Role and Qualities of A Good Sunday School Teacher
Role and Qualities of A Good Sunday School Teacher
Role and Qualities of A Good Sunday School Teacher
Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and TEACHERS; Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the
saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
A. A HEART FOR GOD – Every Sunday School Teacher must examine first his/her motive and purpose of
Teaching. The Teacher must be motivated by the Love of God. Galatians 2:20. The Teacher must
teach for the Glory of God 1 Corinthians 10:31. The Teacher must realize that Teaching is a Vocation
from God. Ephesians 4:1-2
B. A HEART FOR CHILDREN – Matthew 19:13-15 . The Sunday School Teacher must loved his/her
students just like what the Lord Jesus did. Children are naturally naughty, curious, and are very active
( hyper ), many of the apostles were annoyed and rebuked the children, but the Lord Jesus showed
LOVE, COMPASSION, AND PATIENCE toward the children and prayed for them.
C. A HEART -FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST – Galatians 5:22-24 Sunday School Teachers should be
Spirit-filled and not CARNAL- The fruits of the Spirit will always make the Teacher’s personality God-
pleasing and appealing to children. Children can easily sense the mood of their teacher. Teachers must
learn to set-aside their personal and emotional problems when teaching children. ( The Teacher’s
mood has a great effect on the students )
D. MASTERY OF THE LESSON- 1 Corinthians 9:25
A good Sunday School Teacher must know his/her lesson very well. This is achieved by diligent
Study of the Bible and early preparation of his/her lessons.
E. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT – 1 Corinth. 14:40 A good Sunday School Teacher is systematic and
employ good classroom management, this includes :
A. Organized Students’ record
B. Control/Discipline of the Classroom and
C. Lesson Delivery :
a. Routine b. Motivation c. Proper Lesson d. Evaluation
F. VARIETY – OF TEACHING TECHNIQUES - A good Sunday School Teacher must be able to use various
Teaching Techniques to arouse Interests in the mind of the students . Children have short-span of
Attention and are easily bored. Examples of Techniques : Role Playing, group-discussion, etc.,
G. RESOURCEFUL – A Good Sunday School Teacher must be able to utilize Visual Aids / Technology in
Teaching children. Visual aids will help catch and maintain the attention of the students. Children are
70 % visual and 30% Auditory.
H. FOLLOW- UP - A good Sunday School Teacher is able to extend his/her classes beyond the four
corners of his/her Sunday School room. The teacher must conduct home visitation to follow up the
students, to know them better and establish deeper relationship and reach out the parents of his/her
students for the purpose of evangelizing them and inviting them to the church
The willingness to submit and listen to his/her pastor and Sunday School Superintendent
The willingness to learn from others
The willingness to undergo training – there is always room for improvements
I. The Min
Teachers with the gift of prophecy, and not teaching, will tend to be more preachy and revival-oriented.
They will tend to get on soap boxes more, taking a stand against the world's woes. To best utilize their
time, they must work at teaching the whole counsel of God and using Scripture for teaching, correcting,
and training and not just rebuking.
Teaching is a vital work of shepherding but only one aspect. Sunday School teachers who are able and willing
to serve their students outside the walls of the classroom will have the most impact on their students' lives.
If the teaching gifts are accompanied by the gift of pastor, the Sunday School teacher will tend to feel a
compulsion to look after the welfare of the students beyond the class.
Teachers without the gift of pastor may need to work at being more deliberate in going the extra mile.
In addition to the content on this page, the Shepherding Ministry Manual asks you some questions to reflect
on improvements you can make to church's Sunday School ministry. It also includes content about Sunday
School from the following posts:
So, what about Sunday School?
How can a busy Sunday School teacher to do it all?
What about Sunday School students and the teacher's relationship with them?
What is Sunday School's greatest resource?
school, the place it occupies, and the imperative needs for it.
for religious purposes and centering about the Bible, its educa-
from the pulpit and from friend with friend. Worship is best
promoted by family prayer, by social meetings, and by public
expressed in answers.
in new lines in biblical science have shaken the faith that has been
for the people of God to search beneath the rubbish for the
utilized to the full. Nothing else can take its place. But it
is none too good for the sanctuary. Nor do we want cold intel-
to bring dead souls into contact with the throbbing heart of the
Bible, the prophet of God, and thus to warm them into life.
