JU FISLM MTECH Admission Brochure PDF

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KOLKATA– 700032
Co urses are a ffilia ted to
for the a dmissio n to the SESSION 2 016 -17


1. A candidate can apply for M.E./M.Tech . Courses – 2016 -1 7 on line th rough URL
http://a dmissio n.jdv u.ac.in du ring the period from 25 t h April, 2 016 to 13 t h May , 20 16.

Candid ates are advised to do wn load th e Info rmation Broch u re and Pay-in -Slip o f State Bank
o f India to depo sit Application Fee. Applica tio n fee of Rs.50 0/- for each co urse o f stud y
is to be d epo sited th roug h an y bran ch o f State Bank o f Ind ia b y filling u p the do wn -loaded
Pay-in -slip . The Jou rnal Nu mb er mu st b e legible in the pay-in -slip , and to be used in the
Fo rm & other referen ces. Th e applican ts are req uested to k eep the co unterfo il o f the deposit
slip fo r futu re reference. Can didates shou ld carefu lly read the in stru ctio ns g iven in the
In fo rmation Broch u re befo re filling up the Application Fo rm. Incomplete a pplica tio n forms
are lia ble to be ca ncelled.

2 . Print o ut o f Sy stem Genera ted Online Applica tio n Form duly sig ned by the ca ndidate
alo ng with a pplica tion part o f Pay -in-slip duly receiv ed by the Ba nk a nd o ne self-
a ttested copy o f the la st mark-sheet o f the last qua lifying exa mina tio n must reach to
the follo wing a ddress o n or before 16 t h May , 201 6 by speed po st:
The Secretary,
Faculty Council o f Interdisciplinary Studies, La w a nd Ma nagement,
Ja da v pur Univ ersity ,
Kolka ta – 700 032, West Benga l.

3 . App licants are also requested to keep a ph oto cop y o f p rin t ou t o f System Gen erated Online
App licatio n Fo rm fo r futu re reference.

4 . A list o f elig ible candid ates fo r ad mission test will be available on th e Un iversity web site
befo re the sch edule d ate o f ad missio n test.

5 . App licants are req uested to do wnlo ad their Ad mit-card (available u nder application statu s
link ) and to b ring his/h er ad mit card du ly pasting h is/her recent pho tog rap h with sign atu re
in th e specified space.

6 . If an eligible candid ate is u nable to p rint ad mit card th rough on -line system h e/she ma y
co ntact the Office o f the Faculty Council o f Interdisciplin ary Studies, Law and Man agemen t
(1 s t Floo r) at least 3 days befo re th e resp ective date o f ad mission test alo ng with th e p rint
ou t system generated online Applicatio n Fo rm an d applicant part o f Pay-in Slip .

7 . As per circular No. BC-16014/1/82 -SC dt.06 /08/198 4 & BCD-I, D.O.1 2017/1 1/8 9 -
SCD(R.CELL) dt.08 /01 /1990 and letter No . 1510 -SCW dt. 31 /05/2 007 from the
Government o f West Beng al, Scheduled Ca ste/ Scheduled Tribe Perso ns o f a ny Sta te
o ther tha n West Benga l a re not entitled to get benefits o f the Sta te for SC/ST in
Educa tio nal Institutions in West Bengal.

8 . 3 % PWD (Perso ns with disa bilities) is a pplica ble o nly in the Self-spo nsored Ca tego ry a s
a super numera cy inta ke.

