List - (Annexure H)

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Sl. Ref. No of Ref.

No of Old Activity Category as Remarks

No New Categorization per CPCB
Categorization (as per DPCC Criteria /
Website List) W1 W2 W A1 A2 A H W+A+H Categorization

1 R-1 O-5 Amusement/Water Park 20 10 30 15 _ 15 _ 75 Red

2 R-2 O-6 Ancillary Units of Slaughter 25 10 35 _ _ _ _ 87.5 Red
3 R-3 O-9 Anodizing 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red
4 R-4 O-10 Asbestos Based Products _ _ _ 30 _ 30 10 75 Red As per CPCB categorization .
Final score is based on air
pollution score only after
normalization .
5 R-5 O-23 Batteries (Lead Acid) and 10 _ 10 25 _ 25 10 62.5 Red As per CPCB categorization .
Accessories with Trade Final score is based on air
Effluent Discharge pollution score only after
normalization .
6 R-6 O-24 Batteries (Lead Acid) and _ _ _ 25 _ 25 20 75 Red As per CPCB categorization .
Accessories without Trade Final score is based on air
Effluent Discharge pollution score only after
normalization .
7 R-7 O-28 Bio-Medical Waste Collection, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red As per CPCB Categorization
Transportation, Reception, CBMWTF is under Red
Storage, Treatment and category
Disposal, Facility Connected
with Sewer with Terminal STP
(with Boiler / with Incinerator)
8 R-8 O-38 Cement Clinker Grinding _ _ _ 20 10 30 _ 75 Red Final score is based on air
Units pollution score after
normalization .
9 R-9 _ Construction and Demolition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Categorized as Red Category in
Waste Processing Plant view of Categorization by
CPCB for common waste
processing plants.
10 R-10 O-66 Copper Wire Drawing with 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red
Super Enamelling (with Trade
Effluent Discharge from
11 R-11 O-71 Cotton Spinning and Weaving 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red
(with Dyeing or Bleaching)
12 R-12 O-72 Cotton Spinning and Weaving 30 _ 30 20 _ 20 20 70 Red
(with Dyeing or Bleaching)
with Boiler
13 R-13 O-78 Delhi Jal Board STP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Being Sewage Treatment Plant
for municipal waste water
treatment , the activity has been
categorized as Red Category in
view of CPCB Categorization
14 R-14 O-87 Dyeing, Bleaching (Cotton 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red
Textile) (Upto 100 Workers in
All Shifts, 1 Acre of Land, 100
KLD Water)
15 R-15 O-88 Dyeing, Bleaching (Woollen 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red
Textile) (Upto 100 Workers In
All Shifts, 1 Acre of Land, 100
KLD Water)
16 R-16 O-123 Galvanising 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red
17 R-17 O-124 Gas Extraction from Existing _ _ _ 20 10 30 _ 75 Red Final score is based on air
Land Fill Site pollution score after
normalization .
18 R-18 O-138 Hazardous Waste Stabilization _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red As per CPCB Categorization
/ Treatment / Processing common waste treatment/
Facility processing facilities including
TSDF has been categorized as
Red Category.
19 R-19 O-139 Health Care Establishments 20 10 30 20 _ 20 _ 75 Red The categorization has been
having bed strength above 50 done based on water pollution
beds and connected or not potential and normalizing it by
connected to Sewer and with multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
boiler total score and considering the
categorization by CPCB.
20 R-20 O-140 Health Care Establishments 20 10 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red The categorization has been
having bed strength above 50 done based on water pollution
beds and connected or not potential and normalizing it by
connected to Sewer and multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
without boiler total score and considering the
categorization by CPCB.
21 R-21 O-145 Heat Treatment (Hardening/ 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red
Tampering of Steel) using Salt
and with Trade Effluent
22 R-22 O-149 Hotel (3 Star and Above) - 20 10 30 20 _ 20 _ 75 Red As per CPCB categorization
connected to / Discharging .The categorization has been
Effluent into Public/ done based on water pollution
Municipal/ DJB Sewer having potential and normalizing it by
Kitchen and / or Laundry with multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
boiler total score.
23 R-23 O-150 Hotel (3 Star and Above) - 20 10 30 10 _ 10 _ 75 Red As per CPCB categorization .
connected to / Discharging The categorization has been
Effluent into Public/ done based on water pollution
Municipal/ DJB Sewer having potential and normalizing it by
Kitchen and / or Laundry multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
without boiler total score.
24 R-24 O-151 Hotel (3 Star and Above) -not 20 10 30 20 _ 20 _ 75 Red As per CPCB categorization .
connected to / Discharging The categorization has been
Effluent into Public/ done based on water pollution
Municipal/ DJB Sewer having potential and normalizing it by
Kitchen and / or Laundry with multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
boiler total score.
25 R-25 O-152 Hotel (3 Star and Above) -not 20 10 30 10 _ 10 _ 75 Red As per CPCB categorization .
connected to / Discharging The categorization has been
Effluent into Public/ done based on water pollution
Municipal/ DJB Sewer having potential and normalizing it by
Kitchen and / or Laundry multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
without boiler total score.
26 R-26 O-175 Hotels requiring / having 20 10 30 15 _ 15 _ 75 Red In view of CPCB categorization
Environmental Clearance for hotels and decisions taken
under EIA Notification by DPCC in respect of Hotels (3
Star and Above).
The categorization has been
done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score..
27 R-27 O-180 Isolated storage of Petroleum 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 20 66.67 Red
28 R-28 O-187 Leather finishing and dyeing 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 75 Red In view of CPCB
(using semi finished leather as categorization.The
starting raw material) categorization has been done
based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
29 R-29 O-188 Leather finishing and dyeing 30 _ 30 20 _ 20 20 75 Red In view of CPCB
(using semi finished leather as categorization.The
starting raw material) with categorization has been done
Boiler based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
30 R-30 O-224 Manufacturing of Semi- 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83.33 Red The activity involves metal
Conductor Devices (with surface treatment.
Trade Effluent Discharge)
31 R-31 O-232 Manufacturing of Solder Wire _ _ _ 25 _ 25 _ 62.5 Red
32 R-32 O-251 Milk Processing and Dairy 20 10 30 20 5 25 _ 68.75 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
Products (Integrated Project)
Including Pasturization
33 R-33 O-252 Milk Processing and Dairy 20 10 30 20 5 25 _ 68.75 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
Products (Integrated Project)
Including Pasturization with
34 R-34 O-253 Milk Processing and Dairy 20 10 30 20 5 25 _ 68.75 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
Products (Integrated Project)
Including Pasturization with
35 R-35 O-259 Old STP 20 10 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red
36 R-36 O-266 Paper Manufacturing using 20 10 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red Earlier activity of "Paper
Waste Paper(without use of Manufacturing Using Waste
Fresh Raw Material & with Paper" has been substituted by
Trade Effluent Discharge) this activity.
37 R-37 O-280 Phosphating 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
38 R-38 O-281 Phosphating & Powder 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
39 R-39 O-283 Photographic Films and 30 _ 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red
40 R-40 O-287 Pickling - Copper 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
41 R-41 O-288 Pickling-Others (Except SS 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
42 R-42 O-291 Plating - Cadmium Plating 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
with less than 5 KLD
43 R-43 O-292 Plating - Cadmium Plating 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
with more than or equal to 5
44 R-44 O-293 Plating - Copper Plating with 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
less than 5 KLD
45 R-45 O-294 Plating - Copper Plating with 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
more than or equal to 5 KLD
46 R-46 O-295 Plating - Nickel and Chrome 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
Plating with less than 5 KLD
47 R-47 O-296 Plating - Nickel and Chrome 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
Plating with more than or
equal to 5 KLD
48 R-48 O-297 Plating - Precious Metal 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
49 R-49 O-298 Plating - Tin Plating 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
50 R-50 O-299 Plating - Zinc Plating with less 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
than 5 KLD
51 R-51 O-300 Plating - Zinc Plating with 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red As per CPCB Categorization.
more than or equal to 5 KLD
52 R-52 O-306 Poultry Market 25 _ 25 _ _ _ _ 62.5 Red
53 R-53 O-331 Readymade Garment (with 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red
54 R-54 O-332 Readymade Garment (with 30 _ 30 20 _ 20 20 65 Red
Washing/Dyeing) with Boiler
55 R-55 O-337 Rendering Plant with Boiler 25 10 35 20 _ 20 _ 87.5 Red
56 R-56 O-369 Shopping Malls, Housing / 20 10 30 15 _ 15 _ 75 Red The categorization has been
Commercial/ Office done based on water pollution
Complexes having built up potential and normalizing it by
area 20,000 sqm and above multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
57 R-57 O-374 Slaughter House with Boiler 25 10 35 20 _ 20 _ 87.5 Red Mainly water polluting and
obnoxious odour generating
industry. The water pollution
score is normalized to 100 as
per categorization by CPCB.
58 R-58 O-379 Solid Waste Disposal Facility _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Earlier activity of "Solid Waste
(Landfill Site) (Landfill Site)" has been
substituted by "Solid Waste
Disposal Facility (Landfill
Site)" and the same has been
categorized Activity
Categorized in Red Category in
view of CPCB categorization
for common treatment and
disposal facilities for various
types of wastes.
59 R-59 O-258 Solid Waste Processing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Earlier activity of "Municipal
/Management Facility. Solid Waste" has been
substituted by "Solid Waste
Processing /Management
Facility" and the same has been
categorized in Red Category as
per CPCB Categorization for
common treatment and disposal
facilities for various types of
60 R-60 _ Solid Waste Processing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Activity Categorized in Red
Facility (Compost Plant) Category in view of CPCB
categorization for common
treatment and disposal facilities
for various types of wastes.
61 R-61 O-380 Solid Waste Processing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Earlier activity of " Solid Waste
Facility (Waste to Energy (Waste to Energy Plant) has
Plant) been substituted by " Solid
Waste Processing Facility
(Waste to Energy Plant)" and
the same has been categorized
in Red Category in view of
CPCB categorization for
common treatment and disposal
facilities for various types of
62 R-62 O-388 STP as per Yamuna Action 20 10 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red
Plan (YAP-III)
63 R-63 O-390 Surgical and Medical Products 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red The activity has been
Involving Effluent/Emission categorized considering
Generating Processes processes involves Metal
Surface Treatment.
64 R-64 O-399 Thermal Power Plant (Coal 30 10 40 20 10 30 15 85 Red As per CPCB Categorization
65 R-65 O-400 Thermal Power Plant (Gas 30 10 40 20 10 30 15 85 Red As per CPCB Categorization
66 R-66 O-411 Vacuum Metallising with 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red The activity invoves metal
Trade Effluent Discharge surface treatment
67 R-67 O-418 Water Treatment Plant of DJB 30 _ 30 _ _ _ _ 75 Red
68 R-68 O-419 Wire Drawing (Cold Process) 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 20 83 Red
and Bailing (with Metal
Surface Treatment)
69 R-69 O-421 Yarn and textile processing 30 _ 30 15 _ 15 20 65 Red As per CPCB Categorization
involving scouring, bleaching,
dyeing, printing or any
effluent/emission generating
process. (upto 100 workers in
all shifts, 1 acre of land, 100
Kld water)

