My Life 3 Teaching Programme

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My Life 3

Teaching Programme

Modern Foreign Languages


My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Starter Unit


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and others.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand basic information in which people present themselves including the relationships
between the people and their interests and daily routine.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and value a foreign language as an instrument to communicate in the classroom and
with people from other cultures.


Present simple
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
Present continuous
Object pronouns
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Genitive’s, s' and Whose...?
Countable and uncountable nouns with some, any and no
Lexical sets
Family members
Countries and nationalities
Daily routines
The time
Leisure activities
Everyday objects
Food and drink
Make and respond to requests.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme


Linguistic competence
Interchanging personal information and information about things important to the speaker.
Understand personal information including family relationships, nationality, place of work,
daily routine, free time activities and possessions, food and common objects.
Recognising and using the present simple and the present continuous, adverbs and expressions
of frequency, the question Whose...?, genitive 's and s', possessive adjectives and pronouns, and
some, any and no with countable and accountable nouns.

Mathematical competence
Telling the time.
Working with prices and units of currency.
Interpersonal, social and civic competences
Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (pages 4-9).



Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand basic information about texts where other people introduce themselves.
To understand basic information in which people present themselves including the
relationships between the people and their interests and daily routine.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To write a list of the members of their family by gender.
To complete the names of the countries and the nationality adjective.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

To write sentences using the present simple.
To recognise phrases with daily routine vocabulary words.
To order phrases according to their meaning.
To recognise vocabulary about leisure time activities.
Write phrases about themselves using leisure time activities.
To ask and answer questions in present simple.
To order words to make sentences which include adverbs and frequency expressions.
To write sentences in present continuous.
To ask questions using the present continuous.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 1: Work and play


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask Yes / No questions to find out the job in a missing game.
Ask and answer questions about the role of sports in their live.
Talk about what rules they have at home and their reactions to these.
Understand exercise instructions.
Understand a conversation about others’ leisure activities.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a diary extract about someone’s dream job.
Understand a conversation in which people express their interests and preferences related to
Understand a magazine quiz articles about sports.
Understand a fact file about teenagers.
Write an email to a friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.


Present simple and present continuous
Verbs of emotion + gerund
Must / mustn't for rules
Lexical sets
Sports and places
Parts of the body
Identify and produce the sounds // and //.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
How to write an informal email.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about your daily routine and general preferences, like and dislikes,
rules and instructions for yourself and others.
Understanding information about other people’s daily routine and preferences regarding sports
and activities, instructions and rules relating to sports.
Recognising and using verbs of emotion followed by a gerund, imperatives and must / mustn't
for rules.
Pronounce the sounds // and // correctly.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Understanding differences in lifestyle around the world.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (pages 10-19).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 12-14).

Reading and Listening (pages 40-42).

Writing (pages 68).

Motivator (pages 78-82).



My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 and 3 (page 34).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 94-98).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask Yes / No questions to find out the job in a missing game.
To ask and answer questions about the role of sports in their live.
To talk about what rules they have at home and their reactions to these.
To understand exercise instructions.
To understand a conversation about others’ leisure activities.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a diary extract about someone’s dream job.
To understand a conversation in which people express their interests and preferences related to
To understand a magazine quiz articles about sports.
To understand a fact file about teenagers.
To write an email to a friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Complete words to make vocabulary words about jobs.
Choose a job according to the description.
Order verbs about sports using play, go or do.
Identify the parts of the body in pictures.
Write sentences using both, the present simple and the present continuous.
Complete a conversation using verbs of emotion +gerund (-ing).
Complete phrases using the imperative, in affirmative and negative.
Complete phrases using must / mustn't to describe the rules of the dojo.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds /e/ and // correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 2: Places


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions to exchange information about the size of landmarks.
Understand an interview about different houses.
Understand information and a description of a distinctive building.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a text about different houses.
Understand conversations including references of quantity.
Understand and article about famous modern landmarks.
Write sentences about what’s going to happen.
Write a paragraph comparing two houses.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.


Be going to for future plans, intentions and prediction
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Countable and unaccountable nouns with much, many, a lot, a few, and a little
Question word How...? + adjectives of dimension
Lexical sets
House and furniture
Common unaccountable nouns
Large numbers
Ask for, make and respond to suggestions.
Pronounce the sounds /v/ and /w/.
Reflect on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
Make predictions before attempting a listening task.
but and however

My Life 3-Teaching Programme


Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about different houses and their characteristics and information
about famous landmarks.
Interchanging information about your future plans, intentions and predictions.
Understanding information about people’s home, including comparisons of these, quantities
and information about landmarks, including quantities, sizes, cost and distances.
Recognising and using comparative and superlative adjectives, countable and uncountable
nouns with quantifiers and using the question How...? with adjectives of dimension.
Pronounce the sounds /v/ and /w/ correctly.

