Linux Notes PDF
Linux Notes PDF
Linux Notes PDF
BCA V Semester
Compiled by
Mrs. Lathika K
SIMS, Mangalore
Srinivas Institute of Management Studies , Mangalore Fifth Semester BCA
LINUX Environment
1.1 History
1.6 Assignment 1
2.4 Inodes
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2.6 Assignment 2
3.5 Assignment 3
4.1 Inodes
4.3 Directories
4.8 Assignment 4
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5.6 Pipes
5.11 Assignment 5
6.3.1 Clists
6.4 Streams
6.5 Assignment 6
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7.2.1 Messages
7.2.3 Semaphores
7.3 Sockets
7.4 Assignment 7
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8.9 Assignment 8
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10.9 Assignment 10
11.10 Assignment 11
Chapter 12 Linux Administration Basics
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12.19 Assignment 12
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13.5 Assignment 13
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Chapter 1
General overview of the system
1.1 History
In 1965, Bell telephone Labs joined an effort with general Electronic Company and
Project MAC of Massachusetts Institute of technology to develop a new operating
system called Multics. Many people who later took part in the early development
of the UNIX system participated in the Multics work at Bells Labs.
With the end of their work on the Multics project, members of computing Science
Research centre at bell Labs were left without a “convenient interactive
computing service”. in attempt to improve their programming environment, Ken
Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and others sketched a paper design of s file system
that later evolved into an early version of the UNIX file system.
Although this early version of the UNIX system held much promise, it could not
realise its potential until it was used in a real project. Thus while providing a text
processing system for the patent department at Bell Labs, the UNIX system was
moved to a PDP-11 in 1971.the system was characterised by its small size:
16Kbytes for the system, 8KByets for the user programs, a disk of 512 Kbytes and
a limit of 64KByets per file.
In 1973, the Operating system was rewritten in C. In 1974, Thompson and Ritchie
published a paper describing the UNIX system in the communications of CAM. By
1977, the number of UNIX system sites had grown to about 500, of which 125
were in universities. UNIX systems became popular in the operating telephone
companies, providing a good environment for the program development, network
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transaction operations services and real time services. Licences of UNIX systems
were provided to commercial institutions as well as Universities.
In 1977, Interactive System Corporation became the First Value Added Reseller of
a UNIX system. 1977 also marked the year that the UNIX system was first ported
to a non-PDP machine, the Interdata 8/32.
Several reasons have been suggested for the popularity and success of UNIX
system is listed below.
The system is written in high level language, making it easy to read, understand,
change and move to other machines.
1. It has a simpler user interface that has the power to provide the services
that users want.
2. It provides primitives that permit complex programs to be built form
simpler programs.
3. It uses a hierarchical file system that allows easy maintenance and efficient
4. It uses a consistent format for files, the byte stream, making application
programs easier to write.
5. It provides a simple, consistent interface to peripheral devices.
6. It is a multi user, multi process system; each user can execute several
processes simultaneously.
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7. It hides the machine architecture form the user, making it easier to write
programs that run on different hardware implementations.
The above figure 1.1 depicts the architecture of the Unix system. The hardware at
the centre of the diagram provides the OS with basic services. The OS interacts
directly with the system. Viewing the system as a set of layers, the OS is
commonly called the system kernel or kernel.
Programs such as the shell and editors(ed and vi) shown in the outer layers
interacts with the kernel by invoking a well defined set of system calls. The system
calls instructs the kernel to do various operations for the calling program and
exchange data between the kernel to do various operations for the calling
program and exchange data between the kernel and the program. Several
programs shown in the figures are commands(grep, wc, date etc). Private user
programs may also exist in this layer as indicated by the program whose name is
a.out (the standard name for executable files produced by the c compiler). Other
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application programs can build on the top of lower level programs, hence the
existence of the outer most layer in the figure. For example, the standard C
compiler, cc is in the outermost layer of the figure.
This section briefly reviews high-level features of the UNIX system such as the file
system, the processing environment, and building block primitives.
• A hierarchical structure
• Consistent treatment of file data
• The ability to create and delete files
• Dynamic growth of files
• The protection of file data
• The treatment pf peripheral devices
A file system is the methods and the data structures that an operating system
uses to keep track of a file on a disk or partition; i.e the way the files are
organized on the disk.
The file system is organized as a tree with a single root node called root denoted
by /, every non leaf node of the file system is a directory of files and file at leaf
nodes of the tree are either directories, regular files or special device files.
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Different types of files can be seen in Unix operating system. Files in Unix
operating system are classified as ordinary files, regular files, directory files and
special files.
Ordinary files include a variety of file types like application files, data files,
document files etc.
Application files are usually executable files and using these files different
applications are executed. There are applications for performing tasks like word
processing, doing calculations, browsing the Internet, managing mails, doing
image manipulations and so on.
Data files store different types of data and these files can be image files, audio
files, video files or simply text files.
Document files store multiple types of information such as text, drawings, images
and so on.
Directory files are related to different directories of the system and these store
information related to different directories.
Unix special files are device driver files, link files or similar other types of files.
Different physical entities are also represented as files in Unix. Thus, printers,
modems and other devices are represented as files. Using special files, the
operating system can control different devices connected to the system. Such
special files used to control devices are known as device driver files. Device driver
files are essential for proper communication between the operating system and
the connected devices.
Different files used by Unix operating system are also arranged in a hierarchical
manner. Root folder is at the top in the hierarchy. All the files and folders of Unix
system are included in this folder. Root directory has several sub folders named
as bin, boot, dev, etc, temp, home and so on. The folder named bin stores all
binary files. For storing boot files, boot folder is used. Device files necessary for
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the proper working of attached peripherals are stored in the folder named dev.
The folder named etc stores different files for configuring the system and devices.
The folder named temp is a temporary folder and this folder stores temporary
files. Files stored in this folder are deleted after use.
Different users of the system are included in the home folder. Depending on the
number of users, the home folder has several sub folders. Library files required
for running the system are stored in the lib folder
In a computer system it is possible to find several folders. Each folder may contain
several sub folders as well as many files. To locate any file in the system it is
necessary to specify the exact path where the file resides in the memory. Simply
providing the file name means that the file is located in the directory where the
user is located at that time. The concept of paths and path names will be clearer
by considering the entire storage space of the system as a single large storage
unit. This large storage unit is usually known as root and this is denoted as a single
slash character ( / ). Several folders can be created in the root folder and these
are the storage compartments of the root storage space. Each of the partitions
can be partitioned further to get several sub folders. The organization described
old new
letter1.txt letter1.txt
As can be seen in the figure, the root is at the top level. The root folder is
partitioned into a number of folders namely letters, klj, picture, home and
personal. These folders lie just below the root partition. These folders are
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Names given to files and folders located within a folder must be different. Also
different sub folders of a folder must be named differently. But sub folders of
different parent folders can use the same name. Files in different folders can use
the same file name. For example, as can be seen in the figure, the same file
letter1.txt is stored in two different folders. This is possible since different folders
represent different storage locations. The exact path names of these two files are
/klj/office/letter1.txt and / klj/ personal / letter1 .txt.
When a user logs into the system, the user is automatically placed in the home
folder of the user. Home folder of any user is located as the sub folder to the
/home folder. For example, when the user klj logs into the system, the user is
placed in the folder /home/ klj. During this time /home/klj is the current
directory of the user klj.
Exact path names denote the exact locations where files are stored. Such path
names are also known as absolute path names. In path names, the first slash
indicates the root folder. Following slashes separate the names of different sub
folders. File name appears as the last item in path names. To shorten path names,
it is usual to specify the path names relative to the current working directory of
the user. Such path names are called relative path names. Consider the file tree
shown already in Figure 5.2. Suppose the user working in the directory /home/klj
requires specifying the file let.txt stored in the sub folder named old. The path
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can be specified in two ways as follows: / home/ klj/old / let. txt and . / old / let.