70 R-70 O-422 Yarn and textile processing 30 _ 30 20 _ 20 20 65 Red As per CPCB Categorization
involving scouring, bleaching,
dyeing, printing or any
effluent/emission generating
process. (upto 100 workers in
all shifts, 1 acre of land, 100
Kld water) with Boiler

71 R-71 O-423 Yarn and textile processing 30 _ 30 20 _ 20 20 65 Red As per CPCB Categorization
involving scouring, bleaching,
dyeing, printing or any
effluent/emission generating
process. (upto 100 workers in
all shifts, 1 acre of land, 100
Kld water) with Furnace

72 R-72 O-44 CETP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red As per categorization of CPCB.

73 R-73 O-45 Storage of Hazardous Waste _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red Activity of CETP Sludge has
from the Units at CETP Site been substituted with "Storage
of Hazardous Waste from the
Units at CETP Site".
Categorized in Red category
since Common Facility for
Hazardous Waste Storage.
74 O-1 O-1 Aerated Water and Fruit 20 _ 20 15 5 20 _ 50 Orange
75 O-2 O-2 Aerated Water and Fruit 20 _ 20 20 5 25 _ 56.25 Orange
Beverage with Boiler
76 O-3 O-3 Aluminium Casting (except _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
cupola furnace only), Rolling
(with capacity less than 25
MT/day) and Annealing
77 O-4 O-4 Aluminium Pressure Die _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
78 O-5 O-11 Assembling of Diesel Engines _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
79 O-6 O-12 Automobile and Coach _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Building (Small Scale) of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
80 O-7 O-13 Automobile Fuel Outlet (with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Automobile Servicing,
Washing, Repairing and
81 O-8 O-14 Automobile Fuel Outlet (with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Automobile Servicing,
Washing, Repairing and
Painting) with furnace
82 O-9 O-15 Automobile Repair and _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Servicing (without Washing) of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
83 O-10 O-16 Automobile Repair and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Servicing (without Washing)
with oil fired Paint Booth
84 O-11 O-17 Automobile Servicing and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Repair Station with Washing
85 O-12 O-18 Automobile Servicing and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Repair Station with Washing
Activity with burner
86 O-13 _ Ayurvedic and Homeopathic 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 15 55 Orange
Medicines (with boiler /
87 O-14 O-20 Bakery Products and 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 43.75 Orange
Confectionery with Trade
Effluent/Emission Discharge
88 O-15 O-21 Bakery Products and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Confectionery with Trade
Effluent/Emission Discharge
with Boiler
89 O-16 O-22 Bakery Products and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Confectionery with Trade
Effluent/Emission Discharge
with oil fired furnace
90 O-17 O-25 Battery Charging with trade 10 _ 10 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange Final score is based on air
effluent discharge pollution score after
(Discharging effluent from normalization .
acid make up and washing of
91 O-18 O-26 Battery Charging without trade _ _ _ 15 _ 15 10 41.67 Orange
effluent discharge
92 O-19 O-31 Bulk Cement Terminal _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Storage) (100 Tonne and
93 O-20 O-32 C.I. Malleable Pipe Fittings _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(with Casting except cupola
94 O-21 O-33 Cardboard/ Paper or 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Corrugated Box & Other
Products (with Printing
Activity Including Effluent
Generation) from Card board
as raw material
95 O-22 O-35 Cashewnut Processing _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Plants(Dry Process) with Oil
Fired Furnace
96 O-23 O-36 Casting of Ferrous/ Non _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Ferrous Metal (except cupola
furnace Only)
97 O-24 O-37 Cattle Feed _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange Cattle Feed mfg activity with
boiler/heating system using fuel
(without trade effluent)
98 O-25 O-39 Cement Paint Powder and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange Considering that there is no
Distemper trade effluent discharge from the
99 O-26 O-55 Conduit Pipes (Plastic) using 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
plastic scrap with trade effluent
100 O-27 O-57 Confectionery without Trade _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Effluent and having electric
oven with boiler
101 O-28 O-58 Confectionery without Trade _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Effluent and having electric
oven with oil fired furnace
102 O-29 O-65 Copper Wire Drawing with _ _ _ 15 _ 15 15 50 Orange
Super Enamelling (Dry
103 O-30 O-67 Copper Wire Drawing without _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Super Enamelling, of hazardous waste. The score
pickling(Dry Process) of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
104 O-31 O-68 Cotton and Silk Printing by 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 10 45 Orange
Screen Printing with trade
effluent discharge
105 O-32 O-69 Cotton and Silk Printing by 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Screen Printing with trade
effluent discharge with Boiler
106 O-33 O-74 Dairy and Dairy Products 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange Dairy and Dairy Products
without Boiler
107 O-34 O-75 Dairy and Dairy Products with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
108 O-35 O-77 Decorative Goods (Painting/ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Polishing) of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
109 O-36 O-79 Dental base Material, Dental 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Acrylic Powder and Acrylic
liquid with Trade Effluent
110 O-37 O-80 Denting and Painting of _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Vehicles of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
111 O-38 O-81 Denting and painting of _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Vehicles with oil fired Paint
112 O-39 O-83 Dilution of Sodium Silicate _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
using Sodium Silicate as Raw
113 O-40 O-85 Dry Cleaning 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
114 O-41 O-86 Dry Cleaning with Boiler 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
115 O-42 O-89 Electrical and Electronic _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Goods involving use of varnish of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
116 O-43 O-91 Electrical Wire and Cables _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Upto 100 Workers, 2000 Sqm
Plot) with Boiler
117 O-44 O-92 Enamel Paints _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange Considering that there is no
trade effluent discharge from the
118 O-45 O-94 Eucalyptus Oil (without _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Distillation of Wood) with
119 O-46 O-97 Fabric Lamination using _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
Adhesive of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
120 O-47 O-98 Fish feed, poultry feed and 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
cattle feed without having Boiler / Furnace
however categorization has been
done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
121 O-48 O-101 Fish Processing 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
122 O-49 O-104 Fluorescent Lights other than 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
123 O-50 O-106 Foam Manufacturing (other _ _ _ 20 _ 20 15 58.33 Orange
than Polyurethene Foam)
124 O-51 O-107 Food Additives, Nutrients and 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
Flavours with Trade Effluent without use of Furnace / Boiler
125 O-52 O-108 Food Additives, Nutrients and 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
Flavours with Trade Effluent
Discharge with Electric
126 O-53 O-110 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
Industry - Confectioneries without having Boiler / Furnace.
127 O-54 O-111 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Industry - Confectioneries with
128 O-55 O-112 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
Industry - Fruit and Vegetables without having Boiler / Furnace.
129 O-56 O-113 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Industry - Fruit and Vegetables
with Boiler
130 O-57 O-114 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Industry - Fruit and Vegetables
with Furnace
131 O-58 O-109 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Industry -Bakery (Bread &
Biscuit) / Blanco Cakes with
132 O-59 O-116 Food and Fruit Processing 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
Industry Bakery Biscuit
133 O-60 O-118 Forging of Ferrous and Non- _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Ferrous Metal (Except
Pneumatic Hammer and More
than 4 T Hammer)
134 O-61 O-119 Fragrances and Industrial _ _ _ 15 _ 15 10 41.67 Orange
135 O-62 O-120 Fruit canning 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 43.75 Orange
136 O-63 O-122 Fuel Gases (Filling and _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange
137 O-64 O-126 Glass Processing (Cutting, 30 _ 30 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange
Grinding, Polishing etc.) with
Trade Effluent Discharge and
without Furnace
138 O-65 O-130 Gravure Printing (Dry _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
process)(without Trade
Effluent Discharge)
139 O-66 O-131 Gravure Printing with Trade 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Effluent Discharge
140 O-67 O-135 Hand Tools (with Hardening/ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange
Tempering without using
Hardening Salt)
141 O-68 O-136 Hardening by Oil Quenching _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
without use of any salt / of hazardous waste. The score
chemical and without trade of hazardous waste has been
effluent discharge and with normalized to achieve total
annealing in electrically heated score.
142 O-69 O-137 Hardening by Oil Quenching _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
without use of any salt /
chemical without trade effluent
discharge and with annealing
in oil fired furnace
143 O-70 O-141 Health Care Establishments 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
having bed strength upto 50 done based on water pollution
beds and connected to Sewer potential and normalizing it by
and having laundary with multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
boiler total score and considering the
categorization by CPCB.
144 O-71 O-142 Health Care Establishments 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
having bed strength upto 50 done based on water pollution
beds and connected to Sewer potential and normalizing it by
and having laundary without multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
boiler total score and considering the
categorization by CPCB.
145 O-72 O-144 Health Care Establishments 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
having bed strength upto 50
beds and not connected to
Sewer with boiler
146 O-73 O-143 Health Care Establishments 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
having bed strength upto 50 done based on water pollution
beds and not connected to potential and normalizing it by
Sewer without boiler multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score and considering the
categorization by CPCB.
147 O-74 O-146 Helmets _ _ _ 15 _ 15 10 41.67 Orange
148 O-75 O-147 Home Furnishing with 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Washing done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
149 O-76 O-148 Home Furnishing with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Washing with Boiler
150 O-77 O-154 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 done based on water pollution
to 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
151 O-78 O-156 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 done based on water pollution
to 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
152 O-79 O-158 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 done based on water pollution
to 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
153 O-80 O-160 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
less than 20 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
154 O-81 O-161 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
less than 20 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
155 O-82 O-168 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
more than 50 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
156 O-83 O-170 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
more than 50 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler

