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MBA 1301
Principles of Management
Course Development Team

Professor Dr. Md. Mainul Islam
University of Dhaka
Dr. Abdul Awal Khan
Ex. Professor & Ex. Dean
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University

Professor Dr. Masud Mahmood
Chittagong University

Dr. Md. Mayenul Islam

Associate Professor in Management
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University
Shaheen Ahmed
Assistant Professor in Management
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University

Style Editor
Dr. Md. Mayenul Islam
Associate Professor in Management
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University

School of Business
Bangladesh Open University

This book has been published after being refereed for the students of the
School of Business, Bangladesh Open University
MBA 1301
Principles of Management


Bangladesh Open University

evsjv‡`k D›gy³ wek¦we`¨vjq
MBA 1301
Principles of Management

Published by: Publication, Printing & Distribution Division (PPD), Bangladesh Open
University, Gazipur-1705. © School of Business, Bangladesh Open University, Date of
Second Publication: July, 2004. Reprint: July, 2007, November 2009. Computer
Compose & Desktop Processing: Md. Abdul Matin & Mohammad Wahiduzzaman
Howlader, Cover Design: Monirul Islam, Printed in: Mania Art Press, 53/1 Northbrooke
Hall Road, Dhaka-1100.

All rights reserved by the School of Business, Bangladesh Open University. No part of this book
can be reproduced in any form without proper permission from the publisher
Principles of Management (MBA 1301)
1. Management - Science, Theory and Practice: Definition of management, its
nature and purpose: Managing: Science or art ( The elements of science),
Managerial skills and the organizational hierarchy. Functions of managers.
2. The Evolution of Management Thought: Frederick Taylor and scientific
management, Followers of Taylor, Fayol. The emergence of behavioral science.
The recent contributions to management thought: Changing environment of
management, Social and ethical responsibilities of the managers.
3. Planning: Nature, Types and steps of planning, Importance of planning; Nature
of objectives, Management by Objectives (MBO); Nature and purpose of
strategies and policies. The strategic planning process, Major kinds of strategies
and policies, Effective implementation strategies.
4. Decision Making: The importance and limitations of rational decision making,
Decision making under certainty, Risks and uncertainty; The systems approach
and decision making.
5. The Nature and Purpose of Organizing - Basic Departmentation: Formal and
informal organization, Organizational division-the department, The structure and
process of organizing, The span of management; Departmentation by time,
Enterprise function, Geography, Product, Customer, Matrix organization.
6. Line/Staff Authority and Decentralization: Line and staff concepts, Benefits
and limitations of staff: decentralization of authority, Degrees of
decentralization, Delegation of authority, Factors determining the degrees of
decentralization of authority, Making staff work effective, promoting an
appropriate organisation culture, Contingencies in organizing.
7. The Nature and Purpose of Staffing: Definition of staffing, Purpose of
staffing, An overview of the staffing functions: Situational factors affecting
staffing, Skills and personal characteristics needed by managers, Recruitment,
Selection, Promotion, Demotion and transfer.
8. Human factors and Motivation: Human factors in managing, Motivation and
motivators; Special motivational techniques.
9. Leadership: Defining Leadership, Ingredients of leadership, Styles and
functions of leadership, Trait approach to leadership, Situational or contingency
approaches to leadership.
10. Committees and Decision making: The nature of committees, Reasons for
using committees, Disadvantages of committees; The plural executive and the
board of directors, Misuse of committees, Successful operation of committees.
11. Communication: Definition of communication, The communication process,
Barriers and breakdowns in communication; Towards effective communication,
Electronic media in communication.
12. The System and Process of Controlling: The basic control process, Initial
control points and standards, Control as a Feedback system, Requirement for
effective control; Control techniques - The budget, Traditional non-budgetary
control devices.
13. Comparative Management: Special features of management Japan, China and
Principles of Management is primarily intended for the MBA students of
Bangladesh Open University. It is written in modular form and is the first of its
kind on management in Bangladesh. The lessons have been so designed that
learners find them easy to understand.
The book has thirteen units comprising 42 lessons. We do not claim it to be an
original contribution. Rather it should be regarded as a text book of ideas from
various renowned authorities in management. We have also quoted from
different text books on management usually followed by post-graduate students
in our universities. Our endeavour has been to present the lessons in a very lucid
manner so that they can be understood and assimilated by an average distance
learner of the MBA programme within the stipulated period of a semester.
Each unit is almost equivalent to one chapter of a conventional text book and
divided into three to five lessons. Each of them starts with "unit highlights" and
ends with one "exercise" and a case study. In fact the lessons are like the lecture
notes of a classroom teacher, each with "lesson objectives" to begin with and a
"lesson-end assessment", at the end in the form of both essay type and multiple
choice questions. We hope that self learners will not find much difficulty in
understanding the lessons by themselves and will need only a little help from the
Because of a severe time constraint, we have had to make do with unit-end cases
from conventional text books of western origin. We hope to develop cases
extensively in the context of Bangladesh soon so that our MBA students can
relate their learning to their immediate environment and reality.
We are grateful to the honorable Vice Chancellor of BOU, who gave us the most
needed support for publication of this book. Dr. Masud Mahmood, Professor,
Department of English, Chittagong University, has made us indebted by his
untiring efforts in editing each and every lesson diligently and meticulously. We
also acknowledge with thanks the services of Dr. Md. Mayenul Islam, Associate
Professor in Management, School of Business, BOU for editing & style editing.
We also thankful to Shaheen Ahmed, Assistant Professor in Management, School
of Business, Bangladesh Open University for his best effort and impeccable
editing. Our thanks are also due to Mr. A. Matin and Mohammad Wahiduzzaman
Howlader, WPO of the School of Business, for doing their very best to complete
the task of word processing on schedule.
We shall feel rewarded for our labour if both general readers and self-learners
find this book worthwhile and useful.

Md. Mainul Islam

Abdul Awal Khan
Page No.
Unit-1: Introduction to Management ............................................ 1
1 Lesson-1: Definition, Nature and Scope of Management ......................... 3
Lesson-2: Purpose and Importance of Management - Features/
Characteristics of Management - Distinction between
Management, Organisation and Administration ...................... 7
Lesson-3: Managing: Science or Art? The Elements of Science in Managing
............. 11
Lesson-4: Managerial Skills and the Organisational Hierarchy .............. 14
Lesson-5: Management Process ........................ 19
Unit-2: Historical Evolution of Management Thought ........... 27
2 Lesson-1: Theories of Management And History Thereof, Classical School
of Management Thought ........................................................... 29
Lesson-2: Neo-Classical School of Management Thought ........................ 35
Lesson-3: Modern School of Management Thought ................................... 38
Unit-3: Planning .................................................................................. 45
3 Lesson-1: Planning: Meaning, Nature, Importance, Types and Steps .... 47
Lesson-2: The Strategic Planning Process ................................................ 57
Unit-4: Objectives ....................................................................................... 67
4 Lesson-1: Objectives: Definition and Nature of Objectives ...................... 69
Lesson-2: Management by Objective (MBO) ............................................. 71
Unit-5: Decision Making ........................................................................... 77
5 Lesson-1: Decision Making: Nature and Significance of Decision
Making, Rationality in Decision Making, Types of
Decisions, Decision Making Conditions ..................................... 79
Lesson-2: Decision Making: The Process and Managerial Practice,
The Systems Approach and Decision Making ........................... 85
Unit-6: Organising ..................................................................................... 93
6 Lesson-1: Nature, Purpose, Structure, Process and Logic
of Organising, Organisational Level and the Span of
Management ............................................................................... 95
Lesson-2: Departmentation ......................................................................... 104
Lesson-3: Line, Staff and Functional Authority ........................................ 115
Lesson-4: Delegation of Authority, Centralization and
Decentralization ......................................................................... 120
Unit-7: Staffing .......................................................................................... 133
7 Lesson-1: Nature of Staffing Function, Human Resource Planning,
Systems Approach to Staffing ................................................... 135
Lesson-2: Recruitment and Selection, Promote or Hire, Manager
Selection ...................................................................................... 140
Lesson-3: Training, Training Programs and Management
Development Programs .............................................................. 145
Lesson-4: Performance Appraisal (PA): Meaning and Importance, Types,
Appropriate Method of Appraising Manager ........................... 149
Lesson-5: Job Change: Promotion, Transfer, Demotion ............................ 154
Page No.
8 Unit-8 Human Factors and Motivation ............................................... 159
Lesson-1: Human Factors in Management, Motivation, Motivation
Process, Motivators, Motivating and Satisfaction .....................161
Lesson-2: Basic Assumptions about Motivation and the Nature
of People, McGregor's Theory-X and Theory-Y ......................... 165
Lesson-3: Various Leading Theories of Motivation - Their Origin,
Strengths and Weaknesses ....................................................... 168
Lesson-4: Special Motivational Techniques .............................................. 180
9 Unit-9: Leadership ..................................................................................... 185
Lesson-1: Definition and Nature of Leadership, Qualities/
Ingredients of Leadership ...........................................................187
Lesson-2: Styles/Types of Leadership ........................................................ 191
Lesson-3: Theories of Leadership ............................................................... 197
10 Unit-10: Committees and Group Decision Making .............................. 205
Lesson-1: Definition, Nature and Reasons for Using Committees ............207
Lesson-2: Plural Executive and Board of Directors, Making
Committee Successful, Disadvantages and Misuses of
Committees ................................................................................. 210
11 Unit-11: Communication in Organisations ............................................ 217
Lesson-1: Definition, Process and Purpose of Communication .................219
Lesson-2: Communication in Organisation, Importance of Effective
Communication ...........................................................................223
Lesson-3: Causes of Communication Problems, Ensuring Effective
Communication, Electronic Media in Communication ..............227
12 Unit-12: Controlling .................................................................................... 235
Lesson-1: Controlling Defined, Steps in the Control Process,
Importance of Control in Management ......................................237
Lesson-2: Designing Control System, Control as a Feedback
System, Feedforward Control, Techniques of Future-
Directed Control ......................................................................... 241
Lesson-3: Making Control Effective, Control Techniques- Budgetary
and Non-Budgetary Control Devices ......................................... 245
13 Unit-13: Comparative Management and Management in Some
Selected Countries ...................................................................... 257
Lesson-1: Comparative Management .........................................................259
Lesson-2: Management in Japan ................................................................266
Lesson-3: Management System of Germany ............................................. 276
Lesson-4: Management in Bangladesh ...................................................... 283
Introduction to Management

Unit Highlights
‰ Definition, Nature and Scope of Management
‰ Purpose and Importance of Management, Features of Management,
Distinction between Management, Organization and Administration
‰ Managing: Science or Art? The Elements of Science in Managing
‰ Managerial Skills and the Organizational Hierarchy
‰ Management Process
School of Business

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Unit-1 Page-2
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Unit-1 : Introduction to Management

Lesson 1: Definition, Nature and Scope of Management

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• define management
• identify who is a manager
• state the nature of management
• elaborate the scope of management

Management is regarded as the most important of all human activities. It may be

called the practice of consciously and continually shaping organisations. Each
and every organisation has people who are entrusted with the responsibility of
helping the organisation achieve its goals. Those people are called managers. No
organisation can carry on its business without management, which is in turn
supervised by managers.
Managing is essential to ensure the co-ordination of individual efforts Management is a
within an organisation. It is exciting because it deals with setting, seeking and group effort to
realise the
reaching objectives of an organisation. Each and every one of us is a manager
organisation’s policy
and the practice of management is found in every facet of human endeavour- objectives under the
educational institutions, business, government or non-government organisations, leadership of the
associations, mosques and families. Whatever may be the type of endeavour manager.
and/or organisation, the managerial hurdles to overcome for setting and
achieving objectives are surprisingly similar for all organisations.1
Management is universal. Every group effort requires setting objectives, Managerial work
making plans, handling people, co-ordinating and controlling activities, harnesses and co-
ordinates four types
achieving goals and evaluating performance directed towards organisational
of resources: human,
goals. These activities relate to the utilisation of four types of input or resources monetary, physical,
from the environment − human, monetary, physical, and informational. Human and informational.
resources include managerial talent, labour, and so forth. Monetary resources are
the financial capital the organisation uses to finance both ongoing and long-term
operations. Physical resources include raw materials, office and production
facilities and equipment. Information resources are data and other kinds of
information utilised by the organisation.2 The job of the manager is to combine All popular
and co-ordinate these resources to achieve the organisation’s goals. definitions of
emphasise the
Definition of Management achievement of
Management has been defined by various authors/authorities in various ways. So, organisational goals
through the
the definitions of management are numerous. Most of them have merit and maximum use of the
highlight important aspects of management. A few often-quoted definitions are: organisation’s
resources with
"The process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling the work of minimum waste
organisation members and of using all available organisational resources to reach
stated organisational goals".3

Principles of Management Page-3

School of Business

"Management is a distinct process consisting of activities of planning,

actuating, and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish stated
objectives with the use of human beings and other resources".4
"Management is the process of planning, organising, leading, and
controlling an organisation’s human, financial, physical, and information
resources to achieve organisational goals in an efficient and effective manner".5
All these three definitions put emphasis on the attainment of organisational
goals/objectives through deployment of the management process (planning ,
organising directing etc.) for the best use of organisation’s resources.
Many of us are apt to define management as “getting things done through
other people in an efficient manner.” The term efficient means doing things in a
systematic manner without waste. From this perspective of managerial
efficiency, the most widely acceptable definition of management could be the act
of "designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working
together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims".6
At this stage, we need to understand who a manager is. In simple words, a
manager is a person who is responsible for directing the efforts aimed at
helping organisations achieve their goals.

Nature and Scope of Management

The term management is very comprehensive. Its use is wide-spread and no
organised effort can be successful without proper management. As a result, some
form of management is found to exist in every type of human organisation.
Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences states that there are three dimensions
of the nature of management: (i) Methods, through which some pre-determined
objectives can be reached, (ii) combined effect of human efforts and (iii) some
total of all those managers and employees who are associated with these efforts.
Joseph A. Lister has identified the nature of management as the co-ordination of
(i) transformation, i.e., turning some factors and elements into products, (ii)
social system, which satisfies employees' needs through motivation,
communication and leadership, (iii) administrative system, through which the
activities of the employees are controlled.
In a nutshell, the nature of management can be stated as follows:
• Management is a system comprising planning, organising, staffing, leading,
and controlling.
• Elements of production of an organisation such as labour, capital, land,
equipment etc. are used efficiently and effectively through management for
achieving organisational goals.
• Management applies to any type of organisation.
• Management identifies a special group of people whose job is to direct the
effort and activities of other people towards common objectives.
• It applies to managers engaged at all levels of organisation.
• Management is gradually turning towards professionalisation.
• Management has to pay attention to fulfilling the objectives of the interested

Unit-1 Page-4
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• It has to render social responsibilities.

• Management is both science and art.
• The aim of all managers is to create a surplus.
• Managing is concerned with productivity, thereby implying efficiency and
The concept of management has broadened in scope with the introduction of
new perspectives by different fields of study, such as economics, sociology, The perspectives of
other disciplines
psychology and the like. The study of management has evolved into more than have extended both
just the use of means to achieve ends; today it includes moral and ethical concept and scope of
questions concerning the selection of the right ends towards which managers management to
should strive.7 include socio-
economic and
Harbison and Myers8 offered a classic threefold concept of management for psychological points
emphasising a broader scope for the viewpoint of management. They observe of view in the
management as (1) an economic resource, (2) a system of authority, and (3) a general definition of
class and status system.
(1) As viewed by the economist, management is one of the factors of
production together with land, labour and capital. As the industrialisation
of a nation increases, the need for management becomes greater. The
managerial resources of a firm determine, in large measure, its productivity
and profitability. Executive development, therefore, is more important for
those firms in a dynamic industry in which progress is rapid.
(2) As viewed by a specialist in administration and organisation, management From the economic
is a system of authority. Historically, management first developed an viewpoint,
management is a
authoritarian philosophy. Later on, it turned paternalistic. Still later, factor of production.
constitutional management emerged, characterised by a concern for The administrative
consistent policies and procedures for dealing with the working group. and organisational
Finally, the trend of management turned towards a democratic and angle regards it as
systemic, while the
participatory approach. Modern management is nothing but a synthesis of
sociologist would
these four approaches to authority. like to view it in
(3) As viewed by a sociologist, management is a class-and-status system. The hierarchical terms.
increase in the complexity of relationships in modern society demands that
managers become an elite of brains and education. Entry into this class of
executives is being more and more dependent on excellence in education
and knowledge rather than family or political connections. Some scholars
view this development as "Managerial Revolution".9

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. What do you understand by management?

2. How would you define management?
3. Who is a manager?
4. State the nature of management.
5. Describe the scope of management.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Management is essential:
(a) everywhere
(b) somewhere
(c) only in the factory
(d) in industry only

2. Definitions of management are:

(a) almost similar
(b) numerous
(c) nearly similar
(d) similar

3. The aim of all managers is to:

(a) lead a better life
(b) ensure profit to the owners
(c) create a surplus
(d) produce quality goods

4. Management is gradually turning towards:

(a) civilisation
(b) revolution
(c) professionalisation
(d) organisation

Unit-1 Page-6
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Lesson 2 : Purpose and Importance of Management ,

Features/ Characteristics of Management ,
Distinction between Management,
Organisation and Administration.
Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• elaborate the purpose and importance of management

• describe the features/characteristics of management
• distinguish between management, organisation and administration

Purpose and Importance of Management

No enterprise can run without management. Some people may say that the main The chief purpose of
purpose of management is to make a profit. For most business firms, an management is to
important purpose is the creation of a surplus. Management is to establish an achieve
environment in which people can accomplish organisational goals with the least organizational policy
objectives by
amount of time, money, materials and personal dissatisfaction or in which they ensuring unhindered
can achieve as much as possible of a desired goal with available resources.10 progress and
Management can greatly affect not only an organisation but also the socio- improvement of the
organization through
economic and political goals of a country. Improving economic and social the maximum
standards of living and creating a better political environment are the real utilization of its
challenges before modern management. The achievement of socio-political and resources to the best
economic targets in Bangladesh will depend on whether or not the management possible results.
of the country can efficiently handle and contain the course of current and future
events in the social, political and economic arenas.
Management makes human effort more productive. It brings better
Management draws
equipment, plant, offices, products, services, and human relations to our society. up plans, and
Effecting improvements and progress is its chief purpose. There is no substitute motives and guides
for good management. It is an essential social process. It is charged with the the employees for
responsibility of taking action that will make it possible for individuals to make their best
performance within
their best contributions to group objectives. Management thus applies to small the limits of the
and large organisations, to profit and non-profit enterprises, to manufacturing as organization's
well as service industries. Effective managing is the concern of the corporation available resources.
president, the hospital administrator, the government secretary, the football It is sound
management rather
manager, the college principal and the university Vice-Chancellor.
than only the
Nature has given us enormous resources. Most of these resources require resources that can
managemental attention so that they can be used for the benefit of the society. keep the
development process
Management is essential because it makes plans, directs employees and on track.
motivates them, co-ordinates the activities of all and ensures performance
through control. It may so happen that an enterprise with a weak resource base
may become successful with sound management.
Moreover, it is often heard that there are huge natural resources in countries
like Bangladesh but it is due to the absence of proper management that they are
being wasted. In many countries of Asia with a poor resource base, such as
Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and the like, huge industrial development has not been
possible without sound management. Research results also prove that the western

Principles of Management Page-7

School of Business

economic giants like the USA and Germany could not have reached their present
position without proper management. Conversely, the oil rich countries like
Saudi Arabia, Iran or Iraq have failed to make any headway towards
industrialisation because of the poor quality of their managerial capability.
In fact management is the most important of all resources. It is vital both at
the micro and the macro level. It is essential for every enterprise, for every
society, for every country. President Roosevelt once rightly said, "No ideology,
no ism, no political theory can win a greater output with less effort from a given
complex of human and material resources without sound management".11
There is no disagreement among scholars regarding the importance of
management in using the factors of production for achieving desired results.
Scientific and technological developments can bear no fruit without management.
Thus the contemporary thrust is more on managerial development, than on
scientific research. The use of information technology and computer software in
management is an added impetus to the overriding importance of management.
The only hope of countries with meagre natural and/or economic resources, is to
improve management and ensure better life for their people.

Features/Characteristics of Management
For a clear understanding of management, its features/characteristics may be
discussed as below:
(1) Management is usually associated with group efforts: It is usual to associate
management with a group. Although people as individuals manage many
personal affairs, the group emphasis of management is universal. Each and every
enterprise entails the existence of a group to achieve goals. It is now established
that goals are achieved more readily by a group than by any one person alone.
(2) Management is accomplished through the efforts of others: Management is
sometimes defined as “getting things done through others’ efforts.” Besides the
manager of a firm, there may be accountants, engineers, system analysts,
salesmen and a host of other employees working but it is the manager’s job to
integrate all their activities. Thus it can well be said that participation in
management necessitates relinquishing the normal tendency to perform all things
oneself and getting tasks accomplished through group efforts.
(3) Management is purposeful: Wherever there is management there is a
purpose. Management, in fact, deals with the achievement of something definite,
expressed as a goal or objective. Management success is commonly measured by
the extent to which objectives are achieved. Management exists because it is an
effective means of getting the necessary work accomplished.
(4) Management is action-oriented: Managers focus their attention and efforts
on bringing about successful action. Successful managers have an urge for
accomplishment. They know when and where to start, what to do for keeping
things moving, and how to follow through.
(5) Management is intangible: Management is often called the unseen force, its
presence being evidenced by the results of its efforts - motivation among
employees, discipline in the group, high productivity, adequate surplus etc.
Conversely, the identity of management may also be felt by its absence or by the
presence of its direct opposite − mismanagement. The consequence of
mismanagement is anybody’s guess.

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(6) Management is indispensable: Management can neither be replaced nor

substituted by anything else. Even the computer which is the wonderful invention
of the twentieth century can only aid but not replace management. We know that
the computer is an extremely powerful tool of management. It can widen a
manager's vision and sharpen his insight by supplying more and faster
information for making key decisions. The computer has enabled the manager to
conduct analysis far beyond the normal analytical capacities of man. But what
happens in reality is that the computer can neither work by itself nor can it pass
any judgement. The manager play his/her role by providing judgement and
imagination as well as interpreting and evaluating what the information/data
mean in each individual case.
(7) Management can ensure better life: A manager can do much to improve the
work environment, stimulate people to perform better, achieve progress, bring
hope and accomplish better things in life.12
Organisation, Administration and Management
The terms organisation, administration and management are often used
interchangeably. Sometimes they are used to mean one and the same thing. But,
for the student of management, a line of distinction needs to be drawn between
them and the terms need to be delimited..
By organisation we simply mean the “collection, preservation and co-
ordination of the elements of an enterprise in an integrated manner.” It also
signifies the bringing together of various resources of an enterprise into a The function of
harmonious whole. It is the primary job of an entrepreneur, and the existence of organisation is to
an enterprise cannot be conceived of without it. Scholars suggest that the pre- pull the resources of
condition of success of any venture is proper organisation. As a matter of fact, it an enterprise
is organisation which ensures the employment of resources for the together.
accomplishment of enterprise goals. The task of organisation is performed by the
promoters and/or entrepreneurs themselves.
On the other hand, administration is the driving force of an enterprise
which sets the objectives and formulates plans to achieve them. Administration Administration is
also determines the principles for ensuring the effective performance of the entrusted with
planning and
activities of different divisions and branches of the enterprise. In a nutshell, effective execution
administration is entrusted with the responsibility of making plans and providing of company policies
leadership for achieving goals. In this sense administration may be viewed as through efficient
top-level management and the chief boss. Thus the board of directors of a leadership.
company or the syndicate of an university can be called the administrative organ,
performing the planning and leadership functions for the whole enterprise/
Management is primarily entrusted with the responsibility of executing the The job of
plans and policies set by the administration for achieving pre-determined goals management is to
and objectives. The success of an enterprise/institution is thus dependent on how ensure orderly and
efficiently the management can execute plans and policies set by the methodical
accomplishment of
administration. Thus the administration cannot be successful without the co- the pre-set policy
operation of management. The job of each manager is, therefore, to win the co- objectives of an
operation of all those who work under him so that they work for enterprise goals enterprise.
set by administration.

Principles of Management Page-9

School of Business

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What are the purposes of management?
2. Is it true that management is the most important of all resources? Explain
3. Discuss the features/characteristics of management.
4. How would you distinguish management from organisation and

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Industrially developed countries do have one common characteristic:
(a) they are rich in natural resources
(b) they are thinly populated
(c) they have well developed management
(d) they save a lot

2. Manager is one who:

(a) does everything by himself
(b) gets things done through the efforts of others
(c) gives order to people
(d) earns profit

3. An organiser is one who:

(a) makes plans
(b) assembles resources
(c) executes plans
(d) controls activities

4. Administration is concerned with:

(a) executing plans
(b) making plans
(c) assembling resources
(d) co-ordinating actions

Unit-1 Page-10
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Lesson 3: Managing: Science or Art? The Elements of

Science in Managing

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• Understand whether management is a science or an art.

• Explain the elements of science that exist in management.

Managing: Art or Science?

Managing like any other practices - whether engineering, accountancy, law or
medicine - is an art.13 Artistic application of management know-how is evident.
It is understood that managing is doing things artistically in the light of the
realities of a situation.14 But a modern manager can do better by using the
knowledge, methods, concepts, theories, etc. of managing at his/her work place.
As a matter of fact, these knowledge, methods, concepts, theories related to
managing can be treated as science.
Thus it may be said that managing in practice is definitely an art but the
body of knowledge, methods, principles etc. underlying the practice is science.
Even some people might opine that managing is an art struggling to become a
science. As a matter of fact, the art and science of managing are not so much
conflicting as complementary.

Managing as an Art
The art of managing is a personal creative power of the manager which is, more
often than not, enriched by his skill in performance. In fact the art of managing
involves the conception of a vision of an orderly whole created from chaotic
parts and the communication and achievement of this vision. Managing is the
"art of arts" because it organises and uses human talent.

Managing as a Science
Management science is a body of systematised knowledge accumulated and
accepted with reference to the understanding of general truths concerning
management.15 It is true that the science underlying managing is inexact, or a Management is not a
soft science at best. It is not so accurate or comprehensive as physical sciences pure science but it
has scientific
(such as chemistry or biology) which deal with non-human entities. The inclusion
elements. Managers
of the human element in managing makes this discipline not only complex but can improve their
also controversial as a pure science. Human behaviour is unpredictable. Different skill of management
people think, act or react differently under identical circumstances. So by studying the
management can never become as pure a science as the physical sciences. scientific approaches
to their practice of
Nevertheless, the study of the scientific elements in management methodologies management.
can certainly improve the practice of management. Managers who attempt to
manage without management science have to trust their intuition or luck at their
peril rather than their expertise or skill. Thus they have to turn for meaningful
guidance to accumulated knowledge of managing.

Managing as Both Science and Art

Science teaches us to know while art teaches us to do. In order to be successful,

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managers have to know and do things effectively and efficiently. This requires a
unique combination of both science and art of managing in them. It may,
however, be said that the art of managing begins where the science of managing
stops. Since the science of managing is imperfect, the manager must turn to
artistic managerial ability to perform a job satisfactorily.

The Elements of Science in Managing

Science is organised knowledge. The essence of science is the application of
scientific method to the development of knowledge.
Scientific approach requires clear “concepts” - mental images of anything
formed by generalisation from particulars.
“Scientific method” involves the determination of facts through observation.
This leads to the development of “principles” which have value in predicting
what will happen in similar circumstances.
Any branch of science has theories. A “theory” is a systematic grouping of
interdependent concepts and principles that gives a framework to, or ties
together, a significant area of knowledge.

Concepts, methods, There is no denying the fact that management at the present day is a distinct
theories and so on of field of organised knowledge. It is composed of concepts, methods, principles,
management like theories etc. Concepts and methods of managing help the formulation of
those of the physical principles and theories of management. Principles of management are
sciences help
fundamental truths in managing, explaining relationships between two or more
management sets of variables. For example, the principle of unity of command states that the
knowledge. But they more often an individual reports to a single superior, the more likely it is that the
are not so inflexible individual will feel a sense of loyalty and obligation and the less likely it is that
as those of the there will be confusion about instruction.
The theories of managing are the results of practice, and the role of such
theories is to provide a systematic grouping of interdependent concepts and
principles that furnishes a framework to, or ties together significant pertinent
management knowledge. The theories of motivation, leadership, and so on may
be cited as examples. But it is to be borne in mind that concepts, methods,
principles of management are not as rigid as those of the physical sciences. They
may undergo revision and change under new socio-political and economic

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Is managing a science or an art or both? Explain.
2. Do you agree with the view that management is at best a crude science?
Give your arguments.
3. Management is an art struggling to become a science. Discuss.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The science of managing is:
(a) like other physical sciences
(b) not at all a science
(c) fairly crude and inexact
(d) a myth.

2. The many variables with which managers deal are:

(a) very simple
(b) extremely complex
(c) predictable
(d) controllable.

3. Managing as practice is:

(a) an art
(b) a science
(c) both science and art
(d) neither science nor art

4. Organised knowledge about management is:

(a) a science
(b) an art
(c) both science and art
(d) neither science nor art

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Lesson 4: Managerial Skills and the Organisational


Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• Understand the different types of managerial skills

• Explain the relative skills needed for effective performance at different levels
of management

• Discuss the sources of managerial skills.

Types of Managerial Skills

Robert L. Katz, a teacher and business executive, has popularised a concept
developed early in this century by Henri Fayol, a famous management theorist16
and father of modern management. Fayol identified three basic skills - technical
skill, human skill and conceptual skill. Diagnostic skills and analytical skills are
prerequisites to managerial success.
Technical skill: Technical skill is the ability to use the specialised knowledge,
procedures and techniques of a field of activities. Accountants, engineers,
Technical skill is surgeons all have their technical skills necessary for their respective professions.
required to perform Most managers, especially at the lower and middle levels, need technical skills
a particular job in
prescribed ways. for effective task performance.
Technical skill enables a person to accomplish the mechanics of performing
a particular job. This may be knowing how to maintain accounts, how to conduct
a financial audit, how to construct a building or how to perform in the operation
Technical skills are important specially for first line managers, who spend
much of their time training subordinates and supervising their work-related
problems. In order to be effective as managers and also to command the respect
of their sub-ordinates, they must first know how to perform tasks assigned to
their subordinates.

Human skill is
Human skill: Human skill is the ability to work with, understand, and motivate
chiefly necessary for other people as individuals or in groups. Managers spend much of their time
co-ordinating and interacting with people both inside and outside their organisations. We may recall
maintaining here Mintzberg's explanation of how top (and middle) managers spend their time:
relationships with
59 percent in meetings, 6 percent on the phone, and 3 percent on tours.17 All of
people inside and
outside the these managerial activities involve other people. Human skill includes the ability
organisation for to work with others and get co-operation from people in the work group. This
taking care of the means, for example, knowing what to do and being able to communicate ideas
human factors that and beliefs to others and understanding what thoughts others are trying to convey
exist in the
to the manager. Moreover, the manager with human knowledge and skill
structure. understands and recognises what views are brought to situations and in turn what
adjustments in these views might be made as a result of working with associates.

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The ability to understand others and communicate with people both inside and
outside the organisation is of special significance to one who is called on to
handle disturbances, allocate resources, and negotiate. As a matter of fact, the
roles of leader, disseminator, negotiator and resource allocator require skill in
motivating. This skill, for example, will help a manager to persuade a sales force
to accept a raised sales presentation or win the co-operation of the group of angry
It is, however, interesting to note that not all managers exhibit good human
(interpersonal) skill. Managers, who are harsh with their sub-ordinates, would
simply tend to increase personal turnover; moreover, it becomes increasingly
difficult to replace those who leave. The other things being equal, the manager
who has good human skill is likely to be more successful than the one with poor
human skill.
Conceptual skill: Conceptual skill is the ability to co-ordinate and integrate all of
an organisation’s interests and activities. It requires having the ability to visualise Conceptual skill
the enterprise as a whole, to envision all the functions involved in a given helps the manager
conceive abstract
situation or circumstance, to understand how its parts depend on one another, and ideas and foresee the
anticipate how a change in any of its parts will affect the whole. Conceptual organisation’s future
skills, in fact, depend on the manager’s ability to think in the abstract and to view shape.
the organisation in a holistic manner. Conceptualisation requires imagination,
broad knowledge and mental capacity to conceive abstract ideas. Applying this
requirement may involve suggesting a new product line for a company,
introducing computer technology to the organisation’s operations or entering the
international market. One example of conceptual skill may be that the managing
director of a bank visualises the importance of better service for its clients which
ultimately helps attract a vast number of clients and an unexpected increase in its
deposits and profits.

Relative Skills Needed for Effective Performance at Different Levels of

Fayol and Katz suggest that although all the skills i.e. technical, human and
conceptual, are essential to a manager, their relative importance depends
specially on the manager' rank in organisational hierarchy.
Figure: 1.1

Top management Conceptual

and design

Middle skills


Supervisors Percent of job

Skills vary in importance at different management levels
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
Tenth Edition, p-7.

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Technical skill is specially important for first line managers who spend much of
their time training workers and answering questions about work-related
Human skill, although important for managers at all levels, is specially needed
by mid-level managers. Their ability to tap this resource of their subordinates is
more important than their own technical proficiency.
Conceptual skill is mostly needed at the top level. In fact, the importance of
conceptual skill increases as one rises through the ranks of management. At
higher and higher levels of organisation, the full range of relationships, and the
organisation’s place in time are important to understand. This is where a manager
must have a clear grasp of the total picture of what his/ her enterprise would look
like in the remote future.

Other Skills of Managers

Besides the skills discussed so far, there are two other skills that a manager
should possess, namely diagnostic skill and analytical skill.

Diagnostic skill
Diagnostic skill: Successful managers are found to possess diagnostic skill. A
helps locate trouble manager can diagnose a problem in the organisation by studying its symptoms.
spots in an enterprise For example, a particular division may be suffering from low productivity. With
while analytical skill the help of diagnostic skill, the manager may find out that the division’s
helps ascertain supervisor has poor human skill. This problem might then be solved by
measures to solve transferring or training the supervisor.
problems. But Analytical skill: By analytical skill we mean the manager’s ability to identify the
neither of these two
skills is the same as key variables in a situation, see how they are interrelated, and decide which ones
decision-making should receive the most attention.18 This skill enables the manager to determine
skill. possible strategies and to select the most appropriate one for the situation.
Analytical skill is similar to decision-making skill, but analysis may not involve
making an actual decision. For example, when selecting a site for a new plant, a
manager may analyse the advantages and disadvantages of several sites and make
a recommendation to the board of directors, which in fact takes the ultimate
In short, diagnostic skill enables managers to understand a situation, whereas
analytical skill helps determine what to do in the given situation.

Sources of Management Skills

There are primarily two sources of management skills viz. (i) education and (ii)
experience. Some managers draw largely from one source or the other, whereas
others rely on a combination of the two.
Education as a source of management skills: The principal advantage of
education as a source of management skills is that a student can follow a well-
developed programme of study, thereby becoming familiar with current research
and thinking on management. Moreover, most college and university students
can fully devote their time, energy and attention to learning. They can acquire
management skills in an academic setting.
In developed as well as developing countries, the number of enrolments in
business schools and colleges has tremendously risen in recent years. More and

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more bright students are seeking degrees in management and administration. With the
B.B.A. and M.B.A. programmes of universities, colleges and institutes have also advancement of
been experiencing rapid growth, and they often attract students from diverse modern technology,
fields. requires highly
Moreover, the current trend is clearly towards formal education as a pre- qualified managers.
Hence, the number
requisite to business success. Non-business graduates, like engineers, architects, of management
and so on have recently begun to take more and more business courses in an students is
effort to enhance their job opportunities. Even though they have degrees in increasing fast, and a
management, yet most of them have not stopped their academic education in great many of them
management. Many of them periodically return to the campus to participate in are currently
management development programmes. Lower- and mid-level managers also executives.
take advantage of programmes offered by open universities under the distance
The most recent innovation in extended management education is the
Executive MBA programme offered by business schools and institutes of
business administration. Under this system, middle and top managers enrol on
accelerated programmes of study on weekends.
In Bangladesh, as in most developing countries, most managers in the 70s or
even in the 80s were without any degree, let alone a management degree. The
most modern developments in information and computer technology,
communication etc. have made them redundant as managers. Thus today’s
employers are very careful in employing only properly educated people in
managerial positions.
Experience as a source of management skills: Management education may be
too general to make a manager successful in a specific field and herein comes the Practical experience
makes academic
importance of experience as a source of management skill. In fact, for a variety education in
of reasons, experience has no alternative for success in many managerial management tested
positions. Thus many managers get to the top because of their rich resources of and foolproof.
experience in other jobs. By experiencing the day-to-day pressures and by
meeting a variety of managerial challenges, a manager develops insights that
cannot be learnt from a book. His hands-on experience is the invaluable treasure
that none can acquire merely by reading books.
Young and prospective managers can gather experience through a number
of ways. Organisationally, they can be systematically assigned to a variety of
different jobs. Over time they are exposed to most, if not all, of the major aspects
of their organisations. In this way managers can perfect their required skills
through experience. Both formal and informal training programs also help
managers sharpen their job experience.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by managerial skill? Explain with examples the different
types of skills required by a successful manager.
2. Would you describe, with the help of a diagram, the relative skills needed for
effective performance at different levels of management?
3. Elaborate on the sources of management skills.
4. What do you understand by conceptual skill? Do you think education can
improve the skill of a manager? Elaborate.
5. “Education can help improve the skills of a manager but experience has no
alternative.” Do you agree with the view? Discuss.
6. What is diagnostic skill? How is it different from analytical skill? Do you
think both these skills are required of a manager?
7. Can you differentiate between technical skill and human skill? How can they
be acquired?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Technical skills are specially important for:
(a) mid-level managers.
(b) first line managers.
(c) top level managers.
(d) all managers.

2. Conceptual skill is the ability to:

(a) work with others.
(b) visualise the enterprise as a whole.
(c) diagnose a problem.
(d) identify the key variables in a situation.

3. A successful manager needs:

(a) only technical skills.
(b) only human skills.
(c) only conceptual skills.
(d) all the skills in right proportion.

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Lesson 5: Management Process

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• understand the process of management

• elaborate on the functions of managers
• understand what planning/ organising/ staffing/ leading/ co-ordinating/
controlling is.

A process is a systematic way of doing things. We refer to management as a
process to emphasise that all managers, irrespective of their aptitude or skill,
engage in some inter-related functions in order to achieve their desired goals. In
this lesson we will briefly describe the functions that comprise the process of
1. Planning: Planning may be defined as making decisions in advance as to what
is to be done in the future. It is a future course of action. It implies that managers
think through their goals and actions in advance and their actions are based on
some method, plan or logic rather than on hunch. Plans give the organisation its
objectives and set up the best procedures for reaching them.
Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the actions to
achieve them, it requires decision making, i.e. choosing future courses of action
from among alternatives. In short, planning means determining what the
organisation’s position and situation should be at some time in the future and
deciding how best to bring about that situation. Planning helps maintain
managerial effectiveness by guiding future activities.
Plans may be of various types (as elaborated in chapter 3) covering various
Planning reflects the
time periods, and are usually set by top-level managers. Anyway, they are the vision of an
guidelines by which (a) the organisation obtains and commits the resources organisation. It
required to reach its objectives; (b) members of the organisation carry on means formulating
activities consistent with the chosen objectives and procedures; and (c) progress the management’s
toward the objectives is monitored and measured so that corrective action can be future course of
action with a view to
taken if progress in unsatisfactory.19 achieving the
Planning involves a number of steps - the first step is the selection of goals objectives and goals.
for the organisation. The second step is the establishment of goals for each of the
organisation's sub-units, departments, divisions etc. The third step is to establish
programmes for achieving goals in a systematic manner.
Planning requires an ability to foresee, to visualise, and to look ahead
purposefully. In short, planning is essential and is a fundamental function of
2. Organising: Once a manager has developed a work plan, the next phase of
management is to organise the people and other resources necessary to carry out
the plan. Organising may be referred to as the process of arranging and allocating
work, authority and resources among an organisation’s members so they can

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Organising includes achieve the organisation’s goals. In fact, organising involves work distribution
arranging and which is guided by considerations for such things as component activities – the
distributing work,
authority and members of the group, and the physical facilities available. These component
resources among the activities are so grouped and assigned that minimum expenditure or maximum
members of the employee work satisfaction is attained.
organisation in order
to accomplish the Organising produces a structure of relationships in an organisation, and it is
goals best.
through these structured relationships that future plans are pursued.
Organising, then, is that part of managing which involves establishing an
intentional structure of roles for people to fill in an organisation. It is intentional
in the sense of making sure that all the tasks necessary to accomplish goals are
assigned to people who can do them best.
The purpose of an organisation structure is to help people create an
environment for human performance. The structure must define the tasks to be
done. The roles so established must also be designed in the light of the abilities
and motivations of the people available.
However, designing an effective organisation structure is not an easy
managerial task. Many problems are encountered in making structures fit
situations, including both defining the kinds of jobs that must be done and
finding the people to do them.20 All these fall under the definition of organising,
which is a fundamental function of management.
* Staffing is related to organising and it involves filling and keeping filled, the
Staffing is the positions in the organisation structure. This can be done by determining the
effective and
efficient positions to be filled, identifying the requirement of manpower, filling the
deployment of vacancies and training employees so that the assigned tasks are accomplished
manpower across the effectively and efficiently. The managerial functions of promotion, demotion,
discharge, dismissal, transfer, etc. are also included with the broad task
“staffing.” Staffing is important because it ensures the placement of the right
person at the right position and this, in fact, is closely related to “organising” as a
function of management [details about organising is discussed in unit-6]
3. Leading: Leading is an important job of the manager. It involves directing,
Leading draws all influencing and motivating employees to perform essential tasks. To lead these
the members people to contribute to organisation and group goals constitutes an essential
working in the
organisation into an function of the manager. In fact, the manager has to get on intimate terms with
intimate relationship. them if he wants to lead them successfully. The manager leads in an attempt to
The manager also persuade others to join them in pursuit of the future that emerges from the
persuades others to
join in the common planning and organising steps. By establishing the proper atmosphere, managers
pursuit of the help their employees do their best.
enterprise’s future
goals. Efficient managers need to be effective leaders. Since leadership implies
fellowship and people tend to follow those who offer a means of satisfying their
own needs, hopes and aspirations it is understandable that leading involves
motivation (details are in unit-8), leadership styles and approaches (details are in
unit-9), and communication (details are in unit-11).

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* Coordinating is also essential in leading. Most authors do not consider it a

separate function of management.21 Rather they regard co-ordinating as the
essence of managership for achieving harmony among individual efforts towards Co-ordinating helps
accomplishing group targets. achieving harmony
among individual
Individuals in any organisation often interpret the same interests in different efforts towards
ways, and then efforts toward mutual goals do not automatically mesh with the accomplishing group
efforts of others. Thus it becomes the central task of the manager to reconcile targets.
differences in approach, timing, effort, or interest and to harmonise individual
goals to contribute to organisation goals.22
4. Controlling: The final phase of the management process is controlling. As the
organisation moves toward its goals, management must monitor its progress. It
must make sure that events conform to plans. Controlling involves measuring
performance against goals and plans and helping correct deviations from
standards. As a matter of fact, controlling facilitates the accomplishment of plans.
Although planning must precede controlling, plans are not self-achieving. They
guide the manager in the use of resources to accomplish specific goals. Activities
are evaluated to determine whether they conform to the plans.
Through the controlling function, the manager keeps the organisation on Controlling steers
track. Increasingly, organisations are establishing new ways to enhance the the organisation
quality of the control function. One popular approach is Total Quality towards its goals
Management (TQM) which focuses management on the continuous improvement according to the
guidelines set by
of all operations, functions, and, above all, processes of work. Meeting the planning.
customers' needs is a primary concern.23
It is clear that control activities generally relate to the measurement of
achievement. Some means of controlling, like the budget for expenses, inspection
records, and the record of labour hours lost, are generally familiar. Each measure
also shows whether plans are working out. If deviations persist, correction is
indicated. Whenever results are found to differ from planned action, persons
responsible are to be identified and necessary actions are to be taken to improve
performance. Thus outcomes are controlled by controlling what people do.
Controlling is the last but not the least important function of management.
Thus it is rightly said, “Planning without controlling is useless.”
The process of management may be represented by the following diagram.24

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Figure: 1.2











Management Process
Source: Griffin, "Management", Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1984, p.11

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by management process? Discuss.
2. Discuss the functions of management.
3. Why is planning important? What are the steps of planning? Can a manager
do without planning?
4. What is organising? Can a manager be called a leader? Is it true that planning
without controlling is useless? Discuss.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The third step of planning is:
(a) to establish programs.
(b) to select goals for organisation.
(c) to select goals for each of the organisation's departments/divisions.
(d) to decide.

2. Control activities generally relate to:

(a) improvement of profit.
(b) measurement of achievement.
(c) quality improvement.
(d) leadership.

1. Ask two managers you know of how they learned about managing. Ask
what kinds of books they might have read on management. Probe to what
extent these books have helped them to manage. Also ask them how their
job differs from that of public administrators.

CASE 1-1
In 1984 the Catholic bishops issued statements about Catholic social teaching
and the U.S. economy. The first draft was debated and criticized as being too
negative about the free-market economy in the United States. A second draft was
then issued that softened the tone, but the message was the same. Some of the
key points are the following:

• Economic decisions must be made with due consideration as to whether they

help all people.
• Government, corporations, and individuals must help to reduce the inequities
created by the free market system.
• More resources should be allocated for helping the poor and the jobless
instead of for military uses.

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The purpose of the document is to influence governmental and individual

decisions in a way that would bring about a more humane society. The poor, the
latter suggests, have not adequately shared the economic resources, and the
government has a role to play to bring this about.

These are some of the recommendations in the draft:

• Pursue fiscal and monetary policies that result in full employment.
• Support job-creating programs.
• Remove employment barriers for women and minorities through affirmative
action and job training.
• Reform the welfare system to provide minimum levels of benefit for the
• Support international agencies to reduce poverty in Third World countries.

1. What are the implications for managers?
2. How does the letter relate to the various managerial functions?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harald Koontz "Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth
Edition, p-78.

For further study

1. Ricky W. Griffin, Management, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984,
2. James A. F. Stoner, et. al. Management, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
3. Heintz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective,
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
4. Joseph L. Massie, Essentials of Management, Prentice Hall of India, 1998.


1. George R. Terry and Stephen G. Franklin, Principles of Management (Delhi :

A.I.T.B.S, 1997), p.4.
2. Ricky W. Griffin, Management ( Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984) , p.6.
3. James A. F. Stoner, Management (New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1997),
4. Terry and Franklin, 1997, op.cit., p.4.
5. Griffin, 1984, op.cit., p.7.
6. Heintz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management- A Global Perspective (McGraw-
Hill, International Edition, 1994), p.4.
7. Joseph L. Massie, Essentials of Management (Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1998),
p. 3.
8. Frederiak Harbison and Charles A. Myers, Management in the Industrial World
(N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1959), pp. 21-86.

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9. L. Massie, op.cit., pp. 3-4.

10. Weihrich and Koontz, op.cit., p.8.
11. A. A. Khan and A. B. Siddique, Baybasthapana (Dhaka: Abir Publication, 1998),
12. Terry and Franklin, op.cit., p. 13-15.
13. Koontz, op.cit., p.12.
14. Ibid., p.12.
15. Terry, op.cit., p.6.
16. Stoner, op.cit., p.17.
17. Griffin, op.cit., p.19.
18. Ibid., p.21.
19. Stoner, op.cit., p.11.
20. Koontz, op.cit., p.21.
21. Ibid., p.22.
22. Ibid., p.22.
23. Stoner, op.cit., p.12.
24. Griffin, op.cit., p.11.

Principles of Management Page-25

Historical Evolution of
Management Thought

Unit Highlights
‰ Theories of Management and History Thereof
‰ Classical School of Management Thought
‰ Neo-Classical School of Management Thought
‰ Modern School of Management Thought
School of Business

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Unit-2 : Historical Evolution of Management Thought

Lesson 1 : Theories of Management and History Thereof,
Classical School of Management Thought

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• have a brief idea about management theories and history thereof
• define and explain scientific management
• discuss mental revolution as propounded by Frederick Winslow (F.W.)
• discuss the universal theory or Operational Management Theory of Fayol
• identify industrial activities mentioned by Henry Fayol
• discuss Fayol's principles of management

Theories of Management and History Thereof

Both theory and history of management are useful to the practising
manager. Theories help us by organising information and providing a A good manager
works with a sound
systematic framework for action. A theory is also a simple blue print or a consciousness of the
road map guiding the manager towards achieving organisational goals. historical
The history of management theories can help a manager to be aware of the development of
many insights, ideas and scientific underpinnings that have gone into the management.
making of modern management and the burgeoning of writings on
management at the present day.1
The practice of management started when man first attempted to
accomplish goals by working together in groups. But the systematic study
of management began at the advent of the Industrial Revolution which
ushered in a new era of serious thinking and theorising on management.
At this stage it is considered important and worthwhile to have some
knowledge of the background of the evolution of modern management
thought, for then the growth of modern thinking on management can be
appreciated as the fruit of a long-going historical process and
To begin with, there is no single universally accepted theory. The Management
wild array of management theories could even look like a “jungle” as theories are too
many for any single
Koontz says. However, to help put the different theories in perspective, we one to be universally
shall discuss them as representing different schools of management acceptable.

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Classical School of Management Thought

*Scientific Management and F.W. Taylor

Scientific management, according to an early definition, refers to “that kind of
management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by
facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning.”2
Promoters of this school of thought attempted to raise labour efficiency primarily
by managing the work of employees on the shop floor.
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is generally acknowledged as “the
father of scientific management.” Because of an eye problem, he could not attend
Harvard University. As a result he started working as a common labourer in a
Taylor used his small machine shop in Philadelphia, USA. Later on he worked as an apprentice, a
firsthand experience foreman, a master mechanic and rose to the eminence of a chief engineer of a
to formulate his
theory. The focus of
steel company after obtaining a degree in engineering through evening study.
his theory is to This varied experience gave him ample opportunity to have firsthand knowledge
increase the and intimate insight into the problems and attitude of workers and to explore
efficiency of
employees by great possibilities for improving the qualities of management in the workplace.
moulding their Wherever he worked, he found a very ineffective use of employees, unsystematic
thought and methods of work, utterly poor co-operation between management and labour. He
management. also observed gross inefficiency, waste and widespread output restriction among
workers which he termed “systematic soldering.” Hence Taylor committed
himself to the relentless pursuit of “finding a better way” and developing and
practising the “science” of work - the underlying laws or principles that govern
various activities. He attempted to do it by using systematic study of time,
motion and fatigue involved in work with a view to identifying the best way of
doing a job.
Taylor’s major concern throughout his life was to increase efficiency which
he considered the best recipe to serve the competing interests of both managers
and workers for a larger share of a fixed economic pie. To him, solution lies in
increasing size of the pie by raising productivity through scientific management.
He called for a “mental revolution” or a radical change of mind among workers
and management in order to fuse the interests of both groups into a mutually
rewarding one.

Mental Revolution and Tylor’s Principles

Mental revolution, propounded by Taylor, was based on five vital principles:
(1) Replacing rules of thumb with science (organised knowledge).
(2) Obtaining harmony in the group action, rather than discord.
(3) Achieving cooperation of human beings, rather than chaotic individualism.
(4) Working for maximum output, rather than restricted output.
(5) Developing all workers to the fullest extent possible for their own and their
company’s highest prosperity.3

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Taylor's theory of scientific management gave rise to a host of disciples who The essence of
took up the task of spreading the “gospel of efficiency.” Carl Barth, Henry Gantt, Taylor’s scientific
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Harrington Emerson and Morres Cook are his method is to manage
an enterprise with
prominent followers who made valuable contributions to the growth of the emphasis on
management in a scientific manner. The essence of this school of thought is to economic
make constant endeavour to find better means of management using scientific considerations such
methods. Historically, it is associated with economic considerations such as cost- as cost-effectiveness,
efficiency and
effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. productivity.

*The Universal Process or Operational Management Theory and

Henry Fayol

As one of the oldest and most popular approaches to management thought, Henry According to Fayol,
Fayol’s theory holds that administration of all organisations – whether public or the same rational
private, or “large or small” – requires the same rational process or functions. process is involved in
the administration of
This school is based on two assumptions: first, although the objective of an any organization , and
organisation may differ (for example, business, government, education, or the process of
religion), yet there is a core management process that remains the same for all management is
institutions. Successful managers, therefore, are interchangeable among reducible to a
universal set of
organisations of differing purposes. Second, the universal management process functions and
can be reduced to a set of separate functions and related principles.4 principles.
It has rightly been said by some scholars that “perhaps the real father of
modern management theory is the French industrialist Henri Fayol.” Despite the
belated appearance of his classic work, Administration Industrielle et
Generale, in the English speaking world, Fayol's book has left a permanent mark Fayol views
on twentieth-century management thinking. A successful industrialist, Fayol management as
headed a steel and coal combine in France. He is now considered the father of the comprising functions
that can roundly
universal process or operational-management theory, because he made universal control an
generalisations about management based on his keen insight and practical organization. His
management experience. As opposed to Taylor, Fayol endeavours to deal with theory attempts to
"classical administration." He focuses his attention on the enterprise as a whole formulate a broad-
based management
rather than on a single segment of it. He pioneered the concept of viewing that can equally
management as being made up of functions, and his work supplied a apply to other
comprehensive framework from which management could be studied and institutions.
developed5 He also repeatedly emphasised that his principles apply not only to
business but also to political, religious, philanthropic, military and other
Industrial Activities Identified by Fayol
Fayol identifies the following six major activities of any industrial or business
(1) Technical (production and manufacturing);
(2) Commercial (buying, selling and exchanging);
(3) Financial (search for and optimum use of capital);
(4) Security (safeguarding property and people);

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(5) Accounting (including statistics); and

(6) Managerial (planning, organisation, command, co-ordination and control)
While pointing out the existence of these activities in business of any kind
or size, Fayol particularly stresses on the analysis of the sixth, devoting a
substantial portion of his book (mentioned earlier) to this aspect of
management. Weihrich and Koontz represent it in the following diagram.6


Commercial Security
Technical Accounting

• Planning
• Organization
• Command
• Coordination
• Control


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz "Management: A Global Perspective - Tenth Edition, p.37.

Fayol’s Principles of Management

In addition to these six management activities, Fayol identifies fourteen universal
principles of management which are aimed at showing managers how to carry
The crux of Fayol’s
out their functional duties. He himself followed them:
principles of 1. Division of labour: This improves the efficiency of labour through
management is that
management is a specialisation, reducing labour time and increasing skill development.
continuous process 2. Authority: This is the right to give orders which always carry responsibility
beginning with
planning and ending commensurate with its privileges.
with controlling. 3. Discipline: It relies on respect for the rules, policies, and agreements that
govern an organisation. Fayol ordains that discipline requires good superiors
at all levels.
4. Unity of command: This means that subordinates should receive orders
from one superior only, thus avoiding confusion and conflict.

