Circulation. 2010;122:S768-S786
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.971002
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The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Peberdy MA, Callaway CW, Neumar RW, Geocadin RG, Zimmerman
JL, Donnino M, Gabrielli A, Silvers SM, Zaritsky AL, Merchant R, Vanden Hoek TL, Kronick SL. Part 9: post– cardiac arrest care: 2010 American Heart
Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2010;122(suppl 3):S768 –S786.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
(Circulation. 2010;122[suppl ]:S768 –S786.)
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.971002
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Peberdy et al Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care S769
patients usually require an advanced airway for mechanical The clinician should assess vital signs and monitor for
support of breathing. It may be necessary to replace a supraglot- recurrent cardiac arrhythmias. Continuous electrocardio-
tic airway used for initial resuscitation with an endotracheal tube, graphic (ECG) monitoring should continue after ROSC,
although the timing of replacement may vary. Methods for during transport, and throughout ICU care until stability has
securing an advanced airway are discussed in Part 8.1: “Airway been achieved. Intravenous (IV) access should be obtained if
Management,” but several simple maneuvers deserve consider- not already established and the position and function of any
ation. For example, rescuers and long-term hospital providers intravenous catheter verified. IV lines should be promptly
should avoid using ties that pass circumferentially around the established to replace emergent intraosseous access achieved
patient’s neck, potentially obstructing venous return from the during resuscitation. If the patient is hypotensive (systolic
brain. They should also elevate the head of the bed 30° if blood pressure !90 mm Hg), fluid boluses can be considered.
tolerated to reduce the incidence of cerebral edema, aspiration, Cold fluid may be used if therapeutic hypothermia is elected.
and ventilatory-associated pneumonia. Correct placement of an Vasoactive drug infusions such as dopamine, norepinephrine,
advanced airway, particularly during patient transport, should be or epinephrine may be initiated if necessary and titrated to
monitored using waveform capnography as described in other achieve a minimum systolic blood pressure of !90 mm Hg or
sections of the 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC. a mean arterial pressure of !65 mm Hg.
Oxygenation of the patient should be monitored continuously Brain injury and cardiovascular instability are the major
with pulse oximetry. determinants of survival after cardiac arrest.13 Because ther-
Although 100% oxygen may have been used during initial apeutic hypothermia is the only intervention demonstrated to
resuscitation, providers should titrate inspired oxygen to the improve neurological recovery, it should be considered for
lowest level required to achieve an arterial oxygen saturation of any patient who is unable to follow verbal commands after
!94%, so as to avoid potential oxygen toxicity. It is recognized ROSC. The patient should be transported to a facility that
that titration of inspired oxygen may not be possible immedi- reliably provides this therapy in addition to coronary reperfusion
ately after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest until the patient is (eg, PCI) and other goal-directed postarrest care therapies.
transported to the emergency department or, in the case of Overall the most common cause of cardiac arrest is
in-hospital arrest, the intensive care unit (ICU). Hyperventilation cardiovascular disease and coronary ischemia.14,15 Therefore,
or “overbagging” the patient is common after cardiac arrest and a 12-lead ECG should be obtained as soon as possible to
should be avoided because of potential adverse hemodynamic detect ST elevation or new or presumably new left bundle-
effects. Hyperventilation increases intrathoracic pressure and branch block. When there is high suspicion of acute myocar-
inversely lowers cardiac output. The decrease in PaCO2 seen with dial infarction (AMI), local protocols for treatment of AMI
hyperventilation can also potentially decrease cerebral blood and coronary reperfusion should be activated. Even in the
flow directly.Ventilation may be started at 10 to 12 breaths per absence of ST elevation, medical or interventional treatments
minute and titrated to achieve a PETCO2 of 35 to 40 mm Hg or a may be considered for treatment of ACS14,16,17 and should not
PaCO2 of 40 to 45 mm Hg. be deferred in the presence of coma or in conjunction with
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S770 Circulation November 2, 2010
● Capnography ● Frequent Blood Pressure ● Continuous Cardiac Monitoring ● Serial Neurological Exam ● Serial Lactate
● Rationale: Confirm secure airway ● Rationale: Maintain perfusion and ● Rationale: Detect recurrent ● Rationale: Serial examinations define ● Rationale: Confirm adequate
and titrate ventilation prevent recurrent hypotension arrhythmia coma, brain injury, and prognosis perfusion
● Endotracheal tube when possible ● Mean arterial pressure ● No prophylactic antiarrhythmics ● Response to verbal commands or
for comatose patients !65 mm Hg or systolic blood physical stimulation
pressure !90 mm Hg
● PETCO2"35–40 mm Hg ● Treat arrhythmias as required ● Pupillary light and corneal reflex,
spontaneous eye movement
● Paco2"40–45 mm Hg ● Remove reversible causes ● Gag, cough, spontaneous breaths
● Chest X-ray ● Treat Hypotension ● 12-lead ECG/Troponin ● EEG Monitoring If Comatose ● Serum Potassium
● Rationale: Confirm secure airway ● Rationale: Maintain perfusion ● Rationale: Detect Acute Coronary ● Rationale: Exclude seizures ● Rationale: Avoid hypokalemia which
and detect causes or Syndrome/ST-Elevation promotes arrhythmias
complications of arrest: Myocardial Infarction; Assess QT
pneumonitis, pneumonia, interval
pulmonary edema
● Fluid bolus if tolerated ● Anticonvulsants if seizing ● Replace to maintain K #3.5 mEq/L
● Dopamine 5–10 mcg/kg per min
● Norepinephrine 0.1–0.5 mcg/kg
per min
● Epinephrine 0.1–0.5 mcg/kg per
● Pulse Oximetry/ABG ... ● Treat Acute Coronary Syndrome ● Core Temperature Measurement If ● Urine Output, Serum Creatinine
● Rationale: Maintain adequate ... ● Aspirin/heparin ● Rationale: Minimize brain injury and ● Rationale: Detect acute kidney
oxygenation and minimize FIO2 improve outcome injury
● SpO2 !94% ... ● Transfer to acute coronary ● Prevent hyperpyrexia #37.7°C ● Maintain euvolemia
treatment center
● PaO2"100 mm Hg ... ● Consider emergent PCI or ● Induce therapeutic hypothermia if no ● Renal replacement therapy if
fibrinolysis contraindications indicated
● Reduce FIO2 as tolerated ... ● Cold IV fluid bolus 30 mL/kg if no
● Pao2/FIO2 ratio to follow acute ... ● Surface or endovascular cooling for
lung injury 32°C–34°C$24 hours
... ● After 24 hours, slow rewarming
● Mechanical Ventilation ... ● Echocardiogram ● Consider Non-enhanced CT Scan ● Serum Glucose
● Rationale: Minimize acute lung ... ● Rationale: Detect global ● Rationale: Exclude primary ● Rationale: Detect hyperglycemia
injury, potential oxygen toxicity stunning, wall-motion intracranial process and hypoglycemia
abnormalities, structural
problems or cardiomyopathy
● Tidal Volume 6–8 mL/kg ... ● Treat hypoglycemia (!80 mg/dL)
with dextrose
● Titrate minute ventilation to ... ● Treat hyperglycemia to target
PETCO2"35–40 mm Hg glucose 144–180 mg/dL
Paco2"40–45 mm Hg
● Reduce Fio2 as tolerated to keep ... ● Local insulin protocols
Spo2 or Sao2 !94%
... ● Treat Myocardial Stunning ● Sedation/Muscle Relaxation ● Avoid Hypotonic Fluids
... ● Fluids to optimize volume status ● Rationale: To control shivering, ● Rationale: May increase edema,
(requires clinical judgment) agitation, or ventilator desynchrony including cerebral edema
as needed
... ● Dobutamine 5–10 mcg/kg per
... ● Mechanical augmentation (IABP)
hypothermia. Concurrent PCI and hypothermia are safe, with rological monitoring and care. Neurological prognosis may
good outcomes reported for some comatose patients who be difficult to determine during the first 72 hours, even for
undergo PCI. patients who are not undergoing therapeutic hypothermia.
