Zara: IT For Fast Fashion: Soham Dakhole ISM 24148
Zara: IT For Fast Fashion: Soham Dakhole ISM 24148
Zara: IT For Fast Fashion: Soham Dakhole ISM 24148
Soham Dakhole
Business Model
A. First Alternative: Maintain the existing system to prevent the company from
the possibility that it would make a decision that would result to more costs
than benefits.
Pros Cons
Pros Cons
Pros Cons
• Provides opportunities for cost • No assurance that Zara’s
reduction. sensitive information would be
• Search of in-house staff with kept confidential
specific experience and skills • Presence of cultural differences
suitable for the enhancement of and political instability in the
IT system is no longer Zara’s outsourcing country
responsibility • Language barriers and
• Supplier is legally obliged for communication problems
any in case problems of the between Zara and the software
system company
• Outside suppliers might be • Some factors being very
more specialized and be able to difficult to stipulate in a contract
achieve greater economies of
scale over in-house production
Short Term
Pros Cons
• Less risky • Costly
• Employees will have a enough • The company should take time
time to adjust and learn the new and effort in finding and hiring
system. IT professionals.
• Operations of the company will • Prone to failures due to
not be affected by the ongoing unfamiliarity in usage
study regarding the system, if
they will create a specialized
Long Term
V. Implementation
For Zara to upgrade the current system, it should implement the change
gradually. In the short term, there is no immediate need to upgrade the system. Zara
needs to make the change over a long period. For Zara to maintain its status in the
industry, it should first develop a strategy for the change.
Parallel running mode of implementation stands to be the most appropriate
option. This means that the new system is started, but the old system is kept running
in side-by-side (parallel) for a while. All of the data that is input into the old system,
is also input into the new one. In the long run, once the new system has been proven
to work, the old system will be stopped.