9 . Ca ndida tes are requested to bring the fo llo wing Attested Do cuments alo ng with The
Original at the time o f Admissio n Test a nd (Interview if a ny ) a nd also at the time of
Admissio n to the Co urse:

a) Ad mit Card an d Score Card o f GATE/GPAT (if applicab le).

b ) Mark-sheets and Certificates fro m Second ary examin ation to Und erg rad uate d egree
ex amination in Eng ineering o r to Po stg raduate deg ree examin ation in Science cou rses
an d Ad mit Card o f Admission Test.

c) SC/ST Certificate issued b y the Govt. of West Beng al, PWD (Person with Disability)
Certificate an d Family Inco me Certificate issued b y the co mp eten t autho rity.

d ) A ‘No Objection Certificate’ fro m the emp lo yer for the entire cou rse period fo r
Spon so red Catego ry can didates.

e) App licants are req uested to submit the Bach elo r cou rse app rov al letter o f AICTE o r
UGC-AICTE-DEC Joint Co mmittee at the time o f Ad mission Test/In terview an d at the
time o f Admission from th e app rop riate au tho rity.

f) Fin al year/semester ap pearing certificate issued b y the Prin cip al/Controller of

Examin ation s of th e University has to b e p roduced b y the cand idate.

10 . Ca ndida tes sho uld no te the following :

a) Sub mit separate App lication Fo rm fo r Separate Cou rse/s th rough on line and obtain
sep arate receipt fro m S.B.I. with different jou rn al n u mb er.

b ) After publica tio n o f 1 s t Selectio n List a ca ndida te o nce ta kes a dmissio n a cco rding to
1 s t Selection List in any co urse/co urse with specializa tio n, his/her a pplica tio ns in all
o ther remaining co urse/s will be a uto ma tically ca ncelled.

c) Failu re to app ear at the Ad mission Test (and Interview if requ ired ) on the specified date
will cancel his/her candidatu re with out an y fu rther co rrespond ence.

d ) Registration o f ap plication o r fulfillment o f min imu m eligibility criteria d oes no t con fer
an y rig ht o f the app licant to be called fo r ad mission test (an d interv iew if required ).

e) Submissio n o f a pplicatio n do es no t co nfer any rig ht o n the a pplica nt for being issued
with Admit Card a nd also for being ca lled for Interv iew/a dmission.

f) The Ad mission Co mmittee reserves th e right o f n ot selecting o f an y can didate who is
co nsidered ph ysically un fit o r otherwise un suitable.

g ) Total nu mb er o f seats av ailable in an y cou rse sh all first be filled up with GATE/GPAT
Catego ry (A) and Spon so red Categ o ry (B) can didates as per availab ility o f seats in the
resp ective categ o ries as detailed ab ove in App ro ved Intak e List. Thereafter, if vacancies
ex ist, Self-spon so red Catego ry (C) candidates will b e considered to fill up such
vacan cies.

h ) All J.U. cou rses are non -residen tial. Ho stel seats are not guaranteed .

Eligibility for M.E./M.Tech. Couses

Ca tegory (A) – GATE/GPAT: Obtained Bachelo r’s deg ree in En gg./Tech./Arch. o r

M.Sc./M.A. as given in th e Schedule belo w with at least 60 % mark s (45% fo r SC/ST) o r all
semesters average g rade point 6 .75 (5.25 for SC/ST) and qualified th roug h GATE/GPAT,
having valid GATE/GPAT Score.
Passed Memb ership/Associate Memb ersh ip Examin atio n in the app rop riate discipline
co nducted b y all p ro fessional bo dies, like Institution o f Engineers (India)/Ind ian In stitute o f
Arch itects/Ind ian Institute of Chemical Engineers/ In stitute of Electronics
Teleco mmu nication Engineers etc. app ro ved b y Gov t. of India, with at least 60 % mark s in
ag g regate (45 % fo r SC/ST) and qualified th roug h GATE are eligible fo r ad mission to Po st-
Grad uate (PG) cou rses in Engg ./Tech . as GATE category can didates.

Ca tegory (B) – Spo nsored: Ob tain ed Bach elo r’s deg ree in Engg ./Tech ./Arch. o r M.Sc. as
given in the Sch edule belo w with at least 60% mark s (45 % fo r SC/ST) & min imu m 1 (one)
year experien ce after Bach elo r’s deg ree duly spo nso red b y Indu stry / In stitute/ Go vt. Depts.
Relevant exp erien ce shall be coun ted up to last date o f ap plicatio n and Pay-slip/Fo rm-16
shall b e sub mitted at the time o f Ad mission Test.

