Pngstat 1
Pngstat 1
Pngstat 1
Necessary revision / updation in the past data has been made in the light of latest available figures. To illustrate:
• Data on exploration and production (wells, reserves, meterage) may not be strictly comparable with earlier
issues due to change in nomenclature, rationalisation and classification of reporting.
• Re-classification among the sectors of consumption of natural gas under energy and non-energy sectors
has been done depending on usage. Sectors where natural gas is being used as feedstock are classified as
consumption of gas under non-energy purpose whereas those sectors where natural gas is being used as
fuel are classified as consumption of gas under energy purpose.
• Data on pipeline have also been updated post reconciliation. Data on international statistics of certain
parameters like world crude oil exports taken from different sources viz. OPEC Bulletins and BP Statistical
Review may not tally due to difference in coverage and methodology used.
• India’s Refining Capacity in Table XI.7 on World Oil Refining Capacity has been retained for 2015 at 4319
Thousand barrels per day as against BP’s quoted figure of 4307 Thousand barrels per day.
10. Definitions: Definitions of common Crude oil and Gas products and terminologies have been compiled based on
‘Manual on Infrastructure Statistics’ of Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.
11. Abbreviations: Details of abbreviations used have been provided in Appendix.
12. Conversion factor: The conversion factors generally used in the Oil & Gas sector are also given in the Appendix.
Errors of Omissions and Commissions, if any, detected may kindly be brought to the notice of the Assistant
Director, Economics & Statistics Division, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas for rectification in the subsequent
Chapter I : Performance of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Sector-Some Key Macro-Economic Trends
Chapter I: Performance of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Sector-Some Key Macro-Economic Trends
The Indian economy displayed signs of recovery in a tentative global economic condition during 2015-16.
The growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant (2011-12) prices is estimated to have increased
by 7.6% in 2015-16 as against 7.2% in 2014-15. Growth rate of Gross Value Added at constant basic prices
for ‘Manufacturing’ sector and ‘Mining and quarrying’ were 9.3% and 7.4% vis-à-vis the growth of 5.5% and
10.8% respectively in 2014-15. The revival in growth of the industrial sector and decline in international prices
of crude oil led to a boost in consumption. Demand for petroleum products increased by 10.86% during April-
March, 2015-16 over the same period last year. Given the limited domestic availability of crude oil and natural
gas, the country is compelled to import over 75% of its domestic requirement.
I.1 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production:
The crude oil production during the year 2015-16 is at 36.950 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) as against
production of 37.461 MMT in 2014-15, showing a decrease of 1.36%. Shortfall of production in Mumbai
asset was due to natural decline of mature fields and less than envisaged production from new & marginal
fields. Production was also affected due to various reasons, including inter alia delayed/less gain from some
of the fields (Ahmedabad asset), power shutdown due to cyclone (Ahmedabad and Mehsana asset), less air
injection (Mehsana asset), increase in water cut (Mehsana and Cambay asset) and closure of wells for rig
less jobs (Assam asset). Decline in production from Upper Assam Basin and prolonged and frequent bandhs/
blockade also affected crude production in North East. Condensate receipt was affected due to re-routing of
South Bassein Hazira Trunkline and time lag in normalization of production after Bassein Platforms A and B
and shutdown for carrying out re-construction activities.
Natural Gas production during the year 2015-16 is at 32.249 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) which is 4.18 % lower
than production of 33.657 BCM in 2014-15. This was mainly due to natural decline in some of the fields,
underperformance of wells, closure of wells for maintenance activities, unplanned shutdown of GAIL gas line
and less off-take by the consumers. A total of 7 wells in D1 & D3 and 2 wells in MA field ceased to flow in
2015-16 due to water/sand ingress issues. Production from remaining Wells of KG-D6 also declined rapidly.
Government has taken several policy initiatives and reforms in the hydrocarbon sector which include, inter
alia, new Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP), Discovered Small Field Policy, marketing
and pricing freedom for new gas production from Deepwater, Ultra Deepwater and High Pressure-High
Temperature areas, extension of Production Sharing Contracts for small and medium size fields, linking the
transparent new gas pricing formula to the global market, early monetization of hydrocarbon discoveries,
policy on testing requirements for discoveries in NELP block, reassessing the hydrocarbon potential in India’s
sedimentary basin, appraising about 1.5 million square kilometers unappraised basins and setting up of
National Data repository.
The trends in the production of crude oil and natural gas for the year 2009-10 to 2015-16 have been depicted
Figure I.1: Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production
Table I.2: Refinery Capacity & Refinery Crude Throughput (in terms of Crude Oil Processed)
Crude % Growth Refinery
Refining Capacity % Growth in
Year Throughput in Crude Capacity
(MMTPA) Refining Capacity
(MMT) Throughput Utilization (%)
2009-10 175.956 18.12 186.552 16.03 106.02
2010-11 183.386 4.22 196.989 5.59 107.42
2011-12 187.386 2.18 204.121 3.62 108.93
2012-13 213.066 13.70 219.212 7.39 102.88
2013-14 215.066 0.94 222.497 1.50 103.46
2014-15 215.066 0.00 223.242 0.33 103.80
2015-16(P) 215.066* 0.00 232.865 4.31 108.28
P: Provisional * Refining Capacity has since been enhanced by 15 MMTPA with the commissioning of the grassroot refinery at Paradip on 7.2.2016.
Refining capacity as on 1st April of initial year.
I.3 Production and Consumption of Petroleum Products
The production of petroleum products is at 231.924 MMT in year 2015-16 as against 221.136 MMT achieved
in 2014-15, showing an increase of about 4.88%.During the year 2015-16, the consumption of petroleum
products in India was 184.674 MMT with a growth of 11.57% as compared to consumption of 165.520 MMT
during 2014-15. Year-wise production and consumption of petroleum products since 2009-10 to 2015-16 are
depicted below:
Table I.4: Import of Crude Oil and average Crude Oil Prices
% Growth in
Import of Crude Oil % Growth in Import Average Crude oil
Year Average Crude oil
(MMT) of Crude Oil Prices (US$/bbl.)
2009-10 159.259 19.95 69.760 -16.53
2010-11 163.595 2.72 85.090 21.98
2011-12 171.729 4.97 111.890 31.50
2012-13 184.795 7.61 107.970 -3.50
2013-14 189.238 2.40 105.520 -2.27
2014-15 189.435 0.10 84.160 -20.24
2015-16(P) 202.851 7.08 46.170 -45.14
(P): Provisional *: Import value is provisional and crude price is on average basis
Figure I.4 (a): Quantity of Crude Oil Imports and Average International Crude Oil Prices (Indian basket)
Figure I.4 (b): Trend in Prices of crude oil (Indian Basket) during 2015-16
Table I.5: Imports & Exports of Petroleum Products
Imports of % Growth in Exports of % Growth
Petroleum Imports of Petroleum in Export of Imports of LNG % Growth in
Products Petroleum Products Petroleum (MMT) Imports of LNG
(MMT) Products (MMT) Products
2009-10 14.665 -21.10 51.155 31.35 9.148 13.50
2010-11 17.379 18.51 59.077 15.49 9.931 8.56
2011-12 15.849 -8.80 60.837 2.98 13.214 33.06
2012-13 15.774 -0.48 63.408 4.23 13.136 -0.60
2013-14 16.718 5.99 67.864 7.03 12.995 -1.07
2014-15 21.301 27.41 63.932 -5.79 14.092 8.45
2015-16(P) 28.302 32.87 60.536 -5.31 16.582 17.67
P : Provisional
Table I.6: Year wise FDI inflows under Petroleum & Gas Sector
FDI inflows Annual Growth (%)
All Sector P&NG Sector All Sector P&NG Sector
` Million ` Million ` Million ` Million
Million Million Million Million
2009-10 1231196 25834 12969 266 -13.80 -17.71 -20.60 -23.98
2010-11 973204 21383 25431 556 -20.95 -17.23 96.09 109.55
2011-12 1651455 35121 99552 2030 69.69 64.25 291.45 264.82
2012-13 1219067 22424 11926 215 -26.18 -36.15 -88.02 -89.42
2013-14 1475178 24299 6784 112 21.01 8.37 -43.12 -47.75
2014-15 1891071 30931 64957 1079 28.19 27.29 857.51 861.44
2015-16(P) 2623216 40001 6770 103 38.72 29.33 -89.58 -90.45
P: Provisional
I.7 Indian Economy -Selected Indicators
Indicator 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. Geographical Area (M.Sq.Km.) 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29
2. Population (Million) 1170 1186 1220 1235 1251 1267 1283
3. Gross Domestic Product :
(i) At current prices (` Crore) - - 8736039 9951344 11272764 12488205 13576086
(ii) At constant prices (` Crore) - - 8736039 9226879 98739434 10552151 11350249
4. GVA at Basic Price
(i) At current prices (` Crore) - - 8106656 9210023 10380813 11472409 12279410
(ii) At constant prices (` Crore) - - 8106656 8546552 9084369 9727490 10427191
5. Per Capita NNI (Population in
Million) :
(i) At current prices (`) - - 63460 71050 79412 86879 93293
(ii) At constant prices (`) - - 63460 65664 68867 72889 77435
6. Foreign Exchange Reserves : 12597 13610 15061 15884 18284 21376 23787
(i) Gold (` Billion) 812 1026 1383 1397 1296 1192 1334
(ii) SDR (` Billion) 226 204 229 235 268 249 100
(iii) Foreign Currency Assets (` Billion) 11497 12249 13305 14126 16609 19855 22191
(iv) Reserve Tranch Position (` Billion) 62 132 145 125 110 81 163
7. Foreign Trade :
(i) Import (` Billion) 13637 16835 23455 26692 27154 27371 24880
(ii) Export(` Billion) 8455 11429 14660 16343 19050 18963 17146
(iii) Balance of Trade (` Crore) -5182 -5405 -8795 -10348 -8104 -8407 -7734
8. Index of Production :
(i) Agricultural (2007-08=100) 102.7 121.0 125.2 124.2 121.1 119.6 116.0
(ii) Industrial (2004-05=100) 152.9 165.5 170.3 172.2 172.0 176.9 181.1
9. Wholesale Price Index 130.8 143.3 156.1 167.6 177.6 181.2 176.7
10. Consumer Price Index:
(i) Industrial Workers (2001=100) 134.4 165.6 194.8 215.2 236.0 250.8 265.0
(ii) Agricultural Labourers 513.1 516.9 610.7 671.9 749.8 799.5 834.9
(iii) Rural Labourers (1986-87=100) 512.6 516.5 611.0 673.3 750.5 802.2 839.4
11 Energy Generation (Gross) :
Coal (MMT) 532.04 532.70 539.95 556.40 565.77 609.18 637.87
Lignite (MMT) 34.07 37.73 42.33 46.45 44.27 48.27 44.44
Natural Gas (BCM) 47.50 52.22 47.56 40.68 35.41 33.66 32.25
Crude Oil (MMT) 33.69 37.68 38.09 37.86 37.79 37.46 36.95
Petroleum Products 184.61 194.82 203.20 217.74 220.76 221.14 231.92
12. Electricity Generated (GWh)
(i) Total Utilities 799800 884226 974436 964489 1021167 1116850 1168359
Hydel 104100 114416 130510 113720 134848 129244 121377
Thermal 677100 704300 759400 760454 792477 877941 943788
Nuclear 18600 26266 33300 32866 34228 36102 37414
R.E.S. - 39245 51226 57449 59615 73563 65781
(ii) Non-utilities 106100 120917 128200 144010 156843 162057 183612
Total Electricity 905900 1005143 1102636 1108499 1178010 1278907 1351971
13. POL Traffic by Rail (MMT) 38.88 39.29 39.77 40.61 41.16 41.10 43.20
Note: GDP & NNI at constant (2011-12) prices. Figures prior to 2011-12 are not available at 2011-12 prices. P: Provisional
Source : Economic Survey, RBI, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation/Commerce & Industry/Finance & Labour Bureau.
I.8 Trends in Indian Petroleum Industry at a Glance
Item Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1. Production
(i) Crude Oil MMT 33.69 37.68 38.09 37.86 37.79 37.46 36.95
(ii) Natural Gas BCM 47.50 52.22 47.56 40.68 35.41 33.66 32.25
(iii) Petroleum Products MMT 184.61 194.82 203.20 217.74 220.76 221.14 231.92
2. Consumption
(i) Crude Oil ( in terms of MMT 186.55 196.99 204.12 219.21 222.50 223.24 232.86
refinery crude processed)
(ii) Natural Gas (including BCM 48.34 52.02 60.68 53.91 48.99 46.95 47.85
(iii) Petroleum Products MMT 137.81 141.04 148.13 157.06 158.41 165.52 184.67
3. Reserves (Balance Recoverable) as on 31st March
(i) Crude Oil MMT 774.66 757.40 759.59 758.44 762.73 763.48 754.34
(ii) Natural Gas BCM 1148.54 1278.06 1330.24 1354.76 1427.15 1488.47 1497.21
4. Imports & Exports
(i) Gross Imports :
(a) Qty : Crude Oil MMT 159.26 163.60 171.73 184.80 189.24 189.43 202.85
LNG MMT 9.15 9.93 13.21 13.14 12.99 14.09 16.58
Pol. Products MMT 14.67 17.38 15.85 15.77 16.72 21.30 28.30
Total (a) MMT 183.07 190.91 200.79 213.70 218.95 224.83 247.73
(b) Value: Crude Oil ` Billion 3752.77 4552.76 6722.20 7846.52 8648.75 6874.16 4163.61
LNG ` Billion 106.95 143.62 317.18 419.02 531.23 573.84 456.01
Pol. Products ` Billion 336.87 559.98 680.91 683.63 746.05 746.44 658.03
Total (b) ` Billion 4196.59 5256.37 7720.29 8949.17 9926.03 8194.44 5277.65
(ii) Exports :
(a) Qty : Pol. Products MMT 51.15 59.08 60.84 63.41 67.86 63.93 60.54
(b) Value: Pol. Products ` Billion 1446.87 1968.61 2846.43 3200.90 3682.79 2885.80 1767.73
(iii) Net Imports :
(a) Qty : Crude Oil MMT 159.26 163.60 171.73 184.80 189.24 189.43 202.85
LNG MMT 9.15 9.93 13.21 13.14 12.99 14.09 16.58
Pol. Products MMT -36.49 -41.70 -44.99 -47.63 -51.15 -42.63 -32.23
Total (a) MMT 131.92 131.83 139.96 150.30 151.09 160.90 187.20
(b) Value: Crude Oil ` Billion 3752.77 4552.76 6722.20 7846.52 8648.75 6874.16 4163.61
LNG ` Billion 106.95 143.62 317.18 419.02 531.23 573.84 456.01
Pol. Products ` Billion -1110.00 -1408.62 -2165.52 -2517.27 -2936.74 -2139.36 -1109.70
Total (b) ` Billion 2749.71 3287.76 4873.85 5748.28 6243.24 5308.64 3509.92
(iv) Unit Value of Crude
oil imports(gross) `/MT 23564 27829 39144 42461 45703 36288 20525
5. India's Total Imports ` Billion 13637 16835 23455 26692 27154 27371 24880
6. India's Total Exports ` Billion 8455 11429 14660 16343 19050 18963 17146
7. Petroleum Imports as % 30.77 31.22 32.92 33.53 36.55 29.94 21.21
% of India's total Imports
8. Petroleum Exports as % 17.11 17.22 19.42 19.59 19.33 15.22 10.31
% of India's total Exports
9. Contribution of Oil Sector to Centre/State Resources
(i) Royalty from crude oil ` Crore 6155 8958 15921 18083 20113 18339 13916
(ii) Royalty from gas ` Crore 1800 2355 3294 3880 3483 3874 2858
(iii) Oil Development Cess ` Crore 7096 6783 8119 15784 16072 16149 15854
(iv) Excise & Custom 71767 102828 95229 98603 104163 122926 213995
` Crore
(v) Sales Tax ` Crore 63949 80709 100375 111438 127957 136137 142938
(vi) Dividend ` Crore 13811 13329 13042 14064 14994 14653 16507
P: Provisional
I.9 International Petroleum Statistics
Item/Year Unit 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1. World reserves of oil & gas at year end
(i) Crude Oil 216 231 236 238 239 240 239
of which OPEC 150 164 169 170 171 171 171
(ii)Natural Gas 169 176 185 184 186 187 187
of which OPEC 90 94 95 95 95 95 95
2. World production of oil & gas
(i) Crude Oil 3887 3979 4012 4119 4127 4229 4362
of which OPEC 1624 1671 1711 1782 1734 1733 1807
(ii)Natural Gas Net 2983 3209 3300 3363 3411 3463 3539
of which OPEC 525 601 623 659 674 697 730
3. World Oil Refinery
(i) Refinery capacity at year end 4510 4548 4587 4638 4734 4819 4841
(ii) Crude throughput 3638 3740 3755 3806 3826 3874 3964
4. World Oil Consumption
(i) World Total 3949 4080 4122 4169 4210 4252 4331
(ii)Main consuming areas 1
MMT 2255 2368 2396 2437 2477 2519 2569
(iii)Consumption in main areas as % of % 57 58 58 58 59 59 59
5. World Imports
(i) Crude Oil 1989 2065 2052 2078 2019 2008 2074
(ii)Pol. Products MMT 977 1139 1187 1176 1215 1237 1313
Total 2967 3204 3239 3254 3234 3245 3387
6. Export of Crude Oil & POL from OPEC
(i) Crude Oil 1111 1151 1182 1249 1177 1141 1158
(ii)Pol. Products MMT 185 167 210 205 212 207 225
Total 1296 1318 1392 1454 1389 1348 1383
7. World Primary Energy Consumption
(i) Oil 3949 4080 4122 4169 4185 4211 4331
(ii) Natural Gas 2656 2864 2914 2986 3020 3066 3135
(iii)Coal 3239 3464 3629 3724 3827 3882 3840
(iv) Hydro-Electric 738 782 795 834 856 879 583
(v) Nuclear Energy 614 626 600 560 563 574 893
(vi) Renewables 142 169 206 241 279 317 365
Total 11337 11985 12265 12513 12731 12928 13147
1: Includes USA, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India and South Korea.
TMT: Thousand Million Tonnes, TCM: Trillion Cubic Meters, MMT: Million Metric Tonnes, MTOE: Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent
Source : (i) BP Statistical Review of World Energy , June-2016 (ii) OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
I.10(a) Petroleum Energy in India
(Calendar Year-wise)
Products 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
In Original Units (Million Tonnes)
Kerosene 9.44 9.20 8.61 7.98 7.37 7.62 7.46
ATF 4.59 4.95 5.45 5.37 5.48 5.63 5.83
Diesel 57.60 60.66 63.10 69.27 67.53 69.38 73.72
Fuel Oils 10.94 14.70 12.41 10.32 8.83 7.63 8.11
Others1 34.72 37.66 43.06 45.69 45.72 51.49 56.47
Total 117.30 127.16 132.64 138.63 134.93 141.76 151.59
In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit2
Kerosene 18.88 18.40 17.22 15.96 14.74 15.24 14.92
ATF 9.18 9.90 10.90 10.74 10.96 11.26 11.66
Diesel 115.20 121.32 126.20 138.54 135.06 138.76 147.44
Fuel Oils 21.88 29.40 24.82 20.64 17.66 15.26 16.22
Others 69.44 75.32 86.12 91.38 91.44 102.98 112.94
Total 234.58 254.34 265.26 277.26 269.86 283.50 303.18
In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit2
Kerosene 75.52 73.60 68.88 63.84 58.96 60.96 59.68
ATF 34.43 37.13 40.88 40.28 41.10 42.23 43.73
Diesel 518.40 545.94 567.90 623.43 607.77 624.42 663.48
Fuel Oils 21.88 29.40 24.82 20.64 17.66 15.26 16.22
Others 124.74 124.74 124.74 126.37 126.37 126.37 126.37
Total 774.97 810.81 827.22 874.56 851.86 869.24 909.48
In Original Units (Million Tonnes)
Kerosene 9.35 9.00 8.43 7.65 7.25 7.13 6.89
ATF 4.59 4.82 5.32 5.14 5.26 5.68 6.10
Diesel 54.11 58.05 63.50 68.58 68.88 69.38 73.07
Fuel Oils 10.90 9.81 8.47 7.00 5.34 5.88 6.23
Others1 38.04 42.96 46.28 48.70 49.56 54.40 58.72
Total 117.00 124.64 132.01 137.07 136.28 142.46 151.00
In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit2
Kerosene 18.70 18.00 16.87 15.31 14.50 14.25 13.77
ATF 9.18 9.64 10.65 10.27 10.52 11.36 12.19
Diesel 108.23 116.09 127.01 137.16 137.76 138.75 146.14
Fuel Oils 21.81 19.62 16.95 14.00 10.67 11.76 12.45
Others 76.08 85.92 92.55 97.40 99.11 108.81 117.44
Total 233.99 249.27 264.02 274.15 272.56 284.93 302.00
In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit2
Kerosene 74.80 72.00 67.47 61.24 58.00 57.02 55.10
ATF 34.43 36.16 39.93 38.51 39.44 42.59 45.71
Diesel 487.02 522.42 571.54 617.23 619.93 624.38 657.61
Fuel Oils 21.81 19.62 16.95 14.00 10.67 11.76 12.45
Others 128.94 128.94 128.94 128.94 128.94 128.94 128.94
Total 746.99 779.14 824.83 859.93 856.98 864.68 899.82
Note: P: Provisional
1. Other excludes Naphtha, Lube, Bitumen, Petroleum coke, Paraffin wax & other petroleum products and includes LPG, Gasoline, Refinery
Boiler Fuel.
2. Based on conversion factors adopted by FPC, 1974
3. Includes Petroleum Products used for power generation.
I.10(b) Petroleum Energy in India
(Financial Year-wise)
Products 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
In Original Units (Million Tonnes)
Kerosene 9.48 9.05 8.39 7.74 7.40 7.57 7.54
ATF 4.71 5.09 5.50 5.42 5.48 5.58 6.11
Diesel 46.29 47.29 63.95 69.66 67.77 69.35 75.16
Fuel Oils 14.09 14.71 11.74 10.20 8.53 8.06 8.12
Others 38.41 42.02 45.77 47.87 49.54 52.22 57.51
Total 112.98 118.17 135.36 140.89 138.72 142.78 154.43
In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit2
Kerosene 18.96 18.10 16.78 15.48 14.80 15.14 15.08
ATF 9.42 10.18 11.00 10.84 10.96 11.16 12.22
Diesel 92.58 94.58 127.90 139.32 135.54 138.70 150.32
Fuel Oils 28.18 29.42 23.48 20.40 17.06 16.12 16.24
Others 76.82 84.04 91.54 95.74 99.08 104.44 115.02
Total 225.96 236.32 270.70 281.78 277.44 285.56 308.88
In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit2
Kerosene 75.84 72.40 67.12 61.92 59.20 60.56 60.32
ATF 35.33 38.18 41.25 40.65 41.10 41.85 45.83
Diesel 416.61 425.61 575.55 626.94 609.93 624.15 676.44
Fuel Oils 28.18 29.42 23.48 20.40 17.06 16.12 16.24
Others 124.74 124.74 124.74 124.74 124.74 124.74 124.74
Total 680.70 690.35 832.14 874.65 852.03 867.42 923.57
In Original Units (Million Tonnes)
Kerosene 9.30 8.93 8.23 7.50 7.16 7.09 6.83
ATF 4.63 5.08 5.54 5.27 5.50 5.72 6.26
Diesel 56.78 60.53 64.75 69.48 68.75 69.42 75.05
Fuel Oils 11.59 10.79 9.31 7.66 6.24 5.96 6.63
Others 37.56 44.40 47.64 49.69 51.29 54.74 60.24
Total 119.86 129.72 135.46 139.60 138.94 142.93 155.02
In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit2
Kerosene 18.60 17.86 16.46 15.00 14.33 14.17 13.65
ATF 9.26 10.16 11.07 10.54 11.01 11.45 12.52
Diesel 113.56 121.05 129.50 138.96 137.50 138.83 150.11
Fuel Oils 23.18 21.58 18.61 15.31 12.47 11.92 13.26
Others 75.12 88.79 95.27 99.38 102.58 109.49 120.49
Total 239.72 259.44 270.92 279.20 277.89 285.86 310.03
In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit2
Kerosene 74.40 71.42 65.83 60.01 57.32 56.69 54.61
ATF 34.73 38.09 41.52 39.53 41.28 42.92 46.97
Diesel 511.02 544.73 582.75 625.31 618.75 624.74 675.49
Fuel Oils 23.18 21.58 18.61 15.31 12.47 11.92 13.26
Others 132.95 132.95 132.95 132.95 132.95 132.95 132.95
Total 776.27 808.77 841.66 873.11 862.77 869.23 923.27
Note: P: Provisional
1. Other excludes Naphtha, Lube, Bitumen, Petroleum coke, Paraffin wax & other petroleum products and includes LPG,
Gasoline, Refinery Boiler Fuel.
2. Based on conversion factors adopted by FPC, 1974
3. Includes Petroleum Products used for power generation.
I.11 Oil and Gas Production Abroad
Sl. No. Name of Project 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Oil Production(MMT)
1 GNOP, Sudan 2.126 1.801 1.324 0.596 0.741 0.705 0.627
2 MECL, Colombia 0.409 0.468 0.561 0.552 0.597 0.618 0.614
3 Sancristobal, Venezuela 0.704 0.757 0.894 0.800 0.767 0.645 0.585
4 IEC, Russia' 0.543 0.770 0.771 0.560 0.387 0.265 0.305
5 Sakhalin I, Russia 1.532 1.474 1.498 1.370 1.488 1.536 1.742
6 Block 5A, Sudan 0.247 0.226 0.174 0.000 0.034 0.000 0
7 GPOC, South Sudan - - - 0.000 0.218 0.000 0
8 Vietnam 06.1 0.042 0.038 0.036 0.037 0.032 0.030 0.029
9 AFPC, Syria 0.694 0.647 0.496 0.124 0.000 0.000 0
10 BC-10, Brazil 0.192 0.573 0.450 0.291 0.318 0.812 0.649
11 Block 24,Syria - 0.002 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.000 0
12 Carabobo-1,Venezuela - - - 0.001 0.021 0.063 0.112
13 ACG,Azerbaijan - - - 0.009 0.883 0.859 0.847
Total-OIL 6.489 6.756 6.214 4.341 5.486 5.533 5.510
Gas Production(BCM)
1 Sakhalin I, Russia 0.390 0.415 0.494 0.650 0.576 0.618 0.588
2 Vietnam 06.1 1.967 2.249 2.023 2.104 1.851 1.774 1.659
3 A1, A3, Myanmar 0.000 0.201 0.662 0.891
4 AFPC, Syria 0.024 0.015 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 0
5 BC-10, Brazil - 0.013 0.015 0.012 0.013 0.042 0.04
6 IEC,Russia - - - 0.071 0.036 0.024 0.03
7 MECL,Colombia - - - 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.009
8 Sancristobal, Venezuela - - - 0.072 0.087 0.074 0.064
9 Carabobo-1,Venezuela - - - - 0.001 0.003 0.007
10 ACG,Azerbaijan - - - 0.001 0.099 0.136 0.118
Total-GAS 2.381 2.692 2.539 2.919 2.871 3.341 3.406
Total O & OEG 8.870 9.448 8.753 7.260 8.357 8.874 8.916
Note: For calculating OEG, 1 BCM of gas has been taken to be equal to 1 MMT of crude oil. P: Provisional
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Videsh Limited.
Chapter II: Exploration
Chapter Highlights
• With a view to explore oil and gas finds, over 4.91 lakh geological surveys have been conducted in
India and 506 wells (of which 71% are development wells) with 11.18 lakh meterage area drilled by
Oil Companies up to 31.03.2016.
• Balance recoverable reserves of crude oil as on 01.04.2016 are at 621.11 MMT, out of which 283.53
MMT (46%) are in offshore. ONGC (nomination) has the largest share of 72% in reserves of crude oil
with OIL (nomination) and PSC regime contributing 13% and 15% respectively.
• Balance recoverable reserves of natural gas as on 01.04.2016 were 1227.20 BCM, out of which
745.41 BCM (61%) are in offshore. PSC regime has the largest share of 48% in natural gas reserves
with ONGC (nomination) and OIL (nomination) at 42% and 10% respectively.
• Out of total crude oil & condensate production of 36.950 MMT in 2015-16, 60% (22.368 MMT) is
from ONGC (nomination), 9% (3.226 MMT) from OIL (nomination) and 31% (11.356 MMT) from PSC
• Out of total natural gas production of 32.249 BCM in 2015-16, 66% (21.177 BCM) is from ONGC
(nomination), 9% (2.838 BCM) from OIL (nomination) and 25% (8.235 BCM)) from PSC regime.
• Maximum production of crude Oil (9.920 MMT) occurred in Mumbai High asset of ONGC and
maximum production of natural gas (10.043 BCM) occurred in Bassein & Satellite fields of ONGC in
• Total consumption of natural gas in 2015-16 stands at 47.849 BCM as against 46.955 BCM in 2014-15.
Out of 47.849 BCM, 26.683 BCM (56%) is consumed for energy purpose as fuel and the balance 44%
is used for non-energy purpose as feedstock for various industries.
• In 2015-16 highest consumption of natural gas under energy purpose was in power sector at 10.889
BCM (41%) followed by City or Local Natural Gas Distribution Network at 5.464 BCM (20%). Under
non-energy purpose, maximum consumption was seen in fertilizer industry at 16.135 BCM (76%)
followed by petrochemical sector at 3.733 BCM (18%).
II.1 Area-wise Development of Deep Drilling Rigs, Wells & Metreage Drilled
Onshore Offshore Total
Year Rigs Wells Metreage Rigs Wells Metreage Rigs Wells Metreage
(Numbers) ('000') (Numbers) ('000') (Numbers) ('000')
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(A) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (Nomination)
2009-10 85 288 613 35 73 216 120 361 829
2010-11 88 300 632 36 64 180 124 364 812
2011-12 84 323 655 31 62 175 115 385 829
2012-13 81 304 638 40 93 269 121 397 907
2013-14 73 273 587 39 82 222 112 355 809
2014-15 69 259 495 36 84 215 105 343 710
2015-16 (P) 71 271 556 34 54 134 105 325 689
(B) Oil India Limited (Nomination)
2009-10 18 43 135 - - - 18 43 135
2010-11 20 35 114 - - - 20 35 114
2011-12 16 34 117 - - - 16 34 117
2012-13 17 37 128 - - - 17 37 128
2013-14 15 34 105 - - - 15 34 105
2014-15 17 36 131 - - - 17 36 131
2015-16 (P) 20 44 143 - - - 20 44 143
(C ) PSC Regime
2009-10 15 126 240 7 46 171 22 172 411
2010-11 15 166 276 7 35 111 22 201 387
2011-12 19 116 215 7 34 111 26 150 326
2012-13 13 69 140 10 31 116 23 100 256
2013-14 34 210 344 20 45 156 54 255 500
2014-15 36 201 370 20 34 109 56 235 478
2015-16 (P) 27 110 209 12 27 78 39 137 286
Total (A+B+C)
2009-10 118 457 988 42 119 387 160 576 1375
2010-11 123 501 1022 43 99 291 166 600 1313
2011-12 119 473 987 38 96 285 157 569 1272
2012-13 111 410 906 50 124 385 161 534 1291
2013-14 122 517 1037 59 127 378 181 644 1415
2014-15 122 496 995 56 118 324 178 614 1319
2015-16 (P) 118 425 907 46 81 211 164 506 1118
Note P: Provisional
1. Figures not strictly comparable with earlier issues due to change in nomenclature, rationalisation and classification of reporting.
2. Number of rigs of ONGC and OIL may overlap in nomination and PSC regime blocks
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Oil India Ltd & DGH
Regime PSC
27 Regime
OIL 64 OIL 62
9 13
II.2 Exploratory & Development Drilling by Oil Companies
Exploratory Development Total
Year Wells Metreage Wells Metreage Wells Metreage
(Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) ('000')
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(A) Onshore
2009-10 162 410 295 578 457 988
2010-11 127 357 374 665 501 1022
2011-12 140 354 333 633 473 987
2012-13 109 315 301 591 410 906
2013-14 128 349 389 687 517 1037
2014-15 130 344 366 652 496 995
2015-16 (P) 105 320 320 587 425 907
(B) Offshore
2009-10 55 216 64 171 119 387
2010-11 60 198 39 92 99 291
2011-12 44 152 52 134 96 285
2012-13 42 145 82 240 124 385
2013-14 44 155 83 223 127 378
2014-15 52 158 66 166 118 324
2015-16 (P) 40 105 41 107 81 211
Total (A+B)
2009-10 217 626 359 749 576 1375
2010-11 187 555 413 757 600 1313
2011-12 184 506 385 766 569 1272
2012-13 151 460 383 831 534 1291
2013-14 172 505 472 910 644 1415
2014-15 182 502 432 817 614 1319
2015-16 (P) 145 425 361 694 506 1118
P: Provisional
1. Figures not strictly comparable with earlier issues due to change in nomenclature, rationalisation and classification of reporting.
2. Includes Water Disposal Wells and Non-Associated Gas Wells
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Oil India Ltd & DGH
Number of wells
187 184 172 182
100 151 145
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Exploratory Development
II.3 Status of Wells (in Numbers)
(in Numbers)
Category /
Oil Gas Dry Under Test Injector Others Total
Year #
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(A) Oil India Ltd. (Nomination)
2009 438 103 431 65 102 1094 2233
2010 459 90 431 78 106 1112 2276
2011 469 102 438 76 105 1121 2311
2012 473 104 432 88 108 1140 2345
2013 473 121 440 96 106 1147 2383
2014 422 116 441 98 105 1236 2418
2015 368 94 450 77 86 1379 2454
2016 378 107 449 78 128 1358 2498
(B) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (Nomination)
2009 4294 569 2581 28 1004 2706 11182
2010 4520 601 2635 50 1024 2713 11543
2011 4762 640 2683 66 1031 2725 11907
2012 5007 684 2735 63 1040 2763 12292
2013 5292 707 2764 84 1049 2793 12689
2014 5547 735 2788 88 1053 2833 13044
2015 5780 770 2808 80 1059 2890 13387
2016 5989 790 2829 105 1081 2918 13712
(C ) PSC Regime
2009 287 100 401 1 3 20 812
2010 354 136 459 1 13 21 984
2011 440 157 502 2 62 22 1185
2012 487 190 547 3 84 24 1335
2013 516 212 589 3 88 27 1435
2014 633 240 636 6 148 27 1690
2015 696 267 675 24 225 37 1924
2016 732 284 712 30 266 37 2061
Total (A+B+C)
2009 5019 772 3413 94 1109 3820 14227
2010 5333 827 3525 129 1143 3846 14803
2011 5671 899 3623 144 1198 3868 15403
2012 5967 978 3714 154 1232 3927 15972
2013 6281 1040 3793 183 1243 3967 16507
2014 6602 1091 3865 192 1306 4096 17152
2015 6844 1131 3933 181 1370 4306 17765
2016 7099 1181 3990 213 1475 4313 18271
#: As on 1st April of each year
Note: Figures not strictly comparable with earlier issues due to change in nomenclature, rationalisation and classification of reporting.
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
II. 4 State-wise Geological Surveys Achievements upto 31.03.2016
States ONGC OIL Total Geological Surveys
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Andhra Pradesh 53427 - 53427
A.N. Islands 6860 - 6860
Arunachal Pradesh 3692 8 3700
Assam 48073 6 48079
Bihar (incl. Jharkhand) 4035 - 4035
Gujarat (Gulf Of Cambay) 60625 - 60625
Himachal Pradesh 9948 - 9948
Jammu & Kashmir 31970 - 31970
Kerala-Karnataka (incl. Goa) 4000 - 4000
Madhya Pradesh 117920 - 117920
Chhattisgarh 5920 - 5920
Manipur 2781 - 2781
Meghalaya 1911 1 1912
Mizoram 6194 8 6202
Nagaland 6971 - 6971
Orissa - - 0
Rajasthan 46501 - 46501
Sikkim 720 - 720
Tamil Nadu (Incl. Puducherry) 20003 - 20003
Tripura 21263 - 21263
Uttar Pradesh (incl. Uttarakhand) 29797 - 29797
West Bengal 8808 - 8808
Maharashtra - - 0
Eastern offshore - - 0
Western offshore - - 0
Total 491419 23 491442
Source: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited & Oil India Limited
II. 5 State-wise Achievements of Geophysical Field Parties in India since Inception upto 31.03.2016
ONGC (Nomination) OIL (Nomination) PSC Regime
Area/ State 3D
2D (LKM) 2D (LKM) 3D (SKM) 2D (LKM) 3D (SKM)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8)
(A) Onshore
Andhra Pradesh 39166 8064 - 268 1466 1497
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 3462 - 52 114
Assam 31327 4220 24245 7282 3207 1629
Bihar 6566 0 - - 2423 947
Chhattisgarh 202 0 - - 0 0
Gujarat 104712 10261 - - 7449 7289
Himachal Pradesh 3785 0 - - 810 0
Haryana 1038 0 - - 0 0
Jammu & Kashmir 2563 0 - - 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 10021 470 - - 2339 304
Maharashtra 0 0 - - 476 0
Manipur 0 0 - - 210 0
Meghalaya 205 0 - - 0 0
Mizoram 35 0 - 500 1526 613
Nagaland 602 6 - - 0 0
Orissa 313 0 4278 - 470 0
Punjab 4078 0 - - 0 0
Rajasthan 20571 1210 11570 - 17214 16765
Tamil Nadu 41031 8269 - - 1710 2763
Tripura 6202 884 - - 1519 14
Uttar Pradesh 26798 0 - - 2860 211
Uttarakhand 1522 0 6223 - 0 0
West Bengal 29227 596 - - 4376 3591
Total(A) 329961 33980 49777 8051 48107 35738
(B) Offshore
Andaman - - 14043 - 0 0
Saurashtra - - 8768 332 0 0
Eastern offshore 117515 7292 - - 226001 193620
Western offshore 434940 72187 - - 108671 62190
Total(B) 552455 79479 22811 332 334671 255811
Total 882416 113459 22811 8383 382778 291548
LK: Line Kilometre. SKM: Square Kilometre.
Note: Geophysical fields of Pvt./JVs in State of Bihar includes Jharkhand
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.,Oil India Ltd. and DGH
II.6 Basin-wise / State-wise Achievements of Drilling since Inception upto 31.03.2016
Wells Metreage
Basin State / Region
Numbers ('000')
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) Onshore 14586 30841
Cambay Gujarat 7696 13309
Kutch Gujarat 5 11
Rajasthan Rajasthan 1061 1848
Vindhyan Rajasthan 4 10
Total WRBC 8766 15179
Nagaland 36 127
Upper Assam Assam 4072 10664
Meghalaya 3 6
Odisha 4 11
Fold Belt Mizoram under ERBC 5 18
Arunachal Pradesh 58 190
Assam-Arakan Tripura 213 622
Total ERBC 4391 11637
Foot hills & Ganga Valley West Bengal 37 149
Ganga Valley Bihar 9 39
Satpura-South Rewa-Damodar Madhya Pradesh 2 6
Total CRBC 48 193
Himalayan Foot-hills, Himachal Pradesh 16 60
Ganga Valley & Punjab 4 16
Vindhyan/Gondwana Uttar Pradesh 10 35
Madhya Pradesh 17 49
Jammu & Kashmir 4 12
Total NRBC 51 172
Krishna-Godavari Andhra Pradesh 630 1860
Pranhita-Godavari Andhra Pradesh 1 3
Cauvery Tamil Nadu 699 1797
Total SRBC 1330 3660
(B) Offshore 3630 9518
East Coast(SW+DW) East Coast including KG, 590 1955
West Coast(SW+DW) West Coast including drilling in 3023 7497
Orissa, Andaman & Saurashtra 17 66
Others 0 0
Total (A+B) 18216 40358
Note: All figures are provisional
WRBC: Western Region Basin Coast, CRBC: Central Region Basin Coast, SRBC: Southern Region Basin Coast, NRBC: Northern Region Basin
Coast, ERBC: Eastern Region Basin Coast
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. & Oil India Ltd.
II.7 State-wise/Basin -wise Oil Fields in India
As on 31.03.2016
(in Number)
Oil and Gas
Company / State Basin Oil Fields Gas Fields Total Fields
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
A. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (Nomination)
Gujarat Cambay 44 5 35 84
Assam Upper Assam 25 1 10 36
Assam A&AA 2 5 - 7
Rajasthan Jodhpur - 8 - 8
Andhra Pradesh K.G. Basin 8 46 10 64
Tamil Nadu Cauvery 7 9 13 29
Tripura A&AA - 10 - 10
Nagaland A&AA 1 - 1 2
Total Onshore 87 84 69 240
East Coast Cauvery Offshore - 1 - 1
East Coast KG Offshore(Shallow) 3 8 4 15
East Coast KG Offshore(Deep) 1 3 2 6
West Coast Cambay - - 2 2
West Coast Mumbai Offshore 24 19 37 80
West Coast Kutch 1 2 1 4
Total Offshore 29 33 46 108
Total (A) 116 117 115 348
B. Oil India Ltd. (Nomination)
Assam Upper Assam 0 0 14 14
Arunachal Pradesh Upper Assam 0 0 1 1
Rajasthan Jaisalmer 0 0 3 3
Bikaner Nagpur 0 0 1 1
Total (B) 0 0 19 19
C. PSC Regime
Gujarat Cambay 29 3 2 34
Arunachal Pradesh Assam-Arakan 1 0 0 1
Assam Assam-Arakan 0 1 0 1
Madhya Pradesh* Sohagpur 0 2 0 2
Jharkhand* Jharia 0 1 0 1
Jharkhand* Bokaro 0 1 0 1
Rajasthan Rajasthan 5 2 0 7
West Bengal* Raniganj 0 2 0 2
Total Onshore+CBM 35 12 2 49
East Coast Cauvery 1 1 0 2
East Coast Krishna Godavari 1 2 1 4
West Coast Mumbai 0 2 1 3
West Coast Cambay 0 0 2 2
Total Offshore 2 5 4 11
C. Total 37 17 6 60
Grand Total (A+B+C) 153 134 140 427
A&AA : Assam & Assam Arakan. *: CBM Fields
Note: Figures not strictly comparable with earlier issues due to change in nomenclature, rationalisation and classification of reporting.
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
II.8 Exploration contracts awarded in different rounds under NELP
New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Year of Launch 1999 2000 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010
No. of Blocks Offered 48 25 27 24 20 55 57 70 34
No. of Blocks Bid For 28 23 24 21 20 52 45 36 33
No. of Bids Received 45 44 52 44 69 165 181 76 74
No. of blocks awarded 25 23 23 21 20 52 44 34 19
No. of PSC signed 24 23 23 20 20 52 41 32 19
Area Awarded (Sq. Km) 228472 263050 204588 192810 113687 306331 112988 52603 26428
Source: DGH
II. 9 State-wise/ Area-wise Balance Recoverable reserves of Crude Oil & Natural Gas
Crude Oil(MMT) Natural Gas(BCM)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Western Offshore 269.07 273.38 256.97 256.69 265.33 255.70 255.27 247.13 284.19 316.70 318.07 317.25 319.42 319.72 325.01 293.96
Eastern Offshore 18.29 22.33 20.43 18.31 16.79 34.75 34.19 36.39 397.80 390.71 405.10 426.14 416.98 449.47 467.65 451.46
A. Total Offshore 287.36 295.70 277.40 275.00 282.12 290.45 289.46 283.53 681.99 707.40 723.16 743.38 736.40 769.20 792.66 745.41
Arunachal Pradesh 3.69 3.53 3.39 3.42 3.37 2.95 1.64 1.57 2.10 2.07 2.22 2.14 1.96 0.81 0.79 0.76
Andhra Pradesh 3.94 3.68 4.25 4.61 6.80 10.73 10.94 10.90 34.40 36.09 35.31 37.03 42.25 42.32 41.79 42.03
Nagaland 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Jharkhand (CBM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.78 51.14 27.46 28.91 28.91 28.91 28.13
West Bengal(CBM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.67 37.96 14.35 37.95 39.71 39.55 39.33 66.24
Madhya Pradesh(CBM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.14 32.14 32.14 32.14 32.14 32.13 32.13 32.12
Tamil Nadu 7.76 7.69 8.11 8.49 8.52 8.43 8.47 8.99 26.21 34.04 36.66 39.07 37.69 36.76 35.36 31.68
Tripura 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 26.83 27.11 27.21 29.99 30.61 30.27 30.74 28.28
Assam 167.29 168.18 167.02 169.25 168.18 169.25 165.91 160.79 128.58 134.01 137.86 137.88 140.68 140.04 149.38 153.76
Rajasthan 80.93 80.48 75.33 68.78 60.19 44.99 37.32 31.72 13.80 13.57 13.13 13.19 13.77 13.97 36.93 35.66
Gujarat 120.18 121.78 122.07 120.15 119.93 118.12 119.41 121.16 69.94 69.27 68.32 66.45 67.48 65.05 63.79 63.06
B. Total Onshore 386.25 387.80 382.63 377.16 369.44 356.93 346.13 337.59 341.75 390.14 418.43 423.39 435.29 429.90 459.23 481.79
Total Reserves (A+B) 673.61 683.51 660.04 652.16 651.55 647.38 635.59 621.11 1023.74 1097.54 1141.59 1166.77 1171.69 1199.10 1251.89 1227.20
1. Proved and indicated Balance Recoverable Reserves as on 1st April.
2. Western offshore Includes Gujarat offshore
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
Figure II.4: Reserves of Crude Oil & Natural Gas (as on 01.04.2016)
2500 1252 1227 1400
1167 1172 1199
1098 1142
1024 1200
1500 800
1000 600
500 674 684 660 652 652 647 636 621 200
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Figure II.5: Trends in crude oil and condensate; & natural gas production
39 38 38 60
38 38
53 37
37 49
Natural Gas
36 37 43 40
Crude Oil
35 36
34 33 30
33 33 20
30 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Crude Oil (in MMT) Natural Gas (in BCM)
II.12 Production of Crude Oil and Condensate
(Financial Year-wise)
(in TMT)
State/Region 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(a) Crude Oil-Onshore:
Gujarat 5960 5905 5779 5331 5061 4653 4433
Assam 4729 4710 5024 4863 4710 4466 4186
Arunachal Pradesh 131 116 118 121 111 76 43
Tamil Nadu 239 233 247 238 226 240 261
Andhra Pradesh 304 305 305 295 297 254 295
Rajasthan 447 5141 6543 8583 9131 8783 8493
Total (a) 11809 16411 18016 19431 19536 18472 17711
of which
OIL 3572 3582 3847 3661 3466 3412 3226
ONGC 7515 7447 7386 6944 6705 6069 5825
PSC Regime 722 5382 6784 8826 9365 8991 8660
(b) Crude Oil-Offshore:
ONGC 15457 15081 14378 13541 13735 14758 15264
PSC Regime 4337 4035 3540 2689 2595 2661 2533
Total (b) 19794 19116 17918 16230 16330 17419 17797
(c) Condensate
ONGC 1883 1892 1952 2076 1806 1437 1279
PSC Regime 204 265 203 125 117 133 163
Total (c) 2087 2157 2156 2201 1923 1570 1442
Grand Total (a+b+c) 33690 37684 38090 37862 37788 37461 36950
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
P: Provisional
10 11 12
5 12 12 11
PSC Regime
4 4 4 31
25 4 3 3 3
25 24 24 23 22 22 22
OIL 60
II.13 Production of Natural Gas
(Financial Year-wise)
(in MMSCM)
State/Region 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(a) Onshore:
Gujarat 2444 2262 2173 2032 1657 1527 1490
Assam 2703 2680 2905 2910 2868 2958 3025
Arunachal Pradesh 40 44 40 41 41 34 30
Tripura 564 610 644 647 822 1140 1332
Tamil Nadu 1178 1119 1285 1206 1304 1192 1011
Andhra Pradesh 1479 1384 1364 1249 1171 541 619
Rajasthan 239 432 590 685 982 1178 1338
West Bengal (CBM) 38 41 79 101 156 224 389
Madhya Pradesh (CBM) 0 0 2 3 6 2 1
Jharkhand (CBM) 0 0 4 3 3 2 2
Total (a) 8685 8574 9084 8877 9012 8797 9237
of which
OIL 2416 2350 2633 2639 2626 2722 2838
ONGC 5634 5504 5751 5447 5316 4752 4770
PSC Regime 635 720 699 791 1069 1323 1629
(b) Offshore:
ONGC 17462 17591 17565 18102 17968 17272 16406
PSC Regime 21350 26054 20910 13700 8428 7589 6605
Total (b) 38811 43645 38475 31802 26395 24861 23012
Grand Total (a+b) 47496 52219 47559 40679 35407 33657 32249
CBM: Coal Bed Methane P: Provisional
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
40 27
22 22 Regime
14 25
30 9 9 8
2 2 3 3 3 3 3
10 23 23 23 24 23 22 21
II.14 Field-wise Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas
Oil (TMT) Gas (MMSCM)
2014-15 2015-16 (P) 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
Mumbai High 9812 9920 5028 5083
Mumbai Offshore B134A 2739 2774 1117 1068
(Off the coast of
Bassein & Satellite 2188 2543 11007 10043
Offshore Maharashtra) and
Eastern offshore Condensate receipt 1437 1279 - -
Eastern offshore 18 27 119 212
Total Offshore 16195 16543 17272 16406
Ahmedabad 1318 1300 181 138
Mehsana 2289 2128 224 202
Gujarat Ankleshwar 756 740 1010 1050
Cambay 150 143 9 9
Total Gujarat 4513 4311 1425 1399
Onshore Assam Assam 1061 965 449 405
Tamilnadu Cauvery 241 254 1192 1010
Andhra Pradesh Rajahmundry 254 295 541 619
Tripura Tripura - - 1140 1332
Rajasthan Jodhpur - - 6 5
Total Onshore 6069 5825 4752 4770
Total ONGC 22264 22368 22023 21177
Oil India Limited
Greater Naharkatia Field 252 226 389 301
Greater Jorajan Field 165 109 608 461
Moran Field 67 47 44 48
Greater Shalmari Field 151 174 20 22
Greater Hapjan Field 1449 1358 347 341
Greater Chandmari Field 505 448 202 446
Tengakhat Field 102 85 38 35
Assam Bhogpara Field 125 103 11 10
Greater Kathaloni Field 185 174 35 31
Greater Dikom Field 217 193 292 252
Western Satellite Field 39 37 9 9
Eastern Satellite Field 36 33 95 93
Central Small Field 104 226 418 569
Digboi 7 6 1 1
Total Assam 3405 3220 2510 2620
Arunachal Pradesh Kumchai Field 7 6 12 11
Dandewala - - 200.7 202
Bagitibba - - 4
Tanot - - 0.2
Total Rajasthan - - 201 206
Total OIL (Onshore) 3412 3226 2722 2838
II.14 Field-wise Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas (Contd...)
