First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh
Petitioners filed the present petitions to declare the Cityhood Laws unconstitutional for violation of Section 10, Article X of the Constitution, as well as for
violation of the equal protection clause. The SC granted the petition and held that the Cityhood Laws violate Sections 6 and 10, Article X of the Constitution,
and are thus unconstitutional. Petition granted.
First, applying the P100 million income requirement in RA 9009 to the present case is a prospective, not a retroactive application, because RA
9009 took effect in 2001 while the cityhood bills became law more than five years later.
Second, the Constitution requires that Congress shall prescribe all the criteria for the creation of a city in the Local Government Code and not in
any other law, including the Cityhood Laws.
Third, the Cityhood Laws violate Section 6, Article X of the Constitution because they prevent a fair and just distribution of the national taxes to
local government units.
Fourth, the criteria prescribed in Section 450 of the Local Government Code, as amended by RA 9009, for converting a municipality into a city are
clear, plain and unambiguous, needing no resort to any statutory construction.
Fifth, the intent of members of the 11th Congress to exempt certain municipalities from the coverage of RA 9009 remained an intent and was never
written into Section 450 of the Local Government Code.
Sixth, the deliberations of the 11th or 12th Congress on unapproved bills or resolutions are not extrinsic aids in interpreting a law passed in the
13th Congress.
Seventh, even if the exemption in the Cityhood Laws were written in Section 450 of the Local Government Code, the exemption would still be
unconstitutional for violation of the equal protection clause.
Rulings League of City 1 League of City 2 League of City 3 League of City 4 League of City 5
Whether the Cityhood Yes. No. Yes. No. No.
Laws are According to the When the 1987 The Constitution is clear. Before Senate Bill 2157 Congress clearly
unconstitutional Constitution, the Constitution speaks of The creation of local (now RA 9009) was intended that the local
creation of local the LGC, the reference government units must introduced, there were government units
government units must cannot be to any specific follow the criteria already 57 bills filed for covered by the Cityhood
follow the criteria statute or codification of established in the Local conversion of 57 Laws be exempted from
established in the Local laws, let alone the LGC Government Code and municipalities into the coverage of R.A. No.
Government Code and of 1991. Be it noted that not in any other law. The component cities. 33 of 9009.
not in any other law. No at the time of the clear intent of the these were enacted into The apprehensions of
other law, not even the adoption of the 1987 Constitution is to insure law during the 11the the then Senate
charter of the city, can Constitution, BP 337, that the creation of Congress. 24 remained President with respect
govern such creation. the then LGC, was still in cities and other political as pending bills – to the considerable
The clear intent of the effect. Accordingly, had units must follow the including the 16 disparity between the
Constitution is to insure the framers of the 1987 same uniform, non- Cityhood Bills now in income requirement of
that the creation of Constitution intended to discriminatory criteria question. P20 million under the
cities and other political isolate the embodiment found solely in the Local The rationale of RA 9009 Local Government Code
units must follow the of the criteria only in the Government Code. (as seen from the (LGC) prior to its
same uniform, non- LGC, then they would sponsorship speech of amendment, and the
discriminatory criteria have actually referred to RA 9009 took effect June Senator Pimentel) was P100 million under the
found solely in the Local BP 337. Also, they would 30, 2001. It amends the to stop “the mad rush of amendment introduced
Government Code. Any then not have provided LGC, hence, it is part of municipalities wanting by R.A. No. 9009 were
derogation or deviation for the enactment by the LGC. Hence, from to be converted into definitively articulated
from the criteria Congress of a new LGC, that moment the Local cities,” and to avoid the in his interpellation of
prescribed in the Local as they did in Art. X, Sec. Government Code scenario where we will Senator Pimentel during
Government Code 3 of the Constitution. required that any be “a nation of all cities the deliberations on
violates Section 10, Consistent with its municipality desiring to and no municipalities.” Senate Bill No. 2157.
Article X of the plenary legislative become a city must Municipalities aspiring The responses of
Constitution. power on the matter, satisfy the P100 million to be cities declare their Senator Pimentel made
RA 9009 amended Congress can, via either income requirement. qualifications by it obvious that R.A. No.
Section 450 of the Local a consolidated set of The Cityhood Laws, all incorporating the 9009 would not apply to
Government Code to laws or a much simpler, enacted after the Internal Revenue share the conversion bills then
increase the income single-subject effectivity of RA 9009, of the taxes of the pending deliberation in
requirement from P20 enactment, impose the explicitly exempt nation to their regularly the Senate during the
million to P100 million said verifiable criteria of respondent generated revenue – 11th Congress.
for the creation of a city. viability. These criteria municipalities from the this would make all R.A. No. 9009 took
This took effect on 30 need not be embodied increased income municipalities qualified effect on June 30, 2001,
June 2001. Hence, from in the LGC, albeit this requirement in Section to be cities. when the 12th Congress
that moment the Local code is the ideal 450 of the Local While the bill was being was incipient.
