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US 2006007 1122A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/007 1122 A1
St. Clair (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 6, 2006
(54) FULL BODY TELEPORTATION SYSTEM (22) Filed: Sep. 29, 2004
(76) Inventor: John Quincy St. Clair, San Juan, PR Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
Correspondence Address: B64C 39/00 (2006.01)
JOHN ST. CLAIR (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................................ 244/62
SANJUAN, PR 00911 (US) A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that
teleports a human being through hyperspace from one
(21) Appl. No.: 10/953,212 location to another.
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 1 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 1
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Figure 3
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Figure 4
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Figure 5


Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 6 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 6

a -2 s.30 a 40 as so safo 80 reso a 110 -20 -130 a.30 a.50 - 60 - 80 - 190

Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 7 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1
Figure 7

-10 -20 -30 - 40 -50 -80 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -14 -150 - 160 -70 -80 - 190
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 8 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 8
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Figure 9
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Figure 10
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Figure 11
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Figure 12
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 13 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 13
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 14 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 14
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 15 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 15
Patent Application Publication Apr. 6, 2006 Sheet 16 of 16 US 2006/007 1122 A1

Figure 16
US 2006/007 1122 A1 Apr. 6, 2006

FULL BODY TELEPORTATION SYSTEM an angle 0 with the horizontal axis. The difference in time of
travel to the receptor gives rise to a difference in phase 60
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION equal to the angular velocity () of the rotating shaft times the
0001. This invention is a system that teleports a human length L times the cosine of the angle 0
being through hyperspace from one location to another using 80=(OL cos(0)
a pulsed gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace. 0006. At the receptor, the amplitude of the wave is equal
to the mass times the acceleration times the phase difference
divided by the radius r to the receptor
0002 The basis for this invention is an event, referring to
FIG. 1, occurring on May 2, 2004, in which the inventor
(“he”) personally experienced a full-body teleportation mo Lisin(20)
while walking to the bus stop (A) along a road (B) that runs
ind ce as (ulna olcos(8)
perpendicular to the nearby commercial airport runways
where planes are landing. There is a wide iron grating (D)
for water drainage that crosses the road at the center of the Even though the turboprop airplane engines have a high
bus stop. The grating width is such that one has to make a rotational speed and a large separation distance between
concerted effort to jump across it in order to get from one masses, the gravitational wave which is produced is Small
side to the other. Approximately 50 meters from the iron and not noticed. The problem is that the gravitational
grating, he (E) felt a vertical wave (F), similar to a flag constant G in this dimension has such a small value equal to
waving in the breeze, traveling down the street toward the the speed of light c squared divided by the linear mass S2 of
bus stop. The wave velocity was about 1 meter per second, the universe
which was slightly faster than his walking speed. In the next
instance, he (G) found himself down the street near the
corner of the next block. Realizing that he had passed the bus 2 (299792458 m/s) -i m'
stop, he turned around to see the iron grating approximately G = ( = 1.3468.12891. 1027 kg/m. = 6.673200002. 10' kgs
50 meters up the street in back of him. Because there was no
recollection of having jumped across the iron grating nor of
having passed the bus stop's yellow marker line, he realized 0007 On the other hand, a gravitational wave traveling in
that he had been teleported a distance of 100 meters while hyperspace would be magnified enormously due to the face
moving along with the traveling wave. It was obvious that that the linear mass is so Small. The magnitude of the
the wave was pulsed because the front edge overtook the gravitational constant in hyperspace can be estimated in the
inventor, moved with him momentarily, and then the back following manner. At the beginning of the 20th century, a
edge of wave left him as it moved on down the street. While man's parents were dying of tuberculosis. With their per
contemplating this sequence of events, he then looked up mission, he placed them and their beds on weighing scales.
and saw in a span of a few seconds a twin-turboprop airplane When each one passed away, each scale registered a drop in
(C) in the distance crossing above the road while making a mass equal to 0.071 kilograms. This is the mass of the
shallow descent in order to land at the airport. hyperspace energy being which resides in the physical body.
0003. It took a number of days in order to understand this Because hyperspace is co-dimensional with our dimension,
sequence of events. The explanation involves knowledge of the energy being interpenetrates the body and controls its
a wide range of Subjects such as gravitation physics, hyper moVement.
space physics, wormhole electromagnetic theory and experi
mentation, quantum physics, and the nature of the human 0008 Referring to FIG. 4, a human being has seven
energy field. Vortices (A through G) which are aligned along the center
line of the body. Each vortex is actually a co-gravitational
0004. It is obvious from the above scenario that the field K which causes a pendulum placed in the field to spin
airplane momentarily crossing perpendicular to the road in circles. For this reason, the K field has units of inverse
generates the aforementioned pulse. Because the airplane seconds similar to an angular velocity. The Vortex transports
has an engine on each wing, there are two propellers which energy from our dimension to the energy being located in
conceivably are rotating out-of-phase with each other. That hyperspace. The gravitational field g and the co-gravita
is, the blade of one propeller could be pointing up and the tional field K are equivalent gravitationally to the electric E
equivalent blade on the other engine could be pointing in a field and the magnetic B field found in electromagnetism.
slightly different direction. Notice that the tip of the blade The equivalent gravitational Solution to an electromagnetic
traces out a helix as the plane is landing. problem can be obtained by substituting the following
0005. In gravitation physics, referring to FIG. 2, it is gravitational constants for the electromagnetic constants
known that two masses of mass m1 and m2 (A,B) attached
by lever arms slightly offset by an angle 60 along the radial
direction to the rotating shaft (C), will produce a gravita Electromagnetic Gravitational
tional wave (D) traveling perpendicular to the shaft. The q (charge)
mass and wave are referred to as the Source and receptor m (mass)
respectively. Referring to a side view looking along the shaft p (volume charge density) p (volume mass density)
O (Surface charge density) O (Surface mass density)
FIG. 3, the product of the mass m times the angular (line charge density) (line mass density)
accelerationa is a constant Such that m1a1 is equal to m2a2. J (convection current density) J (mass current density)
The distance between the masses is length L., which makes
US 2006/007 1122 A1 Apr. 6, 2006