157 O-84 O-171 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
more than 50 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
158 O-85 O-172 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
more than 50 rooms (double done based on water pollution
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
159 O-86 O-174 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
upto 50 rooms (double bed) or done based on water pollution
100 rooms (single bed) potential and normalizing it by
(excluding 3 Star and above) - multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
160 O-87 O-176 Ice-cream 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
161 O-88 O-177 Ice-cream with Boiler 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
162 O-89 O-178 In House Testing Laboratory 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange Considering that the activity
with Trading Activity involves trade effluent
163 O-90 O-179 Ink and Printing Ink _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
(Excluding Flexographic Ink)
without Trade Effluent
164 O-91 O-181 Jam, Jellies and Fruit 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
Preserves, Citrus Fruit without having Boiler.
Concentrated, Vinegar,
Tomato Ketchup and
Vegetable Sauce etc.
165 O-92 O-182 Jam, Jellies and Fruit 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Preserves, Citrus Fruit
Concentrated, Vinegar,
Tomato Ketchup and
Vegetable Sauce etc. with
166 O-93 O-183 Laboratory Reagents and Kits 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 15 58.33 Orange
167 O-94 O-184 Laundry and Dry-cleaning 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
with Boiler
168 O-95 O-185 Laundry and Dry-cleaning 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
without Boiler
169 O-96 O-189 Liquid Soap (without 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Manufacturing Acid Slurry) done based on water pollution
with Trade Effluent Discharge potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
170 O-97 O-190 Liquid Soap (without 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Manufacturing Acid Slurry)
with Trade Effluent Discharge
with Boiler
171 O-98 O-193 Manufacturing of Auto parts _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
using Adhesive of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
172 O-99 O-194 Manufacturing of Caramel 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Burnt Sugar) with Trade
Effluent Discharge with boiler
173 O-100 O-196 Manufacturing of Caramel 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
(Burnt Sugar) with Trade done based on water pollution
Effluent Discharge without potential and normalizing it by
boiler/furnace. multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
174 O-101 O-197 Manufacturing of Caramel _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Burnt Sugar) without Trade
Effluent Discharge with boiler
175 O-102 O-198 Manufacturing of Caramel _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Burnt Sugar) without Trade
Effluent Discharge with
176 O-103 O-195 Manufacturing of Carmel _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(Burnt Sugar) with Trade
Effluent Discharge with
177 O-104 O-201 Manufacturing of Diagnostic 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Kit with Boiler or Furnace
178 O-105 O-202 Manufacturing of Diagnostic 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Kit without Boiler or Furnace done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
179 O-106 O-210 Manufacturing of Katha with 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
Distillation and with Trade
Effluent Discharge
180 O-107 O-212 Manufacturing of Leather _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Garments with Polishing /
Colouring (without
dyeing/trade Effluent
181 O-108 O-213 Manufacturing of Menthol and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
its allied products with Boiler
182 O-109 O-214 Manufacturing of Menthol and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
its allied products with Furnace
183 O-110 O-216 Manufacturing of Metal Caps _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
and Containers (with Printing)
184 O-111 O-219 Manufacturing of Phenyl with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization
Trade Effluent Discharge
185 O-112 O-220 Manufacturing of Phenyl _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
without Trade Effluent
186 O-113 O-222 Manufacturing of Reprocessed 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
PVC Granules & Other
Injection Moulded Items
(using Scrap as Raw Material
with Washing Activity)
187 O-114 O-223 Manufacturing of Reprocessed _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
PVC Granules and Other
Injection Moulded Items
(using Scrap as Raw Material
without Washing Activity)
188 O-115 O-226 Manufacturing of Soaps 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
(Generating Trade Effluent)
189 O-116 O-227 Manufacturing of Soaps 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
(Generating Trade Effluent)
with Boiler
190 O-117 O-228 Manufacturing of Soaps 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
(Generating Trade Effluent)
with Furnace
191 O-118 O-230 Manufacturing of Soaps _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(without Trade Effluent) with
192 O-119 O-231 Manufacturing of Soaps _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
(without Trade Effluent) with
193 O-120 O-235 Manufacturing of Synthetic _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Adhesive without Heating
194 O-121 O-238 Manufacturing of Synthetic 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Detergents Intermediates done based on water pollution
(Other Then Formulated potential and normalizing it by
Synthetic Detergent Products multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
and Acid Slurry) with Trade total score.
Effluent Discharge
195 O-122 O-236 Manufacturing of Synthetic 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Detergents Intermediates
(Other Then Formulated
Synthetic Detergent Products
and Acid Slurry) with Trade
Effluent Discharge with Boiler
196 O-123 O-237 Manufacturing of Synthetic 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Detergents Intermediates
(Other Then Formulated
Synthetic Detergent Products
and Acid Slurry) with Trade
Effluent Discharge with
197 O-124 O-239 Manufacturing of 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 43.75 Orange
Toothpowder, Toothpaste,
Talcum Powder and Other
Cosmetic Items with Trade
Effluent Discharge
198 O-125 O-241 Manufacturing of Welding 15 _ 15 20 _ 20 _ 43.75 Orange In view of CPCB categorization.
199 O-126 O-244 Meat & Sea Food Industry - 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
Meat Processing
200 O-127 O-245 Medicines / Pharmaceutical 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 15 55 Orange
Formulation- with Boiler
201 O-128 O-246 Medicines / Pharmaceutical 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 15 50 Orange The categorization has been
Formulation- without Boiler done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
202 O-129 O-248 Mfg. of Candles having oil 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
fired boiler with trade effluent
203 O-130 O-249 Mfg. of Thermometer without 15 _ 15 20 _ 20 _ 43.75 Orange
Trade Effluent Discharge
204 O-131 O-250 Microbrewery Permitted as per 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
spot zoning by DDA
205 O-132 O-260 Optical Glass 20 _ 20 20 _ 15 _ 43.75 Orange
(Surfacing/Grinding Only)
(with Trade Effluent
206 O-133 O-262 Paint (By Mixing Process _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange Considering that there is no
Only) Except Nitrocellulose trade effluent discharge from the
and Alkd Resin Based Paints activity.
207 O-134 O-263 Paint and Varnishes (Blending, _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange Considering that there is no
Mixing) trade effluent discharge from the
208 O-135 O-267 Parafin Wax Refining _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Excluding Chlorinated Paraffin
Wax Purification with Boiler
209 O-136 O-268 Parafin Wax Refining _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Excluding Chlorinated Paraffin
Wax Purification with Furnace
210 O-137 O-270 Perfumes and Cosmetics _ _ _ 15 _ 15 10 41.67 Orange The activity has been
categorized without Trade
Effluent Discharge.
211 O-138 O-271 Perfumes and Cosmetics (With 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 10 45 Orange
Effluent Discharge)
212 O-139 O-272 Petroleum Products (Storage _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
and Packing Only) of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
213 O-140 O-273 Petroleum Products/ Crude Oil 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 20 50 Orange
Storage and Transfer
Excluding Cross-Country
214 O-141 O-274 Pharmaceuticals formulation _ _ _ 15 _ 15 10 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
only (Dry Process) has been given score of 55 by
CPCB categorization.
215 O-142 O-275 Pharmaceuticals formulation _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
only (Dry Process) with Boiler has been given score of 55 by
CPCB categorization.
216 O-143 O-276 Pharmaceuticals formulation _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
only (Dry Process)with has been given score of 55 by
Furnace CPCB categorization.
217 O-144 O-277 Pharmaceuticals Formulation 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 15 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
with Washing Operation has been given score of 55 by
CPCB categorization.
218 O-145 O-278 Pharmaceuticals Formulation 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 15 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
with Washing Operation with has been given score of 55 by
Boiler CPCB categorization.
219 O-146 O-279 Pharmaceuticals Formulation 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 15 55 Orange Pharmaceuticals Formulation
With Washing Operation with has been given score of 55 by
Furnace CPCB categorization.
220 O-147 O-282 Photograph Printing (Including _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Signboard Painting) without
Trade Effluent Discharge
221 O-148 O-284 Pickles, Chutney & Murabba 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The activity has been considered
without having Boiler / Furnace
.The categorization has been
done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
222 O-149 O-285 Pickles, Chutney & Murabba 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
with Boiler
223 O-150 O-286 Pickles, Chutney & Murabba 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
with Furnace
224 O-151 O-301 Polishing, Painting, Varnishing _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
etc on goods, furniture etc.
225 O-152 O-303 Poultry Feed _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
226 O-153 O-304 Poultry Feed with Boiler _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
227 O-154 O-305 Poultry Feed with Furnace _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
228 O-155 O-308 Preboiled Rice Mills - Dry 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
229 O-156 O-309 Preboiled Rice Mills with 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
230 O-157 O-310 Printing or Etching of Glass 15 _ 15 20 _ 20 _ 43.75 Orange
Sheet and PCB Boards using
Hydrofluoric Acid
231 O-158 O-311 Printing with Trade Effluent 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
232 O-159 O-312 Printing without Trade _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Effluent Discharge
233 O-160 O-315 Processing of dry fruits with 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
washing done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
234 O-161 O-316 Processing of Groundnuts and 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dry Fruits using Electric Oven done based on water pollution
(without using any other fuel) potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
235 O-162 O-317 Pulping and fermentation of 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
coffee beans
236 O-163 O-318 Pulping and fermentation of 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
coffee beans with Boiler
237 O-164 O-319 Pulping and fermentation of 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
coffee beans with Furnace
238 O-165 O-322 PVC Footwear (Using Scrap) 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
239 O-166 O-323 Rapeseed Oil 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange
240 O-167 O-324 Rapeseed Oil with Boiler 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
241 O-168 O-325 Rapeseed Oil with Furnace 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
242 O-169 O-329 Readymade Garment (with 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Washing) done based on water pollution
potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
243 O-170 O-330 Readymade Garment (with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Washing) with Boiler
244 O-171 O-334 Readymade Garment with 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Electric/ Gas fired boiler (with
Washing) with Boiler
245 O-172 O-336 Readymade Garment with oil _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
fired boiler (without
246 O-173 O-338 Reprocessing of Waste Plastic 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
/ PVC (with Washing Activity)
247 O-174 O-339 Reprocessing of Waste Plastic _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
/ PVC (without Washing
248 O-175 O-340 Restaurants /Eating houses/ 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Dhabas and other such
establishments(having seating
capacity from 36 to 100 seats)-
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public/Municipal/
DJB Sewer and having Kitchen
and / or Laundry with Boiler

