Bromelain From Production To - Commercialisation
Bromelain From Production To - Commercialisation
Bromelain From Production To - Commercialisation
Received: 19 April 2016 Revised: 26 September 2016 Accepted article published: 28 October 2016 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 29 November 2016
Bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes found in pineapple (Ananas comosus) plants. It can be found in several parts of
the pineapple plant, including the stem, fruit, leaves and peel. High demand for bromelain has resulted in gradual increases
in bromelain production. These increases have led to the need for a bromelain production strategy that yields more purified
bromelain at a lower cost and with fewer production steps. Previously, bromelain was purified by conventional centrifugation,
ultrafiltration and lyophilisation. Recently, the development of more modern purification techniques such as gel filtration, ion
exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography, aqueous two-phase extraction and reverse micelle chromatography has
resulted in increased industrial bromelain production worldwide. In addition, recombinant DNA technology has emerged as
an alternative strategy for producing large amounts of ultrapure bromelain. An up-to-date compilation of data regarding the
commercialisation of bromelain in the clinical, pharmaceutical and industrial fields is provided in this review.
© 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
number of biotechnological applications, especially in the food, versiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
Bromelain: from production to commercialisation
chromatography, affinity chromatography, aqueous two-phase conventional bromelain purification process, ultrafiltration follows
extraction and reverse micelle chromatography. A novel strategy centrifugation. Ultrafiltration is the best method for concentrating
for bromelain production involving recombinant DNA technology proteins and has been widely used at lab and commercial scales.
will also be discussed. Finally, a review of the current literature Ultrafiltration membranes have molecular weight cut-offs ranging
regarding the commercialisation of bromelain and a discussion from 3 to 100 kDa.26 Hebbar et al.27 found that a 5 kDa molecular
of the future prospects of this enzyme will be provided. It is weight cut-off membrane can retain bromelain (23–28 kDa) while
hoped that this review paper will offer relevant and useful data separating out lower-molecular-weight solutes. Ultrafiltration
to researchers investigating bromelain or other related enzymes (∼100 min) is typically performed until the volume of the reten-
(e.g. proteases). tate is reduced to 50 mL (i.e. 5-fold reduction). The concentration
of bromelain in the retentate can be increased 8.9-fold. Concen-
trated bromelain is more stable than dilute bromelain and exhibits
PRODUCTION OF BROMELAIN virtually no loss of biological activities. Lopes et al.28 report the
Plant proteases are commonly produced in the early stages of use of microfiltration and ultrafiltration (10 kDa) to produce a pure
fruit development; as fruits mature, these proteases virtually bromelain extract from A. comosus L. Merr. juice. The authors found
disappear.15 For example, in figs and papayas, high protease levels that 85% of bromelain activity can be recovered via microfiltration
are only found when the fruits are green.16 Compared with other (enzyme specific activity of 0.109 units mg−1 ), while 100% of
plants, pineapple is unique in that the fruit contains a relatively bromelain activity can be recovered via ultrafiltration. Moreover,
high protease concentration (bromelain) when mature. Pineapple ultrafiltration produced a 10-fold concentrated bromelain extract.
