Lesson Plan Toddler Room

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Week At A Glance Lesson Plan

Date: Sept. 24-28

Teacher(s): Katie Crumrine, Sydnee Theisen
Statement of Intent for Learning: Children to continue to become familiar with their new classroom
environment and for teachers and parents to aid them in this transition. We aim for the children to
build relationships with their teachers and peers as well. We will be working on children’s
developmental stages and further small group investigations.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
The children will manipulate dot markers to create artwork pieces.

Blocks The children will explore zoo animals. This will help the children further their interest
in animals and build a new type of community.
Books There will be various books that are familiar and of interest to the children. This will
encourage the children to transition into the classroom.
We will be using oil pastels to create a piece of group art at the writing table.

Dramatic Dramatic play will consist of a veterinary clinic using medical toys and stuffed animals.
Play This will allow the children to further their interest in animals and medical care.

Quiet The quiet manipulatives will encourage a variety of fine motor and mathematic skills
Manipulatives such as matching, connecting, and stringing items. The children will explore puzzles
and other materials to support this.
Math The children will explore paint bags and shapes. Writing in the paint bags to make
shapes will further fine motor skills and writing skills.
Sensory The sensory table will be filled soapy water and water toys such as rubber ducks and
cups for the children to explore water.
Light Table The children will further the inquiry from the dramatic play by being able to look at x-
rays from various animals.
Large Groups As a group, we will sing songs, examine the weather, and read books that explore
familiar animals and follow a storyline.
Outside/Gross The children will use their gross motor skills to pull and ride in wagons. They will also
Motor Lab enjoy sand toys and going on a bear hunt.
Snack BBQ’s Wheat Crackers
Trail Mix Cheese and Crackers
Fruit Juice and Fruit Salsa
Milk Water
Small Group The children and teachers will find common interest and build relationships during
Activities small group to discover possible group investigations.
Book List
Title Author
Thomas’ Big Book of Beginner Books The Reverend W Awdry
That’s Not My Teddy… Fiona Watt
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Michael Rosen
Good Night Moon Margaret Wise Brown
Brown Bear Brown Bear Eric Carl
Bear Sees Colors Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman
Factual Books
Happy baby words Roger Priddy
Babies: What do they need? Toddler Lab
Brainy Baby Animals Edith Reynolds
Quack Quack St. Martin Press
A Visit to the Fire Stations Michi Fujimoto
Trains Lee Sullivan Hill
Fit-a-Shape Bugs Unknown
Rhyming Books/Alphabet Books
How Do I Love You? Leslie Kimmelman
Ten Little Fish Audrey Wood
All of Baby Nose to Toes Victoria Adler
Eric Carle’s ABC Eric Carle
Wordless or easy reader books
I Spy Little Animals Jean Marzollo
Wiggle My Ears Richard Powell
Truck Duck Michael Rex
I Touch Helen Oxenbury
Multicultural Books (Age, Gender, Family, Culture, Ability, etc.)
At the Playground Naomi Kleinberg
Te amo sol, Te amo luna Karen Pandell
Let’s Play Gyo Fujikawa
I love my Daddy because… Laurel Porter-Gaylord
I love my Mommy because… Laurel Porter-Gaylord
My Little People School Bus Doris Tomaselli
Multicultural Analysis for Integration of Diversity:

Plans for the week of Sept. 24-28

Lead Teacher Katie/Sydnee
Age of Children 15 Months – 2/3 years
Cultures represented in class American, Anishinaabe, Chinese, Native American,
South African, Vietnamese
Differing abilities represented in class N/A

Cultural and Anti-bias materials: Pictures around the classroom represent our families and different
cultures. We have labeled materials in the classroom that are in different languages. There will be animals
from different realms around the world.

Families reflected in the environment: There is a family picture wall located in the classroom. Dramatic play
supports family interactions, we have a family communication binder in the observation booth and our
snack is served family style.

Music from Children’s Backgrounds: We have a variety of different music that we listen to throughout the
day that includes a variety of different cultures and languages at times.