249 O-176 O-342 Restaurants /Eating houses/ 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange

Dhabas and other such
establishments(having seating
capacity from 36 to 100 seats)-
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public/Municipal/
DJB Sewer and having Kitchen
and / or Laundry with Boiler
250 O-177 O-343 Restaurants /Eating houses/ 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments(having seating potential and normalizing it by
capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
not connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public/Municipal/
DJB Sewer and having Kitchen
and / or Laundry without
251 O-178 O-344 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Dhabas and other such
establishments (having Seating
Capacity less than 36) /
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns
(with Floor area less than 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of less one
Tonne/Day - not connected to /
Discharging Effluent into
Public / Municipal / DJB
Sewer and having Kitchen and
/ or Laundry with Boiler
252 O-179 O-345 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments (having Seating potential and normalizing it by
Capacity less than 36) / multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns total score.
(with Floor area less than 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of less
than one Tonne/Day - not
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
253 O-180 O-346 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Dhabas and other such
establishments (having Seating
Capacity less than 36) /
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns
(with Floor area less than 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of less
than one Tonne/Day -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
254 O-181 O-347 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments (having Seating potential and normalizing it by
Capacity less than 36) / multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns total score.
(with Floor area less than 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of less
than one Tonne/Day -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
255 O-182 O-348 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Dhabas and other such
establishments (with minimum
seating capacity of 101) /
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns
(with minimum Floor area 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of one
Tonne/Day or more) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
256 O-183 O-349 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments (with minimum potential and normalizing it by
seating capacity of 101) / multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns total score.
(with minimum Floor area 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of one
Tonne/Day or more) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
257 O-184 O-350 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Dhabas and other such
establishments (with minimum
seating capacity of 101) /
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns
(with minimum Floor area 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of one
Tonne/Day or more) - not
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
258 O-185 O-351 Restaurants/Eating Houses / 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments (with minimum potential and normalizing it by
seating capacity of 101) / multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns total score.
(with minimum Floor area 100
m2) and /Sweet Shops/
Halwais and Other such
Establishments (with Annual
Average Production of one
Tonne/Day or more) - not
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
259 O-186 O-353 Roto and Flexo Printing _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
without trade effluent
260 O-187 O-358 Rubber moulded goods _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
excluding production of tyres
and tubes (without reclamation
and devulcanisation of rubber)
with Boiler
261 O-188 O-359 Sanitary Goods with Casting _ _ _ 15 5 20 _ 50 Orange
(except cupola furnace) and
Buffing without Electroplating
262 O-189 O-360 Sanitary Goods with Casting _ _ _ 15 5 20 _ 50 Orange
(except cupola furnace)
without Buffing and
263 O-190 O-363 Seed Food with Trade Effluent 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Discharge with Boiler
264 O-191 O-364 Seed Food with Trade Effluent 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Discharge with Furnace
265 O-192 O-365 Seed Food with Trade Effluent 20 _ 20 _ _ _ _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Discharge without Boiler / done based on water pollution
Furnace potential and normalizing it by
multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
266 O-193 O-366 Self Adhesive Tapes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange The activity involves generation
of hazardous waste. The score
of hazardous waste has been
normalized to achieve total
267 O-194 O-367 Sheet Metal Printing with Oil _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
fired Oven or Furnace
268 O-195 O-368 Sheet Metal Printing without _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Oil fired Oven or Furnace
269 O-196 O-373 Silver Foil Making with _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
270 O-197 O-376 Soap, Detergent Cake and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 orange
Powder, Scouring Powder and
Bar (W/O Trade Effluent) with
271 O-198 O-377 Soap, Detergent Cake and _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 orange
Powder, Scouring Powder and
Bar (W/O Trade Effluent) with
272 O-199 O-383 Spray Painting, Paint Baking, _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
Paint Stripping
273 O-200 O-391 Surgical and Medical Products 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
Involving Prophylactics and
274 O-201 O-392 Surgical and Medical Products 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
Involving Prophylactics and
Latex with Boiler
275 O-202 O-393 Surgical and Medical Products 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
Involving Prophylactics and
Latex with Furnace
276 O-203 O-394 Synthetic Soap (Formulation _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Only) with Boiler and without
trade effluent discharge
277 O-204 O-395 Synthetic Soap (Formulation _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Only) with Furnace and
without trade effluent
278 O-205 O-397 Tea/Coffee, Coffee Processing 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
279 O-206 O-398 Tea/Coffee, Coffee Processing 25 _ 25 20 _ 20 _ 56 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
with Boiler
280 O-207 O-401 Thermocol Manufacturing _ _ 20 _ 20 _ _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization
(with boiler)
281 O-208 O-404 Toughening of Glass 15 _ 15 20 _ 20 _ 43.75 Orange
282 O-209 O-405 Transformer Assembly / _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 50 Orange
283 O-210 O-406 Tyre Retreading (with Boiler) 10 _ 10 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
284 O-211 O-408 Use of Boiler (excluding _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Electric / Coal Fired)
285 O-212 O-409 Use of Furnace (excluding _ _ _ 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Cupola / Arc/Induction
286 O-213 O-410 Vacuum Metalising without _ _ _ 20 _ 20 10 50 Orange
Trade Effluent Discharge
287 O-214 O-414 Vermicelli and Macroni, Badi, 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 43.75 Orange
Papad and Similar Products
with Trade Effluent Discharge
288 O-215 O-413 Vermicelli and Macroni, Badi, 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Papad and Similar Products
with Trade Effluent Discharge
with Boiler
289 O-216 O-415 Vermicelli and Macroni, Badi, 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
Papad and Similar Products
with Trade Effluent Discharge
with Furnace
290 O-217 O-99 Fish feed, poultry feed and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
cattle feed with Boiler
291 O-218 O-100 Fish feed, poultry feed and 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
cattle feed with Furnace
292 O-219 O-129 Gold and Silver smithy (with 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Orange Considering that the activity
Trade Effluent Discharge) involves trade effluent
containing metals.
293 O-220 O-153 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40
to 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
294 O-221 O-155 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40
to 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
295 O-222 O-157 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40
to 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
296 O-223 O-159 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
less than 20 rooms (double
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
297 O-224 O-163 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
less than 20 rooms (double
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
298 O-225 O-164 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
less than 20 rooms (double
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
299 O-226 O-169 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
more than 50 rooms (double
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler

300 O-227 O-165 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange

more than 50 rooms (double
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
301 O-228 O-166 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
more than 50 rooms (double
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
302 O-229 O-167 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
more than 50 rooms (double
bed) or 100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
not connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
303 O-230 O-173 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 _ 20 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange
upto 50 rooms (double bed) or
100 rooms (single bed)
(excluding 3 Star and above) -
connected to / Discharging
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
having Kitchen and / or
Laundry with Boiler
304 O-231 O-186 Lead Acid Battery 10 _ 10 20 _ 20 _ 50 Orange Final score is based on air
Reconditioning/Assembly pollution score after
(without grid casting, oxide normalization .
mfg & paste mixing)
305 O-232 O-370 Shopping Malls, Housing / 20 _ 20 15 _ 15 _ 50 Orange The categorization has been
Commercial/ Office done based on water pollution
Complexes having built up potential and normalizing it by
area less than 20,000 sqm multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
total score.
306 O-233 _ Thermometer manufacturing 15 _ 15 20 _ 20 _ 43.75 Orange As per CPCB Categorization.
307 G-1 G-4 Aluminium Doors/Windows/ _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Fittings/Furniture, Aluminium
Wares, Aluminium
buffing,anodizing/ casting)
308 G-2 G-3 Aluminium -Wares, moulds of _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
cakes and pastry(without
buffing, anodizing/ casting)
309 G-3 O-8 Annealing using Electric _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
310 G-4 G-5 Apparel Making (without _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
washing ,dyeing &bleaching
and boiler)
311 G-5 G-17 Assembling of Central 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 10 33.33 Green
Industrial Machinery(such as
hydraulic equipments, drilling
equipments, boilers etc.)
312 G-6 G-9 Assembling of Industrial _ _ _ _ 10 10 10 33.33 Green
trucks, trailers, stakers etc.
313 G-7 _ Ayurvedic and Homeopathic 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
Medicines (without boiler /
314 G-8 O-19 Bakelite Powder mfg. using _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Phenol Formaldehyde Resin as
Raw Material and Bakelite
315 G-9 O-27 Battery Containers (PVC 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
316 G-10 O-29 Brake Lining without use of _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
317 G-11 O-30 Buffing on Metal _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Fugitive PM emissions from
buffing operations.
318 G-12 G-44 Candles (electrical/LPG _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
319 G-13 G-46 Cardboard or corrugated box _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
and Paper products( paper or
pulp mfg excluded)
320 G-14 O-34 Cashewnut Processing _ _ _ 15 _ 15 _ 37.5 Green
Plants(Dry Process)
321 G-15 O-40 Cement products (Small Scale) _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
322 G-16 O-42 Cement Tiles Using Fly Ash 12 _ 12 10 _ 10 _ 27.5 Green
(with Trade Effluent
323 G-17 O-43 Cement Tiles Using Fly Ash _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
(without Trade Effluent
324 G-18 O-46 Chilling Plants and Cold 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Storages (Integrated)
(Excluding meat/ food
processing) with Trade
Effluent Discharge
325 G-19 O-47 Chilling Plants and Cold 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Storages (Integrated)
(Excluding meat/ food
processing) without trade
326 G-20 O-48 Chilly Powder (Grinding _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
327 G-21 O-49 Coated Cotton Fabrics (PVC 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Rexene Cloth)
328 G-22 O-50 Cold Re-Rolling without 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Pickling of S .S. Sheets (with
capacity less than 25 MT/ day)
329 G-23 O-51 Colour/Black & White _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been
Photostudio with Film categorized without trade
Development Process effluent .
330 G-24 O-52 Concrete and Mosaic Products 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
(with Trade Effluent
331 G-25 O-54 Conduit Pipes (Plastic) using 10 _ 10 20 _ 20 _ 37.5 Green
fresh raw material
332 G-26 O-56 Conduit Pipes (Plastic) using 10 _ 10 20 _ 20 _ 37.5 Green
plastic scrap without trade
effluent discharge
333 G-27 O-59 Confectionery without Trade 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Effluent and having electric
oven without boiler
334 G-28 O-60 Confectionery without Trade 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Effluent and having electric
oven without oil fired furnace
335 G-29 O-61 Confectionery without Trade 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Effluent and having Gas Stove
without Boiler / Oil Fired
336 G-30 O-62 Contact Lens (with Trade 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green
337 G-31 O-64 Copper / Aluminium Re- 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Rolling Industry(Foils and
Strips etc.) with Capacity less
than 25MT/Day
338 G-32 O-70 Cotton Ginning _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
339 G-33 O-73 Cutting, Sizing and Polishing 15 _ 15 10 _ 10 _ 31.25 Green
of Marble Stones
340 G-34 O-76 Dal Mills _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
341 G-35 G-60 Detergent (without bhatti) _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been
categorized without trade
effluent .
342 G-36 O-82 Dilution and Packaging of 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Surface Finishing Additives
without Trade Effluent
343 G-37 O-84 Distilled Water 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green
344 G-38 O-90 Electrical Wire and Cables 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been considered
(Upto 100 Workers, 2000 Sqm without use of Boiler/Furnace
345 G-39 O-95 EVA Footwear and EVA 10 _ 10 15 _ 15 _ 31.25 Green
346 G-40 O-96 Expanded Metal with Hot 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
347 G-41 O-102 Flour Mills _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been considered
without trade effluent discharge.
348 G-42 O-103 Flour Mills with trade effluent 12 _ 12 10 _ 10 _ 27.5 Green
349 G-43 O-115 Food and Fruit Processing 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green The activity has been considered
Industry -Bakery (Bread & without having Boiler / Furnace.
Biscuit) / Blanco Cakes
350 G-44 O-117 Footwear (rubber) _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
351 G-45 G-78 Formulation of synthetic _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
detergent powder( without
washing / dry process)
352 G-46 G-81 Furniture wooden and steel _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
(without saw mill, painting and
353 G-47 O-127 Glass Processing (Cutting, _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Grinding, Polishing etc.)
without Trade Effluent
Discharge and without Furnace
354 G-48 O-128 Gold and Silver Smithy (Dry _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been considered
Process) without trade effluent discharge.
355 G-49 O-132 Grinding and surfacing of 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green
Optical Lenses (Dry Process)
356 G-50 O-133 Grinding of Rubber / PVC _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
357 G-51 O-134 Gutka Manufacturing _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Earlier activity of "Gutka
involving Mixing & Grinding /Supari (Betelnut) Grinding" has
process been substituted with "Gutka
Manufacturing involving
Mixing & Grinding process".
358 G-52 O-162 Hotel/ Guest Houses having 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green As per CPCB categorization
less than 20 rooms (double This score is valid for hotels
bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) having overall waste-water
(excluding 3 Star and above) - generation less than 10 KLD
connected to / Discharging and without Boiler.
Effluent into Public /
Municipal / DJB Sewer and
not having Kitchen and / or
Laundry without Boiler
359 G-53 G-109 Household/kitchen appliances _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Green
360 G-54 G-112 Insulation and other coated _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
paper (Paper or pulp mfg
excluded) without using boiler/
361 G-55 O-204 Manufacturing of Ferrous and _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Fugitive PM emissions from
Non-Ferrous Metal Products buffing operations.
(without using any Heating
Equipment) with Buffing
362 G-56 O-206 Manufacturing of Footwear _ _ _ 10 _ 10 10 33.33 Green
Uppers using Adhesive
363 G-57 O-207 Manufacturing of Ice without 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Trade Effluent Discharge
364 G-58 O-209 Manufacturing of Kali _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Mehandi / Hair Colour in
Powder form (Grinding and
mixing only)
365 G-59 O-215 Manufacturing of Menthol and 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
its allied products without
Boiler / Furnace
366 G-60 O-221 Manufacturing of PVC 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Granules and Other Injection
Moulded Items (without
Reprocessing Activity)
367 G-61 O-225 Manufacturing of Sensitized _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Papers/Laminated Papers using
Paper as Raw Material
368 G-62 O-229 Manufacturing of Soaps _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
(without Trade Effluent)
369 G-63 G-129 Manufacturing of soaps _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
involving processes without
generation of trade effluents
and using
electricity/LPG/CNG/as source
of fuel
370 G-64 O-233 Manufacturing of Stainless _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Fugitive PM emissions from
Steel Utensils (with Buffing buffing operations.
371 G-65 O-234 Manufacturing of Surface 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Cleaning and Impregnation
Products based on
Nanotechnology without
372 G-66 O-240 Manufacturing of UF Powder _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
(Melamine Powder) using
Urea Formaldehyde Resin as
Raw Material
373 G-67 O-242 Manufacturing/formulation of _ _ _ 10 _ 10 10 33.33 Green
Perfumery and Cosmetics (Not
involved in the process -
Production and /or industrial
use of solvents and Production
and/or industrial use of paints,
pigments, lacquers ,varnishes,
plastics and inks)