Ca tegory (C) – Self-Spo nsored: Obtained Bachelor’s d eg ree in En gg./Tech ./Arch. o r

M.Sc./M.A. as given in the Sch edu le belo w with at least 60% mark s (4 5% for SC/ST/PWD)
o r all semesters av erage g rade poin t 6.75 (5 .25 fo r SC/ST/PWD). As per Govt. o f India rules
3 % PWD (Person s with disabilities) seats is app licable as sup ernu merary.

Ho wever, can didates who hav e app eared /are d ue to appear at th e q ualifying examin ation s
(B.E./B.Tech ./B.Arch ./B.Ph arm./M.Sc./AMIETE/ AMIE Sec. A & B / AIIA), may also apply.
If selected , can didate may b e admitted p rovid ed they sub mit their all p assed mark -sheet up
to 7 t h Semester (9 t h Semester in case o f Arch itectu re) o f th e q ualifying ex amin ation with
req uired percentage o f mark s at the time o f ad mission test. If the fin al result is awaited on
th e date o f interview such selected candidate shall have to sub mit th e mark sheet o f th e
qu alifying ex amination within 3 mo n th s fro m the date o f co mmen cemen t of 1 s t semester
classes failin g which or if the candidate is found to be not elig ible in terms o f percen tage o f
mark s obtained, his/her p rovisio nal ad mission will be cancelled.

I. 4-Semester (2-years) Courses (AICTE Approved):

Offered by the Na me of the M.E./ Bachelor’s Degree required in

Scho ol Co urse M.Tech.
an d Field of
Specializa tio n
1 ) Schoo l of Nano Science & M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in Civil/Electrical/Electronics/
Material Tech nolog y Mechanical/Ceramic/Metallu rgical/Chemical/
Science & Produ ctio n/Po wer/Printin g Engg./Tech. or
Tech nolog y M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Electron ics/
In stru men tation Sc.
2 ) Schoo l of IT (Co u rseware M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in an y disciplin e o r eq uivalen t
Education Engin eering ) MCA o r M.Sc. in Ph ysics/Mathematics/
Tech nolog y Electronics/Co mp uter Sc./In fo rmation Tech.
3 ) Schoo l of Water M.E. B.E./B.Tech . in Civil/Mechanical/
Water Resou rces & Ag ricultu re/Chemical/Electrical/Po wer/
Resou rces Hyd raulic Produ ctio n Engg./Tech. or M.Sc.(Tech .) in
Engin eering Engin eering Geolog y
4 ) Schoo l of Distributed & M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in Co mp uter Sc. & Engg./
Mo bile Mo bile In fo rmation Tech./Electro nics & Tele-Co mm.
Co mp utin g & Co mp utin g Engg. or MCA or M.Sc. in Co mp uter Sc./
Co mmu n ication Electronics Sc.
5 ) Schoo l of Nu clear M.E. B.E./B.Tech . in Mechanical/Electrical/
Nu clear Studies Engin eering Po wer/Electro nics/In stru men tation/
& Ap plication Metallu rg y & Material Sc./Chemical
Engg./Tech. or its equivalen t
6 ) Schoo l of Environ me ntal M.Tech. B.Tech . in Biotechno log y /Civil Engg./
Environ me ntal Biotechno log y Chemical Engg / Food Tech . & Biochemical
Stu dies Engg. or Bachelo r in Pharmacy or 2 -year
M.Sc. in Environ mental Sc./Biotechno log y/
Ph ysics/Chemistry/Math ematics/Geolog y. All
Science candidates should h ave Mathematics
in U.G. level.
7 ) Schoo l of Laser Laser M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in Mechanical/Production /
Science & Tech nolog y Material/Metallu rgical/Chemical/Po wer/
Engin eering Auto mo tiv e/Electrical/Electronics Engg /
Tech . o r M.Sc. in Optoelectronics/Co mp u ter
Sc. & Engg./ Ind ustrial Engg o r M.Sc. in
Ph ysics/Electronics or an y o ther relevant/
eq uivalen t discipline.

