Centrifugal Compresser

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Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor

Chương 8: Máy nén & quạt ly tâm

Tài liệu tham khảo:
[1]. Sayers, A. T. (1992). Hydraulic and compressible flow turbomachines. London, UK: McGraw
Hill Book Company. mượn tại thư viện ĐH Bách Khoa TpHCM (nhà A2)


P.8.1. Air leaving the impeller with radial velocity 110 m/s makes an angle of 25o30’ with the axial
direction. The impeller tip speed is 475 m/s. The compressor efficiency is 0.80 and the
mechanical efficiency is 0.96. Find the slip factor, overall pressure ratio, and power required to
drive the compressor. Neglect power input factor and assume =1.4, T01= 298 K, and the mass
flow rate is 3 kg/s.
P.8.2. The impeller tip speed of a centrifugal compressor is 370 m/s, slip factor is 0.90, and the
radial velocity component at the exit is 35 m/s. If the flow area at the exit is 0.18 m2 and
compressor efficiency is 0.88, determine the mass flow rate of air and the absolute Mach number
at the impeller tip. Assume air density =1.57 kg/m3 and inlet stagnation temperature is 290 K.
Neglect the work input factor. Also, find the overall pressure ratio of the compressor.
P.8.3. A centrifugal compressor is running at 16,000 rpm. The stagnation pressure ratio between
the impeller inlet and outlet is 4.2. Air enters the compressor at stagnation temperature of 20oC
and 1 bar. If the impeller has radial blades at the exit such that the radial velocity at the exit is 136
m/s and the isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.82. Draw the velocity triangle at the exit
of the impeller and calculate slip. Assume axial entrance and rotor diameter at the outlet is 58 cm.
P.8.4. Determine the adiabatic efficiency, temperature of the air at the exit, and the power input of
a centrifugal compressor from the following given data:
Impeller tip diameter = 1 m
Speed = 5945 rpm
Mass flow rate of air = 28 kg/s
Static pressure ratio p 3 /p1=2.2
Atmospheric pressure = 1 bar
Atmospheric temperature = 25oC
Slip factor = 0.90
Neglect the power input factor.
P.8.5. A centrifugal compressor impeller rotates at 9000 rpm. If the impeller tip diameter is 0.914
m and 2 = 208, calculate the following for operation in standard sea level atmospheric
conditions: (1) U2, (2) Cw2, (3) Cr2, (4)  2, and (5) C2.
P.8.6. A centrifugal compressor operates with no pre-whirl is run with a rotor tip speed of 457 m/s.
If Cw2 is 95% of U2 and c = 0.88, calculate the following for operation in standard sea level air:
(1) Pressure ratio
(2) Work input per kg of air, and
(3) The power required for a flow of 29 kg/s.
P.8.7. A centrifugal compressor is running at 10,000 rpm and air enters in the axial direction. The
inlet stagnation temperature of air is 290 K and at the exit from the impeller tip the stagnation
temperature is 440 K. The isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.85, work input factor =
1.04, and the slip factor  = 0.88. Calculate the impeller tip diameter, overall pressure ratio,
and power required to drive the compressor per unit mass flow rate of air.
P.8.8. Air enters axially in a centrifugal compressor at a stagnation temperature of 20oC and is
compressed from 1 to 4.5 bars. The impeller has 19 radial vanes and rotates at 17,000 rpm.
Isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.84 and the work input factor is 1.04. Determine the
overall diameter of the impeller and the power required to drive the compressor when the mass
flow is 2.5 kg/s.
P.8.9. Repeat problem 4.8, assuming the air density at the impeller tip is 1.8 kg/m3 and the axial
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 1
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
width at the entrance to the diffuser is 12 mm. Determine the radial velocity at the impeller exit
and the absolute Mach number at the impeller tip.
P.8.10. A centrifugal compressor is required to deliver 8 kg/s of air with a stagnation pressure ratio
of 4 rotating at 15,000 rpm. The air enters the compressor at 25oC and 1 bar. Assume that the air
enters axially with velocity of 145 m/s and the slip factor is 0.89. If the compressor isentropic
efficiency is 0.89, find the rise in stagnation temperature, impeller tip speed, diameter, work
input, and area at the impeller eye.
P.8.11. The following data apply to a double-sided centrifugal compressor (Fig. 4.15):
Impeller eye tip diameter: 0.28 m
Impeller eye root diameter : 0.14 m
Impeller tip diameter: 0.48 m
Mass flow of air: 10 kg/s
Inlet stagnation temperature : 290 K
Inlet stagnation pressure: 1 bar
Air enters axially with velocity: 145 m/s
Slip factor : 0.89
Power input factor: 1.03
Rotational speed: 15,000 rpm
(1) the impeller vane angles at the eye tip and eye root,
(2) power input, and
(3) the maximum Mach number at the eye.
P.8.12. Recalculate the maximum Mach number at the impeller eye for the same data as in the
previous question, assuming prewhirl angle of 20o.
P.8.13. The following data refers to a single-sided centrifugal compressor:
Ambient temperature: 288 K
Ambient pressure: 1 bar
Hub diameter : 0.125 m
Eye tip diameter: 0.25 m
Mass flow: 5.5 kg/s
Speed: 16,500 rpm
Assume zero whirl at the inlet and no losses in the intake duct. Calculate the blade inlet angle at
the root and tip and the Mach number at the eye tip.
P.8.14. A centrifugal compressor compresses air at ambient temperature and pressure of 288 K and 1
bar respectively. The impeller tip speed is 364 m/s, the radial velocity at the exit from the
impeller is 28 m/s, and the slip factor is 0.89.
① Calculate the Mach number of the flow at the impeller tip.
② If the impeller total-to-total efficiency is 0.88 and the flow area from the impeller is
0.085m2, calculate the mass flow rate of air.
Assume an axial entrance at the impeller eye and radial blades.
P.8.15. The impeller of a centrifugal compressor rotates at 15,500 rpm, inlet stagnation temperature
of air is 290 K, and stagnation pressure at inlet is 101 kPa. The isentropic efficiency of impeller
is 0.88, diameter of the impellar is 0.56 m, axial depth of the vaneless space is 38 mm, and width
of the vaneless space is 43 mm. Assume ship factor as 0.9, power input factor 1.04, mass flow rate
as 16 kg/s. Calculate:
① Stagnation conditions at the impeller outlet, assume no fore whirl at the inlet,
② Assume axial velocity approximately equal to 105 m/s at the impeller outlet, calculate
the Mach number and air angle at the impeller outlet,
③ The angle of the diffuser vane leading edges and the Mach number at this radius if the
diffusion in the vaneless space is isentropic.
P.8.16. The following design data apply to a double-sided centrifugal compressor:
Impeller eye root diameter : 18 cm
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 2
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
Impeller eye tip diameter: 31.75 cm
Mass flow: 18.5 kg/s
Impeller speed: 15,500 rpm
Inlet stagnation pressure: 1.0 bar
Inlet stagnation temperature: 288 K
Axial velocity at inlet (constant): 150 m/s
Find suitable values for the impeller vane angles at root and tip of eye if the air is given 20o of
prewhirl at all radii, and also find the maximum Mach number at the eye.
P.8.17. In a centrifugal compressor air enters at a stagnation temperature of 288 K and stagnation
pressure of 1.01 bar. The impeller has 17 radial vanes and no inlet guide vanes. The following
data apply:
Mass flow rate: 2.5 kg/s
Impeller tip speed: 475 m/s
Mechanical efficiency: 96%
Absolute air velocity at diffuser exit: 90 m/s
Compressor isentropic efficiency: 84%
Absolute velocity at impeller inlet: 150 m/s
Diffuser efficiency: 82%
Axial depth of impeller: 6.5 mm
Power input factor: 1.04
 for air: 1.4
① Shaft power
② Stagnation and static pressure at diffuser outlet
③ Radial velocity, absolute mach number and stagnation and static pressures at the
impeller exit, assume reaction ratio as 0.5, and
④ Impeller efficiency and rotational speed