0011. From quantum physics it is known that if there is a

-continued temperature fluctuation occurring among a group of har
Electromagnetic Gravitational
monic oscillators in the environment, then Planck's reduced
constant h is increased by the cotangent of the constant
E (electric field) g (gravitational field) times the frequency () of the oscillator divided by twice
B (magnetic field) K (co-gravitational field) Boltzmann's constant k times the temperature T
eo (permittivity of space) -/4G
lo (permeability of space) -4TG/c?
-4Teo or - loc/41 G (gravitational constant)
haon )
i = hcoth 2kT
0009 Referring to FIG. 5, each vortex is connected
through the pineal gland by light cords to a separate hyper
space quantum well having its own frequency and dimen 0012. The effect of increasing Planck's constant, refer
Sion. The reason for this separation is that the conical ring to FIG. 6, can be seen in the tetrahedron diagram. This
spiritual eye, attached to vortex B, has to have its own diagram, of which there are now over 4000, plots the natural
energy structure which is different from Vortex (A) which is logarithm of mass on the vertical axis versus the natural
connected to the quantum energy field in which the mental logarithm of wavelength on the horizontal axis. In terms of
processes are developed. Due to the high speed of light in mathematics, it is a Subspace logarithmic manifold which
our dimension, the quantum wells are the size appropriate to projects geometrically the physics constants into our 4D
molecules and atoms. In hyperspace, where the speed of spacetime dimension. That is, it is the geometry of the
light is one meter per second, the quantum wells are huge tetrahedron circumscribed by the sphere that determines the
and can be manipulated. This manipulation has shown that mass of the proton and electron. The mass of the electron
the quantum wells are in the shape of a cube about a meter times its wavelength is equal to the mass of the proton times
on a side. This makes the whole structure about seven meters its wavelength which in turn is equal to Planck's constanth
tall for a volume of seven cubic meters. Thus the mass divided by the speed of light c
density p of hyperspace is about
mele = mp p = c
.071 kg kg
ph F 7 m3 O1 m3

