HB 605-10 en
HB 605-10 en
HB 605-10 en
−− Ensure that the technical data on the name plate and in the specification are not exceeded during operation of the switch-
− − Only install the switchgear in enclosed rooms suitable for electrical equipment.
− − With the aim of a smooth installation sequence and ensuring a high quality standard, have installation at site performed by
specially trained personnel or managed and supervised by the ABB Service Department.
− − Ensure that installation, operation and maintenance are only performed by specialist electricians familiar with this manual.
− − Comply in full with the legally recognized standards (IEC / DIN EN), the connection conditions of the local electrical utility
and the applicable safety at work regulations.
− − Follow the instructions in the documentation when performing any work on switching devices and switchgear.
− − Keep all documentation accessible to all persons concerned with installation, operation and maintenance.
− − The user’s personnel bear unlimited responsibility in all matters affecting safety at work and the correct handling of the
switchgear in accordance with EN 50110 and national regulations.
− − Always observe the five safety rules set out in EN 50110 on establishing and securing the off-circuit condition at the place
of work for the duration of work on the switchgear. Gas-insulated switchgear are notable for maximum safety, as the circuit-
breaker performs the earthing switch function in conjunction with the three position disconnector. The sequence of safety
rules therefore deviates from that proposed in the standard as follows:
If you have any further questions on this manual, the members of our field organization will be pleased to provide the required infor-
General 6
1.1 General information on sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 6
1.2 Influence of SF6 on the environment 6
1.3 Voluntary commitment 6
Insulating gas systems of ZX switchgear 7
2.1 Switchgear type ZX0 block design 7
2.2 Switchgear type ZX0.2 8
2.3 Switchgear type ZX1.2 9
2.4 Switchgear type ZX2 10
2.5 Gas monitoring 11
2.5.1 Gas monitoring with density sensors 11
2.5.2 Gas monitoring with a pressure gauge 11
2.6 Drying agent 11
3 Handling sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 12
3.1 Safety at work 12
3.2 Hazards to health 12
4 Gas work 13
4.1 General notes 13
4.2 Minimum requirements and the conditions for the certification of personnel recovering SF6 13
4.3 Delivery form of SF6 in gas cylinders 14
4.4 Notes on the filler neck 14
4.5 Topping up insulating gas 15
4.6 Removal of insulating gas 15
4.7 Filling compartments with insulating gas 16
4.8 Testing of insulating gas 16
4.9 Handling of the drying agent 16
5 Actions at the end of the switchgear service life 17
6 Technical data 18
6.1 Ratings 18
6.2 Insulating gas capacities 19
6.3 Number of drying agent bags 20
7 Sample works instructions 21
Fundamental notes on this manual ? Important note, meaning in this manual that injury
and damage may occur if the actions described are
not performed.
Read the relevant sections of this manual through in full before
performing work, so as to ensure correct handling.
Take particular account of the relevant standards listed below. Observe the national technical specifications and the accident prevention
regulations of the country in which the switchgear is operated.
IEC 60376 Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equipment
Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) taken from electrical equipment and
IEC 60480
specification for its re-use
National technical accident prevention regulations e.g. for electrical systems and equipment, SF6 installations and requirements for pressurized gas
ZX panels contain sulphur hexafluoride gas (chemical formula SF6) The high infrared absorption of SF6 and its long life in the environ-
as the insulating medium. After leakage testing and evacuation at ment are the reasons for its high GWP (Global Warming Potential),
the works, the gas compartments are filled with SF6 up to the rat- which, according to the latest IPCC Report (IPCC: Intergovern-
ed filling pressure for insulation, and delivered to site in that condi- mental Panel on Climate Change) is 22800 times higher than that
tion, where they can as a rule be installed without any gas work. of CO2 (carbon dioxide).
The gas compartments meet the requirements for sealed pressure The GWP of a greenhouse gas indicates the amount by which a
systems to IEC 62271-1. No further gas or vacuum treatment is certain quantity of the gas released into the atmosphere contrib-
necessary during the expected service life of the switchgear. The utes more or less strongly to the greenhouse effect than the same
leakage rate of the switchgear is less than 0.1 % per year. quantity of CO2. The GWP is based on the average warming effect
over a period of 100 years. CO2 has a GWP of 1.