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5. Unity of direction: This means that there should be unity in the directions
given by a boss to his subordinates. There should not be any conflict in the
directions given by a boss."
6. Subordination of individual interest to common good: According to this
principle, the needs of individuals and groups within an organisation should
not take precedence over the needs of the organisation as a whole.
7. Remuneration: Wages should be equitable and satisfactory to employees and
8. Centralisation: Levels at which decisions are to be made should depend on
the specific situation, no level of centralisation or decentralisation is ideal for
all situations.
9. Scalar chain: The relationship among all levels in the organisational
hierarchy and exact lines of authority should be unmistakably clear and
usually followed at all times, excepting special circumstances when some
departure might be necessary.
10. Order: Here Fayol means that there should be a place for everything (and
everyone), and everything (and every one) should be in its place. This is
essentially a principle of organisation in the arrangement of things and
11. Equity: Employees should be treated equitably in order to elicit loyalty and
devotion from personnel.
12. Stability of tenure: Viewing unnecessary turnover to be both the cause and
the effect of bad management , Fayol points out its danger and costs.
13. Initiative: Subordinates should be encouraged to conceive and carryout
14. Esprit de corps: Team work, a sense of unity and togetherness, should be
fostered and maintained.
Fayol was of the opinion that the application of these principles should be
flexible enough to match each specific organisational situation. Subsequently,
however, the rigid application of these functions by managers came under
criticism. But the fact remains that his contention that management is a
continuous process beginning with planning and ending with controlling also
remains popular today and can be found in nearly all management texts.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Can you define scientific management? Discuss the background and focus of
scientific management
2. Can F. W. Taylor be called the father of scientific management? Who were
his close associates? Discuss mental revolution as enunciated by F. W.
3. Can Fayol be called the father of modern management? Why the process of
management is called universal?
4. What are industrial activities? How would you account for the development
of universal process of management by Fayol?
5. Briefly describe the principles of management by Fayol.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Promoters of scientific management attempted to:
(a) increase profitability of business concerns
(b) raise labour efficiency
(c) improve industrial relations
(d) reduce cost
2. Scientific management is historically associated with:
(a) economic consideration
(b) humanitarian concepts
(c) human relation approach
(d) psychological aspects
3. Fayol emphasised that his principles:
(a) are unique
(b) apply to industries only
(c) are the best in office management
(d) apply to all types of undertakings
4. As opposed to Taylor, Fayol endeavours to deal with:
(a) office administration
(b) classical administration
(c) non-scientific management
(d) productive efforts

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Lesson 2 : Neo - Classical School of Management Thought

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the background upon which Behavioural and Human Relations
approaches were developed.
• describe the contributions of Elton Mayo and his associates in the Hawthorne

Behavioural and Human Relations Approach

The criticism of scientific and administrative management as advocated by Taylor and Fayol are
Taylor and Fayol respectively gave birth to the behavioural approach to criticised for not
management. They were criticised by several behavioural scientists for their considering the
indifference and insensitiveness to the human side of managemental dealings. human sides of
workers and
Instead of taking a mechanistic view of workers as creatures with only economic employees in their
needs, behavioural scientists came to consider them as people with social and theories.
psychological needs, too, such as recognition, respect, social contact, freedom
and achievement. To them, a business organisation is a psycho-social system
with primary focus on human side.
A good number of sociologists and psychologists like Abraham Maslow,
Hugo Munsterberg, Renesis Likert, Douglas McGregor, Frederick Herzberg,
Mary Parker Follet and Chester Barnard are the major contributors to this school
of thought, which is further subdivided by some writers into the Human
The Human
Relations approach and the Human Behavioural approach, the latter being Relations theory
considered as a modified version of the former. recognises the social
and psychological
By far the most important contribution to human relations school of thought
was made by Elton Mayo and his colleagues through their famous Hawthorne
study. According to them, employees do not only have economic needs, but also
social and psychological needs, which are to be satisfied for motivating them.
McGregor, Likert, Chester Barnard, Kurt Lewin and others, classified as The Human
exponents of the Human Behavioural school, modified the Classical Human Behavioural school
Behaviour approach of Mayo. They considered the human side of the enterprise emphasises
synchronisation of
as an interactive subsystem of the total organisational system. As distinguished group goals.
from the classical human relations theory, the Human Behavioural school is
devoid of the emotional content, and emphasises the synchronisation of group
goals within the broader framework of management. It does not consider the
goals of the different groups of employees and managers - as conflicting with
The Human
each other, but rather co-operative. Relations school
The Human Relations theory of management arose out of reaction against views an
organisation as a
the Scientific and universal management process theory of Taylor and Fayol psycho-social
respectively. Main criticisms levelled against them are their indifference to and system in which
neglect of the human side of the enterprise. Employees , according to their critics, workers and
were viewed as mere parts to be fused in the job structure disregarding their employees are
human needs and aspirations. human beings in the
first place.
While Taylor and Fayol view people at work merely as economic beings the
Human Relations theorists emphasise the need for viewing them as social beings

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with social and psychological needs such as recognition, respect, achievement

and social contact. This school regards a business organisation as a psycho-social
system with much emphasis on the human side. The Human relations experts
believe that management should recognise the need of employees for recognition
and social acceptance. Therefore managers need not have only technical skill but
also human relations skill to interact with their subordinates as human beings.
Followers of this school believe that managers must know why their subordinates
behave as they do and what psychological and social factors influence them.
According to these theorists, since groups provide members with feelings of
acceptance and dignity, management can look upon the work group as a potential
productive force.
Elton Mayo and Hawthorne Studies
A good number of sociologists and psychologists like McGregor, Likert,
Munsterberg Simon etc. contributed to the development of Human Relations
School of Management. However Elton Mayo and Hugo Munsterberg are
considered pioneers of this school. But by far the most important contribution to
this school of thought was made by Elton Mayo and his associates through
Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company between 1927 and 1932.
The findings of Mayo and his colleagues from Hawthorne studies led to the
The human/ social conclusion that a human/ social element operated in the workplace and that
factor plays a productivity increases were as much an outgrowth of group dynamics as of
prominent role in the managerial demands and physical factors. Another important suggestion that
work place
according to Mayo came from the Hawthorne studies was that social factors might be as powerful a
studies. determinant of worker-productivity as were financial motives. Mayo found that
informal work groups grew out of formal organisation with their own leaders,
influence systems, norms for appropriate behaviour, and pressures for conformity
to maximum and minimum acceptable levels of performance.7
Improvement of productivity, according to Mayo and his colleagues, is the
result of such social factors as morale, satisfactory interrelationships between
members of a workgroup, a sense of belonging and effective management. It is
this kind of management with an understanding of human behaviour, particularly
group behaviour, that serves an enterprise through such interpersonal skills as
motivating, counselling, leading and communicating. “This phenomenon,”
according to Weihrich and Koontz, "arising basically from people being noticed
has been known as the Hawthorne effect."
The most important contribution of Hawthorne studies is that employees or
Mayo is criticised
for overemphasis on workers are social beings, and work in organisations is not merely matters of
the social/ human machinery and methods but also of fitting them into a social system resulting in a
factor and for complete socio-technical system. This led to the recognition of managers as
helping exploiting people operating in a social system and they must have some knowledge or
workers and
employees by
understanding of behavioural sciences as applied to management. In other words
keeping them happy Mayo and his associates underscored the need for a greater and deeper
and satisfied. understanding of the social and behavioural aspects of management.8
Critics of this school, however, point out that Mayo gave unreasonably
heavy emphasis to the social or human side as against organisational needs. It is
also criticised on the ground that this facilitates exploitation of employees by
keeping them satisfied and happy manipulating their emotions which in fact,
serve the management goal of increasing productivity.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. It is often said that the failure of scientific and administrative management as
advocated by Taylor and Fayol respectively gave birth to the behavioural
approach to management - Do you agree? Put your arguments.
2. Managers need not only technical skill but also human relations skill -
3. Do you agree with the view that social factors are as powerful a determinant
of worker productivity as are financial motives? Explain.
4. Can you give a critical appreciation of Hawthorne studies in the development
of the Human Relations approach of Management.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The Human Behavioural approach of Management:
(a) is devoid of emotional content
(b) considers financial incentive as important
(c) emphasises welfare of workers
(d) is based on scientific management
2. The Human Relations theorists emphasise the need for viewing workers as:
(a) people with innumerable needs to satisfy
(b) human beings
(c) cogs in the machine
(d) social beings
3. Mayo and his associates underscored the need for a greater and deeper
understanding of the:
(a) economic needs of workers
(b) welfare of workers
(c) social and behavioural aspects of management
(d) democratic needs of workers

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Lesson 3 : Modern School of Management Thought

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the nature and significance of the Systems Approach to
• explain the development of the Social Systems Theory by Chester Bernard
• understand the Contingency Management Theory with a brief account of its
• narrate the recent contributions to management thought.

Systems Approach to Management Thought

A system is a collection of parts that operate inter-despondently to achieve a

common purpose. The parts of a system are sub-systems. These subsystems are
functionally related to each other and to the total system. An organisation may,
therefore, be viewed as a system made up of different parts in the form of
departments or divisions. According to the Systems Approach school,
management involves managing and solving problems in each part of the
organisation. But this is to be done with the understanding that actions taken in
one part of the organisation affect other parts of the organisation. In solving
problems, therefore, managers must view the organisation as a dynamic whole,
focusing on the inter-dependence and inter-relationship of the various subsystems
from the point of view of overall effectiveness of the organisation.9
Adherents of the Systems Approach consider universal process, scientific
management and human relations theories as the study of management in
The Systems fragments rather than in the round. These theories assume that “the whole is
Approach is holistic. equal to the sum of its parts.” Systems theorists, in contrast, “study management
by putting things together, and they assume that the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts.”10 To understand a system, it must be studied as a whole and instead
of explaining a whole in terms of its parts, the parts should be explained in terms
of the whole.
Chester I. Barnard, Ludwig Von Bertalanffy Russel Ackoff, Kenneth
Boulding and William S'cott are among the writers who have influenced the
Systems School of management.

Chester Barnard and Social Systems Theory

By far the most important contribution to this school has been made by Chester I.
Barnard. His classic treatise entitled "The Functions of the Executive",
published in 1938, is considered by some management scholars as “one of the
most influential books published in the entire field of management.”11 Like
Fayol, Barnard established a new approach to management on the basis of his life
long experience as a top-level executive. But the approach of the former
president of New Jersey Bell Telephone Company (1927-48) was different from
Fayol's. Barnad devised a more abstract systems approach. In his "The Functions

Unit-2 Page-38
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of the Executive,” Barnard characterised all organisations as a co-operative

system. Such a co-operative organisation is a system of consciously co-ordinated
activities needed by individuals, to overcome his biological, physical and social
limitations. According to him, "a Co-operative system is a complex of physical,
biological, personal and social components which are in a specific systematic
relationship by reason of the co-operation of two or more persons for at least one
definite end." He emphasised the role of the individual and the importance of his
co-operation as a strategic factor.
Barnard viewed willingness to serve, common purpose and communication
as three important elements in an organisation (or a co-operative system). He
considered that an organisation did not exist if these three elements were not Three important
factors according to
present and working interdependently.12 His analysis of the manager’s job is Barnard: willingness
really a social systems approach as Barnard looks for their major tasks in the to serve, common
system in order to understand and analyse the functions of executives where they purpose and
operate. In determining their tasks (for all kinds of managers) which are to communication
maintain a system of co-operative effort in a formal organisation, Barnard
addresses himself first to the reasons for, and the nature of, co-operative systems.
Barnard was an early pioneer of the Systems perspective. His work
encouraged subsequent management and organisation theorists to study
organisations as complex and dynamic wholes rather than piecemeal. Barnard led
to the opening up of a promising horizon in the development of management
The Systems approach, too, has its critics. According to some management
scholars, "Systems approach is long on intellectual appeal and catchy
terminology and short on verifiable facts and practical advice." It is also
criticised on grounds of complexity, particularly when it comes to the study of
large and complex organisations. However, it may be said in conclusion that the
"Systems approach is an instructive way of thinking rather than a collection of
final answers to managing modern organisations."14

Contingency School and Recent Contributions

to Management Thought

The Contingency Management theory evolved out of the Systems approach to

managing organisations. The Systems approach advocates that managers
recognise that organisations are systems comprising independent parts and that a
change in one part affects the other parts, too. This insight is important.
However, over and above this, managers should also see how the parts fit
together to be more effective. The Contingency Approach can help one better
understand their interdependence.15

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According to the According to the Contingency approach, management is situational; no one best
Contingency approach to management exists because each situation that a manager faces is too
approach, different. They are, however, of the view that situations are often similar to the
management is
circumstantial. extent that some principles of management can be effectively applied. But for
that appropriate principles are to be identified. This can be done first by
identifying the relevant contingency variables in the situation and then evaluating
those variables.16
The major contributors to this school of thought are Mary Parker Follet,
Fiedler, Frement, Kast, James Rosenzweig, Katz, Robert Kahn, Tom Burns,
G.M. Stalker, Robert Lawrence and Richard Lawrence. This is perhaps the best
approach as it encourages management to search for the correct situational
Contingency factors for applying appropriate management principles effectively. To quote
management takes
situational factors
Ivancevich et al., "In essence, the contingency approach to management involves
into account for identifying the important contingency variables in different situations, evaluating
managing affairs in a the variables and then applying appropriate management knowledge and
given situation. principles in selecting an effective approach to the situation." This is by far the
best method for analysis as it encourages the manager to find out the situational
factors most appropriate for effective management in all situations.
Different scholars from different disciplines at different periods of time in
the history of industrial revolution, growth and development have contributed to
the different schools of management. Each scholar has taken great pains to stress
on his own point of view and point out weaknesses of other schools. This has
created a lot of confusion which has been termed by Harold Koontz "The
Management Theory Jungle." However every theory or approach highlights a
particular aspect of management and helps managers address their tasks with a
particular insight. As a relatively young and growing discipline, management has
been undoubtedly benefiting from the contributions of all these schools of

Recent Contributions to Management Thought

Peter F. Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, Laurence Peter, William Ouchi, Thomas
Peters and Robert Waterman and Peters and Nancy Austin are some of the most
important contributors to management thought in recent times. Peter F. Drucker,
For Peter Drucker,
a prolific writer on general management, is considered by some scholars to be a
the human resources guru of modern management. He postulates three major tasks of management: (1)
are the best to decide the purpose and mission of the organisation; (2) to make work
resources that an productive and (3) to manage social impacts and responsibilities. Drucker lays
organisation can much emphasis on the second task which is "to make work productive and the
ever have, and the
greatest success can worker achieving." To Drucker, the human resource is the only true resource of
be achieved by an organisation. In order that management can achieve maximum success, it must
amicable work effectively with subordinates. Drucker further suggests that a manager must
relationship with be able to judge which technique is appropriate for a given situation.17
William Ouche, in his best-seller Theory Z (1981), shows how selected
management practices of Japan may be advantageously adapted in the USA. It is
an attempt to combine elements of Type A (American) and Type J (Japanese)
organisations into a form appropriate to many contemporary American
organisations to increase productivity in line with Japanese firms.18

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Finally, by identifying eight attributes of some excellent companies,

Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman in their book In Search of Excellence
companies are
(1982) took the management world by storm. Its purpose is to explain what dedicated to the
makes America's best run companies successful. Peters and Waterman did a good human treatment of
job in this book by reminding managers to pay closer attention to basic factors employees,
such as customers, employees and new ideas. Generally their findings are that innovation,
experimentation and
excellent companies are relatively decentralised and value-driven. These customer satisfaction
organisations are also dedicated to the human treatment of employees,
innovation, experimentation and customer satisfaction.19

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Critically discuss the nature and significance of the Systems Management
2. Discuss in brief the contribution of Chester Barnard in the development of
the Social Systems Theory of Management.
3. Can you narrate briefly the Contingency Management theory with its merits
in modern industry?
4. Give a brief account of the recent contributions to management thought.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1.Management, according to the Systems approach school, involves:
(a) managing and solving problems in each part of the organisation
(b) managing a system
(c) management of people
(d) systematic management
2.Barnard characterised all organisations as:
(a) important
(b) a co-operative system
(c) economic
(d) necessary
3.According to contingency Approach, management is:
(a) important
(b) difficult
(c) situational
(d) unnecessary
4.The only true resource of an organisation, according to P. F. Drucker, is:
(a) capital
(b) management efficiency
(c) marketing
(d) human resources

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1. Divide the class into groups. Each group should take a management
approach, except the operational one and identify its major elements and its
contribution, as well as its limitations. Each group should select a leader to
present the findings of the group.

CASE 2-1
"The trouble with management as a field of study and practice", Fred Denny, a
space physicist, said to his laboratory head, Claude Greenwood, "is that it has no
scientific base. I feel I know what I am doing when I design a guidance system
for a missile because I have the space, propulsion, and other sciences available to
tell me what to do. But, when you ask me I am doing a good job as a supervisor
of my engineering and technical team, there is nothing, no science of
management, to guide me. In my reading of the books on management, I get the
idea that managers must operate on a closed-system basis, that the best things
managers can do are to be friendly, consult with their subordinates on every little
thing, and develop strict rules and procedures so that no subordinate can make a
"As I think about it, Claude, I cannot see much science in management. And
I wonder what good management books, articles, and management development
courses are ever going to do any of us. Do we have to wait for centuries when a
science of management, as an exact science like physics, is developed?"
Claude Greenwood, having been exposed to a number of management
development seminars that had emphasized the usefulness and importance of
management knowledge, was taken aback by Fred's outburst. But he was
impressed that what his subordinate has said did make a lot of sense. He was,
however, at a loss as to how to respond to Fred.
1. If you were Claude Greenwood, how would you respond to Fred Denny's
2. What would you suggest to be done to make management more scientific?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.53.

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For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz; Management: A Global Perspective,
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition,1994.
2. Robert Kreitner; Management, Third Edition, Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1986.
3. Randall B. Dunham and Jon L. Pierce; Management, Scott, Foresman and
Company, 1989.
4. George R. Terry and Stephen G. Franklin; Principles of Management, Delhi:
AITBS, , 1997.
5. Ivancevich, Donnelly, Gibson, Management Principles and Functions, Delhi:
All India Traveller Book Seller, 1990.


Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management, A Global Perspective, (McGraw-
Hill International Editions, 1994).
Babcock, G.D., the Taylor System in Franklin Management, (New York: Engineering
Magazine Company 1927), p. 31.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p.33.
Kreitner, Management, (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986).
Jerry and Franklin, (Delhi: AITBS) pp. 22-23.
Weihrich and Koontz , op. cit., p. 37.
Randall B. Dunham and Jon L. Pierce; Management, (Scott, Foresmen and Company,
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p.42.
Ivancevich, Donnelly, Gibson; Management Principles and Functions, p. 15.
Kreitner, op. cit., p. 63.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 43.
Kreitner, op. cit., p. 64.
Ibid, p. 64.
Ibid, p. 67.
Ivancevich et. al., op. cit., p. 17.
Ibid, p. 18.
Ibid, pp. 3, 21.
Griffin, op. cit., pp.57-60.
Kreitner, op. cit., pp.70-75.

Principles of Management Page-43


Unit Highlights
‰ Planning: Meaning, Nature, Importance, Types and Steps
‰ The Strategic Planning Process: Strategy and Strategic Planning, Strategies
as Guides, Features of Strategic Plans, The Strategic Planning Process,
Effective Implementation of Strategies
School of Business

HC fªù¡ M¡¢m b¡L−h

Unit-3 Page-46
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Unit-3: Planning
Lesson 1: Planning - Meaning, Nature, Importance, Types
and Steps

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• conceptualize planning and state its nature
• understand the importance of planning
• classify plans and discuss its types
• discuss the steps of planning

Meaning of Planning

Readers have already been introduced to five essential managerial functions,

namely, planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling. This is also the Planning is required
widely accepted conceptual framework of management. Planning is the most to set goals and
determine methods
basic of all managerial functions. It is the process by which managers establish of achieving them.
goals and define the methods by which these goals are to be attained. According
to Weihrich and Koontz, “Planning involves selecting missions and objectives
and the actions to achieve them; it requires decision making, that is, choosing
from among alternatives future courses of action.” It is, therefore, a rational
approach to achieving pre-selected objectives.

Management has to plan for long-range and short-range future direction by

looking ahead into the future, by estimating and evaluating the future behaviour Good planning is
done with both the
of the relevant environment and by determining the enterprise’s own desired role. present resources
Planning involves determining various types and volumes of physical and other and the future ones
resources to be acquired from outside, to allocate these resources in an efficient to be acquired by the
organisation in
manner among competing claims and to make arrangement for systematic mind.
conversion of these resources into useful outputs.
As it is clear from the above discussion, plans have two basic components:
goals and action statements. Goals represent an end state - the targets and results
- that managers hope to achieve. Action statements represent the means by which Action statements
delineate plans for
an organisation goes ahead to attain its goals. Planning is a deliberate and
pursuing goals in
conscious act by means of which managers determine a course of action for certain ways.
pursuing a specific goal. Planning to a manager means thinking about what is to Planning takes into
be done, who is going to do it, and how and when he will do it. It also involves account the
organisation’s past
thinking about past events (retrospectively) and about future opportunities and records, present
impending threats (prospectively). Planning enquires about organisational status and future
strengths and weaknesses and involves decision making about desired ways and prospects.
means to achieve them. There are, however, differences between decision
making and planning. Decisions can be made without planning but planning
cannot be done without making decisions.1

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Nature of Planning
The essential nature of planning can be understood by examining its four major
aspects. They are: (1) its contribution to purpose and objectives, (2) its primacy
among the manager’s tasks, (3) its pervasiveness, and (4) the efficiency of
resulting plans. Since plans are made to attain goals or objectives, every plan and
all its support should contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s purpose
and objectives. An organised enterprise exists to accomplish group objectives
through willing and purposeful co-operation.
That planning is the prime managerial function is proved by the fact that all
other functions such as organising, staffing, leading and controlling are designed
Planning should be
done in such a way
to support the accomplishment of the enterprise’s objectives. Planning quite
that the rest of the logically therefore comes first before execution of all other managerial functions
managerial functions as it involves establishing the objectives necessary for all group efforts. Also, all
agree with it
other managerial functions must be planned if they are to be effective. Likewise,
planning and controlling are inextricably bound up. Control without plan is
meaningless, because plan provides the basis or standard of control.

All managers must Planning is a unique and universal function of all managers. The character
do some amount of and scope of planning may vary with each manager’s authority and with the
planning, and plans nature of the policies and plans outlined by superiors, but all managers must have
must not only be
effective but also be
some function of planning. Because of one’s authority or position in the
efficient. An managerial hierarchy, one may do more or less planning, but some kind or
effective plan relates amount of planning a manager must do. According to Weihrich and Koontz, “All
to the organisation’s
managers, from presidents to first-level supervisors - plan.”
purpose and
objective while an
efficient plan is Plans should not only be effective, but also efficient. Effectiveness of a plan
mindful of cost, as relates to the extent to which it accomplishes the objectives. The efficiency of a
well as individual
and group
plan, however, means its contribution to the purpose and objectives, offset by the
satisfaction. costs and other factors required to formulate and operate it. Plans are efficient if
they achieve their objective at a reasonable cost, when such a cost is measured
not only in terms of time, money or production, but also in terms of satisfaction
of the individual or group.

Conceptually Importance of Planning/ Why Should Managers Plan?

planning is Both conceptual and practical reasons are put forward in support of planning.
necessary , because
(i) it can make the Two conceptual reasons supporting systematic planning by managers are limited
most effective and resources and an uncertain environment. Resource scarcity is a very important
efficient use of consideration for any organisation today. There would be no need for planning if
limited resources by
cutting wastage; (ii) material, financial and human resources were unlimited and cheap. Planners in
it can meet both private business and public agencies are challenged to stretch their limited
contingencies in the resources through intelligent planning. Otherwise, wasteful inefficiencies would
event of
environmental upset.
give rise to higher prices, severe shortages and great public dissatisfaction.

The second most important conceptual reason is that organisations

continually face environmental uncertainty in the course of accomplishing their
tasks. Organisations meet this challenge largely through planning safeguards.
Some organisations do this job better than others partly because of their differing

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patterns of response to environmental factors beyond the organisations’

immediate control.
Besides, managers have several practical reasons for formulating plans for
themselves, their employees, and various organisational units, viz., (1) to offset
uncertainty and change; (2) to focus organisational activity on a set of
consciously created objectives; (3) to provide a co-ordinated, systematic road
map for future activities; (4) to increase economic efficiency via efficient
operation; and (5) to facilitate control by establishing a standard for subsequent

Types of Plans
Many different types of plans are adopted by managers to conduct operations,
and monitor and control organisational activities. Three such most commonly
used plans are hierarchical, frequency-of-use (repetitiveness) and contingency
Hierarchical Plans
These plans are drawn at three major hierarchical levels, namely, the
institutional, the managerial and the technical core.
Strategic plans generally involves planning at the top institutional level of an
organisation. Strategic plans define the organisation’s long-term vision and how Strategic plans are
the organisation intends to make its vision a reality. In short, strategic planning is intended to design
the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the tactics in order to
achieve long-term
adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve objectives.
these goals. Strategies do not attempt to outline exactly how the enterprise is to
accomplish its objectives, since this is the task of countless major and minor
supporting programs. But they furnish a framework for guiding thinking and
Intermediate or administrative planning is done at the level of middle
management. It is done to allocate organisational resources and co-ordinate
internal subdivisions of the organisation. It is also a process of determining the
contributions that sub-units can make with allocated resources.
Finally, operational planning is the process of determining how specific
tasks can best be accomplished on time with available resources. This is also
done to cover the day-to-day operations of an organisation. As such, many
operating plans are designed to govern the workings of the organisation’s
technical core.
Frequency-of-use Plans
Plans can also be categorised according to frequency or repetitiveness of use.
They are broadly classified as standing plans and single-use plans.
Standing plans are drawn to cover issues that managers face repeatedly. For
example, managers may be facing the problem of late-coming quite often.
Managers may, therefore, design a standing plan to be implemented
automatically each time an employee is late for work. Such a standing plan may
be called standard operating procedure (SOP). Policies, procedures, rules are

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some of the most common standing plans.

Policies allow Policies: In most cases, policies are standing plans. These are broad-based
managers use their statements of understanding or general statement of intent. Policies define an area
discretion within or provide limits within which decisions are to be made and ensure that the
limited areas. decision will be consistent with, and contribute to, an objective. Policies are
types of plans that allow decision- makers some discretion to carry out a plan.
Otherwise, there will be no difference between policies and rules. Policies must
allow for some discretion.
Policies anticipate Policies help decide issues before they become problems, and make it
and forestall unnecessary to analyse the same situation every time it comes up. It permits
problems. They
allow managers to
managers to delegate authority and still maintain control over subordinates about
deal with the matter. There are many types of policies. Instances are found in the policies
contingencies at of hiring only university-trained engineers, promotion from within, encouraging
their own discretion an employee suggestion system for improved organisational performance, setting
but within certain competitive prices etc.
Some policies could originate from customary and general ways of
behaviour in an organisation. Some of them are put in place through verbal
statements or in writing. For example, there might be a policy in an organisation
that “except for token gifts of very nominal value or advertising value, no
employee shall accept any gift from any supplier.” Such formal policies are
usually written down in company manuals or regulations for employees.
Policies allow Policy is a means of encouraging discretion and initiative, but within limits.
managers certain The amount of discretion usually depends on the policy and the position and
flexibility in dealing authority occupied in the organisation.
with their
organisational Since policies are general in nature, they provide guidelines as to how the
problems. But, not employees will carry out their jobs. While policies provide managers with some
being well-defined,
policies can
flexibility in approaching various organisational problems, this generality again
sometimes give rise makes policies rather vague. Control becomes difficult when people start
to confusion. interpreting policy meaning and purpose differently.
Rules: Like policies, rules, too, are standing plans that guide action. Rules spell
out specifically what employees are supposed to do or not to do. For example, the
Unlike policies,
rules do not allow no-smoking campaign launched by some organisations is supported by some
discretion. organisational rules. As opposed to policies, rules do not permit exercise of
individual discretion. Instead, rules specify what actions will be taken (or not
taken) and what behaviour is permitted or not. Policies, on the other hand, tell
people how to think about decisions to be made about actions.
Procedures: Like rules, procedures are standing plans that provide guidance for
action rather than speculation. They are plans that establish a required method of
Procedures set the handling future activities. Procedures establish customary ways for handling
chronological order
certain activities: hiring a clerk, participating in a co-operative housing society,
of steps to be
followed for obtaining a loan from a bank. The major characteristic of a procedure is that it
accomplishing tasks. represents a chronological sequencing of events. It specifies a series of steps that
must be taken to accomplish a task. Specified series of steps one required to take
for admission in the MBA program of Bangladesh Open University is an
example of procedure.

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Single-use plans are prepared for single or unique situations or problems and are
normally discarded or replaced after one use. Generally three types of single-use
plans are used. These are programmes, projects and budgets.
Programmes: Programmes are plans of action followed in proper sequence
according to objectives, policies and procedures. Thus a programme lays down Programmes
determine major
the major steps to be taken to achieve an objective and sets an approximate time steps and set time
frame for its fulfilment. Programmes are usually supported by budgets. A frames for achieving
programme may be a major or a minor one or long, medium or short term one. objectives.

Since it is not used in the same form once its task is over it belongs to single-use
plan category.
Projects: A project is a particular job that needs to be done in connection with a
general programme. So a single step in a programme is set up as a project. A A project is a single
project has a distinct object and clear-cut termination. "Projects have the same step in a programme
characteristics as programs but are generally narrower in scope and less complex.
Projects are frequently created to support or complement a program."3
Budgets: "A budget is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical A budget is a
terms."4 It is sometimes called numerised programme and most commonly expressed in
expressed in terms of money i.e. taka, dollar etc. They may also be expressed in measurable units of
terms of any measurable units like hours, metric tons etc. It covers a particular money, weight, time,
period of time, and once the period is over, a new budget comes into being.
Contingency Plans
As we already know, the process of planning is based on certain premises about
what is likely to occur in the environment of an organisation. Contingency plans planning is done to
are made to deal with situations that might crop up if these assumptions turn out meet with
to be wrong. Thus contingency planning is the development of alternative emergencies.
courses of action to be taken if events disrupt a planned course of action. A
contingency plan allows management to act immediately, if such unforeseen
events as strikes, boycotts, natural disasters or major economic changes render
existing plans inoperable or unsuitable.5
Steps in Planning
Usually the same steps are followed by managers in all the cases of planning. All
of these steps taken serially results in a planning process. An effective planning
process appears future oriented, comprehensive, systematic, integrated and
negotiated. Minor plans are normally simpler in nature and therefore, some of the
steps can be easily taken. For general application, the following practical steps
are discussed along with a flow chart provided by management scholars, Heinz
Weihrich and Harold Koontz.''6
1. Being Aware of Opportunities: Awareness of opportunities in the
environment both external to and internal in the organization is the real beginning
point for planning. At this stage managers tend to create a foundation from which
they will develop their plans for the next planning period. This awareness stage is
considered by some managers as a precursor to the actual planning process
instead of taking it as an actual part of the process.

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At this stage, according to Weihrich and Koontz, "all managers should take
a preliminary look at possible future opportunities and see them clearly and
completely know where they stand in light at their strengths and weaknesses,
understand what problems they wish to solve and why, and know what they
expect to gain. Setting realistic objectives depends on this awareness''7 It is a
realistic exercise about the opportunity situation and in setting forth a vision of
expected gains.
2. Establishing Objectives : Establishing specific objectives is the second step
of planning. This involves determining goals or objectives for enterprise as a
whole and then for each subordinate tier and unit.
An awareness of opportunities in the context of strength and weakness helps
one establish a reasonable goal and draw up an action statement. Establishment
of objectives involves determining the same for the enterprise as a whole and for
each subordinate level or unit. Many organizations, for example, consist of
divisions, each of which is divided into departments which, in tern, may contain
additional sub systems such as committees and work groups. Managers are
therefore, required to develop an elaborate network of organizational plans to
achieve the overall goals of their organization. A comprehensive planning to be
effective requires that managers in each subsystem of their organization to be
involved in the planning process. Objectives which are going to guide the course
of the organization in future years to come, must be clear, concise and specific.
Objectives of enterprise act as direction to the major plans, which, by
reflecting these objectives define the objective of every major department. Major
department objectives, in turn, control the objectives of subordinate departments
and so on down the line. In other words, objectives form a hierarchy. Managers
should also have the opportunity to contribute and participate in setting
objectives at their own level.
3. Developing Premises : The third step in logical sequence of planning is the
establishment of the premises or assumptions on which action statements are
built. The equality and success of any plan depends on the equality of the
assumptions on which it is based. Even one wrong assumption can produce a
poor or unrealistic decision. These assumptions are, in fact, about the
environment in which the plan is to be carried out. That all the managers
involved in planning tend to agree on the premises is very important. ''The major
principle of planning premises'' according to Weihrich and Koontz, ''is this : the
more thoroughly individuals charged with planning understand and agree to
utilize consistent planning premises the more coordinated enterprise planning
will be.''8
Forecasting plays an important role in premising. By means of forecasting
organizations try to answer various questions about future expectations and
action statements. Forecasting may be made on personal experience and
expectation or systematic empirical research. Managers base their forecasts in
both cases on assumptions. ''Premising'' according to Dunham and
Pierce,"therefore, involves forecasting what is likely to happen inside and outside
an organization. The forecasts go into the formulation of action statement to
guide the organization in the future.''9

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Figure 3-1


In light of: IN LIGHT OF GOALS
The market SOUGHT
Competition Which alternative will give us the best
What customers want chance of meeting our goals at the lowest
Our strengths cost and highest profit?
Our weaknessess

SETTING OBJECTIVES Selecting the course of
OR GOALS action we will pursue
Where we want to be and
what we want to accomplish
and when

PREMISES Buy equipment
In what environment Buy materials
--internal or external--will Hire and train workers
our plans operate? Develop a new product


What are the most Develop such budgets as :
promising alternatives to Volume and price of sales
accomplishing our Operating expenses
objectives? necessary of plans
Expenditures for capital

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz; Management: A Global Perspective, McGraw-
Hill, 1993,p.131.

According to Dunhan and Pierce, there are two types of forecasts. One type
involves predicting the consequence of a planned course of action. This type
helps managers understand what an organization might expect to achieve as a
result of a planned course of action. Second type of forecast helps managers to

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make predictions about environmental events likely to affect an organization's

movement towards achieving its objectives. These forecasts are made to generate
information for developing their action statements. Premising is based on this
second kind of forecasting.''10
4. Determining Alternative Courses : The fourth step is to search for and find
out alternative courses of action, especially those not immediately apparent. At
this stage managers decide how to move from their current position towards their
decided future position. There is hardly a plan for which reasonable alternatives
are not available. It is also found quite often that an alternative not considered as
obvious, proves to be the best.
Finding alternative is not the problem normally. Reducing the number of
alternatives in order to analyze and find out the best one is the problem. There is
a limit to the number of alternatives that can be examined thoroughly, even with
mathematical techniques and computer. At this, a manager usually draws upon
research, experimentation, and experience to identify and develop a number of
possible courses of action.
5. Evaluating Alternative Courses : Once alternative courses of action have
been identified after seeking out alternative courses and examining their strong
and weak points, they must be evaluated in light of how well each would help the
organization reach its goals. Evaluating alternatives also includes determining the
costs and expected efficiency of each. One course may appear to be the most
profitable but it may require a large cash involvement with a slow pay back.
Second one may look less profitable but that may be less risky. Still another third
one may better serve the long-range objectives of the company.
Evaluation can be difficult because of uncertainty about the future, various
intangible factors and inaccurate premises behind plans. Several techniques can
be used by managers at this step. In fact, it is at this step in the planning process
that operations research and mathematical as well as computing techniques can
be primarily applied.
6. Selecting a Course : After identifying the alternatives and considering the
merits of each carefully, managers now shall have to adopt a plan and select one
course of action. A plan is adopted at this point and is , therefore, the real point of
decision making. Two or more courses may appear to be advisable on occasional
analyses and evaluation of alternative courses. Managers may decide to follow
several courses instead of one best course.
7. Formulating Derivative Plans : Planning is not completed when a decision is
made with the adoption of a general plan. Therefore, a seventh step is involved.
Managers often still need to develop one or more supportive plans to bolster their
basic plan and to explain the many details involved in reaching a broad major
plan. It is clear, therefore, that derivative plans are essentially required to support
the basic or general plan. Usually there are two kinds of derivative or supportive
plans. The first one involves changes in existing supportive plans. These are
derivative plans that have been in use, but now need modification to support a

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new plan. "The second kind of subsidiary plan involves the creation of a new
supportive plan. If, for example, an organization converted a plant from a
traditional assembly line to one using a fully automated, computer-integrated
manufacturing system, managers would need a new supportive plan for training
employees to use the new equipment. They would need another new supportive
plan for maintaining the new equipment."11
8. Numbering Plans by Budgeting : With decisions are made and plans are set,
the final step to give meaning to them is to quantify them with numbers
converting them into budgets. Budgets are sometimes called numerated programs
which are most commonly expressed in terms of money. But they may also be
expressed as hours worked, as units sold, or in any other measurable unit. An
enterprise usually has overall budgets representing the sum total of income and
expenses, with consequent profit or surplus. Each department of the enterprise or
organization can have its own budgets, commonly of expenses and capital
expenditures, which make up the overall budget.
''If done well" according to Weihrich and Koonz, budgets become a means
of adding together the various plans and also set important standards against
which planning progress can be measured.12

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you understand by planning?
2. State in brief the nature and importance of planning.
3. Why should managers plan?
4. What are different types of plans? Discuss them in brief.
5. Would you discuss the types of frequency-of-use plans in brief?
6. What do you mean by hierachical plan? Discuss its types.
7. Discuss in brirf the steps in planning.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Planning is a deliberate and conscious act by means of which managers:
(a) achieve their personal goals
(b) can enhance production
(c) determine a course of action for persuing a specific goal
(d) can earn more profit

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2. Effectiveness of a plan relates to:

(a) enhancing productivity
(b) the extent to which it accomplishes the objectives
(c) profitability of the enterprise
(d) the size of the enterprise

3. Strategic plans are intended to design tactics in order to:

(a) ensure maximum production
(b) high productivity
(c) serve the interests of both owners and managers
(d) achieve long-term objectives

4. Since policies are general in nature, they provide guidelines as to how:

(a) the mangers will act efficiently
(b) the enterprise will achieve its goal
(c) the employees will curryout their jobs
(d) profits can be maximised

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Lesson 2 : The Strategic Planning Process

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the meaning and nature of strategy and strategic planning
• describe the features of strategic plans
• discuss the strategic planning process
• identify factors that may cause failure of strategic planning

Strategy and Strategic Planning

Strategy is a comprehensive concept and, for this reason, it is often used in
different ways. But this difference creates a major problem when some writers
focus on both the end points (mission, goals, objectives) and the means of
achieving them (policies and plans), but the others emphasise the means only
rather than the ends in the strategic process. Strategy, as has already been said,
refers to the determination of the purpose or mission and the basic long-term
objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and allocation
of resources necessary to achieve these aims. Therefore, objectives discussed
earlier are a part of strategy formulation.
Policies are general statements which guide managers' thinking to take
decision. They provide a broad boundary within which decisions should fall. Strategies and
Therefore the essence of policy is discretion. Strategy, on the other hand, policies chiefly unify
concerns the direction in which human and material resources will be applied and give direction to
with a view to increasing the chance of achieving selected objectives. The key
function of strategies and policies is to unify and give direction to plans. But if
one of them stand alone, can hardly ensure that an organisation will reach its
Apparently strategic planning seems to be a simple exercise: analyse the Strategic planning
current and expected future situation, decide the direction of the firm, and takes into account
develop means for achieving the goal. In reality, it is a very complicated process factors external to
the organisation.
that demands a systematic approach to identify and analyse factors external to the
organisation and matching them with the firm's capabilities.13

Strategies as Guides
Strategies and policies assist managers to plan properly by guiding them to make Effective
operational decisions. The basic principle of the strategy and policy framework, frameworks for
enterprise plans
is as follows: the more strategies and policies are clearly understood and depend on a good
implemented in practice, the more consistent and effective will be the framework understanding of
for enterprise plans. For example, according to Weihrich and Koontz, "if a strategies and
company has a major policy of developing only new products that fits its
marketing organisation, it will avoid wasting energy and resources on new
products that do not meet this test."

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Tactics are the Strategies and policies, to be effective, must be put into practice by means of
action plans through detailed plans embodying minutest of ingredients necessary for operation. These
which strategies are
pursued and
detailed plans, also called tactics, are the action plans through which strategies
practised and are pursued and implemented. Hence strategies must be supported by effective
implemented. tactics.
Dunham and Pierce have defined strategic planning as the top management's
Strategic planning active and conscious effort to design a plan in order to place an organisation
accounts for the
within its external environment. A strategic plan outlines a long-term perspective
existence, strategic for the organisation. It specifically states the organisation’s reason for existence,
objectives and its strategic objectives, and its operational strategies.
strategies. A strategic plan of an organisation, therefore, answers a set of fundamental
questions: what business is it doing or does it want to do in future? What kind of
A strategic plan
organisation is it or does it like to be? How is it going to conduct itself to achieve
guides decisions that this strategic position? "A strategic plan, therefore, is a comprehensive
ascertain and control framework that guides the decisions that determine the nature and direction of
activities. organisational activities".14 For a broader and better understanding of strategic
planning, the following three concepts need to be appreciated, viz.
organisational mission, strategic objectives and operational strategies.
An organisational mission is a statement specifying the kind of business it
wants to undertake. It puts forward the vision of management based on internal
and external environments, capabilities, and the nature of customers of the
organisation. Particular mission statement, however, does not necessarily state
specific strategic objectives or operational strategies or tactics.
A strategic objective provides statements of definable and measurable
achievements. Realisation of such achievements marks the fulfilment of an
organisation’s mission statement.
Finally, operational strategies specify the actions that are to be taken in
order to attain objectives. Therefore, operational strategies or tactics mean the
same thing which are action plans designed to execute or implement strategies.15

Features of Strategic Plans

The following are some of the most important characteristics of strategic plans:
1. They are long-term in nature and place an organisation within its external
2. They are comprehensive and cover wide range of organisation activities.
3. They integrate, guide and control organisational activities for the
immediate and long-range future.
4. They set the boundaries for managerial decision making. Since strategic
plans are the primary document of an organisation all managerial decisions
are required to be consistent with its goals.

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Strategic plans, thus, set forth the long-term objectives, intermediate objectives
and main purpose or basic role of an organisation.16

The Strategic Planning Process

It covers several steps, starting from the initial examination of the current state of
affairs, through the preparation of a plan and down to the final checks on how
the plan is affecting daily performance. These steps are discussed below:
Step-1: Planning Awareness: The first step in developing a strategic plan is to
take stock of the existing situation: an organisation’s current mission, its goals, The first step in
developing a
structure, strategy and performance; the values and expectations of the major strategic plan is to
stake-holders and power brokers of the organisation and the environment in take thorough stock
which the organisation exists and operates. of the organisation’s
past and present
FIGURE 3-2 missions, goals,
liabilities, and
Step 3
Analyze the

Step 1 Step 2 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Planning Formulate Identify strategic Gap Analysis: Design a
awareness goals opportunities Determine changes Strategy
and threats needed in
current strategy

Step 4 Step 9 Step 8

Analyze Measure and Implement a
organizational control strategy
resources progress


Source: Dunham and Pierce,"Management",P.288

Commitments made in previous plans must also be reviewed at this stage.

Such earlier commitments might have created groups with vested interests,
allocated resources, and exerted other influences on decisions about the future.
Former organisational missions are most likely to cause managers to establish
commitments and groups which exert considerable influence on future decisions.
The goals, strategy, structure, and organisational performance accompanying the

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current mission must also be examined. The organisation’s current goals,

methods used to achieve them and the rate of success in achieving them - all have
a major bearing on the decisions to be made for the next round of strategic
planning. A last element of the planning awareness is the understanding that
managers must have knowledge about the environment of the organisation.
Step-2: Formulating goals: The second step for management to develop a
Goals can be strategic plan is to clearly spell out what an organisation wants to achieve in the
affected by the future. Formulating goals demands from managers necessary affirmation and
attitude and taste of
verification of reasons or justification of the organisation’s existence, the
individual managers.
definition of its mission or purpose, and establish strategic objectives. The
beliefs, values and expectations of the dominant coalition of stake-holders tend to
shape any new mission statement and concomitant goals and strategies.
Managers vary in their attitude and expectation. For example, some managers are
found more concerned about delivering new goods and services and, hence, give
more importance on research and development goals. Managers aspiring to
dominate the market would like to design goals in terms of acquisitions of and
merger with other companies. Managers with social orientation and responsibility
tend to set goals likely to produce favourable social effects along with profits.
In case of large organisations in particular, the process of goal development
is complex. "Individuals and groups, both internal and external to an
organisation, engage in a process of bargaining and out of this exchange
organisational goals emerge. The relative power of these various stake holders in
the organisation determines the nature and character of the bargaining process
and the goals that ultimately emerge."17
Step-3: Analysing the external environment: Once the formulation of
organisational goals is over, the next step is to look at the factors in the
environment which might affect the management's ability to accomplish them.
Scanning or assessing the environment is the process of collecting information
In analysing the from the external environment about factors having the ability to exert influence
external nvironment on the organisation.
only such factors are
taken into account The assessment of environment is done on economic, social, political, legal,
which might affect demographic, and geographic counts. In addition, the environment is scanned for
the organisational
technological developments, for products and services in the market and for other
factors required to determine the competitive situation of the firm. The main
purpose of an environmental assessment is to identify opportunities and threats to
the organisation so that managers can develop a strategy to face them. This step
may be taken along with the next step i.e. step four, analysing the internal
environment or the organisation’s own resources.
Internal environment
analysis involves Step-4: Analysing internal environment (or own organisational resources):
assessment of the The analysis of internal environment or the organisation’s resources from within
strengths and
weaknesses of the identifies its present strengths and weaknesses by examining its internal
organisation’ s inner resources. Audit and evaluation should be undertaken in matters of research and
resources in development, production operation, procurement, marketing, and products and
comparison with its services. Such other important internal factors as human resources and financial
resources, the image of the company, the organisation’s culture and structure and
relations with customers should also be assessed.

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The critical factor in an organisational analysis is a statement of what the

organisation does better or worse than its competitors. Managers, in other words,
must answer the question about their strength or weakness compared with their
competitors so far as internal resources are concerned.18
Step-5: Identifying strategic opportunities and threats: Having the facts
provided by assessment of the external and internal environments in steps three
and four respectively, managers proceed to the fifth step. There they identify
Both opportunities
their opportunities to achieve their goals, on the one hand, and the threats that and threats are to be
could hamper and halt them. Both these factors must be considered for effective identified.
strategic planning. In short, managers should use all the information provided by
their scanning of both sides of the environment in the course of strategic planning
that are likely to affect their organisation in the future.
Step-6: Performing gap analysis: Gap analysis identifies the expected gaps
Gap analysis finds
between where managers want the organisation to go and where it will actually out about the gap
go if they maintain the current strategy. Gap analysis helps to point out areas in between the intended
which an organisation is likely to succeed , but its real value lies in identifying results and the
achieved results
the limitations of the present strategy and pointing out the areas requiring change. under the current
Thus gap analysis helps determine the causes of the gaps and, most importantly, strategy.
makes managers concerned about the issues to be seriously addressed in
designing a new strategy - the core issue of step seven.
Step-7: Developing alternative strategies: At this step of the strategic planning
process, managers are faced with the question of whether a new strategy is
required and, if so, what kind of strategy it will be. If no gap is found from the
above analysis (step six), there is hardly any problem. But gap analysis quite
often tends to show that some changes in strategy are required. Hence managers
as a matter of course have to identify new alternatives, evaluate each of them, Alternative
strategies allow
and choose a new or an alternative strategy. revision of current
strategies for
The nature and extent of gaps exercise considerable influence on the
reducing gaps
complexity of the process. Sometimes only minor adjustments in existing goals between expected
and strategy are required. For example, an image problem of the company might and actual results.
be rectified by some simple measures such as a change in advertisement or
modernisation of equipment to expedite delivery of products or services. At other
times, important changes in matters of organisational strategy become necessary.
For example, an organisation may require to enter into a new market, redesign a
product, or even merge with or acquire another organisation to face new and
changing competition.
Finally various alternatives have to be carefully considered and evaluated Every strategy
before the choice is made. Strategic choices must be examined in the light of the should be in tune
risks involved in a particular situation. Although some opportunities appear to be with the attitudes,
values and goals of
profitable, they might not be pursued for the risk of failure and consequent organisation
bankruptcy of the company. Time is another critical factor in selecting a strategy. inmates.
For example, even a vary high quality product may fail if it is introduced to the
market at a wrong time.

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Step-8: Implementing strategy: However good a strategic plan may be, it can
not fully utilise its potential unless it is implemented effectively at each level of
the organisation. A corporate level strategy must generate appropriate strategic
plans for each unit of business. Within each business unit, supportive functional
strategies must be developed. Again, as the overall strategy filters downward,
managers at each level must follow the full strategic planning process in a similar
manner and must develop in their turn, strategies for the major organisational
divisions, subdivisions and each major functional area. Managers must also
remember that a strategy must have the support of the employees at every level
for its success. It is therefore important for the managers to give due
consideration to the attitudes, values and goals of organisation members at the
time of implementing a new strategy.
Step-9: Measuring and controlling progress: At the last step, managers must
evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy being pursued. Necessary checking
Managers need to
keep regular tabs on
should be done by management to see whether it conforms to the strategy that
work progress under they designed in step seven and is achieving the goals that they set forth in step
a given arrangement. two. The results of the evaluation and control measures during this last step of
the process inform managers about the actions required to enforce a strategy,
which is not being followed or to revise or improve a strategy that is not working.
At this final stage managers can employ several criteria to measure the success of
a strategy. Some of them are:
• External consistency: How far is the strategy helping the organisation to
cope with the demands of the external environment?
• Internal consistency: Is the strategy using organisational resources to
achieve the objectives set by management?
• Competitive advantage: Does the strategy enable the organisation to do
things better than its competitors?
• Degree of risk: Is the risk involved in the strategy consistent with the
organisation’s expectations?
• Contribution to society: Is the strategy socially responsible?
• Motivation: Is the strategy contributing to the morale, motivation and
commitment of the people in the organisation?
If the plan fulfils these above criteria at the final stage of the strategic planning
process, managers might feel assured that the strategy is working well and
according to their expectation.19

Effective Implementation of Strategies

Effective implementation of strategic planning does not require only the
allocation of resources to accomplish goals. It must also be backed up by
strategic ideas, which include having an appropriate organisational structure, an
effective management information system, a system of budget facilitating the
achievement of strategic objectives, and a reward system that supports the

Unit-3 Page-62
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The following are some of the important factors supposed to cause the
failure of strategic planning:
1. Inadequate preparation for strategic planning on the part of managers.
2. The information for preparing the plans is not enough to prepare subsequent
plans for action.
3. The objectives of the organisation are too vague to be of any use.
4. The business units (divisions, sub-divisions etc.) are not clearly distinguished
or identified.
5. Reviewing of the strategic plans of various business units is not done in an
effective manner.
6. Linkage between strategic planning and control is inadequate.
Strategic planning is especially the job of those line managers who sit at the top
of the organisation. To assist them, particularly in large firms, staff planners may
be employed. But line managers must be trained, if they are to do their job
The overall strategic plan also requires specific action plans to support and The overall strategic
supplement it. This usually needs contributions of line managers from various plan overseen by
functional departments like research and development, engineering, production, top-ranking
managers needs to
marketing, financing and personnel to develop action or operational plans in their be backed up by the
respective areas to implement the broad strategic plan. If organisations are very action plans of line
large, they are quite often broken down into strategic business units (SBUs). managers in various
They are supposed to operate in relative independence. departments.
Competition among
But it is important to see that these relative independence does not result in these departments
conflict and competition among different units. It is for the top executive to should be
harmonise and integrate this unit level strategic plans into a single and positive harmonised so that
whole serving the overall interest of the company. the general interest
of the organisation is
Without a plan no control is possible. Plan provides the basis for control. not ultimately
Quite often it is found that strategic plans and budgets are in conflict. This
happens because in most cases budgets are based on the previous budgets,
ignoring requirements of the strategic plan. Budgets are also frequently prepared
without a definite action plan to carry out the strategy. In this context, we might
appropriately quote Weihrich and Koontz to conclude our discussion on strategic
".................. it is clear that strategic planning needs to be integrated with the
total managerial process, such as the organisation structure; the appraisal, reward
and motivational system; and the controls used to measure performance against
objectives. This is just another illustration that effective management requires a
system approach that recognises the independence of managerial activities."20

Principles of Management Page-63

School of Business

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. How would you define strategy and strategic planning?
2. What are the features of strategic planning?
3. What concepts are to be appreciated for a better understanding of strategic
4. What is meant by strategic planning process? Can you discuss the steps
involved in the process?
5. How can you ensure effective implementation of strategies?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Strategy concerns the direction in which human and material resources will
be applied with a view to:
(a) ensure maximum profit
(b) enhance productivity
(c) increasing the chance of achieving selected objectives
(d) improve labour-management relations
2. Tactics are the action plans through which:
(a) managers fulfill their objective
(b) workers are controlled effectively
(c) profits can be enhanced
(d) strategies are pursued and implemented
3. An organizational mission is a statement specifying the:
(a) amount of profit it wants to earn
(b) kinds of business it wants to undertake
(c) quantity of sales it wants to ensure
(d) quantity of goods it wants to prduce
4. Strategic planning is specially the job of:
(a) the mid-level executives of the organization
(b) those line managers who sit at the top of the organization
(c) the chief executive
(d) the managing directors

1. Ask a manager you know of about the planning process.

Unit-3 Page-64
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CASE 3-1
Margaret Quinn, the president of Eastern Electric Corporation, one of the large
electric utilities operating in the eastern United States, had long been convinced
that effective planning in the company was absolutely essential to success. For
more than 10 years she had tried to get a company planning program installed
without seeing much result. Over this time she had consecutively appointed three
vice presidents in charge of planning and, although each had seemed to work
hard at the job, she noticed that individual department heads kept going their own
ways. They made decisions on problems as they came up, and they prided
themselves on doing an effective job of "fighting fires."
But the company seemed to be drifting, and individual decisions of department
heads did not always tally with each other. The executive in charge of regulatory
matters was always pressing state commissions to allow higher electric rates
without having very much luck, since the commissions felt that costs, although
rising, were not justified. The head of public relations was constantly appealing
to the public to understand the problems of electric utilities, but electric users in
the various communities felt that the utility was making enough money and that
the company should solve its problems without raising rates. The vice president
in charge of operations, pressed by many communities to expand electric lines, to
put all lines underground to get rid of unsightly poles and lines, and to give
customers better services, felt that costs were secondary to keeping customers off
his back.
When a consultant called in at the request of Ms. Quinn looked over the situation,
he found that the company really was not planning very well. The vice president
of planning and his staff were working hard, making studies and forecasts and
submitting them to the president. There they stopped, since all the department
heads looked on them as impractical paperwork that had no importance for their
day-to-day operations.
1. If you were the consultant, what steps would you suggest to get the
company to plan effectively?
2. What advice would you give the company as and how far in the future
to plan?
3. How would you suggest to the president that your recommendations be
put into effect?
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.140.

Principles of Management Page-65

School of Business

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management", Delhi:
ALTBS. Publishers & Distributors, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Randall B. Dunham et. al., Management. Scott, Foresmen and Company, 1989.
Ibid., p. 170.
Ibid.,p. 183.
Weihrich and Koontz, Management: A Global Perspective,McGraw-Hill
International Editions,1994, p. 128.
Randall B. Dunham, op.cit, p. 188.
Weihrich and Koontz, op.cit, pp. 129-133.
Ibid. , p.130.
Ibid., p. 132
Dunhan and Peirce, op. cit., p. 178
Ibid., p. 178.
Ibid., p.180.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit, p. 133.
Ibid., pp.168 - 169.
Dunham and Pierce, op.cit, pp. 279-80.
Ibid, pp. 279-80.
Ibid, p. 289.
Ibid, pp. 288 - 296.
Weihrich & Koontz, op.cit, p.182.

Unit-3 Page-66

Unit Highlights
‰ Objectives: Definition and Nature of Objectives,
‰ Management By Objectives (MBO)
‰ Network of Objective
School of Business

Unit-4 Page-68
Bangladesh Open University

Unit-4: Objectives
Lesson 1 : Objectives: Definition and Nature of Objectives

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• define objectives
• understand the nature of objectives
• describe network of objective

Definition of Objective

Although some theorists try to draw a fine distinction between goals and
objectives managers usually use the terms interchangeably. Goals or objectives
are considered important ends towards which organisational and individual An objective is a
activities are directed. An objective may be defined as a specific commitment to specific commitment
achieve a measurable result within a given time-period. According to many to achieve a
experts, objectives are the single most important feature of the planning process. measurable result
within a preset
All managers must be able to write good objectives, to be aware of their deadline.
importance, and to understand how objectives combine to form a means-ends
chain. According to Anthony P. Raia, an authority on Managing By Objectives
(MBO), “as far as possible, objectives should be expressed in quantitative,
measurable, concrete terms, in the form of a written statement of expected results
to be achieved within a given period of time.” In other words, objectives should
represent a firm commitment to attain something specific. So a well written
objective should state what is to be accomplished and when.1

The Nature of Objectives

Objectives mean end results, and overall objectives require to be supported by
sup-projects. Thus, objectives tend to constitute a hierarchy as well as a Objectives make up
network. A hierarchy ranges from a broad aim to specific individual objectives. a network and a
hierarchy. A
The highest peak of the hierarchy is to contribute to the welfare of the people by hierarchy ranges
providing goods and services at a reasonable cost. The next purpose of business from a general aim
might be to supply convenient and cheaper transportation for common people. to achieving specific
The stated purpose might be to produce market and service automobiles. targets. A good
network of
objectives is created
The next level of the hierarchy constitutes more specific objectives, such by co-ordinating all
as those in the vitally important result areas. These are the key result areas in individual objectives
which performance is essential for the success of the organisation. The following of an organisation.
are some of the examples of objectives for key result areas: (a) to get a 10 percent
return on investment by the end of the financial year 1998-99 (profitability); (b)
to increase production of x products by 7 percent without increasing cost or
reducing the current standard of quality by June, 1999 (Productivity). The
objectives are then divided and delegated into division, department and section
objectives down to the lowest level of the organisation.

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A Network of objectives
If objectives or goals are not interconnected and if they are not mutually
supportive, people are quite often likely to pursue paths that may seem good for
their own respective departments but may be detrimental to the organisation as a
whole. That is why both objectives and planning programs normally form a
Objectives and network of expected results and events. Goals and programmes constitute an
programmes need to interlocking network. The following figure depicts the network of contributing
be so orchestrated programs (each having its own appropriate objectives) that constitute a typical
as to help serve the new product programme. “Managers must ensure that the components of the
interests of network “fit” one another. Fitting is not only a matter of having programmes
departments without
implemented but also a matter of timing their completion, since taking up one
hindering the program often depends on completing another first.”
achievement of the
Goals of each individual department must be so set that while serving its
overall targets in the own goal, do not conflict with or hamper the goals of the other departments. For
long run. example, the manufacturing department may see that long production runs tend
to serve its goals best. But this might hinder the marketing department’s intention
to have all relevant products readily available or the goal of the finance
department to maintain investment in inventory at a certain low level.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by objective? Discuss the nature of objective.
2. Can you describe the hierarchy and network of objective? Give an idea about
network of objectives.
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. An objective may be defined as a specific commitment to:
(a) achieve efficiency of management
(b) earn more profit for the enterprise
(c) ensure its attainment
(d) achieve a measureable result within a given time period

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Lesson 2 : Management by Objective (MBO)

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• discuss management by objective (MBO)
• discuss the MBO cycle/process
• describe the principles of evaluating performance

Management by objectives (MBO)

Management by objectives (MBO) is a comprehensive management system
based on measurable and participatively set objectives. MBO is now widely MBO is variously
understood as an
practised all over the world. But, despite its large-scale application, the meaning appraisal tool, a
of MBO is not yet always clear. To some people, it is an appraisal tool; others motivational
consider it a motivational technique, while others look upon it as an instrument of technique and an
instrument of
planning and control. planning and
Management by objectives (MBO) has been defined by Weihrich and
Koontz as “The comprehensive managerial system that integrates many key
managerial activities in a systematic manner and that is consciously directed
toward the effective and efficient achievement of organisational and individual
Emphasising management by objectives was not initiated or originated MBO is
collaborative in
by any single person. Such management has been dictated by the prudence or nature, and stresses
common sense of innumerable people. However, certain individuals have long on measurable
placed emphasis on management by end results. objectives that are
set by participation
MBO is a comprehensive management system based on measurable and of all concerned.
participatively set objectives. It has come a long way since it was first suggested This management
by Peter F. Drucker in 1954 as a way of promoting managerial self-control. The strengthens
common factor that has made MBO programs so popular in both management employee
theory and practice is the emphasis on objectives that are both measurable and commitment and
increases trust and
participatively set. MBO is a management technique for increasing employee co-operation among
involvement in the planning and controlling activities. Through involvement, it is the inmates of the
believed that employee commitment to a planned course of action will be organisation.
enhanced and performance will be more efficient.
Many variations are found in the practice of MBO. But basically it is a
process through which goals, plans, and control systems of an organisation are
In MBO, the
defined through collaboration between managers and their subordinates. Jointly employee is asked of
they identify common goals, define the results expected from each individual, the ways by which
and use these measurements to direct the operation of their unit and to assess the objectives set by
individual contributions. In this process, the knowledge and skills of many his / her
participation can be
members of the organisation are pressed into service. Instead of telling best achieved.
subordinates about their goals, managers ask subordinates to participate and
decide about what their goal should be.

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After setting up of an acceptable set of goals for each employee through

a give-and-take collaborative process, the employee is asked to play a major role
in devising an action plan for achieving these goals. In the final stage of the
MBO process, employees are asked to develop control processes, to monitor their
own performance and to suggest corrective measures if deviations from plans do
occur. The entire process is a combination of planning and control.

The MBO Cycle

The four steps or stages of the MBO process are also called the MBO cycle. The
four-step cycle illustrated below (Figure 4.5) lies at the very heart of MBO. Since
MBO combines planning and control, the MBO cycle follows very closely the
planning-control cycle.


