Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: Best Known For Committing Accounting Fraud
Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: Best Known For Committing Accounting Fraud
Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: Best Known For Committing Accounting Fraud
Looking back at Enron, perhaps the company best known for committing accounting fraud, you
can see the many methods that were utilized in order to improve the appearance of its financial
statements. Through the use of off-balance sheet special purpose vehicles, the firm hid its
liabilities and inflated its earnings. In 1999, limited partnerships were created for the purpose of
purchasing Enron shares as a mean of improving performance of its stock. It all worked for a
while. But Enron's aggressive accounting practices and financial statement manipulation began
to spiral out of control, and its doings were eventually uncovered by The Wall Street Journal.
Shortly after, on December 2, 2001, Enron filed for Chapter 11 in what was the largest U.S.
bankruptcy in history, only to be surpassed by WorldCom less than a year later. 1/11
9/6/2019 Detecting Financial Statement Fraud
The U.S. government responded with preventative measures. Despite passage of the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act – a direct result of the Enron, WorldCom and Tyco scandals – financial statement
improprieties remain too common an occurrence. And complex accounting fraud such as that
practiced at Enron is usually extremely difficult for the average retail investor to discover.
However, there are some basic red flags that help. After all, the Enron fraud was not exposed by
high-paid Ivy League MBA-holding Wall Street analysts, but by news reporters who used journal
articles and public filings in their due diligence process. Being first on the scene to uncover a
fraudulent company can be very lucrative from a short seller's perspective and can be rather
beneficial to a skeptical investor who is weighing in the overall market sentiment.
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9/6/2019 Detecting Financial Statement Fraud
Financial statement fraud can surface in many different forms, although once deceptive
accounting practices are initiated, various systems of manipulation will be utilized to maintain
the appearance of sustainability. Common approaches to artificially improving the appearance
of the financials include: overstating revenues by recording future expected sales, understating
expenses through such means as capitalizing operating expenses, inflating assets' net worth by
knowingly failing to apply an appropriate depreciation schedule, hiding obligations off of the
company's balance sheet and incorrect disclosure of related-party transactions and structured
finance deals.
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fictitious sales
improper expense recognition
incorrect asset valuation
hidden liabilities
unsuitable disclosures 5/11
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Another type of financial statement fraud involves cookie-jar accounting practices, a procedure
by which a firm will understate revenues in one accounting period and maintain them as a
reserve for future periods with worse performance. Such procedures remove the appearance of
volatility from the operations.
And then, of course, there is the total fabrication of statements. In the spring of 2000, financial
fraud investigator Harry Markopolos approached the SEC, claiming that the $65 billion wealth
management business of Bernard Madoff was fraudulent. After modeling Madoff's portfolio,
Markopolos realized that the consistent returns achieved were impossible. For example,
according to an interview with the Certified Fraud Investigator, he "concluded that for Madoff to
execute the trading strategy he said he was using he would have had to buy more options on
the Chicago Board Options Exchange than actually existed." Fortunately, this sort of fraud is
pretty rare.
Depreciation methods and estimates of assets' useful life that do not correspond to those of
the overall industry. An overstated life of an asset will decrease the annual depreciation
A weak system of internal control. Strong corporate governance and internal controls
processes minimize the likelihood that financial statement fraud will go unnoticed.
Outsized frequency of complex related-party or third-party transactions, many of which do
not add tangible value (can be used to conceal debt off the balance sheet).
The firm is on the brink of breaching their debt covenants. To avoid technical default,
management may be forced to fraudulently adjust its leverage ratios. 7/11
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management may be forced to fraudulently adjust its leverage ratios.
The auditor was replaced, resulting in a missed accounting period. Auditor replacement can
signal a dysfunctional relationship while missed accounting period provides extra time to
"fix" financials.
A disproportionate amount of management compensation is derived from bonuses based
on short term targets. This provides incentive to commit fraud.
Something just feels off about the corporation's business model, financial statements or
Comparative ratio analysis also allows analysts and auditors to spot discrepancies within the
firm's financial statements. By analyzing ratios, information regarding day's sales in receivables,
leverage multiples and other vital metrics can be determined and analyzed for inconsistencies.
A mathematical approach, known as the Beneish Model, evaluates eight ratios to determine the
likelihood of earnings manipulation. Asset quality, depreciation, gross margin, leverage, and
other variables are factored into the analysis. Combining the variables into the model, an M-
score is calculated; a value greater than -2.22 warrants further investigation as the firm may be
manipulating its earnings while an M-score less than -2.22 suggests that the company is not a
manipulator Similar to most other ratio-related strategies, the full picture can only be accurately
portrayed once the multiples are compared to the industry and to the specific firm's historical
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Related Terms
Aggressive Accounting
Aggressive accounting refers to accounting practices designed to overstate a company's financial
performance, whether legally or illegally. more
Restatement Definition
A restatement is an act of revising one or more of a company’s previous financial statements to correct an
error. more
Enron was a U.S. energy-trading and utilities company that perpetrated one of the biggest accounting
frauds in history. more
Financial Shenanigans
Financial shenanigans are actions designed to misrepresent the true financial performance or financial
position of a company or entity. more 11/11