bromelain is not present in the early stages of fruit development, The last purification step in the conventional approach is
but bromelain levels increase rapidly as the plant matures.17 Com- lyophilisation. Lyophilisation, or freeze-drying, is used to remove
mercial bromelain is not cheap, with prices approaching US$2400 bound water from the ultrafiltered bromelain.29 Soares et al.30
kg−1 .11 Bromelain production is very expensive, increasing the found that bromelain is susceptible to denaturation after lyophili-
market value of bromelain. sation, losing as much as 48.6% of its initial activity. This loss of
To produce highly pure bromelain, several processes must be activity results from interruptions to the hydration layer, which
performed, including extraction, purification, drying and packing. occur when water around the protein is extracted into a matrix
The purification process is the most important, as this process of ice crystals. Owing to this loss of hydration, the protein ceases
affects the purity and overall processing costs of the end product.14 to exist in solution. Sensitive proteins, in particular enzymes, can
The extraction of bromelain from pineapple begins with grinding become denatured during the transition of water from a solid
parts chosen for purification without water in a domestic juicer. to a gas. To minimise denaturation, cryoprotectants can be used
The juice that is extracted consists of a crude enzyme extract. to decrease the tension placed on bromelain by ice crystals.29
Generally, bromelain is prepared from cooled pineapple juice Lyophilisation generates a variety of stresses that tend to desta-
via centrifugation, ultrafiltration and lyophilisation, resulting in a bilise or unfold/denature unprotected proteins. Different proteins
yellowish powder. Although enzyme yield is a critical parameter tolerate freezing and/or drying stresses differently, such as solute
for industrial enzymes, purity is even more important.8,18 concentration, formation of ice crystals and pH changes. All of
To date, no guidelines regarding bromelain purification have these stresses can denature proteins to various degrees. Thus
been published. The establishment of such guidelines is a neces- stabilisers are often required in protein formulations to maintain
sary step for laboratory studies.19 Therefore a number of studies protein stability during the freezing and drying processes.31 Even
using conventional and modern approaches have been performed after successful lyophilisation, the long-term storage stability of
to determine the best procedure for bromelain purification.20 An some proteins may be very limited, especially at high tempera-
overview of these conventional and modern approaches is shown tures. In several cases, solid state protein stability has been shown
in Table 1. to be equal to or lower than liquid state stability, depending
on storage temperature and formulation composition.32 Bresolin
et al.15 lyophilised bromelain after performing precipitation, resus-
Conventional approach pension and desalting. The authors performed lyophilisation to
Currently, bromelain is commercially purified using a conventional lessen the moisture content of the sample. However, the lyophili-
approach. Three methods are commonly used to purify bromelain, sation process reduced the specific activity of bromelain to 5.2%
involving the following processes: centrifugation, ultrafiltration of its original value. This activity loss is similar to the loss observed
and lyophilisation.11 The bromelain purification process begins at by Devakate et al.9 with fruit bromelain.
the end of the extraction process. The pineapple juice mixture
must be homogeneous prior to commercial use; homogeneity can
be achieved via several purification processes designed to sepa- Modern approach
rate components from heterogeneous mixtures. Prior to purifica- Although conventional approaches are the most frequently used
tion, centrifugation is performed to remove solid compounds.21 bromelain purification techniques, conventional processes can be
Centrifugation improves the homogeneity of the bromelain solu- unstable and expensive.33 The fast pace of the modern era requires
tion by partially disrupting pineapple cells, releasing intracellular that new approaches be developed for bromelain purification.8
enzymes without denaturation.22 Gautam et al.23 report that cen- Several reports have implied that the preparation of pure brome-
trifugation of stem bromelain at 448 × g results in a higher enzyme lain is difficult because bromelain is not homogeneous.13,27 If
concentration than fruit bromelain, which requires centrifugation developed, a viable technique for bromelain purification must be
at 4032 × g to achieve maximum enzyme activity. effective and economically feasible.32 In addition, a viable tech-
Further purification processes are also required, as centrifu- nique must maintain the chemical and physical properties of the
gation only manages to produce a crude and heterogeneous original bromelain molecules. Modern techniques such as gel fil-
bromelain fraction that may contain additional impurities.24,25 In a tration, ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography,
J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry ANM Ramli, TNT Aznan, RM Illias
Modern approach • Gel filtration • Provides higher selectivity • Expensive for product recovery
• Ion exchange chromatography and purity of the end product • Stability concerns
• Affinity chromatography • More effective and more eco-
• Aqueous two-phase (ATP) extraction nomical for bromelain purifi-
• Reverse micelle extraction cation
• Enhances overall enzyme
• Lessens the number of steps
involved in the downstream
processing of bromelain
aqueous two-phase extraction and extraction via reverse micelles there are two types of ion exchange chromatography: anion and
have been applied to the challenge of bromelain purification.34 cation exchange chromatography.37 Mixed (anion and cation)
Despite their limitations, conventional approaches can still be columns are commonly used for protein purification, as pro-
used in pre-purification steps to concentrate and increase the teins are complex ampholytes that have both positive and neg-