P.8.18. 10 kg of air per second is to be compressed in an uncooled centrifugal compressor of the

single sided impeller type. The ambient air conditions are 1 bar and 20°C. The compressor runs at
20,000 rev/min, has isentropic efficiency of 80%, and compresses the air from 1 bar static
pressure to 4.5 bar total pressure. The air enters the impeller eye with a velocity 150 m/s with no
prewhirl. Assuming that the ratio of whirl speed to tip speed is 0.95, calculate:
① Rise in total temperature during compression, if the change in kinetic energy is negligible,
② The impeller tip speed and tip diameter,
③ Power required to drive the compressor,
④ The external diameter of the eye, for which the internal diameter is 15 cm.

P.8.19. 20m3 of air per second at 1bar and 15oC is to be compressed in a centrifugal compressor
through a pressure ratio 1.5:1. The compression follows the law PV1.5=constant. The velocity of
flow at inlet and outlet remains constant and is equal to 60m/s. If the inlet and outlet impeller
diameters are respectively 0.6 m and 1.2 m and speed of rotation is 5,000 rpm. Find:
(a) The blade angles at inlet and outlet of the impeller, and the angle at which the air from
the impeller enters the casing;
(b) Breadth of impeller blade at inlet and outlet. It may be assumed no diffuser is tilled and
the whole pressure increase occurs in the impeller and that the blades have a negligible thickness.
P.8.20. A single sided centrifugal compressor is to deliver 14 kg/s of air when operating at a
stagnation pressure ratio of 4: 1 and a speed of 200 rev/sec. The inlet stagnation conditions may
be taken as 288 K and 1.0 bar. Assuming a slip factor of 0.9, a power input factor of 1.04 and an
overall isentropic efficiency of 1.04, estimate the overall diameter of the impeller.
P.8.21. In a centrifugal compressor with inlet guide vanes. air leaving the guide vanes has a velocity
of 91.5 m/s at 70deg, to the tangential direction. Determine the inlet relative Mach number,
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 3
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
assuming frictionless flow through the guide vanes and impeller total head isentropic efficiency.
The other operating conditions are
a) Impeller diameter at inlet= 457 mm '
b) Impeller diameter at exit= 762 mm
c) Radial component of velocity at impeller exit = 53.4 m/s
d) Slip factor = 0.9
e) Impeller speed = 11,000 rpm
f) Static pressure at impeller exit= 223 kPa (abs)
g) Take T01 = 288 K and P01 = 1.013 bar
P.8.22. In a radial blade centrifugal compressor running at 16,500 rpm, the total pressure ratio is 4:1
when r h e atmospheric pressure and temperature are 1 atm and 25oC. The diameter of the hub at
impeller eye is 16 cm. The axial velocity at inlet and the absolute velocity at the diffuser exit are
both 120 m/s. The mass flow rate is 8.3 k g/s. If the adiabatic total-to-total efficiency is 78% and
pressure coefficient is 0.7, find the main dimensions of the impeller, static conditions at exit and
required power to drive the compressor.
P.8.23. The following data refers to a centrifugal compressor:
- Tip diameter of the eye=250 mm,
- Hub diameter of the eye= 100 mm,
- Speed= 120 rps.
- Mass of air handled=5 kg/s.
- Inlet stagnation pressure=102 kpa,
- Inlet total temperature=335 k
Determine the air angle at inlet of the inducer blade and inlet relative Mach number. If IGV is
used then determine air angle and relative Mach number at the exit of IGV.
P.8.24. Determine the absolute Mach number of the flow at the exit of a radial vanned impeller of n
centrifugal compressor when the radial component of the velocity at the impeller exit is 28 m/s
and the slip factor is 0.9. The impeller tip speed is 350 m/s. If the impeller area is 0.08 m2 and the
total head isentropic efficiency is 90%, determine the mass now rate. Take T01= 288 K. P01=1 bar

