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MATH Preboard 2

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A hotel is to be constructed in a rectangular lot

with a perimeter of 800 m. What is the largest area
1. Triangle ABC has sides a, b, and c. If sides a=75m, that can be enclosed by fencing the perimeter?
b=100m, and the angle opposite side a is 32, find the a. 5 hectares b. 6 hectares
angle opposite side c. c. 4 hectares d. 3 hectares
a. 93 b. 93
c. 73 d. 103 12. The total volume of two spheres is 100pi cubic
units. The ratio of their areas is 4:9. What is the
2.“D = D” is what basic law of equality? volume of the smaller sphere in cubic units?
a. reflexive b. symmetric a. 72.31 b. 71.8
c. associative d. transitive c. 82.31 d. 97.12

3. A closed polygon has 14 diagonals. The number of 13. Find the positive nos. whose difference of their
sides of the polygon is cubes is 2168 and the cube of their difference is 8.
a. 5 b. 7 a. 20,18 b. 23,21
c. 8 d. 9 c. 19,17 d. 21,19

4. What is the volume of the area bounded by the 14. A plane is approaching your home and you
given curve x2 = 8y and the line y =2 and revolve assume that it is traveling at approximately 550 miles
about the line y =2. per hour. If the angle of elevation of the plane is 16
a. 27.87pi b. 17.07pi degrees at one time and one minute later the angle is
c. 71.01pi d. 29.93pi 57 degrees, approximate the altitude
a. 3.22 miles b. 4.13 miles
5. Find the length of the vector (4,4,4) c. 1.56 miles d. 1.12 miles
a. 5.3 b. 7.9
c. 6.9 d. 12 15. A ladder 5m long leans against the wall of an
apartment house forming an angle 50 degree, 32
6 .If x varies directly as y and inversely as z, and minutes with the ground. How high up the wall does it
x  14 when y  7 and z  2 , find x when z  4 reach?
a. 3.86 m b. 4.11 m
and y  16 .
c. 1.12 m d. 3.34 m
a. 16 b. 12
c. 15 d. 10 16. If P1000 is invested at the end of each year for 10
years at an annual interest rate of 7%, what is the
7. Find the equation of the directrix of the parabola y2 total peso amount available upon the deposit of the
= 20x. tenth payment?
a. x +20 =0 b. x + 5=0 a. 10200 b. 8900
c. x – 20 =0 d. x – 5 =0 c.13800 d. 12500
8. What is the value of determinants whose elements
are shown below? 17.The geometrical meaning of is
1 5 -2 dx
2 1 -3 a. slope of the tangent
3 -2 1 b. equation of the line
c. slope of the normal
a. 46 b. -46 d. equation of the curve
c. 18 d. 25
18. It takes a boat 3 times to travel upstream against
9. In a guessing type of exam with 4 choices, what is a river current than it takes the same boat to travel
the probability that you will get at least 7 of the 10 downstream. If the speed of the boat is 40 kph, what
items? is the speed of the current (in kph)?
a. 0.7 b. 0.0035 a. 10 b. 20
c. 0.3059 d. 0.38 c. 30 d. 40

10. Jose left Pangasinan to drive to Manila at 6:15 PM

and arrived at 11:45 PM. If he averaged 30mph and 19. What is the sum of the coefficients of the
stopped 1 hour for dinner for she is very hungry, how expansion of (2x – 1)18?
far is Manila from Pangasinan? a.0 b.1
a. 215.86 miles b. 135.01 miles c.2 d. 5
c. 200.76 miles d. 155 miles
20. A sequence of numbers where the succeeding
term is greater than the preceding term is called
a.Convergent series b.Dissonant series
c.Isometric series d.Divergent series x2
21. One is to fifty-two and one-half as three and one-

32. Evaluate the integral of x
 4 dx
third is to __________. a. 3 ln(x3 + 4) +c b. ln (x3 + 4) +c
a. 165 b. 215 c. 1/3 ln (x + 4) + c d. 1/3 ln (x3 + 4) + c
c. 195 d. 175

