10a Aepcc Guidelines Colpos
10a Aepcc Guidelines Colpos
10a Aepcc Guidelines Colpos
Para la citación de la presente AEPCC-Guía se hará constar:
AEPCC-Guía: COLPOSCOPIA. ESTÁNDARES DE CALIDAD. Coordinador: Torné A. Secretaria: del Pino M. Autores: Andía D.,
Castro M., de la Fuente J., Hernández J.J., López J.A., Martínez J.C, Medina N., Quílez J.C, Ramírez M., Ramón y Cajal J.M.
Publicaciones AEPCC. 2018; pp: 1-80.
ISBN 978-84-09-06631-5 Copyright@ AEPCC 2018
The principal objective of the Spanish Association of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (AEPCC) is to “promote knowledge
and investigation of the lower genital tract in women”. The “AEPCC-Guidelines” were developed to fulfill this objective and to
respond to the demand of professsionals devoted to disease of the lower gential tract and colposcopy.
The AEPCC-Guidelines cover specific areas of knowledge of disease of the lower genital tract which are characterized by
their relevance and important repercussion in clinical practice. The AEPCC-Guidelines are scientific evidence-based documents
which have been systematically developed and aim to help professionals achieve consensus in decision making in clinical practice
regarding the most adequate diagnostic and therapeutic options for a determined health problem.
Lastly, the methodological rigor established for the preparation of the AEPCC-guidelines is aimed at the development of
documents of outstanding scientific quality which will allow better clinical practice and greater knowledge of lower genital tract
The specific methodology followed for the elaboration of the AEPCC-Guidelines includes the following aspects:
• The AEPCC Steering Committee appoints a Coordinator who is responsible for the elaboration of the AEPCC-Guidelines.
In accordance with the Steering Committee, the Coordinator appoints the Writing Committee consisting of him/herself, a
Secretary and the participants. The members are professional experts who are members of the AEPCC or other scientific
societies with recognized prestige in this topic.
• Consensusal development of the index.
• Critical review of the available literature and assignment of levels of evidence.
• Discussion and consensus among the members of the Committee for assigning the grade of recommendation.
• Elaboration of the document.
• Final analysis of the document on behalf of the Review and Editing Committee.
• Printed and online format of the final version.
• Diffusion of the AEPCC-Guidelines in congresses, courses and seminars organized by the AEPCC.
• Elaboration of online Courses of Continuing Education on the content of the AEPCC-Guidelines to provide in depth knowlege
of the guidelines and facilitate their application in daily clinical practice (training credits).
• Translation of the AEPCC-Guidelines to English (online edition).
• Update of the AEPCC-Guidelines.
The “Guidelines of Clinical Practice” consist of recommendations aimed at health professionals to help them with patient care
related to a determined clinical condition. They are based on the most important bibliographic evidence of a determined subject
(systematic reviews of the medical literature and identification of studies with the greatest scientific evidence available) and
on clinical practice. In general, the highest level of classification is given to prospective studies to which patients are randomly
assigned, and the minimum levels are given to data related to expert opinion. In this way it is possible to assess the quality of
evidence associated with the results obtained by a determined strategy. For the elaboration of the AEPCC-Guudelines all the
recommendations made have considered the quality of the current scientific documents. The strength of the recommendations is
agreed upon by the Committee of the AEPCC-Guidelines based on the quality of the studies available.
1.INTRODUCTION..........................................................8 gynecological examination.............................................. 16
2. SAMPLE COLLECTION FOR SCREENING OF 3.2.1 Women with symptoms suggestive
CERVICAL CANCER...................................................... 9 of cervical cancer (CC)................................................ 16
2.1 Cytology smears collection....................................... 10 3.2.2 Macroscopically abnormal cervix at the
2.1.1 Material and methods..........................................11 moment of screening test sampling............................. 17
2.1.2 Reports................................................................11 3.3 Waiting time between confirmed histological
2.2 Sample collection for HPV testing.............................11 diagnosis by colposcopy and treament........................... 17
2.2.1 Material and methods..........................................11
2.2.2 Reports................................................................11 4. COLPOSCOPY INSTRUMENTS
2.3 Sample collection in special clinical situations..........12 AND MATERIAL..............................................................18
2.3.1 Cervical stenosis.................................................12 4.1 Colposcope............................................................... 18
2.3.2 Cervicitis, leukorrhea, contaminants................... 12 4.1.1 Elements making up a colposcope..................... 19
2.3.3 Severe atrophy....................................................12 4.1.2 Colposcope accessories..................................... 19
2.3.4 Previous hysterectomy........................................13 4.2 Instruments or colposcopy consultation.................... 19
2.3.5 Previous radiotherapy......................................... 13 4.2.1 Instruments for colposcopy access
2.3.6 Absence of endocervical cells or cells and viewing.................................................................. 19
from the transformation zone....................................... 13 4.2.2 Fungible material.................................................20
2.3.7 Repeated inflammatory or hemorrhagic 4.2.3 Instruments for the collection of histological
cytology results............................................................ 13 samples........................................................................20
4.2.4 Other materials....................................................20
3. GUIDELINES FOR REFERRING A PATIENT TO 4.3 Acetic acid................................................................. 20
COLPOSCOPY. STANDARDS OF QUALITY................. 14 4.4 Lugol solution............................................................ 21
3.1 Waiting time to perform colposcopy in 4.5 Hemostatic solutions................................................. 21
asymptomatic patients with abnormal screening 4.6 Maintenance of colposcopy material.........................22
study results................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Cytology showing atypical squamous cells 5. NOMEMCLATURE AND DESCRIPTION OF
of undetermined significance (ASCUS)........................14 COLPOSCOPIC FINDINGS............................................23
3.1.2 Cytology showing low grade squamous 5.1 Terminology............................................................... 23
intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)...........................................14 5.2 Accuracy of colposcopic diagnosis............................23
3.1.3 Cytology showing high grade squamous 5.3 Benefits of colposcopy...............................................26
intraepithelial lesion (HSIL).......................................... 15 5.4 Potential harmful effects of colposcopy.....................27
3.1.4 Cytology showing atypical squamous cells
which cannot rule out a high grade lesion (ASC-H)..... 15 6. STANDARDS OF QUALITY IN COLPOSCOPIC
3.1.5 Atypical glandular cells (AGC) which cannot DIAGNOSIS.................................................................... 29
rule out high grade lesion (AGC-H)..............................15 6.1 Registry of the clinical history of patients referred to
3.1.6 Cytology of adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) colposcopy...................................................................... 29
or carcinoma................................................................ 16 6.1.1 Anamnesis (pathological, gynecological
3.1.7 Positive HPV test and negative cytology.............16 and obstetric history)....................................................29
3.2 Waiting time to perform colposcopy in patient 6.1.2 Indication for performing colposcopy.................. 29
with symptoms or with suspicious findings on routine 6.1.3 Verbal information and informed consent........... 29
Dr. Aureli Torné Dra. Marta del Pino
Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica, Instituto Clínico Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica, Instituto Clínico
de Ginecología y Obstetricia y Neonatología (ICGON), de Ginecología y Obstetricia y Neonatología (ICGON),
Hospital Clínic. Hospital Clínic.
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i
Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de
Barcelona, Barcelona Barcelona, Barcelona
Daniel Andía José Antonio López
Servicio de ginecología y Obstetricia, Hospital Universitario Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital General
Basurto, UPV, Bilbao. Universitario de Alicante, Alicante.
María Castro
Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Hospital Luís María Puig-Tintoré
Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona,
Jesús de la Fuente
Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital José Cruz Quílez
Universitario Infanta Leonor, Madrid. Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital
Universitario de Basurto. Bilbao
Juan José Hernández
Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital Mar Ramírez
Universitario Infanta Leonor, Madrid. Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica. Instituto de Salud de
la Mujer José Botella Llusiá. Hospital Clínico San Carlos.
Juan Carlos Martínez-Escoriza Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital General
Universitario de Alicante, Alicante. José Manuel Ramón y Cajal
Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital San Jorge,
Norberto Medina Huesca.
Unidad de Patología del Tracto Genital Inferior. Complejo
Hospitalario Universitario Materno Insular de Canarias,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
1. Introduction
Colposcopy is an essential study in the secondary been granted. One registry of colposcopic activity estimated
prevention of cervical cancer (CC) and for evaluation of the that in Spain 45% of Colposcopy and Lower Genital Tract
lower genital tract. It is the only procedure able to identify Disease Units have one or two accredited professionals,
intraepithelial cervical lesions, determine their localization and 20% have three or more accredited specialists.
and characteristics and guide biopsy for diagnostic
confirmation. Therefore, most patients with abnormal One fundamental aspect of colposcopic practice is the
results in screening tests require colposcopic evaluation. need to use standardized terminology for understanding
Since 2014, the Spanish Association of Cervical Pathology and evaluating colposcopy results. There are multiple
and Colposcopy (AEPCC) has promoted and published the classifications and descriptions of colposcopic findings
AEPCC-Guidelines on cervical cancer (CC) screening and but the terminology recognized as “official”, and which
the actions to be taken with abnormal screening test results. should thus, be systematically applied in all studies is the
These guidelines clearly establish when a colposcopy terminology described by the International Federation of
should be performed or repeated in both the diagnosis and Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC) [1].
follow-up or treatment of precursor lesions of CC.
On the other hand, colposcopies and the criteria for
The central role that colposcopy plays in the prevention performing biopsies should not be uniform for all women
of CC advocates the importance of having a standardized presenting alterations in screening tests. For years, the
procedure, the need for colposcopy procedures to be algorithms of action in these patients follow the concept
uniformly performed in clinical practice and the availablity of of “stratification of risk” so that the action varies based on
indicators of quality for evaluation. the risk of the patient presenting a high grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion (HSIL/CIN2-3). Performing the same
In Spain and in most countries with CC screening programs colposcopic procedures in women with very different risks
there is a great lack of uniformity in the performance of could lead to overdiagnosis/overtreatment in some cases or
colposcopy. Hundreds or thousands of gynecologists underdiagnosis/undertreatment in others.
in Spain carry out colposcopies in very diverse settings
(primary care, county hospitals, regional hospitals, level 3 Lasty, in addition to establishing how to carry out a
hospitals). colposcopy, indicators of quality of all the process should
be established which clearly define not only the minimum
Some professionals do a type of basic colposcopy and very requirements but also the optimal health care levels.
sporadically (very few times a month), while others perform Undoubtedly, it is crucial to have indicators of quality when
advanced colposcopy (in well organized Colposcopic and evaluating colposcopy practice and to therefore continue
Lower Genital Tract Disease Units) almost exclusively and improving our health care activity or to certify that both the
with a large volume of examinations. Therefore, there is a specialists in Colposcopy Units and the units themselves
great variability in the experience and training of different achieve the desired level of excellence.
colposcopists. Some have received minimum training
during medical residency, while others have attended basic The present AEPCC-Guidelines on “Colposcopy and
courses or congresses and still others have participated in Standards of Quality” should embody an obligatory
advanced courses and/or have obtained specific training. benchmark for both colposcopists and Colposcopy Units in
Spain. These Guidelines describe most of the areas involved
Since 2007, the AEPCC provides “accreditation” which in the practice of colposcopy: instruments, material, sample
recognizes the experience (years of specific work in collection, guidelines for patient referral, classification and
colposcopy), the curricular merits in this setting or the global terminology, colposcopy practice according to the level
knowledge in colposcopy and disease of the lower genital of risk, standards and indicators of quality in colposcopy
tract (accrediation exam). To date, 464 accreditations have diagnosis and in the organization of Colposcopy Units.
