Compofitionls Cunt
p a r v a Cr fa c ile fe p a ra n tu r feparataq-, f i f i f u g a n t ; u t f i t in particulis Faporis, fim d o ru m q ■rarefa-
uorttm.. J
A q u a c o m p r im non potefi q u ia ejus p a r tic u la ja m ja m fie ta n g u n t. F t f t fie tangerent p a rti-
c u la A eris ( n a m A e r comprimi potefi, quia ipfixs p a rtic u h nondum f e ta n g u n t ) A e r e v a d m t in
M a rm o r. S e q .e x Trop. 25. L ib . a. T rin e. Thilofopb.
A arum particulas'habet f e m utuo trahentes', m in im arum fium m a vocentur primx Compofi-
tionis, hartim fu m m a r u m f u m m a fecunda Compofitionis, & c . ^
P o tefi M e rcu riu s, potefi A q u a R e g ia ports perva d ere, q u i p articular ultima: Compofitionls
interjacent a t non alios.
S i pojfet M e n firu u m alios illos pervadere v e l ft a u ri partes prim s &fecunda: Compofitionis
pojfent fep a ra ri fie re t A u n im , v e l F lu id u m , v e lfa lte m m a g is m alleabile. S i A i S f a fermenteficere
pojfet in a liu d q u o d vis corpus pojfet transform ari. J J
F fic id ta s efi v e l [ o h m d efeftu s flu id ita tis , q u a f i t a e fi in p a rtiu m p a r v ita te & fep a ra b ilita te
( intellige partes u ltim a Compofitionis) v e l d efettu s lu b ricita tis fe u la v io r is partes u n iu s fu p r a alias
labiim p ed ien s. H u jm v ife id ita tis A e id u m f a p e caufa efi • fiape Sp irit us a liu s lubricus te r r a
ju n f f u s , u t oleum T e re b in th in a capiti fu o M o rtu o redditum f i t tenax. '
R a tio cur C h a rta Oleo in unEla T ra n fitu m Oleo non A q u a concedat efi q uia A q u a Oleo non m if-
cetur f e d fu g a tu r ab eo. J
C u m A c id a partes, minores fcilicet, a liq u id d ifo lv u n t, id fa c iu n t, quia partem rei fo lv e n d a in -
cludunt v n d iq ’, utpote M a jo rem q ttd l bet A c id i p a rtiu m ,
T H E Particles o f Acids are o f a Size grolfer than thole o f Water, and therefore
lefs volatile; but much fmaller than thofe o f Earth, and therefore much lefs
fix’d than they. T h ey are endued with a great Attractive F o rce; in which Force
their A ftivity confifts; and thereby alfo th ey affedt and {Emulate theO rgan o f Tafte,
and diflolve fuch Bodies as they can come at. They are o f a middle Nature between
Water and Terreftrial Bodies, and attradt the Particles o f both.
By this Attradtive Force they get about the Particles o f Bodies, whether they be
ofH-metallick or {tony Nature, and adhere to them m od clofely on all fides; fo that
they can fcarce he feparated from them by Diftillation or Sublimation. When they
are attradled and gather’d together about the Particles of Bodies, they raife, disjoyn
and (hake them one from another; that is, they diflolve thofe Bodies.
By their Attradtive Force alfo, by which they rufh towards the Particles o f Bodies,
they move the Fluid, and excite H e a t; and they {hake afunder fome Particles, fo ,
much as to turn them into Air, and generate Bubbles: And this is the Rcafon o f D if- .
folution, and all violent Fermentation ; and in all Fermentation there is an Acid '
latent or &pprefs’d, which coagulates in Precipitation.
Acids alfo, by attradting Water as much as they do the Particles o f Bodies, occafion
that the diffolved Particles do readily mingle with Water, or fwim or float in it, af
ter the manner of Salts.
And as this Globe o f Earth, by the Force o f Gravity, attradting Water more
flrongly than it doth lighter Bodies, caufes thofe lighter Bodies to alcend in the Wa
ter, and to go upwards from the Earth : So the Particles of Salts, by attradling the
Water, do mutually avoid and recede from one another as far as they can, and fo
are diffufed throughout the w hole Water.
T h e Particles of S a l A l k a l i , do confift o f E a r th y and A c i d ifnited together,, after the
fame m anner: But thefe Acids have fo great an Attradtive Force, that they can’t be
feparated from the Salt by F ite ; they do alfo precipitate the Particles o f M etals
I N T R O D U C T I 0 N .
diflolv’d in Menstrua, by attracting from them the Acid Particles, Which before had
diffolved them, and kept them fulpended in the Menfiruum.
If thefe Acid Particles be joyn’d with Earthy ones, in but a fmall Quantity, they
are fo clofely retain’d by them, as to be quite fupprefs’d and hidden as it were by
them ; fo that they neither ftimulate the Organ of Senfe, nor attract Water, but
compofe Bodies which are not Acid, i. e. Fat and Fufible Bodies, fuch as are Mercu
ries dulcis, Common Brimftone, Luna Cornea, and Coffer corroded by Mercury Sublimate.
From the Attractive Force in thefe Acid Particles thus fupprels’d, arifes that uni-
verfal Property of almoft all Fat Bodies, that they adhere or flick to others, and are
eafily inflammable, if the heated Acid Particles ipeet with other Particles of Bodies
in Fume, which the Acid attracts more ftrongly, than it doth the Particles to which
it is united. And thus the Acid that lies fupprefs’d in fulphureous Bodies, by more
ftrongly attracting the Particles of other Bodies (Earthy ones for Inftance) than its
own, promotes a gentle Fermentation, produces and cherilhes Natural Heat, and
carries it on fo far iometimes, as to the Putrefaction of the Compound : Which Pu
trefaction arifes hence, That the Acid Particles which have a long while kept up the
Fermentation, do at long run infmuate themfelves into the leaft Interftices that lie
between the Particles of the firfi Comfofition, and fo intimately uniting with thofe
very Particle® 3o produce a new Mixture or Compound, which cannot fallback
again into the fame Form.
Note, The Paper hitherto defcrib'd, fcents tohatie been a continued Difcottrfe 5
but w h at follows are fhort Minutes of Thoughts relating to th e fame Subjeff,
Nitre, in Diftillation, leaving its Earthy Part behind, turns moft of it into an Acid
Spirit; becaufe the Acid of the Nitre attracts the Phlegm, and therefore they afcend
together, and conftitute a Spirit. But Nitre, kindled with a Coal, turns chiefly
into a Salt of Tartar j becaufe the Fire applied this Way, drives the Acid and Earthy
r Parts towards, and makes them impinge on, and more ftrongly unite one with
The Reafon why Water hath no great diffolving Force, is, becaufe there is but a
fmall Quantity of Acid in i t : For whatever doth ftrongly attract, and is ftrongly
attracted, may be call’d an Acid : And fuch things as are dilfolv’d in Water, we lee,
become fo, eafily, without any Effervefcence : But where the Attraction is ftrong,
and the Particles of the Menftruum are every where attracted by thofe of the Metal,
or rather, where the Particles of the Metal are every way attracted by thofe of the
Menftruum ; then the Particles of the Menftruum environ thofe of the Metal, tear
them to pieces, and diffolve it.
So when thefe Acid Particles are applied to the Tongue, or to any excoriated Part
of the Body, leaving the fubtile Earth in which they were before, they rulh into the
liquid of the Senfory, tear and disjoint its Parts, and caufe a painful Senfation.
Mercury is attracted, and therefore corroded by Acids; and as it opens Obftru-
Ctions by its great Weight j fo it breaks and obtunds the Power of Acids (in the Bo
dy) by its attractive Force.
All Bodies have Particles which do mutually attract one another : The Summs of
the leaft of which may be called Particles of the firfi Comfofition, and the Colle
ctions or Aggregates arifing from the, Primary Summs ,• or the Summs of thefe
Summs may be call’d Particles of the fiecond Comfofition, &c.
Mercury and Aqua Regis can pervade thofe Pores of Gold or T in , which lie be
tween the Particles of its la(l Comfofition ; but they can’t get any further into it;
for if any Menftruum could do that, or if the Particles of the firft, or perhaps of the
fecond Compofition of Gold could be feparated ; that Metal might *e made to
become a Fluid, or at leaft more foft. And if Gold could be brought once to fer
ment and putrefie, it might be turn’d into any other Body whatfoever.
And fo of T in, or any other Bodies; as common Nourifhment is turn’d into the
Bodies of Animals and Vegetables.
N. B. The fmall Difference which there is between this Tranfiation and the Latin above,
was its being taken from another Cofy a little different from this Latin Pafer. And hav
ing beenfafervified and affroved of by the IlluftrioMs Anther, I have not alter'd it fince.
( 8 2 4 )
( 825 )
ta<ftum corporis humani concipit. Idem
' circiter eft calor avis ova inc-ubantis.
14^ I Calor balnei props maximus quern quis nianu
imrnerfa 8c conftanter agitata diutius per-
ferre poteft. Idem fere eft calor fanguinis
recens effufi,
I7 I Calor balnei maximus quem quis manu immerfa
8c immobili manente diutius perferre poteft.
2 0 tt I 3 Calor balnei quo Cera innatans 8c liquefa&a
deferendo regilcit 8c diaphaneitatem
24 2 Calor balnei quo cera innatans incalefcenao,
liquefcit 8c in continuo fluxu fine ebulliti-
one confervatur,
1 Calor mediocris inter calores quo cera liquefcit
28 T| 2 5
8c aqua ebullit.
34 2 X Calor quo aqua vehementer ebullit 8c miftura
duarum partium plumbi triurn partium ftanni
8c quinque'partium bifmuti defervendo rigef-
cit.incipit aqua ebullire >_alore partium 33 8c
calorem partium plufquam 34 i ebulliendo
vix concipit. Ferrum vero defervefcens
calore partium 35 vel 36 , ubi aqua calida
8c 37 ubi frigida in ipfum guttatim inddit,
definit ebullitionem excitare,
40 4 r 2 Calor minimus quo miftura unius partisPJumbi
quatuor partium Stanni 8c quinque partium
Bifmuti incalefcendo liquefcit, 8c in conti
nuo fluxu confervatur.
48 3
Calor minimus quo miftura squalium partium
ftanni 8c bifmuti liquefcit. H£c miftura
calore partium 47 defervendo coagulatur.
57 3 3
Calor quo miftura duarum partium ftanni 8c
unius partis bifmuti funditur, ut 8c miftura
trium partium ftanni 8c duarum plumbi fed
miftura quinq$ partium ftanni 8c duarum
Nnnnn 2 partium
(8 » 6 )
partium bifmuti hoc calore defervendo ri-
gefqit. Et idem facit miftura tequalium
! partium plumbi Sc bifmuti,
68 o0 Calor minimus quo miftura unius partis’ b it
muti Sc otto partium ftanni fimditur. Stan
num per fe funditur calore partium 72 8c
Dcfervendo rigcfcit calore partium 70.
8i 1 1
Calor quo bifmutum funditur ut 8c miftura
quatuor partium plumbi 8c unius partis
ftanni. Sed miftura quinque partium plum
bi 8c unius partis ftanni ubi fufa eft 8c de-
, fervet in hoc calore rigefcit.
96 ] Calor minimus quo plumbum funditur. Plum-
' bum incalefcendo funditur calore partium
96 vel 97 8c defervendo rigefcit calore par-
tium 95.
314 4 i Calor quo corpora ignita defervendo penitus
1 defiuunt in tenebris^potturnis^ lucere, 8c vi-
ciffim incalefcendo incipiunt iniifdem tene-
bris lucere fed luce tenuiftima qute fentiri
vix poffit. Hoc calore liquefcit miftura
aequalium partium Stanni 8c Reguli martis,
8c miftura feptem partium bifmuti 8c qua
tuor partium ejufdem Reguli defervendo
136 Calor quo corpora ignita in tenebris nottilrnis
candent, in crepufculo vero neutiquam.
iHoc calore turn miftura duarum partium re
guli martis 8c unius partis Bifmuti turn etiam
miftura quincp, partium reguli martis 8c unius
partis Stanni defervendo rigefcit. Regu-
lus per fe rigefcit calore partium 146.
161 4 4 Calor quo corpora ignita in crepufculo pro-
xime ante or turn folis vel poft occafum ejus
manifefto candent in clara vero d i d luce
neutiquam, aut non nifi perobfcure.
GRADUUM c a l o r is
( S27 )
. ( 8 2 8 )
( 8 29 )
Calores autem fic inventi eandem habuerunt rationem
inter fe cum caloribus per Thermometrum inventis 8c prop-
tereararefaftiones oleiipfius caloribus proportionals efle
rede affumpfimus.
201 V . . 1 4 . . H e a t o f a b a th , b y w h ic h m e lte d w a x s w im m in g o n it b y c o o l in g
h a r d e n s an d lo s e s its tr a n sp a r e n c y .
24 .. 2 .. H e a t o f a b a th , b y w h ic h w a x s w im m in g o n i t is m e lte d b y g r o w
in g h o t , a n d k e p t in c o n t in u a l f u s io n w ith o u t e b u llit io n .
2 8 -r V . 2 4 . . M e a n h e a t b e tw e e n th a t b y w h ic h w a x m e lt s a n d w a te r b o ils .
34 . . 24-. . H e a t b y w h ic h w a te r h a s a s t r o n g e b u llit io n , a n d a m ix tu r e o f
tw o p a r ts o f le a d , th r e e o f t in , a n d fiv e o f b is m u t h , b y c o o l
in g h a r d e n s ; w a te r b e g in s to b o il w it h a d e g r e e o f h e a t o f
33 p a r ts, a n d b y b o ilin g s c a r c e ly a c q u ir e s a n y g r e a te r d e g r e e
th a n t h a t o f 3 4 |. ; b u t ir o n g r o w in g c o ld w ith t h e h e a t o f
3 5 o r 3 6 p a r ts, w h e n h o t w a te r , a n d 3 7 , w h e n c o ld w a te r is
d r o p p e d o n it, c e a s e s to c a u s e a n y e b u llit io n .
40t4t . . 2-fv. Least degree of heat by which a mixture of one part of lead,
four parts of tin, and five parts of bismuth, by growing hot
is melted and kept in continual fusion.
48 .. 3 .. L e a s t d e g r e e o f h e a t, b y w h ic h a m ix tu r e o f e q u a l p a rts o f t in
a n d b is m u th is m p lt e d ; th is m ix t u r e w ith t h e h e a t o f 4 7 p a r ts,
b y c o o l in g c o a g u la te s .
57 .. 3 4 - .. D e g r e e o f h e a t , b y w h ic h a m ix t u r e o f t w o p a rts o f tin a n d o n e
p a rt o f b is m u th is m e lte d , a s a ls o a m ix t u r e o f th r e e p a rts o f
tin a n d t w o o f le a d ; b u t a m ix tu r e o f fiv e p a rts o f tin a n d t w o
o f b is m u th , w ith t h is d e g r e e o f h e a t , b y c o o l in g h a r d e n s, a n d
in lik e m a n n e r a m ix tu r e o f e q u a l p a r ts o f lea d a n d b is m u th .
68 . . 34 -. . L e a s t d e g r e e o f h e a t , t h a t m e lt s a m ix tu r e o f o n e p a r t o f b is
m u t h a n d e i g h t p a rts o f t i n ; tin b y it s e l f is p u t in t o f u s io n
w ith t h e h e a t o f 72 p a r ts, a n d b y c o o lin g h a r d e n s w ith t h e
h e a t o f 70 p a rts.
81 . . . 3 £ . . D e g r e e o f h e a t t h a t m e lt s b is m u t h , a s a lso a m ix tu r e o f fo u r
p a rts o f le a d a n d o n e p a r t o f tin ; b u t a m ix tu r e o f fiv e p a r ts
o f le a d a n d o n e p a rt o f t in , w h e n , m e lte d , a n d c o o l i n g a g a in ,
it h a r d e n s w ith th is h e a t.
96 .,. 4 . . L e a s t d e g r e e o f h e a t t h a t m e lt s l e a d ; le a d , b y g r o w in g h o t , is
m e lt e d w it h th e h eat o f 96 or 97 p a rts, a n d c o o l in g it
h a r d e n s w it h Q5 p arts.
114 . . 44 -. . D e g r e e o f . h e a t, b y w h ic h ig n it e d b o d ie s in c o o lin g , q u it e c e a se
t o s h in e b y n ig h t , a n d a g a in , by g r o w in g h o t b e g in to s h in e
in t h e d a r k , b u t w it h a v e r y fa in t lig h t , w h ic h , is sc a r c e ly p er
c e p tib le •, in su c h a d e g r e e o f h e a t th e r e m e lt s a m ix tu r e o f e q u a l
p a rts o f tin a n d r e g u lu s m a r tis, a n d a m ix tu r e o f s e v e n p a rts o f
b is m u th a n d fo u r p a rts o f th e sa id r e g u lu s by c o o l i n g h a r d e n s .
5 7 4 PH ILO SO PH ICAL TR AN SACTIO N S. [A N N O 1 7 0 1 .
136 .. 44-.. Degree of heat with which ignited bodies glow by night, but not
at all in the twilight, and with this degree of heat both a
mixture of two parts of regulus martis and one part of bis
muth, as also a mixture of five parts of the said regulus and
one part of tin, by cooling hardens; the regulus by itself
hardens with the heat of 146 parts.
l6 l . . 4-I-.. Degree of heat, by which ignited bodies manifestly glow in the
twilight immediately preceding the rising of the sun, or after
his setting, but not at all in a clear day, or but very faintly.
192 .. 5 . . Degree of heat of live coals in a small kitchen fire, made up of
bituminous pit-coals, and that burn without using bellows ; as
also, the heat of iron made as hot as it can be in such a fire ;
the degree of heat of a small kitchen fire, made of faggots is
somewhat greater, viz. 200 or 210 parts, and that of a large
fire is still greater, especially if blown with bellows.
In the first column of this table are the degrees of heat in arithmetical pro
portion, beginning with that which water has when it begins to freeze, being
as it were the lowest degree of heat, or the common boundary between heat
and cold ; and supposing that the external heat of the human body is 12 parts.
In the second column are set down the degrees of heat in geometrical propor
tion, so that the second degree is double the first, the third double the second,
and the fourth double the third ; and making the first degree the external heat
of the human body in its natural state. It appears by this table, that the heat
of boiling water is almost 3 times that of the human body, of melted tin 6
times, of melted lead 8 times, of melted regulus 12 times, and the heat of an
ordinary kitchen fire is 16 or 17 times greater than that of the human body.
This table was constructed by means of the thermometer and red-hot iron.
By the thermometer were found all the degrees of heat, down to that which
melted tin ; and by the hot iron were discovered all the other degrees; for the
heat which hot iron, in a determinate time, communicates to cold bodies near
it, that is, the heat which the iron loses in a certain time, is as the whole heat
of the iron; and therefore, if equal times of cooling be taken, the degrees of.
heat will be in geometrical proportion, and therefore easily found by the tables
of logarithms. First it was found by the thermometer with linseed oil, that if,
when it was placed in melted snow, the oil possessed the space of 1Q000 parts ;
then the same oil rarefied with the heat of the first degree, or that of a human
body, possessed the space of 10256 parts, with the heat of water just begin
ning to boil, the space of 10705 ; with that of water strongly boiling, the space
of 10725 parts ; with that of melted tin, beginning to cool, and to be of the
consistence of an amalgama, the space of 1 1 5 1 6 ; and when it is quite hardened
th e sp ace o f 11 4 9 6 ; t h e r e f o r e t h e r a r e fie d o il w a s t o t h e s a m e e x p a n d e d b y t h e
h e a t o f th e h u m a n b o d y , as 40 is to 30 ; b y t h a t o f b o i l in g w a t e r , a s 15 to 14 >
b y t h a t o f tin b e g in n in g t o c o o l , c o a g u l a t e , a n d h a r d e n , a s 15 to 13 ; and b y
t h e h e a t o f c o o l in g tin w h e n q u it e h a rd en ed , as 23 is t o 20 ; t h e r a r e f a c t io n o f
a ir b y a n e q u a l h e a t w a s 10 t im e s g r e a t e r th a n t h a t o f o il , a n d t h e r a r e f a c t io n
o f o il w a s 15 tim e s g r e a t e r th a n t h a t o f s p ir its o f w in e . F r o m t h e s e d a ta , p u t
t i n g t h e d e g r e e s o f t h e h e a t o f t h e o il p r o p o r t io n a l t o its r a r e f a c t io n , a n d t a k in g
12 p a r ts fo r t h e h e a t o f t h e h u m a n b o d y , w e t h e n h a v e th e d e g re e o f th e h eat
o f w a te r w h e n it b e g in s t o b o il, v i z . 33 p a r ts , a n d w hen it b o ils m ore veh e
m e n t ly 34; o f tin w h e n m e lt e d , o r w h e n it b e g in s in c o o l in g to h a rd e n , a n d
h a v e t h e c o n s is t e n c e o f a n a m a lg a m a , 71 p a r ts , a n d in c o o l i n g is q u it e h a r d ,
7 0 p a r ts .