Arunachal Pradesh KHARSANG 69 52 22 18
CB-ON/3 2 1 - -
CB-ON/2 3 10 7 9
CB-ONN-2000/1 40 38 2 2
CB-ONN-2002/3 0 0 - -
CB-ONN-2003/2 2 3 0 0
UNAWA 0 1 0 0
ALLORA 0 0 - -
DHOLASAN 1 0 - -
KANAWARA 6 4 7 10
ASJOL 1 1 - -
CB-ON/7 6 5 0 0
N.BALOL - - 8 5
DHOLKA 44 47 15 12
WAVEL 3 3 - -
HAZIRA 5 5 55 42
BHANDUT 0 0 0 0
CAMBAY 1 1 0 1
CB-ONN-2001/1 0 1 - -
CB-ONN-2002/1 0 0 - -
CB-ONN-2004/1 0 1 - -
CB-ONN-2004/2 0 1 - -
BAKROL 15 18 7 8
INDRORA 1 2 0 0
LOHAR 9 6 0 0
Total Gujarat 139 150 102 91
RJ-ON-90/1 8844 8599 606 699
Rajasthan RJ-ON/6 3 3 365 428
Total Rajasthan 8848 8602 971 1127
Tamil Nadu CY-ONN-2002/2 0 7 0 1
Total Onshore 9056 8810 1095 1236
Jharkhand JHARIA 2 2
Madhya Pradesh SOHAGPUR WEST - - 2 1
CBM Total M.P. - - 2 1
RANIGANJ EAST - - 91 236
West Bengal RANIGANJ WEST - - 132 153
Total West Bengal - - 224 389
TOTAL CBM - - 228 393
RAVVA 1102 1019 324 260
KG-OSN-2001/3 4 4 110 134
PY-3 0 0 0 0
Eastern Offshore
PY-1 2 2 32 22
KG-DWN-98/3 267 208 4462 3940
Offshore Total Eastern Off. 1375 1232 4928 4356
Gujarat Offshore CB-OS/2 396 411 110 68
M&S TAPTI 27 16 446 131
Western Offshore PANNA-MUKTA 932 887 2105 2050
Total Western Off. 959 903 2551 2181
Total Offshore 2729 2546 7589 6605
Total Pvt/JVs 11785 11356 8912 8235
Total Production 37461 36950 33657 32249
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH P: Provisional
II.15 State-wise Gross & Net Production of Natural Gas in India
(in MMSCM)
State / Utilisation 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Gross Production (GP) 2703.01 2679.85 2904.54 2909.79 2868.03 2958.25 3024.78
Flared 182.24 174.76 168.65 193.89 172.63 178.29 171.39
Net Availability 2520.77 2505.09 2735.89 2715.90 2695.40 2779.96 2853.39
Re-injected (Internal Use) 558.57 549.73 583.85 576.76 567.55 539.87 526.36
Net Production (Sales) 1963.38 1958.79 2151.86 2139.12 2127.86 2192.29 2280.58
% Flared to GP 6.74 6.52 5.81 6.66 6.02 6.03 5.67
Arunachal Pradesh
Gross Production 39.60 44.49 39.50 41.07 41.39 33.53 29.56
Flared 27.57 30.64 25.83 26.92 22.86 14.10 13.07
Net Availability 12.04 13.84 13.67 14.15 18.53 19.43 16.49
Re-injected (Internal Use) 12.04 13.56 13.67 14.14 8.45 8.56 7.95
Net Production (Sales) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% Flared to GP 69.61 68.88 65.38 65.54 55.22 42.05 44.20
Gross Production 238.86 432.49 590.18 685.42 982.20 1177.77 1338.01
Flared 17.69 48.68 33.31 51.74 38.40 38.68 59.56
Net Availability 221.17 383.80 556.87 633.68 943.81 1139.08 1278.45
Re-injected (Internal Use) 7.82 200.37 259.85 360.54 445.74 508.66 533.44
Net Production (Sales) 213.36 183.43 297.03 273.13 474.16 571.06 656.63
% Flared to GP 7.41 11.26 5.64 7.55 3.91 3.28 4.45
Gross Production 2444.18 2261.83 2172.93 2032.09 1656.94 1526.82 1490.08
Flared 37.96 30.57 69.43 38.61 72.35 121.88 87.13
Net Availability 2406.22 2231.26 2103.51 1993.48 1584.59 1404.94 1402.95
Re-injected (Internal Use) 613.94 622.06 605.97 570.52 475.61 428.65 458.52
Net Production (Sales) 1792.07 1609.17 1497.52 1422.96 1108.98 976.31 944.40
% Flared to GP 1.55 1.35 3.20 1.90 4.37 7.98 5.85
Tamil Nadu
Gross Production 1177.75 1119.18 1284.76 1206.04 1304.02 1191.57 1010.87
Flared 14.80 13.20 8.19 6.89 5.74 17.02 20.82
Net Availability 1162.95 1105.98 1276.57 1199.15 1298.28 1174.55 990.05
Re-injected (Internal Use) 1.97 1.83 1.85 1.39 1.40 1.39 1.98
Net Production (Sales) 1160.98 1104.14 1274.72 1197.75 1296.88 1173.16 988.07
% Flared to GP 1.26 1.18 0.64 0.57 0.44 1.43 2.06
Andhra Pradesh
Gross Production 1479.26 1384.39 1363.78 1248.55 1171.34 540.59 619.36
Flared 0.92 1.78 2.22 2.97 3.65 21.83 50.40
Net Availability 1478.33 1382.61 1361.56 1245.58 1167.69 518.76 568.95
Re-injected (Internal Use) 10.42 10.26 18.56 28.19 30.61 15.64 20.18
Net Production (Sales) 1467.59 1372.36 1343.00 1217.40 1137.09 503.12 548.77
% Flared to GP 0.06 0.13 0.16 0.24 0.31 4.04 8.14
Gross Production 563.79 609.98 643.90 646.74 822.24 1140.04 1331.96
Flared 0.04 0.10 0.01 0.06 6.32 0.17 0.45
Net Availability 563.76 609.88 643.90 646.68 815.92 1139.88 1331.51
Re-injected (Internal Use) 1.39 1.66 1.68 2.63 2.58 2.36 2.37
Net Production (Sales) 560.77 608.22 642.22 644.05 813.33 1137.52 1329.14
% Flared to GP 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.77 0.01 0.03
II.15 State-wise Gross & Net Production of Natural Gas in India (Contd...)
(in MMSCM)
State / Utilisation 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
West Bengal (CBM)
Gross Production 38.4 41.4 79.1 100.8 156.5 223.7 389.4
Flared 30.0 5.1 10.3 4.9 15.5 20.3 128.9
Net Availability 8.4 36.3 68.8 96.0 141.0 203.4 260.5
Re-injected (Internal Use) 2.8 5.2 9.4 12.3 21.4 33.7 41.5
Net Production (Sales) 5.6 31.1 59.4 83.7 119.5 169.6 219.0
% Flared to GP 78.13 12.33 13.04 4.82 9.93 9.09 33.10
Madhya Pradesh (CBM)
Gross Production - - 1.53 3.44 5.65 2.08 1.40
Flared - - 0.89 2.30 4.09 1.29 0.31
Net Availability - - 0.63 1.14 1.57 0.79 1.09
Re-injected (Internal Use) - - 0.63 1.14 1.57 0.79 1.06
Net Production (Sales) - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
% Flared to GP - - 58.58 66.89 72.29 62.16 22.22
Jharkhand (CBM)
Gross Production - - 3.56 2.95 3.38 2.48 2.04
Flared - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Availability - - 3.56 2.95 3.38 2.48 2.04
Re-injected (Internal Use) - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.16
Net Production (Sales) - - 3.56 2.95 3.38 2.46 1.88
% Flared to GP - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A. Total Onshore
Gross Production 8684.87 8573.57 9083.80 8876.92 9011.68 8796.80 9237.48
Flared 311.22 304.84 318.85 328.23 341.57 413.57 532.04
Net Availability 8373.64 8268.73 8764.95 8548.69 8670.11 8383.23 8705.43
Re-injected (Internal Use) 1208.99 1404.67 1495.47 1567.61 1554.93 1539.64 1593.50
Net Production (Sales) 7163.69 6867.17 7269.30 6981.04 7081.20 6725.55 6968.53
% Flared to GP 3.58 3.56 3.51 3.70 3.79 4.70 5.76
B. Offshore
Gross Production 38811.39 43645.09 38474.84 31802.34 26395.20 24860.64 23011.74
Flared 663.67 662.90 758.35 574.18 427.10 451.53 474.31
Net Availability 38147.73 42982.19 37716.49 31228.16 25968.10 24409.10 22537.43
Re-injected (Internal Use) 4451.99 3808.97 3817.32 3861.01 4035.24 4327.17 4192.30
Net Production (Sales) 33709.92 39173.23 33899.14 27367.16 21902.64 20054.14 18328.49
% Flared to GP 1.71 1.52 1.97 1.81 1.62 1.82 2.06
Total (A+B)
Gross Production 47496.26 52218.66 47558.64 40679.26 35406.88 33657.44 32249.21
Flared 974.89 967.74 1077.20 902.42 768.67 865.11 1006.35
Net Availability 46521.37 51250.92 46481.44 39776.85 34638.21 32792.33 31242.86
Re-injected (Internal Use) 5660.98 5213.64 5312.79 5428.62 5590.17 5866.81 5785.80
Net Production 40873.61 46040.40 41168.44 34348.20 28983.83 26779.68 25297.03
% Flared to GP 2.05 1.85 2.26 2.22 2.17 2.57 3.12
P: Provisional CBM:Coal Bed Methane
1. Net availability denotes natural gas available for consumption which is derived by deducting gas flared from Gross Production
2. Net production denotes natural gas available for sale
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
II.16 State-wise Utilisation of Domestic Natural Gas in India
(in MMSCM)
Item 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(a) Onshore
Gujarat 2406 2231 2103 1993 1585 1405 1403
Assam 2522 2509 2736 2716 2695 2732 2807
Arunachal Pradesh 12 14 14 14 8 9 8
Tripura 562 610 644 647 816 1140 1332
Tamil Nadu 1163 1106 1277 1199 1298 1175 990
Andhra Pradesh 1478 1383 1362 1246 1168 519 569
Rajasthan 221 384 557 634 920 1080 1190
West Bengal (CBM) 8 36 69 96 141 203 261
Madhya Pradesh (CBM) 0 0 1 1 2 1 1
Jharkhand (CBM) 0 0 4 3 3 2 2
Total (a) 8373 8272 8765 8549 8636 8265 8562
(b) Offshore
Eastern Offshore 15740 21348 16394 10184 5611 4991 4521
Western Offshore 22122 21342 21111 20902 20216 19280 17931
Gujarat Offshore 299 292 212 142 111 110 68
Total (b) 38162 42982 37716 31228 25938 24381 22521
Grand Total (a+b) 46535 51254 46481 39777 34574 32646 31083
of which
ONGC 22462 22471 22507 22931 22765 21415 20529
OIL 2248 2193 2490 2470 2477 2527 2667
PSC Regime 21824 26590 21484 14375 9332 8704 7887
CBM: Coal Bed Methane P: Provisional
Note: Utilisation is sum of sales and internal consumption
Source: ONGC, OIL and DGH.
Chapter Highlights
• With the commissioning of Paradip Refinery of IOCL, Petroleum Refining Capacity in India is
augmented by 7% to reach 230.066 MMTPA as on 31.03.2016. This has led to an increase in share of
Public Sector Refineries in India’s total refining capacity from 55.8% in 2015 to 59% in 2016. Private
Sector & JVs account for 35% and 6% respectively.
• Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) having 9 refineries has the largest share of all refineries at 30%
(69.2 MMTPA) of total refining capacity as on 31.03.2016.
• Crude Throughput registered a sharp increase of 4.3% to reach 232865 TMT in year 2015-16 over
2014-15 as compared to a mere 0.33% increase in 2014-15 over 2013-14.
• Production of Petroleum Products at 231924 TMT witnessed a growth of 4.9% in 2015-16 over
2014-15 as compared to a marginal increase of 0.17% increase in 2014-15 over 2013-14.
• In line with Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Yojana (PMUY), which envisages to provide clean fuel to 5 crore
Below Poverty Line (BPL) families within 3 years, LPG production has increased by 7.4% from 9.84 MT
in 2014-15 to 10.57 MT in 2015-16, as against a decline of 1.9%in 2014-15 over 2013-14.
• Total Crude Oil Pipelines have increased by 3.88% to reach 9853 km as on 31.03.2016 as against
9,485 in 2015. Out of 9853 km, 9365 km is in onshore and 488 km is in offshore.
• Total Natural Gas Pipeline as on 31.03.2016 stands at 17658 km as against 17406 km in 2015
registering growth of 2.55%, with Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) at 11077 km, accounting for
around 63% of overall length.
• Petroleum Product Pipeline has increased from 14426 km (as on 31.03.2015) to 14975 km as on
31.03.2016, with IOCL’s share at 43% in the total length.
• Total PDS SKO Kerosene allocated to States is at 6759054 MT in 2015-16 of which 98.29% was uplifted.
In 2015-16, maximum SKO (around 18%) was allocated to Uttar Pradesh at 1212140 MT.
• LPG Bottling Capacity has increased by 8.03% from 14044 TMTPA in 2014-15 to 15172 TMTPA in
2015-16. LPG Distributers have increased significantly from 15930 in 2014-15 to 17916 (by 12.47%)
in 2015-16.
• With strong emphasis on clean energy, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Sales has increased by 5.8%
from 2037 TMT in 2014-15 to 2155 TMT in 2015-16.
• To meet the increasing demand of CNG, number of CNG stations has increased from 1010 on
31.03.2015 to 1081 as on 31.03.2016.
• As of 31.03.2016, there are 56190 Retail Outlets (ROs) in India. ROs have increased by 6.8% in
2015-16 as compared to 2014-15.
III.1 Petroleum Refining Capacity in India
(in MMTPA)
SI. Refinery Location & Year Capacity as on 31st March
No. of Commissioning 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
A Public Sector 112.886 116.886 120.066 120.066 120.066 120.066 135.066
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 51.20 54.20 54.20 54.20 54.20 54.20 69.20
1 Digboi, Assam - 1901 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
2 Guwahati, Assam - 1962 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Barauni, Bihar - 1964 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 Koyali, Gujarat - 1965 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7
5 Haldia, West Bengal - 1975 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
6 Mathura, Uttar Pradesh - 1982 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 Panipat, Haryana - 1998 12 15 15 15 15 15 15
8 Bongaigaon, Assam - 1974 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35
9 Paradip, Odisha-2016 - - - - - - 15
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
10 Mumbai, Maharashtra - 1955 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
11 Kochi, Kerala - 1963 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 13.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8
12 Mumbai, Maharashtra - 1954 5.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
13 Visakh, Andhra Pradesh - 1957 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
14 Manali, Tamil Nadu - 1965 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
15 Narimanam, Tamil Nadu - 1993 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
16 Numaligarh, Assam 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066
17 Tatipaka, Andhra Pradesh - 2001 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical 11.82 11.82 15 15 15 15 15
18 MRPL, Mangalore- 1996 11.82 11.82 15 15 15 15 15
B Private Sector 71 71 78 80 80 80 80
Reliance Industries Ltd. 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
19 Jamnagar, Gujarat - 1999 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
20 Jamnagar ( SEZ), Gujarat - 2008 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
Essar Oil Ltd. 11 11 18 20 20 20 20
21 Vadinar, Gujarat - 2006 11 11 18 20 20 20 20
C Joint Venture (JV) - - 15 15 15 15 15
Bharat Oman Refinery Ltd. - - 6 6 6 6 6
22 Bina, Madhya Pradesh - 2011 - - 6 6 6 6 6
HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd. - - 9 9 9 9 9
23 Bathinda, Punjab - 2012 - - 9 9 9 9 9
Total Refinery Capacity 183.386 187.386 213.066 215.066 215.066 215.066 230.066
Source: Oil Companies
Figure III.1: Distribution (%) of Petroleum refining capacity in
(as on 31.03.2016)
Private Sector
Public Sector
III.2 Refinery Crude Throughput and Production of Petroleum Products
(in TMT)
Crude Throughput Production of Petroleum Products
Year Refinery Refinery Faction Grand
CPSEs Pvt. JVs CPSEs Pvt. JVs Total ators Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(Calendar Years)
2009 112365 75951 - 188316 104026 75343 - 179369 4767 184136
2011 121030 81387 1242 203660 112609 84360 980 197949 4644 202594
2012 119763 87363 8035 215160 111558 90034 7191 208783 4566 213349
2013 119749 88097 14472 222318 114144 85588 16878 216610 4396 221006
2014 120944 88436 13442 222822 114401 89977 12580 216958 4101 221059
2015 (P) 123342 87096 16659 227097 116397 89908 15832 222137 3937 226074
(Financial Years)
2011-12 120895 81179 2048 204121 102518 94328 1716 198561 4640 203202
2012-13 120303 88273 10636 219212 112329 91197 9692 213219 4518 217736
2013-14 119547 88229 14721 222497 112738 90101 13617 216456 4300 220756
2014-15 121183 88533 13526 223242 114462 89997 12682 217141 3994 221136
2015-16 (P) 127087 88662 17116 232865 120228 91734 15945 227908 4016 231924
Note: Crude throughput in terms of crude oil processed P: Provisional
Source: Oil Companies
200000 200000
('000' Tonnes)
('000' Tonnes)
150000 150000
100000 100000
50000 50000
0 0
III.3 Refinery-wise Crude Throughput and Production of Petroleum Products
(in TMT)
Crude Throughput Production of Petroleum Products
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(a) PUBLIC SECTOR 112116 115311 120895 120303 119547 121183 127087 103641 106429 112518 112329 112738 114462 120228
IOCL, Digboi 600 651 622 660 651 591 562 578 633 602 652 650 591 541
IOCL, Guwahati 1078 1118 1058 956 1019 1006 904 952 997 927 881 1078 1067 1103
IOCl, Barauni 6184 6207 5730 6344 6478 5944 6545 5651 5654 5210 5732 5948 5412 6079
IOCL, Koyali 13206 13561 14253 13155 12960 13285 13820 12472 12687 13437 12480 12300 12492 13246
IOC, Haldia 5686 6878 8072 7490 7952 7650 7776 5053 6242 7283 6793 7233 7008 7133
IOCl, Mathura 8107 8880 8202 8561 6641 8515 8860 7672 8561 7926 8281 6370 8243 8640
IOCL, Panipat 13615 13660 15496 15126 15098 14191 15282 11959 12026 14029 14112 14795 14110 15501
IOCL, Bongaigoan 2220 2008 2188 2356 2328 2403 2442 2100 1841 1969 2116 2121 2186 2253
IOCL, Paradip - - - - - - 1817 - - - - - - 1107
Total IOCL 50696 52964 55621 54649 53126 53586 58007 46437 48642 51382 51048 50494 51110 55603
BPCL, Mumbai 12516 13020 13355 13077 12684 12821 13371 11810 12406 12726 12458 12365 12346 12802
BPCL, Kochi 7875 8699 9472 10105 10285 10356 10712 7389 8138 8796 9385 9674 9803 10164
Total BPCL 20391 21719 22828 23183 22969 23177 24083 19199 20544 21523 21843 22039 22149 22965
HPCL, Mumbai 6965 6638 7506 7748 7785 7408 8013 6594 5987 7225 7388 7213 7030 7468
HPCL, Vishakhapatnam 8796 8200 8682 8028 7776 8770 9220 8117 7626 8017 7452 7246 8241 8558
Total HPCL 15761 14838 16189 15777 15561 16179 17234 14711 13613 15242 14840 14459 15271 16026
CPCL(MRL), Manali 9580 10104 9953 9105 10065 10251 9100 8718 9098 8998 8140 9169 9421 8330
CPCL(MRL), Narimanam 517 703 611 640 559 531 544 503 696 602 635 558 539 550
Total CPCL 10097 10807 10565 9745 10624 10782 9644 9221 9794 9601 8775 9728 9959 8881
NRL, Numaligarh 2619 2252 2825 2478 2613 2777 2520 2336 1996 2750 2373 2557 2754 2521
MRPL, Mangalore 12498 12662 12798 14415 14589 14632 15532 11683 11773 11952 13394 13397 13169 14166
ONGC, Tatipaka 55 69 69 57 65 51 67 54 68 68 56 64 50 66
(b) PRIVATE SECTOR 74435 81678 81179 88273 88229 88533 88662 76127 83887 84328 91197 90101 89997 91734
RIL, Jamnagar 31379 31198 32497 32613 30307 30867 32428 31768 31514 33114 32755 30815 30864 32331
RIL, SEZ-Jamnagar 29555 35607 35186 35892 37720 37174 37133 30113 37871 38541 39399 39799 39329 41089
Total RIL 60934 66805 67683 68504 68027 68042 69561 61881 69385 71655 72154 70613 70192 73419
EOL, Vadinar 13502 14873 13496 19769 20202 20491 19101 14246 14502 12673 19043 19487 19804 18315
(c) JOINT VENTURE - - 2048 10636 14721 13526 17116 - - 1716 9692 13617 12682 15945
BORL, Bina - - 2048 5732 5450 6209 6402 - - 1716 5209 4994 5782 5916
HMEL, Bathinda - - - 4904 9271 7318 10713 - - - 4483 8623 6900 10029
(d) FRACTIONATORS - - - - - - - 4842 4504 4640 4518 4300 3994 4016
Grand Total 186552 196989 204121 219212 222497 223242 232865 184610 194821 203202 217736 220756 221136 231924
Note: Excluding other inputs from refinery crude throughput P: Provisional
Source: Oil Companies
III.4 Refinery-wise Production of Petroleum Products during 2015-16 (P)
(in TMT)
Motor Furnace Lube Petroleum Total Fuel & Crude
Refinery/Plant LPG Naphtha ATF SKO HSDO LDO LSHS Bitumen Waxes
Spirit Oil Oil Coke Production Losses Processed
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
IOC, Guwahati 39 223 17 32 109 625 -1 0 0 0 0 59 0 1103 117 904
IOC, Barauni 336 1219 221 0 764 3295 0 61 -7 0.00 0 147 0 6079 574 6545
IOC, Koyali 554 1783 762 400 776 7060 18 456 0 367 0 808 0 13246 1270 13820
IOC, Haldia 245 546 487 373 885 2864 0 863 0 651 157 0 0 7133 676 7776
IOC, Mathura 445 1311 501 477 492 3224 0 1200 0 770 0 0 0 8640 719 8860
IOC, Digboi 9 83 1 0 11 263 33 76 0 0 0 34 26 541 63 562
IOC, Panipat 767 1715 1499 1262 717 7023 0 248 0 320 0 932 0 15501 1475 15282
IOCL,Bongaigoan, Assam 58 155 184 6 123 1442 98 34 0 0 0 153 0 2253 209 2442
IOCL, Paradip, Odisha 87 29 214 5 106 610 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 1107 456 1817
BPCL, Mumbai 490 2140 744 804 311 6202 68 858 29 557 270 0 0 12802 605 13371
BPCL, Kochi 558 2067 391 480 208 5377 23 679 52 223 0 0 0 10164 645 10712
HPCL, Mumbai 405 1377 353 448 224 2708 95 620 0 610 423 0 0 7468 628 8013
HPCL, Vishakhapatnam 419 1655 354 97 551 3760 96 955 -2 587 0 0 0 8558 706 9220
CPCL(MRL), Manali 282 955 580 643 300 3669 0 943 0 564 188 0 21 8330 877 9100
CPCL(MRL), Narimanam 19 0 207 0 22 209 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 550 25 544
NRL, Numaligarh 46 511 -11 67 134 1652 0 0 0 0 0 96 23 2521 148 2520
MRPL, Mangalore 803 1165 1574 1001 563 6454 0 604 71 183 0 857 0 14166 1543 15532
ONGC, Tatipaka 0 0 16 0 3 25 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 66 1 67
RPL, Jamnagar 373 2566 5972 2617 0 9328 0 1015 0 0 0 2805 0 32331 2582 32428
RPL,SEZ 813 9959 1681 1973 0 15999 0 679 0 0 0 3746 0 41089 3429 37133
EOL, Vadinar 761 3163 744 479 206 9161 0 177 0 324 0 2120 0 18315 1101 19101
BORL,Bina 208 1095 -1 369 616 3037 0 0 0 0 0 487 0 5916 451 6402
HMEL,Bathinda 844 1604 263 251 318 4591 0 0 0 0 0 1021 0 10029 686 10713
Total Refinery 8562 35321 16751 11786 7438 98579 429 9468 259 5157 1037 13322 70 227908 18986 232865
Fractionators 2006 0 1110 3 65 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4016 0 0
Grand Total 10568 35321 17861 11789 7504 98588 429 9468 259 5157 1037 13322 70 231924 18986 232865
Source: Oil Companies
P: Provisional
III.5 (a) Production of Petroleum Products (Calendar Year-wise)
(in '000' Tonne)
Year % variation
Products in 2015
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (P) over 2014
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ('9)
LPG 10432 9628 9717 9709 9853 9953 10301 3.5
Motor Spirit 21718 25881 26845 29549 30263 31800 34056 7.1
Naphtha 18659 19366 18927 18648 18779 17821 17300 -2.9
Kerosene 8708 8056 7815 8115 7461 7604 7433 -2.3
ATF 9171 9212 10593 9538 11208 10926 11084 1.4
HSD 72990 76726 82255 89283 93022 94693 96391 1.8
LDO 521 528 537 428 427 351 410 16.7
Total Fuel Oils 18031 20167 19067 15832 13787 12307 10278 -16.5
of which
(a) Furnace Oil 15350 18294 17324 14266 13156 11745 9855 -16.1
(b) LSHS/HHS/RFO 2681 1872 1744 1566 631 562 423 -24.8
Lube Oils 911 859 1016 954 915 878 1073 22.3
Bitumen 4938 4510 4629 4555 4876 4756 4769 0.3
Petroleum Coke 4043 2657 6706 9990 11892 10060 9800 -2.6
Paraffin Wax 63 63 50 54 52 54 57 6.3
Others 14351 17221 14438 16694 18470 19855 23123 16.5
Total Production of 184536 194874 202594 213349 221006 221059 226074 2.3
Petroleum Products
of which
Refineries 179769 190316 197949 208783 216610 216958 222137 2.4
Fractionators 4767 4558 4644 4566 4396 4101 3937 -4.0
Source: Oil Companies P: Provisional
III. 5 (b) Production of Petroleum Products (Financial Year-wise)
(in '000' Tonne)
Year % variation in
Products 2015-16 over
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P) 2014-15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10)
LPG 10334 9708 9547 9825 10030 9840 10568 7.4
Motor Spirit 22537 26138 27186 30118 30275 32325 35321 9.3
Naphtha 18788 19196 18825 19018 18505 17391 17861 2.7
Kerosene 8703 7809 7861 7971 7418 7559 7504 -0.7
ATF 9304 9589 10065 10088 11220 11103 11789 6.2
HSD 73298 78057 82880 91103 93759 94428 98588 4.4
LDO 472 590 502 400 423 358 429 19.8
Total Fuel Oils 18346 20519 18433 15054 13405 11919 9727 -18.4
of which
a) Furnace Oil 15828 18659 16732 13690 12920 11248 9468 -15.8
b) LSHS/HHS/RFO 2518 1860 1701 1364 485 671 259 -61.4
Lube Oils 950 884 1028 896 941 946 1037 9.7
Bitumen 4889 4478 4610 4670 4785 4632 5157 11.3
Petroleum Coke 3709 2711 7837 10943 12068 12448 13322 7.0
Paraffin Wax 64 61 47 52 55 51 65 28.3
Others 13215 15081 14381 17598 17871 18137 20557 13.3
Total Production of 184610 194821 203202 217736 220756 221136 231924 4.9
Petroleum Products
of which
Refineries 179768 190316 198561 213219 216456 217141 227908 5.0
Fractionators 4842 4504 4640 4518 4300 3994 4016 0.5
Source: Oil Companies P: Provisional
47 SKO
III.6 Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Product Pipelines in India
Length (in Kms.) as on 31st March
Type of Pipeline / Owner
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Crude Pipelines (Onshore)
ONGC 569 647 790 835 820 820 743 691.77
OIL 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1192.6
IOC 4332 4332 4332 4342 4448 4448 4448 4867
BORL (JV with BPCL) -- -- -- 937 937 937 937 937
HMEL ( JV with HPCL) -- -- -- 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017
CAIRN - - - - - 660 660 660
Subtotal 6094 6172 6315 8323 8414 9074 8997 9365
Crude Pipelines (Offshore)
ONGC 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488
Subtotal 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488
Total Crude Oil Pipelines 6582 6660 6803 8811 8902 9562 9485 9853
Gas Pipelines (Onshore)
ONGC -- -- -- -- 53 53 53 53
IOC -- -- 132 132 134 134 140 140
GAIL 7190 7803 8197 9454 10702 10909 10984 11077
GSPL -- -- -- -- 2163 2174 2192 2540
RIL1 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469
AGC,DNPL -- -- -- -- -- 811 811 811
CAIRN -- -- -- -- -- 581 581 581
Subtotal 8659 9272 9798 11055 14521 16131 16231 16671
Gas Pipelines (Offshore)
ONGC 963 963 963 963 987 987 987 987
Subtotal 963 963 963 963 987 987 987 987
Total Gas Pipelines 9622 10235 10761 12018 15508 17118 17218 17658
Product Pipelines (Onshore)
IOC 5963 6175 6401 6401 6633 6633 6633 6739
BPCL 1389 1389 1389 1648 1648 1697 1936 1936
HPCL 2134 2134 2134 2164 2407 2407 2514 2957
OIL 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654
PCCK 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293
PHMB 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 364
GAIL 1964 1978 1978 2038 2038 2032 2032 2032
Subtotal 12761 12987 13213 13562 14037 14080 14426 14975
Product Pipelines (Offshore) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total Product Pipeline 12761 12987 13213 13562 14037 14080 14426 14975
Grand Total 28964 29882 30777 34391 38447 40760 41129 42486
Note: Detail in Tables III.7, III.8 and III.9
Source: Oil Companies
III.7 Major Crude Oil Pipelines in India
Type of Pipeline / Owner/ Capacity (TMT) Length (KM) Throughput (TMT) Utilization (%)
Name of Pipeline
31.03.2015 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2016 2014-15 2015-16 (P) 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
IOCL 40400 40400 4448.00 4867.00 47779 50542 118.3 125.1
Salaya Mathura Pipeline 21000 21000 1870 2226 23834 25142 113.5 119.7
Mundra Panipat Pipeline 8400 8400 1194 1194 7770 8726 92.5 103.9
Paradip Haldia Barauni Pipeline 11000 11000 1384 1447 16175 16674 147 151.6
ONGC 26727 22847 742.61 691.77 9967 9525 37.3 41.7
14" MHN-NGM Trunk pipeline 2265 2265 77 77 2225 2107 98.2 93
14" Kalol-Nawagam-Old 1 3140 0 50.90 - 0 0 0 0
14" Kalol-Nawagam-New 3140 3140 62.5 62.5 992 1037 31.6 33.0
18" Nawagam-Koyali pipeline 5400 5400 78.4 78.4 2314 2255 42.9 41.8
14" Nawagam-Koyali pipeline 3300 3300 78.4 78.4 1414 1378 42.8 41.8
16" CTF, Ankl to Koyali Pipeline 2199 2199 94.77 94.77 882 743 40.1 33.8
8" CTF, Ankl to CPF, Gandhar2 394 394 44.30 44.3 0 0 0 0
12" CPF, Gandhar to Saraswani 'T' 1805 1805 56.70 56.7 586 589 32.5 32.6
10" Akholjuni to Laxmipura 'T' point 481 481 65.07 65.5 134 124 27.9 25.8
12" Lakwa-Moran pipeline 1500 1500 17.5 17.5 343 303 22.9 20.2
14" Geleki-Jorhat pipeline 1500 1500 48.5 48.5 572 494 38.1 32.9
12" Borholla-Jorhat pipeline 600 600 42.8 42.8 167 146 27.8 24.3
4" Kesnapalli-WGGS to Tatipaka 83 83 13.5 13.5 0 21 0 25.3
4" GMAA EPT to S. Yamam unloading 90 90 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0
terminal (Ist line)5
4" GMAA EPT to S. Yanam unloading 90 90 3.5 3.5 101 83 112.2 92.2
terminal (New line)
8" Narimanam to CPCL refinery 740 - 5.27 - 237 - 32 -
8" Narimanam to CPCL refinery - 740 - 4.9 - 245 0 33.1
OIL:Duliajan-Digboi-Barauni-Bon- 8400 8400 1192.6 1192.6 6772 6426 80.62 76.50
gaigaon Pipeline
HMEL:Mundra - Bhatinda Pipeline 9000 9000 1017 1017 7310 10700 81.22 118.89
BORL: Vadinar - Bina Pipeline 6000 6000 937 937 6131 6422 102.18 107.03
Cairn: Mangala- Bhogat Pipeline 8714 8714 660 660 8844 8692 101.49 99.75
Total Onshore Crude Pipeline 99241 95361 8997.21 9365.37 86803 92307 87.47 96.8
ONGC 45134 45134 488 488 13315 13067 29.5 28.95
Mumbai High - Uran Trunk Pipeline 15634 15634 204 204 8240 8829 52.71 56.47
Heera-Uran Trunk Pipeline 11500 11500 81 81 5075 4238 44.13 36.85
Bombay-Uran Trunk 30" Pipeline 18000 18000 203 203 0 0 0 0
Total Offshore Crude Pipeline 45134 45134 488 488 13315 13067 29.50 28.95
Total Crude pipeline 144375 140495 9485 9853 100118 105374 116.97 125.75
Source: Oil Companies P: Provisional
1. Kalol-Nawagam (Old) trunk line is isolated and kept on standby.
2. 8" CTF to CPF line not in use due to damage / rupture of river portion of pipeline near Dhanturia on 25.08.2013 due to high floods in
Narmada river.
3. Length and capacity data given for CPF, Gandhar to Saraswani ‘T’ point trunk pipeline includes length and capacity of branch lines from
GNAQ and Dabka meeting at Magnad ‘T’ point and Mobha ‘T’ point respectively.
4. KSP-WGGS to TPK Refinery Pipeline dispatch resumed from 28.12.2015 onwards .
5. GMAA EPT to S.Yamam Unloading Terminal (1st Line) is not under use due to multiple leakages and required repair on account of ROU issues
and has not been used in 2014-15.
6. Narimanam (NRM) to CPCL line-Old abandoned and Narimanam (NRM) to CPCL new line has been put to use.
III.8 Major Gas Pipelines in India
Capacity (MMSCMD) Length (KM) Utilization (%)
Type of Pipeline / Owner/Name of Pipeline (MMSCMD)
31.03.2015 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2016 2014-15 2015-16(P) 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
GAIL 1 206.04 206.04 10984 11077 89.63 90.59 43.50 43.97
HVJ-GREP-DVPL 53 53 4658 4658 38.76 33.06 73.13 62.38
DVPL-GREP Upgradation (DVPL-II & VDPL) 54 54 1119 1119 20.32 25.51 37.63 47.24
Chhainsa-Jhajjar-Hissar P/L (SNPL PART) 5 5 265 265 0.79 0.77 15.80 15.40
Dadri Bawana Nangal 31 31 835 835 4.08 4.06 13.16 13.10
Dahej-Panvel-Dhabol 19.9 19.9 875 875 8.52 9.53 42.81 47.89
Kochi-Koottanad-Bangalore- Mangalore 6 6 48 48 0.39 0.57 6.5 9.50
Dhabol Bangalore 16 16 1004 1097 0.87 0.98 5.44 6.13
South Gujarat Regional 15.42 15.42 538 538 1.46 1.68 9.47 10.89
North Gujarat Regional (Ahmedabad) 2.91 2.91 133 133 0.32 0.27 11.00 9.28
Rajasthan Regional (Jaisalmer) 2.35 2.35 152 151 1.31 1.40 55.74 59.57
Cauvery Basin 8.66 8.66 278 278 3.25 2.74 37.52 31.63
K G Basin 16 16 881 881 3.45 4.88 21.57 30.51
Assam (Lakwa) 2.50 2.50 8 8 0.52 0.40 20.8 16
Tripura (Agartala) 2.26 2.26 61 61 1.45 1.47 64.16 65.04
Mumbai Regional 7.04 7.04 129 129 9.01 8.10 128.06 115.12
IOCL: Dadri Panipat R LNG Pipeline 9.5 9.5 140 140 3.84 3.89 40.42 40.95
ONGC: 20'' Agartala Dome-OTPC Palatana 3.2 3.2 53 53 1.47 1.88 45.96 58.75
GSPL: Network incl. Spur Lines 43 43 2192 2540 23.00 24.49 53.49 56.95
DNPL: Duliajan to Numaligarh 1.20 1.20 192 192 0.66 0.61 55.28 50.89
AGCL: Duliajan to Numaligarh2 2.06 2.06 619 619 1.74 1.72 84.68 83.63
RIL: East-West Pipeline 80.00 80.00 1469 1469 21 19 26.25 23.75
Cairns: Raageswari Bhogat Pipeline 0.62 0.62 581 581 0.32 0.47 51.6 76.46
Total Onshore Gas Pipeline 345.62 345.62 16231 16671 141.67 142.66 40.99 41.28
ONGC 105.75 105.75 987 987 43.44 40.30 41.08 38.11
28" MUT Gas Pipeline 12.25 12.25 204 204 9.26 8.71 75.59 71.14
26" BUT Gas Pipeline 12.50 12.50 203 203 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
26" HUT Gas Pipeline 16.00 16.00 81 81 2.16 2.04 13.53 12.77
36" BPA - Hazira (gas) 22.00 22.00 231 231 13.41 11.58 60.93 52.66
42" BPB - Hazira (gas) 37.00 37.00 244 244 14.75 14.15 39.87 38.25
20" Uran Trombay Gas Trunk Line 6.00 6.00 24 24 3.86 3.81 64.34 63.43
Total Offshore Gas Pipeline 105.77 105.77 987 987 43.44 40.30 41.07 38.10
Total Gas Pipeline 464.12 464.12 17218 17658 186.02 186.02 40.08 40.08
Note: P: Provisional
1. Gail's total capacity/throughput does not include capacity/throuphput of Chhainsa-Jhajjar-Hissar pipeline and Dadri Bawana Nangal pipelines
as these are extension of DVPL-GREP upgradation pipeline.
2. Includes 514 KM CGD pipeline of AGCL.
III.9 Major LPG & Petroleum Products Pipelines in India
Capacity (TMT) Length (KM) Throughput (TMT) Utilization (%)
Type of Pipeline / Owner/Name of Pipeline
31.03.2015 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2016 2014-15 2015-16 (P) 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LPG Pipelines
BPCL: Mumbai Uran 800 800 28 28 55 290 6.91 36.25
IOCL: Panipat - Jalandhar LPG Pipeline 700 700 274 274 477 558 68.14 79.71
GAIL 3830 3830 2032 2032 3437 3724 89.73 97.23
Jamnagar-Loni LPG Pipeline 2500 2500 1414 1414 2326 2063 93.03 82.52
Vizag-Secunderabad LPG Pipeline 1330 1330 618 618 1111 1661 83.52 124.89
Total LPG Pipeline 5330 5330 2334 2334 3969 4572 74.47 85.78
Products Pipelines
IOCL 39390 39486 6359 6465 27428 28724 69.63 72.74
Koyali Ahmedabad Pipeline 1100 1100 116 116 745 758 67.73 68.91
Koyali Sanganer Pipeline 4600 4600 1287 1288 3451 3283 75.02 71.37
Koyali Ratlam Pipeline 2000 2000 265 265 1317 1388 65.85 69.40
Koyali Dahej Pipeline 2600 2600 197 197 148 577 5.69 22.19
Barauni Kanpur Pipeline 3500 3500 745 745 2263 2401 64.66 68.60
Haldia Mourigram Rajbandh Pipeline 1350 1350 277 277 1763 1800 130.59 133.33
Haldia Barauni Pipeline 1250 1250 526 526 1205 1351 96.40 108.08
Guwahati Siliguri Pipeline 1400 1400 435 435 1787 1877 127.64 134.07
Panipat Bhatinda Pipeline 1500 1500 219 219 1345 1400 89.67 93.33
Panipat Rewari Pipeline 2100 2100 155 155 1514 1582 72.10 75.33
Panipat Ambala Jalandhar Pipeline 3500 3500 434 434 2336 2761 66.74 78.89
Panipat Delhi Pipeline 3000 3000 189 189 1228 1618 40.93 53.93
Mathura Delhi Biijwasan Panipat Pipeline 3700 3700 258 258 2614 2333 70.65 63.05
Mathura Tundla Pipeline 1200 1200 56 56 326 384 79.83 76.75
Mathura Bharatpur Pipeline 21 21 632 537 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Chennai Trichy Madurai Pipeline 2300 2300 683 683 2438 2611 106.00 113.52
Chennai Bangalore Pipeline 2450 2450 290 290 1430 1229 58.37 50.16
Chennai Meenambakkam ATF Pipeline 180 180 95 95 183 164 101.67 91.11
Digboi Tinsukia Pipeline 1000 1000 75 75 482 440 48.20 44.00
Devangonthi Devanhalli Pipeline 660 660 36 36 221 216 33.48 32.73
Paradip Raipur Ranchi Pipeline - 96 - 105 - 14 - 14.58
BPCL 14140 14140 1908 1908 9722 10590 68.75 74.89
Mumbai Manmad Manglya Piyala 6000 6000 1389 1389 6227 6740 103.78 112.33
Bina Kota (MS/SKO/HSD) 4400 4400 259 259 2548 2880 57.92 65.45
Mumbai Refinery - Santacruz Airport (ATF) 1440 1440 15 15 771 760 53.54 52.78
Kochi Refinery - Kochi Airport (ATF) 600 600 34 34 176 210 29.26 35.00
Kota Jobner (MS/SKO/HSD)1 1700 1700 211 211 0 0 - -
HPCL 23610 31590 2514 2957 14914 18481 63.17 58.50
Mumbai - Pune - Solapur Pipeline 4300 4300 508 508 3565 4445 82.92 103.37
Visakh - Vijayawada - Secunderabad 5380 5380 572 572 4354 4425 80.92 82.25
Mundra - Delhi Pipeline 5000 5000 1054 1054 3424 2909 68.49 58.18
Ramanmandi - Bahadurgarh Pipeline 4710 4710 243 243 2904 4456 61.65 94.61
Ramanmandi - Bhatinda Pipeline 1130 1130 30 30 638 839 56.48 74.25
Awa-Salawas Pipeline 2340 2340 93 93 21 683 0.88 29.19
III.9 Major LPG & Petroleum Products Pipelines in India (Contd..)
Capacity (TMT) Length (KM) Throughput (TMT) Utilization (%)
Type of Pipeline / Owner/Name of Pipeline
31.03.2015 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2016 2014-15 2015-16 (P) 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Bahadurgarh-Tikrikalan Pipeline 750 750 14 14 8 531 1.07 70.80
Rewari-Kanpur Pipeline 0 7980 0 443 0 193 0.00 2.42
OIL: Numaligarh - Siliguri Pipeline 1721 1721 654 654 1806 1744 104.94 101.34
PCCK: Cochin - Coimbatore - Karur Pipeline 3300 3300 293 293 2458 2715 74.48 82.27
PHMB: Mangalore Hassan Bengaluru 2140 2140 364 364 3141 3318 146.78 155.05
Total Products Pipeline 84301 92377 12092 12641 59469 65572 70.54 70.98
Grand Total Pipelines (including LPG) 89631 97707 14426 14975 63438 70144 70.78 71.79
Note: P: Provisional
1: Design capacity of pipeline is 1.70 MMTPA. However, its throughput is not shown as it is Branch Line for pumping product from MMBPOL or BKPL
Source: Oil companies
III.11 Indian Tonnage as on 31.03.2016
(in Tonnes)
Gross Registered
SI. No. Owner of the ship Dead Weight Tonnage
Coastal Trade
Tankers (Product Carriers)
1 Associated Maritime Pvt.Ltd. 1090 2052
2 Atlantic Shipping Pvt. Ltd. 2814 3617
3 Blue Ocean Sea Transport Ltd. 965 1546
4 Castle Ships Pvt.Ltd. 1332 2127
5 Coast Line Services (India)Pvt. Ltd. 493 872
6 Jaisu Shipping (P) Ltd. 1873 2808
7 K. Raghupathi Rao (Raghu) 65 0
8 M.Gangadhar Rao 36 0
9 Pratibha Shipping Co.Ltd. 30565 28610
10 Vamsee Shipping Carrier Pvt.Ltd. 1495 2238
11 Shree Krishna Quarry Pvt. Ltd. 708 0
Total 41436 43870
Tankers (Crude Oil Carriers)
1 The Shipping Corpn.of India Ltd. 190359 357757
2 Jadwet Trading Company 40 0
3 Seven Islands Shipping Ltd. 29083 44970
Total 219482 402727
Offshore Supply Vessels
1 Administration of U.T. of Lakshadweep 10721 960
2 ARC Maritime Pvt. Ltd. 1591 1921
3 Albatross Shipping Agencies 2893 3798
4 Chandra Ship Management Pvt. Ltd. 285 0
5 Dolphin Offshore Shipping Ltd. 363 272
6 Damodar Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. 487 737
7 Dunnimaa Engineers & Divers Ent. P.Ltd. 639 627
8 Dolphin Offshore Shipping Ltd. 1008 491
9 Epsom Shipping (I) Pvt. Ltd. 921 1025
10 Samudrika Logistics Pvt. Ltd. 275 290
11 GAL Offshore Shipping 640 0
12 Bhambhani Shipping Ltd. 867 1060
13 Global Offshore Services Ltd. 867 1060
14 GOL Offshore Ltd. 10342 13848
15 Diplomat Marine 1221 1149
16 Greatship (India) Ltd. 4983 2416
17 Coastal Marine Const. & Engg. Ltd. 2101 1204
18 Hal Offshore Ltd. 1085 832
19 Hede Ferrominas(P) Ltd. 1332 1686
20 ITT Lines Pvt. Ltd. 1042 1207
21 Jayesh Shipping P. Ltd. 69 0
22 Hind Offshore Pvt. Ltd. 4916 2387
23 KEI-RSOS Maritime Ltd. 2779 2914
24 Mathew Meenathethil George 322 500
III.11 Indian Tonnage as on 31.03.2016 (Contd...)
(in Tonnes)
Gross Registered
SI. No. Owner of the ship Dead Weight Tonnage
25 Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 20394 24788
26 Prince Marine Transport Services 3634 1172
27 PFS Shipping (India)Ltd. 3844 3842
28 Synergy Offshore Services 189 125
29 Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd. 4337 4759
30 The Shipping Corpn. Of India Ltd. 7841 6917
31 Samson Maritime Ltd. 4876 5443
32 Supreme Global Service Pvt.Ltd. 495 0
33 TAG Sea Logistics Ltd. 3939 4952
34 TAG Offshore Ltd. 9217 7605
35 Atlas Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd. 297 1018
36 Tarun Shipping & Industries Ltd. 1978 2172
37 S.R.Offshore Pvt. Ltd. 417 0
38 Lewek Alter Shipping Pvt. Ltd. 3601 0
39 Transtar Marine & Offshore Services 1078 0
40 Sambhulingam Marine Services 317 0
41 Asian Marine Supplier 104 0
42 S. S. Offshore Pvt. Ltd. 1310 1812
43 Mustan Tahderbhai Khanbhai 1310 1817
44 Mrs. Ishrat Johan W/o. Mr. Riaz Khan 140 15
45 Daniel Engineering Works & Ship Repairs 850 1000
46 Fugro Survey (India) Pvt. Ltd. 494 509
47 Sun Marine 1310 1758
48 Mr. Nikhil Kumar Dhali 189 0
49 Ocean Sparkle Ltd. 7118 3878
50 Netincon Logistics Pvt. Ltd. 2419 0
Total 133447 113966
Specialized Vessels for Offshore Services
1 Elcom Surveys 392 469
2 Hind Offshore Pvt. Ltd. 3114 1480
3 Jaisu Shipping Co. (P) Ltd. 99 99
4 National Institute of Ocean Technology 4862 0
5 National Institute of Oceanography, Goa 709 297
6 Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 45281 26469
7 Dolphin Offshore Shipping Ltd. 405 436
8 Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd. 715 915
9 Reliance Industries Ltd. 2421 3104
10 Safe & Sure Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. 490 826
11 K. Desai & Company 181 0
12 Sealion Sparkle Maritime Services Ltd. 136 14
13 South East Asia Marine Engg & Const. Ltd. 11211 6135
14 The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research 2661 800
15 The Dept. of Ocean Development 4582 1605
16 The Dir. Gen. of Light House & Lightship 5823 3083
17 The Geological Survey of India 2942 2005
18 Sea Rides Ship Management 1011 1142
Total 87035 48879
III.11 Indian Tonnage as on 31.03.2016 (Contd...)
