Rec. Cwr. Independent Cant.
Rec. Cwr. Independent Cant.
Rec. Cwr. Independent Cant.
Design concept:- vertical walls of the channels are designed considering independent cantilever for both conditions (first is water pressure from
inside and no soil pressure outside and the second is soil pressure outside and no water inside).
The floor slab is directly resting on ground .As such this would be non structural. So nominal temprature steel should be provided on both faces of
the floor slab.
Base Data
Wall Configuration
Wall Design
(a) When the water pressure is action on the wall from inside and no earth pressure outside
Depth from Top BM in wall due BM in wall Thickness Thickness Thickness Area of Area of Minimum Temp
to water, No due to Soil, of Wall reqd of wall of Wall Steel Reqd Steel Steel Reqd foe
soil outside No water for water reqd for for BM due Reqd for section
inside pressure soil to Water BM due
pressure to Soil
INSIDE Outside
0.1 0.205 -1 2 0.25 0.68 20.000 0.003 0.01 0.24 4.80
0.2 0.41 -3 10 0.35 1.64 20.000 0.019 0.06 0.24 4.80
0.3 0.615 -5 29 0.43 2.86 20.000 0.029 0.18 0.24 4.80
0.4 0.82 1 66 0.67 4.28 20.000 0.009 0.41 0.24 4.80
0.5 1.025 22 124 2.57 5.87 20.000 0.137 0.77 0.24 4.80
0.6 1.23 64 210 4.38 7.63 20.000 0.398 1.30 0.24 4.80
0.7 1.435 135 327 6.34 9.54 20.000 0.836 2.03 0.24 4.80
0.8 1.64 240 483 8.46 11.58 20.000 1.492 3.00 0.24 4.80
0.9 1.845 388 680 10.73 13.75 20.000 2.409 4.23 0.24 4.80
1 2.05 585 926 13.14 16.04 20.000 3.631 5.75 0.24 4.80
(d) Design of Reinforcement
SN Location Height Face Moment Reinf Type Steel Bar Dia Spacing of Spacing Reinf
Reqd Reqd Bars Provided Provided
m Kg-m SqCM mm cm cm SqCM
1 Bottom 2.05
Water Face 585 Main 4.80 10 16.4 15.0 2.6
Comb 10 2.6
Soil Face 926 Main 5.752 10 13.7 13.5 2.9
Comb 10 2.9
2 Mid Ht 1.025
Water face 22 Main 2.40 10 32.7 30 2.62
Soil Face 124 Main 2.40 10 32.7 27 2.91
Height of wall above Thickness at Min %age Area of Dia of Bar Spacing of Number of
base Lower End of Steel Steel Choosen Bar Each Bars
Required Required Side
From To provided
0 0.5125 20.00 0.24 4.80 10.00 15.00 4.00
0.5125 1.025 20.00 0.24 4.80 10.00 15.00 4.00
1.025 1.5375 20.00 0.24 4.80 10.00 15.00 4.00
1.5375 2.05 20.00 0.24 4.80 10.00 15.00 4.00
At Wall At Edge
Thickness of Toe Slab at Edge 0.2 0.2 m
Thickness of Heel Slab at edge 0.2 0.2 m
Though the resisting force is slighly less than the horizontal force, but
Thew wall footing is connected with the floor & the reinforcement from the heel slab shall be extended into the floor
The tension caused on the floor slab is 0.765625 Kg/
This is within the allowable limit of 15 Kg/sqcm
Though the resisting force is slighly less than the horizontal force, but
Thew wall footing is connected with the floor & the reinforcement from the heel slab shall be extended into the floor
The tension caused on the floor slab is 0.463 Kg/
This is within the allowable limit of 15 Kg/sqcm
As there is no sign of water table anywhere near the bottom of RWR at the site, there is no probability of floatation of tank
Structural Design of Outer wall of Raw Water Reservoir
1 Base Data
2 Wall Configuration
3 Wall Design
Depth from Top BM in wall BM in wall Thickness Thickness Thickness Area of Area of Minimum Temp