Planning Phase Control Phase

Step 1 Step 4

Set Objectives Recycle Conduct Annual

Participatively Performance

Step 2 Step 3

Develop Action Carry Out Plans Periodically

Plans Reevaluate
Objectives and
Plans and Monitor


Source:Kreitner,,"Management",Third Edition, P.140

Steps 1 and 2 form the planning phase of MBO, and steps 3 and 4 are the control

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Step - 1: Setting objectives: A hierarchy of challenging, fair, and internally In contrast to an

consistent objectives is the necessary starting point for the MBO cycle because it authoritarian
serves as the foundation for all that follows. All objectives, according to the manager or a passive
one, the manager
principles of MBO, should be reduced to writing and kept aside for future under the MBO
reference during steps 3 and 4. Setting objectives under MBO starts at the top of system involves all
the managerial pyramid and filters down, one layer at a time. the subordinates in
setting objectives
The main contribution of MBO to the objective-setting process is its and achieving them.
emphasis on participation and involvement of subordinates. There is no place in
MBO for either a domineering manager ordering people or a passive manager
leaving all at the discretion of the subordinates. Rather MBO calls for a
negotiation of objectives between superiors and subordinates on a give-and-take
Step - 2: Developing action plans: With the development of action plans and
addition of these statements to the objectives participatively set, the planning
phase of MBO comes to an end. Managers, at each level, tend to develop plans
that incorporate the objectives established in step-1. It is the responsibility of
higher managers to make sure that plans of their direct subordinates complement
rather than conflict with one another.
Step - 3: Periodic review: Attention now turns to step-3 as plans go into action
requiring the following-up and monitoring of performance. Face-to-face
meetings between superior and subordinate at 3-, 6- and 9-month intervals should
be held regularly. These periodic check-ups help to see whether a particular set of
objectives is still valid or needs revision or updating under the changed
circumstances. Periodic check-ups also provide managers with excellent
opportunities to give subordinates required and well-considered feedback.
Step - 4: Performance appraisal: According to Kreitner, “at end of one
complete cycle of MBO, typically one year after the original goals are set, the
Evaluation of
final performance is matched with the previously agreed upon objectives. The performance and
pairs of superior and subordinate managers who mutually set the objectives one appropriate response
to success and
year earlier meet face to face once again to discuss how things have turned out. failure complete the
MBO calls for emphasis on results, not on personalities or excuses.” Kreitner control side of the
further adds that the control side of the MBO cycle is completed when success is MBO cycle.
rewarded with promotion, incentive payments or other suitable benefits and
failure is noted to take corrective action in the future. At the time of evaluating Employee
performance during steps 3 and 4, managers need to keep in mind the following motivation increases
when employees are
behavioural principles: allowed a role in
decision-making and
Principle of participation: Motivation tends to increase with increased get recognition for
participation in decision making and objective setting. their work, and when
the organisation’s
Principle of feedback: Motivation tends to increase when employees know interests fall in with
where they stand. their own.

Principle of reciprocated interest: Motivation tends to increase when the

pursuit of organisational objectives goes hand in hand with the achievement of
personal objectives.

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Principle of recognition: Motivation to achieve organisational goals or

objectives tends to increase when employees are recognised for their
The MBO cycle repeats itself, after every one round, each cycle
contributing to the learning process. As a common practice, MBO starts at the
top and introduces a new layer of management to the MBO process each year.
Experience shows that adding several layers of management into MBO all at
Layers of once frequently causes confusion, dissatisfaction and failure. Actually, five or
management should
be gradually added more years are typically taken even for a moderate-sized organisation to evolve a
to the MBO process. full-blown MBO system that binds together such areas as planning, control,
performance appraisal, and the reward system. Votaries of MBO believe that the
natural by-products of a proper MBO system are higher productivity and greater
motivation resulting from the use of realistic objectives, more effective control
and self-control of the employees.2

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. How would you describe Management by objective (MBO)?
2. Can you discuss the stages of the MBO process? Why MBO process is called
MBO Cycle?
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. MBO was first suggested by:
(a) Harold Koontz in 1984
(b) F. W. Taylor in 1912
(c) Henry Fayol in 1915
(d) P. F. Drucker in 1954
2. MBO is a management technique for increasing:
(a) productivity and profitability of the enterprise
(b) workers' involvement in work
(c) employee involvement in the planning and controlling activities
(d) efficiency of management
1. Make a list of goals you wish to achieve in the next 5 years. Are
they verifiable? Are they attainable?

Case 4-1
Developing Verifiable Goals
The division manager had recently heard a lecture on management by
objectives. His enthusiasm, kindled at that time, tended to grow the

Unit-4 Page-74
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more he thought about it. He finally decided to introduce the concept

and see what headway he could make at his next staff meeting.
He recounted the theoretical developments in this technique,
cited the advantages to the division of its application, and asked his
subordinates to think about adopting it.
It was not as easy as everyone had thought. At the next
meeting, several questions were raised. "Do you have division goals
assigned by the president to you for next year?" the finance manager
wanted to know.
"No, I do not", the division manager replied. "I have been
waiting for the president's office to tell me what is expected, but they
act as if they will do nothing about the matter."
"What is the division to do, then?" the manager of production
asked, rather hoping that no action would be indicated.
"I intend to list my expectations for the division", the division
manager said. "There is not much mystery about them. I expect $30
million in sales; a profit on sales before taxes of 8 percent; a return on
investment of 15 percent; an ongoing program in effect by June 30,
with specific characteristics I will list later, to develop our own future
managers; the completion of development work on our XZ model by
the end of the year; and stabilization of employee turnover at 5
The staff was somewhat stunned that their superior had
thought through to these verifiable objectives and stated them with
such clarity and assurance. They were also surprised about his
sincerity in wanting to achieve them.
"During the next month I want each of you to translate these
objectives into verifiable goals for your own functions. Naturally they
will be different for finance, marketing, production, engineering and
administration. However you state them, I will expect them to add up
to the realization of the division goals."
1. Can a division manager develop verifiable goals, or objectives, when they
have not been assigned to him or her by the president? How? What kind
of information or help do you believe is important of the division
manager to have from headquarters.
2. Was the division manager setting goals in the best way? What would you
have done?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, pp.163-164.

Principles of Management Page-75

School of Business

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, USA, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Kreitner; Management, (Boston: Honghton Mifflin Company), pp. 133-34.
Ibid, pp. 137-142.

Unit-4 Page-76
Decision Making

Unit Highlights
‰ Decision Making: Nature and Significance of Decision Making, Rationality
in Decision Making, Types of Decisions, Decision Making Conditions,
‰ Decision Making: The Process and Managerial Practices, Selecting
Alternatives, The Systems Approach and Decision Making.
School of Business

HC fªù¡ M¡¢m b¡L−h

Unit-5 Page-78
Bangladesh Open University

Unit-5: Decision Making

Lesson 1: Decision Making: Nature and Significance of
Decision Making, Rationality in Decision
Making, Types of Decisions, Decision Making

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the nature and significance of decision making
• discuss why decisions are taken?
• understand the significance of rationality in decision making
• discuss how decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty and risks

Nature and Significance of Decision Making

A manager faced with two or more feasible alternatives must decide which one to
select. Decision-making is, therefore, the process of identifying a set of feasible
alternatives and choosing a course of action from them. Weihrich and Koontz
defined decision-making as the selection of a course of action from among
alternatives. According to them, “it is the core of planning. A plan cannot be said
to exist unless a decision - a commitment of resources, direction or reputation -
has been made.”
Decision-making is a step in planning but it occupies a major part and
Decision-making is
the core of planning. The process leading to a decision is completed in four the core of planning.
phases: (1) planning, (2) identifying alternatives, (3) evaluating alternatives in
terms of the goal sought, and (4) choosing an alternative, that is, making a

Decisions are judgements which directly affect a course of action. An

Choice-making is
example will make the point clear. While still in the second year HSC (Science the choosing of an
Group), Hasan had to decide what to do after passing the HSC examination — go option from a
to a general university to do a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree or seek admission in a narrow set of already
Medical or an Engineering College or University? Hasan Mahbub collected alternatives. On the
information about a number of general and technical universities or institutes, other hand, decision-
reviewed the material, narrowed that list down to a number of alternatives, making begins by
identifying a
evaluated each alternative, applied to several such universities and institutes and problem and ends
then chose to attend Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology or with making a
BUET. In other words, Hasan did not merely go to college. He made a decision choice.
to go to a particular institution. Many managers use the terms “choice-making,”
“decision-making” and problem-solving interchangingly. But in fact these are
different. Choice-making refers to the narrow set of activities associated with
choosing one option from a set of already identified alternatives. Choice making

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is involved when a manager selects one of five applicants to hire for a computer
operator's job. Decision making is an intermediate-sized set of activities. It
begins with problem identification and ends with choice making. Decision-
making is necessary when a manager, faced with a large number of returned
products due to defective production, (1) identifies three possible causes for the
defective products, (2) concludes that the best way to deal with this problem is to
have a quality-control inspector examine each product, and (3) selects an
applicant to be appointed for the new quality-control job. Problem-solving refers
to the broad set of activities that involves finding and implementing a course of
action to correct an unsatisfactory situation. It includes not only decision-making
but also the implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the decision.1

Figure 5-1
Decision Making

Choice Making

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Recognizing Generating Evaluating Choosing an Implementing Monitoring and
the need for alternative the alternative the chosen maintaining the
a decision solutions alternatives alternative solution

Problem Solving
Decision Making, Choice Making, and Problem Solving
Source: G.P. Huber (1980), Managerial Decision Making, Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 8.

Rationality in Decision-Making
Rational behaviour
in decision-making A very important issue in the subject of decision-making is rationality. What is
is possible if rationality? When an effective decision is made rationally? Ideally people acting
alternatives are or deciding rationally must have a clear understanding of alternatives by which
clearly understood
and analysed in the
goals can be reached under existing circumstances and limitations. Also they
light of the objective must have the information and the ability to analyse and evaluate alternatives in
and context, and the light of the objective set forth. Finally, they must have the willingness to
information is come to the best solution by choosing the alternative that most effectively
adequate. satisfies the accomplishment of the goal.
Rationality may be defined as an ability and willingness to follow a
reasoned, unemotional and logical approach in perceiving the objectives and in
evaluating the means through which objectives are to be achieved. In an
objectively rational context, the decision-maker has a clear idea of the problem,
opportunities and alternatives backed by complete knowledge about them. In the
real world, it is very difficult to make decisions in a completely rational manner.
Rationality is an ideal concept as rational decisions are very perfect and without
any fault. But in real-life situations, several practical considerations are likely to
interfere with the attainment of an ideal condition. In fact, rationality shows how
the decisions should be made and not how decisions are actually made.

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As has already been said, to assume rationality in its perfect sense is

A rational approach
unrealistic and unrepresentative of actual human behaviour. March and Simon means an
rightly say that people seldom achieve complete rationality, particularly in unemotional
managing.2 Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon coined the concept of “bounded approach with the
rationalityy” or limited rationality taking into account the human and logical view of the
environmental realities. The principle of bounded rationality recognises the given problem. But
being idealistic in
following realities of life: nature, it only
(a) As no one can make decisions affecting the past, decisions must operate for provides a model for
decision-making, but
the future and the future almost in all cases involves uncertainties. not necessarily a
(b) The capacity of the human mind to perceive, retain and retrieve complete solution.
knowledge and information on past, present and future events is not
unlimited. Again, information is neither readily available nor is it a free
The concept of
commodity. The cost of information collection vis-à-vis its reliability and “bounded reality”
relevance is an important consideration. takes practical
situations in life into
(c) It is difficult to recognise all the alternatives that might be followed to reach consideration, such
a goal, because of human cognitive constraints. It is neither necessary nor as the limits and
feasible to generate the entire set of alternatives. The computational limitations of human
capabilities of the decision maker are also limited. In most cases, not all intelligence and
human emotionality
alternatives can be analysed, even with latest analytical techniques and tools before making
like computers. decisions.
(d) With all his knowledge and intelligence, the average decision maker has his
own soft emotions. He can not completely shut off his subjective viewpoints
from influencing the decision process.
Because of limitations mentioned above, a decision maker would rather
be more interested in a choice which is satisfactory and sufficient. In other
words, a manager must settle for limited rationality or "bounded" rationality.
Since it is not possible for managers to be fully rational in practice, they
sometimes compromise with their dislike of risks - their desire to "play it safe" -
to interfere with the desire to reach the best solution under the circumstances.
This has been termed "Satisficing", that is, choosing a course of action that is
satisfactory or good enough under the circumstances.3

Types of Decisions
There are two basic types of decisions—programmed and non-programmed.
Programmed decisions are those that are traditionally made using standard
operating procedures or other well-defined methods. These are routines that deal
with frequently occurring situations, such as requests for vacations by employees. Programmed
decisions usually
In routine situations, it is usually much more efficient for managers to use a deal with routine
programmed decision than to make a new decision for each similar situation. In situations.
programmed decisions managers make a real decision only once, when the
programme is created. Subsequently, the program itself specifies procedures to
follow when similar circumstances arise. The creation of these routines results in
the formulation of rules, procedures and policies. Programmed decisions do not
necessarily remain confined to simple issues, such as vacation policies or similar
such things; they are also used to deal with very complex issues, such as the
types of tests that a doctor needs to conduct before performing a major surgery
on a patient with diabetes.

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Non-programmed decisions are unique. They are often ill-structured,

Non-programmed one-shot decisions. Traditionally they have been handled by techniques such as
decisions deal with judgement, intuition, and creativity. More recently decision makers have turned
situations. to heuristic problem-solving approaches in which logic, common sense and trial
and error are used to deal with problems that are too large or too complex to be
solved through quantitative or computerised approaches. In fact, many
management training programmes on decision-making are designed to help
managers think through problems using a logical, non programmed approach. In
this way they learn how to deal with extraordinary, unexpected, and unique

Decision-Making Conditions
Decisions are made under one of three conditions: Certainty, Risk, and
Uncertainty. These conditions are based on the amount of knowledge the
decision maker has regarding the final outcome of the decision.

Under conditions of certainty the manager has enough information to know the
Under conditions outcome of the decision before it is made. For example, the managing director of
of certainty, the
manager can a company has just put aside a fund of Tk. 10,00,000 to cover the renovation of
anticipate the all executive offices. This money is in a savings account at a local Sonali Bank
outcome of that pays 7.50 percent interest. Half of the money will be drawn out next month
and the rest when the job is completed in 90 days. Can the managing director
determine today how much interest will be earned on the money over the next 90
days? Given the fact that the managing director knows how much is being
invested, the length of investment time, and the interest rate, the answer is yes.
Investment of the funds in a Sonali Bank branch is a decision made under
conditions of certainty. The ultimate outcome in terms of interest is known today.

Most managerial decisions are made under conditions of risk. Risks exist when
the individual has some information regarding the outcome of the decision but
Decisions are made
does not know everything when making decisions under conditions of risk, the
under conditions of manager may find it helpful to use probabilities. To the degree that probability
risk when the assignment is accurate, he or she can make a good decision.
manager has to make
decisions without Let us consider the case of a company that has four contract proposals it
complete knowledge
of the outcome of is interested in bidding on. If the firm obtains any one of these contracts, it will
decisions. make a profit on the undertaking. However, because only a limited number of
personnel can devote their time to putting bids together, the firm has decided to
bid on one proposal only - one that offers the best combination of profit and
probability that the bid will be successful. This combination is known as the
expected value. The profit associated with each of these four contract proposals,
as presented in Table 1, varies from Tk. 100,000 to Tk. 400,000. Notice that the
contract offering Tk. 400,000 is the least likely to be awarded to the company,
but it offers the smallest profit of the four. On which of the proposals should the

Unit-5 Page-82
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firm bid? As the table shows, the answer is number three. It offers the greatest
expected value.

TABLE 5. 1: Computation of Expected Values

Contract Probability of Expected
Proposal Profit Tk. Getting the Contract Value Tk.
1 100,000 .6 60,000
2 200,000 .5 100,000
3 300,000 .4 120,000
4 400,000 .2 80,000

This example illustrates the importance of probability assignment when

decisions are made at a risk. If we reversed the probabilities so that proposal no.I
had a 20 percent success factor and proposal no. 4 had a 60 percent success
factor, the manager would opt for the latter proposal. The effective manager must
investigate each alternative in order to be as accurate as possible in making
probability assignments.

Uncertainty exists when the probabilities of the various results are not known.
The manager feels unable to assign estimates to any of the alternatives. While the Uncertainty remains
situation may seem hopeless, mathematical techniques have been developed to in decision-making
when the manager
help decision makers deal with uncertainty. Some of these are heavily does not know
quantitative in nature and are outside the scope of our present consideration. anything about
Some nonmathematical approaches have been developed to supplement these outcome of the
techniques, however, and they do warrant brief discussion. One is simply to decision to be taken
because of a lack of
avoid situations of uncertainty. A second is to assume that the future will be like information. Under
the past and assign probabilities based on previous experiences. A third is to this condition,
gather as much information as possible on each of the alternatives, assuming the mathematical
fact that the decision-making condition is one of risk, and assign probabilities techniques are fallen
accordingly. back upon.

Using these approaches actually requires side-stepping the uncertainty

factor. It is assumed not to exist; and this can be a wise philosophy. After all, by
definition, uncertainty throws a monkey wrench into decision-making. The
manager's best approach is to withdraw from this condition either by gathering
data on the alternatives or by making assumptions that allow the decision to be
made under the condition of risk.4
Although many managers are perfectly comfortable making decisions
under conditions of risk or uncertainty, they should always try to reduce the
uncertainty surrounding their decisions. They can do so by conducting
comprehensive and systematic research. The research can tell them more about
their alternatives, give them a firm basis for estimating possible outcome and
help them look at the best and worst alternatives. Think of manager Mr. Fahim
who is considering whether to finance a new building by taking a fixed interest
rate loan of 10 percent or a variable rate of loan that begins at 9 percent but could
increase by 4 percent. Fahim might consider that, for the variable rate loan the
best case rate is 9 percent. The worst case rate is 13 percent. By taking this

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approach, he can at least reduce some uncertainty and get firmer support for his

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you understand by decision making? Why it is important?
2. Discuss the significance of rationality in decision making
3. How decisions are made under uncertainty and risks?
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Rationality in decision making shows how the decisions:
(a) should be made and not how decisions are actually made
(b) are actually made, not how decisions should be made
(c) can ensure expected results
(d) help earn a lot
2. Satisfying indicates a course of action that:
(a) ensures motivation
(b) is satisfactory or good enough under the circumstances
(c) involves the lowest possible costs
(d) ensures the best possible profits

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Lesson 2: Decision Making: The Process and Managerial

Practices, The Systems Approach and Decision
Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• describe the decision making process in brief
• discuss the ways of selecting an alternative
• analyse the systems approach to decision making

Decision Making: The Process and Managerial Practices

In this section we shall examine the main four steps involved in the decision-
making process in greater detail. These steps include:

(1) recognising the need for a decision i.e., problem awareness, definition and
(2) generating or searching for alternatives;
(3) evaluating each alternative; and
(4) choosing form among the alternative solutions (choice-making)

Step one: recognising the need for a decision: The first step in the decision-
making process consists of recognising that a decision is needed. (Much of the
following discussion on the decision-making process will assume the existence of
a problem. It is important, however, to remember that a number of occasions Decision -making is
necessary when
including opportunities as well as problems can give rise to the need for problems exist in the
managerial decision-making.) Problem recognition begins when a decision maker organisation.
is alerted by signal that a decision is needed. A tardy employee, slipping sales, an
unusual noise in a computer console, or an angry supervisor may be signs that a
problem exists. A manager may sense that something is wrong but cannot
describe the problem yet. Sometimes people identify problems automatically.
Suppose that Tanya goes back to her dorm after a difficult examination to listen
to music only to discover that her old stereo is not working. This sends her an
obvious signal that she has a problem and that she needs to decide whether to
have the old system fixed or to buy a new but expensive system.

One way of looking at this first step of the decision-making process is in

terms of the detection of symptoms. On the detection of a decision occasion, a
decision maker needs to identify the problem exactly. For example, it would have
been helpful for Fahim to specify that Rahim's poor sales performance is due to a
lack of motivation, to the unattractiveness of the rewards that are associated with
good sales performance, and to distractions caused by problems that he is
currently having at home.

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Identifying and understanding a problem can be extremely difficult.

Problems and crisis frequently introduce uncertainty and discomfort. For these
reasons, people sometimes avoid or take problem definitions for granted. They
tend to gloss over the first step in the decision-making process and rush to Step
Step two: generating or searching for alternatives: After a problem has been
The detection of identified, diagnosed, and understood, a manager is ready to move into the
problems is followed second stage of the decision-making process ⎯ the generation of a set of
by a generation of
alternative solutions. alternative solutions. In developing these solutions, decision makers first must
specify the goals that they hope to achieve through their decision. Are they trying
to reduce costs? improve product quality? increase sales? Once they have
determined their goals, they can search for alternative means of reaching them.
Managers should try The ability to develop alternatives is often as important as being able to
to increase the select correctly from among them. Ingenuity, research and common sense, on
number of the other hand, will often unearth so many choices that all of them can not be
alternatives by
ingenuity, research adequately evaluated under such circumstances, a manager needs help. This help
and common sense, and assistance in choosing the best alternative, is found in the concept of the
and then choose the limiting or strategic factor.
best one.
A limiting factor, according to Weihrich and Koontz, “is something that
stands in the way of accomplishing a desired objective. Recognising the limiting
Strategic factors of factor in a given situation makes it possible to narrow down the search for
problems actively alternatives to those that will overcome the limiting factors.”5 They defined the
hinder solution. So
they need to be principle of the limiting factor as: “By recognising and overcoming those factors
identified, analysed that stand critically in the way of a goal, the best alternative course of action can
and overcome. be selected.”6 Just as a physician's primary concern should be to diagnose the
disease and direct his treatment against the root cause of it, a businessman's
foremost task is to ascertain and analyse those factors, which are strategic to the
problem, and which limit or restrict the chances of solution.
The analysis required for decision is in effect a search for the “strategic
factor.” The theory of the strategic factor is necessary to an appreciation of the
process of decision and therefore, to the understanding of the organisation and
executive functions as well. Thus, if a machine in operation ceases to work due
to a broken lever, the lever is the limiting factor. The limiting factors may be
internal or external. Externally limiting factors may arise from the economic
conditions of a country, government restrictions, political instability, and so on
and so forth.
Step three: evaluation of alternatives: Appropriate alternatives having been
found, the next step in planning is to evaluate them and choose the right one
which will best contribute to goal achievement. This is the ultimate decision
making although decisions must as well be made in the other steps of planning -
In sifting through in selecting goals, in choosing critical premises, and even in selecting
alternatives, no less alternatives. The process of evaluation is being aided by:
weightage should be
given to their (a) Quantitative and qualitative measurements: In comparing alternatives for
qualitative aspects. achieving an objective, people are likely to think exclusively of quantitative
factors. These are factors that can be measured in numerical terms, such as
time or various fixed and operating costs. No one would underestimate the

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value of such quantitative measurements or analysis. But the success of a

venture would be endangered if intangible or qualitative factors were
ignored. Qualitative or intangible factors are those that are difficult to
measure numerically such as the quality of labour relations, the risk of
technical change, or potential war situation in a region of the world. An
excellent quantitative plan may be destroyed by the adverse situation in any
of the above factors. These serve to illustrate the importance of attending to
both quantitative and qualitative factors while alternatives are being
weighed against one another.
(b) Marginal analysis: This is done by utilising the techniques of marginal
analysis to compare additional revenues resulting from additional costs.
Where the objective is to maximise profits, this goal will be reached, as
elementary economics teaches, when the additional revenues and additional
costs are equal. In other words, if the additional revenues of a larger
quantity are greater than its additional costs, more profits can be made by
producing more. However, if the additional revenues of the larger quantity
are less than its additional costs, a larger profit can be made by producing
(c) Cost effectiveness analysis: It seeks the best ratio of benefits and costs; this
means for example, finding the least costly way of reaching an objective or
getting the greatest value for given expenditures. The best features of cost
effectiveness analysis are that it focuses on the outcome of a program, helps
measure the potential benefits of each alternative against its potential cost
and involves a comparison of the alternatives in terms of the overall
Step four : choosing an alternative: After all the possible alternatives have
been evaluated, managers are left with only one remaining viable alternative,
which becomes their ultimate decision. Normally, however, several alternatives
remain under consideration after the evaluation process. Thus the final stage in
the decision-making process involves making judgements and choices.
There are several quantitative and qualitative tools to help managers in
selecting an alternative. It is for the managers to decide ultimately what they
want to accomplish in making a decision. A manager has the following three
decision criteria: Optimising, maximising and satisficing.
To optimise a manager would like to find the best possible decision.
To maximise, managers must make a decision that meets the maximum number
of criteria.
To satisfice, managers try only to find the first satisfactory solution.
Different approaches to decision-making promote the selection of one of
these decision criteria. Each is unique and dependent on the manner of choosing
an approach by a manager. The nature of the decision-making process can
change quite considerably. Usually more time is taken to maximise than to
satisfice - and still more time to optimise, even if this is possible.7

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Selecting an alternative : three approaches

Experience, experimentation, and research and analysis are the three common
tools or approaches employed in selecting from among alternatives.

Experience could be
Experience: Experience is a great guide. Reliance on past experience therefore
a good guide for plays a comparatively large role in decision-making. Experienced managers
decision-making if it usually believe, often without realising it, that the things they have successfully
is taken with a pinch
of salt.
accomplished and the mistakes they have made provide almost a foolproof guide
to the future. This attitude is likely to grow with their increasing experience and
ascendancy to the higher levels of the organisation. Experience helps a great deal
to develop the ability of exercising good judgement
However, one should be wary of using past experience merely out of blind
reverence for the old. As a guide for future action, it can be dangerous too. Firstly
most people fail to recognise the underlying reasons for their mistakes or failures.
Secondly, past experience may not at all be applicable to new problems which
need new solutions. However, if a person carefully analyses experience instead
of blindly following it and find out the actual reasons for or causes of success or
failure, experience can be useful as a basis of decision-making.
Experimentation: Trying one of the alternatives and see how it goes is a usual
way of choosing an alternative. This kind of experimentation is often used in
scientific inquiry. It is frequently suggested that this method should be used quite
often in management. Because only by trying various alternatives a manager can
be sure about the best way, especially in view of the intangible factors involved
in the decision process.
The experimental method is likely to be the most expensive of all
The experimental methods, particularly where it involves a substantial amount of money and
method is good but
often expensive. manpower. Moreover, even after carrying out an experiment, doubts may remain
about its certainty and real nature. Therefore, this should be used only after
considering other alternatives.
Research and Analysis: One of the best techniques for selecting from among
alternatives when major decisions are involved is research and analysis. This
approach means solving a problem by comprehending it at first. It therefore
involves a search for relationships among the more crucial variables, constraints
Research and and premises that bear upon the goal sought. It is the pen-and-paper approach to
studying mock-ups
are a lot cheaper way decision-making.
of finding an
The solution of a planning problem and making a decision about it
alternative. involves dissecting the problem into its component parts and studying their
various quantitative and qualitative aspects. Compared with experimentation,
study and analysis are likely to be far cheaper. Study and analysis may require
time and volumes of paper. But usually they cost much less than trying various
alternatives. For example, in manufacturing aeroplanes, if careful research were
not done before manufacturing and testing the prototype aeroplane and its
components, the resulting costs could be enormous.

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The most important step in the research-and-analysis technique is to

develop a model for stimulating the problem. Architects therefore frequently
make models of buildings in the form of extensive blue-prints. Conceptualising a
problem is a major step toward its solution. Operations research is employed as
one of the most comprehensive research-and-analysis tools of decision-making in
modern management.8

The Systems Approach and Decision Making

Normally decisions cannot be made in an environment of closed system. As it The subsystems of
has already been said, many factors of the environment of planning exist outside an enterprise must
be mutually
the enterprise. Besides, each department or section of an enterprise is a supportive in order
subsystem of the total enterprise; the managers of these organisational units must that the overall
be responsive to the policies and programmes of other organisational units and of objectives and plan
can come to fruition.
the entire enterprise. Moreover people working in the enterprise are a part of the
social system. Their thoughts and attitudes must be given due consideration by a
manager as and when he takes a decision.
Even when managers work with a closed-system model like the
operations research decision models, they do so simply to have a workable
program to solve. But in that case, too, they work with certain assumptions about
environmental forces, which very significantly influence their decision. They
tend to change the construction of their model according to the exigencies and
circumstances beyond its boundaries.
When it is said that managers take into account the various factors or
elements in the system environment of their problem, it does not mean that they
abdicate their role as decision-makers. Decisions are to be made and someone
must decide upon a course of action from among alternatives, taking into account
events and forces prevailing in the environment of a decision. In brief, decisions
must be made recognising the fact that organisations are open systems,
interacting with the environment.9

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Describe the steps of the decision making process in brief.
2. Analyse the systems approach to decision making.
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The first step in the decision-making process consists of:
(a) finding an alternative
(b) selecting the courses of actions
(c) identifying risks in decision making
(d) recognising that a decision is needed

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2. Trying one of the alternatives and seeing how it goes is a usual way of:
(a) selecting employees
(b) making a plan
(c) choosing an alternative
(d) improving efficiency

1. Your boss offers you a promotion to a position in a location your
family does not like. Make the necessary assumptions, and then
state how and what you would decide.

CASE 5-1
"I expect all the managers in my department to act completely rationally in every
decision they make", declared Eleanor Johnson, Vice President for marketing for
the Olympic Toy Company. "Every one of us, no matter what his or her position,
is hired to be a professional rationalist, and I expect all of us not only to know
what they are doing and why but to be right in their decisions. I know that
someone has said that a good manager needs only to be right in more than half of
his or her decisions. But that is not good enough for me. I would agree that you
may be excused for occasionally making a mistake, especially if it is a matter
beyond your control, but I can never excuse you for not acting rationally."
"I agree with your idea, Eleanor", said Jill Goldberg, her advertising manager,
"and I always try to be rational and logical in my decisions. But would you mind
helping me be sure of this by explaining just what 'acting rationally' is?"

1. Explain how the Vice President for marketing might describe what is involved in making
rational decisions.

2. If Jill Goldberg then declares that there is no way she can be completely rational, what
would you suggest as a reply?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.221.

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For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", , Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management", Delhi:
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.

Dunham et. al., Management.( Scott: Foresmen and Company, 1989).
Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management: A Global Perspective, (McGraw-
Hill International Editions, 1994), p. 200.
Ibid., p. 200.
Richard M. Hodgets & Donald F. Kuratko, Management, (Harcourt Brace
Johanovich Publishers, 1986).
Weihrich & Koontz, op.cit, p.201.
Ibid., p. 201.
Ibid., pp. 204-05.
Ibid., pp. 217-220.

Principles of Management Page-91


Unit Highlights
‰ Nature, Purpose, Structure, Process and Logic of Organising,
Organisational Level and the Span of Management
‰ Departmentation
‰ Line, Staff and Functional Authority
‰ Delegation of Authority, Centralization and Decentralization
School of Business

HC fªù¡ M¡¢m b¡L−h

Unit-6 Page-94
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Unit-6: Organising
Lesson 1: Nature, Purpose, Structure, Process and Logic of
Organising, Organisational Level and the Span of

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• understand the nature and purpose of organising
• describe formal and informal organisation
• understand the structure, process and logic of organising
• discuss the relationship between organisation levels and span of management
• understand what is meant by effective span
• explain the factors determining an effective span

The Nature and Purpose of Organising

Organisations are systems created to achieve a set of goals through people-to-
people and people-to-work relationships. Each system has its own external and
Organising is what
internal environments that define the nature of those relationships according to its managers do when
specific needs. A hospital, for example, has organisational needs that are they design structure
different from those of a university, which are different from those of a museum. and arrange the
components of an
Organising is what managers do when they design, structure, and arrange the
components of an organisation’s internal environment to facilitate attainment of internal environment
organisational goals. For example, to meet its goal of delivering high-quality to facilitate
health care, a hospital may organise both in-and out-patient facilities, locate its attainment of
organisational goals.
emergency room and trauma centre on the first floor of the building to prevent
delays in treating critical patients, prepare meal schedules, provide room cleaning
services, and so forth.
Organising creates the vehicle needed to reach a company's goals. Playing
meaningful organisational role involves having (1) verifiable objectives, (2) a
clear idea of the major duties or activities involved, and (3) an understood area of
discretion or authority so that the person filling the role knows what he or she can
do to accomplish goals.

Organising therefore means (1) identification and classification of required

activities, (2) grouping activities necessary to attain objectives, (3) the
assignment of each grouping to a manager with the appropriate authority to
supervise it; and (4) the provision for co-ordination horizontally (on the same or
similar organisational level) and vertically (for example, corporate headquarters,
division, and department) in the organisation structure.

An organisation structure should be designed to clarify who is to do what

tasks and who is responsible for what results, to remove obstacles to
performance caused by confusion and uncertainty of assignment, and to furnish

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An organisation
structure clarifies decision-making and communication networks reflecting and supporting
who is to do what enterprise objectives.
"Organisation" is a word people use somewhat loosely. Chester I. Barnard
has put forward a good general definition. According to him, organisation is "a
Organisation is a system of consciously co-ordinated activities or forces of two or more persons."
system of To make it more comprehensive, an organisation may be defined as the rational
consciously co- co-ordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some
ordinated activities
or forces of two or common explicit purpose or goal through division of labour and function, and
more persons. through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility.

Formal and Informal Organisation

A formal
organisation exists Within any organisation, there are both formal and informal components. A
on the strength of formal organisation exists as a result of the official structures and systems
the official structures
and systems
designed by managers through organising activities. A formal organisation
designed by normally contains a structured communication and command system that helps
managers. people pool their time, energy, and talents to reach common objectives.
By contrast, an informal organisation exists when two or more people
An informal interact for a purpose or in a manner beyond that specified by the manager. Often
organisation exists informal organisations evolve in a natural, unplanned manner, but they may also
when two or more be formed intentionally, such as when nurses in the burn ward of a hospital meet
people interact for a to discuss problems they have with the doctors and patients. Experience shows
purpose or in a
manner not specified that each member of an informal organisation has personal reasons for joining it,
by management. for he/she exchanges information with others, satisfy individual his or her needs,
and influences or is influenced by, others. The informal organisation may have
direct and significant implications for the managers of the formal organisation.
Sometimes informal groups become formal groups, as would occur if the burn
ward nurses just described organised a union.
In the formal In the formal organisation, managers prescribe expected behaviour through
organisation, expected job descriptions, rules and policies, and operating procedures. By contrast,
behaviour is
prescribed by informal behaviour arises from the needs, norms, values and standards of the
managers but informal organisation members. The formal organisation in a company that assembles , for
behaviour arises from example, exhaust fans might specify the time to show up for work, the type of
the needs, norms,
clothing permissible, the method to be used in assembling bathroom exhaust
values, and standards
of organisation fans, and the minimum number of fans that must be produced per hour. The
members. informal organisation, however, may define a social norm which states that
employees should not produce more than a certain number of fans per hour.

The Structure and Process of Organising

If one takes the task of organising as a process, then several fundamentals need to
be considered. First of all, the structure must reflect objectives and plans, because
activities arise from them. Secondly, it must reflect the authority available to an
enterprise's management. Authority in a particular organisation is a socially
determined right to exercise discretion. Hence, it is subject to change.
In the third place, an organisation structure, like any plan, must reflect its
environment. Just as the premises of a plan may be economic, technological,
political, social or ethical, an organisation structure may be designed to work, to

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permit contributions by members of a group, and to help people gain objectives
efficiently in a changing Organization
future. Therewith Narrow
is no singleSpans
organisation structure that
universally works best in all kinds of situation. An effective organisation
structure is the one that depends on situations.
Fourthly, since the organisation is staffed with people, the groupings of
activities and the authority relationships of an organisation structure must take
into account people's limitations and customs. This does not mean that the
structure must be designed around individuals instead of around goals and
accompanying activities. But an important consideration is the kind of people
that are going to staff the structure to be made.

The Logic of Organising

There is a fundamental ADVANTAGES
logic of organising. The organising process consists of
the following six logical•steps:
Close supervision • Superiors tend to get too involved in
• Close control subordinates' work
1. Establishing enterprise

Fast communication between • Many levels of management
2. Formulating supporting and superiors
objectives, policies and plans. • High costs due to many levels
• Excessive
3. Identifying and classifying the activities necessary to accomplish them.distance between lowest
level and top level
4. Grouping these activities in the light of the human and material resources
available and the withthe
best way, under Wide Spans
circumstances, of using them.
5. Delegating to the head of each group the authority necessary to perform
the activities.
6. Tying the groups together horizontally and vertically, through authority
relationships and information flows.

Organisation Levels and The Span of Management

While the purpose of organising is to make human co-operation effective, the
reason for levels of organisation is the limitation of span of management. In other
words, organisation levels

exist because there is a limit to the DISADVANTAGES
number of persons
Superiors are forced to delegate • Tendency of overloaded superiors to
a manager can supervise• effectively even though
Clear policies must be made this limit varies, depending on
become decision bottlenecks

situations. The relationships between the
Subordinates span
must of management• is associated
be carefully with loss of control
Danger of superior's
a few organisational levels: aselected
narrow span, with many levels. • Requires exceptional quality of managers

In every organisation, itSource:
be decided how
Weihrich and many
Harold subordinates
Koontz ,"Management:aA superior can Tenth Edition, P.247.
Global Perspective"
manage. Students of management have found that this number is usually four to
eight subordinates at the upper levels of the organisation and eight to fifteen or The usual span at the
more at the lower levels. For example, the prominent British consultants Lyndall top level is four to
and Urwick found "the ideal number of subordinates for all superior authorities eight but, at the
lower level, eight to
......... to be four, while at the lowest level of organisation, where what is fifteen subordinates.
delegated is responsibility for the performance of specific tasks and not for the
supervision of others, the number may be eight or twelve." Others find that a
manager may be able to supervise as many as twenty to thirty subordinates.

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Operational-Management Position of Effective Span

Too many variables More and more recent operational-management theorists have taken the position
tend to specify the that there are too many underlying variables in a management situation to specify
number of
subordinates that a any particular number of subordinates that a manager can effectively supervise.
manager can The exact number will depend on the impact of underlying factors. In other
effectively words, the dominant current guideline is to look for the cause of limited span in
individual situations rather than to assume that there is a widely applicable
numerical limit. Examining what takes up the manager’s time in his/her handling
of superior-subordinate relationships and ascertaining devices that can be used to
reduce this time pressure will not only be a helpful approach in determining the
best span in individual cases but also a powerful tool of finding out what can be

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supervision is the
done to extend the span without screwing up the effectiveness of supervision. But guiding principle in
the fact remains that costs of levels of supervision make it highly desirable for determining the size
every individual manager to have as many subordinates as can be effectively of span in each case.
In practice, managers have found a wide variety of ways to approach the
span of control problem. Just as there is no one best way to design jobs, there is
no universally ideal span of control. One healthcare provider might use There is no single
universally ideal
managers in its occupational therapy department simply to assign patient case span of control.
loads, leaving therapy strategies up to the therapist. In this case, one manager
could supervise perhaps twenty or thirty occupational therapists, but if another
healthcare provider had managers assign case loads, consult on therapy decisions,
and provide training, they might need to limit the span of control to four or five
If a span is too limited, a manager's talents may be under-utilised. Having an
experienced, highly skilled manager supervise only a handful of employees The span of control
performing routine work would not take advantage of the manager's capabilities. should be neither too
large nor too small.
If the span is too large, a manager may have too much work to perform any of it
effectively. Asking one manager to directly supervise the work of fifty staff
accountants would be a mistake. It would be virtually impossible to effectively
manage so many individuals and all of their projects at the same time.
From the perspective of subordinates, a span that is too large may prevent
them from getting needed supervisory support. None of the fifty accountants
mentioned earlier would be likely to get the training and support needed to
perform effectively and to grow if one manager supervised them all. On the other
hand, too small a span might result in too much supervision. In such cases,
managers often baby-sit subordinates, not allowing them enough freedom to be
Factors Determining an Effective Span
In fact, the number of subordinates a manager can effectively manage depends on
Besides the personal
the impact of underlying factors. Besides such personal capacities as capacities of the
comprehending quickly, getting along with people, and commanding loyalty and manager, several
respect, the most important determinant is a manager's ability to reduce the time other factors
he or she spends with subordinates. This ability naturally varies with managers influence the span of
and their jobs, but several factors materially influence the number and frequency
of such contacts and therefore the span of management (see table 6-1).
Table 6-1
Factors Influencing the Span of Management
Narrow spans (a great deal of time spent Wide spans (very little time spent with
with subordinates) related to : subordinates) related to:
Little or no training Thorough training of subordinates
Inadequate or unclear authority delegation Clear delegation to undertake well-defined tasks
Unclear plans for non-repetitive operations Well-defined plans for repetitive operations
Non-verifiable objectives and standards Verifiable objectives used as standards
Fast changes in external and internal Slow changes in external and internal
environments environments

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Factors Influencing the Span of Management

Use of poor or inappropriate Use of appropriate techniques such as proper
communication techniques, including vague organisation structure, written and oral
instructions communication
Ineffective interaction of superior and Effective interaction between superior and
subordinate subordinate
Ineffective meetings Effective meetings
Greater number of specialities at lower and Number of specialities at upper levels (top
middle levels managers concerned with external environment)
Incompetent and untrained manager Competent and trained manager
Complex task Simple task
Subordinates' unwillingness to assume Subordinates' willingness to assume
responsibility and reasonable risks responsibility and reasonable risks
Immature subordinates Mature subordinates
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz; Management: A Global Perspective, Tenth
Edition, p.250.

Training of subordinates: The better the training of subordinates, the fewer the
number of necessary superior-subordinate relationships. Well-trained
subordinates require subordinates require not only less of their managers' time but also less contact
less contact with with their managers.
their managers.
Training programs increase in new and more complex industries. Managers in the
railroad industry, for example, would – because the technology does not change
much – tend to be more completely trained than those in the aerospace industry.
The rapid changes in policy and procedures in the complex electronics and
missile industries would increase training problems.
Clarity of delegation of authority: Although training enables managers to
reduce the frequency and extensiveness of time-consuming contacts, the principal
A well-trained
cause of the heavy time burdens of superior-subordinate relationships is to be
subordinate will take found in a poorly conceived and confused organisation. The most serious
up less of his/her symptom of poor organisation affecting the span of management is inadequate or
manager’s time if unclear authority delegation. If a manager clearly delegates authority to
the delegation of
undertake a well-defined task, a well-rained subordinate can get it done with a
authority is clearly
spelt out. minimum of the manager's time and attention. But if the subordinate's task is not
one that can be done, if it is not clearly defined, or if the subordinate does not
have the authority to undertake it effectively, either the task will not be
performed or the manager will have to spend a disproportionate amount of time
Little of the supervising and guiding the subordinate's efforts.
supervisor’s time is
taken up if plans to Clarity of plans: Much of the character of a subordinate's job is defined by the
be executed are plans to be put into effect. If these plans are well defined, if they are workable, if
well-defined. the authority to undertake them has been delegated, and if the subordinate
understands what is expected, little of a supervisor's time will be required. Such
is often the case with a production supervisor responsible for largely repetitive
operations. Thus, in one large-volume work-clothing manufacturer's plant,
production supervisors operated satisfactorily with as many as thirty
On the other hand, if plans cannot be drawn accurately and subordinates must do
much of their own planning, they may require considerable guidance. However,

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if the superior has set up clear policies to guide decisions and has made sure that
they are consistent with the operations and goals of the department, and if the
subordinate understands them, there will certainly be fewer demands on the
superior's time than there would be if these policies were imprecise, incomplete,
or totally incomprehensible.
Use of objective standards: A manager must find out, either by personal Use of good
observation or by use of objective standards, whether subordinates are following objective standards
the plans. Obviously, good objective standards enable managers to avoid many enables managers to
time-consuming contacts by efficiently exposing deviations from plans and to avoid unimportant
direct their attention at exceptions at points critical to the successful execution of contacts.
Rate of change: Certain enterprises change much more rapidly than others. The
rate of change is an important determinant of the degree to which policies can be
formulated and the stability of policies maintained. The effect of slow change on The rate of change
in an organisation
policy formulation and on the training of subordinates is dramatically shown in determines the time
the organisation of the Roman Catholic Church. This organisation, in terms of to be spent in
durability and stability, can probably be regarded as the most successful in the supervision.
history of Western civilisation. Yet the organisation levels are few. In most cases
bishops report directly to the Pope and parish pastors to bishops, although in
some instances bishops report to the archbishop. Thus, there are generally very
few levels in this world-wide organisation and, consequently, a wide span of
management at each level. Even though it is probably too broad, this
extraordinarily wide span is apparently tolerable, partly because the bishops
possess a high degree of training and, even more, because the rate of change in
the Church has been slow.
Communication techniques: The effectiveness with which communication
techniques are used also influences the span of management. Objective standards
of control are a kind of communications device, but many other techniques
The effectiveness of
reduce the time spent with subordinates. If every plan, instruction, order, or communication
direction has to be communicated by personal contact and every organisation techniques and the
change or staffing problem has to be handled orally, a manager's time will ability to
obviously be heavily burdened. Some executives use "assistant-to" positions or communicate clearly
tend to influence the
administrative staff personnel as a communications device to help them solve
span of
their problems with key subordinates. Written recommendations by subordinates, management.
summarising important considerations, frequently speed up decision-making.
Some busy top executives widen their span of management by insisting on a
summary presentation of written recommendations, even when these involved
enormously important decisions.
An ability to communicate plans and instructions clearly and concisely also
tends to increase a manager's span. The subordinate who, after leaving a
superior's office or receiving instructions, is still in doubt about what is wanted or
what has been said is sure to request further meetings sooner or later. The
subordinate's job is greatly facilitated by superiors who can express themselves
Amount of personal contact needed: In many instances, face-to-face meetings
are necessary. Many situations cannot be completely handled with written
ore the reports, memorandums, policy statements, planning documents, or other
al contact of
nager is
d, the smaller
Principles of Management Page-101
n will be.
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communications that do not involve personal contact. An executive may find it

valuable and stimulating to meet subordinates and discuss problems in the give-
and-take of a conference. Some problems are of such political delicacy that they
can be handled only in face-to-face meetings. This is also true when it comes to
appraising people's performance and discussing it with them.
Many companies seem somewhat unaware of how newer personnel
techniques affect first-line supervisors, many of whom appear to have spans of
management far beyond their abilities to handle them. Merit ratings, insurance
programs, grievance procedures, and other personnel matters now requiring
supervisors' time in face-to-face relationships have reduced their traditionally
wide spans. This is not to say that these innovations are not worth their cost, but
span-of-management limitations must be evaluated in the light of these factors.
Variation by organisation level: Several research projects have found that the
size of the most effective span differs by organisation level. In one major study,
the researchers developed and tested a model to take this variable into account
and found that the degree of specialisation by individuals ("person
specialisation") was the most important variable affecting span, although
The size of the most technology and size were also tested, since previous research had concentrated on
effective span differs these variables. The study revealed that (1) when a greater number of specialities
by organisation
level. were supervised, effective spans were narrower at lower and middle levels of the
organisation but were increased at upper levels, primarily because top-level
managers were most concerned with the interface of the enterprise with its
external environment, strategic planning, and major policy matters; (2)
routineness (lack of variety of work) of an operation appeared to have little effect
at any level; and (3) size (in terms of personnel) had little effect at lower levels
but a positive effect at middle levels.
The span may also
be bigger if the Other factors: Besides the factors discussed above, there are others that affect
manager is well- the span of management. For example, a manager who is competent and well
trained, if the tasks
are simple and if the trained can effectively supervise more people than one who is not. Furthermore,
subordinates are simple tasks may allow for a wider span than tasks that are complex and include
mature and have a a great variety of activities. Still other factors favour a wider span of
positive attitude
towards assumption
management, such as the positive attitudes of subordinates towards the
of responsibility. assumption of responsibility, as well as their willingness to take reasonable risks.
Similarly, with more mature subordinates, the superior may delegate more
authority, thus widening the span.
The precise
balancing of all Need for balance: There can be no doubt that, despite the desirability of a flat
pertinent factors organisation structure, the span of management is limited by real and important
may either widen or
reduce the span of restrictions. Managers may have more subordinates than they can manage
control. effectively, even though they delegate authority, carry on training, formulate
plans and policies clearly, and adopt efficient control and communication
techniques. It is equally true that as an enterprise grows the span-of-management
limitations force an increase in the number of levels simply because there are
more people to supervise.
What is required is more precise balancing, in a given situation, of all
pertinent factors. Widening spans and reducing the number of levels may be the
answer in some cases; the reverse may be true in others. One must balance all the

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costs of adopting one course or the other, not only the financial costs but also
costs in morale, personal development, and attainment of enterprise objectives.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Briefly discuss the nature and purpose of organising.
2. How would you distinguish between formal and informal organisation?
3. What do you mean by structure and process of organising? Can you explain
the logic of organising?
4. Do you think there is any relationship between organisational levels and
span of management?
5. What do you mean by effective span? Briefly discuss the factors
determining an effective span.
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Formal organisation exists:
(a) when two or more people interact for a purpose or in a manner not
specified by management.
(b) as a result of the official structures and systems designed by managers
through the organising activity.
(c) beyond the organisation structure.
(d) in any type of group activity.
2. According to Lyndall and Urwick the ideal number of subordinates for all
supervisory authorities is:
(a) eight.
(b) six.
(c) four.
(d) twelve.
3. From the perspective of subordinates, a span that is too large may:
(a) prevent them from getting needed supervisory support.
(b) allow them wide latitude of autonomy at work.
(c) make them feel free and work more.
(d) help them earn more in the long run.
4. As an enterprise grows the span of management limitations force:
(a) a decrease in the number of levels simply because there are few people
to supervise.
(b) an increase in the number of levels simply because there are more
people to supervise.
(c) it to employ limited number of employees.
(d) the level of employment to remain optimum.

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Lesson 2 : Departmentation

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the nature of departmentation.
• discuss basic organisation units.
• identify the basic patterns of traditional departmentation.
• analyze matrix organisations and outline the problem that can affect a matrix

Organisational Structure: Departmentation

Departmentation means grouping activities and people into departments, making
Departmentation is it possible to expand organisations, at least in theory, to an indefinite degree.
the efficient and
effective grouping of Departmentation refers to the formal structure of the organisation, composed
jobs into meaningful of various departments and managerial positions and their relationships to each
work units.
other. As an organisation grows, its departments grow and more subunits are
created, which in turn add more levels of management. This often creates less
flexibility, adaptability, and unit of action within the firm. Departmentation is the
efficient and effective grouping of jobs into meaningful work units to co-ordinate
numerous jobs - all for the expeditious accomplishment of the organisation’s
Basic organisation units: The basic pattern of many organisation structures
The basic
revolves around three fundamental activities: production, marketing, and finance.
organisation units Terminology may vary from firm to firm, and in nonbusiness organisations the
are production, functions may be more obscure (i.e., in churches, "marketing" may be called
marketing and "evangelism"), but essentially all the three activities must be implemented for the
finance, but there
may be additional organisation to survive.
organisation units
Why are these three activities fundamental? Because most companies are
like advertising,
sales promotion, and concerned with producing a product or service for use by others. Since it is
the like. produced for use by others, it must be distributed or marketed; that is, people
must be found who want the product or service and are willing to accept it at
terms mutually agreeable to the seller (enterprise) and the buyer. Also to produce
and to distribute the product or service necessitate raising and maintaining
sufficient capital; that is, the financing activities must be performed by some
members of the enterprise.
The scope of the three fundamental organisation units and the complexity of
the enterprise give rise to additional organisation units. These types result mainly
from such things as the nature and amount of the work to be done, the degree of
specialisation practised, and the people and the workplaces available for the

To illustrate, under the fundamental unit of marketing, the scope of the work
may be so broad that it is believed advantageous to divide the work into
advertising, sales promoting, and selling. Hence, the manager in charge of sales
splits advertising and sales promoting activities, and for each, places a

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subordinate in charge. A sales manager is appointed to manage the selling work

in the field. These three additional units appear in the organisation structure at the
level immediately below that of the fundamental unit of sales. In like manner,
assume that the manager in charge of production has established units of
engineering and research, factory work, and also purchasing. These concepts are
illustrated graphically with the chart in Figure 6-2.


Feasibility Studies and Feedback

1. Enterprise

2. Supporting 4. Grouping of
3. Identification 5. Delegation of 6. Horizontal
objectives, activities in 7. Staffing
and authority and vertical
policies, light of
classification coordination
and plans resources and
of required of authority
activities situations and
8. Leading

9. Controlling


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.258

Now assume that the products and services of the enterprise continue to
grow and conditions become such that further units are deemed necessary for
efficient operation. Accordingly, from the advertising unit are spun the two
subordinate units of (1) television and radio and (2) magazines and newspapers,
both of which are placed in the organisation level below that of advertising. This
is illustrated in Figure 4-3. In addition, other units are established, as indicated by
the figure. They include two sales units - one for the eastern and one for the
western territory. Under the eastern sales unit are four units added to handle sales
to (1) institutions, including hotels, hospitals, and schools; (2) wholesalers; (3)
government; and (4) manufacturers. Likewise under production, two units have
been created. One is designated to include metal products, the other products are
made of plastics. Under the former, five units for punching, heat treating,
welding, assembling, and finishing have been added as subordinate units. It can
be readily seen that as the enterprise continues to expand, more units will
probably be required.

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Corporate Counsel Assistant to the Director of public

secretary president relations

Vice president Vice president Vice president Vice president

finance personnel manufacturing research

General manager General manager General manager General manager

computer pressure instruments office machines special projects

General manager General manager General manager General manager

process instruments medical instruments laboratory equipment electronic filters

General manager General manager General manager

scientific instruments systems foreign operations


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.261

Co-ordinating structure: As was stressed in the discussion of division of

An organisation has
to be viewed as a
labour, an organisation must be viewed by all managers at all levels as a cohesive
cohesive whole and whole, never as separate, independent functional units. The organisation is a
not as comprising system of integrated parts, and to give undue emphasis to any functional part at
independent the expense of the entire organisation creates organisational islands, thus
functional units.
resulting in inefficiency and significant behavioural problems.
Astute managers must recognise the potential for these gaps to exist (and

Unit-6 Page-106
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their actual existence) and develop programs to integrate supportive functions to
accomplish overall organisational objectives. Interdepartmental committees
composed of employees from finance, accounting, marketing, production, and
other departments; management development programs for all management and
Assistant to Personnel
supervisory personnel that teach basic managementpresidentprinciples from an overall
organisational perspective; job rotation, in which employees perform different
jobs; and task forces composed of personnel to work on specific projects within
time parameters are all methods that can aid in achieving this desired integration.
Marketing Engineering Production Finance
Means of Departmentation
Departmentation results from the division of work and the desire to obtain
• Departmentation
organisation units of manageable size and to utilise managerial ability. An
Market Engineering Production results Financial
from the
organisation structure and design are shaped significantly by the departmentation
planning desire toplanning
research administration
followed. The chief means of departmentation are by (1) function, (2) product, organisation units of
(3) territory, (4) customer, (5) process, (6) task force, and (7) matrix. An manageable size.
Marketing Preliminary Industrial Budgets
organiser is free to use any means of departmentation in constructing an
planning design engineering
organisation structure. In fact, in any given structure several means are typically
1. Departmentation byAdvertising
function:andAs mentioned, this is perhapsProduction
Electrical the most General
promotion engineering engineering accounting
common format for departmentation. Figure 6-2 shows that marketing,
production, and finance are the three most common functions in most
organisations. Personnel is another major Mechanical
Sales Purchasing
function in many organisations Cost
and encompasses recruitment, engineering
selection, training, compensation, health and accounting
safety, and labour relations.
2. Departmentation by product:
Sales This method places all the resources
Hydraulic Toolingand Statistics and
authority under one manager to get a product or service produced and data
marketed. For example, the basic structure of General Motors Corporation
looks something like Figure 6-4. IBM, in very simplified form, looks like
Packaging General
Figure 6-5. production
3. Departmentation by territory: This method is followed where nearness to
local conditions appears to offer advantages, such as low cost of operation
Quality control
and opportunities to capitalise on attractive local conditions as they arise.
Territorial departmentation is especially popular for sales where division
appears feasible according to some geographic market segregation. It also
provides a good arrangement
ADVANTAGESfor training and developing, because the

executive can demonstrate his/her
Is logical ability
reflection of in a certain territory and thus
functions • merit
Deemphasis of overall company objectives
promotion to a more• important
power and prestige of major • Overspecializes and narrows viewpoints of
functions key personnel
• Follows principle of occupational specialization • Reduces coordination between functions
• Simplifies training • Responsibility for profits is at the top only
• Furnishes means of tight control at top • Slow adaptation to changes in environment
• Limits development of general managers


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.269.

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Marketing Personnel Production Finance

Western Southwest Central Southeast Eastern

region region region region region


Engineering Production Accounting Sales

• Places responsibility at a lower level • Requires more persons with general
• Places emphasis on local markets and manager abilities
problems • Tends to make maintenance of
• Improves coordination in a region economical central services difficult
• Takes advantage of economics of local and may require services such as
operations personnel or purchasing at the regional
• Better face-to-face communication with level
local interests • Increases problem of top management
• Furnishes measurable training ground control
for general managers


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition,P.271

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Figure 6-5 is the organisation chart for an international restaurant franchise

organisation. Each area vice-president is totally responsible for the development,
construction, operations and marketing activities of that territory, and oversees
the general managers of finance, marketing, personnel and production.
4. Departmentation by customer: This organisational form is used when
great emphasis is placed on effectively serving different customer types. For
instance, full-time day students and part-time night students of graduate
business programs in universities usually are different in demographic
profile and personal needs. Wholesale and retail publics are very different in
many industries, as are government and private sector customers. For
instance, banks may be departmentalised according to the markets
illustrated in Figure 6-6.

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Corporate banking Institutional


Real estate & Agricultural

mortgage loans banking

• Encourages concentration on customer • May be difficult to coordinate operations
needs between competing customer demands
• Gives customers feeling that they have an • Requires managers and staff expert in
understanding supplier (Banker) customers' problems
• Develops expertness in customer area • Customer groups may not always be
clearly defined (for example, large
corporate firms vs. other corporate


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition,P.273.

5. Departmentation by process: This means is logical when the machinery or

equipment used requires special skill for operating, or is of a large capacity,
which eliminates organisational dividing, or have technical facilities which
strongly suggest a concentrated location. Economic and technologic
considerations are the foremost reasons for the adoption of process
departmentation. It is most commonly found in production and frequently at
operative levels.

Departmentation by
Using a process as a guide, there are three basic patterns available: (i) serial,
process is based on (ii) parallel, and (iii) unit assembly. The pattern followed will determine, in
stages of a process part, the organisational units adopted. In few instances are any of these
of production. patterns used in pure form. More commonly, part of the work is processed
under one pattern, part under another, and so forth.
Under the serial pattern, work moves through a single channel or assembly
Under the serial line and progresses step by step to completion as it passes the various work
pattern work moves stations. This arrangement permits an employee to be highly specialised by
through a single
channel or assembly
an individual work process and usually requires a brief breaking-in time for
line. the attainment of satisfactory output. However, the "cycle time", or total
elapsed time from the beginning to the ending of a unit of work, may be
short, and there is also the possibility of reduced employee work interest
under the serial arrangement.