(in Tonnes)
Gross Registered
SI. No. Owner of the ship Dead Weight Tonnage
Overseas Trade
Ore Oil Bulk Carriers
1 The Shipping Corpn.of India Ltd. 28029 45792
Total 28029 45792
Oil Tankers (Crude Carriers)
1 Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals 342002 623836
2 Essar Shipping Ports & LogisticsLtd. 149274 281396
3 Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. 323536 562607
4 Mercator Lines Ltd. 136977 234833
5 Pratibha Shipping Co.Ltd. 205806 364629
6 Peninsular Tankers Pvt. Ltd. 8228 15037
7 Seven Islands Shipping Ltd. 260086 410842
8 The Shipping Corpn.of India Ltd. 1610570 2910569
9 Varun Shipping Co.Ltd. 114263 213678
10 Arya Tankers Pvt. Ltd. 28414 44998
11 Arya Voyagers Pvt. Ltd. 22181 35024
12 Zen Shipping & Ports India Pvt. Ltd. 5998 10280
13 Arya Ship Charters Pvt. Ltd. 79979 149834
Total 3287314 5857563
Oil Tankers (Product Carriers)
1 M.P.Recycling Co. Pvt. Ltd. 20378 29990
2 ASM Shipping 18101 30990
3 Castle Ships Pvt.Ltd. 4473 7335
4 Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. 600032 1048950
5 Mercator Lines 387744 675026
6 Pratibha Shipping Ltd. 45172 76881
7 Sanmar Shipping Ltd. 117250 203119
8 Seven Islands Shipping Ltd. 4473 7314
9 The Shipping Corpn. Of India Ltd. 668271 1133958
10 SCI Forbes Ltd. 34500 52489
11 Zen Shipping & Ports India Pvt. Ltd. 8253 14003
12 Doehle Danautic (I) Pvt. Ltd. 28226 45999
13 Arya Tankers Pvt. Ltd. 22848 35437
14 Indian Ocean Shipping Pvt. Ltd. 50306 78425
Total 2010027 3439916
LPG Carriers
1 The Shipping Corpn.of India Ltd. 35556 35202
2 Varun Shipping Co.Ltd. 155605 187978
3 Mercator Ltd. 44704 0
4 Global United Shipping India Pvt. Ltd. 41879 52714
5 Varun Resources Ltd. 23878 303094
Total 301622 578988
III.12 Share of Traffic of Petroleum Products in the Total Traffic Handled at Major Ports
(in Million Tonnes)
POL as %age of
Name of the port Year Total Traffic POL Traffic total traffic at the
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2009-10 46.30 10.08 21.80
2010-11 47.43 11.65 24.60
2011-12 43.24 8.58 19.80
Kolkata/Haldia 2012-13 39.88 6.90 17.30
2013-14 41.38 6.82 16.50
2014-15 46.29 6.15 13.29
2015-16 50.19 7.68 15.30
2009-10 54.54 36.60 67.10
2010-11 54.59 33.23 60.90
2011-12 56.19 33.31 59.30
Mumbai 2012-13 58.04 34.78 59.90
2013-14 59.18 35.98 60.80
2014-15 61.66 36.28 58.84
2015-16 61.11 36.27 59.35
2009-10 61.06 13.43 22.00
2010-11 61.46 13.88 22.60
2011-12 55.71 13.29 23.90
Chennai 2012-13 53.40 13.42 25.10
2013-14 51.11 12.78 25.00
2014-15 52.54 12.74 24.25
2015-16 50.06 11.89 23.75
2009-10 17.43 11.46 65.70
2010-11 17.47 12.10 69.30
2011-12 20.09 14.01 69.70
Cochin 2012-13 19.85 13.90 70.00
2013-14 20.89 14.32 68.50
2014-15 21.60 14.02 64.91
2015-16 22.10 13.77 62.31
2009-10 79.52 47.21 59.40
2010-11 81.88 48.43 59.10
2011-12 82.50 46.94 56.90
Kandla 2012-13 93.62 54.36 58.10
2013-14 87.01 53.14 61.10
2014-15 92.50 55.59 60.10
2015-16 100.05 55.59 55.56
2009-10 65.50 18.29 27.90
2010-11 68.04 19.27 28.30
2011-12 67.42 18.44 27.40
Visakhapatnam 2012-13 58.96 15.02 25.50
2013-14 58.50 14.01 23.90
2014-15 58.00 14.64 25.24
2015-16 57.03 16.95 29.72
2009-10 48.85 0.96 2.00
2010-11 50.02 0.94 1.90
2011-12 39.00 0.92 2.40
Mormugao 2012-13 17.69 0.82 4.60
2013-14 11.74 0.53 4.50
2014-15 14.71 0.57 3.87
2015-16 20.78 0.56 2.69
III.12 Share of Traffic of Petroleum Products in the Total Traffic Handled at Major Ports (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes)
POL as %age of total
Name of the Port Year Total Traffic POL Traffic
traffic at the port
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2009-10 60.75 6.08 10.00
2010-11 64.30 5.13 8.00
2011-12 65.75 4.93 7.50
J.N.P.T. 2012-13 64.50 4.29 6.70
2013-14 62.33 4.41 7.10
2014-15 63.80 4.03 6.32
2015-16 64.03 4.09 6.39
2009-10 57.01 11.65 20.40
2010-11 56.03 12.85 22.90
2011-12 54.25 15.09 27.80
Paradip 2012-13 56.55 16.47 29.10
2013-14 68.00 17.70 26.00
2014-15 71.01 17.98 25.32
2015-16 76.39 20.57 26.93
2009-10 23.79 0.51 2.10
2010-11 25.73 0.74 2.90
2011-12 28.10 0.84 3.00
Tuticorin (VOC Port) 2012-13 28.26 0.79 2.80
2013-14 28.64 0.48 1.70
2014-15 32.41 0.61 1.88
2015-16 36.85 0.69 1.87
2009-10 35.53 21.34 60.10
2010-11 31.55 21.55 68.30
2011-12 32.94 22.25 67.50
New Mangalore 2012-13 37.04 24.30 65.60
2013-14 39.37 24.65 62.60
2014-15 36.57 22.97 62.81
2015-16 35.68 23.93 67.26
2009-10 10.70 0.40 3.70
2010-11 11.01 0.59 5.40
2011-12 14.96 0.50 3.30
Ennore 2012-13 17.89 1.12 6.30
2013-14 27.34 2.34 8.60
2014-15 30.25 3.19 10.55
2015-16 32.20 3.88 12.05
2009-10 560.98 178.01 31.70
2010-11 569.51 180.36 31.70
2011-12 560.15 179.10 32.00
Grand Total 2012-13 545.68 186.17 34.10
2013-14 545.68 186.17 34.10
2014-15 581.26 188.74 32.47
2015-16 606.37 195.87 32.30
Source : Ministry of Shipping.
III.13 Movement of POL Traffic on Railways
Year Tonnes Originating Earnings Average Lead Earnings Average Freight
(TMT) ( in ` '000' ) (Kms) (`/Tonne)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
2009-10 38884 31890095 639 128.20 820.13
2010-11 39293 33537646 664 128.60 853.53
2011-12 39774 36236428 656 138.90 911.06
2012-13 40607 47178574 692 168.01 1161.83
2013-14 41159 53439517 723 179.69 1298.37
2014-15 41095 55156558 662 202.62 1342.17
2015-16 (P) 43200 60030400 674 206.17 1389.59
Source : Ministry of Railways
III.15 Total Retail Outlets in India as on 31st March
(in Number)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Nos. 8389 8419 18140 3005 37953
% 22.1 22.2 47.8 7.9 100
Nos. 8692 9127 18643 2969 39431
% 22.0 23.1 47.3 7.5 100
Nos. 9289 10212 19463 2983 41947
% 22.1 24.3 46.4 7.1 100
Nos. 10310 11253 20575 2966 45104
% 22.9 24.9 45.6 6.6 100
Nos. 11637 12173 22372 2487 48669
% 23.9 25.0 46.0 5.1 100
Nos. 12123 12869 23993 2883 51868
% 23.4 24.8 46.3 5.6 100
Nos. 12809 13233 24405 2972 53419
% 24.0 24.8 45.7 5.6 100
Nos. 13439 13802 25363 3586 56190
% 23.9 24.6 45.1 6.4 100
Source: Oil Companies
Others 6
III.16 State-wise Number of Retail Outlets, LDO/SKO
Dealers and LPG Distributors
(in Number)
As on 31 March 2016
State / UT
Retail Outlets LDO/SKO Dealers LPG Distributors
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Andhra Pradesh 3004 503 842
Arunachal Pradesh 71 33 57
Assam 788 359 423
Bihar 2511 372 1045
Chhattisgarh 1108 108 363
Delhi 393 116 320
Goa 114 22 51
Gujarat 3384 480 744
Haryana 2536 141 416
Himachal Pradesh 396 26 160
Jammu & Kashmir 485 47 231
Jharkhand 1151 87 390
Karnataka 3836 324 934
Kerala 2009 237 572
Madhya Pradesh 3269 284 1210
Maharashtra 5419 767 1697
Manipur 85 36 77
Meghalaya 190 35 48
Mizoram 36 19 54
Nagaland 69 19 56
Orissa 1560 177 563
Punjab 3316 239 731
Rajasthan 3736 250 1022
Sikkim 47 12 15
Tamil Nadu 4702 466 1130
Telangana 2228 93 664
Tripura 67 40 57
Uttar Pradesh 6616 696 2814
Uttarakhand 551 73 243
West Bengal 2244 458 926
Andaman & Nicobar 10 2 5
Chandigarh 41 12 27
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 31 2 2
Daman & Diu 31 5 3
Lakshadweep 0 0 1
Puducherry 156 8 23
Grand Total 56190 6548 17916
Source: Oil Companies
III.17 State-wise and Company-wise Retail Outlets
(in Number)
As on 31 March 2016
Total as on
State / UT TOTAL CPSEs Total
IOCL HPCL BPCL 31.03.2015
Outlets Outlets 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 1199 929 720 2848 3004 2811
Arunachal Pradesh 48 0 7 55 71 71
Assam 503 91 129 723 788 759
Bihar 1351 475 610 2436 2511 2385
Chhattisgarh 481 329 275 1085 1108 1040
Delhi 189 97 107 393 393 394
Goa 31 36 47 114 114 111
Gujarat 1274 738 771 2783 3384 3050
Haryana 1334 666 385 2385 2536 2419
Himachal Pradesh 218 109 62 389 396 382
Jammu & Kashmir 221 130 134 485 485 475
Jharkhand 496 265 319 1080 1151 1082
Karnataka 1803 888 966 3657 3836 3737
Kerala 885 587 457 1929 2009 1932
Madhya Pradesh 1295 814 917 3026 3269 3005
Maharashtra 1846 1542 1678 5066 5419 5207
Manipur 69 0 12 81 85 83
Meghalaya 116 23 39 178 190 179
Mizoram 30 3 2 35 36 33
Nagaland 45 3 9 57 69 68
Orissa 748 314 414 1476 1560 1464
Punjab 1685 878 610 3173 3316 3248
Rajasthan 1630 977 819 3426 3736 3465
Sikkim 16 7 23 46 47 46
Tamil Nadu 1991 1158 1317 4466 4702 4616
Telangana 911 644 565 2120 2228 2088
Tripura 62 0 2 64 67 64
Uttar Pradesh 3394 1374 1313 6081 6616 6247
Uttarakhand 242 166 114 522 551 514
West Bengal 1119 488 563 2170 2244 2178
Andaman & Nicobar 10 0 0 10 10 9
Chandigarh 20 11 10 41 41 41
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11 11 4 26 31 31
Daman & Diu 11 10 7 28 31 31
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
Puducherry 79 39 32 150 156 153
Grand Total 25363 13802 13439 52604 56190 53418
1: Including Pvt. Retail Outlets
Source: Oil Companies
III.18 State-wise and Company-wise LPG Domestic Consumers
(in Number)
As on 31 March 2016
Total as on
State / UT
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Andhra Pradesh 4992689 5878895 2575417 13447001 11815440
Arunachal Pradesh 257976 0 5049 263025 244245
Assam 3490797 105795 339624 3936216 3497667
Bihar 4330870 1693448 1558006 7582324 6380454
Chhattisgarh 1254511 781791 327964 2364266 2008339
Delhi 4079083 862051 1392850 6333984 6146480
Goa 15400 365498 190854 571752 559013
Gujarat 4583094 1874795 2116827 8574716 8100759
Haryana 2687576 1191764 1910959 5790299 5310990
Himachal Pradesh 1651026 221271 141435 2013732 1916380
Jammu & Kashmir 665769 1424617 241098 2331484 2174536
Jharkhand 1501722 510994 330561 2343277 2047293
Karnataka 5120967 4058005 2930191 12109163 10829277
Kerala 4619029 1591317 2599798 8810144 8487215
Madhya Pradesh 4286935 2379952 1910767 8577654 7734329
Maharashtra 3085505 10028005 10345196 23458706 21793042
Manipur 419321 0 0 419321 390028
Meghalaya 194268 0 4572 198840 188993
Mizoram 307884 0 0 307884 293261
Nagaland 241230 225 2670 244125 232823
Orissa 1540519 1465037 910129 3915685 3117055
Punjab 4656626 1537598 1919714 8113938 7548988
Rajasthan 4379477 2823173 2744724 9947374 8813142
Sikkim 168589 0 0 168589 157559
Tamil Nadu 10765323 2860711 4684011 18310045 17044036
Telangana 4353355 3606191 2508177 10467723 9271617
Tripura 512023 0 0 512023 450370
Uttar Pradesh 14620127 4060613 6158554 24839294 21447880
Uttarakhand 2017751 178529 421164 2617444 2432775
West Bengal 7495936 2514819 2156598 12167353 10454283
Andaman & Nicobar 94100 0 0 94100 86026
Chandigarh 274563 84833 58120 417516 408309
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 75769 0 75769 72139
Daman & Diu 0 45132 26954 72086 68800
Lakshadweep 4756 0 0 4756 4512
Puducherry 142488 150123 94438 387049 374211
GRAND TOTAL 98811285 52370951 50606421 201788657 181902266
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
III.19 State-wise and Company-wise LPG Distributors
(in Number)
As on 31.03.2016 Total as on
State / UT
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Andhra Pradesh 342 285 215 842 753
Arunachal Pradesh 56 0 1 57 49
Assam 345 25 53 423 374
Bihar 540 244 261 1045 933
Chhattisgarh 178 113 72 363 321
Delhi 195 48 77 320 317
Goa 5 29 17 51 51
Gujarat 405 172 167 744 662
Haryana 216 78 122 416 384
Himachal Pradesh 125 18 17 160 154
Jammu & Kashmir 119 82 30 231 206
Jharkhand 225 88 77 390 373
Karnataka 420 279 235 934 816
Kerala 290 117 165 572 526
Madhya Pradesh 614 305 291 1210 1074
Maharashtra 404 621 672 1697 1549
Manipur 77 0 0 77 63
Meghalaya 44 0 4 48 43
Mizoram 54 0 0 54 54
Nagaland 50 1 5 56 47
Odisha 245 191 127 563 465
Punjab 397 153 181 731 642
Rajasthan 487 278 257 1022 909
Sikkim 15 0 0 15 13
Tamil Nadu 620 216 294 1130 1083
Telangana 301 180 183 664 572
Tripura 57 0 0 57 52
Uttar Pradesh 1536 529 749 2814 2389
Uttarakhand 172 22 49 243 213
West Bengal 576 188 162 926 784
Andaman & Nicobar 5 0 0 5 5
Chandigarh 18 5 4 27 27
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 2 0 2 2
Daman & Diu 0 2 1 3 2
Lakshadweep 1 0 0 1 1
Puducherry 10 7 6 23 22
Grand Total 9144 4278 4494 17916 15930
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
III.20 State-wise and Company-wise SKO/LDO Dealerships
(in Number)
As on 31.03.2016 Total as on
State / UT
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Andhra Pradesh 171 176 47 394 394
Arunachal Pradesh 33 0 0 33 33
Assam 359 0 0 359 359
Bihar 284 37 51 372 372
Chhattisgarh 61 39 8 108 108
Delhi 78 23 15 116 117
Goa 8 7 7 22 22
Gujarat 276 127 77 480 480
Haryana 78 41 22 141 141
Himachal Pradesh 18 3 5 26 26
Jammu & Kashmir 35 8 4 47 47
Jharkhand 57 13 17 87 87
Karnataka 180 94 50 324 325
Kerala 135 72 30 237 237
Madhya Pradesh 163 63 58 284 285
Maharashtra 301 260 206 767 769
Manipur 36 0 0 36 36
Meghalaya 35 0 0 35 35
Mizoram 19 0 0 19 19
Nagaland 19 0 0 19 19
Orissa 105 47 25 177 177
Punjab 133 71 35 239 241
Rajasthan 114 103 33 250 252
Sikkim 10 0 2 12 12
Tamil Nadu 268 139 59 466 468
Telangana 109 68 25 202 202
Tripura 40 0 0 40 40
Uttar Pradesh 408 138 150 696 696
Uttarakhand 46 12 15 73 73
West Bengal 314 89 55 458 458
Andaman & Nicobar 2 0 0 2 2
Chandigarh 7 3 2 12 12
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1 0 1 2 2
Daman & Diu 3 0 2 5 5
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0
Puducherry 3 5 0 8 8
Grand Total 3909 1638 1001 6548 6559
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
III.21 State-wise PDS SKO Kerosene allocated and Quantity Uplifted
(in MTs)
2014-15 2015-16 (P)
Uplifitment Uplifitment
allocation Allocation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 4987 4377 4492 4478
Andhra Pradesh 249479 221696 207530 180581
Arunachal Pradesh 8918 8887 8031 8015
Assam 255194 255127 250095 249832
Bihar 632657 625888 620003 618441
Chandigarh 2587 1839 2325 663
Chhattisgarh 136800 130330 134064 123846
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1588 1588 1429 1429
Daman and Diu 682 672 644 644
Delhi1 0 0 0 0
Goa 4081 4081 3997 3922
Gujarat 521986 521766 511546 511308
Haryana 70151 69394 68750 54929
Himachal Pradesh 19172 19121 18789 18747
Jammu and Kashmir 2
70193 67210 63175 62313
Jharkhand 208511 208021 204336 202694
Karnataka 406823 392482 396756 376843
Kerala 93525 93525 91658 91629
III.22 LPG Marketing in India
Item Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Consumption (CPSE/Pvt) TMT 13135 14331 15350 15601 16294 18000 19551
LPG Customers (CPSEs)** Lac 1163 1269 1387 1523 1663 1819 2018
LPG Distributors (CPSEs)** No. 9686 10541 11489 12610 13896 15930 17916
LPG Markets (CPSEs)** No. 4599 4866 4990 5105 5245 5485 5805
Enrolment Lac. 86.2 104.2 122.7 132 159 163.4 204.5
Indigenous Production TMT 10340 9709 9547 9825 10030 9840 10568
of which
(a) Refineries TMT 8091 7541 7333 7694 7890 7662 8562
(b) Fractionators TMT 2249 2168 2214 2130 2140 2178 2006
Imports (CPSE/Pvt) TMT 2718 4484 5790 6293 6607 8313 8885
Bottling Capacity** TMTPA 11569 11889 12723 13458 14345 14044 15172
** Year end position P: Provisional
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
III.24 PNG Status as on 31.03.2016
Domestic Commercial Industrial
State City Covered CGD Companies
connections connections connections
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
National Capital Territory of
Delhi / NCR Delhi (Including Noida and Indraprastha Gas Ltd. 636318 1750 821
Mumbai, Thane, Mira-
Mahanagar Gas Ltd.,
Bhayender, Navi Mumbai, Pune,
Maharashtra Maharashtra Natural Gas Ltd., 892897 2998 175
Kalyan, Ambernath, Panvel,
Gujarat Gas Ltd.
Gandhinagar, Mehsana, Sabarmati Gas Ltd., Gujarat
Sabakantha,Nadiad, Halol, Gas Ltd., Hindustan Petroelum
Hazira, Rajkot, Khambhat, Palej, Corporation Ltd., Vadodara
Gujarat 1507639 16849 4009
Valsad, Navsari, Surendra Nagar, Gas Ltd, Adani Gas Ltd.,
Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Charotar Gas Sahkari Mandal
Ankeleswar, Bhavnara, Anand. Ltd.
Green Gas Ltd. (Lucknow),
Merrut, Mathura, Agra, Central UP Gas Limited
Uttar Pradesh Firozabad,Kanpur, Bareilly, (Kanpur), GAIL Gas 33618 229 466
Lucknow, Moradabad, Khurja Ltd.,Sanwariya Gas Ltd., Siti
Energy Ltd.,Adani Gas Ltd.
Tripura Natural Gas Company
Tripura Agartala 22615 322 47
Madhya GAIL Gas Ltd., Avantika Gas
Dewas, Indore, Ujjain, Gwalior 6000 33 78
Pradesh Ltd.
Rajasthan Kota GAIL Gas Ltd. 189 1 16
Tinsukia, Dibrugarh,
Assam Assam Gas Co. Ltd. 29000 941 397
Pradesh/ Kakinada, Hyderabad,Vijayawada Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd. 4270 46 3
GAIL Gas Ltd, Adani Gas Ltd.,
Haryana Sonepat, Gurgaon, Faridabad Haryana City Gas Distribution 31042 135 213
Total 3163588 23304 6225
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
III.25 Introduction to Green Fuels in India
Product Effective Date Areas Covered
(1) (2) (3)
20 purchase centres have been nominated: For Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand & Odisha –
Ghatkesar ; Chhattisgarh – Mandirhasaud ; Delhi – Biijwasan ; Gujarat – Kandla ; Haryana –
Bio Diesel 01.01.2006 Rewari ; Karnataka – Devangunthi & Mangalore ; Madhya Pradesh – Mangliagaon ; Maharashtra
– Manmad, Borkhedi, Loni & Vashi ; Punjab – Bhatinda ; Rajasthan – Sanganer & Salawas ; Tamil
Nadu – Korruupet, Narimanam & Karur ; Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand – Panki & Amousi
20 States: A.P., Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, H.P., Jharkhand, Karnataka,
20.09.2006* Kerala, M.P., Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, T.N., Uttarakhand, U.P & West Bengal and
4 UTs: Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli & Pondicherry.
Ethanol Blended
As per MoPNG Gazette Notification No. G.S.R. 4(E). dated 02.01.2013, Oil Marketing Companies
Petrol (EBP)
shall sell Ethanol-blended–petrol with percentage of Ethanol up to ten per cent and as per the
Bureau of Indian Standard Specification to achieve five per cent Ethanol blending across the
country as a whole.
Delhi & NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Agra, Pune,
Surat, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Sholapur
01.01.2012 Puducherry, Mathura
01.02.2012 Jamnagar, Vapi
01.03.2012 Ankleshwar, Hissar , Bharatpur
01.07.2012 Silvasa, Daman, Diu
01.10.2012 Aligarh, Rae Bareilly, Unnao
01.03.2013 Valsad, Karnal, Kurukshetra , Yamuna Nagar
01.07.2013 Nizamabad, Medak, Mehboobnagar
01.01.2014 Mahabaleshwar, Ahmednagar, Hindaun, Dholpur, Kosi Kalan, Vrindavan
Lonawala, Palgarh, Dahanu, Talasari, Boisar, Panchgani, Mahad, Nagothana, Indapur, Vizag,
15.3.2015 Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kavaratti, Nagr, Dig, Nadbai, Bhiwani, Jind, Mahendragarh, Hansi,
Charki Dadri, Narnaul, Kiruli and Fatehpur Sikri
MS(BS-IV) &HSD "The whole of Northern India covering Jammu & Kashmir, (except Leh/Kargil and 7 districts of J&K),
(BS IV) Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh, Delhi and the bordering districts
in Rajasthan and Western Uttar Pradesh. The relevant districts of Rajasthan are Bharatpur, Alwar,
1.4.2015 Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar. The districts of West Uttar Pradesh covered are Saharanpur,
Muzaffarnagar, Baghpat, Meerut, Bijnor, Ghaziabad, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Bulandshar, Jyotiba
Phule Nagar, Rampur, Moradabad, Aligarh, Budaun, Bareilly, Mathura, Mahamaya Nagar, Etah,
Agra, Ferozabad, Etawah and Mainpuri."
7 additional districts of Uttar Pradesh (Pilibhit, Shamli, Sambhal, Farrukhabad, Kannauj, Auraiya
and Kasganj)
1.5.2015 7 districts of J&K (Pulwama, Baramullah, Badgam, Srinagar, Kudwara, Bandipora and Ganderbal)
1.9.2015 2 additional districts of J&K (Leh and Kargil)
All of Goa, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, and the Union Territories of Daman & Diu,
Dadra-Nagar-Haveli and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Certain districts of Maharashtra (Mumbai, Thane, Pune and Palghar districts), Gujarat (Surat,
1.4.2016 Valsad, Dangs, Tapi and Navsari districts) and highway corridor connecting Northern India and
Western ports
01.04.2010 Goa
16.05.2010 Chhattisgarh, Andaman & Nicobar
31.05.2010 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
16.05.2010 Andaman & Nicobar
Punjab, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Orissa, Sikkim, West Bengal, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Himachal
Pradesh, Gujarat, UTs of Dadar & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.
Western UP, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Jammu & Kashmir (other than Leh &
HSD (BS-III) 30.06.2010
16.07.2010 Leh & Kargil
16.09.2010 Eastern UP, Bihar & Jharkhand
31.07.2010 Karnataka
16.09.2010 Kerala, including, UT of Lakshadweep & Puducherry area fed Ex- Kerala.
22.09.2010 Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland & Tripura.
Note: * :Vide Notification No. GSR-580(E) dated 20.09.2006, MoPNG decided to introduce Ethanol Blended Petrol(EBP) in 20 States and 4 UTs subject
to commercial viability.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
Chapter Highlights
• Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation for all commodities fell by 2.47 % in 2015-16 as compared to
2014-15. However, the decline in WPI inflation was much sharper for crude & petroleum products
which reduced by around 18% & 36% respectively during the same period.
• The maximum decline in WPI inflation has been observed in case of Furnace Oil (41%), followed by
Aviation Turbine Fuel and Light Diesel Oil (each by 34%) and Naphtha (32%).
• The international crude oil price (Indian basket) which peaked at 63.82 $/bbl in May 2015, averaged
to 46.17 $/bbl during 2015-16, which was around 40% lower than May 2014 (106.85 $/bbl) and 45%
lower when compared to average price in 2014-15 (84.2 $/bbl).
• Share of petroleum sector in total subsidies has declined from 23.34% (`60269 crore (actual)
in 2014-15 to 11.64 % (`30000 crore (RE)) in 2015-16 and is budgeted at 10.76% (B.E) in
• Total under recovery on sensitive petroleum products during 2015-16 is at `27570 crore, which is
64% less than the under recovery in 2014-15 (`76285 crore).
• Under recovery of CPSEs on PDS SKO reduced by 53% from `24799 crore in 2014-15 to `11496
crore in 2015-16 whereas that on Domestic LPG reduced by 60.3% from `40569 crore in
2014-15 to `16074 crore in 2015-16.
IV.1. Wholesale Price Indices of Selected Petroleum Products
(Base year 2004-05 =100)
Products Weight(%) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Light Distillates
LPG 0.91468 111.85 125.90 143.17 158.52 167.97 169.07 162.13
Petrol 1.09015 119.33 143.02 174.41 186.26 192.58 182.11 163.5
Naphtha 0.79078 172.76 204.02 257.87 283.57 302.25 267.63 181.4
Middle Distillates
Kerosene 0.73619 99.90 127.19 154.42 162.87 166.48 155.17 145.4
Aviation Turbine Fuel 0.25545 137.03 164.92 229.44 257.89 274.04 241.02 158.5
High Speed Diesel Oil 4.67020 132.97 151.72 164.54 183.36 217.84 223.27 186.9
Light Diesel Oil 0.11889 161.47 192.49 252.03 275.73 302.45 261.99 172.0
Heavy Ends
Furnace Oil 0.46505 187.58 223.68 304.64 337.82 351.07 299.09 176.3
Lubricating Oil 0.16785 174.50 192.56 230.40 244.57 259.48 271.77 277.5
Bitumen 0.15515 238.04 249.42 304.27 319.68 389.96 370.66 263.8
Total Petroleum 9.36439 135.75 157.47 184.02 202.45 225.95 219.64 179.5
Products (Mineral
Crude Petroleum 0.90028 181.37 202.81 294.45 318.21 344.28 279.50 180.0
All commodities 100 130.81 143.32 156.13 167.62 177.64 181.19 176.7
Source: Office of Economic Adviser, Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Figure IV.1: WPI Inflation trends of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products
50 45
WPI Inflation (%)
20 16 17
12 10 10 8 12
9 7 8
10 6
-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
-19 -18
-40 -36
Petroleum Products Crude Petroleum All Commodities
IV.2 Month-wise & Year-wise average International Crude Oil Prices (Indian Basket)
(in US$/bbl.)
% Growth in
Year/Month 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 over
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
April 50.14 84.13 118.79 117.98 101.57 105.56 59.07 -44.04
May 58.00 76.11 110.70 108.05 101.10 106.85 63.82 -40.27
June 69.12 74.36 109.99 94.51 101.11 109.05 61.75 -43.38
July 64.83 73.54 112.53 100.34 104.86 106.28 56.30 -47.03
August 71.98 75.13 106.94 110.07 108.45 101.89 47.33 -53.55
September 67.70 76.09 108.79 111.77 109.47 96.96 46.10 -52.45
October 73.07 81.11 106.11 109.79 107.37 86.83 46.68 -46.24
November 77.39 84.26 109.62 107.87 106.55 77.58 42.50 -45.21
December 75.02 89.78 107.20 107.28 108.72 61.21 35.68 -41.71
January 76.61 93.87 110.47 109.55 105.29 46.58 28.08 -39.72
February 73.65 101.16 117.67 112.68 106.19 56.43 30.53 -45.91
March 78.02 110.72 123.61 106.45 105.30 55.18 36.42 -34.00
Year Average 69.76 85.09 111.89 107.97 105.52 84.20 46.17 -45.17
Source: PPAC
80 69.76
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
IV.3 International prices of crude oil and major petroleum products
Period Crude Oil (Indian Basket) Petrol Diesel Kerosene LPG
($/BBL) ($/MT)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
2008-09 83.57 89.42 101.75 104.37 688.00
2009-10 69.76 76.23 74.67 75.35 582.69
2010-11 85.09 92.43 95.66 96.79 745.29
2011-12 111.89 121.63 125.38 125.99 899.42
2012-13 107.97 118.98 121.98 123.11 885.20
2013-14 105.52 114.31 119.41 118.80 880.49
2014-15 84.20 95.45 96.64 96.98 683.87
2015-16 46.17 61.72 55.02 55.71 394.71
1. The composition of Indian Basket of Crude represents Average of Oman & Dubai for sour grades and Brent (Dated) for sweet grade in the ratio
of 72.28 : 27.72 w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 and for 72.04:27.96 during 2014-15; 69.9:30.1 for 2013-14; 68.2:31.8 for 2012-13; 65.2:34.8 for 2011-12;
67.6:32.4 for 2010-11; 63.5:36.5 for 2009-10.
2. Price of kerosene (0.5% sulphur) is for Arab Gulf Market and Price of Petrol is 92 RON unleaded for Singapore market.
3. LPG Price is Saudi Aramco CP based on 60:40 butane / propane ratio.
4. From 02.01.2013 the Diesel price in Arab Gulf Market is for 0.05% Sulphur, for earlier years the price is for 0.5% Sulphur.
Source: IOCL & PPAC.
IV.5 Consumer and Producer Prices of Natural Gas
(in `/'ooo' cubic metre)
Effective Date Consumer Prices Producer Prices
Off-shore Calorific Value
(Landfall For North-East (K. Cal / SCM) #
ONGC (North-East (North-East
point) and States
States) States)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
01.04.2009 3200 1920 3200 1920 3200 10000
01.04.2010 3200 1920 3200 1920 3200 10000
01.04.2011 7499 4499 7498 7498 7499 10000
01.04.2012 8387 5032 8387 8387 8387 10000
01.04.2013 9067 5440 9067 9067 9067 10000
01.04.2014 10168 6101 10168 10168 10168 10000
01.11.2014 12292 7375 12292 12292 12292 10000
01.04.2015 11548 6929 11548 11548 11548 10000
01.04.2016 8138 4883 8138 8138 8138 10000
1. Effective 01.04.2010, the price of Natural gas was fixed by the Government at USD 4.2/mmbtu on Net Calorific Value, Price of APM gas upto
31.05.2010 was exclusive of royalty/levies.
2. GOI has issued the New Domestic Gas Pricing Guidelines on 25.10.2014. In line with these guidelines, PPAC declared the price of natural gas
effective 01.04.2016 at USD 3.06/mmbtu on gross calorific value.
3. Consumer price for NE states is 60% of the applicable producer price.
4. ` 67.02/USD : RBI March,2016 reference rate
5. Above price is inclusive of royalty.
6. Above price is for 10000 K Cal. However, actual price realised from consumers is for the actual calorific value.
Source: ONGC, OIL
IV.6 Rates of Dealers' Commission for MS, HSD and LPG in India
LPG (Packed Domestic)
MS HSD commission for
Effective Effective 14.2 Kg 5Kg
sale at market
determined price
(`/Kilolitre) (`/Cylinder) (`/14.2 KG cyl.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
27.10.2009 1125 673 30.06.2009 21.94 11.30 -
07.09.2010 1218 757 - - - -
01.07.2011 1499 912 01.07.2011 25.83 13.30 -
27.10.2012 1794 1089 07.10.2012 37.25 18.63 -
21.12.2013 ` 1390.15/ KL + 1186 11.12.2013 40.71 20.36 -
0.883% of Product
Billable Price
As on 1.4.2014 ` 1390.15/KL+ ` 1186/KL As on 40.71 20.36 0.75
0.883% of Product 1.4.2014
Billable Price
23.10.2014 ` 1499.37/KL+ ` 1116.09/KL+ 0.29% 23.10.2014 44.06 22.03 0.82
0.887% of Product of Product Billable
Billable Price Price
01.08.2015 ` 1749.86/KL + ` 1301.70/KL + 0.286% 9.12.2015 45.83 22.67 0.26
0.883% of Product of Product Billable
Billable Price Price
01.01.2016 45.83 22.67 0.33
` 1750.08/KL + ` 1301.88/KL + 0.286% 01.02.2016 45.83 22.67 0.22
16.11.2015 0.883% of Product of Product Billable
Billable Price Price 01.03.2016 45.83 22.67 0.13
01.05.2016 45.83 22.67 0.15
Source: PPAC
IV.7 Subsidies provided under Budget of Government of India
Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Revised Budget
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(in ` crore)
1. Food Subsidy 58443 63844 72822 85000 92000 117671 124419 139419 134835
2. Fertilisers
(i) Indigenous (Urea) Fertilisers 17580 15081 20208 20000 26500 38200 38200 38200 -
(ii) Imported (Urea) Fertilisers 4603 6454 13716 15132 11538 12223 12300 12300 -
(iii) Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy - - - - - - - - 19000
(iv) Sale of decontrolled fertiliser with concession 39081 40767 36089 30480 29301 20653 22469 21938 -
to Farmers
(v) Urea Subsidy - - - - - - - - 51000
Total Fertiliser Subsidy 61264 62301 70013 65613 67339 71076 72969 72438 70000
3. Petroleum Subsidy 14951 38371 68484 96880 85378 60269 30000 30000 26947
4. Interest Subsidies 2686 4680 5049 7270 8137 7632 14903 13808 15523
5. Other Subsidies 4006 4223 1573 2316 1778 1610 1520 2136 3128
Total Subsidies 141350 173420 217941 257079 254632 258258 243811 257801 250433
( as Percentage of Total Subsidy )
1. Food Subsidy 41.35 36.81 33.41 33.06 36.13 45.56 51.03 54.08 53.84
2.Fertiliser Subsidy 43.34 35.93 32.12 25.52 26.45 27.52 29.93 28.10 27.95
3. Petroleum Subsidy 10.58 22.13 31.42 37.68 33.53 23.34 12.30 11.64 10.76
4. Interest Subsidies 1.90 2.70 2.32 2.83 3.20 2.96 6.11 5.36 6.20
5. Other Subsidies 2.83 2.44 0.72 0.90 0.70 0.62 0.62 0.83 1.25
Sources: Expenditure Budget 2016-17 (Vol.-I)
40 38
22 23
11 12 11
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (Revised) 2016-17 (Budget)
Food Subsidy Fertiliser Subsidy Petroleum Subsidy Interest Subsidies Other Subsidies Trend in petroleum subsidy
IV.8 Subsidy Provided by the Government & Oil Companies on PDS SKO & Domestic LPG
(in ` crore)
PDS SKO Domestic LPG Total
Under Under
Years (Subsidy
Fiscal Recoveries Fiscal DBTL Recoveries
Total Total and Under
Subsidy* to Oil Subsidy* Subsidy** to Oil
Company Company
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
2009-10 961 17364 18325 1831 - 14257 16088 34413
2010-11 936 19484 20420 1991 - 21772 23763 44183
2011-12 868 27352 28220 2155 - 29997 32152 60372
2012-13 746 29410 30156 2007 - 39558 41565 71721
2013-14 681 30574 31255 1920 3869 46458 52247 83502
2014-15 5 24799 24804 18 3971 36580 40569 65373
2015-16 0 11496 11496 0 16056 18 16074 27570
* Fiscal Subsidy includes subsidy under ‘PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG Subsidy Scheme, 2002’, ‘Freight Subsidy (For Far-Flung Areas) Scheme,
** DBTL subsidy claims on Domestic LPG from 2013-14 onwards.
Source: Budget Documents and Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell
Figure IV.4: Subsidy by Government & Oil Companies on PDS SKO & Domestic LPG
41565 PDS SKO Subsidy
Subsidy (₹crore)
40000 40569
Domestic LPG Subsidy
30000 23763
30156 31255
18325 28220
20000 24804 16074
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
IV.9 Under-Recoveries by Oil Marketing Companies on Sensitive Petroleum Products
(in ` crore)
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
PDS Kerosene 17364 19484 27352 29410 30574 24799 11496
Domestic 14257 21772 29997 39558 50327 40551 16074
Petrol2 5151 2227 - - - - -
Diesel 3
9279 34706 81192 92061 62837 10935 -
Total 46051 78189 138541 161029 143738 76285 27570
1 Including DBTL subsidy claims
2. Under recovery on Petrol is only upto 25th June 2010.
3. Under recovery on Diesel is only upto 18th October, 2014.
Source: PPAC
160000 161029
Under recovery & burden sharing (₹ crore)
140000 143738
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
IV.11 Price Build-up of Selected Petroleum Products in Major Cities
(As on 01.04.2016)
Market Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Domestic) (`/14.2 Kg Cyl)
Cost Price at LPG Bottling Plant 405.41 428.93 376.40 417.04
Add: Delivery Charges 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Add: State Specific Costs 0.00 0.00 22.56 0.00
Add: Octroi/Toll Tax 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00
Add : Uncompensated Costs (Import Costs, Recovery for 48.26 51.60 48.26 48.26
Non-revision, Rounding-off, Diff in SSC, Diff in TC, Diff in WC &
Delivery Charges)
Market Determined Price 463.67 490.69 457.23 475.30
Add : VAT(including VAT on Distributor Commission) 0.00 0.00 15.10 0.00
Add : Distributor Commission 45.96 45.96 45.96 45.96
Retail Selling Price 509.63 536.65 518.28 521.26
Retail Selling Price (Rounded) 509.50 536.50 518.00 521.00
"Less: Cash Compensation to Consumer under DBTL 90.37 115.37 62.01 114.37
(including impact of uncompensated cost to OMCs)"
Effective Cost to Consumer after Subsidy 419.13 421.13 455.99 406.63
Motor Spirit (`/Kl)
Ex Storage Point Price 22936.00 22936.00 22936.00 22936.00
State Surcharge 0.00 2101.00 2438.00 -13.00
BMC Surchrge 0.00 0.00 859.00 0.00
Siding Charge 50.00 90.00 0.00 0.00
TL-WL Adj 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RLY/Ocean/Freight 91.96 144.73 0.00 0.00
RPO Factor/Others 40.36 340.36 140.36 240.36
Assesable Value. 23118.32 25612.09 26373.36 23163.36
Ass. Value Adj. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FDZ Charges 142.00 142.00 142.00 142.00
Excise Duty 21480.00 21480.00 21480.00 21480.00
Sub Total 44740.32 47234.09 47995.36 44785.36
Delivery Charges Beyond Fdz 0.00 86.51 0.00 0.00
Toll Tax 0.00 22.96 0.00 0.00
RPO Price 44740.32 47343.56 47995.36 44785.36
Sales Tax Percent 27.00 25.00 26.00 27.00
Sales Tax Amount 12079.89 13120.00 12478.79 12092.05
Surcharge On Sales Tax% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Surcharge On Sales Amt 0.00 1000.00 3000.00 0.00
Fixed Dealer Commission 1750.08 1750.08 1750.08 1750.08
Advalorem Dealer Commission 501.72 542.72 560.48 502.23
VAT On Dealer Commission 607.99 0.00 0.00 0.00
RSP/KL 59680.00 63756.36 65784.71 59129.71
Revised RSP/Ltr 59.68 63.76 65.79 59.13
IV.11 Price Build-up of Selected Petroleum Products in Major Cities (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
Market Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
High Speed Diesel (`/KL)
Ex Storage Point Price 21621.93 21621.93 21621.93 21621.93
State Surcharge 0.00 1278.00 2127.00 0.00
BMC Surcharge 0.00 0.00 299.00 0.00
Siding Charge 54.00 110.00 0.00 0.00
PAF 0.00 20.00 0.00 20.00
RLY/Ocean/Freight 102.68 162.19 0.00 0.00
RPO Factor/ Others 21.27 121.27 91.27 121.27
Assesable Value. 21799.88 23313.39 24139.20 21763.20
Ass. Value Adj. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FDZ Charges 142.00 142.00 142.00 142.00
Total Excise Duty 17330.00 17330.00 17330.00 17330.00
Sub Total 39271.88 40785.39 41611.20 39235.20
Delivery Charges Beyond Fdz 0.00 86.51 0.00 0.00
Octroi at Destination 0.00 22.96 0.00 0.00
RPO Price 39271.88 40894.86 41611.20 39235.20
Pollution Cess 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sales Tax Percent 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.21
Sales Tax Amount 7113.94 7410.00 9986.69 8408.10
Surcharge on Sales Tax% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Surcharge on Sales Amt 0.00 1000.00 2000.00 0.00
Fixed Dealer Commission 1301.88 1301.88 1301.88 1301.88
Advalorem Dealer Commission 133.38 141.01 153.29 136.26
VAT on Dealer Commission 258.35 0.00 0.00 0.00
RSP/KL 48329.42 50747.75 55053.06 49081.44
RSP/Ltr 48.33 50.75 55.06 49.09
Light Diesel Oil (`/Kl)
Ex-storage Point Price 25860.00 25860.00 25860.00 25860.00
State Surcharge 526.00 663.00 1039.00 526.00
Notional Railway Freight 388.11 1667.01 0.00 0.00
Siding Dest. 56.00 130.00 46.55 0.00
Assessable value 26830.11 28320.01 26899.00 26386.00
Excise Duty+edu cess 3756.21 3964.80 3765.86 3694.04
Additional Levy alongwith Cess 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00
Total Inclusive of excise duty+ edu cess 33086.32 34784.81 33164.86 32580.04
Sales tax 6617.26 7410.00 4145.61 8145.01
Discount on Sales Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
State Development Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RSP/KL 39703.59 42194.81 37310.47 40725.05
RSP/Ltr 39.70 42.19 37.31 40.73
IV.11 Price Build-up of Selected Petroleum Products in Major Cities (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
Market Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
Superior Kerosene Oil (`/Kl)
Ex-Storage Price 12822.00 12822.00 12822.00 12822.00
State Specific Cost 0.00 0.00 731.00 869.00
BMC Surcharge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Past Dues - Surcharge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Siding Charge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RLY/PL/Ocean/Freight 130.49 19.37 0.00 0.00
Ass. Value 12952.49 12841.37 13553.00 13691.00
Excise Duty Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Excise Duty Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other State Levies 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1332.00
Sub Total 12952.49 12841.37 13553.00 12359.00
Entry Tax Amount/Tn Rebate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Octroi At Depot 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sales Tax Percent 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.05
Sales Tax Amount 647.62 0.00 406.59 617.95
Surcharge On Sales Tax% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Surcharge On Sales Amt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub Total 13600.11 12841.37 13959.59 12976.95
Cess/Toll Charges/Tot Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cess/Toll Charges/Tot Amt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Less State Govt Subsidy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ex-Mi/ Depot Price/KL-Oil Co. 13600.11 12841.37 13959.59 12976.95
Ex-Mi/ Depot Price/KL-St.Govt 13600.11 12841.37 13959.59 12976.95
Wholesales Margin 438.24 536.09 714.18 170.00
Wholesalers Extra Ordinary Margin 0.00 0.00 99.00 0.00
Transport Charges 675.23 866.60 280.79 119.17
Vat On Wholesale Margin 55.67 0.00 35.14 8.50
Toll 0.00 0.00 70.00 0.00
Handling Charges 0.00 128.41 7.24 0.00
Rounding Up 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wholesales Price/KL 14769.26 14372.47 15166.00 13274.62
Retailer Margin 179.00 788.20 231.00 360.00
Handling Charges 0.00 537.44 0.00 0.00
Leakage And Other Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Retailer Transportation 0.00 386.60 0.00 40.00
VAT On Retailer Margin 8.95 0.00 7.50 18.00
Retail Extraordinary Commission 0.00 0.00 19.00 0.00
Rounding Up 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Retail Selling Price/KL 14957.21 16084.71 15423.50 13692.62
RSP/Ltr 14.96 16.00 15.42 13.70
IV.11 Price Build-up of Selected Petroleum Products in Major Cities (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
Market Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
ATF ( Domestic Airlines)
Basic Price 24990.00 24970.00 24550.00 24810.00
State Surcharge 479.00 1705.00 946.00 479.00
Freight 506.70 957.40 100.00 330.37
Siding Charges 52.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AFS Cost 3232.17 5092.08 3391.57 4534.72
MSL Cost 324.00 324.00 324.00 324.00
Assessable Value 29583.87 33048.48 29311.57 30478.09
Rate Of Excise Duty 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14
Excise Duty 4141.74 4626.79 4103.62 4266.93
Toll Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Posted Airfield Price (PAP) Per KL 33725.61 37675.27 33415.19 34745.02
Rate Of Sales Tax 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.29
Sales Tax Amount 8431.40 9418.82 8353.80 10076.07
Surcharge On Sales Tax - Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Surcharge On Sales Tax Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Final Selling Price Per KL 42157.01 47094.08 41768.99 44821.09
Furnace Oil (` /Kl)
Ex-Storage Point Price 0.00 15960.00 15220.00 15710.00
State Surcharge 0.00 591.00 1168.00 591.00
Notional Railway Freight 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Siding/Shunting Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Assessable Value 0.00 16551.00 16388.00 16301.00
Excise Duty+Edu Cess 0.00 2317.14 2294.32 2282.14
Total Inclusive Of Excise Duty+Edu Cess 0.00 18868.14 18682.32 18583.14
Sales Tax 0.00 943.41 2335.29 929.16
Total 0.00 19811.55 21017.61 19512.30
Note: Selling price for Superior Kerosene Oil is for Public Distribution System (PDS).
Source: IOCL
IV.12 Trends in Retail Selling Prices of Selected Petroleum Products
in Metropolitan Cities in India
Price as on Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Motor Spirit (`/Litre)
01.04.2009 40.62 44.05 44.55 44.24
01.04.2010 47.93 51.67 52.20 52.13
01.04.2011 58.37 62.51 63.08 61.93
01.04.2012 65.64 70.02 70.65 69.55
01.04.2013 68.30 75.78 75.20 71.42
01.04.2014 72.26 80.13 80.89 75.49
01.04.2015 60.49 67.67 68.04 63.26
01.04.2016 59.68 63.76 65.79 59.13
High Speed Diesel Oil (`/Litre)
01.04.2009 30.86 32.92 34.45 32.82
01.04.2010 38.10 37.99 39.88 38.05
01.04.2011 37.75 40.06 42.06 40.16
01.04.2012 40.91 43.73 45.27 43.95
01.04.2013 48.63 52.85 54.87 51.77
01.04.2014 55.49 60.11 63.86 59.18
01.04.2015 49.71 54.28 57.02 52.91
01.04.2016 48.33 50.75 55.06 49.09
Superior Kerosene Oil (`/Litre)*
01.04.2009 9.22 9.75 9.10 8.39
01.04.2010 9.32 9.62 9.13 8.41
01.04.2011 9.10 9.75 9.22 8.39
01.04.2012 14.82 14.84 14.38 13.54
01.04.2013 14.96 14.84 14.71 13.69
01.04.2014 14.96 15.25 15.25 13.70
01.04.2015 14.96 16.08 15.24 13.69
01.04.2016 14.96 16.00 15.42 13.70
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (`/14.2 Kg Cylinder)
01.04.2009 279.70 327.25 312.05 314.55
01.04.2010 310.35 328.70 313.45 315.95
01.04.2011 345.35 365.10 348.45 352.35
01.04.2012 399.00 405.00 414.00 393.50
01.04.2013 410.50 412.50 437.50 398.00
01.04.2014 414.00 416.00 451.50 401.00
01.04.2015 417.82 419.82 458.07 405.32
01.04.2016 419.13 421.13 455.99 406.63
*: Prices for Public Distribution System.
Source: IOCL
Chapter Highlights
• Total consumption of petroleum products in the country during 2015-16 was 184.7 million metric
tonnes (MMT) which marked a growth of 11.60% over the consumption of 165.5 MMT during
• Diesel (LDO+HSD) accounted for the highest consumption share (41%) followed by Petrol/Motor
Spirit (12%), LPG (11%), Petroleum Coke (10%), Naphtha (7%) and others (19%).
• The share of public and private sector consumption in 2015-16 stood at 80% and 20% respectively as
against 83% and 17% respectively in previous year.
• Highest consumption of LPG in 2015-16 was in domestic distribution sector (88%), naphtha in
petrochemical sector (78%), kerosene mainly in domestic PDS (97%) and diesel in reseller/retail
sector (85%).
• Highest market share in 2015-16 was captured by IOCL (41%) followed by BPCL (19%) and HPCL
(18%). Market share of private companies stood at 20%.
