Naut SNH p16-17

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Seen Heard

With a nose for adventure, the Sari Timur cruises again,
this time in the all new Raja Muda Regatta’s Classic Class.
Mark Blasky regales you with her trials and triumphs.

e had planned to start cruising thousand dollars and a couple of days later,
n e x t ye a r, b u t c h a n g e d o u r we left for Port Klang.
minds during the Raffles Marina In Klang, we waited for what was left
Classic series where we learnt of of our crew to arrive, which they did, in
this year’s Raja Muda Regatta’s brand new time for the kick-off party on the 13th.
Classic Class open only to boats over 30 The next day started by clearing Sari
years old. This meant that we would have Timur out of the Klang dock… and I mean
to scramble to get ready as we had work literally clearing. During the night, a huge
commitments until 31 October. Our amount of garbage had collected between
initial departure date was 5 November her and the pontoon. We finally got out
— to give us ample time to play to the start line to find no wind but the
on the way up to Port Klang and strong currents Klang is famous for. The
the start of the Raja Muda. latter was running in the right direction
However on 3 November, a and the committee was going to start us
massive lightning storm in a drift contest.
affected a number of Class Six has a no-engine rule. This
boats in the Marina proved interesting for seven old ladies. Six
and we were not of us made the start drifting more sideways
immune. A few than anything and expecting the wind to
turn on any moment. About 20 minutes
later it did, with about 17 knots from the
right direction, and the boats were off. The
Classic Class was slated as Class Six for
the play on words (Class Six = Classics…
get it?). We were given a start two hours
earlier than the remaining faster classes
so that we could finish the roughly 90-
mile leg without keeping the committee
waiting too long after the other boats
had finished. Shortly after the wind
began, we noticed Sari Timur was
not performing the way she
should. The steering was
playing up and of course,
one of the side effects

from the lightning is that Eveline sailing Sari Timur in Pangkor
we lost our rudder angle
Class Six had several
gates along the way which
allowed the boats to get
some results in the event
of a non-finish. Though
we had these problems,
we were making the first
gate in good time and were
within 5 miles of the second
gate when the wind just
dropped off completely.
Luckily we were in good
Sirius 1935 sailing
company as four of our
class were around us, but we were in a on their boats, so being
bit shallow and kept trying to ride the forced to drop out was
tide with a tack out to deeper water. This probably a better plan in
proved very interesting and after about the long run.
three 360s and nearly hitting one of our The next inshore race
competitors with the stern of our boat, was called off due to lack of
we noticed our steering had fixed itself wind. But the last overnight
and whatever we had been carrying had passage was ever yone’s
finally fallen off. favorite as winds turned
When the tide turned against us, we favourable and everyone
quickly dropped the hook and sent a diver was having a fun trip up
over the side, in the middle of the night, to Langkawi. Even though
to check the rudder and the prop. We still we ended up second to last on the leg,
had one plastic bag hanging on to the prop we were finally in good spirits.
(complete with a cardboard milk carton The next day was the last race which
inside!) and a bit of cutting and sawing was an inshore race. There were only two
got the rest of the plastic off the prop. finishers from our class as the winds died
The crew then made a decision that if the on the homeward leg. Sirius 1935 crossed
wind didn’t come back by midnight, we the line 3 minutes after the time limit; Coup
were going to motor the rest of the way. de Soleil and us had less than a half-mile
And that was what we did. In hindsight, to go when the final gun sounded. All in
it was a bad decision as the wind started all, everyone was in a partying mood and
up again around 2 AM and we could have the crew of Sari Timur finally realised that
made the second gate, thus giving us a we are now cruising again.
third on the leg instead of a fifth.
Pulau Pangkor was the overnight stop
and the party there was quite nice. The Those of you with classic yachts of your
same cannot be said about the weather in own be sure to mark your schedule for
the morning though. A large squall came 7th - 9th August – The ever popular
through and stranded a bunch of people Raffles Marina Classic Boat Regatta.
on the beach including one of our crew.
Needless to say we had to retire from this
race as we could not get to the start line.
The leg to Penang had loads of wind all Mark and Pauline Blasky, long term members of Raffles Marina and
pretty much on the nose — not great stalwarts of the local sailing scene have embarked on an extended
for the old boats. Our competitors cruise abroad their classic yacht SARI TIMUR. As they progress along
their route they will keep us all updated with occasional articles
had torn sails and broken bits for Nautique! As well as acting as roving/floating ambassadors for
Raffles Marina.


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