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Engineering Production Marketing Finance Personnel

Punch presses Welding Electroplating

• Achieves economic advantage • Coordination of departments is difficult
• Uses specialized technology • Responsibility for profit is at the top
• Utilizes special skills • Is unsuitable for developing general managers
• Simplifies training


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth
Edition, P.275.
Simultaneous handling is one way of expressing the unit assembly
arrangement. Different employees perform different work steps on given
amount of work at the same time. To illustrate, the work to be done is
divided among employees A, B and C. Simultaneously, employee A Different employees
performs one particular operation on a batch of work, B operates on his perform different
batch, and likewise C on her batch of work. At appropriate times the work steps on a
given amount of
different batches of work are shifted among the employees for completion work.
of the total job.
6. Departmentation by task force: This arrangement involves assigning a
team or task force to a definite project or block of work, which extends from
the beginning to the completion of a wanted and definite type and quantity This involves
of work. A task force is usually relatively small, perhaps not over a dozen assigning a definite
members. It exists for the life of the project, and is then disbanded. It has a project to a team or a
leader, is self-contained, and includes all the necessary knowledge and skill task force.
for performing the work.
This has gained favour for many research projects, particularly missile or
weapons systems and outer space projects. It is widely used in public
accounting firms, advertising agencies, and management consultant
organisations, and it has proved effective for special projects concerning the
factory or office.
Task force departmentation does have shortcomings. However, some
members feel frustrated, have a sense of insecurity, and complain of
unstable organisations. These are brought about by the dismantling of the
project organisation at the completion of its mission and assigning the
members to other project organisations. The determination of promotions

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and the building of identifiable careers are also knotty problems.

7. Matrix departmentation: Matrix management was introduced in the early
Matrix departmentation 1960s in response to the growing complexity and size of technically
attempts to combine oriented enterprises, which needed more flexibility. Initially the aerospace
functional and task force
industry and later Dow Corning, General Electric, Shell Oil, and other
industry giants adopted this concept of a project management structure
superimposed on a traditional functional organisation.1
Matrix departmentation attempts to combine functional and task force (project)
departmentation designs to improve the synchronisation of multiple components
for a single activity (i.e., a moon launch), to improve economics of scale, and to
better serve the customer and company. Supervision is dual, encompassing
technical and administrative managers, and incorporates several reporting
systems and interweaves communication lines for transmitting decisions. Figure
6-8 illustrates a matrix form of organisation structure. In the figure, five
managerial groups, A, B, C, D and E, represent five different technical areas
within a firm (i.e., production, materials procurement, personnel, accounting,
engineering). Each unit chief reports to the manager of technical services, usually
a division or area manager. Simultaneously and cutting across these technical
services are administrative groups made up of technicians from the different
technical groups. Administrative group 1, for example, consists of one technician
from each of the five technical groups, while administrative group 2 has none
from technical group A, two from group B, and one each from C, D and E.
Many argue that this form of departmentation achieves a more balanced form of
Matrix organisation organisation structure and expedites complex and specialised decision-making
achieves a balanced challenges. However, care should be exercised in adopting matrix
form of organisation departmentation. The traditional "one worker, one boss" management practice is
severely modified. The matrix arrangement requires extensive communication,
and it should meet internal company needs and not simply be grafted onto the
existing organisation in the hope of demonstrating progressive management
thinking. Matrix departmentation may slow down decision-making and thus all
managers must understand the rules of the game. Usually this necessitates an
educational effort so that none feel that their decision-making is threatened, and
non-management members learn how to function with two managers.
Davis and Lawrence point out at least nine problems that can affect a matrix
1. Tendencies towards anarchy: Dual and multiple reporting can create
"a formless state of confusion where people do not recognise a boss to
whom they feel responsible."
2. Power struggles: A matrix organisation encourages jockeying for
power and upward mobility because an individual's career path can
appear "fuzzy".
3. Severe grouping: Matrix behaviour is often confused with group
decision-making, which often wastes time and hampers managers from
being quick and decisive.

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4. Collapse during economic crunch: Often when business declines for

any number of internal or external reasons, the matrix form becomes
the scapegoat for poor management and is discarded, even after
tremendous investment in its creation.
5. Excessive overhead: In initial phases a matrix organisation has high
overhead costs. It appears that costs will double because of double
management and a dual chain of command. In the long run; however,
extra costs should disappear and be offset by productivity gains.
6. Sinking to lower levels: A matrix organisation has difficulty existing
at higher levels of a corporation and has a corresponding tendency to
sink to group and division levels, where it thrives and flourishes.



Chief of Chief Chief Chief Chief

preliminary mechanical electrical hydraulic metallurgical
design engineer engineer engineer engineer

Project A

Project B

Project C

Project D

• Is oriented toward end results • Conflict in organization authority exists
• Professional identification is • Possibility of disunity of command exists
maintained • Requires manager effective in human
• Pinpoints product-profit responsibility relations


7. Uncontrolled layering:
Source: Heinz Weihrich "Matrices
and Harold which lieA Global
Koontz ,"Management: within matrices
Perspective" result
Tenth Edition, P.278.
frequently from the dynamics of power rather than from the logic of

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8. Navel gazing: Matrix managers can succumb to an excessive internal
preoccupation with the interdependence of people and tasks and
decisions, and lose touch with the external marketplace.
9. Decision strangulation: A matrix can create too much democracy and
foster an environment of too little action via endless delays for debate.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What is departmentation? Identify the basic organisation units.
2. Discuss the chief means of departmentation.
3. What is your idea about departmentation by process? How does it work?
4. What do you understand by matrix departmentation? Elaborate on the
problems that can affect matrix departmentation.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The basic pattern of many organisation structures revolves around:
(a) finance.
(b) production activities.
(c) two important activities: personnel and production.
(d) three fundamental activities: production, marketing and finance.
2. An organisation must be viewed by all managers at all levels as:
(a) a source of living.
(b) a cohesive whole.
(c) independent functional units.
(d) an important national wealth.
3. A matrix can create too much democracy and foster an environment of:
(a) peaceful co-existence.
(b) harmonious relations.
(c) too little action via endless delays for debate.
(d) lawlessness.

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Lesson 3 : Line, Staff and Functional Authority

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the nature of authority and power.
• discuss the sources of power.
• understand the distinction between line and staff, realising their nature as
relationships rather than positions or people.
• explain the nature and use of functional authority as a mixture of line and

Authority and Power

Organisations must somehow drive and galvanise their workers into action, and
in order to do so, managers must be properly vested with authority. Before Power is the ability
of individuals to
concentrating on the authority in organisation, it is necessary to distinguish induce groups while
between authority and power. Power is the ability of individuals to induce authority is power in
groups. Authority in organisation is the right in a position (and, through it, the an organisation
right of the person occupying the position) to exercise discretion in making
decisions affecting others. It is, of course, one type of power, but power in an
organisation setting.
As we shall see later on, there are many different bases of power. The
power of primary concern – the subject of our present discussion – is legitimate Legitimate power
power. It normally arises from organisational position, and this position validates comes from holding
it as authority. Also this authority owes its origin to the prevailing cultural a formal position.
system of rights, obligations and duties of industrial society, whereby a
"position" is accepted by people as "legitimate."
Power may also come from the expert knowledge of a person or a group.
This is the power of expertise or knowledge. Physicians, lawyers and university Expertise and
professors may have considerable influence on others because they are respected charismatic
personality can also
for their special knowledge. Power may further exist as referent power, which wield great power.
people or groups may exercise because people believe in them and their ideas.
Thus Mahatma Gandhi had very little legitimate power, but by dint of his
personality and ideas of non-violence, he strongly influenced the behaviour of
many people.
In addition, power arises from the ability of some people to grant rewards.
Purchasing agents, with a little position power, might be able to exercise Power may also
arise from the ability
considerable influence through their ability to expedite or delay the supply of a to grant rewards.
much-needed spare part. Likewise, university professors have considerable
reward power; they can grant or withhold high grades.
Coercive power is still another type of power. Although closely related to Power to punish is
reward power and normally arising from legitimate power, it is the power to coercive power.
punish, whether by firing a subordinate or withholding a pay increase.
While organisation authority is the power to exercise discretion in decision-

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In managerial making, it almost invariably arises from the power of position, or legitimate
settings, authority power. When people speak of authority in managerial settings, they usually refer
refers to the power to the power of positions. At the same time, other factors, such as personality and
of position.
style of dealing with people, are involved in leadership.

Line and Staff Concepts

Much confusion has arisen among both scholars and managers as to what "line"
and "staff" mean. As a result, there is probably no area of management that
causes more difficulties, more friction, and more loss of time and effectiveness.
Yet the line-and-staff relationships of the members of an organisation must
necessarily affect the operation of the enterprise.
Line functions help One widely held view of line and staff is that line functions are those that
accomplish have direct impact on the accomplishment of the objectives of the enterprise. On
enterprise objectives
while staff functions the other hand, staff functions are those that help the line persons work most
help line persons effectively in accomplishing the objectives. The people who adhere to this view
work effectively. almost invariably classify production and sales (and sometimes finance) as line
functions and accounting, personnel plant maintenance, and quality control as
staff functions.

The Nature of Line and Staff Relationships

A more precise and logically valid concept of line and staff is that they are
Line authority gives simply a matter of relationships. Line authority gives a superior a line of
a manager a line of
authority over a
authority over a subordinate. It exists in all organisations as an uninterrupted
subordinate. scale or series of steps. Hence, the scalar principle in organisation: the clearer the
line of authority from the ultimate management position in an enterprise to every
subordinate position is, the clearer will be the responsibility for decision-making
and the more effective will be organisation communication. In many large
enterprises, the steps are long and complex; but even in the smallest, the very fact
of organisation introduces the scalar principle.
It therefore becomes apparent from the scalar principle that line authority is
that relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision over a
subordinate-authority relationship in direct line or steps.
The nature of the staff relationship is advisory. The function of people in a
pure staff capacity is to investigate, research, and give advice to line managers.

Functional Authority
Functional authority Functional authority is the right that is delegated to an individual or a department
is the right that is
to control specified processes, practices, policies, or other matters relating to
delegated by the
common superior of activities undertaken by persons in other departments. If the principle of unity of
line managers to a command were followed without exception, authority over these activities would
staff specialist. be exercised only by their line superiors. But numerous reasons - including a lack
of special knowledge, a lack of ability to supervise processes, and the danger of
diverse interpretations of policies - explain why these managers are occasionally
not allowed to exercise this authority. In such cases, line managers are deprived
of some authority. It is delegated by their common superior to a staff specialist or
to a manager in another department. For example, a company controller is

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ordinarily given functional authority to prescribe the system of accounting

throughout the company, but this specialised authority is really a delegation from
the chief executive.
Functional authority is not restricted to managers of a particular type of Knowledge of
specialists is the
department. It may be exercised by line, service, or staff department heads, but basis of functional
more often by the latter two because service and staff departments are usually control.
composed of specialists whose knowledge becomes the basis for functional



Vice- Director of Vice- Director of Vice-

president research president public president sales
finance production relations

Manager Manager cash Manager Manager Manager

accounting control domestic sales advertising foreign sales

Manager Manager Manager

purchasing factory personnel

Chief Chief Chief Chief

assembly maintenance
production control parts production


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.296.
Delegation of Functional Authority Functional authority
One can better understand functional authority by thinking of it as a small slice is said to be
of the authority of a line superior. A corporation president, for example, has delegated when
specialists get the
complete authority to manage a corporation, subject only to limitations placed by right from the chief
such superior authority as the board of directors, the corporate charter and by executive to issue
laws, and government regulation. In the pure staff situation, the advisers on instructions directly
personnel, accounting, purchasing, or public relations have no part in this line to line managers.
authority, their duty being merely to offer counsel. But when the president
delegates to these advisers the right to issue instructions directly to the line
organisations, as shown in Figure 6-10, that right is called "functional authority."
The four staff and service executives have functional authority over the line

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organisations with respect to procedures in the field of accounting, personnel,

purchasing and public relations. What has happened is that the president, feeling
it unnecessary to clear such specialised matters personally, has delegated line
authority to staff assistants (or managers) to issue their own instructions to the
operating department.




Accounting Personnel Purchasing Public relations

Procedures Procedures Procedures Procedures

Controller Personnel Purchasing Public relations

manager manager manager

Manager Manager Manager

Western Central Eastern
division division division

Normal line relationships

Delegation of functional authority from line authority of the president
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.297.

Lesson-end assessment

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Essay type questions

1. How would you distinguish between authority and power?
2. Discuss the various sources of power with examples.
3. What do you understand by line and staff concepts? Discuss the nature of
line and staff relationship.
4. What is functional authority? How can it be delegated?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Legitimate power normally arises from:
(a) expert knowledge of a person or a group.
(b) the ability of some people to grant rewards.
(c) the power to punish.
(d) organisational position.
2. Line authority is that relationship in which
(a) superiors play advisory roles over subordinates.
(b) staff specialists act as superiors.
(c) a superior exercises direct supervision over subordinates.
(d) staff specialists are employed to advise line managers.

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Lesson 4 : Delegation of Authority, Centralization and


Lesson Objectives
Upon completing of this lesson you will be able to:
• discuss the nature of centralisation, decentralisation and delegation of
• describe the principles of delegation.
• explain the factors that generally determine the degree of decentralisation.
• learn guidelines for overcoming weak delegation.
• find out the relationship between decentralisation and participative
• understand the ways of obtaining the desired degree of decentralisation.
• recognise the importance of obtaining balance in the centralisation and
decentralisation of authority.

Delegation of Authority
simple as delegation of authority might appear to be, studies show that managers
Delegation of fail more often because of poor delegation than of any other cause. For anyone
authority is
going into any kind of organisation, it is worthwhile to study the science and art
necessary as there is
a limit to the number of delegation.
of persons a
manager can The primary purpose of delegation is to make organisation possible. Just as
effectively no one person in an enterprise can do all the tasks necessary for accomplishing
supervise. group purpose, it is impossible, as an enterprise grows, for one person to exercise
all the authority for making decisions. As was discussed under the subject of span
of supervision, there is a limit to the number of persons managers can effectively
supervise and for whom they can make decisions. Once this limit is passed,
authority must be delegated to subordinates, who will make decisions within the
area of their assigned duties.

How Authority is Delegated?

Authority is delegated when discretion is vested in a subordinate by a superior.
Clearly, superiors cannot delegate authority they do not have, whether they are
board members, presidents, vice-presidents, or supervisors. Equally clear,
superiors cannot delegate all their authority without, in effect, passing on their
position to their subordinates.
The entire process of delegation involves determination of results expected,
Nobody can
accomplish goals assignment of tasks, delegation of authority for accomplishing these tasks, and
without the authority exaction of responsibility for their accomplishment. In practice, it is impossible
to achieve them. to split this process, since expecting a person to accomplish goals without the
authority to achieve them is meaningless, as is the delegation of authority without
knowing what end results it is to be used for. Moreover, since responsibility
cannot be delegated, a boss has no practical alternative but to exact responsibility
from subordinates for completing the assignment.

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Clarity of Delegation
Delegation of authority may be specific or general, written or unwritten. If the
delegation is unclear, a manager may not understand the nature of the duties or
the results expected. The job assignment of a company controller, for example, When authority is
may specify such functions as accounting, credit control, cash control, financing, delegated, it must be
clear, specific, and
export-license handling, and preparation of financial statistics, and these broad written.
functions may even be broken down into more definite duties. Or a controller
may be told merely that he or she is expected to do what controllers generally do.
Specific written delegations of authority are extremely helpful both to the
manager who receives them and to the person who delegates them. The latter will
more easily see conflicts or overlaps with other positions and will also be better
able to identify those things for which a subordinate can and should be held
The fear that specific delegations will result in inflexibility is best met by A rigid situation
developing a tradition of flexibility. It is true that if authority delegations are caused by a specific
delegation can be
specific, a manager may regard his or her job as a staked claim with a high fence eliminated by
around it. But this attitude can be eliminated by making necessary changes in the making necessary
organisation structure. Much of the resistance to change through definite changes in the
delegations comes from managerial laziness and the failure to reorganise things structure.
often enough for the smooth accomplishment of objectives.

Principles of Delegation
The following principles are guides to delegation of authority. Unless carefully
recognised in practice, delegation may be ineffective, organisation may fail, and
poor managing may result.
Principle of delegation by results expected: Since authority is intended to
furnish managers with a tool for so managing as to assure that objectives are
The authority
achieved, authority delegated to individual managers should be adequate to delegated to
assure their ability to accomplish expected results. Too many managers try to individual managers
partition and define authority on the basis of the rights to be delegated or should be adequate
withheld, rather than to look first at the goals to be achieved and then to to ensure their
ability to achieve the
determine how much discretion is necessary to achieve them. In no other way can expected results.
a manager delegate authority than in accordance with the responsibility exacted.
Often a superior has some idea, vague or fixed, as to what is to be accomplished,
but does not trouble to determine whether the subordinate has the authority to do
it. Sometimes superiors do not want to admit how much discretion it takes to do a
job, and are reluctant to define the results expected. A managerial
position or a
Principle of functional definition: To make delegation possible, activities must department should
be grouped to facilitate accomplishment of goals, and managers of each have clear
subdivision must have authority to co-ordinate its activities with the organisation definitions of results
as a whole. These requirements give rise to the principle of functional definition:
the more a position or a department has clear definitions of results expected,
activities to be undertaken, organisation authority delegated, and authority and
informational relationships with other positions understood, the more adequately
the individuals responsible can contribute towards accomplishing enterprise

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objectives. To do otherwise is to risk confusion as to what is expected of whom.

Although simple as a concept, this principle – which is a principle of both
delegation and departmentation – is often difficult to apply. To define a job and
delegate authority to do it requires, in most cases, patience, intelligence, and
clarity of objectives and plans. It is obviously difficult to define a job if the
superior does not know what results are desired.
Scalar principle: The scalar principle refers to the chain of direct authority
relationships from superior to subordinate throughout the organisation. The
clearer the line of authority from the top manager in an enterprise is to the
subordinate position, the more effective the responsible decision-making and
organisation communication will be.
Subordinates must A clear understanding of the scalar principle is necessary for proper
know where the organisation functioning. Subordinates must know who delegates authority to
delegation of them and to whom matters beyond their own authority must be referred.
authority is coming
from. Although the chain of command may be safely departed from for purposes of
information, departures for purposes of decision-making tend to destroy the
decision-making system and undermine managership itself.
Authority-level principle: Functional definition plus the scalar principle gives
rise to the authority level principle. Clearly, at some organisation level, authority
Decisions within the exists for making a decision within the power of an enterprise. Therefore, the
authority of authority-level principle derived would be as follows: maintenance of intended
individuals be made delegation requires that decisions within the authority of individuals be made by
by them and not be
referred upwards. them and not be referred upwards in the organisation structure. In other words,
managers at each level should make whatever decisions they can in the light of
their delegated authority, and only matters that authority limitations keep them
from deciding should be referred to superiors.
Principle of unity of command: A basic management principle, often
disregarded for what are believed to be compelling circumstances, is that of unity
An employee should of command: the more completely an individual has a reporting relationship to a
have a single single superior, the less the problem of conflict in instructions and the greater the
supervisor to report
to. feeling of personal responsibility for results. In discussing delegation of
authority, it has been assumed that the right of discretion over a particular
activity will flow from a single superior to a subordinate. Although it is possible
for a subordinate to receive authority from two or more superiors and logically
possible to be held responsible by them, the practical difficulties of serving two
or more masters are obvious. An obligation is essentially personal, and authority
delegation by more than one person to an individual is likely to result in conflicts
in both authority and responsibility.
The accountability
of subordinates to Principle of absoluteness of responsibility: Since responsibility, being an
their supervisors for obligation owed, cannot be delegated, no superior can escape, through
their performance is delegation, responsibility for the activities of subordinates, for it is the superior
who has delegated authority and assigned duties. Likewise, the responsibility of
subordinates to their superiors for performance is absolute, once they have
accepted an assignment and the right to carry it out, and superiors cannot escape
responsibility for the organisation activities of their subordinates.

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Principle of parity of authority and responsibility: Since authority is the

discretionary right to carry out assignments and responsibility is the obligation to
accomplish them, it logically follows that authority should correspond to
responsibility. From this rather obvious logic is derived the principle that Authority should be
responsibility for action cannot be greater than that implied by authority commensurate with
delegated, nor should it be less. The president of a firm may, for example, assign responsibility.
duties to the manufacturing vice-president, such as buying raw materials and
machine tools and hiring subordinates in order to achieve certain goals. The vice-
president will be unable to perform these duties unless given enough discretion to
meet this responsibility.
Managers often try to hold subordinates responsible for duties for which
they do not have the necessary authority to perform. This is, of course, unfair.
Sometimes sufficient authority is delegated, but the delegatee is not held
responsible for its proper use. This is, obviously, a case of poor managerial
direction and control, and has no bearing upon the principle of parity.
Guides For Overcoming Weak Delegation
Unclear delegations, partial delegations, delegations inconsistent with the results
In most cases, top
expected, and the hovering of superiors who refuse to allow subordinates to use managers are
their authority are among the many widely found weaknesses of delegation of responsible for weak
authority. delegation.

Combine with these weaknesses untrained, inept, or weak subordinates, who

go to their bosses for decisions and the shirking subordinates, who will not
accept responsibility. Add to these, the lack of plans, planning information, and
incentives, and then all these together will partly explain the failure of
delegation. It shows, as is so generally the case in managing, that delegation does
not stand alone, but is related to other things in the whole system of managing.
But most of the responsibility for weak delegation lies with superiors and,
primarily, with top managers. In overcoming these errors - and emphasising the
principles outlined above - the five following guides are practical in making
delegation tangible:
1. Define assignments and delegate authority in the light of results expected.
2. Select the person in the light of the job to be done. This is the purpose of the
managerial function of staffing. It is important to remember that
qualifications influence the nature of the authority delegated.
3. Maintain open lines of communication. This means that there should be a
free flow of information between the superior and the subordinate, and
subordinates should be furnished with information with which to make
decisions and properly interpret the authority delegated.
4. Establish proper controls. But if controls are not to interfere with delegation,
they must be relatively broad and designed to show deviations from plans
rather than interfere with detailed actions of subordinates.
5. Reward effective delegation and successful assumption of authority. It is
seldom sufficient to suggest that authority be delegated, or even to order
that this be done. Managers should be ever watchful for means of rewarding

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both effective delegation and effective assumption of authority. Although

many of these rewards will be in terms of money, the granting of greater
discretion and prestige - both in a given position and in promotion to a
higher position - often works as a stronger incentive.
Decentralisation Vs. Centralisation
Some amount of Decentralisation is a fundamental aspect of delegation: to the extent that
decentralisation authority is not delegated, it is centralised. Absolute centralisation in one person
characterises all is conceivable. But it implies no subordinate managers and therefore no
structured organisation. Consequently, it can be said that some decentralisation
characterises all organisations. On the other hand, there cannot be absolute
decentralisation, for if managers should delegate all their authority, their status
as managers would cease, their position would be eliminated, and there would,
again, be no organisation. Centralisation and decentralisation are therefore
tendencies; they are qualities like "hot" and "cold."
"Centralisation" has been used to describe tendencies other than the
Centralisation refers dispersal of authority, as in centralisation of performances. This is a problem of
to withholding or geography: a business characterised by centralised performance operates in a
delegating authority single location or under a single roof. Furthermore, centralisation often refers to
for decision-making.
departmental activities. Service divisions centralise similar or specialised
activities in a single department. But when centralisation is discussed as an aspect
of management, it refers to withholding or delegating authority for decision-
Although closely related to delegation of authority, decentralisation is
Decentralisation something more: it reflects a philosophy of organisation and management. It
reflects a philosophy requires careful selection of what decisions to push down into the organisation
of organisation and
structure and what to hold at or near the top, specific policy-making to guide the
decision-making, selection and training of people, and adequate controls. A
policy of decentralisation affects all areas of management and can be looked
upon as an essential element of a managerial system. It is a fact that , without
decentralisation, managers cannot use their discretion to handle the ever-present
and ever-changing situations they continually face.
Factors Determining the Degree of Decentralisation of Authority
Managers cannot be ordinarily for or against decentralisation of authority. They
Each and every
manager has to may prefer to delegate authority, or they may like to make all decisions. A well-
delegate authority. known despot in a certain large enterprise, who would like to make all the
decisions, finds that he cannot. Even the autocrat in a smaller enterprise is often
forced to delegate some authority.
Although the temperament of individual managers influences the extent of
authority delegation, other factors also affect it. Most of these are beyond the
control of individual managers. They may resist their influence, but no successful
manager can ignore them.
Costliness of the Decision: Perhaps the overriding factor determining the extent
of decentralisation is, as in other aspects of policy, the criterion of costliness. As
a general rule, the more costly the action to be decided is, the more probable it is

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that the decision will be made at the upper levels of management.

The fact that the cost of a mistake affects decentralisation is not necessarily
Decisions involving
based on the assumption that top managers make fewer mistakes than more costs are to be
subordinates. They may make fewer mistakes, since they are probably better made at the upper
trained and in possession of more facts, but the controlling reason is the weight levels.
of responsibility. As already discussed, delegating authority is not delegating
responsibility. Therefore, managers typically prefer not to delegate authority for
crucial decisions.
Uniformity of policy: Another, and somewhat related factor favouring the
centralisation of authority, is the desire to obtain uniform policy. Those who
value consistency above all are invariably in favour of centralised authority, The desire to obtain
uniform policy
since this is the easiest road to such a goal. They may wish to ensure that favours
customers will be treated alike with respect to quality, price, credit, delivery, and centralisation of
service; that the same policies will be followed in dealing with suppliers; or that authority.
public relations policies will be standardised.
Uniform policy also has certain internal advantages. For example,
standardised accounting, statistics, and financial records make it easier to
compare relative efficiencies of departments and keep down costs. The
administration of a union contract is facilitated through uniform policy with
respect to wages, promotions, vacations, dismissals, and similar matters. Taxes
and government regulation entail fewer worries and chances for mistakes with
uniform policies.
Size: The larger the organisation, the more decisions to be made and the more
places in which they must be made, the more difficult it is to co-ordinate them. The larger the
These complexities of organisation may require policy questions to be passed up organisation is, the
more is the need for
the line and discussed not only with many managers in the chain of command but decentralisation.
also with many managers at each level, since horizontal agreement may be as
necessary as vertical clearance.
Slow decisions - slow because of the number of specialists and managers
who must be consulted - are costly. To minimise this cost, authority should be
decentralised wherever feasible. Indeed, the large enterprise that prides itself on
the right kind of decentralisation recognises the inevitable, although the extent
and effectiveness of decentralisation may differ widely among companies,
depending largely upon the quality of their management.
The costs of a large size may be reduced by organising an enterprise into a
number of units. Considerable increases in efficiency are likely to result from
making the unit small enough for its top executives to be near the point where
decisions are made. This makes possible speedy decisions, keeps executives from
spending time co-ordinating their decisions with many others, reduces the
amount of paper work, and improves the quality of decisions by reducing their
magnitude to manageable proportions.
The distance from top
Exactly what this size is cannot be arbitrarily stated. Some managers believe to bottom may impair
it to be 1000 persons, others believe it to be closer to 100 or 250, and some the quality and speed
would hold that 2500 employees can be grouped into manageable divisions, each of decision-making.
with considerable decentralised authority. In any case, there is evidence that
where the unit exceeds a certain size, the distance from top to bottom may impair

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the quality and speed of decision-making.

In the zeal to overcome the disadvantages of size by reducing the decision-
Lack of policy making unit, certain shortcomings of decentralisation should not be overlooked.
uniformity and co-
ordination may When authority is decentralised, a lack of policy uniformity and co-ordination
follow may follow. The branch, product division, or other self-sufficient unit may be so
decentralisation. preoccupied with its objectives as to lose sight of those of the enterprise as a
whole. What headquarters executive is there that has not had the feeling that a
division or a branch is at times "running away with the company?"
History of the enterprise: Whether or not authority will be frequently
The way the
business has been
decentralised depends upon the way the business has been built. The enterprises
built determines that expand from within in the main – such as Marshall Field and Company and
whether or not International Harvester Company – show a marked tendency to keep authority
authority will be centralised, as do those which expand under the direction of their owner-
founders. The Ford Motor Company was, under its founder, an extraordinary
case of centralised authority; Henry Ford, Sr., prided himself on having no
organisational titles in the top management except that of president and general
manager, insisting, to the extent he could, that every major decision in that vast
company be made by himself.
On the other hand, enterprises that represent mergers and consolidations are
likely to show, at least at first, a definite tendency to retain decentralised
authority, especially if the unit acquired is operating profitably. To be sure, this
tendency not to rock the boat may be politically inspired rather than based on
pure managerial considerations. Certainly, the claim of independence of the
once-independent units is especially strong, and a full managerial generation may
have to pass before the chief executive of the consolidated company dares
materially to reduce the degree of decentralisation.
Management philosophy: The character of top executives and their philosophy
have an important influence on the extent to which authority is decentralised.
The character and
Sometimes top managers are despotic, brooking no interference with the
philosophy of top
executives exert an authority and information they jealously hoard. At other times, top managers
important influence keep authority not merely to gratify a desire for status or power but because they
upon the extent of simply cannot give up the activities and authorities they enjoyed before they
delegation. reached the top or before the business expanded from an owner-manager shop.
Conversely, some people find decentralisation a means to make big business
work. In those cases, top managers may see decentralisation as a way of
organisational life that takes advantage of the innate desire of people to create, to
be free, and to have status.
Desire for independence: It is a characteristic of individuals and of groups to
desire a degree of independence. Individuals may become frustrated by delay in
getting decisions, by long lines of communication, and by the great game of
passing the buck.
The extent of
decentralisation of Availability of managers: A real shortage of managerial manpower would limit
authority depends
upon the availability the extent of decentralisation of authority, as delegation of decision-making
of trained managers. assumes the availability of trained managers. But too often the lamentable
scarcity of good managers is used as an excuse for centralising authority;
executives who complain that they have no one to whom they can delegate

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authority often try to magnify their own value to the firm or confess to a failure
to develop subordinates. There are managers, also, who believe that a firm should
centralise authority because it will then need very few good managers. One
difficulty is that the firm that so centralises its authority may not be able to train
managers to take over the duties of top executives, and external sources must be
relied upon to furnish necessary replacements. Thus the key to safe
decentralisation is adequate training of managers. By the same token,
decentralisation is perhaps the most important key to training.
Control techniques: Another factor affecting the degree of decentralisation is
the state of development of control techniques. One cannot expect a good The state of
development of
manager at any level of the organisation to delegate authority without having control techniques
some way of knowing whether it will be used properly. also affects the
degree of
Coupled with a manager's need to understand and use appropriate control decentralisation.
techniques is the state of their development. Improvements in statistical devices,
accounting controls, and other techniques have helped make possible the current
trend towards considerable managerial decentralisation. To decentralise is not to
lose control, and to push decision-making down into the organisation is not to
walk away from responsibility.
Decentralised performance: This is basically a technical matter depending upon
such factors as the economics of division of labour, the opportunities for using
machines and the nature of the work to be performed.
The pace of change: The fast-moving character of an enterprise also affects the
degree to which authority may be decentralised. If a business is growing fast and
facing the complex problems of expansion, its managers, particularly those The degree of
responsible for top policy, may be forced to make a large share of the decision. decentralisation
But, strangely enough, this very dynamic condition may force these managers to depends upon the
delegate authority and take a calculated risk on the costs of error. Generally this pace of change in
the enterprise.
dilemma is resolved in the direction of delegation, and, in order to avoid
delegation to untrained subordinates, close attention is given to rapid formation
of policies and the acceleration of training in management.
Environmental influences: The factors determining the extent of
decentralisation discussed above have been largely internal to the enterprise, External factors can
although the economics of decentralisation of performance and the character of affect the extent of
change include elements well beyond the control of an enterprise's manager. In
addition, there are definite external forces affecting the extent of decentralisation.
Among the most important of these are governmental controls, national
unionism, and tax policies.
Decentralisation And Participative Management
Some people get the idea that the more decentralised an organisation is, the more
democratic or participative it is in terms of managers sharing decision-making Decentralisation
with subordinate employees. This is not necessarily true. Decentralisation, helps participation in
however, involves pushing some decision-making down the line to subordinate
managers, and, in this sense, it develops more participation in decision-making.
However, this does not mean that all subordinates will participate in all decision-
making. In the first place, as has been noted, decisions on some matters are

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reserved by upper-level managers and others may be made only by the top
managers and, in some cases, even by the board of directors.
In the second place, delegation to subordinate managers of authority to
Decentralisation and make decisions does not mean that these managers will allow their subordinates
participative to share in decision-making. Some managers may be highly participative or
management are
different matters. democratic in the way they make decisions, and others may not be. Essentially,
decentralisation and participative management are different matters.
Obtaining the Desired Degree of Decentralisation
Underlying the discussion to this point has been the assumption that managers
can obtain the degree of decentralisation upon which they have decided. In others
words, the emphasis has been upon how much decentralisation to have, rather
than on whether the desired degree can be realised and maintained.
Many managers who believe that authority should be pushed down in an
organisation as far as it will go are faced with the practical problem of how to
push it down there. It is a rare top manager who does not find somewhere in the
organisation an authority hoarder, who simply will not delegate.
In obtaining the degree of decentralisation desired, an understanding of
decentralisation is essential. This concept is based upon the knowledge that
Decentralisation decentralisation cannot mean independence, that it requires establishing policies
does not imply
to guide decision-making along the desired course, that it needs careful
independence: it
must be delegation of authority by managers, who know how and who want to delegate,
accompanied by and that, not being a surrender of responsibility, it must be accompanied by
controls. controls designed to ensure that delegated authority is used properly. Although
the art of authority delegation lies at the base of proper decentralisation, it is
apparent that the mere act of delegation is not enough to ensure decentralisation.
No manual can indicate how to ensure authority being properly
decentralised or appropriately withheld, but several techniques may be used with
Everybody has to be
held responsible for
some chance of success. One of the most forceful of these is to ensure that a
achieving certain system of verifiable objectives is established, that each person is held responsible
goals, and the person for achieving certain goals, and that each is given the necessary authority for
concerned must be doing so. Another is merely a technique of organisation- the provision of
backed by necessary
authority to do so.
statement of each manager's duties and of the responsibility and the degree of
authority delegated to that position. Besides being clear and, preferably, written,
the statement should be issued in such a way that all employees may know what
it contains.
Another important technique is the example and teaching of a superior,
Decentralisation is starting at the top of the organisation. The character of top leadership in an
also affected at
subordinate levels
enterprise affects everyone in an organisation. There are in every firm of any size
by the examples and those who will reach out for power, intrude upon activities assigned to others,
teachings of and bully the timid. Rules and job descriptions are often subject to differences in
superiors starting interpretation, which can be conveniently stretched or limited depending upon
right from the top of
the hierarchy.
the politics in an organisation. Their unreliability, despite their obvious
usefulness, stands as a warning to executives that the most dependable
foundation for achieving a desired degree of decentralisation is the education of
subordinate managers in the rights of others - teaching them restraint as well as

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One of the means of forcing delegation of authority, particularly in the middle When the span of
and lower levels of organisation, is to require managers to have a large number of management is big,
subordinates and at the same time, hold them to a high standard of performance. decentralisation is
When the span of management is stretched, there is no alternative but to delegate essential.
Another technique used to force decentralisation has been the policy of
The policy of
promoting managers only when they have subordinates able to take their places. promoting managers
To accomplish this end, managers are forced to delegate authority. Moreover, from within only
this policy removes a major cause of hoarding authority, the desire of managers forces
to become indispensable by making sure that their duties cannot be handled by decentralisation.
any of their subordinates.
Occasionally the problem concerns how to retain a predetermined degree of
authority. Division and branch managers – because they are far away from the Division or branch
home office, often wish to build empires, or want to do a complete job – may managers, far away
from the head office,
assume too much authority and resent the outside auditor, sabotage centralised may oppose central
controls and oppose central management. The answer, of course, to this problem management.
is primarily one of leadership, clear policy determination and authority
delegation, and proper training of subordinate managers.
Balance : The Key to Decentralisation
Any program for decentralising authority must reflect principles of delegation if
practical pitfalls are to be avoided. There are, in addition, several other matters
to be considered. The widespread practice of decentralisation in recent years has
taught important lessons.
Strong forces favour the practice of decentralisation. The nature of
organised effort requires the co-ordination of people at every level, and most of
Decentralisation of
the managers responsible for co-ordination are employed at middle and lower authority helps train
organisation levels; they cannot function without the authority to manage. The up managers.
growing size of the average organised activity requires an increasing number of
managers. And while enterprises do not decentralise in order to develop
managers, it is nevertheless quite true that these will not be developed internally
unless they have an opportunity to exercise authority. Moreover, the presence of
large numbers of well-educated and ambitions young people in an enterprise is a
steady pressure on top managers to decentralise.
At the same time, extensive decentralisation is not to be blindly applied. In
many organisations, the size and complexity of operations do not require it.
Decentralisation has
Decentralisation is not without costs, even in larger companies. In addition to the to be enforced after
dangers from non-uniform policy and the problems of control, there are often real a careful analysis of
financial costs. As authority is decentralised, managers become more and more costs and benefits
like independent operators of small business. They may acquire their own involved.
accounting force, statisticians, and engineering staff. These people may soon be
duplicating specialised services of the top company organisation.
Perhaps the principal problem of decentralisation is loss of control. No Decentralisation
enterprise can decentralise to the extent that its existence is threatened and the must not lead to a
loss of control.
achievement of its goals is frustrated. If organisational disintegration is to be
avoided, decentralisation must be tempered with selective centralisation of
certain areas of vital major policy.
Lesson-end assessment

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Essay type questions

1. What is your idea about delegation? How is authority delegated?
2. How can clarity of delegation of authority be ensured?
3. In short, discuss the principles of delegation of authority.
4. What are the guides for overcoming weak delegation?
5. What factors are to be considered in determining the degree of
decentralisation of authority?
6. Differentiate between decentralisation and participative management. How
can the desired degree of decentralisation be obtained?
8. Do you think that a proper balance in decentralisation can be maintained?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Superiors cannot delegate authority:
(a) to subordinates.
(b) unless subordinates are trained.
(c) if managers are unwilling.
(d) if they do not have it.
2. If authority delegations are specific, a manager may regard his or her job as a:
(a) staked claim with a high fence around it.
(b) rewarding one.
(c) democratic one.
(d) distinct one.
3. Absolute centralisation in one person is conceivable, but it:
(a) acts against democratic management.
(b) implies no subordinate managers and therefore no structured
(c) does not ensure efficiency in management.
(d) is discouraged by modern managers.
4. Even the autocrat in a smaller enterprise is:
(a) found to behave democratically.
(b) sometimes participative.
(c) forced to delegate some authority.
(d) professionally dedicated.
5. When authority is decentralised:
(a) industrial democracy prevails.
(b) productivity improves.
(c) workers are motivated.
(d) a lack of policy uniformity and co-ordination may follow.

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6. The character of top executives and their philosophy have an important

influence on the:
(a) profitability of the enterprise.
(b) extent to which authority is decentralised.
(c) training of employees.
(d) distribution of profit.
7. Decentralisation is perhaps the:
(a) best way to improve efficiency.
(b) most important key to training.
(c) safest means to enhance profitability.
(d) most important way to ensure participation.

1. Interview the chief executive of a firm, ask him to mention the strengths and
weakness as well as the opportunities and threats faced by the firm.
2. Identify the departmentation pattern of a company you know of. Draw an
organisation chart for the firm. Would you recommend a different
departmentation arrangement? Justify.

CASE 6-1
Daewoo was founded in 1967 by its hardworking, sentlessly driven chairman,
Kim (surname) Woo-Chong. After its initial success in exporting textiles, be
company expanded into trade, autos, machinery, consumer electronics,
construction, heavy shipping, computers, telephones, and financial services,
becoming Korea's fourth largest business group. The company became, for
example, a textile supplier for Sears, Cristian Dior, Calvin Klein, and London
Fog. Daewoo also engaged in a joint venture with General Motors to build the
Le Mans car. However, labor and their problems limited the car shipments.
Chairman Kim's philosophy of hard work and to value placed in people
were important factors in firm's success. However, in the late 1980s and early
1990s, the company faced several problems. for the, Kim was concerned that
with the increasing prosperity of Koreans, the work force might lose the spirit of
hard work. Moreover, there was a growing discontent among the younger
workers and a lessening of convention.
Through Kim's hands-off approach to manage some of the companies in the
Daewoo business went out of control. For example, in the unfitable heavy
shipping industry, he noticed many necessary expenses. The elimination of
company sponsored barbershops saved the company $8 million year.
In general, Daewoo's work force is young and educated. In contrast to
similar positions in many Korean companies, top positions at Daewoo are
supplied by managers with no family ties.
Although Daewoo is a manor company with its 91,000 employees, it is not

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dominant in any one industry. The strategy of being a supplier for major foreign
companies, such as Caterpillar, General Motors, and Boeing, may have led to
bypassing opportunities for becoming a major marketer of its own brands. Now,
in the 1990s, Kim is also looking at opportunities in Europe; for example, he
formed a joint venture with a distribution company in France.
The massive restructuring has already had some positive effects. Kim sold
some steel, financial, and real estate units. The hands-off managerial style has
been replaced by a hands-on style, resulting in recentralization. Managers were
"retired" or otherwise let go. Thousands of positions were also eliminated.
Things were looking better in 1991. The company lost money in 1988 and
1989 but made some profit in 1990 partly because of the sale of some major
assets. The joint venture with GM registered a healthy growth. The company was
also optimistic about the future of the new compact car Espero. Still, in the early
1990s, Daewoo has had to cope with the strong Korean currency, its labor costs,
Japanese competition, and recessions in various countries in which it operates.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hands-off, decentralized
management approach?
2. How can Daewoo stay competitive with the Japanese?
3. What are some of the controllable and uncontrollable factors in this case? How
should Mr. Kim respond to those factors?
Source-Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management: A Global Perspective", McGraw-Hill
International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994, P.341.

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management", Delhi:
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


John F. Mee, "Matrix Organisations", In Business Horizons, Summer 1964, pp. 70-

Unit-6 Page-132

Unit Highlights
‰ Nature of Staffing Function, Human Resource Planning, Systems
Approach to Staffing
‰ Recruitment and Selection, Promopte or Hire, Manager Selection
‰ Training , Training Programs, Management Development Programs
‰ Performance Appraisal: Meaning and Importance, Types, Appropriate
Method of Appraising Manager
‰ Job Change: Promotion, Transfer and Demotion.
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Unit-7 : Staffing
Lesson 1: Nature of Staffing Function, Human Resource
Planning, Systems Approach to Staffing

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the nature of staffing function.
• discuss Human Resource Planning.
• describe Systems Approach to Staffing with the help of a diagram.

Progressive employers and senior managers all over the word often say that
people are their most important resource or asset. Yet this is never found to
People are the most
appear as a distinct item in the balance sheet of their business . It is for this important asset of an
reason that late Renesis Likert and his associates suggested the necessity for enterprise.
"human resource accounting". Instead of going into the complexities of
accounting, we would like to emphasise here that staffing is a crucial function of
managers which can decide the success or failure of an enterprise.
Nature of Staffing Function
Staffing may be
Staffing has long been an integral part of the management process. Like other understood as human
traditional management functions such as planning and organising, the domain of resource planning,
staffing has expanded over years. This growth reflects increasing environmental selection,
development and
complicity and greater organisational awareness about the importance of human evaluation for
resource management. The early definitions of staffing narrowly focused on providing necessary
hiring people for vacant positions. Today staffing is defined more broadly as talent with a view to
human resource planning, selection, development and appraisal aimed at success.
providing the talent necessary for organisational success.
Human Resource Planning (HRP)
Planning enables managers to better cope with an uncertain environment and
allocate scarce resources more efficiently. The importance of Human Resource HRP may be defined
Planning has been emphasised by some management scholars as follows : as the development
of comprehensive
"There continues to be in organisations a failure, particularly on the part of staffing strategy for
line managers and functional managers in areas other than personnel, to meeting the
recognise the true importance of planning for and managing human resources."1 organisation’s future
human resource
Human resource planning is sometimes referred to as manpower planning needs.
when applied to all employees, or management succession planning when strictly
applied to managerial employees. It helps management find the right people for
the right jobs at the right time. Human resource planning may be rightly defined
as the development of a comprehensive staffing strategy for meeting the
organisation’s future human resource needs.

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A Systems Perspective
A systematic approach to staffing is the essential requirement of human resource
planning. Staffing as a managerial function, traditionally has suffered from a
Human resource lack of continuity. People are often hired and trained on an " as needed" basis,
planning requires
foresight and a
which proves ultimately short-sighted and inadequate in the context of a rapidly
systematic approach changing modern world. What is needed is a farsighted, systematic approach that
to staffing. can provide specific answers to the following questions :
1. Are the right numbers and kinds of people doing the things we need to have
2. Are we properly utilising our people?
3. Do we have the people we need to satisfy our future needs?
Answers to these questions can be obtained through a systematic approach.
First, current staffing needs are assessed. Next, future needs of human resource
are forecasted. Third , a comprehensive staffing strategy is formulated. Finally an
evaluation and updating of the system is achieved by continually recycling
through the process.

The Systems Approach to Staffing:

An Overview by Weihrich and Koontz
The following diagram shows how the managerial function of staffing relates to
Staffing relates to the total management system. To be specific, enterprise plans become the basis
the total for organisation plans, which are necessary to achieve enterprise objectives. The
management system. present and projected organisation structure decides the number and type of
managers and other employees required. These demands for managers are
compared with available talent through the management stock-list of inventory.
On the basis of the information obtained through above analysis, external and
internal avenues or sources are tapped in matters of recruitment, promotion and
redundancy. Other essential functions of staffing such as appraisal, career
strategy and training, and development are also dealt with.
Staffing, as shown in figure 7-1, affects leading and controlling. For
example, well-trained managers and employees create an environment in which
people, working in groups, can accomplish personal as well as enterprise
objectives. In other words, proper staffing facilitates leading. Similarly, selecting
quality managers serves the purpose of controlling by preventing many
undesirable deviations giving rise to major problems.
Assessing Current Needs
As long as management does not have a clear picture of the organisation’s
staffing position, there cannot be any meaningful forecast and formulation of a
Job analysis and job staffing plan. A first step in this direction is a time-consuming procedure called
description are job analysis. Job analysis is the process of determining the fundamentals of a job
essential for through systematic observation and analysis. Usually a team of trained specialists
assessing staffing
needs. isolate specific jobs by analysing work flows, tracking procedures for
accomplishing subunit objectives, and interviewing individuals about what their
jobs entail. If job descriptions exist, they are updated. If not, they are written. A
job description is a clear and concise summary of the duties of a specific job and

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the qualifications for holding it. It is useful for staffing in order to achieve gainful
individual-organisation matches.

External environment



Number and sources
kinds of
managers Recruitment Appraisal
required Analysis of Selection Career Strategy
present and Placement Leading
future needs for Promotion and
managers Separation Training and controlling
Manager development

Internal environment
Personnel policies
Reward system


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz ,"Management: A Global Perspective" Tenth Edition, P.358.

By comparing updated job descriptions with the qualifications and duties of the An organisation
individuals currently holding those jobs, management can determine whether the needs to be properly
organisation is appropriately staffed. Overstuffing can run to wasteful expenses,
but understaffing can block the achievement of organisational objectives. An
appropriately staffed organisation has the right number of people working in jobs
best suited to their talents.

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Factors to Consider in Forecasting the Demand

and Supply of Human Resources
Forecast Demand • Expected growth of the organisation
• Budget constraints
• Turnover due to resignations, termination, transfers,
retirement, and death
• Introduction of new technology
• Minority-hiring goals
Forecast Supply • Number of employees willing and able to be trained
• Promotable employees
• Availability of required talent in local, regional, and
national labor markets.
• Competition for talent within the industry and in general
• Demographic trends (such as movement of families from
one part of the country to another)
• Enrolment trends in government training programs, trade
schools, colleges and universities.

Forecasting Future Needs

The next step involved in human resource planning cycle is to compare projected
demand and projected supply. It is often helpful for managers to visualise human
Projected demand resources as flowing into, through and out of the organisation. Employees tend to
and projected leave the organisation for a variety of reasons, and they must be replaced. Both
supply have to be
internal and external sources of supply should be explored. One important
compared for
forecasting the element is prevailing trends in education. For instance, if enough people are
organisation’s future studying computer programming in schools and colleges, data-processing firms
staffing. may not need to train so many of their own computer programmers in the future.
A detailed list of future staffing requirements is the net result of human
resource demand and supply forecasting. This list will tell management how
many people and of what kind will be needed at specific future points in time.
Formulation of a Staffing Strategy
To satisfy future requirements, two sets of options are open to management.
In adopting a
staffing strategy First, management can rely on current employees or hire new ones. Second,
management can employees can be trained or not trained. When these two sets of options are
either rely on the combined, four staffing strategies emerge: (1) do not train current employees, (2)
existing employees
train current employees, (3) hire but do not train outsiders, and (4) hire and train
or hire new ones.
outsiders. Most often in today's larger organisations, all four staffing strategies
are used simultaneously according to circumstances.
HRP requires Evaluation and Update
feedback and As it is the case with many other systems, human resource planning requires a
feedback mechanism or a means of monitoring the system. By comparing the
actual performance of the system on previously formulated plans, necessary
corrective measures can be undertaken. Unexpected shortages and excesses of
qualified people signal a defect in the planning system. Management sometimes
discovers that they have overlooked critical demand or supply factors. Whatever
may be the case, prompt corrective action will help the human resource planning
cycle work more smoothly and effectively each time such action is repeated.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you understand by staffing? Discuss in brief the nature of staffing
2. What is Human Resource Planning? Discuss the Systems Approach to
Planning with the help of a diagram.
3. How would you (a) assess the current needs and (b) forecast future needs of

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:

1. The present and projected organisation structure decides :

(a) the type of management of the enterprise.
(b) the number and type of managers and other employees required.
(c) the units to be sold.
(d) the amount of profit to be earned.
2. A job description is a clear and concise summary of the:
(a) activities of an enterprise.
(b) duties of a specific job and the qualification for performing them.
(c) jobs of the organisation.
(d) responsibilities of an employee
3. Unexpected shortages or excesses of qualified people:
(a) ensures high profitability of the organisation.
(b) signal a defect in the planning system.
(c) helps enhance productivity.
(d) brings about a quick downfall.

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Lesson 2 : Recruitment and Selection, Promopte or Hire,

Manager Selection
Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• understand the meanings of, and distinguish between recruitment and
• describe the devices/procedures of selection.
• explain the situations in which a managerial position can be better filled by
promoting someone from within.
• conceptualise when managerial positions should be filled up by hiring people
from outside.
• understand the intricacies of manager selection.
• define job design.

The objective of recruitment is to provide a group of candidates which is large
enough to let managers select the qualified employees from that they require.
Job analysis, job
description and
Before employees can be recruited, recruiters must have some clear ideas
hiring specification regarding the activities and responsibilities required in the job being filled. It has
are the steps in the already been said, job analysis is the first step in the recruitment process. The
recruitment process. next step is the preparation of a statement called either a job description or
position description containing the contents and location of the job. Once the
job or position description has been determined, an accompanying hiring or job
specification is developed. A hiring specification is a written description of the
education, experience, and skills needed to perform a job or fill a position.
As already said, the purpose of recruitment is to identify a pool of qualified
candidates for a job or a position. Managers use a selection process to evaluate
Selection means
choosing a candidate each of these candidates, to make predictions of the probable levels of job
for a job. performance by each, and to choose a candidate for the job. Any technique or
procedure for choosing from among candidates is referred to as a selection
device. A wide range of selection devices are available to give human resource
managers information on which to base their decisions. These selection devices
Application blanks: These are forms that ask for personal information as well as
information about previous training and work experiences.
References and recommendations: By this device, information is sought and
obtained from sources other than the candidate about his or her past performance
record. The employer may contact the current employer of each of the three
leading candidates for the job of an accounts officer. Two are rated "perfectly
acceptable employees." The third is rated "almost irreplaceable." Sometimes
references and recommendations are honest, helpful and reliable. They quite

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often genuinely help managers identify good potential employees and screen out
Information about
others in the industrially developed countries of the west. However references the candidate is
and recommendations can be sometimes unreliable, if the sources or referees sought from reliable
allow personal opinions and feelings – positive or negative – to override persons other than
the candidate.
objective evaluation of the candidate.
Interviews: Question-and-answer sessions are held between candidate and
prospective employer. It has been observed by some authorities that "the Candidates are
interview is probably the most widely used personnel technique, particularly in called for question-
the selection procedure. Surveys show that almost all personnel managers use and-answer sessions
between them and
this method at some stage in the selection procedure."2 Additionally, it is their prospective
common for line managers at all levels to be asked to interview candidates for employers.
job openings and promotions. Nearly all managers should be aware of the
shortcomings of the traditional method of unstructured interview, the one with no
fixed question format or systematic scoring procedure. The traditional
unstructured or informal format of interview has been criticised because:
• it is highly susceptible to distortion and bias.
• it is highly susceptible to legal attack.
• it is usually indefensible if legally contested.
• it may have apparent validity, but no real validity.
• it is rarely totally job-related and may incorporate personal items that
infringe on privacy.
• it is the most flexible selection technique, thereby being highly
• there is a tendency in the interviewer to look for qualities that he or she
prefers, and then justify the hiring decision based on these qualities.
• often, the interviewer does not hear about the selection mistakes.
• there is unsubstantiated confidence in traditional interview.
Structured interviews are the recommended alternative to traditional Structured
unstructured or informal interviews. A structured interview may be defined as a interviews can
eliminate the
series of job-related questions with predetermined answers that are consistently personal prejudices
applied across all interviews for a particular job. Structured interviews are and biases of an
constructed, conducted, and scored by a committee of three to six members to try individual
to eliminate individual bias. Because of their structured format and scoring, interviewer.
structured interviews remove each of the weaknesses of unstructured interview
listed above.3
Tests: A wide variety of instruments are used to verify candidates' abilities, Tests help verify the
skills, behaviour, and attitudes. The best tests assess these factors that the job candidate’s abilities,
analysis identifies as necessary for the candidate to perform well on the job and skills, behaviour and
to do so in a standardised manner. The three top candidates for an accounting job attitude.
are given an accounting test to work through.
Promote or Hire
Employee selection serves as the organisation's main conduit for human resource.
Present-day managers are challenged to find the best available talent for the

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The manager's first step in the selection process involves, except for job openings
Except at the lowest at the lowest entry level, choosing between inside and outside talent.
level of entry, the
manager’s first step Usually outsiders are hired for bottom-rung positions in the organisational
in the selection hierarchy. But what about the many positions above the lowest entry level
process involves
choosing between whether recently created or vacated? Management can promote a current
inside and outside employee from the same geographic location, transfer in a current position from
talent. another place or hire an outsider. The following are the advantages of promoting
an insider or hiring an outsider:
Advantages of promoting an insider: Three advantages of promoting an insider
are: (1) promotion from within is less expensive than transferring or hiring; (2)
promotable insiders are proven performers; and (3) promotion from within can
have a positive motivational effect.
Hiring one from In recent years, both inflationary pressure and more complicated hiring
outside is much
more expensive than
practices have caused hiring and transfer costs to skyrocket. Employment agency
promoting an fees, recruitment, advertising, testing, interviewing, reference checks, medical
insider. examinations, reimbursement or relocation expenses, and orientation run up
expenses quickly. Avoiding these hiring and transferring costs has become a
powerful incentive to find and promote qualified insiders.
Management runs the risk that one who looks good on paper may not prove
It is much easier to
judge the ability of
good at actual work which is placed in a new and unfamiliar environment. To a
an insider than an certain extent, promotable insiders can demonstrate their worth. Evidence of an
outsider candidate. insider's worth comes from direct observation, whereas management can use only
second-hand information in evaluating an outsider.
Experience tells that people tend to work harder when they believe they
A fair policy of have a good chance of being promoted. Moreover, a competitive and emulating
promotion from
within can be a
spirit tends to grow when employees see that deserving co-workers are promoted
potent motivational to better paying higher status jobs. Dead-end jobs, on the other hand, tend to
tool. stifle motivation and commitment. Promotion from within, when regularly and
fairly used, can be a potent motivational tool.
Bringing someone Advantages of bringing in an outsider: Over the policy of promoting from
new who possesses inside, there are three advantages of transferring in or hiring an outsider: (1)
the necessary
qualifications can
bringing in outsiders helps prevent social inbreeding; (2) training costs are
stimulate a healthy reduced when a qualified outsider is hired; and (3) new people tend to introduce
working new perspectives.
environment and
save expenditure. Undesirable social inbreeding occurs when people are promoted on the basis
of who they know rather than what they know. Bringing in someone new can cut
out any automatic cycle of favouritism that may exist.
Resorting to transferring or hiring also tends to keep down training costs.
An insider who lacks the skills necessary for a higher position must be trained
before promotion is possible. Consequently, there is a strong economic argument
Newcomers bring for bringing in someone who already possesses the necessary skills.
along new ideas and
perspectives. New people can be an infusion of new blood into an organisation. They
bring new perspectives, new ideas, and probing questions that can stimulate
thinking among the present employees. Newcomers can introduce a healthy

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questioning attitude about an organisation's assumptions and can motivate the

present employees to develop their own abilities.
Management should think on balance before hiring someone from outside,
and then go on to screen recruits systematically.4
Manager Selection
Of all selections, by far the most important task is the selection of managers
because the quality of managers is the most important single determining factor Effective managers
for the continuing success of any enterprise. As a business is not made by plant, are vital and
equipment, materials and people, so is the case with an effective military force
which is not made by tanks, planes ships and people. What is most vital and
indispensable is effective managers.
Organisations may take recourse to both the methods of outside-hiring or
inside-promotion mentioned above. Organisations may seek to hire experienced
Both the methods of
managers for a variety of reasons. A newly created post may require a manager outside-hiring and
with experience not available within the organisation; a manager with requisite inside-promotion
talent to fill up an established post may not be available within the organisation; a may be necessary.
key position may suddenly open up before there is time to train a replacement; or
a highly successful manager in a competing organisation may be sought to
improve the organisation's own competitive position.
Generally an experienced manager who is considered for selection to fill up
upper level position goes through several interviews before being hired. People Interviews attempt
taking an interview are invariably themselves higher-level managers who try to to determine the
suitability of a
assess the candidate's suitability and past record. Interviewers attempt to candidate for given
determine how well the candidate fits into their idea of what a good manager job.
should be like and how compatible the candidate's personality, past experience,
personal values and style of work are with the organisation and its culture.
Performance of
New and inexperienced managers or probationary officers with management executives at the
potential usually enter an organisation after graduation from colleges or entry level strongly
universities. Their performance at entry-level positions strongly influences the influences their
scope of management opportunities that will be available to them.
In case of prospective young managers who are fresh from colleges or
universities, assessment in most cases starts with a review of their college or Review of academic
records and a
university grades. College or university records can also provide some comprehensive
information about non-academic abilities such as interpersonal skills, leadership interview are
qualities, and ability to assume responsibility. Like experienced managers, required to assess
the potentiality of
prospective managers too may finally be interviewed in a comprehensive manner new managers.
to determine the appropriate ability and expertise being demanded from the new

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you understand by recruitment? How would you distinguish it from
selection? Describe the procedure of selection.
2. What are the devices of selection? Can you tell us when an upper-level
managerial position should be filled up by promoting someone from within?
3. When should managers be hired from outside the organisation? Why is
manager selection considered important?
4. What do you understand by job design? Discuss in brief the procedure of
manager selection used in our country.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The hiring specification is a written description of the:
(a) job to be done.
(b) candidates to be hired.
(c) tasks to be performed.
(d) education, experience, and skills needed to perform a job or fill a
2. Any technique or procedure for choosing from among candidates is referred to
(a) recruitment.
(b) personnel management.
(c) a selection device.
(d) employment test.
3. Experience tells that people tend to work harder when:
(a) they have a good chance of being promoted.
(b) the opportunity to earn more is ensured.
(c) they are closely supervised.
(d) they are punished for negligence.

