Vietnam: Okinawa's Forgotten War ヴェトナム、あるいは沖縄の: Jon Mitchell
Vietnam: Okinawa's Forgotten War ヴェトナム、あるいは沖縄の: Jon Mitchell
Vietnam: Okinawa's Forgotten War ヴェトナム、あるいは沖縄の: Jon Mitchell
Jon Mitchell
On 30 April 1975, North Vietnamese troops and With the island protected by neither the
their supporters entered Saigon. constitutions of the U.S. or Japan, the Pentagon
exploited this limbo by transforming Okinawa
Their arrival ended three decades of conflict - into its Keystone of the Pacific. Throughout the
including 10 years of direct U.S. intervention - 1950s and ’60s, it stockpiled an unprecedented
which left as many as 3 million dead and arsenal of chemical weapons and atomic
countless others suffering from the legacy of warheads there - and it built more than 80
PTSD, unexploded ordnance and Agent installations, which convinced many residents
Orange.1 that Okinawa didn’t just have bases, the entire
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“Although reversion looked like a favour by the Despite overwhelming public opposition, today
U.S., actually it was a great deal for the there are plans to expand both bases.
Pentagon - it could keep using the bases
without needing to pay for them,” says Sato Alongside the NTA, for the past eight years,
Manabu, professor of political science at local residents have been demonstrating
Okinawa International University. “From then against the construction of Pentagon helipads
on, Japanese taxpayers footed the bill while the which, they argue, threaten the safety of their
U.S. could continue to use them for the war community. Meanwhile near Camp Schwab,
with impunity.” Okinawans have been engaged in an 18-year
struggle against a new U.S. base. This base
Today, many Okinawans still feel they are plan was conceived by Washington in the
suffering the consequences of that Vietnam mid-1960s, but later it was shelved due to the
War era betrayal. The island still hosts more cost; now it has been resurrected as a mega-
than half of U.S. forces in Japan but their base replete with twin 1800m runways and a
economic contribution to the island has deep-sea port - all built atop one of Japan’s
plummeted from more than 20% during the war sole-surviving coral reefs.22
to less than 5%, according to official
prefectural estimates. While curfews and
cultural awareness training have dramatically
reduced the number of military crimes
committed against residents (for example 2014
saw a record low of reported crimes), 18 last
year Okinawans were given a frightening
reminder of the Vietnam War when barrels
containing suspected military defoliants were
uncovered from land which had previously been
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Unlike the previous bases used in the Vietnam This is a revised and expanded article which
War, these new projects are being constructed originally appeared in The Japan Times on
by Tokyo with Japanese tax money; further March 7 under the title, “Battle scars: Okinawa
proof, according to many Okinawans, that the and the Vietnam War”
hondo nami promise of reversion was indeed (
betrayed. national/history/forgotten-history-okinawa-
Today many of those opposing the new bases
can recall firsthand how Okinawa was used Welsh journalist, Jon Mitchell
during the Vietnam War - and they vow not to (, is the
let their island be exploited in such a way author of Tsuiseki: Okinawa no Karehazai
again. (追跡・沖縄の枯れ葉
One of these is Shimabukuro Fumiko - one of ル/dp/4874985564)(Chasing Agent Orange on
the participants in the current sit-in outside Okinawa) (Koubunken 2014) and a visiting
Camp Schwab. During the 1960s, Shimabukuro researcher at the International Peace Research
worked as a maid on the installation - but the Institute of Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo.
Pentagon’s aggression in Southeast Asia filled Mitchell is an Asia-Pacific Journal contributing
her with such a sense of complicity that she editor.
Related Articles
Photographer Ishikawa is an equally adamant
opponent of the planned installation. Jon Mitchell, “Military Contamination on
Okinawa: PCBs and Agent Orange at Kadena
“If the new base is built, it will be used for Air Base”
future wars. Nothing has really changed since (
the Vietnam War - Okinawa is still being used )
by the U.S. military,” says Ishikawa.
Jon Mitchell, “Okinawa - The Pentagon’s Toxic
Former Marine Lummis, now a resident of Junk Heap of the Pacific”
Okinawa, believes it is vital now more than ever (
to remember the lessons of the war. )
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Gavan McCormack, “‘All Japan’ versus ‘All 10. Sadly, there are no English versions of
Okinawa’ - Abe Shinzo’s Military-Firstism” Ishikawa’s work. However, some of his most
( iconic images appear in Ishikawa Bunyo,
le.html) Okinawa: Waga Furusato (Tokyo: Look
Publishing, 1998) and Ishikawa Bunyo,
Linda Hoaglund, “Protest Art in 1950s Japan: Okinawa: Betonamu Houdou 35 Nen (Tokyo:
The Forgotten Reportage Painters” Look Publishing, 1998)
html) 11. From interview with author conducted on
28 January 2015.
Recommended citation: Jon Mitchell, "Vietnam:
Okinawa's Forgotten War", The Asia-Pacific 12. For a comprehensive, English list of U.S.-
Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 15, No. 1, April 20, 2015. military crimes and accidents (1948 ~ 19995),
see here:
1. One of the best primers on the U.S.
involvement in Vietnam is Nick Turse, Kill The list was originally compiled by The
Anything that Moves, (New York : Metropolitan Okinawa Times.
Books 2013)
13. Havens, 54-7.
2. Quoted in Thomas R. H. Havens, Fire Across
the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan 14. From interview with author conducted on
1965-1975 (Princeton: Princeton University 30 January 2015.
Press, 1987), 193.
15. Quoted in Havens, 52.
3. Some of the best discussions (in English) of
Okinawa’s 1945~1972 period appear in Gavan 16. Ibid., 96
McCormack and Satoko Norimatsu, Resistant
17. Miyume Tanji, Myth, Protest and Struggle
Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the
in Okinawa (Oxon: Routledge, 2006), 109.
United States (Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers Inc. 2012)
18. Stars and Stripes, “Number of SOFA
Personnel Accused of Crimes on Okinawa
4. See, for example, Jon Mitchell, Tsuiseki:
Drops” March 3, 2015 Available here
Okinawa no Karehazai (Tokyo: Koubunken,
5. Ibid., 60
19. See Jon Mitchell, "Okinawa Dumpsite Offers
6. Quoted in Havens, 85. Proof of Agent Orange: Experts Say," The Asia-
Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 38, No. 1,
7. Okinawa Times, Kichi de Hataraku: September 23, 2013. Available here
Gunsagyouin no Sengo (Naha, Okinawa: (
Okinawa Times Co, 2013)
20. February 3 email from Michael Ard,
8. Ibid., Chapter 2. Director, MCIPAC Public Affairs Office. Ard did
not respond to a further request for comment
9. Ibid., 262-3. on February 23.
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