II. 4-Semester (2-years) Courses (UGC Approved):

Offered by the Na me of the M.E./ Bachelor’s Degree required in

Scho ol Co urse M.Tech.
an d Field of
Specializa tio n
1 ) Schoo l of Energ y Scien ce M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in an y disciplin e or
Energ y Studies & Technolog y M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/
Geolog y with Mathematics as the sub sidiary
paper in the Bachelo r Degree or M.Sc. in
App lied Math ematics with Ph ysics and
Chemistry at th e Bachelo r level or M.A. in
Econo mics with Ph ysics and Mathematics as
th e sub sidiary subjects in th e Bachelo r level
2 ) Schoo l of Bio Bio medical M.E. B.E./B.Tech . in an y disciplin e o r Bach elo r
Science & Engin eering o f Pharmacy (with Basic Engg. subjects) or
Engin eering eq uivalen t
3 ) Schoo l of Mu ltimed ia M.M.D. B.E. in an y discip line o r equivalent or MCA
(Master in
Education Develop me nt Multimedia
or Master of Sc. or Master o f Co mmerce o r
Tech nolog y Development) Master of Arts in an y discipline

III. 6-Semester (3-years) Evening Courses (AICTE Approved):

Offered by the Na me of the M.E./ Bachelor’s Degree required in

Scho ol Co urse M.Tech.
an d Field of
Specializa tio n
1 ) Schoo l of Water Water Resou rces M.E. In -serv ice Engin eers fro m In dustry/
Resou rces & Hyd raulic In stitute/Gov t. Dept. with B.E./B.Tech. in Civ il
Engin eering Engin eering /Mech anical/Ag ricu lture/Chemical/Electrical/
Po wer/Production Engg ./Tech . o r M.Sc.(Tech .)
in Geo log y
2 ) Schoo l of Illu mination M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech . in an y disciplin e o r B.Arch . o r
Illu minatio n Tech nolog y & M.Sc. in Physics/Electron ics/Co mputer Sc. and
Science, Design emp lo yed or self-emp lo yed p rofession al.
Engineering & Except Ph ar macy.
Ava ila bility o f Scholarship: Subject to Relea se o f Fund by UGC/AICTE o r Other
Funding Agencies.

UGC/AICTE approved Intake & Semester Fees for PG (GATE) Courses:

Sl. M.E./M.Tech. GATE

No . Co urses *
SP / Tuitio n Fees per Semester

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Authority
for PG
Scho larship
Energ y Scien ce &
1 7 2 1 3 240 0/- 240 0/- 240 00/- UGC
Tech nolog y
Bio medical
2 Engin eering & 3 1 1 6 240 0/- 240 0/- 240 00/- UGC
Water Resou rces &
3 Hyd raulic Engin eering 10 2 1 5 240 0/- 240 0/- 240 00/- AICTE
(4 -Semester)
IT (Co u rseware
4 10 2 1 5 120 00/- 120 00/- 300 00/- AICTE
Engin eering )
Nano Science & 10
5 2 1 5 120 00/- 120 00/- 300 00/- AICTE
Tech nolog y + 2
Distributed &
6 9 2 1 3 180 00/- 180 00/- 300 00/- AICTE
Mo bile Comp u ting

7 Nu clear Engineering 10 2 1 5 120 00/- 120 00/- 300 00/- AICTE

* Gen: General, SP: Spo nsored, SSP: Self-Spo nsored

Please see th e instructio n no . 1 0(g ) in page-3 .