H a v i n g d is c o v e r e d th e s e t h in g s ; in o r d e r t o i n v e s t ig a t e t h e r e s t , t h e r e w as
h e a t e d a p r e t t y t h i c k p ie c e o f ir o n r e d - h o t , w h ic h w a s ta k e n o u t o f t h e fir e
w it h a p a ir o f p in c e r s , w h ic h w e r e a ls o r e d - h o t , a n d la id in a c o ld p la c e , w h e r e
t h e w in d b le w c o n t in u a lly u p o n i t , a n d p u t t i n g o n it p a r t ic le s o f s e v e r a l m e t a ls ,
an d o th e r fu s ib le b o d ie s , t h e t im e o f it s c o o l i n g w a s m a r k e d , till a ll t h e p a r t i
c le s w e r e h a r d e n e d , a n d t h e h e a t o f t h e ir o n w as equal to th e h e a t o f th e
h u m a n b o d y ; th e n s u p p o s in g t h a t t h e e x c e s s o f t h e d e g r e e s o f t h e h e a t o f t h e
ir o n , a n d t h e p a r tic le s a b o v e t h e h e a t o f t h e a tm o sp h e re , fo u n d b y th e th e r
m o m e t e r , w e r e in g e o m e t r ic a l p r o g r e s s io n , w h e n t h e tim e s a re in a n a r it h m e
t ic a l p r o g r e s s io n , t h e s e v e r a l d e g r e e s o f h e a t w e r e d is c o v e r e d ; t h e ir o n w a s la id
n o t in a c a lm a ir , b u t in a w in d t h a t b le w u n if o r m l y u p o n i t , t h a t t h e a ir h e a t e d
b y t h e ir o n m ig h t b e a lw a y s c a r r ie d o f f b y t h e w in d , a n d t h e c o ld a ir s u c c e e d i t
a lt e r n a t e ly ; f o r t h u s e q u a l p a r ts o f a ir w e r e h e a t e d in e q u a l t im e s , a n d r e c e iv e d
a d e g r e e o f h e a t p r o p o r t io n a l to th e h e a t o f th e i r o n ; th e se v e ra l d e g re e s o f
h e a t t h u s f o u n d h a d t h e s a m e r a t io a m o n g t h e m s e lv e s w it h t h o s e f o u n d b y t h e
t h e r m o m e te r : an d th e re fo re t h e r a r e fa c t io n s o f t h e o il w e r e p r o p e r ly a s s u m e d
p r o p o r t io n a l t o its d e g r e e s o f h e a t .*
* A method if not more accurate, at least more expeditious than the above, o f measuring high
degrees o f heat, was invented some years ago by the late Mr. Wedgewood ; founded on the property
which argillaceous earth possesses, o f contracting its dimensions when placed in the fire. See Phil.
Trans. Vols. 72, 74 , and 7 6 .
N ew ton’s F our Letters to Bentley, an d
th e Boyle L ectures R elate d to T h e m
Bentley and Newton
P erry M il l e r
nor the believer had been able to cope with the new wisdom;
Bentley seized the initiative, and gave believers the assurance (or
perhaps one should say the illusion) that the Newtonian physics,
by conclusively showing that the order of the universe could not
have been produced mechanically, was now the chief support of
faith. W hether employed by Christians or deists, Bentley’s tech
nique for deducing religious propositions out of the equations of
the Principia became an indispensable ingredient in the whole com
plex of 18th-century optimism.
But, for our purposes, the sermons are still more important be
cause, whatever their merits as expositions of the system, they
called forth from the great man himself four letters which are
major declarations in modern history of the method and of the
mentality of the scientist. While the manuscript was being printed,
Bentley found himself worried for fear he had not sufficiently dis
posed of the theory of Lucretius (from whom Hobbes derived) that
the cosmic system began with chance bumpings together of de
scending atoms, each endowed with an innate power of gravity.
He wrote to Newton for further clarification, so that he could make
last-minute changes in his proof. It took Newton four letters, from
December 10 to February 25, to set Bentley straight (in fact, we
may wonder whether Bentley fully got the point!), and Bentley
appreciated their importance. He carefully preserved them, so that
his executor could publish them in 1756. Dr. Johnson, observing
that the questions had caused Newton to think out further conse
quences of his principles than he had yet anticipated, said of them
about the finest thing that can be said, that they show “how even
the mind of Newton gains ground gradually upon darkness.”
The sermons show that Bentley had indeed perceived the gen
eral thesis, though the letters suggest that in the printed form
Bentley made it more precise than he had done in the pulpit. This
is the argument that, had gravity been the only force active at the
moment of creation, the planets of our system would have fallen
quickly into the sun. Hence must be assumed a specific interven
tion of force (only a divine force would do) which arrested the
descents at the appropriate places and sent the planets spinning on
their transverse orbits. Likewise, when one considers the spacing of
these orbits, no principle of science will determine the relations of
the distances except that “The Author of the system thought it
convenient.” Bentley seemed to Newton on the right track insofar
as he argued that the operations of gravity over empty spaces could
mean only that an “ agent” was constantly guiding the stars arid
planets according to certain laws. Assuredly, this agent must have
a volition, and must be “very well skilled in mechanics and geom
etry.” Bentley was eager to call the agent God; Newton had no
But evidently, either in the first draft of the sermons or in a letter,
Bentley said something which implied that gravity was in some
sense an inherent property of matter, implicit in the very substance,
a sort of “occult quality,” or a kind of eternal magnetism. The
vehemence with which Newton rejects any such opinion is strik
ing. Between the letters numbered II and III in this printing,
Bentley wrote back a worried answer: he was so fully aware that
in Newton’s system universal gravitation could never be solved
“ mechanically” that he was surprised to have Newton warn him
against the heresy. “If I used that word, it was only for brevity’s
sake.” Well, brevity to a philologist might be one thing, but another
to Newton. He wanted language exact, and certainly in the printed
version Bentley took care that not even for brevity’s sake should
there be any suggestion that gravity is synonymous with material
existence. Thus corrected, Bentley was able to conclude that mutual
gravitation can operate at a distance only because it is simulta,-
neously regulated by the “agent” and not by the system itself; here
then was what he and the age most wanted, “a new and invincible
argument for the being of God.” From this point the sailing was
clear, and Bentley goes ahead like a ship in full rig, to the joyous
conclusion that everything concerning this system and particularly
this globe, including the inclination of its axis and the irregular
distribution of land and ocean, has been appointed for the best by
a divine intelligence.
The letters show that Newton wanted to be helpful, and he was
eager that Bentley should not misrepresent him; yet they are not
prolix, they do not volunteer anything beyond replies to particular
questions, and the careful reader does not get the impression of an
outgoing enthusiasm Newton was human enough to be eager for
fame and almost pathologically jealous for his reputation; but he
S ir I saac N e w t o n
t o
D o c t o r B e n t l e y .
P r o o f ofaDEITY.
P rin te d fo r R . and J . D O D S L E Y , Pall-Mall,
[ » }
L E T T E R S , &c.
L E T T E R I.
to the Reverend D r . R i c h a r d
B e n t l e y , a t the Bijhop o f
WorcefterV Houfe in Park-
ftreet, Weftminfter*
t 2]
have done the Public any Service this
way, it is due to nothing but Induftry and
patient Thought.
[ 3 ]
throughout all that infinite Space. And
thus might the Sun and fixt Stars be
formed, fuppofing the Matter were o f a
lucid Nature. But how the Matter fhould
divide itfelf into two forts, and that Part
o f it, which is fit to compofe a fhining
Body, fhould fall down into one Mafs
and make a Sun, and the reft, which is
fit to compofe an opaque Body, fhould
coalefce, not into one great Body, like
the fhining Matter, but into many little
ones; or if the Sun at firft were an
opaque Body like the Planets, or the Pla
nets lucid Bodies like the Sun, how he
alone fhould be changed into a fhining
Body, whilft all they continue opaque, or
all they be changed into opaque ones,
whilft he remains unchanged, I do not
think explicable by meer natural Caufes,
but am forced to afcribe it to the Counfel
and Contrivance o f a voluntary Agent.
l 4 J
the Center o f the fix primary Planets,
placed Saturn in the Center o f the Orbs
o f his five fecondary Planets, and J
‘ upiter
in the Center o f his four fecondary Planets,
and the Earth in the Center o f the Moon’s
Orb j and therefore had this Caufe been
a blind one, without Contrivance or D e-
fign, the Sun would have been a Body
o f the fame kind with Saturn, Jupiter, and
the Earth, that is, without Light and
Heat. W h y there is one Body in our
Syftem qualified to give Light and Heat
to all the reft, I know no Reafon, but
becaufe the Author of the Syftem thought
if convenient j and why there is but one
Body o f this kind I know no Reafon, but
becaufe one was fufficient to warm and
enlighten all the reft. For the Cartejian
Hypothefis o f Suns lofing their Light,
and then turning into Comets, and Co
mets into Planets, can have no Place in
m y Syftem, and is plainly erroneous j be
caufe it is certain that as often as they
appear to us, they defcend into the Syftem
[ 5 1
o f our Planets, lower than the O rb o f
'Jupiter, and lometimes lower than the
Orbs o f Venus and Mercury, and yet never
flay here, but always return from the Sun
with the fame Degrees o f Motion by
which they approached him.
E6 1
fecft o f Counfel. N or is there any natural
Caufe which could give the Planets thofe
juft Degrees o f Velocity;, in Proportion
to their Diftances from the Sun, and cither
central Bodies, which were requifite to
make them move in fuch concentrick,
Orbs about thofe Bodies. Had the Planets
been as fwift as Comets, in Proportion to
their Diftances from the Sun (as they
would have been, had their Motion been
caufed by their Gravity, whereby the
Matter, at the firft Formation o f the
Planets, might fall from the remoteft R e
gions towards the Sun) they would not
move in concentrick Orbs, but in fuch
eccentrick ones as the Comets move in.
W ere all the Planets as fwift as Mercury,
or as flow as Saturn or his Satellites; or
were their feveral Velocities otherwife
much greater or lefs than they are, as
diey might have been had they arofe from
any other Caufe than their Gravities; or
had the Diftances from the Centers a-
bout which they move, been greater or
t 7 1
Icfs than they are with the fame Velo
cities } or had the Quantity o f Matter in
the Sun, or in Saturn, Jupiter, and the
Earth, and by confequence their gravita
ting Power been greater or lefs than it is ;
the primary Planets could not have re
volved about the Sun, nor the fecondary
ones about Saturn, Jupiter, andthe Earth,
in concentrick Circles as they do, but
would have moved in Hyperbolas, or
Parabolas, or in Ellipfes very eccentrick.
T o make this Syftem therefore, with
all its Motions, required a Caufe which
underftood, and compared together, the
Quantities o f Matter in the feveral Bo
dies o f the Sun and Planets, and the
gravitating Powers refulting from thence ;
the feveral Diftances o f the primary
Planets from the Sun, and o f the fe
condary ones from Saturn, Jupiter, and
the Earth j and the Velocities with which
thefe Planets could revolve ahout thofe
Quantities o f Matter in the central Bo
dies ; and to compare and adjuft all thefe
C8 ]
Things together, in fo great a Variety of
Bodies, argues that Caufe to be not blind
and fortuitous, but very well /killed in
Mechanicks and Geometry.
[ 9 ]
than the reft, fo they are vaftly greater,
and contain a far greater Quantity o f
Matter, and have many Satellites about
them j which Qualifications furely arofe
not from their being placed at fo great
a Diftance from the Sun, but were rather
the Caufe w hy the Creator placed them
at great Diftance, For by their gravi
tating Powers they difturb one another’s
Motions very fenfibly, as I find by fome
late Obfervations o f M r, Flamjleed, and
had they been placed much nearer to
the Sun and to one another, they would
by the fame Powers have caufed a con-
fiderable Difturbance in the whole Syf-
t 10]
Com et; but this Inclination ought to dc-
creafe conftantly in Compliance with the
Motion o f the Earth’s 'Vortex, whofe
A xis is much lefs inclined to the Eclip-
tick, as appears by the Motion o f the
Moon carried about therein. I f the Sun
by his Rays could carry about the Pla
nets, yet I do not fee how he could
thereby effect their diurnal Motions.
[ » ]
There is yet another Argument for a
Deity, which I take to be a very ftrong
one, but till the Principles on which it
is grounded are better received, I think
it more advifable to let it lleep.
I am>
to command,
D ecem bt i o , 1692.
IS . N E W T O N .
C 2 L E T -
f 13 ]
S I R,
l h !
T h e Reafon w hy Matter evenly feat-
tered through a finite Space would con
vene in the midft, you conceive the fame
with me j but that there fhould be a cen
tral Particle, fo accurately placed in the
middle, as to be always equally attracted
on all Sides, and thereby continue with
out Motion, feems to me a Suppofition
fully as hard as to make the fharpefl
Needle Hand upright on its Point upon a
Looking-Glafs. For if the very mathe
matical Center o f the central Particle bq
not accurately in the very mathematical
Center o f the attractive Power o f the
whole Mafs, the Particle will not be at
tracted equally on all Sides. And much
harder it is to fuppofe all the Particles in
an infinite Space fhould be fo accurately
poifed one among another, as to ftand
ftill in a perfedt Equilibrium. For I reckon
this as hard as to make not one Needle
only, but an infinite number o f them (fo
many as there arc Particles in an infinite
Space) Hand accurately poifed upon their
t 15 3
Points. Y et I grant it poffible, at leaft by
a divine P ow er; and if they were once to
be placed, I agree with you that they
would continue in that Pofture without
Motion for ever, unlefs put into new M o
tion by the fame Power. W hen there
fore I faid, that Matter evenly fpread
through all Space, would convene by its
Gravity into one or more great Mafles, I
underftand it o f Matter not refting in an
accurate Poife.
[ 16 ]
and in this Senfe, they fay all Infinites
are equal; tho’ they would fpeak more
truly i f they fhould fay, they are neither
equal nor unequal, nor have any cer
tain Difference or Proportion one to ano
ther. In this Senfe therefore, no Con-
clufions can be drawn from them, about
the Equality, Proportions, or Differences
o f Things, and they that attempt to do it
ufually fall into Paralogifms. So when
M en argue againfi: the infinite Divifibility
o f Magnitude, by faying, that if an Inch
may be divided into an infinite Number o f
Parts, the Sum of thofe Parts will be an
Inch ; and if a Foot may be divided into
an infinite Number o f Parts, the Sum o f
thofe Parts muft be a Foot, and therefore
fince all Infinites are equal, thofe Sums,
mufl be equal, that is, an Inch equal to
a Foot.
[ l7 ]
equal. There is therefore another W ay
o f confidering Infinites ufed by Mathe
maticians, and that is, under certain de
finite Reftridtions and Limitations, where
by Infinites are determined to have cer
tain Differences or Proportions to one
another. Thus Dr. Wallis confiders them
in his Arithmetica Infinitorum, where
by the various Proportions o f infinite
Sums, he gathers the various Proporti
ons o f infinite M agnitudes: W hich way
o f arguing is generally allowed by M a
thematicians, and yet would not be good
were all Infinites equal. According to
the fame way of confidering Infinites, a
Mathematician would tell you, that tho’
there be an infinite Number o f infinite
little Parts in an Inch, yet there is twelve
times that Number o f fuch Parts in a
Foot, that is, the infinite Number o f
thofe Parts in a Foot is not equal to, but
twelve Tim es bigger than the infinite
Number o f them in an Inch. And fo
a Mathematician will tell you, that if a
D Body
[ IS ]
Body flood in Equilibrio between any two
equal and contrary attracting infinite
F orces; and i f to either o f thefe Forces
you add any new. finite attracting Force,
that new Force, how little foever, will
deflroy their Equilibrium, and put the
Body into the fame Motion into which
it would put it were thofe two contrary
equal Forces but finite, or even none at
all ; fo that in this Cafe the two equal
Infinites by the Addition o f a Finite to
either o f them, become unequal in our
ways o f R eckoning; and after thefe
ways We mufl reckon, if from the
Confiderations o f Infinites we would al
ways draw true Conclufions.
[ 19 3
the Sun, and a tranfverfe Impulfe o f a
juft Quantity .moving it diredtly in a Tan
gent to the Orbis Magnus ; the Com
pounds o f this Attraction and Projection
would, according to my Notion, caufe a
circular Revolution o f the Earth about
the Sun. But the tranfverfe Impulfe
muft be a juft Quantity; for if it be too
big or too little, it will caufe the Earth
to move in fome other Line. Secondly,
I do not know* any Power in Nature
which would caufe this tranfverfe Motion
without the divine Arm . Blondel tells us
fomewhere in his Book o f Bombs, that
Plato affirms, that the Motion of the
Planets is fuch, as i f they had all
o f them been created by God in
fome Region very remote from our
Syftem, and let fall from thence to
wards the Sun, and fo foon as they arrived
at their feveral Orbs, their Motion o f
falling turned afide into a tranfverfe
one. And this is true, fuppofing the
gravitating Power o f the Sun was double
D 2 at
[ 20 ]
at that Moment o f Tim e in which they
all arrive at their feveral O rb s; but then
the divine Power is here required in a
double refpedt, namely, to turn the de-
fcending Motions o f the falling Planets
into a fide Motion, and at the fame time
to double the attractive Power o f the Sun.
So then Gravity may put the Planets into
Motion, but without the divine Power it
could never put them into fuch a circulating
Motion as they have about the Su n; and
therefore, for this, as well as other Reafons,
I am compelled to afcribe the Frame of
this Syflem to an intelligent Agent.
[ 21 ]
you underftand, that Infinites when con^
fidered abfolutely without any Reftridtion
or Limitation, are neither equal nor un
equal, nor have any certain Proportion one
to another, and therefore the Principle
that all Infinites are equal, is a precarious
Sir, I am,
Trinity College,
Jan. 17, 1692-3.
IS . N E W T O N .
L E T -
[ 23 1
Ecaufe you defire Speed, I will an-
B fwer your Letter with what Brevity
I can. In the fix Pofitions you lay down
in the Beginning o f your Letter, I agree
with you. Your afluming the Orbis Mag
nus 7000 Diameters o f the Earth wide,
implies the Sun’s horizontal Parallax to be
h alf a Minute. Flamfieed and CaJJini have
o f late obferved it to be about 10", and
thus the OrbisMagnus muft be 21,000, or
in a rounderNumber 20,000 Diameters o f
the Earth wide. Either Computation I
[ 24 ]
think will do well, and I think it not
worth while to alter your Numbers.
[ 25 3
difperfed throughout all Space j for fome-
thing o f this Kind, I think, you fay was
the Subject o f your fixth Sermon j and
the Growth o f new Syftems out o f old
ones, without the Mediation o f a divine
Power, feems to me apparently abfurd.
[ 26 ]
[ 27 3
prove it as abfurd. Neither do you prove,
that what Men mean by an infinite Sum
ot Number, is a Contradiction in N ature;
for a Contradiction in ’f e r minis implies no
more than an Impropriety o f Speech.
Thofe things which Men underftand by
improper and contradictious Phrafes, may
be fometimes really in Nature without any
Contradiction at a ll: a Silver Inkhorn, a
Paper Lanthorn, an Iron W hetftone, are
abfurd Phrafes, yet the Things fignified
thereby, are really in Nature. I f any
M an fhould fay, that a Number and a
Sum, to fpeak properly, is that which may
be numbered and fummed, but Things in
finite are numberlefs, or, as we ufually
fpeak, innumerable and fumlefs, or in-
fummable, and therefore ought not to be
called a Number or Sum, he will fpeak
properly enough, and your Argument
againfl him will, I fear, lofe its Force.
And yet if any Man fhall take the Words,
Number and Sum, in a larger Senfe, fo
E 2 as
[ 28 ]
t 29 1
with which they defcended before, much
after the Manner that the Comets revolve
about the Sun j but a circular Motion in
concentrick Orbs about the Sun, they
could never acquire by Gravity alone.
t 30 ]
them* I f we fuppofe the Gravity o f all
the Planets towards the Sun to be o f fuch
a Quantity as it really is, and that the M o
tions o f the Planets are turned upwards,
every Planet will afeend to twice its
Height from the Sun. Saturn will af
eend till he be twice as high from the Sun
as he is at prefent, and no higher; Jup i
ter will afeend as high again as at prefent,
that is, a little above the Orb o f Saturn j
Mercury will afeend to twice his prefent
H eight, that is, to the Orb o f Venus j and
fb o f the reft j and then by falling down
again from the Places to which they af-
cended, they will arrive again at their fe-
veral Orbs with the fatne Velocities they
had at firft, and with which they now
C 31 ]
be diminished by one half, they will now
afcend perpetually, and all o f them at all
equal Diftances from the Sun will be
equally fwift. Mercury when he arrives
at the Orb o f Venus, will be as fwift as
Venus; and he and Venus, when they
arrive at the Orb o f the Earth, will be
as fwift as the Earth', and fo o f the reft. I f
they begin all o f them to afcend at once, and
afcend in the fameLine,they will conftant-
ly in afcending become nearer and nearer
together, and their Motions will conftantly
approach to an Equality, and become at
length ftower than any Motion affign-
able. Suppofe therefore, that they afcended
till they were almoft contiguous, and their
Motions inconfiderably little, and that all
their Motions were at the fame Moment
o f Tim e turned back again; or, which
comes almoft to the fame Thing, that they
were only deprived o f their Motions, and
let fall at that Tim e, they would all at
once arrive at their feveral Orbs, each
[ 32 1
with the Velocity it had at firft j and if
their Motions were then turned Side-r
ways, and at the fame Tim e the gravi-r
tating Power o f the Sun doubled, that it
might be ftrong enough to retain them in
their Orbs, they would revolve in them as
before their Afcent. But if the gravitate-
ing Power o f the Sun was not doubled,
they would go away from their Orbs into
the higheft Heavens in parabolical Lines,
T hefe Things follow from my Trine.
M ath. L ib . i. Prop. 33, 34, 36, 37.
Tour mofl
humble Servant
to qommand,
Feb. 25, 1692- 3,
IS . N E W T O N .
i 33 ]
L E T T E R I V.