V.1(a) Product-wise Consumption of Petroleum Products
(Calendar Year-wise)
(in '000' Tonnes)
2015 % to %
Products 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
(P) Total Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Light Distillates 39723 40903 43243 45581 47059 49735 55996 31.5 12.59
LPG 12797 14009 15209 15645 15855 17671 19040 10.7 7.75
Motor Spirit 12522 13914 14736 15535 16891 18384 21089 11.9 14.71
Naphtha 11636 10479 11069 11898 11433 10965 12910 7.3 17.74
Others 2769 2502 2229 2504 2879 2716 2958 1.7 8.90
Middle Distillates 70058 74051 78062 82461 82125 82550 86399 48.7 4.66
SKO 9335 9000 8434 7655 7249 7127 6887 3.9 -3.37
ATF 4527 4932 5465 5318 5449 5678 6095 3.4 7.35
HSDO 55256 59186 63231 68623 68641 69021 72665 40.9 5.28
LDO 470 439 442 392 384 354 403 0.2 13.92
Others 470 493 490 473 401 370 349 0.2 -5.70
Heavy Ends 28729 24734 24835 27187 28604 31025 35094 19.8 13.11
Furnace Oil 9526 8890 7942 6548 5853 5465 6031 3.4 10.36
LSHS 2666 2040 1849 1541 582 415 196 0.1 -52.69
Fuel Oil (FO+LSHS) 12193 10931 9791 8089 6435 5879 6227 3.5 5.91
Lubes/Greases 2429 2434 2579 3087 3180 3421 3366 1.9 -1.61
Bitumen 5054 4486 4657 4585 4986 5128 5570 3.1 8.63
Petroleum Coke 7068 5021 5811 9127 11285 13842 17006 9.6 22.86
Waxes 303 256 255 219 180 168 166 0.1 -1.03
Others 1684 1607 1741 2080 2538 2587 2759 1.6 6.64
Total Consumption 138511 139688 146139 155229 157788 163310 177489 - 8.68
Refinery Fuel and Losses (RBF) 14213 16166 17072 18168 17557 17536 18349 - 4.64
Grand Total 152724 155854 163211 173397 175345 180846 195838 - 8.29
Note: P: Provisional
1. Consumption includes sales by oil companies, own consumption & direct private imports.
2. Growth rate in 2015 over 2014
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell
Figures V.1: % share of broad categories of petroleum products in total consumption during 2015
Heavy Ends
Light Distillates
Middle Distillates
V.1(b) Product-wise Consumption of Petroleum Products
(Financial Year-wise)
(in '000' Tonnes)
Products 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P) % to Total % Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Light Distillates 38996 41444 43870 46273 47578 50944 57743 31.27 13.35
LPG 13135 14331 15350 15601 16294 18000 19623 10.63 9.02
Motor Spirit 12818 14194 14992 15744 17128 19075 21847 11.83 14.53
Naphtha 10134 10676 11222 12289 11305 11082 13271 7.19 19.75
Others 2908 2242 2306 2639 2851 2787 3002 1.63 7.73
Middle Distillates 71121 75030 79415 82700 81830 82933 88517 47.93 6.73
SKO 9304 8928 8229 7502 7165 7087 6826 3.70 -3.67
ATF 4627 5078 5536 5271 5505 5723 6262 3.39 9.42
HSDO 56242 60071 64750 69080 68364 69416 74647 40.42 7.54
LDO 457 455 415 399 386 365 407 0.22 11.46
Others 490 497 485 450 411 342 375 0.20 9.75
Heavy Ends 27691 24567 24847 28084 28999 31643 38414 20.80 21.40
Furnace Oil (FO) 9145 8807 7547 6290 5787 5584 6482 3.51 16.09
LSHS 2484 1982 1759 1366 449 377 150 0.08 -60.13
Fuel Oil (FO+LSHS) 11629 10789 9307 7656 6236 5961 6632 3.59 11.26
Lubes/Greases 2539 2429 2633 3196 3305 3310 3571 1.93 7.89
Bitumen 4934 4536 4638 4676 5007 5073 5938 3.22 17.05
Petroleum Coke 6586 4982 6138 10135 11756 14557 19297 10.45 32.56
Waxes 289 254 269 194 177 156 173 0.09 11.13
Others 1713 1576 1863 2226 2519 2586 2802 1.52 8.34
Total Consumption 137808 141040 148132 157057 158407 165520 184674 100 11.57
Refinery fuel and 15116 16381 17295 18347 17868 17669 18773 - 6.25
losses (RBF)
Grand Total 152924 157422 165427 175404 176274 183189 203447 - 11.06
Note: P: Provisional
1. Consumption includes sales by oil companies, own consumption & direct private imports.
2. Growth rate in 2015-16 over 2014-15.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
Motor Spirit
Lubes 12
Fuel Oil
V.1(c) Product-wise Consumption of Petroleum Products by Public & Private Sector
(in '000' Tonnes)
Products 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P) % Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LPG 12740 13901 14929 15202 15925 17571 19134 8.9
Motor Spirit 12603 13895 14724 15458 16727 18588 21079 13.4
Naphtha 3106 3704 4139 5197 5414 4814 4790 -0.5
SKO 9304 8928 8229 7502 7165 7087 6826 -3.7
ATF 4551 4961 5369 5089 5304 5319 5629 5.8
HSDO 54994 58765 64662 69025 68200 68701 72092 4.9
LDO 457 455 415 399 386 365 407 11.5
Furnace Oil 7981 7713 6191 5250 4720 4790 5514 15.1
LSHS 2484 1982 1759 1366 449 377 150 -60.1
Lubes/Greases 1239 1216 1206 1222 1218 1162 1312 12.9
Bitumen/Asphalt 4342 4067 4322 4372 4500 4366 4819 10.4
Petroleum Coke 1273 1147 1757 1807 2133 2391 3483 45.7
Paraffin Wax 62 69 61 54 53 56 58 3.7
Others 1641 1691 1770 2156 2083 2029 2241 10.4
Total (A) 116777 122494 129532 134098 134277 137616 147535 7.2
LPG 395 430 421 398 369 429 489 14.0
Motor Spirit 216 299 268 286 401 487 768 57.6
Naphtha 7029 6972 7083 7092 5891 6268 8481 35.3
ATF 76 117 167 182 201 404 632 56.7
HSDO 1248 1306 88 55 164 715 2555 257.4
Furnace Oil 1164 1094 1357 1041 1067 794 968 21.9
Lubes/Greases 1300 1213 1427 1974 2087 2148 2259 5.2
Bitumen/Asphalt 592 469 316 304 506 707 1118 58.2
Petroleum Coke 5313 3835 4381 8328 9622 12167 15815 30.0
Paraffin Wax na na na 140 124 99 115 15.3
Others 3698 2811 3093 3159 3697 3685 3938 6.9
Total (B) 21031 18546 18601 22959 24130 27904 37139 33.1
TOTAL (A+B) 137808 141040 148132 157057 158407 165520 184674 11.6
Note: Private data include sales by private oil companies, own consumption & direct pvt imports na: not available P : Provisional
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
V.2 Sector-wise Consumption (end use) of Selected Petroleum Products
(in '000' Tonnes)
Sector 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 Domestic Distribution 11364.3 12368.7 13295.9 13568.0 14411.6 16040.4 17181.7
2 Non-Domestic/ Industry/Commercial 872.4 984.9 1068.5 1167.6 1073.6 1051.0 1464.4
3 Transport 225.3 223.9 223.7 214.8 195.0 164.6 171.8
(i) Auto LPG 224.5 223.0 222.8 214.0 194.3 163.8 170.9
(ii) Railways 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9
4 Power Generation 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.6 3.1 2.7
5 Agriculture Sector 3.6 2.4 4.8 3.7 4.0 6.1 7.1
6 Mining 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 Manufacturing (Bulk LPG) 141.8 165.2 186.3 144.8 134.7 207.9 201.7
(i) Chemicals 7.9 8.3 19.7 11.3 5.4 35.0 5.2
(ii) Engineering 0.6 0.7 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.8 2.1
(iii) Electronics 9.9 14.0 11.4 10.4 7.1 4.8 3.9
(iv) Mechanical 11.1 14.6 23.3 18.6 14.9 13.9 12.4
(v) Metallurgical 82.8 93.3 97.0 77.9 84.5 125.3 134.1
(vi) Textiles 2.5 2.8 2.4 2.1 2.9 2.2 2.5
(vii) Other Consumer/ Industrial Goods 26.9 31.5 31.2 22.5 18.5 24.8 41.5
8 Resellers/Retail ** ** ** 58.6 57.8 45.2 44.9
9 Miscellaneous (Bulk) 132.9 156.3 149.7 44.8 45.9 52.7 59.9
Total Sales 12740.4 13901.4 14928.9 15202.2 15925.1 17570.9 19134.2
10 Pvt Imports 395.0 430.0 420.8 398.5 368.5 429.2 489.0
Total Consumption 13135.4 14331.4 15349.7 15600.7 16293.6 18000.1 19623.2
1 Fertilizers Sector 844.4 892.2 962.3 898.0 515.9 301.5 315.9
2 Petrochemicals Sector 6967.6 7500.0 8140.8 9412.2 9463.9 9530.1 10350.2
3 Power Sector 639.3 419.3 187.4 342.0 215.1 199.2 50.3
4 Steel Plants 2.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 Others 560.0 154.7 163.2 203.1 240.3 207.5 37.1
Total Sales 9013.7 8966.3 9453.8 10855.2 10435.2 10238.3 10753.5
6 Pvt Imports 1120.5 1710.0 1767.7 1434.2 870.0 843.7 2517.4
Total Consumption 10134.2 10676.3 11221.5 12289.4 11305.2 11082.0 13270.8
SKO (Kerosene)
1 Domestic 9101.0 8722.0 8045.0 7349.0 7008.9 6917.3 6648.9
2 Commercial/Industry 69.0 67.0 61.0 37.2 49.0 60.1 63.9
3 Others 134.1 138.8 122.7 115.3 106.9 109.3 113.2
Grand Total 9304.1 8927.8 8228.7 7501.5 7164.8 7086.7 6826.1
**: Included in miscellaneous Contd...
P: Provisional
V.2 Sector-wise Consumption (end use) of Selected Petroleum Products (Contd...)
(in '000' Tonnes)
Sector 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 Transport 5364.6 5416.6 5528.8 5159.9 3203.1 4617.4 5764.6
(i) Road Transport 2434.3 2483.4 2558.4 2207.2 205.9 1580.0 2671.3
(ii) Aviation 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3
(iii) Shipping 667.9 561.3 539.8 413.1 365.2 343.5 366.2
(iv) Railways 2260.7 2370.9 2429.3 2538.3 2630.8 2692.7 2725.9
2 Agriculture 593.8 615.6 683.6 617.3 429.2 574.9 629.8
3 Power Generation 303.2 165.8 168.2 214.3 204.4 197.2 223.9
4 Mining & Quarrying 1247.5 1365.9 1180.7 1073.3 873.1 998.2 1183.8
5 Manufacturing Industry 1501.8 1440.0 1649.2 1627.6 686.9 793.8 1095.6
(i) Iron & Steel(Metallurgy) 220.5 239.1 290.4 263.0 153.8 162.1 170.4
(ii) Textile 171.8 187.8 156.2 241.8 46.3 58.8 46.0
(iii) Cement 192.3 211.6 226.2 213.0 124.7 148.7 203.6
(iv) Ceramic & Glass 18.9 17.1 20.6 62.1 5.5 8.1 8.5
(v) Chemicals & Allied 167.1 135.4 153.1 183.2 103.4 103.3 109.5
(vi) Aluminium 10.2 15.4 20.8 26.4 28.2 19.2 17.8
(vii) Civil Engineering 421.8 357.4 418.6 316.1 68.3 135.6 298.6
(viii) Elec./Electronics 36.8 35.2 38.6 54.2 26.5 18.4 24.1
(ix) Mechanical 112.6 106.1 200.3 137.6 70.1 77.9 137.4
(x) Fertilizers 8.1 7.6 10.1 8.6 14.8 5.9 6.6
(xi) Other Consumer/ Industrial Goods 141.8 127.4 114.2 121.7 45.3 55.8 73.0
6 Resellers/Retail ** 48703.9 53207.8 58021.3 61464.8 60402.9 63771.9
7 Miscellaneous 47137.0 2170.0 2262.0 2319.6 1425.7 1748.4 1922.1
Total 56147.9 59877.9 64680.2 69033.4 68287.3 69332.8 74591.7
8 Pvt Imports 94.4 193.1 69.7 46.7 76.6 83.4 55.4
Total Consumption 56242.4 60071.0 64750.0 69080.0 68363.9 69416.2 74647.1
1 Transport 6.3 4.9 2.5 3.1 3.8 5.0 3.7
(i) Road Transport 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.2 0.2
(ii) Shipping 4.5 3.8 1.7 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.9
(iii) Railways 1.8 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.6
2 Agriculture 2.8 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.3
3 Power Generation 152.0 136.9 126.7 142.4 131.8 132.2 154.2
4 Mining & Quarrying 1.8 2.8 2.3 2.4 3.4 3.8 2.2
5 Manufacturing Industry 143.0 127.1 101.5 74.0 63.7 54.6 60.8
(i) Civil Engineering 13.1 9.5 9.2 2.8 4.2 4.6 10.3
(ii) Metallurgical 73.8 71.1 61.0 46.7 40.7 30.1 26.8
(iii) Textile & Fibre 1.3 1.5 1.0 0.9 1.5 1.1 1.1
(iv) Cement 3.2 2.1 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.2 1.2
(v) Ceramic & Glass 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(vi) Chemicals & Allied 18.6 16.7 11.7 10.9 10.9 9.0 12.0
(vii) Aluminium 8.7 6.7 4.8 3.0 3.8 6.9 3.3
(viii) Electrical 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2
(ix) Mechanical 18.6 16.5 12.6 7.0 1.3 0.7 4.1
(x) Other Consumer/ Industrial Goods 4.2 2.8 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.6
6 Resellers ** ** ** 0.8 0.7 3.8 1.1
7 Miscellaneous 151.6 181.5 180.3 174.6 181.6 164.8 183.8
Total Sales 457.4 455.0 414.8 398.5 386.3 365.3 407.1
8 Pvt Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Consumption 457.4 455.0 414.8 398.5 386.3 365.3 407.1
**: Included in miscellaneous Contd....
P : Provisional
V.2 Sector-wise Consumption (end use) of Selected Petroleum Products (Contd...)
(in '000' Tonnes)
Sector 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Furnace Oil (FO)
1 TRANSPORT 559.9 780.1 371.0 276.7 315.3 346.4 379.5
(i) Road Transport 0.2 0.1 0.7 1.4 6.2 10.2 45.0
(ii) Shipping 556.6 776.1 366.9 272.7 306.7 334.5 332.6
(iii) Railways 3.1 3.9 3.4 2.6 2.5 1.8 1.9
2 Agriculture 67.5 70.4 70.4 79.2 74.5 55.6 56.6
3 Power Generation 687.9 822.8 646.6 586.8 535.7 445.8 430.4
4 Mining & Quarrying 22.5 7.2 45.2 12.5 38.5 45.1 52.7
5 Manufacturing Industry 3135.2 2773.5 2408.3 2019.0 1833.3 1748.4 2136.5
(i) Civil Engineering 61.2 62.6 79.3 59.0 55.9 32.8 47.9
(ii) Metallurgical 998.1 1100.3 710.3 602.9 549.9 611.4 763.9
(iii) Textile & Fibre 139.4 80.8 52.1 38.0 57.7 69.9 68.4
(iv) Cement 98.1 74.8 39.4 27.8 13.1 12.7 14.7
(v) Ceramic & Glass 237.1 236.8 221.5 145.7 123.2 87.9 142.7
(vi) Chemicals & Allied 364.6 310.7 287.4 221.8 201.3 165.9 193.1
(vii) Aluminium 222.0 0.0 219.6 233.1 231.6 232.3 218.5
(viii) Electrical 8.2 6.6 13.1 30.4 7.3 1.6 1.3
(ix) Mechanical 53.5 55.1 38.0 21.9 15.2 10.9 16.4
(x) Fertilizers 599.6 479.0 458.1 475.2 408.1 393.3 476.5
(xi) Other Consumer/ Industrial Goods 353.4 367.0 289.4 163.2 170.0 129.8 193.2
6 Resellers ** ** ** 351.3 309.1 196.9 270.2
7 Miscellaneous 4133.5 3978.8 3300.1 2356.9 1984.7 2175.4 2564.0
Total Sales 8606.5 8432.9 6841.6 5682.2 5091.1 5013.6 5889.8
8 Pvt Imports 538.3 374.0 706.0 608.3 695.8 570.0 592.1
Total Consumption 9144.9 8806.9 7547.6 6290.5 5786.9 5583.6 6481.9
1 Agriculture 2.1 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 Power Generation 936.5 468.6 399.2 439.0 328.1 226.2 50.7
3 Mining 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 Manufacturing Industry 1225.0 1031.2 1067.0 778.0 76.3 103.6 70.4
(i) Civil Engineering 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
(ii) Metallurgical 38.1 32.0 26.7 9.9 0.7 0.0 0.0
(iii) Iron & Steel 31.0 40.0 56.9 52.2 58.1 55.3 46.3
(iv) Textile & Fibre 2.9 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
(v) Cement 6.9 2.8 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2
(vi) Chemicals & Allied 28.7 22.3 11.8 6.0 2.8 46.6 20.7
(vii) Electrical 103.8 105.9 76.1 20.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
(viii) Mechanical 1.9 2.4 2.2 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
(ix) Fertilizers 1007.5 820.1 889.5 684.9 14.7 1.6 3.3
(x) Other Consumer/ Industrial Goods 3.9 4.9 2.6 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 Miscellaneous 320.2 482.2 291.9 149.0 44.3 47.5 29.2
Total Sales 2483.7 1982.4 1759.1 1366.0 448.7 377.3 150.4
6 Pvt Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Consumption 2483.7 1982.4 1759.1 1366.0 448.7 377.3 150.4
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell. P : Provisional
V.3 Consumption of Petroleum Products and Market Share of Oil Companies in India
(in '000' Tonnes)
Year Consumption IOCL BPCL HPCL Others Private TOTAL
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
in TMT 63570 27015 24246 1946 21419 138196
in % 46.0 19.5 17.5 1.4 15.5 100.0
in TMT 66727 28461 25578 1728 18546 141040
in % 47.3 20.2 18.1 1.2 13.1 100.0
in TMT 70084 30228 27581 1639 18601 148132
in % 47.3 20.4 18.6 1.1 12.6 100.0
in TMT 71249 32232 28862 1755 22959 157057
in % 45.4 20.5 18.4 1.1 14.6 100.0
in TMT 69873 32776 30048 1581 24130 158407
in % 44.1 20.7 19.0 1.0 15.2 100.0
in TMT 71653 33394 30746 1824 27904 165520
in % 43.3 20.2 18.6 1.1 16.9 100.0
in TMT 75946 35514 33585 2490 37139 184674
in % 41.1 19.2 18.2 1.3 20.1 100.0
Note: P: Provisional
1. Others companies include CPCL, GAIL, MRPL, NRL & ONGC
2. Private includes sales by private oil companies, own consumption & direct private imports
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
Others IOCL
1 42
V.5 State-wise Consumption of Major Petroleum Products during 2015-16
(in '000' Tonnes)
Region/State Naphtha LPG MS SKO ATF HSD LDO F.O HHS/ Lubs/Grs Bitumen Others Total
Region: North
Jammu & Kashmir 0 169 200 142 44 635 1 1 0 9 53 88 1341
Punjab 0 780 745 66 69 3302 5 123 0 42 123 705 5962
Rajasthan 0 995 1183 377 134 5316 13 209 0 42 280 2667 11218
Uttar Pradesh 1 2351 2164 1216 186 7098 52 329 0 69 605 939 15012
Haryana 3405 630 783 58 30 5014 6 174 0 46 158 471 10774
Himachal Pradesh 0 131 163 23 8 576 0 52 0 21 51 525 1549
Uttarakhand 0 232 253 31 3 747 0 85 0 17 68 84 1519
Chandigarh 0 46 101 1 46 115 0 62 0 2 4 63 440
Delhi 0 777 902 1 1605 1508 1 76 0 19 9 100 4997
North Total 3406 6110 6494 1914 2125 24311 79 1110 0 268 1352 5643 52813
Region: North East
Arunachal Pradesh 0 17 31 14 1 118 0 0 0 1 17 0 200
Assam 25 295 267 252 108 852 5 5 0 13 33 265 2120
Manipur 0 24 44 19 3 88 0 0 0 0 3 0 180
Meghalaya 0 17 65 20 0 295 0 0 0 1 19 2 419
Mizoram 0 22 24 5 2 57 0 0 0 0 4 0 113
Nagaland 0 19 26 13 4 59 0 0 0 0 5 0 127
Tripura 0 35 38 30 4 93 0 0 0 1 11 0 212
Sikkim 0 12 16 12 0 58 0 1 0 0 2 0 100
North East 25 440 512 364 121 1620 5 6 0 17 93 268 3470
Region: East
Bihar 0 769 545 619 23 2255 13 16 0 12 216 165 4633
Odisha 0 392 554 300 48 2232 24 609 0 24 137 142 4461
West Bengal 517 1226 655 736 270 2955 61 368 0 65 232 108 7194
Jharkhand 0 216 349 203 23 1602 11 135 0 31 177 21 2768
Andaman & Nicobar 0 9 14 5 22 124 0 0 0 1 5 0 180
East Total 517 2612 2117 1862 385 9168 109 1128 0 134 767 436 19236
Region: West
Goa 0 58 151 4 126 309 0 48 0 5 25 3 730
Gujarat 6068 868 1526 515 186 5077 22 728 0 95 456 3438 18980
Madhya Pradesh 0 751 1038 453 77 3283 25 116 0 38 264 965 7009
Maharashtra 297 2425 2837 486 1374 7814 88 823 18 317 468 1281 18227
Chhattisgarh 0 198 418 124 30 1461 28 184 0 19 178 232 2873
Dadra&Nagar Haveli 0 16 17 1 0 151 0 113 6 101 2 3 411
Daman & Diu 0 9 19 1 1 81 0 24 0 42 1 3 181
West Total 6365 4325 6005 1585 1794 18176 164 2036 25 617 1394 5924 48410
V.5 State-wise Consumption of Major Petroleum Products during 2015-16 (Contd...)
(in '000' Tonnes)
Region/State Naphtha LPG MS SKO ATF HSD LDO F.O HHS/ Lubs/Grs Bitumen Others Total
Region: South
Andhra Pradesh 48 923 845 183 72 3298 20 149 54 30 245 314 6182
Kerala 24 774 1130 97 382 2537 0 293 31 44 193 47 5552
Tamilnadu 207 1819 2052 305 415 6312 8 692 16 107 476 290 12698
Karnataka 162 1330 1664 379 424 5747 11 352 17 52 226 687 11051
Telangana 0 762 915 133 268 3078 11 100 5 41 307 84 5705
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
Puducherry 0 39 113 3 0 330 0 23 2 2 5 3 521
South Total 440 5648 6719 1102 1562 21316 50 1609 125 276 1453 1425 41725
Total 10754 19134 21847 6826 5987 74592 407 5890 150 1312 5059 13696 165653
Pvt. Imports 2517 489 0 0 275 55 0 592 0 2259 879 11954 19021
Total 13271 19623 21847 6826 6262 74647 407 6482 150 3571 5938 25650 184674
Note: Figures are provisional
Source: Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell.
Figure V.4 : Region-wise % share of consumption of major petroleum products in India during 2015-16
North East
V.6 State-wise Per Capita Sales of Petroleum Products
(Unit: Kg )
State/UT 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Andhra Pradesh 113.3 116.6 124.5 129.5 126.3 126.9 125.2
Andaman & Nicobar 266.8 290.6 333.3 337.8 404.3 451.8 473.0
Arunachal Pradesh 110.6 110.8 104.8 114.2 123.7 128.5 144.5
Assam 55.7 56.8 56.7 54.1 60.3 61.1 68.0
Bihar 35.4 37.2 35.9 36.4 38.3 39.6 44.6
Chandigarh 233.1 231.7 291.0 258.8 335.8 384.4 417.4
Chhattisgarh 77.5 79.6 77.5 88.3 94.9 100.0 112.5
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 763.3 1332.3 833.8 705.5 869.9 1097.9 1198.5
Daman & Diu - - 473.3 530.9 597.8 647.2 745.5
Delhi 237.1 227.5 256.3 247.1 256.2 269.6 298.3
Goa 633.2 631.9 724.3 659.8 446.4 470.8 500.7
Gujarat 299.9 275.8 270.2 285.3 282.0 292.2 314.3
Haryana 304.4 338.6 362.3 380.6 399.3 417.5 424.9
Himachal Pradesh 135.8 145.8 154.4 184.6 189.5 181.9 226.0
Jammu and Kashmir 99.9 96.1 96.1 98.3 98.3 95.7 106.9
Jharkhand 64.5 69.2 68.7 73.5 76.0 79.7 84.0
Karnataka 127.2 131.6 132.1 139.1 146.1 156.7 180.8
Kerala 141.9 143.1 147.9 158.4 158.5 161.4 166.3
Lakshadweep ** ** ** ** ** 228.9 232.7
Madhya Pradesh 64.5 70.9 71.6 80.4 83.6 88.6 96.5
Maharashtra 145.3 147.7 152.1 154.7 149.2 150.5 162.2
Manipur 58.1 42.5 49.6 57.4 60.3 63.7 66.0
Meghalaya 137.1 151.7 153.8 159.3 158.1 142.5 141.3
Mizoram 85.6 89.6 91.7 97.5 94.7 98.5 103.7
Nagaland 42.8 49.5 59.1 59.5 60.8 60.7 64.3
Odisha 74.6 81.2 79.9 81.5 87.6 93.6 106.4
Puducherry 431.7 419.2 440.5 414.7 362.3 369.0 418.5
Punjab 219.6 203.7 206.1 202.4 198.0 206.2 215.2
Rajasthan 106.4 108.2 126.3 147.0 154.9 158.5 163.5
Sikkim 137.1 160.3 153.0 149.8 156.7 152.9 164.9
Tamil Nadu 170.0 177.8 175.2 187.1 174.4 169.3 176.0
Telangana - - - - - 136.6 161.7
Tripura 47.8 51.5 50.9 49.5 49.3 51.8 57.8
Uttar Pradesh 58.7 58.8 59.7 61.1 62.6 66.9 75.2
Uttrakhand 121.2 124.7 123.3 120.5 119.6 128.8 150.2
West Bengal 62.3 67.4 64.9 70.5 74.4 70.6 78.7
All India 112.5 115.8 116.3 122.0 122.9 126.6 136.9
**:Included in Andaman & Nicobar P: Provisional
V.7 Per Capita Sales of Selected Petroleum Products
(Unit : Kg)
Product 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Naphtha 7.8 7.7 7.8 10.2 9.5 8.4 8.9
MS 11.0 12.2 12.4 13.0 14.2 15.8 18.1
SKO 8.0 7.7 6.8 6.2 5.9 5.9 5.6
HSDO 48.4 51.6 53.4 57.1 56.5 57.3 61.6
LDO 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
F.O ( Regular ) 7.4 7.3 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.1 4.9
LSHS/HHS 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.4 0.3 0.1
Total All India Sales 112.5 115.8 116.3 122.0 122.9 126.6 136.9
Note P : Provisional
1: Population figures have been taken from Census of India, 2011
2:Includes private sales by oil companies and excludes direct private imports.
V.8 Average Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) of Consumption of Petroleum Products
(in Percentage)
IX Plan X Plan XI Plan XII Plan Annual Annual Annual Annual
Product 1997-02 2002-07 2007-12 2012-17 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(CAGR) (CAGR) (CAGR) (CAGR) (% Gr.) (% Gr.) (% Gr.) (% Gr.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
LPG 12.6 7.0 7.2 6.9 1.6 4.4 10.5 9.0
MS 7.2 5.8 10.1 8.5 5.0 8.8 11.4 14.5
Naphtha 20.1 3.4 -4.2 -0.2 9.5 -8.0 -2.0 19.8
ATF 0.9 12.0 6.8 9.6 -4.8 4.4 4.0 9.4
SKO 0.5 -1.8 -2.8 -4.0 -8.8 -4.5 -1.1 -3.7
HSD 0.9 3.3 8.6 5.2 6.7 -1.0 1.5 7.5
LDO 5.4 -14.7 -10.4 -0.2 -3.9 -3.1 -5.4 11.5
Lubes 2.3 10.8 6.7 3.7 21.4 3.4 0.1 7.9
FO/LSHS 2.4 -0.6 -5.9 -3.5 -17.7 -18.6 -4.4 11.3
Bitumen 2.6 8.2 3.9 5.1 0.8 7.1 1.3 17.1
Others - - - 7.6 41.4 13.2 15.3 25.6
Total Sales 4.9 3.8 4.2 4.8 6.0 0.9 4.5 11.6
Note : Growth rates are based on consumption including private parties imports .
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
V.9 Major End uses of Petroleum Products
Products Major End-use
LPG Domestic fuel. Also for industrial application where technically
essential. Now permitted as auto fuel.
NAPTHA / NGL Feedstock/ fuel for Fertilizer Units, feedstock for petro-chemical
sector and fuel for Power Plants.
MS (Petrol) Fuel for passenger cars, taxies, two & three wheelers
ATF Fuel for aircrafts.
SKO (Kerosene) Fuel for cooking & lighting.
HSD (Diesel) Fuel for transport sector (Railways/Road), agriculture (tractors
pump sets, threshers, etc.) and captive power generation.
LDO Fuel for agricultural pump sets, small industrial units, start up
fuel for power generation
FO/LSHS Secondary fuel for Thermal Power Plants, Fuel/feedstock for
fertilizer plants, industrial units.
BITUMEN Surfacing of roads.
LUBES Lubrication for automotive and industrial applications
Other Minor Products (Benzenes, Toluene, MTO, LABFS, CBFS, Feedstock for value added products.
Paraffin Wax, etc.)
Chapter Highlights
• India’s import bill on import of Crude Oil, LNG, and Petroleum Products has reduced significantly in
value terms by 35.6% from ` 819444 crore in 2014-15 to ` 527765 crore in 2015-16.
• Although quantum of imports of crude registered 7.1% growth, a major reduction of 39.4% was
witnessed in value terms from ` 687416 crore in 2014-15 to ` 416361 crore in 2015-16, owing to
decline in crude prices.
• Exports of Petroleum Products have reduced by 5.3% from 63932 TMT in 2014-15 to 60536 TMT in
2015-16. This was primarily due to increase in consumption of Petroleum Products within the country
demonstrating stronger industrial sentiment and being consistent with the Government’s “Make in
India” initiative.
• Import Availability of Petroleum Products has increased by 11.87% from 178505 TMT in 2014-15 to
199690 TMT in 2015-16.
• Imports of petroleum products in 2015-16 increased to 28302 TMT from 21301 TMT in 2014-15 (32.9%)
• India’s trade deficit was lower by 8% at `773390 crore in 2015-16 from `840738 crore in previous year,
owing to various factors including inter alia, the decline in value of Petroleum, Oil, & Lubricants (POL)
and non POL imports and contraction in overall exports.
• India’s trade deficit with OPEC Countries has shown a reduction of 42% from ` 491660 crore in 2014-15 to
` 285092 crore in 2015-16. Reduction in trade deficit is mainly due to reduction in the OPEC imports bill
by 29.7% during the corresponding period.
• Percentage of India’s OPEC imports to India’s total imports has reduced from 30.5% in 2014-15 to 23.6% in
VI.1 Import/Export of Crude Oil, LNG and Petroleum Products
Crude Oil Petroleum Products LNG Total
Year Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value
TMT ` Crore TMT ` Crore TMT ` Crore TMT ` Crore
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Gross Imports
2009-10 159259 375277 14665 33687 9148 10695 183072 419659
2010-11 163595 455276 17379 55998 9931 14362 190906 525637
2011-12 171729 672220 15849 68091 13214 31718 200793 772029
2012-13 184795 784652 15774 68363 13136 41902 213705 894917
2013-14 189238 864875 16718 74605 12995 53123 218951 992603
2014-15 189435 687416 21301 74644 14092 57384 224828 819444
2015-16(P) 202851 416361 28302 65803 16582 45601 247735 527765
2009-10 - - 51155 144687 - - 51155 144687
2010-11 - - 59077 196861 - - 59077 196861
2011-12 - - 60837 284643 - - 60837 284643
2012-13 - - 63408 320090 - - 63408 320090
2013-14 - - 67864 368279 - - 67864 368279
2014-15 - - 63932 288580 - - 63932 288580
2015-16(P) - - 60536 176773 - - 60536 176773
Net Imports
2009-10 159259 375277 -36490 -111000 9148 10695 131917 274971
2010-11 163595 455276 -41698 -140862 9931 14362 131829 328776
2011-12 171729 672220 -44988 -216552 13214 31718 139956 487385
2012-13 184795 784652 -47634 -251727 13136 41902 150297 574828
2013-14 189238 864875 -51146 -293674 12995 53123 151087 624324
2014-15 189435 687416 -42631 -213936 14092 57384 160896 530864
2015-16(P) 202851 416361 -32234 -110969 16582 45601 187199 350992
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell. P: Provisional
Figure VI.1: Production, import and import value of crude oil
300 1000
250 785
150 455 500
0 0
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Quantity (in MMT)
VI.3 Import / Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
(Calendar Year-wise)
(Quantity in TMT & Value in ` crore)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015*
Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Crude Oil Import 152481 323940 163340 421835 167813 613677 184173 783418 189351 846591 188772 798637 196490 446440
Product Import
LPG 2344 6405 4111 13883 5535 23814 6561 33301 6043 33002 8056 41208 8877 27058
MS/ Petrol 314 931 1534 5588 954 4632 147 891 235 1607 328 2115 993 4198
Naphtha/ NGL 1266 5790 1928 5981 2137 9720 1884 9838 1136 7239 630 3707 2778 9571
SKO/ Kerosene 707 2437 1317 4344 905 4179 0 0 0 0 30 172 41 158
HSD/ Diesel 2195 6853 1837 5673 1390 6330 871 4424 99 566 110 640 76 430
LOBS/ Lube oil ** ** 1321 3173 1401 7284 1485 8937 1585 10231 1846 11845 1851 8588
Fuel Oil/LSHS 953 1720 981 2336 1150 3866 965 3896 1325 5796 1077 4659 987 2543
Bitumen ** ** 94 201 60 142 95 248 150 476 420 1459 772 1919
Others1 7333 8921 3596 7112 2992 7688 4202 8075 4961 11066 7085 13168 10341 11920
Product Import 15112 33057 16719 48290 16524 67655 16210 69608 15536 69982 19581 78973 26717 66386
Total Import 167593 356997 180058 470124 184337 681331 200382 853027 204887 916574 208353 877610 223207 512827
Product Export
LPG 94 424 154 664 165 856 195 1231 213 1393 239 1640 217 918
MS/ Petrol 8023 23547 13647 46607 14011 67059 16098 91260 15874 95263 15942 91334 15893 59681
Naphtha/ NGL 8561 23550 10586 34629 10609 45544 9035 44765 8496 45965 7397 38299 6708 20158
Aviation Turbine Fuel 4448 11987 4248 13589 5223 23996 4153 22225 5716 32482 5300 28108 5253 16792
HSD/ Diesel 18414 46615 19453 59691 21430 102486 21294 111708 25997 142665 25756 130712 23160 71693
SKO/ Kerosene 46 142 38 145 33 176 29 173 16 98 14 90 12 50
LDO ** ** 76 189 89 328 26 115 22 102 14 63 0 0
LOBS/ Lube Oil ** ** 10 60 30 167 75 470 19 150 12 93 19 130
Fuel Oil/LSHS 5136 9143 6207 12955 7937 23768 6480 22583 6281 22573 5187 17378 3154 5592
Bitumen ** ** 57 123 18 59 65 215 108 363 74 216 107 206
Others2 2411 5452 3054 8664 2897 10847 4097 16061 5953 23259 4402 19801 4087 10655
Total Product Export 47133 120860 57530 177315 62440 275285 61548 310559 68696 364314 64337 327734 58611 185877
Net Import 120460 236137 122528 292809 121897 406046 138835 542468 136190 552259 144016 549876 164596 326950
P: Provisional **: Included in others
1: Other imports include Pet coke, Paraffin Wax, Petroleum Jelly, LSWR, Aviation Gas, MTBE & Reformate.
2: Other exports include VGO, Benzene, MTO, Pet coke, CBFS & Sulphur.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
VI.4 Import / Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
(in TMT)
Import/Export 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Crude Oil Import 159259 163595 171729 184795 189238 189435 202851
Product Import
LPG 2718 4484 5790 6293 6607 8313 8885
Petrol 385 1702 654 147 235 372 1024
Naphtha 1734 2063 2091 1735 1026 1034 2984
Kerosene 985 1381 564 0 0 30 41
Diesel 2531 1996 1059 626 84 124 180
Lubes 1419 1291 1434 1468 1674 2148 1880
Fuel Oil 896 1013 1203 1068 1283 902 1194
Bitumen 69 98 78 85 237 517 750
Others1 3928 3352 2977 4352 5571 7861 11364
Total Product Import 14665 17379 15849 15774 16718 21301 28302
Total Import 173924 180974 187578 200569 205956 210736 231153
Product Export
LPG 131 154 174 200 227 254 195
Petrol 9771 13578 14524 16657 15247 16048 16817
Naphtha 10043 10655 10139 8647 8322 7008 7116
Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) 4588 4478 4561 4664 5745 5520 5686
Kerosene 46 33 34 23 15 15 10
Diesel 18451 20335 20407 22464 26469 25559 24035
LDO 41 98 84 9 30 6 0
Lubes 28 29 27 59 20 11 17
Fuel Oil 5186 6734 7895 5922 6159 4762 2806
Bitumen 31 56 5 87 95 94 101
Others2 2839 2927 2988 4675 5535 4653 3753
Total Export 51155 59077 60837 63408 67864 63932 60536
Net Import 122769 121897 126741 137161 138092 146804 170616
Net Product Export 36490 41698 44988 47634 51146 42631 32234
P: Provisional
1: Other imports include Pet coke, Paraffin Wax, Petroleum Jelly, LSWR, Aviation Gas, MTBE & Reformate.
2: Other exports include VGO, Benzene, MTO, Pet coke, CBFS & Sulphur.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
Import Export
LPG Fuel Oil
31 5
Others Petrol
40 28
4 Diesel Naphtha
Lubes 40 12
Bitumen 7
3 Fuel Oil Diesel 10 ATF
4 1 9
VI.5 Import / Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
(in ` Crore)
Import/Export 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Crude Oil Import 375277 455276 672220 784652 864875 687416 416361
Product Import
LPG 8329 15888 27019 31696 37425 36571 25626
Petrol 1264 6427 3311 891 1481 2301 4258
Naphtha 4942 6853 9827 9791 6067 4592 10166
Kerosene 2909 4939 2710 0 0 172 158
Diesel 6390 6969 5039 3219 503 670 655
Lubes 3518 4093 8314 9259 10664 12702 8487
Fuel Oil 1935 2455 4392 4546 5537 3659 2575
Bitumen 138 210 197 235 773 1623 1820
Others 1
4262 8164 7282 8727 12156 12356 12060
Total Product Import 33687 55998 68091 68363 74605 74644 65803
Total Import 408964 511275 740311 853015 939480 762060 482164
Product Export
LPG 491 693 947 1294 1589 1455 785
Petrol 31203 49480 73982 95346 92977 81971 59575
Naphtha 30318 37138 45620 43533 46059 31619 20056
Aviation Turbine Fuel(ATF) 13331 16140 21857 25223 33246 25413 16007
Kerosene 154 141 191 140 98 81 35
Diesel 50930 69300 104572 115554 148138 115149 66486
LDO 87 260 331 42 135 28 0
Lubes 121 154 181 381 138 100 127
Fuel Oil 10545 15098 25576 20415 22407 14251 4471
Bitumen 67 124 27 281 321 245 176
Others2 7441 8332 11360 17880 23169 18267 9054
Total Export 144687 196861 284643 320090 368279 288580 176773
Net Import 264277 314414 455668 532926 571201 473481 305391
Net Product Export 111000 140862 216552 251727 293674 213936 110969
P: Provisional
1: Other imports include Pet coke, Paraffin Wax, Petroleum Jelly, LSWR, Aviation Gas, MTBE & Reformate.
2: Other exports include VGO, Benzene, MTO, Pet coke, CBFS & Sulphur.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
Figure VI.4: Value of import and export of petroleum products (in %) during 2015-16
Import Export
Fuel Oil
Others 3
18 Others
Bitumen Petrol
3 Diesel 34
Fuel Oil 38
Diesel Naphtha
1 11
Petrol ATF
Naphtha 7
15 9
VI.6 Import / Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
(in Million US$)
Import/Export 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Crude Oil Import 79553 100080 139690 144293 142962 112737 63961
Product Import
LPG 1767 3469 5584 5807 6179 5968 3899
Petrol 266 1403 716 160 248 375 656
Naphtha 1029 1453 2022 1787 985 667 1548
Kerosene 614 1081 597 0 0 29 25
Diesel 1332 1505 1096 587 82 110 99
Lubes 733 855 1708 1690 1742 1777 1289
Fuel Oil 406 527 912 838 906 635 393
Bitumen 29 43 40 43 128 243 277
Others 1
832 1731 1514 1593 1985 2030 1829
Total Product Import 7007 12068 14189 12506 12255 11833 10015
Total Import 86560 112148 153879 156799 155217 124570 73976
Product Export
LPG 104 151 195 236 260 236 120
Petrol 6650 10861 15478 17528 15397 13454 9120
Naphtha 6419 8161 9482 7992 7584 5176 3071
Aviation Turbine Fuel(ATF) 2824 3546 4568 4645 5487 4155 2440
Kerosene 32 31 39 25 16 13 5
Diesel 10747 15220 21746 21253 24336 18865 10179
LDO 19 56 69 8 22 5 0
Lubes 26 34 36 65 27 13 20
Fuel Oil 2250 3318 5312 3757 3671 2321 688
Bitumen 12 27 6 52 52 57 27
Others2 1580 1935 2387 3288 3814 2995 1390
Total Export 30663 43340 59318 58848 60664 47291 27058
Net Import 55897 68808 94560 97950 94553 121575 72586
Net Product Export 23656 31272 45130 46343 48409 35457 17043
P: Provisional
1: Other imports include Pet coke, Paraffin Wax, Petroleum Jelly, LSWR, Aviation Gas, MTBE & Reformate.
2: Other exports include VGO, Benzene, MTO, Pet coke, CBFS & Sulphur.
Source: Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
VI.7 Trends in India's overall Trade balance and Trade balance with OPEC Countries
(in ` Crore)
India's Overall Trade India's Trade with OPEC Countries % of India's trade with
Trade % variation over preceding % variation over preceding OPEC to India's total
Year Exports Imports Trade trade
Balance year Exports Imports year
Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
2009-10 845534 1363736 -518202 0.6 -0.8 178618 438189 -259571 -0.1 -2.3 21.1 32.1
2010-11 1142922 1683467 -540545 35.2 23.4 243769 565285 -321516 36.5 29.0 21.3 33.6
2011-12 1465959 2345463 -879504 28.3 39.3 278291 832230 -553939 14.2 47.2 19.0 35.5
2012-13 1634318 2669162 -1034844 11.5 13.8 342219 1021645 -679426 23.0 22.8 20.9 38.3
2013-14 1905011 2715434 -810423 16.6 1.7 355400 982126 -626726 3.9 -3.9 18.7 36.2
2014-15 1896348 2737087 -840738 -0.5 0.8 344479 836138 -491660 -3.1 -14.9 18.2 30.5
2015-16 (P) 1714618 2488007 -773390 -9.6 -9.1 302609 587701 -285092 -12.2 -29.7 17.6 23.6
P: Provisional
Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Figure VI.5(a): India's Overall Trade Figure VI.5(b): India's Trade with OPEC Countries
Imports 1200
2715 2737
4000 2669 1000
3500 2345 982
3000 832 836
` '000' crore
2500 1683 Exports 600
` '000' crore
(vii) India's Total Exports ` Crore 845534 1142922 1465959 1634318 1905011 1896445 1714424
6 Petroleum Imports as % of India's Gross Imports % 30.77 31.22 32.92 33.53 36.55 29.94 21.23
7 Petroleum Exports as % of India's Gross Exports % 17.11 17.22 19.42 19.59 19.33 15.22 10.31
8 Self Sufficiency % 23.07 25.23 24.38 23.19 22.65 21.72 19.41
9 Import Dependency % 76.93 74.77 75.62 76.81 77.35 78.28 80.59
1: SION taken as 93.3% of crude oil processed for working out product output from indigenous crude oil.
2: Based on Consumption
P: Provisional
VI.9 Annual Growth of Foreign Direct Investment Equity Inflows
FDI Inflow % of FDI in P&NG Annual Growth (%)
All Sectors P&NG Sector to Total FDI All Sectors P&NG Sector
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(in ` Million)
2009-10 1231196.45 12969.02 1.05 -13.80 -20.60
2010-11 973203.93 25431.41 2.61 -20.95 96.09
2011-12 1651455.31 99551.66 6.03 69.69 291.45
2012-13 1219067.30 11925.66 0.98 -26.18 -88.02
2013-14 1475177.76 6783.90 0.46 21.01 -43.12
2014-15 1891071.26 64956.73 3.43 28.19 857.51
2015-16 (P) 2623215.61 6770.37 0.26 38.72 -89.58
(in US $ Million)
2009-10 25834.41 265.53 1.03 -17.71 -23.98
2010-11 21383.05 556.43 2.60 -17.23 109.55
2011-12 35120.80 2029.98 5.78 64.25 264.82
2012-13 22423.58 214.80 0.96 -36.15 -89.42
2013-14 24299.33 112.23 0.46 8.37 -47.75
2014-15 30930.50 1079.02 3.49 27.29 861.44
2015-16 (P) 40000.98 103.02 0.26 29.33 -90.45
P: Provisional
Source: Foreign Direct Investment Cell, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
Chapter Highlights
• Central excise collection from Petroleum sector (Crude oil & Petroleum Products) during 2015-16
was at `198793 crore which was 80% higher as compared to 2014-15 (`110354 crore). More than
half of the excise duty was contributed by refined diesel oil (51%) during 2015-16.
• Customs duties collected on crude petroleum & petroleum products for year 2015-16 at `15202
crore were 21% higher as compared to 2014-15.
• Although Oil Development Cess paid by upstream companies was marginally lower by around 2%
in 2015-16 (`15854 crore) as compared to 2014-15 (`16149 crore), the royalty paid to the States on
crude & gas showed a sharp decline of around 25% during the same period.
• Sales Tax payments collected on crude oil, natural gas & petroleum products during the year 2015-16
at `142938 crore, was 5% higher than the sales tax collected during 2014-15(`136137 crore). Sales
tax revenues realized on crude oil (`1094 crore) & petroleum products (`17337 crore) continued to
be highest from Maharashtra; Gujarat maintained its position in terms of contributing maximum
revenue on natural gas (37%) during 2015-16
VII.1 Realisation of Excise and Customs Duties from Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
(in ` crore)
Products 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Excise Duties
Motor Spirit 24809 26771 28795 23710 22424 30826 53413
Kerosene Oil 223 283 351 404 346 315 272
Refined Diesel Oil 23131 30412 19048 22513 27146 42464 101177
Diesel Oil (NES) 188 240 247 297 189 289 261
Furnace Oil 2446 2596 3105 2774 2502 1875 1369
Pol. Products (NOS)^ 5822 6488 11435 17144 17049 11532 10751
Petroleum Gases 705 896 1372 1654 1613 1998 1898
Cess on crude oil 6688 8860 10357 16402 17331 21054 29652
Total (A) 64012 76546 74709 84898 88600 110354 198793
Customs Duties
Crude Petroleum 1752 13370 5196 844 781 423 456
Petroleum Products 6003 12912 15323 12861 14782 12149 14746
Total (B) 7755 26282 20520 13704 15563 12572 15202
Grand Total (A+B) 71767 102828 95229 98603 104163 122926 213995
Composite Incidence of Excise 5208 7291 6429 6278 6576 7427 11588
& CustomsDuties (`)
Figure VII.1: Realisation of Excise and Customs Duties from Crude Oil and
Petroleum Products
Value( in ` crore)
Excise Duties
Customs Duties
100000 88600
76546 74709
20520 15563
13704 12572 15202
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
VII.2 Royalty and Oil Development Cess Paid by Oil Companies on Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas
(in ` lakh)
Royalty Paid on Crude Oil Royalty Paid on Natural Gas Oil
Year Western Eastern Southern Western Eastern Southern Central Development
Central Region Offshore Total Offshore Total Cess
Region Region Region Region Region Region Region
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
2009-10 177601 161241 18370 - 258281 615493 59187 48819 8349 - 63624 179979 709605
2010-11 450721 142949 16872 11 285242 895795 11108 10741 14157 2889 196628 235523 678260
2011-12 865542 179975 27471 13 519137 1592138 12727 14453 16825 3569 281833 329407 811883
2012-13 1107937 164323 18346 13 517677 1808296 13976 16337 17826 3978 335907 388024 1578373
2013-14 1232582 163619 19188 19 595882 2011290 16737 17412 20066 5039 289007 348261 1607203
2014-15 1144657 141246 40942 31 507050 1833926 20100 20952 16866 7231 322221 387370 1614887
2015-16 (P) 565487 138257 19384 41 668388 1391557 25040 22645 16828 9091 212184 285788 1585356
(P): Provisional
Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd., Oil India Ltd. and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.
Figure VII.2: Royalty paid on crude oil and natural gas
2000000 1808296 1833926
1500000 1391557
Crude Oil
Natural Gas
1000000 895795
TTO turnover
Haryana 5 12.50%, Add. tax 25%, Additional tax on VAT 5% 12.50%, 16.40 %, Additional tax on VAT 5% (i.e. Nil 12.50%,
on VAT 5% Additional 17.22%) Additional
tax on VAT tax on VAT
5% 5%
Himachal Pradesh 4 4 27 5 16 Nil 13.75
J&K 5 5 MST 24.00%, cess `3 per Ltr. 13.50 MST 16%, cess `1per litre 5 13.50
Jharkhand 5 14 22% on the sale price or `15 per litre , 14 22% on the sale price or `8.37 per litre, 2 14
which ever is higher + cess of `1 per Ltr. which ever is higher + cess of `1 per Ltr.
Karnataka Nil 15 30.00 5.50 19.00 6 14.50
Kerala 5 Nil 31.80%, Additional Sales tax `1 per litre, 5 24.52%, Additional Sales tax ` 1per litre, 5 14.50
SSC 1% on total tax SSC 1% on total tax
Madhya Pradesh 5 14 31% + `3 per ltr Additional tax 14 27% + `1.50 per ltr Additional tax 5 14
Maharashtra 5 13 ** 12.50 *** 3 12.50
Manipur 5 14 25.00 13.50 14.50 Nil 5.00
Meghalaya 4 14.50 22%, surcharge 2% on tax, partial 14.50 13.50%, surcharge 2% on tax Nil 14.50
exemption of `0.56 per Ltr withdrawn
wef 15.03.2016
Mizoram 5 14 20.00 13.50 12.00 Nil Nil
VII.3 Sales tax rates applicable on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
(in Percentage)
State/U.T Crude Oil Natural Gas MS NAPHTHA HSD SKO (PDS) SKO(IND)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Nagaland 5%, 5%, surcharge 23.5%, surcharge on tax 5% 13.25 13.5%, surcharge on tax 5% 5%, 15%,
surcharge on tax 5% wef surcharge surcharge
on tax 16.07.2015 on tax 5% on tax 5%
5% wef
Orissa 5 15 26.00 14.50 26.00 exempted 14.50
Puducherry 5 5 15.00 14.50 14.00 Nil 14.50
Punjab 4.5%, 5.5%, surcharge 28%, surcharge on tax 10%, cess `2000 5.50% 13.4% for Normal and 13% for Branded 5.50%, 13%,
surcharge on tax 10% per KL surcharge on Fuel. (surcharge on tax : 10%), cess surcharge surcharge
on tax 10% tax 10.00% `1000 per KL on tax 10% on tax
Rajasthan 5 5 30%, cess `1500 per KL OMC 5% 5.50 22%, cess `1750 per KL OMC 5% Nil Nil
Sikkim 4.50 4.50 27%, cess `3000 per Kl, Sikkim Consumer 13.50 17.5%, cess `2500 per Kl, Sikkim 4.50 13.50
Welfare Fund `100 per KL Consumer Welfare Fund `100 per Kl
Silvassa/Dadar Nagar Haveli 5 13 20.00 20.00 15.00 5 12.50
Tamil Nadu 5 5.00 27.00 5.00 21 5 25.00
Telangana 5 14.50 35.20 14.50 27 5 14.50
Tripura 5 14.50 20.00 14.50 14 Nil 14.50
Uttar Pradesh 4 21% Additional 26.8% or `16.74 per litre whichever is 21 17.48% or `9.41 per litre whichever 4% 12.50%
tax on taxable greater is greater Additional Additional
turnover 5 % tax on tax on
taxable taxable
turnover turnover 2%
Uttarakhand 5 20 25% or `17per liter whichever is greater 13.50 "21% or `9 per liter whichever is Nil Nil
greater plus 50 paise cess per ltr
West Bengal 5 5 25% or `13.12/Ltr whichever is higher, 5 17% or `7.70/Litre whichever is higher, Nil 14.50
cess `1000 per Kl, Additional tax on tax cess ` .1000 per Kl,Additional tax on tax
20%, Rebate Available `17/Kl. 20%, Rebate Available ` 290/Kl.