22. The time required for two examinees to solve the

same problem differs by two minutes. Together they
33. Evaluate the integral of  sec xdx
a. ln (sec x –tanx)+c b. ln (secx + tanx) +c
can solve 32 problems in one hour. How long will it
c. 2ln (secx + tanx) +c d. –ln (secx – tanx) +c
take for the slower problem solver to solve a
34. Find the volume of the area bounded by the given
a. 5 minutes b. 2 minutes
curve x2 = 8y and the line y =2 and revolve about the
c. 3 minutes d.4 minutes
line y =2.
a. 20.18pi b. 17.07pi
23. Find the 100th term of the sequence 1.01, 1.00,
0.99 ………..
c. 15.01pi d. 19.93pi
a.0.05 b.0.04
c.0.03 d.0.02
35. The first cost of a certain machine is P 90 000.
After 8 years it will have a salvage value of P 18 000.
24.It is the characteristic of a population which is
Compute the book value at the end of 3 years by
using straight line method.
a.frequency b.distribution
a. P 84 000 b. P 56 000
c.sample d.deviation
c. P 63 000 d. P46 000
25.The quartile deviation is a measure of
36. A small line truck hauls poles from a substation
a.frequency b.central tendency
stockyard to pole sites along a proposed distribution
c.certainty d.dispersion
line. The truck can handle only one pole at a time.
The first pole is 150 m from the substation and the
26.The logarithm of 1 to any base is
poles are to be 50 m apart. Determine the total
a.2 b.1
distance traveled by the line truck back and forth,
c.infinite d.0
after returning from delivering the 30th pole.
a. 37.5 km b. 52.5 km
27.A point of the curve where the first derivative of a
c. 42.5 km d. 24.785km
function is zero and the second derivative is positive
is called
37. The first table of logarithm with 10 as the base
a.Point of inflection b.maxima
was developed by?
c. Minima d.contraflexture
a. Isaac Newton b. John Napier
c. John Wallis d. Henry Briggs
28.What is the allowable error in measuring the edge
of a cube that is intended to hold 8 cu.m. if the error in
38. In the expansion (ex + e-x)8, what is the 5th term?
the computed volume is not to exceed 0.02 cu.m.
a. x2x b. e4x
a.0.0017m b.0.017 m 2x
c. e d. 70
c.0.170 m d.0.7 m
39. There are eight balls and are tightly packed in a
29.If y=x(ln x), find d y cubical container that measures 8 x 8 x 8 cm. The
balls are arranged with 4 balls per layer and in contact
d2 x
2 with the walls of the container and the adjacent balls.
a.1/x b.-1/x If the container is filled with water, what is the volume
c.1/x d.-1/x2 of the water in cubic cm?
a. 244 b. 422
c. 224 d. 424
30.Find the slope of x2y = 8 at the point (2,2).
a.2 b.-1 40. Find the equation of the directrix of the parabola
c.-1/2 d.-2 y2 = 20x.
a. x +20 =0 b. x + 5=0
31. What is the first derivative of y if y = 16x2 + 3x +2x c. x – 20 =0 d. x – 5 =0
a. 16x +2 b. x+5 41. Evaluate the integral of tan2x dx.
c. 32x2+5 d. 32x+5 a. tanx –x +C b. sec2x +x +C
c. 2secx – x +C d. (tan2x)/2 +x +C
42. The fifth term in the expansion of (x2 – 3)8 is:
a. -70x8 b. 70x8
c. 5670x d. -5670x8

43. What do you call a polygon with 9 diagonals?

a. nonagon b. hexagon.
c. octagon d. decagon

44. An examination has 10 questions. The probability

that an examinee will get the correct answer is 0.25.
What is the probability that he will get 7 correct
a. 0.7 b. 0.175
c. 0.0031 ` d. 0.0175

45. In a guessing type of exam with 4 choices, what is

the probability that you will get at least 7 of the 10
a. 0.0031 b. 0.0035
c. 0.0039 d. 0.0043

46. How many words/arrangements can be made out

of the letters of “LICUANAN”?
a. 10080 b. 40320
c. 1 d. 20160

47. Evaluate the expression 4! 3! /6!(November 2005)

a. 0.1 b. 0.2
c. 0.3 d. 0.4

48. If y = xlnx, find the 3rd derivative.

1 1
 3 2
a. x b. - x
1 1
3 2
c. x d. x

49. Given the function f(x) = (x-4)(x+3)+4 and is

divided by (x-k), the remainder is k. What is k then?
a. 2 b. -2
c. -4 d. 8

50. If the 1st and 4th terms of the harmonic

progression are 1/3 and 1/9 respectively, find the 8 th
a. 1/17 b. 1/14
c. 1/11 d. 1/15

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