Marketing Assingment: P&G Case Study
Marketing Assingment: P&G Case Study
Marketing Assingment: P&G Case Study
SAP ID- 80401190022 | PGDM-1
Question 1-Could he undertake more than one option?
Solution: - Yes, he could undertake two options
a. He could launch a new product.
b. He could implement a product improvement on the existing brand.
If P&G were to go ahead with the product improvement on the existing brand
A product improvement on the current brand represented considerably less investment than a new
brand, and since they have already developed a new formula (H-80).The formula combined
suspended nonabrasive scrubbers with a highly effective detergent system to provide superior
cleaning versus other LDLs when used full strength on tough, baked-on foods and parity cleaning
compared with other LDLs when diluted with water for general dishwashing. Such a product could
fulfil a clear consumer need, based on consumer research. Since market research indicated that 80%
of U.S. households scour and scrub their dishes at least once a week, with an average household
scouring four times a week, this product would be valued by a significant percentage of consumers
so it would be wiser to introduce it with a brand which has the lowest sales and the brand which
could benefit most from the relaunch was Joy brand it desperately needed a change in its policy or
innovation was required in the existing formula.
To conclude, Wright can go with any of the two he wants but it what I recommended is that P&G
should go with the first option i.e. to launch a new brand in the price segment because the company
have already have a goodwill in the market and going with the launch of an existing product it
would take away the innovation from their side because the consumers have already have made up
their mind about the existing products and to change their perception about the existing brand
would require more time and effort so it’s better to launch a new product than an existing one. This
will help P&G gain more market share through increase in volumes from an untapped market
whilst retaining the consumer confidence and brand image.
Question 2-What effect would each option have on each of the existing LDL
Solution: - The effect on other brands would be as follows
Ivory Liquid (mildness)- Since this brand targets different segment of the market i.e. its USP is
more on the care for the hand, the effect on its market share would be minimal since the
consumers who like to care for their hands wouldn’t shift to the new brand since its target its
totally different and the demand of the consumers from this product is totally different as
compared to what the new brand would deliver.
Dawn (Grease Cutting)- The demand for this product might face some jitters as the new product
also targets the same segment of the market i.e. the USP of this brand and the new launch is
same of removing hard stains easily. But the consumers who are loyal to this brand might not
shift so easily because this is product which is tried and tested by the consumers but with time
and the success of the new product could make hard for this brand to maintain its market share.
Joy (Performance)- The brand which would be mostly affected by the new launch of the
product would be this brand because this is the brand which was launched by P&G the first but
with time it has lost its potential and it has the lowest recorded sales of all the 3 brands so the
company might think of discontinuing this brand and replacing this brand with the new one.
Question 3-What competitive response could he expect?
Solution: - If the company comes up with a new brand then the competitors in the short run can try
to increase their marketing expenditure because then the company would try to beat the competition
in the market by not allowing the company to promote its product and reducing its visibility in the
market and till that time they can analysing their rival products and come up with their own product
in the meantime but with a differentiating factor.
Question 4-What were the long and short-term profits and volume implication on
each of the options?
Solution: - The effect of each of the options in the short term on the profits and volume implication
would be that its effect on the sales of Ivory would be minimal because it caters a different segment
that is the mildness segment and the survey also indicates that the consumer wanted this feature
most in their products. So, the effect on this product would be minimal. Secondly the effect on the
Dawn would be more because the new brand would cater this segment only and there would be a
competition among the brand only and the company has to look that the new brand should have
some differentiating factor among these two so that the risk brand cannibalization is minimised.