Mathematical competence
Working with large numbers, years, distances, areas, prices and dimensions.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Finding out information about homes in the UK and Australia.
Learning about well-known landmarks both in the UK and around the world.
Understanding how to make and respond to suggestions appropriately.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to predict information before attempting a listening task.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (pages 20-29).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 15-17).

Reading and Listening (pages 43-45).

Writing (page 69).

Motivator (pages 83-87).



My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 and 3 (page 34).

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (Pages 94-98).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (pages 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions to exchange information about the size of landmarks.
To understand an interview about different houses.
To understand information and a description of a distinctive building.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a text about different houses.
To understand conversations including references of quantity.
To understand and article about famous modern landmarks.
To write sentences about what’s going to happen.
To write a paragraph comparing two houses.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To identify using pictures the vocabulary of the parts of the house.
To recall all the words they know about houses and furniture.
Complete a table using unaccountable nouns vocabulary.
To complete phrases using large numbers.
To complete a dialogue about future plans and intentions using going to.
To write sentences using going to.
To write comparative and superlative phrases using the data in a table.
To choose the correct option between much / many / some / a lot of.
To ask questions using How...? + adjectives of dimension.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds /v/ and /w/ correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 3: Truth and lies


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about what they were doing at specific times in the past.
Tell a simple story based on picture prompts.
Listen for and transcribe dates.
Understand a true story told in the past.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a conversation about travel in the past.
Understand an urban myth told in the past.
Understand and evaluate excuses.
Follow a true story told in the past.
Write the rest of an unfinished story including some dialogue.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
Make a project: create a TV advert and perform in class (pages 36-37).


Past simple verb to be
Past adverbial phrases
Past simple of irregular verbs
Past simple of irregular
Past adverbial phrases with ago
Lexical sets
Common regular verbs
Verb and noun collocations
Make and respond to apologies.
Pronounce the past simple -ed ending.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
Scan a text for information.
Including dialogue in a story.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about your past activities and when you did them.
Understanding information about people’s past actions, simple narrative told in the past, past
problems and apologies.
Recognising and using the past simple of to be and of regular and irregular verbs, past
adverbial phrases last year / night, and adverbial phrases with ago and common verb and noun
collocations with make, do, miss, tell and have.
Pronouncing past simple -ed verb endings correctly.

Mathematical competence
Using cardinal and ordinal numbers to express complete dates including the year.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Learning about the Gold Rush in California.
Understanding how to make and respond to apologies appropriately.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to scan a written text for specific information.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 30-39).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 18-20).

Reading and Listening (pages 46-48).

Writing (page 70).

Motivator (pages 88-92).

My Life 3-Teaching Programme



My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 and 3 (page 34).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 94-98).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about what they were doing at specific times in the past.
To tell a simple story based on picture prompts.
To listen for and transcribe dates.
To understand a true story told in the past.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a conversation about travel in the past.
To understand an urban myth told in the past.
To understand and evaluate excuses.
To follow a true story told in the past.
To write the rest of an unfinished story including some dialogue.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To recognise, mention and write phrases.
To remember common regular verbs and learn new ones.
To associate different verbs with the names of the ones that follow.
Write sentences using the past simple of the verb to be, identifying the differences with a
before and after pictures.
To write the past simple of different regular verbs.
To complete phrases using the past simple of irregular verbs appropriately.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
To pronounce the past simple -ed ending.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 4: Stories


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

 Ask and answer questions about what was happening the day before and at specific times in
the past.
Discuss possible choices in a difficult situation.
Understand a story in the past using narrative tenses.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understanding a dialogue about what was happening at specific times in the past.
Understand short stories told in the past using narrative tenses.
Understanding a dialogue including definitions.
Understand a situational story about making choices.
Write the story of a film.
Write a short paragraph about something that happened to you yesterday.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.