The AEPCC hopes that these Guidelines will decisively to achieving the fundamental objective of the AEPCC which
contribute to increasing the quality of health care in the consists in improving the training of professionals and
practice of colposcopy and facilitate evaluation of this patient care within the setting of the prevention of cancer of
procedure at both an individual level as well as in Colposcopy the lower genital tract.
Units. Any advance in this sense will undoubtedly contribute
The objective of cytological cervical sample smears is to when the patient is not menstruating.
obtain cells from the transformation zone (TZ) which is • On the presence of signs of suspicion of an inva-
where most premalignant lesions are found. sive cervical lesion the patient should be referred
to a specialized unit for specific gynecological
2.1.1. Material and methods American clinical guidelines. There are several reasons
which justify the preference for liquid cytology. On one
Prior to sample collection, the whole of the cervix should hand, liquid cytology allows the possibility of automatizing
be exposed and macroscopically assessed with the use of the processing and reading. In addition, the liquid medium
a speculum. The cytology smear should obtain a sample of techique can eliminate the erythrocytes, and thus, the
the external surface (ectocervix) and of the cervical canal difficulty of obtaining smears in cases with vaginal bleeding
(endocervix). is less relevant, thereby reducing the rate of inadequate
samples. Another important advantage of liquid cytology is
Two devices have traditionally been used (a spatula for the the possibility of using the same material for the cytological
exocervical smear and a cotton swab or a cytobrush for the study and to carry out molecular determinations such as
endocervical smear). At present, there are also sampling human papilloma virus (HPV) detection, the HPV genotype
devices with which a single smear of the exocervix and or dual p16/Ki76 staining [7].
endocervix can be made. Both methods are effective. If the
smear is done with the single device (for collection of exo-
and endocervical material) it is advised to center the device
on the cervix and turn the bristles at least 5 times on the
• A cytological smear should obtain samples of the
exocervix and the endocervix.
specimen [5]. For separate smears, the spatula is applied
on the ectocervix and may be of wood or plastic, although
• Cytological smears should preferentially be
the latter material seems to be preferable for reading in done in liquid medium with a plastic spatula or
liquid medium. The cytobrush collects material from the cytobrush or with a single sampling device.
endocervix, and it preferred over cotton swabs [6]. Conventional smears on slides are acceptable.
2.1.2. Reports More than 140 methods for HPV detection are available.
At present, only 4 have been approved by the Food and
The cytology report should include: Drugs Administration (FDA) for the detection of HPV for
• A description of the type of study: conventional, liquid health care purposes: Hybrid Capture, Cervista, Cobas
medium and/or HPV test. 4800 and APTIMA [10]. The Cobas 4800 is the only method
• Whether the sample is adequate or not. approved by the FDA and the European Medicines Agency
• Interpretation of the result.
(EMA) for populational screening. Among the multiple
• A description of any auxillary test or automatic revision
methods of HPV determination, their validity for clinical use
made and the notes or suggestions of the pathologist.
is accepted provided that there is an optimal balance of
clinical sensitivity and specificity for the detection of ≥HSIL/
In 1988 the terminology for reporting the cytology result
CIN2 similar to that demonstrated in clinical studies with
was standardized using the Bethesda system, having been
hybrid capture (reference test) [14, 15].
reviewed on several occasions, the last being in 2014
[8]. The Bethesda terminology is considered the “official”
terminology to describe cytological findings. Recommendation: Tests to determine HPV must
be approved by regulating agencies (FDA and/or
Squamous cell abnormalities are reported using the term EMA) or fulfill the criteria of equivalence of sensitivi-
“SIL” meaning squamous intraepithelial lesions [9]. Since ty and specificity.
1988, cytological SIL alterations have been divided into two
categories based on a different prognosis: LSIL (low grade
squamous intraepithelial lesion) usually corresponds to 2.2.1 Material and methods
low histological grade lesions (LSIL/CIN1) and HSIL (high
grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) is most frequently The samples for HPV testing should be obtained from the
associated with high grade histological lesions (HSIL/ endocervix and the TZ using the spatula and the cytobrush
CIN2-3) and cancer. The results of the cytology test do not or the single sampling device in a similar way to cytology
represent a definitive diagnosis since this should always smear collection (see section 2.1.1). The material is
be confirmed by histology. The definitive diagnosis should deposited in the transport medium.
always be made by colposcopy-guided biopsy.
Most liquid cytology systems can use the same specimen
The time from sample collection and the availability of the for HPV determination. There are other methods of self-
cytological report should not exceed 6 weeks [10]. collection or HPV testing in urine, but at present their use
has no clinical application.
Severe cervical stenosis (often as a result of previous In post menopausal patients atrophy may hinder sample
surgery) frequently impedes cytological sample collection taking and impede endocervical sampling, thereby increasing
of the complete transformation zone. Access to the cervical the number of inadequate cytologies due to an absence
canal can be achieved by cervical traction with Pozzi forceps of cylindrical epithelial cells or of the transformation zone.
and/or cervical dilatation [17]. Another option is to perform Treatments with local estrogen or even with misoprostol
the cytological smear after dilatation maneuvers. In difficult have been proposed to facilitate endocervical access and
cases in which scarce material is collected, it is preferable repeat the sampling [19, 20]. At present, HPV detection
to obtain a smear for HPV testing [10]. is the reference technique for this limitation. If the cytology
does not show abnormalities and the HPV test is negative,
the screening is assumed to be normal. In special cases or
in cases in which repeated samples have been deficient,
estrogen treatment may be administered in order to repeat
sample collection after 6-8 weeks [12, 17].
2.3.4 Previous hysterectomy zone, in the absence of other abnormalities, the result is
considered negative provided that the sample is adequate
of the genital tract (0.69 cases per 100,000) [21]. The several possibilities may be considered: 1) perform a
frequency is comparable to breast cancer in males or penile HPV reflex test in the same sample (if this is negative it
Different studies including more than 10,000 women with be carried out and the sample repeated (ideally the co-test)
25]. Therefore, independently of age, screening for the because of an absence of endocervical cells or cells from
detection of cancer of the vagina with any technique is not the transormation zone, the patient should be referred to
2.3.5 Previous radiotherapy However, in either case, this result implies a lower sensitivity,
and therefore, there is a possibility that an inflammatory
There is no evidence as to which strategies are the most or hemorrhagic sample may underdiagnose premalignant
ideal in women undergoing radiotherapy for cancer of lesions of the uterine cervix.
and individualized clinical gynecological control should be persistent inflammatory changes at one year. These patients
implemented [2]. were referred to colposcopy which found four cases of LSIL/
CIN1 (13.3%) and one case of HSIL/CIN2 (3.3%) [26].
If the cytology is inadequate due to inflammation or perform HPV testing and act according to the result obtained
hemorrhage, the sample should be repeated after specific [2]. If an HPV test is not available the patient should be
treatment. In cases with three inadequate cytologies due referred to colposcopy.
to inflammation or hemorrhage the preferable option is to
With abnormal cervical screening test results a colposcopic prevalence of HPV infection in women with ASCUS ranges
examination should be performed as well as evaluation of from 33-51% [27] and varíes based on age. The presence
the lower genital tract [27]. Depending on the organization of lesions ≥HSIL/CIN2 in women with ASCUS cytology
of health care and screening, the patient is referred to a results with a positive HPV determination is between 5-12%
specific unit for performing this study. It is very important to and between 0.1-0.2% for CC [27].
ensure that the time between the screening test results and
the colposcopic examination does not imply a worsening In the different guidelines published it is described that in
in the prognosis, especially in cases of greater risk or on cases with an ASCUS cytology that is positive for the HPV
suspicion of invasive lesions. Some studies have shown test, the recommended evaluation time should be between
that the prognosis of an underyling malignant lesion 6 and 12 weeks [2, 30].
3.1.3 Cytology showing high grade 3.1.5 Atypical glandular cells (ACG)
squamous epithelial lesion (HSIL) that cannot rule out a high grade lesion
This cytological result is found in 0.5 to 1% of all screening
cytologies. The finding of atypical glandular cells (AGC) is very
infrequent, representing approximately 0.4% of all
In cases with a cytology of HSIL, the definitive histological cytologies, and they are associated with a wide range of both
diagnosis shows a lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 in approximately 60% benign and malignant alterations [27]. The nomenclature
of the cases and CC in 2% [27]. Taking into account the high establishes several terms attempting to orient the origin of
risk of the presence of an underlying lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2, the glandular elements found in the sample (endocervical,
there is wide consensus regarding the need to perform endometrial or non specific) or indicating the suspicion of
colposcopic evaluation within a period of no greater than malignant squamous disease (AGC-H).
4 weeks after the HSIL cytological result [2, 29, 30], which
would adjust the treatment time to within a safe interval. Although the term AGC suggests glandular pathology, this
result is more frequently associated with squamous cervical
lesions (SIL/CIN of any grade) than with glandular lesions,
Recommendation: Colposcopic evaluation should with there being an elevated probability of diagnosing lesions
be performed within 4 weeks in a patient with HSIL ≥ HSIL/CIN2 (9-54%) [27]. In general, in young women with
cytology. AGC-H cytology results there is a greater prevalence of
lesions ≥ HSIL/ CIN2, while in women over 35 years of age
a greater prevalence of glandular pathology is observed
3.1.4 Cytology showing atypical
squamous cells which cannot rule out a [27]. Glandular and squamous lesions can frequently
high grade lesion (ASC-H) coexist (half of the cases diagnosed with adenoma in situ
[AIS] are also diagnosed with CIN). Therefore, in cases with
The diagnosis of uncertain atypical squamous cells that AGC cytology the diagnosis of CIN does not totally exclude
cannot rule out a high grade intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) an AIS or adenocarcinoma.
lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN3 of 26 to 68% [27]. related to HPV. Thus, in cases with AGC cytology, a negative
HPV test does not totally exclude the possible presence of
There is no firm consensus in the literature defining the an invasive lesion. In these cases, a negative HPV test
time at which these ASC-H alterations should be evaluated. identifies a subgroup with greater risk of endometrial than
literature [2, 29, 30, 32]. consensus in the literature as to the time within which
these alterations should be evaluated. Nonetheless, in
view of the high probability of a severe underlying lesion,
rapid evaluation times of between 2 to 6 weeks have been
described [2, 29, 30, 32].
If the HPV test continues to be positive after one year, In these circumstances, if there is clinical suspicion of
colposcopy evaluation is indicated [27]. Here the review the presence of an invasive cervical lesion, the genital
of the standards has a lower grade of consensus. Some tract should be assessed immediately by performing
scientific societies recommend that the colposcopic a colposcopy. Most scientific societies recommend a
evaluation of these patients should not exceed more than colposcopic evaluation within a period of no greater than 3
26 weeks [30], while other socieities recommend that these weeks [2,29, 30].
women be evaluated within a period of 6 to 12 weeks
[2], since the risk of a HSIL/CIN2 lesion is similar to that
Recommendation: In patients with symptoms su-
presented by women with ASCUS and a positive HPV test
ggestive of CC colposcopic evaluation should be
or with LSIL [31, 33]
performed within 2 weeks.
3.2.2 Macroscopically abnormal cervix in Among patients treated with excisional procedures:
the screening test sample • The percentage of cases with excision of a single
surgical piece should be greater than 80%.