374 G-68 O-243 Marbles Stone Items 15 _ 15 10 _ 10 _ 31.25 Green

375 G-69 O-247 Mfg. of Auto Parts with 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Induction Hardening (Cooling
by Water) without Trade
Effluent Discharge
376 G-70 O-254 Mineralised Water/Water 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green Categorization done for the
Treatment Plant activity of Mineral
Water/Packaged Water Industry.
377 G-71 O-256 Moulding using UF/PF Powder 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
without buffing
378 G-72 G-141 Oil ginning/expelling(no 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
hydrogenation/ refining )
without trade effluent and
379 G-73 _ Packaging & Processing of _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
tobacco/pan masala/gutka
without using plastic material
in any form (without trade
380 G-74 O-264 Pan Masala (Mixing Only) _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
381 G-75 O-265 Paper Gum using fuel for _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
heating without effluent
382 G-76 O-266 Parafin Wax Refining _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Excluding Chlorinated Paraffin
Wax Purification - Dry Process
383 G-77 O-289 Pipeline Transport for _ _ _ 10 5 15 _ 37.5 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
Petroleum Product Projects
384 G-78 O-290 Plastic Processed Goods 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Cooling water & emissions due
to mixing of raw materials.
385 G-79 O-302 Polythene, Plastic and PVC 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Goods through Extrusion
Moulding (without use of
386 G-80 O-307 Powder Coating without _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
387 G-81 O-313 Process Involving Buffing _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Fugitive PM emissions from
buffing operations.
388 G-82 O-314 Processing of Condiments, _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Spices, Groundnuts and Dal
389 G-83 O-320 Pulverizing units _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
390 G-84 O-321 PVC Footwear (Using Fresh 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Raw Material)
391 G-85 O-327 Ready Mix Concrete Plants 12 _ 12 10 _ 10 _ 27.5 Green
(with trade effluent discharge)
392 G-86 O-328 Ready Mix Concrete Plants _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
(without trade effluent
393 G-87 O-333 Readymade Garment with 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 37.5 Green
Electric/ Gas fired boiler (with
394 G-88 O-335 Readymade Garment with _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Electric/ Gas fired boiler
(without Washing/Dyeing)
395 G-89 O-326 Re-rolling mill hot (oil or gas 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
fired) (with capacity less than
25 MT/ day)
396 G-90 O-341 Restaurants /Eating houses/ 20 _ 20 10 _ 10 _ 50 Green The categorization has been
Dhabas and other such done based on water pollution
establishments(having seating potential and normalizing it by
capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- multiplying with 2.5 to achieve
connected to / Discharging total score.
Effluent into Public/Municipal/
DJB Sewer and having Kitchen
and / or Laundry without
397 G-91 O-352 Rice Mills _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
398 G-92 O-354 Rubber Auto Parts Excluding _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Production of Tyres and Tubes
(without Reclamation and
Devulcanisation of Rubber)
399 G-93 O-355 Rubber Compound for Rubber _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Footwears (without
Reclamation and
Devulcanisation of Rubber)
400 G-94 O-356 Rubber goods Industry _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
excluding production of tyres
and tubes (without reclamation
and devulcanisation of rubber)
401 G-95 O-357 Rubber moulded goods _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
excluding production of tyres
and tubes (without reclamation
and devulcanisation of rubber)
402 G-96 O-362 Saw Mill _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
403 G-97 O-371 Shot Blasting _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
404 G-98 O-375 Soap, Detergent Cake and 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Powder, Scouring Powder and
Bar (W/O Trade Effluent)
405 G-99 O-378 Sodium Silicate Industry (with _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
Capacity Upto 1 Ton/Day)
406 G-100 O-381 Spectacles and Optical Frames 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
(Plastic Products)
407 G-101 O-382 Spice Grinding _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
408 G-102 O-384 Stainless Steel Rerolling (Hot) 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
(with capacity less than 25
MT/ day)
409 G-103 O-385 Stainless steel rerolling and 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
anealling (with capacity less
than 25 MT/ day)
410 G-104 O-386 Steel Re-Rolling Industry (less 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization.
than 25 TPD)
411 G-105 O-387 Steeping and Processing of 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
412 G-106 O-389 Supari (Betelnut) and Pan _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Fugitive emissions of PM.
Masala Grinding
413 G-107 G-181 Thermometer making, without _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green Categorization done considering
trade effluent (Assembling only Assembling of
only ) Thermometer not generating
trade effluent.
414 G-108 O-407 Tyre Retreading (without 10 _ 10 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
415 G-109 O-412 Varnish Coating without _ _ _ 10 _ 10 10 33.33 Green
416 G-110 O-417 Water Softening and 12 _ 12 _ _ _ _ 30 Green
Demineralised Plants
417 G-111 O-420 Wire Drawing (without 10 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 25 Green
Pickling/ Galvanizing)
418 G-112 G-185 Wooden Furniture (without _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green As per CPCB Categorization
Saw Milling)
419 G-113 G-186 Wooden toys and assembly _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green
toys and assembly of all types
of toys
420 G-114 G-187 Woven Lables _ _ _ 10 _ 10 _ 25 Green The activity has been
categorized considering that it
does not involve Washing /
421 W-1 G-1 Agarbatti and similar products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
422 W-2 G-2 Agriculture equipments and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
implements including repair
423 W-3 G-6 Arm Parts (Light Engg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
424 W-4 G-8 Assembling of Conveyors and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Conveying equipments
425 W-5 G-10 Assembling of lifts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
426 W-6 G-11 Assembling of other primary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
metal industries(e.g. cold
rolled sheets, alloy sheets
etc.)(Light Engg. Work)
427 W-7 G-12 Assembling of power driven _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
pumps and pumping
428 W-8 G-13 Assembling of sewing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
429 W-9 G-14 Assembling of sluice gates and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
430 W-10 G-15 Assembling of special industry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
431 W-11 G-16 Assembling of steel chains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
432 W-12 G-17 Assembling of telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
433 W-13 G-18 Assembling of tractor and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
agriculture machinery (power
434 W-14 G-19 Assembly and repair of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
electrical gadgets
435 W-15 G-20 Assembly and repair of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
electronic goods
436 W-16 G-21 Assembly and repair of sewing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
437 W-17 G-22 Assembly of air coolers / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
conditioners, repairing and
438 W-18 G-23 Assembly of bicycles, baby _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
carriage and other small non-
motorised vehicles
439 W-19 G-24 Assembly of domestic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
electrical appliances
440 W-20 G-25 Assembly of Lathe machine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
441 W-21 G-26 Atta Chakkies(with less than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
6KW Power)
442 W-22 _ Bailing (hydraulic press) of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
waste papers
443 W-23 G-27 Bamboo and cane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
products(only dry operations)
444 W-24 G-28 Batic works _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
445 W-25 G-29 Belts and Buckles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
446 W-26 G-30 Bio-Fertilizer and Bio- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Pesticides without using
inorganic Chemicals
447 W-27 _ Biscuits trays etc from rolled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
PVC sheet (using automatic
vacuum forming machines)
448 W-28 G-31 Blending and Packaging of Tea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
449 W-29 G-32 Block Making for printing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without foundry (excluding
wooden block making)
450 W-30 G-33 Book binding, embossing and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
photograms etc.(without
451 W-31 G-34 Brass fittings/Brass _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
work(without casting / buffing)
452 W-32 G-35 Brief Cases and Bags assembly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(excluding plastic moulding)
453 W-33 G-36 Brushes & Brooms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
454 W-34 G-37 Brushes(without moulding) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
455 W-35 G-38 Buckets(other than plastic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without galvanizing/pickling)
456 W-36 G-39 Builders hardware(light Engg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Works only)
457 W-37 G-40 Bulbs (battery) Assembly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
458 W-38 G-41 Button clips and hooks(other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
than plastic), without
electroplating and buffing.
459 W-39 G-42 Button making, fixing of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
buttons and hooks
460 W-40 G-43 C.I. Malleable pipe fittings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without casting
461 W-41 G-45 Canvas bags and holdalls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
making (cutting, stitching,
462 W-42 G-47 Carpentry (excluding saw mill) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
463 W-43 G-48 Carpet weaving _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