[ 34 ]
Gravity might give the Planets a Motion
o f Defcent towards the Sun, either diredtly
or with fome little Obliquity, yet the
tranfverfe Motions by which they revolve
in their feveral Orbs, required the divine
Arm to imprefs them according to the
Tangents o f their Orbs* I would now add,
that the Hypothecs o f Matter’s being at
firft evenly fpread through the Heavens,
is, in my Opinion, inconfiflent with the
Hypothecs o f innate Gravity, without a
fupernatural Power to reconcile them,
and therefore it infers a Deity. For if
there be innate Gravity, it is impoffible
now for the Matter o f the Earth and all
the Planets and Stars to fly up from them,
and become evenly fpread throughout all
the Heavens, without a fupernatural Power;
and certainly that which can never be
hereafter without a fupernatural Power,
could never be heretofore without the
fame Pow er.
I 35 1
You queried, whether Matter evenly
fpread throughout a finite Space, o f fome
other Figure than fpherical, would not in
falling down towards a central Body,
caufe that Body to be of the fame Figure
with the whole Space, and I anfweved,
yes. But in my Anfwer it is to be fup-
pofed that the Matter defeends dire&ly
downwards to that Body, and that that
Body has no diurnal Rotation.
This, Sir, is all I would add to m y
former Letters.
I am,
S erva n t,
£eb . n , 1693.
IS . N E W T O N .
F I N I S .
Confutation of 8tf)etfm
O rigin and Lram e o f the W O R L D .
S E R M O N ,
Preached at
S ' M a r y -le -B o w ,
D ECEM BER the 5th' 1 6 9 1 .
Being the Eighth of the Le<5lure Founded by
the Honourable (jt y B E R X W I L E , Efquire.
By R I C H A R D B E N T LET, M-A.
Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God,
EDWARD, Lord Biflhop of Worcefter.
L O N D O N ,
Printed for H . M o rtlo ck at the Phoenix in
St. P a u l's Church-yard. 1693.
(3 ) ~
Hen we firft enter’d upon this Topic,
the demonftration o f Gods Exi
gence from the Origin and Frame o f the
W orld, we offer’d to prove four Propor
1. That this prefent Syftem o f Heaven and
Earth cannot poffibly have fubfifted from all
2. That Matter confider’d generally, and
abffradly from any particular Form and Con
cretion, cannot poflibly have been eternal:
Or, if Matter could be fo 5 yet Motion can
not have coexifted with it eternally, as an in
herent property and effential attribute o f Mat
ter. Thefe two we have already eftablilhed
A 2 in
Confutation of $ttjetfm
Origin and Yrame of the WO K L D.
SERMON Preached at
By R I C H A R D B E N T LE T, M -A .
Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God,
E D W A R D , Lord Bilhop of W orcefter.
L O N D O N ,
Printed for H . Mortlock at the Phcenix in
St. P ad ’s Church-yard. 1693.
im prim atur.
Ra. Barker, R mo in Chrifto Patri
ac D noD no Jobami Archiep. Can-
taar. a Sacris Domeft.
Novemb. 10.
1 6 9 Z.
( 3)
A d s X IV . 1 1, 6 c.
That ye fhould turn from thefe vanities unto the
living God, who made Heaven and Earth
and the Sea, and all things that are there
in : Who in times \paft fufferd all Nations to
walk, in their own ways. Neverthelefs, he left
not himfelf without witnefs, in that he did
Good, and gave us Rain from Heaven, and
fmitfull Seafons, filling our hearts with Food
and Gladnefs.
B I. Let
U e q u a q u a m n o b is d i v i n i t u s e jfe t r e a t a m
X. B
N a t u r a m r e r u m , t a n t a f l a t p r c e d it a c u lp a . out of Love Math the fea
P r i n c ip l e , q u a n t u m ceeli t e g i t im p e tu s in g e n s ,
In d e a v i d a m p a r t e m m on tes S y lv # q \ f e r a r u m tures and meen of our Earth;
P o ffe d e re , te n e n t' rupes, v a f t a q -, p a lu d e s ,
E t m a r e , q u o d l a t e t e r r a r u m d i j i i n e t e ra s . they do not like this rugged
Lucret l i b . y.
and irregular Surface, thefe
Precipices and Valleys and the gaping Channel of
the Ocean. This with them is Deformity, and
rather carries the face of a Ruin or a rude and
indigefted Lump of Atoms that cafually conve
ned fo, than a Work of Divine Artifice. They
would have the vaft Body o f a Planet to be as
elegant and round as a factitious Globe reprefents
it; to be every where fmooth and equable, and
as plain as the Elyjian Fields. Let us examin, what
weighty reafons they have to difparage the prefenc
conflitution of Nature in fo injurious a manner.
Why, if we fuppofe the Ocean to be dry, and
that we look down upon the empty Channel from
fome higher Region of the Air, how horrid and
ghaftly and unnatural would it look ? Now admit
ting this Suppofition; Let us fuppofe too that the
Soil of this dry Channel is covered with Grafs and
Trees in manner of the Continent, and then fee
what would follow. If a m an could be carried
B E N T L E Y : A C O N F U T A T IO N O F A T H E IS M (III) 385
F I N I S .
H alley a n d the P rin c ip ia
Halley and the P rin c ip ia
R obert E . S c h o f ie l d
398 R O B E R T E. S C H O F IE L D
2 Quoted from the Journal book of the Royal Society, 16th February 1703/4,
by Isaac Weld, A History of the Royal Society (London, 1848), vol. 1, p. 375.
3Phil. Trans. 34, p. 205 (1727).
4 Sir Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ■. . , Cajori edi
tion of the English translation of Andrew Motte (Berkeley, California, 1947),
p. xviii. See also Brewster, Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 296-299, 304-307; and the con
temporary and authoritative information supplied by the letter of June 29, 1686
from Halley to Newton, excerpt quoted by Brewster, vol. 1, pp. 446-447; and
printed in entirety by W. W. Rouse Ball, An Essay on Newton’s Principia (London,
1893), pp. 162-163; and by Stephen P. Rigaud, Historical Essay on the First Publi
cation of Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia (Oxford, 1838), pp. 35-39.
H A L L E Y A N D T H E P R IN C IP IA 399
ciety, the discovery that the council of the Royal Society was
financially unable to pay for its publication, and Halley’s decision
to undertake the “business of looking after it, and printing it at his
own charge,” 5 Halley was almost as important in the publication
as was Newton himself. Moreover, not only did Halley pay for the
publication, correct the proofs, check the calculations, and work
with the printer; it was even necessary for him to persuade New
ton to submit a major portion of the work for publication .6 There
is considerable justification for the belief, frequently expressed, that
but for Halley the Principia would never have been published.
Under the circumstances, it is not unreasonable that Halley
should have made the first public announcement of the publica
tion of the Principia. This announcement took the form of a book
review in the Philosophical Transactions. According to Ball, this was
the only real book review of the Principia to appear at the time,
since the other contemporary review, in the Acta Eruditorum for
June 1688 (pp. 305-315), is and purports to be little more than a
synopsis of the contents .7 T hat the publisher and, in a sense, edi
tor of the work should be the one to write a review of it may in-
5 T. Birch, The History of the Royal Society of London (London, 1756), vol. 4, p. 486.
The finances of the Royal Society appear to have been in serious danger owing
to their publication of Willughby’s De historia piscium. While there seems general
agreement that Halley was not ultimately a loser because of his undertaking, in
spite of the initial risk involved, there is some disagreement as to Halley’s ability,
at the time, to afford such a risk. Both Ball, Essay, pp. 67-68, and Rigaud, His
torical Essay, p. 36, seem to feel (in Rigaud’s words) that Halley undertook to
meet the expense of publishing the Principia “precisely at that period of his life
when he could least afford it.” Sir Henry Lyons, The Royal Society (Cambridge,
1944), p. 103, states that Halley was “in fairly comfortable circumstances when
he undertook to finance . . . the ‘Principia’.” Though it is not easy at this point to
resolve this difference, some support is given to the opinion of Rigaud and Ball
by the fact that a large portion of Halley’s income up to 1684 had been an allow
ance from his father. The death intestate of his father in 1684 instituted a long
litigation between Halley and his stepmother over Halley’s patrimony, which was
not settled until 1693.
6 Newton had taken offense at some claims to priority made by Hooke and sug
gested, in a letter to Halley, that the third book, “De Systemate Mundi,” be sup
pressed. This letter, quoted by Rigaud, p. 63, by Ball, pp. 158-159, and by Brew
ster, vol. 1, pp. 439-445, contains that familiar passage: “Philosophy is such an
impertinently litigious lady, that a man had as good be engaged in lawsuits, as
have to do with her. I found it so formerly, and now I am no sooner come near
her again, but she gives me warning.”
7 Ball, Essay, p. 68 .
400 R O B E R T E. S C H O F IE L D
deed seem odd. It is true, however, that next to Newton few other
persons were more capable of reviewing a book of that scope—and
certainly Halley is not the last reviewer to have an interest, per
sonal or financial, in the success of a book he reviews.8
It is not surprising that the publication of the Principia should
today be regarded as one of the most important events in the his
tory of science. For over two hundred fifty years the work has been
tested and, in that time, its real stature has scarcely been reduced.
What is perhaps surprising, and is certainly to their credit, is that
large numbers of Newton’s contemporaries, scientific and not,
recognized its importance. While the Principia was being written,
the Royal Society was kept informed of its progress and frequently
expressed its interest. Only the serious depletion of its treasury
prevented the Society from financing the publication. Because of
the printing laws of the period, a book could not be published
without a license and the first edition of the Principia bears the im
primatur of Samuel Pepys, as President of the Royal Society.9
From at least as early as a Star Chamber decree of 1637, the Eng
lish government had made a formal attem pt to control book
publishing by a licensing procedure. The Commonwealth adopted
its own technics of censorship, but after the Restoration the decree
of 1637 was renewed, in substance, by parliament in 1662 (13 and
14 Car. II, c. 33) and again in 1685 (1 Jac. II, c. 8, §15). In spite
of the zeal of some of its enforcers, this attempt at control was
never wholly effective; books were published and new printers es
tablished themselves without regard for the law. But Newton was
not the person nor the Principia the type of book to publish outside
the law. By provision of the act of 1685, the Principia could be li
censed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London,
the Chancellors or Vice-chancellors of Oxford or Cambridge, or
the representatives of any of these. Finally, though not listed in act
of 1662 or of 1685, the President, Council, and Fellows of the
8 Sherman B. Barnes, “The Editing of Early Learned Journals,” Osiris 1, 160
(1936), note 27, states: “There were instances of authors sending reviews of their
own books to editors. Leibniz publicized himself through the journals of the time.”
0Samuel Pepys, though best known to us as the author of a charming but in
discreet diary, was a highly efficient administrator, secretary to the admiralty,
and a dedicated president to the Royal Society for two years, December 1, 1684
to November 30, 1686.
H A L L E Y A N D T H E P R IN C IP IA 401
10 For the provisions of the licensing acts, see, for example, The Term Catalogues,
1668-1709 A.D., ed. Edward Arber (London, 1903), vol. 1, pp. x ff; A Transcript of the
Registers of the Company of Stationers of London; 1554-1640, ed. Edward Arber (Lon
don, 1875), vol. 1, pp. xvi ff; or any standard work on English printing history, as
Henry R. Plomer, Short History of English Printing (New York, 1927). For the pro
visions of the charters of the Royal Society, see, for example, Lyons, Royal Society,
pp. 329-338.
11 See A. N. L. Munby, “The Distribution of the First Edition of Newton’s
Principia, ” Motes and Records of the Royal Society of London 10, 29-31, (1952) for a dis
cussion of this problem.
4°2 R O B E R T E. S C H O F IE L D
Indeed, one of the most striking things about the Principia is the
interest of nonscientists in a book that they could not read. Not
that every physical scientist could understand it either; then, as
today, there were probably many more scientists who claimed to
have read it than there were who actually had, but the book was
written in a style that the scientists, at least, were equipped to
understand. The Principia is an austere book, written in Latin and
using the geometrical methods of Apollonius which Newton made
obsolete with his invention of fluxions. It was, however, probably
less austere to its day than even the English translation is today,
for Latin was still the language of science in 1687 and the mathe
matical tools of geometry had been known to generations of scien
tists who had yet to learn the fluxions. Because of the substitution
of calculus for geometrical methods of analysis, scientists today are
almost in the position of the learned nonscientists of the late 17th
century and we can sympathize with men who, like Dr. Richard
Bentley, were told that they must read upwards of forty books,
mostly on geometry, for the “shortest and most proper method for
such an end” as to understand the P r in c ip ia Bentley, it is true,
wrote to Newton and got a shorter list of books, instructions that
for a “first perusal” it was “enough if you understand the Propo
sitions with some of the Demonstrations which are easier than the
rest,” 123 and, as we have seen in the previous section, some letters
of specific explanation. This was a course that most nonscientists
were not prepared to follow. John Locke wrote to Huygens to find
out the soundness of the mathematical demonstrations and, “being
told that he might depend upon their certainty; he took them for
granted, and carefully examined the Reasonings and Corollaries
drawn from them, became Master of all the Physics and was fully
convinc’d of all the great Discoveries contained in that Book.” 14
For most people, however, knowledge of what the Principia con
tained was acquired through popularizations and simplified ex
tracts from it. Newton, himself, had originally intended to write
,5Cajori edition of the Principia, p. 397. After Newton’s death, there was printed
The System of the World demonstrated in an easy and popular manner by the illustrious Sir
Isaac Newton which is included in the Cajori edition and which is described by
Rigaud, Historical Essay, p. 78, as a translation from the original Latin of the first
draft of what formed the third book.
10H. Pemberton, A View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy (London, 1728), preface.
17Newton personally presented a copy of the second edition to Queen Anne in
404 R O B E R T E. S C H O F IE L D
E dmond H a l l e y 18
termine the Orbs,either from the Focus given and tw d points
or T angents; or without it by five points or Tangents or
any number o f Points and Tangents making together five.
Then he fhews how from the Tim e given to find the Point
in a given Orb anfwering thereto; which he performs accu
rately in the Parabola,and by concife approximations comes
as near as he pleafes in the Ellipfe and Hyperbola: all
which are Problems o f the higheft concern in Aftronomy.
N ext he lays down the Rules o f the perpendicular defcent
o f Bodies towards the Center, particularly in the cafe
where the tendency thereto is reciprocally as the fquare o f
the diftance; and generally in all other cafes, fuppofing a
general quadrature o f Curve lines: upon which fuppofi-
on likewife he delivers a general method o f difeovering
the Orbs defcribed by a Body moving in fuch a tendency
towards a Center, increafing or decreafing in any given
relation to the diftance from the C en ter; and then with
great fubtilty he determines in all cafes the Motion o f the
Jpfides (or or the Points o f greateft diftance from the Cen
ter in all thefe Curves, in fuch Orbs as are nearly Circular.
Shewing the Jpfides fix t,if the tendency be reciprocally as
the fquare o f the diftance; direct in Motion in any Ratio
between the Square and the Cube and retrograde; i f un
der the Square : which Motion he determines exactly from
the Rule o f the increafe or decreafe o f the Vis Centrtpeta.
N ext the M otion o f bodies in given Surfaces is confider-
ed,as likewife the Ofeillatory Motion of Pcndules, where is
Jhewn how to make a Pendulum Vibrate always in equal
times, tho’ the center or point o f tendency be never fb n ear;
to which, the Demonftration o f M r. Hugens de Cycloide is
but a Corollary, And in another Propofition is ftiewn the
Velocity in each Point, and the time fpent in each part
o f the Arch defcribed by the Vibrating Body. After this
the Effects o f tw o or more Bodies, towards each o f which
there is a tendency, is confidered ; and his made out that
tw o Bodies, fb drawing or attracting each other, defcribe
O 0 2 about
about the common center o f G ravity, Curve Lines, like to
thole they feem to defcribe about one another. And o f
three Bodies, attracting each other, reciprocally as the
Square o f the diftance between their Centers, the various
C o n flu en ces are confidered and laid down, in feveral Co-
rollarys of great ufe in explicating the Phenomena, o f the
Moons Motions, the Flux and Reflux o f the Sea, the Pre-
ceflion o f the Equinoctial Points; and the like,
T h is done our Author with his ufual Acutenefs pro
ceeds to examine into the Caufes o f this Tendency or cen
tripetal Force, which from undoubted Arguments, is
fh ow n to be in all the great Bodies o f the Univerfe. Here
he finds that if a Sphere be compofed o f an infinity o f A -
toms, each o f which-have a Qonatus accedendi ad invicem,
which decreales in duplicate Proportion o f the Diftance
between th em ; then the whole Congeries fhall have the
like tendency. towards, its Center, decreafing, in Spaces
without it, in duplicate Proportion o f the Diftances from
the Center; and decreafing, within its Surface, as the di
ftance from the Center direCtly ; fo as to be greateft on
the Surface, and nothing at the Center : and tho’ this
might fuffice, yet to compleat the Argument, there is laid
down a Method to determine the forces o f Globes compo
fed of Particles whole Tendencies to each other do de-
creafe in any other Ratio o f the Diftances : W hich Specu
lation is carryed on likewife to other Bodies not Spherical,
whether finite or indeterminate. L aftly is propofed a
Method o f explaining the RefraCtions and Reflections o f
tranfparent Bodies from the fame Principles; and feveral
Problems folved o f the greateft Concern in the A rt o f D i-
Hitherto our Author has confidered the EffeCts o f com
pound Motions in Mediis non refijlentibus, or wherein a
Body once in Motion would move equably in a direCt Line,
if not diverted by a fupervening Attraction or tendency
toward forae otlier Body. Here is demonftrated what
l V 5]
would be the confcquence o f a refiftence from a Medium,
either in the Ample or duplicate Ratio o f the Velocity, or
elfe between both; and tocom pleatthis Argument is laid
dow n a general Method o f determining the denfity o f the
Medium in all places, which, with a uniform Gravity ten
ding perpendicularly to the plain of the Horizon, fliall
make a Project move in any curve Line aligned ; which
is the 10th. Prop. Lib, II. Then the circular M otion o f
Bodies in refitting Media is determined, and ’ tis fhown
under w hat L aw s o f decreafe o f Denfity, the Circle will
become a proportional Spiral. N ext the denfity and com-
preflion o f Fluids is confidered, and the Doctrine o f Hy-
drofiaticks demonftrated; and here ’tis propofed to the
Contemplation of Natural Philolophers, whether the fur-
prizing Phenomena o f the Elafticity o f the A ir -and feme 0-
ther Fluids may not arife from their being compofed of
Particles which flie each o th e r; which being rather a
Phyfical than Mathematical Inquiry, our Author forbears
to Dilculs.
N ext the Oppofition o f the Medium and its Effects on
the Vibrations o f the Pendulum is confidered, which is
followed by an Inquiry into the Rules o f the Oppofition
to Bodies, as their Bulk, Shape, or Denfity may be vary-
e d : Here with great exaftnels is an Account given o f fe-
veral Experiments tried with Pendula,m order to verify the
aforegoing Speculation, and to determine the quantity
o f the Airs Oppofition to Bodies moving in it.
From hence is proceeded to the undulation o f Fluids,
the L aw s whereof are here laid down, and by them the
Motion and Propagation o f L ight and Sound are explai
ned. T h e laib Section o f this Book is concerning the Cir
cular M otion o f Fluids, wherein the Nature o f their Vor
tical Motions is confidered, and from thence the Carteftan
Docttrine o f the Vortices o f the Celeftial M atter carrying
w ith them the Planets about the Sun, is proved to be
altogether impoffible.
T he
l 396 J
T h e III. and laffc Book is entituled de Syjlernate Mundi,
wherein the Demon Rrations o f the tw o former Book? are
applyed to the Explication o f the principal Phenomena, of
N a tu re: Here the verity o f the Hypothecs o f Kjepler is de-
monRrated ; and a full Refolution given to all the difficul
ties that occur in the Agronomical Science • they being no
thing elfe but the neceflary coniequences o f the SimyEarth,
Moony and Planets, having all o f them a gravitation or ten
dency towards their Centers proportionate to tlie Quan
tity o f M atter in each o f them, and w hole Fo-ce abates in
duplicate proportion o f the Diflance reciprocally. Here
likeWife are indifputably folved the Appearances o f the
Tides, or Flux and Reflux o f the Sea; and the Spheroidical
Figure o f the Earth and Jupiter determined, (from which
the preceffion o f the Equinoxes, or rotation o f the Earths
A xis is made out, ) together w ith the retroceflion o f the
Moons Nodes, the Quantity and inequalities o f whofe M o
tion are here exactly Rated a priore: La lily the Theory of
the M otion o f Comets is attempted w ith iuch fiiccefs,
that in an Example o f the great Com et winch appeared
in 168^, the M otion thereof is computed as exactly as w e
can pretend to give the places o f the primary Planets; and
a general Method is here laid down to Rate and determine
the Trajettoria o f Comets, by an eafy Geometrical Con-
Rru<Rion;upon fuppofition that thofeCurves are Para'idlick,
or fo near it that the Parabola may lerve without fenfible
Error ; tho’ it be more probable, faith our Author, that
tliefe Orbs are Elliptical, and that after long periods C o
mets may return again. But Rich Ellipfes are by Reafon
o f the immenle diRance o f the Foci, and fmallnels o f the
Latus Retturn, in the Parts near the Sun where Comets
appear, not eafily diRinguifhed from the Curve o f thef\i-
rabola : as is proved by the Example produced.
T h e whole Book is interfperfed w ith Lemma's o f Gene
ral ule in Geometry, and feveral new Methods applyed,
[ *97 J
which are w ell worth the confidering; and it may be
juftly laid, that lo many and lo Valuable Philofophical
Truths, as are herein dilcovered and put paft D ifpute,
were never yet owing to the Capacity and Induftry o f any
oneM an.
A D V E R T I S E M E N T ;
L O N D O N ,
C 44* )
II. The true Theory of the Tides, extraSled from
*hat admired Treatife of Mr. Ifaac Newton,
Intituled, Philofophise Naturalis Principia
M athem atics; being a Difcourfe prefented
with that Boof to the late King James, by
Mr. Edmund Halley.
