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Managing xerostomia and salivary gland

hypofunction: Executive summary of a report
from the American Dental Association Council
on Scientific Affairs
Jacqueline M. Plemons, Ibtisam Al-Hashimi,
Cindy L. Marek and American Dental
Association Council on Scientific Affairs
JADA 2014;145(8):867-873

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Association Reports

Managing xerostomia and

salivary gland hypofunction
Executive summary of a report from the American Dental
Association Council on Scientific Affairs

Jacqueline M. Plemons, DDS, MS; Ibtisam Al-Hashimi, abstract

BDS, MS, PhD; Cindy L. Marek, PharmD; American Dental
Association Council on Scientific Affairs Background and Overview. Xerostomia, also
known as “dry mouth,” is a common but frequently

overlooked condition that is typically associated with
erostomia, the subjective sensation of dry salivary gland hypofunction, which is the objective
mouth, is a frequent complaint and the most measurement of reduced salivary flow. Patients with
common symptom of salivary gland hypofunc- dry mouth exhibit symptoms of variable severity that
tion (SGH). Factors that contribute to dry are commonly attributed to medication use, chronic
mouth include systemic disease and medical therapies disease and medical treatment, such as radiotherapy
such as medication or radiation treatment.1-3 to the head and neck region. Chronic xerostomia
Although xerostomia often is a manifestation of significantly increases the risk of experiencing dental
caries, demineralization, tooth sensitivity, candidiasis
impaired salivary gland function, it can occur with or and other oral diseases that may affect quality of life
without a noticeable decrease in saliva production. In negatively. This article presents a multidisciplinary
most circumstances, xerostomia is accompanied by approach to the clinical management of xerostomia,
SGH, which reflects an objective, measurable decrease in consistent with the findings of published systematic
salivary flow (hyposalivation). Symptoms of dry mouth reviews on this key clinical issue.
may range from mild oral discomfort to significant oral Conclusions and Practice Implications. Initial
disease that can compromise patients’ health, dietary evaluation of patients with dry mouth should include a
intake and quality of life.2,4-7 detailed health history to facilitate early detection and
Identifying and treating the underlying causes of dry identify underlying causes. Comprehensive evaluation,
mouth are essential to providing optimal oral health diagnostic testing and periodic assessment of salivary
care. Effective prevention and early detection and treat- flow, followed by corrective actions, may help prevent
significant oral disease. A systematic approach to xero-
ment of oral problems associated with dry mouth require stomia management can facilitate interdisciplinary
aggressive management by both dentist and patient. This patient care, including collaboration with physicians
article presents a practical, evidence-guided approach to regarding systemic conditions and medication use.
managing xerostomia and SGH for use in the treatment Comprehensive management of xerostomia and
of patients with salivary dysfunction. hyposalivation should emphasize patient education
and lifestyle modifications. It also should focus on
FUNCTIONS OF SALIVA various palliative and preventive measures, including
In addition to its role in digestion, saliva serves several pharmacological treatment with salivary stimulants,
protective functions, including cleansing the oral cavity, topical fluoride interventions and the use of sugar-free
facilitating oral processing and swallowing of food, chewing gum to relieve dry-mouth symptoms and
improve the patient’s quality of life.
protecting oral tissues against physical and microbial Key Words. Xerostomia; saliva; salivary flow.
insults, maintaining a neutral pH and preventing JADA 2014;145(8):867-873.
demineralization. doi:10.14219/jada.2014.44

Dr. Plemons is a professor, Department of Periodontics, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas.
Dr. Al-Hashimi is a professor and the director, Salivary Dysfunction Clinic and Stomatology Research Laboratory, Department of Periodontics, Texas
A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas.
Dr. Marek is an associate professor, Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology and Medicine, College of Dentistry, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Address correspondence to the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611, e-mail science@

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BOX 1 and permanent loss of secretory capac-