The SF6 gas density in the gas compartments is permanently mon-
itored during operation of the switchgear by means of density sen- The total contribution of SF6 to the global greenhouse effect is ap-
sors 1) (= temperature-compensated pressure sensors) 2). In the prox. 0.2 %.
most unlikely event of leakage from a gas compartment, a signal
is issued when the warning signal for insulation level is reached The GWP of SF6 represents only one indicator of the environmen-
(see technical data). tal impact of electrical equipment containing SF6. Life Cycle As-
sessments 3) show that the use of equipment containing SF6 also
allows the CO2 emissions of the entire system to be reduced as a
result of the reduction in network losses.
1.1 General information on
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
1.3 Voluntary commitment
In the case of the ZX0 without auxiliary voltage, pressure gauges are used
In accordance with EU Regulation 517/2014, leakage testing is not required when density sensors are used.
E.g. the Life Cycle Assessment “SF6 GIS Technology in Power Distribution – Medium Voltage” by various manufacturers and operators of gas-insulated switchgear in 2003
The fundamental structure of the insulating gas system depends Several panel modules form a common gas compartment (figures
on the switchgear type. The insulating gas systems of switchgear 2.1.1 and 2.1.2). This block can consist of up to six panel mod-
types ZX0 in block design, ZX0.2, ZX1.2 and ZX2 are presented ules. Each block is equipped with a filler neck and a density sen-
below. sor or pressure gauge.
The busbars of the panel blocks are connected together at site by
means of plug-in busbar connectors, without any gas work being
Panel module
Fig. 2.1.2: Gas diagram of an example ZX0 switchgear installation consisting of 2 panel blocks with 3 panels each
Filler neck
Gas partition
Panel module
Filler neck
Gas partition
(plug-in busbar
Busbar compartment
Busbar compartment
(gas-filled) Legend
Density sensor
Panels with one feeder and coupler panels Double feeder panels
The circuit-breaker compartment and the two busbar compart- The busbar compartment for the two feeders in a double feeder
ments each form separate gas compartments (figures 2.4.1 and panel is a continuous gas compartment extending over the panel
2.4.2) and are filled and monitored by their own filler necks and width of 800 mm. The two circuit-breaker compartments in a dou-
density sensors. The gas compartments of the individual panels ble feeder panel are two independent units.
erected side by side are not connected together.
Fig. 2.4.1: Sectional view of an example ZX2 panel (panel with one feeder)
Fig. 2.4.2: Gas diagram of an example ZX2 switchgear installation, double busbar version
Rear busbar
compartment Legend
Density sensor
− − Observe IEC 62271-4.
− − heat sinks are used (panels with Ir > 2000 A and cooling That training and certification can be performed by our specialized
with heat sinks; the heat sinks are fitted at site and filled training departments.
with SF 6),
− − A gas service unit with the facility for recovery of the gas is
required for removal of SF 6.
Store the pressurized gas vessels in a dry, clean place protected A coupling is necessary to connect a hose to the filler neck (figure
from direct sunlight at a maximum temperature of 50 °C. If tem- 4.4.3). The coupling has an M 24 x 1.5 thread. Different adapters
peratures of over 50 °C cannot be ruled out during storage or for other connection systems are available on request.
transport, order gas vessels with a correspondingly reduced filling
Fig. 4.4.1: Filler neck (1) with protective cap (2) Fig. 4.4.3: Filler neck with coupling for hose connection
1 2 3 4 5
1 Filler neck
2 Locking ring
3 Coupling
4 M 24 x 1.5 thread
5 Union nut on the hose set
1 Filler neck
2 Protective cap
3 Valve pin
It is not necessary to top up the insulating gas during the expect- − − before repair work inside a gas compartment, and
ed service life of the system. Should a pressure loss signal never-
theless be issued, the following procedure is to be adopted: − − at the end of the service life of the switchgear.
−− Record the time of the pressure loss signal. SF6 must never be discharged into the atmosphere. The gas can
be removed, tested and stored using a gas recovery unit.