recovery of the target bromelain. Once a suitable concentrate ative charges. Anion and cation exchange columns both have
is obtained, subsequent purification steps to remove remaining resin stationary phases, but the resins contain different functional
impurities and increase final purity can be performed using mod- groups: anion exchange resins contain positively charged primary
ern approaches.14 or quaternary amine functional groups, while cation exchange
resins contain negatively charged sulfonic acid groups or car-
Gel filtration boxylic acid groups of negative charges.38 Two weak ion exchange
Gel filtration, which functions via separation based on molecular resins that can be used for protein purification are CMC and
size, is generally used during the purification of proteins, polysac- diethylaminoethyl-cellulose (DEAE-cellulose). CMC is negatively
charides, nucleic acids and other biological macromolecules. Gel charged, so it is a weak cation exchanger; DEAE-cellulose is posi-
filtration partitions molecules between a mobile phase and a sta- tively charged, so it is a weak anion exchanger. Salts or electrolytes,
tionary phase comprising a porous matrix with defined porosity. A which weaken the ionic interactions between proteins and the col-
study by Suh et al.35 reported that the purification of stem brome- umn, can be used to elute bound proteins from the column.39
lain via gel filtration chromatography using CM-Sephadex C-25 Cysteine proteinase, which is also known as ananain, was pre-
and Sephadex G-100 resulted in 45.9-fold concentration and a final viously isolated from stem bromelain using a combination of
specific activity of 1990 units mg−1 . Purification of fruit brome- affinity chromatography and cation exchange chromatography.40
lain using gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-100) with a Fruit bromelain has also been purified successfully using ace-
combination of DEAE-Toyopearl 650C and hydroxyapatite resulted tone precipitation, affinity chromatography and cation exchange
in 18-fold concentration and a final specific activity of 4900 chromatography.41 These techniques recovered 85% of the active
units mg−1 . It was later discovered that combining ion exchange cysteine proteinase. Devakate et al.9 report that higher-purity
with gel filtration chromatography using carboxymethylcellulose bromelain extract can be obtained from fruits via cation exchange
(CMC) and Sephadex G-50 resin can yield pure or homogeneous chromatography. Using cation exchange chromatography,
bromelain. Costa et al.6 purified bromelain using CMC resin fol- Devakate et al.9 obtained a 10-fold concentrated pure brome-
lowed by Sephadex G-50 resin, producing a purified product with lain product: specific enzyme activity was 590.9 units mg−1
an activity of 390.75 units mg−1 . The product retained 89% of its in the eluate and 58.8 units mg−1 in the crude juice. Further-
initial activity and was 16.93-fold concentrated. Hernández et al.36 more, Devakate et al.9 obtained an elution efficiency of 97.6%
followed a similar purification process but changed the order, first and found that the purity of the bromelain obtained via ion
performing gel filtration and then performing ion exchange chro- exchange chromatography was 3.3-fold higher than that obtained
matography. Gel filtration with Sephadex G-100 yielded 87.31% via precipitation. As discussed in the previous section, Costa
of the initial proteolytic activity. However, the second purifica- et al.6 combined CMC cation exchange chromatography with
tion step using CMC decreased bromelain activity to 41.15% of gel filtration for bromelain purification, producing a 3.01-fold
the initial activity. Compared with Sephadex G-100, purification concentrated bromelain product that retained 93% of its initial
with Sephadex G-50 results in higher proteolytic activities. In addi- proteolytic activity. Another group of researchers purified stem
tion, using Sephadex G-50 rather than Sephadex G-100 can reduce and fruit bromelain using anion exchange chromatography with
costs by 50%. The higher recovery and lower cost of Sephadex G-50 different concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) in Tris-HCl
may help make the purification process economically viable. buffer.23 The use of DEAE-cellulose resin in this study maintained
the structural integrity of the purified bromelain and led to higher
Ion exchange proteolytic activity in the product compared with the crude
Ion exchange chromatography is another approach that has been extract. From enzymatic assays of ion exchange eluates, it was
used recently to increase bromelain specific activity. Generally, found that a maximum amount of NaCl is required for maximum © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395
Bromelain: from production to commercialisation
TARGET PROTEIN interfering proteins that lower enzyme activity. In addition, ATP
A PURIFIED, REPEAT WITH LIGAND USING extraction is low-cost and can be operated continuously. ATP
FORM extraction is environmentally friendly and is an attractive alterna-
tive for the separation and purification of biomolecules.45 How-
ever, ATP extraction is based on mass transfer between two immis-
cible liquid phases. Separation occurs when two polymers (or
one polymer and a salt) are added to the system, resulting in
ELUTION OF the partitioning of a specific group of molecules between phases
MOLECULE via the formation of two aqueous immiscible phases. Owing to
LIGAND the molecular surface characteristics of biomolecules, which make
these molecules susceptible to denaturation in the presence of
organic solvents, a limited number of solvents can be used for
MOLECULE TO separation.46
ATP extraction is an attractive method for the downstream
Figure 1. Affinity chromatography separation procedure. processing of proteins in a single unit operation and has been
effectively used for large-scale enzyme separation and purifica-
bromelain proteolytic activity. The use of different resins dur- tion. Purification of a target protein using ATP extraction can
ing ion exchange chromatography is important for bromelain be achieved by controlling a wide range of system parameters.
