Eksitasi Generator AC

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Economical, Manpower – Saving Exciters

Based on State-of-the-Art Technology.

Mitsubishi Electrical manufactures brushless exciters for all types of turbine generator, including air-cooling,
hydrogen-cooled, and inner-cooled type.
The total number of Mitsubishi brushless exciters produced has climbed to more than 300 units since the first
one was produced in 1965.
The large area a 5,500kW, 1,800rpm exciter for nuclear-power-plant generators, and a 3,700kW, 3,000rpm
exciter for fossil-fuel power-plant generators.
Fig. 1 shows the principle of Mitsubishi brushless ・Manpower Saving
exciter systems. The output of an AC exciter is led to Since there are no brushes, there is no necessity for
a rotating rectifier equipped with diodes, where it is inspection of generator slip rings or brush
converted to DC, and supplied to the rotting field of a replacement during operation, thus manpower
turbine generator. The armature of the AC exciter, saving can be achieved.
the rotating rectifier, and the turbine-generator field ・Stable, Continuous Operation
are mounted on the same shaft, eliminating the need This is made possible during an extended service life
to lead out the DC output to a stationary part, thus because the power supply is ensured by rotation of
eliminating the necessity of such sliding parts as a generator, and by elimination of troubles associated
commutator, slip rings, and brushes. with brushes.
The field of the AC exciter is excited by a ・Superior Economy
permanent-magnet generator (PMG) functioning as Thanks to the exciter’s simplified construction,
a pilot exciter and controlled by a thyristor-type AVR system layout is easy. Contribution to the system’s
(automatic voltage regulator). high-economy advantages are low installation
requirement costs and direct drive of the main shaft
resulting in reduced power consumption by auxiliary

(Based on JEC 114-1979)

・Rated Current ・Tests

The current rating of Mitsubishi brushless exciters is When an exciter is completed in the factory, it is
determined to be larger than the field current subjected to the following routine test. Type tests are
necessary for operating the generator at the rated conducted only on exciters of a new design.
kVA, rated power factor, and rated voltage. 1. Routine Tests
・Temperature-Rise Limit a) 15% overspeed strength (for 2min )
The temperature-rise limit at various ports of b) Vibration measurement and mechanical
Mitsubishi brushless AC exciters is as follows: balance.
Normal ambient temperature ・・・・・ 50 deg C c) Resistance measurement of armature and field
Armature windings ・・・・・・・・・・ 60 deg C rise windings.
Field windings ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 60 deg C rise
(Thermometer method) d) Insulation-resistance measurement.
e) Dielectric test:
・Insulation Class
Class B or Class F insulation is applied to both the An AC voltage of 10 Ex (1,500V, min., 5,000V,
armature winding and field winding. max.) is applied for 1min at commercial
・ Exciting-System Response Characteristics frequency to the armature winding.
Exciter-Voltage response ratio ・・・ 1.0 or higher f) Visual and dimensional inspection.
Exciter ceiling voltage ・・・ 1.4 times or more than 2. Type Tests
voltage of the generator a) No-load saturation characteristic measurement.
under rated load b) Measurement of losses.
c) Equivalent temperature-rise test.
Fig. 2 is a sectional drawing of a typical brushless Fig. 3 shows the rotor construction. The brushless
exciter are mounted on the same shaft, and the exciter is assembled on a bed and is a totally
shaft end on the rotating rectifier side is connected enclosed, self-ventilating system insulated against
to the rotor shaft of the turbine generator through a outside air by a housing. An air cooler is provided
coupling. The other end is supported by the exciter inside the housing and self-ventilation is effected by
bearing. A lead wire from the rotating rectifier to the the fanning action of the AC exciter and the rotating
turbine generator is provided on the shaft. The rectifier. The housing is provided inspection during
PMG is overhung on the shaft end on the AC operation or shutdown.
exciter side.
The AC exciter is an ordinary synchronous ・The Rotor
generator except that it features a rotating armature, The armature winding uses a 3-phase Y-connection,
many poles ensuring a rapid response, and high and Nomex is used for the ground insulation,
frequency. followed by epoxy-resin vacuum impregnation. The
・The Stator armature core consists of a lamination of circular
Nomex is used for the ground insulation of the field punching of electrical steel sheets. It is shrink-fitted
coil, which is also vacuum-impregnated with epoxy over the rotor shaft, and help firmly with armature
resin. The external frame enclosing the magnetic clampers from both sides. The coil ends are rigidly
field is mounted on the upper base and can be help with glass bonds from the armature clampers
separated into two sections. This structure allows to resist a large centrifugal force during rotation.
easy installation or removal of the rotor by simply
removing the upper section of the frame.
This consists mainly of a rectifier wheel plus diodes, For protecting the diodes against overcurrents, the
fuses, and heat sinks, all of which are attached to fuses are provided in series. In the event that a
the inner surface of the rectifier wheel. diode short-circuits, the current the failed circuit is
The composition of the rotating rectifier is cut off by opening of the fuse in series. The diodes
expressed as, for example, 1S-5P-6A, in which: used are selected after rigorous quality control,
including a rotary test. To ensure continuous
operation in the unlikely event that diode failure
occurs, a backup diode circuit is provided on every
arm (each phase, each pole). Using diodes with a
resisting capacity greater that the reverse voltage
generated in the circuit if generator failure occurs
has enabled simplification of the components
without use of an R-C circuit, etc., and high
reliability is ensured (Fig 7).