Past continuous
Past simple and continuous with while and when
Defining relative clauses with who, which and where
Lexical sets
The weather
Prepositions of place and motion
Types of film
Buy tickets at the cinema.
Pronounce the sounds // and //.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Prepare and practise before speaking.
Check your grammar when you’re describing a story.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about activities in progress at specific times in the past, the weather,
the position of objects and movements, and definitions of people, things and places.
Understanding past narratives involving simultaneous and consecutive actions and movement
and simple definitions and explanations.
Recognising and using the past continuous with while and when, defining relative clauses with
who, which and where, and prepositions of place and motion.
Pronouncing the sounds // and // correctly.

Mathematical competence
Using times and prices.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Evaluating different courses of action in a problematic situation.
Understanding how to buy tickets at the cinema.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to prepare for speaking by taking notes and practising.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 40-49).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 21-23).

Reading and Listening (pages 49-51).

Writing (page 71).

Motivator (pages 93-97).



My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 and 6 (page 62).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 98-101).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about what was happening the day before and at specific times in
the past.
To discuss possible choices in a difficult situation.
To understand a story in the past using narrative tenses.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understanding a dialogue about what was happening at specific times in the past.
To understand short stories told in the past using narrative tenses.
To understanding a dialogue including definitions.
To understand a situational story about making choices.
To write the story of a film.
To write a short paragraph about something that happened to you yesterday.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To match the weather vocabulary with the picture.
To review weather vocabulary.
To identify in pictures the vocabulary about prepositions of place and motion.
To review and identify types of film vocabulary.
To ask and answer questions using affirmative and negative past continuous.
To ask short questions about the past.
To write phrases in the past using while and when.
To complete phrases using the defining relative clauses: who, which, where.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds /A/ and /$:/ correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 5: City life


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about problems in their town.
Talk about future travel plans.
Understand a conversation in a restaurant.
Understand a text about eating out in the UK and the USA.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a text expressing opinions about city life and country life.
Understand a dialogue about future arrangements.
Read a menu and understand a conversation in a restaurant.
Understand a text about eating out in the UK and the USA.
Write about problems in your town.
Write a review about cafés and restaurants in your area.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.


Too + adjective (+ infinitive) / (not) + adjective + enough (+ infinitive)
Present continuous for future arrangements
Like and would like
Lexical sets
Places in town
Restaurant food
Order food in a restaurant.
Pronounce the sounds // and /
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Focus their listening by looking at the task.
Use parts of linkers to join two things in one sentence.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about problems and preferences relating to city and country life,
future plans and general preferences and specific wants.
Understanding opinions about different lifestyles and habits, information about people’s future
arrangements, preferences, wants and opinions.
Recognising and using too / enough with adjectives, present continuous to express future
arrangements, and like for general preferences and would like for specific wants.
Pronounce the sounds // and /correctly.

Mathematical competence
Using prices.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Learning about different food culture in the UK and the USA.
Understanding how to order food in a restaurant.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to focus your listening on the task in hand.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 50-59).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 24-26).

Reading and Listening (pages 52-54).

Writing (page 72).

Motivator (pages 98-102).



My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 and 6 (page 62).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 98-101).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about problems in their town.
To talk about future travel plans.
To understand a conversation in a restaurant.
To understand a text about eating out in the UK and the USA.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a text expressing opinions about city life and country life.
To understand a dialogue about future arrangements.
To read a menu and understand a conversation in a restaurant.
To understand a text about eating out in the UK and the USA.
To write about problems in your town.
To write a review about cafés and restaurants in your area.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To remember all the places in town vocabulary.
To identify with pictures the places in town.
To write in 30 minutes all the means of transport they remember.
To identify with pictures means of transport vocabulary.
To talk about future travel plans using the means of transport vocabulary.
To identify the parts of the menu in a restaurant.
To identify with pictures restaurant food.
To write using too and not enough using the information given.
To write phrases with too and not enough and the correct adjective.
To complete a conversation using the correct form of present continuous.
To ask and answer questions about food preferences using like and would like...?
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds /t1/ and /1/ correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 6: Friends


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about the type of people they like and don’t like.
Describe people’s physical appearance and character.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a dialogue about clothes and style.
Understand a problem letter and the reply.
Understand a text describing a person’s character and appearance.
Understand a text about the science of friendship.
Write a description of you and your best friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
To make a project: Give a presentation about the best invention in history. (page 64-65).