Patients who are unconscious or unresponsive after cardiac This time frame for prognostication is likely to be extended in
arrest should be directed to an inpatient critical-care facility patients being cooled.18 Many initially comatose survivors of
with a comprehensive care plan that includes acute cardio- cardiac arrest have the potential for full recovery such that
vascular interventions, use of therapeutic hypothermia, stan- they are able to lead normal lives.1,2,19 Between 20% and 50%
dardized medical goal-directed therapies, and advanced neu- or more of survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who are
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Peberdy et al Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care S771
comatose on arrival at the hospital may have good one-year The impact of the timing of initiating hypothermia after
neurological outcome.1,2,11 Therefore, it is important to place cardiac arrest is not completely understood. Studies of animal
patients in a hospital critical-care unit where expert care and models of cardiac arrest showed that short-duration hypother-
neurological evaluation can be performed and where appro- mia ("1 hour) achieved !10 to 20 minutes after ROSC had
priate testing to aid prognosis is available and performed in a a beneficial effect that was lost when hypothermia was
timely manner. delayed.39 – 41 Beyond the initial minutes of ROSC and when
Attention should be directed to treating the precipitating hypothermia is prolonged (#12 hours), the relationship
cause of cardiac arrest after ROSC. The provider should between the onset of hypothermia and the resulting neuro-
initiate or request studies that will further aid in evaluation of protection is less clear.42,43 Two prospective clinical trials in
the patient. It is important to identify and treat any cardiac, which hypothermia was achieved within 2 hours2 or at a
electrolyte, toxicological, pulmonary, and neurological pre- median of 8 hours (interquartile range [IQR] 4 to 16 hours)1
cipitants of arrest. The clinician may find it helpful to review after ROSC both demonstrated better outcomes in the
the H’s and T’s mnemonic to recall factors that may contrib- hypothermia-treated than the normothermia-treated subjects.
ute to cardiac arrest or complicate resuscitation or postresus- Subsequent to these studies, one registry-based case series of
citation care: hypovolemia, hypoxia, hydrogen ion (acidosis 986 comatose post– cardiac arrest patients35 suggested that
of any etiology), hyper-/hypokalemia, moderate to severe time to initiation of cooling (IQR 1 to 1.8 hours) and time to
hypothermia, toxins, tamponade (cardiac), tension pneumo- achieving target temperature (IQR 3 to 6.7 hours) were not
thorax, and thrombosis of the coronary or pulmonary vascu- associated with improved neurological outcome after dis-
lature. For further information on treating other causes of charge. A case series of 49 consecutive comatose post–
cardiac arrest, see Part 12: “Special Resuscitation Situations.” cardiac arrest patients44 cooled intravascularly after out-of-
hospital cardiac arrest also documented that time to target
temperature (median 6.8 hours [IQR 4.5 to 9.2 hours]) was
Targeted Temperature Management not an independent predictor of neurological outcome.
Induced Hypothermia The optimal duration of induced hypothermia is at least 12
For protection of the brain and other organs, hypothermia is hours and may be #24 hours. Hypothermia was maintained
a helpful therapeutic approach in patients who remain coma- for 122 or 24 hours1 in the studies of out-of-hospital patients
presenting in VF. Most case series of adult patients have
tose (usually defined as a lack of meaningful response to
reported 24 hours of hypothermia. The effect of a longer
verbal commands) after ROSC. Questions remain about
duration of cooling on outcome has not been studied in adults,
specific indications and populations, timing and duration of
but hypothermia for up to 72 hours was used safely in
therapy, and methods for induction, maintenance, and subse-
quent reversal of hypothermia. One good randomized trial1
Although there are multiple methods for inducing hypo-
and a pseudorandomized trial2 reported improved neurologi-
thermia, no single method has proved to be optimal.
cally intact survival to hospital discharge when comatose
Feedback-controlled endovascular catheters and surface cool-
patients with out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation (VF)
ing devices are available.47– 49 Other techniques (eg, cooling
cardiac arrest were cooled to 32°C to 34°C for 12 or 24 hours
blankets and frequent application of ice bags) are readily
beginning minutes to hours after ROSC. Additional studies
available and effective but may require more labor and closer
with historical control groups show improved neurological monitoring. As an adjunct, iced isotonic fluid can be infused
outcome after therapeutic hypothermia for comatose survi- to initiate core cooling but must be combined with a
vors of VF cardiac arrest.20,21 follow-up method for maintenance of hypothermia.50 –52 Al-
No randomized controlled trials have compared outcome though a theoretical concern is that rapid fluid loading could
between hypothermia and normothermia for non-VF arrest. have adverse cardiopulmonary effects such as pulmonary
However, 6 studies with historical control groups reported a edema, 9 case series indicate that cooling can be initiated
beneficial effect on outcome from use of therapeutic hypo- safely with IV ice-cold fluids (500 mL to 30 mL/kg of saline
thermia in comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac 0.9% or Ringer’s lactate).51–59 One human case series56
arrest associated with any arrest rhythm.11,22–26 Only one showed that the deterioration in oxygenation that often occurs
study with historical controls reported better neurological after ROSC was not significantly affected by the infusion of
outcome after VF cardiac arrest but no difference in outcome cold fluids (3427 mL % 210 mL). Two randomized controlled
after cardiac arrest associated with other rhythms.27 Two trials,60,61 one study with concurrent controls,62 and 3 case
nonrandomized studies with concurrent controls28,29 indicate series63,64 indicate that cooling with IV cold saline can be
a possible benefit of hypothermia after in- and out-of-hospital initiated safely in the prehospital setting.
cardiac arrest associated with non-VF initial rhythms. Clinicians should continuously monitor the patient’s core
Case series have reported the feasibility of using therapeu- temperature using an esophageal thermometer, bladder cath-
tic hypothermia after ROSC in the setting of cardiogenic eter in nonanuric patients, or pulmonary artery catheter if one
shock23,30,31 and therapeutic hypothermia in combination with is placed for other indications.1,2 Axillary and oral tempera-
emergent PCI.32–36 Case series also report successful use of tures are inadequate for measurement of core temperature
fibrinolytic therapy for AMI after ROSC,37,38 but data are changes, especially during active manipulation of tempera-
lacking about interactions between fibrinolytics and hypo- ture for therapeutic hypothermia,65,66 and true tympanic
thermia in this population. temperature probes are rarely available and often unreliable.