Both the path names identify the same file. The first path name is the absolute
path name whereas the second path name is the relative path name. In the
relative path name a dot character is used to indicate the current position of the
user and the path name begins with a dot. In a similar manner, to refer to a
parent directory above the current directory, a user uses two dot characters in
relative path names.
UNIX system treats device files as if they were files. Devices are special device
files, occupy node positions in the file system directory structure. Programs access
devices with the same syntax they use when accessing regular files.
Processing environment
Generally, the system calls allow users to write programs that do sophisticated
operations. As a result, the kernel of the Unix system does not contain many
functions that are part of the “kernel” in other system. The most important
example of such a program is the shell. Shell is the command interpreter program
that is executed by the users after logging into the system.
The shell allows 3 types of commands. First, a command can be an executable file
that contain the object code produced by the compilation of the source code(for
example, a.out). Second, a command can be an executable file containing a
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For example, typing the command who causes the system to execute the program
stored in the file \bin\who which prints a list of people who are currently logged
into the system.
Unix provides OS primitives that enable users to write small, modular programs
that can be used as building blocks to build more complex programs. One such
primitive visible to the shell users is the capability to redirect I/O.
Process can access files they read from their standard input file, write to their
standard output file and write error messages to their standard error files.
The pipe ('|') operator is used to create concurrently executing processes that
pass data directly to one another. It is useful for combining system utilities to
perform more complex functions. For example:
creates three processes (corresponding to cat, sort and uniq) which execute
concurrently. As they execute, the output of the hello.txt is passed on to the sort
process which is in turn passed on to the uniq process. uniq displays its output on
the screen (a sorted list of users with duplicate lines removed). Similarly:
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finds all lines in hello.txt that contain the string "dog" but do not contain the
string "cat".
The output from programs is usually written to the screen, while their input
usually comes from the keyboard (if no file arguments are given). In technical
terms, we say that processes usually write to standard output (the screen) and
take their input from standard input (the keyboard). There is in fact another
output channel called standard error, where processes write their error
messages; by default error messages are also sent to the screen.
To redirect standard output to a file instead of the screen, we use the > operator:
$ echo temp
If we want to append the output of the echo command to the file, we can use the
>> operator:
$ echo bye >> output
$ cat output
The output is
Standard input can also be redirected using the < operator, so that input is read
from a file instead of the keyboard:
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The output is
The execution of user processes on UNIX systems is divided into 2 levels; user
level and kernel level. When 2 processes execute a system call, the execution
mode of the process changes from user mode to kernel mode. The differences
between the 2 modes are:
1. Processes in user mode can access their own instructions and data but not
kernel instructions and data. Processes in kernel mode can access kernel
and user addresses.
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1.6 Assignment 1
2 marks questions
1) Write any two reasons for the success of UNIX operating system
2) Define a program and a process
3) What do you mean by a path? Differentiate full path name and relative
path name.
4) What are pipes? Name any 2 kinds of pipes.
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Chapter 2
Introduction to the Kernel
Every item stored in a UNIX file system belongs to one of four types:
1. Ordinary files
Ordinary files can contain text, data, or program information. Files cannot
contain other files or directories. Unlike other operating systems, UNIX
filenames are not broken into a name part and an extension part (although
extensions are still frequently used as a means to classify files). Instead they
can contain any keyboard character except for '/' and be up to 256
characters long (note however that characters such as *,?,# and & have
special meaning in most shells and should not therefore be used in
filenames). Putting spaces in filenames also makes them difficult to
manipulate - rather use the underscore '_'.
2. Directories
Directories are containers or folders that hold files, and other directories.
3. Devices
4. Links
A link is a pointer to another file. There are two types of links - a hard
link to a file is indistinguishable from the file itself. A soft link (or symbolic
link) provides an indirect pointer or shortcut to a file. A soft link is
implemented as a directory file entry containing a pathname.
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The above figure gives a block diagram of the Kernel, showing various modules Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri, 14 pt
and their relationships to each other. It shows the file subsystem on the left and
the process control subsystem on the right. These are the 2 major components of
the kernel.
The figure shows 3 levels: user, kernel and hardware. The system call and library
interface represent the border between the user programs and the kernel( i.e
user programs talks to the kernel with the help of the system calls and the library
The figure partitions the set of system calls into those that interact with the file
subsystem and those that interact with the process control subsystem. The file
subsystem manages files, allocating file space, controlling access to files and
retrieving data to users. Processes interact with the file subsystem via a set of
system calls such as open, close read, write etc.
The file subsystem accesses file data using a buffering mechanism. This buffering
mechanism controls the data flow between the kernel and secondary storage
Device drivers are the kernel modules that control the operation of peripheral
devices. Block I/O devices are random access storage devices. A tape
driver(example for an I/O device) may allow the kernel to treat a tape unit as a
random access storage device. The file subsystem also interacts directly with
“raw” I/O device drivers without the interventions of a buffering mechanism. Raw
devices, sometimes called character devices, include all devices that are not block
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kernel moves them between main memory and secondary memory so that all
processes get a chance to execute.
The scheduler module allocates the CPU to processes. It schedules them to run
until they voluntarily leave the CPU or until the kernel pre-empts them when their
runtime exceeds a time quantum. The scheduler then chooses the highest priority
process to run. The original process will run again when it is the highest priority
process available.
This section gives an overview of some major kernel data structures and describes
the function of modules.
2.3.1 An overview of the file subsystem Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri, 14 pt,
English (India)
The kernel contains two other data structures- the file table and the user file
descriptor table. There will be only one file table and it contains the information
of all the files in the disk. the user file descriptor table is allocated per process.
When a file is created, it is given a number called file descriptor.
The kernel returns a file descriptor for the open and creat system calls, which is
an index into the user file descriptor table. When executing read and write system
calls, the kernel uses the file descriptor to access the user file descriptor table,
follows pointers to the file table and inode table entries, and, from the inode, Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri, 14 pt
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In the original Unix file system, Unix divided physical disks into logical disks
called partitions. Each partition is a standalone file system. We will use the term
``file system'' when referring to a single partition.
A file system has the following structure Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri, 14 pt
1. The boot block occupies the beginning of a file system and may contain the
bootstrap code that is used to boot the machine. Although only one boot
block is needed to boot the system, every file system has a boot block.
2. The superblock describes the state of the file system- how large it is, how
many files it can store, where to find free space on the file system and
other information.
3. The inode list is a list of inodes that follows the superblock in the file
system. Administrators specify the size of the inode list when configuring a
file system. The kernel references inodes by index into the inode list. One
inode is the root inode of the file system.
4. The data blocks start at the end of the inode list and contain file data and
administrative data.
Boot block Super block Inode list Data blocks
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2.4 Inodes
Each and everything in Linux is accessed by a file. Even block devices like Hard
disks, and CD/DVD's are nothing other than a file. The operating system(Linux)
files inside a file system(be it ext2,ext3 or ext4) are not really accessed by their
name. The file system recognizes a file not by its name but by a number. That
number through which the operating system reaches the location and other
attributes of that file is called as an inode number.
Its a data structure that keeps track of all the information about a file. You store
your information in a file, and the operating system stores the information about
a file in an inode(sometimes called as an inode number). Information about
files(data) are sometimes called metadata. So you can even say it in another way,
"An inode is metadata of the data."
Whenever a user or a program needs access to a file, the operating system first
searches for the exact and unique inode (inode number), in a table called as an
inode table. In fact the program or the user who needs access to a file, reaches
the file with the help of the inode number found from the inode table.
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2.6Assignment 2
2 mark questions
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Chapter 3
The buffer cache
Buffer cache
Reading from a disk is slow compared to reading from disk. It is common to read
the same part of a disk several times during short period of time. By reading the
information from the disk only once and then keeping it in memory until no
longer needed, one can speed up all, but the first read. This is called disk buffering
and the memory used for the purpose is called buffer cache.
Memory array contains data from the disk and buffer header identifies the buffer.
The buffer header contains a device number and block number field. The device
number is used to uniquely identify the partition in which the block resides and
block number is used to identify the block.
