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4 JA Witness Seller

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Sixth Judicial Region

Iloilo City


-versus- For:


Accused. (Article 294 par. 1 of the Revised Penal Code)

This Judicial Affidavit of Cristine Pimentel executed to serve as her direct testimony in
the instant case.

This Judicial Affidavit is offered to prove:

(1) All the allegations in the robbery with homicide case; including all the ANNEXES
appended thereto, which she respectfully requests to be correspondingly marked as
EXHIBITS in this case; and
(2) All matters related thereto, with reservation to present additional exhibits in the
course of the proceeding of the instant case.

This Judicial Affidavit was taken at the office of Atty. Jillen A. Suan at Everlasting Bldg.
Delgado St. Iloilo City. Questions were propounded by Atty. Jillen A. Suan in English, the
affiant fully understands, while answers were given by witness Cristine Pimentel in English.

Q: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
A: I do, Ma’am.

Q: Are you aware that you can face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury if you
will not tell the truth?
A: I am Ma’am.

Q: Please state your name, age, and address.

A: I am Cristine Pimentel, 40 years old, single and presently residing at Gen. Luna St.,
Iloilo City.

Q: Can you tell us your occupation?

A: Businesswoman.

Q: What kind of business are you engaged in?

A: Buying and Selling of Cellphones and accessories, ma’am.

Q: What is the reason you are here?

A: I am here to testify in a criminal case against Don Christian Ycay.

Q: Do you know him?

A: Yes ma’am.

Q. And if he is around, can you recognize him?

A: Yes ma’am.

Q: Can you point him if he is here in Court?

A: Yes ma’am.

Q: You seem to know the person whom you pointed to as Don Christian, tell us why you
know him?
A. A: I have been in this business for 15 years and my store is located beside Padpad’s
store where Don Christian usually visits and purchases some items when he arrives in
Iloilo. He is a regular customer of Padpad’s Grocery Store.

Q: So, how did you know him?

A: One time, while he was having his snacks outside the Padpad’s store, he saw me while
I was standing outside the door of my store and asked about how my business operates.
That was the time when we became acquainted with each other.

Q: After your first conversation with Don Christian, were you able to have other
conversations/ interactions with him in some other occasions?
A: Yes, ma’am. He does miss a chance to talk to me every time he visits Padpad’s
Grocery Store.

Q: Why did you say that he is a regular customer?

A: I often see him buying in that store. Then he would usually greet me or call my
attention by offering the snacks he bought from Padpad’s Grocery Store.

Q: Was there ever a time when Don Christian approached you for reasons other than
offering the snacks he bought from Padpad’s Grocery Store?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: What were those reasons when Don Christian approached you for reasons other than
offering his snacks?
A: He offered to sell a second hand cellular phone a few times.

Q: How many times did he offer to sell to you a second hand cellular phone?
A: Three times already.

Q: Can you recall the exact dates when he offered you a second hand cellular phone?
A: I can only recall the latest date when he offered a second hand cellular phone but as to
the two previous occasions, I cannot recall the exact dates.

Q: When did he last offer you a second hand cellular phone?

A: Late in the evening of January 18, 2019, ma’am.

Q: Who owns that cellular phone?

A: He said that he was the owner.

Q: Can you still remember what kind of cellphone he offered to you on January 18,
A: An iPhone 10.

Q: Now, if that cellphone will be presented to you can you identify the same?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: What was his purpose for selling his cellular phone?

A: He told me that he badly needed the money. That is why he was willing to sell his
cellphone at a lower price.

Q: How much did he offer?

A: P10,000 only.

Q: What did he do next?

A: He handed the cellphone to me, ma’am.

Q: Did you test the cellphone if it was functional?

A: Yes, I scanned it for a while and found out that it was working fine.

Q: After you checked the phone, what did you do?

A: I received it, ma’am. And instantly paid him P10,000.00 the amount because he said
he badly needed it.

Q: Did he tell you what he needed the money for?

A: I have no idea, ma’am. I was not able to ask him anymore because he was in a hurry.

Q: After getting the cellphone and paying P10,000.00, what did you do?
A: I turned off the cellphone and I displayed it on the shelf with all the other cellphones
for sale.

Q: Were you able to sell the cellphone?

A: No.

Q: Why not?
A: Because the next day, Manang Vicvic saw the cellphone in my display shelf.

Q: Who was Manang Vicvic?

A: She is the owner of the Padpad’s grocery store.

Q: Are you referring to Victoria P. Padilla, the complainant?

A: Yes ma’am. We call her Manang Vicvic.

Q: After Victoria P. Padilla saw the cellphone on your display shelf, what did she do
A: She requested to inspect it.

Q: Did you allow her to inspect it?

A: Yes, ma’am. I thought she was going to buy it.

Q: What did you do next?

A: I turned on the cellphone so that she can explore its features.

Q: What happened next when you turned on the cellphone?

A: I noticed that the cellphone displayed a welcome note that stated: “Hi, I am Daniel

Q: What was Manang Vicvic’s reaction?

A: She was surprised and said that the cellphone is owned by her son, Daniel Padilla.

Q: What happened next when she told you that the cellphone was owned by her son?
A: Manang Vicvic asked me how the cellphone came to my possession.

Q: What did you respond to Victoria Padilla’s question?

A: I told her that the cellphone was delivered to me by Don Christian Ycay the night

Q: Is there anything else you want to add to your testimony?

A: That is all for the meantime, ma’am.

- No Further Questions -

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of June 2019 in
Iloilo City.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21st day of June 2019 at Iloilo City,
Philippines, and I hereby certify that I have personally examined the affiant and that I am
convinced that he understood and voluntarily executed this Judicial Affidavit.


I, ATTY. JILLEN A. SUAN, of legal age, single, and a resident of Delgado St. Iloilo
City, after duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say that:

(1) I am the counsel for the Republic of the Philippines in Criminal Case No. 666-21I
faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the question I asked and the
corresponding and the corresponding answers that the witness gave for his Judicial
Affidavit; and

(2) Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting him coached the witness
regarding the latter’s answers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 21 st Day of June

2019, Iloilo City, Philippines.



Subscribed and Sworn to before ne this 21st day of June 2019, Iloilo City, Philippines,
affiant exhibited her IBP ID No. 8181990 as her competent evidence of identity.

Anastacia Claire Sinope

Notary Public
Until December 31 2019
PTR No 12347/ Iloilo City/01-01-19
Roll no 98765431
Doc No. 123.
Page No. 456.
Book No. 789.
Series of 2019.

Copy Furnished:

Atty. Val Justin Deatras

Counsel for the Accused


Regional Trial Court, Branch 28
Iloilo City, Iloilo

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