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S772 Circulation November 2, 2010
Bladder temperatures in anuric patients and rectal tempera- tricular dysfunction; noncardiogenic edema from inflamma-
tures may differ from brain or core temperature.66,67 A tory, infective, or physical injuries; severe pulmonary
secondary source of temperature measurement should be atelectasis; or aspiration occurring during cardiac arrest or
considered, especially if a closed feedback cooling system is resuscitation. Patients often develop regional mismatch of
used for temperature management. ventilation and perfusion, contributing to decreased arterial
A number of potential complications are associated with oxygen content. The severity of pulmonary dysfunction often
cooling, including coagulopathy, arrhythmias, and hypergly- is measured in terms of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio. A PaO2/FIO2 ratio
cemia, particularly with an unintended drop below target of "300 mm Hg usually defines acute lung injury. The acute
temperature.35 The likelihood of pneumonia and sepsis may onset of bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray and a pulmonary
increase in patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia.1,2 artery pressure "18 mm Hg or no evidence of left atrial
Although these complications were not significantly different hypertension are common to both acute lung injury and acute
between groups in the published clinical trials, infections are respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A PaO2/FIO2 ratio
common in this population, and prolonged hypothermia is !300 or !200 mm Hg separates acute lung injury from
known to decrease immune function. Hypothermia also ARDS, respectively.81 Positive end-expiratory pressure
impairs coagulation, and any ongoing bleeding should be (PEEP), a lung-protective strategy for mechanical ventilation,
controlled before decreasing temperature. and titrated FIO2 are strategies that can improve pulmonary
In summary, we recommend that comatose (ie, lack of function and PaO2 while the practitioner is determining the
meaningful response to verbal commands) adult patients with pathophysiology of the pulmonary dysfunction.
ROSC after out-of-hospital VF cardiac arrest should be Essential diagnostic tests in intubated patients include a
cooled to 32°C to 34°C (89.6°F to 93.2°F) for 12 to 24 hours chest radiograph and arterial blood gas measurements. Other
(Class I, LOE B). Induced hypothermia also may be consid- diagnostic tests may be added based on history, physical
ered for comatose adult patients with ROSC after in-hospital examination, and clinical circumstances. Evaluation of a
cardiac arrest of any initial rhythm or after out-of-hospital chest radiograph should verify the correct position of the
cardiac arrest with an initial rhythm of pulseless electric endotracheal tube and the distribution of pulmonary infil-
activity or asystole (Class IIb, LOE B). Active rewarming trates or edema and identify complications from chest com-
should be avoided in comatose patients who spontaneously pressions (eg, rib fracture, pneumothorax, and pleural effu-
develop a mild degree of hypothermia (#32°C [89.6°F]) after sions) or pneumonia.
resuscitation from cardiac arrest during the first 48 hours after Providers should adjust mechanical ventilatory support
ROSC. (Class III, LOE C). based on the measured oxyhemoglobin saturation, blood gas
values, minute ventilation (respiratory rate and tidal volume),
Hyperthermia and patient-ventilator synchrony. In addition, mechanical
After resuscitation, temperature elevation above normal can ventilatory support to reduce the work of breathing should be
impair brain recovery. The etiology of fever after cardiac considered as long as the patient remains in shock. As
arrest may be related to activation of inflammatory cytokines spontaneous ventilation becomes more efficient and as con-
in a pattern similar to that observed in sepsis.68,69 There are no current medical conditions allow, the level of support may be
randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of treating gradually decreased.
pyrexia with either frequent use of antipyretics or “controlled The optimal FIO2 during the immediate period after cardiac
normothermia” using cooling techniques compared to no arrest is still debated. The beneficial effect of high FIO2 on
temperature intervention in post– cardiac arrest patients. Case systemic oxygen delivery should be balanced with the deleteri-
series70 –74 and studies75– 80 suggest that there is an association ous effect of generating oxygen-derived free radicals during the
between poor survival outcomes and pyrexia !37.6°C. In reperfusion phase. Animal data suggests that ventilations with
patients with a cerebrovascular event leading to brain ische- 100% oxygen (generating PaO2 #350 mm Hg at 15 to 60
mia, studies75– 80 demonstrate worsened short-term outcome minutes after ROSC) increase brain lipid peroxidation, increase
and long-term mortality. By extrapolation this data may be metabolic dysfunctions, increase neurological degeneration, and
relevant to the global ischemia and reperfusion of the brain worsen short-term functional outcome when compared with
that follows cardiac arrest. Patients can develop hyperthermia ventilation with room air or an inspired oxygen fraction titrated
after rewarming posthypothermia treatment. This late hyper- to a pulse oximeter reading between 94% and 96%.82– 87 One
thermia should also be identified and treated. Providers randomized prospective clinical trial compared ventilation for
should closely monitor patient core temperature after ROSC the first 60 minutes after ROSC with 30% oxygen (resulting in
and actively intervene to avoid hyperthermia (Class I, LOE C). PaO2&110%25 mm Hg at 60 minutes) or 100% oxygen (result-
ing in PaO2&345%174 mm Hg at 60 minutes).88 This small trial
Organ-Specific Evaluation and Support detected no difference in serial markers of acute brain injury,
The remainder of Part 9 focuses on organ-specific measures survival to hospital discharge, or percentage of patients with
that should be included in the immediate post– cardiac arrest good neurological outcome at hospital discharge but was inad-
period. equately powered to detect important differences in survival or
neurological outcome.