In asymptomatic cases in which the cervical examination • The proportion of severe hemorrhagic complications
suggests the presence of a malignant lesion, the possibility (requiring additional treament) should be less than
of performing cervical biopsy within the shortest time 5%.
possible or even at the same time as the screening should • The proportion of readmission due to treatment-
be evaluated if there is adequate material. related complications should be less than 2%.
A colposcopy is a low resolution, stereoscopic, binocular, blood vessels located in the stroma and facilitating
field microscope which has a powerful light source and is evaluation of their characteristics.
used for visual examination of the cervix and the rest of the • Magnification: most colposcopes have a magnification
lower genital tract. The colposcope is an essential tool for changer and some make progressive magnification
the diagnosis of preneoplastic lesions. with zoom capacity. Usually low magnification is used
(x2 to x6) to evaluate the external genitals, a medium
The colposcope was designed by Hans Hisselmann in 1925 magnification (x8 to x15) is used for the vulva, vagina
with the aim of facilitating early detection of cervical changes and cervix) and a high magnification (x15 to x25) is
preceding the development of CC. Since then, this tool has used to assess fine, specific, details such as glandular
become a key tool for the secondary prevention of CC. In orifices, vascular patterns, etc. In general, the greater
the last years, colposcopes have advanced, improving the the magnification the lesser the field of view and the
resolution and adapting accessories in order to obtain, store lesser the illumination of the object of interest. In
and export videos and digital images.These improvements practice, a magnification greater than 15-20 is rarely
the diagnostic or auditory images to evalate the efficacy of • Light source: Visualization of the cervix and vagina
the study as well as carry out teaching activities with high requires good illumination. Over the years many
resolution monitors [35]. types of light sources have been used and have
evolved in parallel with the technological advances
4.1.1 Elements making up a colposcope (incandescent light bulbs, tungsten halogen and arc
lamps). The current colposcopes have cold xenon
The head of the colposcope is the essential part of this or LED light which provides brighter illumination and
instrument and is made up of the following elements [36]: generates less heat. It is important for the light source
• Lens: colposcopes have two binocular lens situated of the colposcope to provide good illumination to
in straight optic tubes which allow adjustment of the whole field of observation, and therefore, it must
the dioptries to individually correct refraction errors. be potent, and it should be possible to adjust the
The angle of the binocular tubes in relation to the intensity to achieve adequate illumination to the area
observation line from the eye to the cervix can be to examined.The location of the lamp should also be
inclined (45º) or straight (180º). The focal distance or accessible to faciltate changing. In the colposcopes
the distance between the colposcope and the area currently available, the lamp is set outside the head
examined is determined by the curvature of the lens. It and the light passes through a fiber optic cable. This
is fundamental for the focal distance to be sufficiently cable allows the use of lamps of greater intensity.
long to introduce the instruments necessary to • Adjustable arm and stand: the head of the
obtain samples, biopsies or to perform treatments. colposcope is joined to the central axis and in turn
In general, colposcopes have an adjustable focal has an adjustable articulated arm which can move
distance of between 200 and 350 mm to easily adapt in all directions. The colposcope can be fixed to
• Focus: the colposcope is focused by displacing adapted to a giratory arm subjects to the wall or
the head of the colposcope in relation to the patient ceiling. However, in general, the base is usually a
(macrometric focus) or using a focusing adjustment wide platform which acts as a counterweight and has
Swabs and gauzes are used to clean the flow or mucous Different instruments are often used to facilitate exposure
impeding correct colposcopic evaluation as well as to apply or traction of the tissue to be examined.
acetic acid and lugol solution in the study area. • Pozzi forceps: this instrument fixes the cervix. It is
useful in situations in which the biopsy forceps slip
4.2.3 Instruments for collection of on the epithelial surface or when the ligaments of the
histological samples pelvic floor are lax or there is uterine hypermobility.
• Hooks: these are hook-shaped metallic rods which
The colposcopic examination frequently determines are not sharp at the end in order to avoid tearing. They
the presence of lesions requiring histological study. The are especially useful in vaginoscopy of patients with
instruments necessary for doing biopsies are specific previous hysterectomy since they allow traction and
according to the area to undergo biopsy. visualization of the fundus of the vaginal pouch and
• Biopsy punch forceps: biopsy forceps are especially the angles of the colpotomy (dog ears). They also
designed to obtain small tissue samples (2-5 mm). facilitate punch forcep biopsy of lesions in smooth
They are formed by a handle and a biopsy head at the vaginal walls in which the punch biopsy alone cannot
distal end. This biopsy head is composed of a jaw with become fixed to the tissue to be extracted.
a part which punches and cuts. Different models are
comercialized (Burke, Kevorkian, Tischler, Schubert,
Schumaker etc.) with small differences in design, 4.3 ACETIC ACID
shape and jaw characteristics (round, oval, triangular,
square-shaped). With the wide availability of different • Composition: 3-5% glacial acetic acid in distilled
biopsy forcep models the biopsy can be individualized water [38]. Concentrations at 5% produce more rapid
adapting the histological sample to the characteristics and durable histological response than 3%.
of the cervix of the patient. • Mechanism of action: the exact mechananisms
• Endocervical curettage: This is performed to obtain of how acetic acid whitens the lesional areas are
histologial samples from the endocervical canal. The unknown. Two mechanisms which may occur together
instrument used is a hand-held curette which has a have been postulated. On one hand, acetic acid
handle to grasp and a slightly curved cutting head or temporally dehydrates the cells, reducing the nucleus/
end. A small indentation in the rod indicates alineation cytoplasm relationship. The refraction of the light on
of the instrument with respect to the distal cutting the surface of the cervix produces a visualization of
edge. The cutting edge may be rectangular and in the tissue, which is more intensive and prolonged
some models may have a basket in which the tissue according to the cellular density of the epithelium. On
obtained is collected. the other hand, it has been suggested that there may
• Dermatological punch: although this instrument is not be a possible precipitation or reversible coagulation
specifically used in biopsy sampling with colposcopy, it of cellular proteins such as cytokeratins and nuclear
is an essential tool for examination of the lower genital proteins. In dysplastic processes in which the nuclei
tract. This instrument has a circular hollow blade for are larger, there is more protein precipitation, and
obtaining histological material from vulvar-perineal therefore, less absorption of light, generating an
lesions. There are different sizes to obtain a cylinder acetowhite epithelium 39].
of cutaneous tissue of different diameters.The punch • Method of use: acetic acid may be applied using
is rotated in order to obtain a cylinder of tissue which a dampened swab or with direct instillation or
is extracted after excising the base. The biopsy should pulverization on the cervix. Acetic acid should act for
include all the dermoepidermal thickness. at least 20 seconds before withdrawal in order to see
acetoreactivity (speed at which the acetowhite images
appear). Depending on the grade of the lesion, more
or less waiting time will be needed for observing 4.5 HEMOSTATIC SOLUTIONS
abnormal images.
• Adverse effects: in general, acetic acid is well Biopsy of the cervix is a usual procedure in the study of
tolerated with only some cases presenting mild intraepithelial lesions. Bleeding is usually minimal and
irritation and itchincess which ceases spontaneously. self-limiting since tissue resection with the instruments
Allergic reactions are very rare. used does not usually exceed 5 mm of surface and 2 mm
of depth. The most frequent hemostatic products used
after biopsy are silver nitrate sticks and iron perchlorate or
4.4 LUGOL SOLUTION Monsel’s solution.
• Composition: Lugol iodine solution is composed of Silver nitrate sticks. These belong to the group of so-
potassium iodine (10 g), distilled water (100 ml) and called antiseptic and disinfectant medications. Although
iodine crystals (5 g) [37]. This solution is unstable at their indication in the summary of product characteristics is
room temperature and has an expiration period of 3-6 for warts and skin granulomas, mouth ulcers and epitstaxis,
months. they can also be used to perform hemostasis after cervical
• Mechanism of action: Lugol solution has avidity biopsy [39].
for glucogens found in the intermediate layer of • Composition: they are commercialized in the form
the squamous epithelium of the cervix and vagina, of plastic sticks of 2.4 mm in diameter and 9.5 cm in
producing a reddish-brown color which is more or less length with a small head of 42.5 mg of silver nitrate at
intense based on the quantity of glucogen in the cells. one of the ends.
Since the cylindric epithelium does not have glucogen, • Mechanism of action: induce hemostasis by
it does not present changes in color or presents a chemical cauterization.
very light brown color. The squamous epithelium of • Method of use: apply the end of the stick to the center
immature metaplasm, menopause or inflammatory of the biopsied zone for a few seconds. This cauterizes
processess has a lower glucogen content, presenting the tissue, acquiring a white color, and contact to the
areas of lesser or disperse uptake that are badly surrounding epithelium should be minimal.
defined. Dysplastic epithelium and cancer have no • Adverse effects: they present no secondary effects
glucogen, and therefore, when the lugol solution is except in the case of excessive use which produces a
applied, it acquires a mustard yellow or golden yellow dark gray color in the cervix.
azafran color. Neither do zones of leucoplasia or
hyperkeratosis take up iodine. Condylomas may not Monsel’s solution. Leon Monsel described the solution
become stained or staining may be variable. given his name in 1856 as a potent hemostatic agent. At
• Method of use: Lugol solution is applied in the same present, Monsel’s solution is used as a topical hemostatic
way as acetic acid, using a swab by direct instillation agent in minor surgical procedures such as biopsies in
or pulverization. In this case, it is not necessary to wait gynecology, proctology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology
since the staining effect is very rapid, but it may be and odontology. In a recent study it was reported that
necessary to continue with the staining to obtain an compared to “wait and see”, the application of Monsel’s
homogeneous color. solution showed a significant reduction in bleeding at 6
• Adverse effects: this solution does not normally hours after cervical biopsy [40].
produce adverse effects, although in some cases • Composition: ferric subsulfate (15 g), ferrous sulfate
it produces mild irritation with itchiness which powder, sterile water for mixing (10 ml) and glycerol
spontaneously ceases. However, some sensitive starch (12 g). In addition to the solution there are two
patients may present an allergic reaction to iodine. other pharmaceutical forms of therapeutic utility in
paste and gel form, with the same pharmacological
properties as the solution. The semisolid forms are
more easily applied on the target tissues, and it has
been shown that they have many more irritating
characteristics than the solution [37]. The expiration Reuse of material implies carrying out the following
period is 6 months. procedures: decontamination, cleaning and sterilization or
• Mechanism of action: solutions with iron salts for high grade disinfection.
topical use have astringent and hemostatic properties. • Decontamination: this is a series of measures
The action is due to the ferric ion which is a potent adapted to ensure that the use of a medical
protein precipitant [41]. instrument is safe due to a reduction in contamination
• Method of use: a cotton swab with the solution is by microorganisms. This process can inactivate the
gently pressed onto the bleeding surface for several hepatitis B virus and HIV. After use, the instrument is
seconds to avoid the hemostatic scab falling on placed in a plastic recipient with chlorine solution at
withdrawal of the swab. It should be applied after 0.5% for 10 minutes.