activity.6,9 Sankaran et al.13 found that the speed, simplicity and scalability
of ATP extraction facilitate its use in the large-scale purification
of bromelain. The authors produced an ultrapure bromelain using
Affinity chromatography an ATP system comprising 8% (w/w) polyethylene glycol (PEG)
Using affinity chromatography for protein purification is a good and 15% (w/w) ammonium sulfate, obtaining maximum protease
strategy for eliminating downstream steps, increasing yields and activities of 3958 and 3652 units mg−1 from stem and fruit brome-
thereby improving process economics.42 In affinity chromatogra- lain respectively.
phy, the separation of biomolecules is based on highly specific and ATP extraction was first used for the separation and purification
reversible biological interactions between two molecules, such as of bromelain and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) from pineapples (A.
an enzyme and its substrate. An interacting molecule (affinity lig- comosus L. Merr.) in 2008.24 This initial study was performed to
and) is first immobilised onto a solid matrix to create a stationary determine the effects of parameters such as molecular weight of
phase. The target molecule is then provided in the mobile phase. the phase-forming polymer, concentrations of the phase-forming
The affinity separation procedure is shown in Fig. 1. components and system pH on the partitioning of bromelain
Bobb43 describes the purification of bromelain from pineapple and PPO. Bromelain preferentially partitioned to the top phase,
stems via affinity chromatography. The author successfully iso- while PPO preferentially partitioned to the bottom (potassium
lated homogeneous stem bromelain from the acetone powder phosphate) phase. When the molecular weight of the PEG in the
of a crude plant extract via a single passage through a column system was increased, the partition coefficients of both bromelain
of agarose-???-aminocaproyl-D-tryptophan methyl ester (ACTME) and PPO decreased. The phase composition of the system was
coupled to Sepharose 4B. Based on this result, ACTME strongly found to significantly affect enzyme partitioning and the degree
adsorbs stem bromelain, as sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacry- of purification. This PEG/potassium phosphate system was able
lamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) reveals a single band to recover 228% of the initial bromelain activity with a 4.0-fold
at 23 kDa. Rowan et al.41 performed a similar study with dif- purification factor and recover approximately 90% of the initial
ferent types of affinity chromatography columns. The authors PPO activity with a 2.7-fold purification factor.
used a Sepharose-Ahx-Phe-GlySc column to separate the major Ketnawa et al.12 also used ATP to extract bromelain from pineap-
proteinases comprising stem and fruit bromelain from the het- ple peels. The authors tested various PEG polymers to determine
erogeneous mixture obtained from the pineapple plant. Fruit the influence of PEG molecular weight and salt concentration
bromelain was successfully purified using an elution step with on bromelain activity, partially confirming the results of a pre-
mercury(II) chloride (HgCl2 ), resulting in an enzyme recovery vious study by Harris.47 Ketnawa et al.12 tested several biphasic
of 90%. Muntari et al.,18 who studied recombinant bromelain, systems containing PEG 1000, 2000 or 3000 kDa with different
found that the soluble and insoluble fractions of bromelain can salt concentrations. Salts are used in ATP extraction processes to
be successfully purified using affinity chromatography (Ni-NTA improve the partitioning of target molecules between phases.
