BSNL CPSU Hierarchy

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Proposed modified CPSU cadre Hierarchy

There has been hue and cry for the implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy & race for taking credit
for the same. Various associations are claiming that this is due to their persistent effort and
continued pressure which has forced Management to propose this CPSU cadre hierarchy. But after
analysing the various clauses of CPSU cadre hierarchy, our Association has no hesitation in saying
that it is nothing but old and rotten wine in a new bottle and an inferior one to the existing
promotion policy (EPP). The reasons are as under:

1. False perception, that after implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy one will get
immediate promotion: There is a common feeling in the mind of many executives that with
implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy, they will get promotion to next grade immediately.
i.e. SDE will become AGM and AGM will become DGM. But, this is a wrong perception

As per slide 31 of the modified CPSU cadre hierarchy, the following have been proposed:

Category 2 : The Executive who are drawing one Scale higher in substantive Grade: they shall
be placed in next grade immediately and their next promotion shall be considered after
fulfilling the eligibility criteria and Benchmarks specified as per proposed structure.

The above implies:

Case Effect of CPSU cadre Our comments

1 Case of JTO - whose scale He will be made SDE No change in job
is E1 and drawing E2 (Manager) profile as same work
scale and reporting to same
2 Case of SDE - whose scale He will made Sr SDE(Sr AGM.
is E2 and drawing E3 Manager) as new post of
scale Sr SDE has been inserted
3 Case of AGM/DE - whose He will remain as AGM No change, as next
scale is E4 and drawing grade is not allowed
E5 scale beyond AGM post.
An illustration to indicate serious discrepancy: As per the proposal, a JTO with 9 years of
service, who is in E2 scale, will be promoted to Manager immediately (say on 01.01.2017).
After fulfilling the eligibility criteria of completion of 5 years of regular service as Manager, he
will be promoted to Senior Manager (E3 grade) on 01.01.2022. But as per the existing EPP,
the JTO will get SDE grade (E3) in 2017 itself. And so on.

Category 3 : The Executive who are in substantive Grade and are drawing 2 or more higher
Scales: they shall be placed in next Higher Grade immediately and subsequent grade will be
considered on the basis of proposed(new) eligibility criteria and Benchmarks (a relaxation of
2/3 years in qualifying service may be allowed if approved by management)/(except post
based promotion in DGM Grade) upto the scale he is presently placed. Their subsequent
placement in higher grade will be considered only after the executive has worked on the
Grade for 5 Years or the prescribed minimum qualifying service of the post as per new
proposed structure and as per new Benchmarks. (2/3 Years interval has been proposed to
minimize the impact of sudden migration of executives in a particular grade and that the
performance of the executive for higher grade (post) is also weighed and measured) .

The above implies:

Case Effect of CPSU cadre Our comments

1 Case of JTO whose scale He will be made SDE Job profile remains
is E1 and drawing E3 or (Manager) same as he will continue
E4 scale to report to AGM

Next promotion to Sr
SDE will be considered
after 2 / 3 years if
management approves
else after 5 years.

Thus, promotion to
AGM gets further
delayed by 2/3 years

2 Case of SDE whose scale He will made Sr SDE(Sr Job profile remains
is E2 and drawing E4 or Manager) because post same as he will continue
E5 scale of Sr SDE has been to report to AGM
introduced between SDE
and AGM which was Next promotion to
non-existent earlier. AGM will be considered
after 2 / 3 years if
management approves
else after 5 years.

Thus, promotion to
AGM gets further
delayed by 2/3 years

3 Case of AGM/DE whose No change as it is not Job profile remains

scale is E4 and drawing allowed beyond AGM same as he will continue
E5 scale post. to remain AGM

Thus, a perception that all SDE will become AGM immediately after implementation of
CPSU cadre hierarchy is a wrong and rather, it will get delayed by 2/3 years more.

Further, the executives who are promoted on looking after/officiating basis as AGM/DE
drawing E5 scale and are holding substantive grade of SDE will be reverted to Sr.SDE and
will be made to work under an officer of AGM level whose pay scale may be E4. Relaxation
of 2/3 years in qualifying service, is on the discretion of management.

An illustration of discrepancy: a JTO with 16 years of service, who was absorbed into BSNL on
01.10.2000, will be promoted to Manager immediately (say on 01.01.2017). After fulfilling the
eligibility criteria of completion of 2 years of qualifying service as Manager, he will be promoted
to Senior Manager (E3 grade) on 01.01.2019. There is no clarity in the minimum qualifying service
to be rendered in the Senior Manager grade for his next promotion to Chief Manager (E4) grade.
If the service to be rendered is 2 years, he will get the Chief Manager (E4) grade on 01.01.2021
and if the service to be rendered is 5 years, he will get the Chief Manager (E4) grade on
01.01.2024. But as per the existing EPP, the JTO will get DE grade (E4) in 2016 itself.