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Lesson 3 : Training, Training Programs, Management

Development Programs
Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• understand the nature and significance of training.
• identify the methods that can be used by managers to determine the training
needs of employees.
• discuss on-the-job and off-the-job training methods.
• discuss the importance and the types of off-the-job methods of management

To put it very simply, training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of
an employee for doing a particular job. There is often a gap between what
Training increases
employees actually know and what they should know. Filling this gap of the knowledge and
knowledge in doing the job by means of training is an important task of skill of an employee
management. Training is, therefore, a learning experience in that it seeks a for doing a particular
relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his or her ability job.
to perform on-the-job. Training typically involves changing skills, knowledge,
attitudes or social behaviour.
Training programmes are aimed at maintaining and improving current job
performance, while development programs seek to develop skills for future jobs. Non-managers are to
be trained in
Both managers and non-managers may receive help from training and technical skills
development programmes, but the mix of experiences is likely to vary. Non- while managers
managers are much more likely to be trained in the technical skills required for require to develop
their current jobs, whereas managers frequently receive assistance in developing their human relations
and conceptual
the skills required in their future jobs - particularly conceptual and human skills.
relations skills.
Training Programmes
Fresh employees have to be trained to help them learn new skills. Since they are
likely to be more motivated, new skills and knowledge can be imparted to them Training fresh
easily. On the other hand, training the experienced employees can be employees is much
problematic. Their training needs are not always easy to determine, and even if easier than training
the experienced
that can be done, they may resent being asked to change their established ways of ones.
doing their jobs.
The following four methods can be used by managers to determine the training
needs of the employees in their organisation or department:
1. Performance appraisal: Performance of each employee is measured against
the performance standards or objectives established for his or her job.
2. Analysis of job requirements: The skills or knowledge specified in the job
description are examined and the employees lacking necessary skills or
knowledge specified therein are selected for a training programme.

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3. Organisational analysis: The effectiveness of the organisation and its

success in meeting its goals are analysed for determining and identifying the
area and kind of training required. For example, members of a department
with a high turnover rate or low performance record might require
additional training.
4. Employee survey: Opinions of managers and non-managers are sought
about the problems they experience in their work and what actions they
deem necessary for solving the problem.
Once the training needs of the organisation have been identified, the human
resources manager shall have to take the initiative for appropriate training effort.
Job rotation,
internship and Managers may resort to a variety of training approaches. The most common of
apprenticeship are these are on-the-job training methods, including job rotation, in which the
some important on- employees work on a series of jobs over a period of time, thereby learning a wide
the-job approaches.
variety of skills. Internship in which job training is combined with related
classroom instruction, and apprenticeship, in which the employee is trained under
the guidance of a highly skilled senior co-worker, are the two other approaches
to meet the training needs of the employees.
Off-the-job training is given outside the work place but efforts are made to
Vestibule training, stimulate actual working conditions. This type of training includes vestibule
simulation exercises, training, in which employees train on the actual equipment and in a realistic job
business games,
role-playing, setting but in a building different from their own. The aim is to avoid the on-the-
classroom seminars, job pressures that might interfere with the learning process. In behaviourally
and videos are experienced training, activities such as simulation exercises, business games, and
important off-the-job
means of training
problem-centred cases, are employed so that the trainee can learn the behaviour
workers. appropriate for the job through role-playing. Class-room seminars, lectures and
films are some of the off-the-job training methods used in employee training.
Management Development Programs
Management development aims at improving the overall effectiveness of
managers at their existing positions as well as preparing them for greater
responsibility when they are promoted. These programs have become more
prevalent in recent years because of increasingly complex demands on managers.
Another reason is the problem of training managers through experience alone
which is a time-consuming and unreliable process.
On-the-Job Methods
Training a new
In management development programs, on-the-job methods are usually preferred.
recruit by his/her This type of training is far more likely than the off-the-job type to be tailored to
supervising officer. the requirements of an individual.
Four major formal on-the-job development methods are as follows:
1. Coaching: The training of an employee of a managerial cadre by his or her
immediate supervising officer is by far the most effective management
development technique. Unfortunately, many managers are either unable or
unwilling to coach those they supervise. In order to be effective, on-the-job
coaching must be tempered with considerable restraint. Employees can not
develop unless they are allowed to work out problems in their own way.

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Managers quite frequently feel compelled to tell their employees exactly

what to do there by negating the effectiveness of coaching. Again, some
managers sometimes feel threatened when asked to coach an employee,
fearing they are asked to create a rival. In fact, the manager has much to
gain from coaching, since a manager quite often is not likely to be promoted
unless a successor is available to replace him/her.
Many organisations give much emphasis to coaching their managers.
Conscientious managers often maintain a development file for each of their
employees, indicating the training he/she is receiving, the skills he/she is
acquiring, and the rate of his or her progress in performance. A record of
critical incidents - situations in which an employee displays desirable or
undesirable behaviour - may be included.
2. Job rotation: This involves shifting managers from position to position so Shifting managers
that they can broaden their experience and familiarise themselves with from one position to
various aspects of the firm's operations. another.

3. Training positions: This is the third method of developing managers.

Trainees are given staff posts immediately under a manager, often with the Trainees are posted
as “assistant to”
title of "assistant to." Such assignments give trainees a chance to work with senior managers.
and model themselves after outstanding managers who might otherwise
have little contact with them.
4. Planned work: It involves giving trainees important work assignments to
develop their experience and ability. Trainees may be asked to head a task Trainees are given
important work
force or participate in an important committee meeting. Such experiences
help them gain insight into how organisations operate and also improve
their human relations skills.
Off-the-Job Methods
Off-the-job development techniques remove individuals from the stresses and
ongoing demands of the workplace, enabling them to focus fully on the learning
Trainees are taken
experience. In addition, they provide opportunities for meeting people from other out of their work
departments or organisations. Thus, employees are exposed to useful new ideas environment and
and experiences while they make potentially useful contacts. The most common exposed to new
off-the-job development methods are in-house classroom instruction and ideas and
management development programs sponsored by universities and organisations
such as the American Management Association.
Management development programs almost invariably include some form Classroom teaching
of classroom instruction in which specialists from inside or outside the is often
organisation teach trainees a particular subject. Classroom teaching is often supplemented with
other methods.
supplemented with case studies, role-playing and business games, or simulations.
For instance, managers may be asked to play roles on both sides in a simulated
labour management dispute.
Universities sponsor
A number of organisations in the developed countries send selected management
employees to university-sponsored management development programmes. development
Many major universities have such programmes, which vary from a week to
three months or more. Some universities also have one-year full-time study

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programmes for mid-level managers. Usually these managers are selected for
promotion. They are sent to university programmes to broaden their perspectives
and groom them for movement into general (as opposed to functional)
management. Such university programmes often combine classroom instruction
with case studies, role-playing, and simulation.
In the USA, increasingly large corporations are assuming many of the
Large corporations
also offer off-the-job functions of universities with regard to advanced off-the-job training of
training employees. Many business firms and industrial associations offer accredited
programmes. academic degrees. Rank Xerox, Arthur Anderson, G.E. and Holiday Inns have
each acquired educational facilities that almost resemble university campuses.6

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you understand by training? How can a manager identify the
training needs of employees?
2. Briefly discuss the methods of training usually followed by managers to
enhance the efficiency of their employees.
3. Elaborate on the major formal management development methods – both on-
the-job and off-the-job.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Training:
(a) increases the adaptability of an employee.
(b) decreases waste of resources.
(c) increases the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular
(d) enhances productivity.
2. Off-the-job training is given outside the workplace but:
(a) it is more effective than on-the-job training.
(b) efforts are made to make them appropriate.
(c) efforts are made to stimulate actual working conditions.
(d) it consumes time.
3. The training of an employee of the managerial cadre by his or her immediate
supervising officer is called:
(a) understudy.
(b) coaching.
(c) simulation.
(d) apprenticeship.
4. Classroom teaching is often supplemented with:
(a) job rotation.
(b) job design.
(c) case studies, role-playing, business games or simulation.
(d) practical work.

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Lesson 4 : Performance Appraisal (PA): Meaning and

Importance, Types, Appropriate Method of
Appraising Manager

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• understand the meaning and importance of performance appraisal.
• distinguish between formal and informal performance appraisal.
• discuss the most frequently used approaches to formal systematic
performance appraisal of employees used by modern managers.
• explain the importance of appraising performance of managers and also
identify the appropriate method of appraising managers.

Meaning and Importance of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating how effectively employees are
fulfilling their job responsibilities and contributing to the accomplishment of PA is the process of
evaluating how
organisational goals. To appraise performance effectively, a manager must be effectively
aware of the specific expectations for a job, monitor the employee's behaviour employees are
and results, compare the observed behaviour and results to expectations, and fulfilling their job
measure the match between them. In most cases, a manager should also provide
feedback to employees, a process that can produce strong reactions.
Performance appraisals are extremely important to an organisation, although
they may be difficult to conduct. They tell organisations whether their selection
methods are right. They demonstrate where training, development, and
PA provides the
motivational programmes are needed and later help to assess whether these have basis on which
been effective. As a matter of fact, many organisational policies and practices are managers make
evaluated, in large part, through their impact on performance. Performance decisions about
appraisals, after all, are the basis on which managers make decisions about promotion and
compensation, promotion, and dismissal. They also use feedback about people's dismissal.
performance to recognise them for a job well done and motivate them. In short,
without a good judgement of the employee's performance, managers find it very
difficult to identify and encourage organisational effectiveness. It is because
formal performance appraisals are so important that most organisations
systematically carry them out.7
Appraisals may be done in two ways - informally and formally:
Informal Performance Appraisal means the continual process of having Informal appraisal
feedback about workers' or employees' performance. This kind of appraisal can can be conducted on
a daily basis, and is
be conducted on a day-to-day basis. The manager spontaneously mentions that a an excellent method
particular piece of work was performed well or badly. On the other hand, the of encouraging
employee may himself/herself follow the steps taken by the manager's office in desirable
order to find out how a particular piece of work was received. Because of the
close connection between the behaviour and the feedback on it, informal
appraisal is an excellent method of encouraging desirable performance and

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discouraging undesirable work. In order to be effective, an organisation's

employees must come to see informal appraisal not as a mere casual matter but as
an important activity and an integral part of the culture of the organisation.8
Formal Systematic Appraisals
Formal systematic appraisal is usually done on a half-yearly or an annual basis.
This kind of appraisal serves mainly four major purposes:
(1) to keep employees informed formally as to how their current performance is
being rated; (2) to identify employees who deserve merit raises; (3) to identify
employees requiring further training, and (4) to locate employees deserving
It is important for managers to differentiate between the current
performance and the promotability (potential performance) of employees.
Managers in many organisations fail to make this distinction because they
assume that a person with the skills and ability to perform well in one job will
automatically perform well in a different or more responsible position. This is
why people are often promoted to positions in which they cannot perform
Who is responsible for formal performance appraisals? In answer to this
The first approach of
PA is a manager’s question, four basic appraisal approaches have evolved in organisations. The first
rating of an approach, a manager's rating of an employee, is by far the most common.
employee. However, other approaches are becoming more popular, and can be a valuable
supplement to appraisal by a single person.
The second most frequently used appraisal approach is a group of managers
The second approach rating an employee. Employees are rated by a committee of managers or by a
of PA is a group of
managers rating an series of managers who fill out separate rating forms. Since it is based on a
employee. number of views, this approach is often more reliable and effective than appraisal
by a single manager. It is, however, time-consuming and often dilutes the
employee's sense of accountability to his immediate supervisor.
The third method of The third method of appraisal is a peer group rating a colleague. An
PA is a peer group individual colleague is rated separately and on paper by fellow workers on the
rating a colleague.
same organisational level.
Rating bosses by the employees is the fourth approach. This approach is
used in some colleges or universities mainly in the USA, where faculty are asked
to evaluate their dean by using a number of performance criteria. But this is now
being increasingly used in businesses in the states responding to the furore of
dynamic challenges.9
Importance of Appraising Managers
Appraising Managerial appraisal is a major key to the success of management itself. It
managers is really
the only way of should be the basis of determining who is promotable to a higher position. It is,
ensuring that of course, important to management development because if a manager's
managers are strengths and weaknesses are not known, it would be difficult to know whether
efficiently. development effort is being made in the right direction. Appraisal is, or should
be, an integral part of a system of managing. Knowing how well a manager
plans, organises, staffs, leads and controls is really the only way to ensure that

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those occupying managerial positions are actually managing effectively. In order

that any organisation, business, government, agency, a charitable organisation or
even educational institution, can reach its goals effectively and efficiently, ways
of accurately measuring management performance must be found out and
Appropriate Method of Appraising Managers
The most appropriate standards to be used for appraising managers as managers
are the basic principles of management. Appraising a manager broadly is done by
using only the basic functions of the manager. These are important no doubt, but The best approach
these are too broad to be used as standards of appraisal. to appraising
managers is to use
According to Koontz and O'Donnel, the best approach is to use the basic the basic techniques
techniques and principles of management as standards. Since they are considered and principles of
to be basic, definitely they are more specific and more applicable than management as
evaluations based on such broad standards as work habits, integrity, co-operation, standards.
intelligence, judgement or loyalty. At least they shed more light on evaluating a
manager as manager.
An appraisal programme is designed by Koontz and O'Donnel involving
classifying the common managerial functions of the manager and then attaching
a series of questions with each function to reflect the most important
fundamentals of managing in each area. For instance, in respect of planning, the
following check questions were designed to rate a manager:
Does he set for his departmental unit both short-term and long-term goals in
The check questions
verifiable terms that are related in a positive way to those of his superior and his for rating managers.
Does he understand the role of company policies in his decision-making and
ensure that subordinates do likewise?
Does he check his plans periodically to see whether they are consistent with
current expectations?
In choosing from among alternatives, does he recognise and give primary
attention to those factors which are limiting or critical to the solution of a
Also, in the area of organising, such questions are asked as the following:
Does the manager delegate authority to his subordinates on the basis of results
expected of them?
When he delegates authority to subordinates, does he refrain from making
decisions in that area?
Does he regularly teach his subordinates, or otherwise make sure that they
understand, the nature of line and staff relationships?
Does he distinguish in his operations between lines of authority and lines of
The other areas of managing are dealt with similarly for a total of seventy-
three checkpoints over the five areas of planning, organising, staffing, directing
and leading, and controlling."10

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by performance appraisal? How is it important in
2. How would you distinguish between formal and informal performance
appraisal? Discuss the frequently used approaches to formal systematic
performance appraisal of employees.
3. How can the appropriate method of appraising managers be identified?
Explain the importance of appraising performance of managers.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating:
(a) a manager only.
(b) how effectively employees are fulfilling their job responsibilities.
(c) productivity of an employee.
(d) an enterprise effectiveness.
2. Informal performance appraisal can be conducted:
(a) on a monthly basis.
(b) by a top-level manager only.
(c) on a day-to-day basis.
(d) by anyone.
3. Managerial appraisal should be the basis of:
(a) determining who is promotable to a higher position.
(b) salary fixation.
(c) employee assessment.
(d) determining training needs.

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Lesson 5 : Job change: Promotion, Transfer, Demotion

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• define job change.
• understand the nature, significance and types of promotion.
• discuss the bases of promotion with relative merits and demerits of
"seniority" and "merit" as bases of promotion.
• understand the meaning and goals of transfer.
• identify the circumstances in which demotion becomes necessary.

Job Change
One major aspect of human resource management is the movement of personnel
within an organisation i.e., their promotion, transfer, demotion and separation. Movement of
This movement is also sometimes termed job change which may be either personnel within an
informal or formal. Under the informal plan which is more common because of organisation, i.e.
their promotions,
its simplicity, decisions as to who should be transferred, promoted, or separated, transfers, demotions
usually vary from person to person and from time to time. In other words, whims and separations is
and prejudices take the place of written rules. The result is that no one knows also termed job
what his or her status is likely to be in the future. This produces a highly
demoralising influence on all workers. A formal job change plan is, therefore, a
'must' in all large organisations.
Job change usually involves filling vacancies by the internal movement of the
existing employees. These movements are usually of two types: promotions and Promotion involves
transfers. Promotion means a change involving an employee moving to a position moving an employee
to a higher position.
higher than the one formerly occupied. His responsibility, status and pay also
increase. The possibility of advancement often serves as a major incentive for
superior managerial performance, and promotions are the most significant ways
to recognise superior performance.
However, there are promotions which do not give rise to any increase in the
employee’s pay. Such a promotion is called 'dry' promotion which is usually Dry promotion
made decorative by giving a new and longer title to the employee. Employers brings no pay
generally get rid of their incompetent employees by giving them such decorative
In many companies only vertical promotions are made under which the
employees are promoted from one rank to the next higher rank in the same Vertical promotion
moves the employee
department. Such a promotion method suffers from two shortcomings: first it from one rank to the
limits the horizon of experience of an employee; second, it deprives the next higher rank.
employee of the opportunity to secure promotion in other departments at the right
time. Consequently horizontal promotions are also allowed in some companies
under which employees may be promoted to higher ranks in other departments as

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Since promotion or advancement serves as a major incentive for superior

managerial performance and promotions are the most significant methods of
recognising a manager's merit, it is extremely important that promotions be fair,
Promotions need to
objective, and untainted by favouritism. However, one important problem might
be fair and objective.
arise quite often owing to the organisation’s members, who are bypassed for
promotion: they are likely to feel resentful which may affect their morale and
Needs for a Sound Promotion Policy
There should be a The first requirement of a sound promotion policy is that it must provide for
uniform distribution uniform distribution of promotional opportunities throughout the organisation. In
of promotional other words, the ratio of internal promotions to recruitment must be the same at
throughout the
various levels in all departments. If this ratio differs considerably from one
organisation. department to another, the morale of employees may be seriously impaired in the
department known for its low ratio of promotions.
Secondly, a sound promotion policy must clearly state to managers and all
A sound promotion other employees in advance about the opportunities for advancement.
policy must state
opportunities for Organisations generally make use of various types of charts for this purpose.
advancement. These charts variously known as "opportunity charts" or "promotion charts" do
not promise or guarantee the promotion of an individual. They merely point out
how various positions in the organisation are related to each other.
There should be The third requirement for such a policy is to have some definite system for
definite criteria for the selection of the employees who are to be promoted. This obviously calls for
having a set of definite criteria for the purpose. This makes the process fair and
Fourthly and finally, a sound promotion policy must provide for a suitable
Promotion policies system of follow-up, counselling and review. For example, after a couple of
must provide for
months either the personnel manager or the departmental head should hold a brief
counselling and interview with the promoted manager or personnel himself/herself or discuss
review. with the concerned superior to know about his/her performance in the newly
promoted post. All promotions should be made for a trial period so that in case
the promotee is not found capable of handling the job he can be reverted to his
former post on the former pay scale.
Basis of Promotion
There is a controversy over what should be the criterion for promotion – seniority
The seniority
or ability? Seniority refers to the relative length of service of employees. The
method of promotion seniority method of promotion has been in vogue since ancient times.
may demoralise Historically this method should be regarded as a success. However, in modern
capable young business it is not always reliable and effective as a promotional policy. One
important drawback of the seniority principle is that capable young people are
likely to become impatient and demoralised “waiting-for-dead-men's shoes” and
may quit to look for better opportunities elsewhere. Consequently, the
Employees might be organisation is most likely to be managed by second-grade people.
suspicious of the
merit criterion of
In principle, it is agreed by all that promotion should be based on merit. The
promotion. use of merit as a basis for promotion causes difficulties because employees may

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not have full faith in what management regards as merit, or they might consider
such a criterion as a pretext for favouritism.
Therefore as far as possible merit rating should be fair, objective and transparent.
Seniority-cum-merit should be the basis of promotions where merit can be
objectively tested. The term merit generally means efficiency, skill, aptitude etc. should be the basis
When a combination of merit and seniority is desirable, the play of discretion in of promotions where
the matter of selection cannot be overlooked. A sound management will also merit can be
properly assessed
pursue a policy of properly balancing these factors. and tested.
Transfer usually means changes in which the pay, status and privileges of the In case of transfers,
new posts are more or less the same as the old one. In other words, a transfer is the employee moves
laterally in the
the lateral movement of an employee to change his present work group, work organisation without
place or organisational unit. As against it, promotion means changes in which the any change of his or
pay, status and privileges, of new posts are higher as compared to the old. her status, pay or
Transfer serves a number of goals. They are used to broaden the job
experiences of people forming a part of their development and to fill vacancies as
they occur. Transfers are also made to positions where they may get greater job
Transfers are used to
satisfaction and contribute their best to the organisation. Transfers are also used broaden job
to keep channels of promotion open and thereby keeping people interested in the experience and also
work. There are examples, when many mid-level managers reach a ceiling to keep channels of
promotion open.
simply because there is no room for all of them at the top. Such managers may be
shifted to other positions with further scope to keep their morale and motivation
It is just the opposite of promotion. It means the reduction or down-grading of an
employee in terms of status, salary and responsibility. It is usually a punitive
measure and often a first step towards discharge or dismissal. Demotion,
however, becomes necessary under the following circumstances:

(1) When an employee is found guilty of serious misconduct or indiscipline.

(2) When a company curtails some of its activities and employees with longer
service 'bump' persons in lower jobs with shorter service.
(3) When there have been errors in promotions and these need to be corrected.

All demotions produce adverse effects on the status, interpersonal relations Demotion means the
and self-esteem of demoted employees. But demotions which follow layoffs and downgrading of an
employee in terms of
corrections for wrong promotions are generally more acceptable to employees
status, salary and
than those which result from punishment. Management can, however, make responsibility.
demotions acceptable to employees by resorting to the following methods:

(1) Leaving roles of positions and individuals ambiguous or changing titles

and job responsibilities. This is likely to disguise demotions.
(2) Maintaining the structure of the organisation fluid with the increasing use
of work teams, task forces or project management. This too will help

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management in hiding demotions.

(3) Making demotions without a loss of pay to demoted person.
(4) Making individuals aware of their prospect of demotion well ahead of

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. How would you define promotion? What are its types? Discuss each of them
in brief with its significance.
2. Do you think that a sound promotion policy is necessary? Discuss the bases
of promotion with their relative merits and demerits.
3. What is transfer? What are its goals?
4. What is demotion? Identify the circumstances under which demotion
becomes necessary.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Promotions which do not give rise to any increase in the employee’s pay is
(a) sympathy promotion.
(b) vertical promotion.
(c) horizontal promotion.
(d) dry promotion.
2. First requirement of a sound promotion policy is that it must provide for:
(a) uniform distribution of promotional opportunities throughout the
(b) a sound transfer policy as well.
(c) an increase of pay, too.
(d) equal opportunities for all employees.
3. Seniority-cum-merit should be the basis of promotion where:
(a) merit comes next to seniority.
(b) merit can be objectively tested.
(c) efficiency is in urgent need.
(d) employee motivation is of prime importance.

1. Interview the manager of a company of your locality, and ask him to state
the policy of promotion and demotion followed by the company.

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CASE 7-1
The demand for managers with an international backgound is great. Consider
Marisa Bellisario, one of the most sought-after executives in Europe in 1984. She
was the first woman to head a major industrial firm in Italy, the state-controlled
ITALTEL Societa Italiana. This company is the biggest Italian firm making
telecommunications equipment. Bellisario's background, however, is
international. After receiving her degree in economics and business
administration from Turin University, she worked at Olivetti in the electronics
division. When Olivetti sold its data processing unit to General Electric, she
spent time in Miami working on GE's worldwide marketing strategy for
computers. She left GE to head corporate planning at Olivetti. As the CEO at
ITALTEL, she turned the company around, showing a small profit. (The firm had
experienced huge losses in the past). Her managerial approach has been
characterized as "straight out of the textbook", and companies such as GTE
Corporation, IBM, AT &T, and other European and Japanese firms are interested
in recruiting her.
1. Why was Ms. Bellisario a much-sought-after CEOP? What was her career path?

2. What special problems may she have encountered as a woman heading a major company in

3. If she was successful managing by the textbook why do some managers still think that
management cannot be taught?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.106.

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management", Delhi:
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.

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Edgar H. Schein, " Increasing Organisational Effectiveness Through Better Human
Resource Planning in Diversified Companies" in Human Resource Planning 2, No.
2(1979) pp. 123-133.
Leon C. Megginson; Personnel and Human Resources Administration, (Homewood,
Ill, Irwin, 1977), p. 232.
R. Kreitner, Management, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1986. p. 325.
Ibid, pp. 320-21
James A. F. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr. Management, Sixth Edition., (Pentice-Hall
of India, 1997), p. 388-89.
Ibid, pp. 392-93.
Randall B. Dunham and Jon L. Pierce; Management, (Scott, Foresman and Company
1989), pp. 613-14.
James A. E. Stoner et. al., op. cit., pp. 395-396.
Ibid, pp. 396.
Harold Koontz et. al., Essentials of Management, Second Edition., 1998, p. 324.
James A. F. Stoner et. al.,op.cit., p. 398.
P.C. Fripathi, Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, (S. Chand & Sons,
1996), p. 273.

Unit-7 Page-158
Human Factors in Management
and Motivation

Unit Highlights
‰ Human Factors in Management, Motivation, Motivation Process,
Motivators, Motivating and Satisfaction
‰ Basic Assumptions about Motivation, Nature of People, McGregor's
Theory-X and Theory-Y
‰ Various Leading Theories of Motivation - Their Origin, Strengths and
‰ Special Motivational Techniques.
School of Business

HC fªù¡ M¡¢m b¡L−h

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Unit-8 : Human Factors in Management and

Lesson 1: Human Factors in Management, Motivation,
Motivation Process, Motivators, Motivating and

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• describe the human factors that affect management

• elaborate on the motivation process with the help of a diagram
• understand the meaning and significance of the key terms such as motivation,
motivators, motivating and satisfaction.

Human Factors in Management

There is no denying the fact that individuals involved in an organisation have
needs and objectives that are especially important to them. By leading them,
The Human factors
managers help them see that they can satisfy their own needs, utilise their
deserve particular
potential and at the same time contribute to the aims of an enterprise. Managers attention from
should thus have an understanding of the roles assumed by people, the managers.
individuality of people and the personalities of people. However, the following
aspects of the human factor are important and deserve a manager’s careful
(1) Multiplicity of employee roles: Employees are much more than merely a
productive factor in an organisation. As members, they are associated with many
organisations. They are members of families, trade associations, co-operatives,
political parties, schools and so on. In these different roles they establish ethics
that guide behaviour, rules that govern management, and a tradition of human
dignity that is a major characteristic of our society. In short each and every
individual employee has a multiplicity of roles to play as a member of a broad
social system.
(2) No existence of an average person: No two persons are alike. There is no
average person. In fact individuals are unique - they have different needs,
different tastes, different attitudes, different levels of knowledge and skills, Managers need to
recognise the
different potentials, and different ambitions. If managers fail to understand the uniqueness of every
complexity and individuality of employees as separate human entities, they might individual employee
misapply the generalisations about leadership, communication, and motivation. as a human being.
Principles and concepts, although generally true, have to be adjusted to fit
specific situations. In an enterprise, not all the needs of individuals can be
completely satisfied, but managers do have considerable latitude in making
individual arrangements.
(3) The importance of personal dignity: Managing involves achieving
organisation objectives. Achieving results is important, but the means must never

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violate the dignity of people. The concept of individual dignity means that people
must be treated with respect, no matter what their position in the organisation is.

Apart from fulfilling

(4) Consideration of the whole person: We cannot talk about the nature of
the economic needs people unless we consider the whole person. A human being is a total person
and giving job influenced by external factors. People cannot divest themselves of the impact of
security, managers
these forces when they come to work. Managers must recognise these facts and
should recognise the
social dignity of be prepared to deal with them.
every individual
employee as a In short, managers must be aware of the fact that an enterprise to be
human being. successful must win the co-operation and dedication of the workforce, which in
turn requires corporate concern for the individual, recognition of his or her
dignity as a human being, and reasonable job security with an opportunity for
personal growth and development.

Motivation is a psychological characteristic that contributes to a person's degree
of commitment. It includes the facts that cause, channel and sustain human
behaviour in a particular committed direction. However, the term motivation has
been defined by authors in many ways. Some of the definitions are as follows:
(i) “Motivation may be defined as the state of an individual's perspective
which represents the strength of his or her propensity to exert effort
toward some particular behaviour” - Gibson
(ii) “Motivation refers to expenditure of effort toward a goal” - Dubrin
(iii) “Motivation is a predisposition to act in a specific goal directed
manner” - Hellriegel and Slocum
(iv) “Motivation is a cyclical process affecting the inner needs or drives
that energize, channel, and maintain behaviour” - Steers and Lyman.
For our purpose, we shall define motivation as the need or drive within an
individual that urges him or her towards Goal-oriented action.

The Motivation Process

The motivation process may be represented by a diagram (see, figure 6.1) which
begins with inner drives and needs that motivate the individual to work towards
Motivation comes certain goals, which the individual has chosen in the belief that those goals will
from the instance of satisfy the inner drives and needs. After attaining these goals, the individual
a reward for making consciously or unconsciously judges whether the effort has been worthwhile. As
certain efforts.
long as the individual perceives the effort as rewarding, the habit of making the
effort is reinforced and the individual can be persuaded to continue or repeat that
kind of effort. Reinforcement, or what happens as a result of behaviour, affects
other needs and drives as the process is repeated.

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Figure 8.1

Inner Drives, Needs or Behaviour or Action Goals


Reinforcement Satisfaction

The Motivation Process

Employee motivation is of crucial concern to management, mainly because

of the role that employee motivation plays in performance. Basically,
performance is determined by (i) ability, (ii) environment and (iii) motivation. If
any of these three factors is missing or deficient, effective performance is
impossible. A manager may have the most highly qualified employees under him
and provide them with the best possible environment, but effective performance
will not result unless the subordinates are motivated to perform.
Motivators are things that induce an individual to perform. While motivation
reflects wants, motivators are the identified rewards or incentives that sharpen the Managers use
drive to satisfy these wants. motivators to
influence the
A manager can do much to sharpen motives by establishing an environment employee to behave
favourable to certain drives. For example, employees in a business that has in favour of the
developed a reputation for excellence tend to be motivated to contribute to this enterprise.
A motivator, then, is something that influences an individual's behaviour. It
makes a difference in what a person will do. Obviously, in any enterprise, the
manager must be concerned about motivators and also inventive in their use.
Also he has to use such motivators as will lead the employees to perform
effectively for their employing.
Motivation is the management process of influencing people's behaviour based
on the knowledge of what cause and channel sustain human behaviour in a
particular committed direction.
Simply, the term motivation indicates a noun whereas motivating a verb.
Motivation refers to some relevant factors that influence human behaviour,
whereas motivating is the process of influencing behaviour. Motivation is the
Satisfaction drive or urge while
the fulfillment of
Satisfaction is the end result of the need-want-satisfaction chain, which can be this drive is
represented in the following diagram. satisfaction.

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“Motivation” and “satisfaction” are related to each other, although there is a

fine difference between these two terms. Motivation refers to the drive and effort
to satisfy a want or goal. But satisfaction refers to the contentment experienced
when a want is satisfied. In other words, motivation implies a drive toward an
outcome, and satisfaction is the outcome already experienced.
From the management point of view, then, a person might have high job
satisfaction but a low level of motivation for the job, or the reverse might be
Figure 8.2

Needs give wants which which actions which satisfaction

rise to tensions result
cause give rise
to in

Need-Want-Satisfaction Chain

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. How would you describe the human factors that affect management?
2. What do you mean by motivation? Explain the motivation process with the
help of a diagram.
3. Can you distinguish between motivation, motivator and motivating?
4. What is satisfaction? Describe the need-want-satisfaction chain with the help
of a diagram.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Managers have considerable latitude in making:
(a) employees happy
(b) individual arrangements in motivation
(c) arrangements to earn more
(d) workers work hard
2. Motivation contributes to a person's level of
(a) earning
(b) understanding
(c) commitment
(d) satisfaction
3. The end result of the need-want-satisfaction chain is:
(a) motivation
(b) satisfaction
(c) need
(d) productivity

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Lesson 2 : Basic Assumptions about Motivation and the

Nature of People, McGregor's Theory-X and

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• explain the basic assumptions about motivation
• describe the assumptions about people
• elaborate on theory-X and theory-Y assumptions about people.

Assumptions about Motivation

In order to understand motivation in depth, we need to have some idea about
certain basic assumptions about motivation as given below:
1. Motivation is one of several factors that goes into a person's
performance. The other important factors are ⎯ ability, resources, and
conditions under which one performs. Motivation is an
important driving
2. Motivation is in short supply and in need of periodic replenishment. It is force that makes
like the heat in a house during winter months in northern climate. people work when it
Because heat gradually escapes, the furnace must cycle on frequently to is strong, and slows
them down when it
maintain the warmth of the house. Managers may try to replenish
is weak or absent.
employee motivation frequently. Managers identify
employees’ drives
3. Motivation is a tool with which managers can arrange job relations in and beef them up for
organisations. If managers know what drives the people working for motivation for work.
them, they tailor job assignments and rewards to what makes these
people "tick".
4. Motivation is commonly regarded as useful. People are usually praised
for being motivated. Management also rewards those who are properly
motivated and perform satisfactorily. In fact, an employee who is
unmotivated can never feel good about himself.
All these assumptions run deep in the discussion about the evolution of
motivation theories.
Assumptions about People
Managing, McGregor suggests, must start with the basic question of how
Theory X views
managers see themselves in relation to others. This necessitates some reflection human beings to be
on the perception of human nature. One view about human nature, as set forth by naturally averse to
Douglas McGregor, is expressed in two sets of assumptions commonly known as work, and therefore
employees need
"Theory X" and "Theory Y". pushing constantly.
But Theory Y asserts
Theory X assumptions: This type of assumptions is traditional and holds that that people are fond
people have an instinctive dislike for work. Although employees may view it as a of work and derive
necessity, they would, if they could, avoid it whenever possible. In this view satisfaction by doing
most people prefer to be directed and to avoid responsibility. Consequently, work work.
is of secondary importance, and managers must push workers to work.

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Theory Y Assumptions: This type of assumptions is more optimistic. It holds

that work is as natural as play or rest. According to "Theory Y", people want to
work and can drive a great deal of satisfaction from work. In this view, people
have the capacity to accept - even seek - responsibility and to apply imagination,
ingenuity, and creativity to organisational problems.
These two sets of assumptions under "Theory X" and "Theory Y", are
fundamentally different. Theory X is pessimistic, static, and rigid. Control is
primarily external, that is, imposed on the subordinate by the superior. In
contrast, "Theory Y" is optimistic, dynamic, and flexible, with an emphasis on
self-direction and the integration of individual needs with organisational
demands. The problem, according to "Theory Y" is that modern industrial life
does not fully tap the potential of human beings. To take advantage of their
employees, innate willingness and ability to work, Y-type managers should
provide a climate that gives employees scope for personal improvement.
Clarification about Assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y
The following points will help clarify some of the areas of misunderstanding
regarding Theory X and Y and keep the assumptions in right perspective.
First, they are only assumptions, not prescriptions or suggestions for managerial
strategies. They are intuitive deductions and are not based on research.
Second, Theories X and Y do not imply "hard" or "soft" management. The
"hard" approach may produce resistance and antagonism. The "soft" approach
may result in laissez-faire management and is not congruent with "Theory Y."
Third, Theories X and Y are not a matter of degree; rather, they are completely
different views of people.
Fourth, different tasks and situations require a variety of approaches to
management. At times, authority and structure may be effective for certain tasks,
while democratic approach may prove unavoidable in certain other tasks. Thus
the effective manager is one who fits the task requirements to the people and the
particular situation.
Fifth, under "Theory Y", authority is seen as only one of the many ways by
which a manager exerts leadership. It does not argue against the use of authority.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. Explain the assumptions about motivation

2. What are the assumptions about people under Theory X and theory Y?
3. How would you clarify the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y?

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Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Theory X assumptions are:
(a) democratic
(b) pessimistic
(c) optimistic
(d) participative
2. Theory Y assumptions are:
(a) optimistic
(b) autocratic
(c) pessimistic
(d) production-oriented
3. Theories X and Y were coined by:
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Fayol
(c) Doglas McGregor
(d) F. W. Taylor

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Lesson 3 : Various Leading Theories of Motivation - Their

Origin, Strengths and Weaknesses.

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand the theories of motivation
• elaborate on the need theories of motivation
• describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory with the help of a diagram
• explain McClellend's Need Theory of Motivation
• describe the Two-factor Theory of Herzberg with the help of a diargam
• explain the Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, Reinforcement Theory and
Goal-setting Theory of Motivation

Need Theory
It may be stated as the theory of motivation that addresses what people need or
• According to need require to live a life of fulfilment, particularly with regard to work. Need theory
theory, individuals has a long-standing tradition in motivation research. It deals with the part work
are motivated by the plays in meeting the needs of those employed.
urge to fulfill their
needs. According to need theory, a person is motivated when he or she has not yet
attained certain levels of satisfaction with his or her life. A satisfied need is not a
There are various need theories of motivation. All of them focus on the
importance of analysing and understanding the psychological factors within
individuals (i.e. needs) that cause people to behave in certain ways. Behaviour is
the result of attempts to satisfy those needs, and specific acts are based on the
particular need driving the individual at any time.
The most popular need theories of motivation are — (i) Maslow's Hierarchy
of Needs Theory; (ii) McClelland's Needs Theory of Motivation and (iii)
Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of Motivation.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

In Maslow’s
One of the most widely mentioned theories of motivation is the Hierarchy of
ascending hierarchy Needs Theory put forward by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow views
of needs, the human motivation in terms of a hierarchy of five needs, ranging from the most
strongest and the basic physiological needs to the highest needs for self-actualisation (see figure, 8-
most immediate one
tends to be met first. 3). According to Maslow, individuals will be motivated to fulfil whichever need
is the most powerful for them at a given time. The prepotency of a need depends
on the individuals’ current situation and recent experiences. Starting with the
physical needs, which are the most basic, each need must be satisfied before the
individual desires to satisfy a need at the next higher level.
It is in the following hierarchy of importance according to immediacy that
Maslow places human needs:
(a) Physiological needs: These are the basic needs for sustaining human life
itself, such as air, water, food, sleep, shelter, warmth and sex. They are so basic

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as needs that people will be motivated to fulfil them first through whatever
behaviour achieves this end. Maslow took the position that until these needs are
satisfied to the degree necessary to maintain life, other needs will not motivate
(b) Safety or security needs: They consist of the need for clothing, shelter, and
an environment with a predictable pattern such as job security, pension,
insurance etc. People are motivated to fulfil these needs only when the
physiological needs are mostly satisfied.
(c) Affiliation, acceptance, love or social needs: Since people are social beings,
they need to belong, to be accepted and loved by others.
(d) Esteem needs: They include the need for power, prestige, status,
achievement, and recognition from others. Satisfaction of the self-esteem need
leads to feelings of self-confidence, worth, capability, and adequacy, of being
useful and necessary in the world.
(e) Need for self-actualisation: Maslow regards this as the highest need in his
hierarchy. This is the concept of fulfilling one's potential and becoming
everything one is capable of becoming.

Figure 8.3

for self

Esteem needs
Affiliation, acceptance or
social needs

Security or safety needs

Physiological needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

A Critical Review of the Hierarchy of Needs

It is understood that relatively fewer people can gain satisfaction for higher level
needs. However, the hierarchy of needs is not always followed in a rigid pattern.
There are reversals and substitutions. A research scientist, for example, may
neglect to eat and sleep (physiological need) in the midst of creativity (self-
actualisation). Likewise, some persons concentrate on acquision of wealth
(esteem need), almost on the exclusion of the need to belong to a group (social
need). In fact, needs are relative in their strength and are individualistic. A lower
need does not necessarily have to be fulfilled in full before a higher need
The need theory is a challege for managers to practice for two reasons:

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Hofstede criticised First, any manager works in a complex web of relationships with people whose
Maslow’s hierarchy
needs probably differ widely. In his study, Geert Hofstede finds2 that Maslow's
for assuming a
single universal hierarchy of needs does not describe a universal human motivational process. He
hierarchy of needs argues that people with some peculiar value systems may be concerned about
for all individuals social or even self-esteem needs before security needs become a major focus of
for all time. Besides,
he opines that the their activities.
priority of needs
might vary with
Second, any person's needs can change over time. Although Maslow thought in
even an individual terms of people progressing up his hierarchy, sometimes circumstances dictate
over time. moving down the hierarchy. The example may be of a top-level executive who is
afraid of being fired.
Practical Implications of the Need Hierarchy Theory for Managers
Maslow's need hierarchy has practical implications for managers in dealing with
subordinates. Astute managers must have a good idea about the real needs of
Managers can ensure each and every subordinate that serve as the basis of his or her behaviour. If an
effective motivation employee is struggling at the lowest level of the needs hierarchy, attention must
by correctly
prioritising the needs
be paid to that employee’s wages and salary. Compliments and offers of future
of the employee. advancement (esteem need) would fail to motivate that individual until his
physiological needs are first satisfied.
Even when satisfactory wages are paid, employees want to have a sense of
job security. Social need within the enterprise may become very important for a
new employee. He is to be accepted into the work group. A well-implemented
orientation programme can expeditiously satisfy this need. Then managers can
also offer incentives designed to provide employees with esteem, feelings of
belonging, or opportunities to grow. When all other needs have been adequately
met, employees will become motivated by the need for self-actualisation. They
will look for personal growth and meaning in their work and will actively seek
out new responsibilities.

McClelland's Need Theory of Motivation

David C. McClelland has identified three types of basic motivating needs as - (a)
need for power, (b) need for affiliation, and (c) need for achievement. They are
all relevant to management and must be recognised to make an organised
enterprise work well.

Power-loving Need for power: It deals with the degree of control a person desires over his or
individuals seek her situation. This need can be related to how people deal with failure and
driving positions in success. Fear of failure and an erosion of one's power can be a strong motivator
the organisation. On
the other hand, for some people. Individuals with the need for power usually seek positions of
sociable individuals leadership in organisations, are outspoken, often argumentative, forceful, hard-
would look for headed and demanding, and they enjoy being in positions that require persuasive
places where they
can cultivate human speaking or travelling and seek positions in organisations that control the means
relationships. of influencing others. Research studies indicate that top managers are highly
motivated by the need for power.
Need for affiliation: Many people spend much of their time thinking about
developing warm, friendly, personal relationships with others in the organisation.
They have a high need for affiliation and usually are more sensitive to others’

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People with a high

feelings, seek for jobs with a pleasant social environment that is conducive to need for affiliation
personal interaction. Research studies indicate that concern for the feelings of seek for jobs that
subordinates is essential for outstanding management success and executive allow personal
Need for achievement: David C. McClelland’s research indicated that a strong
need for achievement - the drive to succeed or excel - is related to how well Those who want the
individuals are motivated to perform their tasks. People with a high need for glory of achievement
achievement like to take responsibility for solving problems. They tend to set take risks and
moderately difficult goals for themselves and take calculated risks to meet those
goals. They greatly value feedback on how well they are doing. Thus those with
high achievement needs tend to be highly motivated by challenging and
competitive work situations; people with low achievement needs tend to perform
poorly in the same sort of situations.
There is ample evidence of the correlation between high achievement needs
and high performance. McClelland finds, for example, that people who succeed
in competitive occupations are well above average in achievement motivation.
Successful managers who presumably operate in one of the most competitive of
all environments have a higher achievement need than other professionals.

McClelland's Approach in Management

McClelland's theory highlights the importance of matching the individual and the
The achievement
job. Employees with high achievement needs thrive better in work that is need can be
challenging, satisfying, stimulating, and complex. They welcome autonomy, increased by
variety, and frequent feedback from supervisors. Employees with low granting more
achievement needs prefer situations of stability, security, and predictability. They responsibility and
respond better to consideration than to impersonal, high-pressure supervision, autonomy to the
and they look to the workplace and co-workers for social satisfaction. employees and by
rewarding them for
McClelland also suggests that managers can, to some extent, raise the good performance.
achievement need level of employees by creating a proper work environment.
Managers can do this by permitting employees a measure of independence,
increasing responsibility and autonomy, gradually making tasks more
challenging, and praising and rewarding high performance.

Critical Appreciation of McClelland's Approach in Management

Research studies show that entrepreneurs with a very high need for achievement
and a fairly high need for power drives are quite low in their need for affiliation.
Managers also show high on achievement and power, and low on affiliation, but
not as high or as low as entrepreneurs. Achievement
motivation slackens
McClelland finds that the chief executives of small companies have high as managers go up
achievement motivation. In large companies, the chief executives are found to be the ladder of their
with average achievement motivation. Managers in the upper-middle level of career. At the top
level, it is less than
management in such companies are rated higher than their presidents in
in any other level
achievement motivation. The reason may be that the chief executive has below.
“arrived,” and those below are striving to advance.
It is true that managers with high achievement motivation will put their best to

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advance themselves but a large enterprise should probably have many managers
who, while possessing fairly strong achievement motivation, also have a high
need for affiliation. This latter need is important for working with people and for
co-ordinating the efforts of individuals working in groups.4

The Two-Factor (Motivation-Hygiene) Theory of Motivation

Maslow's needs approach has been considerably modified by Fredrick Herzberg
and his associates. In the late 1950s, Frederck Herzberg and his associates
conducted a study of the job attitudes of 200 accountants and engineers in
Pittsburgh. During the interviews, he asked them to recall occasions when they
had been especially satisfied with their work and highly motivated in occasions
when they had been dissatisfied and unmotivated. Somewhat surprisingly, he
found that entirely different sets of facts were associated with satisfaction and
As figure 8-4 shows, Herzberg placed responses from the engineers and
accountants interviewed in one of 16 categories- the factors on the right side of
the figure were consistently related to job satisfaction and those on the left side to
job dissatisfaction. Thus, as an outcome of this research a two-factor theory (i.e.
dissatisfiers and satisfiers) emerged. Satisfiers (Motivating factors), as recognised
by Herzberg, include factors like achievement, recognition, work itself,
responsibility, advancement and growth - all related to job content and rewards
for performance.

Motivation is Dissatisfiers (which Herzberg terms Hygiene factors) include - company

connected with the policy and administration, supervision, relationship with supervisors, work
work content and the conditions, salary, relationship with peers, personal life, relationship with
hygiene factors are
related to the work
subordinates, status and security - most of which are related to the work
environment. environment and the rest to disturbed personal life. Positive ratings for these
factors did not lead to job satisfaction but merely to the absence of
It is to be noted that the motivating factors are related specifically to the
work content and the hygiene factors are related to the work environment.
Herzberg's study led him to conclude that the traditional model of job
satisfaction was incomplete. The traditional view of satisfaction, as shown in
figure 8-4, was that satisfaction and dissatisfaction were at opposite ends of a
continuum i.e. employees might be satisfied, dissatisfied, or somewhere in
between. But Herzberg's research identified two different sets of factors- one
ranging from satisfaction to no satisfaction and the other ranging from
dissatisfaction to no dissatisfaction.
Herzberg then argues that there are two stages in the process of motivating
Managers should see
to it that employees employees.
are provided with
the hygiene factors
First¸the manager must see that the hygiene factors are provided at an
as well as the appropriate level so that the employees become "not dissatisfied".
opportunity for
motivation. Second, the manager should give employees the opportunity to experience
motivation factors such as achievement and recognition, and the result is

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predicted to be a high level of satisfaction and motivation. Herzberg also

demonstrated the way of using the two-factor theory. He recommends that jobs
be redesigned to provide higher levels of the motivation factors.
Figure 8.4

The Traditional View

Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

Herzberg's Two-Factor Model

Satisfaction No satisfaction

Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction

The Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction Continuum under the Traditional View

and the Two-Factor Model

Critical Appreciation of the Two-Factor Theory

Herzberg's theory has had a major impact on managers and has, in fact, played a
key role in increasing their awareness of motivation and its importance in the
workplace. However, the two-factor theory is not beyond criticism. One criticism
is that the findings in Herzberg's initial interviews are subject to different
explanations. Another criticism is that his sample was not representative of the
general population and that subsequent researches often failed to uphold the
theory. Thus at present, Herzberg’s theory is not held in high esteem by research
scholars in the field.
Summary of the Need Theories
Each of these need theories (Maslow’s, McClelland’s and Herzberg’s)
emphasises the satisfaction of some important personal needs that people acquire
over time. Each theory also stresses that people decide on their degree of
satisfaction by consciously comparing their circumstances with their needs.
Finally, each theory leaves room for considerable variation from person to
person, and “within” a person over time.
Expectancy Theory
Psychologist Victor H. Vroom is one of the leaders in advancing and explaining
the Expectancy Theory. He holds that employees are motivated to work with a
view to a goal if they consider that goal worthwhile and if they believe that what

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they do will help them in achieving it.

Vroom believes that people’s motivation for work is determined by the
According to
Vroom, motivation value they place on the outcome of their effort, multiplied by the confidence they
is generated by the have that their efforts will materially aid them in achieving a goal. In other
anticipated value of words, Vroom argues that motivation is a product of the anticipated worth that an
the goal and the
possibility of
individual places on a goal and the chances he or she sees of achieving that goal.
achieving that goal. Vroom's theory may be stated as
Force = valence × expectancy,
where “force” is the strength of a person’s motivation, “valance” is the
strength of an individual's performance for an outcome, and "expectancy" is the
probability that a particular action will lead to a desired outcome. When a person
If there is no is indifferent to achieving a certain goal, a valence of zero, meaning the existence
expectancy of a goal,
there exists no of “no motivation,” occurs. Likewise, a person would have no motivation to
motivation. achieve a goal if the expectancy were zero. Thus the force exerted to do
something will depend on both valence and expectancy.
Moreover, a motive to accomplish some action might be determined by a
desire to accomplish something else. For example, a manager might be willing to
work hard to achieve company goals for a promotion or pay valence.

Critical Appreciation of the Vroom Theory

Vroom recognises
that motivation for
The strength of the Vroom theory is that it recognises the importance of various
work is too complex individual needs and motivations. It is more realistic because it avoids some of
for theorising. the simplistic features of the Maslow and Herzberg approaches. It fits the concept
of harmony of objectives — that is, individuals have personal goals different
from the organisation’s goals which need to be harmonised.
However, Vroom's theory is difficult to apply in practice. Despite its
difficulty in application, the logical accuracy of Vroom’s theory indicates that
motivation is much more complex than the approaches of Maslow and Herzberg
seem to imply.

The Porter and Lawler Model based on Expectancy Theory

L.W. Porter and E. E. Lawler III derive a substantially more complete model of
motivation, built in large part on the Expectancy theory. In their study, they
applied this model primarily to managers.
According to this model, the amount of effort (the strength of motivation
According to Porter
and Lawler, the and energy exerted) depends on the value of a reward plus the amount of energy
individual exerts as a person believes is required and the probability of receiving reward. The
much effort to a task perceived effort and the probability of actually getting a reward are, in turn,
as he or she deems
equal to the value of
influenced by the record of actual performance. Clearly, if people know they can
the expected reward. do a job, and will be appreciated and the probability of being rewarded is high
Actual performance when they have done it, they will do it.
is measured by the
amount of effort Actual performance in a job is determined principally by effort expended. It
expended. is also influenced by an individual's ability to do the job and by his or her
perception of what the required task is. Performance, in turn, is seen as leading to

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intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. These rewards, tempered by what the individual
sees as equitable lead to satisfaction. But performance also influences sensed
equitable rewards. Understandably, what the individual sees as a fair reward for
effort will necessarily affect the satisfaction derived. Likewise, the actual value
of rewards will be influenced by satisfaction.

Critical Appreciation
Although complex in nature, this model is almost certainly a more adequate
portrayal of the system of motivation. To the practising manager, this model
means that motivation is not a simple cause and effect matter. It means, too, that
managers should carefully assess their reward structures and that through careful
planning and carefully defining duties and responsibilities through a good
organisation structure, the effort-performance-reward- satisfaction system can be
integrated into an entire system of managing.5

The Equity Theory

Much of our current thinking on equity has been shaped by the equity theory
developed by J. Stacey Adams, who contends that people are motivated to seek
social equity in the rewards they receive for performance. We can define equity
at this point as the belief that one is being treated fairly relative to the treatment The Equity theory
postulates that the
of others. individual tends to
view his or her input
According to the Equity theory, the outcome from the job includes pay, and returns in terms
promotions, recognition, social relationships and intrinsic rewards. To get these of ratio and compare
rewards, the individual contributes various inputs to the job, such as time, effort, this ratio with the
ratio of another
education, experience, and loyalty. This theory suggests that people tend to view individual’s similar
their outcome and inputs as a ratio, and then to compare this ratio to the ratio of ratio of input and
someone else. This other "person" may be someone in the work group or some reward.
sort of group average or composite. The process of comparison looks like this:
After arriving at these ratios in what is probably a non-quantitative and
subjective way, the individual compares them. The individual will experience a
state of equity if the two ratios are equal. People who feel under-rewarded
compared to someone else try to reduce the inequity. Ways of reducing inequity
include - (a) describing one's inputs by exerting less effort, (b) increasing one's
outcomes by asking for a raise, (c) distorting the original ratios by rationalising,
(d) trying to get the other person to change his or her outcome or inputs, (e)
leaving the situation, and (f) changing the object of comparison.
An individual may also feel over-rewarded relative to the other person. This
is not likely to be terribly disturbing to most people, but research suggests that
some experience inequity under these conditions, and are motivated to reduce it.
Methods for reducing this kind of inequity include - (a) increasing one's inputs by
exerting more effort, (b) reducing one's outcome by producing fewer units, if
paid on a per-unit basis, (c) distorting the original ratios by rationalising, and (d)
trying to reduce the inputs or increase the outcome of the other person.
Outcome (self)? Outcomes (other)
Inputs (self) Inputs (other)

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Critical Appreciation
The feeling of equity
Managers must remember that if rewards are to motivate employees, the
or inequity is employees must perceive them as equitable and fair. Moreover, the managers
generated when the need to consider the nature of the "other" with whom the employee is comparing
employee compares himself or herself.
his or her effort,
performance and If people feel that they are inequitably rewarded, they must be dissatisfied,
rewards with another
employee’s , reduce the quantity or quality of output, or leave the organisation. If people
working under the perceive the rewards as equitable, they probably will continue at the same level
same or identical of output. If they think the rewards are greater than what is considered equitable,
they may work harder.
Sometimes people may over-estimate their own contribution and the
rewards others receive. This may also create a feeling of inequity. A manager
should keep in mind that certain inequities may be tolerated by employees for
some time but prolonged feelings of inequity may meet with strong reactions to
an apparently minor occurrence.

Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

The Reinforcement theory, associated with the psychologist B.F. Skinner and
others, shows how the consequences of past behaviour affect future actions in a
cyclical learning process, which may be expressed as follows:

Figure 8.5

Stimulus Response Consequences Future Response

The Cyclical Learning Process

From this viewpoint, the individual's own voluntary behaviour (response)

towards a situation or event (stimulus) is the cause of specific consequences. If
those consequences are positive, the individual will in the future tend to have
similar responses in similar situations. If those consequences are unpleasant, the
individual will tend to change his or her behaviour in order to avoid them.

According to the The Reinforcement theory involves people's memory of past stimulus-
Reinforcement response-consequence experiences. According to the Reinforcement theory, a
theory, a person is person is motivated when she or he responds to stimuli in consistent patterns of
motivated by his or
her reaction to
behaviour over time. This theory, like the Expectancy theory, is a way to link
stimuli in consistent motivation and behaviours.6
patterns of behaviour
over time. Positive reinforcement or behaviour modification holds that individuals can
be motivated by proper design of their work environment and praise for their
performance and that punishment for poor performance produces negative
According to this theory, the manager has to analyse the work situation to
determine what causes workers to act the way they do and then they initiate
changes to eliminate troublesome areas as obstructions to performance. Specific
goals are then set with workers' participation and assistance, a prompt and regular

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feedback of results is made available, and performance improvements are

rewarded with recognition and praise. This has been found very useful and
motivating to give people full information on a company's problems, specially
those in which they are involved.

Critical Appreciation
The Reinforcement theory appears too simple to work, and many behavioural
scientists and managers are sceptical of its effectiveness.
However, the Skinner approach is closely akin to the requirements of good
managing. It emphasises removal of obstructions to performance, careful
planning and organising, control through feedback, and the expansion of

The Goal-Setting Theory

This theory focuses on the process of setting goals themselves. In the words of The Goal-setting
psychologist Edwin Locke, the natural human inclination to set and strive for theory holds that
goals is useful only if the individual both understands and accepts a particular setting and pursuing
a goal is useful when
goal. According to the goal-setting theory, individuals are motivated when they it is understood and
behave in ways that move them to certain clear goals that they accept and can accepted by the
reasonably expect to attain. employee.

Christopher Early and Christine Shalley describe the goal-setting process in

terms of four phases of a person's reasoning:
(i) Establishment of a standard to be attained
(ii) Evaluation of whether the standard can be achieved
(iii) Evaluation of whether the standard matches personal goals
(iv) The standard is accepted, the goal is thereby set, and behaviour proceed
toward the goal.

Critical Appreciation
Research shows that when goals are specific and challenging, they function more
When goals are
effectively as motivating factors in both individual and group performance. well-defined and
Research also indicates that motivation and commitment are higher when clear, they work as
employees participate in the setting of goals. Employees need accurate feedback strong motivating
on their performance, however, to help them adjust their work methods when
necessary and to encourage them to persist in working toward goals.8
Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Name the need theories of motivation. Elaborate with critical appreciation
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory.
2. Critically discuss McClelland's Need Theory of Motivation
3. What do you understand by the "Two-factor (Motivation-Hygience) Theory
of Motivation"?