AICTE approved Intake & Semester Fees for PG (Non GATE) Courses:

Sl. M.E./M.Tech. Co urses SSP SP Tuitio n Fees per

No . Semester
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Environ me ntal Bio techno log y 7 2 1 0 240 00/- 300 00/-

2 Laser Techno log y 7 2 1 0 240 00/- 300 00/-

3 Illu mination Techno log y & Design
10 2 1 5 240 00/- 300 00/-
(6 -Semester)
4 Water Resou rces & Hyd raulic
10 2 1 5 240 00/- 300 00/-
Engin eering (6 -Semester)
Ho wev er, Self-spo nsored ca ndida tes having GATE Score may a pply fo r AICTE
Scho larship as a nd when a dvertisement is issued by AICTE.
UGC approved Intake & Semester Fees for Other PG (Non GATE) Course:

Sl. Other Co urses SSP SP Tuitio n Fees per

No . Semester
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Mu ltimed ia Develop ment
16 5 1 3 120 00/- 300 00/-

Selection Norms for Admission in:

4-Semester M.E./M.Tech.

(A) GATE/GPAT Ca ndida tes :

GATE/GPAT Sco re 70 %

Ad mission Test (and Interview if req uired ) 30 %

No ad mission test will be condu cted fo r GATE candid ates fo r only in the M. Tech
in IT (Cou rseware Engin eering ) & M.Tech . in Distribu ted & Mob ile Co mp uting.

(B) Spo nsored Ca ndida tes :

At lea st 1 year of relev a nt ex perience a fter o btaining the U.G. Engg. Degree /
M.Sc. degree is essentia l.

Qu alifying Examin ation Resu lt 40 %

(B.E./B.Tech ./B.Arch ./B.Ph arm./M.Sc.)

Ad mission Test (and Interview if req uired ) 50 %

1 mark p er year o f relevant experien ce to the max imu m o f 10 %

(C) Self-Spo nsored Ca ndida tes :

Qu alifying Examin ation Resu lt 50 %

(B.E./B.Tech ./B.Arch ./B.Ph arm./M.Sc.)
{o r up to 4 t h yr. 1 s t Semester results / 5th year 1 s t semester in case o f Architectu re
will b e consid ered for th e tho se can didates who se fin al resu lts are awaitin g.}

Ad mission Test (and Interview if req uired ) 50 %

(D) Appeared/due to be a ppeared ca ndida te must submit X erox co pies o f the

qualifying examina tio n mark-sheet up to 7 t h semester (9 t h semester in ca se o f
Architecture) a t the time o f a pplica tio n a nd a dmissio n test.

GENERAL NOTE: (i) Total nu mber o f seats av ailable in an y cou rse shall first be filled up
with GATE/GPAT Categ o ry (A) an d Spo nsored Categ ory (B) candidates
as per availab ility o f seats in the resp ective categ o ries as detailed ab ove
in App rov ed Intak e List. Th ereafter, if vacancies exist, Self-Sponso red
Catego ry (C) cand idates may be co nsidered to fill u p such vacancies. If
vacan cies exist in Spon so red Categ o ry (B), th en vacancies will be filled
b y Self-Sp on so red catego ry only.

(ii) Selection p rocedu re o f 6 -Semester (Evening ) M.E./M.Tech. cou rses will follo w
Catego ry o f (B) o r (C) as stated abov e.

Schedule of Different Stages of Admission to M.E./M.Tech. Courses

The follo win g sched ule to be ma in tained regarding receipt, p rocessing o f application s an d
ad mission test (and interv iew if req uired ) o f the cand idates fo r admission to M.E./M.Tech .
Cou rses in 201 6 -17 session s:
A) PG Application Fo rm will be sub mitted th rough
25 /04/2 016
On -Line On and fro m
B) Last date of onlin e Registration 11 /05/2 016
C) Last date of onlin e sub mission o f Application Fo rm 13 /05/2 016
D) Last d ate o f receipt o f o nlin e System Generated
17 /05/2 016
App licatio n Fo rms in prin t
E) App licants are requested to d o wnlo ad their Ad mit-card (availab le under ap plication
statu s link ) and to b ring his/her ad mit card duly p asting his/her recent ph otog raph
with sign atu re in the specified space at time o f ad mission test (and interview if
req uired ).