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The kernel caches data in the buffer pool according to a least recently used
algorithm. After it allocates a buffer to a disk block, it can not use the buffer for
another block until all other buffers have been used more recently.
The kernel maintains a free list of buffers that preserves the least recently used
order. The free list is a doubly circular linked list of buffers with a dummy buffer
header that marks the beginning and end. Every buffer is put on the free list when
the system is booted. The kernel takes a buffer from the head of the free list
when it wants any free buffer. When the kernel returns a buffer to the buffer
pool, it usually attaches the buffer to the tail of the free list, occasionally to the
head of the free list, but never to the middle. As the kernel removes buffers form
the free list, a buffer with valid data moves closer to the head of the free list.
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When a process requests some data, it asks for the kernel for it. Kernel finds the
data in the buffer, reads the data from it and delivers the data to the process.
If the required data is not present in the buffer, then the kernel asks the hard disk
driver to get the data from the hard disk and puts the process to sleep, the hard
disk driver asks the hard disk controller to get the data from the hard disk. After
getting the data from hard disk, the controller dumps it in a buffer called DMA
buffer. But hard disk driver does not know that work is done. To inform the work
is done, the controller interrupts CPU. At this situation the processor calls the
interrupt service routine (a function related to the hard disk). When interrupt
service routine is executed, hard disk driver will come to know that the work is
done. Hard disk driver informs this to the kernel and the kernel provides the
required data to the process.
The process for writing the contents of a buffer to a disk block is described below.
The kernel informs the disk driver that it has a buffer whose contents should be
written to a disk block. The disk driver schedules the block of data for I/O. If the
write is synchronous, the calling process goes to sleep awaiting I/O completion.
If the write is asynchronous, the process tells the kernel that write is
asynchronous. So the kernel issues a write request to the hard disk driver and
does not care about its completion now and process will continue its work.
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Input: buffer
Output: none
Initiate disk write;
If (I/O synchronous)
Sleep(event I/O complete);
Release buffer;
else if(buffer marked for delayed write)
Mark buffer to put at head of free list;
3.4 Advantages and disadvantages of buffer cache
Since there is single image of disk block in the cache, file integrity problem will not
1. Since the kernel does not write data immediately to the hard disk for a
delayed write, the system may crash. That causes the disk data in an
incorrect state.
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2. When system calls involving file system is invoked, the data from the user
space is copied to the kernel. Thus there exists 2 copies of same data and
there is an overhead involved in creating that extra copy. When large
amount of data is being read or written, this can cause high inefficiency and
reduced performance.
3.5 Assignment 3
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Chapter 4
Internal representation of file
This chapter describes the internal structure of files in the UNIX system. The inode
contains the information necessary for a process to access a file such as file owner
ship, access rights, file size and location o file data in the file system
4.1 Inodes
When a file system is created, data structures that contain information about files
are created. Each file has an inode and is identified an inode number in the file
system where it resides.
The inode contains the information necessary for a process to access a file such as
file ownership, access rights, file size etc.
Ownership is divided between an individual owner and a group owner and defines
a set of users who have access rights to a file. The super user has access rights to
all files in the system.
File type
The system protects files according to 3 classes: owner, group owner and other
users. Each class has access rights to read, write and execute files.
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This gives the time the file was last modified, when it was last accessed and when
the inode was last modified.
Number of links
Number of links to the file, represents the number of names the file has in the
directory hierarchy.
The kernel saves the data in distinguishable disk blocks. The inode identifies the
disk block that contains the file’s data.
File size
Data in a file is addressable by the number of bytes from the beginning of the file
starting from the byte offset 0.
Incore Inode
In memory, a copy of disk inode is present and this copy contains more
information than the disk copy inode. This is called incore inode.
The incore copy of the inode contains the following fields in addition to the fields
of the disk inode
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4. Pointers to another incore inodes: all incore inodes will be in the form of a
linked list. If one incore inode is found, the other can be searched easily.
5. A reference count: this indicates the number of instances of the file that are
Disk inode is a one that represents a file and file contains data. The file will be in
terms of disk blocks and each disk block on a disk is addressable by a number
called disk block number.
Inode contains a table which consists of a set of disk block numbers. If file data
are stored in terms of disk blocks sequentially, there is a risk of fragmentation.
But we can obtain the required data block of a file by just knowing the start block
address and the file size in the inode.
Suppose a user creates 3 files A,B and C each consisting of 10 disk blocks of
storage qnd these 3 files are stored continuously. If the user then wishes to add 5
blocks of data to the middle file B, the kernel would have to copy file B to a place
in the file system that had room for 15 blocks of storage. The disk blocks
previously occupied by the file B’s data would be unusable except for files smaller
than 10 blocks.
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Kernel allocates one block at a time for a file and the data in the file is spread
throughout the file system. In this case the table consisting of block numbers in
the inode is difficult to manage.
To keep the inode structure small and allow large files, the table of contents of
disk blocks are designed as shown in the figure. The system V unix system runs
with 13 entries in the inode table of contents. The block marked “direct” in the
figure contains disk block number that contains actual data. The block marked
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“single indirect” refers to a block that contains a list of direct block number. The
block marked “double indirect” contains a list of single indirect block numbers
and block marked “triple indirect” contains a list of double indirect block numbers
4.3 Directories
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The algorithm namei parses the pathname one component at a time, converting
each component into an inode based on its name and the directory being
searched and eventually returns the inode of the input pathname. Namei uses
intermediate inodes as it parses a pathname, call them working inodes. The inode
where the search starts is the first working inode. During each iteration of the
namei loop, the kernel makes sure that the working inode is indeed that of a
The kernel does a linear search of the directory file associated with the working
inode. For example, suppose a process wants to open a file /lathika/temp. When
the kernel starts parsing the file name, it encounters / and gets the inode of the
root directory /. Kernel makes root as the current working inode, after checking
that the current inode is a directory, the kernel searches root for a file whose
name is lathika. It accesses data in the root directory block by block and searches
each block , one entry at a time until it locates an entry for “lathika”. On finding
the entry, kernel releases the inode for the “root” and allocates inode for
“lathika”. After finding that lathika is a directory, the kernel searches ”lathika”
block by block for a file named “temp”. On finding this, the kernel releases the
inode for “temp” and allocates inode for “temp”. Since the pathname is ended
kernel returns that inode.
4.5 Superblock
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When a process writes data to a file, the kernel must allocate disk blocks from the
file system. The superblock contains a list of free disk blocks in the file system.
The utility program mkfs organizes the data blocks of a file system in a linked list
such that each link of a list is a disk block that contains an array of free disk block
numbers. The first entry in each block is the pointer to the next block.
In the above diagram, the first block is the super block list. When kernel wants to
allocate a block from a file system, it allocates a block from the file system; it
allocates the next available block in the superblock list i.e starting with 100). Once
allocated blocks cannot be reallocated until it becomes free.
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Assume that the kernel started assigning of blocks from the superblock list to a
process , starting from 100th block, next it allocates 103, next 106 then 109. But
109 is the last block. Kernel cannot allocate 109 because it already has data. Still it
allocates block number 109 to a process by copying all the contents of block
number 109 to superblock list, since superblock list is empty. After doing this,
kernel allocates 109 to the process. The kernel does not directly write the data to
the disk block. It writes the data through buffer. i..e kernel creates a buffer for
each data block. If the file system contains no free block, the calling process
receives an error.
If a process writes a lot of data to a file, it repeatedly asks the kernel for blocks to
store the data, but the kernel assigns only one block at a time. The program mkfs
tries to organise the original linked list of free block numbers so that block
numbers related to a file are near to each other. This helps performance, because
it reduces disk seek time and latency when a process reads a file sequentially.
The algorithm free for freeing a block is the reverse of one for allocating a block. If
the superblock list is not full, the block number of the newly freed block is placed
on the superblock list. If the superblock list is full, the newly freed block becomes
a link block. The kernel writes the superblock list into the newly freed block and
writes this block to the disk. It then places the block number of the newly freed
block in the superblock list.
