Basa vs. Loy
Basa vs. Loy
Basa vs. Loy
BASA VS LOY Petitioners argue that respondent
G.R. No. 171631| Nov. 15, 2010 Angeline Loy was a buyer in bad faith n
FACTS not making an investigation before
This case revolves around a 496-square entering into mortgage with Robert
meter residential lot situated in New Carantes , knowing as she did that they
Lucban, Baguio City in the name of the were in possession of the disputed
late Busa Carantes, who is the property when she and her husband
predecessor-in-interest of Manuel acquired the same; and that between a
Carantes and herein respondent Robert prior unrecorded sale and a subsequent
Carantes. mortgage by the seller, the former
The subject property was mortgaged to prevails on account of the better right
respondent Angeline Loy and her accorded to the buyer as against the
husband in 1994. They foreclosed on subsequent mortgagee.
the mortgage, and won at the auction They argue that it is a basic rule that in
sale and LRC issued in their favor a writ civil cases, the burden of proof is on the
of possession. plaintiff to establish his case by
On May 30, 2006, herein petitioners preponderance of evidence.
filed before Baguio RTC a petition for
quieting of title with prayer for RESPONDENT’S ARGUMENT (ANGELINE LOY
injunctive relief and damages. They VDA. DE SENLY LOY, HEIRS OF ROBERT
essentially claimed that in 1992 and CARANTES, THE REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR
1993, portions of the subject property BAGUIO CITY, and THE CITY ASSESSOR'S
— totaling 351 square meters — have OFFICE OF BAGUIO CITY - WON)
already been sold to them by Angeline Loy alleged that she was
respondent Robert Carantes, by virtue entitled to the subject property as a
of deeds of sale executed in their favor, result of the foreclosure and consequent
respectively; that they took possession award to her as the highest bidder
of the portions sold to them; and that during the foreclosure sale; that the
the titles issued in favor of Angeline Loy subject property was later divided by
created a cloud upon their title and are judicial partition, and new certificates of
prejudicial to their claim of ownership. title were issued in the name of Manuel
and Robert Carantes, which titles were
PETITIONER’S ARGUMENT (SPOUSES JAIME later cancelled and new titles were
AND CATHERINE BASA, SPOUSES JUAN AND issued in her name as co-owner of the
ERLINDA OGALE represented by WINSTON subject property together with Manuel
LAGASCA represented by LUCENA LAGASCA, She also alleged that she had no
and SPOUSES CRESENCIO AND ELEADORA knowledge of the supposed sales to
APOSTOL – LOST) petitioners by Robert Carantes as these
Petitioners argue that they have transactions were not annotated on the
adequately proved their ownership of title of Busa Carantes; and that the
the disputed property; that the lower sales to the petitioners were either
courts disregarded the fact that they unnotarized or unconsummated for
were in possession of the respective failure to pay the price in full and that
portions claimed, which otherwise petitioners' case was frivolous and
constituted proof of delivery and, thus, dilatory in that it was aimed at delaying
consummation of the sales in their or thwarting the execution of the writ of
favor; that while the trial court possession issued in her favor in LRC
dismissed their case for failure to ADM Case No. 1546-R; and that the
present the originals of the deeds of sale petition raised issues of fact which were
in their favor during trial, the same were ably passed upon by the courts below
nonetheless attached to their motion for and were beyond review by this Court.
reconsideration — but the trial court Robert Carantes alleged that the sales
just the same refused to consider them, to petitioners did not materialize; that
which is erroneous on account of the petitioners failed to fully pay the
principle that substantive law and purchase price; that his transactions
considerations of justice should with Angeline Loy and her husband were
null and void; and that he was the real o RTC dismissed their petition by
owner of the subject property in issue. reason that they failed to
present originals of the
ISSUE purported deeds of sale
Whether the petitioners have proved, executed by respondent Robert
by preponderant evidence, their case Carantes in their favor. Trial
for quieting of title. NO Court held that they failed to
discharge the burden of proof
RULING required in such case.
In order that an action for quieting of Petitioners then attempted to
title may prosper, it is essential that the obtain a reversal by attaching
plaintiff must have legal or equitable the supposed originals of the
title to, or interest in, the property deeds of sale to their motion for
which is the subject-matter of the reconsideration, but the trial
action. Legal title denotes registered court did not reconsider as they
ownership, while equitable title means failed to show that the reason
beneficial ownership. In the absence of for their failure to present the
such legal or equitable title, or interest, original copies of the deeds fell
there is no cloud to be prevented or within the exceptions under the
removed. best evidence rule, or Section 3,
An action for quieting of title is Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
essentially a common law remedy o CA found that petitioners'
grounded on equity. failure to append the original
For an action to quiet title to prosper, copies of the deeds of sale was
two (2) indispensable requisites must inexcusable; that the document
concur: that was appended to their
o (1) the plaintiff or complainant motion for reconsideration was
has a legal or an equitable title different from what was
to or interest in the real presented and marked during
property subject of the action; the ex-parte hearing; and that
and the testimonies of petitioners
o (2) the deed, claim, contradicted the affidavit of
encumbrance, or proceeding Roberto Carantes, their
claimed to be casting cloud on supposed seller, with regard to
his title must be shown to be in the price and lot area of the
fact invalid or inoperative subject properties.
despite its prima facie o The unnotarized "Deed of
appearance of validity or legal Absolute Sale of a Portion of a
efficacy. Registered Parcel of a
Petitioners failed to prove the first Residential Land" between
element in a suit for quieting of title — respondent Robert Carantes
the existence of a legal or equitable and petitioner- spouses Jaime
title. and Catherine Basa cannot
By petitioners' failure to present the stand without the corroboration
original copies of the purported deeds of or affirmation of Robert
sale in their favor, the case for quieting Carantes. On its own, the
of title did not have a leg to stand on. unnotarized deed is self-
Petitioners were unable to show their serving. Since Robert
claimed right or title to the disputed Carantes's affidavit was
property, which is an essential element rendered inadmissible by his
in a suit for quieting of title. Their failure to appear and testify
belated presentation of the supposed thereon, then the supposed
originals of the deeds of sale by unnotarized deed of sale
attaching the same to their motion for executed by him in favor of the
reconsideration does not deserve Basa spouses cannot
consideration as well; the documents sufficiently be proved.
hardly qualify as evidence. Even if petitioners are in possession of
SC affirmed the ruling of the lower the disputed property, this does not
court: necessarily prove their supposed title. It
may be that their possession of the
disputed property is by lease or any
other agreement or arrangement with
the owner — or simply by mere
tolerance. Without adequately proving
their title or right to the disputed
portions of the property, their case for
quieting of title simply cannot prosper.