Transient Voltage Suppde Application Note

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Effective December 2017

Technical Note 4048 Supersedes 2009

Transient Voltage Suppression diode

application notes

Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) diodes are useful in
protecting electronic circuits from electrostatic discharge (ESD).
The TVS diodes used for ESD protection are silicon-avalanche
With a high impedance at the stand-off voltage and low
impedance at the breakdown voltage, silicon-avalanche diodes are
well suited for ESD protection.
To better understand the TVS diode’s application for ESD
protection, one must first understand how the diode works in
general and, in particular, how the silicon-avalanche diode differs
from the Zener diode.

Silicon-Avalanche Diode vs. Zener Diode

Silicon-avalanche diodes (SADs) are similar to Zener diodes. SADs
are even sometimes mistaken for Zener diodes because of their
TVSA Family: available in 0201 and 0402 SMD packages similar electrical characteristics. The Zener diode and SADs both
conduct in the reverse direction if the voltage through it exceeds a
set breakdown voltage.
Zener diode: This corresponds to the transport of electrons from
the positively doped side of the diode to the holes of the
negatively doped side of the diode (Figure 1).
SAD: A similar transport of electrons occurs called the avalanche
effect. The only real difference between the Zener diode and SAD
is the length of the p-n equilibrium channel (Figure 2).
Here the only real difference is seen is the temperature
• Zener diodes have a negative temperature coefficient,
(resistance decreases and temperature increases)
• SADs have a positive temperature coefficient (resistance
increases and temperature increases)
This, however, is only important in temperature sensitive

Anode Cathode Equilibrium
(A) (C) Channel
P-Type N-Type _ _

+ P-Type _
_ +

_ +
C +
Figure 1. Zener diode Figure 2. SAD
Technical Note 4048 Transient Voltage Suppression diode
Effective December 2017 application notes

TVS diodes TVSA Family dimensions - mm

TVS diodes tend to be designed with silicon-avalanche technology. To

provide full protection of the device against both positive and negative
voltage spikes, the TVS is constructed using two opposing SADs in series
(Figure 3).

Figure 3. Bi-directional TVS circuit symbol

Applications H

TVS diodes serve many uses in electronic applications to suppress voltage

spikes and protect against ESD damage. Eaton offers the TVSA family of
Size L W H C
TVS diodes that can be used in many applications including computers
0201 0.60±0.05 0.30±0.05 0.30±0.05 0.20±0.10
and peripherals, digital still cameras, mobile phones, portable electronics,
0402 1.00±0.15 0.50±0.10 0.50±0.10 0.25±0.15
DVD players, media players, external storage, set top boxes and docking
Design Considerations
The location in the circuit for the TVSA family has to be carefully
Eaton's TVSA Family is RoHS compliant and lead free for global determined. For better performance, the device should be placed as
applications with excellent ESD protection as tested by IEC 61000-4-2 close to the signal input as possible and ahead of any other
level 4 test. component. Due to the high current associated with an ESD event,
it is recommended to use a “0-stub” pad design (pad directly on the
Eaton offers some of the only SMD, low profile TVS diodes available in signal/data line and second pad directly on common ground).
0201 and 0402 sizes. The TVSA family features very low clamping
voltages for increased device protection from overvoltage events. The To properly specify an Eaton TVSA family diode, a few things need
TVSA family also provides comparatively low capacitance compared to to be taken into consideration. First is knowing the circuit’s data
many other diode-based solutions and the low leakage current minimizes speed and/or the maximum tolerable circuit capacitance. This is
power consumption. extremely important when deciding if it is practical to use a TVS
diode solution.
TVSA Specifications* For example, in protecting a USB 2.0 port, the TVSA capacitances of
Part numbers: TVSA02V05C004 (0201 size) 4-6 pF are not practical, as this high capacitance may distort the data
TVSA04V05C006 (0402 size) signal.
Technology: Another important consideration is knowing the voltage the circuit
• Transient voltage suppression via solid-state silicon- can withstand without incurring damage. The TVSA clamping
avalanche diode technology voltage rating should be below this voltage.
The clamping voltage is the peak voltage across the TVS diode at
Electrical Characteristics: the peak current of an 8/20 µs waveform with 1 A pulse current
• Reverse Stand-off Voltage: 5 Vdc (Figure 4).
• Reverse Breakdown Voltage: 10 Vdc The final consideration when specifying a TVS diode is the circuit’s
• Capacitance: 4 pF (0201) normal operating voltage. It is beneficial to have the TVSA stand-off
voltage (the maximum voltage where the leakage current does not
6 pF (0402) exceed 10 µA) above the normal operating current of the circuit.
ESD Capability: This ensures the low leakage current of the TVS diode.
• IEC61000-4-2 Direct Discharge: 8 kV 20µs
• IEC61000-4-2 Air Discharge: 15 kV
% Peak Pulse Current

* For complete product details see Data sheet DS4072 online at 100%

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Cleveland, OH 44122 Figure 4. 8/20 µs waveform
United States

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