Test-Case Number 1: Rise of A Spherical Cap Bubble in A Stagnant Liquid (PN)
Test-Case Number 1: Rise of A Spherical Cap Bubble in A Stagnant Liquid (PN)
Test-Case Number 1: Rise of A Spherical Cap Bubble in A Stagnant Liquid (PN)
To get the proper results, mainly the correct terminal velocity, and to reproduce the
overshoot, a numerical method has to take accurately into account buoyancy, viscous
stresses and surface tension effects. In particular, this test allows validating the numerical
model that takes care of jump conditions at the interface (see e.g. (Scardovelli & Zaleski,
1999)). However, the test is less severe than the ”Free rise of a liquid inclusion in a stagnant
liquid”, a test-case proposed by Lemonnier and Hervieu, presented in this volume.
Reduced parameters are τ = t/tc and u = U/Uc . According to these definitions, the
non-dimensional reference calculation consist in the reduced time evolution of the speed
of displacement of the center of mass:
Ucconf ined
≈1− , (4)
Uc∞ D
g µ4L
Mo = , (5)
ρL σ 3
ρL g d2e
Bo = . (6)
• Extract the position of the center of mass of the inclusion and then deduce its speed of
displacement. The first point of comparison is the value of the reduced asymptotic
velocity. This value can be obtained even with a peculiar point of the interface,
such as the apex. Of course, in this later case, the temporal evolution around the
overshoot (Figure 1) cannot be capture.
Test-case number 1 by O. Lebaigue, C. Duquennoy and S. Vincent 3/4
Figure 1: Reduced time evolution of the speed of displacement for two mesh sizes. After a figure of
Blanco-Alvarez (1995).
Figure 2: Recirculation zone and steam lines at reduced time τ = 2.86. After a figure of Benkenida
4/4 Test-case number 1 by O. Lebaigue, C. Duquennoy and S. Vincent
• Further comparisons are the shape of lines of current, the equilibrium shape of the
inclusion and the size of the recirculation zone (Figure 2). This late characteristic
requires that the inclusion has risen a length of more than ten diameters (Hnat &
Buckmaster, 1976).
Benkenida, A. 1999. Développement et validation d’une méthode de simulation
d’écoulements diphasiques sans reconstruction d’interfaces. Application la dynamique
des bulles de Taylor. Ph.D. thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.
Clift, R., Grace, J.R., & Weber, M.E. 1978. Bubbles, drops and particles. Academic Press.
Harmathy, T.Z. 1960. Velocity of large drops and bubbles in media of infinite or restricted
extent. American Institute of Chemical Engineers J., 6, 281–288.
Hnat, J.G., & Buckmaster, J.D. 1976. Spherical cap bubbles and skirt formation. Physics
of Fluids, 19, 182–194.
Scardovelli, R., & Zaleski, S. 1999. Direct Numerical Simulation of free-surface and inter-
facial flow. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 31, 567–603.