2. CPCs upto E3 level will be conducted by circle head whereas earlier upto E4 it was being
conducted at SSA head level.

3. Insertion of extra post between SDE to AGM will harm our career: the scopes of elevating
from JTO to the post of AGM just after 10 years get stretched by another 5 years. Why?

4. Benchmark made more stringent & time period of promotion increased: For time bound
scale up gradation, the benchmarks have been made more stringent than existing EPP. A
comparative statement is as under:

As per Existing criteria in EPP As per the criteria proposed CPSU

cadre hierarchy
SDE/AO or equivalent Time Period : 4-6 Years Executive who have completed 5
(now Manager) E2 Scale Years of regular service in JTO/JAO
(20600-46500) equivalent Grade (now Deputy
Manager) as on 1st January of the

Bench Mark: not more than 4 Bench Mark All Good (OC) and no
Avg (OC) and No adverse adverse and not more than 1 Average
(SC/ST) for SC/ST executives

Sr. SDE/Sr. AO or Time Period: 5 Years Executive who have completed 5

equivalent- Years of regular service in SDE/AO
(now Sr. Manager) equivalent Grade (now Manager) as
E3 Scale (24900-50500 on 1st January of the Year.
Bench Mark: not more than 2 Bench Mark All Good (OC) and no
Average (OC) and 3 Avg (SC/ST) adverse and not more than 1 Average
for SC/ST executives
DE/AGM/CAO/EE/Architect Time Period: 5 Years Executive who have completed 5
or equivalent- Years of regular service in Sr. SDE/ Sr
(AGM or Jt. DGM if AO equivalent Grade (now Sr.
occupying the Post and Manager) as on 1st January of the
Chief Manager / Sr. Chief Year.
Manager, not occupying
the post) E4 (29100-54500) Bench Mark: not more than 2 Bench mark No Average/ adverse
AV (OC) and 3 AV(SC/ST)& No and not more than 4 Good for OC
Adverse and all Good for SC/ST executive.
DGM/SE/SA or equivalent- Time Period: 5 Years Executives who have completed 5
(now DGM in all Cadre) Years of regular service in Jt.
E5 Scale (32900-58000) DGM/AGM/Chief Manager/ Sr. Chief
Manager as on 1st January of the
Bench Mark: not more than 1 Bench Mark: The post has been
Average (OC) and 2 Average made selection basis.
(SC/ST) & No Adverse Selection method- 100 marks
Weightage of their APAR grading
(40%), length in the grade (30%) and
interview (30%).

Weightage can be as under-

i. Grading 9 to 10 – 100%
ii. Grading 8 to 9 - 90%
iii. Grading 7 to 8 – 80%
iv. Grading 6 to 7 - 70%
v. Grading 5 to 6 – 60%
vi. Grading 4 to 5 - 50%
vii. Below 5 - 0% (no value)
Length of service in E4 Scale –
i. More than 10 Years – 100%
ii. 9 to 10 Years – 90%
iii. 8 to 9 Years – 80%
iv. 7 to 8 Years – 70%
v. 6 to 7 Years – 60%
vi. 5 to 6 Years – 50%
vii. 5 Years - 50%
Jt. DGM/Sr. Chief Time Period: 5 Years Executives who are in AGM
Manager(Non Functional- Grade/Chief Manager, who have
earlier there was no design completed 5 Years of service in the
E6 Scale (36600-62000) Grade as on 1st January of the Year
and could not get post based
promotion to DGM Grade.
Bench Mark: not more than 1 Bench mark All Very Good and no
Avg (OC) and 2 Avg(SC/ST) & No Adverse.
Jt. GM/Jt. CE/Jt. CA (N.F.) Time Period: Total 13 Years of (a)In respect of officers recruited at
or equivalent service for Gr. A & 5 Yrs for Group ‘A’ level and absorbed in BSNL
E7 Scale (43200-66000) Group B in DGM Grade under Rule 37A. Officer in Deputy
General Manager Grade and who
have entered 13th Year of service on
the 1st January of the Year calculated
from the Year following the Year of
Examination on the basis of which
such officer was recruited.

