Sample Syllabus Comparison
Sample Syllabus Comparison
Sample Syllabus Comparison
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Political and
International Law”. Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules,
issuances, and jurisprudence pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable
materials within the coverage of the 2019 Bar Examinations.
in BLUE: new topics under the 2019 syllabus, not found on the 2018 syllabus
in RED: topics under the 2018 syllabus NOW DELETED from the 2019 syllabus
in BLACK: topics under both 2018 and 2019 syllabi
A. National territory
- Archipelagic doctrine
B. Declaration of principles and State policies
C. Separation of powers
D. Checks and balances
E. State immunity
A. Legislative power
1. Scope and limitations
2. Principle of non-delegability; exceptions
A. Who may exercise legislative power
1. Congress
2. Regional/Local legislative power
3. People’s initiative on statutes
4. The President under a martial law rule or in a revolutionary government
B. Houses of Congress; composition and qualification of members
1. Senate
2. House of Representatives
a. District representatives and questions of apportionment
b. Party-list system
C. Privileges, inhibitions, and disqualifications
D. Discipline of members
E. Process of law-making
F. Quorum and voting majorities
G. Appropriation and re-alignment
H. Legislative inquiries and oversight functions
I. Power of impeachment
J. Electoral Tribunals
1. Nature
2. Powers
K. Commission on Appointments
L. Initiative and referendum
[G. Powers of Congress
1. Legislative
b. Bicameral conference committee
c. Limitations on legislative power
i. Limitations on revenue, appropriations, and tariff measures
ii. Presidential veto and Congressional override
2. Non-legislative
a. Informing function
c. Other non-legislative powers]
A. Judicial power
B. Judicial review
1. Requisites
2. Political question doctrine
3. Moot questions
4. Operative fact doctrine
C. Safeguards of judicial independence
1. Judicial and Bar Council
a. Composition
b. Powers
2. Fiscal autonomy
D. Qualifications of members of the Judiciary
E. Workings of the Supreme Court
1. En banc and division cases
2. Procedural rule-making
3. Administrative supervision over lower courts
4. Original and appellate jurisdiction
[C. Judicial Restraint]
A. Common provisions
B. Powers and functions of the CSC, COMELEC, and COA
C. Composition and qualifications of members
D. Prohibited offices and interests
E. Review of final orders, resolutions, and decisions
1. Rendered in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions
2. Rendered in the exercise of administrative functions
[A. Constitutional safeguards to ensure independence of commissions
D. Jurisdiction of each constitutional commission]
A. General principles
B. Modes of acquiring title to public office
C. Modes and Kinds of appointment
D. Eligibility and qualification requirements
E. Disabilities and inhibitions of public officers
F. Rights and liabilities of public officers
1. Preventive suspension and back salaries
2. Illegal dismissal, reinstatement and back salaries
G. De facto vs. de jure officers
H. Termination of official relation
I. The Civil Service
1. Scope
2. Appointments to the civil service
J. Personnel actions
K. Accountability of public officers
1. Discipline
a. Grounds
b. Jurisdiction
c. Dismissal, preventive suspension, reinstatement and back salaries
d. Condonation doctrine
2. Impeachment
3. The Ombudsman
a. Functions
b. Judicial review in administrative proceedings
Judicial review in penal proceedings
4. Office of the Special Prosecutor
5. The Sandiganbayan
4. Ill-gotten wealth
[F. Powers and duties of public officers
I. Immunity of public officers
N. Term limits]
A. General principles
B. Powers of administrative agencies
a. Quasi-legislative (rule-making) power
a. Kinds of administrative rules and regulations
b. Requisites for validity
b. Quasi-judicial (adjudicatory) power
a. Administrative due process
b. Administrative appeal and review
c. Administrative res judicata
c. Fact-finding, investigative, licensing, and rate-fixing powers
C. Doctrines of primary jurisdiction and exhaustion of administrative remedies
3. Doctrine of Finality of Administrative action
[B. Administrative Agencies
1. Definition
2. Manner of Creation
3. Kinds]
A. Suffrage
a. Qualification and disqualification of voters
b. Registration and deactivation
c. Inclusion and exclusion proceedings
d. Local and overseas absentee voting
e. Detainee voting
B. Candidacy
a. Qualifications and disqualifications of candidates
b. Filing of certificates of candidacy
a. Effect of filing
b. Substitution and withdrawal of candidates
c. Nuisance candidates
d. Duties of the COMELEC
c. Ministerial duty of COMELEC to receive certificates
f. Effect of disqualification
C. Remedies and jurisdiction
a. Petition to deny due course or cancel a certificate of candidacy
b. Petition for disqualification
c. Failure of election, call of special election
d. Pre-proclamation controversy
e. Election protest
f. Quo warranto
[E. Political parties
1. Jurisdiction of the COMELEC over political parties
2. Registration
G. Campaign
1. Premature campaigning
2. Prohibited contributions
3. Lawful and prohibited election propaganda
4. Limitations on expenses
5. Statement of contributions and expenses
H. Board of Election Inspectors and Board of Canvassers
1. Composition
2. Powers
J. Prosecution of election offenses]
A. Regalian doctrine
B. Nationalist and citizenship requirement provisions
C. Exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources
D. Franchises, authority, and certificates for public utilities
E. Acquisition, ownership and transfer of public and private lands
F. Practice of professions
G. Organization and regulation of corporations, private and public
H. Monopolies, restraint of trade, and unfair competition
A. Academic Freedom
A. Rights
A. Concepts
1. Obligations erga omnes
2. Jus cogens
3. Ex aequo et bono
B. Relationship between international and national law
C. Sources of obligations in international law
D. Subjects
1. States
2. International organizations
3. Individuals
E. Jurisdiction of states
1. Basis of jurisdiction
a. Territoriality principle
b. Nationality principle and statelessness
c. Protective principle
d. Universality principle
e. Passive personality principle
2. Exemptions from jurisdiction
a. Act of State doctrine
b. International organizations and its officers
F. General principles of treaty law
G. Doctrine of state responsibility
I. Refugees
J. Extradition
1. Fundamental principles
2. Procedures
3. Distinguished from deportation
K. Basic principles of International Human Rights Law
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2. International Convention on Civil and Political Rights
3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
L. Basic principles of International Humanitarian Law
1. Categories or armed conflicts
a. International armed conflicts
b. Internal or non-international armed conflicts
c. War of national liberation
2. R.A. 9851
M. Law of the sea
1. Baselines
2. Archipelagic states
a. Straight archipelagic baselines
b. Archipelagic waters
c. Archipelagic sea lanes passage
d. Regime of islands
3. Internal waters
4. Territorial sea
5. Contiguous zone
6. Exclusive economic zone
7. Continental shelf and extended continental shelf
8. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
N. Basic principles of International Environmental Law
1. Precautionary principle
[E. Basic principles of diplomatic and consular law
G. Nationality and statelessness]