Pulmonary System Once the circulation is restored, monitor systemic arterial
Pulmonary dysfunction after cardiac arrest is common. Eti- oxyhemoglobin saturation. It may be reasonable, when the
ologies include hydrostatic pulmonary edema from left ven- appropriate equipment is available, to titrate oxygen admin-
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Peberdy et al Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care S773
istration to maintain the arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation complete exhalation. A gradual increase in end-expiratory
!94%. Provided appropriate equipment is available, once volume and pressure in the lung (hyperinflation) is transmit-
ROSC is achieved, adjust the FIO2 to the minimum concen- ted to the great veins in the thorax and depresses both venous
tration needed to achieve arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation return and cardiac output.104,105 Similar effects may occur
!94%, with the goal of avoiding hyperoxia while ensuring after cardiac arrest, suggesting that hyperventilation should
adequate oxygen delivery. Since an arterial oxyhemoglobin be avoided, especially in hypotensive patients.
saturation of 100% may correspond to a PaO2 anywhere Other ventilatory parameters may affect the outcome of
between "80 and 500 mm Hg, in general it is appropriate patients on mechanical ventilation after cardiac arrest, partic-
to wean FIO2 when saturation is 100%, provided the ularly when acute lung injury or ARDS develops. Over the
oxyhemoglobin saturation can be maintained !94% (Class last decade attention has focused on low-volume/high-rate
I, LOE C). ventilation. In a comparison of high- and low-tidal-volume
Because patients may have significant metabolic acidosis ventilation, the death rate of patients with ARDS was reduced
after cardiac arrest, there is a temptation to institute hyper- from 40% to 31% in the group with reduced tidal volume
ventilation to normalize blood pH. However, metabolic aci- (VT).106 This and subsequent studies recommend ventilating
dosis is likely to be reversed once adequate perfusion is patients to maintain VT of 6 to 8 mL/kg predicted body
restored, and there are several physiological reasons why weight and inspiratory plateau pressure "30 cm H2O to
hyperventilation may be detrimental. Minute ventilation al- reduce ventilator-associated lung injury.107 Because low VT
ters the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), which in ventilation (6 mL/kg) is associated with an increased inci-
turn can affect cerebral blood flow. In a normal brain a 1-mm dence of atelectasis, PEEP and other lung “recruitment
Hg decrease in PaCO2 results in a decrease in cerebral blood maneuver” procedures may be warranted.108 However, one
flow of approximately 2.5% to 4%; cerebral blood flow study reported no difference in the rate of discharge or
remains CO2-reactive after cardiac arrest,89,90 although the survival between ARDS patients receiving high- or low-
magnitude of the CO2 reactivity (magnitude of change in PEEP regimens.109 Furthermore, a recent historical compari-
cerebral blood flow per millimeters of mercury [mm Hg] son of ventilation practice after cardiac arrest reported no
change in PCO2) may be diminished or suppressed for 1 to 3
differences in pneumonia, oxygenation, lung compliance, and
hours after reperfusion,91,92 especially after prolonged ische-
ventilator days when a low VT strategy versus a more liberal
mia (!15 minutes).93,94 After ROSC there is an initial
“old practice” VT was applied.110
hyperemic blood flow response that lasts 10 to 30 minutes,
In conclusion, post– cardiac arrest patients are at risk of
followed by a more prolonged period of low blood flow.95,96
acute lung injury and ARDS, but refractory hypoxemia is not
During this latter period of late hypoperfusion, a mismatch
a frequent mode of death after cardiac arrest. There is no
between blood flow (as a component of oxygen delivery) and
reason to recommend hyperventilation and “permissive hy-
oxygen requirement may occur. Hyperventilation at this stage
percapnia” (hypoventilation) for these patients, and normo-
may lower PaCO2, cause cerebral vasoconstriction, and exac-
capnia should be considered the standard. There is also no
erbate cerebral ischemic injury.
data to recommend unique ventilation strategies in this
Physiological data in humans suggests that hyperventila-
tion could cause additional cerebral ischemia in the post– population different from usual care of other mechanically
cardiac arrest patient because sustained hypocapnia (low PCO2) ventilated patients at risk for acute lung injury and ARDS.
may reduce cerebral blood flow.97,98 Transcranial Doppler Routine hyperventilation with hypocapnia should be
measurements of the middle cerebral artery and jugular bulb avoided after ROSC because it may worsen global brain
oxygen saturation measurements in 10 comatose subjects ischemia by excessive cerebral vasoconstriction (Class III,
after cardiac arrest revealed that hyperventilation with hypo- LOE C). Hyperventilation or excessive tidal volumes result-
capnia did not affect median flow velocity but did decrease ing in increased intrathoracic pressure may also contribute to
jugular bulb oxygen saturation below the ischemic threshold hemodynamic instability in certain patients. Ventilation rate
(55%). Conversely, hypoventilation with hypercapnia pro- and volume may be titrated to maintain high-normal PaCO2
duced the opposite effect.99 In one study, controlled ventila- (40 to 45 mm Hg) or PETCO2 (35 to 40 mm Hg) while
tion with specific goals to keep PaCO2 37.6 to 45.1 mm Hg (5 avoiding hemodynamic compromise (Class IIb, LOE C).
to 6 kPa) and SaO2 95% to 98% as part of a bundle with
multiple other goals (including hypothermia and blood pres- Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism After CPR
sure goals) increased survival from 26% to 56%.11 In that Fibrinolytic use may benefit patients with massive pulmonary
study it was impossible to ascertain an independent effect of emboli who have not had CPR,111 and use of fibrinolytics to
controlled ventilation separate from all other components of treat pulmonary embolism after CPR has been reported.112
the bundle. The use of fibrinolytics during CPR has been studied, and
Hyperventilation also may compromise systemic blood CPR itself does not appear to pose an unacceptable risk of
flow because of occult or auto-PEEP and is deleterious in all bleeding.113–121 Alternatively, surgical embolectomy has also
low-flow states, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation been used successfully in some patients after PE-induced
(CPR)100,101 and hypovolemia.102,103 Auto-PEEP, also known cardiac arrest.117,122–125 Mechanical thrombectomy was em-
as intrinsic PEEP or gas trapping, occurs preferentially in ployed in a small case series and only one of seven patients
patients with obstructive lung disease and is aggravated by died and pulmonary perfusion was restored in the majority
hyperventilation that does not allow sufficient time for (85.7%).115 In post– cardiac arrest patients with arrest due to
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S774 Circulation November 2, 2010
presumed or known pulmonary embolism, fibrinolytics may (STEMI) should begin as in non– cardiac arrest patients,
be considered (Class IIb, LOE C). regardless of coma or induced hypothermia. Because of the
high incidence of acute coronary ischemia, consideration of
Sedation After Cardiac Arrest emergent coronary angiography may be reasonable even in
Patients with coma or respiratory dysfunction after ROSC are the absence of STEMI.14,16 Notably, PCI, alone or as part of
routinely intubated and maintained on mechanical ventilation a bundle of care, is associated with improved myocardial
for a period of time, which results in discomfort, pain, and function14 and neurological outcomes.11,16 Therapeutic hypo-
anxiety. Intermittent or continuous sedation and/or analgesia thermia can be safely combined with primary PCI after
can be used to achieve specific goals. Patients with post–
cardiac arrest caused by AMI.11,31,33–35 Other details of ACS
cardiac arrest cognitive dysfunction may display agitation or
treatment are discussed in Part 10.