Medical conditions associated with xerostomia.* ity, thus dramatically diminishing quality
dAutoimmune and inflammatory conditions (such as Sjögren syndrome, primary biliary of life.14,15 Patients undergoing chemo-
cirrhosis) therapy also may experience transient
dGraft-versus-host disease xerostomia.6
dImmunoglobulin G4–related sclerosing disease Medication. The use of systemic
dDegenerative disease (amyloidosis)
medications is one of the most frequently
reported causes of xerostomia.1,10,12,16
dGranulomatous disease (sarcoidosis)
More than 500 drugs are known to cause
dInfections: human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS, hepatitis C
oral dryness, including many of the most
dSalivary gland aplasia or agenesis commonly prescribed classes of medica-
dLymphoma tions (Box 210,17,18).
10 11
* Sources: Scully, Al-Hashimi and Navazesh and Kumar. 12
The vast majority of medications do
not damage the salivary glands, but the
likelihood of decreased salivary flow rates increases in
Medications frequently associated the presence of numerous diseases and medications.
with xerostomia.* † Although patients receiving multiple xerostomic
medications tend to have more severe dry-mouth
dAnticholinergic drugs
symptoms,18,19 the effects of xerostomic medications
on patients can be highly variable.20 Some medications,
dAntihypertensive agents: angiotensin-converting enzyme such as those prescribed for overactive bladder disease,
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, α- and �-adrenergic
blockers, diuretics irritable bowel syndrome and Parkinson disease, are
used specifically for their anticholinergic properties.
These medications directly inhibit salivary flow and
dPsychotropic agents: antidepressants, antipsychotics
often are associated with dry-mouth symptoms.10,21-23
dSkeletal muscle relaxants
Physiological or psychogenic causes. Dehydration,
* Sources: Scully,10 Elsevier/Gold Standard17 and Neville and
mouth breathing and neurological or psychological
† None of the medications listed in Box 2 is known to damage the disorders (such as depression or anxiety) may add to
salivary glands. the perception of oral dryness.10,24,25 Affective (mood)
disorders may affect the autonomic nervous system, and
The antimicrobial properties of saliva are due to patients with such conditions may experience xero-
a wide variety of immune and nonimmune salivary stomia.10,26-28 The degree of hydration affects salivary
proteins that inhibit the adherence and growth of viruses flow substantially. In one study, investigators found that
and bacteria.8 Salivary proteins and mucins contribute dehydration as a result of abstaining from food and liq-
to the lubrication and coating of oral tissues, protecting uids for 24 hours reduced unstimulated parotid salivary
the oral mucosa from chemical, microbial and physical flow by approximately 90 percent.24 Given the increased
injuries. Saliva provides moisture to facilitate speech and prevalence of dehydration in older adults, it is important
taste, and significant loss of salivary gland function is to assess fluid status in these patients.
associated with altered taste sensation (dysgeusia).9
ETIOLOGY Box 3 presents clinical signs and symptoms of hyposali-
Systemic diseases. Box 110-12 presents medical condi- vation. Patients with dry mouth often have atrophic
tions that may cause dry mouth. An estimated 4 million and erythematous oral mucosa, loss of papillae on the
people in the United States have Sjögren syndrome (SS), tongue29 and lips that peel and crack. Traumatic lesions
an autoimmune disease commonly associated with hy- may be visible on the buccal mucosa and the lateral
posalivation. SS is a chronic inflammatory disease char- borders of the tongue. Dentures may become loose, caus-
acterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary and ing painful ulcerations.30 Patients also may describe the
lacrimal glands, resulting in xerostomia and dry eyes.13 need to sip fluids, especially when eating, or may need to
Approximately 90 percent of those with SS are women, drink water when awakened from sleep.19,31
and patients often experience associated symptoms such Cervical or root surface caries and candidiasis often
as fatigue and joint pain. are observed in patients with xerostomia.32,33 These
Side effects of medical treatment. Salivary gland patients may demonstrate enlargement of the major
damage is the most common adverse effect associated salivary glands, as well as salivary gland infection.
with radiation therapy to the head and neck region.14
Salivary flow decreases rapidly during the first week of ABBREVIATION KEY. SGH: Salivary gland hypofunction.
treatment, followed by fibrosis of the salivary glands SS: Sjögren syndrome.