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4. What do you mean by "Expectancy Theory"? Critically discuss the "Porter

and Lawler Model" based on Expectancy Theory.
5. Write a critical appreciation of the "Equity Theory" developed by J. Stacy
6. What do you understand by the "Reinforcement Theory of Motivation"?
7. Do you agree that motivation and commitment are higher when employees
participate in the setting of goals? Discuss.
8. Name the different theories of motivation. Discuss the one which you
consider most suitable for motivating our managers.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. A satisfied need:
(a) is not a motivator.
(b) is a motivator.
(c) improves productivity.
(d) lowers productivity.

2. The Two-Factor Theory of Motivation was coined by

(a) Abraham Maslow.
(b) Frederick Herzberg.
(c) David C. McClelland.
(d) L.W. Porter.

3. A person's needs:
(a) can change over time.
(b) have inverse relation with income
(c) remain static.
(d) cannot be satisfied.

4. Individuals with the need for power usually:

(a) demand more money
(b) are polite and gentle
(c) seek positions of leadership in organisations
(d) are autocratic

5. McClelland's theory highlights the importance of:

(a) social needs in motivation
(b) matching the individual and the job
(c) monetary incentives
(d) power

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6. Expectancy Theory of Vroom may be stated as:

(a) Expectance = Valence × force
(b) Valence = Force × expectancy
(c) Force = Valence × expectancy
(d) Force = Expectancy × reward

7. Equity can be defined as the belief that one is being treated:

(a) on equal terms with one’s colleagues.
(b) fairly relative to the treatment of others
(c) as a good performer
(d) as a friend

8. The Reinforcement theory was developed by:

(a) McCelland
(b) Frederick Herzberg
(c) F.W. Taylor
(d) B. F. Skinner

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Lesson 4 : Special Motivational Techniques

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• describe the special motivational techniques used to motivate employees
• distinguish monetary incentives from non-monetary ones.

In the previous lesson on motivation we learnt that motivation is so complex and
individualised that there can be no single best answer to the question as to what a
manager should do to motivate his sub ordinates. But experience suggests that
they can use some specialised techniques to motivate their sub ordinates.
(1) Management By Objectives (MBO) and goal setting: MBO is a process of
In MBO, motivation
is done by
collaborative goal-setting between a manager and a subordinate with the
collaborative goal- understanding that the degree of goal attainment by the subordinate will be a
setting and promise major factor in evaluating and rewarding the subordinate's performance. When
of rewards to the the manager sits with the subordinates, jointly establishes goals for them and
agree that the future rewards will be based on goal attainment then he or she is
expected to be more motivated to work toward the goals that merit them.
(2) Participation in management: Subordinates are likely to be motivated the
Participation of
employees in
most when they are not only consulted but are also allowed to participate in
decision-making decision-making. In fact the right kind of participation yields both motivation and
motivates them. knowledge valuable for enterprise success.
Participation appeals to the need for affiliation and acceptance. It is a means of
recognition and thus enhances subordinates’ eagerness to work harder.
(3) Monetary incentives: Money can never be overlooked as a motivator.
Monetary incentives Whether in the form of bonuses, piecework, or any other incentive pay, money is
work as a great boost important. And, as some writers have pointed out, money is often more than
to the employee’s monetary value. It can also mean power or status.
willingness to work.
Money is a good In order to use money as a motivator, a manager has to remember the following:
motivator when it is
paid substantially in (i) Money is an urgent means of achieving a minimum standard of living,
recognition of
although this minimum has a way of getting higher as people become
more affluent.
(ii) An enterprise can make its wages and salaries competitive within their
industry and their geographic area to attract and hold people.
(iii) People usually evaluate their compensation in the light of what their equals
are receiving.
(iv) Unless bonuses for managers are based to a major extent on individual
performance, an enterprise is not buying much motivation with them. In so
far as possible, compensation has to be based on performance.
(v) Money can motivate only when the prospective payment is large relative to
a person's income.

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(4) Modified work week/flexible working hours: There is considerable interest

among employees in altering the workweek to suit their convenience better. The
primary motivational implications of the modified workweek are that Flexible routines
modification in their routine helps them satisfy their higher-level needs and flatter the ego of the
provides them with an opportunity to fulfil several of their needs simultaneously. employee about his
or her self-control.
By allowing employees more independence in terms of when they come to The freedom with
work and when they leave, managers acknowledge and show “esteem” for the working hours helps
the employee
employees’ ability to exercise self-control. It is hoped that employees will accommodate higher
respond with higher levels of motivation. Modified workweeks give employees needs, which fact
the opportunity to fulfil a variety of needs. Using flexible working hours, a acts as a good
person can contribute to the organisation and still have time, for example, to
study for the MBA programme of BOU or to carry on business as a part-time
(5) Quality of working life (QWL): This is an important motivational
QWL is a promising
technique, used by managers in western societies. QWL is not only a very broad means to improve
approach to job enrichment but also an interdisciplinary field of enquiry and working condition
action combining industrial relations, industrial engineering, industrial and productivity.
psychology and sociology, organisation theory and development, leadership
theory and motivation, etc.
Managers have regarded QWL as a promising means of dealing with
stagnating productivity. Workers and trade union leaders have also seen it as a
way to improve working conditions and productivity and also as a means of
justifying higher pay. It may also help minimising labour disputes and obtaining
industrial democracy.
(6) Effective criticism: This can be a springboard for improving an employee's Constructive and
behaviour and performance. Adopting a positive approach makes criticism less carefully worded
difficult as well as more effective. The manager should examine his or her own criticism of the
motives before criticising. The manager should plan the presentation of his performance can
criticism in the best possible form with a view to motivating rather than rebuking work as a motivating
him or her. Criticism should apply to the use of personal efforts for improvement factor for his or her
now, not next week or next month. Specific time schedules for improvements are immediate self-
also to be set up.
(7) Job enrichment: Making jobs challenging and meaningful is an accepted
way of motivating employees greatly. In job enrichment, the attempt is to build
into jobs a higher sense of challenge and achievement. Jobs may be enriched by
variety. But they also may be enriched by (a) giving workers more freedom at
workplace; (b) giving subordinates a feeling of personal responsibility for their
tasks; (c) encouraging participation of workers and interaction between them; (d)
giving subordinates feedback on their job performance; and (e) involving
workers in the analysis and change of physical aspects of the work environment,
such as cleanliness, layout, temperature, lighting, etc.
Several studies tend to prove that workers will work harder if their jobs are
enriched and expanded so as to give them greater control over their work and
more freedom from their supervisor.9

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Job enrichment has certain limitations also. Cost factor, very often, comes to
Job enrichment can hinder job enrichment. Jobs requiring hi-tech specialisation, special machinery
work as a powerful and technology may also suffer from being too meaningful to workers. It merits
motivator, but it mention that the limitations of job enrichment apply mainly to jobs requiring low
could be costly and
ineffectual where
skill levels. The jobs of managers, professionals or technicians already contain
high skill levels and varying degrees of challenge and accomplishment.
technology are
required. In order to make job enrichment effective, the following approaches can be used:
(i) manager should have a better understanding of what sub-ordinates want;
(ii) if productivity increases are the main goal of enrichment, the
programme must show how workers will benefit;
Job enrichment is
effectively done (iii) it has to be recognised that people like to be consulted, to be involved,
when the and to be given an opportunity to offer suggestions;
programmes of the
enterprise are (iv) people like to feel that their managers are truly concerned with their
participatively welfare. They like to know what they are doing and why. They like to
drawn, and appear
beneficial to the be appreciated and recognised for their work.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. Describe the special motivational techniques used for the purpose of

motivating employees.
2. What do you mean by monetary incentive? Which factors should a manager
remember in order to use money as an incentive?
3. Elaborate on the non-monetary motivational techniques that are suitable for
industrial workers in Bangladesh.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Participation in management enhances subordinates’
(a) lust for power.
(b) willingness to mix with others.
(c) craze for more money.
(d) eagerness to work harder.
2. People usually evaluate their compensation in the light of what their:
(a) equals are receiving.
(b) productivity is.
(c) employer is capable of giving.
(d) friends are earning in other organisations.

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3. Employees like to feel that their managers are truly concerned with their:
(a) welfare.
(b) productivity.
(c) smartness
(d) treatment.

1. Interview some of the workers/employees of a company you know, and ask
them what motivates them the most.

CASE 8-1


William R. Hewlett and David Packard, two organisational leaders who
demonstrated a unique managerial style, began their operation with $538 in 1939,
in a one-car garage. Eventually they built a very successful company that now
produces more than 10,000 products, such as computers, peripheral equipment,
test and measuring instruments, and handheld calculators. Perhaps even better
known than its products is the distinct managerial style preached and practiced at
Hewlett-Packard (HP). It is known as the HP way.
The values of the founders - who withdrew from active management in
1978 - still permeate the organization. The HP way emphasizes honesty, a strong
belief in the value of people, and customer satisfaction. The managerial style also
emphasizes an open-door policy, which promotes team effort. Informality in
personal relationships is illustrated by the use of first names. Management by
objectives is supplemented by what is known as managing by wandering around.
By strolling through the organization, top managers keep in touch with what is
really going on in the company.
This informal organizational climate does not mean that the organization
structure has not changed. Indeed, the organizational changes in the 1980s in
response to environmental changes were quite painful. However, these changes
resulted in extraordinary company growth during the 1980s.
1. Is the Hewlett-Packard way of managing creating a climate in which employees are
motivated to contribute to the aims of the organization? What is unique abot the HP way?

2. Would the HP managerial style work in any organization? Why, or why not? What are the
conditions for such a style to work?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.485.

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For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective (McGraw-
Hill International Editions, 1994), p. 465.
James A.F. Stoner, et. al., Management, ( New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1997),
p. 449.
George R. Terry and Stephen G. Franklin, Principles of Management, (Delhi:
A.I.T.B.S., 1997), p.305.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p.476.
Ibid., p. 473.
Stoner, op. cit., p.459.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 475.
Stoner, op. cit., p.461.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p.480.

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Unit Highlights
‰ Definition, Nature and Qualities of Leadership
‰ Styles and Types of Leadership
‰ Theories of Leadership
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Unit-9 : Leadership
Lesson 1 : Definition and Nature of Leadership, Qualities/
Ingredients of Leadership

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• define leadership
• describe the nature of leadership
• distinguish between management and leadership
• elaborate the importance of leadership in management
• discuss the qualities/ingredients of leadership

Definition of Leadership
Leadership can simply be defined as the ability to influence others.1 In the course
of his survey of leadership theories and research, Stogdil came across
Leadership is the
innumerable definitions of leadership. For our purpose we may define leadership process of
as the process of directing and influencing people so that they will strive persuading people to
willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group objectives. work willingly and
enthusiastically in
Ideally, people should be encouraged to develop not only willingness to work but order to achieve
also willingness to work with confidence and zeal. Confidence reflects goals.
experience and technical expertise; zeal is earnestness, and intensity in the
execution of work. A leader acts to help a group achieve objectives through the
exploitation of its maximum capabilities. A leader does not stand behind a group
to push and prod; she/he places herself/himself before the group, facilitates
progress and inspires the group to accomplish organisational goals.
Nature of Leadership
Leadership derives from power and is similar to, yet distinct from, management.
In fact "leadership" and "managership" are different. There can be leaders of
completely unorganised groups, but there can be managers only of organised
groups. Thus it can be said that a manager is necessarily a leader but a leader Leadership
may not be a manager. integrates the
available resources
Leadership is essential for managing. The ability to lead effectively is one of of an organisation
and guides a team of
the keys to being an effective manager because she/ he has to combine resources
people to utilise
and lead a group to achieve objectives. those resources to
best achieve the
Leadership and motivation are closely interconnected. By understanding organisational goals.
motivation, one can appreciate better what people want and why they act as they
do. A leader can encourage or dampen workers' motivation by creating a
favourable or unfavourable working environment in the organisation.
The essence of leadership is followership. In other words, it is the
willingness of people to follow a person that makes that person a leader.
Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they see as providing a means of
achieving their own desires, needs and wants.

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The leader needs to

Leadership involves an unequal distribution of power between leaders and
be more capable group members. Group members are not powerless; they can shape group
than any of the activities in a number of ways. Still the leader will usually have more power than
group members. the group members.
Besides, moral
teachings and Leaders can influence the followers' behaviour in a number of ways. In fact,
examples come from
the leader. leaders can influence workers either to do ill or well for the company.
Leadership is to be concerned about values. Followers learn ethics and
values from their leaders. Leaders are the real teachers of ethics and they can
reinforce ideals. It is very important for leaders to make positive statements of
ethics if they are not hypocritical.
Qualities/Ingredients of Leadership
Undoubtedly, leadership is one of the most talked about, written about, and
An effective leader
makes just use of researched topics in the field of management. It is inherent in management.
power, understands Every group of people that performs satisfactorily has somebody among them
human drives, who is more skilled than any of them in the art of leadership. This skill is a
inspires the compound of at least four major ingredients: (a) the ability to use power
followers and
sustains a working effectively and in a responsible manner, (b) the ability to comprehend that human
climate. beings have different motivation forces at different times and in different
situations, (c) the ability to inspire, and (d) the ability to act in a manner that will
develop a climate conducive to responding and arousing motivations.2 These are
elaborated below:
(a) Power: This is the first ingredient of leadership. Power is the potential ability
The leader’s power to affect the behaviour of others. The word potential suggests that one can have
is his/ her capability power without actually using it. In organisational settings, there are usually five
of influencing
kinds of power - legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, and expert power. A
manager may have one or more of these kinds of power.

Categories of power:
(i) Legitimate power: This power is granted through the organisational
hierarchy. It is the same as authority. All managers have legitimate
• Legitimate power power over their sub-ordinates.
uses authority.
• Reward power is the (ii) Reward power: Reward power is the power to give or withhold
power to give or rewards. In general, the greater the number of rewards controlled by a
withhold rewards.
manager and the more important the rewards are to the subordinates,
• Coercive power uses
the greater the manager's reward power.
• Referent power (iii) Coercive power: This type of power is the power to force compliance
emerges from the via psychological, emotional, or physical threat. In some isolated
employee’s fellow
feeling for the leader
settings, coercion can take the form of physical punishment. It is likely
or the leader’s that the more a manager uses coercive power, the more likely he or she
charisma. is to provoke resentment and hostility.
• Expert power is
derive from the
(iv) Referent Power: Referent power is more abstract than the other types
leader’s expertise. of power. It is usually based on identification or imitation. That is,
followers may react favourably to a leader because somehow they
identify with the leader, who may be like them in background, attitude,
affiliation or personality. Referent power may also take the form of
charisma, an intangible attribute in the leader's personality that inspires
loyalty and enthusiasm.

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(v) Expert power: Expert power is derived from expertise. A scientist

who is capable of achieving an important technical breakthrough or a
manager who knows how to deal with an important but eccentric
customer, are examples of expert power.
(b) Fundamental understanding of people: It is not enough to know the An understanding
theoretical aspects of motivation. The more important is the ability of the manager can
motivate his
manager to apply them to real people and situations. But a manager who employees by
understands the elements of motivation and motivation theories, is more aware of satisfying their
the nature and strength of human needs and is better able to define and design various needs.
ways of satisfying them and to administer so as to get the desired responses.
(c) The ability to inspire followers to apply their full capabilities: Inspiration
to do something usually comes from leaders, who may have qualities of charm The sheer
and appeal that give rise to loyalty, devotion, and a strong desire on the part of personality of the
followers to promote what leaders want. This is not a matter of need satisfaction; manager can inspire
the employees to
rather, it is a matter of unselfish support from followers to their leader. The best give a big hand to
examples of inspirational leadership come from hopeless and frightening overcome a crisis.
situations. The workers of a dying concern may come forward and follow the
leader to overcome crisis.
(d) The ability to develop a climate conducive to arousing motivation: This
ingredient of leadership has to do with the style of the leader and the climate she
or he develops. As we know, strength of motivation greatly depends on factors
A primary job of the
that are part of an environment, as well as an organisational climate. There is no manager is to
denying the fact that the primary tasks of managers are the design and develop and
maintenance of an environment for performance. The fundamental principle of maintain a good
leadership is this - since people tend to follow those who, in their view, offer
them a means of satisfying their own personal goals, the more managers
understand what motivates their subordinates and how these motivations operate,
and the more they reflect this understanding in carrying out their managerial
actions, the more effective they are likely to be their leaders.3

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Define leadership and state the nature of leadership.
2. Describe in brief the qualities/ingredients of leadership.
3. What do you mean by leadership? Can you distinguish it from management?
Discuss the types of power a manager may have.
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. A leader inspires the group to:
(a) work hard
(b) accomplish organisational goals
(c) earn more
(d) try for better living

2. There can be managers:

(a) only of organised group
(b) of unorganised group
(c) of both organised and unorganised groups
(d) only of business firms

3. In organisational settings there are usually:

(a) two kinds of power
(b) three kinds of power
(c) four kinds of power
(d) five kinds of power

4. Referent power is usually based on:

(a) reward
(b) identification
(c) coercion
(d) authority

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Lesson 2 : Styles/Types of Leadership

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• describe the leadership styles based on the use of authority
• understand the leadership continuum
• elaborate the leadership styles described in Managerial Grid
• identify the systems of management by Lensis Likert

Styles/Types of Leadership
Leadership styles/ types can be classified under the following categories:
1. Leadership style based on the use of authority
2. Leadership continuum, involving a variety of styles ranging from a
maximum to a minimum use of power and influence
3. Leadership styles described in Managerial Grid by Blake and Mouton
4. Systems of management by Rensis Likert

1. Leadership Style Based on the Use of Authority

The traditional way of classifying leadership is based on the use of authority by
the leader. Those classifications are:
(a) Autocratic leadership: This type of leadership is based on the use of Autocratic
coercive power. An autocratic leader gives orders and expects compliance. leadership relies on
He is dogmatic and leads by the ability to withhold or give punishment or coercion, and its
style is paternalism,
rewards. However, some autocratic leaders may happen to be "benevolent
autocrats". Usually, they are willing to hear and consider subordinates' ideas command and
and suggestions but when a decision is to be made, they turn to be more compliance.
autocratic than benevolent.
(b) Democratic leadership: The type or style of leadership that uses legitimate
power can be called democratic leadership. A democratic leader usually leadership solicits
consults with subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and employees’
encourages participation from them. This type of leader ranges from the participation and
respects their
person who does not take action without subordinates’ concurrence to the opinions.
one who makes decisions but consults with sub-ordinates before doing so.
(c) Free-rein leadership: The leadership style which allows maximum freedom
to followers may be called free-rein leadership. A free-rein manager gives Free-rein leadership
workers a high degree of independence in their operations. He or she is employee-
depends largely on subordinates to set their own goals and the means of dependent, allows
maximum freedom
achieving them, and they see their role as one of aiding the operations of to employees.
followers by furnishing them with information and acting primarily as a
contact with the groups' external environment. Figure 9.1 illustrates the flow
of power on the three leadership styles discussed.

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Figure 9-1


Follower Follower Follower


Follower Follower Follower


Follower Follower Follower


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.485.

The use of any style may depend on the situation. A democratic leader may turn
into an autocrat in an emergency. The reverse may also happen when an
autocratic manager finds no alternative to winning the co-operation of his
subordinates in combating a crisis.
2. Leadership Continuum
Robert Tennenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt developed the leadership continuum
depicting the adaptation of different leadership styles to different contingencies
(situations), ranging from one that is highly subordinate-centred to one that is

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highly boss-centred. The styles vary with the degree of freedom a leader or
manager grants to the subordinates. Thus, instead of suggesting a choice between
the two styles of leadership, democratic or autocratic, this approach offers a
range of styles as shown in figure 9.2.
Figure 9-2

Boss-Centered Subordinate-Centered

Leadership Leadership
Use of Authority
by the Manager

Area of Freedom
of Subordinates

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

makes "sells" presents presents presents defines permits
decision decision. ideas and tentative problem, gets limits, asks employees
and invites decision suggestions, group to to function
announces questions. subject to makes make within
it. change. decision. decision. limits
defined by

Continuum of Leadership Behaviour

Source: J.A.F. Stoner, R.E. Frecman and D.R. Gilbert, Jr, "Management", Sixth Edition, p.475.

Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt described the various factors

According to the
thought to influence a manager's choice of leadership style. While they leadership
personally favour the employee-centred type, they suggest that a manager continuum the
considers three sets of "forces" before choosing a leadership style: forces in the leadership style
depends on three
manager, forces in employees (subordinates) and forces in the situation. forces: in the
manager, employees
How a manager leads will undoubtedly be primarily influenced by his or her and the situation.
background, knowledge, experience, and values. For example, a manager who
believes that the needs of the employees rather than those of the organisation
must come first is likely to be subordinate-centred.
The characteristics of subordinates must also be considered before managers
can choose an appropriate leadership style. A manager can be employee-centred
and allow greater freedom when employees identify with the organisation’s
goals, are knowledgeable and experienced, and want to have decision making
responsibility. Where these conditions are absent, managers might need to
initially adopt a more authoritarian style. They can, however, modify their
leadership style as employees gain in self-confidence, skill, and organisational

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Finally, a manager’s choice of leadership style must consider such

situational forces as the organisation’s preferred style, the size and nature of the
work group, the pressures of time, etc. which may affect the attitude of the
members of the organisation towards authority. More often than not, managers
lean toward the leadership style favoured by the organisation's top boss/bosses.
3. Leadership Styles in Managerial Grid
A most useful approach to describing leadership styles is the managerial grid,
developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. The grid has two dimensions -
concern for people and concern for production. Concern for people may include
such elements as provision of good working conditions, placement of
responsibility on the basis of trust rather than obedience, maintenance of self-
esteem of workers and good interpersonal relations. Concern for production may
also include the attitudes of a supervisor toward a wide variety of things, such a
quality of staff services, work efficiency, volume and quality of output etc.
The bi-dimensional managerial grid identifies a range of management
behaviours based on the various ways that task-oriented and employee-oriented
styles (each expressed as a continuum on a scale of 1 to 9) can interact with each
other (see figure - 9.3).
Figure 9-3

1,9 9,9
(High) 9 Country Club Management Team Management
Thoughtful attention to needs of Work accomplishment is from
8 people for satisfying relationships committed people; interdepend
leads to a comfortable, friendly middle of the Road Management ence through a "common stake"
organization atmosphere and work Adequate organization performance in organization purpose leads to
7 tempo. is possible though balancing the relationships of trust and respect.
necessity to get out work with
6 maintaining morale of people at a
satisfactory level.


PEOPLE 4 Authority-Compliance
Impoverished Management
Exertion of minimum effort to get Efficiency in operations results
3 required work done is appropriate to from arranging conditions of work
sustain organization membership. in such a way that human elements
interfere to a minimum degree
2 1,1 9,1

(Low) 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The Managerial Grid

Source: J.A.F. Stoner, R.E. Freeman and D.R. Gilbert, Jr, "Management", Sixth Edition, p.475.

Style 1,1 management is impoverished management with low concern for both
people and production. This may be called laissez-faire management because the
leader does not take a leadership role.

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Style 1,9 management is country club management having high concern for
employees but low concern for production.
Style 5,5 management is middle of the road management with medium
concern for production and for people.
Style 9,1 management is authoritarian management with high concern for
production but low concern for employees.
Style 9,9 management is democratic management with high concern for both
production and employee morale and satisfaction.
Blak and Mouton strongly argue that style 9,9 is the most effective
management style. They believe this leadership approach will, in almost all
situations, result in improved performance, low turnover and absenteeism, and
high employee satisfaction.

4. Systems of Management by Rensis Likert

Professor Rensis Likert of Michigan University studied the patterns and styles of
managers and leaders for three decades. He suggests four styles of management

(a) Exploitative-authoritative management: Under this type, the managers Managers are highly
are highly autocratic, have little trust in subordinates, motivate people autocratic
through fear and punishment, engage in downward communication, and
limit decision making to the top.
(b) Benevolent-authoritative management: Managers under this type have a
Managers use both
patronising confidence and trust in subordinates, motivates with rewards reward and
and some punishment, permit some upward communication, solicit some punishment to
ideas and opinions from subordinates and allow some delegation of motivate
decision making but with close policy control.
(c) Consultative management: Under this type of management managers
have substantial but not complete confidence and trust in subordinates, use Managers try to
rewards for motivation with occasional punishment and some participation, make use of
usually try to make use of subordinates' ideas and opinions, engage in subordinates' ideas
by allowing them
communication flow both up and down, make broad policy and general some participation
decisions at the top while allowing specific decisions to be made at lower
levels and act consultatively in other ways.
(d) Participative management : Under this type managers have complete
Managers have
trust and confidence in subordinates in all matters; they always get ideas
complete trust and
and opinions from subordinates and constructively use them. They engage confidence in
in much communication down and up and with peers, encourage decision- subordinates.
making throughout the organisation, and give economic rewards on the
basis of group participation and involvement in such areas as setting goals.
Likert finds that those managers who applied the participative management
approach to their operations had the greatest success as leaders. He also notes
that organisations managed by managers in this style were most effective in
setting goals and achieving them, and are generally more productive.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. Describe in short the various styles of management you have studied in this
2. What are the styles of leadership based on authority? Discuss them in brief.
3. What do you understand by leadership continuum developed by Tanenbaum
and Schmidt? Give diagrammatic representation of the continuum.
4. Elaborate the leadership styles described by Blake and Mouton in Managerial
Grid. Which style is the best?
5. Discuss the systems of management suggested by Rensis Likert.
6. What do you understand by participative management? Why is it important?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The leadership style which allows maximum freedom to followers may be
(a) democratic leadership.
(b) free-rein leadership.
(c) participative leadership.
(d) benevolent dictatorship.

2. According to Managerial Grid the Style 1-9 management is

(a) impoversihed management.
(b) authoritarian management.
(c) country club management.
(d) democratic management.

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Lesson 3 : Theories of Leadership

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• describe the different theories of leadership.
• critically evaluate the theories of leadership.
• differentiate between theories of leadership and describe their applicability in
modern industrial settings.

Trait Theory of Leadership

The Trait Theory, also called the "Greatman Theory" of leadership, is based on
the view that leaders are born, not made.
In ancient times the Greeks and Romans believed that leaders were to have
certain inborn qualities. Also the first organised approach to studying leadership According to the
Trait theory,
was to analyse the personality traits of successful leaders. It was thought that leadership is innate.
leadership traits might include intelligence, assertiveness, above average height,
good vocabulary, attractiveness, self- confidence, and similar attributes.4
In recent studies, the following key leadership traits have been identified:
(a) drive (including achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, initiative
and tenacity),
(b) leadership motivation (the aspiration to lead),
(c) honesty and integrity, self-confidence (including emotional stability),
(d) cognitive ability, and an understanding of the business,
(e) creativity, flexibility and charisma (the impact of these factors is,
however, less clear).

Critical appreciation
In general, the study of leaders’ traits has not been a very fruitful approach to
explaining leadership. Not all leaders possess all the traits, and many non-leaders Leaders have certain
may possess most or all of them. traits that are absent
in non-leaders.
During the first several decades of this century, hundreds of studies were
conducted in an attempt to identify important leadership traits. For the most part,
the results of these studies were disappointing. For every set of leaders who
possessed a common trait, a long list of expectations were also found, and the list
of suggested traits soon grew so long that it had little practical value. Some of the
traits identified may have been the “results” of leadership experience rather than
the “causes” of leadership ability. Also the evidence thus far suggests that people
who emerge as leaders possess no single constellation of traits that clearly
distinguishes them from non-leaders.

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Situational or Contingency Theories of Leadership

The general belief of The Trait Theory caused huge disillusionment on the ground that only a few
situational theories is gifted people could be leaders because of their innate qualities denied to others.
that leaders are Gradually attention was turned to the study of situations. The findings of this new
products of real
situations rather than investigation overturned the assumptions of the Trait Theory, now stating that
gifts of nature. leaders are the product of given situations. A large number of studies have been
made on the premise that leadership is strongly affected by the situation from
which the leader emerges and in which he or she operates. The ingenuity of this
approach is indicated, for example, by the rise of Mao Tse-tung in China in the
period after world War II and the emergence of Gandhi in India during the early
decades of the twentieth century.
Theories belonging to the contingency approach mainly focus on the following
• Task requirements
• Peers' expectations and behaviour
• Employees' characteristics, expectations, and behaviour
• Organisational culture and policies.
Let us now review some of the more recent and well-known contingency theories
of leadership.

(1) Contingency Leadership Theory by Hersey and Blanchard

This theory holds that the most effective leadership style varies with the
Leadership style readiness of employees which includes, inter alia, the desire for achievement,
varies with the
change of employee willingness to accept responsibility, and task-related ability, skill, and
readiness on various experience. The goals and knowledge of followers are important variables in
counts as the determining effective leadership style.
concern develops
and expands. Hersey and Blanchard believe that the relationship between a manager and
the followers moves through phases as employees develop, and managers need to
vary their leadership style. In the initial stage of readiness, high amounts of task
behaviour by the manager may be appropriate, while in the later stages gradual
progression towards the non-directive approach would be desirable. In the last
phase, the followers would no longer expect or need direction from their

Situational Critical appreciation

leadership is
dynamic and flexible The situational leadership theory has generated interest because it recommends a
but requires leadership type that is dynamic and flexible rather than static. The motivation,
monitoring and
adjustment from
ability, and experience of followers must constantly be assessed to determine the
time to time. This appropriate style of leadership. If the style is appropriate, according to Hersey
leadership allows the and Blanchard, it will not only motivate employees but will also help them
followers an
develop professionally. Thus, the leader who wants to develop followers,
opportunity to
develop. increase their confidence, and help them learn their work will have to shift style
constantly. But the leaders who are inflexible will operate effectively only in
those situations that best match their style.

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(2) Fiedler's Contingency Theory of Leadership

Fred E. Fiedler and his associates at the university of Illinois have developed the
contingency theory of leadership. This theory holds that people become leaders
not only because of their qualities but also because of various situational factors
and the interactions between group members and the leader.
Fiedler set forth two major styles of leadership — one is primarily task-
oriented and the other is oriented primarily toward achieving good inter-personal
relations and attaining a position of personal prominence.
Fiedler was specially concerned with finding out the favourableness of the
situation by which he meant the degree to which a given situation enables a
leader to exert influence over a group. What differentiates Fiedler's model from Human relations-
the others’ is the measuring instrument he used. He measured leadership style on oriented managers
a scale that indicated “the degree to which a man described favourably or are considerate of
the employee’s
unfavourably his least preferred co-worker (LPC)" - the employee with whom the human condition
person could work least well. This measure (scale) locates an individual on the and feelings while
leadership style continuum. According to Fiedler, a person who describes his task-oriented
managers are not,
least preferred co-worker in relatively favourable manner tends to be human
apart from the
relations- oriented and considerate of the feelings of his men. But a person, who organisation’ s
describes his LPC in an unfavourable manner, tends to be task-controlling and sheer interest.
less concerned with the human relations aspects of the job.
Thus the high-LPC managers want to have warm personal relations with
their co-workers and will regard close ties with employees as important to their
overall effectiveness. Low-LPC managers, on the other hand, want to get the job
done. The reactions of employees to their leadership style is of far lower priority
than the need to maintain production. Low-LPC managers who feel that a harsh
style is necessary to maintain production will not hesitate to use it.
Fiedler found three critical dimensions of the leadership situation that help
determine the most effective style of leadership.
1. Leader-member relations: Fiedler considered it the most important influence
on the manager's power and effectiveness. If the manager gets along well with
the rest of the group and if the group members respect the manager for reasons of
personality, ability or character, then the manager might not have to rely on
formal authority.
2. Task structure: With this dimension, Fiedler had in mind the extent to which
tasks could be clearly spelled out and people held responsible for them. If tasks
are clear, the quality of performance can be more easily controlled and the group
members can be held more definitely responsible for performance.
3. Position power: This enables a leader to get group members to comply with
directions. A leader with clear and considerable position power can obtain good
followership more easily than the one without such power.
Fiedler then went on to specify eight possible combinations of these three
variables (leadership situations) in the leadership situation:
Leader-member relations can be good or bad, tasks may be structured or
unstructured, and position power may be strong or week (Figure 9-4).

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Figure 9-4

High LPC: 1.00

oriented .80
(High employee
orientation) .60


Correlations between .30

leader LPC and group
performance 0

- .20
- .40
(Low employee
orientation) Low - .60
LPC: task-
oriented - .80
- 1.00
Favorable I II III IV V VI VII VIII Unfavorable
for leader for leader

Leader-Member relations Good Good Good Good Moderately Moderately Moderately Moderately
poor poor poor poor

Task structure Structured Structured Unstructured Unstructured Structured Structured Unstructured Unstructured

Leader position power Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak


Source: Adapted from F.E. Fiedler, A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness, New York: McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 1967, p. 146.

Using these eight categories of leadership situations and his two types of leaders
“Low-LPC” leaders — "high-LPC" and "low-LPC" — Fiedler reviewed studies of over 800 groups to
are effective
see which type of leader was the most effective in each situation. He found that
managers in extreme
situations while "low-LPC" leaders, being authoritarian, were the most effective in extreme
“high-LPC" leaders situations, situations in which the leader either had a great deal of power and
are good in influence or had very little power and influence. On the other hand, "high-LPC"
situations. Neither leaders, being employee-oriented, were most effective in situations where the
type is suitable for leader had moderate power and influence.
all situations.
Fielder's model, then, suggests that (a) an appropriate match of the leader's style
(as measured by the LPC score) to the situation (as determined by the interaction
of these three variables) leads to effective managerial performance, (b) except for
the unusual case, it is simply not meaningful to speak of an effective leader or an
ineffective leader; we can speak of a leader who tends to be effective in one
situation and ineffective in another; (c) for increasing organisational and group
effectiveness we must learn not only how to train leaders more effectively but
also how to build an organisational environment in which the leader can perform

Unit-9 Page-200
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Critical appreciation
Several scholars have put Fielder's theory to test in various situations. Some have
questioned the meaning of the LPC score, and others suggest that the model does
not explain the causal effect of the LPC score on performance. Some of the
findings are not statistically significant, and situational measures may not be
completely independent of the LPC score.
Despite such criticism, it is important to recognise that effective leadership style
depends on the situation. Although this idea is not new, Fiedler and his
colleagues drew attention to this fact and stimulated a great deal of research.

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership The Path-Goal

The Path-goal Theory developed by Martin G. Evans and Robert J. House theory asserts that
the individual
suggests that the main function of the leader is to clarify and set goals with motivation for work
subordinates, help them find the best path for achieving the goals, and remove depends on the
obstacles. expectation and
value of rewards.
This theory is based on the expectancy model of motivation, which states
that an individual’s motivation depends on his or her expectation of reward and
attractiveness of the reward. Managers ensure the availability of rewards (Goals)
and the "paths" that will earn them.
Evans suggests that a manager’s leadership style influences the rewards
available to the employees, as well as the employees’ perceptions of the path to
those rewards. An employee-centred manager, for example, will offer not only
pay and promotion, but also support, encouragement, security, and respect. That An employee-
type of manager will also be sensitive to differences between employees and will oriented manager
tailor rewards to the individual. On the other hand, a task-oriented manager will looks after not only
the employees’ job-
offer a narrower, less individualised set of rewards, but will usually be much related interests but
better at linking employee performance to rewards than an employee-centred also their human
manager. Employees of a task-oriented manager will know exactly what dimensions.
productivity or performance level they must attain to get salary increases,
bonuses, or promotions. Evans believes that the leadership style, most effective
in motivating employees, depends on the types of rewards they most desire.5
House and his associates have tried to expand the Path-Goal Theory by
identifying two variables that help determine the most effective leadership style
⎯ (1) the personal characteristics of employees and (2) the environmental
pressures and demands in the workplace with which employees must cope.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Name the leadership theories you know of. Critically discuss the Trait
Theory of Leadership.
2. What are the Contingency Theories of Leadership? Discuss critically
Fiedler's Contingency Theory of Leadership.

Principles of Management Page-201

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3. Describe the Contingency Leadership Theory by Hersey and Blanchard.

Elaborate the three critical dimensions of the leadership situation that help
determine the most effective style of leadership.
4. Can you distinguish between Trait Theory and Contingency Theory of
5. What do you understand by LPC? Discuss the LPC approach described by
Fiedler in his Contingency Approach of Leadership.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. In ancient times the Greeks and Romans believed that leaders:
(a) could better be trained up
(b) were to have in born qualities
(c) were more powerful than their followers
(d) must have good health
2. Contingency theory develped by Fred E. Fiedler holds that people become
leaders because of:
(a) loyalty of followers
(b) their own quality
(c) democracy
(d) various situational factors

1. Interview the managers of two enterprises of your locality, and ask them the
type of leadership they follow with reasons.

CASE 9-1
In a search for effective leaders, 206 CEO respondents from Fortune 500 and
Service 500 companies identified as the three top leaders Don Petersen (No. 1) at
Ford, Lee Iacocca at Chrysler, and Jack Welch at General Electric. The
overwhelming majority of those questioned felt that there is no leadership crisis
in the United States. On the other hand, those holding another view pointed to the
ineffectiveness of managers in competing in the global market; the excessive
focus on short-term results, often at the expense of long-term company health;
and the lack of investment in plants.
About two-thirds of the respondents thought that leadership can be taught,
especially through job rotation, in-company training, and delegation of authority.
But there was also the realization that latent leadership qualities have to be the
foundation of leadership.
Althought not on the basis of the survey, Fortune identified the following
factors for successful business leadership:
• Trust in subordinates is the foundation for delegating authority. A manager gets
things done through people.

Unit-9 Page-202
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• Leaders must provide a vision for the enterprise and inspire others to commit
themselves to this vision.
• Leaders must take command in times of crisis. Even those who subscribe to
participative management realize that at critical times they have to take charge.
• Taking risks is a part of business - not careless risk, but calculated ones. Probably
those who have never failed (who played it safe) may not have managed well.
• Leaders need to be very competent in their fields and command the respect of
• A top executive surrounded by "yes-sayers" will get an incorrect view of what is
really going on within and outside the organization. Thus, executives should invite
dissenting views.
• Effective leaders see and understand the big picture. They simplify
complex situations and problems so that they can be understood.

1. Who were the leaders identified in the survey? Why do you think they have been
2. What were the leadership characteristics identified by Fortune? Do you agree with
the seven statements about the characteristics? Should other factors be taken into
3. Do you think that leadership can be taught? Explain.
4. How do the leadership characteristics relate to the managerial functions?
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.510.

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Ricky W. Griffin, Management (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984), p. 416.
Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective (Mc-Graw-
Hill, International Edition, 1994), p.491.
Ibid., p.492.
See Bass, Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership.
James A. F. Stoner, et. al., Management (New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1997),
p. 485.

Principles of Management Page-203

Committees and Group
Decision Making

Unit Highlights
‰ Definition, Nature and Reasons for Using Committees
‰ Plural Executive and the Board of Directors, Making Committees
Successful, Disadvantages and Misuse of Committees.
School of Business

HC fªù¡ M¡¢m b¡L−h

Unit-10 Page-206
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Unit-10 : Committees and Group Decision Making

Lesson 1: Definition, Nature and Reasons for using

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• define committee and state its nature

• explain the reasons for using committee

Definition of Committee
The term committee may be referred to as team, board, taskforce, commission
etc. It implies the existence of a group to accomplish certain acts. It may be
defined as "a group of persons to whom, as a group, some matter is committed". A committee is
instituted to deal
It is sometimes difficult to draw sharp distinction between committees and other with a specific
small groups. The essential characteristics of the committee is that it is a group problem or problem
charged with dealing with a specific problem or problem areas. areas.

Committees are widely used, although they are often criticised for being time-
consuming and inefficient. Research studies indicate that the right use of Effective use of
committees can result in a greater motivation, improved problem solving and committees can
increased output. In fact, the problem is not the existence of committees but enhance motivation
rather the way they are conducted and where they are used.1 and productivity.

Nature of Committee
There is a wide variation in the authority assigned to committees and thus the
nature of committees also varies. The following discussion will make it clear.
1. Wide use of committees: Committees are a fact of modern organisational
life. They are used in almost all types of organisations - government, non-
government, autonomous, and so forth. They are operating in education
institutions, industrial organisations and in purely commercial enterprises. In
a university or in a bank, for example, there may be dozens of standing and
/or special committees either to share in administration or advise the
administration on policy. A board of directors of a company is also a
committee, as are its various constituent groups such as the executive
committee, the finance committee, the bonus committee, the pension
committee, the audit committee, the salary and wages review committee, the
grievance committee, the planning committee, and numerous other standing
and special committees.
2. Variety of functions and formalities of committees: A committee may be
with or without managerial functions. Some committees may make decisions
while others may receive information only. Some of them may have line
authority (as the board of directors or the syndicate) while others only staff
authority (as the bonus committee or the pension committee).

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Committees may also be informal or formal. A committee, formed without

An informal specific delegation of authority usually by a top level executive desiring
committee has no group thinking on a particular problem, may be termed an informal
power, and is
intended only for committee. On the other hand if a committee is organised as part of the
group thinking. A organisation structure, with specifically delegated duties and authority, it is a
formal committee, formal committee.
on the other hand, is
charged with Committees may also be temporary or relatively permanent. When a
specific power,
committee is formed for a specific purpose and is disbanded immediately
duties and
responsibilities. upon the completion of its task, such as an enquiry committee, it may be
called temporary. But when some committees are assigned tasks to continue
for a longer period, such as finance committee, they are relatively permanent.
3. Different roles of committee members: Members play certain roles in
committees. Some try to encourage others to contribute, others follow. Some
give information, others seek information. Some take an aggressive role,
while others try to co-ordinate the group's efforts or negotiate a compromise
in the event of disagreements.

Reasons for Using Committee

There are widespread uses of committees, the more important ones are discussed
1. Superior judgement: The most important reason for the use of committees
Committees help is to arrive at a superior judgement through group deliberations. It is
arrive at better increasingly being recognised that most problems of modern business require
judgements and
decisions through
more experience, knowledge, and judgement than any individual possesses.
group deliberations Committees may help the clarification of problems and development of new
and interactions. ideas. Group interactions through committees have been found to be
especially enlightening in policy matters. In complex business situations,
however, group interactions may be superior to individual judgement.
2. Motivation through participation: Membership of committees permit
Participation in wider participation in decision-making. There are people who seem to be
committee meetings
increases motivation
against every move unless they have been previously consulted. Committee
among participants. membership may help improve the situation. Persons who take part in
decision-making through committee membership usually feel more
enthusiastic about accepting and executing it.
3. Avoiding concentration of authority in a single person: The use of
committee can help avoid concentration of authority in a single person. There
Committees help
may also be a committee to make recommendations on a problem because
authority and the manager does not wish to take full responsibility for making a decision.
delegate power. Major financial and capital investment policies are also often developed by
committees, partly because of unwillingness to give a single individual
complete authority to make such important decisions.
By use of
committee, 4. Sharing and transmitting of information: Another reason for using
information is
disseminated widely. committee is sharing and transmitting information. All the members of a
committee can learn about a project or problem simultaneously. Moreover,
decisions and instructions can be received uniformly with opportunities for

Unit-10 Page-208
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clarification. This may help avoid misunderstanding and save time.

5. Achieving co-ordination: Committees are very useful for co-ordinating
activities among various organisational units. The dynamics of modern Committees co-
organisations place a heavy burden on the managers to integrate plans and ordinate activities
activities. Committees can help a lot in this direction by co-ordinating plans of organisational
and policies as well as their implementation.
6. Representation of interested groups: Committees are often formed with
membership from different interested groups. Members of board of directors Committees can
are often selected on the basis of groups interested in the company and, ensure
representation of
perhaps more often, on the basis of groups in which the company has an interest groups.
interest. When top executives have internal problems involving, for example,
heads of various departments, they may choose committee members in such
a way as to give these departments representation.
7. Delaying or avoiding action: It is well known that committees are often
appointed by managers when they want to delay or avoid action. At times, Sometimes
committee members are chosen in a way aimed at delaying action. Careful managers make
managers know that one of the surest ways to delay the handling of a committees for
strategic reasons.
problem, and even to postpone a decision indefinitely, is to appoint a
committee to study the matter.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Can you define committee? State the nature of committee.
2. What do you mean by committee? What are the reasons for using
3. What does committee mean? Why committees are used?
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. A committee may be:
(a) with managerial functions only.
(b) without managerial functions.
(c) with or without managerial functions.
(d) with disciplinary actions only.
2. A formal committee is one that is formed
(a) without specific delegation of authority.
(b) with specific delegation of authority.
(c) with or without specific delegation of authority.
(d) with an objective to replace managers.
3. Committees are often formed with membership from:
(a) managers only.
(b) trade unions.
(c) different interested groups.
(d) both managers and workers.

Principles of Management Page-209

School of Business

Lesson 2 : Plural Executive and Board of Directors,

Making Committee Successful, Disadvantages
and Misuses of Committees

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• understand what a plural executive is and its role in decision making and
execution of decisions;
• discuss whether board of directors can be called a plural executive;
• discuss how committees can be made successful;
• elaborate the disadvantages/drawbacks of committees;
• point out how the misuse of committees occurs.

Plural Executive and the Board of Directors

The committees that are managerial in nature and are given the power to make
decisions and to undertake one or most of the managerial functions, may be
called plural executives. An ideal example of a plural executive is the board of

Plural Executive in Decision Making

Plural executives are often engaged in policy making. Many companies form
Plural executives are
executive or management committees to develop basic policies and adopt major
bodies. strategies. Such committees go by various names - Management Committee,
Corporate Policy Committee, Operating Policy Committee etc.
The extent of authority of these committees varies considerably, although
their influence on decision making is perhaps greater in strategic planning than in
any other area. Such committees also engage in control, for their concern with
strategic planning must be followed up to ensure that activities conform to plans.
The plural executive The plural executive is an ideal negotiator of disputes, since a settlement
is an ideal negotiator by a group will usually be more acceptable to parties concerned than that of a
of disputes.
single arbiter.
Sometimes plural executive depends on accurate and adequate staff
work. Moreover, in order to make group deliberations in plural executive
productive, facts and analysis must be developed and presented so that members
have readily available the data on which to base a decision.

Plural Executive in the Execution of Decisions

A plural executive is primarily used for decision-making rather than its
execution. Decision/ policy implementation is primarily carried out by managers
who set standards and procedures to guide and govern the execution of policies,
establish controls to ensure adherence to standards, improve interdivisional co-
ordination, and meet various, emergencies as they arise.

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Board of Directors as Plural Executive

A board of directors usually makes decisions and has the authority to manage a
company, although it may not exercise it.
In fact the chairman/president is the dominant figure on the board with the A board of directors
other members often being little more than advisers. Thus the board of directors is not a plural
executive proper.
can seldom be called plural executive because a single executive often formulates
the policies.
A board may have both insiders and outsiders as members. Some recommend
that company directors own stocks. Some others speak about workers'
representation on the board. Still others favour the existence of full-time
members of the board to make the concept of plural executive in real practice.

Making Committees Successful

The ever-increasing use of committees owes a great deal to the growing emphasis
on group participation in organisations and group management. Yet committees
are found to suffer from certain disadvantages which a manager may try to
overcome by following the guidelines that appear below:
1. Committee's authority is to be clearly stated: A committee's authority
should be spelled out clearly so that each and every member knows whether The committee’s
their responsibility is to make recommendations, make decisions, or merely authority needs to be
clearly stated.
deliberate and give the committee chief some insights into the issue under
2. Members must be selected carefully: If a committee is to be effective, the
members must be representative of the interests they are expected to serve.
They must also be competent to perform well in group. Moreover, the Members of the
committee must
members should have the capacity for communicating well and reaching represent their group
group decisions by integrated group thinking rather than by inappropriate interests.
3. The size should be workable: The size of committee is important. It should
not be either too big or too small. If the committee is too big, there may not
be enough opportunities for adequate communication among its members. If, The committee
on the other hand, the committee is too small it may fail to serve the purpose. should be small in
size, but not too
Thus, as a general rule, a committee should be large enough to promote small to carry on
deliberation and include the breadth of expertise required for the job but not deliberation.
so large as to waste time or foster indecision. As is generally found, the
optimum committee size is between five to fifteen members.
4. Selecting a competent chairperson: In order to make committee meetings
successful, the selection of the chairperson is crucial. A competent The chairperson of
chairperson can minimise the limitations of a committee by a proper planning the committee
of the meeting, preparing the agenda carefully, conducting the meeting should be competent
in providing
effectively and integrating the ideas judiciously. As a matter of fact the leadership.
success of committee meetings depend to a large extent upon the competence
of the chairperson.

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5. Careful selection of the subject matter: The subject should be selected

Issues should be
suitable for group carefully. Committee actions are to be kept limited to those types of subjects
discussion. which are suitable for group deliberations. Members should be given an
opportunity to study the subject matter well ahead of the meeting time and
for that matter, the agenda and relevant information are to be circulated
among them accordingly.
6. Committee must be cost effective: In the long run, committees are justified
Committees should
prove worth the
if the costs are offset by tangible and intangible benefits. It should be
money and time in remembered, however, that although the tangible benefits are not very hard
the long run. to be determined, it may be difficult to count the intangible benefits such as
morale, motivation and training of committee members.
7. Circulation of minutes: Circulation of minutes and checking conclusions
Circulation of are indispensable for effective communication in committees. Sometimes
minutes of meetings individuals may leave a meeting with varying interpretations as to what
is a must.
agreements were reached. This can be avoided by noting down minutes
carefully and circulating them in draft form for correction or modification
before the final copy is approved by the committee.

Disadvantages/ Drawbacks of Committees

Although there are many advantages for the use of committee, it also suffers
from a number of drawbacks as discussed below:

If problems can be 1. Time consuming and costly: Committee action is usually time consuming.
solved by an In a committee meeting all the members have the right to be heard, to
individual, challenge and cross-examine the presentation of others, and to have their
committees should
be avoided, because
viewpoints discussed. If the committee is supposed to reach a unanimous
they are costly and decision, the discussion is likely to be lengthy. The monetary cost of
time-consuming. committee discussion can also be very high. However, the cost in time and
money becomes all the more disadvantageous when a committee is assigned
a job that could just as well, or better, be solved by an individual.
2. Cost of indecision: Another major drawback of committee is that the
Often meetings are discussion of less important or peripheral subjects takes up valuable time and
devoted to often results in adjournment without action. It is not unusual that some
unnecessary hair- hidden agenda may also prevent the committee from reaching agreement on
splitting discussion.
the official agenda of the meeting.
3. Tyranny by the influential members: A few influential members,
The influential few representing a minority view, may be in a strong position to impose their will
tend to impose on
the silent and meek
on the majority of members. By their insistence on acceptance of their
majority. position, or of a compromise position, they may exercise an unwarranted
tyranny over the majority. Sometimes, a single member may also control the
committee through the power to withhold his vote.
4. Taking compromise decision: If differences of opinion exist among
Weak decisions can committee members, the point at which all or the majority of the committee
result from a members can agree tends to be at the least common denominator. Small
compromise groups of people frequently seek - from feelings of politeness, mutual
respect, and humility - to reach conclusions on which all can agree. Since

Unit-10 Page-212
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committee members are often selected from organisation equals, reluctance

to force a conclusion on a recalcitrant member presenting a minority view is
clear. This, however, increases the chance of making weak decisions.
5. Splitting of responsibility: This is one of the chief drawbacks of a Sharing of
committee. Since no one member of a committee feels personally responsibility among
the members can
accountable for the actions of the group, no individual feels personally cause a weak
responsible for any action taken by it. Individual members hardly feel the commitment to
same degree of responsibility that they would if they personally were charged making a strong
with the same task.
6. Possibility of being self-destructive: Almost invariably, one person in a
A domineering
committee emerges as the leader. But when the chairman or a member chairman can be an
becomes dominant, the nature of the committee as a decision-making group obstacle to a
of equals changes. It then turns into a team composed of subordinate advisors balanced decision.
or even "yes-men" following a leader.

Misuse of Committees
When committees are set-up and operated, the five abuses that appear below
should be carefully avoided:
1. For unimportant decisions: The use of committee involves cost both in
terms of money and time. Thus its use should be limited to important matters.
It needs mention that no busy executive can help feeling uncomfortable when
time is wasted by the committee members deliberating at length on trivial
2. For replacing a manager: A committee cannot replace a line manager. It
had better perform advisory functions. In fact most committees function in
this manner, leaving the real decision-making and managing to the line
executives to whom they report.
3. For decisions beyond participants' authority: Sometimes the important
committee members, instead of attending committee meetings themselves,
send subordinates who have not had the superior's authority delegated to
them. As a result the committee fails to function as intended.
4. For consolidating divided authority: In large organisations having several
departments, authority is so delegated that in some cases no one except the
chief executive has adequate authority to do what must be done. If such a
problem of divided authority can be eliminated either by delegating authority
properly or by changing the organisation structure, the use of committee is
5. For research or study: Research and study are essentially not group
activities. A group of people meeting together can hardly engage in research
or study that requires individual devotion and a proper bent of mind, more
than anything else. Gathering information is also an individual function, even
though individuals may be co-ordinated into a team with individual research
assignments. Most monumental research works and studies are the results of
individual efforts, although committees may be there to evaluate them.

Principles of Management Page-213

School of Business

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by a plural executive? Discuss the role of the plural
executive in both decision-making and execution of decisions.
2. Define plural executive. Can a board of directors be called a plural
3. How can committees be made successful? Explain the drawbacks/
disadvantages of committee.
4. What are the drawbacks of committee? What abuses are to be avoided in the
use of committee?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. A plural executive is primarily used for:
(a) execution of decision.
(b) decision making.
(c) taking corrective action.
(d) fact finding.
2. A committee discussion is likely to be lengthy if:
(a) an unanimous decision is desired.
(b) a quality decision is expected.
(c) the members are talkative.
(d) the chairperson is unable to control.
3. The use of committee should be kept limited to important matters because:
(a) its use involve cost both in terms of money and time.
(b) committee is disliked by most managers.
(c) the chairman influences members.
(d) most members remain absent in committee meetings.

1. Ask two managers about their experiences in committees. What they have
found to be most important for making committees effective and efficient?
Do they have a positive or a negative view of committees? Why?

Unit-10 Page-214
Bangladesh Open University

CASE 10-1


Many universities, notably the larger ones, operate extensively through
committee management, especially in the appointment and promotion of persons
to tenured associate and full professorships. One example of a university where
committees are extensively used in this area is the University of California (its
various campuses.)
For appointment or promotion to the position of associate professor or full
professor (each carries tenure), the University of California uses the following
• A candidate is reviewed thoroughly by the staffing committee of his or her
department or school.
• If the candidate passes there, the action is sent to the chairperson or dean for
review and then to the office of the executive Vice-Chancellor of the campus,
where it is referred to the campus budget and promotion committee.
• The budget and promotion committee immediately refers the case to a
specially appointed ad hoc committee of five faculty members, of whom only
one or two may be from the candidate's department or school.
• The ad hoc committee reviews the case and make a recommendation to the
budget and promotion committee.
• The budget and promotion committee reviews the case and makes
recommendations to the executive Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor of the
• The executive Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor review the case, and after this
review, the case is sent to the academic Vice President of the university with
The university's academic Vice President and President review the case and, if
their decision is favorable, send it with recommendations to the regents of the
university for final action.
1. How would you like to be reviewed for appointment or promotion by this
hierarchy of committees?
2. What strengths or weaknesses do you see in this procedure?
3. Assuming that you see certain weaknesses and perhaps dangers in this kind
of committee management, what do you suggest be done?

Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition, p.534.

Principles of Management Page-215

School of Business

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective, (McGraw-
Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994), p. 515.

Unit-10 Page-216
Communication in Organisations

Unit Highlights
‰ Definition, Process and Purpose of Communication
‰ Communication in Organization, Importance of Effective
‰ Causes of Communication Problems, Ensuring Effective
Communication, Electronic Media in Communication,
School of Business

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Unit-11 : Communication in Organisations

Lesson 1: Definition, Process and Purpose of

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this unit you will be able to:
• understand what is communication
• define communication
• elaborate the communication process
• state the purposes of communication
• explain the role of communication in management

Definition of Communication
Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver after the Effective
information has been understood by the receiver. It can be defined as the process communication
takes place when the
of transmitting information from one person to another. By effective message is
communication is meant the process of sending a message in such a way that the understood by the
message received is close in meaning to the message intended. receiver as intended
by the sender.
In our definition of communication, we see that three conditions are necessary
for communication to take place.
First, there must be at least two persons involved. Of course, more than two
persons can be involved in communication.
Second, there must be information to be communicated.
Third, some attempt must be made to transmit this information.

The communication
The Communication Model/ Process process takes place
An expanded model of how communication occurs is shown in figure 11.1. through the following
four stages:
One-way communication involves five steps - meaning, encoding, • conceiving a
transmission, decoding, and meaning. In the case of two-way communication the meaningful idea;
three steps of encoding, transmission and decoding are repeated as the second • translating this idea
person responds to the first. into an
understandable form
The process begins when one person (sender) initiates a communication (encoding);
process. He or she may decide that an idea, opinion or fact needs to be • transmitting this
transmitted to someone else. This idea, opinion or fact has meaning to the sender encoded message;
which is the first step in the communication process. • decoding the
message for
The next step is to encode the meaning into a form appropriate to the meaning.
situation. This encoding might take the form of verbal words, gestures, facial
expressions, physical actions or even artistic expressions.

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Source: Grifin,,"Management",Honghton Mifflin Company,

After encoding, the message is transmitted through the appropriate

channel. The common channels include printed pages, face-to-face discussion,
the air waves and telephone lines. Transmission is the third step of the
communication process.
In the fourth step the message is received and decoded by one or more
other people via such senses as eyesight and hearing. After the message is
received, it must be translated into meaning relevant to the receiver.
Managers need to In many cases, this meaning prompts a response, and the cycle is
keep the noise down continued when the new message is sent by the same steps back to the original
to a minimum level
during a
sender (steps 6,7 and 8). As shown in figure 11.1, "noise" may occur at any stage
communication for of the communication process and distort the message. It is particularly
reducing distortion troublesome in the encoding or decoding stage. Since noise can interfere with
of the message. understanding, managers should attempt to restrict it to a level that permits
effective communication.

Purposes of Communication
Chester I. Barnard viewed communication as the means by which people are
linked together in an organisation to achieve a common purpose. As a matter of
The purpose of fact, group activity is impossible without communication, because co-ordination
internal and change cannot be effected.
communication is to
spread enterprise Psychologists have greatly been interested in communication. They focus
objectives and plans on human problems that occur in the communication process of initiating,
among the transmitting, and receiving information. In fact, the internal functioning of an
inmates, to inspire enterprise depends upon effective communication to a great extent, which
them to achieve integrates the managerial functions. The main purposes of communication,
those objectives and however, are to:
to organise
resources. (i) set and disseminate the goals of an enterprise,
(ii) develop plans for their achievement,
(iii) organise human and other resources in the most effective and efficient

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(iv) lead, direct, motivate, and create a climate in which people want to
contribute and
(vi) control performance.1
It needs to be emphasised that communication not only facilitates
managerial functions but also relates an enterprise to its external environment
[see fig. 11.2] Managers get
information about
It is through communication that managers become aware of the claims market environment
of stockholders, the needs of customers, the regulations of governments, the through
availability of suppliers, the concerns of the community etc. In fact, it is through communication.
communication that an organisation (can facilitate exchanges of information with
its environment) can interact with its environment.

