V80832 MSDS Petro Canada DuronE Engine Oil SAE 15W-40
V80832 MSDS Petro Canada DuronE Engine Oil SAE 15W-40
V80832 MSDS Petro Canada DuronE Engine Oil SAE 15W-40
Not controlled
Mixture of severely hydrotreated and hydrocracked Mixture 100 5 mg/m³ (oil mist) 10 mg/m³ (oil Not
base oil (petroleum) and other proprietary, non- mist) established
hazardous additives.
Incompatible Reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, Decomposition May release COx, H2S, aldehydes, alkyl
Substances / halogens, halogenated compounds. Products mercaptans, sulfides, methacrylate
Conditions to Avoid monomers, smoke and irritating vapours when
heated to decomposition.
Carcinogenicity (NTP): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as
carcinogens by NTP.
Carcinogenicity (IRIS): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as
carcinogens by IRIS.
Carcinogenicity (OSHA): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as
carcinogens by OSHA.
Other Considerations No additional remark.
All components of this product are on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
(EINECS) or the European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS).
This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations
(CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.
DSD/DPD (Europe) Not classified under the Dangerous HCS (U.S.A.) Does not meet the definitions of a health or
Substances or Dangerous Preparations physical hazard according to the OSHA -
Directives. Hazard Communication Standard. (United
ADR (Europe) DOT (U.S.A)
(Pictograms) (Pictograms)
ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists HCS - Hazardous Communication System
ADR - Agreement on Dangerous goods by Road (Europe) HMIS - Hazardous Material Information System
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
BOD5 - Biological Oxygen Demand in 5 days IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System
CAS - Chemical Abstract Services LD50/LC50 - Lethal Dose/Concentration kill 50%
CEPA - Canadian Environmental Protection Act LDLo/LCLo - Lowest Published Lethal Dose/Concentration
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation NFPA - National Fire Prevention Association
and Liability Act NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations NPRI - National Pollutant Release Inventory
CHIP - Chemical Hazard Information and Packaging Approved Supply NSNR - New Substances Notification Regulations (Canada)
List NTP - National Toxicology Program
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration
CPR - Controlled Products Regulations PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit
DOT - Department of Transportation (U.S.A.) RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
DSCL - Dangerous Substances Classification and Labeling (Europe) SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reorganization Act
DSD/DPD - Dangerous Substance or Dangerous Preparations STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit (15 minutes)
Directives (Europe) TDG - Transportation Dangerous Goods (Canada)
DSL - Domestic Substance List (Canada) TDLo/TCLo - Lowest Published Toxic Dose/Concentration
EEC/EU - European Economic Community/European Union TLV-TWA - Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average
EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical TLm - Median Tolerance Limit
Substances TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act
EPCRA - Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
FDA - Food and Drug Administration USP - United States Pharmacopoeia
FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
Internet: www.petro-canada.ca/msds
Western Canada, telephone: (001) 1-800-661-1199; fax: (001) (780) 464-9564
Ontario & Central Canada, telephone: (001) 1-800-268-5850 and (001) (905) 822-
4222; fax: (001) 1-800-201-6285
Quebec & Eastern Canada, telephone: (001) 1-800-576-1686; fax: (001) 1-800-201-
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of its
subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final
determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and
should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that