C 44O
as is mod evident: and from undoubted Arguments its
proved, that there is fuch a Gravitation towards the
Centre o f the Sun, Moon, and all the Planets.
From this Principle, as a neceflary Confequence, fol
lows the Sphserical Figure o f the Earth and Sea, and of
all the other Cseleftial Bodies: and tho’ the tenacity
and firmnefs of the Solid Parts, fuppprt the Inequalities
o f the Land above the L evel, yet the Fluids, prefling
equally and eaflly yielding to each other, loon reftore
the /.’Equilibrium, if difturbed, and maintain the exadt
Figure o f the Globe.
Now this force of Defcent o f Bodies towards theCen*
ter, is not in all places alike, but is ftill Jefs and left, as
the diftance of the Center encreafes: and in this Book
it is demonftrated.that this Force decreafes as the Square
of the diftance increafes; that is, the weight o f Bodies
and the force o f their Fall is lefs, in parrs more remo
ved from the Center, in the proportion of the Squares
of the Diftance. So as for Example, a Ton weight on
the Surface o f the Earth> if it were railed to the
height of 4000 Miles, which I fuppofe the femidiami-
ter o f the Earth, would weigh but i of a Ton, or y
Hundred w e ig h t: if to ix o o o Miles, or 3 lemidiame-
ters from the Surface, that is 4 from the Center, it
would weigh but 1? part of the Weight on the Surface,
or a Hundred and Quarter: So that it would be as eafle
for the Strength of a Man at that height to carry a
Ton weight, as here on the Surface a 100 i. And in
the fame Proportion does the Velocities of the fall of
Bodies decreafe: For whereas on the Surface o f the
Earth all things fall 1 6 Foot in afecond, at one femidi-
ameter above this Fall is but 4 Foot; and at 3 femidia-
meters, or 4 from the Centre, it is but 1# of the Fall
at the Surface, or but one Foot in a fecond : And at
greater Diftances both Weight and Fall become very
4 14 H A L L E Y : T R U E T H E O R Y O F T H E T ID E S
(447 )
final), but yet at all given Diftances is ftill fbme thing,
tho’ the Effect become infenfible. At the distance of
the Moon (which I will fuppole 60 Semidiameters of
the Earth) 3600 Pounds weigh but one Pound, and
the fall o f Bodies is but Tjfs o f a Foot in a fecund, or
16 Foot inam inute; that is, a Body Co far o ff defcends
in a Minute no more than the fame at the Surface of the
Earth would do in a Second of Time.
As was fatd before, the fame force decreafing after
the fame manner is evidently found in the Sun, Moon,
and all the Planets; but more efpecially in the Sun,
whole Force is prodigious; becoming fenfible even in
the immenfe diftance o f Saturn: This gives room to
fufpeft, that the force of Gravity is in the Celeftial
Globes proportional to the quantity o f Matter in each
o f them ; And the Sun being at leaft ten Thoufand times
as big as the Earth, its Gravitation or attrading Force,
is found to be at leaft ten Thoufand times as much as
that of the Earth, atfting on Bodies at the fame diftances.
This Law o f the decreafe o f Gravity being demon-
ftratively proved, and put paft contradiction; the Au
thor with great Sagacity, inquires into the neceflary
Confluences o f this Suppofition; whereby he finds the
genuine Caufe o f the feveral Appearances in the Theo
ry of the Moon and Planets, and difcovers the hitherto
unknown Laws o f the Motion o f Comets, and o f the
Ebbing and Flowing o f the Sea. Each o f which are
Subje&s that have hitherto taken up much larger Vo
lumes; but Truth being uniform, and always the fame,
it is admirable to obferve how eafily we are enabled to
make out very abftrufe and difficult Matters, when once
true and genuine Principles are obtained .* And on the
other hand it may be wondred, that, notwithftanding
the great facility oftruth,and the perplexity and noncon-
fequenccs that always attend erroneousSuppofitions,thefe
X x x 2, great
C 448 )
great Difcoveries lhould have efcaped the acute Dif»
quifitions o f the bed Philofbphical Heads o f all pad
Ages, and be referved to thefe our Times. But that
wonder will foon ceafe, if it be confidered how great
Improvements Geometry has received in our Memory,
and particularly from the profound Difcoveries of our
incomparable Author.
The Theory of the Motion of the primary Planets
is here (hewn to be nothing elfe, but the contemplation
of the Curve Lines which Bodies caft with a given Ve
locity , in a given Direction, and at the fame time
drawn towards the Sun by its gravitating Power, would
defcribe. O r, which is all one, that the Orbs of the
Planets are fuch Curve Lines as a Shot from a Gun de»
fcribesin the Air, being caft according to the direction
o f the Piece, but bent into a crooked Line by the fu-
pervening Tendency towards the Earths Centre: And
the Planets being fuppofed to be proje&ed with a given
Force, and at trailed towards the Sun, after the afore-
faid manner, are here proved to defcribe fuch Figures,
as anfwer pun&ually to all that the Induftry of this
and the laft Age has obferved in the Planetary Motions.
So that it appears, that there is no need o f folid Orbs
and Intelligences, as the Ancients imagined, nor yet o f
Vortices or Whirlpools of the Celeftial Matter, as Des
Cartes fuppofes; but the whole Affair is (imply and
mechanically performed, upon the foie Suppofition of
a Gravitation towards theSun j which cannot be denied.
The Motion of Comets is here fttewn to be compound
ed of the fame Elements, and not to differ from Pla
nets, but in their greater fwiftnefs, whereby overpow-
enng the Gravity that fhould hold them to the Sun, as
Ju 1 Planets» they flie off again, and diflance
themielves from the Sun and Earth, fo that they foon
are out of our fight. And the imperfeft Accounts and
( 4 S9 )
Obfervations Antiquity has left us, are not fufficient to
determine whether the fame Comet ever return again.
But this Author has fhewn how Geometrically to deter
mine the Orb o f a Comet from Obfervations, and to
find his diftance from the Earth and Sun, which was ne
ver before done.
The third thing here done is the Theory of the
Moon, all the Inequalities of whofe Motion are proved
to arife from the fame Principles, only here the efFeft of
two Centers operating on, or attracting a proje&ed Bo
dy comes to be confidered ; for the Moon, tho’ princi
pally attracted by the Earth, and moving round it, does,
together with the Earth, move round the Sun once a
Year, and is according as file is, nearer or farther from
the Sun, drawn by him more or lefs than the Center of
the Earth, about which file moves ,• whence arife feve-
ral Irregularities in her Motion, o f all which, the Author
in this Book, with no lefs Subtility than Induftry, has
given a full Account. And tho’ by reafon o f the great
Complication o f the Problem, he has not yet been able
to make it purely Geometrical, ?ris to be hoped, that in
fome farther Eflay he may furmount the difficulty: and
having perfected the Theory o f the Moon, the long
defired difeovery of the Longitude (which at Sea is on
ly practicable this way) may at length be brought to
light, to the great Honour of your Majefty and Advan
tage-of your Subjects.
All the furprizingPhenomena o f the Flux and Reflux
of the Sea, are in like manner fhewn to proceed from
the fame Principle ; which I defign more largely to infift
on, fince the Matter o f Fadfc is in this cafe much better
known to your Majefty than in the foregoing.
If the Earth were alone, that is to fay, not affeCted
by the Actions of the Sun and Moon, it is not to be
doubted, but the Ocean, being equally prefled by the
( 45'o )
force of Gravity towards the Center, would continue
in a perfe& ftagnation, always at the fame height, with
out ever Ebbing or Flowing ; but it being here demon-
ftrated, that the Sun and Moon have a like Principle
o f Gravitation towards their Centers, and that the
Earth is within the A & ivity o f their Attra&ions, it
will plainly follow, that the Equality of the preffure of
Gravity towards the Center will thereby bedifturbed ;
and tho’ the fmallnefsof thefe Forces, in refpeft of the
Gravitation towards the Earths Center, renders them al
together imperceptible by any Experiments we can de-
vife, yet the Ocean being fluid and yielding to the Ieaft
force, by its rifing (hews where it islefs preft, and where
it is more preft by its finking.
Now if we fuppofe the force of the Moons attraction
to decreafe as the Square o f the Diftance from its Center
increafes (as in the Earth and other Celeftial Bodies) we
(hall findjthat where the Moon is perpendicularly either
above or below the Horizon, either in Zenith or Nadir,
there the force of Gravity is m oftof all diminilhed, and
confequently that there the Ocean muftneceflarily fwell
b y the coming in of the Water from thofe parts where
the Prefliire is greatefl, viz. in thofe places where the
Moon is near the Horizon : but that this may be the
better underflood, I thought it needful to add the fol
lowing Figure, where M is the Moon, E the Earth, C
its Centre, and Z the place where the Moon is in the
Zenith, N where in the Nadir.
C 451 )
Now by the Hypothefis it is evident, that the Water
in 2 , being nearer, is more drawn by the Moon, than
the Center of the Earth C, and that again more tha
the Water in N , wherefore the Water in £ has a ten
dency towards the Moon, contrary to that of Gravity,
being equal to the Excels of the Gravitation in £ , above
that in C : And in the other cafe, the Water in N, tend
ing lefs towards the Moon than the Center C, will be
lefs preUed,by as much as is the difference of the Gravi
tations towards the Moon in C and AT. This rightly un-
derltood, it follows plainly, that the Sea, which other-
wile would he Spherical, upon the PrelTure of the
Moon, mult form it lelf into a Spheroidal or Oval Fi
gure, whofe longelt Diameter is where the Moon is
Vertical, and fhortelt where Ihe is in the Horizon; and
that the Moon lhifting her Pofition as Ihe turns round
the Earth once a day, this Oval of Water Ihifts with
her, occafioning thereby the two Floods and Ebbs obfer-
vable in each Hours.
And this may fuffice as to the general Caufe of the .
T id e s; it remains now to Ihew how naturally this Mo
tion accounts for all the Particulars thathas beenobferv-
ed about them ; fo that there can be no room left to
doubt, but that this is the true caufe thereof.
The Spring Tides upon the new and full Moons, and
Neap Tides on the Quarters, are occafioned by the at
tractive Force of the Sun in the New and Full, confpir
ring with the Attraction o f the Moon, and producing
a Tide by their united Forces: Whereas in the Quar
ters, the Sun raifes the Water where the Moon deprefc
les ir, and the contrary; fo as the Tides are made on
ly by the difference of their Atrra&ions.That the force of
the Sun is no greater in this cafe,proceeds from the very
fmall Proportion the Semidiameter of the Earth bears to
the valtdiftance o f the Sun.
( 45* )
It is alfo oblerved, that catena parilm , the Aiqui-
no&ial Spring Tides in March and September, or near
them, are the Higheft, and the Neap Tides the Loweft;
which proceeds from the greater Agitation o f the Wa-,
ters, when the fluid Spharofd refolves about a great
Circle of the Earth, than wdien it turns about in a lefler
Circle ; it being plain, that if the Moon were Conftitu-
ted in the Pole and there flood,that the Spheroid would
have a fixt Pofition, and that it would be always high
Water under the Poles, and low Water every where un
der the A iquino& ialand therefore the nearer the Moon
approaches the Poles, the lefs is the agitation of the O -
cean, which is of all the greateft, when the Moon is
in the Asquinc&ial, or fartheft diflant from the Poles.
Whence the Sun and Moon, being either conjoyned or
oppofitein the Aiquinoftial, produce the greateft Spring
T id es; and the fublequent Neap Tides, being produced
by the Tropical Moon in the Quarters, are always the
lead Tides; whereas in Jane and December, the Spring
Tides are made by the Tropical Sun and Moon, and
therefore left vigorous; and the Neap Tides by the M -
quinofiial Moon, which therefore are the ftronger;
Hence it happens, that the difference between the Spring
and Neap Tides in thefe Months, is much left confider-
able than in March and September, And the reafon
why the very higheft Spring Tides are found to be ra
ther before the Vernal and after the Antumnal. Equino*,
viz. in February and Oftober, than precifely upon them,
is, becaufe the Sun is nearer the Earth in the Winter
Months, and fo comes to have a greater Effeft in pro
ducing the Tides.
Hitherto we have confidered fuch Affections o f the
Tides as are Univerfal,without relation to particular Ca-
mi Iw^iat follows from the differing Latitudes o f places,
W)ll be eafily under flood by the following Figure.
C 4?3 )
Let A p E P be the Earth covered over with very
deep Waters, C its Center, P, p, its Poles, A E the
AEquino&ial, F f the parallel of Latitude o f a place,
D d another Parallel at equal diftance on the other fide
o f the Asquinofrial, H h the two Points where the
Moon is vertical, and let K k be the great Circle, where-
in the Moon appears Horizontal- It is evident, that a
Spheroid defcribed upon H h ,and K k (hall nearly repre-
C 4*4 )
the Moon, wherein Che approaches nCareft either to the
Zenith or Nadir of the place: whence it is that the
Moon in the Northern Signs, in this part of the World,
makes the greateft Tides when above the Earth, and in
Southern Signs, when under the Earth; the Effecft be
ing always the greateft where the Moon is fartheft from
the Horizon, either above or below ir. And this alter
nate increale and decreafe of the Tides has been oblerv-
ed to hold true on the Coaft of England, at Briflol by
Capt. Sturmy, and at Plymouth by Mr. ColepreJJe.
But the Motions hitherto mentioned are fomewhat al
tered by the Libration of the Water, whereby, tho’
the Action of the Luminaries Ihould ceafe, the Flux
and Reflux of the Sea would for fome time continue :
This Confervation o f the imprefled Motion diminilhes
the differences that otherwife would be between two
confequent Tides, and is the reafon why the higheft
Spring Tides are not precifely on the new and full
Moons, nor the Neaps on the Quarters; but general
ly they are the third Tides after them, and fornetimes
All thele things would regularly come to pals, if the
whole Earth were covered with Sea very deep; but by
reafon o f the (hoalnefs o f fome places, and the narrow-
nefs o f the Streights, by which the Tides are in many
cafes propagated, there arifes a great diverfity in the Efc
fedf, and not to be accounted for, without an exabt
Knowledge of all the Circumftances of the Places, as
of the Pofition of the Land, and the Breadth and Depth
o f the Channels by which the Tide flows ; for a very
flow and imperceptible Motion o f the whole Body o f
* m i w^ere 'it is (for example) a Miles deep,
will luffice to raife its Surface 10 or i z Feet in a Tides
tim e ; whereas, if the lame quantity of Water were to
be conveyed upon a Channel o f 40 Fathoms deep, it
( 457 )
would require a Very great Stream to efftcft it, in (o
large Inlets as are the Channel of England and the Ger
man Ocean; whence the Tide is found to fet ftrongeft
in thofe places where the Sea grows narroweft; the fame
quantity o f Water being to pafs through a fmaller Paf-
fage: This is moft evident in the Sfreights, between
Portland and Cape de Hague in Normandy, where the
Tide runs like a Sluce; and would be yet more between
Dover and Calis, if the Tide coming about the Ifland
from the North did not check it. And this force being
once imprefled upon the Water, continues to carry it
about the level o f the ordinary height in the Ocean,
particularly where the Water meets a direft Obflade, as
it is at St. Malo’s ; and where it enters into a long Chan
nel,which running far into the Land grows very (height
at its Extremity ; as it is in the Severn-Sea at Chepftow
and Briflol.
This (hoalnefs o f the Sea and the intercurrent Con
tinents are the reafon, that in the open Ocean the time
o f High-water is not at the Moons appulfe to the Meri
dian, but always fome Hours after it; as it is oblerved
upon all the Weft-Coaft of Europe and Africa, from Ire
land to the Cape o f Good-Hope: In all which a S. W.
Moon makes High-water, and the fame is reported to
be on the Weft fide o f America. But it would he end-
left to account all the particular Solutions, which are
eafie Corollaries o f this Hypothecs; as why the Lakes,
filch as the Cafpian Sea, and Mediterranian Seat, fiich as
the Black Sea, the Streights and Baltick/ have no fen-
fible Tides: For Lakes having no Communication with
the Ocean, can neither increafe nor d.mimfh theu Wa
ter, whereby to n(e and fa ll; and Seas trjar tom
cate by fiich narrow Tn'ets, and ur- of (o■ immenie an
Extent,cannot in a few H-ur^M me ereivcor em|*ry Wa
ter enough to raife or fink their $ur , v i h : g tnfi y.
Y y y z ! aftly,
( 4*0
Laflly, to demonftrate the excellency of this Dodfrine,
the Example of the Tides in the Port of Tttnkittg in C h i-
nay which are fo extraordinary, and differing from all.
others we have yet heard of, may fuflice. In this Port
there is but one Flood and Ebb in 14 Hours; and twice
in each Month, v i z . when the Moon is near the E q u i
noctial there is no Tide at all, but the Water is flagnant •.
but with the Moons declination there begins a Tide,
which is greateft when (lie is in the Tropical Signs: only
with this difference,that when the Moon is to the North*
ward of the Equinoctial, it Flows when Ihe is above the
Earth, and Ebbs when (lie is under, fo as to make
High-water at Moons-fetting, and Low-water at Moons*
rifing: But on the contrary, the Moon being to the
Southward, makes High-water at rifing and Low-water
at fetting; it Ebbing all the time {he is above the Hori
zon. As may be feen more at large in the P h ilo fo p h ic a l
T ra n fa tlio n , Num. 161.
The Caufe of this odd Appearance is propofed by
Air. Newton, to be from the concurrence of two Tides
the one propagated in fix Hours out of the great South*
Sea along the Coafl: of China • the other out o f the
IndianSea, from between the Iflands in twelve Hours,
along the Coaft of Malacca and Cambodia. The one of
thefe Tides, being produced in North-Latitude, is, as
has been faid, greater, when the Moon being to the
North of the Equator is above the Earth, and iefs when
{he is under the Earth. The other o f them, which is
propagated from the Indian-Sea, being raifed in South
Latitude, is greater when the Moon declining to the
South is above the Earth, and lefs when Ihe is under the
Earth: So that of thefe Tides alternately greater and
leffer, there comes always fucceflively two o f the great
er and two of the leffer together every d a y ; and the
High-water falls always between the times o f the arri-
C 4*7 )
val o f the two greater Floods ; and the Low-water be
tween the arrival of the two lefler Floods, And the
Moon coming to the Aiquino&ial, and the alternate
Floods becoming equal, the Tide ceafes and the Water
Magnates : but when (he has paffed to the other fide o f
the Equator, thofe Floods which in the former Order
were the lead, now becoming the greateft, that that be
fore was the time o f High-water now becomes the Low-
water, and the Converfe. So that the whole appear
ance of thefe ftrange Tides, is without any forcing na
turally deduced from thefe Principles, and is a great Ar
gument of the certainty of the whole Theory.
V I.
T h e First B iography of N ew ton
Fontenelle and Newton
C h a r l e s C o u l s t o n G il l is p ie
One sometimes reads that Newton was the first foreigner elected
to the Academie des Sciences upon its reorganization in 1699, and th 6
inference is that by this gesture the French were magnanimously
recognizing the magnitude of his challenge to Descartes. Neithe1"
the fact nor the implication is correct. When the Academy begat1
operating under its new charter, it already included three foreigt1
members, Leibniz, Tschirnhaus, and Guglielmini, and it filled th 6
five additional vacancies authorized in the following order: H art'
soeker, the brothers Bernoulli, Roemer, and Newton .1 NoL
although Naturalis Philosophiae Principia Mathematica had been it1
print since 1687, was the Academy yet aware that this book posed
a fundamental challenge to the science known to its members, or
that they were bringing into their company the founder of classical
physical science, in the consciousness of which the world was to
live ever after. In choosing Newton eighth on the list, the Academy
thought itself to be electing simply a mathematician of extraor-
dinary geometrical skill, and the author of important experiments
(and a very questionable theory) bearing on the nature of light.
Professor Cohen has pointed out that it was through the Opticks,
not the Principia, that Newton exerted his influence on the imagi'
nation of his 18th-century admirers .2 The optical work attracted
attention from the outset, even before the Opticks itself was pub
lished in 1704. In the volumes that record the proceedings of the
Academy from 1666, the year of its foundation, to 1699, that of
Newton’s election, the only reference to him is a letter of 1672
from Huygens on the advantages of his reflecting telescope .3 In
1688 the Journal des Savants noticed the Principia in three para
graphs, describing the work as “une Mecanique la plus parfaite
qu’on puisse imaginer,” but pointing out (somewhat misleadingly)
that Newton himself says of his proofs “qu’il n’a pas considere
leurs principes en Physicien, mais en simple Geometre,” and urg
ing him to “nous donner une Physique aussi exacte qu’est la Me-
1See, a n te, p. 12; also, L e s m em b res et les correspondants de l ’A c a d e m ie royale des sciences
( 1 6 6 6 - 1 7 9 3 ) (Paris, 1931); and on the .reorganization, Alfred Maury, L ’A n c ie n n e
A c a d e m ie d es S cien ces (Paris, 1864), pp. 40-45.
