Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of A Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot: Bond Graph Approach
Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of A Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot: Bond Graph Approach
Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of A Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot: Bond Graph Approach
power flow as shown in Fig. 1. The important property of bond junction. Fig. 2 illustrates the 1 and the 0 junction in bond graph
graph is the causality concept which determines the causes and terminology.
effects in the system. The causality is represented by a cross
stroke perpendicular to the bond and placed near the element
whose effort parameter is known.
Torque( )
p(t ) e(t )dt
q(t ) f (t )dt
Figure 3: Three wheel omnidirectional mobile robot
There are different elements of bond graph based on the energetic 3.1 Kinematics of the Robot
behaviour of the component (Energy dissipation or energy The distance of each wheels from the geometrical Centre of the
storage). The description of different elements of bond graph are robot is r0. . All the wheels have same radius ri (i 1,2,3) . P1 , P2 , P3
shown in Table 2.
are the position vectors of wheel 1, 2 and 3 respectively with
Table 2: Elements of bond graph [5]
respect to moving frame Cxy as shown in the Fig. 4.
Component Nome Description Electrical Mechanical
Source of SE Generate effort Voltage Force
effort source Source
Source of SF Generate flow Current Velocity
flow source source
Resistive R Dissipate energy Resistor Damper
Inductive I Effort storage Inductor Mass
element element
Capacitive C Flow storage Capacitor Spring
element element
Transformer TF Transfer energy Transformer Gear
Gyrator GY Transfer energy DC motor Gyroscope
( X , Y , ) and ( x, y, ) represents the posture of the TWOMR in 3.2 Word Bond Graph of the Robot
global and local co-ordinate frame respectively. The position The word bond graph provides a structured graphical
vector of each wheels Pi (i 1,2,3) relative to the fixed frame is representation of the TWOMR by decomposing it into subsystems
with exchanging power among them. The power bond shows the
cos( ) sin( ) power variable from different subsystems. The power variables
determined from the rotational matrix R( )
sin( ) cos( ) uses to analyse the system are
. (Voltage,Current) ={(Vi,ii),(Va,ia)}
(Force,Linear velocity)={(Fx, x y )}
1 2 1 r 1
P1 r0 , P2 R
P1 0 ,
0 2 3 (Torque,Angular velocity)={( , ),(FxC, ) }
4 1 r 1
P3 R P1 0 (2)
3 0 2 3
v1 v x r0 (3)
1 3
v2 v x v y r0 (4)
2 2
1 3
v3 vx v y r0 (5)
2 2
Where vi (i 1,2,3) are velocities of the wheels.
Eq (3)-(5) can be written in matrix form as
1 0 r0
v1 v x
1 3
v 2 2 r0 v y (6)
1 3
2 2
The inverse kinematic model of TWOMR can be obtained as
Figure 5: Word bond graph of TWOMR
v x v1
; Where, 3x 3 Fig. 5 represents the word bond graph of a TWOMR which
y J v 2 J is the Jacobian matrix of TWOMR
v 3 consist of subsystems like actuator, gear transmission system, the
wheel, the parts with linear and rotational motion. Using this
and vi ri i information, the complete bond graph model of the robot is
developed and same is given in the next section.
1 1 1 Due to complexity of the TWOMR, in this work the system of
Where, J= 0
3 3 3 TWOMR is divided into different subsystems.The dynamic model
of each system has been developed using the unified bond graph
1 1 1
r 0 r0 r 0 approch. All the subsystems are integrated to obtain the bond
graph of the TWOMR.
The linear velocity in the robot reference frame is v=[vx,vy,0]T 4.1 The Electromechanical Part: DC Motor
and angular velocity is [0,0,ω]T. q =[ X , Y , ]T represents There are three DC motors located within the robot to actuate the
velocity in the generalized global reference frame. wheels. The motor (Fig. 6) has both electrical and mechanical
To simplify the model of the robot, following assumptions are
Motion surface is a horizontal and smooth plane.
The Centre of gravity and the Centre of mass of the
robot coincides with each other.
Moment of inertia of the robot remains constant during
the operation process.