Literature that reflects the children and families in the class: Books that represent children from all different
cultures will be set out in the book area.

Activities that reflect the children and families: The block area will consist of zoo animals from around the
world that come from different cultures and places. Dramatic play will be set up as a veterinary clinic that
will include animals from different cultures.

Group activities that have multicultural elements, anti-bias elements, or diversity elements: The teachers in
our classroom support and respect each child’s background. We embrace that all children come from a
different culture and are open and welcome new traditions to participate in. Each child has a choice in which
activity they wish to participate in.

Not well integrated Middle Well integrated

Self rating for anti-bias:  3 5 6    10  10 9
Mentor Teacher Rating of Implementation:
Rating for anti-bias:  3  6   10 8 9 10
Toddler Morning Classroom Lesson Plan
Mentor Teacher: Samantha Kinder
Week of: September 10th-13th Head Teacher: Student Teachers
What have we observed the children What can we do to help further the children’s
doing, thinking and learning? learning and support their thinking?
Art Area Many of the children enjoyed painting • Dot Markers (3 sets of Crayola markers)
with water colors last week however, • Regular white paper (Cut in half)
some wanted the colors to be darker • Cookie sheets
while several of them have an interest • Smocks
in the water. Therefore, we will have • 4 children limit-1 to 2 teachers in the area
water in to explore in the sensory area • Ask open ended questions about favorite
and darker paint colors in the art area. colors
The children will be introduced to dot to
create artwork. It will be a new
experience for many of the toddlers.

Skills and Learning Addressed

Fine motor skills, color recognition, materials exploration, science and inquiry

What have we observed the children What can we do to help further the children’s
doing, thinking and learning? learning and support their thinking?
Reading This area of the classroom is often a • Familiar books about animals, babies,
Area place where teachers can take toddlers rhyming words, families, trucks, movement
to help them transition into the • Books will be the basket in the reading area
classroom or calm them down in tough • Read to children and allow for time to ask
situations. Keeping familiar books with questions both about the book and that
animals and families in the book basket are open ended
is important. • Allow time when reading for recognition
within the book
Skills and Learning Addressed
Literacy, print, picture recognition, book interactions, recognition of words and listening skills

What have we observed the children What can we do to help further the children’s
doing, thinking and learning? learning and support their thinking?
Block The toddlers learned about community • Zoo animals
Area workers last week and seemed to enjoy • Classroom blocks
creating stories for each of the people. • Ask open ended questions regarding the
To explore a different community, we materials and what the children see and
will set up zoo animals in the block are. identify the animals the children are
This are will tie into the dramatic play playing with
and light table with furthering the
interest in animals.
Skills and Learning Addressed
Fine Motor, large motor, social, communication and language
What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Dramatic Play The toddlers have enjoyed the • Stuffed animals in the classroom
Area stuffed animals and taking care • Medical kits
of them. This week we will • Foam pieces from gross motor room and
continue with the veterinary white sheet to create bed
clinic because of the interest. • Ask children how they are treating the
Skills and Learning Addressed
Cooperation, communication, role play, social etiquette, self-help skills

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Light Table The children took interest in the • Animal X-rays
veterinary clinic and taking care • Set up on the light table and on shelves
of animals. This week we will beside the light table
put animal x-rays on the light
table to further the interest in

Skills and Learning Addressed

Fine Motor, large motor, communication, exploration, color recognition

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Sensory Table We have observed the children • Dish soap and water
have an interest in water and • Rubber ducks
washing their hands. This week • Cups
we will put soapy water in the • Ask open ended questions about what the
sensory table along with several water and soap feel like, what they like to
toys to help them explore do with the water

Skills and Learning Addressed

Fine motor skills, problem solving, communication, sharing, direction following
What have we observed the What can we do to help further the
children doing, thinking and children’s learning and support their
learning? thinking?
Quiet Similar to the book area, this is • Puzzles, matching shapes ball,
Manipulative an area that helps the toddler’s connecting games, calming bottles,
Area transition or when they want Pound and play, car wash
some of their own personal
space while in the classroom.
Skills and Learning Addressed
Fine Motor, communication, matching, recognition, self-regulation, social