−− Clarify the cause of the pressure loss signal. A pressure
loss signal may also result from a defective electrical Procedure
connection in the secondary circuit or a defective density
sensor. − − Connect the hose of the gas recovery unit to the coupling
(figure 4.4.3).
−− According to EU Regulation 517/2014, repairs are to
be made in the case of leakage. Notify the ABB service − − Unscrew the protective cap from the filler neck (figure
department immediately and agree the further action to be 4.4.2). A fastening cord prevents the cap from being lost.
Do not press the neck pin in, as gas would flow out
−− Note: Temporary operation of the panels at atmospheric of the neck!
pressure is in principle possible if the SF6 content of the
insulating gas is at least 95 %. (Exceptions: double feeder − − Fit the coupling (figure 4.4.3) to the filler neck by turning
panels with a rated voltage of 24 kV, panels with a rated the locking ring until it stops and pressing the coupling
voltage of 40.5 kV, switching of the switch-disconnector onto the filler neck.
and panels with switch-disconnectors and fuses. See sec-
tion 6.1.) − − Test the gas, remove and store it in accordance with the
operating instructions for the gas recovery unit.
Topping up the insulating gas
− − Remove the filler hose. In that process the locking ring is to
−− Connect the hose of the gas filling unit to the coupling be turned and the coupling withdrawn from the filler neck.
(figure 4.4.3).
− − Finally refit the protective cap to the filler neck.
−− Unscrew the protective cap from the filler neck (figure
4.4.2). A fastening cord prevents the cap from being lost.
? Do not press the neck pin in, as gas would flow out
of the neck!
The air or the N2 transport gas is removed from the gas compart- Testing of the insulating gas is not necessary during normal opera-
ment. The gas compartment concerned can be filled with SF6 at a tion of the ZX switchgear.
pressure of ≤ 1 kPa (= 10 mbar).
Procedure for dew point measurement
New drying agent must always be used in the gas compartments
when they are filled with insulating gas (see section 4.9). Connect the filler neck of the gas compartment to a dew point
measuring instrument. Determine the dew point of the gas as de-
Procedure scribed in the operating instructions for the measuring instrument.
−− Pull the locking ring (figure 4.4.3) of the coupling piece, In connection with the operating conditions for indoor switch-
press the coupling piece onto the filler neck and slide the gear, the dew point must not exceed a value of -5 °C. For safety
locking ring in the direction of the filler neck. reasons, we recommend a maximum value for the dew point of
-15 °C.
−− Unscrew the protective cap from the filler neck (figure
4.4.2). A fastening cord prevents the cap from being lost.
−− Fit the coupling (figure 4.4.3) to the filler neck by pulling the 4.9 Handling of the drying agent
locking ring on the coupling back and pressing the cou-
pling onto the filler neck.
Replacement of drying agent bags is not necessary while the
−− Evacuate the gas compartment to a pressure of ≤ 1 kPa switchgear is in service.
(= 10 mbar). Perform pressure measurements during the
evacuation process with the pump or hose necks tempo- Replace the existing drying agent bags after work in opened gas
rarily closed. Leave the pump switched on for a further 30 compartments. Consult the tables in section 6.3 for the number of
minutes. drying agent bags.
− − Connect an SF6 gas filling unit to the filler neck in place of Replace the drying agent bags immediately before sealing the gas
the vacuum pump. compartment. Fill the gas compartment with SF6 immediately after
− − Allow the SF 6 to flow into the gas compartment as de-
scribed in the operating instructions for the SF6 gas filling Notes:
unit used. The required filling pressure is equivalent to the
rated filling pressure for insulation. − − The drying agent bags are heat-sealed in film to protect
them from moisture. An indicator inserted in the protective
−− Remove the filling hose. To do this, pull the coupling piece bag shows the moisture content, as follows:
from the filler neck by pulling the locking ring.
− − When the indicator is blue in colour, the drying agent
−− Refit the protective cap to the filler neck. bags are dry and usable.
− − Carefully check the tightness of the gas compartment and − − When the indicator is pink in colour, the drying agent
the filler necks with a gas leakage tester. The scanning bags are moist and not usable.
speed should not exceed 1-2 cm / s.