Taking the natural logarithm of the above equation shows

which per unit area is the same value. Therefore the hyper that the mass plus the wavelength is equal to what is termed
space gravitational constant is equal to the base constant

my2 h
In(ne) + ln(e) = In = -95.91546344
== o(1 kn"
= 100 kesm
which is represented in FIG. 6 by the 45 degree line (A)
The enormous magnification of the gravitational constant is from point (a) on the horizontal axis to the vertical axis at
therefore of the order of point (b). The electron is located at point (c) which is the
intersection of the electron wavelength (B) with line (A).
The electron wavelength (B) reflects off the sphere (D) at
Gh 100 15. 1012 points (d) and (e) and returns along line (C) as the electron
G - 6673. 10-11 mass. As shown in tetrahedron diagram tet0565, stored in
the Library of Congress, the clockwise path of the electron
transitions into the counter-clockwise path of the proton
The question is how does this amplified gravitational wave showing that the electron and proton are one and the same
created by the rotating propellers and turbines get into particle. Because the electron and proton travel in opposite
hyperspace from our dimension? directions along the path, they have the same charge but of
0010. The answer comes from experiments done using opposite sign.
the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. 0013 Our dimension is represented by Planck box (E)
Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate which is bounded by the Planck mass and the Planck
the human body over six feet in the air. The internal wavelength. The Planck mass is equal to the linear mass of
temperature of the stomach is around 200 degrees Fahren the universe times the Planck length which is the bottom
heit. By simultaneously squeezing the diaphragm to bring limit of our dimension. The Planck wavelength is 2it times
hot air up through the lungs, and breathing through the nose the Planck length. Notice that the electron is located within
to bring cold air down, rotating Vortices are generated in the the Planck box.
lung passages when these two air masses meet and twist
around each other as depicted in the famous Yin-Yang 0014) Referring to FIG. 7, if there is an increase in
diagram. Because the lung has variable diameter passages Planck's constant due to the temperature fluctuations among
from the large diameter at the throat to the final small air the harmonic oscillators, the 45 degree base line (A) moves
sacs, there is a spectrum of rotating frequencies. to the left on the tetrahedron diagram as shown by line (F).
US 2006/007 1122 A1 Apr. 6, 2006