(b)In respect of executive recruited

by BSNL/officers promoted from
Group ‘B’ by DoT and absorbed in
BSNL. Executive in Deputy General
Manager Grade who have completed
5 Years of regular service as DGM on
1st January of the Year.
Bench Mark: Very Good and no Bench mark All Very Good and no
Adverse Adverse.
Addl. GM/Addl. CE /Addl. Under RR provision Executives who have completed 4
CA(N.F.) or equivalent- E9 Time Period: 4 Yrs in Jt.GM Years of regular service in Jt. General
Scale (62000-80000) Grade Manager Grade as on 1st January of
the Year.
Bench Mark: Very Good and no Bench mark All Very Good and no
Adverse Adverse.
5. Insertion of extra designation Sr. Mgr, Chief Mgr, Sr. Chief Mgr is a lollypop: The pay scale
upgradation remains the same as it was earlier i.e. upto E6. But new designations have been
inserted without change of job-profile. e.g. Sr. Manager, Chief Manager, Sr. Chief Mgr etc.

Our Comments – Since the job profile of JTO changes only after one becomes AGM, the customers,
relatives, subordinates will be amused to see that despite promotion from JTO to Sr Chief Manager,
we are engaged in same type of work. Right from JTO i.e Dy.Mgr to Sr.Chief Mgr in E6 pay scale,
neither our reporting officer will change nor any executive will report us. After long wait of 25 years ,
assuming everything goes smooth, executive on promotion from JTO to AGM will find it difficult to
change their functioning style & mould themselves for expected profile.

6. Interview has been introduced for promotion from AGM to DGM which was not there earlier
in EPP. This will bring in nepotism and favouritism and may be corruption.

7. Proposed CPSU cadre hierarchy can be termed as Reversion policy: The executive presently
working as DE on look after basis for last 8 to 10 years and having 20 to 27 years of
experience will now be forced to work again as JTO because the controlling officer for them
as well as freshly recruited JTOs will be AGM and the profile of JTO upto Sr Chief Manager
remains the same. Thus, the promotion policy proposed in CPSU cadre hierarchy is nothing
but a Reversion policy.

8. LDCE has been scrapped which indirectly justifies recruitment at MT level: It is a fact that all
the persons who enter the department directly in the executive level of JTO equivalent cadre cannot
reach top level. A filter in the form of LDCE or interview or performance rated criteria etc is a must.
The existing LDCE prescribed in recruitment rules (RR) acted as one such filter but now in proposed
CPSU cadre hierarchy, the same has been dispensed with, leaving no scope for accelerated promotion
for the deserving and aspiring candidates. Moreover, this gives a justified reason for the management
to continue with MT recruitment and thus MT rectt will continue which is not there in several PSUs.

9. Designation wise discrepany: At E6 scale, one’s designation would be Jt DGM(NF) but he will still
report to AGM. When he becomes AGM, it will take another 5 years to become eligible for DGM
promotion. So, there is no chance to become DGM and chances of becoming Addl GM is a distant

Moreover for MT s, residency period is calculated from year of recruitment whereas in case of others
criterion of service as on 1st January is imposed and the condition of actual 20 years service is
envisaged. In addition, quota reserved for MTs for the promotion of DGM will also facilitate them for
promotion from AGM to DGM and there will be huge competition among absorbees/direct recruitees.
Therefore a great discrimination between the two categories

10. JTO(T) equivalent scale downgraded: The scale of JTO (T) was E1A earlier but now it has
been proposed as E1, a violation of terms and conditions of absorption because of
downgrading of the post. Earlier all E1 grade post existing in Civil (JE), Electrical(JE),
Accounts(JAO), CSS cadre(Assistant) were upgraded to JTO(T) scale. Now, that JTO(T) scale
has been downgraded. Why & how?
11. Gap between MT Recruitee & JTO recruitee has been introduced: Earlier, there was no such
gap when the JTO promotee reached to ADET level & both were integrated at that level. After
integration, both moved simultaneously, but now gap has been introduced and that too a
huge gap
o An MT recruitee enters at E3 scale and gets E7 & E9 scale promotion after 13
years & 17 years in time bound manner.
o A JTO recruitee (after completing 10 years of service gets E3 scale) takes another
15 years from E3 scale to reach E6 scale (a lower scale than E7)
A comparative chart showing the difference in payscale is as under: Compare the level
of jump in
Comparison on the ground of pay-scale- payscale and
JTO recruitee MT recruitee promotion
E1 Entry between JTO
E2 At the end of 5 years recruitee & MT
E3 At the end of 10 years Entry recruitee with
E4 At the end of 15 years At the end of 4 years reference to entry
E5 At the end of 20 years At the end of 9 years of both at E3
E6 At the end of 25 years scale. Why such
E7 At the end of 13 years
difference, when
it was not there
E9 At the end of 17 years
earlier & more so
In case of MT recruitee – It will take only 13 years to reach from E3 to E7 scale in DOT ?
In case of JTO recruitee – It will take 15 years to reach from E3 to E6 scale i.e. a lower scale and 20
years if one gets promotion & reaches E7 scale.