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History and examination. Appropri- Clinical signs and symptoms of hyposalivation.
ate evaluation and patient assessment,
including a comprehensive medical and TEETH

dental history, are essential for diagnos- dIncreased incidence of tooth decay (cervical and incisal)
ing SGH. A positive response to any dEnamel demineralization (chalky spots at the cervical regions of the teeth)
of the following questions has been dEnamel erosion and attrition
associated with reduced saliva, even in dIncreased plaque accumulation
patients who have not expressed com- dIncreased tooth hypersensitivity
plaints of xerostomia34: ORAL MUCOSA
dDoes the amount of saliva in your
mouth seem to be too little?
dMucosal desquamation
dDoes your mouth feel dry when eat-
ing a meal? dAtrophic mucosa
dDo you sip liquids to aid in swallow- dAllergic or contact stomatitis and lichenoid lesions (mostly opposing metal restorations)
ing dry food? dRecurrent oral candidiasis
dDo you have difficulty swallowing? dTraumatic ulcerations on the lateral border of the tongue, the buccal mucosa or both
A comprehensive head and neck dPainful or burning mouth (intolerance to spicy, sour or salty food and drinks)
examination—both extraoral and dNonspecific gingival inflammation and generalized oral erythema
intraoral—is important in identify-
ing the presence or absence of pooled
dDryness, fissuring, lobulation
saliva, as well as in providing an initial
assessment of the quantity and quality dAtrophy

of saliva. The clinician should inspect dErythema

and palpate major salivary glands to dLoss of papillae
identify masses, swelling or tenderness. dCrenations on tongue (scalloped borders)
Diagnostic tests. Salivary flow LIPS
measurement. Whole saliva is relatively dDryness, chapping
easy to collect in a clinical setting.35 dPeeling
Although there is only limited evidence
regarding the effectiveness of clinical
assessment of oral dryness, periodic dAngular cheilitis

evaluation of the salivary flow rate pro- MAJOR SALIVARY GLANDS

vides a tool for monitoring dry-mouth dPoor salivary output

symptoms. dFrothy saliva
Unstimulated whole saliva often is dAbsent or reduced salivary pooling
collected by means of the draining or dSwelling or enlargement of salivary glands
drooling method, in which a patient’s dRecurrent sialadenitis affecting major salivary glands (parotid or submandibular)
head is tilted forward and pooled saliva ORAL CAVITY
is drooled into a sterile container. An
dOral allergic or contact reactions
unstimulated whole saliva flow rate
of less than 0.1 milliliter per minute
is suggestive of significant SGH.37-39 dDifficulty talking, chewing or swallowing (dysphagia)
Stimulated whole saliva is collected dPlaque accumulation
by challenging the glands through dReduced oral clearance
mastication, such as chewing paraffin dAltered taste sensation (dysgeusia)
wax, or through gustatory stimulation dFood retention and debris on the teeth or tongue or along gingival margins
by means of citric acid, followed by OTHER
expectoration into a collection tube.
dNutritional deficiencies (manifested as dehydration, weight loss, increased thirst,
Stimulated whole saliva flow rates be- changes in food and drink preferences)
low 0.7 mL/minute are within the lower dDry eye accompanied by dry mouth (Sjögren syndrome)
range of output and suggest salivary
Blood tests. Laboratory studies (for example, com- screening may be helpful when xerostomia is associa-
plete blood cell count) may be useful when xerostomia is ted with xerophthalmia, a characteristic of SS, including
suspected to be related to systemic disease. Autoantibody serologic results positive for serum antinuclear antibody,