Because of the increase in the base constant, there is a duces, in addition to the same severe spacetime distortions,
corresponding increase in the electron mass and wavelength. negative energy as the bubble collapses. Due to some
The electron moves from point (c) to point (f) which places General Relativity considerations, the wormhole that is
it at the edge of the Planck box (F) which is the boundary created Starts rotating in a manner similar to the beacon light
between space and hyperspace. At point (f), the electron is produced by a lighthouse.
essentially no longer in our dimension.
0.019 Referring to FIG. 9, due to the forward helical
0015 Referring to FIG. 8, imagine a box (A) filled with motion (A) of the propellers (B) as the airplane crosses the
nine electron oscillators (B). If Planck's constant is road, the pulsed gravitational wave (C) is skewed backward
increased near the three oscillators in the middle, these at an angle (D). Due to the wormholes created by the
electrons will leave this dimension. This leaves six oscilla presence of thermal vorticity fluctuations generated by the
tors as shown in the box (C). However, box (C) is the wing and turbines of the airplane, this skewed wave moves
equivalent of box (D) in which there are still nine positive into hyperspace where it is highly magnified and detected by
mass oscillators together with 3 negative mass oscillators. the inventor.
Thus there is an accumulation of negative energy (-p) when
information is lost from the environment to another dimen 0020 Referring to top view FIG. 10, the gravitational
S1O. wave (A) causes a skewed compression and expansion of the
hyperspace quantum wells (B) which constitute the human
0016 Dr. Kip Thorne, who co-authored the book Gravi energy being. Due to this asymmetric distortion in the
tation with Dr. Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University, Xy-plane, the quantum wells take the physical body out of
has shown in a General Relativity spacetime curvature dimension as long as the wave pulse is traveling with the
calculation that negative energy is required to open and human energy field. Once the back edge of the gravitational
stabilize the throat of a wormhole between space and wave moves on past the quantum wells, the body is then
hyperspace. The accumulation of negative energy in the brought back into dimension.
aforementioned example generates wormholes between into
hyperspace. Hyperspace has a low energy density because of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the reduced speed of light in that dimension. Ordinarily,
energy would not flow from hyperspace to space because 0021. It is the object of this invention to teleport a human
space has a higher potential than the potential of hyperspace. being from one location to another by creating a pulsed
This, of course, is the reason that the body Vortices can flow gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace that asym
energy into the energy field of the human being who is metrically compresses and expands the quantum wells of the
located in hyperspace. By creating negative energy, the human energy being. This spacetime curvature distortion of
potential becomes reversed such that low density hyperspace the hyperspace quantum wells pulls the physical body out of
energy flows into our dimension as seen by the positive head dimension Such that the human being is teleported along
PE-Phyperspace(pspace)-2p with the wave. As the pulsed wave moves on past the
quantum wells, the human is brought back into dimension at
The low-density energy fills the body which allows a human Some distant location. The invention requires (1) a device
being to float upwards like a helium balloon as verified by that will generate a wormhole between space and hyper
Chi Kung breathing as well as spinning on a motorized space, and (2) a device that will generate a gravitational
platform known as the Chakra Vortex Accelerator. The latter wave which can be inserted through the wormhole.
device resulted in the first mechanical means to produce 0022 Referring to FIG. 11, a magnetic vortex wormhole
generator has already been developed which generates a
0017. The process of creating spinning thermal fluctua wormhole between space and hyperspace as described in a
tions is the same as found in the hot air vortices created by previous patent application entitled Magnetic Vortex Worm
the jet airplanes landing at the airport near the road where hole Generator. Using this generator, it was found that
the full-body teleportation occurred. Large vortices are Smoke blown through one side of the coil does not appear on
created over the wing of the airplane at the same time that the other side of cylindrical coil. The smoke flows through
the turbine engines are spinning hot Vortices into relatively the wormhole and appears in a hyperspace co-dimension. It
cold air. These conditions produce wormholes between was this experiment that resulted in making first contact with
space and hyperspace. It takes a twin turboprop airplane the androids of the Grey aliens who told me, in a remote
landing behind the jet to generate the gravitational wave in viewing session, that “We saw you blowing Smoke into
the region where the wormholes have formed. The gravita hyperspace.”
tional wave then traverses the wormholes into hyperspace,
becoming highly amplified due to the change in linear mass 0023 The wormhole generator consists of two concentric
and speed of light. Because the propeller blades are co-linear cylindrical coils (A,B), one of larger radius than the other,
with the road, the gravitational wave travels in the direction made of thin transformer iron laminate wrapped in opposite
along the road where it was encountered by the inventor. directions with one continuous wire driven by a sinusoidal
current. The Solenoidal coil generates a magnetic field
0018 From experiments with cavitating bubbles (see through the laminate. Because the electrical current flows in
patent application Cavitating Oil Hyperspace Energy Gen opposite directions at different radii through the two wind
erator), it was found that it is possible to produce a worm ings, bucking electric fields (C) are created along the cen
hole if the surfaces of the bubble collapse asymmetrically. A terline of the generator. These radially-offset magnetic fields
symmetric collapse of a spherical bubble produces enor and bucking electric fields, as shown by a calculation using
mous spacetime curvature distortions. An asymmetric col Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, generate both an
lapse, using a magnetic field to distort the collapse, pro enormous spiking spacetime curvature and negative energy
US 2006/007 1122 A1 Apr. 6, 2006