The electrical part consists of a RL-circuit, the input voltage Where x , y , w are the coefficient of viscous friction along
source, the back EMF which is linear to the angular velocity of longitudinal, lateral and yaw direction respectively. In bond
the motor. The RL circuit represented by integral causality as graph, the coulomb friction can be modelled as a modulated
shown in Fig. 7 in which the L element imposed its effect on the dissipated source of effort; while the viscous friction represented
1- junction. All the bonds associated with the 1-junction share the by resistive element as shown in Fig. 9. The full arrow represents
same current. The gyrator element describes the power transfer an activated bond for the modulated element. Fig. 9 shows bond
from electrical to mechanical part and the gyrator constant is kt . graph model of the wheel along with friction elements. It shows
The mechanical part of the motor characterized by the motor the bond graph of one wheel. Model for other wheels are also
inertia (Jm) and the viscous friction of the shaft (Bm). The developed in similar fashion.
complete model of the motor is shown in Figure 7.
the wheel roller and the ground interaction. The modelling of Fx1 Se
is the friction along the wheel rotation direction and second is the F x3 Se
vr MSe fcrx
mg 2
fw w tan 1 ( kv w ) Fy1 Se
3 Im
mg 2
fr r tan 1 ( kv r ) Fy2 Se 1
3 R By
Where, f wi and f ri are the friction force along wheel rotation and Fy3 Se
friction and vwi , vri are sliding velocity in wheel and roller vr MSe fcry
motion of the robot. The inertia of the robot and viscous friction To move the robot in a straight line path, two wheels of the robot
are connected with 1-junction and share the same angular should rotate in opposite sense; the third wheel being stationary.
velocity. The inertia of the robot imposed its effect on the 1- The two wheels are actuated with 1Nm and -1Nm torque
junction and gives the angular velocity information. The bond (opposite direction), the robot follows a straight line path. The
graph for yaw motion is shown in Fig. 11. direction of the robot motion depends on the position of actuated
vw MSe fcw
wheels. The velocity of the two wheels is shown in Fig.13.
Fd1 Se TF r0
Fd2 Se TF 1
R Bw
Fd3 Se
R v is cous_f ric tion_longitudinal
I La I Jm
Se 1 GY 1 TF TF 0 TF 1 I m
Se GY N R cos _90
Bm sin_90
TF L__1 MSe coulomb_f ric tion_longit udinal_w3
coulomb_f ric tion_longit udinal_w1
I La1 I Jm1
R vis cous_f rict ion_lateral
Se 1 GY 1 TF TF 0 TF
Se1 GY1 N1 R1 minus_cos _30
1 I m_
R R a1 R
TF L__2
c oulomb_f ric tion_Trans verse_w2 coulomb_frict ion_t ransv erse_w3
minus_s in__30
I La2 I Jm2 coulomb_friction_wheelmot ion_w3
Se 1 GY 1 TF TF 0 TF TF L
Se2 GY2 N2 R2 cos_30
TF L__3
1 I I
R Ra2 R
TF L__
coulomb_friction_wheelmot ion_w1 c oulomb_f ric tion_wheelmot ion_w2
r - 0.09
AIR 2017, June 28-July 02, 2017, New Delhi, India Saumya et al.
Figure 14. (a)Circular trajectory followed by the robot (b) Figure 16.Torque comparison (a) circular trajectory (b)
velocity of the robot. straight path
The velocity of the two actuated wheels (2,3) is shown in the Fig. 7. CONCLUSION
15, but here due to the friction on the stationary wheel, the third The bond graph formalism is a technique devoted to model
wheel (1) also has angular velocity as shown in this Fig.15. engineering systems as combinations of connected elements. In
this paper, a step by step procedure for bond graph modelling of a
three-wheel omnidirectional mobile robot is described. To
increase the reliability of the model, friction (Coulomb as well as
viscous) and slippage (between roller and the surface) are
considered. To validate the model, open loop simulation is done
for the straight path and circular trajectory and compared with
Newton-Euler method. This study shows that bond graph
technology can be effectively implemented for modelling of
complex mechatronics or multi-domain systems. The causal and
structural properties of Bond graph can be exploited for control
Figure 15. Velocity of the three wheel of TWOMR and supervision of the model.
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