due to due to Soil, of Wall reqd of wall of Wall Steel Reqd Steel Steel Reqd for sec
water, No No water for water reqd for for BM due Reqd for
soil inside pressure soil to Water BM due
outside pressure to Soil
INSIDE Outside
0.1 0.67 50 0 3.88 0.00 25.000 0.231 0.00 0.36 9.00
0.2 1.34 401 0 10.92 0.00 25.000 1.849 0.00 0.36 9.00
0.3 2.01 1353 0 19.85 0.00 25.000 6.240 0.00 0.36 9.00
0.4 2.68 3208 0 3.88 0.00 33.377 10.331 0.00 0.36 12.02
0.5 3.35 6266 0 3.88 0.00 48.148 13.172 0.00 0.36 17.33
0.6 4.02 10826 4 3.88 1.01 62.918 16.894 0.01 0.36 22.65
0.7 4.69 17158 108 3.88 5.47 77.689 21.289 0.13 0.36 27.97
0.8 5.36 25496 508 3.88 11.88 92.459 26.255 0.52 0.36 33.29
0.9 6.03 36074 1405 3.88 19.76 107.230 31.749 1.24 0.36 38.60
1 6.7 49127 3000 121.40 28.87 122.000 37.751 2.31 0.36 43.92
(d) Design of Reinforcement
SN Location Height Face Moment Reinf Type Steel Bar Dia Spacing of Spacing Reinf
Reqd Reqd Bars Provided Provided
m Kg-m SqCM mm cm cm SqCM
1 Bottom 6.7
Height of wall above Thickness Min %age Area of Dia of Bar Spacing of Number of
base at Lower of Steel Steel Choosen Bar Each Bars
End Required Required Side
From To
0 1.675 25.00 0.21 5.14 10.00 30.00 6.00
1.675 3.35 48.15 0.16 7.70 10.00 20.00 9.00
3.35 5.025 85.07 0.16 13.61 10.00 11.00 16.00
5.025 6.7 122.00 0.16 19.52 10.00 8.00 21.00
At Wall At Edge
Thickness of Toe Slab at Edge 0.65 0.25 m
Thickness of Heel Slab at edge 0.7 0.25 m
Though the resisting force is slighly less than the horizontal force, but
Thew wall footing is connected with the floor & the reinforcement from the heel slab shall be extended into the floor
The tension caused on the floor slab is 11.2225 Kg/
This is within the allowable limit of 12 Kg/sqcm
Soil Pressure at Edge of Toe 12072 Kg/sqm
Soil Pressure at Edge of Heel 354 Kg/sqm
Though the resisting force is slighly less than the horizontal force, but
Thew wall footing is connected with the floor & the reinforcement from the heel slab shall be extended into the floor
The tension caused on the floor slab is 1.500 Kg/
This is within the allowable limit of 12 Kg/sqcm
As there is no sign of water table anywhere near the bottom of RWR at the site, there is no probability of floatation of tank
Structural Design of Common wall of Raw Water Reservoir
1 Base Data
2 Wall Configuration
3 Wall Design
(a) When one compartment is full and the other compartment is empty
Ht of earth outside 0
Pressure at Bottom of wall due to water 5000 Kg/m
Moment at bottom 20833 Kg/m
0.1 0.53 2 0.76 25.000 0.008 0.36 9.00
0.2 1.06 73 4.57 25.000 0.292 0.36 9.00
0.3 1.59 358 10.11 25.000 1.430 0.36 9.00
0.4 2.12 1005 16.94 27.109 3.621 0.36 9.76 h
0.5 2.65 2163 24.86 36.424 5.440 0.36 13.11 Ca
0.6 3.18 3981 33.73 45.739 7.689 0.36 16.47 k
0.7 3.71 6609 43.45 55.055 10.359 0.36 19.82
0.8 4.24 10194 53.97 64.370 13.446 0.36 23.17 B
0.9 4.77 14886 65.22 73.685 16.948 0.36 26.53
1 5.3 20833 77.15 83.000 20.865 0.36 29.88
SN Locatio Height Face Moment Reinf Steel Bar Dia Spacing Spacin Reinf
n Type Reqd Reqd of Bars g Provid
Provid ed
m Kg-m SqCM mm cm cm SqCM
1 Bottom 5.3
Water Face 20833 Main 29.88 16 5.3 5 20.1
Comb 12 11.3
2 Mid Ht 2.65
Water face 2163 Main 13.11 12 8.6 10 11.31
0 1.325 25.00 0.21 5.14 10.00 30.00 5.00
1.325 2.65 36.42 0.18 6.54 10.00 24.00 6.00