Indefinite pronoun one / ones
Have to / don't have to
Be like and look like
Adverbs: a bit, quite, very, really + adjective
Lexical sets
Clothes, accessories and styles
Personality adjectives
Physical appearance
Choosing clothes to wear.
Ask for advice, preferences and opinions and make positive and negative comments.
Pronounce the sounds // and //
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Guess the meaning of words from the context.
Use two adjectives to describe a person.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging identifying information on style and pattern of clothes, personal obligations and
appropriate behaviour, and descriptions of both appearance and character.
Understanding relatively detailed descriptive information, including clothes, character,
personality, behaviour and background.
Recognising and using the indefinite pronoun one and ones, (don’t) have to for personal
obligations and lack of these, be like and look like to describe character and personality, the
question What… like? And the adverbs a bit, quite, very and really.
Pronounce the sounds // and // correctly.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Asking for advice and opinions and stating preferences related to clothes.
Considering the personal qualities and behaviour which make a good friend amigo.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to infer the meaning of new vocabulary from context.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 60-69).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 27-29).

Reading and Listening (pages 55-57).

Writing (page 73).

Motivator (pages 103-107).



My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 and 6 (page 62).

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice (pages 98-101).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about the type of people they like and don’t like.
To describe people’s physical appearance and character.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a dialogue about clothes and style.
To understand a problem letter and the reply.
To understand a text describing a person’s character and appearance.
To understand a text about the science of friendship.
To write a description of you and your best friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To write all the clothes vocabulary they remember.
To describe different patterns using the vocabulary.
To classify adjective by their positive or negative connotation.
To complete phrases with the right adjective.
To describe themselves using the adjectives learned.
To write about a physical appearance using adjectives.
To describe characters using s physical appearance vocabulary.
To complete a dialogue using one /ones accordingly.
To complete phrases using have to / don't have to.
To write phrases using be like and look like.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds // and // correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 7: Out and about


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about what they like doing on holiday.
Ask and answer questions about their experiences.
Ask and answer questions about music.
Express their opinions about what makes a good or bad leader.
Understand a situation story about leadership.
BLOCK 2- Reading and writing
Understand a text about an exotic holiday destination.
Understand a dialogue about recently completed actions.
Understand a short article on music.
Understand a situational story about leadership.
Write a letter about a course.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.


Present perfect simple with ever, never, just, already and yet
Past simple y present perfect simple
Lexical sets
Holiday activities
Types of music
Express surprise, pleasure, horror and disappointment.
Pronounce the sounds // and //.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
Use gestures or mime to communicate meaning.
Organise events in the order they happened to write a narrative.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Linguistic competence
Interchanging experiences relating to holidays and activities, indicating when actions have
been completed both approximately and specifically, exchanging options and reactions.
Understanding information about people’s past experiences, and actions and when these
happened, and information about music and musicians.
Recognising and using the present perfect with ever, never, just, already and yet and the
differences in meaning and use of the present perfect and the past simple.
Pronounce the sounds // and // correctly.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Understanding different ways to act in a difficult situation.
Understanding how to express surprise, pleasure, horror and disappointment.
Considering the personal qualities and behaviour which make a good leader.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
Thinking about some key musicians and the musical style they exemplify.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to use gestures or mime to communicate meaning when needed.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 70-79).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 30-32).

Reading and Listening (pages 58-60).

Writing (page 74).

Motivator (pages 108-112).



My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 and 9 (page 90).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 102-104).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about what they like doing on holiday.
To ask and answer questions about their experiences.
To ask and answer questions about music.
To express their opinions about what makes a good or bad leader.
To understand a situation story about leadership.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand a text about an exotic holiday destination.
To understand a dialogue about recently completed actions.
To understand a short article on music.
To understand a situational story about leadership.
To write a letter about a course.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To write holiday group activities and where they take place.
To write phrases using holiday activities vocabulary.
To write phrases using emotion.
To write a list with the types of music they remember.
To write phrases using different musicians and singers and their musical style.
To complete an email using the present perfect simple, ever and never.
To complete a dialogue using just, yet or already accordingly.
To complete a dialogue using the past simple or the present perfect simple according to the
To write two phrases with each of the given expressions, using the past simple and the present
perfect simple.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds // and // correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 8: Technology


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about space tourism.
Talk about problems they may have had with their computer.
Make offers of help.
Understand someone making predictions about the future.
Understand interviews about computer and Internet use.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand an article about a plane of the future.
Understand a dialogue about computers.
Understand a dialogue explaining a fault.
Understand a text about Internet use.
Write a short report on the findings of a survey.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.