P.8.25. A double-sided centrifugal compressor has impeller eye-root and tip diameters of 175 mm
and 312.5 mm and is to deliver 20 kg of air per second at 16,000 rpm. The design ambient
conditions are 288 K and 100 kPa. Calculate suitable values for the impeller value angles at the
root and tip of eye if the air is given 20 deg. of pre-whirl at all radii. The axial component of inlet
velocity is constant over the eye and is about 152 m/s. Also compute the maximum Mach number
at the eye.
P.8.26. A centrifugal blower takes in air at 100 kPa and 309 K. It develops a pressure head of 750
mm W.G., while consuming a power of 33 kW. If the blower efficiency (B) is 79% and
mechanical efficiency is 83%, determine the mass rate and volume rate and exit properties of air
P.8.27. A backward-swept centrifugal fan develops a pressure of 75 mm W.G. It has an impeller
diameter of 89 cm and runs at 720 rpm. The blade air angle at tip is 39° and the width of the
impeller is 10 cm. Assuming a constant radial velocity of 9.15 m/s and density of 1.2 kg/m3,
determine the fan efficiency, discharge, power required, stage reaction and pressure coefficient.
P.8.28. A backward-swept (2 = 30°) centrifugal fan with impeller diameter of 46.6 cm is required to
deliver 3.82 m3/s (4.29 kg/s) of air at a total pressure of 63 mm W.G. The flow coefficient at the
impeller exit is 0.25 and the power supplied to the impeller is 3kW. Determine the fan efficiency,
pressure coefficient, degree of reaction, rotational speed, and impeller width at exit.

P.8.29. A centrifugal blower runs at a speed of 3,000 rpm. The impeller outer diameter is 75 cm and
the blades of the impeller are designed for a constant radial velocity of 57 m/s. There are no inlet
guide vanes so that the absolute velocity at the inlet is axial. If the degree of reaction is 0.58,

Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 4

Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
compute the exit blade angle. Also determine the power input to the blower (total-to total
efficiency of 0.75) and the exit stagnation pressure. Take the total pressure and temperature at the
inlet as 1 atm and 25oC respectively.
P.8.30. A centrifugal fan has the following data:
- Inner diameter of the impeller=18 cm.
- Outer diameter of the impeller =20 cm.
- The absolute velocity at entry is 21 m/s and at exit is 25 m/s,
- Relative velocity at inlet and exit are 20 m/s and 17 m/s respectively,
- Speed =1450 rpm,
- Flow rate =0.5 kg/s,
- And motor efficiency 78%.
(a) Stage total pressure rise
(b) Degree of reaction and
(c) Power required to drive the fan. Assume density of air as 1.25 kg/m3.
P.8.31. A centrifugal fan rises the static pressure of air by 14 cm of water, while running at a speed of
650 rpm and consuming 85 metric HP as power. The static pressure and temperature of the air at
the fan intake are respectively 75 cm Hg and 25oC, while the mass flow rate of air is 160kg/min.
Find the exit static pressure and the volume flow rate in m3/min.
P.8.32. The impeller tip speed of a centrifugal compressor is 450 m/s with no prewhirl. If the slip
factor is 0.90 and the isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.86, calculate the pressure ratio,
the work input per kg of air, and the power required for 25 kg/s of airflow. Assume that the
compressor is operating at standard sea level and a power input factor of 1.
(Answer: 4.5, 182.25 kJ/kg, 4556.3 kW)
P.8.33. Air with negligible velocity enters the impeller eye of a centrifugal compressor at 15oC and
1 bar. The impeller tip diameter is 0.45 m and rotates at 18,000 rpm. Find the pressure and
temperature of the air at the compressor outlet. Neglect losses and assume = 1.4.
(Answer: 5.434 bar, 467 K)
P.8.34. A centrifugal compressor running at 15,000 rpm, overall diameter of the impeller is 60 cm,
isentropic efficiency is 0.84 and the inlet stagnation temperature at the impeller eye is 15oC.
Calculate the overall pressure ratio, and neglect losses.
(Answer: 6)
P.8.35. A centrifugal compressor that runs at 20,000 rpm has 20 radial vanes, power input factor of
1.04, and inlet temperature of air is 10oC. If the pressure ratio is 2 and the impeller tip diameter is
28 cm, calculate the isentropic efficiency of the compressor. Take = 1.4
(Answer: 77.4%)
P.8.36. Derive the expression for the pressure ratio of a centrifugal compressor:

P.8.37. A centrifugal compressor operates with no prewhirl and is run with a tip speed of 475 the
slip factor is 0.89, the work input factor is 1.03, compressor efficiency is 0.88, calculate the
pressure ratio, work input per kg of air and power for 29 airflow. Assume T01=290 K and Cp=
1.005 kJ/kg K.
(Answer: 5.5, 232.4 kJ/kg, 6739 kW)
P.8.38. A centrifugal compressor impeller rotates at 17,000 rpm and compresses 32 kg of air per
second. Assume an axial entrance, impeller trip radius is 0.3 m, relative velocity of air at the
impeller tip is 105 m/s at an exit angle of 80o. Find the torque and power required to drive this
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Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
(Answer: 4954 Nm, 8821 kW)
P.8.39. A single-sided centrifugal compressor designed with no prewhirl has the following
dimensions and data:
Total head / pressure ratio : 3.8:1
Speed: 12, 000 rpm
Inlet stagnation temperature: 293 K
Inlet stagnation pressure: 1.03 bar
Slip factor: 0.9
Power input factor : 1.03
Isentropic efficiency: 0.76
Mass flow rate: 20 kg/s
Assume an axial entrance. Calculate the overall diameter of the impeller and the power required
to drive the compressor.
(Answer: 0.693 m, 3610 kW)
P.8.40. A double-entry centrifugal compressor designed with no prewhirl has the following
dimensions and data:
Impeller root diameter : 0.15 m
Impeller tip diameter : 0.30 m
Rotational speed: 15,000 rpm
Mass flow rate: 18 kg/s
Ambient temperature: 25oC
Ambient pressure: 1.03 bar
Density of air at eye inlet: 1.19 kg/m3
Assume the axial entrance and unit is stationary. Find the inlet angles of the vane at the root and
tip radii of the impeller eye and the maximum Mach number at the eye.
(Answer: 1 at root = 50.7o, 1 = 31.4 o at tip, 0.79)
P.8.41. In Example 4.12, air does not enter the impeller eye in an axial direction but it is given a
prewhirl of 20o (from the axial direction). The remaining values are the same. Calculate the inlet
angles of the impeller vane at the root and tip of the eye.
(Answer: 1 at root = 65.5o, 1 at tip = 38.1o, 0.697)
P.8.42. A 580 kW motor drives a centrifugal compressor of 480 mm outer diameter at a speed of
20.000 rpm. At the impeller outlet the blade angle is 26.5° measured from the radial direction and
the flow velocity at exit from the impeller is 122 m/s.
① If a mechanical efficiency of 95 percent is assumed, what air flow is to be expected? Assume
there is no slip.
② What are the eye tip and hub diameters if a radius ratio of 0.3 is chosen for the impeller eye and if
the velocity at inlet is 95 m/s with zero whirl?
③ What will be the overall total-total isentropic efficiency if an overall total pressure ratio of 5.5 is
required? Assume that the flow inlet is incompressible and ambient air conditions are 101.3 kPa
and 288 K.
[(a) 2.47 kg/s, (b) 172 mm and 51.6 mm (c) 81.8%]
P.8.43. A centrifugal compressor impeller has 17 radial vanes of tip diameter 165 mm. It rotates at
46.000 rpm and the air mass flow rate is 0.6 kg/s with no whirl at inlet.
(a) Calculate the theoretical power transferred to the air. At inlet to the impeller, the mean
diameter of the eye is 63.5 mm while the annulus height at the eye is 25 mm. The static pressure and
temperature at the impeller inlet are 93 kPa and 193 K respectively. Determine:
(b) the blade angle at the mean diameter at impeller inlet
(c) the stagnation temperature at impeller exit, and
(d) the stagnation pressure at impeller exit if the total-to-total efficiency of the impeller is 90%.
[(a) 83.76 kW, (b) 35.4°, (c) 437.8 K, and (d) 338.67 kPa]
P.8.44. A centrifugal compressor is desired to have a total pressure ratio 4:1.The inlet eye to the
compressor impeller is 30 cm in diameter. The axial velocity at inlet is 130m/s and the mass flow
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 6
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
rate is 10 kg/s. The velocity in the delivery duct is 115 m/s. The tip speed of the impeller is 450
m/s. runs at 16,000 rpm with total head isentropic efficiency of 78% and pressure coefficient is
0.72.The ambient conditions are 1 bar and 15oC. Calculate:
(a) Static pressure and temperature at inlet and exit of compressor
(b) Static pressure ratio
(c) Work done/kg of air
(d) Theoretical power required to drive the compressor.
[(a) 279.6 K, 0.9 bar and 3.89 bar, 460.86 K (b) 4.32
(c) 180.34 kJ/kg and (d) 1803.4 kW]
P.8.45. A single-sided centrifugal compressor delivers 8.15 kg/s of air with a pressure ratio of 4.4 to
1 at 18,000 rpm. The entry to the eye for which the internal diameter is 12.7 cm is axial and the
mean velocity at the eye section is 148 m/s with no pre-whirl. Static conditions at the eye section
are 15°C and 1.0 bar. Tile slip factor is 0.94 and the isentropic efficiency of compression is 78%.
Neglecting losses calculate:
(a) The rise in temperature during compression if the kinetic energy is negligible
(b) The tip speed of impeller eye and tip speed of impeller outlet and
(c) Outer diameter of impeller eye.
[(a) 202.2 K (b) 257 m/s and 464.95 m/s, and (c) 49 cm]
P.8.46. The data of a centrifugal compressor are given below:
- Outer diameter of the impeller= 50 cm
- Tip diameter of the eye= 28 cm
- Hub diameter to the eye= 14 cm
- Speed 16,000 rpm
- Mass of air handled= 10 kg/s
- Inlet total pressure= 1.15 bar
- Inlet total temperature= 20oC
- Slip factor= 0.91
- Total-to-total efficiency = 75% for zero whirl at entry.
Determine the total pressure ratio developed and the power required to drive the compressor.
[(a) 3.3 and (b) 1596.7 kW]
P.8.47. A centrifugal compressor has inlet guide vanes at the eye such that free vortex now is
achieved at entry to the blades. At the tip radius of the eye the inlet relative Mach number is not to
exceed 0.75 and an impeller total-to-total efficiency of 0.9 is required. The air leaves the tip of the
inlet guide vanes with a velocity of 90 m/s, the impeller tip diameter is 0.45 m and the outlet
diameter is 0.76 m. The radial component of velocity at exit from the impeller is 50 m/s and the
impeller rotates at 12,000 rpm. If a slip factor of 0.9 is assumed, find the guide vane inlet angle at
the tip and the static pressure at impeller outlet. Assume T01= 288 K and P01=101.3 kPa.
[(a) 62.1o and (b) 247.2 kPa]
P.8.48. A centrifugal compressor compresses air at ambient temperature and pressure of 288 K and
101.3 kPa respectively. The impeller runs at a tip speed of 365 m/s, the radial velocity at exit
from the impeller is 30 m/s and the slip factor is 0.9. Calculate the Mach number of the flow at the
impeller tip. If the impeller total-to-total efficiency is 90% and the flow area from the impeller is
0.093 m2. Calculate the mass flow rate of air. Assume zero whirl at inlet and radial blades.