**:Within Municipal Limits of Thane, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Solapur, Amravati, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nandurbar 26%+` 3/ltr, Other `25%+` 3/Ltr25%+Re1/Ltr for MS and 24.00%, Other ` 21% for HSD.
***:Within Municipal Limits of Thane, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Solapur, Amravati, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nandurbar 24.00%+` 2/ltr, Other` 21%+` 2/ltr *:OMC transaction for SKO(PDS) are not exempt as per Hon’ble Gujarat
High Court judgement
VII.3 Sales tax rates applicable on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
(in Percentage)
(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Andhra Pradesh 5 14.50 14.50 14.5% & 5% ^ 14.50 22.25% + `4 per litre 14.50
Arunachal Pradesh 4 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 4
Assam 9 9 5 14.50 16.50 14.50
Bihar 1 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 18% (surcharge 30% on tax wef 14.50
Chandigarh Nil 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 16.4% (MST `10 per KL) 12.50
Chhattisgarh Nil 5 14.50 5 14.50 5 14.50
Delhi Nil 5 5 20 12.50 18% (cess `250 per KL wef 20% **
Goa Nil 12.50 12.50 12.50%.* 12.50 22 12.50
Gujarat 4%, Add tax-1.% on Nil 12.50%, Additional tax 4%, Additional tax 24%, + cess 4% 12.50%, Additional tax 2.50% 12.50%/15%,
taxable turnover 2.50% on TTO 1.00% on TTO on TTO Additional tax
2.50% on TTO
Haryana Nil 12.50%, Additional tax 12.50%, Additional tax 12.50%, Additional tax 12.50%, 16.40%, Additional tax on VAT 12.50%,
on VAT 5% on VAT 5% on VAT 5% Additional tax 5% (wef 16.07.2015) Additional tax on
on VAT 5% VAT 5%
Himachal Pradesh 4 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 16 13.75
J&K Nil 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 MST 16%, cess `1 per LTR 13.50
Jharkhand 5 14 14 14 14 18 14
Karnataka 1 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 19 14.50
Kerala 5 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 41%, Additional tax 15% on tax, 14.50
SSC 1% on tax+Additional tax
Madhya Pradesh 5 14 14 14 14 14 14
Maharashtra 3 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50
Manipur 5 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50
Meghalaya Nil 14.50 14.50 14.50 5 12.5%, surcharge 2% on tax 14.50
Mizoram 1.79 8 8 13.50 13.50 12.00 10
Nagaland 5.00%, surcharge on 12%, surcharge on 12%, surcharge on tax 13.25 4.75 12%, surcharge on tax 5% 12%, surcharge on
tax 5% wef 16.07.15 tax 5% 5% tax 5%
VII.3 Sales tax rates applicable on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
(in Percentage)
(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Orissa exempted 14.50 14.50 14.50%, FO & LUBES 14.50 20 14.50
for intnl bunkering 5%
Puducherry 1% for DBTL & 0.5% 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50
for Non DBTL
Punjab 4%, surcharge on tax 13%, surcharge on tax 13%, surcharge on tax 5.50% surcharge on 13%, surcharge 13.4% (surcharge on tax 10%) 13%, surcharge on
10% 10.00% 10% tax 10% on tax 10% tax 10%
Rajasthan Nil 14.50 14.50 5.50 5.50 22% (wef 18.12.2014) 14.50
Sikkim 4.50 13.50 13.5% (wef 13.5% (wef 13.50 17.5%, cess `2500 per KL, Sikkim 13.50
01.01.2015) 01.01.2015) Consumer Welfare Fund `100
per KL
Silvassa/Dadar Nagar 5 12.50 20 20 Nil 20 12.50
Tamil Nadu Nil 14.50 14.50 5 5 25 14.50
Telangana 5 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 27 14.50
Tripura 1.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50
Uttar Pradesh Nil 12.50% Additional tax 12.50% Additional tax 21 21 17.48% or `9.41 per litre 21
on taxable turnover on taxable turnover 2% whichever is greater
Uttarakhand 5 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 21 20
West Bengal Nil 5% & cess `1000 per 14.50 5 14.50 17% or `7.70/Litre whichever 14.50
MT is higher,Additional tax on tax
20%, Rebate Available `290/KL.
^:When used for Industrial Purpose. *:FO from bond sold to foreign going vessels:-1% **:Petroleum based lube taxable @ 20% and other lubes taxable @ 12.50%)
^^: 4% wef 11.03.2015 for when sold at the Airport in Punjab to Scheduled & Non Scheduled Airlines carrying passengers (surcharge on tax -10%))
VII.3 Sales tax rates applicable on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products
(As on 01.04.2016)
(in Percentage)
ATF (When Sold to Aircraft having
maximum take off mass of <
State/U.T ATF (Duty Paid/Bonded) ATF Declared 40000 Kgs, operated by scheduled BITUMEN SULPHUR ASPHALT
airlines) i.e declared goods under
(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
Andhra Pradesh 1 Nil. 1 5 0.05 0.145
Arunachal Pradesh 20 Nil 4 4 0.04 0.125
Assam 22 Nil 5 5 0.05 0.145
Bihar 29% {ATF (Sch.Airlines):- 29% {ATF (Sch.Airlines):- 5 5 0.05 0.145
5% } 5% }
Chandigarh 20% (MST `10 per KL) 20 4 5 0.05 0.05
Chhattisgarh 5 5 5 5 0.05 0.05
Delhi 25 Nil. 5 5 0.05 0.125
Goa 18 N.A. 5 5 0.125 0.125
Gujarat ATF duty paid 30% & 5% 38 4%, Additional tax 1% on TTO 4%, Additional tax 1% on 4%, Addl Tax 1% on 4%, Addl Tax 1% on
Haryana 20%, Additional tax on Nil. 5 5.00%, Additional tax on 5.00%, Additional 12.50%, Additional
VAT 5% VAT 5% Tax on VAT 5% Tax on VAT 5%
Himachal Pradesh 27 27 1 5 0.05 5% #
J&K GST 20%, surcharge on GST 20%, surcharge on GST 5% 5 0.05 0.05
tax 5% tax 5%
Jharkhand A) 4% for non-scheduled A) 4% for non-scheduled 5 5 0.05 0.14
airlines airlines
B)5% for sch.Airlines B)5% for sch.Airlines
Karnataka 28 Nil. 5 6 0.145 0.055
Kerala 25%, Additional tax 15% 25%, Additional tax 15% 5 5 0.05 0.05
on tax, surcharge 1% on on tax, surcharge 1% on
tax & Additional tax tax & Additional tax
Madhya Pradesh 4 4 4 5 0.14 0.05
Maharashtra ATF - duty paid Mumbai 30 5 12.50 0.125 0.125
Pune 25%, ATF - duty paid
except Mumbai & Pune
VII.3 Sales tax rates applicable on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products (Contd...)
(As on 01.04.2016)
(in Percentage)
ATF (When Sold to Aircraft having
maximum take off mass of <
State/U.T ATF (Duty Paid/Bonded) ATF Declared 40000 Kgs, operated by scheduled BITUMEN SULPHUR ASPHALT
airlines) i.e declared goods under
(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
Manipur 20 Nil 5 5 0.135 0.135
Meghalaya 20.00% + 2% surcharge Nil Nil 5 0.05 0.145
Mizoram 20 Nil 4 5 0.05 0.135
Nagaland 20%, surcharge on tax 5% Nil 5.00%, surcharge on tax 5% 4.75 0.0475 0.1325
Orissa 5 NA 5 5% w.e.f 18.06.2014 0.145 0.145
Puducherry 14.50 14.50 exempted w.e.f 1.4.15 14.50 0.145 0.145
Punjab 13% ^^ 13%^^ 4.5%, surcharge on tax 10% 5.5%, surcharge on tax 10% 5.5%, Surcharge on 5.5%, Surcharge on
Tax 10% Tax 10%
Rajasthan "A) 26% 26% (wef 10.09.2015) 5 14.50 0.05 0.145
B) 5.50% when airlines
maintan hub or connect
two cities of Rajasthan "
Sikkim 25%, cess `3000 per KL, NA 4.50 4.50 0.045 0.135
Sikkim Consumer Welfare
Fund `100 per KL
Silvassa/Dadar Nagar 20 20 NA 5 - -
Tamil Nadu 29 Nil. 5 5 0.05 0.05
Telangana 16 Nil. 5 5 0.05 0.145
Tripura 18 Nil 5 5 0.05 0.145
Uttar Pradesh 21%, In case of sale to civil 21 4 12.50% Additional tax on 4.00% Additional 12.50% Additional
aircraft at Agra & taxable turnover 2% Tax on Taxable Tax on Taxable
Varanasi - 5% Turnover 1.00% Turnover 2%
Uttarakhand 20 20 5 5 0.135 0.135
West Bengal 25% + 20% Add. tax on NA 5 14.50 0.05 0.145
tax. For Bagdogra AFS- nil
(No tax)
#:CRMB & Polymer modified bitumen fall under redidual category & hence taxable & 13.75%
VII.4 Sales Tax Payments on Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Petroleum Products
(in ` Lakh)
State/UTs 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. CRUDE OIL ** 160845 149902.2 191571 175972 166179 193774 201750
Andhra Pradesh 4601 4461 5706 3946 3751 4456 3055
Assam 37027 37180 55142 50371 49617 49513 44420
Gujarat 36805 25038 38581 27632 10161 23708 41811
Maharashtra 79962 80298 87196 88789 97123 111400 109405
Rajasthan 2 1 0 2 2 18 1
Tamil Nadu 2448 2913 4946 5232 5525 4679 3058
Tripura 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
2. NATURAL GAS 270331 399826 472756 555772 560350 598715 567415
Andhra Pradesh 41019 65812 60032 53315 20782 10342 13569
Assam 6800 9701 12630 14079 14493 20432 24650
Delhi 518 841 1315 1846 2589 2823 2379
Gujarat 107475 150976 167178 195769 208437 227082 210325
Haryana 2884 5054 8778 12692 12785 14565 13344
Jharkhand 2 12 34 33 52 31 24
M.P 14334 20168 30257 30154 21469 20108 19540
Maharashtra 31602 40093 53705 73534 112248 123598 113811
Punjab 0 0 0 2120 14532 10288 6443
Rajasthan 5347 3889 6928 9516 9427 11602 12496
Tamil Nadu 1815 2935 4516 5087 6205 6663 5807
Tripura 1559 3070 3888 4070 4447 5340 5908
Uttar Pradesh 56976 97275 123495 153337 132360 145074 138085
Uttarakhand 0 0 0 220 524 766 1033
3. POL PRODUCTS 5963688 7521157 9373208 10412080 12069214 12821245 13524638
Andhra Pradesh 619049 743946 933223 1062576 1224168 854598 753149
Arunachal Pradesh 2264 3172 4245 3934 5396 5724 5450
Assam 86440 96659 118716 132923 161998 163213 171259
Bihar 181060 222074 277753 312935 398250 395302 543459
Chhattisgarh 110959 140873 172423 199967 241499 266494 263732
Delhi 153576 191044 241467 256703 312447 280513 317137
Goa 43405 47027 57382 37848 38868 47814 53429
Gujarat 339089 499437 645986 699234 877642 968617 943085
Haryana 212531 277870 340734 383128 451103 497026 581574
Himachal Pradesh 13949 16697 14895 16410 20464 23475 26308
Jammu & Kashmir 45860 59026 74731 84522 95383 95387 100682
Jharkhand 76023 111601 125325 148857 183789 208805 249496
Karnataka 456082 572576 701865 809514 908367 1019404 1016774
Kerala 289477 353718 410434 459857 518204 539872 608632
Madhya Pradesh 284607 380657 438540 439357 527917 576756 670965
Maharashtra 889120 1101417 1338852 1537916 1731039 1759558 1733694
Manipur 3581 4166 7625 8238 10178 11676 11480
Meghalaya 5616 2582 401 197 277 221 162
Mizoram 2340 3178 4422 6084 4440 5754 5323
Nagaland 2895 4187 5451 5914 6400 8270 8005
VII.4 Sales Tax Payments on Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Petroleum Products (Contd...)
(in ` Lakh)
State/UTs 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Odisha 135674 173444 199039 220775 269349 304673 322423
Puducherry 662 937 1344 1871 2912 2483 1901
Punjab 199032 253422 281192 286858 309983 341055 385749
Rajasthan 322105 397050 473367 528079 655914 765557 867286
Sikkim 2107 3639 4308 4788 6579 7366 9794
Tamil Nadu 601613 768458 924391 1128082 1230215 1230951 1101065
Telangana 453793 637761
Tripura 6098 6408 10020 12082 11806 12718 13820
Uttar Pradesh 525464 652311 1073199 1051785 1185145 1281102 1398925
Uttarakhand 48410 64676 72630 81118 104744 115341 121474
West Bengal 294345 360869 411487 478612 550546 550603 578795
Union Territories
Chandigarh 8779 7556 6932 7030 7479 8436 7586
Andaman & Nicobar 0 0 0 4063 5490 4845 0
Dadra & Nagar 1476 479 829 822 6121 8643 9164
Daman & Diu # # # # 5100 5200 5100
Grand Total (1+2+3) 6394864 8070885 10037535 11143823 12795743 13613734 14293803
P: Provisional # included in Dadra & Nagar Haveli
**: Includes Condensate sales tax payment.
VII.5 Central Excise and Customs Tariff as on 1.4.2016
Name of the Product Additional Additional Additional
"Basic "Basic Addition-
Customs Customs Excise
Customs Duty" Cenvat Duty" al Excise
Duty (CVD) Duty Duty
NIL + ` 50/MT "Nil+ Cess @
as NCCD 20%
Crude Petroleum
`50/ MT as
2.5% `9.48/ltr. + `6/ltr. `9.48/ltr `6/ltr. `6/ltr.
Motor Spirit
`6 / ltr SAD
Motor Spirit (branded) - - - `10.66/ltr `6/ltr. ` 6/ltr.
High Speed Diesel 2.5% `11.33/ltr `6/ltr. `11.33/ltr Nil ` 6/ltr.
High Speed Diesel (branded) - - - `13.69/Ltr Nil ` 6/ltr.
Domestic Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Non - Domestic 5% 8% Nil 8% Nil Nil
PDS Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Non PDS 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Aviation Turbine Fuel Nil 14%* Nil 14%* Nil Nil
Naphtha Non- Fertilizer 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Fertilizer Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Bitumen & Asphalt 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Fertilizer Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Furnace Oil
Non- Fertilizer 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
5% 14% + Nil 14% + `2.50/ Nil Nil
Light Diesel Oil
`2.50/ Ltr Ltr
Liquified Natural Gas 5% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Low Sulphur Fertilizer 5% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Heavy Stock/ Non- Fertilizer 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
HPS & other
Lube oil/greases 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Natural Gas (Gaseous state) 5% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Petroleum Coke 2.5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Petroleum Jelly 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
Waxes all types 5% 14% Nil 14% Nil Nil
1. Additional Duty of Customs @4% would be levied in lieu of sales tax/VAT except petrol, diesel, SKO(PDS), LPG(Dom), coal, coke and petroleum
gases and fuels of Chapter 27 on direct imports for consumption.
2. In addition to above, Education Cess @2% on aggregate duties is charged w.e.f. 9.7.2004 and additional 1% is charged w.e.f. 1.3.2007.
3. Education cess has been removed on Excise duty effective 1st March 2015.
4. *8% for supply to Scheduled Commuter Airlines (SCA) from the regional connectivity scheme (RCS) airports.
Source : IOCL & PPAC
Chapter Highlights
• Total manpower employed in oil and gas sector CPSEs at 1,10,675 (as on 31.03.2016) has been almost
stagnant over the years.
• Exploration & production vertical accounted for the highest manpower deployment (30%) followed
by marketing (28%) and refinery (23%) as on 31.03.2016.
• ONGC and IOCL in 2015-16 together accounted for over 60% of the total manpower employed in the
oil & gas CPSEs.
VIII.1 Sector-wise manpower employed in oil & gas CPSEs in India
(in Number)
Category 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. Exploration & Production 31617 32170 31823 31701 32388 32850 33451
2. Refining 26134 26335 26174 25988 25689 25233 24939
3. Marketing 32855 32426 32492 32732 32220 31094 31204
4. Pipelines 4567 4713 4653 4438 4985 5087 5421
5. Research & Development 2124 1967 1959 1943 2015 2126 2090
6. Others 16140 16225 16095 15969 15751 14329 13570
Grand Total 113437 113836 113196 112771 113048 110719 110675
1. The figures are as on 31st March of each year.
2. Figures for previous years have been revised and exclude 'Expatriates/Foreign Experts/on Contract' manpower
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
Figure VIII.1: Sectoral manpower (in %) employed in oil & gas CPSEs (as on 31.03.2016)
VIII.2 Category-wise manpower employed in oil & gas CPSEs in India
(in Number)
Category 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Executive/Managerial 54583 58555 59187 59472 60571 59598 59728
Supervisory 11303 11422 11367 11162 10773 10407 9837
Clerical 13172 8122 8033 7684 7218 7036 6506
Workmen 34379 35737 34609 34453 34486 33678 34604
Grand Total 113437 113836 113196 112771 113048 110719 110675
1. The figures are as on 31st March of each year.
2. Figures for previous years have been revised and exclude 'Expatriates/Foreign Experts/on Contract' manpower
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
Figure VIII.2: Category-wise manpower (in %) employed in oil & gas CPSEs (as on 31.03.2016)
VIII.3 Category-wise manpower employed in select sectors of oil & gas CPSEs in India
( in Number)
Category 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Exploration and Production
1. Executive/Managerial 18909 21777 21270 20991 20940 20785 20253
2. Supervisory 2775 2835 2826 2702 2540 2538 2321
3. Clerical 4944 727 1045 349 330 475 545
4. Workman 4989 6831 6682 7659 8578 9052 10332
Total 31617 32170 31823 31701 32388 32850 33451
1. Executive/Managerial 9528 9715 9735 9918 10028 10080 10212
2. Supervisory 3629 3638 3673 3596 3491 3371 3147
3. Clerical 2015 1792 1902 1813 1645 1580 700
4. Workman 10962 11190 10864 10661 10525 10202 10880
Total 26134 26335 26174 25988 25689 25233 24939
1. Executive/Managerial 12475 13138 13875 13993 14762 14642 15088
2. Supervisory 3032 3061 3160 3168 3113 3101 1305
3. Clerical 3668 3929 3872 3720 3521 3334 4107
4. Workman 13680 12298 11585 11851 10824 10017 10704
Total 32855 32426 32492 32732 32220 31094 31204
1. The figures are as on 31st March of each year.
2. Figures for previous years have been revised and exclude 'Expatriates/Foreign Experts/on Contract' manpower
Source: Central Public Sector Enterprises
Figure VIII.3: Total manpower employed in oil & gas CPSEs (as on 31.03.2016)
15000 12623
10000 7547
5000 3042
1637 1831 878 1248
335 240
Lawrie Lawrie
Chapter Highlights
• Production of petroleum products was 231.92 MMT during 2015-16, which is 4.9% higher than the
production in 2014-15 (221.14MMT).
• Natural Gas Production during 2015-16 was 32.25 BCM, which is 4.2% less than the production in
2014-15(33.66 BCM)
• Coal production in the country during the year 2015-16 was 637.81 MMT as compared to 609.18 MMT in
2014-15, registering a growth of 4.7%.
• Gross Electricity Generation which increased from 1.279 billion GWh in 2014-15 to 1.352 billion GWh
in 2015-16 achieved growth rate of 5.7%.
• Gross Value Added (at constant prices) by petroleum and natural gas in Economic activity was
`257801 crore in 2014-15 as compared to `243800 crore in 2013-14, registering a growth of 5.7%.
IX.1 Gross Production of Energy by Various Sources in India
Coal & Lignite Hydro-Carbon Power
Figure IX.1: YoY growth in energy production by various sources in India
12 11
10 10
10 8 9
7 Coal and Lignite
6 6
4 5 6
5 4 4 Natural Gas
2 1 1
1 1 1
-1 0 -1 0 -1 Crude Oil
Petroleum Products
-4 Electricity
-15 -13
IX.2 Gross Value Added at basic prices by Economic Activity
(in ` crore)
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
at Current Prices at Constant Prices (2011-12)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1. (a) Petroleum & Natural Gas 94476 111425 120395 110167 94476 103045 102959 116088
(b) Manufacture of coke and 78462 148584 164945 162151 78462 137254 140841 141714
refined petroleum products
(c) Total 172938 260009 285340 272318 172938 240298 243800 257801
2. Railways 61150 72297 78799 92213 61150 68958 73100 78752
3. Transport by other means 337347 388058 426422 480548 337347 360009 381628 406560
4. Storage 5108 6165 6164 7409 5108 5709 5256 6137
5. Communication & Services 125930 142969 179782 207959 125930 134534 158771 179465
related to broadcasting
6. Electricity 145194 168206 200213 227406 145194 148674 154022 166571
7. Gas 14666 15652 16868 14896 14666 14271 14134 12974
8. Water Supply 14710 17653 22201 27478 14710 16041 18443 21568
9. Other Utility Services 12098 14027 16529 19155 12098 12890 14262 15857
10. GVA at basic prices 8106656 9210023 10380813 11472409 8106656 8546552 9084369 9727490
11. Contribution of P& NG in 2.13 2.82 2.75 2.37 2.13 2.81 2.68 2.65
total GVA at basic prices
Growth Rate (%)
1. (a) Petroleum & Natural Gas - 17.94 8.05 -8.50 - 9.07 -0.08 12.75
(b) Manufacture of coke and - 89.37 11.01 -1.69 - 74.93 2.61 0.62
Refined Petroleum products
(c) Total - 50.35 9.74 -4.56 - 38.95 1.46 5.74
2. Railways - 18.23 8.99 17.02 - 12.77 6.01 7.73
3. Transport by other means - 15.03 9.89 12.69 - 6.72 6.01 6.53
4. Storage - 20.71 -0.02 20.20 - 11.77 -7.93 16.77
5. Communication & Services - 13.53 25.75 15.67 - 6.83 18.02 13.03
related to broadcasting
6. Electricity - 15.85 19.03 13.58 - 2.40 3.60 8.15
7. Gas - 6.72 7.77 -11.69 - -2.69 -0.96 -8.21
8. Water Supply - 20.01 25.76 23.77 - 9.05 14.97 16.94
9. Other Utility Services - 15.94 17.84 15.89 - 6.55 10.64 11.18
10. GVA at basic prices - 13.61 12.71 10.52 - 5.43 6.29 7.08
Source:Central Statistics Office, MoSPI
Chapter Highlights
• Plan outlay from Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources (Budget Estimate) for petroleum and natural
gas sector is at `77600.42 crore in 2016-17, which is 3.2% higher than that for the year 2015-16.
• The dividend paid by Oil & gas CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, to the
Government of India for the year 2015-16 (`16507.21 crore), registered an increase of 12.65% over
the dividend paid in 2014-15 (`14652.99 crore).
• Net Profit earned by CPSEs during the year 2015-16 was `43779.65 crore which was around 16%
higher as compared to 2014-15. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd achieved the highest net profit increase
(97.2%) in 2015-16 over 2014-15.
X.1 12th Five Year Plan Outlay & Actual Expenditure for P&NG Sector
( in ` crore)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Cumulative 2016-17
BE RE Actual BE RE Actual BE RE Actual BE RE Actual (2012-13 to BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (12) (14) (14) (15) (16) (17)
OVL 7909.90 13140 10891.41 9491.88 36117.46 35357 14792 10147 7171.55 10402 8488 6782.96 60202.92 14843
ONGC 33065.31 33577 29507.91 35049.23 35049.06 32469.54 36059.07 34813.22 29997.46 36249.37 31467.45 30110.43 122085.34 29307.20
OIL 3378.29 3069.52 2890.03 3580.99 10439 9350.97 3632 3529.44 3773.76 3917.64 3537.27 3622.25 19637.01 4019.71
GAIL 9447.27 6738.77 5962 7511.50 5481.93 4069.78 3104.62 2131.52 1632.18 2704.51 1799.17 1511.75 13175.71 1637.03
IOCL 10000 10000 9378.11 11276.76 11826.00 16660.61 11375 9367 14313.68 10540 11502.91 11484.74 51837.14 13772.87
HPCL 3467.43 3354 2883.65 4081.44 2754.67 2641.87 3773.33 1801.64 2669.61 1791.85 1539.78 1430.09 9625.22 1974.26
BPCL 4479 3546 3829.59 4747.74 3618 4373.58 5250 5793.50 6874.75 6501.32 7250 8287 23364.92 10597
MRPL 6817 2847.47 2248.55 2524.48 1542.84 1448.74 1300.15 1880 2747.36 1564.00 1213.77 1502.03 7946.68 169.35
CPCL 785.68 279.38 260.56 299.27 192 228.60 1102 617 465.90 1300.03 1250 1272 2227.06 1073
NRL 272 225 160.60 368.88 293 372.14 177.65 111 102.77 115 104 70.27 705.78 157
BALMER LAWRIE 55 55 67.28 70 70 119.55 62 158 79.79 100 100 45.37 311.99 50
BIECCO LAWRIE 8 8 0 7 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total (I&EBR) 79684.88 76840.14 68079.69 79009.17 107390.96 107092.38 80634.82 70349.32 69828.81 75185.72 68252.35 66118.89 311119.77 77600.42
Gross Budgetary Support Schemes (GBS)
1. Rajiv Gandhi Instt. of Petroleum Technol- 41 10 0 41 15 0 42 1 0 48 48 48 48 47
ogy (RGIPT)
2. Strategic Storage Programme for Storage 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2400 0 1 1153 1153 1153 1
of Crude Oil by ISPRL
3. ISPLR Phase-II (Construction of caverns) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4. Setting up Petroleum University in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
Andhra Pradesh
5. LPG Connections to BPL Households ** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Scheme for LPG Connection to Poor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000
Households -PMUY (Ujjwala)
Total (GBS) 43 10 0 43 15 0 43 2402 0 50 1202 1201 1201 2050
Total (I&EBR & GBS) 79727.88 76850.14 68079.69 79052.17 107405.96 107092.38 80677.82 72751.32 69828.81 75235.72 69454.35 67319.89 312320.77 79650.42
1. IOCL proposed ` 10540 crore in BE as IEBR for 2015-16
2. Due to printing typographic error, Plan outlay for CPCL for 2015-16 has been printed `2230.90 crore in Budget Document - 2015-16 against their proposal of `1300 crore. This has been taken up by IFD, M/oPNG with
the Department of Economic Affairs, M/o Finance
3. RE for OVL for 2014-15 proposed to M/o PNG `10147 crore instead of `12387 crore, printed in Budget Document for 2015-16.
** It has since been decided (at RE stage in 2013-14) that the scheme on LPG Connections to BPL Families would not be taken from the GBS and funds would be provided from CSR funds of CPSEs in the P&NG Sector.
X.2 Dividend paid/payable by CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
(in ` crore)
Dividend paid to Govt by CPSEs
Name of Company
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. 8342 8128 8127.72 8128 7272.18
Oil India Ltd. 1142.15 1803.41 1292.45 1202.28 961.82
GAIL (INDIA) Ltd. 1104 1218 1319.21 761 698
Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. 1213.98 1505.33 2112.32 1602.45 3399.13
Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 287.83 287.83 524.87 829.64 1168.26
Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 397.70 795.39 1229.24 1627 2241.56
Engineers India Ltd. 202.15 202.16 219.01 168.47 134.76
Chennai Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 29.78 0 0 0 59.56
Biecco Lawrie Ltd. 0 0 Nil Nil Nil
Balmer Lawrie Ltd. 45.6 50.16 51.30 39.9 57
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 73.56 73.56 117.70 294.25 514.94
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. 203.69 0 Nil Nil Nil
ONGC Videsh Ltd. 0 0 Nil Nil Nil
Total 13042.44 14063.84 14993.82 14652.99 16507.21
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
X.3 Equity Capital of CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
(in ` crore)
Name of the CPSE Authorised
Paid up Capital Govt. equity in the CPSEs
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. 15000 4277.76 68.93
Oil India Ltd. 2000 601.14 67.64
GAIL (INDIA) Ltd. 2000 1268.48 56.11
Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. 6000 2427.95 58.57
Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 350 338.63 51.11
Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 2500 723.08 54.93
Engineers India Ltd. 300 168.47 69.37
Chennai Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 1400 1149 Nil *
Biecco Lawrie Ltd. 75 74.76 32.23
Balmer Lawrie Ltd. 60 28.50 Nil **
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 1000 735.63 12.35
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. 2000 1752.60 Nil
ONGC (Videsh) Ltd. 25000 10000 Nil ^
Total 57685 23546.00
* Consequent to transfer by Government of India of its entire shareholding (7,72,65,200 shares representing 51.89% of Equity Share Capital) in
favour of IOCL, effective 29/03/2001)
** There is no direct holding by Government of India in Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. (BL). Balmer Lawrie Investments Ltd. (BLIL), a Government
Company holds 61.8% of equity shares in BL. President of India holds 59.67% in BLIL.
^ 100% Subsidiary of ONGC
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
X.4 Profit earned after tax by CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
(in ` crore)
Profit after tax during
Name of CPSEs
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 10221 7445.48 3954.62 5005.17 7019.09 5273.03 10399.03
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 1536 1546.48 1311.27 2642.9 4060.88 5085 7431.88
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 1301 1539.01 911.43 904.71 1733.77 2733.26 3862.74
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 16126 18924 25123 20926 22094.81 17733 16003.65
Oil India Ltd. 2611 2888 3446.92 3589.34 2981.30 2510.20 2330.11
GAIL (India) Ltd. 3140 3561 3654.00 4022 4375.27 3039.00 2299
Engineers India Ltd. 436 522.52 636.32 628.58 479.76 307.98 258.31
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 603 511.52 61.83 -1766.84 -303.85 -38.99 770.68
Biecco Lawrie Ltd. - 3.75 -15.27 -14.74 -15.08 -15.7 -15.9
Balmer Lawrie Ltd. - 117.80 138.07 162.77 156.67 132 163.2
Numaligarh Refineries Ltd. 232 279.26 183.70 144.26 371.09 718.31 1222.34
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. 1112 1176.63 908.58 -756.91 601.18 -1712.23 1148.16
ONGC (Videsh) Ltd. 2089.58 2690.55 2721.15 3929.14 4445.32 1904.22 -2093.55
Total 39407.58 41206 43035.62 39416.38 48000.21 37669.08 43779.65
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Figure X.1: Profit earned after tax by CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas
Profit Earned ( ₹crore)
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
X.5 Performance of CPSEs under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas during 2015-16
(in ` crore)
Balmer Biecco
Lawrie Lawrie
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Authorised Capital ` crore 15000 25000 6000 2000 350 2000 2500 1400 3000 1000 300 60 75
Paid up Capital ` crore 4277.8 10000 2428 1268.5 338.6 601.1 723.1 1149.0 1752.6 735.6 168.5 28.5 74.8
Govt. equity in the CPSE % age 68.93 Nil ^ 58.57 56.11 51.11 67.64 54.93 Nil* Nil 12.35 59.37 Nil** 32.23
Gross Turnover ` crore 78565.2 12542.9 399579.4 52089 197744.3 9764.9 217805.8 34953.4 50864.2 11925.4 1495.8 2895.0 19.2
PAT ` crore 16003.7 -2093.6 10399 2299 3862.7 2330.1 7431.9 770.7 1148.2 1222.3 258.3 163.2 -15.9
Debt equity ratio Ratio - 0.94 0.71:1 0.27:1 0.95:1 0.41:1 0.59 1.08 1.24 0.13 Nil Debt free 0.60
Reserves & Surpluses ` crore 147574.9 29981.6 71520.8 29316 18017.1 22316.2 26435.6 2147.7 4667.8 3221.9 2496.6 968.8 -121.8
Networth ` crore 151022.6 39981.6 73948.7 30314 18356.1 22301.8 27158.7 3296.7 6420.4 3957.6 2665.0 997.3 -47.1
Dividend paid / payable ` crore 7272.2 Nil 3399.1 698 1168.3 961.8 2241.6 59.6 Nil 514.9 134.8 57.0 # Nil
Dividend as a %age of Equity % age 170 Nil 140 55 345 160 310 40 Nil 70 80 200 Nil
Dividend as a %age of PAT % age 45.44 Nil 32.69 30 30.24 41.28 30.16 8.00 Nil 42.00 52.17 34.93 Nil
EPS ` 18.7 -20.9 42.8 18 114.1 38.8 102.8 49.0 6.6 16.6 7.7 57.3 -2.1
Payout Ratio % age 45.44 Nil 32.69 30 30.24 41.28 30.16 18.91 Nil 0.42 52.17 34.93 Nil
Total outstanding loan ` crore - 37974.4 52469.2 8118 21336.8 9198.8 15975.8 3560.5 8100.3 497.9 Nil Nil 19.8
*: Consequent to transfer by Government of India of its entire shareholding (7,72,65,200 shares representing 51.89% of Equity Share Capital) in favour of IOCL, effective 29/03/2001)
** There is no direct holding by Government of India in Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. (BL). Balmer Lawrie Investments Ltd. (BLIL), a Government Company holds 61.8% of equity shares in BL. President of India holds 59.67% in
BLIL. #: Proposed ^: 100% Subsidiary of ONGC
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
X.6 Estimates of Crude Oil Production in 12th Plan (2012-17)
(in MMT)
Projected Crude Oil Production in 12 Plan th
Actual Crude Oil Production
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
ONGC 25.045 28.270 28.002 26.286 25.456 133.059 22.561 22.246 22.264 22.368
OIL 3.920 4.000 4.060 4.160 4.200 20.340 3.661 3.466 3.412 3.226
Pvt/JV 13.340 13.300 12.700 12.100 11.500 62.940 11.640 12.076 11.785 11.356
Total 42.305 45.570 44.762 42.546 41.156 216.339 37.862 37.788 37.461 36.950
Source: Report of the Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan
60 Figure X.2: Projected & Actual Crude Oil & Gas Production in 12th Plan
46 45
40 42 43 43 44
38 38 37 37
30 34 32
Actua l
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Crude Oil (MMT) Na tura l Ga s (BCM)
X.9 Oil and Natural Gas Production Target of OVL from Assets abroad in 12th Plan
Projected Production Actual Production
Projects Particulars
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Oil (MMT) 6.470 6.362 6.346 6.567 6.555 32.30 4.33 4.513 4.25 4.263
Producing Assets Gas (BCM) 2.580 2.60 2.183 2.196 2.573 12.132 2.918 2.568 2.521 2.372
Oil and Gas (MMTOE) 9.050 8.962 8.529 8.763 9.129 44.433 7.248 7.081 6.771 6.635
Development Assets Oil (MMT) 0.031 0.255 0.670 1.052 1.419 3.428 0.001 0.021 0.063 0.112
(Carabobo-1 Venezuela and A1&A3 Gas (BCM) 0 0.41 0.81 0.91 0.91 3.030 0 0.202 0.665 0.898
Myanmar)" Oil and Gas (MMTOE) 0.031 0.664 1.484 1.957 2.324 6.461 0.001 0.223 0.728 1.010
Oil (MMT) 0.062 0.193 0.214 0.21 0.183 0.863 0.001 0 0 0
Exploratory Asset
Gas (BCM) -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 0
(Block 24, Syria)"
Oil and Gas (MMTOE) 0.062 0.193 0.214 0.21 0.183 0.863 0.001 0 0 0
Total Oil (MMT) 6.564 6.810 7.230 7.829 8.157 36.591 4.332 4.534 4.313 4.375
Existing Assets Total Gas (BCM) 2.58 3.009 2.997 3.101 3.478 15.165 2.918 2.77 3.186 3.27
Total Oil & Gas (MMTOE) 9.144 9.819 10.228 10.930 11.636 51.757 7.250 7.304 7.499 7.645
"New Ventures** Oil & Gas (MMTOE) 0 0.93 1.99 3.05 4.11 10.08 0.011 1.053 1.375 1.271
(ACG, Azerbaijan + Addnl 12% from BC-10)"
Grand Total Existing + NV (MMTOE) 9.144 10.749 12.218 13.980 15.746 61.837 7.26 8.357 8.874 8.916
** ACG (PI: 2.7213%) acquired on 28th March 2013
^: Projected
** Additional 12% BC-10 acquired on 30th December 2013
Source: OVL and Report of the Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan
18.00 Figure X.3: Target and Actual Production by OVL from Assets Abroad in 12 th Plan
10.00 10.75 Projected
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
X.10 Estimated Refining Capacity in 12th Plan (2012-17)
(in MMTPA)
Projected Refining Capacity Current
Company Capacity as on
Location 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 31.03.2016
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
IOCL Digboi 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650
Guwahati 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Barauni 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000
Koyali 13.700 13.700 13.700 18.000 18.000 13.700
Haldia 7.500 7.500 7.500 8.000 8.000 7.500
Bongaigaon 2.350 2.350 2.350 2.350 2.350 2.350
Mathura 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 11.000 8.000
Panipat 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000
Paradip 0.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000
Sub-total 54.200 69.200 69.200 74.000 77.000 69.200
CPCL Manali 11.100 11.100 11.100 11.100 11.100 10.500
Nagapattinam 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Sub-total 12.100 12.100 12.100 12.100 12.100 11.500
HPCL Mumbai 7.500 8.200 8.200 8.200 8.200 6.500
Visakh 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000 15.000 8.300
New Refinery - - - - 9.000
Sub-total 16.500 17.200 17.200 17.200 32.200 14.800
BPCL Mumbai 12.000 12.000 13.500 13.500 13.500 12.000
Kochi 9.500 9.500 9.500 15.500 15.500 9.500
Sub-total 21.500 21.500 23.000 29.000 29.000 21.500
NRL Numaligarh 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 8.000 3.000
BORL Bina 6.000 6.000 7.200 7.200 9.000 6.000
HMEL Bhatinda 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000
MRPL Mangalore 15.000 15.500 16.000 16.500 18.000 15.000
ONGC Tatipaka 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066
Sub-total 33.066 33.566 35.266 35.766 44.066 33.066
Total CPSE/JV refineries 137.366 153.566 156.766 168.066 194.366 150.066
Reliance DTA, 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33.000
SEZ, Jamnagar 27.000 27.000 27.000 27.000 27.000 27.000
Sub-total 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000
ESSAR Jamnagar 19.000 20.000 20.000 30.800 38.000 20.000
Nagarjuna Cuddalore 2.000 6.000 6.000 6.100 15.000 0.000
Total Private Refineries 81.000 86.000 86.000 96.900 113.000 80.000
GRAND TOTAL 218.366 239.566 242.766 264.966 307.366 230.066
Source: Report of the Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan
X.11 Estimated Demand for Petroleum Products in 12th Plan (2012-17)
(in MMT)
Projected Demand of Petroleum Products Actual Demand of Petroleum Products
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1. Petroleum Products ('000MT)
LPG 16.986 18.363 19.675 20.857 21.831 250.586 15.601 16.294 18 19.623
MS 16.091 17.527 19.083 20.766 22.588 240.874 15.744 17.128 19.075 21.847
NAPHTHA 12.353 11.417 11.417 11.022 11.022 57.231 12.289 11.305 11.082 13.271
ATF 6.009 6.587 7.202 7.849 8.54 36.187 5.27 5.505 5.723 6.262
SKO 7.949 7.631 7.326 7.033 6.751 36.690 7.502 7.165 7.087 6.826
HSDO 65.040 68.654 72.589 76.904 81.599 364.786 69.080 68.364 69.416 74.647
LDO 0.40 0.40 0.400 0.40 0.40 2.000 0.399 0.386 0.365 0.407
LUBES 2.691 2.772 2.857 2.945 3.036 14.301 3.196 3.305 3.31 3.571
FO/LSHS 7.954 7.902 7.899 7.872 7.872 39.499 7.656 6.236 5.961 6.632
BITUMEN 5.254 5.541 5.732 5.971 6.114 28.612 4.676 5.007 5.073 5.938
PET COKE 6.765 7.514 8.345 9.268 10.294 42.186 10.135 11.756 14.557 19.297
OTHERS 5.445 6.127 6.109 6.085 6.162 29.928 5.509 5.956 5.871 6.353
Total (Petroleum Products) 152.937 160.436 168.635 176.972 186.209 845.189 157.057 158.407 165.520 184.674
2. Natural Gas (MMSCMD)1 293 371 405 446 473 1988 147.711 134.230 128.643 128.643
1: Including LNG
Source: Report of the Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan
Figure X.4: Projected and Actual Demand for Petroleum Products in 12th Plan (2012-17)
185 186
160 177
169 166
157 160 158
140 153
100 Projected
80 Actual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1. Crude Processing 236.478 245.308 247.008 261.828 286.618 1277.240 219.212 222.497 223.242 232.865
2. Petroleum Products
LPG 9.255 10.345 10.659 11.358 13.087 54.704 9.825 10.030 9.84 10.568
Naphtha 18.147 18.772 18.695 20.088 22.713 98.415 19.018 18.505 17.391 17.861
MS 30.071 31.620 32.679 36.003 38.763 169.136 30.118 30.275 32.325 35.321
HSD 95.638 97.570 100.178 106.222 116.520 516.128 91.103 93.759 94.428 95.588
ATF 11.984 12.643 12.843 14.316 16.037 67.823 10.088 11.220 11.103 11.789
SKO 8.376 8.697 8.98 9.40 9.743 45.196 7.971 7.418 7.559 7.504
LDO 0.480 0.338 0.338 0.163 0.218 1.537 0.400 0.423 0.358 0.429
FO/LSHS 16.147 15.557 11.408 11.186 10.084 64.382 15.054 13.405 11.919 9.727
BITUMEN 5.209 5.482 5.595 5.446 5.620 27.352 4.670 4.785 4.632 5.157
LUBES & GREASES 0.792 0.871 0.883 0.895 1.302 4.743 0.896 0.941 0.946 1.037
OTHERS 25.489 28.028 29.538 31.699 35.525 150.279 28.594 29.995 30.635 36.943
Total (Petroleum Products) 221.588 229.923 231.797 246.776 269.611 1199.695 217.736 220.756 221.136 231.924
Source:Report of the Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan
Figure X.5: Projected and Actual Production of Petroleum Products in 12th Plan (2012-17)
250 270
230 232 232
200 222 218 221 221
150 Actual
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Chapter Highlights
• World’s Proven Crude Oil reserves at end of 2015 are 1697.6 Thousand Million Barrels. Middle East
with reserves of 803.5 Thousand Million Barrels has the highest share (47.3%), followed by Central
& South America (19.4%). Asia Pacific region constitute a mere 2.5% of the total basket.
• Middle East with reserves of 80.15 Trillion cubic metres of Natural Gas has the highest share region
wise (42.8%) in Proved Reserve of Natural Gas in world (186.84 Trillion cubic metres). Europe &
Eurasia (56.79 Trillion cubic metres) followed by Asia Pacific (15.6 Trillion cubic metre) is having the
second and third largest share region wise in World Natural gas reserves.
• World Production of Crude Oil was 4361.9 Million Tonnes during 2015, which is 3.2% higher than the
Crude Oil production in 2014 (4228.68 Million Tonnes).
• Saudi Arabia had the largest share in crude oil production with 568.5 million tonnes (34.5%) for OPEC
countries in 2015, followed by Iraq & Iran at 197 million tonnes (10.9%) and 182.6 million tonnes
(10.1%) respectively.
• World Natural gas production in 2015 was 3199.5 Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent (MTOE) as compared
to 3130.25 MTOE in 2014, registering a growth of 2.2%.
• Europe & Eurasia region accounted for 28.8% share (903 MTOE) in global consumption of natural gas
at 3135.21 MTOE followed by North America at 28.1% (881 MTOE).
• World Oil Refining capacity at end of 2015 was 97239 thousand barrels/day registering a growth of
0.5% over 2014. India with refining capacity of 4319 thousand barrels per day had a share of 4.4% in
world refining capacity.
• India with a consumption of 195.5 Million tonnes is having the third largest share country wise in
World Oil consumption (4331.3 Million tonnes).
• OPEC Countries are having a share of 56.6 % in world crude oil export for 2015.
• China is having the largest share (22.92%) in Global Primary energy consumption. India with
consumption of 700.5 Million tonnes oil equivalent of primary energy is the third largest consumer
of primary energy.
XI.1 (a) World Proven Oil Reserves at end 2015
Country/ Region Thousand million tonnes Thousand million barrels % share of total R/P ratio
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
US 6.6 55.0 3.2 11.9
Canada 27.8 172.2 10.1 107.6
Mexico 1.5 10.8 0.6 11.5
Total North America 35.9 238.0 14.0 33.1
Argentina 0.3 2.4 0.1 10.2
Brazil 1.9 13.0 0.8 14.1
Colombia 0.3 2.3 0.1 6.3
Ecuador 1.2 8.0 0.5 40.4
Peru 0.2 1.4 0.1 34.3
Trinidad & Tobago 0.1 0.7 s 18.1
Venezuela 47.0 300.9 17.7 313.9
Other S. & Cent. America 0.1 0.5 s 9.9
Total S. & Cent. America 51 329.2 19.4 117.0
Azerbaijan 1.0 7.0 0.4 22.8
Denmark 0.1 0.6 s 9.6
Italy 0.1 0.6 s 14.7
Kazakhstan 3.9 30.0 1.8 49.3
Norway 1.0 8.0 0.5 11.3
Romania 0.1 0.6 s 19.5
Russian Federation 14.0 102.4 6.0 25.5
Turkmenistan 0.1 0.6 s 6.3
United Kingdom 0.4 2.8 0.2 8.0
Uzbekistan 0.1 0.6 s 25.3
Other Europe & Eurasia 0.3 2.1 0.1 15.0
Total Europe & Eurasia 21 155.2 9.1 24.7
Iran 21.7 157.8 9.3 110.3
Iraq 19.3 143.1 8.4 97.2
Kuwait 14.0 101.5 6.0 89.8
Oman 0.7 5.3 0.3 15.3
Qatar 2.7 25.7 1.5 37.1
Saudi Arabia 36.6 266.6 15.7 60.8
Syria 0.3 2.5 0.1 253.7
United Arab Emirates 13.0 97.8 5.8 68.7
Yemen 0.4 3.0 0.2 176.5
Other Middle East † 0.2 s 2.8
Total Middle East 108.7 803.5 47.3 77.1
Algeria 1.5 12.2 0.7 21.1
Angola 1.7 12.7 0.7 19.0
Chad 0.2 1.5 0.1 52.4
Rep. of Congo (Brazzaville) 0.2 1.6 0.1 15.8
Egypt 0.5 3.5 0.2 13.2
Equatorial Guinea 0.1 1.1 0.1 10.4
Gabon 0.3 2.0 0.1 23.5
Libya 6.3 48.4 2.8 306.8
Nigeria 5.0 37.1 2.2 43.2
South Sudan 0.5 3.5 0.2 64.9
XI.1 (a) World Proven Oil Reserves at end 2015 (Contd...)
Country/ Region Thousand million tonnes Thousand million barrels % share of total R/P ratio
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Sudan 0.2 1.5 0.1 39.2
Tunisia 0.1 0.4 s 18.6
Other Africa 0.5 3.7 0.2 38.3
Total Africa 17.1 129.1 7.6 42.8
Australia 0.4 4.0 0.2 28.3
Brunei 0.1 1.1 0.1 23.8
China 2.5 18.5 1.1 11.7
India 0.8 5.7 0.3 18.0
Indonesia 0.5 3.6 0.2 12.0
Malaysia 0.5 3.6 0.2 14.2
Thailand † 0.4 s 2.3
Vietnam 0.6 4.4 0.3 33.3
Other Asia Pacific 0.2 1.3 0.1 12.0
Total Asia Pacific 5.7 42.6 2.5 14.0
Total World 239.4 1697.6 100 50.7
†: Less than 0.05 s:Less than 0.05%.
1. Proved reserves of oil - Generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty
can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.
2. Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratio - If the reserves remaining at the end of any year are divided by the production in that year, the result is
the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at that rate.
3. Source of data - The estimates in this table have been compiled using a combination of primary official sources, third party data from the OPEC
Secretariat, World Oil, Oil & Gas Journal and an independent estimate of Russia and announcements. Chinese reserves based on information
in the public domain. Canadian oil sands 'under active development' are an official estimate. Venezuelan Orinoco Belt reserves are based on
the OPEC Secretariat and Government announcements. development' are an official estimate. Venezuelan Orinoco Belt reserves are based
on the OPEC Secretariat and Government announcements.