completing the biopsy because it may interfere with • Cleaning: this process is crucial to ensure that the
the interpretation of the histological result [42]. instruments are safe and aseptic. Energetic manual
• Adverse effects: no relevant adverse effects have cleaning with water and liquid soap or detergent
been described. eliminates biological material such as blood, fluids
and tissue residue. If biological residue remains
present, this converts the instruments into a reservoir
MATERIAL • Sterilization: This consists in destroying all the
microorganisms present on the instrument by
Maintenance of the colposcopic equipment and sterilization exposure to physical or chemical agents. This process
of the instruments are two fundamental processes for eliminates all microbial life forms, including bacterial
achieving both optimum perfomance in the study of the lower spores. The sterilization process is fundamental to
genital tract and to guarantee safety in the transmission of safely reuse instruments in clinical settings. Two
infections among patients. sterilization methods are described:
• Sterilization by high pressure saturated steam
After use of the colposcope, it should be adequately cleaned (Autoclave): this is done by placing uncovered
and covered in order to avoid the accumulation of dust in instruments into an autoclave for at least 20 minutes
the lens. The lens should be cleaned with specific material at a temperature between 121-132°C.
for this use. Avoid the use of paper or gauzes which may • Chemical sterilization: this consists in submerging
scratch the lens. The fiber optic cables should be protected the instruments in a solution of glutaraldehyde at 2-4
against bumps, torsions or folding to impede rupture of the % for 20 minutes or in formol at 8% for 24 hours. This is
fiberglass. an alternative to steam sterilization. It requires special
manipulation with gloves. Instruments sterilized by
With use, biopsy forceps may become blunt or the glutaraldehyde or formol should be rinsed with sterile
articulation which opens or closes the forceps may harden, water prior to use since these chemical products
especially if sterilized in the autoclave on metal trays and leave residue on the instruments. In general, steam
they are not packaged prior to sterilization. Biopsy forceps sterilization is preferred over chemical sterilization
which have become blunt obtain tissue samples with more because, among other reasons, glutaraldehyde is
artefacts due to tissue crushing and produce more pain, very expensive and formol is very irritating to the skin,
and therefore, it is important to maintain these forceps in lungs and eyes.
good state and to periodically sharpen them. • Decontamination of consultation surfaces.
The auxillary tables, colposcope, electrosurgical
Disinfection/sterilization of the instruments used is an equipment, vapor aspirators, lamps, etc. should be
essential process to ensure that these are free of infectious decontaminated after each procedure using a chlorine
agents and may be safely reused in diagnostic and surgical solution at 0.5%, ethylic alcohol or isopropyl at 60-
processes [43]. 90% or other chemical disinfectants such as iodine
5.1 TERMINOLOGY effects of the same based on review of the data published in
the literature [44]. The most notable changes included in the
As mentioned in previous sections, colposcopy is a last ASCCP classification compared to that by the IFCPC
structured and orderly examination of the cervix which are the following: 1) the concept of adequate or inadequate
has the objective of interpreting colposcopic findings and the types of TZ have been replaced by a description
(colposcopic impression) and direct the biopsy to obtain as to whether the cervix can or cannot be visualized and
histological confirmation of a determined lesion. the reason for non visualization. 2) it should be reported
whether the squamocolumnar junction can or cannot be
To do this, it is very important for the nomenclature to completely visualized without discussing the types of TZ.
be uniform for good reproducibiity. For this objective, The reason for this is that the concept of type 2 TZ is little
it is fundamental to have a terminology developed by reproducible and is of scarce interest in the management
the consensus of professionals and scientific societies of the lesion. 3) replacement of the nomenclature “grade 1
involved in colposcopy. Along history multiple colposcopic or 2” changes by low or high grade changes, since these
classifications have been used and modified according to terms are better correlated with cytological and histological
the new knowledge acquired. terminology. The principal differences between the IFCPC
and ASCCP terminology are shown in table 5.2.
proposed by the International Federation of Cervical over time and the most relevant changes made.
Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) [44]. IFCPC (Rio de Janeiro 2011) [1] which, in additon to being
the most commonly used, this terminology was achieved by
The classification proposed by the IFCPC [1] is the most consensus and is the “official” terminology in Europe.
and loses validity when interpreting static images. suggesting that the grade of concordance depends on the
skill and experience of the colposcopist [35]. The grade of
The highest degree of concordance is achieved in the concordance is greater in high grade lesions or when the
interpretation of acetowhite images with a kappa index epithelium is normal and is very low in cases of low grade
of 0.37, 95%CI (0.30-0.45) [49]. However, if only the lesions [51, 52]
acetowhite changes are assessed, the correlation is lower
than if the evaluation of the border of the lesion and the The technology used for colposcopic evaluation is
vascular pattern are included [50]. considered to be a factor with considerable repercussion. At
present, high definition colposcopic equipment can obtain
Some studies have reported a good correlation of the high quality images providing greater diagnostic accuracy.
colposcopic classification with the histology of the lesion Some recent studies using last generation colposcopes
[51] while other studies have found a poor correlation, have obtained a very good correlation between the
Table 5.1: Colposcopic classification of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC) 2011 [1]
Dense acetowhite
Thick mosaic,
Thick pointed
Rapid appearance of
Grade 2 (Major) Delimited borders
acetowhite epithelium.
Sign of the inner border limit
Open glandular orifices with
Ridge sign
thickened edges
Atypical vessels
Suspicion of invasion Additional signs: thin vessels, irregular surface, exophytic lesion,
necrosis, ulceration (necrotic), nodular tumoration.
Table 5.2. Differences between the ASCCP 2017 and the IFPC 2011 terminology [44]
Mosaic leukoplasia
Hinselmann 1933 [35] Thick leukoplasia Cervicouterine ectopy
Colposcopy not
IFCP Graz 1975 [46] Normal colposcopy Atypical TZ satisfactory.
Minor/major changes.
IFCP Barcelona 2002 Colposcopy suggestive
Type 1, 2, 3 TZ. Suggestive of high/Low grade
[48] of invasive cancer
Grade 1 changes.
IFCP Rio de Janeiro Includes metaplasia and Includes description of
Grade 2 changes. Lesion
2011 [1] deciduosis vaginal lesions.
colposcopic classification and the biopsy results (kappa are referred to colposcopy to confirm the presence of a
45.8% vs.74.1%) [53]. lesion and orient the management approach to treatment
or follow-up.
With regard to the colposcopic signs included by the IFCPC
in the last classification, one study which evaluated lesion The main advantages of colposcopy in the evaluation of the
size, in addition to the 4 variables of the Reid index, obtained risk of lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2 are:
an increase in the specificity but at the expense of lower 1. Colposcopy can can detect premalignant lesions of
sensitivity [54]. Along the same line, another retrospective the lower genital tract.
study in 335 patients showed an elevated specificity and 2. Colposcopy can determine the most adequate biopsy
postive predictive value for the diagnosis of lesions ≥ HSIL/ site.
CIN2 for the inner border sign, the rag sign and the ridge 3. Colposcopy can facilitate and individualize treatments.
sign [55]. 4. Colposcopy allows the follow-up of intraepithelial
lesions which may be treated or followed without
Another comparative study of 525 colposcopies reviewed treatment. At present, in young women with small-
by 13 experienced colposcopists showed a good correlation sized lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2, conservative management
with the high grade lesions using the IFCPC 2011 is accepted. Colposcopy is a key element in the follow-
classification, with a sensitivity and specificity of 63.64% up of these lesions [57].
and 96.01%, respectively. They also found 2 signs to have
predictive value: the inner border sign and the ridge sign, It was recently proposed to include the impression of the
with less agreement for defining the TZ [56]. colposcopic results with those of the screening test to
standardize the risk of lesion [58]. This suggestion should
not be confounded with the use of colposcopy as the first
step in screening. Colposcopy is not recommended for
• The principal objective of colposcopy terminology
routine gynecological evaluation of women since this
is to obtain the best correlation between the col-
indication has not shown any benefit in the early diagnosis
poscopic findings and the histologic lesion.
of HSIL lesions [57].
• Acetowhite changes have a greater grade of co-
rrelation, and this increases with evaluation of the
Colposcopy before “see and treat”. The option of see
vascular pattern and the borders of the lesion.
and treat should be exceptional and reserved for patients
• •Some recently introduced colposcopic signs (in-
in whom follow-up is not possible and colposcopy results
ner border sign, ridge sign and the rag sign) have
show grade 2 changes. As advantages, colposcopy avoids
an elevated specificity and postive predictive va-
underestimation of the biopsy and reduces patient anxiety.
lue for lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2
However, the most important risk is the elevated percentage
of conizations with a negative histology [57].
As an examination technique, colposcopy does not negative results in colposcopy are very related to the
present any contraindications. It may be used in patients experience of the professionals and the number of
with cervicitis and may even contribute to the diagnosis biopsies performed [44]. On the other hand, excessive
of this inflammatory process. Both anticoagulation and performance of biopsies and unnecessary procedures
even active bleeding are not contraindications, although may induce potential harm related to insufficient
they may induce difficulties [28]. The risks and morbidity professional training.
associated with colposcopy are considered to be very low • Anaphylactic reaction to lugol solution.
(table 5.4) [44]. The main drawbacks of colposcopy can be Isolated cases have been described including
• Pain. Colposcopy is not considered to be a painful hypotension, tachycardia and breathing difficulties.
examination, and therefore, the administration The symptomatology usually remits upon withdrawal
of analgesic drugs are not necessary prior to the of the saline lugol solution [64].
Inadequate use of the Follow guidelines and precise
procedures, over Not applicable
technique indications.
Others, anaphylaxia to
Isolated case Not applicable Elimination of lugol
lugol solution
Recommendation: On the first visit anamnesis
6.1.1 Anamnesis (pathological,
should be exhaustive and include patient history
gynecological and obstetric history)
(parity, HIV/immunosuppression), hormonal
situation, contraception and data on premalignant
Anamnesis prior to colposcopy should be exhaustive and
disease (HPV vaccination, date and result of
include the general medical/surgical history as well as
screening tests, history of SIL and previous
the gynecological and obstetric history of the patient and
specific history related to diseases of the lower genital tract
(cytologies, HPV tests, colposcopies and treatments) [65].
clinical history of the patient. In addition, it is recommended the cervix and/or vagina is not injured, thereby
to give the patient a document (Annex 1) describing the avoiding the appearance of any lesion which could
characteristics of colposcopy and to which the patient additionally hinder the examination. In special cases
authorizes and agrees to undergo the procedure. In this a gynecological lubricant can be used to facilitate
case, informed consent (Annex 2) should be included in the maneuverability.
clinical history. • Using saline solution, carefully clean any secretions
making visualization of the cervix and the vagina
According to recommendations, other scientific societies difficult. If overlapping of the vaginal walls is present,
have indicated the importance of informed consent. The retract the wall using vaginal side-wall retractors, and
National Health Service (NHS) states that to achieve if these are not available, apply a condom or glove
minimal quality 95% of the women should receive verbal finger with both ends open onto the blades of the
information prior to colposcopy speculum as indiated in section 4.2. If the cervix is
[2]. The American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical in a position making observation difficult, attempt to
Pathology (ASCCP) correct this by the placement of gauze packing at the
considers informed consent to be a basic element that must end of the vaginal pouch.
be obtained before all colposcopy procedures [65]. • Visualize the vaginal-cervical anatomy, muscosal
trophism and the presence or absence of signs of
infection with white light and low magnification (x4).
Recommendation: prior to colposcopy women
• Examine the vascular pattern with the green filter.
should receive verbal information regarding the
The vessels should be observed at low light and great
characteristics of the procedure and ideally informed
magnification. Do not apply acetic acid or collect any
consent should be obtained.
sample before performing the vascular evaluation.
• Obtain samples if indicated.