Government Code repository to ensure, as Government Code, as deliberated upon, The acts of both
required that any much as possible, the amended by RA 9009. Congress was aware of Chambers of Congress
municipality desiring to element of uniformity. Such exemption clearly the pendency of (in unanimously voting
become a city must Congress, through the violates Section 10, conversion bills, for the bill) show that
satisfy the P100 million medium of the cityhood Article X of the including those covered the exemption clauses
income requirement. laws, validly decreased Constitution and is thus by the Cityhood Laws, ultimately incorporated
The Cityhood Laws, all the income criterion vis- patently desiring to become in the Cityhood Laws are
enacted after the à-vis the respondent unconstitutional. To be component cities which but the express
effectivity of RA 9009, LGUs, but without valid, such exemption qualified under the P20 articulations of the clear
explicitly exempt necessarily being must be written in the million income legislative intent to
respondent unreasonably Local Government Code requirement of the old exempt the
municipalities from the discriminatory, as shall and not in any other law, Section 450 of the LGC. respondents, without
increased income be discussed shortly, by including the Cityhood During the interpellation exception, from the
requirement in Section reverting to the PhP 20 Laws. of Sen. Drilon of Sen. coverage of R.A. No.
450 of the Local million threshold what it Pimentel, the latter 9009.
Government Code, as earlier raised to PhP 100 stated that it would be Thereby, R.A. No. 9009,
amended by RA 9009. million. unfair to retroact the and, by necessity, the
Such exemption clearly effects of the LGC, were amended, not
violates Section 10, Congress to be sure amendment to the by repeal but by way of
Article X of the knew, when RA 9009 the express exemptions
Constitution and is thus was being deliberated pending conversion being embodied in the
patently upon, of the pendency bills. exemption clauses.
unconstitutional. To be of several bills on Pimentel did not see the
valid, such exemption cityhood, wherein the need to provide for an Contrary to the
must be written in the applying municipalities express exempting contention of the
Local Government Code were qualified under the clause (for pending bills) petitioners, the 100M
and not in any other law, then obtaining PhP 20 since they were working requirement is arbitrary
including the Cityhood million-income under the presumption and difficult to be
Laws. threshold. These that without a complied with.
included respondent retroactivity clause, The imposition of the
Uniform and non- LGUs. Thus, equally there would be no such income requirement of
discriminatory criteria noteworthy is the effect. P100 million from local
as prescribed in the ensuing excerpts from Even without reference sources under R.A. No.
Local Government the floor exchange to the interpellation, it 9009 was arbitrary.
Code are essential to between then Senate cannot be denied that When the sponsor of the
implement a fair and President Franklin Congress saw the law chose the specific
equitable distribution Drilon and Senator wisdom of exempting figure of P100 million,
of national taxes to all
Pimentel , the latter the 16 municipalities no research or empirical
local government
units. Section 6, Article
stopping short of saying from complying with the data buttressed the
X of the Constitution. If that the income higher income figure. Nor was there
the criteria in creating threshold of PhP 100 requirement imposed proof that the proposal
local government units million under S. Bill No. by RA 9009. took into account the
are not uniform and 2157 would not apply to These municipalities are after-effects that were
discriminatory, there municipalities that have centers of trade and likely to arise.
can be no fair and just pending cityhood bills. commerce, points of With the imposition of
distribution of the Congress has now made convergence of the 100M requirement,
national taxes to local
its intention to exempt transportation, rich even the danger the
government units.
express in the havens of agricultural, passage of R.A. No. 9009
A city with an annual challenged cityhood mineral, and other sought to prevent might
income of only P20
laws. Legislative intent is natural resources, and soon become a reality—
million, all other
criteria being equal,
part and parcel of the flourishing tourism that “metropolis-
should not receive the law, the controlling spots – thus proving located local
same share in national factor in interpreting a themselves to be viable governments would
taxes as a city with an statute. In construing a and capable of being have more priority in
annual income of P100 statute, the proper component cities of terms of funding
million or more. The course is to start out and their respective because they would
criteria of land area, follow the true intent of provinces. have more qualifications
population and income, the Legislature and to to become a city
as prescribed in Section
adopt the sense that compared to the far-
450 of the Local
best harmonizes with flung areas in Mindanao
Government Code, the context and or in the Cordilleras, or
must be strictly promotes in the fullest whatever.”
followed because such manner the policy and By increasing the
criteria, prescribed by objects of the income requirement
law, are material in
legislature.In fact, any abruptly, cities outside
determining the just
share of local interpretation that runs of Metro Manila would
government units in counter to the be less likely to become
national taxes. Since legislative intent is cities.
the Cityhood Laws do unacceptable and The increased income
not follow the income invalid. requirement of P100
criterion in Section 450 million was not the only
of the Local conclusive indicator for
Government Code, they
any municipality to
prevent the fair and
just distribution of the
survive and remain
Internal Revenue viable as a component
Allotment in violation city.
of Section 6, Article X of This is evidenced by the
the Constitution. fact that even the fifty-
nine (59) members of
the League of Cities
have failed to be
compliant with the new
requirement of the P100
million threshold
income five years after
R.A. No. 9009 became
law (but still remained
The local government
units covered by the
Cityhood Laws belong to
a class of their own.