Soal Ekonomi Mikro A Dan B
Soal Ekonomi Mikro A Dan B
Soal Ekonomi Mikro A Dan B
1. Explain the meaning of utility. What is the difference between total utility and marginal
utility? Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility and give a numerical example.
2. Which pairs of the following goods would you classify as complementary, substitute, or
independent goods: beef, ketchup, lamb, cigarettes, gum, pork, radio, television, air travel,
bus travel, taxis, and paperbacks?Illustrate the resulting shift in the demand curve for one
good when the price of another good goes up. How would a change in income affect the
demand curve for air travel? The demand curve for bus travel?
3. Here is a way to think about consumer surplus as it applies to movies:
a) How many movies did you watch last year?
b) How much in total did you pay to watch movies last year?
c) What is the maximum you would pay to see the movies you watched last year?
d) Calculate c minus b. That is your consumer surplus from movies.
4. For each of the commodities in Table 5-2, calculate the impact of a doubling of price on
quantity demanded. Similarly, for the goods in Table 5-3, what would be the impact of a
50 percent increase in consumer incomes?
5. An interesting application of supply and demand to addictive substances compares
alternative techniques for supply restriction. For this problem, assume that the demand for
addictive substances is inelastic.
a) One approach (used today for heroin and cocaine and for alcohol during Prohibition)
is to reduce supply at the nation’s borders. Show how this raises price and increases the
total income of the suppliers in the drug industry.
b) An alternative approach (followed today for tobacco and alcohol) is to tax the goods
heavily. Using the tax apparatus developed in Chapter 4, show how this reduces the
total income of the suppliers in the drug industry.
c) Comment on the difference between the two approaches.
6. Suppose you are very rich and very fat. Your doctor has advised you to limit your food
intake to 2000 calories per day. What is your consumer equilibrium for food consumption?
7. Gambarlah kurva-kurva indiferens (a) diantara barang-barang yang saling melengkapi
seperti sepatu kiri dan sepatu kanan dan (b) diantara barang-barang yang mempunyai
hubungan substitusi sempurna seperti dua botol cola yang berjejer satu disamping yang
lain di sebuah toko.
8. Table di bawah ini menunjukan tambahan kepuasan yang diperoleh konsumen dengan
membeli berbagai jumlah barang A, B, dan C
1. Each week, Tom Wu buys two hamburgers at $2 each, eight cokes at $0.50 each, and eight
slices of pizza at $1 each, but he buys no hot dogs at $1.50 each. What can you deduce
about Tom’s marginal utility for each of the four goods?
2. Why is it wrong to say, “Utility is maximized when the marginal utilities of all goods are
exactly equal”? Correct the statement and explain.
3. Consider the following table showing the utility of different numbers of days skied each
0 0
1 70
2 110
3 146
4 176
5 196
6 196
Construct a table showing the marginal utility for each day of skiing. Assuming that there
are 1 million people with preferences shown in the table, draw the market demand curve
for ski days. If lift tickets cost $40 per day, what are the equilibrium price and quantity of
days skied?
4. As you add together the identical demand curves of more and more people (in a way similar
to the procedure in Figure 5-2), the market demand curve becomes flatter and flatter on the
same scale. Does this fact indicate that the elasticity of demand is becoming larger and
larger? Explain your answer carefully
5. Demand may be price-elastic for casual users of drugs—ones who are not addicted or for
whom substitute products are readily available. In this case, restrictions or price increases
will have a significant impact on use. Draw a supply and demand diagram like Figure 5-4
where the demand curve is price-elastic. Show the effect of a steep tax on quantity
demanded. Show that, because demand is price-elastic, total spending on drugs with
restrictions will fall. Explain why this analysis would support the argument of those who
would severely limit the availability of addictive substances.
6. Numerical problem on consumer surplus: Assume that the demand for travel over a bridge
takes the form Y =1,000,000 − 50,000P, where Y is the number of trips over the bridge
and P is the bridge toll (in dollars).
a) Calculate the consumer surplus if the bridge toll is $0, $1, and $20.
b) Assume that the cost of the bridge is $1,800,000. Calculate the toll at which the bridge
owner breaks even. What is the consumer surplus at the breakeven toll?
c) Assume that the cost of the bridge is $8 million. Explain why the bridge should be
built even though there is no toll that will cover the cost.
7. Pertimbangkan produk-produk babi dan kapal pesiar. Gambarlah serangkain kurva
indifference dan garis anggaran seperti yang tertera dalam figure 5A-5 yang
memperlihatkan produk-produk babi sebagai inferior dan kapal sebagai barang “mewah”
dengan elastisitas pendpatan lebih besar daripada 1
8. Table di bawah ini menunjukan tambahan kepuasan yang diperoleh konsumen dengan
membeli berbagai jumlah barang A, B, dan C
Satuan produk MUa MUb MUe
ke-1 18 39 12
ke-2 16 36 10
ke-3 14 33 9
ke-4 12 30 8
ke-5 10 27 7
ke-6 8 24 5
ke-7 6 21 3
a) Jika harga A, B, dan C masing-masing adalah Rp2.000 Rp3.000 dan Rp1,000 dan
konsumen mempunyai penghasilan sebesar Rp26.000 untuk membeli ketiga barang
tersebut, kombinasi yang bagaimanakah yang akan dibelinya agar mencapai kepuasan
b) Ceklah jawaban Anda dengan rumus kepuasan maksimum
9. Suatu keluarga muda menabung Rp100.000 dalam rangka akan membangun rumah. Uang
tersebut akan dibelikan batu bata dan seng. Harga batu bata Rp15.000/1000 buah. Seng
a) Seandainya mereka membeli 3000 batu bata, berapa lembar seng yang bisa dibeli?
Gambarkan garis anggarannya!
b) Andaikan uang yang tersedia Rpl50.000, sedang harga-harga tetap. Apa yang berubah
dalam garis anggarannya? Gambarkan!
c) Harga seng meningkat mencapai 35%. Buatlah garis anggaran yang baru
10. Diskusikan dua pernyataan di bawah ini:
a) "Periklanan membuat barang mahal. Sampai sepertiga harga yang harus dibayar
konsumen adalah untuk biaya periklanan"
b) "Periklanan menyebabkan harga barang bisa rendah / murah"