2.65 3.975 59.71 0.16 9.55 10.00 16.00 9.00
3.975 5.3 83.00 0.16 13.28 10.00 11.00 13.00
4 Design of Wall Footing
At Wall At Edge
Thickness of Toe Slab at Edge 0.5 0.2 m
Thickness of Heel Slab at edge 0.5 0.2 m
Though the resisting force is slighly less than the horizontal force, but
Thew wall footing is connected with the floor & the reinforcement from the heel slab shall be extended into the floor
The tension caused on the floor slab is 6.25 Kg/
This is within the allowable limit of 12 Kg/sqcm
As there is no sign of water table anywhere near the bottom of RWR at the site, there is no probability of floatation of tank
Calculation of Design coefficient for Uncracked Section
number 13
Bending Moment 491.271666667 kN-m
Constants Ka 0.776
Kb 1.000
Kc 2.000
Coefficients kd 0.0000
ke 0.0833
kf 0.0833
3.33 38.8
1 3.33 1 2.479901
2 3.33 2 3.506996
3 3.33 3 4.295086
4 3.33 4 6.673474
5 3.34 5 25.74309
6 3.34 6 43.83354
7 3.35 7 63.41649
8 3.35 8 84.60766
9 3.37 9 107.3193
10 3.38 10 131.4207
11 3.35 11 100.8538
12 3.35 12 111.7686
13 3.33 13 38.77883
14 3.36 14 109.1929
15 3.43 15 198.5251
16 3.33 16 38.77883
17 3.33 17 38.77883
18 3.33 18 38.77883
19 3.33 19 38.77883
20 3.33 20 38.77883
21 3.33 21 38.77883
22 3.33 22 1214.001
23 3.33 23 38.77883
24 3.33 24 38.77883
25 #DIV/0! 25 #DIV/0!
26 #DIV/0! 26 #DIV/0!
27 #DIV/0! 27 #DIV/0!
28 #DIV/0! 28 #DIV/0!
29 #DIV/0! 29 #DIV/0!
30 #DIV/0! 30 #DIV/0!
Outer wall 5.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Short Span of Slab 4.500 m
* Long Span of Slab 4.500 m
* Cover 25 mm
Height of column capital ('Column dia/size= 0.3 m) 0.33 m
Dia/size of Column capital Dcap 0.96 m
L/d ratio recommended by IS456 for continuous condition 26
Modification factor for %age of steel &type of bars 1.4
Effective depth of slab from span/depth ratio D' #REF! mm
Total depth of the slab Dtot 160 mm
* Thk of Slab 160 mm
* Thk at Drops #REF! mm
Column Head D 0.96 m
Equivalent square size of Column Capital Deq 0.96 m
Length of Drop in either Direction #REF! m
Column Strip L' #REF! m
Middle Strip (L1) L1' #REF! m
Middle Strip (L2) L2' #REF! m
Live Load 2 KN/sqm
Dead Load #REF! KN/sqm
Other loads #REF! KN/sqm
Roof dhar 2.00 KN/sqm
L2 / L1 #REF!
alpha C (min) 0
Is #REF! m^4
Ic 0.0004 m^4
alpha C #REF!
beta S #REF!
Column Strip
edge -IVE #REF! KNm
span +IVE #REF! KNm
Middle Strip
edge -IVE #REF! KNm
span +IVE #REF! KNm
Column Strip
edge -IVE #VALUE! KNm
span +IVE #VALUE! KNm
edge -IVE #VALUE! KNm
span +IVE #VALUE! KNm
Middle Strip
edge -IVE #VALUE! KNm
span +IVE #VALUE! KNm
(a) Col.Strip #REF!
edge -IVE #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 #REF!
span +IVE #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 #REF!
(b) Mid.Strip #REF!
edge -IVE #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 #REF!
span +IVE #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 #REF!
(a) Col.Strip #REF!
i) Interior
edge -IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!
span +IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!
ii) Exterior
edge -IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!
span +IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!
(b) Mid.Strip #REF!
edge -IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!
span +IVE #VALUE! #REF! #REF! #VALUE! #REF! 10 #REF!