12. Cutoff date for determining eligibility for next scale upgradation is also a setback to existing
policy: Cut off date for determining the five years service eligibility for upgrading to next
scale has been fixed as 1st January replacing completion of exact five years service in present
scale criterion in existing EPP. This provision is very dangerous for candidates who are
completing five years in the months of January but after 1st date. Their time bound scale up
gradation will get delayed by 1 more year. Similarly for others.


Therefore, there is nothing new except change of designation now linked to scale (i.e. Sr
Manager, Chief Manager, Sr Chief Manager to E3, E5 & E6 executives respectively) which could
have been incorporated in the earlier system of EPP under Time bound scale upgradation.
Rather, it has been made more inferior as level of reporting of two tier system upto AGM has
been downgraded to one tier system. This proposed CPSU cadre hierarchy if implemented will
cause an irreparable loss to our career and more to our younger generation. There one need to
seriously think that whether CPSU cadre hierarchy would take us forward or dent our career by
putting us on back track. Please note that this proposed CPSU cadre hierarchy has been carefully
drafted to entice us with lollypop but actually destroys our career progression.
The proposed draft lacks vision from our point of view and needs to be amended/modified on
many angles. A thorough analysis needs to be done and with few facts placed above, none of you
will disagree that our apprehensions are correct.

If it is implemented, there will literally be no functional promotion in BSNL for executives. At the
most , executive having entered directly will have one or maximum of two post-based promotion
and promotee executive (those becoming JTO from lower cadre) will not have even aspire to
become AGM.

Friends, in the revised draft, it is provided that for existing executives, financial up gradation to
next higher scales (i.e. E3 o E6) will continue after 5 years based on new bench marks. Their
promotion to the next grades will be given on completion of qualifying service in the present
grade. Regarding this, it is submitted that no relaxation for qualifying service as provided in case
of E1 to E2 and E2 to E3 has been allowed. For E3 to E4 and subsequently to E5 and E6, qualifying
service is 5 years as on 1st January instead of completion of five years in previous scale.
Moreover, we are not opportunistic as despite some safeguard for us, we are not going to accept
two set of provisions, one for existing and another one for new recruits.

A word to other Associations who are pleading for its implementation: Whereas we
congratulate all those Associations who have played active role for this CPSU cadre hierarchy and
are in a hurry for its implementation, but we request them that they need to analyse various
clauses mentioned in the CPSU cadre hierarchy minutely because in a bit of hurry it may so
happen that we may commit a irreversible grave mistake that may ruin our career and we are
befooled to be coined by famous Hindi phrase: “�जस डाल पे बैठे हो उसी डाल को काटना ” (cutting
the same branch of the tree on which one is sitting).
A brief history about the old and existing promotion policy, suggested changes of
new designations proposed in CPSU cadre hierarchy and justification for continuing
with LDCE process of promotion for motivation purpose.

1. A brief history about the old and existing promotion policy,

(a) Terms & Conditions of BSNL absorption: The Promotional Avenue as per proposed CPSU cadre
hierarchy violates the terms and conditions of absorption.

As per terms & conditions mentioned in letter no. BSNL/11/SR/2003 dtd 2.9.2003, on direction
of PCAT, New Delhi, the IDA payscales, fitmet formula & the Promotional Avenues that will be
applicable after absorption in BSNL were categorically defined in it with brief as under:
E1A (i) Annexure II of the said letter stipulated the details of the corresponding IDA pay
scales that will be given on absorption in BSNL –
S.No. Existing CDA Pay scales Corresponding IDA payscales
& so on.
1 5500-175-9000 7800-225-11175*
Thus CPSU 2 6500-200-10500 9850-250-14600
scale needs to 3. 7500-250-12000 11875-300-17275
align with this 4. 8000-275-13500 13000-350-18250
i.e. JTO should 5. 10000-325-15200 14500-350-18700
get more than 6. 12000-375-16500 16000-400-20800
E1 scale & not
E1 * This scale is under revision. Subject to approval of DOT/DPE, the revised IDA pay scale of
7830-230-12430 will be given.