His · Bind resin). To prevent non-specific adsorption, the authors After phase separation, a PEG-rich top phase and a salt-rich bot-
purified bromelain almost to homogeneity in a single affinity tom phase are obtained. The highest enzyme activity (5.23 units
purification step. The soluble and insoluble bromelain fractions mg−1 protein) and a yield of 108.45% were obtained with a top
were concentrated 3.7- and 2.7-fold with yields of 64 and 60.5% phase consisting of 15% PEG 3000 and 20% MgSO4 in water. In
respectively. A higher purification fold and yield were obtained for all of the ATP extraction processes tested, bromelain partitioned
the soluble form of bromelain. favourably into the polymer phase. The partitioning of enzymes
with hydrophobic characteristics into the polymer phase was
Aqueous two-phase extraction especially favoured. PEG was used by Ketnawa et al.12 because it is
Aqueous two-phase (ATP) extraction systems are widely used non-toxic and does not harm the active protein. PEG can interact
for the separation and purification of biomolecules. Because with cell membranes, however. In PEG/salt systems, the partition-
the two phases consist of 70–80% water, these systems reduce ing of biomolecules is influenced by the volume exclusion effect
enzyme denaturation.44 ATP extraction can remove undesirable of the polymer in the polymer-rich phase and by salting out in the
J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry ANM Ramli, TNT Aznan, RM Illias
Reverse micellar extraction intra- or extracellularly via recombinant DNA technology. Recom-
Separation via reverse micellar extraction occurs by protein binant enzymes must first undergo purification and formulation
solubilisation towards inner micellar cores. To obtain suitable prior to further use.53 With the advancement of molecular genetics
extraction conditions, the reverse micellar method is some- and genetic engineering, it is now possible to clone and express
times modified. The modified reverse micellar extraction method any gene of interest in a suitable microbial host (e.g. bacteria,
can be used for the selective extraction and concentration of yeasts or fungi), allowing the production of enzymes from other
proteins/enzymes. Reverse micellar extraction is a simple and microorganisms and higher organisms.
energy-efficient process.48 From a biotechnological point of view, plant cysteine pro-
Chaurasiya et al.48 found that reverse micellar extraction can teases have been explored inadequately. In the past, plant cys-
selectively separate bromelain from a crude extract containing teine proteases were primarily used as crude extracts, then in
PPO, peroxidase and cellulose. Reverse micellar extraction con- semi-purified or fully purified forms. Chemical modification of
sists of forward extraction with an organic phase containing plant cysteine proteases only began recently.54 The production of
cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), iso-octane, 1-hexanol several recombinant cysteine proteases has been reported, includ-
and 1-butanol and an equal volume of aqueous phase, followed ing papain in Pichia pastoris,11 proteinase IV (glycyl endopepti-
by back extraction. Back extraction is performed by mixing the dases) in Escherichia coli and fruit bromelain in transgenic plants.55
reverse micellar phase obtained from the forward extraction step The production of stem recombinant bromelain is one of the most
with a fresh aqueous phase. Chaurasiya et al.48 obtained a brome- significant recent developments in the field of bromelain research.
lain recovery of 85% with a purification fold of 4.0. In addition, the Previous reports have described the cloning of the stem bromelain
purified bromelain exhibited better meat tenderisation capabili- gene and its expression in E. coli.
ties than commercial bromelain. The first study involving recombinant bromelain was performed
Hebbar et al.49 optimised the reverse micellar extraction condi- by Jung et al.55 In this study, the authors cloned and overexpressed
tions for the purification of bromelain from crude pineapple core the pineapple fruit bromelain gene (BAA1) in Brassica rapa to
extracts. The optimised small-scale (10 mL) conditions for forward enhance the plant’s defence system against bacterial pathogen.