[(a) 0.876 (b) 5.13 kg/s]
P.8.49. A compressor operating at a pressure ratio of 3.8 and a speed of 12,000 rpm delivers 8 kg/s of
air. The slip factor is assumed to be 0.92, the power factor 1.04 and the overall isentropic
efficiency 0.82. Calculate the impeller outlet diameter. Assume zero whirl. The Mach number of
the air leaving the impeller vanes is to be unity so as to ensure that no shocks occur. If the losses
in the impeller and the diffuser are the same, what must be the axial depth of the impeller. At inlet
P01 = 101.3 kPa and T01 = 288 K.
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 7
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
[(a) 0.659 m (b) 23.5 mm]
P.8.50. A centrifugal compressor with an overall pressure ratio of 4 has an impeller speed of 320m/s
and the flow area at impeller outlet is 0.12 m2. The radial component of the velocity at impeller
exit is 30 m/s and the slip factor is 0.9. Calculate the absolute Mach number at the exit and the
flow rate if the total -to-total efficiency is 90%. Take T01 = 288 K and P01=1bar.
[(a) 0.71!6 and (b) 9.87 kg/s]
P.8.51. A centrifugal compressor works with no whirl at entry and has radial exit. The slip factor is
0.91.The rotor tip speed is 625 m/s. The mass now rate is 15 kg/s. The ambient conditions are 98
kPa and 23°C. The pressure ratio is 7. Calculate:
a) Isentropic efficiency
b) Work required per kg of air
c) Power supplied for a mechanical efficiency or 97%.
[(a) 62% (b) 355.47 kJ/kg and (c) 5496.93 kW]
P.8.52. The following data refer to a centrifugal compressor.
- Impeller tip diameter 100 cm.
- Speed 5950 rpm.
- Mass flow rate of air= 30 kg/s.
- Static pressure ratio P2/ P1 = 2.125:
- Atmospheric pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 25oC.
- Slip factor= 0.90 and
- Mechanical efficiency= 0.97. Find:
(a) The adiabatic efficiency of the impeller.
(b) The temperature of the air at the exit.
(c) The shaft power input and (ell the pressure coefficient.
[(a) 82.3% (b) 385.3 K (c) 2709.3 kJ/kg and (d) 0.742]
P.8.53. A double-sided centrifugal compressor has impeller eye root and tip diameters 180 mm and
300 mm and is to deliver 16 kg/s at 16,000 rpm. The design ambient conditions arc 17°C and 1
bar. Calculate suitable values for the impeller vane angles at root and tip of the eye if air is given
20o measured from the radial direction of pre-whirl at all radii. The axial component of inlet
velocity is constant over the eye and is equal to 150 m/s.
[(a) 57.33o and (b) 37.33o]
P.8.54. A centrifugal blower takes in 180 m3/min of air at P1= 1.013 bar and T1 = 43oC and delivers
it at 750mm W.G. Taking the efficiencies of the blower and drive as 80% and 82% respectively,
determine the power required to drive the blower and the state of air at exit.
[(a) 33.65 kW (b) 1.0866 bar and 324.2 K]
P.8.55. A centrifugal fan with a radial impeller produces a pressure equivalent to 100 cm column of
water. The pressure and temperature at its entry are 0.98 bar and 310 K. The electric motor
driving the blower runs at 3,000 rpm. The efficiencies of the fan and drive are 82% and 88%,
respectively. The radial velocity remains constant and has a value of 0.2 U2. The velocity at the
inlet eye is 0.4 U2. If the blower handles 200 m3/ min of air at the entry conditions, determine:
(a) Power required by the electric motor
(b) Impeller diameter
(c) Inner diameter of the blade ring
(d) Blade air angle at entry and
(e) Impeller widths at entry and exit.
[(a) 45.3 kW (b) 66.4 cm (c) 31.9 cm (d) 22.6° and
(e) 15.95cm and 7.66cm]
P.8.56. A fan running at 1,480 rpm takes in 6 m /min of air at inlet conditions of P1= 950 m bar and
T1= 15°C. If the fan impeller diameter is 40 cm and the blade tip air angle is 20°, determine the
total pressure developed by the fan and the impeller width at exit. The radial velocity at the exit is
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 8
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
0.2 times the impeller tip speed. State the assumptions used.
[(a) 50.67 mm W.G. and (b) 1.28 cm]
P.8.57. A centrifugal compressor runs at 15,000 rpm and produces a stagnation pressure ratio of 4
between the impeller inlet and outlet. The stagnation conditions of air at the compressor intake
are 1.01325 bar and 25oC respectively. The absolute velocity at the compressor inlet is axial. If
the compressor has radial blade, at the exit such that the exit relative velocity is 135m/s and the
compressor total -to-total efficiency is 0.78. Compute the slip, slip coefficient and absolute
velocity at the compressor exit if the rotor diameter at the inlet 580 mm.
[(a) 45.9 m/s (b) 0.8993 and (c) 431.3 m/s]
P.8.58. An aircraft engine is fitted with a single-sided centrifugal compressor. The aircraft flies with
a speed of 850 km/h at an altitude where the pressure is 0.23 bar and the temperature 2 17 K. The
inlet duct of the impeller eye contains fixed vane which give the air pre-whirl of 25o at all radii.
The inner and outer diameters of the eye are 180 and 330 mm respectively. The diameter of the
impeller tip is 540 mm and the rotational speed 16,000 rpm. Estimate the stagnation pressure at
the compressor outlet when the mass flow is 216 kg/min. Assume the isentropic efficiency to be
0.8. Take the slip factor as 0.9 the power input factor as 1.04.
[1.63 bar]
P.8.59. A centrifugal fan with an efficiency of 80% runs at 720 rpm. Its impeller diameter is 1 m. The
impeller tip angle is backward curved to 51o tangent to the wheel. The density of the air is 1.25
kg/m3; and mass now rate is 3 kg/s. The impeller width at the exit is 10 cm. Determine the power
required, pressure coefficient, stage reaction, pressure head developed, and flow coefficient at
exit. Assume zero whirl at inlet and the mechanical efficiency is 82%.
[(a) 4.35 kW (b) 1.34 (c) 0.58 (d) 1.188 kN/m2 and (e) 0.203]
P.8.60. Air flow through a blower where its total pressure is increased by 15 cn1 of water head. The
inlet total pressure and temperature are 105 kPa and 15oC. The total-to-total efficiency is 75%.
(a) Exit total pressure and temperature and
(b) Isentropic and actual change in total head enthalpy.
[(a) 106.5 kPa. 289.5 K and (b) 1.152 kJ/kg. 1.536 kJ/kg]
P.8.61. A centrifugal compressor compresses 30 kg/s. It runs at 15,000 rpm. The air enters the
compressor axially. The radius at exit of blade is 300 mm. The relative velocity of air at exit tip is
100 m/s. The relative air angle at exit is 80o. Find the power and ideal head developed.
[(a) 6416.5 kW and (b) 213.5 kJ/kg]
In all the exercises below, the following properties for air may be assumed:
Ratio of specific heats,  = 1.4
Specific heat of air at constant pressure, CP = I 005 J/kgK
Gas constant, R = 287 J/kgK
Assume a power input factor of 1 unless otherwise stated.

