Eksitasi Generator AC
Eksitasi Generator AC
Eksitasi Generator AC
Mitsubishi Electrical manufactures brushless exciters for all types of turbine generator, including air-cooling,
hydrogen-cooled, and inner-cooled type.
The total number of Mitsubishi brushless exciters produced has climbed to more than 300 units since the first
one was produced in 1965.
The large area a 5,500kW, 1,800rpm exciter for nuclear-power-plant generators, and a 3,700kW, 3,000rpm
exciter for fossil-fuel power-plant generators.
Fig. 1 shows the principle of Mitsubishi brushless ・Manpower Saving
exciter systems. The output of an AC exciter is led to Since there are no brushes, there is no necessity for
a rotating rectifier equipped with diodes, where it is inspection of generator slip rings or brush
converted to DC, and supplied to the rotting field of a replacement during operation, thus manpower
turbine generator. The armature of the AC exciter, saving can be achieved.
the rotating rectifier, and the turbine-generator field ・Stable, Continuous Operation
are mounted on the same shaft, eliminating the need This is made possible during an extended service life
to lead out the DC output to a stationary part, thus because the power supply is ensured by rotation of
eliminating the necessity of such sliding parts as a generator, and by elimination of troubles associated
commutator, slip rings, and brushes. with brushes.
The field of the AC exciter is excited by a ・Superior Economy
permanent-magnet generator (PMG) functioning as Thanks to the exciter’s simplified construction,
a pilot exciter and controlled by a thyristor-type AVR system layout is easy. Contribution to the system’s
(automatic voltage regulator). high-economy advantages are low installation
requirement costs and direct drive of the main shaft
resulting in reduced power consumption by auxiliary