Will for future predictions
First conditional with if
Will for decisions and promises
Will and shall for offers
Lexical sets
Computer language
Faults and problems
Describe and deal with faults and problems.
Pronounce the sounds // and /
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
Listen for key words.
My Life 3-Teaching Programme
Use quantifiers to talk about numbers of people or things.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging predictions about the future and their possible consequences, making promises
and offering help.
Understanding future predictions including relatively complex data, possible consequences of
future events and conversations and articles on technology and computer use.
Recognising and using will for future predictions, as part of the first conditional and for
decisions and promises, and will and shall for offers..
Pronounce the sounds // and / correctly.

Mathematical competence
Expressing relatively complex large numbers including speed, distances and altitudes.

Data processing and digital competence)

Learning a lexical set related to information Technology.
Understanding and reacting to predictions about the possible future uses of IT.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Understanding how to describe and deal with common faults and problems.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to listen for key words to help identify important information.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 80-89).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 33-35).

Reading and Listening (pages 61-63).

Writing (page 75).

Motivator (pages 113-117).


My Life 3-Teaching Programme


My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 and 9 (page 90).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 102-104).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation Criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about space tourism.
To talk about problems they may have had with their computer.
To make offers of help.
To understand someone making predictions about the future.
To understand interviews about computer and Internet use.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understand an article about a plane of the future.
To understand a dialogue about computers.
To understand a dialogue explaining a fault.
To understand a text about Internet use.
To write a short report on the findings of a survey.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To identify with pictures Information Technology vocabulary.
To complete a text with Information Technology vocabulary.
To match the vocabulary with pictures about faults.
To write phrases with faults and problems vocabulary.
To ask and answer questions, following a criteria, using will for predictions about the future.
To complete a text using will or won't correctly.
To write phrases using the first conditional.
To match the beginning and ending of phrases with the first conditional.
To write phrases for offers using will or shall correctly.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Pronounce the sounds // and / correctly.
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Unit 9: Action


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about the contents of their kitchen at home.
Talk about recycling in their home.
Express opinions about the characteristics of different wild animals.
Talk about accidents which have happened to them or their families.
Understanding information about a Safari Park and its animals.
Understanding a story about an accident in the home.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understanding a dialogue about recycling processes.
Understanding a poster about species in danger.
Understanding a dialogue including recommendations.
Understanding guidelines about basic first aid procedures.
Rewrite an essay using comments to help you.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.
Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

BLOCK 4_Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
Make a project: Make a poster about creative recycling for your school notice board (pages 92-


Present simple passive
Past simple passive
Zero article with plural nouns
Should / shouldn't for advice
Lexical sets
Materials and containers
Wild animals and insects
Say what the matter is and give advice.
Reflection on learning
Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.
Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
Active participation in group activities.
Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

Skim a test for gist meaning.
Write a draft for an essay.


Linguistic competence
Interchanging information about processes and procedures, problems and solutions and
appropriate course of action.
Understanding past narratives including past passive forms, semi-detailed information about a
safari park, and simple health problems and their treatment.
Recognising and using the past simple passive, should and shouldn’t to give advice, and
common collocations of containers and their contents.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Considering the importance of recycling for the environment.
Learning about the relationships between man and various wild animals including sharks and

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an
appropriate manner regardless of their background.
Understanding how to explain personal health problems and give appropriate advice.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn
Developing effective language-learning practices.
Learning to evaluate your own learning.
Learning to skim a text for gist meaning.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook (page 90-99).

Teacher's Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary (pages 36-38).

Reading and Listening (pages 64-66).

Writing (page 76).

Motivator (pages 118-122).



My Life 3-Teaching Programme

My Life 3 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 and 9 (page 90).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 102-104).

My Life 3 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 105).

My Life 3 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about the contents of their kitchen at home.
To talk about recycling in their home.
To express opinions about the characteristics of different wild animals.
To talk about accidents which have happened to them or their families.
To understanding information about a Safari Park and its animals.
To understanding a story about an accident in the home.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

To understanding a dialogue about recycling processes.
To understanding a poster about species in danger.
To understanding a dialogue including recommendations.
To understanding guidelines about basic first aid procedures.
To rewrite an essay using comments to help you.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To match vocabulary with different containers and their materials.
To name 5 containers with their materials.
To identify with pictures wild animals and insects vocabulary.
To write phrases with different wild or insects and adjectives describing them.
To identify with pictures illness vocabulary.
To change phrases from present simple to present simple passive.
To complete a dialogue using the present simple passive.
To change phrases from present simple to past simple passive.
To complete a text with the correct form of past simple passive.
To write dialogues using should / shouldn't to offer health advice.
Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and
Reflect on learning
To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic
diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

My Life 3-Teaching Programme

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