P.8.62. A single-sided centrifugal compressor draws air from the atmosphere having ambient
conditions of 100kPa and l5°C. The hub diameter is 0.13 m and the eye tip diameter 0.3m. If the
mass flow into the eye of the compressor is 8 kg/s and the speed is 16,200 rpm, calculate the
blade inlet angle at the root and tip of the eye and the Mach number at the tip of the eye. Assume
zero whirl at inlet and no losses in the intake duct.
P.8.63. A motor rated at 580kW is available to drive a centrifugal compressor of 480mm outer
diameter at a speed of 20,000 rpm. At the impeller outlet the blade angle is 26.5° measured from
the radial direction and the flow velocity (radial component) at exit from the impeller is 122 m/s.
If a mechanical efficiency of 95% is assumed, what air flow is to be expected? Assume there is
no slip. What are the eye tip and bub diameters if a radius ratio of 0.3 is chosen for the impeller
eye and if the velocity at inlet is 95 m/s with zero whirl? What will be the overall total-to-total
isentropic efficiency if an overall total pressure ratio of 5.5 is required? Assume that the flow to
the inlet is incompressible and ambient air conditions are 101.3 kPa and 288 K.
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 9
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
P.8.64. A centrifugal compressor compresses air at ambient temperature and pressure of 288K and
101.3 kPa respectively. The impeller runs at a tip speed of 365 m/s, the radial velocity at exit
from the impeller is 30m/s and the slip factor is 0.9.
a) Calculate the Mach number of tile flow at the impeller tip.
b) If the impeller total-to-total efficiency is 90% and the flow area from the impeller is
0.093m2, calculate the mass flow rate of air. Assume zero whirl at inlet and radial blades.
P.8.65. A centrifugal compressor impeller hats 17 radial vanes of tip diameter 165 mm. It rotates at
46,000 rpm and the air mass flow rate is 0.6 kg/s with no whirl at inlet. Calculate the theoretical
power transferred to the air.
At inlet to the impeller, the mean diameter of the eye is 63.5mm while the annulus height at the eye is
25 mm. The static pressure and temperature at the impeller inlet are 93kPa and 293 K respectively.
(a) The blade angle at the mean diameter at impeller inlet.
(b) The stagnation temperature at impeller exit and
(c) The stagnation pressure at impeller exit if the total-to-total efficiency of the impeller is 90%
P.8.66. The relative flow Mach number at the inlet of a centrifugal compressor is to be no greater
than 0.97. The ratio of hub to tip diameter at the eye is 0.38 and the air enters the eye without
(a) The optimum speed of rotation for the maximum mass flow rate condition if the mass flow is
4 kg/s and
(b) The eye tip diameter.
At inlet P01 = 101.3 kPa and T01 = 288 K.
P.8.67. A compressor operating at a pressure ratio ·of 3.8 and a speed of 12,000 rpm delivers 8 kg/s
of air. The slip factor is assumed to be 0.92, the power factor 1.04, and the overall isentropic
efficiency 0.82. Calculate the impeller outlet diameter. Assume zero whirl. The Mach number of
the air leaving the impeller vanes is to be unity so as to ensure that no shocks occur.
If the losses in the impeller and diffuser are the same, what must be the axial depth of the impeller?
At inlet p01 = 101.3 kPa and T01 = 288 K
P.8.68. In exercise 8.36, if the vaneless space is 40 mm wide, the diffuser throat radius 0.4 m and
there are 10 diffuser channels, determine the diffuser vane inlet angle and the throat width of the
diffuser passages.
P.8.69. A centrifugal compressor has inlet guide vanes fitted at the eye such that free vortex flow is
archived at entry to the blades. At the tip radius of the eye the inlet relative Mach number is not
to exceed 0.75 and an impeller total-to-total efficiency of 0.9 is required. The air leaves the tip of
the inlet guide vanes with a velocity of 90 m/s, the impeller tip diameter is 0.45 m and the outlet
diameter is 0.76 m. The radial component of velocity at exit from the impeller is 50m/s and the
impeller rotates at 12,000 rpm. If a slip factor of 0.9 is assumed, find the guide-vane inlet angle
at the tip and the static pressure at impeller outlet.
Assume T01 = 288 K and p01 = 101.3 kPa.
P.8.70. A centrifugal compressor has the following design data:
- Mass flow 15 kg/s
- Speed 16,000rpm
- Inlet total temperature 288K
- Inlet total pressure 101 kPa
- Impeller isentropic efficiency 0.9
- Width of vaneless space 42mm
- Axil depth of vaneless space 37 mm
- Slip factor 0.9
- Power input factor 1.04
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 10
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor

- Impeller outer diameter 0.55 m

a) Assuming no pre-whirl at the inlet, what are the stagnation conditions at the impeller outlet?
b) Show that the radial velocity is approximately 100m/s at the impeller outlet and calculate
the Mach number and air angle at the impeller outlet.
c) Calculate the angle of the diffuser vane leading edges and the Mach number at this radius if
the diffusion in the vaneless space is isentropic.
P.8.71. The stagnation pressure and temperature at the inlet of a centrifugal compressor are 101 kPa
and 290 K respectively. The impeller has 19 radial vanes and no inlet guide vanes. The following
data apply.
- Mass now rate 2 kg/s
- Impeller tip speed 525 m/s
- Mechanical efficiency 96%
- Absolute air velocity at diffuser exit 95 m/s
- Compressor total-to-total efficiency 81%
- Absolute velocity at impeller entry 160m/s
- Diffuser efficiency 83%
- Axial depth of impeller 6 mm
- Power input factor 1.04
(a) Determine the shaft power
(b) Calculate the total and static pressures at diffuser outlet
(c) If the reaction ratio (h2 –h1)/ (h3 - h1) is 0.5, find the radial velocity, absolute Mach number
and total and static pressures at the impeller exit. Diffuser efficiency = (h3s - h2 )/(h3-h2)
(d) Determine the impeller total-to-total efficiency
(e) If a vaneless diffuser is fitted, what is the ratio of inlet to outlet radius of the diffuser?
(f) Determine the impeller speed.
In f o w l o w i n g problems 2 to 6 assume y and R are 1.4 and 287 J/(kg C) respectively. In
problems 1 to 4 assume the stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature at compressor entry
are 101.3 kPa and 288 K respectively.)