The UNIX system supports two other file types: pipes and special files. A pipe
sometimes called a FIFO, differs from a regular file. Once data is read from a pipe,
it cannot be read again. Also, data is read in the order that it was written to the
The other file type in the UNIX system are special files, including block device
special file s and character device special files. Both type specify devices and
therefore the file inodes do not reference any data.
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4.8 Assignment 4
1) Explain the different fields of incore inode and disk copy inode
2) With a neat diagram, explain the structure of a regular file
3) Write a note on super blocks
4) With a neat diagram explain the allocation of disk blocks
5) Explain the conversion of a path name to an inode.
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Chapter 5
System calls for file system
This chapter deals with system calls for the file system. It starts with system calls
for accessing existing files such as open, read, write, lseek and close, then
presents system calls to create new files namely, creat and mknod and then
examines the system calls that manipulate the inode: chdir, chroot, chown,
chmod, stat and fstat. It investigates more system calls: pipe and dup. Linl and
unlink change the structure of the file system hierarchy, mount and unmount
extend the file system tree visible to users.
5.1 Open
The open system call is the first step a process must take to access the data in a
file. The syntax of the open system call is
Where pathname is the filename, flags indicate the type of open (such as for
reading or writing) and modes gives the file permissions if the file is being
created. The open system call returns an integer called the user file descriptor.
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The kernel searches the file system for the filename parameter using the
algorithm namei. To access a file, kernel needs to know the inode of a file. Every
file has an inode. The copy of the disk inode will be there in the memory and it is
called incore inode. Kernel checks permissions for opening the file after it finds
the incore inode and allocates an entry in the file table for the open file. The file
table entry contains a pointer to the inode of the open file and a filed that
indicate the byte offset in the file, where the kernel expects the next read or write
to begin. The kernel initializes the offset to 0 during the open call, meaning that
the initial read or write start at the beginning of a file by default. A process can
open a file in write append mode, in which case the kernel initializes the offset to
the size of the file. The kernel allocates an entry in a private table called the user
file descriptor table and notes the index of this entry. This index is the file
descriptor that is returned to the user.
Suppose a process executes the following code, opening the file “/etc/passwd”
twice, once for reading and once for write only and the file “local” once for
reading and writing.
Fd1=open(“/etc/passwd”, o_rdonly);
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Fd2=open(“local”, o_rdwr);
The above figure shows the relationship between the inode table, file table and
the user file descriptor tables. Each open call returns a file descriptor to the
process and the corresponding entry in the user file descriptor table points to a
unique entry in the file table, even though the file “/etc/passwd” is opened twice.
The file table entries of all instances of an open file point to one entry in the
incore inode table. The process can read or write the file “/etc/passwd”, but only
through the file descriptors 3 and 5 in the figure.
5.2 Read
The syntax is
Where fd is the file descriptor returned by the open system call. Buffer contains
the address of the data structure that will contain the read data on successful
completion of the call. Count is the number of bytes the user wants to read and
number is the number of bytes actually read. The kernel gets the address of the
file table entry from the user file dcriptor table. It now sets several I/O
parameters in the u area. After setting the I/O parameters in the u area, it follows
the pointers from the file table entry to the inode, locking the inode before it
reads the file.
The kernel converts the byte offset into a block number and it notes the byte
offset in the disk block where I/O should begin and how many bytes in the block it
should read. Then it copies the data from the block into the buffer and then from
the buffer to the target address in the user process. It updates the I/O parameters
in the U area according to the number of bytes it read, incrementing the file byte
offset and the address in the user process where the next data should be
delivered and decrementing the count of bytes it needs to read to satisfy the user
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read request. It the user request is not satisfied, the kernel repeats the entire
cycle, converting the byte offset to a block number, reading the block from disk to
a system buffer, copying data from the buffer to the user process, releasing the
buffer and updating the I/O parameters in the U area.
The cycle completes either when the kernel completely satisfies the user request,
when the file contains no more data or if the kernel encounters an error in
reading the data from disk or copying the data to user space.
5.3 Write
The syntax is
Number=write(fd, buffer,count);
Where meaning of fd, buffer, count and number are the same as they are for read
system call.
If a file does not contain enough blocks to store the data which was written by the
process, the kernel allocates a new block using algorithm alloc. The inode is
locked for the duration of write, because kernel may change the inode when
allocating new blocks. When the write is complete, the kernel updates the file size
entry in the inode if the file has grown larger.
The ordinary use of read and write system calls provide sequential access to a file,
but processes can use the lseek system call to position the I/O and allow random
access to a file. The syntax is
Position=lseek(fd, offset,reference);
Where fd is the file descriptor identifying the file, offset is the byte offset and
reference indicates whether offset should be considered from the beginning of
the file, from the current position of the read/write offset or from the end of the
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file. The return value position is the byte offset where the next read or write will
The creat system call creates a new file in the system. The syntax is
Fd=creat(pathname, modes);
Where fd, pathname and modes mean the same as they do in the open system
call. If no such file previously existed, the kernel creates a new file with the
specified name and permission modes. If the file already existed, the kernel
truncates the file, i.e releases all existing data blocks and sets the file size to zero.
The kernel parses the pathname using the algorithm namei. When it arrives at the
last component of the pathname, namely filename that it will create, namei notes
the position of the first empty directory slot in the directory and saves the offset
in the u area.
If the directory has no empty slot, the kernel remembers the offset of the end of
the directory and creates a new slot there.
Assuming that, no file by the given name previously existed, the kernel assigns an
inode for the new file using the algorithm ialloc. It then writes the new file
component and the inode number of the newly allocated inode in the parent
directory at the byte offset saved in the u area. Afterwards it releases the inode of
the parent directory. The parent directory now contains the name of the new file
and its inode number.
If the given file already existed, before the creat system call, it already has an
inode number. The kernel finds its inode while searching for the filename. The old
file must allow write permission for a process to create a new file by the same
name, because the kernel changes the file contents during the creat system call. It
truncates the file, freeing all the data blocks using the algorithm free, so that the
file looks like a newly created file.
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5.6 Pipes
Pipe() is a system call that facilitates inter process communication. It opens a file,
which is an area of main memory that is treated as a “virtual file”. One process
can write to ths “virtual file” or pipe and another related process can read from it.
If a process tries to read before something is written to the pipe, the process is
suspended until something is written. The syntax for creation of a pipe is
Where fdptr is the pointer to an integer array that will contain the 2 file
descriptors for reading and writing the pipe. Because a pipe does not exists before
its user, the kernel must assign an inode for it on creation. It also allocates a pair
of user file descriptor and corresponding file table entries for the pipe: one file
descriptor for reading from the file and another for writing the pipe.
The kernel assigns an inode for a pipe forma pipe device. A pipe device is just a
file system from which kernel can assign inodes and data blocks for pipes. The
kernel then allocates 2 file table entries for the read and writes descriptors
respectively and updates the information in the incore inode. Each file table entry
records how many instances of the pipe are open for reading and writing. Initially
1 for each table entry and the inode reference count indicates how many time the
pipe was opened. Initially 2, one for each file table entry. Finally, the inode
records byte offsets in the pipe where the next read or write of the pipe will start.
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A physical disk consists of several logical sections called partition. Each partition is
a device in UNIX. Each device has a name, called device file name. A section of a
disk may contain a logical file system (NTFS, FAT etc). The mount system call
connects the file system in a specified partition of a disk to the existing file system
hierarchy. The syntax of mount system call is mount (special pathname, directory
pathname, options);
Where special pathname is the name of the device special file of a disk section
containing the file system to be mounted, directory pathname is the directory in
the existing hierarchy where the file system will be mounted and options indicate
whether the file system should be mounted “read only”.
The kernel attaches the file system contained in the portion of the disk called
/dev/dsk1 to the directory /usr in the existing file system tree. The file /dev/dsk1
is a block special file meaning that it is the name of a block device. After
completion of the mount system call, the root of the mounted file system is
accessed by the name /usr.
The kernel has a mount table with entries for every mounted file system. Each
mount table entry contains
1. A device number that identifies the mounted file system ( in our example,
dsk1 is the device and it has a number called device number. /dev/dsk1 is
the file path where dsk1 is the file name.)