extraction (150 mmol L−1 CTAB, 0.10 mol L−1 NaCl, feed pH 8.0) and The study found that the bromelain gene conferred resistance
back extraction (acetate buffer pH 4.2, 0.5 mol L−1 KBr) resulted in to soft rot. To date, no one has reported the overexpression of
an activity recovery of 106% and a purification fold of 5.2. Hebbar fruit bromelain in prokaryotes for industrial applications. A study
et al.49 also optimised the reverse micellar extraction conditions of recombinant stem bromelain production was performed by
for a slightly higher scale (phase volume of 250 mL), finding that Muntari et al.18 In this study, the authors cloned the stem brome-
all of the small-scale (10 mL) conditions could be used except for lain gene from A. comosus into a pENTR/TEV/D-TOPO vector and
the duration of phase mixing. At the larger scale, the mixing dura- transformed the resulting construct into E. coli BL21-AI competent
tion was increased from 60 to 90 min in the forward and back cells. After purification, the recombinant bromelain demonstrated
extraction steps for efficient phase mixing. Compared with the optimal activity at pH 4.6 and 45 ∘ C. Moreover, the recombinant
small-scale purification, a marginal reduction in recovery (by 10%) bromelain exhibited a higher enzymatic activity than commer-
was observed, while purification fold increased from 5.2 to 5.9. cial bromelain. Further studies on recombinant bromelain were
Conventional purification approaches are typically difficult to performed by the same group using a highly purified recombi-
scale up, making such approaches unattractive unless the product nant bromelain with several advanced features which may not
is of high value. Reverse micellar extraction is a thermodynamically be adequately present in commercial bromelain.52 In another
stable process that is able to solubilise biomolecules. Moreover, study by Nurul and Azura,56 the authors used differential scan-
reverse micellar extraction can be operated continuously and is ning calorimetry (DSC) to measure the thermal and long-term
simple to scale up.49 Kumar et al.50 describe their optimisation of an stability of recombinant bromelain. They found that recombinant
affinity-based reverse micellar extraction and separation (ARMES) bromelain had enhanced stability at higher temperatures; how-
process for the extraction of bromelain from A. comosus L. Merr. ever, the stability of the enzyme decreased after 7 days of storage
Kumar et al.50 investigated numerous parameters, including con- at 4 ∘ C.
canavalin A concentration, counter ligand and surfactant identities Another study involving the production of recombinant stem
and aqueous phase pH in their study, which ultimately yielded a bromelain was performed by George et al.57 The authors initially
purification fold of 12.32 and a recovery of 185.6%. This study is cloned the stem bromelain gene into pET32b, expressed the gene
useful for future scale-up studies. Yin et al.51 studied the scale-up in E. coli BL21 DE3pLysS host cells and purified the resulting
potential of bromelain extraction via high-speed counter-current protein using affinity chromatography. George et al.57 found that
chromatography (HSCCC) coupled with a reverse micelle solvent the recombinant bromelain had higher activity than the native
system. Yin et al.51 successfully optimised the purification condi- enzyme as well as potential bactericidal properties.
tions for this coupled system, yielding 123.7 mg of bromelain from
200 mg of crude sample. Subsequent large-scale purification using
the optimised conditions produced 3.01 g of product from 5.00 g COMMERCIALISATION OF BROMELAIN
of crude extract. Bromelain enzymes from different sources may have different pro-
teolytic compositions. Combined bromelain extracts may contain
two or more proteolytic enzymes, increasing their effectiveness.
Novel production strategy of bromelain using recombinant Although fruit bromelain can be easily extracted from pineapples,
technologies it is not as available commercially as stem bromelain.58 Bromelain
Microbial enzymes for enzyme production account for nearly has been the subject of scientific research as a phytomedical com-
90% of the total market. Such market domination has spurred pound since 1875.59 The use of bromelain has broadened since
extensive research on recombinant enzymes.18,52 A recombi- then. At present, bromelain is used clinically, pharmaceutically and
nant enzyme can be defined as an enzyme that is produced industrially (Table 2).11 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395
Bromelain: from production to commercialisation
Table 2. Commercialisation of bromelain
Bromelain is used as an adjuvant to stimulate immune responses
Field Commercialisation References during the treatment of chronic inflammatory, malignant and
autoimmune diseases.59 Earlier work on bromelain immuno-
Clinical use Treatment of 59 – 62,65 – 68
genicity was performed by Engwerda et al.,69 who found that
59,71 – 74
bromelain enhanced IFN-𝛾-mediated nitric oxide and TNF𝛼 pro-
duction by macrophages, thereby enhancing the innate immune
59,77 – 79
response against unknown threats.70 In another study, brome-
17,80 – 84
lain was found to inhibit T cell signal transduction, blocking
Cancer cells
the Raf-1/extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK)-2 pathways that
Pharmaceutical use Surgery
8,103 – 105
participate in mitogenesis, apoptosis and cytokine production.71
Potentiation of
Treatment of cells with bromelain was also found to lower CD4+
106 – 110 activation, reducing CD25 expression.72 Increased CD25 levels
Debridement of
burns correlate with the severity of allergic asthma, which commonly
Dermatological 111 – 113 occurs in children.73,74
Industrial use Tenderisation 91,114 – 117
Baking industry 87,118
Excessive fibrin synthesis, which leads to significant blood clotting,
Textiles 88,90,91
was first reported by Lotz-Winter.75 The application of increased
Tooth whitening 92 – 94
concentrations of bromelain was found to prolong the prothrom-
Cosmetics 97,113
bin inhibition period.59 Prothrombin inhibition results in inactive
prothrombin, reducing the time needed for blood to coagulate.