frank delirium with purposeless movement and are at risk of
Patients with cardiac arrest may receive antiarrhythmic
self-injury. Opioids, anxiolytics, and sedative-hypnotic
drugs such as lidocaine or amiodarone during initial resusci-
agents can be used in various combinations to improve
tation. There is no evidence to support or refute continued or
patient-ventilator interaction and blunt the stress-related
prophylactic administration of these medications.7,148 –152
surge of endogenous catecholamines. Other agents with
sedative and antipsychotic-tranquilizer properties, such as
#2-adrenergic agonists,126 and butyrophenones127 are also Vasoactive Drugs for Use in Post–Cardiac
used based on individual clinical circumstances. Arrest Patients
If patient agitation is life-threatening, neuromuscular
blocking agents can be used for short intervals with adequate
Vasoactive drugs may be administered after ROSC to support
sedation. Caution should be used in patients at high risk of
seizures unless continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) cardiac output, especially blood flow to the heart and brain.
monitoring is available. In general sedative agents should be Drugs may be selected to improve heart rate (chronotropic
administered cautiously with daily interruptions and titrated effects), myocardial contractility (inotropic effects), or arte-
to the desired effect. A number of sedation scales128 –133 and rial pressure (vasoconstrictive effects), or to reduce afterload
motor activity scales134 were developed to titrate these phar- (vasodilator effects). Unfortunately many adrenergic drugs
macological interventions to a clinical goal. are not selective and may increase or decrease heart rate and
Shorter-acting medications that can be used as a single afterload, increase cardiac arrhythmias, and increase myocar-
bolus or continuous infusion are usually preferred. There is dial ischemia by creating a mismatch between myocardial
little evidence to guide sedation/analgesia therapy immedi- oxygen demand and delivery. Myocardial ischemia, in turn,
ately after ROSC. One observational study135 found an may further decrease heart function. Some agents may also
association between use of sedation and development of have metabolic effects that increase blood glucose, lactate,
pneumonia in intubated patients during the first 48 hours of and metabolic rate. There is a paucity of data about which
therapy. However, the study was not designed to investigate vasoactive drug to select first, although providers should
sedation as a risk factor for either pneumonia or death in become familiar with the differing adverse effects associated
patients with cardiac arrest. with these drugs, which might make a particular agent more
Although minimizing sedation allows a better clinical or less appropriate for a specific patient.153
estimate of neurological status, sedation, analgesia, and Specific drug infusion rates cannot be recommended be-
occasionally neuromuscular relaxation are routinely used to cause of variations in pharmacokinetics (relation between
facilitate induced hypothermia and to control shivering. The drug dose and concentration) and pharmacodynamics (rela-
duration of neuromuscular blocker use should be minimized tion between drug concentration and effect) in critically ill
and the depth of neuromuscular blockade should be moni- patients,154,155 so commonly used initial dose ranges are listed
tored with a nerve twitch stimulator. in Table 2. Vasoactive drugs must be titrated at the bedside to
It is reasonable to consider the titrated use of sedation and secure the intended effect while limiting side effects. Provid-
analgesia in critically ill patients who require mechanical ers must also be aware of the concentrations delivered and
ventilation or shivering suppression during induced hypother-
compatibilities with previously and concurrently adminis-
mia after cardiac arrest (Class IIb, LOE C). Duration of
tered drugs.
neuromuscular blocking agents should be kept to a minimum
In general, adrenergic drugs should not be mixed with
or avoided altogether.
sodium bicarbonate or other alkaline solutions in the IV line
Cardiovascular System because there is evidence that adrenergic agents are inacti-
ACS is a common cause of cardiac arrest.14,16,34,35,134 –147 The vated in alkaline solutions.156,157 Norepinephrine (levartere-
clinician should evaluate the patient’s 12-lead ECG and nol) and other catecholamines that activate #-adrenergic
cardiac markers after ROSC. A 12-lead ECG should be receptors may produce tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs.
obtained as soon as possible after ROSC to determine Therefore, administration through a central line is preferred
whether acute ST elevation is present (Class I, LOE B). whenever possible. If extravasation develops, infiltrate 5 to
Because it is impossible to determine the final neurological 10 mg of phentolamine diluted in 10 to 15 mL of saline into
status of comatose patients in the first hours after ROSC, the site of extravasation as soon as possible to prevent tissue
aggressive treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction death and sloughing.
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Peberdy et al Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care S775
Table 2. Common Vasoactive Drugs the first 24 hours after arrest is a useful way to assess myocardial
Drug Typical Starting Dose (Then Titrate to Effect)
function in order to guide ongoing management.14,17
There is no proven benefit or harm associated with adminis-
Epinephrine 0.1– 0.5 mcg/kg/min (In 70-kg adult, 7–35 mcg/min)
tration of routine IV fluids or vasoactive drugs (pressor and
● Useful for symptomatic bradycardia if atropine inotropic agents) to patients experiencing myocardial dysfunc-
and transcutaneous pacing fail or if pacing is not
tion after ROSC. Although some studies found improved
outcome associated with these therapies, the outcome could not
● Used to treat severe hypotension (eg, systolic
be solely ascribed to these specific interventions because they were
blood pressure !70 mm Hg)
only one component of standardized treatment protocols (eg, PCI
● Useful for anaphylaxis associated with
and therapeutic hypothermia).6,11,12,166 Invasive monitoring may be
hemodynamic instability or respiratory distress158
necessary to measure hemodynamic parameters accurately and to
Norepinephrine 0.1–0.5 mcg/kg/min (In 70-kg adult, 7–35 mcg/min)
determine the most appropriate combination of medications to
● Used to treat severe hypotension (eg, systolic optimize perfusion.
blood pressure !70 mm Hg) and a low total
peripheral resistance
Fluid administration as well as vasoactive (eg, norepineph-
rine), inotropic (eg, dobutamine), and inodilator (eg, milri-
● Relatively contraindicated in patients with
hypovolemia. It may increase myocardial oxygen
none) agents should be titrated as needed to optimize blood
requirements, mandating cautious use in patients pressure, cardiac output, and systemic perfusion (Class I ,
with ischemic heart disease LOE B). Although human studies have not established ideal
● Usually induces renal and mesenteric targets for blood pressure or blood oxygenation,11,12 a mean
vasoconstriction; in sepsis, however, arterial pressure !65 mm Hg and an ScvO2 !70% are
norepinephrine improves renal blood flow and generally considered reasonable goals.
urine output159,160
Although mechanical circulatory support improves hemo-
Phenylephrine 0.5–2.0 mcg/kg/min (In 70-kg adult, 35–140 dynamics in patients not experiencing cardiac arrest,167–171 it
has not been associated with improved clinical outcome and
● Used to treat severe hypotension (eg, systolic routine use of mechanical circulatory support after cardiac
blood pressure !70 mm Hg) and a low total
peripheral resistance
arrest is not recommended.
Dopamine 5–10 mcg/kg/min
Modifying Outcomes From Critical Illness
● Used to treat hypotension, especially if it is Cardiac arrest is thought to involve multiorgan ischemic
associated with symptomatic bradycardia
injury and microcirculatory dysfunction.68,69,172 Implement-
● Although low-dose dopamine infusion has ing a protocol for goal-directed therapy using fluid and
frequently been recommended to maintain renal
vasoactive drug administration along with monitoring of
blood flow or improve renal function, more
recent data have failed to show a beneficial central venous oxygen saturation may improve survival from
effect from such therapy161,162 sepsis,173 suggesting that a similar approach may benefit
Dobutamine 5–10 mcg/kg/min post– cardiac arrest patients. By analogy, studies have ex-
● The (') isomer is a potent beta-adrenergic
plored several other interventions believed to be beneficial in
agonist, whereas the (–) isomer is a potent sepsis or other critical illness.