1S : The number of diodes connected in series OTHER COMPONENTS

5P: The number of diodes connected in parallel
6A: The number of arms(6 arms are supplied for
・The Pilot Exciter
a 3-phase full-wave bridge)
This PMG functions both as the exciting power
supply for the AC exciter and the power supply for
the AVR. It comprises a rotating magnet and a
In this example, the total number of diodes is
1×5×6=30 stationary armature, and ensures mechanical
The rectifier wheel is a rigid ring for supporting the reliability more than high enough to withstand the
components under high-speed rotation. The diodes compressive force acting on the magnet when it is
re fixed to the heat sinks through insulators to the subjected to the centrifugal force of high-speed
inner surface or the rectifier wheel (Fig. 4). rotation.
The fuses have a mechanically sturdy construction. ・The Air Cooler
When a fuse has opened, an indicator springs out The heat of the circulating air is transmitted through
by centrifugal force, making it easy to notice (Fig. the finned pipes of the cooler to the cooling water
6). flowing through the pipes. The cooling pipes are
made of seamless brass tubes specially made for
condenser use. Both ends of the cooling pipes are
provided with expansible supports for the tube
・The Bed
This is comprised of an upper section and a lower
section to facilitate extraction and insertion of the
turbine-generator rotor. A very rigid foundation is The items require inspection in the brushless
prepared around the bearing pedestal to increase exciter are the cooling-air temperature (the
stability against vibration owing to rotation of the temperature-measuring element, etc.), The fuses
shaft. That is, the upper section is bolted directly to can be checked easily. Each fuse is equipped with
the foundation, and free-flowing nonshrinkable an opened-fuse indicator, which is held in a groove
grout is used to ensure firm adhesion between the near the upper terminal during normal operation.
base and the foundation. When a fuse opens, the indicator springs out by
・The Coupling centrifugal force. Even during operation, an
It is necessary that the turbine generator and the opened-fuse can be easily detected by shining a
brushless exciter be a single block that functions stroboscopic light through a window in the exciter
not only as a mechanical coupling but also as an housing. To ensure stable continuous operation, a
electrical connection. Electrically, the connection sufficient margin above the required number of
lead are led through a coupling slot; mechanically, diodes and parallel circuits is provided. Even if a
torque transmission is performed through reamer diode fails and is disconnected from the circuit,
bolts. replacement can be postponed until the next
THE SHAFT SYSTEM shutdown while continuing operation. As the
This system is satisfactorily stabilized by direct brushless exciter receives all its operating energy
connection of the exciter shaft and the turbine- from the turbine-generator shaft, it is not affected by
generator shaft system. It features reliable vibration a fault in the power-transmission system. In
characteristics in bending and torsion, thanks to addition, emergency shutdowns due to
high-level analysis for the design and balance. malfunctioning of a commutator, slip rings, or
brushes have been eliminated.
The brushless exciters are designed with ample
consideration for the continuity of safe operation
even under such turbine-generator transient
conditions as impression of the ceiling voltage
and/or asynchronous operation.

Revised publication effectiveAug. 2017.

Superseding publication A-C7560-A of Mar.1986.
L-195-7-C2809 SE-9702 (ROD) Printed in Japan Specificationssubject to change withoutnotice.

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