2 I. B. Cohen, preface to Newton’s O p tic k s (New York, 1952).
3 M e m o ir e s de t ’A c a d e m ie R o y a le des Sciences d ep u is 1 6 6 6 j u s q u ’a 1 6 9 9 , vol. 10 (1730),
pp. 505-507. It should perhaps be explained that the volumes covering this period
were published through the efforts of Fontenelle long after the events.
canique” by substituting “de vrais mouvemens en la place de ceux
qu’il a supposez.” 1 Thereafter, Newton was not again discussed in
the Journal until 1703, when a passing reference appears in an article
drawn from Jean Bernoulli’s Recherche de Catoptrique et Dioptrique of
1701. Newton is introduced casually and only in order to be dis
missed, but the turn of argument is interesting, for, although it
refers to an optical passage of the Principia, it too is all unwittingly
prophetic of the larger issues in the offing. To certain considera
tions on refrangibility which follow from the views of one Herigone
(and indeed of Descartes), the author objects that in a homogene
ous medium the relative obliquity of rays is meaningless except
with reference to a second medium, which cannot be supposed to
affect the path of the ray before ever it arrives,
a moins qu’avec le subtil M. Newton, {Princ. Math. Phil. Nat. pag. 231.) on
ne veiiille mettre dans le second milieu quelque vertu attractive qui
agisse sur les rayons lors qu’ils sont encore dans le premier milieu, &
qui les attire plus fortement les uns que les autres. C’est en effet par la
que M. Newton explique la nature de la reflexion, & de la refraction:
mais son explication est plus ingenieuse qu’elle n’est vraye; car il ne
nous apprend point ce que c’est que cette vertu attractive, ni d’ou elle
vient: il la suppose seulement. J ’avoiie que si on la Iui accorde, l’expli-
cation qu’il donne est forte elegante, & peut conten ter un Mathematicien.45
6Although Malebranche (who admired the O p tic k s ) does not allude directly to
the P rin c ip ia , the discussion of gravity and the adaptation of Villemot’s theory of
spherical vortices were directed against Newton; see R echerche de la verite, ed. Fran-
cisque Bouillier, 2 vols. (Paris, 1880), Ph. Villernot, N o u v e a u system e, ou nouvelle e x
p lic a tio n du m ouvem ent des p la n e te s (Lyon, 1707), and, for a discussion of these works,
P. Mouy, L e D evelo p p e m en t de la p h y s iq u e carlesienne (Paris, 1934), pp. 271, 310-314.
In the opinion of the latest student of Fontenelle’s science, this last edition of
Malebranche was the point of departure of Fontenelle’s comprehensive and
thought-out opposition to Newton; see F. Gregoire, F ontenelle, une “p h ilo so p h ie ”
d esa b u see (Nancy, 1947), p. 130. A translation of the text of the Leibniz-Glarke
correspondence has just been republished in a critical edition, H. G. Alexander,
ed., T h e L e ib n iz - C la r k e C orrespondence (Manchester, 1956), with a most useful
analytical introduction. Though far from satisfactory, the most accessible edition
of the P rin c ip ia , containing the Cotes preface and the General Scholium, is that by
Florian Cajori, S ir Isa a c N e w to n ’s M a th e m a tic a l P rin c ip le s o f N a tu r a l P h ilo so p h y (Berk
eley, 1934), based on Andrew Motte’s translation of the 3rd edition (1729). A
facsimile reproduction of the first edition has recently been published by William
Dawson (London, 1955). Mention, too, must be made of the work which prints
(unfairly) selected documents in the S tr e it with Leibniz over the invention of the
calculus, from which controversy the larger argument emerged, C ornm ercium ep is-
to lic u m D . J o h a n n i s C o llin s et a lio ru m de a n a ly s i p ro m o ta (London, 1712) and of the
compilation which was very influential in bringing the whole issue before French
readers, P. des Maizeaux, R e c u e il de d iverses p ieces su r la p h ilo so p h ie . . . p a r M e ss ie u rs
L e ib n iz , C la rke, N e w to n , et a u tre s a u teu rs celebres (A m s te r d a m , 1 7 2 0 ) .
7Pierre Brunet, L ’In tro d u ctio n des theories de N e w to n en F rance (Paris, 1931).
8Fontenelle was pleased and touched by the kindly reference to his own work
cal rather than physical, of “forces centrales.” 9 In 1715 certain
optical experiments were demonstrated by Desaguliers in London
in the presence of the Chevalier de Bouville and other members of
the Academy. Many of them were verified in Paris by Pere Sebas-
tien in the presence of the Cardinal de Polignac, Varignon, and
Fontenelle.10 And it appears that the image of Newton which Fon-
tenelle develops in the eloge, compounded of admiration for his
talent and rejection of his principles, was not fully formed until the
fifteen years or so before Newton’s death. The eloge stands, then, at
the middle stage in that passage from incomprehension through re
jection to idealization that was the route by which Newton pene
trated and ultimately transformed scientific understanding in
A persistent current of interest in Fontenelle himself runs through
the scholarly literature—persistent, but a little thin, for the one
point on which all his interpreters agree is that he cuts at best a
minor figure, if a witty one. Thus, Laborde-Milaa makes him the
philosophe who transformed Cartesianism into positivism ,11 while
Louis Maigron presents a comprehensive picture of the transfor
mation of Sainte-Beuve’s “bel esprit . . . au gout detestable” 12 into
the accoucheur of ideas who brought science to bed of the Enlighten
ment.13 Carre discovers in him a sort of preincarnation of Voltaire,
without the fire and passion that informed the life and work of
Voltaire .14 Cosentini, in turn, offers us Fontenelle as a lesser mas
ter of the art of philosophic dialogue ,15 and Shackleton gives us a
that the translator of the O p tic k s , one Coste, included in the preface and which
Fontenelle took as coming from Newton himself; see G. Bonno, “Deux lettres
inedites de Fontenelle a Newton,” M o d e rn L a n g u a g e N o te s 4 4 , 188-190 (1939);
David Brewster, M e m o ir s o f th e L ife , W ritin g s, a n d D isc o v e rie s o f S i r I s a a c N e w to n , 2
vols. (Edinburgh, 1855), II, 290-295, 494-500.
9The suggestion of Robert Shackleton that Fontenelle’s treatment of this ques
tion may be taken as the beginning of his systematic anti-Newtonianism is to be
treated with reserve. See Shackleton’s introduction to his edition of Fontenelle,
E n tr e tie n s s u r la p lu r a lite des m ondes (Oxford, 1955), pp. 20-28.
10J o u r n a l des S a v a n ts 6 7 , 546 (1720), in a review of the French translation of the
O p tic k s (Amsterdam, 1720).
11A. Laborde-Milaa, F o n te n elle (Paris, 1905).
12C. A. Sainte-Beuve, C a u serie s d u L u n d i (Paris, n. d.), Ill, 314-335.
13Louis Maigron, F o n ten elle, I ’h o m m e, I’oeuvre, l ’in fluence (Paris, 1906).
14J. R. Carre, L a P h ilo so p h ic de F ontenelle, ou la sourire de la raison (Paris, 1932).
15John W. Cosentini, F o n te n e lle ’s A r t o f D ia lo g u e (New York, 1952).
Fontenelle savant and dignifies the Entretiens, which made his repu
tation, with all the apparatus of an elaborate variorum edition .16
Gregoire, finally, finds that the career of the permanent secretary
of the Academy was a mask to philosophic disenchantment and
his commitment to science a role played but not believed by a
secret nihilist.17 This is not the place to choose between these Fon-
tenelles, or to add another to the list. But it may perhaps be per
missible to suggest that the sardonic manner, the tendency to
denigrate his own commitments, which give rise to such varying
interpretations may have been in part the expression of uneasy
consciousness that he remained an amateur, a science reporter and
not a savant. The Eloge of Malebranche includes a remark discon
certing to the intellectual historian. “On peut savoir,” writes Fonte
nelle, “l’histoire des pensees des hommes sans penser.” 18 And what
ever else he was, Fontenelle was a historian of ideas.
He was also a humanist of science, and his best efforts were de
voted to the men of science, to his colleagues. His eloges remain his
finest work .19 Here his distinctive qualities appear to best advan
tage: the personal dispassionateness, the respect for knowledge, the
real if not always discriminating comprehension of scientific ac
complishments, the faith he expressed (whether or not he felt it) in
the civilizing mission of science, the talent for lucid exposition if
not for profound discussion (he was never profound). He disliked
the term eloge since he conceived these essays not as eulogies, but
as historical sketches supplementing the account of the work of the
year which he prepared for each volume of the Histoire et memoires
10See above, note 9. Shackleton also prints the D ig re ssio n su r les anciens et les
m odernes in this useful volume.
17Gregoire, F o n te n elle ; see especially his summaries, pp. 270-271 and 465-466.
This work contains the best discussion of Fontenelle’s science, and of his attitude
to Newtonianism; see especially pp. 119-184.
18Fontenelle, O euvres, 8 vols. (Paris, 1790-1792), VI, 416.
ls First published in the current volumes of the H is to ir e de l’A c a d e m ic , they were
collected in volumes VI and VII of the edition of the O euvres cited in note 18, and
selections have been several times reprinted. An English translation of the early
eloges was published in 1717, under the title T h e L iv e s o f th e F rench, I ta lia n a n d G er
m a n P h ilo so p h e rs, which contains, too, a selection from “some of the most curious
Relations of Philosophical Matters,” in offering which the translator (John Cham-
berlayne) has “affected to join the U tile with the D u lc e , according to the Poet’s
de I’Acade'mie.20 The vein is ceremonial and impartial, elegant and
concise, objective and decently respectful—combinations achieved
more readily by the French mind and language than the English.
For a long time the eloge of Newton served as the cornerstone of
Newtonian biography, and not only in the sense that it was the
first. Though somewhat obscured by translation, the trail of Fon-
tenelle’s phrases can be followed through successive accounts of
Newton’s life well into the nineteenth century. Even the structure
of Fontenelle’s essay proved remarkably durable. Here appear the
essential features of posterity’s image of Newton. Here Newton and
Descartes are set over against each other as the prototypes of the
inductive and deductive philosophers, though of the many com
mentators who elaborated this comparison, none hit upon so happy
a thought as Fontenelle in balancing their merits. Here, too, occur,
among other things, the story of the youthful Newton’s inattention
to business and absorption in his studies; the description of how
mathematics came to him at a glance (only the nineteenth century
turned him also into a mechanical prodigy); the portrait of the
insatiable investigator, whose “accurate and importunate” manner
of research is an object lesson to all who would interrogate nature;
the account of his entry into public affairs to defend the university
from James II and of his later practical life at the M int and the
Royal Society; the attributing of his reluctance to publish his dis
coveries to his loathing for controversy; the tale of his solution of
Bernoulli’s problem at the end of a tiring day; and the delineation
of his outstanding personal characteristics—manners, modesty,
kindliness, generosity, and appearance (unfortunately Fontenelle
was misinformed about Newton’s appearance, and there were in
fact unhappy episodes in his life in which the qualities appropriate
to the role of selfless and retiring searcher into nature were hon
ored in the breach).
One crucial episode, featured in all later biographies, does not
appear in the eloge. In 1727, Fontenelle did not know of that most
famous meditation in the history of science, the train of thought
about the force retaining the moon in her orbit, which had come
to Newton as he sat at home in the garden in the plague year of
20 Francisque Bouillier, in the introduction to his edition of the E lo g e s (Paris,
1883), pp. xxiii ff.
1666 and had led him to his theory of gravitation. The first ac
count of this event was published in the preface to Henry Pem
berton’s View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy (1728). In the article
on Newton printed in 1738 in the General Dictionary, Pemberton’s
information was incorporated into that found in the eloge, in the
first appearance of what became the standard narrative of New
ton’s personal history .21 The same article gave a rather more de
tailed and documented treatm ent of Newton’s thought than had
Fontenelle, and for this purpose the author published a selection
from the scientific papers and correspondence. In 1760, the Bio-
graphia Britannica printed an even larger selection.22 Neither of
these articles, however, altered the picture derived from Fontenelle
and Pemberton. Nor did the other accounts that appeared here
and there throughout the eighteenth century .23
The first work really to supersede Fontenelle was Sir David Brew-
21The G en era l D ic tio n a ry , 10 vols. (1734-1741), was the English translation and
adaptation of Bayle’s D ic tio n a ry , based on the latest Paris edition, and “interspersed
with several thousand lives never before published. The whole containing the his
tory of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations, particularly those of
Great Britain and Ireland . . Newton’s life was one of the additions.
It will be noticed that the famous story of the apple does not appear in the
eloge. Neither is it mentioned in Pemberton. Fontenelle knew of it, from the bio
graphical information sent him by John Conduitt (see below, n. 30), who, how
ever, says only that “He first thought of his system of gravity . . . by observing an
apple fall from a tree,” and does not describe the train of thought to which it led.
Not knowing this, Fontenelle would not have seen the point, and it was left to
Voltaire to work this anecdote into the biographical corpus. For the authenticity
of the story, see Jean Pelseneer, “La Pomme de Newton,” C ie l et Terre (1937), 1-4,
and G. R. de Beer and Douglas McKie, “Newton’s Apple” and “Newton’s Apple
—an Addendum,” N o te s a n d R e c o rd s o f th e R o y a l S ociety 9 , 46-54, 333-335 (1951-
52). The authors omit only to point out that it was not until the article by Ben
jamin Martin (below, n. 23) that what Voltaire referred to as “fruits” were gen
erally identified as apples. The story of a single apple was apparently not canoni
cal until the 19th century.
22To the material from Fontenelle, Pemberton, and the scientific correspond
ence itself, this article added a few anecdotes drawn from Whiston’s reminis
cences, available only since 1749: M e m o ir s o f th e L i f e a n d W r itin g s o f M r . W illia m
W liis to n , 2 vols. (London, 1749). Flere appears for the first time the explanation
that in 1666 Newton supposed the discrepancy between the theoretical and the
observed positions of the moon, which caused him to set aside his work on gravity,
to be the consequence of the disturbing influence of the Cartesian vortex.
23For example, U n iv e r sa l M a g a z in e 3 , 289-300 (1748); Benjamin Martin, B io -
g r a p h ia P h ilo s o p h ic a (London, 1764), pp. 361-376; Paolo Frisi, E lo g io d e l C a v a liere
I. N e w to n (Milan, 1778).
Sir I S A A C N E W T O N :
Monfieur F O N T E N E L L E ,
L O N D O N :
[ 3 ]
Sir I S A A C N E W T O N ,
[ 4 ]
removed him fome years after, that he might be ac-
cuftomed betimes to look into his affairs, and to ma*
nage them himlelf. But {he found him lo carclefs of
fuch Bulinefs, and lb taken up with his books, that ftie
fent him again to Grantham, that he might be at li
berty to follow his inclinations*, which he farther in
dulged by going to Trinity college in Cambridge, where
he was admitted in 16 6 o, being then eighteen years
o f age.
In learning Mathematicks he did not ftudy Euclid,
who leemed to him too plain and too limple, and not
worthy of taking up his time; he underftood him al-
moft before he read him, and a caff of his eye upon the
contents of the Theorems was fufficient to make him
mailer o f them. He advanced at once to the Geome
try of Des Cartes, Kepler’s Opticks, &c. fo that we
may apply to him what Lucan {aid of the Nile, whole
head was not known by the Ancients,
A rcanum N a tu ra caput non prodidit ulli ,
N ec lim it populis parwum te , N i k , <videre. Lucan. 1 . x.
N a tu re conceals thy infant Stream w ith care3
N o r lets thee3 hut in M a jefiy appear.
[ 5 ]
cced (lowly and. with difficulty from one Truth to ano
ther that has a relation to it.
Nicholas Mercator, who was born in Holftein, but
(pent molt of his time in England, publifhed in 1 6 6 8
his Logarithm otechnia, in which he gave the Quadra
ture o f the Hyperbola by an infinite Series. This
Was the firft appearance, in the learned world, of a Series
of this fort, drawn from the particular nature of the Curve,
and that in a manner very new and abftraCted. The
famous Dr. Barrow, then at Cambridge, where Mr.
Newton, who was about z 6 years of age, refided, re
collected that he had met with the fame thing in the
writings of that young gentleman,and there not confined to
the Hyperbola only, but extended by general forms to all
forts of Curves, even fuch as are mechanical, to their
quadratures, their rectifications and their centers of Gra
vity, to the folids formed by their rotations, and to the
fuperficies of thofe folids j fo that fuppofing their deter
minations to be poffible, the Series flopt at a certain
point, or at lead their fums were given by Bated
rules: But if the abfolute determinations were impofiible,
they could yet be infinitely approximated which is the
happiefl and mod refined method of fupplying the defects
of Human knowledge that Man’s imagination could poffi-
bly invent. To be mafler of fo fruitful and general a
Theory was a mine of gold to a Geometrician, but it
was a greater glory to have been the difcoverer of fo
fiirprizing and ingenious a Syftem. So that Sir Ifaac
finding by Mercator’s book that he was in the way to
it, ana that others might follow in his track, fhould
naturally have been forward to open his treafures, and
S fecurc
fecure the property, which confifted in making the dife
covery. But he contented himfelf with his treaiure
which he had found, without regarding the glory. He
himielf fays in a letter o f the Commercium epiflolicumy th a t
he thought M erca to r had entirely difcovcred the f e -
cret 3 or th a t others •would difcouer i t before he •was o f an
age to •write himfelf. H e without any concern fuffered
that to be taken from him, from which he might pro-
pofe to himielf abundance o f glory, and flatter himfelf
with the moil pleaiing expectations. He waited with
patience till he was o f a fit age to write, or to make
himfelf known to the world, though he was already
capable of the greatefl: things.
His martufeript upon Infinite feries was commu
nicated to none but Mr. Collins, and the Lord Broun-
kcr, both learned in that way. And even this had not
been done, but for Dr. Barrow, who would not iiiffer
him to indulge his modefty ib much as he dcfired.
This Manufeript was taken out o f the Author’s fludy
in the year 1 6 6 <jy entitled. The method w hich I form erly
fo u n d out , See. and fiippofing this form erly to mean no
more than three years, he muff then have difeovered
this admirable Theory of his feries when he was not
twenty four years of age ; but what is ftill more, this ma
nufeript contains both the difeovery and method o f
Fluxions, or thofe infinitely [m ail quantities , which have
occafioned fe> great a conteft between M. Leibnits and
him, or rather between Germany and England; of
which I have given an account in 1716, in * the
Elogium upon M. Leibnits; and tho’ it was in the
* p. 109, 8cc.
[ 7 ]
Elogium o f M. Leibnits, the impartiality of an Hifto-
rian was fo exa&ly kept that there now remains
nothing new to be laid of Sir Ifaac Newton. It was
there particularly observed th a t Sir Ifaac w a s undoubted
ly the Inventory th a t his glory w a s fecurey a n d th a t the only
quejlion w a s , w h eth er M . L eibnits d id take th is notion from
him. All England is convinced that he did take it from
him, tho’ the Royal Society have not declared Co in
their Determination, but only hinted it at moft. However
Sir Ifaac Newton was certainly the firft Difcoverer, and
that too by many years. M. Leibnits on the other fide
was the firft that published the Method, and if he did
take it from Sir Ifaac, he at leaft refembled Prometheus in
the fable, who ftole fire from the Gods to impart it
to Mankind.
In 1687 Sir Ifaac at length refolved to unveil
himfelf and fliew what he was, and accordingly the
Philofophia N atu ralis principia M ath em atica appeared in
the world. This book, in which the moft profound
Geometry ferves for a bafis to a new fyftem of Philo-
fophy, had not at firft all the reputation which it de-
ferved, and which it was afterwards to acquire. As it
is written with great learning, conceived in few
words, and the confequences often arife fo fiid-
denly from their principles, that the Reader is ob
liged himfelf to fupply the connedtion, it required
time for the Publick to become mafters o f it. Confi-
derable Geometricians could not underftand it with
out great application; and thofe o f a lower clafs un
dertook it not, ’till they were excited by the applaufe
o f the moft skillful, but at length when the book
1 was
[ 8 ]
was fufficiently underdood, all tlicfe applaufes which
it fo (lowly acquired broke out on all (ides, and
uniced in a general admiration. Every body was (truck
with that Original (pirit that Ihines throughout the
whole work, that maderly genius which in the whole
compafs of the happied age was (hared only amonglt
three or four men picked out from all the mod learned
There are two Theories which chiefly prevail in the
Princtpia , That of the Central power, and that of the
Refldance which mediums make to Motion, both al-
mod entirely new, and treated o f according to the
(ublime Geometry of the Author. We can never
touch upon either o f thefe fubjeds without having
Sir Ifaac before us, without repeating what he has (aid,
or following his track, and if we endeavour’d to diff
guife it, what skill could prevent Sir Ifaac Newton’s
appearing in it ?
The relation between the revolutions of the Heavenly
bodies and their didances from the common center of
thole revolutions, found out by Kepler, prevails
throughout the whole Celedial fydem. If we fup-
pofe, as it is neceflary, that a certain force hinders
thefe great bodies from purfuing, above an indant,
their natural motion in a dreight line from Wed to
Eafl, and continually draws them towards a center- it
follows, by Kepler’s rule, that this force, which will
be central or rather centripetal, will a d differently
upon the fame body according to its different didan
ces from that center, and this in the reciprocal propor
tion o f the (quares of thofe diftances; that is, for
[ 9 ]
inftance, if a body be at twice the diftance from
the center of its revolution, the action o f the central
force upon it will be four times weaker. It appears
that Sir Ifaac let out from hence when he entered up
on his phyficks o f the world in general: We
may likewife fiippofe or imagine that he firft con-
fidered the Moon, becaufe the Earth is the center of
her motion.
I f the Moon fliould lofe all her impulfe or inclina
tion to move from Weft to Eaft in a ftraight line, and
if nothing but the central power remained which for
ces her towards the center o f the Earth, fhe would
then only obey that power,only follow its diredions, and
move in a ftrait line towards that center. The velocity
o f her motion being known, Sir Ifaac demonftrates from
that motion that in the firft minute of her defeent fhe
would fall 15 Paris feet: her diftance from the Earth
is 60 femi-diameters of the Earth, therefore when the
Moon comes to the furface o f the Earth, the adion
o f the force which brought her thither will be en-
creafed as the fquarc or 60, that is, it would be
00 times ftronger; fo that the Moon in her laft
minute would fall 3600 times 15 feet.