● The vasodilating beta2-adrenergic effects of the Glucose Control
(') isomer counterbalance the vasoconstricting The post– cardiac arrest patient is likely to develop metabolic
alpha-adrenergic effects, often leading to little abnormalities such as hyperglycemia that may be detrimental.
change or a reduction in systemic vascular Evidence from several retrospective studies7,73,174 –176 sug-
resistance gests an association of higher glucose levels with increased
Milrinone Load 50 mcg/kg over 10 minutes then infuse at 0.375 mortality or worse neurological outcomes. Variable ranges
mcg/kg/min for optimum glucose values were suggested, and the studies
● Used to treat low cardiac output do not provide evidence that an interventional strategy to
● May cause less tachycardia than dobutamine manage glucose levels will alter outcomes. Only one study
examined patients with induced hypothermia.175
The optimum blood glucose concentration and interven-
Use of Vasoactive Drugs After Cardiac Arrest tional strategy to manage blood glucose in the post– cardiac
Hemodynamic instability is common after cardiac arrest.6 arrest period is unknown. A consistent finding in clinical
Death due to multiorgan failure is associated with a persis- trials of glucose control177–185 is that intensive therapy leads
tently low cardiac index during the first 24 hours after to more frequent episodes of severe hypoglycemia (usually
resuscitation.6,164 Vasodilation may occur from loss of sym- defined as blood glucose level "40 mg/dL [2.2 mmol/L]).
pathetic tone and from metabolic acidosis. In addition, the Hypoglycemia may be associated with worse outcomes in
ischemia/reperfusion of cardiac arrest and electric defibrilla- critically ill patients.186,187
tion both can cause transient myocardial stunning and dys- Strategies to target moderate glycemic control (144 to 180
function165 that can last many hours but may improve with mg/dL [8 to 10 mmol/L]) may be considered in adult patients
use of vasoactive drugs.158 Echocardiographic evaluation within with ROSC after cardiac arrest (Class IIb, LOE B). Attempts
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S776 Circulation November 2, 2010
to control glucose concentration within a lower range (80 to An EEG for the diagnosis of seizure should be performed
110 mg/dL [4.4 to 6.1 mmol/L]) should not be implemented with prompt interpretation as soon as possible and should be
after cardiac arrest due to the increased risk of hypoglycemia monitored frequently or continuously in comatose patients
(Class III, LOE B). after ROSC (Class I , LOE C). More clinical data are needed
to define the diagnosis and management of seizures after
Steroids cardiac arrest. Neuroprotective agents with anticonvulsant
Corticosteroids have an essential role in the physiological properties such as thiopental196 and single-dose diazepam or
response to severe stress, including maintenance of vascular magnesium or both198 given after ROSC have not improved
tone and capillary permeability. In the post– cardiac arrest neurological outcome in survivors. No studies have addressed
phase, several authors report a relative adrenal insufficiency whether anticonvulsant therapy improves outcome after car-
compared with the metabolic demands of the body.188,189 diac arrest, and several studies demonstrated that post–
Relative adrenal insufficiency in the post– cardiac arrest cardiac arrest seizures were refractory to traditional anti-
phase was associated with higher rates of mortality.188 –190 convulsant agents. 199 –201 The same anticonvulsant
At present there are no human randomized trials investi- regimens for the treatment of seizures used for status
gating corticosteroid use after ROSC. One investigation epilepticus caused by other etiologies may be considered
combined steroid therapy with use of vasopressin, which after cardiac arrest. (Class IIb, LOE C).
made interpretation of results specific to steroids impossi-
ble.191 The post– cardiac arrest syndrome has similarities to Neuroprotective Drugs
septic shock, but the efficacy of corticosteroids remains The molecular events that cause neurodegeneration after
controversial in patients with sepsis as well.68,192–194 Whether cardiac arrest occur over hours to days after ROSC. This time
the provision of corticosteroids in the post– cardiac arrest course suggests a potentially broad therapeutic window for
phase improves outcome remains unknown and the value of neuroprotective drug therapy. However, the number of clin-
the routine use of corticosteroids for patients with ROSC ical trials performed to date is limited and has failed to
following cardiac arrest is uncertain. demonstrate improved neurological outcome with potential
neuroprotective drugs given after cardiac arrest.
Hemofiltration Few neuroprotective drugs have been tested in clinical
Hemofiltration has been proposed as a method to modify the trials, and only one published randomized trial202 was per-
humoral response to the ischemic-reperfusion injury that formed in which a neuroprotective drug was combined with
occurs after cardiac arrest. In a single randomized controlled therapeutic hypothermia. No neuroprotection benefit was
trial there was no significant difference in 6-month survival observed when patients (without hypothermia) were treated
among the groups.195 Future investigations are required to with thiopental, glucocorticoids, nimodipine, lidoflazine, di-
determine whether hemofiltration will improve outcome in azepam, and magnesium sulfate. One trial using coenzyme
post– cardiac arrest patients. Q10 in patients receiving hypothermia failed to show im-
proved survival with good neurological outcome.202 The
Central Nervous System routine use of coenzyme Q10 in patients treated with hypo-
Brain injury is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in thermia is uncertain (Class IIb, LOE B).
post– cardiac arrest patients. Brain injury is the cause of death in
68% of patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and in 23% Prognostication of Neurological Outcome in
after in-hospital cardiac arrest.13 The pathophysiology of post– Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors
cardiac arrest brain injury involves a complex cascade of The goal of post– cardiac arrest management is to return patients
molecular events that are triggered by ischemia and reperfusion to their prearrest functional level. However, many patients will
and then executed over hours to days after ROSC. Events and die, remain permanently unresponsive, or remain permanently
conditions in the post– cardiac arrest period have the potential to unable to perform independent activities. Early prognostication
exacerbate or attenuate these injury pathways and impact ulti- of neurological outcome is an essential component of post–
mate outcomes. Clinical manifestations of post– cardiac arrest cardiac arrest care. Most importantly, when decisions to limit
brain injury include coma, seizures, myoclonus, various degrees or withdraw life-sustaining care are being considered, tools
of neurocognitive dysfunction (ranging from memory deficits to used to prognosticate poor outcome must be accurate and
persistent vegetative state), and brain death.3 reliable with a false-positive rate (FPR) approaching 0%.