Figure 11.2

Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling


External Environment
• Customers
• Suppliers
• Stockholders
• Governments
• Community
• Others


Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth Edition, p.539.

Role of Communication in Management

Communication is an indispensable part of every manager's job. Managerial roles
as observed by Henry Mintzberg involve a great deal of communication. The
interpersonal roles involve interacting with subordinates, workers, peers and All managerial roles
also outsiders. Managers' decisional roles require that they seek information for require the use of
making decisions and then communicate those decisions to others. The communication one
way or another.
informational roles of managers also involve communication; they focus
specially on acquiring and disseminating information.
The basic management functions of planning, organising, motivation,

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leading and controlling are directly related to communication. Delegation, co-

ordination, decision- making, organisation development and change also entail
communication. Establishing standards, monitoring performance, taking
corrective actions as part of control and interacting with subordinates as part of
the leading function would be impossible without some form of communication.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. Define communication. What conditions are necessary for communication to

take place?
2. Explain the communication process with the help of a diagram.
3. Elaborate on the purposes of communication?
4. How can communication relate an enterprise to its organisation? Write a note
on the role of communication in management.

Multiple Choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:

1. The number of conditions necessary for communication to take place is

(a) two.
(b) three.
(c) four.
(d) five.
2. One-way communication involves
(a) three steps.
(b) four steps.
(c) five steps.
(d) six steps.
3. In the fourth step of the process of communication, the message is received
(a) encoded.
(b) decoded.
(c) transmitted.
(d) circulated.

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Lesson 2 : Communication in Organisation, Importance

of Effective Communication

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this unit you will be able to:
• discuss the flow of communication and the direction in which they flow
• understand the forms of communication
• elaborate on the importance of effective communication

Communication in Organisation
Managers need relevant information for effective decision-making. Obtaining
this information frequently requires getting information from managers'
subordinates and also from people and divisions elsewhere in the organisation.
Managers also have to disseminate information for effective management. At this
stage we need to elaborately understand the following:
1. Flow of Communication; and
2. Form of Communication
1. Flow of communication: In any modern organisation communication flows Downward
communication is
in various directions : (a) downward, (b) upward and (c) crosswise preferred by
(horizontal and diagonal) authoritarian
management, and
(a) Downward communication: It flows from executives at higher levels to the message is often
those at lower levels in the management structure. This type of likely to be distorted
communication is preferred mostly by authoritarian managers. in transmission or
ignored by the
Downward communication may be both written (such as memorandums, intended receiver.
pamphlets, letters etc.) and oral (e.g., telephone, loudspeakers, verbal
instructions etc.),
Information is often distorted or lost as it comes down the chain of
command. Top management's issuance of instructions does not ensure communication is
communication. Many directives are, in fact, not read or understood. encouraged in the
free, genial and
Downward communication, through the different levels of the democratic
organisation, may often be time-consuming. Delays may sometimes be atmosphere of
so frustrating that some top executives insist that information be sent participative
directly to the subordinate requiring it. management. This
type of
(b) Upward communication: Upward communication includes written, oral communication is
and non-verbal messages from subordinates to superiors. Usually this aimed to gather
information about
type of communication originates from a subordinate to his or her direct low-level
superior, then to that person's direct boss, and so on up through the employees’ attitude
hierarchy. Sometimes, however, a message might by-pass a particular towards
superior. When this happens, the by-passed superior may feel resentful production and
and hostile. marketing
Upward communication is basically non-directive and is usually found in
participative and democratic organisational environments. Typical means
for upward communication are counselling sessions, complaint systems,
joint setting of objectives, suggestion systems, group meetings etc. Top

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level management normally needs to know marketing information,

production data financial information, attitude of lower-level employees,
The two types of communication discussed above i.e., downward and
upward communication could also be categorised as vertical
communication. When vertical communication includes both downward
and upward communication, it is termed as 'two-way' or both-way
communication is communication.
used for enhancing
(c) Crosswise communication: This includes the horizontal flow of
information flow
and co-ordinating information, among people on the same level in the organisation, and the
efforts among diagonal flow, among persons at different levels, who have no direct
persons of the same reporting relationships with one another. This kind of communication is
or different status in
the organisation who used to speed up information flow, to co-ordinate efforts for the
have no direct achievement of organisational objectives and to improve understanding.
reporting A great deal of communication may happen to cut across the chain of
command and avoid following the organisational hierarchy.

Figure: 11.3

downward Diagonal*


Source.: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth
Edition. P.544.

* Since horizontal and diagonal communication flows have some common

characteristics, we call them crosswise communication and discuss them
together later in this chapter.
communication is 2. Form of communication: Communication may take in written, oral or non-
documentary, verbal form.
transmittable and (i) Written communication: Written communication may take several
cheap. But it takes forms such as notices, circulars, news letters, bulletins, and so on.
up great physical These written forms have the advantage of providing references,
space, and the
feedback is slow.
records and legal defences. A message can be prepared with care and
then directed to a large number of audience through mass mailings.
Written communication can also promote uniformity in policy and

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procedure and can reduce costs, in some cases.

Written communications do have certain disadvantages also. They may
create mountains of paper, may be poorly expressed by ineffective
writers, and may provide no immediate feedback. Consequently, it may
take a long time to know whether a message has been received and
properly understood.2
(ii) Oral communication: A great deal of communication is done orally.
It can occur in a manager's presentation to a large number of
subordinates, or in a face-to-face meeting of two persons; it can be Oral communication
planned or sudden, and it can be formal or informal. and its feedback are
both instantaneous
Oral communication has certain advantages. It makes possible speedy and direct. But it
interchange with quick feedback. In a face-to-face interaction, people might be time-
consuming, and end
may ask questions and clarify points. Moreover, a meeting with the without results.
superior may give the subordinate a feeling of importance. Planned or
informal meetings can also greatly contribute to the understanding of
the issues.
There are some disadvantages also of oral communication. It is often
time-consuming. Even some of the meetings end up without any result
or agreement. Moreover, oral communication suffers from
disadvantages of providing no written record, references and legal
(iii) Non-verbal communication: Little understood but powerful, non-
verbal communication is interpersonal in nature. It includes any
communicational exchange that does not use words or that uses Non-verbal
verbalisation to carry more meaning than the strict definition of the communication is
made by
words themselves. Body movements, facial expressions, gestures, paralinguistic means
sneers and physical contact may all be used. such as body
language, and might
Non-verbal communication is expected to support the verbal, but it both support and
does not always do so. For example, an autocratic manager may contradict verbal
announce that from now on participative management will be communication.
practised; such contradictory communication will certainly create a
credibility gap. As a matter of fact, non-verbal communication may
support or contradict verbal communication, giving rise to the saying
that actions often speak louder than words.
The Importance of Effective Communication communication in
management is
Effective communication is important in management for three primary reasons essential for
as stated below: maintaining the total
management process
First, communication provides a common thread for the management in the organisation,
processes of planning, organising, leading, motivating and controlling. All of co-ordinating efforts
in multicultural
these managerial activities depend on effective communication. situations and
Second, effective communication skills can enable managers to draw on communicating
inside and outside
the vast array of talents available in the multicultural world of organisations. The the organisation.
globalisation of business certainly poses a challenge to managers'
communications abilities. Like any other intellectual activity, communication can

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be one through encountering new, challenging circumstances. Organisations can

be good places to learn that lesson.
Third, managers have to spend a great deal of time in communication.
Managers' time is spent largely in face-to-face, electronic, or telephone
communication with workers, supervisors, customers or employers. Even when
not conferring with others in persons or on the telephone, managers may be
writing or dictating notes, reports, or letters or probably reading such
communications sent to them.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What do you mean by flow of communication? Can you discuss the
directions in which communication flows?
2. Elaborate on the different forms of communication with their advantages and
3. Do you think communication is important in an organisation? Discuss.

Multiple Choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Downward communication may be
(a) only written.
(b) only oral.
(c) both written and oral.
(d) through letters only.
2. Upward communication is usually found in
(a) autocratic organisational environment.
(b) public enterprises.
(c) participative and democratic organisational environments.
(d) private enterprises.
3. Managers have to spend a great deal of time
(a) talking.
(b) communicating.
(c) writing.
(d) mediating.

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Lesson 3 : Causes of Communication Problems, Ensuring

Effective Communication, Electronic Media in
Lesson Objectives
The causes rather
Upon completion of this unit you will be able to: than the symptoms
• know the communication problems and their causes; of communication
• identify the guidelines that can help improve communication effectiveness;
problems need to be
identified and dealt
• understand the use of different electronic media in communication. with.
• describe teleconferencing
Communication Problems
Communication problems are often symptoms of more deeply rooted problems.
Thus poor planning may be the causes of uncertainty about the direction of the
firm. Vague performance standards may leave managers uncertain about what is
expected of them. Similarly, a poorly designed organisation structure may not
clearly communicate organisational relationships. So, the perceptive manager
will look for the causes of communication problems instead of dealing with the
symptoms. Causes can exist in the transmission of the message, in the sender, in
the receiver, or in the feedback. Specific causes are discussed below:
1. Poor planning: Effective communication seldom happens by chance.
Sometimes people start communication without proper planning, and stating
the purpose of the message. This is wrong and wasteful. Experience
suggests that drafting the right message, selecting the appropriate channel
and choosing proper timing through planning can greatly improve
understanding and reduce resistance to change.
2. Poorly worded messages: The sender of communication may have a clear
idea about the message but it may still be marked by poorly chosen words,
poor organisation, awkward sentence structure, lack of coherence,
omissions, unnecessary jargon, and a failure to clarify its implications. This Communication
problems may arise if
lack of clarity and precision, which can be costly, can be avoided through
greater care in encoding the message. • the message is not
3. Semantic problems: Another barrier to effective communication is • the message is
semantic problem, which can be deliberate or accidental. Semantic poorly structured
and worded;
problems arise when words have different meanings for different people.
• the meanings of the
Words and phrases like 'profit', 'increased productivity', 'return on words in the
investment', or 'retained earnings' may have positive meanings for managers message are not
but less positive (or even negative) meanings for labour. delimited;
• the status of the
4. Status differences between sender and receiver: Communication sender and that of
problems may arise when people of different status try to communicate with the receiver are
each other. The employer may not pay much attention to a suggestion from
a worker, thinking something like, "how can someone at that level help men
run my business." Conversely, when the employer goes out to inspect a new
plant, workers may be reluctant to offer suggestions because of their lower

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5. Perceptual differences between sender and receiver: If people perceive a

• they have not the situation differently, they may also have difficulty communicating with one
same understanding another.
of the situation or
subject being 6. Environmental factors: Environmental problems may also disrupt
discussed; effective communication. For example, noise may affect communication in
• if there is many ways. Similarly, overload may be a problem when the receiver is
interruption during
the transmission of being sent more information than he or she can effectively handle.
the message;
7. Unclarified assumptions: Unclarified assumptions that underlie messages
• if assumptions made
in the message are may also create problems. For example, a customer may send a note stating
not explicit; that he/ she will visit a vendor's plant. Then the customer may assume that
• if the original the vendor will meet him/ her at the airport/railway station, reserve
message is not accommodation, arrange for transportation, and set up a full-scale review of
faithfully and
truthfully retained; the program at the plant. But the vendor may assume that the customer is
• if the listener is coming to city mainly to meet friends and will make a routine call at the
inattentive and plant. These unclarified assumptions in both instances may result in
anxious to comment confusion and the loss of goodwill.
or evaluate without
hearing out the 8. Loss by transmission and poor retention: In a series of transmissions
from one person to the next, the message becomes less and less accurate.
• if communication is
attempted under
Poor retention of information is another serious problem. Thus, the
coercive conditions; necessity of repeating the message and using several channels are
• if the receiver of the imperative indeed. Consequently, companies often use more than one
message is not given channel to communicate the same message.
sufficient time to
adapt himself or 9. Poor listening and premature evaluation: There are many talkers but few
herself to the listeners. Everyone probably has observed people entering a discussion with
demands of the
message. comments that have no relation to the topic. One reason may be that these
persons are pondering their own problems instead of listening to the
conversation. Listening demands full attention and self-discipline. It also
requires that the listener avoids premature evaluation of what another person
has to say. Listening without hasty judgements can make the whole
enterprise more effective and more efficient. For example, sympathetic
listening can result in better labour-management relations and greater
understanding among managers.
10. Distrust, threat and fear: Distrust, threat, and fear undermine
communication. In a climate containing these forces, any message will be
viewed with scepticism. Distrust can be the result of inconsistent behaviour
by the superior, or it can be due to past experiences in which the subordinate
was punished for honestly reporting true, but unfavourable, information to
the boss. Similarly, in threat, people tend to tighten up, distort information,
and become defensive. What is required is a climate of trust, which
facilitates open and honest communication.
11. Insufficient period for adjustment to change: the purpose of
communication is to effect change that may seriously concern employees.
Changes affect people in different ways, and it may take time to think
through the full meaning of a message. Thus, for maximum efficiency, it is
important not to force change before people can adjust to its implications.

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Improving Communication Effectiveness

The following guidelines can help improve communication effectiveness:
1. The Communication Audit: Such an audit is a tool for examining
communication policies, networks and activities. The four major
communication networks that need to be audited are as follows:
(a) The regulative or task-related network pertaining to policies,
procedures, rules, and superior-subordinate relationships.
(b) The innovative network, which includes problem-solving, meetings,
and suggestions for change.
(c) The integrative network, which consists of praise, rewards,
promotions, and such items as link enterprise goals with personal
(d) The informative-instructive network, which includes company
publications, bulletin boards, and grapevines.3
Communication audit is used not only to deal with problems when they occur but
also to prevent them from occurring in the first place. The format of the audit can
take many shapes and may include observations, questionnaires, interviews, and
analyses of written documents.
2. Other Guidelines:
(a) The sender must clarify in his/ her mind what he/she wants to
communicate. This means that the sender has to clarify the purpose of
the message and make a plan to achieve the intended end.
(b) Encoding and decoding be done with symbols that are familiar to the
sender and the receiver of the message.
(c) The planning of the communication should be done in consultation
with the concerned people.
(d) The needs of the receivers of the information have to be considered.
Whenever appropriate, one should communicate something that is of
value to them.
(e) The tone of voice, the choice of language, and the convergence
between what is said and how it is said influence the reactions of the
receiver of the message.
(f) Communication is complete only when the message is understood by
the receiver. This can be ensured when the sender gets feedback. To
this end the sender may request the receiver to give his reactions to the
(g) Communication has to aim at creating an environment in which people
are motivated to - (i) work towards the goals of the enterprise and (ii)
exercise self-control for ensuring effective performance against set

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Electronic Media in Communication

Modern managers are studying and gradually adopting several electronic devices
that improve communication. These electronic media include personal computers
(PCs), minicomputers, mainframe computers, electronic mail (e-mail), voice
mail, fax, and cellular telephones for making telephone calls from moving

Computer Networking
As a matter of fact information technology has changed how people
PCs have communicate. This has altered, accordingly, the way many organisations are
information and managed. The use of personal computers is noteworthy. Personal computers
helped step up broke the firm grip of the central computer system on the flow of information in
information organisations. One consequence of such decentralisation of information was the
end of the related firm grip of middle management on corporate communications.
Greater still has been the technological communications. Personal
PCs help strong
networks of computers put greater power on more people's desks. But those people frequently
constant worked in isolation from other personal computer users. Now, however, a whole
relationships through new array of products - software capabilities known generally as groupware - has
begun to challenge that practice and has begun to change organisational
communication patterns. As Linda Applegate says: "Instead of managing data,
computers are being used, in effect, to manage networks of relationships between
E-mail is a private
channel between the Electronic mail (or E-mail) is one kind of new technological capability.
correspondents E-mail users send messages between each other's computers. But e-mail is a
while groupware is
relatively private communication channel compared to groupware networks,
intended for group
participation. which serve as combinations of bulletin boards and conferences that many
managers and employees can tap into at an organisation.

Telecommunication with or without the use of a computer has been used
fruitfully in recent years in various ways by most large-scale companies
throughout the world.
The following are some of the examples of its use:
• The computerised railway/airline reservation system facilitates making quick
travel arrangements.
• Many banks provide bank-by-phone services available even to individuals.
• Large banks supply hardware and software to their customers so that they
can easily transfer funds to their suppliers.
• Facsimile (fax) service transmits information within minutes to any
destination on earth.
• Telecommunication provides an important link for just-in-time inventory
• Large enterprises now have detailed personnel information - including

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performance appraisals and career development plans - in a data bank.

These are some of the many applications of telecommunication. What is
important is to ensure its use effectively and for that matter technical experts
must make every effort to identify real needs of users (managers, customers etc.)
and to design systems that are useful. We may now turn to a specific application
of the new technology: teleconferencing.

It is very popular in open universities for distance education. Students from
different locations can confer with their teacher who is based in a distant place.
It is interactive and can be either audio or video or both. In general, most people Teleconferencing is
interactive, and
think of a teleconference as a group of people interacting with each other by feedback is
means of audio and video media with moving or still pictures. instantaneous. It is
effective in holding
Full-motion video is sometimes used to hold meetings among executives meetings among
stationed at different locations. Not only can they hear each other, but they can people based in
different locations.
also see each other's expressions or discuss some visual display. This is, of Though it is time-
course, rather expensive but effective. saving it can be in
terms of physical
Some of the potential advantages of teleconferencing includes savings in movement , it can be
travel expenses and travel time. Also, conferences can be held whenever expensive.
necessary, since there is no need to make travel plans long in advance. Because
meetings can be held more frequently, communication is improved between, for
example, headquarters and geographically scattered divisions/branches.

Communication is hindered by many problems. Understanding these problems,
making a communication audit, and applying the guidelines for effective
communication facilitate not only understanding but also managing. Electronic
media can improve communication, as illustrated by the application of computers
and teleconferencing, the two of many approaches to handling the increasing
amount of information in organisations.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. What do you understand by communication problems? Can you discuss their

2. What is effective communication? How can communication effectiveness be
3. Discuss the electronic media that are being used in communication.
4. What is teleconferencing? What are its benefits?

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Multiple Choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. A poorly designed organisation structure may not clearly communicate
(a) personal relationships.
(b) organisational relationships.
(c) non-formal relationships.
(d) organisational objectives.

2. Environmental problem such as noise may disrupt

(a) planning.
(b) effective communication.
(c) controlling.
(d) directing.

3. E-mail users send messages

(a) between each others telephones.
(b) between each others computers.
(c) through fax.
(d) in verbal form.

4. Teleconferencing can be
(a) either audio or video.
(b) either audio or video or both.
(c) audio only.
(d) video only.

1. Ask two managers you know, to mention the communication problem they
experienced in their organization and how they tried to overcome them.

CASE 11-1

After graduating from college, Joyce Haynes went to work for her father, Dudley
Haynes, who was president of Haynes Fashion Stores Incorporated, a chain of
women's apparel stores. The company had been founded by Ms. Haynes's
grandfather over 50 years before. With her father's drive and knowledge of
women's fashions and of how to buy and sell them, the company had developed
from a single store in Harford, Connecticut, to a fairly large and highly profitable
chain of thirty stores in the New England area. Dudley Haynes was much like his
father. He knew what he was doing and how to do it, and he prided himself on

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being able to keep his hands on details in buying, advertising, and store
management. Every one of his store managers, as well as his top vice presidents
and headquarters staff people, met with him every 2 weeks in Hartford. Between
these meetings, Mr. Haynes spent 2 or 3 days each week visiting the stores and
working with store managers.
His major worries were communication and motivation. Although he felt
that all his managers and staff people listened carefully at the conferences he
held, their subsequent actions made him wonder whether they had heard him at
all. He observed that many of his policies were not being strictly followed in the
stores; he often had to rewrite advertising copy; and in some of the stores the
employees had joined the clerks union. He increasingly heard things he did not
like, such as reports that many employees and even some managers felt they did
not know the company's goals and believed they could do better if they had a
chance to communicate with the executives at headquarters. He also had a strong
feeling that many of his managers and most of the store clerks were merely
doing their jobs without showing any real imagination or drive. An additional
concern was the fact that some of his best people had quit and took positions with
a competitor.
When his daughter walked into his office to begin work as his special
assistant, he said: "Joyed I'm worried about how things are going. Apparently my
two problems are communication and motivation. Now, I know that you took
some courses in management in school. I've heard you talk of the problem
barriers, and techniques of communication, and you've mentioned some fellows -
Maslow, Herzberg, Vroom, McClelland, and others - who knew a great deal
about motivation. While I doubt that these Psychologists knew much about
business and I feel that I know what motivates people - primarily money, good
bosses, and a good place to work - I wonder you've learned anything that will
help me communicate better. What do you suggest?"

1. If you were Ms. Haynes, what would you say to your father?
2. How would you go about analyzing the communication problem, and what
difficulties do you see already from the case?
3. Suggest ways that the motivation and communication theories you have
studied might be applied to Haynes Fashion Stores. Is there anything else
you would want to know?
4. How would you apply the Rogers and Roethlisbeger experiment discussed
in this chapter to the case?
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective", McGraw-Hill
International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994, P.560.

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For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",

McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.

2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.

3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",

A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.

4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-

Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.


Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective, (McGraw-
Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994), p. 538.
Ibid., p. 546.
Ibid., p. 553.
James A. F. Stoner, et. al., Management, (New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1997),
p. 546.

Unit-11 Page-234

Unit Highlights
‰ Definition of Controlling, Steps in Control Process, Importance of
Control in Management
‰ Control Systems and Techniques
‰ Effective Control , Budgetary and Non-Budgetary Control
School of Business

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Unit-12 : Controlling
Lesson 1: Controlling Defined, Steps in the Control
Process, Importance of Control in Management

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this unit you will be able to:
• define controlling
• identify steps in the control process
• discuss the importance of control in management

Controlling Defined
Controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned
activities. Planning and controlling are closely related. In fact, controlling is more Controlling tries to
ensure that all
pervasive than planning. Controlling helps managers monitor the effectiveness of activities in the
their planning, organising and leading activities. organisation go
according to plan.
In fact, controlling determines what is being accomplished - that is, evaluating
the performance and, if necessary, taking corrective measures so that the
performance takes place according to plans. Controlling can also be viewed as
detecting and correcting significant variations in the results obtained from
planned activities.

Steps in the Control Process

The basic control process involves the following steps:
(1) Establishing standards and methods for measuring performance
(2) Measuring the performance
(3) Determining whether performance matches the standard
(4) Taking corrective action

Figure 12.1

Does Take Corrective

Establish Standards Performance No Action and Re-
and Methods for Measure
Match the evaluate
Measuring Performance
Standards? Standards



Basic Steps in the control Process

Source : Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, "Management", Sixth Edition, p. 559.

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1. Establishing standards and methods for measuring performance:

Standards are, by definition, simply the criteria of performance. They are
Standards are certain
points in the the selected points in an entire planning programme at which performance is
planning programme measured so that managers can receive signals about how things are going
at which the and thus do not have to watch every step in the execution of plans. Standard
satisfactoriness of
ongoing work can be
elements form precisely worded, measurable objectives and is specially
checked. important for control.
In an industrial enterprise, standards could include sales and production
targets, work attendance goals, safety records etc. In service industries, on
the other hand, standards might include the amount of time customers have
to wait in the queue at a bank, or the number of new clients attracted by a
revamped advertising campaign.
2. Measuring the performance: The measurement of performance against
standards should be done on a forward-looking basis so that deviations may
be detected in advance of their occurrence and avoided by appropriate
If standards are appropriately drawn and if means are available for
determining exactly what subordinates are doing, appraisal of actual or
Although most of
the performance can expected performance is fairly easy. But there are many activities for which
be checked against it is difficult to develop accurate standards, and there are many activities
the preset standards, that are hard to measure. It may be quite simple, for example, to establish
there is still some
areas that cannot be labour-hour standards for the production of a mass-produced item and it
standardised. may be equally simple to measure performance against these standards, but
in the less technical kinds of work, for example, controlling the work of the
industrial relations manager is not easy because definite standards can not
be easily developed. The superior of this type of managers often relies on
vague standards, such as the attitude of labour unions, the enthusiasm and
loyalty of subordinates, the index of labour turn-over and/or industrial
disputes etc. In such cases, the superior's measurements are often equally
3. Determining whether performance matches the standard: It is an easy
Performance and
but important step in the control process. It involves comparing measured
standards need to be results with the standards already set. If performance matches the standard,
matched from time managers may assume that "everything is under control". In such a case the
to time. managers do not have to intervene in the organisation’s operations.
4. Taking corrective action: This step becomes essential if performance falls
If performance falls short of standards and the analysis indicates that corrective action is
short of standards required. The corrective action could involve a change in one or more
corrective action
becomes essential.
activities of the organisation’s operations. For example, the branch manager
of a bank might discover that more counter clerks are needed to meet the
five-minute customer-waiting standard set earlier. Control can also reveal
inappropriate standards and in that case, the corrective action could involve
a change in the original standards rather than a change in performance.
It needs to be mentioned that, unless managers see the control process
through to its conclusion, they are merely monitoring performance rather

Unit-12 Page-238
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than exercising control. The emphasis should always be on devising

constructive ways to bring performance up to standard rather than on merely
identifying past failures.1

Importance of Controlling in Management

Planning without controlling is useless. Undoubtedly, controlling also helps
managers monitor environmental changes and the effects of these changes on the
organisations’ progress. The gravity of control in management may be
ascertained from the following discussion:
(1) Coping with changes: Each and every modern organisation has to cope with Controlling allows
changes in the environment. New products and technologies emerge, managers to adjust
government regulations are two often amended or enacted, competitors organisational
activities with
change their strategies. The control function helps managers to respond to environmental
these environmental changes as and when necessary. changes.

(2) Creating better quality: Modern industries follow total quality management
(TQM) which has led to dramatic improvements in controlling. Under it, Controlling helps
process flaws are spotted, and the process is purged of mistakes. detect and correct
defects in the
Employees are empowered to inspect and improve their own work and this process of executing
also helps change their attitudes and approaches to achieving effective a plan, and improve
control. There are innumerable examples in which the TQM program had quality of
performance and
helped restore quality, decrease cost and increase production of giant results.
organisations that confronted threats of shutdowns owing to low quality,
high cost and declining productivity.
(3) Creating faster cycles: Control helps speed up the cycles involved in
creating and then delivering new products and services to customers. Speed
is essential in complying with customers' orders. But modern marketing Customisation of
products and
managers must remember that today's customers expect not only speed but services can be
also customised products and services. It is clear that the most successful speeded up by
companies try to personalise things and tailor them to individual needs. control.
They most successfully target narrow customer niches with specific
(4) Adding value: An organisation that strives to survive through competition Higher added value
should be able to "add value" to products or services so that customers can be ensured by a
prefer them to those offered by the organisation’s rivals. Very often this severe control
added value takes the form of above-average quality achieved through
exacting control procedures.
(5) Facilitating delegation and teamwork: Modern participative management Under participative
has changed the nature of the control process. Under the traditional system, management the
control process helps
the manager would specify both the standards for performance and the managers monitor
methods for achieving them. Under a new, participative system, managers work progress
communicate the standards, but then let employees, either as individuals or without interrupting
the employees’
as teams, use their own creativity to decide how to solve certain work creativity.
problems. The control process, then, lets the manager monitor the
employees' progress without hampering employees' creativity or
involvement with the work.2

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. What is controlling? Discuss the steps involved in the control process.

2. State the importance of controlling in management.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The basic control process involves
(a) three steps.
(b) four steps.
(c) five steps.
(d) six steps.

2. Corrective action could involve a change in

(a) only one activity of the organisation.
(b) one or more activities of the organisation’s operations.
(c) motivation.
(d) planning activities.

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Lesson 2 : Designing Control System, Control as a

Feedback System, Feedforward Control,
Techniques of Future-Directed Control

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this unit, you will be able to:
• design an effective control system;
• describe control as a feed-back system;
• explain the necessity of feedforward control;
• identify the techniques of future-directed control.

Designing Control Systems

In order to design an effective control system the manager should know what Control points need
to be carefully and
needs to be controlled and how often progress needs to be measured. Trying to sparingly selected.
control too many elements of operation too strictly can annoy and demoralise
employees, waste valuable time, money, and energy, and frustrate managers.
Many of these problems can be avoided by:
(1) Identifying key result areas (KRAs) or key performance areas: They
are those aspects of the unit or organisation that must function effectively Only those areas of
the organisation
for the entire unit or organisation to succeed. These areas usually involve need to be selected
major organisational activities or groups of related activities that occur for control that can
throughout the unit or organisation. Some of the key performance areas are affect the entire
shown in exhibit 10.2 below:

Figure 12.2

Production Marketing Personnel Finance and

Management Accounting
Quality Sales volume Labour relations Capital
Quantity Sales expense Labour turnover Inventories
Cost Advertising Labour absenteeism Flow of capital
Individual job Individual sales- Liquidity
performance person's
Standards Used in Functional Areas to Gauge Performance
Source.: Stoner, F.,and Gilbert, "Management", Sixth Edition, p.559.

These key result areas help define detailed control systems and standards
and are cross-functional.
(2) Identifying strategic control points (SCPs): It is needed to determine the
critical points in the system where monitoring or information collecting
should occur. Once such SCPs can be located, the amount of information

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that has to be gathered and evaluated can be reduced significantly.

Representative The most effective method of selecting SCPs is to focus on the most
activities should be significant elements in a given operation. Usually only a small percentage
chosen as SCPs.
of the objects, events, individuals or activities in a given operation will
account for a high proportion of the problems or expenses that managers
will have to meet. For example, 2 percent of customers may buy 80% of
the products of a company; 5 percent of a manufacturer's products may
well yield 50 percent of its revenue, and 1 percent of an industry's
employees may account for 90 percent of its employee grievances.
(3) Determining Critical Point Standards (CPS): Every goal, every
objective, and every procedure becomes a standard against which actual or
expected performance might be measured. In practice, however, standards
may be of the following types:
(a) Physical standards: Physical standards may reflect quantities such as
units of production per machine hour, yards of wire per mound of
Goals, objectives
and procedures serve copper, or labour-hours per unit of output. Physical standards may also
to set CPS. reflect quality, such as durability of a fabric, fastness of a colour, or
softness of a cushion.
(b) Revenue standards: They usually arise from attaching monetary
values to sales and may include such standards as revenue per unit
sold, sales per capita in a given market, or average sale-proceed per
(c) Cost standards: These standards are monetary measurements and
attach monetary values to specific aspects of operations. Illustrative of
cost standards may be labour cost per hour or per unit, machine-hour
cost, material cost per unit, or selling cost per unit or taka of sales.
(d) Capital standards: The most widely used capital standard is "return
on investment." Some other capital standards may be the ratios of -
fixed investment to total investment, debt to net worth, or current
assets to current liabilities.
Intangible standards
of control, such as (e) Intangible standards: Some standards are difficult to be expressed in
control over either physical or monetary measurement. Questions — such as
relationships, are whether the office staff are dutiful or supervisors loyal to the
often difficult to set company's objectives — clearly show the extent of difficulty in
by qualitative or establishing absolute standards for quantitative or qualitative
measurement. They
measurement. In fact, where human relationships count in
are to be determined performance, as they do above the basic operating levels, it is very
by trial and error or hard to establish standards. Thus many managerial controls over
by informal means. interpersonal relationships continue to be based on intangible
standards, trial and error and informal gatherings.
(f) Goals as standards: In complex program operations, as well as in the
performance of managers themselves, modern managers find that it is
possible to define goals that can be used as performance standards
through research and thinking.3

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Control as a Feedback System

Most managers exercise control through information feedback, which shows Though feedback
information helps
deviations from standards and initiates changes. In other words, feedback find out the extent of
information helps compare performance with a standard and to initiate corrective departure of the
action. In controlling, managers do measure actual performance, compare this performance from
the standard,
measurement against standards, and identify and analyse deviations. But then, for separate
making necessary corrections, they must develop a program for corrective action programmes are
and implement this program in order to arrive at the performance desired. required to correct
the departure.
Feedforward Control
It is now increasingly recognised that control must be directed towards the future
Feedforward control
in order to be effective. Knowing about deviations long after they occur is allows the manager
useless. What managers need for effective control is a system that will tell them to anticipate and
well in time for corrective action and that problems will occur if they do not do take measures
something about them now. Feedback from the output of a system is not good against problems
that might occur in
enough for control. It is little more than a post-mortem, and no manager can ever the future.
change the past.4

Requirements For Feedforward Control

In short, the requirements for a workable feedforward control system are:
1. Making a thorough and careful analysis of the planning and control systems.
2. Developing a model of the system.
3. Reviewing the model regularly to see whether the input variables identified
and their inter-relationships continue to represent realities.
4. Collecting data on input variables regularly, and putting them into the
5. Assessing regularly the variations of actual input data from planned-for
inputs, and evaluating the impact on the expected end result.
6. Taking action to solve problems.5

Techniques of Future-Directed Control

The most common technique some managers resort to is the use of forecasts Future-directed
based on the latest available information. By comparing what is desired with the control depends on
forecasts, managers can introduce program changes that will make the forecasts • forecasts on
more promising. available
Another technique is to plan carefully in advance the availability of cash information;
to meet requirements. Managers would hardly find it wise, for example, to wait • planning cash well
in advance;
for a report at the end of December to determine whether they had enough cash
in the bank to cover checks issued in November. • ascertaining
potential problem
Yet, another technique is network planning, exemplified by PERT areas.
(Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) networks (see lesson-3 of this
unit) which enable managers to see that they will have problems in such areas as
cost or on-time delivery unless they take action now.6

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. How can an effective control system be designed? Discuss.

2. Should control be treated as a feedback system? Do you think that control
should be feedforward rather than feedback in order to be effective?
3. Explain the requirements for feedforward control. What are the techniques
of future- directed control?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Through research and thinking it is possible to define goals to be used as:
(a) organisational objectives.
(b) a guide to planning.
(c) performance standards.
(d) a leadership guide.

2. No manager can find a way to change:

(a) the past.
(b) the standard.
(c) the future.
(d) the plan.

3. In order to be effective, control must be directed towards:

(a) the future.
(b) the present.
(c) the past.
(d) both past and present.

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Lesson 3 : Making Control Effective, Control Techniques-

Budgetary and Non-Budgetary Control Devices

Lesson Objectives
Upon completing this lesson you will be able to:
• understand how to make control effective,
• describe the control techniques-both budgetary and non-budgetary,
• elaborate the types of budgets and the advantages and disadvantages of
• discuss how to make budgetary control effective and
• describe the various non-budgetary control devices

Making Control Effective/Requirement for Effective Control

Managers can do a great deal to improve the effectiveness of their control
systems. The nine most important steps that managers can take are discussed

1. Matching controls to plans and position: Control techniques should

reflect the plans they are designed to follow. Managers need the information
Techniques of
that will tell them how the plans for which they are responsible are control need to be
progressing. Controls should also be tailored to positions i.e. they may differ changed and
in between positions. adjusted to
circumstances at a
Some control techniques, such as those involving standard hours and costs, given stage and time.
budgets, and various financial ratios, have general application in various
However, none of these techniques are completely applicable in any given
situation. Managers should, therefore, be aware of the critical factors in their
plans requiring control, and they must use techniques and information suited
to them. Controls should also reflect the place in the organisation wherein
responsibility for action lies, thereby enabling managers to correct
deviations from plans.

2. Ensuring flexibility to control: Flexibility is another essential

characteristic of an effective control system. This means that the control
system itself must be flexible enough to accommodate change. In other
words, controls should remain workable in the face of changed plans, The control system
is to be flexible so as
unforeseen circumstances, or outright failures. to accommodate
The illustration may be of an organisation whose diverse product lines changed
require 101 different raw materials. The company's inventory control system
must be able to manage and monitor the current levels of inventory for all
the 101 materials. When a change in the product line changes the number of
raw materials needed, or when the required quantities of any of the existing
materials change, the control system should be able to accommodate the
revised requirements.

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Another example of flexibility in control may be found in the computerised

admission registration system of Bangladesh Open University (BOU).
When a course's enrolment reaches a specified upper limit, no additional
students are allowed in. Yet the seniors and probably other students with
certain problems may simply have to take the course and they will be
accommodated in its flexible computerised admission registration system.

3. Ensuring accuracy: Control systems must also be accurate. Managerial

The control system decisions based on inaccurate information may prove costly and harmful. If,
should be designed for example, sales estimates are artificially high, a manager might either cut
on accurate advertising on the assumption that it is no longer needed or increase
advertising to enhance sale. In either case the action may not be appropriate.
Similarly, a manager, unaware of the hidden production cost, may quote a
sales price much lower than is desirable. The accuracy of control systems
goes a long way in preventing such damaging upshots.
4. Seeking objectivity of controls: As far as possible, the information
The control system
should be able to
provided by the control system should be objective. If, on the other hand,
provide objective controls are subjective, a manager's or an executive's personality may
information. influence judgements of performance and make them less accurate. Thus,
the control system should ideally provide objective information to the
manger for evaluation and action.
5. Achieving economy of controls: A limiting factor of control systems is
An efficient control their cost. So in order to be effective, controls must be worth their cost.
system can bring
real or probable Although it sounds simple, it is very difficult to accomplish. If tailored to
departures from the job and to the size of the enterprise, control will probably be
plans to attention. economical. To be precise, control techniques and approaches can be called
efficient when they bring to light actual or potential deviations from plans
with the minimum of cost.7
6. Tailoring control to individual managers: Control systems and
Control systems and
information should information are, of course, intended to help individual managers carry out
be useful to their function of control. If they are not of a type that a manager can or will
managers in their understand, they will not be useful. What managers cannot understand they
given situations.
will not trust. And what they do not trust they will not use.
7. Pointing up exceptions: One of the best ways to make control effective is
An effective control to make sure that it is designed to point up exceptions. In fact, controls that
system can concentrate on exceptions from planned performance allow managers to
exceptions. benefit from the time-honoured exception principle and detect those areas
that require their attention.
8. Fitting the system of control to the organisational culture: An effective
An effective control control system must fits in with organisational culture. For example, if
system is
commensurate with
employees have been managed without allowing them any participation in
organisational decision making, the sudden introduction of a permissive control system
culture. will hardly succeed. On the other hand, in an organisation where people
have been allowed participation and freedom, tight control system may fail
to produce positive results.

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9. Ensuring corrective action through control: An effective control system

In case of failures,
will disclose where failures are occurring and who is/are responsible for control systems
them, and it will ensure that some corrective action is taken. Control is should be able to
justified only if deviations from plans are corrected by an appropriate expose them , hold
the responsible
authority. As a matter of fact, taking the proper corrective action persons to account
necessitates sufficient authority to accomplish this task. and take corrective
Control Techniques
Managers use a large number of tools and techniques for effective controlling.
Therefore we need to discuss specific techniques for managing the control
process. First we’ll discuss budgetary control. And then we shall deal with other
control techniques and methods.

* Budgetary Control:
Budgeting is the formulation of plans for a given future period in numerical
terms. Organisations may establish budgets for units, departments, Through budgets
divisions, or the whole organisation. The usual time period for a budget is managers can co-
ordinate resources, set
one year and is generally expressed in financial terms. standards for all
Budgets are the foundation of most control systems.8 They provide control systems,
provide transparent
yardsticks for measuring performance and facilitate comparisons across guidelines for action
divisions, between levels in the organisation, and from one time period to and ease performance
another. evaluation.

Budgets usually serve four control purposes: (i) they help managers co-
ordinate resources; (ii) they help define the standards needed in all control
systems; (iii) they provide clear and unambiguous guidelines about the
organisation’s resources and expectations and (iv) they facilitate
performance evaluations of managers and units.

Types of Budgets: Most organisations use a number of different kinds of

budgets - (i) financial; (ii) operating; and (iii) non-monetary'.
1. Financial budgets: Such budgets detail where the organisation expects to Financial budgets
get its cash for the coming time period and how it plans to spend it. Usual are concerned with
sources of cash include sales revenue, the sales of assets, the issuance of planning future
earnings and their
stock, and loans. On the other hand, the common uses of cash are to expenditure.
purchase new assets, pay expenses, repay debts, or pay dividends to
shareholders. Financial budgets may be of the following types:

(a) Cash budget: This is simply a forecast of cash receipts and

disbursements against which actual cash "experience" is measured. It
provides an important control in an enterprise since it breaks down A cash budget helps
control by providing
incoming and outgoing cash into monthly, weekly, or even daily information about
periods so that the organisation can make sure it is able to meet its the organisation’s
current obligations. Cash budget also shows the availability of excess cash status at a
cash, thereby making it possible to plan for profit-making investment particular time.
of surpluses.10

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(b) Capital expenditure budget: This type of financial budget concentrates

A capital on major assets such as a new plant, land or machinery. Organisations
expenditure budget often acquire such assets by borrowing significant amounts through,
focuses on acquiring
say, long-term bonds or securities. All organisations, large or small,
business or non-business, pay close attention to such budget because of
the large investment usually associated with capital expenditure.11

(c) The balance sheet budget: It forecasts what the organisation’s balance
ensures overall sheet will look like if all other budgets are met. Hence it serves the
purpose of an overall control to ensure that other budgets mesh
properly and yield results that are in the best interests of the

2. Operating budgets: This type of budget is an expression of the

organisation's planned operations for a particular period. They are usually of
the following types:

Operating budgets (a) The sales or revenue budget: It focuses on income the organisation
are an expression of expects to receive from normal operations. It is important since it helps
the organisation’s the manager understand what the future financial position of the
periodic activities.
organisation will be.

(b) The expense budget: It outlines the anticipated expenses of the

organisation in an specified time period. It also points out upcoming
expenses so that the manager can better prepare for them.

(c) The project budget: It focuses on anticipated differences between sales

or revenues and expenses, i.e. profit. If the anticipated profit figure is
too small, steps may be needed to increase the sales budget or cut the
expense budget.

3. Non-monetary budgets: Budgets of this type are expressed in non-financial

terms. They may include hours of direct labour, units of output, or machine
hours. Such budgets are generally used by supervisors in controlling
workers in the main.

• Fixed and variable budgets

Regardless of their purpose, most budgets must account for the three following
kinds of costs:

(a) Fixed costs: They are the expenses which the organisation incurs
Although fixed-cost whether it is in operation or not. Salaries of managers may be an
and variable-cost
budgets are more or example of such cost.
less easy to deal
with, semi-variable- (b) Variable costs: Such costs vary according to the scope of operations.
cost budgets can be The best example may be the raw materials used in production. If Tk. 5
worth of material is used per unit, 10 units would cost Tk. 50, 20 units
would cost Tk. 100 and so on.

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(c) Semi-variable costs: They also vary, but in less direct fashion. Costs for
advertising, repairs and maintenance, etc. may fall under this category.

All these categories of cost must be accurately accounted for in developing a

budget. Fixed costs are usually the easiest to deal with. Variable costs can also be
forecast, although with less precision from projected operations. Semi-variable
costs are the most difficult to predict because they are likely to vary, but not in
direct relation to operations. For these costs, the manager must often rely on
experience and judgement.

Zero-base budgeting (ZBB): ZBB is quite simple. The idea behind is to

divide organisation programs into "Packages" and then to calculate costs for each
package from the ground up (Zero). By starting the budget of each package from
base zero, budgeters calculate costs afresh for each budget period rather than
merely the adjustments to an existing conventional budget. ZBBs divide the
Under ZBB the decision packages, as said earlier, are ranked in order of budgets into
importance. Then funds are allocated to each decision package according to its packages and
calculate cost from
relative rank. The higher the rank, the greater the probability of full funding; the base zero for each
lower the rank, the more likely the activity is to be partially funded, or be separate package.
dropped. Decision packages
are prioritised in
The principal advantage of this technique is, of course, the fact that it forces order of their
managers to plan each program package afresh. As managers do so, they review importance.
established programs and their costs in their entirety along with newer programs
and their costs.12
Advantages and disadvantages of budgeting: As a matter of fact, budgets
offer a number of advantages. They have potential drawbacks as well. Both are
summarised below (see table: 12.1).

Table: 12.3

Strengths and Weaknesses of Budgeting

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Budgets facilitate effective control. 1. Budgets may be used too rigidly.

2. Budgets facilitate co-ordination and 2. Budgets may be time-consuming.
3. Budgets facilitate record keeping. 3. Budgets may limit innovation and
4. Budgets are a natural complement to

As shown in the table above, budgets facilitate effective control. By

placing financial values on operations, managers can monitor operations
effectively and pinpoint problem areas. Second, budgets facilitate communication
and co-ordination between departments. Budgets also help maintain records of
organisational performance. Finally, budgets are a natural complement to

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planning. As managers first plan and then develop control systems, budgets are
often a natural next step.13
On the minus side, some managers apply budgets too rigidly. They fail to
understand that budget adjustments are necessary to meet the challenges of
changing circumstances. Also, the art of developing budgets can most often be
time-consuming. Moreover, budgets may limit innovation and change. When all
available funds are allocated to specific operating budgets, it may be impossible
to get additional funds to take advantage of an unexpected opportunity.14
In fact budgets are an important element of an organisation’s control
system. It is difficult to imagine an organisation functioning without proper
budgetary provisions. Despite some drawbacks, budgets generally provide
managers with an effective tool for executing the control function.15

Making budgetary control cffective

Budgetary control can be made effective if an organisation can ensure the
• Effective budgetary following:
control depends on (1) Setting appropriate standard: This is a key to successful budgeting. Many
• appropriate budgets fail for lack of such standards, and some upper-level managers
hesitate to allow subordinates to submit budget plans for fear that they may
• support of top
management; have no logical basis for reviewing budget requests.
• participation of (2) Ensuring top-management support: Budget making and administration
lower level must receive the whole-hearted support of top management. If top
managers in making
budgets and
management supports budget making, requires departments and divisions to
allowing them some make and defend their budgets, and participate in this review, then budgets
freedom to change encourage alert management throughout the organisation.
(3) Participation by users in budget preparation: Besides the support of top
• accurate information
about performance management, the concerned managers at lower levels should also participate
under the budgetary in its preparation. Real participation in budget preparation is necessary to
provisions. ensure success. It may also prove worthwhile to give department managers a
reasonable degree of latitude in changing their budgets and in shifting funds,
as long as they meet their total budgets.
(4) Providing information to managers about performance under budget:
If budgetary control is to work well, managers need ready information about
actual and forecast performance under budgets by their departments. Such
information must be so designed as to show them how well they are doing.

*Non-budgetary Control Devices

The following are some control devices which are not related to budget.
1. Operational audit/internal audit: It is the regular and independent
Operational/ internal
audit reports the appraisal of the accounting, financial, and other operations of an enterprise
actual state of by a staff of internal auditors. In its most usual form operational auditing
accounts. includes auditing of accounts, appraisal of operations in general and
weighing actual results against planned results. Operational auditors, thus,
assure that accounts really reflect the fact, appraise procedures, policies,
quality of management, effectiveness of methods and other phases of

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Milestone budgeting
2. Milestone budgeting: Used by an increasing number of companies in divides a project into
recent years in controlling engineering and development, milestone segments and then
budgeting breaks a project down into controllable pieces and then carefully monitors each
follows them. In this approach to control, "milestones" are defined as segment closely.
identifiable segments. When a given segment is accomplished, its cost or
other results can be determined.

3. Programme evaluation and review technique (PERT)

PERT is a time-event network analysis system in which various events in a
programme or project are identified with a planned time established for each.
These events are placed in a network showing the relationship of each event to
the other events.
Figure 12.416 shows a PERT flow chart for the major assembly of an aeroplane. In PERT analysis,
This example illustrates the basic nature of PERT. Each circle of the chart time cannot be
accurately estimated.
represents an event- a supporting plan whose completion can be measured at a
given time. The circles are numbered in the order in which the events occur. Each
arrow represents an activity - the time-consuming element of a program, the
effort that must be made between events. "Activity time", represented by the
numbers beside the arrows, is the elapsed time required to accomplish an event.
Figure 12.4

2 9
Critical path
17.3 4 8 10.0
Critical path
10.3 40.0 8.0
1 3 7 10 13
6 11



Source.: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth Edition, pp.613.

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It is to be remembered that an accurate estimate of time is difficult. When several

estimates are made, they are usually averaged, with special weight given to the
most likely estimate; a single estimate is then used for calculations.
The next step is to compute the Critical Path, that is, the sequence of
events which takes the longest time and which has zero (or the least) slack time.
In Figure 10.3, the critical path comprises events 1-3-4-8-9-13. Over this path,
the activity time for this sequence of events is 131.6 weeks. If promised delivery
is in 135 weeks, even this critical path will have been completed 3.4 weeks ahead
of time. Some of the other paths are almost as long as the critical path. For
example, the path 1-2-9-13 is 129.4 weeks. This is not unusual in PERT charts,
and it is customary to identify several critical paths in order of importance.
Although the critical path has a way of changing as key events are delayed in
other parts of the program, identifying it at the start makes possible the close
monitoring of this particular sequence of events to ensure that the total program
is on schedule. A PERT analysis, involving large numbers of events, is usually
handled with computers.

Advantages of PERT
1. PERT compels managers to plan, which helps them see how the pieces fit
2. Each subordinate manager has to plan the events for which he or she is
3. It concentrates on critical elements that may need correction.
4. It makes possible a kind of forward-looking control.
5. The network system with its subsystems enables managers to aim reports and
pressure for action at the right spot and level in the organisation structure at
the right time.
1. Because of its emphasis on "activity-time" to its operation, PERT is not
PERT for us useful when no reasonable estimates of time schedule can be made.
planning and is less
expensive. 2. Another disadvantage has been its emphasis on time only but not on costs.

PERT is useful, but not a cure-all. However, it does not do the planning, although
it forces planning. It does not make control automatic, although it establishes an
environment when sound control principles can be appreciated and used. And it
A management apparently involves rather less expense than one might expect.17
control system
facilitates 4. Management Information (and Control) System: This system has to be
management with tailored to specific needs and may include routine information. The guidelines for
commanding control
over all information designing a management information system are similar to those for designing
regarding both systems and procedures and other control systems.
internal and external
environment as well
The use of the computer can help a lot in this system by processing data towards
as other managerial logical conclusions, classifying them, and making them readily available for the
operations. manager's use in controlling. In fact, data do not become information until they
are processed into a useable form that informs.18 Managers need both accounting

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and non-accounting information about both external and internal environment.

The information should be qualitative as well as quantitative. The computer, plus
operations research, has led to an enormous expansion of available managerial
information regarding production and distribution, labour productivity, product
cost etc.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. How can control be made effective?

2. What is budgetary control? Discuss different types of budgets that can be
used as control devices.
3. What do you mean by Zero Base Budgeting? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of budgeting.
4. What are fixed and variable budgets? How can budgetary control be made
5. Describe the non-budgetary control devices, specially PERT with its
advantages and disadvantages.
6. Briefly discuss PERT and MIS as non-budgetary control devices.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Control system itself should be flexible enough to:
(a) increase profit.
(b) improve productivity.
(c) change plan.
(d) accommodate change.
2. In order to be effective, controls must be:
(a) costly.
(b) worth their cost.
(c) productive.
(d) autocratic.
3. Control is justified only if deviations from plans:
(a) are corrected by an appropriate authority.
(b) do not occur at all.
(c) can be ignored.
(d) are well taken care of.
4. In budgeting "Milestones" are defined as:
(a) control units.
(b) standard pieces.
(c) roadside mile marks.
(d) identifiable segments.

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1. Interview two managers about the controls used in their companies. Also
ask them to identify standards against which performance can be accurately

CASE 12-1
Apple Computer, Inc., enjoyed a phenomenal early success after it was founded
in 1977 by Steve Wozniak, the technical expert, and Steve Jobs, the marketing
However, success did not last for very long, partly because of the
introduction of the IBM Personal Computer. In the early 1980s, in the view of
some observers, Apple needed tighter control and a more professional approach
to managing. John Sculley was lured from the Pepsi-Cola Company to give
Apple a new direction.
To bring the company under control, sculey employed cost-cutting
measures to improve its profitability. At the same time, however, research and
development expenditures were increased so that the company could remain a
technological leader in the field. However, later he was accused of spending
enough on research and development and too much on advertising. The firm was
also reorganized to reduce duplication of efforts, to lower the break-even point,
and to reduce friction among the departments. To improve its effectiveness and
efficiency, Apple introduced new reporting procedures. Furthermore,
considerable efforts were made to control the inventry level, which is a serious
problem in the personal computer industry. These measures, combined with a
successful strategy (Apple's Macintosh computer is taking inroads into business
corporations that are limited by IBM) and helped by the popularity of desktop
publishing, resulted in an increase of over 150 percent in earnings in the 1986
fiscal year.

1. What is the relationship between planning and controlling?
2. What other types of plans can be used for controlling the organization?
Source: Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management - A Global Perspective", Tenth Edition,

For further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.

Unit-12 Page-254
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3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management",

A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, India, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.

James A. F. Stoner et. al., Management,( Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1997), p. 560.
Ibid., p. 562.
Ibid., p. 583.
Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective, (McGraw-
Hill, International Edition, 1994), p. 586.
Ibid., p. 591.
Ibid., p. 586.
Ibid., p. 594.
See, Robert N. Anthony and John Dearden, Management Control Systems, Fourth
Edition, (Homewood, Jl. Irwin, 1980).
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 601.
Griffin, op. cit., p-545.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 606.
See V. Bruce Irvine, "Budgeting: Functional Analysis and Behavioral Implications",
in Cost and Management, March-April, 1970, pp. 6-16.
See Henry L. Tosi, Jr., "The Human Effects of Budgeting Systems on Management",
in MSU Business Topics, Autumn 1974, pp. 53-63.
Griffin, op. cit., p. 549.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 613.
Ibid., p. 618.
Ibid., p. 618.

Principles of Management Page-255

Comparative Management
And Management In Some
Selected Countries 13

Unit Highlights
‰ Comparative Management: Definition and Nature, Importance of
Understanding Comparative Management, Comparative Management
‰ Management in Japan: Japan and the Japanese - Gradual Evaluation of
the Management System in Japan, Organisation Structure and
Management of Corporations in Japan, Special Features of Japanese
Management , Lessons for Bangladesh
‰ Management System of Germany: Germany and Co-determination,
Gradual Evaluation of Co-determination, Limitations of Co-
determination, Lessons for Bangladesh
‰ Management in Bangladesh: Bangladesh and its Management System,
Features of Management in Bangladesh, Management Structure of
Industries in Bangladesh, Future Prospects of Management in
School of Business

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Unit-13 : Comparative Management and Management

in Some Selected Countries
Lesson 1: Comparative Management

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

• understand the meaning of comparative management

• discuss the nature of comparative management
• analyse the importance of understanding comparative management
• explain the models of comparative management with the help of diagram

Definition of Comparative Management

The large-scale emergence of multinational enterprises in the modern world has
given rise to a relatively new field of study known as comparative management. Comparative
R. N. Farmer defines it as the study and analysis of management in different management is the
environments and the reasons that enterprises show different results in various study and analysis
of management in
countries.1 Comparative management may also be defined as identifying, different
measuring, and interpreting similarities and differences among managers' environments
behaviour, techniques, and practices in various countries.2 In fact, comparative
management seeks to solve the problems faced by a multinational company
which operates in a foreign environment for reasons such as:
(i) to gain a share in a foreign market
(ii) to take advantage of economies of scale
(iii) to capitalize on savings gained through fluctuations in the foreign exchange
(iv) to avoid trade restrictions
(v) to take advantage of low cost government loans that encourage foreign

Nature of Comparative Management

The concern for economic growth world over, has made it an important agenda
for the social scientists to look for the underlying causes of that growth.3 They
are also eager to know why do productivity increases differ in various countries?
or why does one country have a higher per capita national income than another?
Economic development through productivity increase is naturally the
primary concern of world leaders and development economists. Even upto the
70's of the last century, the necessities of economic development were thought to
be the transfer of technology, education, and capital. But now it is being
recognized that advanced managerial know-how is much more important than
these are, for economic growth and improved productivity.4

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Even if it is recognized that pure technical knowledge is necessary for

Technical productivity improvement, such knowledge is fairly easy to transfer between
knowledge is fairly countries. Most advances in technology are neither as complex nor as well
easy to transfer guarded, and so their transfer is not likely to be difficult, particularly when one
between countries
realizes that in any country only a few people need to have this knowledge to
make it available for use.5
Also other factors like the level of education, knowledge of skills,
availability of capital, fiscal policy, etc. may have important impact upon
productivity and economic development but improved management can do much
to remove hindrances by designing a managerial approach or technique to take
them into account. However, in designing a suitable approach or technique of
In designing a management, lessons from other countries are often useful. Most scholars, in
suitable approach or these days, regard the issue of comparative management as one of transferring
technique of
management lessons
American, and perhaps German and Japanese management knowledge and
from other countires practice to less developed and developing countries. What is needed for
are useful. economic progress and improved productivity is a way of co-ordinating human
resources for achievement of the mission of the enterprise. This demands sound
management theory and practice, irrespective of their national origin.6 Thus
while there is still the search for economic solutions to development, the need for
managerial know-how becomes evident.
The fundamental functions of management such as planning, organizing,
The fundamental
functions of
actuating and controlling are basically the same throughout the world. But
management are however, what is to be achieved and the means followed can and do differ among
basically the same countries. They differ because of managers' beliefs, attitudes, experiences,
but the goals and the customs, and values. These, in turn, are shaped by the general environment
means followed within which the manager operates.
differ among
countries Comparative management, therefore, includes analyzing and comparing
each fundamental managerial function with each environmental determinant of
the foreign country. The interaction between the environment and the
management process conditions the behaviour and the relationship of the
manager to work and to subordinates.
The skill and Both management knowledge and skill have similarities and differences.
knowledge to
manage can vary Having the knowledge to mange is always important, and this can vary in both
among various scope and depth among various countries. The same is true for management skill,
countries or the applying of the knowledge.

The relative The figure shows specific environmental factors classified by economic,
influence of each social, technological, and legal related to several managerial activites. For
factor varies in example, objective setting is conditioned economically by basic needs and fiscal
significance in each requirements, and legally by government regulations. The relative influences of
country each environmental factor varies in significance in each country.