at small radius along the centerline where the wormhole is 0033 FIG. 5. Perspective view of seven large quantum
formed. The gravitational wave generator is then coupled to wells of human energy being.
this wormhole generator. 0034 FIG. 6. Tetrahedron diagram showing Planck's
0024 Referring to FIG. 12, it is known from gravitation constant and electron.
physics that injecting an electromagnetic wave (A) into a 0035 FIG. 7. Tetrahedron diagram showing electron
hollow toroidal waveguide (B) produces a hyperbolic space moving out of dimension.
time curvature stress (C) in the plane of the waveguide. The
tips of the arrows indicate compression and the tail of the 0036 FIG. 8. Perspective view showing production of
arrows indicate expansion or stretching of spacetime. The negative energy.
reason for this spacetime curvature is because the waveguide 0037 FIG. 9. Perspective view of skewed gravitational
forces the electromagnetic wave to curve around and travel wave produced by propellers.
in a circle. Spacetime has to compensate for this toroidal
generated Stress by creating hyperbolic lines of stress in the 0038 FIG. 10. Planar view of skewed quantum wells
inner plane of the toroid so that the overall spacetime deformed by gravitational wave.
curvature is Zero. For a greater gravitational effect, three 0.039 FIG. 11. Perspective view of magnetic vortex
toroidal waveguides, phased 120 degrees apart, are used to wormhole generator.
seal off the curvature.
0025 Referring to FIG. 13, the three toroids create a 0040 FIG. 12. Perspective view of hyperbolic lines of
rotating, twisting, vertical propagating gravitational field stress generated by toroidal waveguide.
(A) through the centerline of the toroids provided that the 0041 FIG. 13. Perspective view of rotating, twisting,
period of the electromagnetic wave is twice the period of the propagating gravitational wave generated by toroidal
gravitational wave. This phase relationship is adjusted by waveguides.
selecting the correct radius for the frequency of the mono 0042 FIG. 14. Perspective view of toroidal waveguides
chromatic wave.
attached to obelisks.
0026. In order to effectively use this gravitational wave, 0.043 FIG. 15. Perspective view of gravitational wave
referring to FIG. 14, three phased toroidal waveguides generated by obelisks.
(A,B) are mounted at the top of each of two identical square
granite obelisks (C,D). The two obelisks are offset by a short 0044 FIG. 16. Perspective view of magnetic vortex
distance between them. As the vertical gravitational wave wormhole generator and obelisk gravitational wave genera
rotates around along the vertical axis inside the obelisk, the tOr.
edges of the square obelisks are compressed and expanded
Such as to create two cylindrical asymmetric gravitational DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
waves traveling radially outward. INVENTION
0027. Referring to FIG. 15, these waves meet to form a 0045 1. The obelisks are quarried out of granite stone
plane gravitational wave (A) which travels down the cen and cut with a large-diameter diamond saw that is used in
terline between the two obelisks. highway construction. The beveled piece at the top is cut
0028 Referring to FIG. 16, the full body teleportation separately and cemented in place. A tapered aluminum
system consists of the twin granite obelisks (A,B) on which bracket holds the toroids in place.
are mounted near the top of each the toroidal waveguides 0046 2. The electronics for the magnetic vortex genera
(C,D) which produce the pulsed gravitational waves (E.F) tor are similar to that used in the patent application
that run the length of the obelisks. Because the gravitational Magnetic Vortex Wormhole Generator.
wave is rotating inside the obelisk, the granite stone under
goes a very Small asymmetrical compression and expansion. 0047 3. The electronics for the toroidal waveguides is the
A cylindrical gravitational wave propagates out from each familiar stub and coaxial cable driven by an amplifier and
obelisk such that along the centerline between the two there pulsed variable-frequency generator.
is generated a plane gravitational wave. This wave enters the
wormhole (H) created by the magnetic Vortex generator
which is located a short distance from and parallel to the I claim:
obelisks. The wave is amplified by a factor of almost 10
when it enters the hyperspace co-dimension. 1. A full body teleportation system consisting of
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS generating a pulsed gravitational wave which propagates
through a magnetic Vortex wormhole generator; and
0029 FIG. 1. Perspective view of site where full-body generating a wormhole with the magnetic vortex genera
teleportation occurred. tor whereby the pulsed gravitational wave traverses
0030 FIG. 2. Perspective view of gravitational wave through the wormhole and enters into hyperspace
generator. where the wave is enormously magnified due to the
0031 FIG. 3. Planar view of gravitational wave genera lower speed of light in that dimension.
tOr. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of generating
the pulsed gravitational wave comprises:
0032 FIG. 4. Perspective view of seven vortices of
human energy being. using two granite stone obelisks;
US 2006/007 1122 A1 Apr. 6, 2006

mounting monochromatic-wave toroidal waveguides on ture distortion with negative energy in accordance with
top of each obelisk to create a rotating, twisting, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
propagating gravitational wave through the vertical 4. A teleportation system comprising:
axis of each obelisk; and
creating a cylindrical compression and expansion in each generating a gravitational wave traveling through hyper
obelisk to produce a plane gravitational wave traveling space which interacts with the human energy being;
down the centerline between the two obelisks. and
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of generating pulling the human energy being and physical body out of
a wormhole into hyperspace comprises: dimension when interacting with the pulsed gravita
using two concentric cylindrical Solenoidal coils of dif tional wave such that the person is teleported from one
ferent radii connected by a single wire wrapped in location to another through hyperspace and back again
opposite directions on thin iron transformer laminate; into our 4D spacetime dimension.
generating bucking electric fields down the centerline of
the Vortex generator which creates a spacetime curva

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