  JADA 145(8)  August 2014  869

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rheumatoid factor or the antibodies anti–SS-A (anti-Ro) and encourages aggressive management of ocular and
or anti–SS-B (anti-La).40,41 intraoral complications. Dentists must be aware of pre-
Biopsy. Minor salivary gland biopsy is a useful scription and over-the-counter medications associated
diagnostic tool for identifying underlying pathological with dry mouth to discuss dose modification or possible
changes associated with salivary gland dysfunction, drug alternatives with physicians.
especially when the clinician is attempting to identify the Clinicians also should recognize that most patients
underlying etiology of salivary dysfunction as it relates with head and neck cancer receive intensity-modulated
to systemic diseases. Histologic changes are one of the radiation therapy, which involves using computer-
criteria used in the diagnosis of SS; tissue samples are generated information to establish the distribution
graded according to the level of inflammation within the of radiation that conforms to the patient’s tumor yet
salivary gland.42 The biopsy also is important in deter- minimizes the dose delivered to surrounding tissues.
mining whether salivary gland dysfunction is caused by Intensity-modulated radiation therapy significantly
diseases such as amyloidosis,43,44 sarcoidosis45 or other reduces radiation to major salivary glands, thereby help-
conditions (Box 110-12). ing to maintain adequate salivary flow and enhancing
quality of life.6,48
MANAGEMENT Preventive measures to reduce oral disease. Pre-
Treatment planning to alleviate dry-mouth symptoms ventive oral health care is essential for optimal care of
should be tailored to the individual patient. A multidis- patients with hyposalivation, who commonly require
ciplinary model of care for xerostomia and SGH should more frequent dental visits (typically every three to six
include the following components: months).49,50 Management of secondary infections (for
dpatient education—a patient-centered process em- example, candidiasis) often is required concurrently with
phasizing daily oral hygiene, regular dental visits, use of attempts to address xerostomia and SGH.
topical fluoride, tobacco-use cessation counseling and Tobacco use is associated with dry mouth7 and ideally
other interventions; should be minimized or discontinued altogether. As-
dmanagement of systemic conditions and medication sessment of tobacco use is important for comprehensive
use in consultation with the patient’s physician, oncolo- treatment planning, early recognition of oral mucosal
gist or other health care provider; changes, and integration of tobacco-use cessation coun-
dpreventive measures to reduce oral disease and asso- seling, including pharmacotherapies.51
ciated complications; Maintaining adequate hydration also is important for
dpharmacological treatment with salivary stimulants patients with dry mouth, who often find temporary relief
(sialagogues); by frequently sipping water, sucking on ice or using a
dfor patients who cannot tolerate sialagogues, humidifier during sleep.10,31
palliative measures to improve salivary output, such as Caries prevention and control. Patients with SGH
use of sugar-free salivary stimulants (for example, are at high risk of experiencing dental erosion,52 demin-
chewing gum). eralization and dental caries,53 which often affect coronal
Patient education. Patients should receive detailed tooth structure around existing restorations and exposed
information about the potential causes of dry mouth and root surfaces. Diminished salivary gland function should
the potential sequelae of impaired salivary secretion, in- be considered part of a comprehensive caries risk assess-
cluding dental caries, candidiasis and mucosal complica- ment for all patients, particularly those at high risk who
tions. Preventive oral health care should be emphasized likely will benefit from a more aggressive approach to
strongly, along with oral hygiene instruction stressing the caries management and prevention.49
importance of effective plaque removal and of regular Patients with SGH may benefit from pH neutraliza-
dental visits to promote oral health. A meticulous oral tion strategies when buffering capacity is in question.
hygiene regimen is recommended, including twice-daily These strategies may include traditional methods such as
toothbrushing, regular use of floss or another interdental stimulating saliva by using sugar-free gum or candies, as
cleaner and use of an alcohol-free mouthrinse. well as pharmacotherapies.49
Managing systemic conditions and medication use. Although regular use of over-the-counter fluoride
Consultation with the patient’s primary care provider or dentifrices can effectively reduce caries, products con-
specialist may be considered in cases in which hyposali- taining higher concentrations of fluoride often are rec-
vation is suspected to be due to underlying systemic ommended for patients with SGH who are at high risk
disease or medical treatment (Boxes 110-12 and 210,17,18). of experiencing dry mouth.49,54 Prescription-strength
Patients with dry mouth, dry eyes and salivary gland en- fluoride dentifrices and gels recommended for daily use
largement should be evaluated for SS, because they have in patients at high risk of experiencing dry mouth com-
a 16-fold increased risk of experiencing lymphoma com- monly contain 1.1 percent neutral sodium fluoride and
pared with that of the general population.46,47 Prompt generally are well tolerated by patients with increased
diagnosis allows for recognition of comorbid diseases dentinal sensitivity.55