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Figure 13-1
Selected Objective setting Planning Organizing Actuating Controlling
Economic ...... Basic needs; Inflation Individual or Participation; Monetary
fiscal problems; resource group-oriented; fringe regulations;
requirements availability; basic labor benefits; quotas
policies specialization wages
Social ............ Religious Population size View toward Work ethic; Importance of
influence; view and growth; cooperation; strength of achievement;
toward importance of time attitude toward family ties; extent of
contributions to authority; mobility of belief in
culture interpersonal individual efficiency
Technological .. Literacy level Selection of Availability of Willingness to Attitude
means; attitude technicians change; toward
toward scientific machines and
unemployment; orientation; research
size of demand technical
Legal ........ Regulation by Choice of means; Political Bribe Reports
government centralized by influence; legal tolerance; required by
government; actions toward taxes government;
political stability organizations import-export

Selected Environmental Factors and Their Effect on Managerial Activities

Importance of Understanding Comparative Management

Understanding management in an international context is desirable for a number
of reasons:
(a) As increasing number of managers go abroad for overseas assignments, they
are faced with the problems of motivating and communicating with the
foreign workforce. Understanding and being responsive to local conditions
help managers to achieve personal and organisational goals.
(b) Getting to know how managers in foreign countries perform their tasks comparative
management is
expedites continued trade and co-operation. desirable for several
(c) Observing how different cultures solve similar problems provides the reasons
multinational with innovative problem solving techniques, which lead to
improved management.
(d) The ability to see worthwhile differences and to observe how to act in
varying situations is made available.
(e) Awareness of potential conflict between the multinational company and the
host country makes for a mutually beneficial relationship. For example, the
multinational might have a higher percentage of national for managerial
positions or permit more local autonomy as a way of smoothing labour

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Comparative Management Models

Farmer and Richman Model of Comparative Management
Professors Richard N. Farmer and Barry M. Richman were the two pioneers in
Environments comparative management. They emphasised that environments external to the
external to the firm firm do affect management practices.8 They were the first to identify the critical
do affect
management elements in the management process and to evaluate their operation in firms in
practices. different cultures. They also described the environmental factors they considered
to have a significant impact on the management process and managerial
execllence. These factors, viewed as constraints, are classified as -
(a) educational variables
(b) socio-cultural and ethical variables
(c) legal and political variables
(d) economic variables.

How these environmental factors abbreviated as Ed, Sc, Lp and Ec in

table may influence the managerial functions abbreviated as Pl, Or, St, Le, Co
and enterprise functions abbreviated as En, Pr, Ma, Fi, is illustrated by the arrows
Exellence in in figure 13.2
management is
indispensable for It thus appears that enterprises may, for a time, succeed entirely through
continued success
nonmanagerial factors but excellence in management will ultimately make the
difference between continued success and decline.

Modified Koontz Model For Analysing Comparative Management

Both managerial This model encompasses two broad categories of enterprise activities ⎯
and non-managerial managerial and non-managerial. Either or both can be the causal factors - at least
activities affect to some degree - for enterprise excellence. Also, nonmanagerial activities will be
excellence and are
affected by the relevant underlying science or knowledge, just as managerial
being affected by activities will be affected by the underlying management science. Both types of
the availability of activities will be affected by the availability of human and material resources and
resources and by the constraints and influences of the external environment, whether these are
environment. educational, political and legal, economic, technological, sociocultural or
Koontz has shown the factors affecting enterprise excellence and the role
of the underlying science through a model which appears on page 8.

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Figure 13.2

Environmental factors
Functions and Educational Sociocultural-ethical Legal-political Economic (Ec)
activities (Ed) (Sc) (Lp)
Managerial functions

Planning (Pl) Ed → Pl Japan: Consultation in France: Ec → Pl

(Objectives, strategies, decision making; upward Planning within
policies, programs, flow of decisions guidelines by
procedures, decision government (Le
making) Plan)
Organizing (Or) Ed → Or Japan: authority often Germany: Ec → Or
(Structure, roles, based on seniority; codetermination;
grouping of activities, respect for age worker
authority and representation on
responsibility, supervisory
coordination) board and
Staffing (St) (Work- Japan: Japan: Lifelong Germany: Labor Ec → St
force requirements, Education employment participates in
selection, appraisal, determines major staffing
compensation, career; good decisions in
training) schools are major firms
essential for
Leading (Le) Ed → Le Japan: Loyalty to the Lp → Le Ec → Le
(Motivation, firm
Germany: Benevolent-
communication Germany: Laws
authoritarian leadership
companies to put
on supervisory
board and
Controlling (Co) Ed → Co Japan: Participation in Lp → Co Ec → Co
quality control circles
Enterprise functions

Engineering, research, Ed → En Sc → En Lp → En Ec → En
and development (En)
Production (Pr) Ed → Pr Japan: Group Lp → Pr Japan and
information in quality Germany:
cirles Emphasis on
Marketing (Ma) Ed → Ma Sc → Ma Lp → Ma Ec → Ma
Finance (Fi) Ed → Fi Sc → Fi Lp → Fi Japan: Banks
facilitate debt

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Theory Managerial
Knowledge of Practices Excellence
general application affect Planning due to
Organizing Managerial
Staffing Factors
due to
Enterprise Controlling affect Enterprise
Function Science Excellence
Production affect
Marketing Nonmanagerial
Finance Practices Excellence
affect Engineering due to Non-
Production managerial
Marketing Factors
Human and
Material Finance


more complex thanANALYZING
the ones used COMPARATIVE
by previous MANAGEMENT
researchers in the
Koontz model,
field Harold
Source: of comparative management.
Koontz, "A Model for Analyzing the It is, however,
Universality believed
and Transferability to be farAcademy
of Management," more of
although being accurate and realistic.Management
This model, Journal (December 1969), pp. 415-429
rather than viewing factors in the environment
complex, is far more simply as "constraints" - a term that has negative connotation - considers them as
accurate and environmental factors, be either constraints or opportunities. For example, in the
realistic than the economic category of factor endowments, a country may be short on natural
ones used by
previous researchers resources but rich in capital. Likewise, some laws of country may be restrictive
in the field of for conducting business, but others may be favourable. Thus environmental
comparative restraints could become opportunities in certain situations.
Infact managers need to adopt a global perspective in leading their
enterprises. This requires an understanding of manageral practices in various
countries. The Koontz model of comparative management helps identify the
factors that contribute to managerial and organisational excellence.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. What has given rise to the development of comparative management?
2. Do you have any idea about comparative management? Of what importance
is it to managers?
3. What do you understand by comparative management? State in brief the
nature of comparative management.
4. Explain the importance of understanding comparative management. Do you
think our managers can be benefitted by studying comparative management?
5. Critically discuss the comparative management models and state why one
should study them?
6. What do you understand by multinational company? Explain the reasons for
the development of such companies.
Multiple choice questions
√ the most appropriate answer:
1. Large scale emergence of Multinational Companies has given rise to the
development of:
(a) marketing management
(b) human resource management
(c) comparative management
(d) capital resources
2. Comparative management may be defined as the:
(a) comparison of management of different enterprises
(b) comparison of management practices in different departments
(c) study and analysis of management in different environments
(d) study and analysis of management practices in the private and public
3. Awareness of potential conflict between the multinational company and the
host country:
(a) helps develop industrial relations
(b) makes for an improved human relations
(c) makes for a mutually beneficial relationship
(d) helps avoid war among nations
4. Enterprises may, for a time, succeed entirely through non-managerial factors
(a) continued success depends entirely on marketing
(b) excellence in management will ultimately make the difference between
continued success and decline
(c) ultimately they fail
(d) gradually decline and diminish
1. Contact a foreign firm operating in Bangladesh and interview two managers to know
how do the managerial practices in Bangladesh differ from those in the firm's home

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Lesson 2 : Management in Japan

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• narrate the evolution of the system of management in Japan
• describe the organization structure and management of corporation in Japan
• highlight the special features of management in Japan
• explain the lessons that we can learn from Japanese System of Management

Japan and the Japanese

It was only an Japan's economic development in the last century, specially after the World War-
undaunted II, is spectecular. In fact, the tremendous success of Japan in post-war recovery
motivation and and national reconstruction, can be compared to that of Germany only. In the
determination that
World War-II almost half of Japan's national wealth was destroyed. The whole
helped Japan to country was engulfed with famine and unemployment, besides being humiliated
reestablish itself by the disgrace of defeat and it was only an undaunted motivation and national
after World War-II. determination that could help Japan re-establish itself and regain its lost
economic strength within three decades only.

Japan is an As a matter of fact, Japan is an industrial wonder in the contemporary

industrial wonder global economy. The rate of economic progress of Japan during almost half a
century after World War-II, was unparallel among the industrialised countries of
the world. Its GNP is only second to that of the USA.

Japan's per capita In the sphere of foreign trade and balance of payment positions Japan re-
contribution in the occupied a very prestigious position within a very short time. By the end of the
GDP is the highest last century the US economy owed about 50,000 million dollars to Japan. Japan's
in the world.
GNP was also estimated to be over two thousand billion dollars in 1999, thereby
making the per capita contribution in the GDP to be the highest in the world.

Defeated, Perhaps the defeat of Japan in the war front, gave it the determination to
humiliated and win in the economic front. Most probably, the humiliation in World War II made
destroyed Japan it to work under an oath to take revenge of the defeat before the end of the 20th
worked under an
oath to take revenge
century. It is thus rightly said, "Things changed when a defeated, humiliated, and
of defeat in World almost destroyed Japan began painfully to rebuild and a humiliated Japan started
War-II. to organize itself to become a modern commercial (and industrial) nation while
remaining profoundly Japanese in its culture."10

Japanese people and The great success of Japan in its post-war recovery and development,
its management are owes a great deal to the contribution of its people, who worked being self-
recognised as motivated almost tiredlessly and ceaselessly for their own nation. A system of
unique in the
Western World.
management also emerged for making use of the contribution of the people.
Japanese people and its management are recognised as unique in the western
world. We in Bangladesh also need to study the unique system of Japanese
management for understanding the possible recovery of its crippled economy.
It is worthwhile at this stage to mention that Japan is blessed with little or
no natural resources for industrial development. Although the total land area of
Japan is almost three times as that of Bangladesh, its two-thirds are covered by

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Japanese are far too

jungle. Only twelve percent of the land is cultiviable. Population is almost as conscious of their
equal as that of Bangladesh. For almost everything it has to depend on import - dependence on
oil to the extent of 99 percent, natural gas 91 percent, coal 82 percent and lumber import for energy,
raw materials and
67 percent. This grim picture of Japan's dependence on imports, has in fact, food.
invigorated the Japanese to work more for making Japan wealthier. Thus it is
often believed that unlike the Americans, for example, the Japanese are far too
conscious of their dependence on imports for energy, raw materials and food ever
to shrug off the rest of the world or to push it out of their field of vision
The Japanese give preference to their national interests, much above their Japanese give
personal, group or sectional interests. They work hard for a prestigeous position preference to their
of Japan in the world economy. It has established itself in the markets world national interests
much above their
over. Its economic supremacy can well be understood by the fact that even the personal or group
US economy has become largely indebted to it. For the last few decades Japan interests.
has been recognised as the most formidable industrial wonder of the world.
Each and every citizen of Japan feels proud of being Japanese. They Japanese have used
always try to synchoronize their personal interests with those of national their patriotic
interests. They have used their patriotic motives into industrial endeavours. motives into
Social responsibility of businessmen has been given widespread recognition in endeavours.
Japan since Iche Shibushaoa, a Japanese businessman cum philosopher, strongly
advocated in its favour in the early 19th century. Thus, infact, the enterprises in
both the private and the public sectors are equally committed to the people of
Japan. Managers are also equally competent to serve Japan well.

Gradual Evolution of the Management System in Japan

Japan's industrial progress in the last century is largely indebted to its system of Modern industrial
management which relies heavily on patriotism and group endeovour. During the development of
period of post-war recovery, the government also played a big role. The Meiji Japan is largely
indebted to its
leaders took up the issue of industrial development as their number one agenda. system of
Initially, they emphasised upon the utilization of western technologies and management which
concepts of management in Japanese industries. Gradually, they became alert in relies heavily on
the borrowing of these concepts and technologies and ultimately put their patriotism and
group endeavour.
energies in the development of purely Japanese tradition in management.
There is no denying the fact that the Zaibatsus, the national industrialists
of Japan, did their best in the development of both industries and industrial Joint-endeavour of
management in Japan. As a matter of fact, the joint endeavour of both Govt. and the
Government and the Zaibatsus played a big role in making Japan what is now at Zaibatsus played a
big role in the
this moment. industrial
development of
The noted industrialists of Japan are almost self made. Their name and Japan.
fame owe a great deal to their untiring efforts in industrializing Japan. They
emphasised upon the employment of potential executives from among bright
graduates of "A-grade" universitities and business schools. Young graduates also
felt encouraged to join the better paid executive positions in industries instead of
Government service. Business executives have thus occupied a more prestigeous
position in the society compared to their counterparts in civil service.
Consequently, today's managers are enjoying high social position. Appointments

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Business executives
in such positions are, therefore, highly competitive. Talent hunting is also
occupy a more popular in Japan through which industrial houses try to lure away talented
prestigious position executives from other enterprises. However, the usual practice is to hire fresh
in the society graduates direct from universities and then to train them up for senior positions in
compared to their
counterparts in civil the management hierarchy.
Organisation Structure and Management of Corporations in Japan
Organisation Some sort of specialities are there in organisation structure and management of
structure and industrial enterprises of Japan. In fact they grew up in conformity with Japanese
management of social system and culture and for that the management practices in Japan are
Japanese enterprises
grew up in
quite distinct and different from those of other industrially developed countries of
conformity with the world.
Japanese social
system and culture. Most of the large industrial and commercial enterprises of Japan are
managed and controlled by corporations, whose pattern of ownership and
management are nearly similar to those of public limited companies of
Bangladesh. They have got their separate legal entity and the main responsibility
The main
of management rests with board of directors whose members are elected by
responsibility of
management of shareholders. The directors enjoy a wide latitude of autonomy in management
Japanese under the Commercial Code of Japan. The said code empowers the board to do
corporations rests the following:
with board of
directors. 1. determining policies relating to production and sale of the
2. purchasing and selling of valuable properties of the corporation,
3. performing important contracts on behalf of the corporation,
4. settling important organizational and/or personnel matters,
5. defending important litigation in favour of the corporation,
6. doing all other important jobs on behalf of and being empowered by
the shareholders.

Chairman of the The directors remain accountable to the chairman of the board who
board is the chief performs the duties of the chief executive of the corporation. The final decisions
executive of the on important matters rest upon the chairman. The image and the prospects of the
corporation also depend on the foresightedness and efficiency of the chairman.
The size and composition of board of directors of Japanese corporations
In Japanese are different from those of the USA or UK. In each and every board there is the
corporation board
existance of a representative director who performs all the legal formalities on
there is the
existence of a behalf of the board. He is selected by the board from among its senior members.
representative Moreover, the appointment of an auditor, as one of the top executives, is
director. compulsory. Such auditor may be a shareholder, or even a director of the
The directors are regarded as the top-most executives of the corporation.
The limits to their responsibilities and duties are set by the "Commercial Code" It is difficult f
as aforesaid and thus it is difficult for them to avoid their duties and directors to av
their duties an
responsibilities. The most senior of them is usually appointed as the chairman. responsibilitie

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Among the other top executives are - (i) the senior executive vice-
president, (ii) the executive vice-presidents; and (iii) the managing directors.
The senior executive vice president and the executive vice presidents Top-level
(usually-3) remain closely associated with the chairman. Just below them is the management of
position of the managing directors who perform duties in their respective corporations
consists of
divisions/departments under the direct supervision of executive vice presidents. chairman, sr.
These top executives are being assisted by advisors, being appointed by the executive vice
board. They are usually the people from the retired senior executives and they president, vice
enjoy honorary staff positions. presidents and the
managing directors.


Management Board of Directors


Executive Vice-President

Managing Directors

Divisional Managers
Branch Managers



Management Structure of Japanese Corporation Divisional and

branch managers
Another feature of management in Japan is the existence of "executive comprise the mid-
level management
committee" in almost every corporation. Such committee is manned by senior
in Japanese
executives and is entrusted with the responsibility of formulating policies and corporations.
performing important functions.

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Just below the top management are the divisional and branch managers. They are
the mid-level executives and do usually perform their duties as per instructions of
and policies laid down by the top management. Under each division/branch there
may be some sub-divisions or sections. In each section there may be some
officers and employees numbering between 12 to 20. Most of the office
employees are female while the production workers are mostly male.

Special Features of Japanese Management

Japan's success in industrial development is primarily attributable to its system of
management which has certain specific features as under:

The national
(1) Reflection of national character: The national character of the Japanese
character of the has been, by and large, reflected in their system of management. Each and
Japanese of puting every Japanese tries to put to his or her maximum in industry. The
national interests Japanese put their national interests above anything else and feel proud of
over personal
interests has been
being Japanese. They are engaged in healthy competition with each other
reflected in their and are determind to take revenge in the economic front of the defeat of
system of World War-II. In fact, the Japanese nurture a deep feeling of mutual
management. interests of serving the nation and thereby serving their own personal
interest. Drucker thus rightly remarked, "However, when people or parties
must live together, let alone when they must work together, the Japanese
make sure that their relationship have at their core a mutuality of

In Japanese
(2) Joint responsibility: This is the most prominent feature of Japan's
industries group, not management. Joint responsibility has intimate and direct relation with the
individuals, are determination to the attainment of common objectives. The success and/or
entrusted with jobs failure of managerial decisions of Japanese industries are not attributed to
and are also
evaluated in the
the effort of any single individual; rather they are being shared equally by
same way. all the members of the group. Groups, not individuals, are entrusted with
jobs and are also evaluated in the same way. Thus when a division or a
branch is entrusted with certain tasks, all the people employed therein
remain responsible for their accomplishment. The manager acts as the
leader and co-ordinator of the group and tries to move ahead through odds
and difficulties.

Japanese hardly try

Although the responsibility of accomplishment lies with the group, no
to break the chain of one tries to avoid his or her part in the joint endeavour. The concern for
command and are recognition and advancement in the management hierarchy, keeps each and
respectful to the every group member to put to his or her best and thereby making joint
wishes of superiors.
endeavour really competetive and successful. They hardly try to break the
chain of command and are respectful of the wishes of superiors. This
makes the position of Japanese managers easier than that of their western
counterparts in motivating their group members in joint endeavour.
(3) Participative management: Japanese management can rightly be called
participative. The formulation and implementation of all major decisions
Workers' are done by managers in consultation and conjunction with subordinates.
participation in
decision making is Inter-personal relation in Japanese management is very important which
emphasised. the Americans are trying to follow in their business enterprises. Theory Z,
which is the outcome of a hybrid of both American and Japanese

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management, emphasises upon workers' participation in decision making.

There is also an emphasis on informal and democratic relationships based
on trust. These tend to reduce industrial conflict, labour turn-over,
tardiness and the like.
Japanese management uses decision making by consensus to deal with Although the
everyday problems. Lower-level employees initiate an idea and submit it in decision making
the form of a proposal called Ringishu, to the next higher level, untill it process is time
consuming, the
reaches the desk of the top executive. If the proposal is approaved, it is implementation of
returned to the initiator for implementation. Although the decision-making the decision is quick
process is time consuming, the implementation of the decision - because of in Japanese
the general consensus at various levels of management - is swift and does industries.
not require additional "selling."13
An important characteristic of Japanese decision making is the large Unlike American
amount of effort that goes into defining the question or problem; there is a counterparts,
great deal of communication before a decision is actually made. American Japanese managers
make a decision
managers are often accused of making decisions before defining the only after long
problem. In contrast, Japanese management makes a decision only after discussions of the
long discussions of the issue. To quote Drucker in American context, issue.
"After making a decision we must spend much time 'selling' it to and
getting people to act on it. What may be worse, it takes so long to make the
decision truly effective that it becomes obsolete if not out-right wrong, by
the time the people in the organization actually make it operational ..... the
Japanese, by contrast need to spend absolutely no time on selling a
decision. Everybody has been pre-sold."14
(4) Harmonious industrial relations: In Japan, the industrial relations are Japanese managers
more harmonious than that of any country of the west. The employers' and help maintain and
workers' organisations are tolerant to each other. The managers, who are develop conjenial
relations between
professionals themselves, help maintain and develop conjenial relations employers and
between employers and workers. The trade unions bargain with employers workers.
but they never fight against the company. Thus it is often said that
"American unions fight the company but Japanese unions fight the
Management not
The formation of "Joint Consultative Committees" in industrial only reports the
results but also
enterprises after World War-II made the participation of trade unions in
explains basic
management imparative. Prof. Ichiro Nakyama's remarks is pertinent: policies to trade
"Many enterprises are communicating with trade unions and exchanging unions before
views. As a general trend, it may be said that management not only reports implementations.
the results, but is explaining basic policies or plans to trade unions before
implementation and asking for union co-operation"16
Joint consultantive
Japanese industrial relations can well be compared to that of Germany communittee has
and Sweden. Some researchers call it outstandingly participative and benefitted both
management and
pragmatically reformative.17 The existence of "Joint Consultative union.
Committee has also provided benefits to both parties in that it has enabled
management to maintain its prerogatives within the enterprise, and the
union to increase its influence."18

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Employees are not In Japanese industries the employees are not only highly paid but are also
only highly paid, highly valued as human beings. They enjoy psychological security at their
they are also highly
valued as human work-place and for these reasons, Japanese industries are almost free from
beings. industrial conflicts of unimaginable proportion.
(5) Life long employment (Nenko) and the seniority system: These are the
Life long unique features of Japanese management. Typically, employees spend their
employment working life with a single enterprise, which in turn provides employees
provides employees
with security and
with security and a feeling of belonging. This practice brings the culturally
feeling of induced concept "Wa" (harmony) to the enterprise. Closely related to
belonging. Nenko, is the seniority system, which has provided privileges for older
employees who have been with the enterprise for a long time. But there are
indications that the seniority system may be superseded by a more open
approach that provides opportunities for advancement for young people.
Firms are beginning The fact that under 'Nenko' an employee remains in job so long as she/he
to question about wishes to continue, adds to business costs, because employees are kept on
life long
employment since it
the payroll even though there may be insufficient work. Consequently,
adds to business firms are beginning to question about life-long employment which was
costs. started in the face of acute scarcity of labour after World War-II. Indeed,
changes appear to be very slow. What is often overlooked, however, is that
permanent employment practice is used primarily by large firms. In fact, it
is estimated that the job security system applies to only about one-third of
the Japanese labour force.19
Both on-the-job and (6) Continuous training: For employment in Japanese industries, candidates
off-the-job training of younger age are preferred. They are being trained and groomed for
help to enhance
appropriate job responsibility. On-the-job training is, of course, an on-
productivity. going process. Employees are also sent for attending off-the-job training.
The main objective of all such training is to enhance productivity.
Compared to our training programmes it can well be stated that our training
is promotion focused but the Japanese training is performance focused.
Managers act as Since performance is the main focus of employee training in Japan,
teachers, not as each and every employee becomes an asset to the enterprise concerned.
Managers in industries do not act as masters, they act as teachers. The sub-
ordinates get work-related guidance from them and that is also a good
supplement to training.
Japanese industries (7) Quality control: The consumer products of Japan are noted for their
cnsure quality of quality. 'High quality at low price' is the slogan of Japanese industries.
products through
QCC which acts as
They have captured world market by making the consumers serve their
a continuous purpose at low cost. In the field of quality control Japanese follow a
process with peculiar method called "Quality Control Circle (QCC)." The workers work
workers as as members of these QCC's and they themselves ensure quality under the
members. guidance of foremen. This ensures quality control as a continuous process.
Japanese managers have used the high motivation of workers in ensuring
product quality. During the last few decades the quality of Japanese
products has gone so high that it has surpassed that of many western
countires even. It is a crime on the part of Japanese managers to
compromise with quality. In fact, each and every worker is a member of
one or the other QCC and thus each and every worker is a quality

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(8) Paternal human relations: The Japanese managers act as 'parents' of sub- The use of
ordinates and take care of their problems as guardians. They have used the Kamfusian concepts
"Confucian" concept, into their management system, which makes it into management
has helped develop
imperative to regard seniors as respectable persons. The seniors, in their paternal human
turn, also extend all possible help to juniors. This ensures a galaxy of relations.
cordial human relations within the industrial enterprise, thereby improving
productivity and profitability in almost an automatic manner.

Besides the distinct features of Japanese management as described

above, the industrialists also maintain healthy relations with the Government.
The strength of Japanese management also lies in its capacity to keep all the The fruits of
relevant parties - workers, employers, consumers and Government - satisfied. industrial
The fruits of industrial development are being shared equally by all and this has development that
the Japanese now
reduced income inequalities within the sociely.20 This should not be attributable enjoy are the results
to any magic, rather it happened because the Japanese have worked hard under of their unique
their unique system of management and have put their national and system of
organisational interests above their narrow personal gains. As if they are working management.
under an oath to take revenge of the humiliations that they suffered during World
War II.

Lessons for Bangladesh

Japanese management is no doubt unique and culture-bound but yet we,
in Bangladesh, can have the following lessons from it:

(1) In Japan the superiors are regarded as respectable and this fact has helped
Japanese managers to command respect and compliance from the workers
in the workplace. In Bangladesh also our managers can try to take
advantage of our cultural heritage that the senior people are usually
respected by their juniors. For this, they need to earn this respect like
Japanese superiors.

(2) The strong national feeling of serving Japan through hard work has helped
Japanese managers to improve industrial productivity and product quality
to a level which caught attention of industrialists and scholars throughout
the world. The young Bangalees who fought unitedly for their
independence in 1971 could have been used, with proper management, to
serve their best to improve both quality and quantity of our industrial
products after independence by imbuing them with patriotic fervour.

(3) Group decision making which has been working very successfully and
excitingly in Japanese industries, could have been used by our managers to
improve the quality and acceptability of managerial decisions. In Japan the
employees are also evaluated and appraised jointly with other members of
a group. Such group evaluation makes all the members alert and active to
conform to group standard and if this could be used in our industries our
managers could have successfully checked avoidance of responsibility by
the employees.

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(4) Quality control circle (QCC), which provides a unique feature of Japanese
management can well be practised in our industrial enterprises, where the
product quality has fast deteriorated since independence.

(5) As a matter of fact, Japan's post-war reconstruction owes a great deal to its
system of management. In Bangladesh too, post-independence
reconstruction and development could have been easy with a suitable
system of management. Both Japan and Bangladesh lack natural resources
and thus Japan's experience in industrial development through proper
management, may provide the required incentive and guidance for our

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. Is it true that Japan has a unique system of management? Narrate.

2. State in brief the gradual evolution of the Japanese System of Management.
3. Give a diagramatical representation of the organisation structure and
management of corporations in Japan. Can you distinguish between the
organisation structure of corporations in Japan with that of Bangladesh?
4. What are the special features of Japanese management? Can we have any
lesson from Japanese management?
5. It is often said that the post-war recovery of Japan owes a great deal to its
system of management, which is unique in the world. Do you agree? Justify,
6. (a) "Japanese System of Management is unique" - Do you agree with this
statement? Explain.
(b) What lessons we can learn from Japanese System of Management?

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:

1. Japan's GNP is:

(a) second to that of Germany only
(b) second to that of the USA
(c) the higest in the world
(d) third in the world

2. In Japan just below the top management are the:

(a) vice presidents
(b) senior vice presidents
(c) divisional and branch managers
(d) managing directors

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3. In Japanese management the responsibility of accomplishment lies mainly

with the:
(a) manager
(b) work group
(c) director
(d) individual

4. (a) Meiji leaders played a big role in industrial development in Japan

(b) Zaibatsus tried to develop their own fortune only
(c) In the World War-II nearly one-tenth of Japan's national wealth was
(d) Japan'a management depends on technical expertise alone

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Lesson 3 : Management System of Germany

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:
• give a brief account of the gradual evolution of the system of management in
Germany, known as Co-determination.
• describe the structure of management under Co-determination.
• explain the special features of Co-determination.
• narrate the limitations of Co-determination.
• examine whether we can have any lesson from Co-determination.

Germany and Co-determination

Modern Germany is the biggest industrial nation in Europe and the second only
to the USA on earth. As regards GDP the position of unified Germany moves
Germany enjoys a
very prestigeous
between the second and the third in the world. It enjoys the sixth position among
position in the the industrialized countries regarding per capita income. Moreover, this country
world economy. has been enjoying a very strong balance of payment position during the last three
decades. Unemployment problem is also the lowest, while the German
companies have excess capital awaiting investment to the extent of over 700
billion Marks. Price level has also been the most satisfactory during the last few
German success in post-war reconstruction and development can be
The great success of
post-war compared to that of Japan only. There is widespread interest among western
reconstruction and scholars to find out the secret behind the grand success of Germany in this
development in regard. Many of them attribute it to the unique system of German management,
Germany owes a
great deal to Co- called "Co-determination." The name itself indicates that it is participative in
determination. nature. In fact it ensures the extreme form of workers' participation in
management. Important decisions are being taken jointly.
Technical efficiency and experience of German workers have made Co-
determination successful. Workers need little or no supervision and the managers
Under Co- act as initiators, not as their bosses. Labour-management relation in Germany is
determination thus of a relation of mutual co-existence and co-determination. This relation is
workers need little
supervision and are
the speciality of German management. Managers give due weight to the opinion,
allowed maximum efforts and judgement of their subordinates. Different research studies indicate
participation in that the extent of workers' participation that is being allowed under Co-
decision making.
determination is unparallel in Western Europe.21 Nevertheless the fact remains
that in the past, and to a lesser extent today, the German cultural environment
favoured reliance on authority in directing the workforce, although it was often
benevolent authoritarianism. Even today, while managers are required to show
concern for subordinates, they also expect obedience.22
It is almost a paradox that on the one hand, the managerial style of
Germany is characterised by considerable use of authority, while on the other
hand, labour, by law, is represented by and actively involved in managing large
corporations. In 1951 a law was passed that provided for co-determination, which
requires labour membership in the supervisory board and the executive

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committee of certain large corporations. Furthermore, a labour director is elected

as a member of the executive committee. This position is a difficult one. Labour Although the
managerial style of
director supposedly must represent the interests of the employees and, at the Germany is
same time, must make managerial decisions that are in the best interest of the characterised by
enterprise. considerable use of
authority, labour
membership in the
Gradual Evaluation of Co-determination board makes it
Co-determination is the most important of all the factors that played important participative.
roles in the post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation of German industries. It is
believed that Germany has been successful to regain its lost supremacy in
industrialization only through Co-determination.
Germany was defeated in both the first and the second world war.
Destruction of German industries was unparallel and no industrial enterprise
worth the name could survive bomb attacks by the Allied Forces. Completely Germany was
defeated and
destroyed industrial enterprises numbered around seven hundred. The most destroyed both in
affected were the steel and chemical industries. Other industries were also the first and the
heavily affected and remained closed for a long time even after the war was over. second world war.
Unemployment problem engulfed the whole economy. Almost one crore people
became homeless. Food and water became so scarce that life became endangered
in the whole of Germany.
But what a wonder! The German people, thanks to their technical Thanks to their
expertise, hard labour and unique system of management, became successful, technical expertise,
within a short period, to rebuild the economy. The defeated and humiliated hard labour and co-
soldiers in the battlefield became undaunted captains of industry. They did the German people
wonder without any foreign aid. They re-organised their industries and became successful
management in a way that amazed the US or the British people who won the war. to rebuild their
The Germans soon became successful to emerge as economic super power and to economy.
The conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union also helped
Germany to flourish. The more fortunate was West Germany which was fortified
by the western big powers in order to encounter possible Soviet aggression. Western big powers
American and British capital found increasing inroad into West German came to rescue West
industries. Research and development activities also helped the invention of German economy.
much improved machine and technology, thereby enhancing productivity to such
an extent that it was unparallel in the world.
Undoubtedly, political stability is one of the pre-requisites for industrial
development. After the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949 political
stability in West Germany became so pervasive that it helped establish Co- Political stability in
determination on a solid foundation. However, the initial inroad to Co- West-Germany
determination started during World War-I when a boost in industrial production helped develop Co-
determination on a
became a hard reality. Gradually the workers and their unions were brought solid foundation.
closer to management. The formation of "Works Council" in industrial
enterprises with representatives of workers laid the foundation of Co-
determination in Germany.

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Finally the passage of a special piece of law called "Workers' Co-

determination" in German legislative assembly, gave co-determination the legal
foundation. According to that law, the formation of 11-member "supervisory
board", having equal number of members (5+5) from among workers and
The passage of two
pieces of law in
shareholders and one neutral member was made compulsory. The passage of
German legis-lative another law in 1952 called "Constitution of the Enterprise" also helped Co-
Assembly gave Co- determination by requiring the formation of "Works Council" with 50% of
determination a workers' membership mandatory. In the opinion of some scholars, "Works
Council is the heart of Co-determination."
After 1952 the powers and functions of 'Works Council' were extended
In post-war
and they were compulsorily introduced in all industries except iron, steel and
Germany jobs in
industrial coal. Ultimately the Co-determination Act of 1976 (implemented in 1978) was
management are passed which still remains in full force throughout German industries. In modern
considered much Germany jobs in industrial management are considered much more prestigeous
more prestigeous
than those in civil or than those in civil or military bureaucracy. Co-determination offers the
military opportunity for young graduates to brighten their career and at the same time to
bureaucracy serve the nation by ensuring quality and higher productivity in industry. The
industrialists, managers and workers, are all working together in the same
direction, thereby ensuring the best possible industrial relations in the world.

Structure of Co-determination
Co-determination is composed primarily of "Superisory Board" and "Works
Supervisory Board, Council" as mentioned before. Besides, there is the existence of management
Management Board
and Works Council
board in almost all industrial enterprises, being appointed by the Supervisory
comprise Co- Board and entrusted with the executive functions on its behalf. The position of
determination. the Management Board is in between the Supervisory Board and Works Council.
Thus Co-determination is composed of ⎯ Supervisory Board, Management
Board and Works Council.
Supervisory Board: Like the board of directors of Bangladeshi companies, this
Supervisory Board board is entrusted with the top-level managerial functions of the industrial
is entrusted with the enterprises in Japan. It is entrusted with the responsibility to formulate policies,
top-level managerial plans and objectives for the enterprise and also remains responsible for its
successes and failures. It is usually composed of 11-members - 5 (five) each from
among workers and shareholders and one neutral member to be elected by
majority votes of these ten members. This neutral member is usually very
Management Board
respectable and acts as chairman of the board.
is entrusted with the
Management Board: It is composed of 3 (three) members and is appointed by
responsibility to
execute the plans, and remains responsible to the Supervisory Board. It is entrusted with the
policies etc. set by responsibility to execute the plans, policies and objectives set by the Supervisory
the Supervisory Board. In fact, this is the executive organ of the enterprise and makes sure that
the managers do their jobs well.

Works Council: Just below the Management Board remains the Works Council,
representation of through which direct representation of workers in management is ensured. Based
workers in on the number of workers employed, there may be upto 35 members of Works
management is Council of which more than 50% is to be from among workers. The range of
ensured through
Works Council. functions of Works Council is very big. According to Adolf Strumthal, Works

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Council is empowered to participate in the making of major decisions regarding

expansion, working environment, salary and wages, factory discipline, selection,
promotion, training and dismissal.23 This Council, in fact, forms the core of Co-
determination and no important function within the enterprise can be performed
without its approval. Thus the flow of communication under Co-determination is
a two-way one and ensures participation of workers in management in the real
sense of the term.
Figure 13.5

Supervisory Board

Management Board

Works Council

Structure of Co-determination - Communication is two-way

Features of Co-determination
The unique features of Co-determination are:
(1) Ensures participation and cordial industrial relations: Co-
determination ensures workers' participation in management to the extent
which is unparallel in the whole of Europe. Workers feel themselves an Co-determination
integral part of management and put to their best in the workplace. This has has helped reduce
helped reduce the age-old authoritarian attitude of managers and has turned the authoritarian
German industrial relation to be one of the best in the world. The attitude of managers
and improve
occurance of industrial conflict is almost at its lowest level and the loss of industrial relations.
man-days on account of strike is almost nil. Research studies indicate that
within the 16 West European countries, during the eighties, the loss of
production due to industrial dispute has been the lowest.24
(2) Product quality and productivity at a high level: German industrial
productivity has been the highest in the world during the last few decades.
through productivity
It has been possible due to whole-hearted co-operation of workers, who qualition has not
feel themselves as active partners in a system, often referred to as only ensured
"productivity qualition" among share-holders, managers and workers. This quantity but also
qualition has not only ensured quantity but also quality and it is well quality.
known that quality and German products go together.
(3) Bigger span of supervision due to technical efficiency of workers and Workers are highly
managers: Technical efficiency is the yardstick of promotion of German skilled and are
workers. They are trained and evaluated regularly and therefore, are competent to work
with little
competent to work with little supervision from managers who consider supervision.
themselves not as boss but as guide to fellow workers. Such managers are

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mostly engineers and/or economists and receive extensive work-related

training before they are assigned with the job as managers.

(4) German managers think about the functionally specific rather than
courses offered by the managerially general: The management courses offered by German
German business business schools are more work related than those of American business
schools are work schools. Moreover, apprenticeship for potential executives is essential
related. which makes managers technically efficient and competent to lead the
work team and help the workers in their work related problems.

Industrial jobs since

(5) Industrial jobs are considered most prestigeous and respectable: In
World War-II are modern Germany, industrial jobs are much more prestigeous than the jobs
much more in either civil or military bureaucracy. Before World War-II, the young
prestigeous and generation in Germany preferred jobs in defense services but the situation
paying than the jobs has changed after the war. Management positions in industries have been
in either civil or
military considered doubly rewarded by university graduates since such jobs
bureaucracy. allowed them to work for national reconstruction on one hand and also to
ensure bright career prospects for themselves.

Unlike American,
(6) Emphasis on production management: Co-determination emphasises
British or French upon production. The managers consider themselves as production
emphasis on managers. The most of workers are also engaged in production. The
marketing industrialisits think that the marketing of products would be automatic if
management, the wheels of production run well. Thus unlike American, British or
German emphasis is
on production French emphasis on marketing management, German emphasis is on
management. production management. In any factory, production manager is the most
respectable man and often earns much more than anyone else in the

Each and every

(7) No seperate engineering division: German workers are technical experts
German worker can and can take care of their machinery well. Each and every worker can be
be called an called an engineer and the result is the non-existence of any separate
engineer. engineering division within the factory.

Limitations of Co-determination
Co-determination is not without critisism. It suffers from certain drawbacks as
(1) The system is not democratic as it should have been. The workers do not
enjoy direct participation in decision making. They have only indirect stake
in management through labour membership in Works Council and
Supervisory Board.
(2) It is not uncommon that the election of worker representatives in the board
is influenced by employers so that their "yes-men" are being elected to
serve their purpose.
(3) Too much emphasis on technical skill makes Co-determination weak in
human relation and conceptual skill. Moreover, the German managers are
not quite competent to make plans and/or take decisions appropriate to
(4) German industries lack diversification and the products are stereotyped by
nature. Co-determination could help a little to add variety to German

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consumer goods and to help German goods to retain supremacy in the

world market.
(5) The principle of delegation of authority is hardly effectively followed
under co-determination. Moreover, the decision-making process is slow.
Co-determination also lacks modern techniques of management such as
risk analysis, decision theory, linear programming, simulation and the like.
Despite these limitations the success story of Co-determination attracts Co-determination
research interests from both developed and developing societies. Americans are helped German
amazed by the rate of German industrial progress after World War-II. It was economy, which
infact, unbelieveable that the German economy, which was completely shattered was shattered and
and destroyed, would regain its lost position within a couple of decades only. Co- destroyed in World
War-II, to regain its
determination made it possible by showing a clear vision to the Germans that the lost position within
defeat in the war front could only be remedied by a victory in the economic front. a couple of decades
Lessons for Bangladesh
It is beyond exaggeration that the German economy was rebuilt through the
untiring efforts of German people but what is being recognised as the driving
force behind these efforts is Co-determination. Germany was defeated and
humiliated in the war but still it could regain its position within two decades. In
contrast to it, Bangladesh won the war but it could not make up its war
destructions even during the following three decades.
Co-determination was introduced formally within the first six years of
the end of World War-II. The whole of German industrial efforts were directed
towards the achievement of the national goal of reconstruction and development.
German managers provided the leadership to achieve the goal. But the
Bangladesh nation appeared to have no set national goal to achieve. The
managers failed to provide proper leadership in the newly created vast public
sector after liberation.
The management structure of Bangladesh industries did not work well.
Absence of co-ordination and a sense of dedication towards the nation turned the
whole management set-up corrupt and inefficient. Lack of determination and
direction also caused demotivation to workers who suffered regressively from a
rapid degradation of their wages and living conditions. The state-power threw the
public sector at bay and sponsored a class of lumpen capitalists in the name of
privatisation who became owners of earstwhile public industrial enterprises at
nominal prices.
The regimes that followed the military coup on August 15, 1975 became
responsible for the elimination of democratic norms in the society. Industrial
democracy, in that situation, could not be thought of. Now, with the re-
emergence of democratic Government in the country, it is expected that the
ground for industrial democracy would soon be prepared and the management
structure of industrial enterprises in Bangladesh may have Supervisory Board and
Works Council having worker membership as in German Co-determination.

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Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions

1. What is Co-determination? Give a brief account of its gradual evolution.

2. Can you narrate the structure of Co-determination with a brief critical
appreciation? How does it differ from the structure of management of our
industrial enterprises?
3. How do you justify that Co-determination is a unique system of management
and deserves special attention? Is there any limitation of Co-determination?
4. Do you think that we in Bangladesh can be benefitted from Co-
determination? Explain.

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. As regards GDP the position of unified Germany moves between the
(a) first and the second in the world
(b) first and the second in Europe
(c) second and the third in the world
(d) third and the fourth in the world
2. While the German managers usually are
(a) required to show concern for subordinates, they also expect obedience
(b) democratic, they are also autocratic
(c) autocratic, they sometimes become democratic
(d) participative, they do not help increase productivity
3. The most important factor that helped establish Co-determination on a sound
footing is:
(a) the establishment of works council in industrial enterprises with
representatives of workers
(b) the authoritarian attitude of German managers
(c) the high productivity of German workers
(d) the technical expertise of both workers and managers
4. Supervisory Board is composed of:
(a) 11 members - 5 each from workers and employers; and the rest one a
Government representative
(b) 13 members - 7 from workers and 6 from employees
(c) 11 members - 5 from workers and 5 from employees and the rest 1 a
neutral member
(d) 14 members - 7 each from workers and employers

5. Co-determination emphasises upon:

(a) financial management
(b) office work
(c) production management
(d) marketing management

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Lesson 4 : Management in Bangladesh

Lesson Objectives
Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:

• describe the features of management in Bangladesh

• explain the management structure of industries in both the public and the
private sectors
• understand the hindrances to sound management practices in the country
• hint at the future prospects of management in Bangladesh

Bangladesh and its Management System

Bangladesh became independent and sovereign in 1971. Before that it was ruled
by others. The British and the Pakistani rulers had exploited the resources of this
soil and enriched themselves. They did not allow the development of industries Long colonial rule
here and for that matter we remained industrially backward. It was only in the remained the prime
late sixties that the then West-Pakistan based central government allowed a few cause for industrial
backwardness of the
Bangalees to set-up industrial undertakings with state patronisation. This was a area now forming
political decision of the Pakistani rulers to create a class of sponsored capitalists Bangladesh since
to serve their purpose. These industrialists, like the pure Pakistani capitalists, did 1971.
not have any commitment for the people of this soil. Their only goal was to "get
rich quick" and to serve their West-Pakistani masters well. They did not try to
develop any system of management. Rather employed only their own people in
managerial jobs and depended on the exploitation of labour (Bangalees) than on
the development of managerial skill and efficiency.
Thus, consequent upon the nationalization of large industries in
Bangladesh after liberation, the responsibility to build its managerial capability
was entirely vested upon the Government. A three tier system of management - The vast public
the controlling ministry → the corporation and → the enterprise management - sector of industries
created after
was introduced without prior preparation, training and commitment to run it liberation also
effectively. Consequently, the three-lier system failed to yield the desired result suffered due to
and the post-1975 regimes found it a plea for large-scale sale of public wrong attitude of
post 1975 regimes.
enterprises at nominal prices to a new rich class of businessmen who cared for
only to get rich quick and not to develop an efficient system of management.
Thus the private sector, as also the public sector, remains ill managed. This
accounts for the ever-increasing inefficiency of Bangladesh industries.

Features of Management in Bangladesh

Managers are
(1) Non-professional management: In Bangladesh management has not been basically the
developed as a profession. Managers are not professionally oriented to relations of
employers and this
serve their country as those of Japan or Germany. They do not feel that fact has hindered
they do have a social responsibility to perform. In the private sector, development of
managers are mostly the relations and family members of owners and a professionalism in
distinct type of management called "family management" has developed
which is basically against professionalism.

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There is a severe (2) Unskilled labour: Bangladesh suffers from an accute shortage of skilled
shortage of skilled labour. Large-scale export of manpower over the years since independence
workers in
has caused a severe shortage of skilled workers in our industries.
(3) Autocracy: Democracy is almost absent in our industrial management.
Democratic Owners/managers consider workers as a mere factor of production. Thus a
practices are absent master-servant relationship prevails in between the managers and workers.
in industrial This demotivates the workers in our industrial enterprises.
(4) Productivity and profitability at the lowest: Because mainly of a lack of
commitment and of skill on the part of both managers and workers, the
Productivity is so productivity and profitability of Bangladesh industries is one of the lowest
low that it does not
justify the existence in the world. In most cases productivity is so low that it does not justify the
of management. existance of management at all. This is the most significant sign of ill
management and explains why Bangladesh is industrially backward.
(5) Strained industrial relations: Neither the owners nor the workers are
Strained industrial happy in our industries. The results are frequent strikes and/or lockouts.
relations cause
frequent strikes and
Interferences by the Government and the political parties in the internal
lockouts. affairs of trade unions also cause some problems which management finds
too much difficult to solve.
(6) Indiscipline: Management means discipline and indiscipline indicates
Management is mismanagement. Our industrial management is characterised by
characterised by the indiscipline. Neither the managers, nor the workers have been used to
absence of a code of
discipline. industrial discipline. Absence of a code of discipline and a set principle of
accountability have allowed the workers and also the managers to avoid
(7) Backward technique and technology: These are inherent in
mismanagement. But the use of modern technique and technology can
hardly be avoided for ensuring competitiveness of modern industries both
Management lacks in the home and the foreign markets. Management techniques such as
modern techniques Simulation, PERT, Decision Tree etc. are essential now-a-days. Computer
and appropriate
and information technologies have revolutionised management in advanced
societies and no business worth the name can exist without their use these
days. Bangladesh industries can survive and prosper only through their use.
The logic of adopting appropriate technology in our context, however,
holds good for the time being but not for all time to come.
(8) Unhealthy working environment: Working environment of our
Unhealthy working
industrial enterprises are not appropriate and healthy. Workers have to
environment causes
various diseases to work under unhygienic environment. They do not even get pure drinking
works. water and these cause them to suffer from various diseases, thereby making
them physically weak.
(9) Insecurity of job and low morale: Workers and even managers suffer
Insecurity in jobs from a sense of insecurity in their jobs. This insecurity is the highest in the
tends to lower the
morale of private sector. Even collective bargaining has not been established on a
employees. sound basis. Employers are at their free-will to hire and fire and this tends
to lower the morale of employees to work more.

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These features of management in Bangladesh may also be treated as

hindrances to sound management practices in the country.

Management Structure of Industries in Bangladesh

Management structure in Bangladesh industries varies in between public &
private sectors. In the public sector the system is a three tier one which may be
shown as under:
The controlling ministry exercises general supervision and control and
acts as owner on behalf of the people. It appoints the chairman and board Acts as owner on
behalf of the people
members of the corporation. It is also authorised to approve budgets, major
investments and appointments of the corporation.
The corporation acts as the controlling body of the enterprises under it.
The chief executive of the enterprise is appointed by the corporation. The Acts as the
budgets, investments, appointments, expenses, pricing, procurement, sales etc., controlling body of
require approval of the corporation concerned. It is often complained by the enterprises
under it.
enterprise management that corporation exercises autocratic control which
hampers local autonomy of public enterprises as commercial units.
Enterprise management is the grass-root level management which is
entrusted with the task of managing the human and non-human resources of the
enterprise concerned and remains responsible for its successes and failures.
Entrusted with the
Management in the public sector industrial enterprises is often constrained by the task of managing
absence of autonomy. For petty expenses even, the enterprise management has to the enterprise
seek approval of the corporation concerned. The chief executive of the concerned
corporation is appointed by the Government. Other executives are appointed by
the corporation but in such appointment the consent of the chief executive is
usually being taken.
In the private sector the management structure is a simple one. In most
cases the owner/ owners exercise direct control over enterprise management. In
case of companies, however, there is separation of ownership from control. The
owners (shareholders) maintain indirect control through board of directors. In In proprietorship
concern the owner
proprietorship or partnership concerns, the control of owner/owners is direct.
is usually the
Management is usually of familiar type. manager
Irrespective of whether the enterprise is in the public or in the private
sector, there are three levels of management within it - top level, mid level and
lower level as under:
The top-level management is comprised of general managers, deputy
general managers etc. in the public sector while in the private sector
owners/directors also come to exercise control over the affairs of the enterprise. Takes decisions,
In the public sector the top-level management at the enterprise level is subject to formulate plans, set
objectives etc.
outside control (by the corporation and ministry) but such outside control is
absent in the case of private sector. The owners/directors take decisions,
formulate plans, set objectives etc. which the mid-level and lower-level
management try to implement/achieve.

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The mid-level management comprises departmental managers, asstt.

responsible to top-
managers etc. who remains responsible to top-level management and exercise
level management control over lower-level managers. In fact, the managers at this level are the
and exercises prime movers and provide the vital link between the top level and the lower-level
control over lower- managers.
level managers
The lower-level managers are the supervisors and/or the foremen, who
Provides link remain in direct touch with the workers at the floor level. Workers get guidance
between the from and remain responsible to them. Matters relating to workers' productivity,
managers at the
mid-level on one
motivation and commitment are their direct concern. They provide link between
hand and workers the managers at the mid-level on one hand and workers on the other.
on the other
Prospects of Management in Bangladesh
Nationalization of
It is often said that the standard of management in Bangladesh is at least fifty
industries opened up years backward to that of western countries. Again, this standard, whatever is
the possibility of there at the moment, has been falling by the day. Nationalization of industries
improvement in
after independence in 1972 opened up the possibility of a revolutionary
improvement in the management practice of hitherto private sector enterprises
under the non-Bangalee owners.
Before independence, most of the industrial enterprises were owned and
In the public sector
Govt. could have managed by non-Bangalee capitalists who were devoid of any sense of social
improved quality responsibility. They were after making quick profits and cared a little to improve
and quantity of management, which was by and large familiar. State ownership and management
of industries after independence gave a chance to the Governments to improve
both the quality and quantity of products by developing resources - both human
and non-human, under the corporation.
The military regimes that captured state power in August 1975 destroyed
Military regimes did the aspirations of the people by waging a virtual war against the public sector
a great harm to enterprises under sector corporations. They plundered the resources of these
public enterprise
enterprises in a meticulous manner and started selling them to private parties at
nominal prices. Management efficiency, be it either in production or in
marketing, was given little or no attention at all.
Thus whaterver virtue the public enterprises could have achieved, soon
vanished. The industrial enterprises, both in the private and the public sector,
Management continued to suffer from low productivity and low profitability. They failed to
efficiency remained compete in the market and ultimately stagnated. The type of management
absent even in the
garment industry efficiency that could help overcome this problem remained absent. The emerging
garment industry also failed to develop a suitable system of management. The
owner-managers started making money through the exploitation of labour and in
no way through improved management.
Professionalization of management suffered and the bright graduates
Professionalism and
the use of modern from universities could not be attracted in industrial management. Moreover, the
techniques and technology and the techniques of management used in our industries are out-
technology dated. The use of information technology and computers, critical path analysis
remained absent
and simulation, break-even analysis and cash flow analysis etc., have been

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Management in general is autocratic in style and does not care for the
Absence of
establishment of democratic values within the enterprise. Decisions are taken at participative
the top level without any consultation with the workers/employees at the grass management
root level. Workers' participation in decision making, as is practised in Japan and account for negative
Germany, is totally absent. This has, in fact, widened the gap between labour and industrial relations
management and has resulted in huge loss of mandays and production due to
turbulant industrial relations.
In order to get rid of this situation the immediate task of the Government
should be to remove obstacles for industrial investment. The potential entrepreneurs are to
entrepreneurs should be encouraged to grow as industrialists, who in turn would be encouraged to
develop a system of management most suited to our environment. grow

Business schools and training institutes should be developed to meet the

requirements of human resources, without which the establishment of a sound
system of management would remain a dream.

Lesson-end assessment
Essay type questions
1. Is it true that the industrial management in Bangladesh is backward? Justify.
2. Give a brief description of the management levels of Bangladesh industries.
3. Critically discuss the features of management in Bangladesh.
4. State in brief the present status and future prospects of management in

Multiple choice questions

√ the most appropriate answer:
1. The West-Pakistan based central govt. sponsored the development of a class
of Bangalee capitalists in order to:
(a) develop the industrial base of the then East Pakistan
(b) serve their own political end
(c) develop managers from among Bangalees
(d) render social service in the eastern wing of Pakistan
2. The West-Pakistani industrialists made huge profits by way of:
(a) superior managerial ability
(b) employing huge capital
(c) exploitation of Bangalee workers
(d) training workers
3. The mid-level management in our industrial enterprises is composed of:
(a) owners, directors
(b) general managers, deputy general managers
(c) departmental managers
(d) supervisors, foremen

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1. From your knowledge of any foreign country, outline the major elements of
its culture that would, in your judgment, influence managerial practices in
that country.

CASE 13-1
Numerous companies have confronted the challenge of exporting American retail
shops abroad and have failed. Pier 1, though, plans on succeeding. With a well
thought out, rational strategy, the 31-year-old, $700 million novelty store has
ventured overseas with The Pier in the United Kingdom. It is planning more
international expansion during the next few years.
At the heart of Pier 1's overseas strategy lies a strong customer focus,
which guides the company's domestic strategy as well. According to director of
merchandising Adrian Long, Pier 1 has a tradition of "moving with the
customers." As the customer has matured, so has Pier 1.
Opportunities in the United States appear to be dwindling, though. Sales
were up only 7 percent from 1991 to 1992, contrasted with double-digit growth
rates during the late 1980s. Pier 1 is not abandoning its domestic efforts -
actually, the company plans to open 300 new outlets during the next ten years -
but it is keenly looking abroad for more exciting opportunities. The Pier in the
United Kingdom is merely a first step, followed by two stores in Puerto Rico
opened in 1993. Next on the list are stores in Mexico and Central and South
America. At the same time, the company is looking eagerly toward the Far East
for additional possibilities. By the year 2000, Pier 1 hopes to have about 250
stores abroad, outside the United States and Canada.
Pier 1 is not expanding overseas blindly. To hedge its risk, the company
is working primarily through mechanisms, such as joint ventures and licensing
arrangements, that minimize the risk to which it is exposed. Pier 1 owns only 50
percent of United Kingdom-based The Pier.
In order to be competitive in foreign markets, Pier 1 has made several
significant changes in its international strategy, particularly with regard to
product mix. In the United Kingdom, Pier 1 is offering products more in line with
local tastes. The size and layout of European homes tend to dictate different
needs. For example, since built-in and walk-in closets are rare in the United
Kingdom, closet wardrobes tend to sell well there. Similarly, since European
homes tend to be smaller than American homes, furniture items sold in the US
market, such as bedside tables, are too large and must either be modified or
Color preferences also vary overseas as a result of the quality of outdoor
light. In the United Kingdom, warm colors tend to prevail, such as pale yellows,

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warm greens, and peaches. In warmer climates such as Spain and Greece,
however, whites, azure blues, bright yellows, and reds tend to be preferred.
With regard to other goods, Pier 1 is finding it necessary to accommodate a
variety of cultural appetites. In the United Kingdom, Indian goods sell well as a
result of the trading history between the two countries.
Even with its attention to cultural details, what Pier 1 recognizes is that
the company is not about the specific goods that lines the shelves; rather, the
company is about the shopping experience it provides, buoyed by colorful, exotic
merchandise. Pier 1 can thus remain true to its central role without offering the
same goods in every store around the globe. "You can live the rest of your life
and never go into a Pier 1 store, because we don't sell anything that you have to
have," says President Marvin J. Girouard. But the goods are so enticing that the
customer often cannot help but make a purchase.
The key to Pier 1's international success lies in getting close to customers
abroad, an ambition that falls squarely in line with its domestic strategy. Pier 1
must become acclimated into the cultures in which new stores are located to be
able to determine what those customers consider exotic and clever, so that the
new Pier 1 outlets can stock items unusual in those cultures, sold at moderate
prices and displayed in an integrated fashion - as the outlets in the United States
successfully do with goods that Americans consider unique.

1. What risks did Pier 1 face in going international?
2. How were the risks managed?
3. What problems may arise if Pier 1 were to decide to open stores in Japan?
Source: James, A. F., Freeman, R. Edward, and Gilbert, Jr. Danies R.
"Management" Sixth Edition, P. 152.

Reference for further study

1. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, "Management: A Global Perspective",
McGraw-Hill International Editions, Tenth Edition, 1994.
2. Griffin, "Management", Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, USA, 1984.
3. George R. Terry, Stephen G. Franklin, "Principles of Management", Delhi,
A.L.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, Eighth Edition, 1997.
4. James A.F., R. Edward and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr., "Management", Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, Sixth Edition, 1997.

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Richard N. Farmer, in Joshph W. McGuire (ed), Contemporary Management - Issues
and Viewpoints (Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, 1974), p. 302.
Terry Franklin, Principles of Management (Delhi: AITBS, 1997), p. 524.
See Karen Paul and Robert Barbato, "The Multinational Corporation in the Less
Developed Country: The Economic Development Model versus the North-South
Model," in Academy of Management Review (January 1985), Pp 8-14.
Peter F. Drucker, "How Wages No Longer Give Competitive Edge."in The Wall
Sreet Journal (March 16, 1988).
Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz, Management - A Global Perspective (NJ:
McGraw-Hill) p.98.
Ibid. p. 99.
Tarry Franklin, op. cit., p. 526
Richard N. Farmer and Barry M. Richman, Comparative Management and Economic
Progress (Homewood, ILL. :Richard D. Irwin, 1965).
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p. 100.
Peter F. Drucker, "Behind Japans Success," in Harvard Business Review, January,
Abdul Mannan, "Japani Baybasthapanar Ruprekha O'tar Bartaman Aubastha," in
Chittagong University Studies, Commerce, Volume-3, 1987.
Peter F. Drucker, op. cit.
Weihrich and Koontz, op. cit., p.92.
Peter F. Drucker, op.cit.
Ichiro Nakyama, Roshi Kyogishi, Japan Institute of Labour, 1964, p.93.
H. Okamoto, "Japan" in Benjamin C. Roberts (ed), Towards Industrial Democracy
(London: Croom Helm, 1979), p. 231.
H. Okamoto, Ibid.
Tai K. Oh, "Japanese Management - A Critical Review", in Academy of Management
Review (January, 1976), Pp. 14-25.
H. Okamoto, op. cit., p. 231.
Benjamin C. Roberts (ed.), Towards Industrial Democracy -Europe, Japan and the
United States (London: Croom Helm, 1979), p.7.
Weihrich and H. Koontz, op.cit., p.89.
Adolf Stromthal, Works Council: The Study of Workplace Organization on Both Side
of Iron Curtain, (Cambridge: Mass Harvard University Press), 1964, p. 63.
ICFTU, Free Labour World, Bimensuel, No 7/92, 16.5.92.

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