History of Health Education
History of Health Education
History of Health Education
and in Middle English as helthe, meaning to be sound in body, mind and spirit. The classic
Greek definition of medicine was to “prolong life and prevent disease,” or in other words to
keep people healthy (Cook, 2004). Similarity, medicine in ancient India was called Ayurveda,
or the science of life or health. By the 17th century, most medical textbooks commonly used
the word restoration. By the end of the 19th century, the word health was considered
colloquial and was replaced with the word hygiene, which was considered more scientific.
improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills which are
evaluating health programs and materials that improve the health of individuals, families, and
communities. Health education is one of the tools of health promotion. A goal of health
education is to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to make
healthier lifestyle choices. Health education takes place in a variety of settings, such as
schools; health care facilities; businesses; nonprofit organizations; and local, state, and
federal health agencies. A certified health education specialist (CHES) is a person who has
met the standards of competence established by the National Commission for Health
Healthcare is old as humanity itself. In every era, people were fascinated by health
and disease, life and death. This makes medicine one of the oldest science and its
achievements have and always will have a tremendous influence on life of every individual.
The history of medicine forms a substantial part of the scientific knowledge development and
of the human culture itself. It deals with the foundation and development of healing arts,
medical science and medical practice, as well as with cognition of human and environment
connected with his working and social life. The history has therefore always an educational
frame. The humankind has been encountering various diseases ever since its dawn. These
have often been life-threatening. The efforts to find a way to avoid a disease or how to treat
it already manifested in primordial era of the healing arts. The foundation of medicine as a
science is connected with the classicist period of Antiquity, foremostly with the development
of rationality, deepening and differentiation of cognitive process and with the foundation of a
professional healer’s occupation. Since its foundation to present day, medicine has
undergone major development. The phases of this development have been initiated by
major breakthroughs, findings and methods used in the scientific and technological field, as
well as in medicine itself. Many authors state that development of health education was
„the history of health edification can be considered as part of the history of medicine, as an
integrated part of humankind’s history; its cultivation, transfer of knowledge to the next
generations can be also considered as a part of edification and education of adults in the
specific field – in the health edification“. The history and development of health education
have their own development stages. Their periodicity relates to the development stages of
the society. The history of health awareness rising in Slovakia is a part of the history of
renowned experts dealing with the topic. The contribution comes in the form of written works,
which have been created predominantly in healthcare institutions, but also others from which
The stages of medicinal development was able to study in this era by the help of
paleopathological findings and archaeological findings. It enable us the picture about their
way of living before and imagine the health of people that lives in the prehistoric past.
Accordint to M. Beniak, et al. (1989, p.9) this founding stage of medicine development can
be reffered to as to the primitive instinctive healing arts. And later on the use of the flora and
fona was introduced as their natural healing arts and later on became the foundation of the
scientific medicine.
Ancient Medicine
This era was characterized by the high level of chinese medicine. The most
distinguished person of both Greek and ancient medicine was Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC),
nicknamed “the father of Greek medicine”. Hippocrates stated that the treatment should be
devised from the cognition of the disease and from all of its symptoms and it must draw upon
the logical generalisation as well as upon the practical experience. His works include the
opinions about the anatomy, physiology, dietethics, hygiene, physical exercise as well as the
healthcare system itself. For these opinions, he is legitimately considered the founder of the
scientific medicine.
Medieval Times
The Salerno School of Medicine was founded at this time by the end of the first
millennium that is centered about appropriate hygiene and lifestyle. They started to publish
some books that promotes treatise on healthy lifestyle regime and also which was translated
to numerous languages. It is copied manually to distribute to the people but unfortunately not
all the people was able to get a copy. The development of the western medicine in the
period between Antiquity and Modern age is divided by medicine historians into monastic
period and scholastic period. Similarly, the development of the eastern medicine in this era is
divided into Byzantine period and Arabian period. Arabian medicine was a significant part of
the medieval medicine. One of the most significant Arabian medicine physician was Persian
physician Rhazes of Persia (865 – 925 AD) also known as Arabian Hippocrates. He
composed many medical literary works that were summarily published after his death in 13th
century under the name Continens Rhasis. This encyclopaedic work enriched the medical
This period is reffered as the Enlightenment because this is the advent of new
ideological directions. The escalated development of natural sciences including the medicine
had grown. The Enlightenment also brought new opinions on the social importance of
economical, social, cultural, national and other circumstances. These determined the level
and condition of general healthcare and of the social groups of the population. The interest
in people’s awareness rising was transformed into practice when Slovakian intelligentsia
began to carry out awareness-raising campaigns with the focus on enculturation and
education. The promoter of the medical science in eastern Slovakia in this period was Michal
Sztanyik, the protestant priest and awareness-rising activist that translated awareness-rising
and edificational works. Samuel Tešedík was a promoter of the new scientific findings,
especially those connected with the rationalisation of farming. Apart form the people’s
health prevention activities, which he carried out in form of discussions, public speeches and
sermons. . In the second half of the 18th century, numerous members of Slovakian
intelligentsia began to feel the partial responsibility for the low erudition of the people. With
their works and activities, they strived to increase the level of people’s culture and improve
19th Century
The most important development of medicine during this period was the
the new medical fields. And the development of medicine was also boosted by the help of
physiology and experimental medicine. Apart from many texts about the public healthcare
system, there were also many publications on personal healthcare, lifestyle and hygiene.
Physicians tried to supplement the lack of staff engaged in awareness-rising with their own
activities. They clarified various treatment processes mainly during the tuberculosis
occurrence, but also therapeutic procedures processes of home care. The first aid handbook
and obstetrics literature made a huge contribution in life-saving. But the Great War slowed
down the development of the health edification and education, as it had a great impact into
everyday life of the whole nation. According to the historians, the 19th century was fruitful in
20th Century
This period make a big break in discoveries in natural science and technical sciences
also the progress in prevention, diagnostics, and therapy. Medical knowledge overpasses
into Modern age based on cooperation, teamwork of experts from various medical fields both
nationally and internationally. The specifics of this period are close connection of theoretical
and clinical findings. Modern medicine brings new approaches, treatments and possibilities
of preventive measures to the formerly incurable diseases. However, modern age also
brings new illnesses of epidemic nature. The developed countries engage in research of
diseases which occurrence is connected with old age, sex-tourism, environmental changes
and usage of highly effective medication. These diseases initiate the creation of new medical
fields. The 20th century deepened the scientific knowledge in alergology, gerontology,
psychiatry, neurology, oncology and others. The effect of social environment influence
causes various neurological diseases. Their treatment is not only the question of
pharmacology, but also the question of change of the natural and social environment quality.
The procedures introduced by the modern medicine like transplantation, euthanasia, artificial
conception, genetics that can be the answer to the existing health problems draw debates on
the ethical and biological issues and also legal issues of their applications.
VISION Cavite State University shall provide
A premier university in historic Republic of the Philippines excellent, equitable and relevant
Cavite recognized for educational opportunities in the arts,
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY science and technology through
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of morally upright and globally Don Severino Delas Alas Campus quality instruction and relevant
competitive individuals. research and development activities.
Indang, Cavite It shall produce professional, skilled
and morally upright individuals for
global competitiveness.
College of Nursing
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Health Education for the Bachelor Degree
of Science in Nursing
Submitted to:
Prof. Jay Louie S. Madlangbayan, RN, CCRN
Submitted by:
Corrine Ivy S. Callada
BSN 2-1
July 5, 2019