2. A pointer to the buffer containing the file system super block.
3. A pointer to the root inode of the mounted file system(mounted file system
also contains a root and this root has an inode i.e / of the /dev/dsk1)
4. A pointer to the inode of the directory that is the mount point.(usr is the
root file system)
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Before the kernel actually unmounts a file system, it makes sure that no files on
that file system are still in use by searching the inode table for all files whose
device number equals that of the file system being unmounted.
The link system call links(assigns) a file to a new name in the file system directory
structure. The syntax is link(source filename, target filename);
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Where source file name is the name of the existing file and the target file name is
the another name the file will have after the completion of the link call. For
example, after executing the system calls,
Link(“/usr/src/uts/sys”, “/usr/include/sys”);
Link(“/usr/include/realfile.h”, “/usr/src/uts/sys/testfile.h”);
The kernel allows only a super user to link directories. Link system call gives
another file name to the previous one. The kernel first locates the inode for the
source file using algorithm namei, increments its link count, updates the disk copy
of the inode and unlocks the inode, it then searches for the target file. If the file is
present, the link call fails and the kernel decrements the link count incremented
earlier. Otherwise it notes the location of an empty slot in the parent directory of
the target file, writes the target file name and the source file inode number into
that slot and releases the inode of the target file’s parent directory. The link count
of the source file inode is greater that it was at the beginning of the call. For
example, when executing
Link(“temp”, “dir/temp1”);
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The kernel locates the inode for the file temp, increments its link count,
remembers its inode number say 74. It locates the inode of dir, the parent
directory of temp1, finds the empty directory slot in dir and writes the file name
temp1 and the inode number 74 into the empty directory slot. Finally it releases
the inode for temp. If the link count of temp had been 1, it is now 2.
5.10 Unlink
The unlink system call removes a directory entry for a file. The syntax is
unlink(pathname); where pathname identifies the name of the file to be unlinked
from the directory hierarchy. If a process unlinks a given file, no file is accessible
by that name until another directory entry with that name is created. For example
Fd=open(“myfile”, “o_rdonly);
The open system call should fail, because the current directory no longer contains
a file called myfile.
The kernel first uses a variation of algorithm namei to find the file that is to be
unlinked. It accesses the incore inode of the file to be unlinked using algorithm
iget. After checking error conditions and other parameters, the kernel clears the
filename from the parent directory. This is done by writing a 0 for the value of the
inode number in the directory entry.
5.11 Assignment 5
1) Write a note on read() system call
2) Write a note on write system call
3) What are pipes? Name 2 types of pipes.
4) What is a mount system call? Explain
5) What is a link system call? Explain.
6) Explain creat system call
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Chapter 6
The I/O subsystem
The I/O subsystem is a component of the OS and all the device drivers are
managed by the I/O subsystem. The I/O subsystem allows a process to
communicate with peripheral devices such as disks, tape drives, terminals,
printers and networks and kernel modules that control devices known as device
drivers. Device driver is the software that talk to the devices. Systems may
contain one disk driver to control all drives, one terminal driver to control all
terminals and one tape driver to control all tape drives. Two brands of tape drives
may treat the devices as 2 different device types and have 2 separate drivers.
The Unix system contains 2 types of devices, block devices and character devices.
Block devices such as disks and tapes look like random access storage devices to
the system. Character devices include a;; other devices such as terminals and
network media.
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1. Administrators can hardcode configuration data into files that are compiled
and linked when building the kernel code.
2. Administrators can supply configuration information after the system is
already running.
3. Finally, self identifying devices permit the kernel to recognize which devices
are installed.
The kernel to driver interface is described by the block device switch table and the
character device switch table. Each device type has entries in the table that direct
the kernel to the appropriate driver interface for the system calls. The open and
close system calls of a device file funnel through the two device switch tables ,
according to the file type. The mount and unmount system calls also invoke the
device open and close procedures for block devices. Read, write and ioctl system
calls of character special file pass through the respective procedures in the
character device switch table. Read and write system calls of block devices and
files on mounted file systems invoke the algorithms of the buffer cache.
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Disk units in Unix systems are configured into sections (partitions) that contain
individual file systems. For example, a disk contains 4 file system; an
administrator may leave one unmounted, mount another “read only” and mount
the last two “read write”. Even though all file system exists on one physical unit
users can not access files in the unmounted file system, nor can any users write
files in the read only file system.
The disk driver translates a file system address consisting of a logical device
number and block number to a particular sector on disk.
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The file system treats a partition as a set of blocks. It assigns an address to each
block which is relative to the partition itself. To read and write from the hard disk,
we need to specify an address on the hard disk. So we should translate a given
block number on a particular partition to the absolute address in the hard disk.
This can be done by using the device no. of the partition and the given file system
block number.
The sizes and lengths of disk sections have been fixed according to the disk type.
For instance the DEC RP07 disk is partitioned into sections as shown below.
0 0 64000
1 64000 944000
2 168000 840000
3 36000 672000
4 5040000 504000
5 672000 336000
6 840000 168000
7 0 1008000
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Assume that the size of the logical file system block is same as that of a disk block.
If the kernel attempts to access block 940 in the file system contained in
/dev/dsk3, the disk drive converts the request to access block 336940
The sizes of disk sections vary and administrators configure the file systems in
sections of appropriate size. Large file systems go into large sections and so on.
Sections may overlap on disk. For example, sections 0 and 1 in the RP07 disk are
disjoint but together they cover the entire disk. Section 7 also covers the entire
disk. The overlap of sections does not matter, provided that the file system
contained in the sections are configured such that they do not overlap.
The use of fixed section restricts the flexibility of disk configuration. The
information of disk partitions should not be put into disk drivers. It should be
places in a particular table because, if we place those information in the driver,
we ca not change the partition size etc.
These drivers are used to control transmission of data to and from terminals.
Terminals are user interfaces to the system. To accommodate interactive use of
Unix system, terminal drivers contain an internal interface to the line discipline
modules, which interpret input and output. In canonical mode, the line discipline
converts new data sequences typed at the keyboard to a canonical form (what
the user really meant) before sending the data to a receiving process. The line
discipline also converts raw output sequences written by a process to a format
that the user expects.
In raw mode, the line discipline passes data between processes and the terminal
without such conversion.
For example, if programmers typed some incorrect spellings and these can be
erased using the erase key. i.e the user can erase the mistakes and enter
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corrections. The terminal sends the entire sequence to the machine including
erased characters. In canonical mode, the line discipline buffers the data into lines
and processes erase characters internally before sending to the reading process.
6.4 Streams
Character device drivers have the above mentioned mechanism in its operation. It
is not necessary for all character device drivers to implement this mechanism.
Even the kernel uses this scheme, if a character device uses it. If not, the kernel
communicates with the character devices using previously mentioned
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mechanisms involving the switch table with variable function pointers( such as
open, close etc)
For the first open of a stream driver, the kernel allocates 2 pars of queue, one for
the stream head and another for the driver.
When a character device special file is opened, the kernel allocates 2 pairs of
queues, one for the stream head (means head of the queue) and another for the
driver. The inode of the character device special file contains a pointer to the
stream head. When data is written to the device file, kernel sends it to the stream
head, which passes the data the lower level layers and ultimately data reaches
the driver.
6.5 Assignment 6
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Chapter 7
Interprocess communication
The UNIX system provides a form of IPC fro tracing processes useful for
debugging. A debugger process forks a child to be traced and controls its
execution with the ptrace() system call, setting and clearing breaks and reading
and writing data in its virtual address space.
The debugger forks a child process which invokes the ptrace() system call and
now execs the program to be traced. When a debugger forks, there are 2
debuggers- parent debugger and a child debugger. Now child debugger calls the
ptrace() system call and informs the kernel that it has taken birth for tracing a
program. Now it execs the program to be traced ( i.e it exec(a.out), suppose a.out
is a program to be traced). At this point the memory space of the child debugger
will be replaced by a.out
The ptrace() system call is used to debug a program. The syntax of the ptrace()
system call is
ptrace() is used to issue a command cmd to the process whose process id id pid.