Now if we fiippofe that the force which would have
aded upon the Moon is the fame which we call Gra
vity in terreftrial bodies, it will follow from the fyftem
o f Galileo that the Moon, which at the furface of
the Earth would have fallen 3 6 0 0 times 15 feet in a
minute, fhould likewife have fallen 15 feet in the firft
<?oth part, or in the firft fecond o f that minute. Now
B it
[ IO ]
it is known by all experiments, and they only can be
made at fmall diftances from the forface of the Earth, that
heavy bodies fall r 5 feet in the foil fecond o f their
fall: Therefore as to the velocity o f their fall they are
exatftly in the lame condition, as if having made the
lame revolution round the Earth that the Moon doth
and at the lame diftance, they Ihould happen to fall by
the mere force of their Gravity j and if they are in the
lame condition as the Moon, the Moon is in the
lame condition as they, and is only moved each in-
ffant towards the Earth by the fame Gravity. So exa£fc
an agreement o f effects, or rather this perfoSt identity
can proceed from nothing elfc but the caufes being the
It is true that in the fyftetn o f Galileo, which is
here followed, the Gravity is equal, and the central
force o f the Moon is not lb, even in the demonftra-
tion that has juft been given j but Gravity may well
not dilcover its inequality, or rather, it only appears
equal in all our experiments, becaule the greateft height
from which we can oblerve bodies falling is nothing
in companion of 1500 leagues, the diftance which
they all are from the center of the Earth. It is d o
monftrated that a Canon bullet fliot horizontally de
left bes, in the Hypothefrs o f equal Gravity, a para
bolic line, terminated at a certain point, where it
meets with the Earth, but if it was ihot from an height
considerable enough to make the inequality o f the
a&ion of its Gravity perceptible, inftead o f a Parabola
it would deferibe an Elliplis, o f which the center o f the
C n ]
Earth would be one o f the Foci, that is, it would
perform exadtly what the Moon doth.
I f the Moon hath Gravity like terreftrial bodies,
if fhe is moved towards the Earth by the fame
power, by which they arc moved; if, according to
Sir Ifaac’s expreftion, fhe gravitates towards the Earth,
the fame caufe adts upon all the reft of that wonderful
concourfe o f heavenly bodies ; for all nature is one
and the fame, there is every where the fame difpofition,
every where Ellipfes will be deferibed by bodies, whole
motions are diredted to a body placed in one o f their
Foci. The Satellites of Jupiter will gravitate towards Ju
piter, as the Moon gravitates towards the Earth; the
Satellites of Saturn towards Saturn, and all the Planets
together towards the Sun.
It is not known in what Gravity confifts. Sir Ifaac
Newton himfelf was ignorant o f it. If Gravity adts
only by impulfe, we may conceive that a block of mar
ble falling, may be pufhed towards the Earth, without
the Earth being in any manner pulhed towards it;
and in a word all the centers to which the motions
caufed by Gravity have relation, may be immoveable.
But if it a6b by Attradlion the Earth cannot draw
the block of marble, unlefs the block of marble like-
wife draw the Earth, why then fliould that attra&ive
power be in feme bodies rather than1 others ? Sir Ifeac
always fuppofes the adtion of Gravity in all bodies to
be reciprocal and in proportion only to their bulk;
and by that feems to determine Gravity to be really an
attradlion. He all along makes ufe o f this word to
B z exprefs
[ 12 ]
exprefs the aCtive power of bodies, a power indeed
unknown* and which he does not take upon him to ex
plain j but if it can likewife a6t by Impulfe, why fliouldnot
that clearer term have thepreference 2 for it muft be agreed
that it is by no means poffible to make ufe of them
both indifferently, fince they are fo oppofite. The
continual ufe o f the word Attraction fupported by
great authority, and perhaps too by the inclination
which Sir Ifaac is thought to have had for the thing itfelfi
atleaft makes the Reader familiar with a notion explod
ed by the Cartefians, and whofe condemnation had
been ratified by all the reft o f the Philofbphers; and
we muft now be upon our guard, left we imagine that
there is any reality in it, and fo expofe our felves to
the danger of believing that we comprehend it.
However all bodies according to Sir Ifaac gravitate
towards each other, or attract each other in proportion
to their Bulk : and when they revolve about a common
center, by which confecjuently they are attracted, and
which they attract, their attractive powers are in the
reciprocal proportion of their diftances from that cen
ter, and if all o f them together with their common
center revolve round another center common to them,
and to others, this will again produce new proportions,
which will become ftrangely complex. Thus each o f
the five Satellites of Saturn gravitate towards the other
four, and the other four gravitate towards it 5 all the
five gravitate towards Saturn, and Saturn towards them ;
all together gravitate towards the Sun, and the Sun a-
gain towards them. What an excellent Geometrician
[ 13 ]
muft he have been to (eparate fuch a Chaos of relations j
the very undertaking (eems raflmefs ; and we cannot with
out aftoniihment conceive that from fo abftradted a
Theory, compofed of fo many (eparate Theories, all very
difficult to handle, fuch neceflary conclufions (liould ari(e,
and all conformable to the approved axioms of Aftro-
Sometimes the(e conclufions even foretel events,
which the Aftronomers themfelves had not remarked.
It is afterted, and more efpecially in England, that when
Jupiter and Saturn are neared, which is at 165 millions
of leagues diftance, their motions have no longer the
fame regularity as in the reft of their courfe; and the
Syftem o f Sir Ifaac at once accounts for it, which
cannot be done by any other Syftem. Jupiter and Sa
turn attract each other with greater force, becaufe they
are nearer; and by this means the regularity of the reft
of their courfe is very (enfibly difordered; nay, they go
farther ftill, and determine the quantity and the bounds
of this irregularity.
The motion of the Moon is the leaft regular of any
of the Planets, the moft exa<ft tables are (ometimes
wrong, and ftie makes certain excurfions which could not
before be accounted for. Dr. Halley, whole profound
skill in machematicks has not hindered his being a
good Poet, (ays in the Latin verles prefixt to the Prin-
Difctmus hinc tandem qua caufa argeptea phcehe
Pajjibus hand aquis g ra d itu r ; cur f m i t a nulli
Ha&enus Ajlranomo numerorum frena recufet.
[ Hi
That the M oon till then n ever fu h m itted to the bridle o f
calculations , nor vm s e v e r broke by any A jlro n o m er ;
but that at laft {he is fubdued in this new Syftem. All
the irregularities of her courfe are there {hewn to proceed
from a neceflity by which they are foretold. It is difficult
to imagine that a Syftem in which they take this form fliould
be no more than a lucky conje&ure j efpecially if we
consider this but as a fmall part of a Theory, which with
the fame fuccefs comprehends an infinite number o f o-
ther folutions. The ebbing and flowing of the Tyde fo
naturally {hews it felf to proceed from the operation of
the Moon upon the Sea, combined with that o f the
Sun, that the admiration which this phenomenon ufed
to raife in us feems to be leflened by it.
The fecond of thefe two great Theories, upon which
the Principia chiefly runs, is that of the Refiftance of
mediums to motion, which muft enter into the confide-
ration o f ail the chief phenomena o f Nature, fitch as
the motions o f the celeftiai bodies, of Light and
Sound. Sir Ilaac, according to his ulual method, lays
his foundations in the moll folid proofs of Geo
metry, he cohfiders all the caufes from which refiftance
can poffibly arife; the denfity of the medium, the
fwift motion of the body moved, the magnitude of its
fuperficies, and from thence he at laft draws conclufions
which deftroy all the Vortices of Des Cartes, and over
turn that immenfe celeftiai edifice, which we might
have thought immoveable. I f the Planets move round
the Sun in a certain medium whatever it be, in an
tetherial matter which fills up the whole, and which not-
[ i5 ]
withftanding its being extreamly fiibtil, will yet caufe
refiftance as is demonftrated, whence comes it then
that the motions o f the Planets are not perpetually,
nay inftantly leffened ? but belides this, how can Comets
traverle thole Vortices freely every way, lometimes
with a tendency ablblutely oppolite to theirs, without
receiving any lenfible alteration in their motions, tho?
of never lb long a continuance ? whence comes it that
thele immenle torrents whirling round with almoft in
credible velocity, do not inftantly deftroy the particu
lar motion o f any body, which is but an atom in com-
parifon of them, and why do they not force it to fol
low their courle ? The Celeftial Bodies do then move
in a vaft vacuum, unlefi their exhalations and the rays of
Light which together form a thouland different mix
tures, fliould mingle a fmall quantity of matter with
the almoft infinite immaterial Ipaces. Thus Attraction
and Vacuum banilhed from Phylicks by Des Cartes,
and in all appearance for ever, are now brought back
again by Sir I lace Newton, armed with a power en
tirely new, o f which they were drought incapable, and
only perhaps a little dilguifed.
Tnefe two great men, whole Syftems are lb oppolite,
relembled each other in leveral refpeCts, they were both
Genius’s o f the firft rank, both bom with fuperior un-
derftandings, and fitted for the founding o f Empires
in Knowledge. Being excellent Geometricians, they
both law the necelfity of introducing Geometry into
Phylicks-, For both founded their Phylicks upon dip
coveries in Geometry, which may almoft be faid of
j none
C ] 1 6
none but themfelves. But one of them taking a bold
flight, thought, at once to reach the Fountain o f All
things, and by clear and fundamental ideas to make
himfelf mafter of the firft principles-, that he might
have nothing more left to do, but to defcend to
the phenomena o f Natures as to neceflary confe-
quences j the other more cautious, or rather more mo-
deft, began by taking hold of the known phenomena
to climb to unknown principles; refolved to admit
them only in fuch manner as they could be produced by a
chain of contequences. The former fets out from what he
clearly underftands, to find out the caufes of what he
fees; the latter fits out from what he fees, in order to
find out the caufe, whether it be clear or obfeure. The
felf-evident principles o f the one do not always lead
him to the caufes of the phenomena as they are; and
the phenomena do not always lead the other to prin
ciples fufficiently evident. The boundaries which ftop’d
two fuch men in their purfuits through different roads,
were not the boundaries o f Their Underftanding, but
of Human underftanding it felf.
While Sir Ifaac was compofing his great work, the
Princifiia, he had alfo another in hand, as much an ori
ginal and as new ; which, tho’ by the title it did not
teem fo genetal, is yet as extenfive by the manner in
which he has treated that particular fubjedt. This nvork
was his Opticks, or tr e a t ife o f L ig h t and Colours, which
firft appeared in the year 1704, after he had been ma
king the neceflary experiments for thirty years together.
[ 17 3
Ic is no (mail art to make experiments exa&ly. Every
matter of faCt which offers it felf to our confideration is
complicated with fb many others, which either compound
or modify it, that without abundance of skill they can
not be feparated; nay without an extraordinary fagaci-
ty, the different elements that enter into the compofi-
tion can hardly be guefled at. The fa£t therefore to be
confidered muff be refblved into the different ones
o f which it is compofed; and they themfelves are per
haps compofed o f others; fb that if we have not cho-
fen the right road, we may fometimes be engaged in
endlefs Labyrinths. The Principles and Elements of things
feem to have been conceal’d from us by Nature, with
as much care as the Caufes, and when we attain to the
■difcovery o f them, it is a fight entirely new and unex
What Sir Ifaac Newton aims at quite through his Op-
tick s, is the Anatomy of Light; this expreflion is not too
bold fince it is no more than the thing it felf By his
experiments, the fmallefl: ray of Light that is convey’d
into a dark room, and which cannot be fb fmall, but
that it is yet compounded of an infinite number of other
rays, is divided and difTe&ed in fuch manner, that the
.Elementary rays o f which it is compofed, are feparated
from each other, and difcover themfelves every one
tinged with its particular colour, which after this fepa-
ration can no more be altered. The firft total ray be
fore the difTe&ion, is white, and this whitenefs arofe
from all the particular colours of the Primitive rays.
The feparating thefe rays is fo difficult, that when Ma-
C riottc
[ 18 ]
riotte undertook it upon the firft news of Sir I fade's ex
periments, he mifearried in the attempt, even he who
had fuch a genius for experiments, and had been fo
fuccefiful on many other fubjeds.
N o primitive coloured rays could be feparated, un-
lefi they were fuch by their nature, that in palling
through the lame medium, or through the lame glals
prilm, they are refolded at different angles, and by
that means feparate when they are received at proper
diflances. This different Refrangibility of rays, red, yel
low, green, blue, purple, and all other colours infinite
in number, a property which was never before fufpe-
ded, and to which we could hardly be led by con-
jedure, is the fundamental dilcovery o f Sir Ilaac
Newton’s treadle. The different Refrangibility leads
us to the different Reflexibility. But there is fomething
m ore; for the rays which fall at the fame angle up
on a furface are refraded and refleded alternately, with
a kind of play only diflinguilhable to a quick eye, and
well affifted by the judgment of the Oblerver. The
only point, the firfl: idea of which does not entirely be
long to Sir Ifiac Newton, is, that the rays which pals
near the extremities of a body without touching it, do
fomewhat turn from a ftrait line, which is called Infle-
dion. But the whole together forms a body of Op-
ticks fo perfedly new, that we may henceforward look,
upon that fcience as almofl: wholly owing to this Author.
That he might not confine himfelf to thefe bare
(peculations, which are fometimes unjuftly ffcyled idle,
he gave us the defign of a Telefcope by refledion,
[ 19 1
which was not thoroughly put in execution ’till a long
time after. It has here been experienc’d that one of thefe
Telefcopes but z foot and a half long, had as good an
* effe£t as a tolerable common Telefcope of 8 or 9
feet, which is a very extraordinary advantage, and the
whole improvement of it will probabily be better known
One advantage of this book, equal perhaps to that
of the many new difcoveries with which it abounds, is
that it furnifties us with an excellent model of proceed
ing in Experimental Philofbphy. When we are for
prying into Nature, we ought to examine her like Sir
Ifaac, that is, in as accurate and importunate a man
ner. Things that almoffc hide themlelves from our en
quiries, as being o f too abftradted a nature, he knows
now to reduce to calculation, tho’ filch calculations
might elude the skill o f the belt Geometricians, without
that Dexterity which was peculiar to himfelf; and the
ufe which he makes of his Geometry, is as artful as
the Geometry it felf is fublime.
He did not finifli his Opticks , becaufe feveral neceffa-
ry experiments had been interrupted, and he could not
begin them again. The parts o f this building, which
he left unfiniflied, could by no means be carried on
but by as able hands as thofe of the firft Architect;
However he hath put fucli who are inclined to carry on
this work in a proper method, and even chalks out to
them a way to proceed from Opticks, to a compleat
body o f Phyficks, under the form of Doubts3 or Queries
C z pro-
* N. B. B y a c c u r a te t r y a ls m a d e h e r e , a r e fte ttin g Telefcope o f 2 f o o t a n d a h a l f , h a t h
l e e n f o u n d no w a y s in fe r io r to one o f th e c o m m o n f o r t , o f b e tw e e n 40 a n d 50 f o o t long.
C 20 ]
propofing a great many defigns which will help future
Philofophers, or which at lealt will make a curious hi-
flory of the Conjectures o f a great Philofopher.
Attraction is the governing principle in this fliorr
plan of Phyticks; that property which is called the H ard *
fiefs of bodies, is the mutual attraction of their parts,
which doles them together, and if they are o f fach a
figure as that whole lurfaces are capable of being every
where joined, without leaving any void {paces, the bo
dies are then perfectly hard. O f this kind there are
only certain fmall bodies, which are primitive and un
alterable, and which are the elements of all other bo
dies. Fermentations , or chimical E jfervefcences , whole
motion is lo violent, that they may lometimes be com
pared to llorms, are the effeCts of this powerful attra
ction,which aCts upon fmall bodies only at fmall diltances.
He conceives in general, that attraction is the aCtive
principle of every thing in Nature, and the caufe of
all motion. If a certain degree of motion that is once
given to any thing by the hand of God, did after
wards only dillribute it felf according to the laws of
Percuffion, it appears that it would continually de-
creafe in its motion by contrary Percuffions, without
ever being able to recover itfelf, and the Univerle
would very foon fall into fuch a date of red:, as
would prove the deftruCtion of the whole. The power
o f attraction, which always fab lifts and is not weakned
by being exerted, is a perpetual Ipring o f aCtion and
life. It may likewife happen that the effeCts of this
power may at length combine in fuch a manner, as
[ ai ]
that the Syftem of the Univerfe may be dilordered, and
require, according to Sir Ilaac’s expreflion, a hand to
repair it.
He declares very freely that he lays down this at
traction, only as a caule which he knows not, and
whole effeCts he only con fiders, compares and calculates;
and in order to avoid the reproach of reviving the Oc
cult qualities of the Schoolmen, he fays, that he elta-
blifhes none but fuch Qualities as are manifejl and very
vifible by their phenomena, but that the cattles of thefe
Qualities are indeed occult, and that he leaves it to other
Philolophers to learch into them; but are they not pro
perly cattles which the Schoolmen call occult q u a litie s ;
lince their effects are plainly feen ? befides, could Sir Ifaac
think that others would find out thefe O ccult caufes
which he could not dilcover ? with what hopes o f fuc-
cels can any other man learch after them ?
At the end of his O p ticks he put two treadles of
pure Geometry, one concerning the Quadrature o f Curves
and the other of the Enumeration o f L ines, which he ffcyles
of the th ird order 5 he hath lince left them out, becaufe the
fubjeCt was too different from that of the Opticks, and
they were printed feparatelyin 1711, with an A nalyfis hy
Infinite equations and the D ifferential method. It would be
only repetition to lay, that throughout all his works
there appears a refined fort of Geometry that is peculiar
to himfelf.
Being lo taken up with thefe fpeculations, he fhould
naturally feem to have had no inclination to Bufinefs,
and to have been incapable of it 5 but yet when the
7 pri-
[ 22 ]
privilcdges o f the Univerlity o f Cambridge, where he
had been Mathematical Profeflor from 1 by Dr.
Barrow’s refignation to h im , were attackt by King
J a m es II, in 1687. (in which year he publifhed the
Principia ) he was very zealous in alTerting them, and the
Univerlity named him one o f the Delegates to the High
CommiJJion court. He was likewile one of their Repre-
fentatives in the Convention-Parliament of 1688, and
late in it ’till it was diffolved.
In 1 6 9 6 the Earl of Hallifax, who was Chancellor
o f the Exchequer and a great patron to learned men*
(for the Englifli Nobility do not think it a point of ho
nour to flight them, but are frequently fuch themfelves)
obtained from King William the office of Warden of
the Mint for Sirllaac Newton; and in this employment
he was very ferviceable in the great re-coynage at
that time. Three years after he was made Mafter and
Worker, a place o f conliderable profit which he en
joyed ’till his death.
It may be thought that this place in the Mint was
fuitable to him only becaule he was an excellent Geo
metrician and had great skill in Phyficks; and indeed this
bufinels often requires very difficult Calculations, and a
great number of Chimical experiments, of his skilfulnefs
in which there are many proofs in his Table o f the Ef a y s o f
foreign Coins printed at the End of Dr. Arbuthnot’s book.
But his genius extended likewile to matters merely poli
tical, and in which there was no mixture of fpeculative
Sciences; for upon the calling of the Parliament in 1701,
he was again chofen Reprefentative for the Univerfity
[ * 3 3
o f Cambridge. After all, it is perhaps an error to look
upon the Sciences and Bufinefs as incompatible, efpecial-
ly to Men o f a certain turn. Political Affairs, when
well underflood, are naturally reduced to refined Cal
culations, and have fb near an affinity, that thofe who
are ufed to fublime (peculations comprehend them with
greater facility and more certainty, as foon as they are
acquainted with the fads and furniflied with proper ma
It was Sir Ifaac Newton’s peculiar happinefs, to en
joy the reward of his merit in his life-time, quite con
trary to Des Cartes, who did not receive any honours
’till after his death. The Engliih do not refped great
Genius’s the lefs for being born amongfl them 5 and fb
far are they from endeavouring to depreciate them by
malicious criticifins, fo far from approving the envy
which attacks them, that they all confpire to raife them •
and that great degree o f Liberty which occafions their
differences in the moft important points, does not hin
der them from uniting in this. They are all very fen-
fible how much the glory of the Underflanding fhould
be valued in a State, and whoever can procure it to their
Country becomes extremely dear to them. All the
learned Men of a Nation, which produces fo many,
placed Sir Ifaac at their head by a kind of unanimous
applaufe, they acknowledged him for their Chief and
their M ailer: not fo much as one oppofer durft appear, nay
they would not even have admitted of a moderate admirer.
His Philofophy hath been adopted throughout England,
it prevails in the Royal Society, and in all the excellent
[ 2 4 ]
performances which have come from thence; as if it
had been already made facred by the refpebt of a long
feries of ages. In fliort He was reverenced to fo great a
degree that death could not procure him new honours,
and he himfelf faw his own Apotheajis. Tacitus who
has reproach’d the Romans with their extreme indifference
for the great men of their Nation, would certainly have
given the Englifh the quite contrary Chara&er. In
vain would the Romans have excufed themfelves by pre-
tending that great merit was no more than what was
common amongft them. Tacitus would have told them
that it never was fo, or that we fhould even endeavour
to make it fo by the honour we annex to it.
In 1703, Sir Ifaac Newton was chofen Prefident of the
Royal Society, and continued fo without any interruption
’till the time of his death, for the fpace of z 3 years; a lin
gular example, and one from which they could fear no ill
confluences hereafter. Queen Anne Knighted him in
1705, a title of honour which at leaf! ferves to ftlew
that his name had reached the Throne, to which the
moft celebrated names do not always arrive.