Bromelain is also a potent fibrinolytic agent that encourages the
Clinical use conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, resulting in improved fibri-
According to the National Institutes of Health (USA), clinical nolysis via fibrin degradation.76
research includes studies which directly involve a certain individ-
ual or group of people or that utilise materials from a human Diarrhoea
source such as observed behaviours or tissue samples gained Studies indicate that bromelain is able to prevent some of the
through direct communication with volunteers who agree to par- effects of the intestinal pathogens Vibrio cholerae and E. coli.77
ticipate in research studies. Bromelain has been used clinically These pathogens produce enterotoxins and cause diarrhoea in
to treat several inflammatory disorders of the musculoskeletal animals.59 To counteract these pathogens, bromelain interacts
system. A number of clinical studies have been performed with with intestinal secretory signalling pathways, which involve sev-
bromelain. eral biomolecule components, including adenosine 3:5-cyclic
monophosphatase, guanosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphatase and
Treatment of osteoarthritis calcium-dependent signalling cascades.78 Some studies sug-
gest a different mechanism of action: active supplementation of
Osteoarthritis is a common musculoskeletal disorder characterised
bromelain has been shown to have antiadhesive effects. These
by pain and disability in joints.60 Based on recent osteoarthri-
antiadhesive effects prevent bacteria from attaching to specific
tis statistics, osteoarthritis in Western countries occurs most fre-
glycoprotein receptors situated on intestinal mucosa by prote-
quently in the USA.61 At 65, osteoarthritis occurs more often in
olytically modifying the receptor attachment sites used during E.
women than in men.62 Several studies have been performed on
coli infection.79
osteoarthritis treatments, and many scientific findings indicate
that bromelain has potential as an osteoarthritis treatment.63,64
Bromelain is thought to be the best natural treatment for inflam- Cancer cells
mation. The first study of bromelain as an anti-inflammatory for Cancerous cells appear as an abnormal growth of cells. Several
rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis was performed in 1964. studies claim that bromelain possesses anticancer properties.80
This initial study was performed to investigate the efficacy of com- According to Chakraborty,81 the anticancer properties of brome-
mon bromelain preparations containing different proteolytic com- lain are primarily applicable to animal (mouse) and human cells.
positions and to investigate the effect of bromelain concentration. Báez et al.82 treated mouse skin tumours with bromelain and
The study found that bromelain was able to reduce inflammation found that bromelain resulted in decreased tumour formation
in osteoarthritis patients.65 and tumour volume as well as apoptotic cell death. Grabowska
Bromelain may also be an alternative to non-steroidal et al.17 applied bromelain F9 and papain on B16F10 to colonies of
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This efficacy of bromelain mouse lung melanoma cells and found that bromelain repressed
was investigated by administering a combination of bromelain, the growth of the melanoma cells in a dose-dependent manner.