The command can be for reading or writing data, resuming execution and so on.
Pid is the process id of the traced process. Addr is the address of the memory
location to read or write data. Data is an integer value to be written.
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The UNIX system V IPC package consists of 3 mechanisms. They are shared
memory, message queues and semaphores. These 3 mechanisms share common
properties. They are
7.2.1 Messages: there are 4 system calls to send a message from one process
to another. They are msgget(), msgsnd(), msgctl(), msgrcv().
1. Msgget() this returns the already existed message queue or creates a new
one and returns the id of the newly created message queue.
where msgqid is the id of a message queue returned by the msgget() system call.
Msg is a pointer to a character array, count gives the size of the character array
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and flag specifies the action the kernel should take if it runs out of internal buffer
where id is the message descriptor, msg is the address of the structure to contain
received message, maxcount indicates that process is ready to accept maximum
of maxcount data. Type is the message type the user wants to read and flag
specifies what kernel does if no messages are on the queue.
4. Msgctl() this is used to control the message queue. Using this system call,
the kernel issues command to the message queue.
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3. shmdt(): this detaches a shared memory region from the process. The
syntax is shmdt(addr);
7.2.3 Semaphores
7.3 Sockets
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communicate to the server process over another socket, the other end point of
the communication path, which may be on another machine.
The 4.2 BSD system supports the UNIX system domain for communicating on one
machine and the Internet domain for process communicating across a network.
Each socket has a type- a stream socket or datagram. The stream socket allows
sequeneced reliable delivery of data . Datagram do not guarantee sequenced,
reliable delivery. But they are less expensive than stream sockets. The TCP
provides stream socket service and user datagram protocol provides datagram
service in the Internet domain. The socket mechanism consists of several system
The socket system call establishes the end point of a communication link. The
syntax is
The bind system call associates a name with the socket descriptor. The syntax is
Sd is the socket descriptor and the address points to a structure that specifies an
identifier specific to the communications domain and protocol indicates a
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The connect system call requests that the kernel make a connection to an existing
socket. The syntax is
Sd is the socket descriptor, address is the address of target socket that will form
the other end of communications line. Both sockets must use the same
communications domain and protocol. If the type of the socket is a datagram, the
connect call inform the kernel of the address to be used on subsequent send calls
over the socket.
When a server process arranges to accept connections over a virtual circuit, the
kernel must queue incoming requests until it can service them. The listen system
call specifies the maximum queue length
Listen(sd, qlength);
The accept system call receives incoming requests for a connection to a server
process. Syntax is
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Where sd is the socket dercriptor, address points to a user data array that the
kernel fills with the return address of the connecting client, and addrlen indicates
the size of the user array. Accept returns a new socket descriptor nsd, different
from the socket descriptor sd.
The send and recv system calls transmit data over a connected socket
Where sd is the socket descriptor, mwsg is a pointer to the data being sent, length
is its length, and count is the number of bytes actually sent. The flags parameter
may be set to the value SOF_OOB to send data “out-of-band” meaning that data
being sent is not considered part of the regular sequence of data exchange
between the communicating process.
Where mode indicates whether the sending side, the receiving side or both sides
no longer allow transmission.
7.4 Assignment 7
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Chapter 8
An Introduction to LINUX
Linux has features that are comparable or better than other proprietary operating
systems. With the availability of several advanced applications based on Linux, the
use of this operating system has increased. More and more applications are being
deployed in Linux platform in this era of burgeoning IT growth. Stability, support,
increased availability of skills and resource pools, and the application maturity,
along with lower cost of ownership make this operating system acceptable in an
increased level in different sectors.
Several types of operating systems have evolved through the past several years.
Some of the classifications of operating systems are real time operating systems,
server operating systems, single user operating systems, multi user operating
systems and so on. Operating systems are now used also in mobile phones, PDAs
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(Personal Digital Assistants), music players, game consoles, digital cameras and
several other gadgets. In these devices operating system software are embedded
in the hardware. Unix, Windows, Solaris, Mac are some of the operating systems
currently available for desktop systems. Linux is an operating system used in a
variety of hardware platforms.
Open source, freeware and free software are now available for anyone and for
any use. The demands of consumers as well as enterprises are ever increasing
with the increase of IT usage, it is quite natural that a single solution provider
cannot produce all the needed solution, due to this, IT environment of today have
different solutions from different vendors.
Freeware and free software are different from each other. Freeware software is a
type of software that is available free of cost and these can be easily distributed
without any restrictions. There are no license agreements for freeware software.
The definition of free software is given by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). But
in free software, the meaning of the word free is different and it does not mean
that the software is available at zero cost.
• Free software user is provided with the complete freedom to run the
software for any purpose,
• freedom to study the working of the software,
• freedom for adapting the software to different needs,
• freedom to redistribute copies,
• freedom to improve the software and for releasing improved versions of
the software.
To improve the software and to adapt it to different needs, the source code of the
free software must be easily available. Any software can be treated as free
software, if the users are provided with all the above freedoms.
In the initial period all the software was available as free software. Earlier
computer users were scientists and developers, and they did not consider the
software as a business asset. So there were no restrictions in copying the
software or modifying it. But the main difficulty was the lack of standardization
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With the activities of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU project, several
types of free software were made available. The GNU text editor Emacs and the
GNU C compiler GCC were the very successful initial software. Two other notable
developments were the, Berkley Software Distribution (BSD), which is a
reimplementation of the Unix operating system and the X Window system, a free,
network transparent graphical computing environment. The work progressed and
by the year 1990 many of the components of a free operating system named GNU
operating system, except the kernel, were developed. Development of the
kernel—called as Hurd——was found to be very difficult. In 1992 Linux kernel was
made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). GNU operating
system used the Linux kernel and developed a complete operating system and in
this way the free operating system GNU-Linux was created.
Open source software means that the source code of the software is openly
available. This is contrary to proprietary software, where the source code is kept
secret. Open source software license provides certain license to end users. This
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license provides the right to access the source code of the software, make copies
of the software and distribute it and make improvement to the software. So
anyone can distribute or sell the software. Also anybody can modify the software
to suit his needs, and can provide support to users for the software. Open source
software is developed collectively and hence these are transparent due to which
bug fixing is easy. These types of software are continuously modified and
improved by adding new features and facilities. As a result, these types of
software also have a better quality
Parallel software development and debugging are other notable features of open
source software development process. Linux happens to be the first name that
comes to people when speaking about free and open source software. But Linux
is not the only software that is available in this category. Gedit is a lightweight
free text editor and can be found in many Linux distributions, BSD and Unix
systems. This editor software supports most standard editing features and has a
powerful plug-in system for adding new features. For graphic based applications,
one of the most commonly used applications is Gimp. Several image
manipulations can be done using this software. Gimp is free and is available in
different versions for different operating systems.
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This is an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many
areas on most platforms. Apache web server is an open source software that has
emerged as the most popular web server.
DOS was the once dominated computer operating system. But the source code of
DOS was not made available by the developers of the operating system. Along
with DOS, another operating system available was Unix. Unix was developed in
1969 and was developed using C programming language. Unix was different from
other operating systems available at that time and Unix offered several
advantages. Unix made it possible for different software to work on any
hardware. Unix could work on a wide range of machines irrespective of the
architecture or configuration. Another feature of Unix operating system was the
ability for networking. This ability helped computers to interconnect themselves
as well as to connect to the Internet. Due to these added features several
derivatives of this operating system such as Sun OS Solaris, BSD (Berkely Software
Distribution) and so on were soon developed. BSD was released as free and open
source software and the license allowed the use of the operating system for any
commercial purpose.