He was more known than ever in the court of the
late King. The Princefs of Wales, who is now Queen
of Great Britain, has Co excellent an underftanding and
Co much knowledge that fhe was capable of asking
queftions of fo great a Man, and could receive fatisfa-
&ory anfwers from none but himfelf She has often de
clared publickly that fire thought it an happinefs to live
in his time and to be acquainted with him. In how
many other Ages, in how many other Nations might
[ 25 ]
he have been placed without meeting with fuch another
Princefs l
He had compofed a treatife o f Ancient Chronology,
which he had no thoughts of publifhing, but that Prin
cefs, to whom he imparted fbme o f the chief points,
thought them fb new, and fo full o f art, that flie de-
fired a fummary of the whole Work, which flie never
would part with, and would be alone in poffeflion of.
She ftill keeps it amongft her choicefl treafures. How
ever there efcaped a copy of it. A curiofity excited by
fuch a particular piece of Sir Ifaac Newton could hardly
be hindered from employing the utmoft addrefs to come
at fb great a treafure, and in truth they muft have been
very fevere who would have condemned fuch a curioficy.
This Copy was brought into France, by the perfon
who was fo happy as to procure it, and the value which
he had for it hindered his being very careful of i t ; fo
that it was feen, tranflated, and at length printed.
The main defign of this Syftem of Chronology
o f Sir Ifaac, as appears by the extract we have of it,
is to find out by following with abundance of Sagacity
fbme o f the tracks, however faint they are, of the moffc
ancient Greek Aftronomy, what was the pofition of the
colure o f the Equinoxes with refpe£t to the fix’d flats, in
the time of Chiron the Centaur. As it is now known
that thefe Stars have a motion in longitude of one de
gree in 7 z years, if it is once known that in Chiron’s
time the Colure paffed through certain fixt Stars, it may
be known by taking their diftance from thofe, through
which it now paffes, how much time hath elapfed from
D Chiron
fr fl
Chiron until our days. Chiron was one o f thole who
went along with the Argonauts in their famous expedi
tion *, this would therefore fix the Epocha of that expedi
tion, and confequently afterwards that of the Trojan War j
two great Events upon which all ancient Chronology de
pends. Sir Ifaac places them 5 00 years nearer the Chriftian
<dEra than they are ufually placed by other Chronologers.
This Syftem has been atcackt by two learned French
men ; who are blamed in England for not having ftaid
for the whole work, and with having been fo hafty in
their Criticilm. But is not this their earneftnels an ho
nour to Sir Ifaac? They leized as fbon as poflible the
glory o f having filch an adverlary; and they are like
to find others in his ftead: For the famous Dr. Halley,
chief Aftronomer to the King o f Great Britain, has al
ready written in the defence o f the Aftronomical part of
the Syftem j and his friendftiip for the great man deceafed,
as well as his great skill in this Science make him a for
midable adverlary. But after all the conteft is not de
termined 5 the publick, fuch I mean as are capable o f
judging o f it, and.who are but few in,number, have not
yet, and tho’ it Ihould happen that the ftrougeft
arguments were on one fide, and only Sir Ifaac’s name
on the other, perhaps the World would remain feme
time in fufpcnce, and perhaps too with reafbn.
As foon as-the Academy o f Sciences, by their Regula
tion in 1 6 could chule foreigners into the number
of their affociates, they failed not to make Sir Ifaac
Newton one o f them. He all along held correfpondence
with them, by fending them whatever he publifhed.
f 27 ]
This was fome of his former works, which he either
cauled to be reprinted, or which he now firft puhlilhed.
But after he was employed in the Mint where he had
now been for fome time, he no more engaged himfelf
in any canfiderable new undertaking either in Mathe-
maticks or Philofophy. For tho’ his fclution of the fa
mous problem o f the TrajeSkari# proposed to the Englifh
by way o f challenge by M, Leibnits during his contefl:
with them, and which was. much fought after both
for the perplexity and difficulty of it, may be
reckon’d a confideraJble attempt, it was hardly more than
diverhon to Sirllaac Newton. He received this problem
at four of the clock in the afternoon, at his return from
the Mint very much fatigued, and never went to bed
hill he had mattered it.
After having been fo ferviceabie to all the learned part
o f Europe in Ipeculative Sciences, he devoted himfelf
entirely to the fervice of his country in affairs that were
more vilibly and dire&ly advantageous to it, a fenfible
pleaforc to every good fubje£t • but all his leifure time
he devoted to the curiolity of his Mind ; he thought no
kind of knowledge beneath his conlideration,. and he
knew how to improve himfelf by every thing. After
his death there were found among!! his papers feveral
writings, upon Antiquity, Hiftory, and even Divinity it
felfi which is fo widely different from thole Sciences,
for which he is fo much diftinguilhed. He never dif
fered a moment to pals unemployed, and he never Ipent
his time after a trifling manner, or with flight attention
to what he was about.
D 2, He
[> 8 ]
He all along enjoyed a fettled and equal ftate of
health untill he was fourfcore years old j a very elTential
circumftance of the extraordinary happinefs which he
enjoyed. He then began to be afflicted With an In
continence of Urine, and yet the five years following
which preceded his death, he enjoyed long intervals o f
health, or was tolerably well by means of the regula
rity of his diet, or by taking that care of himlelf which
he had hitherto had no occafion for. He was then
forced to rely upon Mr. Conduit, who had married his
Neice, to manage his bufinels at the Mint-, which he
had not done but that he was very confident that he
repofed a trull that was of lo important and delicate a
nature, in good hands; and his opinion has been con
firmed fince his death by the choice of the King, who
has given that Employment to Mr. Conduit. Sir Ilaac
Newton did not undergo much pain till the laft twenty
days o f his life, when it was thought that he cer
tainly had the Stone in his bladder, and that he
could not recover. In thele fits o f pain, which were
fo violent that drops of fweat fell from his face, he
never cried our, nor exprefled the lead impatience; and
as loon as he had a moment’s eale, he ftniled, and Ipoke
with his ufual cheerfulnels. Till that time he had al
ways read and writ feveral hours every day. He
read the News Papers on Saturday morning the eigh
teenth of March, and talked a great while with the fa
mous phyfician Dr. Mead, and perfedlly enjoyed all his
fenles and his underfianding, but at night he entirely loft
all manner of fenfe, and never recovered it again; as if
C 29 ]
the Faculties o f his Soul were fubjed only to be totally
extinguiftied,and not to be leffened by degrees. He died
on the Monday following the twentieth o f March* be
ing in his Eighth-fifth year.
His corps was laid in ftate in the Jerufalem Cham
ber, from whence perfons of the greateft quality and
fometimes crowned heads are carried to their grave. He
was buried in Weftminfter Abby, his pall being held
up by the Lord Chancellor, the Dukes of Montrofe
and Roxburgh, and by the Earls of Pembroke, Suftex
and Macclesfield. By thefe fix peers of England you
may eafily judge how many perfons o f diftindion at
tended his funeral. The Bilhop o f Rochefter (as. dean
o f Weflminfter) performed the forvice, attended by all
the Clergy belonging to the Abby, and the body was
interred juft at the entrance into the choire. We mult
look back to the Ancient Greeks if we would find out
examples of fo extraordinary a veneration for learning.
His family imitate the Grecians as near as poffible by
a monument which they intend to ered for him, and
which will coft a confiderable fum of money; and the
Dean and Chapter of Weftminfter have allowed it to be
put up in a place in the Abby, which hath often been
refufed to Nobility of the firft rank. Both his Coun
try and Family were as remarkable in exprefting their
grateful refped towards him ; as if by voluntary choice
he had made them his.
He was o f a middle ftature, fomewhat inclined to
he fat in the latter part of his life; he had a very lively
and piercing eye; his countenance was, pleafing and ve
C 30 ]
ncrable at the fame time, cfpecially when he pulled off
his peruke and iliewed his white head of hair that was
very thick. He never made ufe of fpeftacles, and loft
but one tooth in all his life. His name is a fufficient ex:-
cufe for our giving ail account of thdfe minute circum-
He was born‘with a very meek difpofidon, and an
inclination for quietnefs. He could rather have, chofen
to have remained in obfcurity, than to have the calm of
his life difturbed by thofe ftorms o f Literature, which
W it and Learning brings upon thole who let too great
a value upon themlelves. We find by one of his let
ters in the Conrmercittm EpifloUcnm, that his treadle o f Op-
ticks being ready for the prefs,. certain unlealonable ob
jections which happened to arife made him lay afide this
defign at that time. 1 upbraided my f e l f lays he, nvith my
imprudence , in lojing fu ch a re a lity a s (fu iet in order to
run a fter a Jhadonv. But this fliadow did not elcape
him in the conclufion; ic did not coft him his quiet
which he fo much valued, and it proved as much a
reality to him as that quiet it felf.
A meek difpolition naturally promifes modefty, and
it is affirmed that his was always prelerved without any
alteration, tho the whole world conlpired againft it.
He never talked of himfelf, or with contempt o f others,
and never gave any reafon even to the moft malicious
oblervers to fulpeCt him of the leaft notion of Vanity.
In truth he had little need o f the trouble and pains of
commending himlelfj but how many others are there
who would not have omitted that part, which men fo
C3 T 1
willingly take upon themfelyes, and do not care to truft
with others ? How many great men who are universally
efteemed, have {poiled the concert o f their praife, by
mixing their own voices in it!
He had a natural plainnefs and affability, and al
ways put himfelf upon a level with every body. Ge
nius’s o f the firft rank never defpife thole who are be
neath them, whilft others contemn even what is above
them. He did not think himfelf difpenfed with, ei
ther by his merit, or reputation, from any o f the or
dinary duties o f life 5 he had no Singularity either na
tural or affe&ed, and when it was requifite he knew
how to be no more than one of the common rank.
Tho’ he was o f the Church o f England, he was not
for perfecting the Non-coilfbrmifts in order to bring
them over to it. He judged of men by their manners,
and the true Non-conformifls with him were the vi
cious and the wicked. N ot that he relied only on na
tural religion, for he was perfuaded o f Revelation; and
amongft .the various kind o f books which he had al
ways in his hands, he read none fo conftantly as the
The plenty .which he enjoyed, both by his paternal
eftate, and by his Employments, being ftill increafed by
the wife Simplicity of his manner o f living, gave him op
portunities of doing good, which were noc negle&ed. He
did not think that giving by his laft Will, was indeed
giving; fo that he left no Will; and he ftript himfelf
whenever he performed any a£t o f generofity, either
to his Relations or to thofe whom he thought in want.
[ 3* 1
And the good a&ions which he did in both capacities
were neither few nor inconfiderable. When decency re
quired him upon certain occafions to be expenfive and
make a (hew., he was magnificent with unconcern, and
after a very graceful manner. At other times all this
pomp, which feems confiderable to none but people of
a low genius, was laid afide, and the expence referv-
ed for more important occafions. It would really have
been a prodigy, for a mind ufed to refle&ion and as it
were fed with reafoning, to be at the fame time fond
of this vain magnificence.
He never married, and perhaps he never had leafure
to think o f it j being immerfed in profound and con
tinual ftudies during the prime o f his age, and after
wards engaged in an Employment of great importance,
and his intenfe application never fuffered him to be
fenfible of any void fpace in his life, or o f his having
occafion for domeftick fociety.
He left behind him about 31000 pounds Sterling.
M. Leibnitz, his rival, likewife died in good Circum-
ftances, tho’ not Co rich: But he left a confiderable fiim
of money which he had hoarded up. * Thefe two extra
ordinary examples, and both o f Strangers, feemed to
deferve our remembrance.
* V. L’Hift. 1716 . p. 1 1 *.
F r N I S.
A ppendix
R obert E. S c h o f ie l d
R O Y A L S O C I E T Y of L O N D O N
N A T U R A L K N O W L E D G E ,
The moft confiderable of thofe Papers communicated to the
S ociety , which have hitherto not been publifhed, are inferted in their
proper order,
By T H O M A S B IR C H , D .D .
Secretary to the R o y a l S o c i e t y .
L O N D O N :
Printed for A. M i l l a r in the Strand,
M D C C L Y I.
secretary of the Royal Society, and his work in that position was graced
by his passion for detail. In 1744, he edited the Works of the Honourable
Robert Boyle, an edition which is still useful to scholars who can obtain
it. Finally, in 1756-57, he published a history of the Royal Society.
Birch’s History of the Royal Society of London3 cannot properly be called
a history at all. In this respect it resembles its predecessor, Sprat’s His
tory of the Royal Society. But, like Sprat, Birch has provided us with the
material out of which histories can be written. Bishop Sprat wrote his
“history” before the Society really had much history to detail, but it is
in Sprat that we find the philosophy which lay behind the organization
of the Society and learn of the type of opposition it faced. Birch’s
“history” contains next to nothing by Birch, and no analyses of any
type, but, for the historian of science who does not have access to the
papers of the Royal Society, it provides a transcription of the minutes of
the Society and the council from its founding through December 1687,
and reprints numerous papers which were read before the Society but
never printed in its Transactions.
This period covers the most productive years of Newton’s scientific
career. The index below follows Newton in his relation with the Society
from the date of his election in 1671/2 down to the publication of the
Principia in 1687. All references, in parentheses, to publication of letters
in the Philosophical Transactions are given by Birch.
Nothing by Newton; the only item about him is a proposal of Newton
for membership (last page, vol. II) made by the Bishop of Salisbury
(Seth Ward).
Page 1. January 11, 1671/2. Newton elected Fellow of the Royal So
ciety. Discussion of Newton’s “improvement of telescopes by contract
ing them”; the telescope sent by Newton to the Society had been seen
by the King and others. A “description and scheme of it” sent by the
secretary to Huygens; Newton wrote a letter to Oldenburg (January 6,
1671/2) “altering and enlarging the description of his instrument.”
Pages 2-3. Text of the aforementioned letter of Newton (see also Phil.
Trans., No. 81, p. 4004).
3 See reproduction of title page to vol. I. Volume II was printed in the same year;
vols. I ll and IV were printed the following year, 1757.
in mind of the six foot tube of Mr. Newton’s invention, and of bringing
in a specimen of the effect of his own proposition.”
Page 15. February 22, 1671/2. Reading of Newton’s letter to Olden
burg (Cambridge, February 20, 1671/2) “promising an answer to Mr.
Hooke’s observations upon his new theory of light and colour.” Text of
Newton’s letter, which also refers to Huygens’ “several handsome and
ingenious remarks.”
Page 19. March 14, 1671/2. “Mr. Cock was ordered to make, for the
use of the Society, a telescope of Mr. Newton’s invention.”
Page 21. March 21, 1671/2. A letter of Hevelius, concerning a comet,
which he had observed in Andromeda, read; ordered that “notice
should be given of this phaenomenon” to persons in both universities for
observation, “and particularly to Dr. Wallis and Mr. Newton.”
A letter of Newton to Oldenburg (Cambridge, March 19, 1671/2)
read; letter said to contain “several particulars relating to his new tele
scope.” (Printed in Phil. Trans., No. 81, p. 4009.)
Page 30. March 28, 1672. A letter from Newton to Oldenburg (Cam
bridge, March 26, 1672) read, containing “some more particulars re
lating to his new telescope, especially the proportions of the apertures.”
(Printed in Phil. Trans., No. 82, p. 4032.)
Page 41. April 4,1672. A letter from Newton to Oldenburg (Cambridge,
March 30, 1672) communicated, answering difficulties raised by Auzout
and queries raised by Denys; a proposal by Newton to use “instead of
the little oval metal in that telescope, a crystal figured like a triangular
prism.” (Extract printed in Phil. Trans., No. 82, p. 4034.) Hooke ordered
to make “such a crystalline prism” and to “try the same.”
Page 43. April 18, 1672. Hooke “ready to make an experiment by a
prism” showing that it is possible “to destroy all colours by one prism,
which had appeared before through another.” There being no sun, the
experiment was deferred.
Among letters read, that of Pardies (April 9, 1672) contained “some
objections against Mr. Newton’s theory of light and colours.” (Printed
in Phil. Trans., No. 84, p. 4087.) Also a letter from Newton (Cambridge,
April 13, 1672), answering “the objections of the said jesuit.” (Printed,
Phil. Trans., No. 84, p. 4091.) Also another letter of Newton with same
date, “answering some experiments proposed by Sir Robert Moray for
the clearing of his theory of light and colours.” (Printed in Phil. Trans.,
No. 83, p. 4059.)
Page 47. April 24, 1672. Hooke made the experiments with prisms.
Page 49. May 8, 1672. A letter of Newton to Oldenburg read (Cam
bridge, May 4, 1672) with Newton’s “judgment of Mons. Cassegraine’s
telescope, like that of Mr. James Gregory . .. with a hole in the midst of
the optic metal to transmit the light to an eye-glass placed behind it.”
(Printed in Phil. Trans., No. 83, p. 4057.)
Page 50. May 15, 1672. Hooke performed “experiments relating to Mr.
Newton’s theory of light and colours, which he was desired to bring in
writing to be registered.”
Page 50. May 22, 1672. Hooke made “more experiments with two
prisms, confirming what Mr. Newton had said in his discourse on light
and colours.” Hooke suggested that “these experiments were not cogent
to prove, that light consists of different substances or divers powders, as
it were.”
Page 52. June 12, 1672. Newton’s “answer to Mr. Hooke’s considera
tions upon his discourse on light and colours” produced; answer read in
part, and ordered “to be copied for the perusal of Dr. Wren and Mr.
Hooke.” (Printed in Phil. Trans., No. 88, p. 5084.)
Pages 52-54. June 19, 1672. Hooke’s “account of some experiments on
refractions and colours” read and registered. The text, as printed, deals
with an experiment “which seems at first much to confirm Mr. Newton’s
theory of colours and light; but yet I think it not an experimentuum
crucis, as I may possibly shew hereafter.” Hooke requested “to make
more experiments of the same nature, for a farther examination of Mr.
Newton’s doctrine of light and colours.”
Page 56. July 3, 1672. A letter of Huygens (Paris, July 1, 1672) read,
dealing with several topics, including “Mr. Newton’s reflecting telescope,
and applauding his new doctrine of light.”
Page 57. July 10, 1672. Society to “make a recess for some time,” but
the members “desired” to “meet on Fridays” to “discourse of philosoph
ical matters, and prosecute experiments . .. such, as might determine
the queries lately sent by Mr. Newton . . . which involve his theory of
light,” and such “as might improve Mr. Newton’s reflecting telescope.”
Page 58. October 30, 1672. Examination “of what had been done con
cerning the queries of Mr. Newton, to be determined by experiments,”
referred to next meeting. As to “trials . . . made for the improvement of
the reflecting telescope of Mr. Newton,” Hooke said he “had wanted a
mould of a sufficient bigness for a speculum, designed by him, of fifteen
inches diameter.”
Pages 79-82. March 26, 1673. Letter from Gregory to Collins (March
7, 1672/3), about telescopes, read. The text of the letter. Ordered that
the letter “be communicated to Mr. Newton.”
Page 83. April 9, 1673. A letter read from Huygens to Oldenburg
(Paris, January 14, 1672/3) containing “some considerations upon Mr.
colours,” Oldenburg “ordered to thank him for that offer, and to desire
him to send the said discourse as soon as he pleased.”
Pages 247-260. December 9, 1675. Newton’s manuscript, “touching his
theory of light and colours, containing partly an hypothesis to explain
the properties of light discoursed of by him in his former papers,” pro
duced. “Of the hypothesis only the first part was read, giving an account
of refraction, reflection, transparency, and opacity.” Newton’s letter
printed, followed by “an hypothesis explaining the properties of light,
discoursed of in my several papers.” Newton’s paper having contained
reference to an electrostatic experiment, some of the members “desired,
that it might be tried.” This experiment “Newton proposed to be varied
with a larger glass placed farther from the table.” Ordered “that this
experiment should be tried at the next meeting; and Mr. Hooke promised
to prepare it for that meeting.”
Newton to be asked by letter “whether he would consent, that a copy
might be taken of his papers, for the better consideration of their
Pages 260-269. December 16, 1675. “Mr. Newton’s experiment of glass
rubbed to cause various motions in bits of paper underneath” tried
unsuccessfully, following the reading of Newton’s letter to Oldenburg
(December 14, 1675). Text of Newton’s letter. Ordered that Oldenburg
write to Newton to “acquaint him with the want of success of his ex
periment, and desire him to send his own apparatus, with which he had
made it.” Then “the sequel of his hypothesis, the first part of which was
read at the preceding meetings, was read to the end.” Text of the re
mainder of the hypothesis. After reading “this discourse,” Hooke said
“that the main of it was contained in his Micrographia, which Mr. New
ton had only carried farther in some particulars.”
Page 270. December 30, 1675. Newton’s letter to Oldenburg (December
21, 1675), “in answer to what had been written to him by Mr. Olden
burg concerning the want of success of his experiment made with a glass
rubbed,” read. Text of the letter. Ordered “that Mr. Newton’s direc
tions in this letter should be observed in the experiment to be made at
the next meeting of the Society.”
Page 271. December 30, 1675. “Mr. Oldenburg read a letter to himself
from Mr. John Gascoigne” (December 15, 1675) announcing the death
of Linus and stating “the resolution of Mr. Linus’s disciples, to try Mr.
Newton’s experiment concerning light and colours more clearly and
carefully. .. according to the directions given them by Mr. Newton’s
last letter: intimating withal, that if the said experiment be made before
the Royal Society, and be attested by them to succeed, as Mr. Newton
affirmed, they would rest satisfied.”
Page 1. January 8, 1679/80. Hooke read “another letter of his to Mr.
Newton concerning some farther account of his theory of circular mo
tion and attraction; as also several observations and deductions from
that theory,” such as (1) “pendulum clocks must vary their velocity in
several climates,” (2) “this variation must also happen at different
hights in the same climate,” confirmed by an observation of Halley at
St. Helena, (3) thus “a pendulum was unfit for an universal standard
of measure.”