P.8.72. A cheap radial-vaned centrifugal fan is required to provide a supply of pressurised air to
a furnace. The specification requires that the fan produce a total pressure rise equivalent to 7.5
cm of water at a volume flow rate of 0.2 m3 /s. The fan impeller is fabricated from 30 thin sheet
metal vanes, the ratio of the passage width to circumferential pitch at impeller exit being
specified as 0.5 and the ratio of the radial velocity to blade tip speed as 0.1.
Assuming that the overall isentropic efficiency of the fan is 0.75 and that the slip can be
estimated from Stanitz’s expression, eqn. (8.18a), determine
(1) the vane tip speed;
(2) the rotational speed and diameter of the impeller;
(3) the power required to drive the fan if the mechanical efficiency is 0.95;
(4) the specific speed.
For air assume the density is 1.2 kg/m3 .
P.8.73. The air entering the impeller of a centrifugal compressor has an absolute axial velocity of
100 m/s. At rotor exit the relative air angle measured from the radial direction is 26 36’, the
radial component of velocity is 120 m/s and the tip speed of the radial vanes is 500 m/s.
Determine the power required to drive the compressor when the air flow rate is 2.5 kg/s and
the mechanical efficiency is 95%. If the radius ratio of the impeller eye is 0.3, calculate a suitable
inlet diameter assuming the inlet flow is incompressible. Determine the overall total pressure
ratio of the compressor when the total-to-total efficiency is 80%, assuming the velocity at exit
Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 11
Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
from the diffuser is negligible.
P.8.74. A centrifugal compressor has an impeller tip speed of 366 m/s. Determine the absolute
Mach number of the flow leaving the radial vanes of the impeller when the radial component of
velocity at impeller exit is 30.5 m/s and the slip factor is 0.90. Given that the flow area at
impeller exit is 0.1 m2 and the total-to-total efficiency of the impeller is 90%, determine the
mass flow rate.
P.8.75. The eye of a centrifugal compressor has a hub/tip radius ratio of 0.4, a maximum relative
flow Mach number of 0.9 and an absolute flow which is uniform and completely axial.
Determine the optimum speed of rotation for the condition of maximum mass flow given that
the mass flow rate is 4.536 kg/s. Also, determine the outside diameter of the eye and the ratio
of axial velocity/blade speed at the eye tip. Figure 7.4 may be used to assist the calculations.
P.8.76. An experimental centrifugal compressor is fitted with free-vortex guide vanes in order to
reduce the relative air speed at inlet to the impeller. At the outer radius of the eye, air leaving
the guide-vanes has a velocity of 91.5 m/s at 20 deg to the axial direction. Determine the inlet
relative Mach number, assuming frictionless flow through the guide vanes, and the impeller
total-to-total efficiency.
Other details of the compressor and its operating conditions are:

Impeller entry tip diameter, 0.457 m Impeller exit tip

diameter, 0.762 m Slip factor 0.9
Radial component of velocity at impeller exit, 53.4 m/s Rotational
speed of impeller, 11 000 rev/min
Static pressure at impeller exit, 223 kPa (abs.)
P.8.77. A centrifugal compressor has an impeller with 21 vanes, which are radial at exit, a
vaneless diffuser and no inlet guide vanes. At inlet the stagnation pressure is 100 kPa abs. and
the stagnation temperature is 300 K.
(i) Given that the mass flow rate is 2.3 kg/s, the impeller tip speed is 500 m/s and
the mechanical efficiency is 96%, determine the driving power on the shaft. Use eqn. (7.18a)
for the slip factor.
(ii) Determine the total and static pressures at diffuser exit when the velocity at that position is 100
m/s. The total to total efficiency is 82%.
(iii) The reaction, which may be defined as for an axial flow compressor by eqn. (5.10b), is 0.5,
the absolute flow speed at impeller entry is 150 m/s and the diffuser efficiency is 84%.
Determine the total and static pressures, absolute Mach number and radial component of
velocity at the impeller exit.
(iv) Determine the total-to-total efficiency for the impeller.
(v) Estimate the inlet/outlet radius ratio for the diffuser assuming the conservation of angular
(vi) Find a suitable rotational speed for the impeller given an impeller tip width of 6 mm.

P.8.78. (a) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of using free-vortex guide vanes upstream
of the impeller of a high pressure ratio centrifugal compressor. What other sorts of guide vanes
can be used and how do they compare with free-vortex vanes?
(b) The inlet of a centrifugal air compressor has a shroud diameter of 0.2 m and a hub diameter
of 0.105 m. Free-vortex guide vanes are fitted in the duct upstream of the impeller so that the flow
on the shroud at the impeller inlet has a relative Mach number, Mr1= 1.0, an absolute flow angle
of  1 =20o and a relative flow angle =55o. At inlet the stagnation conditions are 288 K and 105
Assuming frictionless flow into the inlet, determine:
(1) the rotational speed of the impeller;
(2) the air mass flow.

Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 12

Chapter 8: Centrifugal compressor
(c) At exit from the radially vaned impeller, the vanes have a radius of 0.16 m and a design point
slip factor of 0.9. Assuming an impeller efficiency of 0.9, determine:
(1) the shaft power input;
(2) the impeller pressure ratio.

Lecturer: TRAN Tien Anh (HCMUT) 13

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