Drying agent bags which have not been contaminated with SF6
decomposition products can be disposed of as residual waste.
6.1 Ratings
The following table applies to all ZX0 block design, ZX1.2 and ZX2
panel types.
Response level of pressure relief system kPa > 200 > 200
Set points of the density sensors
(= temperature-compensated pressure sensors)
Lower threshold (= alarm level for insulation) pae kPa 120 100
Upper threshold for optional rapid shutdown kPa 190 170
All pressures stated are absolute pressures at 20 °C
100 kPa = 1 bar
Some ratings and panel variants allow the lower minimum lever of 100 kPa in case the SF6 content is unchanged despite a leakage.
Only relevant to three position switch disconnector (ZX0)
We recommend: ≤ -15 °C.
Panels with three position switch disconnector: 140 kPa
Panels with three position switch disconnector: 150 kPa
Panels with three position switch disconnector: 9.1 g / dm3
Panels with three position switch disconnector: 210 kPa
Table 6.2.1: Insulating gas capacities for switchgear type ZX0 block design
Panel width [mm] 400 600
Gas weight [kg] 1)
(panels with three
Panel width [mm] 450 600 position switch 900 1200
disconnector and
The CO2 equivalent masses in metric tons can be calculated by multiplying the SF6 gas capacities (in kg) by 22.8.
Double feeder panel with two outgoing feeders
Table 6.3.1: Number of drying agent bags for switchgear type ZX0 block design
Number of panel modules Number of drying agent bags
1 and 2 1
Block design 3 and 4 2
5 and 6 3
Table 6.3.2: Number of drying agent bags for switchgear type ZX0.2
Panel width [mm] 450 600 900 1200
Number of drying agent bags
2 1 2 2 1)
Table 6.3.2: Number of drying agent bags for switchgear type ZX1.2
Top of floor topping to top of circuit-breaker
- 1800 2070
compartment [mm]
Panel width [mm] 2 x 400 2)
600 800 600 800
Number of drying agent bags
Panel depth 1300 mm 2 2 3 3
Panel depth 1500 mm 2x2 2 2 4 4
Panel depth 1800 mm 2 5
Busbar compartment 1 1 1 1 1
Table 6.3.4: Number of drying agent bags for switchgear type ZX2
Panel width [mm] 2 x 400 2)
600 800
Number of drying agent bags
Circuit-breaker compartment 2x2 4 1)
5 1)
Busbar compartment I 1 1 1
Busbar compartment II 1 1 1
Maximum number; quantity dependent on equipment fitted.
Double feeder panel with two outgoing feeders
The sample works instructions shown are intended to serve as examples for the compilation of instructions in your company. Adjust-
ments to national technical standards and the accident prevention regulations of the country in which the switchgear is operated might
be necessary.
Working area:
Work place:
Responsible Person: Activity: Handling of uncontaminated SF6
SF6 is approximately five times heavier than air, and can accumulate in low-lying spaces. If a large quan-
tity escapes into the working environment, SF6 displaces the oxygen in the air people breathe (danger
of asphyxiation). SF6 is a greenhouse gas, and emissions of SF6 are therefore to be avoided.
Protect your hands: Wear protective gloves to avoid physical injury and contact with
liquid gas.
Leakage: Turn off the gas supply. Ensure that necks and connections are tight and ventilate the
room well with fresh air.
SF6 does not burn, but fire will create decomposition products. Wear protective equipment when
Move cylinders/equipment out of the hazard zone or cool them.
For all first aid actions: Ensure that you yourself are adequately protected, and contact a doctor
On inhalation: Provide fresh air immediately. Lay the person in an inclined position with the head
downwards, and if they have breathing problems ensure they receive medical treatment.
Working area:
Work place:
Responsible Person: Activity: Handling of contaminated SF6
On escape of gas or perception of an unpleasant, pungent odour (like rotten eggs) indicating SF6
decomposition products, immediately leave or do not enter the system room or spaces below.
Only re-enter the room after thorough ventilation or with breathing apparatus (isolating equipment
−− When decomposition products come into contact with the skin or eyes, immediately rinse
the skin with ample water,
− − Thoroughly rinse the eye with water, covering the unaffected eye.