Page 2. Hooke “desired to make his trials as soon as possible of Mr.
Newton’s experiment concerning the earth’s diurnal motion.”
Page 4. January 21, 1679/80. “Dr. Croune proposing from Mr. Collins,
that the latter was ready to print two volumes of algebra, written by
Dr. Wallis, Mr. Baker, Mr. Newton, &c. provided the society would
engage to take off 60 copies,” it was ordered that the proposal be made
“in writing.”
Page 30. March 25, 1680. An “account of the experiments made on the
Tuesday before ... was brought in by Mr. Hooke, and read.” There had
been “made a regulus of equal parts of antimony and iron.” Part was
“melted with equal parts of tin,” which when polished “gave a strong
reflection . . . We conceive it may be very useful for making speculative
glasses for Mr. Newton’s experiment.”
Page 38. May 13, 1680. Hooke mentioned “a way of hardening an
amalgama of mercury and iron by a vegetable powder, which would
make it almost as hard as hardened steel. This, he conceived, would be
an excellent material for making specular planes for telescopes in Mr.
Newton’s way.”
Page 60. December 8, 1680. Ordered by the Council that “the secretary
send Mr. Newton an answer to his letter, that the Society give their con-
sent for the Italian to dedicate his book, &c.” [The Italian in question
was Gasparini.] ,
Page 61. December 16, 1680. A letter from Newton to Hooke reat*
(Cambridge, December 3, 1680), in which an account was given “that
Dominico Gasparini, doctor of physic of Lucca in Italy, had lately
written a treatise of the method of administering the Cortex Peruvianas i*1
fevers. .. and that upon the fame of the Royal Society spread every
where abroad, he was ambitious to submit his discourse to so great ant*
authentic a judgment as that of the Society,” and hoped “the Society
would give him leave to dedicate his book to them.” Gasparini had rO'
quested another doctor “of his acquaintance in Italy to write to his cot'
respondent an Italian in London” to this effect. “The said Italian beinf?
gone from London to Cambridge before the arrival of the letters, on the
receit of them applied himself to Mr. Newton, who promised him, that
he would desire Mr. Hooke to acquaint the Society with Dr. Gasparini s
request. . . Mr. Hooke was desired to answer Mr. Newton’s letter*
which he did in one dated 18 Decemb. 1680, in which he took notice*
that the Society was pleased with the subject of Dr. Gasparini’s book-
As to “Dr. Gasparini’s dedication of his book to the Society, he needed
no leave, things of that nature being usually done without asking a
In the above-mentioned letter, Newton included “thanks to Mr-
Hooke for the trials, which the latter had made of an experiment sug'
gested” by Newton “about falling bodies.”
Page 62. December 16, 1680. Trial of an experiment “for examining the
electricity of glass after Mr. Newton’s method, by rubbing one side of a
glass to make the other attract: But it was found, that though at first d
succeeded two or three times, yet afterwards, for what reason could not
be discovered, it did not succeed.”
Page 65. January 19, 1680/1. Reference to “undertaking of Mr. John
Adams to survey all England, by measuring, taking angles, and also the
latitudes of places; and in order to this running three several meridians
clear through England . . . Mr. Newton of Cambridge had promised to
assist him.”
Page 234. November 30, 1683. Following an obituary of Mr. John Col
lins (“born at Wood-Eaton near Oxford, on Saturday March 5, 1624/5
and died “in London, on Saturday November 10, 1683”), it is stated that
“about five and twenty years after his death, all his papers and most of
his books came into the hands of Mr. William Jones, F. R. S. amongst
which were found manuscripts upon mathematical subjects of Mr.
Briggs, Mr. Oughtred . . . Dr. Barrow, and Mr. Isaac Newton, with a
multitude of letters received from, and copies of letters sent to, many
learned persons, particularly Dr. Pell, Dr. Wallis, Dr. Barrow, Mr.
Newton, Mr. James Gregory, Mr. Flamstead, Mr. Thomas Baker . . .
Mons. Slusius, Mons. Leibnitz . . .
“From these papers it appeared, that Mr. Collins was so sollicitous in
his search after useful truths, so indefatigably industrious in prosecuting
these inquiries, and of so communicative a disposition, that he held a
constant correspondence for many years with all the eminent mathema
ticians of his time . . . It was from his papers chiefly, that the great
Newton’s claim to the invention of fluxions was established.”
Page 347. December 10, 1684. Halley’s report “that he had lately seen
Mr. Newton at Cambridge, who had shewed him a curious treatise, De
Motu; which, upon Mr. Halley’s desire, was, he said, promised to be sent
to the Society to be entered upon their register.”
Halley was “desired to put Mr. Newton in mind of his promise for
the securing his invention to himself till such time as he could be
at leisure to publish it.” “Mr. Paget was desired to join with Mr.
Page 370. February 25, 1684/5. A letter of Newton “to Mr. Aston, dated
at Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1684/5, mentioning, that the design of a philo
sophical meeting there had been pushed forward by Mr. Paget, when
he was last there; with whom himself had concurred, and engaged Dr.
More to be of the Society; and that others were spoken to, partly
by him, and partly by Mr. Charles Montagu.” According to Newton,
that “which chiefly dashed the business, was the want of persons will
ing to try experiments, he, whom we chiefly relied on, refusing to con
cern himself in that kind. And more what to add farther about this
business, I know not, but only this, that I should be very ready to con
cur with any persons for promoting such a design, so far as I can do it
without engaging the loss of my own time in those things.
“I thank you for entering in your register my notions about motion.
I designed them for you before now; but the examining several things
has taken a greater part of my time than I expected, and a great deal
of it to no purpose: and now I am to go into Lincolnshire for a month
or six weeks. Afterwards I intend to finish it as soon as I can
Pages 479-480. April 28, 1686. “Dr. Vincent presented to the Society a
manuscript treatise intitled, Philosophice Naturalis principia mathematica,
and dedicated to the Society by Mr. Isaac Newton, wherein he gives a
mathematical demonstration of the Copernican hypothesis as proposed
by Kepler, and makes out all the phsenomena of the celestial motions
(In this index, the numbers refer to the page-numbers of this work, not of the
original seventeenth- and eighteenth-century articles and books reproduced. The
index does not include the introductory essays written for this work, nor Fonten-
elle’s Eloge, pp. 444-473.)
Aberration, in telescope lenses, 141, 147 Aetherial spirit, 254; and frame of na
Acid spirit of the atmosphere, 70-71 ture, 180
Acids, 256 ff.; see also Water Air, irregularities of, 100 ff.; definition
Aereal substances, particle density re and properties, 253; generation from
lated to permanency, 252-253 acid action, 256 ff; can be com
Aether, motion of light particles through, pressed, 257; elasticity, 409; see also
50; undulation of light waves through, Boyle
99, 106; and the sensation of light, Air pump, used in optical experiments,
119 ff.; vibrations, 99, 106, 119, 122, 177; Boyle’s, 233
124, 143, 178, 181, 209, 337; irregu Aloes, tincture of, color not uniform,
larities, 100 f.; not light, 209; undu 125 f.
lations in Hooke’s hypothesis, 102, Angels of God, 358
108, 209; nature of, 143, 179, 180, Angle, refracting, 169
181, 250, 254, 322, 365; in solids, Animal motion, and aetherial conden
182, 250; and frame of nature, 254; sation, 182
see also Gravity, Heart, Light, Mus Animal spirits, aetherial nature of, 183
cular motion, Reflection, Refraction, Apertures, for lengths of reflecting tel
Soul, Violet color, Vortex escope, 69
Aetherial animal spirit, in man, 184 Apsides, motion of, 407
Aqua regia, action on gold and tin, 257, Center, descent of bodies toward, 407
258 Centripetal force, law of, 406; cause of,
Arsenic, use in making mirror with 408
copper, 63 f. China, tides in Port of Tunking, 423
Astronomy, problems of, 407, 410 Clouds, effect on spectrum, 148-156;
Atheists, assumption on matter in space, effect on prism image, 171 f.
326 f. Colepresse, observations on tides at
Atmosphere, various phenomena of, 230; Plymouth, 421
Newton’s conception of, 251; neces Collision, bodies in motion after, 405 f.
sity for life, 379 ff.; see also Air Colors, simple, 47 ff., 54, 82, 89, 94 f.,
Atoms, fortuitous or casual concourse, 96, 112 f., 121 f., 140 f., 144 f., 166,
316; and God, 318-319; Epicurean 178, 192 f., 224; origin of, 53; pure
theory of attraction, 331; spontaneous rays of, 53, 120, 226, 230 ff., 251;
attraction in matter, 332, 338-343; transmutations of, 54; mixtures and
of a chaos, 332, 343-352; infinity of, com pounded, 54 f., 94 f., 121, 138,
408 140, 220; only two sorts of, 54, 122,
Attraction, among acid particles, 256 124, 136; cause in natural bodies, 56
ff.; of atoms, 331 fl; a disturbance of white light, 111;
Auzout, Newton answers, 70-71 not qualifications of light, 113; more
than two original, 125 ff.; nature of,
136; definition of, 140; number of,
Bell metal, unsuitability for mirror, 63 143 ff.; hypothesis not Newton’s pur
Berce, M. de, prefers Cassegrain’s tele pose, 144; from neighboring light,
scope to Newton’s, 72 ff. 167; order of, 168, 216 ff., 231; in
Black substances, likelihood of burning, glass surfaces and bubbles, 177, 187;
232 Newton’s eyes uncritical in, 192;
Blackness, definition, 111 prismatic, 192 f.; arcs of, 203; black
Blondel, reference to Plato, 297 and white rings, 203, 220 f.; arising
Blood, circulation of, 381 f. on polished steel, 214; causes in nat
Blue and red, the only primary colors, ural bodies, 216 ff.; Newton’s table
according to Hooke, 112 ff. of thickness of plate at which exhib
Boyle, tadpole experiment, 182; electri ited, 218 f.; a science for mathema
cal experiments, 184; Newton sends ticians, 225; relation to size of parts of
respects, 191; invention of air pump, bodies, 226, 230 ff.; see also Bubbles,
233; Newton’s letter to, 250-254; on Glass, Hooke, Hypothesis, Light,
the air, hydrostatics, 319 N atural bodies, Pardies, Refraction,
Bubbles, color of, 134; ring phenomena, Refrangibility, Ring phenomena,
211,213; succession of colors, 211 ff.; Whiteness
contrary colors produced in, 214; Comets, 410, 414-416
thickness of, 213-214, 220; see also Conic sections, 406; see also Hyperbola,
Light, Water Parabola
Controversies, Newton abjures, 178-179
Copper, color when dissolved, 120
Cambridge, Newton leaves during Corpuscles, sizes of, 231 f.; see also
plague, 52 Aether
Cartesian hypothesis, 99, 102, 106, 108, Corpuscular hypothesis of light, analogy
283; see also Descartes for, 179; see also Light, Water
Cassegrain, improvement of reflecting Corrosion of metals, 71
telescope, 72-75 Creation, of stars and planets, 282
Grimaldi, 97, 99, 104, 106, 198-199, difficulty if based on two prime colors,
250 143; mechanical, of color, 144; of
light, 179; of m atter in universe and
Halley, on true theory of tides, 412-424; deity, 311; of attraction of moon and
review of Principia, 405-411 sea, 418; covering tides, 422; see also
Heart, aether density and motion of, Doctrine
184 Hypothetical approach to Newton’s
Heat, production by sunbeams, 179; work, 135
and formation of vapors, 252; caused
by acid action, 252, 256 f.; due to Image (spectral), shape of, 158; pro
agitation of particles, 256; Newton’s portion of, 169; length of, 169, 170 ff.;
scale of degrees of, 259-268; see also see also Clouds, Solar image
Light Impulse, transverse, impressed on
Hooke, color experiments in the Micro- planets, 347
graphia, 56, 125; experiment on colors Incidence, unequal, 100; angle of, 149;
in liquids, 82, 85, 89, 91 f.; hypothesis see also Descartes
of undulations of light, 97, 99, 102, Inclination, of earth’s axis, 289 f.
104, 106, 108; pulse theory, 110-115; Indian sea, effect on tides in China, 423
answer to Newton on light and colors, Inductive method, statement on, 93
110-115; Lucas refers to, 168; New Infinities, not all equal, 294 ff.; treat
ton refers to, 177; drops belief all ment by Wallis of, 295; neither equal
colors composed of primaries, 178; nor unequal, 299
Newton’s answer, 178; experiment Infinity, difficulty to average man, 303 ff.
with straying of light, 198; alleges Inflection of rays, Newton’s use of
Newton’s discourse on light and colors Hooke’s work, 209
in Micrographia, 199; views on light Insects, walking on water, 187
and colors compared to Newton’s, Instrument (Newton’s), for observing
208 f.; Newton acknowledges use of moon’s distance from fixed stars, 236-
Micrographia, 229; see also Colors, 238
Descartes Intelligent minds, all bodies formed for,
Human body, heat of, 262, 267 358
Huygens, comment on Newton’s tele Interference. See Ring phenomena
scope, 65 f.; on Newton’s doctrine of Interstices of opaque bodies, void of air,
colors, 136-147; Newton replies, 137— 228
142, 143-146; final reply to Newton, Inverse-square law, 320
147; experiments on airs, 253; De
cycloide, 407 James II, 412
Hydrostatics, doctrine of, 409; see also Jupiter, four moons of, 52; distance from
Boyle sun, 287 fi; spheroidal figure ex
Hyperbola of Descartes, 147 plained, 410
Hypotheses, Newton’s objection to, 94,
96; Newton’s stand on, 99, 106; Kepler, laws of, 406; hypothesis of, 410
judgment of, 102, 108
Hypothesis, Newton’s, 79, 86 fi, 111, Lakes (and inland seas), inapplicability
177; Pardies excuses use of word, 98, of theory of tides, 422
105; Newton’s comment on use of, Life, speculations on other worlds, 359 fi
85, 92, 103, 109; Newton’s theory of Light, Newton’s theory of, 45, 75, 93,
light called, by Hooke, 114; desire by 95, 149, 151 ff., 164; corpuscular
inquirer, 116; contrast to theory, 118; theory of, 50, 57, 99 fi, 102, 106 fi,
108, 114, 118 f., 121, 178 f., 181, 184, Newton’s third reply, 157-162; ex
188; experimentum crucis on disper periments of, 164, 169; Newton
sion, 50 f.; analogy with stone thrown thanks Oldenburg for help in ending
into water, 119, 188; and aether, 50, dispute, 254
111, 120, 179, 181, 184 ff., 192 f.; as Longitude, need of method for determi
a mixture, 51, 53, 55, 58, 79, 87, nation, 416
119, 121, 140, 224; refraction of, 51, Lucas, reply to Newton, 163-169; New
53 f., 93, 102, 108, 124, 174 f., 185 f.; ton explains mistakes in experimental
heterogeneous, 51, 140; Newton’s procedure of, 170; suggests more data
“doctrine” of, 53; homogeneous, 53, on prism employed, 172 ff.
140; diffusion of, 97, 104, 114, 119,
179, 189, 193 f., 409; Hooke’s pulse Mars, stellate regulus of, 63
theory of, 110-115; wave aspects of, Matter, not eternal, 315; and attrac
111, 114, 120, 121, 178, 179, 184, tion, 331-338
192, 193; considered as a body, 114; Maulyverer, Newton sends letter to
propagation of, 114, 184, 409; emis Boyle by, 250
sion of, 119, 179; Newton opposes Medium, density of, 409
wave theory, 121; mechanical expla Menstruums, action on bodies, 251
nation of, 129; of the sun, 140, 193; Mercury, action on gold and tin, 257,
Newton refutes Lucas on refrangibil- 258; action of acids on, 257, 258;
ity, 174 f.; motion of, 189, 409; swift volatility and easy rise of heat, 257
ness, 193; transmission of, 194; see also Metals, corrosion of, 71; action of acids
Aether, Bubbles, Colors, Descartes, on, 252
Hypothesis, Lucas, Reflection, Ring Micrographia, Hooke’s, 56, 112, 119, 125;
phenomena, Spectrum Newton footnotes, 186; difference be
Light rays, trajectory through prism, tween Newton’s views and Hooke’s,
50; not curved after refraction, 50, 208 f.; observations on Muscovy glass,
100; lost by reflection, 68; dispersed 220; Newton acknowledges indebted
through refraction, 101; properties ness, 229; see also Hooke
should be determined, 102, 108; Microscope, reflecting, 52, 112, 166;
phenomena of transparent plates and Hooke’s experiments on, 112; im
bubbles, 119; passing through same provement of, 128; use by Lucas to
medium, 141; and production of heat, test Newton’s theory, 165-166; im
188; and sensation of colors in optic provement may show corpuscles of
nerve, 192; vibrations in aether com bodies, 233
pared to sound, 192; straying com Mirror, metallic composition for reflect
pared with that of sound, 198; ing telescope, 63 f.
quantity reflected from rings, 214; Moon, 66; distance from fixed stars de
impinging on solid parts of a body termined, 238; to determine altitude,
not reflected but lost, 234 f. 238; motion of, 408; motion of nodes
Lignum nephriticum, 56, 85, 92; tinc of orbit, 410; distance of, 414; and
ture of, 120 planets, theory of, 414, 416; irregu
Linseed oil, rarefactions proportional to larities in motion, 416
degrees of heat, 264, 268 Moray, proposes optical experiments,
Linus, objections to Newton’s theory of 75-76
light and colors, 148-150; showed Motion, 122; of planets, causes, 284-
spectrum to Digby, 149; denies New 287, 298, 335; not eternal, 315; laws
ton’s results, 151 f.; second reply to of, 405; Newton’s definition, 405; im
Newton, 151 ff.; Newton replies, 153; pressed, velocity of, 406; celestial,
Proportion of empty space to matter in Ring phenomena, 194 ff., 202 ff.; colors,
sun’s region, 326 197, 221 f.; black and white rings,
Pulse theory of light (Hooke’s), 110-115 203, 221; number of rings, 197, 207,
Pulses, differing, different effects on eye 215; thickness between glasses, 204;
from, 111 formed by transmitted and reflected
light, 206; dark central spot, 206; ef
Queries, in relation to Newton’s theory fect of wetting glass, 206 f.; observed
of light and colors, 93 f. in open air and in darkened room,
207; use of primary colors instead of
Rainbow, explanation, 55 f.; primary sunlight, 207 f.; contraction and dila
and secondary bows, 56; see also tion, 207 f.; squares of diameters,
Descartes 210 f.; distinctness of rings, 215; trans
Rays, definite refrangibilities and re mission and reflection, 218; see also
flexibilities, 224 Bubbles
Red and blue, the only primary colors, Royal Society, Lucas refers to, 169;
according to Hooke, 112 ff. Newton refers to Lucas’ citation, 175
Red color, and vibration of aether, 178
Reeve. See Reive Sal alkali, composition, 256 f.
Reflected light of Venus, analyzed by Salt particles, reason for solubility, 256 f.
prism, 76 Saturn, distance from sun, 287 f.
Reflection, law of, 51; from metallic Scriptures, Holy, 358
surfaces, 71; of light, causes, 177; Sea, flux and reflux of, 408, 414, 416;
cause and manner of, 186 f., 226, as a fluid spheroid, 419
233; colors made by, 193 f.; of very Series, infinite, 405
thin transparent substances, 228; see Sines, ratio of, 164
also Refraction Smoke. See Flame
Reflexibility of rays, 144 Solar image, decrease through pris
Refraction, law of, 49, 81, 88, 93, 95, matic experiments, 76 f.; length and
102, 108, 149, 152, 159; unequal, 93, shape, 79-81, 87-89
95, 124; effect on color, 94 f.; irreg Solar system, harmony attests Divinity,
ular or according to a law, 100; not 366; see also Gravity
explained by undulation of matter, Soul, power over aether in the body,
102, 108; ray of light split by, 111; 182 f.; influence in determining
Newton accused of neglecting experi aetherial animal spirit, 184; of vir
mentation, 116; and shape of spec tuous man, 356
trum, 159; and the aether, 186; and Sound, compared with color, 111; com
reflection, cause of, 188 f.; see also pared with light, 192; motion and
Colors, Glass, Light, Transparent propagation of, 409
bodies % Space, Newton’s definition of, 405
Refrangibility, inherent in different Spaw-waters, Digby visits c. 1645, 149
rays, 101; proportion in inclinations, Spectrum, oblong rather than circular,
137; of rays and color, 144; order of 48; shape, 149, 151-156, 167; di
colors, not caused by, 168; see also mensions, 164; influence of light and
Colors, Light air, 167; length of image, different
Reive, failure in telescope on Gregory’s results, 170; see also Clouds, Glass,
plans, 75; makes telescope for Greg Image, Prism, Prismatic colors, Sun
ory, 112 Speculum, advantage of parabolic, 65
Retina, 55; effect of colored rays (Lucas), Spherical shape, of speculum, 111; of
165; colored image of, 166 f.; vibra earth and sea, and celestial bodies,
tions due to light, 192 413
Water bubbles. See Bubbles 82, 89; Newton’s reply, 84, 91;
Wave theory of light, 110-115, 118-119, Hooke’s views, 111; whether a mix
120, 121, 178, 184, 192, 193 IF., 409 ture of all colors, 124,129; compound,
Weather, influence on spectrum, 171 128,131, 132 ff.; production from two
Wheel, for primary colors, 116 simple colors, 140, 144, 145, 147;
White color, explanation of, 178 a dissimilar mixture of all colors, 224
White light, Newton’s definition, 137; Wine, refraction in spirit of, 182
see also Colors
Whiteness, nature of, 55; Pardies’ views, Yellow, not a primary color, 168