• Apply acetic acid to the cervix at 3.5% either directly
(gauze or cotton swabs) or using a pulverizing device
6.2 COLPOSCOPIC EXAMINATION as indicated in section 4.3 of the guidelines. Avoid
excessive rubbing or knocking the cervix in order not
6.2.1 Cervical examination to produce unnecessary erosions or hemorrhages.
• With white light and low and high magnification
The cervical examination by colposcopy should follow a
carefully visualize the changes produced.
systematic method [67, 68]:
• Determine if colposcopy is adequate or not.
• Revise the instruments to be used.
• Identify the squamocolumnar junction and categorize
• Place the patient in a dorsal lithotomy position and
the transformation zone.
cover the patient to make her feel more comfortable.
• Identify and evaluate the characteristics of the
• Sit comfortably beside the colposcope.
colposcopic findings at the level of the cervix,
• Turn on the colposcope and adapt the interpupillary
endocervix and vaginal pouch fundus.
distance and focus the lens to the personal
• Make digitalized images whenever possible to include
characteristics of the examiner.
in the clinical history of the patient.
• Visualize the vulva and the perianal area with
• Apply lugol solution in the same way as acetic acid to
white light and at a magnification (x4) and on the
specify the topography and extension of a suspicious
appearance of any abnormality immediately perform
zone. Before the procedure ensure that the patient is
a specific study or postpone this study until the end of
not allergic to iodine.
the cervical examination.
• Make targeted biopsies in indicated cases and
• Introduce a speculum of adequate size and length
coagulate bleeding zones of the area biopsied.
into the vagina. It is important to move the speculum
• Carefully withdraw the speculum. If the women
carefully, avoiding brusque movements which
reports significant stinging after the examination due
might produce pain to the patient and ensure that
to transitory dehydration produced by the solutions
the evaluation of discordant results. For all these reasons, negative repercussions. An observational study in patients
this description should be meticulous and exhaustive. At with HSIL cytology reported that the probability of finding
present, the description of an examination constitutes one carcinoma lesions is related to the absolute size of the
of the most relevant indicators of quality of Lower Genital lesion and the percentage of the TZ affected [78]. These
Tract Disease Units [65]. data are a practical demonstration of the importance of
reporting the information of the characteristics of the lesion
Evaluation of the cervix and the squamocolumnar junction. in all colposcopies [29].
The recommendations of the principal scientific societies
of lower genital tract disease and colposcopy coincide in Lastly, complete or incomplete visualization of the lesion
that adequate or inadequate visualization of the cervix, the may condition the clinical approach or the efficacy of the
squamocolumnar junction and the description of the type of treatment. The current clinical guidelines accept that
TZ (1, 2, 3), according to the IFCPC classification criteria this information should be registered in at least 70-100%
[1] is an important indicator of quality. Their importance of the colposcopies performed [2, 29, 73]. However, a
mainly lies in that the diagnostic/therapeutic management systematic review showed that the presence of infiltrating
of determined cytological alterations is conditioned by these lesions is more frequent when the upper limit of the lesion
indicators. cannot be visualized because of being introduced into the
endocervical canal (61% of microinvasion, 71% of invasive
The description and registry of the visualization of the disease). This demonstrates the importance of reporting all
cervix (adequate or inadequate) should be made in 100% the information which may be relevant in the treatment and
of the colposcopies carried out (minimum required 70%) [2, follow-up of the patient.
73].The description and registry of the squamocolumnar
junction and the type of TZ should be made in 100% of the
Recommendation: description of the colposcopic
colposcopies (minimum required 70%) [29, 74-76].
findings should be strict and exhaustive.
In cases with an abnormal screening test, the ASCCP [58] 3) Immediate excisional treatment in the presence of
recommends adapting the colposcopy and biopsy sampling high risk of ≥ HSIL/CIN2. This recommendation may be
based on the level of risk of ≥ HSIL/CIN2. acceptable in selected cases and implies fulfulling the same
criteria as in the point above.
This risk mainly depends on:
• The cytology results. The results of a systematic review on the see and treat
• The presence of infection by HPV genotypes 16/18. strategy showed that 89% of women with HSIL based on
• Colposcopic impression. cytology have a lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 in the excisional piece.
This percentage is greater if the colposcopic impression is
The combination of these markers can stratify the population of grade 2 changes or the HPV test is positive for HPV types
into high and low risk of underlying ≥ HSIL/CIN2. Based on 16 or 18 for which immediate treatment is acceptable.
this evaluation of risk the ASCCP recommends:
Recommendation: Recommendation:
• Directed biopsy sampling should take into • Non directed biopsy sampling (within the trans-
account the level of risk of lesions ≥ HSIL/ formation zone) can be carried out in cases
CIN2 which depends on the cytology results, in which the colposcopic impression does not
the presence of HPV16/18 and the colposcopic show evidence of a lesion and there is a risk of
lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2.
• Do not perform biopsies in women with low risk
• Non direct biopsy sampling should never be
of lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2: cytology < HSIL, no
performed in cases with a low risk of lesions ≥
HPV 16/18 and normal colposcopic impres-
• Perform multiple biopsies in women over 25
years of age, not pregnant, with high risk of le-
sions ≥ HSIL/CIN2 and at least 2 factors: HSIL
6.4.5 Endocervical study(biopsy with
cytology, HPV 16 or 18, colposcopic impres-
curettage or cytological smear)
sion with grade 2 changes.
• Perform immediate excisional treatment if there Histological evaluation of the endocervical canal is an
is a high risk of lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2, and this integral part of the study in women with an abnormal
can be performed in selected cases fulfilling screening test result. However, the role of endocervical
the criteria mentioned in the previous point. biopsy is controversial due to the discomfort and pain
produced in patients, and moreover, it has limitations in
relation to sample quality, sensitivity and false positive and
6.4.4 Non directed biopsies negative results.
The term “non directed biopsy” applies to cervical biopsies The procedure consists in introducing a curette into the
which are randomly taken from inside the transformaton cervical canal (fenestrated Novak cannula or fenestrated
zone, despite having a normal colposcopic impression kevorkian curette) and debride the four quadrants to
(without acetowhite areas or with ≤ grade 1 alterations obtain strips of epithelium which are representative of all
suggesting SIL/CIN). Some studies highlight the value of the endocervical surface. The sample should be sent for
non directed biopsies when there is a risk of lesions ≥ HSIL/ histological study separately from the other cervical samples
CIN2 [58]. since it is important to register the endocervical location of
the lesions. On occasions, the endocervical sample may
Many studies have shown that non directed biopsies of the contain cells of the ectocervix in which a positive result
TZwith a normal colposcopic impression is not effective in may lead to overtreatment. This most frequently occurs in
cases with a low risk of lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2 (cytology < cases in which the TZis in the endocervical canal such as
HSIL and HPV 16 or 18 infection) [90]. in the case of menopausal women or in those who have
previously undergone excisional therapy.
This stratification of risk can thereby adapt the colposcopy
procedure to each case. At the end of this stratification we An endocervical biopsy is considered inadequate when
can either not perform a biopsy in cases with a low risk of there is a lack of sufficient evaluable tissue. This is reported
lesions ≥ HSIL/CIN2, or to the contrary, perform immediate in up to 20% of cases. An inadequate biopsy should not be
treatment without previous biopsy in cases in which the risk interpreted as a negative result, and therefore, if the result
is elevated. In the remaining intermediate cases, taking affects the approach to be followed, then the possibility of
multiple biopsy samples when the colposcopic results are obtaining a new sample should be considered. This decision
normal (with no clear evidence of grade 1 or 2 lesions) or should be individualized since there are cases, especially in
when there are minimal acetowhite areas seems to be of menopause, in which it is practically impossible to obtain
value since this can increase the detection of high grade adequate histological material. Endocervical study is
precursor lesions. indicated when the colposcopic lesion shows an endocervical
In the last years, the limitations of biopsy or endocervical It is fundamental to correctly report and register the number
curettage have favored evaluation of the role of cytological of biopsies performed, their exact localization in the cervix
smears or endocervical brushing. According to data in and the colposcopic characteristics of the areas selected
the literature, endocervical brushing shows a sensitivity for biopsy. This information contributes to determining the
of 77-93% versus 36-64% for endocervical curettage, most adequate clinical approach to take. Description of the
although the specificity of the former is lower (26-38%), localization can be performed based on the four quadrants
with a percentage of false positive results of 28-75% due to of the cervix or according to a clockwise distribution. To do
probable contamination of the samples with cells from the this, diagrams or graphic schemas should be used with a
exocervix [93, 94]. registry format that depends on the institution in which the
sample taking is performed [91].
One randomized clinical trial evaluated the role of
endocervical brushing and endocervical curettage In the case of multiple biopsies, these should be identified
associated with colposcopy-guided biopsy. The sensitivity separately according to the localization in the cervix and
of the direct biopsy was 96% with a specificity of 95%. When fixed in formal at room temperature for posterior histological
direct biopsy was associated with endocervical curettage, analysis, the report of which should include [84]:
the values were 82% y 88%, respectively [95]. • Sample size (mm).
• Type of tissue.
One additional advantage reported for endocervical • Sample quality.
brushing is the low percentage of inadequate samples • Absence or presence of lesion.
due to lack of tissue (approximately 2%) compared to • Lesional grade and/or type of lesion.
20% for endocervical curettage [95]. Together with greater • Presence of changes associated with HPV infection
tolerability of endocervical brushing and a lower cost, these (koilocytes, dyskeratosis).
data justify the utiity of this technique in the study of the • Characterization of non neoplastic lesions.
endocervical canal versus endocervical curettage, although • Stromal reaction (presence and extension of
a positive result should be interpreted with caution to avoid inflammatory or desmoplastic reaction)
overtreatment [96]. • In the case of invasion, depth and lateral extension,
presentation of lymphovascular involvement and between the physician and the patient. The transmission
grade of differenciation. of adequate information and having the patient participate
in decision making has shown a reduction in anxiety
throughout the process, thereby favoring compliance and
follow-up [2].
• It is essential to correctly report and register all
cervical biopsies (number, localization and col-
The patient should be given written material of the verbally
poscopic characteristics).
transmitted information (for example, using support material
such as http://www.aepcc.org/pacientes/) which can help to
clarify doubts arising after the medical visit and reduce the
6.5.2 Endocervical study (biopsy with
need to search for additional information at sources of non
curettage or cytological smear
contrasted quality. When the results of the screening tests
have been integrated with the colposcopic and histological
Reporting of the endocervical biopsy is analogous to that
findings, the therapeutic strategy should be planned as
of exocervical biopsies. In this case the endocervical
well as the most adequate follow-up in each case. This
biopsy with curettage is a single sample that should contain
information should be registered in the clinical history and
material of all the endocervical canal. Cytological brush
clearly reported to the patient in the simplest and most
smear should only contain the material obtained from the
comprehensible way and within the shortest time possible.
endocervix, avoiding, whenever possible, exocervical
6.6 Reporting of the results to the patient • Following biopsy the histological report should
and follow-up be available within a period of less than 4 wee-
The patient should receive verbal and written information of • The patient should receive verbal and written
the results of the studies performed. The histopathological explanations of the results of the colposcopy
reports should be available within a relatively short period and the complementary studies performed.
of time after biopsy. Delay in the diagnosis may have
repercussions in relation to a delay in the treatment of
potentially invasive lesions and patient anxiety [73].