Schedule for Admission Test (and Interview if required) 2016-17 Session

Sl. Na me of the Co urse Entra nce Time Venue Result to be

No . Test o n published o n
(Tentativ ely)
Distributed & Mobile Salt La ke
1. 21 .05.2016 11 .00 am 27 .05.2016
Co mp utin g Ca mpus
- do - Salt La ke
2. Nu clear Engineering 25 .05.2016 06 .06.2016
Ca mpus
Water Resou rces & Hyd raulic - do - Main
3. 25 .05.2016 02 .06.2016
Engin eering (4 -Sem. - Day ) Camp u s
Water Resou rces & Hyd raulic - do - Main
4. - do - - do -
Engin eering (6 -Sem.-Evening ) Camp u s
- do - Main
5. Bio medical Eng ineering 26 .05.2016 03 .06.2016
Camp u s
- do - Main
6. Environ me ntal Bio techno log y 27 .05.2016 06 .06.2016
Camp u s
- do - Main
7. Nano Science & Technolog y 28 .05.2016 08 .06.2016
Camp u s
Sl. Na me of the Co urse Entra nce Time Venue Result to be
No . Test o n published o n
(Tentativ ely)
11 .00 am Main
8. Laser Techno log y 28 .05.2016 08 .06.2016
Camp u s
Illu mination Techno log y & - do - Main
9. 30 .05.2016 11 .06.2016
Design (6 -Sem. – Evening ) Camp u s
- do - Main
10 . Energ y Scien ce & Techno log y 31 .05.2016 10 .06.2016
Camp u s
- do - Main
11 . IT (Co u rseware Engineering ) 01 .06.2016 13 .06.2016
Camp u s
12 . Mu ltimed ia Develop ment 03 .06.2016 - do - 13 .06.2016
Camp u s

F) Once a candida te takes a dmissio n in a ny co urse, his/her a pplica tio ns in all o ther
co urses will be a utoma tically cancelled a fter 1 s t selectio n list o f fina l a dmissio n.

G) The selected candid ates o f the First (1 s t ) Selectio n List h ave to tak e ad mission in one
Cou rse po sitively from 15.06 .2016 to 16 .06.201 6 at th e Office o f the Faculty Co uncil
o f Interdisciplina ry Studies, Law a nd Ma nag ement (Oppo site JU Press) fro m 11 -0 0
a m to 1 -30 pm (ex cept Sa turday , Sunday & holiday s). If a candidate fails to tak e
ad mission within th e ab ove dates h is/her selection will b e cancelled with out fu rth er
no tice.

H) Seco nd (2 n d ) Pha se o f Selectio n List of each cou rse will be disp layed on th e
University website b y 21 .06.2016 fro m the 1 s t Wait Listed Ca ndida tes.

I) The selected candid ates o f the Seco nd (2 n d ) Phase o f admissio n fro m 2 n d Selectio n
List have to tak e ad mission fro m 24 .06.2016 at th e Office of th e Faculty Council of
Interdisciplinary Studies, La w a nd Ma nagement from 11 -00 am to 1 -30 pm (ex cept
Sa turday, Sunday & holiday s). If a candidate fails to take ad missio n within the above
dates, his/her selectio n will be cancelled withou t fu rther no tice.

J) Third (3 r d ) Pha se o f Selectio n List will be d isplayed on th e Univ ersity web site b y
28 .06.2016 fro m 2 n d Wait Listed Ca ndida tes.

K) The selected candid ates o f the Third (3 r d ) Pha se o f a dmissio n from 3 r d Selectio n List
have to take ad mission from 30 .06.2 016 at the Office o f the Faculty Co uncil o f
Interdisciplinary Studies, La w a nd Ma nagement from 11 -0 0 am to 1 -30 pm (ex cept
Sa turday, Sunday & holiday s). If a candidate fails to take ad missio n within the above
dates, his/her selectio n will be cancelled withou t fu rther no tice.

L) M.E./M.Tech . Ad missio n p rocess will b e clo sed after ad mission fro m Third (3 r d )
Selection List.

M) First Semester Cla sses will commence from 18 t h J uly, 2016 (tenta tiv ely ).


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