trypsin and rutoside to 51 patients. As a control, diclofenac, one Bromelain was also found to reduce the population of GI101A
of the most commonly used NSAIDs, was administered to 52 (breast cancer cell line) cells.83 Finally, a significant reduction in the
other patients.66 Both treatments led to substantial and com- growth of gastric carcinoma Kato III cells was observed after treat-
parable reductions in pain and inflammation within 6 weeks of ment with bromelain.84
consumption.67 However, prolonged use of diclofenac is often
associated with an increased risk of peptic ulcers.68 Daily con- Industrial use
sumption of bromelain was found to reduce the potential risk of Hydrolytic enzymes are widely used industrial enzymes.85 To date,
osteoarthritis compared with NSAIDs.59 proteases remain the most commonly used class of enzymes for
J Sci Food Agric 2017; 97: 1386–1395 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry ANM Ramli, TNT Aznan, RM Illias
breaking molecular bonds.86 Bromelain, a type of protease, has performed involving recombinant bromelain produced in an E.
been used extensively in the textile, tooth whitening and cosmetic coli host. Owing to potential endotoxin contamination, this study
industries.87 raised major concerns regarding user safety. Hence host selection
must be considered carefully. According to Soares et al.,98 fungi
Textile industry may improve various aspects of the final product. In addition, the
Bromelain improves the dyeing qualities of protein fibres in silk uses of Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) organisms for bromelain
and wool.88 Silk fibres are produced by cooking silk cocoons to production are likely good candidates for products destined for
soften them. During cooking, strong alkaline agents and chemicals therapeutic or food applications.
are added that negatively affect the quality of the final silk thread. Researchers around the world are now focused on developing
Further studies on the use of enzymes during the cocoon cooking efficient and highly selective catalysts for the synthesis or modi-
process are important, as enzymes can reduce softening time fication of complex molecules.99 Various studies have attempted
while increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption. to produce new active sites on enzymes via mutation of specific
A recent research study by Anwar et al.89 reported that fabric amino acid residues; these novel enzymes eventually possess bet-
properties were improved when stem bromelain was crosslinked ter catalytic activities than the unmodified enzymes. For example,
with 0.25 and 1.25% glutaraldehyde (GTA). Similar results were by covalently modifying a sulfhydryl group, Hilvert and Kaisert100
reported by Koh et al.90 and Singh et al.91 Koh et al.90 reported that converted papain into a flavoprotein, a highly effective oxidore-
bromelain can improve the dyeing properties of protein fibres ductase. This study is a significant breakthrough in the produc-
such as silk and wool. They found that bromelain can eliminate tion of modified papain enzymes that can catalyse a large vari-
impurities and scales in wool and silk, improving dye accessibility ety of reactions.101 The properties of bromelain may therefore be
while conserving the tensile properties of the fibres. Singh et al.91 improved using protein engineering approaches.
found that the addition of a pineapple extract with bromelain
activity with 9.8 mmol L − 1 sodium carbonate at 60 ∘ C during silk
cocoon processing reduced the required softening time from 20 h CONCLUSION
to only 30 min. Bromelain is of high interest both in industry and in pharmacol-
ogy. Many strategies have been developed to enhance the purity
and activity of bromelain. Although researchers have developed
Tooth whitening
a number of strategies for the efficient extraction and purifica-
A large number of people seek dentists to improve the appearance tion of bromelain, some of these approaches require expensive
and colour of their teeth. The coupling of intrinsic and extrinsic materials and procedures or are extremely laborious. A number
colorations on a tooth surface determines the colour of the tooth. of modernised approaches, in combination with novel bromelain
The main causes of extrinsic discoloration are coloured foods, caf- production processes, are expected to make bromelain produc-
feinated drinks and smoking.92 According to Chakravarthy and
tion simple, efficient and economical, leading to the development
Acharya,93 dentifrices containing papain and bromelain extracts
of cheaper and ultrapure bromelain. Further studies are required to
exert significant lightening effects compared with control den-
explore additional strategies for bromelain purification, as well as
tifrices (Colgate Regular). Discoloured teeth have increased the
protein engineering and recombinant DNA strategies for enhanc-
demand for tooth whitening products such as toothpaste with
ing bromelain properties.
the ability to remove extrinsic stains. Based on data collected by
Kalyana et al.,94 who observed higher lightening levels after brush-
ing compared with control dentifrices, stains can be removed
using papain and bromelain.
Support for this work was provided by Universiti Malaysia Pahang
via research grant UMP RDU 1403169.
Cosmetic industry
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