Colposcopy Units should have clinical protocols which Colposcopy Units should be coordinated or directed by a
follow the national guidelines. These protocols should be professional with great experience in this area.
accessible and open and submitted to periodic updating. In
addition, standards of quality should be documented and Unit coordinator: Colposcopy teams should have a
periodic controls should be carried out to evaluate their coordinator. The coordinator should be the person of
fulfillment. reference of the team and should supervise the correct
functioning of the unit, ensuring fulfillment of good practice
Ideally, the members of the unit team should be accredited and standards of quality as well as the follow-up and
for their activity and continuing education should periodically updating of the protocols. It is recommended that the
be made. coordinator be a colposcopist with wide experience and
is accredited in colposcopy. The coordinator should be
It is essential for a Colposcopy Unit to have an established involved, moreover, in the definition of the criteria of patient
circuit of reporting of any error, difficulty or need (table 7.1 referral to the Colposcopy Unit and should have a direct
shows a list of fundamental points which should make up relationship with the team colposcopists, the pathologists
the standards of quality of Colposcopy Units)[2, 74, 97]. and the other professionals who work in the unit.
Table 7.1: Standards of quality in Colposcopy Units. Head of the Department: Depending on the size of the
unit and structure of the work center, both figures (Unit
Coordinator and Head of Department) should be assumed
• Good practice guidelines. by the same person. If this is not so, there should be fluid
• Equipment. periodic communication between the two. The Head of the
• Diagnostic strategy. Department is responsible for ensuring the execution of the
• Maximum referral times after abnormal cytology. patient referral circuits to the unit.
• Referral criteria for colposcopies different from
abnormal cytology. 7.1.2 Quality control of the Colposcopy
• Test in colposcopy. Unit
• Procedure protocols.
• Informed consent for the procedures. Quality control of the activities carried out in the Colposcopy
• Organization with assignment of functionas of the Unit should periodically be performed.
• Multidisciplinary work. Ideally, an annual audit of the indicators of quality specified
• Training and accreditation of the colposcopists. in the present guideliens should be carried out. All the team
• Databases. should know the results of the audit and make a joint analysis
• Definition of standards by processes. of the results. This audit can be made by members of the
• Standards for colposcopy. AEPCC-Guidelines Colposcopy Unit but other pathologists
• Reduce patient anxiety. and midwives from primary care responsible for screening
• Follow-up of patients who do not attend visits. can also intervene.
detailed colleciton of the data of health care activity of the 6. Percentage of treatments carried out with each therapeutic
unit. It is fundamental to have a systematic data collection modality (diathermic loop, excision or laser vaporization,
system which faciltates evaluation of the activity of the unit cryotherapy, follow-up without treatment, etc.).
in order to perform adequate quality control.
1. Number of positive directed biopsies by each colposcopist 7. Number of conizations with a histological diagnosis of a
and altogether. lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2.
2. The level of concordance between the diagnostic 8. Number of cone biopsies without histological lesions
impression of the colposcopy and the result of the biopsy. All (blank cones).
the units should obtain annual data of sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive
Recommendation: The percentage of conizations
value (NPV) together and separately for abnormal grade 1
with histological lesions should be ≤15%.
and 2 colposcopic findings.
5. Percentage of conizations performed under colposcopic 11. Fulfillment of waiting times from diagnosis to colposcopy.
12. Fulfillment of administration of the vaccine against HPV homogeneous criteria of quality and a grade of fulfillment
post-conization in communities in which the vaccine is to ensure excellence in the care given to patients in
funded. colposcopy. Table 7.2 shows the European standards
of quality established by the European Federation of
14. Number of sessions in the Colposcopy Unit and Before screening tests and coloposcopy, all women should
interdisciplinary sessons established in the unit. receive verbal/written information of the objectives of these
studies. They should also be given verbal/written information
of the results of these tests and of the colposcopy. Likewise,
Recommendation: Register the annual number of
all women with abnormal results should receive written
unit and interdisciplinary sessions carried out.
information about the clinical approach to be followed. The
time from these tests to obtaining the results should be as
short as possible.
At present, there is great concern about establishing
Parameter %
Percentage of cases with colposcopy prior to treatment due to abnormal cytology results. 100%
Number of low grade colposcopies (individual) performed per year after abnormal screening
> 50
cytology results.
Number of high grade colposcopies (individual) performed per year after abnormal screening
> 50
cytology results.
7.3. Organization and administrative designing common protocols, establishing agreements for
management patient referral and to coordinate diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures as well as joint evaluation in complex cases.
As in any working group the Colposcopy Unit should have a
work organigram showing the functions and responsibilities
of each member of the team and to ensure the availabiity
• Specialists in the Colposcopy Unit should
of adequate material resources in order for each member of
periodically meet (preferably every 1 or 2
the team to adequately carry out their work.
• Multidisciplinary meetings with specialists
The Colposcopy Unit requires administrative support
related to the Colposcopy Unit should be held
which is essential for: 1) facilitating communication and
every trimester.
appointment making with patients, 2) managing the
relationship with other departments of the center,
and 3) collaborate in data collection.
Recommendation: The organization of the of the patients should follow the legal requirements of data
• Cervical treatments: conization, cryotherapy, ablative 7. Informative documents for the patients. This type of
or excisional treatments with CO2 laser. informative document or pamphlet should describe the
• Treatments of the vulva or vagina: incisional or most frequent processes related to diseases of the lower
excisional procedures, ablative treatments with genital tract and HPV infection (conization, HPV infection,
cryotherapy or CO2 laser. vaccination for HPV, vulvar and vaginal disease, etc.).
5. Discharge report after treatment. After any treatment, 7.5.2 Content of the training and
especially if this is excisional, a discharge report should be evaluation.
provided which specifies the procedure performed as well
as the recommendations that the patient should follow in the Colposcopy training involves some minimum requirements
days after the intervention and the alarm signs which could [98-100].
lead to consultation to the reference unit. This information
should be provided in written form in order to contribute to Minimum general training required in colposcopy
the safety of the patient, reduce patient anxiety and favor • Understand the development of cervical neoplasia.
adherence to the indications. • Ensure that the colposcopy procedure complies with
the recommendations of health and safety.
6. Discharge from the Colposcopy Unit. Document to be • Treat patients according to the criteria of national
given to the patient which should include: guidelines.
• Reason for consultation. • Provide adequate information prior to the colposcopy.
• Results of the studies performed. • Answer questions related to management of the
• Treatments performed. lesion.
• Evolution and follow-up. • Communicate with other health care professionals.
• Reason for discharge. • Understand the national screening guidelines.
• Specific follow-up schedule to be carried out with the • Be able to carefully report the results.
reference gynecologist and/or primary care physician • Provide data to the national health care system.
in the patient’s health care center.
Basic examination: minimum requirements. anxiety and facilitate follow-up prior to performing
• Be able to write the clinical history. colposcopy.
• Examine the vagina. • The woman should receive verbal and written
• Examine the vulva. information prior to colposcopy.
• Place and adjust the colposcope. • Advice should be integrated in the care.
• Be able to place the patient in the position to perform • Communication of the results of tests and treatment
the colposcopy. plans should be informed directly to the patient, and
• Be able to insert the vaginal speculum. this information should always be provided in writing.
• Use the endocervical speculum. • There should be a professional who is responsible
• Report the colposcopic findings. for standards of quality and to monitor the same at
• Provide adequate information after the colposcopy. least annually.
• The audit of the results should be global and
Colposcopic procedure. personalized.
• Perform cervical sampling. • The nurses of the unit should be qualified and have
• Perform bacteriological smears. experience in the support and management of
• Examine the TZwith transparent and green filters. suspicion of preneoplastic lesions or cancer and their
• Examine the TZwith acetic acid. treatment.
• Perform the Schiller test.
• Describe the changes with acetic acid and the 7.5.3 Maintenance of clinical skills and
Schiller test. continuing medical education (CME)
• If indicated, perform biopsies (cervix, vagina and
vulva). All the members of the Colposcopy Unit should perform a
sufficient number of cases annually to maintain their clinical
Documentation of the colposcopy skills as stated in the standards of quality of these Clinical
• Make the colposcopy report using the IFCPC Guidelines.
• Produce report with the diagnosis and indications of Continuing medical education is the responsibility of each
follow-up and/or treatment. member of the team as well as the unit. Periodical updating
of the references and review of the protocols in the unit
Therapeutic procedures should be made in addition to attendance to local, national
• Perform excisional treatments with local anesthesia. and international congresses.
• Perform excisional treatments with general
anesthesia. Sessions of bibliographic review and updating should be
• Perform ablative treatments with cryotherapy. promoted within the unit.
Electrocoagulation, CO2 laser (if this equipment is
available in the unit).
This aim of this section is not to describe the treatment Cytological examinations have a low sensitivity, specificity
and most adequate clinical approach to each infection. and positive predictive value for the detection of actinomyces.
In fact, it is not indicated to use the CC screening vist for
taking samples for the screening of some frequent genital Infection by actinomyces is detected in 7% of women
infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. using an interuterine device (IUD) and is very infrequent
in women without an IUD. Women carrying actinomyces
This statement is justified based on the fact that gonococcal are usually asymptomatic. After cytological detection the
infection, and especially, infection by chlamydia are very significance of the prognosis is very low in the absence of
frequent in very young women (during the first years of specific symptoms [2].
sexual life). For this reason, the screening of these infections
is recommended in women under the age of 25. In women with a cytological diagnosis of actinomyces who
are completely asymptomatic, treatment or IUD extraction is
On the other hand, CC screening is indicated above the age not indicated [102]. To the contrary, in symptomatic women,
of 25 years, when the incidence of these infections is lower the IUD should be extracted and specific follow-up should
[10]. There is no evidence supporting the screening of these be made to ensure the resolution of the infection. In these
infections or showing cost-effectiveness in women over the cases it should be ensured that the patient uses adequate
age of 25 [2]. contraception to avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy [2].
microorganisms, this section schematically covers the nomyces has a low sensitivity, specificity and PPV.
approach to these findings in the cytological reports. In asymptomatic women it is not necessary to ex-
tract the IUD or administer specific treatments.
The detection of chlamydia is of no interest in CC prevention sensitivity is less than 40% [101]. Therefore, with this finding
programs but may be of interest in symptomatic women or in cytology the patient should be evaluated and questioned
in those suspected of having inflammatory pelvic infection. about lesions or genital discomfort, and additional tests
should be performed such as polymerase chain reaction
Recommendation: Cytological detection of
chlamydia tracomatis has a very low sensitivity.