The increased price of Unix and the difficult user interfaces kept Unix away from
users. Efforts to develop a low cost operating system progressed and this led to
the development of Minix. Andrew S Tanenbaum, a Dutch Professor, wrote this
operating system to teach the students about the inner working of operating
systems and the source code was freely distributed. Minix was developed for
educational use and was released under BSD license. This operating system was
written in C programming language and assembly language. Thus, for the first
time, the code for an operating system was made available. Along with Minix,
another operating system released was GNU (Gnu’s Not Linux). Both these
operating systems were similar to Unix but used no code from Unix. This was the
time when developers were actively involved in discussions related to the
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Actually this was the initial version of the kernel used for the development of
Linux operating system. With some modification, based on the discussions at
newsgroups, an initial version of Linux 0.01 was released in mid September and
was put on the Net. This was the beginning of the evolution of Linux operating
system. Depending on user requirements new versions of Linux operating system
were released from time to time. The main difficulty with the different versions is
that these versions provided support for only a limited number of hardware
components, such as hard disks, keyboards or monitor types. Soon, the different
versions were made available through different ftp sites. The efforts made by
several developers led to the release of Linux for actual use in computers.
Linus Trovalds later came to be known as the father of Linux operating system. He
adopted the penguin nicknamed as Tux as the Linux mascot (see Figure 1.2).
Later, Linux community adopted Tux as the mascot of Linux kernel and majority of
people associate Linux with Tux. Tux can be seen in Linux related websites and
along with Linux products and applications. Soon Linux was included under GNU
General Public License (GPL) making the source code freely available for copying,
studying as well as for editing purposes. GNU operating system used this Linux
kernel to develop a complete operating system and thus the free operating
system GNU/ Linux was formed.
After this, several commercial vendors entered the scene for developing
advanced operating systems. With the introduction of graphical interfaces such as
KDE and X-Window, the popularity of Linux operating system also increased. Red
Hat and Debian were the first two vendors who entered the scene for distributing
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• Several processes and threads can be created cheaply and easily using the
Linux kernel.
• Also the kernel helps to share different files, memory and processes.
Communication between processes and applications are also done
efficiently by the kernel.
• A complete implementation of networking protocols such as TCP, IP, UDP,
NetBEUI and so on are included with the kernel.
• Linux kernel supports several new networking devices and offers several
networking functions.
• Firewalls, packet filters and the like have become common components of
Linux kernels. These features help the easy integration of new as well as old
components in networks.
• Protocols for messaging, mail operations as well as other common Internet
services were included from earlier versions of Linux.
• Availability of documentation is another feature of Linux kernel. Detailed
documentation files provide necessary support for running the operating
Linux operating system is based on Unix and its several features are adapted from
Unix. Linux is compatible with the new popular industry trends such as
virtualization and cloud computing. Several popular applications including BI,
CRM, ERP, database and middleware are now deployed in Linux platform. Linux
has emerged as a low cost alternative for different uses. Different features of
Linux operating system can be explained under different groups as follows:
Linux versions are available as free distributions and can be downloaded free
from the Internet. Paid distributions of Linux are available at reduced prices. Linux
is available under General Public License (GPL), which requires free distribution of
the source code. All patches and updates are also available under this license. This
license provides freedom to copy and modify the software without any
restrictions. Also the modified versions are distributed under the same license as
the original one. Besides these advantages, several applications working in Linux
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operating system are available either as free or under GPL. Such Linux
applications can be downloaded from different Internet sites. Updates of several
applications can also be downloaded and can be used free.
Linux operating system is fast and so it can manage different resources efficiently
and effectively. One reason for the increased speed is the low memory
requirement due to its modular architecture. Linux has the ability to add new
modules as and when required and to release the resources after the use. The
backup option provided by several Linux distributions offers facilities for simple
backing up in an easy manner. By setting different options, the system backup can
be set to take place automatically in different styles such as daily backup, weekly
backup, incremental backup, full backup and so on.
Graphical interfaces in Linux offers several facilities for ease of use. A number of
graphical interfaces, each having a different layout, can be chosen by the user for
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installation. To make the interface more attractive, options are available for
customization. For quick access, applications can be placed as shortcuts in the
desktop or can be added to the panel. Drag and drop functionality, point and click
facility are some of the features of graphic user interfaces. Forward and backward
buttons help to navigate through forward and backward windows at ease. Using
the single click option, files and folders can be opened by single clicking of the
mouse. Different operations including the complex tasks of system administration
can be done using a number of mouse clicks, when using graphic interfaces. Linux
installs most of the necessary drivers during the time of its initialization and hence
new devices can be added easily. So restarting of the computer after installing
device drivers is not necessary.
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Linux is a true multi user and multi tasking operating system. Unix operating
system from which Linux was developed is a multi tasking and multi user
operating system. This ability helps several users to work simultaneously as well
as to perform several tasks at the same time, so also, when using Linux operating
Several applications available for Linux operating system help in the running of
audio, video as well as other multimedia files. Support for CD, DVD and other
media help to play high quality digital audio and video files in Linux. Support for
TV and radio tuner cards help to watch television shows as well as to hear radio
broadcasts. Now several games are installed by default, while installing Linux
operating system. These games make Linux more entertaining. Availability of
several educational applications suited to students of different groups as well as
different standards is another feature of Linux.
Help option can be seen included with several Linux versions. Exhaustive manual
pages are provided with several new releases. These manual pages are divided
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into different sections for ease of use. The typical Help window shown in Figure
1.3 provides an idea of the help facility in manual forms available in different
Linux versions.
Help for different applications are also available by clicking the Help menu
available in the menu bar of different Linux applications. Clicking the menu
displays a window showing the list of headings available. Clicking the heading
opens the linked file having the necessary explanations for the selected item.
Also, majority of Linux applications are provided with an instant pop up help tip
window when the cursor is placed above buttons or icons. Another form of help
available in Linux operating system is the presence of several HOWTO files. These
files are available for almost all topics and these files are stored in compressed
forms. Extracting the compressed files to a folder makes the files readable.
The figure below shows a set of such help files available with a Linux distribution.
Apart from the built-in help option, commercial support is also offered by several
vendors as well as support enterprises. Different Linux distributors provide
commercial support to Linux in different ways such as network support (software
and updates), basic support (24x7 global bases) and premier support (life time).
To provide speedy support, some Linux distributors invite users to register their
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machines online. Help is also available from several websites. Besides these
options, support to Linux is also provided by several Linux User Groups spread in
different regions. These Linux user groups are known in short as LUGs. Help can
also be obtained from developers spread around the world through discussions or
by e-mails. Support for community driven Linux is available from the members of
the community.
Linux was first made available under the GNU General Public License and this
operating system was distributed along with the source code. Several
communities modified the source code for different needs. This led to the release
of different Linux versions. Different versions of Linux are known in general as
Linux distributions or Linux distros, in short. Distribution is a specific edition of
Linux. Distribution is made up of the Linux kernel, windows management system,
desktop environment and a set of software.
Basically Linux distributions are available in two types. One is the paid type and
the other is the free distribution type. Paid type distribution is also known as
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commercial distribution while the free type is known as community version. For
mission critical applications paid Linux distributions are preferred. Some vendors
release the commercial version along with the community version. Red Hat Linux
and Novell’s SUSE Linux are examples of commercial distributions. Debian and
Fedora are examples of free Linux distributions. CentOS is an example of a
community compiled enterprise Linux distribution. Red Hat Linux and Fedora are
released by the same vendor with different terms and conditions. Open SUSE and
commercial SUSE are the two different types of Linux released by the same
vendor. Releasing the same software with different sets of terms and conditions is
called dual licensing. Depending on the nature of application, -Linux distributions
are mainly divided into two versions namely desktop version and server version.
This operating system is mainly used for operations like web hosting, software
development, device embedding and so on. With the addition of increased
technical features such as virtualization, real time computing and the like more
and more applications are now deployed in Linux. For developing mobile
applications also, Linux is widely used. To satisfy the variety of requirements,
Linux is available in different platforms such as desktops, servers, mainframes,
mobile systems and so on. It provides support for new devices and new hardware
easily. Software development in Linux platform is done using languages such as
C++, Java, Perl, Python, and so on. Now websites are developed using LAMP
(Linux, Apache, MYSQL and Python) in Linux platform and hence the requirement
of LAMP professionals is high. Developing device drivers for devices and new
peripheral devices is another area of opportunity for Linux professionals.