Poor outcome is defined as death, persistent unresponsive-
Seizure Management ness, or the inability to undertake independent activities after
Whether there is any disease-specific management of seizures 6 months.203 No prearrest or intra-arrest parameters (includ-
after cardiac arrest remains unknown and the true incidence ing arrest duration, bystander CPR, or presenting rhythm)
of post– cardiac arrest electrographic seizures may be higher alone or in combination accurately predict outcome in indi-
as the clinical diagnosis of seizures may not be readily vidual patients who achieve ROSC.
apparent. It is accepted in other settings that prolonged, A thorough neurological evaluation is needed to obtain
untreated seizures are detrimental to the brain, and seizures accurate prognostic findings. No postarrest physical exami-
are common after ROSC, occurring in 5% to 20% of nation finding or diagnostic study has as yet predicted poor
comatose cardiac arrest survivors with or without therapeutic outcome of comatose cardiac arrest survivors during the first
hypothermia.11,196,197 24 hours after ROSC. After 24 hours somatosensory evoked
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Peberdy et al Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care S777
potentials (SSEPs) and select physical examination findings (for example, Brain stem Auditory Evoked Potentials) have been
at specific time points after ROSC in the absence of con- associated with poor outcomes in comatose cardiac arrest survi-
founders (such as hypotension, seizures, sedatives, or neuro- vors, they are either less reliable predictors of poor outcome than
muscular blockers) are the most reliable early predictors of SSEPs or have not been studied in enough patients to establish
poor outcome in patients not undergoing therapeutic hypo- their reliability. Bilateral absence of the N20 cortical response to
thermia. However, the decision to limit care should never be median nerve stimulation after 24 hours predicts poor outcome
made on the basis of a single prognostic parameter, and in comatose cardiac arrest survivors not treated with therapeutic
expert consultation may be needed. hypothermia (Class IIa, LOE A).
The impact of therapeutic hypothermia on the prognostic
Neurological Assessment accuracy of SSEPs has not been adequately studied.
The neurological examination is the most widely studied param-
eter to predict outcome in comatose post– cardiac arrest patients. Neuroimaging
Prognostication of functional outcome has not been established The most studied neuroimaging modalities are magnetic
in noncomatose patients. Neurological examination for this resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) of
purpose can be reliably undertaken only in the absence of the brain. Extensive cortical and subcortical lesions on MRI
confounding factors (hypotension, seizures, sedatives, or neuro- are associated with poor neurological outcome.223–253 These
muscular blockers). On the basis of existing studies, no clinical studies varied widely in the MRI parameters used, sample
neurological signs reliably predict poor outcome !24 hours after size, and interval after arrest when testing occurred.
cardiac arrest.204,205 Among adult patients who are comatose and CT imaging to detect brain injury and predict functional
have not been treated with hypothermia, the absence of both outcome is supported by several studies.233,244,245,247,248,254 –267
pupillary light and corneal reflexes at !72 hours after cardiac The timing of CT in these studies varied widely. CT param-
arrest predicted poor outcome with high reliability.204 The eters associated with poor outcome were varied and included
absence of vestibulo-ocular reflexes at !24 hours (FPR 0%, quantitative measure of gray matter:white matter Hounsfield
95% CI 0% to 14%)205,206 or Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score unit ratio and qualitative description of brain structures. A
!5 at !72 hours (FPR 0%, 95% CI 0% to 6%)204,207,208 are less nonenhanced CT scan can also provide information about
reliable for predicting poor outcome or were studied only in structural lesions, stroke, or intracranial hemorrhage that may
limited numbers of patients. Other clinical signs, including have contributed to cardiac arrest.268,269
myoclonus,209 –213 are not recommended for predicting poor Other less utilized and investigated neuroimaging modali-
outcome (Class III, LOE C). ties have included single-photon emission computed tomog-
raphy,253,267,270 cerebral angiography244 and transcranial
EEG Doppler240 A nuclear imaging study observed that abnormal
No electrophysiological study reliably predicts outcome in tracer uptake in the cerebral cortices was associated with poor
comatose patients during the first 24 hours after ROSC. In outcome in one case report.248
normothermic patients without significant confounders (sed- Despite tremendous potential, neuroimaging has yet to be
atives, hypotension, hypothermia, neuromuscular blockade, proved as an independently accurate modality for prediction
or hypoxemia), an EEG pattern showing generalized suppres- of outcome in individual comatose survivors of cardiac arrest
sion to !20 $V, burst-suppression pattern associated with and specific neuroimaging modalities cannot be recom-
generalized epileptic activity, or diffuse periodic complexes mended for predicting poor outcome after cardiac arrest.
on a flat background is associated with a poor outcome (FPR
3%, 95% CI 0.9% to 11%).203 One week after the initial arrest Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers
event, specific EEG findings may be useful for predicting poor There has been extensive clinical research exploring bio-
outcomes in comatose cardiac arrest survivors,161,203,204,206,214–221 markers in the blood (plasma or serum) and cerebrospinal
The prognostic accuracy of malignant EEG patterns appears to fluid (CSF) as early predictors of poor outcome in comatose
be less reliable in patients treated with hypothermia. Status cardiac arrest survivors. Biomarkers that are predictive of
epilepticus in post-ROSC patients treated with hypothermia has neurological outcome are typically released from dying neu-
an FPR of 7% (95% CI 1% to 25%) to 11.5% (95% CI 3% to rons or glial cells in the brain (eg, neuron-specific enolase
31%) for predicting poor outcome.218,222 [NSE], S100B, GFAP, CK-BB) and can be measured in the
In the absence of confounding factors such as sedatives, blood or CSF. The primary advantage of biomarkers is that
hypotension, hypothermia, neuromuscular blockade, seizures, levels are unlikely to be confounded by sedation or neuro-
or hypoxemia, it may be helpful to use an unprocessed EEG muscular blockade, which are commonly used in the first few
interpretation observed !24 hours after ROSC to assist with days after cardiac arrest. However, for most biomarkers, only
the prediction of a poor outcome in comatose survivors of an association with outcome has been reported. When using a
cardiac arrest not treated with hypothermia (Class IIb, LOE B). cutoff value that results in an FPR of 0% for predicting poor
outcome, the 95% CI is unacceptably high due to the small
Evoked Potentials number of patients studied.