(ii) Annexure IV of the said letter stipulated the details of Promotional Avenue:
Thus promotion
upto IDA pay “ With a view to motivate Executives in BSNL for achieving excellence in performance & higher
scale of JAG productivity, resulting into improved quality of service customer satisfaction and greater
selection grade revenues for the company, Executives of BSNL will be allowed upgradation to the next higher
IDA payscale on a time bound basis, varying between 4-6 years as may be prescribed for each
is to be ensured
scale & other attendant conditions, upto the IDA pay scale of JAG selection grade, beyond
which it will depend upon availability of post & their suitability and selection for promotion,
which will be uniformly evaluated in the various streams of discipline.”

(b) As per EPP, BSNL defined two types of promotion:

(i) Promotion on the basis of Time bound Scale
(ii) Promotion on the basis of Post

(i) Promotion structure on the basis of Time bound Scale

JTO → SDE (4years) →Sr.SDE( 5years) →DE (5years) →DGM (5 years) →DGM (SG)(5years)

(ii) Promotion structure on the basis of Post based

JTO → SDE (4years) →DE (5years) →DGM (5 years) →DGM (SG )(5years)

Note: A person promoted on Post based basis, earned 1 additional increment until his scale of pay was same.

In view of above, the proposed CPSU cadre hierarchy is inferior

2. Suggested changes of new designations proposed in CPSU cadre hierarchy : As
far as new designations mentioned in the CPSU cadre hierarchy are concerned, it will create confusion
not only in the mind of employees within the organisation but also for Customers, A designation
should be such that it is easily understandable and has continuity. Introduction of new designation
will confuse our Customers as well as the subordinates within the organization. Therefore, despite
against CPSU cadre hierarchy, as far as new designations are concerned, the following is suggested:

New designations Proposed in CPSU cadre The Changes suggested for the
hierarchy designations proposed

1 in place of Chief Manager Dy DE or Dy AGM

2 in place of Sr Chief Manager Addl DE or Addl AGM
3 In place of
4 in place of DGM(NF) Sr DE or Sr AGM or Jt DGM

The above designation speaks itself about the position in the hierarchy.

3. Justification for continuing with LDCE process of promotion for motivation

purpose: Motivation and excellence comes if the work of an employee is appreciated and an
employee finds that there is a scope of reaching up the ladder in the form of accelerated promotion
or out of turn promotion.
• LDCE gives one such scope
• Interview also gives one such scope but from AGM to DGM where large promotion are there, it is
difficult to conduct it centrally and also lacks transparency. It also leads to nepotism, favouritism,
corruption etc. For PGM/CGM and above post it can considered to be okay as only a few cases are
involved and performance among the best GMs are to be evaluated.
• Performance indicator needs to be introduced.
Performance indicators should be based on
(i) good leadership skills
(ii) technical skills
(iii) innovative ideas that fetch more revenue for BSNL
(iv) dedication
(v) cordial relationship with fellow employees that keeps the team morale high, creates a
employee friendly environment that enthuses each member of the team to give
his/her the best. This will justify the ground for which BSNL was formed into PSU.

Therefore, it is suggested that

(i) LDCE should be kept for accelerated promotion at 1st stage of promotion from JTO to SDE
grade. 25% quota marked to LDCE will filter out 1 person from 4 person (or even less as less
person qualifies LDCE w.r.t. available vacancies)
(ii) Performance indicator should be kept at 2nd stage of promotion from AGM to DGM grade.
10% or 20% quota will filter out 1 or 2 person out of 10 persons who can cross the barrier of
DGM level to reach GM level post or above.
Note: GM and above level officers are the driving force. Best in the position would take BSNL to
new heights else it will run at usual speed according to system.

In addition, it is submitted that since from this year the recruitment of JTO would be done on the
basis of GATE score, to attract the best talent we need to project a good career progression to
them. Therefore, the above system should be adopted and there should not be any MT recruitment.
The person who enters in the BSNL system at JTO level is well versed with the ground reality.
Grooming him to reach the top level post will make BSNL to grow implicitly. E.g. There are several
examples where it will be found that those, who entered the Company / Judicial system at the entry
level, reached to Apex post and performed nicely.

• Chief Justice Shri S. H. Kapadia started his career as a class IV employee.

• Hon’ble President Shri Pranab Mukherjee began his career as an upper-division clerk in the
office of the Deputy Accountant-General (Post and Telegraph) in Calcutta.
Shri Ratan Tata started on the shop floor of Tata Steel, shovelling limestone and handling
the blast furnace before rising to top. Etc.

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