4. Reserves include gas condensate and natural gas liquids (NGLs) as well as crude oil.
5. Percentage shares of total and R/P ratios are calculated using thousand million barrels figures.
6. Totals may not add up due to independent rounding.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016.
Asia Pacific
Africa 3
8 North America
Middle East
XI.1 (b) World Proven Natural Gas Reserves at end 2015
Country/ Region Trillion cubic feet Trillion cubic metres % share of total R/P ratio
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
US 368.7 10.4 5.6 13.6
Canada 70.2 2.0 1.1 12.2
Mexico 11.4 0.3 0.2 6.1
Total North America 450.3 12.8 6.8 13
Argentina 11.7 0.3 0.2 9.1
Bolivia 9.9 0.3 0.2 13.5
Brazil 15.0 0.4 0.2 18.5
Colombia 4.8 0.1 0.1 12.2
Peru 14.6 0.4 0.2 33.1
Trinidad & Tobago 11.5 0.3 0.2 8.2
Venezuela 198.4 5.6 3.0 173.2
Other S. & Cent. America 2.2 0.1 s 24.0
Total S. & Cent. America 268.10 7.6 4.1 42.5
Azerbaijan 40.6 1.1 0.6 63.2
Denmark 1.1 † s 6.7
Germany 1.4 † s 5.4
Italy 1.6 † s 7.3
Kazakhstan 33.4 0.9 0.5 75.7
Netherlands 23.8 0.7 0.4 15.7
Norway 65.6 1.9 1.0 15.9
Poland 3.3 0.1 0.1 23.1
Romania 3.9 0.1 0.1 10.7
Russian Federation 1139.6 32.3 17.3 56.3
Turkmenistan 617.3 17.5 9.4 241.4
Ukraine 21.3 0.6 0.3 34.7
United Kingdom 7.3 0.2 0.1 5.2
Uzbekistan 38.3 1.1 0.6 18.8
Other Europe & Eurasia 7.0 0.2 0.1 31.4
Total Europe & Eurasia 2005.50 56.8 30.4 57.4
Bahrain 6.1 0.2 0.1 11.1
Iran 1201.4 34.0 18.2 176.8
Iraq 130.5 3.7 2.0 *
Israel 6.4 0.2 0.1 21.9
Kuwait 63.0 1.8 1.0 119.1
Oman 24.3 0.7 0.4 19.7
Qatar 866.2 24.5 13.1 135.2
Saudi Arabia 294.0 8.3 4.5 78.2
Syria 10.1 0.3 0.2 66.0
United Arab Emirates 215.1 6.1 3.3 109.2
Yemen 9.4 0.3 0.1 100.0
Other Middle East 0.2 ^ s 44.9
Total Middle East 2826.68 80.0 42.8 129.5
XI.1 (b) World Proven Natural Gas Reserves at end 2015 (Contd...)
Country/ Region Trillion cubic feet Trillion cubic metres % share of total R/P ratio
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Algeria 159.1 4.5 2.4 54.3
Egypt 65.2 1.8 1.0 40.5
Libya 53.1 1.5 0.8 118.0
Nigeria 180.5 5.1 2.7 102.1
Other Africa 38.8 1.1 0.6 53.9
Total Africa 496.66 14.1 7.5 66.4
Australia 122.6 3.5 1.9 51.8
Bangladesh 8.2 0.2 0.1 8.7
Brunei 9.7 0.3 0.1 21.7
China 135.7 3.8 2.1 27.8
India 52.6 1.5 0.8 50.9
Indonesia 100.3 2.8 1.5 37.8
Malaysia 41.3 1.2 0.6 17.1
Myanmar 18.7 0.5 0.3 27.0
Pakistan 19.2 0.5 0.3 12.9
Papua New Guinea 5.0 0.1 0.1 14.3
Thailand 7.8 0.2 0.1 5.5
Vietnam 21.8 0.6 0.3 57.9
Other Asia Pacific 9.9 0.3 0.2 15.8
Total Asia Pacific 552.84 15.6 8.4 28.1
Total World 6600.08 186.9 100.0 52.8
* More than 100 years. †: Less than 0.05 s:Less than 0.05%.
1. Proved reserves of oil - Generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty
can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.
2. Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratio - If the reserves remaining at the end of any year are divided by the production in that year, the result is
the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at that rate.
3. Source of data - The estimates in this table have been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data from
Cedigaz and the OPEC Secretariat.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016.
XI.2 World Crude Oil Production
(in Million Tonnes)
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 share
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 302.33 322.48 332.82 344.97 393.68 448.03 522.81 567.25 13.0
Canada 152.88 152.81 160.29 169.80 182.59 195.04 209.59 215.46 4.9
Mexico 156.98 146.76 145.71 144.61 143.91 141.89 137.14 127.58 2.9
Total North America 612.19 622.04 638.82 659.38 720.18 784.96 869.54 910.30 20.9
Argentina 36.54 33.57 33.01 30.60 30.66 30.10 29.72 29.74 0.7
Brazil 98.89 105.75 111.37 114.06 112.06 109.81 122.11 131.80 3.0
Colombia 31.07 35.32 41.40 48.21 49.86 52.88 52.16 53.07 1.2
Ecuador 27.19 26.11 26.12 26.81 27.10 28.24 29.83 29.11 0.7
Peru 4.71 4.84 5.06 4.88 4.86 4.82 5.34 4.75 0.1
Trinidad & Tobago 7.00 6.77 6.31 5.99 5.23 5.20 5.13 4.88 0.1
Venezuela 165.63 155.69 145.69 141.56 139.18 137.64 138.16 135.19 3.1
Other S. & Cent. America 7.06 6.57 6.85 6.97 7.26 7.45 7.55 7.42 0.2
Total S. & Cent. America 378.09 374.63 375.81 379.07 376.20 376.14 390.01 396.00 9.1
Azerbaijan 44.51 50.42 50.84 45.63 43.37 43.46 42.08 41.66 1.0
Denmark 14.04 12.90 12.16 10.94 9.98 8.68 8.13 7.69 0.2
Italy 5.24 4.57 5.11 5.31 5.40 5.56 5.82 5.52 0.1
Kazakhstan 70.67 76.48 79.68 80.06 79.22 81.79 80.83 79.31 1.8
Norway 114.75 108.69 98.85 93.78 87.27 83.20 85.32 88.02 2.0
Romania 4.72 4.50 4.29 4.22 3.98 4.13 4.05 4.01 0.1
Russian Federation 493.67 500.82 511.79 518.83 526.04 531.10 534.11 540.72 12.4
Turkmenistan 10.39 10.50 10.80 10.80 11.20 11.68 12.12 12.72 0.3
United Kingdom 71.67 68.20 62.96 51.97 44.56 40.65 39.93 45.29 1.0
Uzbekistan 4.78 4.46 3.65 3.59 3.17 3.17 3.06 2.97 0.1
Other Europe & Eurasia 20.60 19.87 19.17 19.25 19.16 19.58 19.20 18.74 0.4
Total Europe & Eurasia 855.04 861.40 859.28 844.36 833.34 832.99 834.65 846.70 19.4
Iran 212.95 205.59 211.85 212.70 180.45 169.62 174.68 182.58 4.2
Iraq 119.32 119.93 121.48 136.68 152.50 153.24 160.28 197.02 4.5
Kuwait 136.12 120.99 123.35 140.85 153.95 151.51 150.79 149.11 3.4
Oman 37.59 40.24 42.82 43.82 45.00 46.08 46.22 46.60 1.1
Qatar 64.65 62.56 71.12 78.01 82.21 80.19 79.58 79.28 1.8
Saudi Arabia 509.87 456.72 473.82 525.95 549.83 538.43 543.44 568.49 13.0
Syria 20.29 19.97 19.17 17.58 8.52 2.96 1.64 1.34 s
United Arab Emirates 141.40 126.22 133.34 151.28 154.79 165.48 166.63 175.46 4.02
Yemen 14.76 14.35 14.27 11.18 8.78 6.86 6.61 2.13 s
Other Middle East 9.49 9.44 9.44 9.88 9.03 10.21 10.46 10.41 0.24
Total Middle East 1266.44 1176.00 1220.67 1327.94 1345.06 1324.58 1340.34 1412.40 32.38
Algeria 85.62 77.23 73.78 71.68 67.21 64.78 68.77 68.49 1.6
Angola 93.54 87.62 90.53 83.80 86.88 87.31 83.02 88.70 2.0
Chad 6.69 6.19 6.40 5.97 5.31 4.36 4.33 4.12 0.1
Rep. of Congo (Brazzaville) 12.25 14.23 16.19 15.52 15.20 14.49 14.23 14.30 0.3
Egypt 34.65 35.26 35.03 34.60 34.73 34.36 35.14 35.62 0.8
Equatorial Guinea 16.05 14.16 12.63 11.64 12.72 12.43 13.11 13.53 0.3
Gabon 12.00 12.03 12.76 12.68 12.28 11.78 11.80 11.63 0.3
XI.2 World Crude Oil Production (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes)
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 share
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Libya 85.52 77.37 77.62 22.49 71.07 46.44 23.33 20.20 0.5
Nigeria 103.78 107.59 122.07 119.05 117.19 111.53 114.76 113.01 2.6
South Sudan na na na na 1.53 4.91 7.65 7.28 0.2
Sudan 22.57 23.41 22.76 14.33 5.09 5.81 5.89 5.16 0.1
Tunisia 4.56 4.33 3.97 3.66 3.89 3.60 3.35 2.88 0.1
Other Africa 9.33 9.19 8.08 10.92 10.95 12.08 12.11 13.07 0.3
Total Africa 486.56 468.60 481.81 406.33 444.04 413.88 397.51 398.00 9.1
Australia 24.13 22.37 24.53 21.53 21.38 17.81 19.10 17.01 0.4
Brunei 8.59 8.25 8.45 8.11 7.82 6.61 6.18 6.20 0.1
China 190.44 189.49 203.01 202.88 207.48 209.96 211.43 214.56 4.9
India 37.80 38.00 41.27 42.88 42.55 42.47 41.64 41.18 0.9
Indonesia 49.43 48.41 48.62 46.31 44.62 42.70 41.22 39.97 0.9
Malaysia 34.02 32.20 32.59 29.37 29.78 28.53 29.83 31.89 0.7
Thailand 14.03 14.56 14.85 15.41 16.72 16.53 16.27 17.24 0.4
Vietnam 15.15 16.67 15.56 15.77 17.31 17.39 18.05 17.44 0.4
Other Asia Pacific 14.89 14.40 13.77 13.04 12.72 11.99 12.91 13.09 0.3
Total Asia Pacific 388.48 384.35 402.66 395.29 400.38 393.99 396.63 398.60 9.1
Total World 3986.80 3887.03 3979.05 4012.38 4119.21 4126.55 4228.68 4361.90 100
na: Not available s: Less than 0.05%.
Note: Production includes crude oil, shale oil, oil sands and NGLs (the liquid content of natural gas where this is recovered separately).Excludes
liquid fuels from other sources such as biomass and coal derivatives
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016.
XI.3 Crude Oil Production by OPEC Member Countries
(in Million Tonnes)
% share in
OPEC Countries 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Ecuador 27.2 26.1 26.1 26.8 27.1 28.2 29.8 29.1 1.6
Venezuela 165.6 155.7 145.7 141.6 139.2 137.6 138.2 135.2 7.5
Iran 213.0 205.6 211.9 212.7 180.5 169.6 174.7 182.6 10.1
Iraq 119.3 119.9 121.5 136.7 152.5 153.2 160.3 197.0 10.9
Kuwait 136.1 121.0 123.3 140.8 154.0 151.5 150.8 149.1 8.3
Qatar 64.7 62.6 71.1 78.0 82.2 80.2 79.6 79.3 4.4
Saudi Arabia 509.9 456.7 473.8 525.9 549.8 538.4 543.4 568.5 31.5
United Arab Emirates 141.4 126.2 133.3 151.3 154.8 165.5 166.6 175.5 9.7
Algeria 85.6 77.2 73.8 71.7 67.2 64.8 68.8 68.5 3.8
Angola 93.5 87.6 90.5 83.8 86.9 87.3 83.0 88.7 4.9
Libya 85.5 77.4 77.6 22.5 71.1 46.4 23.3 20.2 1.1
Nigeria 103.8 107.6 122.1 119.0 117.2 111.5 114.8 113.0 6.3
Total OPEC 1745.6 1623.6 1670.8 1710.9 1782.4 1734.4 1733.3 1806.6 100
Note: Indonesia suspended its membership as on 01.01.2009 and reactivated as of 1.1.2016
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016.
183 197
200 175
135 149
79 89
100 68
29 20
Ecuador Venezuela Iran Iraq Kuwait Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Algeria Angola Libya Nigeria
XI.4 World Production of Natural Gas
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
% share in
Country/Region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 521.70 532.71 549.50 589.81 620.16 626.44 669.09 705.31 22.0
Canada 158.90 147.59 143.94 143.74 140.16 140.47 145.84 147.18 4.6
Mexico 48.04 53.35 51.81 52.43 51.47 52.37 51.36 47.89 1.5
Total North America 728.65 733.64 745.24 785.98 811.80 819.28 866.29 900.40 28.1
Argentina 39.65 37.28 36.09 34.91 33.96 31.98 31.91 32.84 1.0
Bolivia 12.86 11.08 12.79 14.02 15.99 18.26 18.91 18.77 0.6
Brazil 12.57 10.74 13.13 15.06 17.34 19.19 20.36 20.62 0.6
Colombia 8.15 9.46 10.14 9.86 10.78 11.37 10.60 9.91 0.3
Peru 3.06 3.13 6.51 10.17 10.67 10.97 11.63 11.25 0.4
Trinidad & Tobago 37.77 39.25 40.28 38.78 38.45 38.56 37.87 35.67 1.1
Venezuela 29.49 27.91 27.56 24.84 26.53 25.59 25.77 29.18 0.9
Other S. & Cent. America 3.12 3.10 3.07 2.66 2.50 2.37 2.36 2.36 0.1
Total S. & Cent. America 146.67 141.95 149.57 150.30 156.22 158.29 159.42 160.60 5.0
Azerbaijan 13.31 13.29 13.58 13.33 14.04 14.58 15.81 16.35 0.5
Denmark 9.08 7.58 7.39 5.93 5.18 4.36 4.15 4.13 0.1
Germany 11.73 10.96 9.57 9.00 8.14 7.40 6.95 6.47 0.2
Italy 7.58 6.56 6.88 6.92 7.05 6.33 5.86 5.55 0.2
Kazakhstan 10.44 9.65 9.48 9.44 10.20 10.69 10.95 11.13 0.3
Netherlands 59.88 56.42 63.44 57.73 57.42 61.77 50.13 38.72 1.2
Norway 90.10 93.95 96.53 91.14 103.25 97.87 97.94 105.44 3.3
Poland 3.69 3.68 3.69 3.85 3.91 3.82 3.73 3.68 0.1
Romania 9.03 8.94 8.62 8.67 9.02 8.61 8.77 9.28 0.3
Russian Federation 541.55 474.89 529.98 546.31 533.05 544.24 523.57 515.97 16.1
Turkmenistan 59.46 32.74 38.12 53.59 56.06 56.11 62.34 65.16 2.0
Ukraine 17.10 17.35 16.66 16.79 16.73 16.61 16.11 15.66 0.5
United Kingdom 62.67 53.71 51.42 40.71 34.99 32.83 33.11 35.69 1.1
Uzbekistan 51.99 50.02 48.96 51.31 51.23 51.20 51.56 51.97 1.6
Other Europe & Eurasia 8.85 8.74 8.77 8.25 7.61 6.59 5.88 5.64 0.2
Total Europe & Eurasia 956.45 848.47 913.08 922.97 917.86 923.01 896.85 890.80 27.8
Bahrain 11.39 11.49 11.77 11.96 12.36 13.22 13.92 13.98 0.4
Iran 117.75 129.34 137.13 143.87 149.54 150.10 163.84 173.22 5.4
Iraq 1.69 1.03 1.17 0.79 0.58 1.06 0.81 0.92 s
Kuwait 11.48 10.34 10.56 12.18 13.96 14.68 13.53 13.48 0.4
Oman 23.39 24.31 26.40 27.82 28.96 31.31 29.96 31.39 1.0
Qatar 69.28 80.37 118.05 130.74 141.34 159.84 156.65 163.30 5.1
Saudi Arabia 72.40 70.61 78.89 83.03 89.40 90.03 92.14 95.78 3.0
Syria 4.78 5.27 7.24 6.38 5.23 4.58 4.22 3.89 0.1
United Arab Emirates 45.22 43.96 46.15 47.08 48.87 49.14 48.82 50.19 1.6
Yemen - 0.70 5.58 8.10 6.55 8.90 8.39 2.40 0.1
Other Middle East 3.28 2.60 3.08 4.00 2.39 5.88 6.91 7.57 0.2
Total Middle East 360.64 380.02 446.04 475.95 499.19 528.75 539.20 556.10 17.4
Algeria 77.2 71.6 72.4 74.4 73.4 74.2 75.0 74.7 2.3
Egypt 53.1 56.4 55.2 55.3 54.8 50.5 43.9 41.0 1.3
Libya 14.3 14.3 15.1 7.1 11.0 9.3 10.6 11.5 0.4
XI.4 World Production of Natural Gas (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
% share in
Country/Region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Nigeria 32.5 23.4 33.6 36.5 39.0 32.6 40.5 45.1 1.4
Other Africa 13.6 14.0 15.7 17.2 16.3 18.8 17.1 18.3 0.6
Total Africa 190.76 179.73 191.98 190.51 194.40 185.30 187.18 190.60 6.0
Australia 40.0 44.1 47.3 46.7 50.6 52.1 55.2 60.3 1.9
Bangladesh 15.3 17.5 18.0 18.3 20.0 20.5 21.5 24.1 0.8
Brunei 10.9 10.3 11.1 11.5 11.3 11.0 10.7 11.4 0.4
China 74.8 79.4 89.2 98.1 100.7 110.0 118.4 124.2 3.9
India 27.5 33.8 44.3 40.1 34.9 29.0 27.4 26.3 0.8
Indonesia 66.4 69.2 77.1 73.3 69.4 68.8 67.7 67.5 2.1
Malaysia 57.3 54.8 54.8 55.8 55.2 60.4 60.0 61.4 1.9
Myanmar 11.2 10.4 11.2 11.5 11.5 11.8 15.2 17.6 0.6
Pakistan 37.3 37.4 38.1 38.1 39.4 38.4 37.7 37.7 1.2
Thailand 25.9 27.8 32.6 33.3 37.3 37.6 37.9 35.8 1.1
Vietnam 6.7 7.2 8.5 7.6 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6 0.3
Other Asia Pacific 16.0 16.3 15.9 16.0 15.9 16.3 20.4 24.9 0.8
Total Asia Pacific 389.29 408.25 448.03 450.34 454.53 464.55 481.32 501.00 15.7
Total World 2772.47 2692.07 2893.95 2976.06 3034.00 3079.19 3130.25 3199.50 100
s: Less than 0.05%
Note: Production includes gas flared or recycled and natural gas produced for Gas-to-Liquids transformation
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016.
XI.5 World Consumption of Natural Gas
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
Country/Region/ % share in
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Year 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 600.8 590.1 619.3 628.8 657.4 675.5 692.7 713.6 22.8
Canada 86.5 85.4 85.5 90.8 90.2 93.5 93.8 92.2 2.9
Mexico 59.7 65.0 65.2 68.9 71.9 74.9 78.1 74.9 2.4
Total North
746.96 740.53 770.03 788.56 819.53 843.93 864.63 880.69 28.1
Argentina 40.0 37.9 38.9 40.7 42.2 41.8 42.4 42.8 1.4
Brazil 22.4 18.1 24.1 24.0 28.5 33.6 35.5 36.8 1.2
Chile 2.1 2.2 4.4 4.5 4.1 4.1 3.4 3.5 0.1
Colombia 6.8 7.8 8.2 8.0 8.9 9.0 9.8 9.5 0.3
Ecuador 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0
Peru 3.1 3.1 5.0 5.6 6.1 5.9 6.5 6.8 0.2
Trinidad & Tobago 19.2 19.9 20.9 21.0 20.0 20.2 19.8 19.4 0.6
Venezuela 30.9 29.0 29.0 26.7 28.3 27.5 27.7 31.1 1.0
Other S. & Cent. 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.5 6.1 6.6 6.9 6.9 0.2
Total S. & Cent.
129.07 123.10 135.75 136.36 144.52 149.20 152.57 157.30 5.0
Austria 8.5 8.2 9.0 8.4 8.1 7.7 7.1 7.5 0.2
Azerbaijan 8.2 7.0 6.7 7.3 7.7 7.7 8.5 8.8 0.3
Belarus 17.4 14.5 17.8 16.5 16.7 16.7 16.5 15.5 0.5
Belgium 14.8 15.1 17.0 14.2 14.4 14.2 12.4 13.6 0.4
Bulgaria 2.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.6 0.1
Czech Republic 7.1 6.7 7.6 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.2 6.5 0.2
Denmark 4.1 4.0 4.5 3.8 3.5 3.4 2.8 2.9 0.1
Finland 3.6 3.2 3.6 3.1 2.7 2.6 2.3 1.9 0.1
France 39.9 38.4 42.6 37.0 38.2 38.8 32.6 35.1 1.1
Germany 77.0 72.6 75.7 69.5 69.7 73.1 64.0 67.2 2.1
Greece 3.5 2.9 3.2 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.4 2.5 0.1
Hungary 12.1 10.5 11.3 10.0 9.1 8.3 7.5 8.0 0.3
Republic of Ireland 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.8 0.1
Italy 69.5 63.9 68.1 63.8 61.4 57.4 50.7 55.3 1.8
Kazakhstan 6.3 6.0 4.0 4.6 6.1 6.3 6.9 7.8 0.2
Lithuania 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.1 0.1
Netherlands 34.7 35.0 39.2 34.2 32.7 33.3 28.8 28.6 0.9
Norway 3.9 3.7 3.7 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 0.1
Poland 13.5 13.0 14.0 14.1 15.0 15.0 14.6 15.1 0.5
Portugal 4.3 4.2 4.6 4.7 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.9 0.1
Romania 12.6 10.5 10.8 11.0 11.2 10.2 9.5 9.3 0.3
Russian Federation 374.4 350.7 372.7 382.1 374.6 372.1 370.7 352.3 11.2
Slovakia 5.2 4.4 5.0 4.6 4.4 4.8 3.8 3.9 0.1
Spain 34.9 31.2 31.1 28.9 28.6 26.1 23.7 24.8 0.8
Sweden 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 s
Switzerland 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.4 2.6 0.1
Turkey 33.8 32.1 35.1 36.8 37.3 37.6 40.2 39.2 1.3
Turkmenistan 19.3 17.7 20.4 21.2 23.7 20.6 24.9 30.9 1.0
XI.5 World Consumption of Natural Gas (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
Country/Region/ % share in
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Year 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Ukraine 54.0 42.1 47.0 48.3 44.6 38.9 33.1 25.9 0.8
United Kingdom 84.4 78.3 84.8 70.3 66.5 65.7 60.0 61.4 2.0
Uzbekistan 43.8 35.9 36.8 42.9 42.5 42.2 43.9 45.3 1.4
Other Europe & 15.4 13.4 14.8 14.9 14.7 13.5 13.4 13.7 0.4
Total Europe &
1019.43 937.35 1004.40 980.17 964.43 946.05 905.76 903.11 28.8
Iran 119.9 128.4 137.6 146.0 145.4 146.6 162.0 172.1 5.5
Israel 3.4 3.8 4.8 4.5 2.3 6.2 6.8 7.6 0.2
Kuwait 11.5 11.1 13.1 14.9 16.6 16.8 16.8 17.5 0.6
Qatar 17.1 17.9 28.9 18.7 23.3 38.4 35.7 40.6 1.3
Saudi Arabia 72.4 70.6 78.9 83.0 89.4 90.0 92.1 95.8 3.1
United Arab 53.5 53.2 54.7 56.9 59.0 60.5 59.6 62.2 2.0
Other Middle East 34.5 37.4 41.6 40.2 40.2 43.7 42.2 45.4 1.4
Total Middle East 312.26 322.37 359.55 364.17 376.14 402.19 415.26 441.17 14.1
Algeria 22.8 24.5 23.7 25.1 27.9 30.0 33.7 35.1 1.1
Egypt 36.8 38.3 40.6 44.7 47.3 46.3 43.2 43.0 1.4
South Africa 3.4 3.0 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.1 4.5 4.5 0.1
Other Africa 27.7 23.8 28.6 29.4 31.8 30.1 34.1 39.2 1.3
Total Africa 90.64 89.60 96.46 102.82 111.03 110.60 115.55 121.91 3.9
Australia 28.7 29.0 29.9 29.2 29.9 30.9 32.4 30.9 1.0
Bangladesh 15.3 17.5 18.0 18.3 20.0 20.5 21.5 24.1 0.8
China 75.7 83.3 100.1 123.4 135.8 154.7 169.6 177.6 5.7
China Hong Kong 2.9 2.8 3.4 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.9 0.1
India 37.4 45.6 55.3 55.7 51.8 45.3 45.6 45.5 1.5
Indonesia 35.2 37.3 39.1 37.9 38.0 36.7 36.8 35.8 1.1
Japan 84.4 78.7 85.1 95.0 105.2 105.2 106.2 102.1 3.3
Malaysia 35.3 31.8 31.0 31.3 31.9 36.3 36.7 35.8 1.1
New Zealand 3.4 3.6 3.9 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.4 4.1 0.1
Pakistan 37.3 37.4 38.1 38.1 39.4 38.4 37.7 39.0 1.2
Philippines 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.0 3.2 3.0 0.1
Singapore 8.3 8.7 7.9 7.9 8.5 9.5 9.8 10.2 0.3
South Korea 32.1 30.5 38.7 41.7 45.2 47.3 43.0 39.2 1.3
Taiwan 10.5 10.2 12.7 14.0 14.7 14.7 15.5 16.5 0.5
Thailand 33.6 35.3 40.5 41.9 46.1 47.0 47.4 47.6 1.5
Vietnam 6.7 7.2 8.5 7.6 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6 0.3
Other Asia Pacific 5.2 4.8 5.2 5.6 5.6 5.8 6.5 7.1 0.2
Total Asia Pacific 455.37 467.29 520.53 557.21 590.18 610.53 627.69 631.03 20.1
Total World 2753.73 2680.23 2886.72 2929.29 3005.84 3062.50 3081.46 3135.21 100
s: Less than 0.05%.
1. The difference between these world consumption figures and the world production statistics is due to variations in stocks at storage facilities
and liquefaction plants, together with unavoidable disparities in the definition, measurement or conversion of gas supply and demand data.
2. Excludes natural gas converted to liquid fuels but includes derivatives of coal as well as natural gas consumed in Gas-to-Liquids transformation
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
Figure XI.3: Region-wise % share of production and consumption of natural gas during 2015
30 28 28 28 29
Share (in %)
20 17
14 Production
5 5 6
North America South and Central Europe & Eurasia Middle East Africa Asia Pacific
XI.7 World Oil Refining Capacity
(in '000' barrels daily* )
% share
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 17672 17584 17736 17322 17824 17925 17889 18315 18.8
Canada 1951 1976 1913 2040 2050 1965 1965 1966 2.0
Mexico 1463 1463 1463 1605.5 1605.5 1605.5 1602 1602 1.6
Total North America 21086 21023 21113 20967 21479 21495 21456 21883 22.5
Argentina 628 625 625 625 657 657 657 657 0.7
Brazil 1973 1988 1988 2010 2001 2093 2235 2278 2.3
Chile 242 242 242 250 254 254 258 258 0.3
Colombia 326 336 336 336 336 336 336 421 0.4
Curacao 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 0.3
Ecuador 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 0.2
Peru 230 252 252 252 252 253 253 253 0.3
Trinidad & Tobago 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 0.2
Venezuela 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1.3
Other S. & Cent. America 1176 900 901 1013 356 364 371 392 0.4
Total S. & Cent. America 6538 6306 6307 6449 5819 5920 6073 6222 6.4
Austria 201 201 201 193 193 193 193 193 0.2
Azerbaijan 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 0.2
Belarus 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 0.5
Belgium 786 786 787 788 753 776 776 776 0.8
Bulgaria 175 180 195 195 195 195 195 195 0.2
Czech Republic 193 193 193 193 178 178 178 178 0.2
Denmark 189 189 189 181 181 181 180 180 0.2
Finland 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 0.3
France 1971 1842 1702 1610 1513 1375 1375 1375 1.4
Germany 2366 2362 2091 2077 2097 2061 2077 2032 2.1
Greece 425 425 490 495 498 498 498 498 0.5
Hungary 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 0.2
Ireland 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 0.1
Italy 2396 2396 2396 2276 2113 1876 1915 1915 2.0
Kazakhstan 330 330 330 330 330 350 350 350 0.4
Lithuania 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 0.2
Netherlands 1280 1280 1274 1276 1274 1274 1274 1293 1.3
Norway 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 316 0.3
Poland 492 491 560 580 582 582 582 581 0.6
Portugal 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 0.3
Romania 358 283 247 229 214 235 228 246 0.3
Russian Federation 5397 5435 5573 5731 5836 6245 6352 6428 6.6
Slovakia 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 0.1
Spain 1362 1362 1421 1542 1546 1546 1546 1546 1.6
Sweden 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 0.4
Switzerland 140 140 140 140 106 140 140 68 0.1
Turkey 613 613 613 613 613 613 613 613 0.6
Turkmenistan 270 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 0.3
Ukraine 566 582 474 474 248 262 248 248 0.3
XI.7 World Oil Refining Capacity (Contd...)
(in '000' barrels daily* )
% share
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
United Kingdom 1827 1757 1757 1787 1526 1498 1337 1337 1.4
Uzbekistan 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 0.2
Other Europe & Eurasia 408 430 434 414 436 437 454 463 0.5
Total Europe & Eurasia 24565 24396 24188 24244 23551 23635 23632 23635 24.3
Iran 1805 1860 1860 1860 1952 1985 1985 1985 2.0
Iraq 738 853 914 935 971 823 931 933 1.0
Israel 275 275 280 292 292 294 301 301 0.3
Kuwait 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 936 1.0
Qatar 137 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 0.3
Saudi Arabia 2107 2109 2109 2107 2107 2507 2899 2899 3.0
United Arab Emirates 680 700 700 705 710 710 1143 1143 1.2
Other Middle East 978 978 978 978 978 864 864 864 0.9
Total Middle East 7656 7994 8060 8096 8229 8402 9342 9344 9.6
Algeria 444 554 554 652 652 647 651 651 0.7
Egypt 810 810 822 840 840 840 840 840 0.9
South Africa 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 0.5
Other Africa 1339 1199 1301 1247 1453 1563 1578 1578 1.6
Total Africa 3113 3083 3197 3259 3465 3569 3589 3589 3.7
Australia 734 734 740 742 663 662 536 443 0.5
Bangladesh 33 36 36 36 37 40 40 40 s
China 9163 9479 10302 10834 11933 13304 14109 14262 14.7
India 2992 3574 3703 3795 4279 4319 4319 4319 4.4
Indonesia 1052 1085 1141 1041 1041 1077 1055 1116 1.1
Japan 4650 4630 4291 4274 4254 4123 3749 3721 3.8
Malaysia 568 572 582 601 606 612 612 612 0.6
New Zealand 103 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 0.1
Pakistan 274 273 277 277 275 390 390 390 0.4
Philippines 270 267 264 261 261 270 271 271 0.3
Singapore 1427 1427 1427 1427 1422 1414 1514 1514 1.6
South Korea 2712 2746 2774 2864 2878 2878 3110 3110 3.2
Taiwan 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 1197 988 1.0
Thailand 1165 1236 1230 1230 1230 1237 1252 1252 1.3
Vietnam 11 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 0.2
Other Asia Pacific 214 219 219 220 220 226 233 233 0.2
Total Asia Pacific 26564 27768 28477 29094 30590 32043 32682 32566 33.5
Total World 89521 90570 91341 92110 93133 95065 96772 97239 100
* Atmospheric distillation capacity on a calendar-day basis. s : Less than 0.05%.
1. Annual changes and shares of total are calculated using thousand barrels daily figures.
2. India's refining capacity has been retained at 4319 thousand barrel per day as against BP's quoted figure of 4307 thousand barrel per day
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.8: World Refinery Crude Throughput
(in '000' barrel daily)
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 14648 14336 14724 14806 14999 15312 15848 16207 20.4
Canada 1839 1773 1832 1734 1802 1767 1735 1705 2.1
Mexico 1295 1184 1184 1166 1199 1224 1155 1064 1.3
Total North America 17782 17293 17740 17707 18000 18303 18738 18976 23.8
Argentina 578 532 531 516 530 527 526 536 0.7
Brazil 1760 1781 1787 1813 1889 2035 2085 1984 2.5
Chile 204 192 159 173 164 174 174 165 0.2
Colombia 313 302 299 306 303 289 230 227 0.3
Curacao 197 183 64 164 165 170 189 191 0.2
Ecuador 155 156 137 156 152 141 125 121 0.2
Peru 169 190 192 184 182 179 181 185 0.2
Trinidad & Tobago 150 152 126 137 107 132 105 125 0.2
Venezuela 1010 961 969 991 936 952 920 830 1.0
Other S. & Cent. America 964 808 709 716 324 295 298 302 0.4
Total S. & Cent. America 5501 5256 4973 5157 4753 4893 4834 4666 5.9
Austria 176 169 158 168 170 174 172 173 0.2
Azerbaijan 147 121 124 127 124 132 135 129 0.2
Belarus 427 434 330 411 434 425 448 491 0.6
Belgium 675 629 668 598 634 555 645 644 0.8
Bulgaria 143 125 110 102 118 113 104 121 0.2
Czech Republic 165 148 159 143 145 134 151 144 0.2
Denmark 156 157 146 137 153 144 139 147 0.2
Finland 222 220 211 225 215 227 225 197 0.2
France 1676 1449 1314 1313 1138 1117 1096 1151 1.4
Germany 2151 2026 1915 1876 1901 1857 1833 1876 2.4
Greece 360 346 393 331 410 399 416 433 0.5
Hungary 140 127 128 132 122 120 131 130 0.2
Ireland 62 55 60 59 61 57 55 68 0.1
Italy 1741 1614 1673 1570 1475 1259 1198 1341 1.7
Kazakhstan 236 235 257 326 331 341 362 337 0.4
Lithuania 195 174 190 189 181 192 160 174 0.2
Netherlands 1160 1143 1189 1144 1144 1044 1067 1138 1.4
Norway 279 278 259 289 287 292 274 293 0.4
Poland 417 408 458 482 505 488 486 532 0.7
Portugal 241 209 227 206 221 239 217 281 0.4
Romania 282 247 217 194 182 189 194 208 0.3
Russian Federation 4742 4765 5020 5185 5436 5633 5912 5764 7.2
Slovakia 117 114 110 120 108 116 105 119 0.1
Spain 1174 1057 1060 1051 1186 1168 1185 1304 1.6
Sweden 413 394 406 374 417 332 381 401 0.5
Switzerland 101 95 90 87 68 97 98 56 0.1
Turkey 490 375 392 394 398 421 406 512 0.6
XI.8: World Refinery Crude Throughput (Contd...)
(in '000' barrel daily)
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Turkmenistan 149 152 170 165 157 160 163 163 0.2
Ukraine 243 255 249 206 108 85 69 22 0.0
United Kingdom 1533 1440 1395 1433 1348 1197 1125 1136 1.4
Uzbekistan 93 88 73 69 62 71 70 70 0.1
Other Europe & Eurasia 184 200 185 158 134 138 128 147 0.2
Total Europe & Eurasia 20290 19249 19336 19267 19374 18917 19149 19704 24.8
Iran 1780 1829 1833 1873 1937 1975 1919 1847 2.3
Israel 215 220 226 218 219 231 239 245 0.3
Kuwait 906 869 892 852 916 873 879 907 1.1
Qatar 116 135 255 255 247 248 250 256 0.3
Saudi Arabia 2018 1928 1922 1884 1953 1876 2243 2445 3.1
United Arab Emirates 368 397 427 449 451 464 472 658 0.8
Other Middle East 1344 1257 1329 1350 1303 1306 1144 1032 1.3
Total Middle East 6746 6636 6883 6881 7027 6974 7147 7390 9.3
Algeria 429 475 548 520 478 492 615 594 0.7
Egypt 617 598 580 523 534 507 512 522 0.7
South Africa 396 351 390 410 415 408 407 407 0.5
Other Africa 942 841 908 725 789 792 647 549 0.7
Total Africa 2384 2265 2425 2179 2216 2199 2181 2072 2.6
Australia 536 542 569 589 563 552 506 401 0.5
Bangladesh 25 18 26 27 24 27 24 25 0.0
China 6828 7452 8408 8686 9199 9599 10155 10661 13.4
India 3213 3641 3899 4085 4302 4462 4473 4561 5.7
Indonesia 910 900 853 880 820 822 848 872 1.1
Japan 3946 3627 3619 3410 3400 3453 3289 3258 4.1
Malaysia 560 554 470 516 575 558 553 557 0.7
New Zealand 99 95 99 108 109 105 101 109 0.1
Pakistan 226 209 190 193 192 223 232 257 0.3
Philippines 184 147 181 190 170 158 168 212 0.3
Singapore 1161 844 979 1035 1020 936 796 897 1.1
South Korea 2365 2297 2390 2533 2582 2484 2516 2783 3.5
Taiwan 900 956 876 809 897 847 850 838 1.1
Thailand 927 938 963 937 978 1078 1029 1132 1.4
Vietnam 10 43 123 124 142 145 125 145 0.2
Other Asia Pacific 94 98 97 100 89 97 96 94 0.1
Total Asia Pacific 21983 22361 23742 24220 25062 25546 25759 26802 33.7
Total World 74686 73060 75099 75411 76432 76832 77808 79609 100
1.Atmospheric distillation capacity on a calendar-day basis.
2.Totals may not add up due to independent rounding.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.9 Country-wise World Oil Consumption*
(in Million Tonnes)
% share in
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 875.4 833.2 850.1 834.9 817.0 832.1 838.1 851.6 19.7
Canada 101.2 95.0 101.6 105.0 103.3 103.5 103.3 100.3 2.3
Mexico 91.6 88.5 88.6 90.3 92.3 89.7 85.2 84.3 1.9
Total North America 1068.2 1016.7 1040.3 1030.2 1012.6 1025.3 1026.6 1036.3 23.9
Argentina 24.9 24.3 28.1 28.3 29.7 31.1 30.9 31.6 0.7
Brazil 110.1 110.3 120.0 125.9 128.8 137.4 143.4 137.3 3.2
Chile 18.6 18.2 16.0 17.6 17.5 16.8 16.7 16.9 0.4
Colombia 11.7 10.7 11.9 12.8 13.9 13.8 14.6 15.5 0.4
Ecuador 8.7 8.9 10.3 10.5 10.9 11.6 12.0 11.7 0.3
Peru 8.0 8.2 8.6 9.5 9.6 10.2 10.2 10.9 0.3
Trinidad & Tobago 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 •
Venezuela 33.8 34.2 34.2 34.6 37.2 38.1 36.7 32.0 0.7
Other S. & Cent. America 63.5 62.8 63.6 64.8 63.9 62.1 63.6 65.0 1.5
Total S. & Cent. America 281.1 279.3 294.6 305.6 312.9 322.9 329.8 322.7 7.5
Austria 13.4 12.8 13.4 12.7 12.5 12.7 12.5 12.6 0.3
Azerbaijan 3.6 3.3 3.2 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.4 4.5 0.1
Belarus 7.9 9.3 7.5 8.6 10.4 7.1 7.3 7.1 0.2
Belgium 35.9 31.5 33.0 30.8 29.6 30.2 29.8 30.5 0.7
Bulgaria 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.9 4.2 0.1
Czech Republic 9.9 9.7 9.2 9.0 8.9 8.5 9.1 9.4 0.2
Denmark 9.3 8.3 8.4 8.3 7.8 7.7 7.9 8.1 0.2
Finland 10.5 9.9 10.4 9.7 9.2 9.0 8.6 8.3 0.2
France 90.8 87.5 84.5 83.0 80.3 79.3 76.9 76.1 1.8
Germany 118.9 113.9 115.4 112.0 111.4 113.4 110.4 110.2 2.5
Greece 20.4 19.5 18.1 17.0 15.3 14.5 14.4 14.8 0.3
Hungary 7.5 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.8 6.5 7.0 0.2
Ireland 9.0 8.0 7.6 6.8 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.9 0.2
Italy 80.4 75.1 73.1 70.5 64.2 59.4 55.8 59.3 1.4
Kazakhstan 11.0 8.9 9.3 12.3 13.1 13.1 13.5 12.7 0.3
Lithuania 3.1 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 0.1
Netherlands 47.3 45.9 45.9 46.1 43.7 41.4 39.6 38.7 0.9
Norway 10.4 10.7 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.8 10.2 10.2 0.2
Poland 25.3 25.3 26.7 26.6 25.7 23.8 23.9 25.1 0.6
Portugal 14.1 13.2 13.0 12.1 11.0 11.3 11.1 11.4 0.3
Romania 10.4 9.2 8.8 9.1 9.2 8.4 9.0 9.1 0.2
Russian Federation 133.6 128.2 133.3 142.2 144.6 144.9 150.8 143.0 3.3
Slovakia 3.9 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.8 0.1
Spain 78.0 73.5 72.1 68.8 64.7 59.3 59.0 60.5 1.4
Sweden 16.7 15.5 16.2 14.8 14.6 14.4 14.5 14.1 0.3
Switzerland 12.1 12.3 11.4 11.0 11.2 11.8 10.6 10.7 0.2
Turkey 32.1 32.6 31.8 31.1 31.6 32.7 34.4 38.8 0.9
Turkmenistan 5.3 5.0 5.5 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 0.1
Ukraine 14.2 13.5 12.6 13.1 12.5 11.9 10.0 8.4 0.2
United Kingdom 79.5 75.8 74.9 73.7 71.2 70.6 69.9 71.6 1.7
XI.9 Country-wise World Oil Consumption* (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes)
% share in
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Uzbekistan 4.6 4.3 3.6 3.4 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.8 0.1
Other Europe & Eurasia 35.8 35.0 34.7 34.5 33.4 32.6 32.8 33.1 0.8
Total Europe & Eurasia 959.5 915.4 911.3 904.3 882.7 864.7 858.6 862.2 19.9
Iran 93.1 95.4 86.8 88.0 89.0 95.5 93.1 88.9 2.1
Israel 12.0 10.8 11.2 11.8 13.9 10.9 10.3 11.0 0.3
Kuwait 19.0 20.4 21.6 20.4 21.5 22.7 22.7 23.6 0.5
Qatar 6.2 6.0 6.5 8.0 8.3 9.4 10.0 10.9 0.3
Saudi Arabia 114.4 125.9 137.1 139.1 146.2 147.3 160.1 168.1 3.9
United Arab Emirates 30.2 28.9 30.8 33.3 34.5 35.1 37.6 40.0 0.9
Other Middle East 68.5 71.1 74.3 74.9 76.8 81.0 83.2 83.3 1.9
Total Middle East 343.4 358.6 368.3 375.6 390.3 402.0 417.1 425.7 9.8
Algeria 14.0 14.9 14.8 15.8 16.9 17.7 18.2 19.3 0.4
Egypt 32.6 34.4 36.3 33.7 35.3 35.7 38.3 39.2 0.9
South Africa 25.7 24.2 26.6 28.1 28.2 27.9 29.3 31.1 0.7
Other Africa 80.9 82.9 86.7 82.7 88.5 92.0 91.4 93.5 2.2
Total Africa 153.2 156.3 164.5 160.3 168.9 173.3 177.2 183.0 4.2
Australia 42.7 43.1 43.4 45.6 47.2 46.7 45.4 46.2 1.1
Bangladesh 3.8 3.5 3.9 5.1 5.4 5.3 5.7 5.5 0.1
China 377.5 392.2 447.9 464.2 486.3 507.2 526.8 559.7 12.9
China Hong Kong SAR 14.8 16.9 17.8 18.0 17.2 17.6 16.7 18.3 0.4
India 144.7 152.6 155.4 163.0 173.6 175.3 180.8 195.5 4.5
Indonesia 60.1 59.7 64.2 73.1 74.7 74.6 76.0 73.5 1.7
Japan 224.8 200.4 202.7 203.6 217.0 208.0 197.3 189.6 4.4
Malaysia 29.5 29.2 29.3 31.0 32.6 34.7 35.0 36.2 0.8
New Zealand 7.2 6.9 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 0.2
Pakistan 20.0 21.8 21.3 21.5 20.5 21.7 22.8 25.2 0.6
Philippines 13.3 14.0 14.6 13.8 14.4 14.9 16.1 18.4 0.4
Singapore 51.4 55.5 61.0 63.7 63.3 64.0 65.9 69.5 1.6
South Korea 103.1 103.7 105.0 105.8 108.8 108.3 107.9 113.7 2.6
Taiwan 45.9 46.1 47.2 44.5 44.6 45.1 45.4 46.0 1.1
Thailand 44.4 45.9 47.7 49.7 52.4 54.6 54.9 56.6 1.3
Vietnam 14.1 14.6 15.6 16.9 17.3 17.5 18.0 19.5 0.5
Other Asia Pacific 15.6 16.4 16.9 18.7 19.1 19.1 20.4 20.6 0.5
Total Asia Pacific 1212.7 1222.4 1300.9 1345.5 1401.2 1421.8 1442.2 1501.4 34.7
Total World 4018.1 3948.7 4079.9 4121.6 4168.6 4209.9 4251.6 4331.3 100
* Inland demand plus international aviation and marine bunkers and refinery fuel and loss. Consumption of fuel ethanol and biodiesel is also
•: Less than 0.05%.
Note: Differences between these world consumption figures and world production statistics are accounted for by stock changes, consumption of
non-petroleum additives. and substitute fuels, and unavoidable disparities in the definition, measurement or conversion of oil supply and
demand data.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
Figure XI.5: Region-wise % share in production and consumption of crude oil during 2015
30.0 32.4
Share (in %)
20.0 23.9
20.9 Production
19.4 19.9
15.0 Consumption
9.1 9.8 9.1 9.1
5.0 7.5
North America South and Central Europe & Eurasia Middle East Africa Asia Pacific
XI.10 Product-wise Regional Consumption of Main Petroleum Products
(in '000' barrels daily)
% share
Country/Region/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
North America
Light distillates 10859 10839 10950 10697 10572 10772 10837 11064 46.80
Middle distillates 6934 6281 6567 6694 6409 6518 6801 6785 28.70
Fuel oil 941 801 810 745 662 576 447 418 1.77
Others 5126 5036 5191 5194 5283 5498 5332 5376 22.74
Total North America 23860 22957 23518 23330 22926 23365 23418 23644 100
Light distillates 9253 9257 9263 9022 8932 9125 9164 9395 48.44
Middle distillates 5801 5241 5464 5518 5278 5371 5632 5627 29.01
Fuel oil 609 508 532 459 367 317 256 259 1.33
Others 3827 3766 3921 3883 3913 4147 4054 4115 21.22
Total US 19490 18771 19180 18882 18490 18961 19106 19396 100
South and Central America
Light distillates 1685 1791 1888 1959 2006 2115 2182 2211 31.22
Middle distillates 2187 2155 2380 2501 2622 2741 2751 2718 38.37
Fuel oil 811 771 747 725 723 713 767 741 10.46
Others 1375 1337 1369 1439 1430 1466 1490 1413 19.95
Total S. & Cent. America 6057 6054 6384 6624 6782 7035 7190 7083 100
Europe & Eurasia
Light distillates 4763 4657 4659 4445 4322 4269 4206 4178 22.73
Middle distillates 9159 8764 8965 8979 8871 8878 8832 9098 49.50
Fuel oil 1972 1794 1655 1631 1499 1388 1383 1239 6.74
Others 4192 4061 3945 4020 3914 3837 3845 3864 21.02
Total Europe & Eurasia 20086 19276 19223 19075 18605 18372 18266 18380 100
Middle East
Light distillates 1592 1633 1697 1760 1818 1900 1967 2036 21.28
Middle distillates 2315 2403 2412 2538 2658 2764 2758 2744 28.68
Fuel oil 1770 1918 1959 1991 2060 2106 2201 2277 23.79
Others 1763 1901 2133 2166 2234 2242 2426 2512 26.25
Total Middle East 7440 7855 8201 8455 8770 9011 9353 9570 100
Light distillates 766 801 835 824 878 875 901 960 24.68
Middle distillates 1482 1516 1612 1621 1672 1765 1824 1877 48.26
Fuel oil 440 438 457 392 438 447 444 448 11.52
Others 548 560 580 576 590 591 593 604 15.54
Total Africa 3236 3315 3486 3413 3579 3678 3763 3888 100
Asia Pacific
Light distillates 7450 7685 8313 8512 8951 9465 9742 10390 32.02
Middle distillates 9390 9393 9916 10332 10762 10942 11037 11338 34.95
Fuel oil 3359 3047 3050 3121 3209 2969 2835 2848 8.78
Others 5701 6118 6674 6929 7080 7212 7506 7868 24.25
Total Asia Pacific 25900 26244 27954 28893 30001 30588 31119 32444 100
Light distillates 2125 2230 2767 2970 3120 3306 3545 3616 30.21
Middle distillates 3079 3178 3430 3660 3951 4001 4136 4255 35.55
Fuel oil 776 662 666 588 560 588 537 633 5.29
Others 1957 2141 2403 2572 2600 2769 2837 3463 28.94
Total World 86578 85700 88765 89790 90663 92049 93109 95008 100
1. 'Light distillates' consists of aviation and motor gasolines and light distillate feedstock (LDF).
2. 'Middle distillates' consists of jet and heating kerosene, and gas and diesel oils (including marine bunkers).
3. 'Fuel oil' includes marine bunkers and crude oil used directly as fuel.
4. 'Others' consists of refinery gas, liquified petroleum gas (LPG), solvents, petroleum coke, lubricants, bitumen, wax, other refined products and
fuel and loss.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.11 World Oil Production, Consumption and Relative Deficit/Surplus in each Country/Region
(in Million Tonnes)
2014 2015 (P)
Country/ % extent % extent
Region/Year Deficit/ Deficit/
Production Consumption of deficit/ Production Consumption of deficit/
Surplus Surplus
surplus surplus
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
North 869.50 1026.60 -157.10 -15.30 910.30 1036.30 -126.00 -12.16
South & 390.00 329.80 60.20 18.25 396.00 322.70 73.30 22.71
Middle East 1340.30 417.10 923.20 221.34 1412.4 425.70 986.72 231.79
Africa 397.50 177.20 220.30 124.32 398.00 183.00 215.00 117.49
Asia Pacific 396.60 1442.20 -1045.60 -72.50 398.60 1501.4 -1102.85 -73.45
of which 41.60 180.80 -139.20 -76.99 41.20 195.50 -154.30 -78.93
Japan - 197.30 - - - 189.60
China 211.43 526.80 -315.37 -59.87 214.6 559.70 -345.14 -61.67
Australia 19.10 45.40 -26.30 -57.93 17.00 46.20 -29.20 -63.20
Europe & 834.70 858.60 -23.90 -2.78 846.70 862.20 -15.50 -1.80
Total World 4228.60 4251.50 -22.90 -0.54 4362.02 4331.35 30.67 0.71
P: Provisional
Source : BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
24.9 24.8
23.8 24.3
25.0 22.5
Share (in %)
9.6 9.3 10.1
10.0 6.4 5.9 7.5
3.7 2.6 4.1
North America South and Central Europe & Eurasia Middle East Africa Asia Pacific
XI.12 World Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Imports and Exports during 2015
Imports Exports Imports Exports
Region/Country Crude Product Crude Product Crude Product Crude Product
(Million Tonnes) (Thousand barrels daily)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
US 366.0 98.1 24.5 198.3 7351 2050 491 4145
Canada 32.7 29.3 159.4 30.0 657 613 3200 627
Mexico † 37.0 59.8 8.2 ‡ 774 1201 171
S. & Cent. America 20.1 91.3 172.4 29.0 404 1908 3462 605
Europe 488.1 184.0 10.2 129.2 9801 3847 204 2701
Russia 2.9 2.0 254.7 150.1 57 41.0 5115.0 3139
Other CIS 23.2 12.9 81.0 11.9 465 269.0 1626.0 249
Middle East 7.9 37.1 879.6 141.3 158 776 17665 2954
North Africa 8.1 32.7 61.5 19.0 162 683 1235 397
West Africa 0.5 28.1 215.5 6.2 9 588 4327 130
East & Southern 6.7 22.4 8.4 1.5 134 467 170 32
Australasia 24.5 25.8 9.2 3.0 491 540 184 63
China 335.8 69.5 2.8 36.7 6743 1453 57 767
India 195.1 23.3 0.2 55.0 3919 488 3 1150
Japan 167.8 46.7 0.3 17.4 3370 976 6 363
Singapore 45.7 125.7 0.1 88.7 918 2628 1 1855
Other Asia Pacific 252.3 163.3 37.8 103.6 5067 3415 759 2166
Total World 1977.3 1029.3 1977.3 1029.2 39706 21516 39707 21516
† Less than 0.05. ‡ : Less than 0.5
Note: Bunkers are not included as exports. Intra-area movements (for example, between countries in Europe) are excluded.
CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States
Source : BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.13 Export of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products from OPEC
(in '000' barrels/day)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Crude Oil
Algeria 841 747 709 843 809 744 622.9 642
Angola 1044 1770 1683 1546 1663 1669 1608 1711
Ecquador 348 329 340 334 358 388 422 433
Iran 2574 2406 2583 2537 2102 1215 1109 1081
Iraq 1855 1906 1890 2166 2423 2390 2516 3005
Kuwait 1739 1348 1430 1816 2070 2058 1995 1964
Libya 1403 1170 1118 300 962 589 319 235
Nigeria 2098 2160 2464 2377 2368 2193 2120 2114
Qatar 703 647 588 588 599 596 595 491
Saudi Arabia 7322 6268 6644 7218 7557 7571 7154 7163
UAE 2334 1953 2103 2457 2445 2701 2497 2442
Venezuela 1770 1608 1562 1553 1725 1528 1965 1974
Total 24031 22312 23114 23735 25081 23642 22922 23254
Refined Petroleum Products
Algeria 457 232 314 492 449 453 583 605
Angola 41 41 8 31 30 32 31 37
Ecuador 42 34 28 29 27 20 8 16
Iran 275 301 371 441 456 394 470 514
Iraq 85 26 5 1 2 11.5 9.3 14
Kuwait 708 674 632 759 804 805 751 739
Libya 157 136 48 21 40 76 38 30
Nigeria 19 12 23 24 8 23 49 18
Qatar 98 249 322 510 466 511 522 521
Saudi Arabia 1058 1008 951 902 862 794 988 1155
UAE 359 374 188 604 654 803.5 760 950
Venezuela 912 956 751 786 675 713 312 318
Total 4211 4043 3641 4601 4474 4636 4521 4917
1. Includes changes in the quantity of oil in transit, movements not otherwise shown, unspecified use, etc.
2. Indonesia suspended its membership as on 01.01.2009 and reactivated as of 1.1.2016
Source: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
Saudi Arabia
31 Kuwait
Qatar Nigeria 1
2 9
XI.14 World Imports of Natural Gas by Country
(in Million Standard Cubic Metres)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
North America 130250 127071 128562 127975 118033 108349 98218 98648
Canada 15900 20830 22622 29740 29180 26,699 21,890 20796
United States 114350 106241 105940 98235 88853 81,650 76,328 77852
Latin America 29810 28910 37868 43529 52664 54988 57004 56868
Argentina 1300 2660 3610 7560 8700 11200 11,312 11425
Brazil 11030 8440 12600 10480 13730 16770 17,530 18144
Chile 750 1490 3410 3920 3830 3778 3,715 3742
Mexico 13880 13160 15150 18060 21827 18529 19,698 20084
Venezuela 1500 1800 1446 1797 1877 1821 1,839 500
Others na na na 1712 2700 2890 2910 2973
Eastern Europe & Eurasia 189050 137130 145874 155380 139400 131390 120171 110131
Armania 2300 2050 1750 1950 2070 1960 2080 2120
Belarus 21100 17570 21600 21850 20252 20260 20052 18790
Bulgaria 3100 2640 2160 2640 2370 2590 2600 2613
Czech Republic 8610 9570 11140 11280 10220 9970 8000 8200
Estonia 630 710 360 650 610 na na na
Georgia 1130 200 200 200 172 na na na
Hungary 11500 8100 7510 6910 6060 6130 7100 5500
Kazakhstan 5800 7400 6690 6590 6200 6501 6696 6770
Kyrghyzstan 1200 1200 190 250 250 na na na
Latvia 750 1190 660 1550 1050 1060 940 931
Lithuania 3090 2740 2630 3000 3110 2530 2490 2540
Maldova 2800 2900 2920 2910 2910 2250 2630 2656
Poland 10280 9150 10150 11170 11270 12690 12424 10900
Romania 4500 2050 2150 2650 2040 1300 1040 728
Russia 56200 28100 34389 33110 33770 28010 27730 24957
Slovakia 5600 5400 6425 5830 5030 5080 4100 4000
Tajikistan 700 700 700 180 188 198 306 306
Ukraine 52720 35460 34250 42000 30890 28023 19133 16263
Others - 2110 750 660 938 2838 2850 2857
Western Europe 405855 394627 428413 420478 414350 412623 403145 422835
Austria 8100 7190 7530 9780 7810 6390 7800 6000
Belgium 21140 21760 31330 29920 28580 31850 28500 34100
Bosnia/Herzegovina 310 220 210 260 240 240 240 240
Croatia 1260 1200 1170 820 1280 1370 1040 1044
Denmark 0 0 150 370 250 na na na
Finland 4500 4100 4782 3940 3661 3340 2910 2907
France 49250 49060 46199 47400 44940 47990 44250 44648
Germany 92765 94572 93980 89310 90530 92550 98103 100300
Greece 4140 3290 3815 4640 4340 3700 2928 3161
Ireland 5000 5080 5261 5290 5290 4880 4500 4600
Italy 76870 69310 75348 69930 67802 61953 55758 58200
Luxembourg 1200 1300 1366 1250 1206 1028 973 877
Macedonia 70 80 77 100 100 na na na
XI.14 World Imports of Natural Gas by Country (Contd...)
(in Million Standard Cubic Metres)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (P)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Netherlands 17970 16980 16970 14300 15390 15560 15900 25000
Portugal 4560 4410 5109 5120 4610 4840 4200 5000
Serbia 2150 1550 1933 1850 2240 2195 1900 1815
Slovenia 1000 890 880 770 730 na na na
Spain 39060 35430 36716 35520 36754 35399 36383 36274
Sweden 1000 1310 1642 1300 1130 1120 1000 1030
Switzerland 3190 3625 3165 3190 3420 3650 3240 3381
Turkey 36850 33180 36930 42560 44300 43710 49043 48062
United Kingdom 36540 41060 53850 52838 49100 48944 43405 45087
Others na na 1107 20 647 1914 1072 1109
Middle East 35280 39100 41048 44674 38819 41823 36619 44260
Iran, I.R. 7100 5800 7243 11659 6720 5329 4422 9015
Jordan 2720 2850 2520 830 810 1180 1197 2200
Kuwait na 890 890 688 688 3517 3025 3852
Oman 350 1500 1900 1950 1950 1950 1970 1988
Syrian Arab Republic 140 910 690 552 350 250 125 25
United Arab Emirates 24970 25450 25705 28275 28201 29047 25800 27100
Others na 1700 2100 720 100 550 80 80
Africa 4950 5250 4790 6296 6580 6990 7620 11464
Morocco 500 500 500 786 660 580 500 500
South Africa 3200 3500 3040 3300 3600 3720 3800 3804
Tunisia 1250 1250 1250 1380 1890 2260 2890 2930
Others na na na 830 430 430 430 4230
Asia Pacific 164660 160551 212122 241180 272823 295569 300356 299788
China 4440 7630 16350 30490 39700 51800 55944 59169
India 10790 12620 12150 16390 17920 17380 17378 18536
Japan 92250 85900 98015 104000 122243 122489 123908 122190
South Korea 36550 34320 43579 48780 48120 52980 49400 44400
Malaysia 500 900 2938 1990 2340 na na na
Singapore 9970 10800 8553 8460 8310 na na na
Chinese Taipei 12080 11790 15890 15930 16694 16798 na na
Thailand 8550 8291 8810 9580 9760 10360 10500 10941
Others na na 17328 5560 7736 23762 43226 44552
Total World 959855 892639 998677 1039512 1042669 1051732 1023132 1043994
P: Provisional na: not available
Source : OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
XI.15 World Imports of Petroleum Products by Country
(in '000' Barrels/ Day)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
NORTH AMERICA 2415 2103 2005 2818 2340 2402 2203 2347
Canada 330 279 251 317 269 272.8 305.5 297
United States 2080 1819 1748 2501 2071 2129 1897 2050
LATIN AMERICA 1946 1792 2235 2424 2416 2407 2544 2638
Brazil 344 309 501 683 570 563 611 557
Cuba 79 9 38 27 25 28 30 na
Ecuador na 88.0 119 104 118 133 157 154
Mexico 478 455 654 660 648 567 618 713
Netherland Antilles 66 87 45 45 45 45 45 na
Panama 43 43 64 51 62 59.5 63.4 58.4
Venezuela na 68 72 68 145 133 158 187
Others 938 733 742 787 803 878 860 970
Eastern Europe and Eurasia 353 390 792 868 815 811 958 913
Bulgaria 30 30 37 26 31 32.1 33.6 37.6
Russia 11 11 57 92 50 39 48 51
Hungary 45 44 57 46 41 45 48 57
Poland 120 160 138 130 104 108 121 126.8
Others 146 145 503 575 590 587 708.5 641
WESTERN EUROPE 6207 6572 7433 6742 6707 7039 7005 7272
Belgium 439 362 450 428 389 546 490 547
France 700 776 839 815 900 881 897.3 857
Germany 704 667 757 702 689 802 792 798
Italy 230 240 390 233 206 260 253 262
Netherlands 1459 1632 1766 1753 1871 1843 1793 1901
United Kingdom 437 476 677 495 538 595 608 652
Others 2238 2419 2554 2317 2114 2111 2173 2256
MIDDLE EAST 535 667 1063 981 1230 1264 1316 1503
Iran na 182 107 30 6 15 40 53
Iraq na 49 48 63 103 84 99 81
Saudi Arabia na 225 170 197 320 482 465 588
Others 535 211 738 691 801 683 712 782
AFRICA 828 971 1493 1552 1696 1578 1651 1880
Algeria na 23 18 43 94 102 55 83
Angola na 60 57 64 92 89 99 135
Egypt 103 157 183 186 242 198 205 367
Libya na na na 93 95 94 95 73
Morocco 82 81 160 163 161 166 163 161
Nigeria 156 162 197 412 352 331 439.7 441
Tunisia 68 68 80 73 64 63 70.4 83
Others 419 420 798 518 597 535 524.5 538
Asia and Pacific 7112 7133 7861 8446 8420 8903 9161 9810
Australia 337 339 323 337 379 423 430 546
China 804 777 997 1011 1018 1093 958 1151
Hong Kong 331 389 439 393 368 421 388 na
India 408 283 390 394 405 372 488 637
Indonesia na na na 435 467 461 555 506
Japan 934 829 1053 1026 1089 1003 993 973
New Zealand 44 45 41 41 40 46 49 46
Singapore 1978 2210 2021 2513 2170 2313 2391 2578
South Korea na na na 763 853 899 886 844
Others 2276 2261 2597 1533 1631 1871 2025 2529
TOTAL WORLD 19396 19628 22882 23831 23623 24404 24838 26364
Source : OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
na = Not Available
XI.16 World Crude Oil Export by Country
(in '000' Barrels/ Day)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
NORTH AMERICA 1564 1531 1520 1731.1 1824 2193 2627 2755
Canada 1525 1486 1478 1684 1757 2059 2276.2 2297
United States 39 45 42 47 67 134 351 458
LATIN AMERICA 4479 4327 4624 4600 4579 4382 4944 5213
Columbia 346 358 484 558 555 703 722 736
Ecuador 348 329 340 334 358 388 422 433
Mexico 1446 1312 1460 1420 1333 1271 1220 1247
Trinidad and Tobago 10 94 75 40 31 38 34.2 29
Venezuela 1770 1608 1562 1553 1725 1528 1965 1974
Others 559 626 703 695 577 454 581 794
EASTERN EUROPE & 5058 7204 7273 7011 6968 6943 6800 7197
Russia 5046 4967 4978 4786 4757 4689 4488.8 4898
Others 12 2237 2295 2225 2211 2254 2311 2299
WESTERN EUROPE 2785 2761 2555 2176 2038 1869 1892 1949
Norway 1702 1773 1602 1423 1303 1199 1203 1235
United Kingdom 840 771 747 563 576 514 571 595
Others 243 217 206 190 159 156 118 120
MIDDLE EAST 17323 15346 16323 17772 18087 17493 16792 17037
Iran 2574 2406 2583 2537 2102 1215 1109 1081
Iraq 1855 1906 1890 2166 2423 2390 2516 3005
Kuwait 1739 1348 1430 1816 2070 2058 1995 1964
Oman 593 671 749 742 768 838 804.3 788
Qatar 703 647 588 588 599 596 595 491
Saudi Arabia 7322 6268 6644 7218 7557 7571 7153 7163
Syrian Arab Rep. 253 250 149 114 na na na na
United Arab Emirates 2334 1953 2103 2457 2445 2701 2497 2442
Others 203 147 336 248 123 124 123 104
AFRICA 6297 7105 7608 6636 6996.9 6526 6072 6178
Algeria 841 747 709 843 809 744 623 642
Angola 1044 1770 1683 1546 1663 1669 1608 1711
Congo 240 272 288 264 252 241 261 227
Egypt 98 102 85 83 91 97 117 156
Gabon 209 188 225 235 227 211 225 210
Libia 1403 1170 1118 300 962 589 319 235
Nigeria 2098 2160 2464 2377 2368 2193 2120 2114
Sudan na 371 389 363 60 133 168 166
Others 364 325 647 625 565 649 631 717
ASIA AND PACIFIC 1742 1676 1565 1291 1240 1132 1200 1325
Australia 239 272 314 272 261 205.6 244.3 222
Brunei 164 152 162 154 139 115 108 112
China 107 104 61 51 49 32 12 57
Indonesia 294 323 356 257 229 228.6 255.9 315
Malaysia 402 372 370 280 268 263 278 366
Vietnam 206 202 161 165 185 170 173 144
Others 330 251 141 113 109 117 128 109
TOTAL WORLD 39248 39950 41468 41218 41733 40538 40326 41654
OPEC 24031 22312 23114 23735 25081 23642 22922 23254
OPEC (%) 61 56 56 58 60 58 57 56
1. Revision have been made throughout the time series. Data includes re-exports.
2. Figures of World crude oil exports of OPEC and BP Statistical Review may not tally due to difference in coverage and methodology used
Source : OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
XI.17 World Exports of Refined Products by Country
(in '000' Barrels/ Day)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
NORTH AMERICA 2086 2221 2738 3329 3606 3995 4289 4776
Canada 445 431 427 390 468 505 464 484
United States 1641 1790 2311 2939 3138 3490 3825 4292
LATIN AMERICA 2510 2455 2321 1856 1627 1674 1202 1133
Brazil 163 155 158 140 164 155 160 130
Ecuador 42 34 28 29 27 20 8 16
Mexico 244 219 190 198 143 183 201.6 196
Netherland Antilles 231 201 77 157 163 156 139 na
Trinidad and Tobago 94 108 107 114 70 92 70 65
Venezuela 912 956 751 786 674 713 312 318
Virgin Islands 421 394 367 340 313 315 na na
Others 403 388 643 92 73 40.2 311.7 408
EASTERN EUROPE & EURASIA 1450 2890 3343 3137 3195 3224 3325 3529
Romania 101 96 75 68 67 68.8 88.8 90
Russia 1127 2159 2230 1927 1979 2118 2174 2270
Others 222 635 1038 1142 1149 1037 1062 1170
WESTERN EUROPE 5680 5527 6223 6026 6358 6355 6359 6930
Belgium 400 343 441 386 390 494 524 529
France 571 466 482 440 426 406 411 441
Germany 517 453 375 371 384 414 434 452
Italy 527 489 601 544 586 490 418 566
Netherlands 1645 1871 2137 2033 2113 2079 2081 2245
United Kingdom 561 521 560 584 569 553 484 487
Others 1459 1384 1627 1668 1890 1919 2007.5 2210
MIDDLE EAST 2960 3018 2876 3669 3648 3683 3875 4250
Bahrain 238 240 223 242 246 248 249 251
Iran 275 301 371 441 456 394 470 514
Iraq 85 26 5 1 2 12 9 14
Kuwait 708 674 632 759 804 805 751 739
Qatar 98 249 322 510 466 511 522 521
Saudi Arabia 1058 1008 951 902 862 794 988 1155
United Arab Emirates 359 374 188 604 654 803 760 950
Others 139 146 184 209 158 116 126 106
AFRICA 1011 745 643 786 750 832 938 922
Algeria 457 232 314 492 449 453 583 605
Angola 41 41 8 31 30 32 31 37
Egypt 67 54 90 70 58 49 53 64
Gabon 7 6 8 6 6 3 8 10
Nigeria 19 12 23 24 8 23 49 18
Libya 157 136 48 21 40 76 38 30
Others 263 264 152 142 159 196 176 158
ASIA AND PACIFIC 5055 5290 5745 6372 6374 6834 6812 7039
Australia 50 49 72 56 64 57 56 47
China 456 523 623 610 570 666 693 836
XI.17 World Exports of Refined Products by Country (Contd...)
(in '000' Barrels/ Day)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
India 806 1003 1224 1267 1289 1475 1374 1246
Indonesia 103 82 101 84 71 87 88 74
Japan 406 391 351 476 440 513 509 560
Malaysia 189 286 304 310 402 492 494 453
Singapore 1623 1766 1755 1964 1731 1743 1772 1885
South Korea na na na 1101 1195 1159 1206 1279
Others 1422 1190 1315 504 614 642 619.5 659
TOTAL WORLD 20752 22146 23889 25174 25558 26597 26800 28578
OPEC 4211 4043 3641 4600 4472 4636 4521 4917
OPEC(%) 20 18 15 18 17 17 17 17
Note:Revision have been made throughout the time series.Data includes re-exports of petroleum products from gas plants.
Source : OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
XI.18 International Petroleum Crude Price Index
Petroleum Spot 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
U.K. BRENT 466.11 295.26 381.04 533.08 558.26 519.96 474.29 250.89
USA WEST TAXAS 408.83 252.98 324.69 388.35 384.71 400.49 381.28 199.22
UAE DUBAI FATEH 460.50 303.39 383.22 521.15 535.18 517.42 474.53 249.95
IRAN LIGHT 458.62 296.75 378.78 524.66 531.93 519.33 471.22 249.03
IRAN HEAVY 459.52 304.47 385.43 532.95 547.76 531.04 483.07 245.10
INDONESIA MINAS 432.72 279.02 353.74 493.51 501.29 461.78 424.25 211.39
NIGERIA 419.78 261.80 335.55 472.48 470.45 463.37 419.50 219.16
BONNY LIGHT, 36.7/0.1
MEXICO 431.84 275.96 353.11 479.09 483.22 476.92 424.72 231.93
ISTHUMAS, 31.8/1.51
RUSSIA URALS 420.90 271.61 347.78 484.43 490.20 479.15 435.14 230.26
MALAYSIA TAPIS 388.52 241.73 307.47 435.34 434.71 425.08 383.31 207.17
AUSTRALIA Gippsland 430.40 270.15 346.02 482.26 476.25 457.83 413.12 221.08
GIPPSLAND, 46.0/0.13
SAUDI ARABIA 469.47 320.99 402.56 554.40 577.09 553.49 499.09 250.45
XI.19 Spot prices of key OPEC crude
(US $/bbl)
Country/Crude Name
Kuwait Libya Nigeria Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE Indonesia Iran Iraq Oman
Kuwait Brega Forcados Dukhan Arab Murban Minas Iran Iran Basrah Oman
Export Heavy Light Heavy Light
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
2008 91.16 98.12 101.42 98.39 88.12 99.03 102.16 94.66 91.49 92.08 94.51
2009 60.68 62.16 63.35 62.86 60.25 63.78 64.00 61.25 60.62 60.50 62.06
2010 76.32 79.67 81.06 79.36 75.56 79.94 81.78 78.18 76.74 76.79 78.34
2011 105.63 112.89 113.65 108.86 104.06 109.77 115.50 108.29 106.11 106.17 106.63
2012 108.93 111.45 113.66 109.26 110.22 111.76 114.71 109.79 109.06 107.96 109.35
2013 105.04 108.51 111.36 107.05 103.89 108.21 107.41 107.19 105.73 103.60 105.51
2014 95.32 98.51 101.35 98.44 93.68 99.45 98.68 97.26 96.18 94.45 97.04
2015 48.13 52.08 54.41 52.87 47.01 53.87 49.17 51.40 48.80 47.87 51.21
Source : OPEC Annual & Monthly Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016
60 51
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
XI.21 Petroleum Products Spot Prices
(in US $/bbl)
Product 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Gasoline 100.22 70.06 87.32 116.42 122.89 116.69 108.16 67.03
Gas Oil 123.85 69.38 89.75 125.02 128.03 123.4 112.63 65.48
Jet/Kerosene 126.59 71.02 90.63 127.42 129.00 124.12 113.87 65.32
Naphtha 88.90 59.91 80.11 104.56 105.37 101.44 93.95 51.79
LSFO 79.14 56.36 72.28 100.38 105.12 96.43 86.96 41.01
HSFO 70.11 52.93 67.99 94.51 97.65 91.47 81.04 37.85
Gasoline 109.38 73.42 91.29 123.86 131.91 127.42 117.36 77.29
Gas Oil 117.97 68.05 88.24 122.41 125.43 120.4 109.09 60.84
Jet/Kero 124.07 69.93 90.31 125.92 128.22 122.67 113.3 63.86
Naphtha 87.17 55.95 78.12 100.48 98.05 94.47 87.61 47.66
LSFO 79.14 56.36 72.28 100.38 na na na na
HSFO 72.59 55.92 69.70 95.72 99.32 92.96 82.82 40.73
Gasoline 103.25 70.37 88.48 119.81 123.44 118.98 110.75 69.09
Gas Oil 123.42 70.44 90.39 126.25 128.08 123.24 112.63 64.47
Jet/Kero 122.30 70.26 90.28 125.70 126.81 122.87 112.4 64.69
Naphtha 89.90 61.07 79.41 102.75 103.73 101.2 94.43 52.88
LSFO 88.34 53.31 80.83 109.75 115.43 106.16 98.55 48.07
HSFO 79.12 58.43 73.23 114.76 118.22 111.96 104.93 56.38
na: not available
Source : Energy Prices and Taxes, Second Quarter of 2016. International Energy Agency Publication.
XI. 22 Natural Gas Prices for Industry and Household Use
USD/MWh (GCV basis) (using PPPs)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Belgium 38.4 36.8 28.6 32.4 34.2 48.8 45.9 41.9
Canada 26.2 14.1 11.6 12.3 9.5 39.9 35.7 28.3
Czech Repubic 63.2 62.2 62.4 67 71 47.3 42.8 33.7
Estonia 48.2 46.3 52.5 54.4 65.8 47.2 47.4 33.6
Finland 23.9 22.8 25.0 35.8 38.8 55.6 53.5 41.3
France 40.5 31.6 36.7 43.9 46.6 51.8 49.2 40.5
Germany 48.2 42.5 42.7 46.1 44.2 49.9 44.6 34.1
Greece 54.0 39.1 47.9 57.5 75.5 61 56.5 36.9
Hungary 86.3 84.6 60.9 70.1 86.1 45.6 51.2 34.2
Ireland 38.1 33.5 33.2 37.9 42.6 51.7 48.6 35.9
Italy 48.2 44.3 40.2 na na na na na
Japan na 39.4 42.9 52.2 58.7 72 72.2 na
Korea 60.2 63.9 72.1 77.9 84.8 67.2 70.9 53.2
Luxembourg 23.8 31.7 34.4 40.3 42.9 53.5 44.8 42.4
Mexico 55.6 na na na na na na na
Netherlands 37.3 36.2 30.6 33.4 36.2 41.7 41 31.6
New Zealand 19.7 21.8 18.9 19.0 19.0 23.7 22.2 17.7
Poland 59.4 62.5 64.8 69.1 78 42.3 43.8 31.8
Portugal 49.6 47.5 48.1 58.2 69.1 55.7 59.8 44.1
Slovak Republic 71.2 62.8 68 69.6 78.7 49.3 44.2 36.3
Slovenia 60.8 54.8 60.7 66.5 81.4 57.9 51.7 38
Spain 39.7 37.8 35.3 38.5 49.7 45.8 44.4 33.2
Sweden 49.5 42 44.8 49.6 48.6 63.8 54.9 44.4
Switzerland 44.8 43.3 39.3 44.9 48.1 72.2 73.6 65.8
Turkey 71.9 68.4 55.8 56.9 70.2 43.6 38.7 32.6
U.K 32.2 29.7 26.5 31.7 34.9 41.9 40.1 33.3
U.S.A 31.9 17.6 17.8 16.9 12.8 15.3 18.3 12.7
OECD Total 38.5 29 28.4 29.7 29.4 31.2 31.3 21.6
Austria 70.7 76.4 73.0 80.1 83.8 110.2 107.6 87.3
Belgium 75.2 65.3 66.3 81.3 84.4 88.1 86.8 66.8
Canada 37.6 32.4 31.3 29.6 27.6 33.8 35.1 26.8
Chile 179.8 151.8 168.4 191.5 173.4 111.9 102.7 83.9
Czech Repubic 87.4 96.1 93.7 109.3 127.5 84 77 67
Denmark na 78.3 90.3 99.4 93 130 118 87.6
Estonia 64.9 72.3 74.1 82.6 95 66.3 64.2 46
Finland 33.4 32.6 35.4 49.3 53.6 na na na
France 61.4 61.0 65.5 73.9 76.4 89.6 89.4 74.6
Germany 87.5 86.3 79.9 84.9 89.4 94.6 94.7 78.4
Greece 101.9 92.4 100.3 110.9 156.2 151.5 139.8 112.7
Hungary 85.8 99.2 91.9 102.4 106.2 57.5 49 39.9
Ireland 63.9 70.6 66.2 69.7 81.1 97 100.5 80.5
Italy 85.9 84.1 91.0 na na na na na
Japan .. 109.7 111.7 122.9 129.4 146.1 143.1 na
XI. 22 Natural Gas Prices for Industry and Household Use (Contd...)
USD/MWh (GCV basis) (using PPPs)
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Korea 76.4 76.9 77.5 84.3 90.5 68.5 75.9 58.3
Lexembourg 55.7 48.7 47.3 59.5 64.6 78.9 69.2 53.8
Mexico 57.5 67.0 65.0 59.3 50.4 34.5 35.4 27.2
Netherlands 86.6 85.5 76.5 83.8 92.5 103.7 102.6 82.1
New Zealand 91.9 80.5 79.9 87.3 89.8 111.7 109.9 92.6
Poland 104.2 115.3 110.1 117.8 125.3 68 72.6 59.6
Portugal 96.6 93.8 96.8 108.8 134.2 117.5 130.9 108.6
Slovak Republic 89.9 94.5 89.5 95.5 102.5 70.6 70.7 58
Slovania 98.3 96.9 97.4 112.7 124.5 91.4 88.6 69.6
Spain 83.9 80.8 77.7 91.1 115.2 111.7 118.9 97.4
Sweden 106.7 108.0 109.5 119.9 120.4 162.8 154 127.9
Switzerland 65.8 63.1 60.3 66.5 71.7 108.4 112.7 100.5
Turkey 82.7 83.0 72.1 71.3 85.7 52.7 47.5 40.8
U.K 51.6 57.8 53.0 60.0 65.5 75.6 84.6 75
U.S.A 45.9 40.0 37.0 36.4 35.3 34 36.1 34.2
OECD Total 59.5 59.3 57.9 57.6 62.2 59.9 59.2 48.6
GCV: Gross Calorific Value. MWh: megawatt hour
PPP: Purchasing Power Parity
na: not available
Source : Energy Prices and Taxes, 2nd Quarter of 2016. International Energy Agency Publication.
XI. 23 Crude Oil Import Costs
(Average Unit Value, CIF)(in US $/bbl)
Country 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
97.19 60.40 78.13 107.61 109.15 105.84 97.43 50.88
IEA Europe 1
96.83 61.09 79.05 110.54 111.58 108.93 98.89 51.83
Australia 107.83 63.40 82.60 155.66 117.78 114.19 107.05 57.9
Austria 103.05 60.69 80.00 110.92 112.50 110.63 103.81 55.52
Belgium 96.01 61.77 79.65 110.50 110.83 108.45 98.49 51.65
Canada 101.41 60.29 79.14 110.80 110.61 108.6 98.47 53.48
France 97.63 61.64 79.78 111.78 112.01 109.56 99.4 53.14
Germany 96.70 61.18 78.49 110.63 112.21 109.62 99.76 52.65
Greece 93.60 60.10 78.97 109.41 111.92 107.61 95.55 49.32
Italy 96.67 60.69 79.29 110.23 112.18 109.98 99.09 52.06
Japan 100.98 61.29 79.43 109.30 114.75 110.61 104.16 54.2
Korea 98.11 61.12 78.72 108.63 113.24 108.59 101.24 53.32
Netherlands 97.89 60.54 78.55 109.19 111.54 108.55 99.22 51.66
New 105.80 65.85 80.62 112.38 117.70 113.43 105.96 57.99
Spain 94.86 59.78 77.84 108.50 109.48 106.77 97.07 49.51
Sweden 95.09 60.58 79.00 110.67 112.36 109.1 97.75 51.19
U.K 99.34 62.39 80.60 113.49 112.62 110.27 100.07 53.81
U.S.A 94.97 58.83 76.02 102.43 101.16 97.25 89.55 45.83
1: Computed across the countries of the region using import volumes as current weights. Poland is included since Jan. 2008; the Slovac Republic
is included since Jan. 2007; Korea and Czech Republic are included since January 2001;Hungary is not included. For reasons like confidentiality,
data for some countries is not listed separately.
Source: International Energy Agency’s “Energy Prices and Taxes” Second Quarter of 2016.
XI.24 Spot Prices of Key OPEC Crude Oils
(in US $/bbl )
Iran Kuwait Nigeria Bonny Saudi Arabia UAE
Light 33.9 Export 31.4 Light 36.7 Light 34.2 Heavy 28.0 Dubai 32.4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
January 89.21 85.63 94.85 88.75 82.85 87.35
March 99.35 95.58 106.68 99.23 92.67 96.72
June 127.89 124.37 136.44 129.35 120.62 127.82
September 97.56 93.15 100.48 97.57 89.92 95.90
December 40.03 36.47 43.10 38.82 34.38 40.46
January 39.13 40.00 45.44 41.23 38.31 43.94
March 44.52 44.91 49.70 46.39 43.76 45.59
June 68.16 68.73 69.55 69.00 68.74 69.41
September 66.43 66.45 68.74 67.34 66.16 67.74
December 74.34 74.03 75.68 74.38 74.00 75.42
January 75.62 75.69 77.39 76.46 75.60 76.69
March 77.70 76.29 80.40 77.24 75.87 77.31
June 73.13 72.30 76.00 73.84 71.19 73.99
September 76.82 72.92 79.65 74.55 71.88 75.13
December 90.60 87.25 93.08 89.59 86.11 89.17
January 94.90 91.45 98.10 93.59 90.26 92.33
March 111.44 107.66 116.75 110.37 105.80 108.71
June 110.45 106.65 117.27 109.37 104.34 107.77
September 108.47 105.16 115.63 107.72 103.18 106.31
December 107.06 107.06 110.71 107.96 106.61 106.43
January 109.8 112.00 113.08 112.82 111.73 109.86
March 122.8 122.32 127.98 123.43 121.84 122.47
June 93.35 93.32 97.19 94.51 92.67 94.44
September 112.24 110.02 114.06 111.32 109.76 111.22
December 107.61 106.19 111.19 108.35 104.79 106.34
January 105.33 103.79 115.41 110.64 102.21 107.94
March 105.63 103.08 110.57 107.61 101.63 105.55
June 110.27 106.56 106.12 101.30 104.50 100.32
September 96.41 95.30 114.30 109.48 99.73 108.28
December 61.32 58.25 113.11 108.07 56.65 107.8
January 105.33 103.79 110.26 105.74 102.21 104.01
February 106.47 104.17 110.77 106.3 102.34 105.04
March 105.63 103.05 109.50 104.8 101.63 104.32
April 106.03 103.13 110.19 104.87 101.61 104.68
May 107.42 104.21 112.22 105.8 102.72 105.55
June 110.27 106.56 114.36 108.61 104.50 108.03
July 105.73 105.50 109.19 107.15 103.69 106.13
XI.24 Spot Prices of Key OPEC Crude Oils (Contd...)
(in US $/bbl )
Iran Kuwait Nigeria Bonny Saudi Arabia UAE
Light 33.9 Export 31.4 Light 36.7 Light 34.2 Heavy 28.0 Dubai 32.4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
August 101.3 100.57 102.26 102.24 99.14 101.73
September 96.41 95.30 98.07 97.23 93.73 96.47
October 84.9 83.99 88.51 85.93 82.45 86.73
November 76.88 74.04 80.1 76.07 72.18 76.33
December 61.32 58.25 63.81 60.13 56.65 60.25
January 47.42 42.31 48.51 44.47 40.25 45.57
February 55.97 52.25 58.46 53.78 51.07 55.85
March 54.79 50.52 56.75 52.2 49.34 54.66
April 59.34 55.96 60.65 57.73 54.26 58.55
May 63.97 60.92 65.31 62.62 59.42 63.54
June 62.28 59.29 62.19 60.94 58.01 61.76
July 55.76 53.85 56.77 54.94 53.55 56.15
August 45.74 45.28 47.07 46.52 44.82 47.87
September 46.16 43.96 48.01 45.56 43.37 45.38
October 47.05 43.61 49.16 45.37 43.01 45.84
November 43.17 38.39 44.81 40.64 37.00 41.79
December 35.98 31.49 38.16 33.7 30.15 34.59
Source: OPEC Bulletin 1-2/16
XI.25 Spot Prices of Major Petroleum Products in Key Trading Centres of the World
(in U$/bbl)
2014 2015
Market/Product/Year Jan Mar Jun Sep Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
North European Market, FOB 101.62 100.82 105.38 93.04 54.22 43.66 55.35 55.65 57.96 60.76 59.34 52.04 44.38 45.3 47.36 46.13 42.67
South European Market, FOB Italy 98.76 97.86 103.3 90.97 50.28 39.92 52.53 52.55 54.42 58.37 56.05 48.48 42.33 43 45.25 44.06 40.29
US East Coast Market, spot cargos na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
New York
Caribbean Market, Cargoes 110.69 108.79 113.92 99.2 53.81 na na na na na na na na na na na na
Singapore Cargoes 104.47 102.08 106.17 94.45 56.33 45.23 57.39 57.38 59.56 62.04 60.89 53.15 45.76 46.81 48.92 48.95 45.69
Middle East Gulf Market, FOB 101.9 99.14 103.22 92.44 54.62 43.32 54.88 54.22 56.96 59.89 58.06 50.09 43.45 45.55 48 47.58 43.62
North European Market, FOB, 116.51 120.86 130.41 117.23 73.31 61.8 73.71 77.62 82.31 87.7 93.68 90.5 77.52 70.72 66.73 65.27 58.79
(regular unleaded)
North European Market, FOB, 116.51 120.86 130.41 117.23 73.31 na na na na na na na na na na na na
(premium) 50ppm
South European Market, FOB 113.28 115.23 126.37 113.54 68.7 56.54 68.31 73.37 78.27 82.87 86.19 83.94 70.26 63.02 58.98 58.77 51.81
Italy(premium) 50ppm
US East Coast, New York (regular 112.2 115.94 121.86 113.53 71.13 57.53 67.86 69.59 75.99 82 84.6 78.66 68.26 61.4 58.62 58.51 53.68
unleaded 87)
Singapore Cargoes(Premium Unl. 117.98 119.37 123.74 110.58 71.91 57.42 70.46 73.84 75.55 83.73 83.97 75.95 66 65.24 63.39 59.1 55.63
Singapore Cargoes(Premium Unl. 114.66 116.53 120.46 108.61 69.58 54.66 67.06 70.34 73.07 81.1 81.02 72.52 61.95 61.59 60.55 56.42 52.83
North European Market, FOB 124.57 121.71 124.73 114.54 81.09 66.67 75.7 71.93 73.97 78.67 76.99 68.18 60.18 61.35 59.68 56.78 47.54
US East Coast, New York 128.58 124.16 122.17 117.1 84.2 67.73 77.29 72.79 74.67 80 75.76 67.53 60.76 61.6 60.94 59.07 49.31
Caribbean Cargoes 123.68 122.93 122.73 116.34 77.19 na na na na na na na na na na na na
Singapore Cargoes 121.63 119.99 120.8 112.48 78.36 63.66 73.25 70.01 72.08 77.69 74.56 65.81 57.08 58.99 59.28 57.46 47.7
Middle East Gulf Market, FOB 119.51 117.47 118.28 109.68 75.73 60.98 70.81 67.18 69.51 74.98 71.45 62.23 53.79 56.6 57.4 55.51 45.39
XI.25 Spot Prices of Major Petroleum Products in Key Trading Centres of the World (Contd...)
(in U$/bbl)
2014 2015
Market/Product/Year Jan Mar Jun Sep Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
GAS OIL/Diesel
North European Market, FOB 121.84 121.01 121.59 111.88 77.45 61.8 73.71 77.62 82.31 87.7 93.68 90.5 77.52 70.72 66.73 65.27 58.79
South European Market, FOB Italy 123.07 121.46 122.79 112.15 77.48 56.54 68.31 73.37 78.27 82.87 86.19 83.94 70.26 63.02 58.98 58.77 51.81
US East Coast, New York 127.16 121.77 120.46 110.29 77.33 67.86 78.66 68.35 72.65 76.98 74.07 64.91 58.4 59.78 58.73 55.08 43.89
Caribbean Cargoes 121.9 121.01 122.06 112.29 73.84
Singapore Cargoes 121.56 121.68 121.24 111.95 77.1 62.67 74.14 70.75 72.37 78.02 74.73 65.07 57.12 59.48 59.13 57.46 46.86
Middle East Gulf Market, FOB 119.31 119 118.56 108.99 74.32 59.82 68.55 67.74 69.66 75.15 71.44 61.29 53.64 56.93 57.13 55.4 44.42
North European Market (1%s) 92.37 100.1 98.71 86.5 49.59 37.2 47.05 45.35 49.2 52.57 50.32 44.59 35.24 33.88 33.89 30.2 22.4
North European Market (3.5%s) 89.22 91.27 93.2 86.14 49.44 37.79 47.79 46.07 49.64 53.41 51.12 45.3 35.8 34.41 34.43 30.68 22.59
South European Market,(1%s) FOB 92.94 100.69 100.17 88.6 50.62 39.43 49.07 47.87 51.02 54.19 51.87 45.57 36.31 34.49 36.2 32.83 25.88
South European Market,(3.5%s) 90.16 90.48 92.2 85.92 48.88 38.01 46.78 46.03 49.58 52.79 51.46 44.77 35.76 34.26 34.97 30.02 22.2
FOB Italy
US East Coast, New York (0.3%S) 126.38 118.41 106.62 99.44 69.84 57.16 66.91 60.93 61.66 59.69 52.31 44.45 43.4 46.36 45.01 35.65 32.01
US East Coast, New York (2.2%S) 91.97 94.11 95.5 87.09 50.19 na na na na na na na na na na na na
Caribbean Cargoes (2%s) 89.5 91.83 92.18 84.72 47.07 na na na na na na na na na na na na
Caribbean Cargoes (2.8%s) 84.5 86.83 87.18 79.72 42.07 na na na na na na na na na na na na
Singapore Cargoes (380 Cst) 94.56 93.13 95.13 89.14 54.6 42.59 52.24 49.42 52.45 58.22 55.73 47.49 37.36 36.58 36.99 34.98 27.15
Singapore Cargoes (180 Cst) 96.46 95 97.24 90.86 55.52 43.99 54.93 51.54 54.82 61.28 57.08 48.71 39.04 37.37 38.32 36.11 28.2
Middle East Gulf Market, (180 Cst) 91.3 90.51 92.58 86.42 51.21 40.28 50.49 47.63 51.01 57.06 51.98 44.31 35.34 34.36 35.3 32.63 24.35
Source : OPEC Monthly Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 & 2016 na: not available
XI.26 World Survey of Selected Petroleum Products Prices in 2015
Automotive Heavy/High Light Fuel Oil
US $ Exchange
Diesel Oil Non- Sulphur Fuel Oil For Household Use For Industry Use
Country Rate in National
commercial use (for Industry)
Currencies (US$/1000 Ltr)
(US$/Ltr) (US$/tonne)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Australia 1.331 0.969 .. .. ..
Austria 0.902 1.243 .. 791.6 540.3
Belgium 0.902 1.358 .. 638.4 527.6
Canada 1.278 0.854 313.6 821.6 547.8
Chile 654.32 0.781 .. 952.7 ..
Czech Repubic 24.593 1.269 c 743.5 541.8
Denmark 6.725 1.388 .. 1359.1 796.5
Estonia 0.902 1.196 .. 861.4 717.8
Finland 0.902 1.436 .. 933.7 753.0
France 0.902 1.276 .. 782.8 596.5
Germany 0.902 1.265 .. 656.7 512.4
Greece 0.902 1.286 .. 993.4 807.7
Hungry 279.2 1.282 .. x ..
Ireland 0.902 1.391 684.2 747.5 577.8
Israel 3.887 1.639 c 1602.6 c
Italy 0.902 1.560 .. 1295.1 1061.5
Japan 121 0.967 .. 678.6 578.4
Korea 1131 1.149 439 838.2 x
Luxembourg 0.902 1.130 x 604.0 542.0
Mexico 15.874 0.889 258.7 x 281.0
Netherlands 0.902 1.365 x 1136.5 939.3
New Zealand 1.434 0.797 378 .. 441.9
Norway 8.064 1.516 x 1217.6 974.0
Poland 3.77 1.187 322 805.2 628.5
Portugal 0.902 1.317 x 1178.4 ..
Slovak Republic 0.901 1.273 x .. 667.4
Slovenia 0.902 1.305 x 940.0 770.5
Spain 0.902 1.237 .. 736.6 608.8
Sweden 8.429 1.576 x .. 726.0
Switzerland 0.962 1.613 x 771.3 671.9
Turkey 2.723 1.425 603.5 1142.6 ..
U.K 0.655 1.756 x 699.7 671.5
U.S.A 1 0.716 350.6 734.2 413.5
.. : not available x : not applicable c : confidential
Source : International Energy Agency's "Energy Prices and Taxes" 2nd Quarter of 2016.