Addison P. Foster,
Boston, Mass.
ing with him the Gibraltar at which I aim is the will. If this
that the will may be reached and brought to right activity. Man
has on this earth one duty, and one only, and that is to do the
and in orientalisms, and what not, and yet the very ABC of true
affections and govern the will. To this end he must have the
world can make one child yield its will to the will of God. That
God may so bless the truth taught that the heart and will of the
will. He needs the Spirit's aid to cause the pupil to love God
with all his heart and obey him with all his will. When this
has been perfectly accomplished (and not till then) the work of
New York, N. Y.
New Testaments.
work of the Holy Spirit. The Sunday school deals with the
While bringing the soul into contact with the vital truth, and
not impossible thing. Either all the subsequent years are given
edgment that ours is a real school, having for its main, all-com-
and spiritual growth are parts. Mr. Moody was a great soul-
to Christ, but it has also to give very much more time to train-
are suggested to show the place which the Sunday school should
occupy among them: (1) For the first, most constant, and
schools, organizations for little boys and girls. (3) For graded
Chautauqua circles.
normal growth not only, but for their greatest conquest as well.
Chicago, 111.
Christianity. This is very broad, but none too broad. The Old
and the New Testament gives an account of its rise and early
knowledge of it is rare.
force that most effectually raises mind and will to the highest
level. An important function of the Sunday school is to inspire
changing the essential principle, I should say that the main pur-
Mr. Green was a great Sunday School teacher. I was in third grade at a little Baptist church in Southern California and,
frankly, and I don’t remember a single lesson he taught in class. But he was my best teacher ever!
How can that be, you ask? Because Mr. Green had qualities about him that transcended the ability to take a lesson from
the curriculum and get me to understand it. Mr. Green was a great Sunday School teacher because he was willing to be
and was willing to do what it took to make a difference in my life.
He exhibited 8 Qualities of a Great Sunday School Teacher that I think are present in every great teacher.
This is where all ministry begins, whether you are teaching Sunday School or leading the entire church. In fact, this is
where our ministry should flow from – our deep, sincere, committed heart for God.
Scripture teaches that the two greatest commands are to love God and to love . . . people (Mark 12:30-31)! Our teaching
ought to flow from our love for God but because of our love for people. This means we are not only committed to the
lesson, but to actually understanding and building relationships with the people we are teaching.
A heart for God and a love for people set the stage for the content of our teaching. And that content needs to be solidly
based on Biblical truth. As a Sunday School teacher, it’s our responsibility to dig in to God’s Word not just to teach our
lesson, but to understand it fully and allow it to permeate every part of our life. As we do this, every element of our
teaching becomes based on and saturated in the Word.
4) A habit of praying
Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost For His Highest, said “Prayer does not equip us for greater works, prayer is the
greater work.” A great Sunday School teacher knows that it is the power of God that brings about transformation, so a
deep dependence on God, exhibited through the habit of praying, is essential for a great Sunday School teacher.
Any great teacher is only a great teacher as long as they continue to grow. This is true of a Sunday School teacher, as
well. Luke 2:52 says that “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and all the people.” Basically, he grew
mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. A great example for any great Sunday School teacher.
6) An ability to teach
Some people have the gift of teaching, while others learn enough to become competent at it. Either way, no one can be
a great Sunday School teacher if they don’t have the ability to teach!
7) A willingness to prepare
It really doesn’t matter if you have an ability to teach if you’re not willing to prepare. Sure, great teachers can “wing it”
in a pinch, but they know that that’s not the way to be effective. Preparation takes time and effort, and great Sunday
School teachers are willing to give both.
One of the things I loved most about Mr. Green was the fact that he was dedicated to us. No, I would not have been able
to articulate that in third grade, but I could see it in who he was and what he did. He was there every Sunday, he visited
my Little League games, he planned outings for us, he talked with my parents about what we were learning, he was
interested in my life outside the classroom, he prayed for and with us often, and so much more. He was dedicated to me
and the other guys in the class, and it showed.
Yes, Mr. Green was a great Sunday School teacher. I may not remember the lessons, but he taught me a lot in that third
grade Sunday School class. He taught me to love God and love His Word. He taught me to love others and to practice the
principles that God wanted me to practice. And, perhaps most of all, he exhibited all the important qualities of a great
Sunday School teacher – not because he had to, but because that’s who he was. And it forever changed my life for good.
And whether it’s third grade, junior high or adults you are teaching, practice these 8 Qualities and you’ll be a great
Sunday School teacher, too!