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Writing Table The students will use their fine • Oil pastels
motor skills to manipulate oil • paper
pastels with the options to draw
or color being unlimited.
Skills and Learning Addressed
Fine Motor, writing, letter recognition

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Math Area We saw an interest in paint and • Paint Bags
shapes with the chalk board • Shapes
easel. This week we will
introduce paint bags to further
the exploration and to draw
shapes using fine motor skills.
Skills and Learning Addressed
Fine Motor, questioning, exploration, sensory
What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Group Time We picked books that related to • Sing familiar songs to help with transitions
our dramatic play. We picked (choo choo to wash hands)
Going on a Bear Hunt to tie into • Address the helpers for the day (snack,
our outside time where we will weather, song, clean up)
be finding bear. We also picked • Sing Song(s) from song cube
If You See a Kitten for a call and • Read book about sharing and/or friends:
response book, which will o M- Going on a Bear Hunt
motivate social communication. o T – Going on a Bear Hunt
o W – If You See a Kitten
o TH – If You See a Kitten

Skills and Learning Addressed

Listening skills, literacy, music skills, cooperation, communication, social skills

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the children’s
children doing, thinking and learning and support their thinking?
Transition After Last week the children enjoyed • Drums
Snack making noise with the maracas
and shakers. We will be using
drums this week to build off the
children’s interest in noise
Skills and Learning Addressed
Music, listening, fine and large motor skills, cooperation

What have we observed the What can we do to help further the

children doing, thinking and children’s learning and support their
learning? thinking?
Outside/Gross Last week, outside time was • Outside: The children will be
Motor Room mainly to explore the new encouraged to ride in wagons. They will
environment of the playground be encouraged to run and jump outside
and ride in wagons. The children as well. We will hide the stuffed black
were interested in running away bear outside and encourage them to go
from a bear outside. on a bear hunt.
Skills and Learning Addressed
Large Motor, fine motor, social, science and inquiry, pretend play

Goals for the Week of:

Key Focus this week:
Teachers will observe and interact with the children to become familiar with
their likes and dislikes. Teachers will also work on building relationships and
supporting transition into the classroom from one activity to the next.
Teachers will be working on developmental stages and narrowing down small
group investigations.
Staff Goals:
• Teachers will learn parents’ first and last names and use them when
interacting during drop off and pick up times.
• Teachers will ease through transition times without notification.
• Teachers will create relationships with children and families.
• Teachers will support the needs of children and families in times of
• Teachers will check to make sure each child has had the chance or
opportunity to use the bathroom.

Specific areas of development for assessment:

Teachers will assess and obtain observations for developmental checklists.

Mon/Wed Children’s Goals:

• All children should explore the multiple areas of the room.
• Children should build relationships with their teachers and peers
• Children will allow transitional ques, such as knowing to clean up
when the lights go off and singing choo choo train to go to small

Tues/Thurs Children’s Goals:

• All children should explore the multiple areas of the room.
• Children should build relationships with their teachers and peers
• Children will allow transitional ques, such as knowing to clean up
when the lights go off and singing choo choo train to go to snack
• Children will adjust to transitioning into the classroom when they
arrive in the morning.
Weekly Ongoing Adjustments Form:

Center Name Why: Rationale Changes Children’s Evaluation of

for the Change Made Responses Change

Provocation Open Ended Questions:

Art Table What can you draw on the using the dot What happens when two colors
markers? combine?
Dramatic Play What stories will you create here? How can you make this animal feel
Math Table What can shape can you make in the What does the paint feel like when
paint? written in?
Writing Table What color are you drawing with? What can you draw?
Light Table What animals do the x-rays show? How can you help fix the animal?
Block Area What animals can live together? How can we help the animals live

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