This finding is of interest in symptomatic women or Recommendation: The specificity of cytology for the
in those with pelvic inflammatory disease. Liquid- detection of findings suggestive of herpes simplex is
based cytology samples are adequate for performing high, but the sensitivity is low. Specific techniques
NAAT techniques. such as PCR are needed for confirmation. Liquid-
based cytological samples are adequate for these
8.2.6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
whenever there is an indication, and the main objective • Susupicion or confirmation of LSIL/CIN 1 or less:
should be to rule out invasive cancer. The great difficulty in defer the control until after delivery.
evaluating the cervix during pregnancy makes it essential for • HSIL cytology: immediate colposcopy.
within a Colposcopy Unit. The cervix undergoes notable CIN2-3 trimestral colpscopic control is recommended
changes during pregnancy. On one hand, the endocervical during pregnancy, with a new evaluation postpartum.
columnar epithelium shows hypersecretion which • Positive HPV test with the presence of HPV 16 or 18
extends outward in the ectocervix facilitating vision of the genotypes: colposcopy is the preferred option [110],
squamocolumnar junction. Vascularization increases with especially if there is a concomittant abnormal cytology
certain venous stasis and edema. The stroma may also result. If the cytology is negative a conservative
show decidual changes or deciduosis which may affect small approach may be taken and colposcopy may be
isolated areas or diffusely extend throughout the cervix. All derred until 6 weeks after delivery.
of this leads to a cyanotic and edematous appearance which • Clinical or colposcopic suspicion of invasive
is characteristic of the cervix in pregnant women and which cancer: an adequate biopy is required to achieve
bleeds easily, further hindering colposcopy, especially in the a diagnosis. A biopsy that only suggests SIL/CIN
last trimester and in multiparous women. does not reliably rule out invasion. In these cases,
conization is indicated despite a risk of hemorrhage
The incidence of CC in pregnancy is low ranging, from of approximately 25%. The main objective of cervical
1-.5 to 15.6 cases per 100,000 deliveries [106, 107]. biopsy during pregnancy is to rule out an invasive
pregnancy or postpartum [108]. Five percent of pregnancies cytological or colposcopic suspicion of infiltration.
For some women pregnancy may be the first opportunity for high grade cervical lesions should be deferred until 6 weeks
cervical screening. In addition, a diagnosis of CC is more after delivery and preferably before 3 months.
Colposcopy is more difficult in menopausal women due The possible carcinogenic effect of oral contraceptives has
to the physiological changes presented in the cervix in been analyzed in numerous studies. One systematic review
relation to a deficiency of estrogen and epithelial atrophy. In of 28 studies found that, in comparison with women who
most cases, the squamocolumnar junction is not visible for never used oral contraceptives, the relative risk (RR) of
being in the interior of the cervical canal (type 3). Atrophy CC increased with an increase in the length of use of oral
and epithelial thinning easily produces bleeding and de- contraceptives. The results were similar for both squamous
epithelization which makes the colposcopy inadequate. carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The risk decreased with
In addition, in an elevated percentage of cases, ACsUS discontinuation of the contraceptive pill [114, 115].
or LSIL cytology in menopausal women is due to atrophy
and estrogen deficit. Therefore, the application of local Although HPV is a necessary cause of CC, it has also been
estrogens during 6-8 weeks in postmenopausal women associated with other risk factors such as elevated parity
with marked atrophy and ASCUS or LSIL before repeating and the use of oral contraceptives. In a recent prospective
the cytology is an acceptable option which improves the study of a cohort of 308,036 women, the duration of use
cytological and colposcopic study [111]. of oral contraceptives during more than 15 years was
associated with a significant increase of HSIL/CIN2-3 and
Prospective studies have shown that the incidence of cancer, compared to women who had never taken them,
cervical lesions and CC is low in postmenopausal women suggesting that there are hormonal factors of risk for
with previously normal screening results. In addition, they cervical carcinogenesis [116].
confirm that hormone replacement therapy with estrogens
and progesterone has no significant effect on the positivity However, on weighing the risks and benefits, the World
of the HPV test or abnormal cytologies [112-114]. Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend any
change in the practice of oral contraceptives. Adherence
Postmenopausal bleeding is not an indication for performing to the current cervical cancer screening schedules should
preventive cervical screening regardless of whether the minimize the greater risk of cervical cancer associated with
patient has correctly followed the cervical screening these hormonal risk factors.
program or not. Since postmenopausal hemorrhage may
be the first symptom of genital cancer, the patient should
immediately be referred to a gynecologist for undergoing
the pertinent diagnostic tests. Any delay in diagnosis can
• The benefits and risk of the use of contraceptives
should be evaluated individually in patients with
serverely worsen the prognosis.
premalignant cervical lesions or HPV infection.
• The WHO does not recommend any change in
Recommendation: the schedules which may represent an increase
• Colposcopy is more difficult in menopause in unwanted pregnancies.
because of the associated atrophy.
• Treatment with topical estrogens may facilitate
both evaluation of the cytological sample as
well as interpretation of colposcopy. 9.4 HYSTERECTOMY
• Postmenopausal genital hemorrhage is not
an indication for screening but rather for The approach in any patient in whom hysterectomy is
gynecological examination to rule out an indicated depends on two factors: 1) the presence of SIL/
eventual gynceological cancer. CIN at the time of the hysterectomy 2) previous screening
Patients who have undergone hysterectomy for CC or the patient should be referred for vaginoscopy.
endometrial cancer should follow the pertinent gynecological
oncology protocol. Patients with subtotal hysterectomy Total hysterectomy for benign processes.
should follow cervical screening the same as the general In patients requiring hysterectomy for disease not related
population. to HPV, it is necessary to include a review of the screening
history in the preoperative study, and in the absence of
Total hysterectomy in patients with SIL/CIN. screening, an HPV test and cytology should be performed
At present, hysterectomy is not a treatment of choice [2]. Patients with a positive result should be referred to
for SIL/CIN. It is only justified if associated with benign colposcopy for evaluation prior to surgery.
disease such as myomas or prolapse or when conservative • With a normal cervical screening history (negative
treatment is not possible due to persistence of SIL/CIN. HPV test and cytology). Patients do not require to
follow the screening program.
The risk of SIL/ vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (SIL/VaIN) • With no history of or unknown cervical screening.
after hysterectomy for SIL/CIN is 5%. A joint analysis of Perform co-test in vaginal vault. If the result is negative,
4 series with 1,149 patients controlled over 5 to 20 years futher control is not necessary. In the presence of a
detected 61 cases of SIL/VaIN (5.3%), 3 of which progressed positive HPV test and/or abnormal cytology, refer the
to cancer [117-120]. In most cases, the development of SIL/ patient to colposcopy.
VaIN post-hysterectomy is the consequence of persistence • Following treatment of HSIL/CIN2-3, with controls of
or reinfection by HPV and is rarely due to incomplete complete cure and no evidence of cervical disease,
resection of SIL/CIN [121, 122]. follow with routine screening of the vaginal vault until
completing 20 years of follow-up.
Relatively frequently SIL/VaIN develops in the epithelium
which may remain buried in the scar of the vaginal fundus
and angles. This conditions a greater limitation for diagnosis,
increasing the risk of developing an occult cancer which
• Women with negative screening and
hysterectomy for disease not related to HPV
may debut as an endopelvic tumor growth [123].
should discontinue screening.
• In the case of an abnormal result of the screening
tests the markers of risk are evaluated: cytology
(morphological), HPV test (molecular) and
colposcopic impression (colposcopic). The need
for directed biopsies is established according to
the level of risk.
• Women with a low risk of lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 are
those who fulfill the criteria of: cytology < HSIL,
negative HPV 16/18 and normal colposcopy.
• Women with a high risk of lesions are those who
fulfill at least 2 criteria of: cytology ≥ HSIL, AGC
or ASC-H; positive HPV 16/18; colposcopy with
grade 2 changes.
• Women with intermediate risk of lesion ≥ HSIL/
CIN2 are those who are not included in the
previous 2 groups.
Table 10.1. Risk of premalignant cervical lesion based on the screening tests and tools proposed for clinical
HSIL VPH + Treatment? > 60%
grade 2
a. Risk until the following screening round - b. Results of cytology and HPV test in the control at 6 months after colposcopy.
[124]Reproduced from Castle PE, Sideri M, Jeronimo J, Solomon D, Schiffman M. Risk assessment to guide the prevention of cervical cáncer.
Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, Volume 12, Number 1, 2008, 1-7.
Table 10.2: Level of risk of having SIL/CIN based on cytology, HPV test and colposcopy.
Number and type of biopy taken in colposcopy established that non directed biopsies or at random biopies
Numerous studies have demonstrated that taking a single should not be carried out in patients with a very low risk
directed biopsy in the zone with the greatest colposcopic referred to colposcopy
abnormality may not diagnose between one third to more (cytology < HSIL, HPV test not 16 or 18 and colposcopy
than half of SIL/CIN (Table 10.3). It is recommended to without grade 2 changes).
perform directed biopsies mapping the different abnormal
colposcopic areas (see section 6.4). Many studies have shown that women with cytology results
< LSIL, HPV infection by genotypes other than 16 or 18 and
normal colposcopy or with grade 1 changes have a low risk
10.2 COLPOSCOPIC PRACTICE of presenting an underlying lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 (Table 10.4).
IN WOMEN WITH LOW RISK OF In these cases it is recommended to perform a directed
PRECANCER biopy in the abnormal areas of acetowhite epithelium,
metaplaia or another abnormality. Not performing directed
In this regard the ASCCP [58], and based on the stratification biopsy in these situations implies a risk of underdiagnosing
of risk obtained with the markers described above, have a lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2.
2 years 142/208 108/132 35/42
ALTS trial [87] ALTS trial, NA
≥CIN3 (68.3%) (81.8%) (83.3%)
in the USA
Pretorious et SPOCCS, 141/122 198/222
al. [125] China (63.5%) (89%)
EVAH study,
Van der Marel The 136/263 159/263
et. al. [126] Netherlands (51.7%) (60.4%)
and Spain
ALTS indicates ASCUS-LSIL Triage Study; NA not applicable; CIN: intraepithelial cervical neoplasia; HSIL high-grade squamous in-
traepithelial lesion.
SPOCCS, Shanx i Province Cervical Cancer Screening Study; EVAH, Evaluando la Visual Apariencia de las lesiones cervicales y su
diagnóstico histológico, genotipo del virus del papiloma humano y otros parámetros virales.
[58] Reproduced from Wentzensen N, M Schiffman, Silver MI, Khan MJ, Perkins RB, Smith KM, MD, Gage JC, Gold MA, Conageski C,
Einstein MH, Mayeaux EJ, Waxman AG, Huh WK, MD, Massad LS. ASCCP Colposcopy Standards: Risk-Based Colposcopy Practice. J
Low Genit Tract Dis 2017;21: 230–234.
Table 10.4. Risk of premalignant cervical lesion in women with a normal colposcopy
normal and previous low risk.