XI.27 Airfield Prices of Jet A-1 Fuel at Major International Airports
(U.S.C./U.S GALLON)(as on 1st April)
Countries / Ports 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Paris 142.80 226.11 337.38 341.81 314.42 303.58 183.00 125.31
Frankfurt 140.39 223.24 330.00 341.02 303.55 298.08 178.60 121.17
Rome na na na na na na 190.71 127.15
Nairobi 148.94 234.05 339.44 347.24 na na na na
Kualalampur 132.36 213.35 319.36 330.97 293.61 290.47 170.00 117.39
Paya Lebar/Changi 145.23 212.18 321.68 326.91 289.58 285.65 165.17 115.15
Abu Dhabi 146.42 228.97 334.64 343.83 307.63 300.99 178.37 133.35
Dubai 150.10 227.56 332.90 333.84 301.75 292.99 170.37 127.15
London(Heathrow) 144.17 226.285 337.55 342.35 304.94 303.29 183.49 127.39
Kuwait 133.13 206.23 300.75 309.81 280.94 274.67 166.90 120.45
New York 147.75 219.92 324.55 356.19 303.13 304.34 172.75 117.86
Tokyo 143.21 221.71 327.36 346.63 314.95 303.54 180.31 126.26
Mumbai 163.92 252.83 374.67 392.82 323.15 316.85 207.25 164.18
Delhi 166.16 254.66 378.02 392.40 322.80 315.32 205.06 129.84
Madras 164.18 253.91 358.89 390.71 324.01 317.61 208.31 142.64
Note: Prices are Air India Contract price barring Italy na : not available
Source : Air India
XI.28 Tanker Fleet Development in OPEC Members
(in '000' DWT)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT Number DWT
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Algeria 1 315 1 315 1 160 1 160.0 1 160 1 160 1 160 1 160
Angola na na na na na na 8 1186.0 31 2363 31 2363 27 2498 27 2498
Ecuador 8 269 8 269 8 269 10 579 14 957 18 1231 20 1457 9 638
Iran 42 9560 42 9560 47 10994 47 10994.0 47 10994 47 10994 46 10982 46 10982
Iraq 2 26 4 53 4 53 4 53.0 4 53 4 50 4 53 4 53
Kuwait 21 3113 20 3110 16 2223 16 2223.0 21 3404 19 3547 26 4825 26 4825
Libya 8 627 8 627 8 627 5 548.0 5 548 5 548 5 548 5 548
Nigeria 2 409 2 409 2 409 2 409.0 2 409 2 409 2 409 2 409
Qatar 6 528 6 528 6 528 6 528.0 6 528 6 528 5 397 5 397
Saudi Arabia 46 10483 40 8662 35 6993 32 5766.0 20 5051 23 6004 23 6004 23 6004
UAE 13 660 13 660 13 660 13 660.0 13 660 13 660 19 1139 19 1139
Venezuela 16 1091 16 1091 16 1091 18 1348.0 19 1452 22 2066 26 2627 26 2627
Total OPEC 165 27081 160 25284 156 24007 162 24454 183 26579 191 28560 204 31099 216 34109
Total World 4825 398196 5713 481185 4167 385828 4494 422849 4734 453168 4912 472169 5153 482975 5359 499922
OPEC(%) 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 7
Notes: Figures as at year-end DWT: Dead Weight Tonnage na: not available
Source :OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletins, 2014, 2015 and 2016
XI.29 Oil Trade Movements
(in 000 Barrels daily)
% share in
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11)
US 12872 11453 11689 11338 10587 9859 9240 9401 15.4
Europe 13885 12608 12201 12272 12569 12815 12619 13648 22.3
China 4494 5100 5886 6295 6675 6978 7398 8196 13.4
Japan 4925 4263 4567 4494 4743 4637 4383 4346 7.1
Rest of World 19550 20023 20025 20773 21213 23668 24542 25631 41.9
Total World 55726 53447 54368 55171 55787 57957 58182 61223 100
US 1967 1947 2154 2495 2682 3563 4034 4636 7.6
Canada 2498 2518 2599 2798 3056 3296 3534 3828 6.3
Mexico 1609 1449 1539 1487 1366 1347 1293 1372 2.2
South & Central 3616 3748 3568 3755 3830 3790 3922 4068 6.6
Europe 2086 2074 1949 2106 2193 2578 2531 2905 4.7
Russia 7540 7257 7397 7448 7457 7948 7842 8253 13.5
Other CIS 1680 1790 1944 2080 1848 2102 1940 1875 3.1
Middle East 20128 18409 18883 19687 19581 20000 19945 20619 33.7
North Africa 3260 2938 2871 1945 2596 2125 1695 1632 2.7
West Africa 4587 4364 4601 4637 4557 4428 4515 4458 7.3
Asia Pacific * 5392 5631 6226 6088 6299 6307 6425 7006 11.4
Rest of World 1363 1323 637 646 322 476 507 571 0.9
Total World 55726 53447 54368 55171 55787 57957 58182 61223 100
*: Excludes Japan. CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States
Note: Annual changes and shares of total are calculated using thousand barrels daily figures. North and West African exports exclude intra-Africa trade
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.30 World Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel during 2015
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
Nuclear Hydro
Country Oil Natural Gas Coal Renewables Total
Energy electricity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
US 851.6 713.6 396.3 189.9 57.4 71.7 2280.6
Canada 100.3 92.2 19.8 23.6 86.7 7.3 329.9
Mexico 84.3 74.9 12.8 2.6 6.8 3.5 185.0
Total North America 1036.3 880.7 429.0 216.1 150.9 82.6 2795.5
Argentina 31.6 42.8 1.4 1.6 9.6 0.9 87.8
Brazil 137.3 36.8 17.4 3.3 81.7 16.3 292.8
Chile 16.9 3.5 7.2 - 5.3 2.0 34.9
Colombia 15.5 9.5 7.0 - 10.1 0.4 42.5
Ecuador 11.7 0.6 - - 3.0 0.1 15.4
Peru 10.9 6.8 0.9 - 5.3 0.4 24.1
Trinidad & Tobago 1.8 19.4 - - - ^ 21.2
Venezuela 32.0 31.1 0.2 - 17.3 ^ 80.5
Other S. & Cent. America 65.0 6.9 3.0 - 20.7 4.3 100.0
Total S. & Cent. America 322.7 157.3 37.1 5.0 152.9 24.2 699.3
Austria 12.6 7.5 3.2 - 8.3 2.4 34.1
Azerbaijan 4.5 8.8 ^ - 0.4 ^ 13.7
Belarus 7.1 15.5 0.8 - ^ 0.1 23.6
Belgium 30.5 13.6 3.2 5.9 0.1 3.2 56.5
Bulgaria 4.2 2.6 6.7 3.5 1.3 0.7 18.9
Czech Republic 9.4 6.5 15.6 6.1 0.4 1.7 39.6
Denmark 8.1 2.9 1.8 - ^ 4.3 16.9
Finland 8.3 1.9 3.5 5.3 3.8 3.1 25.9
France 76.1 35.1 8.7 99.0 12.2 7.9 239.0
Germany 110.2 67.2 78.3 20.7 4.4 40.0 320.6
Greece 14.8 2.5 5.7 - 1.3 1.9 26.3
Hungary 7.0 8.0 2.2 3.6 0.1 0.7 21.5
Republic of Ireland 6.9 3.8 2.2 - 0.2 1.6 14.6
Italy 59.3 55.3 12.4 - 9.9 14.7 151.7
Kazakhstan 12.7 7.8 32.6 - 1.8 ^ 54.8
Lithuania 2.6 2.1 0.2 - 0.1 0.3 5.3
Netherlands 38.7 28.6 10.6 0.9 ^ 2.7 81.6
Norway 10.2 4.3 0.8 - 31.1 0.6 47.1
Poland 25.1 15.1 49.8 - 0.4 4.6 95.0
Portugal 11.4 3.9 3.3 - 2.0 3.5 24.1
Romania 9.1 9.3 6.1 2.6 3.7 2.2 33.1
Russian Federation 143.0 352.3 88.7 44.2 38.5 0.1 666.8
Slovakia 3.8 3.9 3.3 3.4 0.9 0.5 15.8
Spain 60.5 24.8 14.4 12.9 6.3 15.4 134.4
Sweden 14.1 0.8 2.1 12.9 16.9 6.2 53.0
Switzerland 10.7 2.6 0.2 5.3 8.5 0.7 27.9
Turkey 38.8 39.2 34.4 - 15.1 3.8 131.3
Turkmenistan 6.4 30.9 - - ^ ^ 37.3
Ukraine 8.4 25.9 29.2 19.8 1.4 0.3 85.1
United Kingdom 71.6 61.4 23.4 15.9 1.4 17.4 191.2
Uzbekistan 2.8 45.3 1.1 - 2.5 ^ 51.6
Other Europe & Eurasia 33.1 13.7 23.4 1.9 21.5 2.3 96.0
Total Europe & Eurasia 862.2 903.1 467.9 264.0 194.4 142.8 2834.4
Iran 88.9 172.1 1.2 0.8 4.1 0.1 267.2
Israel 11.0 7.6 6.7 - ^ 0.3 25.6
Kuwait 23.6 17.5 - - - ^ 41.0
Qatar 10.9 40.6 - - - ^ 51.5
Saudi Arabia 168.1 95.8 0.1 - - ^ 264.0
XI.30 World Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel during 2015 (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
Nuclear Hydro
Country Oil Natural Gas Coal Renewables Total
Energy electricity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
United Arab Emirates 40.0 62.2 1.6 - - 0.1 103.9
Other Middle East 83.3 45.4 0.8 - 1.8 0.1 131.4
Total Middle East 425.7 441.2 10.5 0.8 5.9 0.5 884.7
Algeria 19.3 35.1 0.2 - ^ ^ 54.6
Egypt 39.2 43.0 0.7 - 3.0 0.4 86.2
South Africa 31.1 4.5 85.0 2.4 0.2 1.0 124.2
Other Africa 93.5 39.2 11.0 - 23.8 2.4 169.9
Total Africa 183.0 121.9 96.9 2.4 27.0 3.8 435.0
Australia 46.2 30.9 46.6 - 3.1 4.5 131.4
Bangladesh 5.5 24.1 0.8 - 0.2 0.1 30.7
China 559.7 177.6 1920.4 38.6 254.9 62.7 3014.0
China Hong Kong SAR 18.3 2.9 6.7 - - ^ 27.9
India 195.5 45.5 407.2 8.6 28.1 15.5 700.5
Indonesia 73.5 35.8 80.3 - 3.6 2.4 195.6
Japan 189.6 102.1 119.4 1.0 21.9 14.5 448.5
Malaysia 36.2 35.8 17.6 - 3.3 0.2 93.1
New Zealand 7.5 4.1 1.4 - 5.6 2.4 21.0
Pakistan 25.2 39.0 4.7 1.1 7.8 0.4 78.2
Philippines 18.4 3.0 11.4 - 2.2 2.7 37.7
Singapore 69.5 10.2 0.4 - - 0.2 80.2
South Korea 113.7 39.2 84.5 37.3 0.7 1.6 276.9
Taiwan 46.0 16.5 37.8 8.3 1.0 1.0 110.7
Thailand 56.6 47.6 17.6 - 0.9 2.3 124.9
Vietnam 19.5 9.6 22.2 - 14.4 0.1 65.9
Other Asia Pacific 20.6 7.1 19.3 - 14.1 0.3 61.3
Total Asia Pacific 1501.4 631.0 2798.5 94.9 361.9 110.9 5498.5
Total World 4331.3 3135.2 3839.9 583.1 892.9 364.9 13147.3
^: less than 0.05
1. Oil consumption is measured in million tonnes; other fuels in million tonnes of oil equivalent.
2. Primary energy comprises commercially traded fuels including modern renewables used to generate electricity.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
Europe & 29
Middle East 22
7 Natural Gas
XI.31 Per Capita Primary Energy Consumption-some International Comparisons during 2015
(in Kg. Oil Equivalent)
Nuclear Hydro
Country Oil Natural Gas Coal Renewables Total
Energy electricity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
US 2651.4 2221.7 1234.0 591.1 178.7 223.4 7100.3
Canada 2801.7 2575.9 552.9 658.8 2421.6 205.1 9216.0
Mexico 664.1 589.5 101.1 20.6 53.5 27.8 1456.7
Total North America 2141.0 1819.6 886.3 446.4 311.8 170.7 5775.9
Argentina 745.5 1009.0 33.2 38.1 225.5 20.2 2071.6
Brazil 671.5 180.1 85.1 16.3 399.4 79.5 1431.8
Chile 940.4 194.5 402.3 na 294.1 109.5 1940.8
Colombia 320.9 196.7 146.1 na 209.8 7.4 880.8
Ecuador 718.9 35.2 na na 181.8 7.5 943.4
Peru 348.1 216.5 27.7 na 169.0 12.2 773.6
Trinidad & Tobago 1294.6 13848.0 na na na na 15142.6
Venezuela 1046.2 1015.3 6.1 na 564.5 na 2632.1
Other S. & Cent. America 589.0 62.7 27.2 na 187.7 38.8 905.5
Total S. & Cent. America 641.6 312.7 73.9 9.8 303.9 48.2 1390.2
Austria 1468.5 873.5 376.6 na 966.8 274.0 3959.5
Azerbaijan 464.3 909.5 na na 38.2 na 1412.0
Belarus 750.3 1630.2 88.1 na na na 2468.6
Belgium 2725.1 1214.5 283.1 527.4 5.9 286.4 5042.3
Bulgaria 581.1 358.3 925.7 483.3 181.9 99.2 2629.5
Czech Republic 883.8 611.5 1468.4 573.0 38.3 162.7 3737.7
Denmark 1412.4 500.6 310.7 na na 748.0 2971.8
Finland 1513.7 346.5 629.1 966.7 689.3 561.7 4706.9
France 1183.9 546.6 135.6 1539.3 189.7 122.2 3717.4
Germany 1358.4 828.2 965.4 255.3 53.9 492.6 3953.7
Greece 1288.7 220.7 499.3 na 109.9 164.4 2283.1
Hungary 718.9 818.2 219.4 365.6 5.4 67.0 2194.5
Republic of Ireland 1491.1 817.6 477.8 na 39.7 346.3 3172.5
Italy 949.2 884.8 199.1 na 158.9 235.1 2427.2
Kazakhstan 727.3 443.3 1860.1 na 102.2 na 3133.0
Lithuania 910.5 712.8 56.0 na 26.9 107.0 1813.2
Netherlands 2291.9 1694.5 628.9 54.6 na 158.6 4828.6
Norway 1966.6 831.6 149.1 na 5981.2 123.6 9052.0
Poland 651.6 391.4 1293.0 na 10.8 119.9 2466.7
Portugal 1106.4 379.7 319.8 na 190.1 342.0 2338.0
Romania 461.0 470.2 310.6 133.0 186.5 109.2 1670.5
Russian Federation 990.9 2441.7 615.0 306.1 266.5 0.9 4621.0
Slovakia 701.5 714.0 617.4 634.7 170.4 96.1 2934.0
Spain 1304.3 535.1 310.9 278.8 135.5 331.9 2896.4
Sweden 1437.9 82.0 216.0 1320.9 1720.8 632.0 5409.7
Switzerland 1293.7 309.3 18.8 634.1 1024.7 79.0 3359.6
Turkey 495.6 501.7 440.4 na 193.6 48.1 1679.3
Turkmenistan 1193.8 5720.4 na na na na 6914.2
Ukraine 196.4 605.4 681.5 463.3 33.3 8.1 1987.9
United Kingdom 1099.5 943.7 359.5 244.5 22.0 267.7 2936.8
XI.31 Per Capita Primary Energy Consumption-some International Comparisons during 2015 (contd...)
(in Kg. Oil Equivalent)
Nuclear Hydro
Country Oil Natural Gas Coal Renewables Total
Energy electricity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Uzbekistan 89.8 1445.9 35.5 na 78.3 na 1649.5
Other Europe & Eurasia 620.5 258.0 438.6 35.8 404.0 43.7 1800.6
Total Europe & Eurasia 954.6 999.9 518.0 292.3 215.2 158.2 3138.1
Iran 1132.4 2192.5 15.6 10.2 52.4 1.1 3404.2
Israel 1309.1 900.0 802.9 na na 30.7 3042.6
Kuwait 6202.7 4592.7 na na na na 10795.4
Qatar 4534.3 16931.8 na na na na 21466.1
Saudi Arabia 5318.8 3031.1 3.1 na na na 8353.1
United Arab Emirates 4169.3 6479.9 169.6 na na na 10818.8
Other Middle East 791.0 431.4 7.8 na 17.3 na 1247.4
Total Middle East 1776.8 1841.3 43.9 3.3 24.8 2.1 3692.2
Algeria 483.7 880.2 4.5 na na 0.5 1368.8
Egypt 439.5 482.9 7.7 na 33.2 4.0 967.3
South Africa 493.1 71.6 1349.5 38.8 3.4 15.7 1972.1
Other Africa 95.5 40.1 11.2 na 24.3 2.5 173.6
Total Africa 156.3 104.1 82.7 2.1 23.1 3.2 371.5
Australia 1934.9 1293.3 1951.2 na 129.8 190.3 5499.3
Bangladesh 34.5 150.5 4.8 na 1.3 0.3 191.5
China 408.0 129.4 1399.8 28.2 185.8 45.7 2196.9
China Hong Kong SAR 2502.7 400.2 917.6 na na na 3820.4
India 148.8 34.6 309.9 6.5 21.4 11.8 533.1
Indonesia 287.6 139.9 314.2 na 14.2 9.3 765.1
Japan 1494.2 804.4 941.1 na 172.2 114.1 3526.1
Malaysia 1173.9 1161.8 572.4 na 108.3 7.7 3024.1
New Zealand 1624.4 882.9 314.0 na 1207.6 530.4 4559.2
Pakistan 126.4 196.2 23.5 5.4 39.3 2.1 392.8
Philippines 178.2 29.2 111.0 na 21.6 26.2 366.1
Singapore 12627.3 1853.1 na na na 33.1 14513.5
South Korea 2242.0 774.1 1665.7 735.3 13.4 31.5 5462.1
Taiwan 1958.2 704.0 1609.9 351.2 43.0 43.6 4710.0
Thailand 869.5 730.7 269.8 na 13.1 34.7 1917.8
Vietnam 212.8 104.6 242.6 na 157.5 0.7 718.2
Other Asia Pacific 107.5 36.8 100.7 na 73.7 1.3 320.2
Total Asia Pacific 373.0 156.7 695.1 23.6 89.9 27.5 1365.9
Total World 591.2 427.9 524.1 79.6 121.9 49.8 1794.5
na: not available
1.Oil consumption is measured in million tonnes; other fuels in million tonnes of oil equivalent.
2.Primary energy comprises commercially traded fuels including modern renewables used to generate electricity.
3.Population 2015 data have been taken from "Population Reference Bureau".
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI.32 Per Capita Consumption of Main Petroleum Products
Some International Comparisons during 2015
(in Kg. Oil Per Capita)
Country/Area Light Distillates Middle Distillates Fuel Oil Others Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
USA 1452.0 869.6 40.0 636.0 2997.6
Europe 387.8 844.5 115.0 358.7 1705.9
Middle East 421.8 568.5 471.7 520.4 1982.5
China 130.8 154.0 22.9 125.3 433.0
Japan 631.4 501.5 172.1 318.8 1623.8
OECD 670.3 658.7 74.7 366.0 1769.6
Note: Population 2015 data have been taken from "Population Reference Bureau".
Source : B.P Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
12500 12275
(in MTOE)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
XI.34 Primary Energy Consumption in Select Countries of the World
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
% share
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
US 2320 2206 2285 2266 2210 2272 2300 2281 17.3
Canada 327 312 316 329 327 335 336 330 2.5
Mexico 174 174 178 186 188 189 190 185 1.4
Total North America 2822 2692 2780 2781 2725 2796 2826 2796 21.3
Argentina 77 75 80 82 84 86 86 88 0.7
Brazil 238 236 261 274 279 290 298 293 2.2
Chile 31 31 31 34 34 34 35 35 0.3
Colombia 35 32 35 36 39 39 41 42 0.3
Ecuador 12 11 13 14 14 15 15 15 0.1
Peru 16 17 19 21 22 22 23 24 0.2
Trinidad & Tobago 21 22 23 23 22 22 22 21 0.2
Venezuela 84 83 81 80 84 85 81 81 0.6
Other S.&Cent. America 91 90 93 95 96 96 98 100 0.8
Total S.&Cent. America 605 598 634 658 674 689 698 699 5.3
Austria 36 35 36 34 35 35 34 34 0.3
Azerbaijan 12 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 0.1
Belarus 26 24 26 26 28 25 25 24 0.2
Belgium 67 62 66 61 59 60 56 56 0.4
Bulgaria 19 17 18 19 18 17 18 19 0.1
Czech Republic 44 41 43 42 42 41 40 40 0.3
Denmark 20 19 20 18 17 18 18 17 0.1
Finland 30 28 31 29 28 27 26 26 0.2
France 259 245 253 245 245 247 238 239 1.8
Germany 331 310 324 312 317 326 312 321 2.4
Greece 33 33 32 31 29 28 26 26 0.2
Hungary 26 24 25 23 22 20 21 22 0.2
Republic of Ireland 17 15 15 14 14 14 14 15 0.1
Italy 179 167 172 168 162 156 147 152 1.2
Kazakhstan 53 47 49 55 57 57 58 55 0.4
Lithuania 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 5 s
Netherlands 93 92 96 91 88 86 81 82 0.6
Norway 47 44 42 43 48 45 46 47 0.4
Poland 95 92 98 99 96 96 92 95 0.7
Portugal 24 24 26 24 22 24 25 24 0.2
Romania 39 33 34 35 34 31 33 33 0.3
Russian Federation 684 648 673 695 695 688 690 667 5.1
Slovakia 18 16 17 17 16 17 16 16 0.1
Spain 154 143 146 143 142 134 132 134 1.0
Sweden 53 48 52 51 55 51 52 53 0.4
Switzerland 29 29 29 27 29 30 28 28 0.2
Turkey 103 104 111 115 120 118 123 131 1.0
Turkmenistan 25 23 26 27 30 27 31 37 0.3
Ukraine 133 113 121 126 123 115 101 85 0.6
United Kingdom 216 205 211 199 202 201 189 191 1.5
XI.34 Primary Energy Consumption in Select Countries of the World (Contd...)
(in Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent)
% share
Country/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
in 2015
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Uzbekistan 52 43 44 50 49 49 50 52 0.4
Other Europe & Eurasia 95 93 99 97 94 96 94 96 0.7
Total Europe & Eurasia 3021 2838 2949 2934 2934 2898 2832 2834 21.6
Iran 216 227 228 238 239 248 261 267 2.0
Israel 23 22 24 24 25 25 24 26 0.2
Kuwait 30 32 35 35 38 39 39 41 0.3
Qatar 23 24 35 27 32 48 46 52 0.4
Saudi Arabia 187 197 216 222 236 237 252 264 2.0
United Arab Emirates 84 83 86 91 95 97 99 104 0.8
Other Middle East 105 110 118 117 120 127 128 131 1.0
Total Middle East 669 694 742 755 784 822 849 885 6.7
Algeria 38 40 39 41 45 48 52 55 0.4
Egypt 74 76 81 82 86 86 85 86 0.7
South Africa 126 124 126 126 124 125 128 124 0.9
Other Africa 134 132 144 141 150 155 163 170 1.3
Total Africa 371 373 390 390 405 414 428 435 3.3
Australia 131 130 130 131 131 131 130 131 1.0
Bangladesh 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 31 0.2
China 2222 2322 2487 2688 2795 2904 2970 3014 22.9
China Hong Kong SAR 25 27 27 28 27 28 27 28 0.2
India 476 515 541 565 600 626 666 701 5.3
Indonesia 131 135 149 163 171 175 188 196 1.5
Japan 511 469 497 472 468 466 454 448 3.4
Malaysia 76 74 77 79 83 89 90 93 0.7
New Zealand 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 0.2
Pakistan 70 71 71 71 72 72 74 78 0.6
Philippines 28 28 29 30 30 32 34 38 0.3
Singapore 60 64 69 72 72 74 76 80 0.6
South Korea 236 237 255 268 271 271 273 277 2.1
Taiwan 104 102 109 109 108 110 111 111 0.8
Thailand 95 98 106 110 118 120 123 125 0.9
Vietnam 38 39 44 50 53 55 60 66 0.5
Other Asia Pacific 50 51 53 52 53 57 59 61 0.5
Total Asia Pacific 4293 4404 4687 4932 5099 5256 5387 5499 41.8
Total World 11781 11598 12181 12450 12622 12873 13021 13147 100
s: Less than 0.05
Notes: 1. Oil consumption is measured in million tonnes; other fuels in million tonnes of oil equivalent.
2. Primary energy comprises commercially traded fuels including modern renewables used to generate electricity.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2016
XI. 35 Economic Indicators of OPEC Nations During 2015
GDP at Petroleum Proven crude Crude Exports of
Population Per capita Petroleum Total Export Gas Reserves Producing Oil
market Exports as % oil reserves Refining Refined
Country 2015 GDP 2015 Exports 2015 2015 2015 wells
prices 2015 of total 2015 Capacity Products
(Million) (Mn. $ ) (US $) (Mn. $ ) (Mn. $ ) Exports (Bn.bbls) (Bn. CM) Nos. (000' b/cd) (000' b/d)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Algeria 39.95 181828 4551 21751 37787 57.6 12200 4504 1968 650.8 605.4
Angola 25.79 102979 3993 31696 32637 97.1 9524 308 1593 65 36.7
Ecuador 16.28 99068 6086 6660 18366 36.3 8273 11 3483 190.8 15.6
Iran 78.33 387611 4949 27308 77974 35.0 158400 33500 2339 1781.00 514.3
Iraq 36.93 169460 4588 54394 54667 99.5 142503 3158 2361 900 13.7
Kuwait 4.24 120682 28469 48782 54959 88.8 101500 1784 1731 936 739.4
Libya 6.32 38300 6058 4975 10861 45.8 48363 1505 540 380 30
Nigeria 183.17 484635 2646 41818 45365 92.2 37062 5284 1947 445 18
Qatar 2.42 166484 68767 28303 77294 36.6 25244 24299 467 283 521
Saudi Arabia 31.02 653219 21061 157962 205447 76.9 266455 8588 3555 2907.00 1154.7
U.A.E 9.58 370293 38649 52369 333370 15.7 97800 6091 1792 1124.00 950.3
Venezuela 30.68 239572 7809 35802 38010 94.2 300878 5702 14685 1890.60 318
Total 464.71 3014131 197626 511820 986737 52 1206.003 94734 36461 11553 4917.1
I Companies/Organisations 197
II Petroleum Products 198
III Prefixes Used in Metric Tables 199
IV Others 199
Conversion factors
V Metric Units 201
VI Linear and Square Measures 202
VII Mass and Weights 203
VIII Energy and Power 203
IX Cubic Measures Volume 204
X Product Conversion Factor 205
XI Volume per Metric Tonn of Petroleum Products 206
XII Conversion Factors for Duty Reduction from 150 C to 29.50 C 206
XIII Crude Oil Conversions 207
XIV Natural Gas Conversions 207
XV Other Conversions 208
XVI Petroleum Specific Gravities 209
XVII Petroleum Specific Gravity Ranges 209
XVIII Multiplier for Conversion of one Metric Tonne of Petroleum Products to one Tonne of Oil Equivalent 209
XIX Average International Calorific Value of different Fuels 210
XX Coefficients used to Convert from Original Units into Standard Coal Equivalents 211
XXI Coal Replacement and Equivalents of different Fuels 211
XXII Approximate Calorific Equivalents(Oil =10000 Kcal/Kg). 212
XXIII Heat Units & others expressed in terms of Million Tonnes of Oil 212
XXIV Exchange Rates 212
Definitions 213
(I) Companies/Organisations
AFPC, Syria Al Furat Petroleum Company, Syria.
AGC Assam Gas Company
BL Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
BLIL Balmer Lawrie Investments Ltd.
BORL Bharat Oman Refinery Ltd.
BP British Petroleum
BPCL Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
CAIRN Cairn India Limited
CPCL Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
DGCIS Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
DGH Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
DNPL Duliajan Numaligarh Pipeline Limited
EIL Engineers India Ltd
Essar Essar Oil Ltd.
GAIL Gail (India) Limited
GOI Government of India
GPOC, South Sudan Greater Pioneer Operating Company, South Sudan
HMEL HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd.
HPCL Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
IEC, Russia. Imperial Energy Corporation, Russia.
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
ISPRL Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Limited.
MECL Mansarovar Energy Colombia Ltd.
MoPNG Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
MoSPI Ministry of Statistics And Programme Implementation
MRPL Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Ltd.
NRL Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.
OIL Oil India Limited
OMC Oil Marketing Company.
ONGC Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OVL ONGC Videsh Ltd
P&NG Petroleum & Natural Gas
PPAC Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.
RBI Reserve Bank of India.
RIL Reliance Industries Ltd.
(II) Petroleum Products
ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel.
CBFS Carbon Black Feed Stock
CBM Coal bed Methane
CNG Compressed Natural Gas.
EBP Ethanol Blended Petrol
FO Furnace Oil
HHS Hot Heavy Stock
HSD High Speed Diesel.
HSDO High Speed Diesel Oil
HSFO Heavy/High Sulphur Fuel Oil
LABFS Linear Alkyl Benzene Feed Stock
LDF Light Distillate Feedstock
LDO Light Diesel Oil
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LO Lubricating Oil
LOBS Lube Oil Base Stocks.
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
LSHS Low Sulphur Heavy Stock
LSWR Low Sulphur Waxy Residue.
Mogas Motor Gasoline.
Motor Spirit Petrol
MS Motor Spirit/Petrol
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTO Mineral Turpentine Oil
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
Pet-coke Petroleum Coke.
PNG Piped Natural Gas
RFO Residual Fuel Oil
RPO Rubber Process Oil.
SKO Superior Kerosene Oil
VGO Vacuum Gas Oil
(III) Prefixes Used in Metric Tables
Prefix Meaning
Centi One Hundredth (1/100=0.01)
Deci One Tenth (1/10=0.1)
Deka Ten(10)
Hecto One Hundred (100)
Kilo One Thousand (1,000)
Mega One Million (1,000,000)
Milli One Thousandth (1/1000=0.001)
Unit One (1)
(IV) Others
A&AA Assam & Assam Arakan
A.N Islands Andaman Nicobar Islands
ACG, Azerbaijan Azeri-Chirag-Deepwater Gunashli, Azerbaijan
Addl. Additional
bbl. Barrel
BCM Billion Cubic Meter
BE Budgetary Estimates.
BMC Bombay Municipal Corporation.
Bn.Cu.Mtr. Billion Cubic Meters
BPA Bassein Platform A
BPB Bassein Platform B
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CEA. Chief Economic Advisor
CGD City Gas Distribution
China Hong Kong SAR China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
CIF Cost Insurance Freight
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CPSEs Central Public Sector Enterprises
CRBC Central Region Basin Coast
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CST Central Sales Tax
Cyl. Cylinder
DBTL Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG
Dom. Domestic
DVPL Dahej-Vijaipur Pipeline
DWT Dead Weight Tonnage
EPS Earning per share
ERBC Eastern Region Basin cost
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDZ Free Delivery Zone
FOB Free on Board
FPC Federal Power Commission
GBS Gross Budgetary Support
GCV Gross Calorific Value
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNOP Greater Nile Oil Project
GREP Gas Rehabilitation and Expansion
GVA Gross Value Added
HELP Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy
HVJ Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur
I&EBR Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources
(IV) Others (Contd.)
Int. Con. Internal Consumption
JV Joint Venture
K.Cal Kilocalories
K.g Kilogram.
KG - D6 Krishna Godavari Dhirubhai 6
Kl Kilo litre
KM Kilometer
LK Line kilometer
ltr Litre.
M.Sq.Km Million square kilometer
MMSCMD Million Metric Standard Cubic Meter per day
MMT Million Metric Tonnes
MMTOE Million Metric Ton of Oil Equivalent
MMTPA Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum
Mn. Tonne Million Tonne.
MST Manufacturers' Sales Tax
MT Metric Ton
MUT Mumbai-Uran Trunk
MWh Megawatt Hour
n.a Not Available
NCV Net Calorific Value
NE North East.
NELP New Exploration Licensing Policy
NNI Net National Income
NRBC Northern Region Basin Coast
OEG Oil Equivalent of Gas
PAT Profit after Tax.
PDS Public Distribution System
PMUY Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
PSC Production Sharing Contract
R.E.S. Renewable Energy Source
R/P ratio Reserves-to-Production Ratio
RBF Refinery Boiler Fuel and Losses
RE Revised Estimate
RON Research Octane Number
RSP Retail Selling Price
S.& Cent. America South & Central America
S.E.Z Special Economic Zone
SAD Special Additional Duty
SCM Standard Cubic Meter.
SDR Special Drawing Right
SION Standard Input Output Norms
SKM Square Kilometer
SRBC Southern Region Basin Coast
t/w/d Tonne/Well/Day
TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
TMT Thousand Metric Tonnes
TMTPA Thousand Metric Tonnes per Annum.
Tr.Cu.ft. Trillion Cubic Feet
VAT Value Added Tax
Vol. Volume
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WRBC Western Region Basin Coast
Conversion Factors
(V) Metric Units
10 Millimetres 1 Centimetre.
10 Centimetres 1 Decimetre
10 Decimetres 1 Metre
10 Metres 1 Decametre
10 Decametres 1 Hectometre
10 Hectometres 1 Kilometre
100 Sq. Millimetres 1 Sq. Centimetre
100 Sq. Centimetres 1 Sq. Decimetre
100 Sq. Decimetres 1 Sq. Metre
100 Sq. Metres 1 Sq. Decametre-1 Acre.
100 Sq. Acres 1 Sq. Hectometre-1 Hectare.
100 Hectares 1 Sq. Kilometre.
10 Milligrams 1 Centigram
10 Centigrams 1 Decigram
10 Decigrams 1 Gram
10 Grams 1 Decagram
10 Decagrams 1 Hectogram
10 Hectograms 1 Kilogram.
100 Kilograms 1 Quintal
1000 Kilograms 1 Metric Tonne.
10 Millilitres 1 Centilitre
10 Centilitres 1 Decilitre
10 Decilitres 1 Litre
10 Litres 1 Decalitre
10 Decalitres 1 Hectolitre
10 Hectolitres 1 Kilolitre
1000 Cubic Millimetres 1 Cubic Centimetre
1000 Cubic Centimetres C
1000 Cubic Decimetres 1 Cubic Metre
(VI) Linear and Square Measures
1 Inch 25.4 Millimetres (mm)
0.0254 Metres.
1 Foot 12 Inches.
0.333333 Yard
0.3048 Metre (m).
1 Yard 36 Inches.
3 Feet
0.9144 Metre (m)
1 Metre 39.3701 Inches.
3.28084 Feet
1.09361 Yards
0.001 Kilometre (km.)
1 Kilometre 1000 Metre (m)
0.621371 Mile
1 Mile 1760 Yard
1.60934 Kilometre (km.)
1 International 6076.12 Feet
1 Nautical Mile 1.852 Kilometre (km)
1.5152 Statute mile
1 Square Inch 645.16 Square Millimetres (mm2).
1 Square Foot 0.0929030 Square Metre (m2).
1 Square Yard 9 Square Feet.
0.836127 Square Metre (m2).
1 Square Metre 10.7639 Square Feet.
1.19599 Square Yards.
1 Acre 4840 Square Yards
4046.86 Sq. Metres (m2)
0.404686 Hectares.
1 Hectare 10,000 Square Metres (m2).
2.47105 Acres.
0.01 Square Kilometre (km2)
1 Square Kilometre 100 Hectares.
0.386102 Square Mile.
1 Square Mile 640 Acres.
258.999 Hectares
2.58999 Square Kilometre (km2).
(VII) Mass and Weights
1 Ounce 28.3495 Grams (g).
1 Pound 0.453592 Kilogram (Kg.)
0.00892857 Hundred Weight
1 Kilogram 2.20462 Pounds.
0.01 Quintal
1 Hundred Weight (Cwt) 112 Pounds.
50.8023 Kilograms (Kg.)
1 American (Short) Ton 2000 Pounds.
0.892857 Long Ton
0.97185 Tonnes
1 Tonne (Metric Ton) 2204.62 Pounds
1000 Kilograms (Kg.)
1.10231 Short tons
0.984207 Long Ton
1 Imperial (Long) Ton 2240 Pounds
1.12 Short Tons.
1.01605 Tonnes.
(VIII) Energy and Power
1 International Table (IT) Calorie 4.1868 Joules (J).
115 C calorie 4.1855 Joules (J)
1 Thermochemical Calorie 4.184 Joules (J)
1 Kilo Calories (IT) 1000 Calories
3.96832 British Thermal Units
1.163 Watt Hours
1 Thermie
1 Kilowatt Hour 3412.14 British Thermal Units
859.845 Kilo Calories
3.6 Megajoules (MJ)
1.34102 Horse Power Hours.
1 Therm 100,000 British Thermal Units (BTU).
105.506 Megajoules (MJ)
29.3071 Kilowatt Hours
25.1996 Thermies
25200 Kilocalories
1Metric Horsepower (Pferdestaerke or Cheval Vapeur) 735.499 watts (W).
542.476 Foot Pounds Force/Second.
0.986320 Imperial Horse Power
1 Imperial Horsepower 745.700 Watts (W)
550 Foot Pounds Force/Second
1.01387 Metric Horse Power.
1 Kilowatt 737.562 Foot Pounds Force/Second
1.35962 Metric Horsepower
1.34102 Imperial Horsepower.
1000 Watts.
1 BTU 0.252 Kilocalories
1.055 Kilojoules
(IX) Cubic Measures Volume
1 Cubic Inch 16.3871 Cubic Centimetres (cm3)
1 Pint 0.568261 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or Litres.
1 Litre 61.024 Cubic Inches
1.75975 Pints
1 Cubic Decimeter (dm3)
0.264172 American Gallons
0.219963 Imperial Gallons
0.0353147 Cubic Foot
1 Hectolitre 100 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or
100 Litres
1 American Gallon 231 Cubic Inches
3.78541 Cubic Decimetres or Litres
0.832674 Imperial Gallon.
0.133681 Cubic Foot.
0.0238095 American Barrel.
0.00378541 Cubic Metre (M3)
1 Imperial Gallon 277.420 Cubic Inches
4.54609 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or Litres
1.20095 American Gallon
0.160544 Cubic Foot
0.02894 American Barrel
0.00454609 Cubic Metre (m3)
1 Cubic Foot 28.3168 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or Litres
7.48052 American Gallons
6.22883 Imperial Gallons
0.17811 American Barrel
0.0283168 Cubic Metre (m3)
1 Americal Barrel 9702 Cubic Inches
158.987 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or Litres
42 American Gallons
34.9726 Imperial Gallons
5.6146 Cubic Feet
0.158987 Cubic Metre (M3)
1 Cubic Metres 1000 Litres.
264.172 American Gallons
219.969 Imperial Gallons
35.3147 Cubic Feet
1 Kilolitre 1000 Cubic Decimetres (dm3) or Litres
6.28981 Americal Barrels.
1 Gross Ton (Shipping) 2.83168 Cubic Metres or 100 Cubic Feet
or Permanently Enclosed Space
1 Ton of Liquefied Methane Approx. 16 Barrels
Approx. 1400 Cubic Metres of Natural
Gas depending upon Methane Content
(X) Product Conversion Factor
Conversion Factor from Volume to Tonnes at Natural Temp
American Barrels to Metric
Product Litres to Metric Tonnes Tonnes per K.L
Aviation Spirit 100/130 1421 0.7034 8.94
Aviation Spirit 144/145 1449 0.6901 9.11
Aviation Spirit 73 ON 1432 0.6983 9.01
Motor Spirit 79 ON 1427 0.7008 8.98
Motor Spirit 80 ON 1427 0.7008 8.98
Motor Spirit 93 ON 1386 0.7215 8.72
Motor Spirit 95 ON 1359 0.7358 8.55
Motor Spirit 83 ON/87 ON 1411 0.7087 8.88
JP-4 1384 0.7225 8.71
JP-5 1273 0.7855 8.01
Aviation Turbine Fuel 1288 0.7764 8.10
Naphtha 1467 0.6817 9.23
Power Alcohol 1286 0.7776 8.09
Benzol 1154 0.8666 7.26
SBP Spirit/Hexane 1457 0.6863 9.16
Mineral Turpentine (Laws 140/205) 1302 0.7680 8.19
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1785 0.5602 11.23
Superior Kerosene 1285 0.7782 8.08
Inferior Kerosene 1265 0.7905 7.96
Power Kerosene (Vap. Oil) 1251 0.7994 7.87
High Speed Diesel 1210 0.8263 7.61
Light Diesel Oil 1172 0.8532 7.37
Malarial Oil 1172 0.8532 7.37
Special Larvicides 1175 0.8511 7.39
Furnace Oil 1071 0.9337 6.74
Tea Drier Oil 1071 0.9337 6.74
Hot Heavy Stock/LSHS 1017 0.9833 6.40
Refinery Gas/Ref. Boiler Fuel 1071 0.9337 6.74
Lubricants/Greases 1114 0.8977 7.01
Jute Batching Oil/Wash Oils 1167 C 7.34
Bitumen 1002 0.9980 6.30
SBP/Alcohol Mixture 1414 0.7072 8.89
Methanol Mixture 1106 0.9042 6.96
Carbon Black Feed Stock 1134 0.8818 7.13
Carburetor Testing Fluid 1388 0.7205 8.73
Benzene 1131 0.8812 7.05
Toluene 1148 0.8711 7.19
Demineralised Water 1002 0.9930 6.30
S. Glass Kleanzit 1003 0.9970 6.31
Miscellaneous 1114 0.8977 7.01
Wax/P. Coke/Chemicals 1114 0.8977 7.01
Aromex 1221 0.8190 7.68
Linear Alkyl Benzene Feed Stock 1205 0.8239 7.88
(XI) Volume per Metric Ton of Petroleum Products
Products Kilolitre Imperial Gallon U.S. Gallon Barrel
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1.8519 407.365 489.213 11.648
Aviation Spirit 1.3699 301.332 361.873 8.613
Natural Gasoline 1.3514 297.265 356.990 8.496
Motor Spirit 1.3514 297.265 356.990 8.496
Kerosene 1.2346 271.569 326.137 7.764
Jet Fuel 1.2346 271.569 326.137 7.764
Distillate Fuel Oil 1.1494 252.415 293.522 6.988
Lubricating Oil 1.1111 252.845 303.647 7.231
Fuel Oil N.O.S. 1.0939 241.727 290.301 6.911
Residual Fuel Oils 1.0526 231.551 278.071 6.623
Asphalt and Bitumen 0.9615 211.515 254.013 6.050
Crude Oil 1.1856 260.910 313.340 7.441
(XIII) Crude Oil Conversions*
To convert the Metric Tonnes Barrels Kilolitres 1000 Imp. Gallon 1000 U.S Gallon
following into
Metric Tons 1 7.33 1.16 0.256 0.308
Barrels 0.136 1 0.159 0.035 0.042
Kilolitres 0.863 6.29 1 0.220 0.264
1,000 Imp. Gallons 3.91 28.6 4.55 1 1.201
1,000 U.S. Gallons 3.25 23.8 3.79 0.833
* Based on World Average Gravity (Excluding Natural Gas liquids)
(XV) Other Conversions
Crude oil*
To convert
From tonnes (metric) kilolitres barrels US gallons tonnes/year
Multiply by
Tonnes (metric) 1 1.165 7.33 307.86 –
Kilolitres 0.8581 1 6.2898 264.17 –
Barrels 0.1364 0.159 1 42 –
US gallons 0.00325 0.0038 0.0238 1 –
Barrels/day – – – – 49.8
To convert
barrels tonnes kilolitres tonnes
to tonnes to barrels to tonnes to kilolitres
Multiply by
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 0.086 11.60 0.542 1.844
Gasoline 0.120 8.35 0.753 1.328
Kerosene 0.127 7.88 0.798 1.253
Gas oil/ diesel 0.134 7.46 0.843 1.186
Residual fuel oil 0.157 6.35 0.991 1.010
Product basket 0.125 7.98 0.788 1.269
Natural Gas (NG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
billion cubic billion cubic million tonnes million tonnes trillion British million barrels
metres NG feet NG oil equivalent LNG thermal units oil equivalent
Multiply by
1 billion cubic metres NG 1 35.3 0.90 0.74 35.7 6.60
1 billion cubic feet NG 0.028 1 0.025 0.021 1.01 0.19
1 million tonnes oil 1.11 39.2 1 0.82 39.7 7.33
1 million tonnes LNG 1.36 48.0 1.22 1 48.6 8.97
1 trillion British thermal 0.028 C 0.025 0.021 1 0.18
1 million barrels oil 0.15 5.35 0.14 0.11 5.41 1
(XVI) Petroleum Specific Gravities
Degrees Specific Barrels Long
A.P.I. Gravity per tonne* Ton*
25 0.9042 6.98 7.09
26 0.8984 7.02 7.13
27 0.8927 7.06 7.18
28 0.8871 7.10 7.22
29 0.8816 7.15 7.27
30 0.8762 7.19 7.31
31 0.8708 7.24 7.36
32 0.8654 7.28 7.40
33 0.8602 7.33 7.45
34 0.8550 7.37 7.49
35 0.8499 7.42 7.54
36 0.8448 7.46 7.58
37 0.8398 7.51 7.63
38 0.8348 7.55 7.67
39 0.8299 7.60 7.72
40 0.8251 7.64 7.76
41 0.8203 7.69 7.81
42 0.8156 7.73 7.85
*Approximate figure at 15.6 degrees C or 60 degrees F.
(XIX) Average International Calorific Value of different Fuels
Products K Cals./Kg. (M. Cals/Tonne) BTUs/Kg.
A. Oil Equivalence:
Average Crude Oil/NGLS(a) 10300 40870
United Nations 10175 40375
B. Oil Products:
NGL 12135 48150
Motor Gasoline 11135 44190
Kerosene 10638 42210
Jet Fuel 11790 46790
Gas Oil 10790 42820
Fuel Oil 10440 41430
C. Coal Equivalence:
Average Hard Coal (b) 7000 27775
D. Coal Equivalence (India)
Hard Coal 5000 19840
Lignite-Brown Coal 2310 916
Firewood@ 4750 18848
Charcoal@ 6900 27379
E. Natural Gas-Production: (Average) India K cals/Cu. Metre
F. Electricity:
Output Basis(c) 860
Fuel Input basis(d) 2500-2700
(a) Represent average global factor for crude Oil/NGL production. For a specific crude oil, relevant conversion factors may have to be
(b) Factor used by United Nations to represent average calorific value of hard coals for purposes of standardising coal production to
hard coal equivalent base.
(c) Calorific value of 1kwh of electricity.
(d) Represents K cals of hydro-carbon energies required to produce 1 kwh of electricity.
@ : As per Report of Fuel Policy Committee 1974
Conversion Factor: 1 K Cal=4.19 KJoules.
(XX) Coefficients used to Convert from Original Units into Standard Coal Equivalents
Products Hard Coal Lignite Brown Coal Fuel Wood
A. Primary Solids
Standard Factor 1 0.385 0.333
India 0.714 0.330
B. Other Hydrocarbons
Petroleum Crude 1.454
Natural Gas Liquids (wt.av.) 1.542
Gasoline 1.500
Kerosene & Jet Fuel 1.474
Gas-Diesel Oil 1.450
Residual Fuel Oil 1.416
Liquefied Petroleum Gases 1.554
Natural Gasoline 1.532
Condensate 1.512
Other Natural Gas Liquids 1.512
Natural Gas (in Tera joules)* 34.121
Other Gases(in Tera joules)* 34.121
Hydro, Nuclear and Geothermal Electricity (In 1,000 kwh) 0.123
The average calorific value of gas is measured in Kcal/m3 (st.) i.e. in Kcal per cubic metre of gas under standard conditions at
150 C, 013.25 mbar, dry.
(XXII) Approximate Calorific Equivalents(Oil =10000 Kcal/Kg)
Items Million Tonnes of Oil equals
Heat Units 40 million BTU
397 million therms
10,000 Tera calories
Solid Fuels 1.5 million tonnes of Coal
3.0 million tonnes of lignite
Natural Gas (1 cub.ft.=1000 BTU) 1 Cub metre = 9000 K cal.
1.111 thousand million cub metres
39.2 thousand million cubic feet
107 million cubic feet per day of a year
Electricity 12 thousand million KWH
(1 Kwh=3412 BTU)
(1 Kwh=860 KCal)
(XXIII) Heat Units & others expressed in terms of Million Tonnes of Oil
Items Million Tonnes of Oil equals
Heat Units
10 million BTU 0.25
100 million therms 0.25
10000 Tera calories 1
Solid Fuels
1 million tonne of coal 0.67
1 million tonne of lignite approximates to 0.33
Natural Gas
1 thousand million cubic metres(BCM) 0.9
Town Gas
1 thousand million cubic Metres (BCM) 0.42
12 thousand million KWH 0.86
Note: One Million tonne of oil produces about 4000 million units(KWH) of electricity in a modern power station.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Crude Oil: Crude oil is a mineral oil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origin and associated
impurities, such as sulphur. It exists in the liquid phase under normal surface temperature and pressure and
its physical characteristics (density, viscosity, etc.) are highly variable.
Natural Gas: It comprises gases, occurring in underground deposits, whether liquefied or gaseous, consisting
mainly of methane. It includes both “non associated” gas originating from fields producing hydrocarbons only
in gaseous form, and “associated” gas produced in association with crude oil as well as methane recovered
from coal mines (colliery gas).
Condensate: Condensate means low vapour pressure hydrocarbons obtained from Natural Gas through
condensation or extraction and refer solely to those hydrocarbons that are liquid at normal surface
temperature and pressure conditions.
Reservoir: Reservoir means a naturally occurring discrete accumulation of Petroleum.
Oil Field: Oil Field means, within the Contract Area, an Oil Reservoir or a group of Oil Reservoirs within a
common geological structure or feature.
Gas Field: Gas Field means, within the Contract Area, a Natural Gas Reservoir or a group of Natural Gas
Reservoirs within a common geological structure or feature.
Reserves: Amount of crude oil (or gas) expected to be recovered profitably from a given reservoir by known
techniques under known or assumed economic conditions.
Discovery: Discovery means the finding, during Petroleum Operations, of a deposit of Petroleum not
previously known to have existed, which can be recovered at the surface in a flow measurable by petroleum
industry testing methods.
Exploration Well: Well drilled for the purpose of searching for undiscovered Petroleum accumulations on any
geological entity (be it of structural, stratigraphic, facies or pressure nature) to at least a depth or stratigraphic
level specified in the Work Programme.
Development Well: Well means a Well drilled, deepened or completed after the date of approval of the
Development Plan pursuant to Development Operations or Production Operations for the purposes of
producing Petroleum, increasing production, sustaining production or accelerating extraction of Petroleum
including production Wells, injection Wells and dry Wells.
Oil Refinery: It converts crude oil into high-octane motor fuel (gasoline/petrol), diesel oil, liquefied petroleum
gases (LPG), jet aircraft fuel, kerosene, heating fuel oils, lubricating oils, asphalt and petroleum coke, etc.
Refinery feedstock: Refinery feedstock is product or a combination of products derived from crude oil and
destined for further processing other than blending in the refining industry. It is transformed into one or more
components and/or finished products.
Petroleum Products: Petroleum products are any oil based products which can be obtained by distillation and
are normally used outside the refining industry. The exceptions to this are those finished products which are
classified as refinery feedstocks
Distillate: Any product obtained by condensation of the vapours of a petroleum product when it is distilled
under atmospheric pressure or under reduced pressure.
Light Distillate: Naphthas and gasolines boiling below 2300C) at normal atmospheric pressure, and with a
closedcup flash point below ambient temperature.
Middle Distillate: Kerosenes and gas oils boiling between approximately 1500C and 4000C at normal
atmospheric pressure and having a closed-cup flash point above 380C.
Heavy Distillate: Distillate boiling predominately above 3500C at normal atmospheric pressure, it includes
the heaviest fractions from atmospheric distillation, together with the distillate fractions obtained by vacuum
Motor gasoline: Motor gasoline consists of a mixture of light hydrocarbons distilling between 35°C and 215°C.
It is used as a fuel for land-based spark ignition engines. Motor gasoline may include additives, oxygenates
and octane enhancers, including lead compounds such as TEL (Tetraethyl lead) and TML (tetramethyl lead).
Motor gasoline can be divided into two groups:
• Unleaded motor gasoline: motor gasoline where lead compounds have not been added to enhance
octane rating. It may contain traces of organic lead.
• Leaded motor gasoline: motor gasoline with TEL (tetraethyl lead) and/or TML (tetramethyl lead) added
to enhance octane rating. This category includes motor gasoline blending components (excluding
additives/oxygenates), e.g. alkylates, isomerate, reformate, cracked gasoline destined for use as finished
motor gasoline.
Diesel/Gasoil : Petroleum derived diesel (called as petrodiesel) is a mixture of straight run product (150°C
and 350 °C) with varying amount of selected cracked distillates and is composed of saturated hydrocarbons
(primarily paraffins including n, iso, and cycloparaffins), and aromatic hydrocarbons (including napthalenes
and alkylbenzenes). Diesel is used in diesel engines, a type of internal combustion engine.
Automotive diesel fuel serves to power trains, buses, trucks, and automobiles, to run construction, petroleum
drilling and other off-road equipment and to be the prime mover in a wide range of power generation &
pumping applications. The diesel engine is high compression, self-ignition engine. Fuel is ignited by the heat
of high compression and no spark plug is used.
Kerosene : Kerosenes are distillate fractions of crude oil in the boiling range of 150-250°C. They are treated
mainly for reducing aromatic content to increase their smoke point (height of a smokeless flame) and
hydrofining to reduce sulphur content and to improve odour, colour & burning qualities (char value). Kerosene
is used as a domestic fuel for heating / lighting and also for manufacture of insecticides/herbicides/fungicides
to control pest, weeds and fungi. Since kerosene is less volatile than gasoline, increase in its evaporation
rate in domestic burners is achieved by increasing surface area of the oil to be burned and by increasing
its temperature. The two types of burners which achieve this fall into two categories namely vaporisers &
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): LPG is light paraffinic hydrocarbons derived from the refinery processes,
crude oil stabilisation and natural gas processing plants. This consists mainly of propane (C3H8) and butane
(C4Hl0) or a combination of the two. It could also include propylene, butylene, isobutene and isobutylene.
LPG is normally liquefied under pressure for transportation and storage.
Lubricants: Lubricants are hydrocarbons produced from distillate by-products; they are mainly used to reduce
friction between bearing surfaces. This category includes all finished grades of lubricating oil, from spindle
oil to cylinder oil, and those used in greases, including motor oils and all grades of lubricating oil base stocks.
Fuel oil: This covers all residual (heavy) fuel oils (including those obtained by blending). Kinematic viscosity is
above 10 cSt at 80°C. The flash point is always above 50°C and density is always more than 0.90 kg/l.
• Low sulphur content: heavy fuel oil with sulphur content lower than 1%.
• High sulphur content: heavy fuel oil with sulphur content of 1% or higher.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): Natural gas cooled to approximately –160°C under atmospheric pressure
condenses to its liquid form called LNG. LNG is odourless, colourless, noncorrosive and non-toxic.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): CNG is natural gas for use in special CNG vehicles, where it is stored in
high-pressure fuel cylinders. CNG's use stems in part from its clean burning properties, as it produces fewer
exhaust and greenhouse gas emissions than motor gasoline or diesel oil. It is used most frequently in light-
duty passenger vehicles and pickup trucks, medium-duty delivery trucks, and in transit and school buses.
Natural Gas Liquids (NGL): Natural gas liquids are liquid or liquefied hydrocarbons recovered from natural gas
in separation facilities or gas processing plants. Natural gas liquids include ethane, propane, butane (normal
and iso-), (iso)pentane and pentanes plus (sometimes referred to as natural gasoline or plant condensate).
The natural gas may be extracted with crude oil (associated gas) or from a gas field without crude oil. The
NGL may be removed from the natural gas stream close to the well-head or transported to a distant gas
processing plant. Where gas processing and crude oil production are both occurring, it is common for some
of the condensate fraction of the NGL to be injected into the crude oil stream.
Petroleum coke: Petroleum coke is a black solid by-product, obtained mainly by cracking and carbonising
petroleum-derived feedstock, vacuum bottoms, tar and pitches in processes such as delayed coking or fluid
coking. It consists mainly of carbon (90% to 95%) and has a low ash content. It is used as a feedstock in coke
ovens for the steel industry, for heating purposes, for electrode manufacture and for production of chemicals.
The two most important qualities are “green coke” and “calcinated coke”. This category also includes “catalyst
coke” deposited on the catalyst during refining processes; this coke is not recoverable and is usually burned
as refinery fuel.
Refinery gas (not liquefied): Refinery gas includes a mixture of non-condensable gases mainly consisting of
hydrogen, methane, ethane and olefins obtained during distillation of crude oil or treatment of oil products
(e.g. cracking) in refineries. This also includes gases which are returned from the petrochemical industry.
Flared Gas: Flared Gas at oil production rigs and in refineries is gas burnt at the site. Its primary purpose is
to act as a safety device to protect vessels or pipes from over-pressuring or due to insufficient capacity in the
domestic market to absorb such gas, and there are few opportunities for its safe re-injection into reservoirs.
Percentage Gas flared: Gas flared as percentage of total output of gas, excluding re-inject gas.
Source: Bureau of Indian Standards, Manual on Infrastructure Statistics (CSO), Director General of
Hydrocarbons, oil & gas CPSEs.