−− Move persons with breathing difficulties out of the hazardous area into the fresh air,
ensure they rest, cover them with blankets and call in a doctor (risk of toxic pulmonary
− − First Aid staff_______________________ Emergency tel.: ________________________
E-mail-adress : sdstracking@solvay.com
4.1. Inhalation
−− Remove to fresh air
−− Oxygen or artificial respiration if needed.
−− If symptoms persist, call a physician.
4.4. Ingestion
−− Not applicable
5.2. Extinguishing media which shall not be used for safety reasons
−− None.
7.1. Handling
− − Used in closed system
− − Use only in well-ventilated areas.
− − Use only equipment and materials which are compatible with the product.
− − Prevent product vapours decomposition from contacting hot spots.
− − Never return unused material to storage receptacle.
− − Keep away from incompatible products
− − Keep away from heat.
7.2. Storage
− − Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place.
− − Keep away from heat and sources of ignition.
− − Keep container tightly closed.
− − Store in original container.
− − Keep away from incompatible products.
Sulphur hexafluoride
8.2. Exposure controls
10.1. Stability
−−Stable under recommended storage conditions.
−−Vapours are heavier than air and may spread along floors.
−−Hazardous Polymerisation/Polymerization: no
10.2. Conditions to avoid
− −Heat
Skin irritation
−− Rat, no skin irritation
Eye irritation
−− Rat, no eye irritation
−− No data available
Chronic toxicity
−− Inhalation, Prolonged exposure, Human experience, no observed effects
−− Symptoms: narcosis.
−− (in case of higher concentration): Asphyxia.
Eye contact
−− gas
−− Irritation
−− Liquefied gas
−− Severe eye irritation
−− Lachrymation
−− Redness
−− Swelling of tissue
−− Frostbite
−− Causes burns
Skin contact
−− Gas
−− None
−− Liquefied gas
−− Cold sensation followed by redness of the skin.
−− Frostbite.
−− Prolonged skin contact may defat the skin and produce dermatitis
−− gas
−− not applicable
12.1. Ecotoxicity
Acute toxicity
− − Remarks: no data available
12.2. Mobility
−− Air, Henry’s law constant (H) = 452 kPa . m3 / mol
Conditions: calculated value
Remarks: considerable volatility
−− Soil/sediments
Remarks: Non-significant adsorption.
− − Water, Evaporates, t 1/2 = 3.5 h
Conditions: calculated value
Abiotic degradation
−− Air, t 1/2 > 1000 years
Result: not significant photolysis
−− Water/soil, t 1/2 > 1000 years
Result: Non significant hydrolysis
The methods for determining biodegradability are not applicable to inorganic substances.
− Remarks:
UN-Number 1080
Class 2,2
Proper shipping name: SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE
Class 2,2
HI/UN-No. 1080
EmS: F-C,S-V
Proper shipping name: SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE
Class 2
ADR/RID-Labels 2,2
HI/UN-Nr. 20/1080
Proper shipping name: SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE
15.1. EG-Label
−− This substance is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 67/548/EEC.
− −General revision
−−Distribute new edition to clients
This SDS is only intended for the indicated country to which it is applicable. The European SDS format compliant with the applicable
European legislation is not intended for use nor distribution in countries outside the European Union with the exception of Norway and
Switzerland. Safety data sheets applicable in other countries/regions are available upon request. The information given corresponds
to the current state of our knowledge and experience of the product, and is not exhaustive. This applies to product which conforms
to the specification, unless otherwise stated. In this case of combinations and mixtures one must make sure that no new dangers can
arise. In any case, the user is not exempt from observing all legal, administrative and regulatory procedures relating to the product,
personal hygiene, and protection of human welfare and the environment.
— —
ABB AG We reserve the right to make technical We reserve all rights in this document and
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D-40472 Ratingen document without prior notice. With re- tained therein. Any reproduction, disclo-
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ticulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not ac- contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden
cept any responsibility whatsoever for without prior written consent of ABB AG.
potential errors or possible lack of infor-
mation in this document. Copyright© 2010 ABB
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