Abnormalities in evoked potentials are associated with poor The most promising and extensively studied biomarker is
outcomes. Bilateral absence of the N20 cortical response to serum NSE, which has been reported to have a 0% FPR (95%
median nerve SSEPs predicts poor outcome (FPR 0%, 95% CI CI 0% to 3%) for predicting poor outcome when measured
0% to 3%).161,203 Although other evoked potential measurements between 24 and 72 hours after cardiac arrest.203,204 Other
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S778 Circulation November 2, 2010
guidelines have recommended the use of serum NSE to gest that there is no difference in functional outcomes of
predict poor outcome in patients after ROSC.203 However, the organs transplanted from patients who are brain-dead as a
primary limitation of serum NSE is the variability among consequence of cardiac arrest when compared with donors
studies in both the assays used and the cutoff value that who are brain-dead due to other causes.287–290 Adult patients
results in an FPR of 0% for predicting poor outcome.271–282 who progress to brain death after resuscitation from cardiac
Furthermore, interventions such as therapeutic hypothermia arrest should be considered for organ donation (Class I, LOE B).
appear to variably alter the NSE cutoff value that is predictive
of poor outcome.283–285 Finally a number of clinical disorders, Summary
such as abdominal organ injury, have been associated with The goal of immediate post– cardiac arrest care is to optimize
elevated NSE levels independent of cardiac arrest.286 systemic perfusion, restore metabolic homeostasis, and sup-
The routine use of any serum or CSF biomarker as a sole port organ system function to increase the likelihood of intact
predictor of poor outcome in comatose patients after cardiac neurological survival. The post– cardiac arrest period is often
arrest is not recommended (Class III, LOE B). marked by hemodynamic instability as well as metabolic
abnormalities. Support and treatment of acute myocardial
Changes in Prognostication With Hypothermia dysfunction and acute myocardial ischemia can increase the
There is a paucity of data about the utility of physical probability of survival. Interventions to reduce secondary
examination, EEG, and evoked potentials in patients who brain injury, such as therapeutic hypothermia, can improve
have been treated with induced hypothermia. Physical exam- survival and neurological recovery. Every organ system is at
ination (motor response, pupillary light and corneal reflexes), risk during this period, and patients are at risk of developing
EEG, SSEP, and imaging studies are less reliable for predict- multiorgan dysfunction.
ing poor outcome in patients treated with hypothermia. The comprehensive treatment of diverse problems after
Durations of observation greater than 72 hours after ROSC cardiac arrest involves multidisciplinary aspects of critical
should be considered before predicting poor outcome in care, cardiology, and neurology. For this reason, it is impor-
patients treated with hypothermia (Class I, Level C). tant to admit patients to appropriate critical-care units with a
prospective plan of care to anticipate, monitor, and treat each
Organ Donation After Cardiac Arrest of these diverse problems. It is also important to appreciate
Despite maximal support and adequate observation, some the relative strengths and weaknesses of different tools for
patients will be brain-dead after cardiac arrest. Studies sug- estimating the prognosis of patients after cardiac arrest.
Mary Ann Peberdy Virginia Commonwealth None None None None None None
University–Professor of Medicine &
Emergency Medicine
Clifton W. Callaway University of Pittsburgh School of †Grants to University of Pittsburgh: *Loan of an Arctic Sun None †Co-inventor on None None
Medicine–Associate Professor; NHLBI-Resuscitation Outcomes cooling device (without patent about
UPMC Health System–Physician Consortium HRSA-Development disposables) to human ventricular fibrillation
and Dissemination of Program physiology laboratory for waveform analysis,
Tools for Uncontrolled Donation experiments on licensed by University
After Cardiac Death (UDCD) hypothermia by of Pittsburgh to
Medivance, Inc. Medtronic ERS, Inc.
Robert W. Neumar University of †Funding Source: NIH/NINDS Grant None None None None None
Pennsylvania–Associate Professor Number: R21 NS054654 Funding
of Emergency Medicine Period 06/01/07 to 06/31/2010
Role on Project: Principal
Investigator Title: Optimizing
Therapeutic Hypothermia After
Cardiac Arrest Description: The
goal of this project is to evaluate
how the onset and duration of
therapeutic hypothermia after
cardiac arrest impacts survival and
Romergryko G. Johns Hopkins University School of †NIH RO1 Grant: (Consequence of None *Academic Grand None None *Guest Editor: Neurology
Geocadin Medicine–Associate Professor of Cardiac Arrest: Brain Injury( Rounds American Clinics, Emergency
Neurology, Anesthesiology-Critical *NIH R44 Grant: (Cortical Injury Academy of Neurology Medicine Clinics, and
Care Medicine and Neurosurgery Monitor Phase IIB( Seminars in Neurology
Janice L. The Methodist Hospital Physician None None *Society of Critical None None *Callaway and
Zimmerman Organization–Head, Critical Care Care Medicine Associates Andrews and
Division and Director, MICU American College of Kurth
Chest Physicians
Center for Biomedical
Michael Donnino Harvard Medical Faculty †Corticosteroids in Post-cardiac None None None None None
Physicians–Physician Arrest Patients )Scientist
Development Grant, American
Heart Association* Thiamine as a
Metabolic Resuscitator in Septic
Shock )Pending*
*Thiamine Deficiency in Septic
Shock )completed, NIH through
Harvard Medical School* Statin
Therapy in Sepsis )Eleanor Shores
Andrea Gabrielli University of Florida–Professor of †NIH-Biomarkers and Traumatic None None None None None
Anesthesiology and Surgery Brain Injury
Scott M. Silvers Mayo Clinic Florida–Chair, None None None None None None
Department of Emergency
Arno L. Zaritsky Children’s Hospital of the King’s None None None None *Data Safety Monitoring None
Daughters–Sr. VP for Clinical Board for NIH-sponsored
Services clinical trial of
therapeutic hypothermia
after pediatric cardiac
Raina Merchant University of None None None None None None
Pennsylvania–Research fellow
Terry L. Vanden University of Chicago–Associate *Principal Investigator None None *Hypothermia None None
Hoek Professor 09/06/04–04/30/10 DOD/Office of Induction Patents (3
Naval Research $885,639 approved, 3 pending)
Proteomic Development of no income
Molecular Vital Signs: Mapping a
Mitochondrial Injury Severity Score
to Triage and Guide Resuscitation
of Hemorrhagic Shock. This
research grant is awarded to the
University of Chicago
Steven L. Kronick University of Michigan Health None None None None None *Expert Witness:
System Healthcare institution Reviewed a single case
Assistant Professor for an attorney. Less
than 4 hours work total
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000
or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns
$10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
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In the article by Peberdy et al, “Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care: 2010 American Heart
Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care,”
which published ahead of print on October 18, 2010, and appeared with the November 2, 2010,
issue of the journal (Circulation. 2010;122[suppl 3]:S768 –S786), a change was needed.
On page S774, in the right column, the last paragraph, the second sentence read, “Norepineph-
rine (levarterenol) and other catecholamines that activate !-adrenergic receptors may produce
tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs.” It has been updated to read, “Norepinephrine (levarter-
enol) and other catecholamines that activate "-adrenergic receptors may produce tissue necrosis
if extravasation occurs.”
This correction has been made to the current online version of the article, which is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0b013e31820ff584
(Circulation. 2011;123:e237.)
© 2011 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at
In the article by Peberdy et al, “Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care: 2010 American Heart
Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care,”
which published ahead of print on October 18, 2010, and appeared with the November 2, 2010,
issue of the journal Circulation (2010;122[suppl 3];S768 –S786), a correction was needed.
On page S776, left column, line 4 in the paragraph under “Hemofiltration” read, “. . . trial there
was no difference in 6-month survival among the . . ..” It has been changed to read, “. . . trial there
was no significant difference in 6-month survival among the . . ..”
This correction has been made to the current online version of the article, which is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0b013e318235d047
(Circulation. 2011;124:e403.)
© 2011 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at