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In-office fluoride therapy generally is applied in the for numerous over-the-counter products for dry mouth,
form of a gel or varnish. The daily use of a prescription- including oral patches, rinses, lozenges, toothpastes,
strength (0.5 percent fluoride or 1.1 percent sodium sprays, gels and chewing gums.
fluoride) toothpaste or gel, or at least weekly use of 0.09 Despite the wide array of topical dry-mouth formula-
percent fluoride mouthrinse, combined with the ap- tions, there is no clear consensus as to the most effica-
plication of 2.26 percent fluoride varnish at least every cious ingredients or products for alleviating oral dryness.
six months, is recommended for at-risk patients of all Authors of a 2011 Cochrane review of topical therapies
ages.56,57 Professional office treatments, home-use fluo- for managing dry mouth concluded that “there is no
ride products, dental sealants and dietary counseling are strong evidence that any topical therapy is effective for
considered the first line of defense in caries prevention. relieving the symptom of dry mouth.”64
Candidiasis prevention and control. Candidiasis Patients should be aware that because of the dynamic
is a common mucosal infection in patients with sali- nature of the oral cavity, salivary substitutes are removed
vary hypofunction.58 Topical therapy with nystatin or from the mouth during swallowing, which shortens
clotrimazole (available in suspensions, powders, creams, their duration of effect. Also, salivary substitutes do not
ointments, lozenges or pastilles) may provide effective provide the protective functions of saliva.
treatment for many patients who have uncomplicated Use of sugar-free gum. Mastication stimulates the
oral candidiasis without esophageal involvement.59,60 production of saliva. Authors of a 2010 systematic review
Commercially available nystatin suspensions have a reported that the use of salivary stimulants, includ-
high sucrose content61 and should be used with care or ing sugar-free chewing gum, in patients with residual
avoided in dentate patients with dry mouth. Patients salivary function appeared to be more helpful than using
with dry mouth may find lozenges and pastilles difficult salivary substitutes.65 However, there is insufficient
to dissolve and irritating to the oral mucosa. evidence to prove that chewing gum is superior to other
Systemic antifungal agents for the treatment of candi- interventions in alleviating dry-mouth symptoms.64
diasis include fluconazole and itraconazole. The clinician
must take care to treat not only the oral cavity but also CONCLUSIONS
any removable dental appliance, including nightguards, Dentists are often challenged when diagnosing and treat-
to avoid reinfection. Antifungal therapy, topical or sys- ing patients with xerostomia and SGH, which can have
temic, generally is prescribed for seven to 14 days. potentially devastating effects on the oral cavity. Early
Pharmacotherapy with salivary stimulants. Stimula- detection, comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic
tion of salivary output can be achieved using pharmaco- testing may prevent significant oral disease and lead to
logical agents known as “sialagogues.” Currently, pilocar- multidisciplinary care that includes collaboration with
pine and cevimeline are approved by the U.S. Food and physicians.
Drug Administration for treating dry mouth that is due Patient education, management of systemic condi-
primarily to SS or radiation therapy. Pilocarpine and cev- tions associated with salivary dysfunction and imple-
imeline hydrochloride are cholinergic, parasympathetic mentation of preventive measures to reduce oral disease
agonists, and both are well-tolerated medications.62 are critical components of patient care. An evidence-
The recommended dosage for pilocarpine is 5 mil- guided approach to xerostomia management should
ligrams four times per day, and the dosage for cevime- focus on providing suitable interventions to relieve dry
line is 30 mg three times per day.39 Response to these mouth symptoms, reduce oral complications and im-
medications may vary on the basis of the amount of prove quality of life. n
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Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures.
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