Sermon Planner-1
Sermon Planner-1
Sermon Planner-1
Strategy 3
Day 1 4
Day 2 6
Day 3 8
Day 4 9
Day 5 10
Day 6 11
Day 7 12
Sermon Planner 2
Sermon Planner Strategy
2. Choose Passage/Text
Bible Text:
Sermon Planner Day 1
Read the Bible passage multiple times. Think about what the one “Big Idea”
of the text is. Does it line up with what you wrote down months ago?
What do others have to say about the text or topic? (Commentaries, books,
and other sermons). Write down your findings so you can include them in
your message. This step will form the foundation for your sermon. You
won’t use everything you read, but this is your chance to make note of im-
portant points in the text as well as clues found in the passage’s original
Sermon Planner Day 1
As a result of study, write down what you believe is the one “Big Idea” of
the passage. It might not change much, if at all, from your original thesis.
Luke 22:39-62
Big Idea of the Text: Jesus relied on God’s strength as he faced the cross,
allowing the same disciples who abandoned Him to later be courageous in
the face of death.
Sermon Planner Day 2
Using the “Big Idea” of your passage, create one sticky statement that sums up
your entire message. Your “Sticky Statement” should apply and contemporize
the “Big Idea” of the text. Craft it in such a way that your audience can
remember it long after the sermon is over.
Sticky Statement:
Sticky Statement:
Jesus did what we couldn’t; now, we can do what he could.
End Goal:
Sermon Planner Day 2
Big Idea of the Text: Jesus relied on God’s strength as he faced the cross,
allowing the same disciples who abandoned Him to later be courageous in the
face of death.
Sticky Statement: Jesus did what we couldn’t; now, we can do what he could.
End Goal: As a result of reflecting on Jesus’ death and resurrection, I want the
people in my congregation to make a courageous step to share the love of Jesus
with one person this week.
Now that you know where your sermon is going, outline your message. There
are many different methods you can utilize. Find out what works best for you
and communicates the text effectively. In each section of your outline, write
down one clear sentence that summarizes that header or point.
Traditional 2-4 Point Method; Andy Stanley’s Me, We, God, You, We; Running
Commentary, etc.
Sermon Planner Day 3
Now that the bare bones of your sermon is put together, craft a compelling
introduction and conclusion.
A good introduction captures attention and answers this question for the
audience: “Why do I need to listen?”
A good conclusion summarizes the messages and pushes audiences to the end
goal: “What do I need to do?”
Step 2: Illustrations
Using your study notes from Day 1 and your End Goal, fill out the Bible
(or explanation) and the application portions of your message.
Sermon Planner Day 4
Finish filling out the outline then double check the content.
Have you adequately communicated the “Big Idea?” Is the
message practical? Useful? Attention grabbing?
Sermon Planner Day 5
Sermon Planner Day 6
Step 1: Practice
Sermon Planner Day 7