464 W-44 O-41 Cement Testing without Trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Effluent Discharge
465 W-45 _ Chalk making from plaster of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Paris ( only casting without
boilers etc. ( sun drying /
electrical oven)
466 W-46 G-49 Clay and moulding( without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
467 W-47 G-50 Coir and jute Products (dry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
process only)
468 W-48 G-51 Collapsible gates, railing and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
grills (light engineering work
without phosphating)
469 W-49 _ Compressed oxygen gas from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White At Sl. No 42 of Prohibited /
crude liquid oxygen ( without Negative List of Industries
use of any solvents and by [Annexure-7.0 (III)] of MPD-
maintaining pressure & 2021, Gases-carbon-disulphide,
temperature only for ultramaraine blue, chlorine,
separation of other gases) hydrogen, sulphur dioxide,
acetylene, etc. (other than
gases) are mentioned and not
permitted to setp up in Delhi.
470 W-50 G-52 Computer designing and data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
471 W-51 O-53 Concrete and Mosaic Products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(without Trade Effluent
472 W-52 O-63 Contact Lens (without Trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
473 W-53 G-53 Copper and brass art wares _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without casting / buffing
474 W-54 G-54 Copper metal parts, copper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
ware and utensils (without
casting and reheating)
475 W-55 G-55 Cotton and woolen hosiers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
making ( Dry process only
without any dying / washing
476 W-56 G-56 Cranes and hosits (Light _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
477 W-57 G-57 Crayons (without trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
478 W-58 G-58 Cutlery (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
479 W-59 G-59 Cycle chain (light engg. Work) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
480 W-60 G-61 Diamond cutting and polishing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
481 W-61 G-62 Dies without casting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
482 W-62 _ Diesel pump repairing and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
servicing ( complete
mechanical dry process)
483 W-63 G-63 Door shutters and windows _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(Wooden)(excluding saw mill)
484 W-64 G-64 Elastic products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
485 W-65 G-65 Electric appliances (room _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
heater lamps etc)Assembly
486 W-66 _ Electric lamp ( bulb) and CFL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
manufacturing by assembling
487 W-67 G-66 Electric lamp shades, fixtures( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
light engineering work)
488 W-68 G-67 Electric motor, transformers, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
generators and parts (assembly
and repair, light engineering
activity only )
489 W-69 G-68 Electric press assembling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
490 W-70 _ Electrical and electronic item _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
assembling ( completely dry
491 W-71 G-69 Electrical steel sheets and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White The activity has been considered
stampings (small scale) less without use of varnish.
then 1 crore
492 W-72 G-71 Electronic & Electrical goods _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(Dry process, Light engg.
493 W-73 G-70 Electronic equipments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
494 W-74 G-72 Embroidery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
495 W-75 _ Engineering and fabrication _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
units (dry process without any
heat treatment / metal surface
finishing operations / painting)
496 W-76 G-73 Engraving _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
497 W-77 O-93 Eucalyptus Oil (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White The activity has been considered
Distillation of Wood) without use of Boiler/Furnace
and without Trade Effluent
498 W-78 G-74 Fabrication (like trusses and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
frames) (Light Engineering
499 W-79 G-75 Fans (light engg. Works _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without casting)
500 W-80 G-76 Fire fighting equipments (light _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
engg,. Work) without painting
501 W-81 _ Flavoured betel nuts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
production/ grinding (
completely dry mechanical
502 W-82 G-77 Fluorescent light fitting by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
assembly / neon sign boards
(light engineering work)
503 W-83 O-105 Fly Ash Brick Manufacturing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(Fal-G) Technology without
using Kiln
504 W-84 _ Fly ash bricks/ block _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
505 W-85 G-79 Fountain Pen manufacturing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
by assembling only
506 W-86 G-80 Framing of pictures and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
507 W-87 G-82 Garments stitching, tailoring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(without washing / dyeing /
bleaching and boiler)
508 W-88 _ Glass ampules and vials _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
making from glass tubes
509 W-89 O-125 Glass Moulding without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
510 W-90 _ Glass putty and sealant ( by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
mixing with machine only)
511 W-91 G-83 Glass work (Assembly type) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
512 W-92 G-84 Gold and silver thread Zari _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
513 W-93 G-85 Grinding (Engg. Work) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
514 W-94 G-86 Groundnut decorticating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
515 W-95 G-87 Hand press (light engg. Work) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
516 W-96 G-88 Handicraft Items (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
washing, dyeing, bleaching,
painting, varnishing)
517 W-97 G-89 Handloom weaving/handloom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
products (dry process)
518 W-98 _ Handloom/ carpet weaving ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without dying and bleaching
519 W-99 G-90 Handmade paper (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25 White
520 W-100 G-91 Hats, caps, turbans including _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
embroiders ( tailoring)
521 W-101 G-105 Hinges and hardwares without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
phosphating, electroplating,
pickling & buffing (light engg.
522 W-102 G-92 Hi-tech Areas - Biotechnology _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
523 W-103 G-93 Hi-tech Areas - Computer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
hardware and software
industry and industries doing
system integration using
computer hardware and
524 W-104 G-94 Hi-tech Areas - Electronic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
525 W-105 G-95 Hi-tech Areas - Gems and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
526 W-106 G-96 Hi-tech Areas - Industries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
catering to the information
needs of uses by providing
databases or access databases
spread throughout the globe
527 W-107 G-97 Hi-tech Areas - Industries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
integrating and manipulating
the interfaces of the computers
and telecom facilities
528 W-108 G-98 Hi-tech Areas - Industries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
providing the facilities for
sophisticated testing of
different or all computer of the
information technology
529 W-109 G-99 Hi-tech Areas - Packaging _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
530 W-110 G-100 Hi-tech Areas - Photo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
composing and desktop
531 W-111 G-101 Hi-tech Areas - Service and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
repair of TV and other
electronic items
532 W-112 G-102 Hi-tech Areas - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Telecommunications and
enabling services
533 W-113 G-103 Hi-tech Areas - Textile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
designing and fabric testing
534 W-114 G-104 Hi-tech Areas - TV and Video _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Programme production
535 W-115 G-106 Hobbing and machining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
536 W-116 G-107 Home Furnishing without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Washing / bleaching / dying
537 W-117 G-108 Household utensils welding, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
soldering, patching and
assembling (light engg. work
only )
538 W-118 G-110 Hydraulic Press Manufacturing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White The activity of Hydraulic Press
Manufacturing has been
considered with Light Engg
Works only ( without painting
539 W-119 G-111 Ice boxes and body of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
coolers other than plastic
540 W-120 G-113 Interlocking and buttoning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
541 W-121 G-114 Iron grills and door making _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
fabrication, (light engg. Work)
542 W-122 G-115 Ivory carving _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
543 W-123 G-116 Key rings (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
544 W-124 G-117 Labels/ Stickers (without trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
effluent discharge)
545 W-125 G-118 Laboratory wares (dry process, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
light engg. work)
546 W-126 G-119 Lace work and lace products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
547 W-127 G-120 Lamp & Burners without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
buffing and electroplating
548 W-128 G-121 Lantern, torches and flash _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
lights dry process, (light engg
and assembly)
549 W-129 _ Leather cutting and stitching _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(more than 10 machine and
using motor)
550 W-130 G-122 Leather footwear and leather _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
products excluding tanning and
hide processing, colouring,
spray painting
551 W-131 G-123 Leather upholstery and other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