10.3 COLPOSCOPY PRACTICE and reproducible. The parameters of high risk (HSIL
IN WOMEN WITH HIGH RISK OF cytology and colposcopy with grade 2 changes)
PRECANCER and those of low risk (cytology < HSIL and normal
colposcopy) are more reproducible than the
In women stratified in the high risk group [58], that is, those intermediate categories of cytology and colposcopy.
presenting at least two of the following parameters (HSIL • The estimations of risk for specific strata should be
cytology, positive HPV test for genotype 16 and/or 18 and comparable among populations. A systematic review
colposcopy with grade 2 changes), it is recommended to of the publications showed that the variability in the
immediately perform colposcopy with multiple directed evaluation of risk for different strata was low.
biopsies (preferably of all the abnormal areas). Even • The strategy must be able to be used in clinical
in selected cases it is acceptable to perform excisional practice. Dividing the population into a few strata with
treatment without a confirmatory biopsy. If in cases different levels of risk is clinicially more practical and
A systematic review of the see and treat strategy in women them to the risk of each woman. In this way, when the
with HSIL cytology found that in 89% the excisional risk is low it is possible to observe and follow the patient
procedure confirmed the presence of a lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 without performing a biopsy and treat without histological
[127], while other studies reported lower values (Table confirmation when the risk is higher. For women in all the
10.5). The 2012 clinical guidelines of the ASCCP consider other risk groups, taking multiple directed biopsies including
performing immediate direct treatment in women with the areas with a minimum acetowhite epithelium is important
cytological HSIL. Table 4 shows the risk of precancer in the to improve the detection of SIL/CIN in the colposcopy visit.
with grade 2 changes which substantially exceed the accuracy in the evaluation of risk are under investigation
rate of risk of HSIL in whom immediate treatment can be [131], among which the following are of note:
In order for this strategy based on the stratification of risk of the cervical lesion. Although the study results are
to be successful, it is necessary for determined conditions discordant, some have shown that dual staining is
to be met [58]: useful for the selection of HPV positive women with
• The markers of evaluation of risk must be reliable normal cytology who would present a high probability
of an underlying lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 [132]. There is related to the cellular cycle, and the maintenance
currently an automated detection system for p16 / of minichromosome protein-2 (MCM2) and
Ki67 to improve the stratificaiton of risk of CC [133]. topoisomerase II (TOP2A), the genes of which are
• DNA methylation: The utility of epigenetic alterations over expressed in ΩCC [134] and are detectable
in the detection of premalignant lesions of the cervix by microarray-based technology. ProEx C is a new
with capacity of progression (HSIL/CIN3) has been immunohistochemical marker for the detection of the
evaluated. Epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor MCM2 and TOP2A proteins. Increased expression of
genes by hypermethylation of the promotor is one of these proteins seems to be associated with HPV 16
the earliest epigenetic alterations in many neoplasms and HSIL [135]. Different combinations of cytological
in oncologic transformation and may be an early evaluaton, HPV test and ProExC staining have been
marker of malignant transformation. Many studies compared, and it was found that primary screening
related to the hypermethylation of different genes based on the DNA of high riks HPV followed by
involved in the development of cervical cancer such ProExC triage was the best screening strategy for
as CADM-1, MAL, FAM have been performed. detecting ≥HSIL/CIN2
• MCM2/TOP2A (ProEx C): Recent studies of
transcriptional profiles have identified 2 proteins
Table 10.5. Risk of lesion ≥ HSIL/CIN2 in women with previous high risk.
CIN: cervical intraepihtelial neoplasia; HSIL high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; ASCUS atypical squamous cells of undetermi-
ned significance. ALTS, ASCUS/LSIL Triage study for cervical cancer;
BD, Beckton Dickinson; DSI, Dynamic Spectral Imaging; BMD, borderline mild dyscariosis.
[58] Reproduced from Wentzensen N, M Schiffman, Silver MI, Khan MJ, Perkins RB, Smith KM, MD, Gage JC, Gold MA, Conageski C,
EinsteinMH,Mayeaux EJ, Waxman AG, Huh WK, MD, Massad LS. ASCCP Colposcopy Standards: Risk-Based Colposcopy Practice. J
Low Genit Tract Dis 2017;21: 230–234.
5.1 Terminology
• The colposcopic terminology of the IFCPC 2011 Classification should be used in clinical practice.
8.1 Sample collection for the study of infections in the colposcopy visit.
• A screening visit for CC cannot be used to perform screening for infections of the lower genital tract.
9.1 Pregnancy
• Colposcopy in pregnant women should be performed based on a specific indication by experienced
professionals and in Colposcopy Units.
• Colposcopic evaluation during pregnancy is more complex due to the physiological changes in the
• The principal objective of colposcopy in pregnant women is to rule out CC. On clinical and colposcopic
suspicion, biopsy or even conization should be performed.
9.2 Menopause
• Colposcopy during menopause is more difficult due to the associated atrophy.
• Treatment with topical estrogens can facilitate both evaluation of the cytological sample as well as
interpretation of the colposcopy.
• Postmenopausal genital hemorrhage is not an indication for screening but rather for gynecological
examination to exclude an eventual gynecological cancer.
9.4 Hysterectomy
• Women with negative screening results and hysterectomy for any disease not related to HPV should
discontinue screening.
• Women treated with hysterectomy for diseases related to HPV should undergo the corresponding
post-treatment follow-up and continue with screening for at least 20 years.
Asymptomatic patients with ASCUS cytology < 8 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
Asymptomatic patients with LSIL cytology < 8 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
Asymptomatic patients with HSIL cytology < 4 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
Asymptomatic patients with ASC-H cytology < 4 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
Asymptomatic patients with AIS cytology < 2 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
Patients with symptoms compatible with CC < 2 weeks ≥ 80% of the cases
12. References
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Terminology of the International Federation of Cervical for human papillomavirus DNA test requirements for
Pathology and Colposcopy. Obstet Gynecol 2012. primary cervical cancer screening in women 30 years
120: 166-172. and older. Int J Cancer 2009. 124(3): 516-520.
2. NHS Cervical Screening Programme Colposcopy 16. Von Karsa L, Arbyn M, De Vuyist H, et al. European
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number 20. Third Edition March 2016. screening. Summary of the supplements on HPV
3. Kotaska AJ and Matisic JP. Cervical cleaning improves screening and vaccination. Papillomavirus Res 2015.
Pap smear quality. CMAJ 2003. 169(7): 666-669. 1: 22-31.
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Annex 1
Information for patients [80, 81]
What is colposcopy / vaginoscopy / not usually produce additional disturbances to those which
vulvoscopy? occur with cytology sampling or the human papilloma virus
This procedure is carried out to explore the cervix / vagina test.
/ vulva using a low magnificantion lens called “colposcope”
which can examine the zone with the greatest accuracy. During the test a transparent liquid called acetic acid will
After applying a series of liquids, premalignant lesions of be applied to the vulve/vagina/cervix, and sometimes
the epithelium become visible, and we can observe their another dark colored liquid is applied called lugol. These
size and exact localization. If any alteration suggestive of liquids highlight abnormal areas facilitating the identification
a lesion is visualized, a small biopsy of the abnormal area of lesions. On some occasions, there may be a slight, non
will be performed. With the analysis of the biopsy sample, painful, sensation of burning or stinging which disappears
the diagnosis can be obtained. This diagnosis, together with after a few minutes.
the characteristics of the colposcopy examination and the
characteristics of the patient are essential to define which If it is necessary to take a biopsy this will be done at the
cases should be treated or should simply undergo periodic same time. Biopsy sampling is not usually painful, but some
controls. disturbance may be felt, although, in general, this is well
tolerated. In some localizations it may be necessary to also
Why is necessary to perform this use local anesthetics to alliviate the sensation of pain and
examination? the application of substance to avoid bleeding afterwards.
Colposcopy/vaginoscopy/vulvoscopy is a test performed by In exceptional cases and in very specific genital zones,
a gynecologist specialized in colposcopy. This procedure is the use of other methods such as small sutures may be
used to study the cervix/vagina/vulva in depth and detect necessary to avoid bleeding. If any sample is obtained, this
whether there are any abnormalities which should be will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.
treated or controlled without treatment.
Recommendations after the examination
It is advisable to perform this test for several reasons. • Most women can return to normal activity immediately
The most frequent cause is an alteration in the screening after this test. Some women feel discomfort or mild
tests (cytology or human papilloma virus test). In this genital cramps which generally disappear within one
case, colposcopy can visualize lesions (if present), their or two hours. If necessary, an analgesic medication
localization and their characteristics. used normally can be taken.
The information obtained with the test is important for • It is advised to use a sanitary pad to protect your
deciding the most adequate clinical action to take with the underwear during the hours after the test to avoid
patient. staining by the liquids used, especially the lugol
solution (iodine solution). Due to the use of these
Do I need any preparation before the liquids it is possible that you will have brown or black
examination? vaginal secretions during the following days.
• Do not apply any cream or treatment to the external • If a biopsy has been taken do not use creams or
genital region during the two days before the test. treatments (except if specified) in the zone. In addition,
• Do not have sexual relations during the two days do not have sexual relations or immersion baths or
before the test. vaginal douches in the following two days.
• If you have your period on the day of the test it is • If a biopsy has been taken, there may also be genital
better to delay the examination. bleeding/spotting which should be scarce and of short
duration. To the contrary it is advised to be visited
What does the examination consist of? again.
Colposcopy / vaginoscopya /vulvoscopy is performed
in the consulting office similar to the usual gynecological
examination. It lasts approximately 10-15 minutes and does
Annex 2
Informed consent
This informative document aims to explain, as simply as possible, the intervention called
as well as the most important aspects of the post-intervention period and the most frequent complications which may
appear as a consequence of the intervention. This document has the objective of providing you with adequate information
prior to your consent to undergo the intervention according to the Regulating Basic Law of the autonomy of the patient and
the rights and obligations related to clinical information and documentation (41/2002).
that the medical team attending me has informed me of the need to undergo the test described.
Informed consent for performing colposcopy / vaginoscopy / vulvoscopy.
1. . I have satisfactorily been informed by Dr …………… 4. Due to my current situation the doctor has informed me
………………………………………………...........of the fo- that complications may increase or appear (specify):
llowing points: that is, what colposcopy / vaginoscopy / vul- ……………………………………………………………………
voscopy is, how it is performed, why it is performed, the ………………………………..….............................................
possible risks and the possible disturbances or complica- ..............................................................................................
tions of the procedure. In addition, I have been advised of
the precautions that should be taken after the procedure. 5. The doctor has explained that the sample obtained du-
ring the procedure will be sent for analysis.The results of
2. Description of the procedure to be authorized: colposcopy this analysis will be reported to me, or failing that, my family
/ vaginoscopy / vulvoscopy: and/or legal representative. In addition, the doctor has exp-
Colposcopy /vaginoscopy /vulvoscopy is carried out to ex- lained to me and I have understood that depending on the
plore the cervix / vagina / vulva using a low magnification results of this analysis another type of study may be neces-
lens called “colposcope” which can examine the zone with sary, and on occasions, determined surgical procedures.
greater accuracy. After applying a series of liquids, the pre-
malignant lesions of the epithelium become visible, and we 6. The doctor has explained to me the possibility of perfor-
can observe their size and exact localization. If any altera- ming photographies and/or videos of the images of the pro-
tion suggestive of a lesion is visualized, a small biopsy of cedure for medical purposes and for scientific investigation,
the abnormal area will be performed. With the analysis of ensuring at all times the anonymity of all the data which
the biopsy the diagnosis can be obtained. This diagnosis is could facilitate recognition of my person.
essential to define which cases should be treated or should Under the conditions described, I authorize / do not authori-
simply undergo periodic controls according to the grade and ze (cross out what is not applicable) the taking of photogra-
characteristics of the lesion and the patient. phies and/or videos of images of the procedure.
3. The complications and/or risks of the procedure are: 7. I have understood the explanations given to me in clear
• Pain during and after the procedure (generally mild) simple language, and the doctor attending me has allowed
which requires the use of analgesics and/or may trig- me to make comments and has clarified all my questions/
ger vagal reaction requiring specific measures of action doubts. I also understand that at any time and without any
(medication, observation). explanation I can revoke the consent which I now render.
• Adverse reactions and/or allergies to the products and/
or drugs (local anesthetics, hemostatic drugs) used du- 8. I thereby state that I am satisfied with the information
ring the procedure. received and under such conditions I give my consent to
• Bleeding during and after the procedure (generally undergo a colposcopy / vaginoscopy /
mild) requiring suture points and emergency care (ex- vulvoscopy.
• Infections of the biopsy site requiring health care and
complementary treatments.
Annex 2
Informed consent
Consequently, I render my Consent for the performance of the procedure described.
Name of the legal representative in the case of patient discapacity indicating the relationship of this person with the patient
(father, mother, tutor, etc.).
As the......................................………......................................………......................................………........................
Date: ……………………………….