leather goods stitching only)
552 W-132 G-124 Light Engineering work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
553 W-133 G-125 Locks (Light Engg work only) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
554 W-134 G-126 Machine Mfg. (Assembly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Categorization done considering
only) that activity does not involve
painting activity.
555 W-135 O-192 Manual Mixing & Packing of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Categorization done considering
Chemicals without Trade that activity does not involve
Effluent Discharge hazardouswaste generation.
556 W-136 O-199 Manufacturing of Caramel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(Burnt Sugar) without Trade
Effluent Discharge without
557 W-137 _ Manufacturing of coir items _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
from coconut husks
558 W-138 O-200 Manufacturing of Cork Sheet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
559 W-139 G-127 Manufacturing of Corn Caps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
using Adhesive Strip
560 W-140 O-203 Manufacturing of Ferrous and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Non-Ferrous Metal Products
(without using any Heating
561 W-141 O-205 Manufacturing of Fishing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White The categorization has been
Hooks using Electric Oven done considering that the
activity does not involve
Polishing & Painting.
562 W-142 O-208 Manufacturing of Industrial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
filter using electric oven for
moisture removal.
563 W-143 O-211 Manufacturing of Katha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without Distillation and
without Trade Effluent
564 W-144 _ Manufacturing of metal caps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
containers etc
565 W-145 O-217 Manufacturing of Metallic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Bush (By using Electric
Furnace) without Trade
566 W-146 O-218 Manufacturing of Mirror from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Categorized considering that
Readymade Glass Sheets activity does not involve coating
(without Trade Effluent on mirror.
567 W-147 G-128 Manufacturing of shoe brush & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
wire brush
568 W-148 G-130 Manufacturing of Stainless _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Steel utensils (without buffing
569 W-149 G-131 Medical and surgical _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
instruments (assembly)
570 W-150 _ Medical oxygen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White At Sl. No 42 of Prohibited /
Negative List of Industries
[Annexure-7.0 (III)] of MPD-
2021, Gases-carbon-disulphide,
ultramaraine blue, chlorine,
hydrogen, sulphur dioxide,
acetylene, etc. (other than
gases) are mentioned and not
permitted to setp up in Delhi.
571 W-151 G-132 Metal containers without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
plating/without furnace
/without buffing and without
spray painting
572 W-152 G-133 Metal letter cutting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
573 W-153 G-134 Milk Cream Separators and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
mixers (Assembly)
574 W-154 G-135 Milk Testing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
575 W-155 O-255 Mineralized Water without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Effluent Discharge
576 W-156 G-136 Motor winding works _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
577 W-157 G-137 Musical instruments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
578 W-158 G-138 Musical instruments mfg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(light engg. Dry process)
579 W-159 G-139 Name plate making (Light _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
engg./ dry process)
580 W-160 G-140 Nuts, bolts, pulleys, chains and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
gears (without
581 W-161 G-142 Oil stoves, pressure lamps and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
accessories without
electroplating, (Light engg.
582 W-162 G-143 Optical frames _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
583 W-163 G-144 Optical instruments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
584 W-164 _ Organic and inorganic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
nutrients ( by physical mixing)
585 W-165 _ Organic manure (manual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
586 W-166 O-261 Oxygen / Medical gases _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without bottling of by-product
587 W-167 G-145 Packaging of Food Items _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without emission / trade
effluent discharge
588 W-168 G-146 Packaging of Manufactured _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
food items/ Manufactured Gift
589 W-169 G-147 Packaging of tobacco without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
using plastic material in any
590 W-170 _ Packing of powdered milk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
591 W-171 G-148 Paper cutting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
592 W-172 G-149 Paper Gum with cold process _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without trade effluent
593 W-173 _ Paper Manufacturing from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
Waste Paper (without
Chemical / without Trade
Effluent Discharge) in Schools
& Offices etc.
594 W-174 G-150 Paper pins and U-clips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
595 W-175 G-151 Paper stationery items, cutting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
& book binding
596 W-176 G-152 Photo setting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
597 W-177 G-153 Photography goods (except _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Except Photographic Films and
plastic moulding) without trade Chemicals.
598 W-178 G-154 Photostat and Cyclostyling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
599 W-179 G-155 Powerlooms handlooms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
without dyeing and bleaching)
600 W-180 G-156 Precision instruments of all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
kinds (assembly)
601 W-181 G-157 Pressure cookers (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
buffing and anodinzing)
602 W-182 G-158 Radio Assembling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
603 W-183 G-159 Rakhee making _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
604 W-184 G-160 Ready Made Garments/ Cotton _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
/woolen hosiery
Products(without washing /
dyeing/ bleaching) and without
605 W-185 G-161 Repair of small domestic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
appliances and gadgets (like
room heater, room coolers, hot
plates etc.)
606 W-186 G-162 Repair of watches and clocks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
607 W-187 _ Repairing of electric motors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
and generators ( dry
mechanical process)
608 W-188 G-163 Rexine items (stitching only) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
609 W-189 G-164 Rings and eyelets without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
610 W-190 G-165 Rolling shutters (assembly / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
light engg. Work only)
611 W-191 G-166 Rope (plasting and cotton) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
612 W-192 G-167 Rubber Stamps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
613 W-193 O-361 Sanitary Napkin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
614 W-194 G-168 Saree fall making (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
trade effluent)
615 W-195 G-169 Scientific and mathematical _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
instrument manufacturing
616 W-196 G-170 Screw and nails (without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
plating, light engg. Work)
617 W-197 G-171 Sheet Metal Fabrication _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
618 W-198 G-172 Shoe lace _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
619 W-199 G-174 Shoe lace mfg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
620 W-200 G-173 Shoe making and repairing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
621 W-201 O-372 Silver Foil Making _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
622 W-202 G-175 Small machine and machine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
tools (assembly)
623 W-203 _ Solar module non conventional _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
energy apparatus
manufacturing unit
624 W-204 _ Solar power generation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
through solar photovoltaic cell,
wind power and mini hydel
power (less than 25 MW)
625 W-205 G-176 Speedometer (assembly) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
626 W-206 G-177 Sports goods (dry process,light _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
627 W-207 G-178 Stamp pads (without trade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
628 W-208 G-179 Stapler pins without plating & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
629 W-209 G-180 Structural steel fabrications _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
small scale less then 1 crore
630 W-210 _ Surgical and medical products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
assembling only (not involving
effluent / emission generating
631 W-211 O-396 Synthetic Soap (Formulation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White It has been considered that
Only) without trade effluent activity does not involve use of
discharge Boiler / Furnace and there is no
trade effluent generation /
632 W-212 O-402 Thermocol Manufacturing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
(without boiler)
633 W-213 O-403 Tobbaco Products without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Without any
Raw Tobacco Processing Grinding/Pulverizing/Processing
& without Trade Effluent

634 W-214 G-182 Toys (only electronic & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White

mechanical) manufacturing
635 W-215 O-416 Waste Electronical and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Unit shall obtain Authorization
Electronics Equipments under E-Waste (Management)
Collection Segregation and Rules, 2016.
Storage(without Dismantling
and Recycling)
636 W-216 G-183 Weaving of Calico and Textile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White
637 W-217 G-184 Wire netting (without Metal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White The activity has been
Surface Treatment) categorized considering that it
does not generate any kind of
hazardous waste and there is no
trade effluent generation /

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