8.9 Assignment 8
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Chapter 9
Linux Distribution and installation
Different Linux distributions are evolved one after the other and are derived from
the same kernel. Depending on the type of installation files of the distribution,
Linux distributions are divided into two groups namely rpm based distributions
and deb (Debian) based distributions. Red Hat Linux and its derivatives are
classified as rpm based distributions. Some of the distributions that can be
included under this group are Fedora, Mandriva, CentOS, SUSE and the like.
Debian distributions and their derivatives namely Ubuntu, Knoppix, Damn Small
Linux, Linux Mint belong to the second group. The working of the system as well
as the arrangement of files for both types of distributions is identical.
Red Hat Linux operating system is the Linux version distributed by Red Hat. This is
available as desktop and server versions. This operating system can work in
different types of computers such as desktops, servers as well as in computers
having different architectures and processors. Fedora Linux is an operating system
developed under Fedora project sponsored by Red Hat. This is a robust and
matured operating system. The installer of Fedora Linux is known as Anaconda.
New versions are released with added features. New release of this distribution
comes with different desktop environments namely GNOME, KDE, LXDE and so
SUSE Linux is a commercial Linux version and is very secure. Free version of this
distribution is known as OpenSUSE Linux. This is a common and popular operating
system and is rpm based.
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Ubuntu operating system has two versions—the desktop version and the server
version. This operating system is derived from Debian Linux. Ubuntu is an African
word and it means humanity to others. Two types of graphic user interfaces
namely GNOME and KDE are available for Ubuntu. The version in which K desktop
environment is used is known as Kubuntu.
Kubuntu is also an African word and it means towards humanity. Knoppix Linux is
one of the first distributions that came with a live CD distribution. Live CD can
boot from itself and operate through RAM. This is one of the most popular Linux
distributions. This is a deb based operating system. Damn Small Linux is a small
Linux distribution having a small size of just 50 MB. The distribution is freely
available and the latest version can be downloaded from the web. This
distribution can also run from a CD and from within the Windows operating
system. Firefox web browser is available in this distribution. Other applications
available in DS Linux are Sylpheed—the e-mail program similar to Outlook Express
in the Windows platform, XMMS (X Multimedia System)—cross platform
multimedia player, text editors such as Beaver and Vim, graphics application
Xpaint. Office productivity tools such as PDF viewer, calculator, calendar, and
dictionary and so on are also available.
9.2 Assignment 9
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Chapter 10
Linux Desktop Environment
The X Window System is a simple and complete system used for building graphical
user interfaces on most operating systems. X window system provides the basic
framework for building the GUI environments such as drawing and moving
windows, interacting with the mouse and keyboard and so on. Several user
interfaces are created based on this environment for different client programs.
Now several different graphical interfaces such as GNOME, KDE and so on for
Linux environment have become popular. Moblin environment designed for
mobile desktop platforms is also common now. X window system was originated
in 1984 and it was designed for working in network connections. Unix based
systems use the X window system for graphic purposes. The X window system is
based on client—server architecture and this architecture has become popular.
The earlier graphical interfaces used for Unix systems were neither powerful nor
user friendly. When Linux was released with open source code, a number of
graphical interfaces were developed. X window and Motif were the two initial
graphical interfaces used for Linux systems. Major abilities of the currently used
graphical interfaces were absent in these earlier systems, which lacked features
such as drag and drop support, networking facility, content wise help etc. Efforts
were taken by developers to create a content rich and user friendly graphical
interface for Linux. This necessity led to the formation of K desktop environment
foundation or KDE foundation. Efforts by this foundation led to the development
of a free software. This software system came to be known as KDE.
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Applications designed for GNOME run on KDE and vice-versa. The difference lies
in the layout and arrangement of the different components. KDE and GNOME can
be seen not only in Linux but in almost all Unix based operating systems such as
OpenBSD, Tru64, AIX, Solaris and so on. The initial versions of KDE and GNOME
were modified several times and new versions were released. Each version came
out with new features and added applications. In course of time some other
graphic interface systems for Linux such as XFCE (X Forms Common Environment),
XPDE (XP Desktop Environment) were also developed. At present, GNOME and
KDE are the two widely used graphic interfaces for Linux desktops.
The basic graphical Linux environment is made up of the desktop, icons, menus
and windows. Desktop is the name given to the overall working area and is an
active component of using computers. in the Linux working environment,
different applications, tools, files and other items are arranged systematically on
the desktop. Desktop helps to move items and organize different activities. It is
possible for users to place frequently used files and folders on the desktop for
easy access. Desktop can also be used for opening programs, copying files,
connecting to the Internet, using the Internet service, playing games and so on.
Icons are the small figures or symbols displayed on the desktop. Usually icons
have their names displayed below them. Icons can represent anything such as a
document, application or folder. Different shortcuts can be placed as icons on the
desktop for quick access. By default several icons are displayed on the desktop.
Menus are the set of elements displayed, from which the user can select the
required element. The elements in the menu list are displayed when the menu
element at the top of the list is clicked. Basically, menus are of different types and
are known in different names such as pop-up menu or drop-down menu. Pop-up
menu is the menu that pops up on the screen when some events take place. The
menu that is displayed when the mouse button is right clicked anywhere on the
desktop is the pop-up menu. Some pop-up menus appear anywhere on the
screen, whereas some others are displayed only in specific places on the screen.
Drop-down menus appear as arranged in a hierarchical order.
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Another essential part of the Linux graphical desktop environment is the window.
Window is a rectangular area having borders on all its four sides. Windows are the
activity areas of the application or documents. Different Linux applications run in
windows. Windows in which applications run are the application windows and
those windows in which documents are opened are the document windows.
Another type of window, called dialog window appears on the request of
application window. The job of dialog windows is to give alert to problems, ask for
confirmation of action, or request input. Some dialogs do not allow interacting
with the main application window until the dialogs are closed. These windows are
called modal dialogs. Windows that can be left open while working with the main
application window are called transient dialog windows. Windows have a title bar
which displays the name of the document that is opened or the application that is
working. In the case of application window, the name of the application is
displayed along with the name of the file in the title bar. Usually in almost all
windows, four buttons can be seen in the title bar. The button on the left extreme
is the Window Menu Control button. Clicking this buttons opens up a number of
options. On the right extreme three buttons are visible. These buttons are used to
minimize, maximize and close the window. Minimize button is indicated by a thick
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A menu is displayed in the menu bar appearing below the title bar. Selection of
menu items can be made either with the help of mouse or using the keyboard by
pressing the ALT key along with the underlined letter in the menu name. Clicking
each item in the menu bar opens a set of elements as a drop down list. A dimmed
or greyed element means that the particular option is not available at the current
time. Three dots, commonly called as ellipses, displayed along with the element
indicate that additional information is needed to execute the action when the
element is selected. Usually a dialog box appears when such elements are
selected and further information is to be given to the dialog box. A triangle
appearing to the right of the element indicates that there are additional sub
choices associated with the element. Key combinations displayed on the right side
of each element indicate the list of shortcut keys that can be used with the
keyboard instead of using the mouse. In certain menu elements, by using check
mark indicators to the left of the menu element helps in selecting or de-selecting
the element. Help option is commonly available in the menu bar in almost all
Toolbar is the bar appearing under the menubar. It contains buttons for the most
commonly used commands. Clicking the button executes the command.
Status bar lies at the bottom of the window and this bar provides information
about the current state of viewing.
Scroll bars and scroll buttons appear on the right and bottom borders of the
window, above the status bar, when there is too much of information to be
displayed within the opened window. Scroll bars are the small bars which enable
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the user to view the entire contents in the window by dragging it. Vertical as well
as horizontal scroll bars help to move the contents either in the vertical or
horizontal directions. Linux allows the opening of more than one window at a
time. Opening several windows at the same time makes each window to appear
one above the other. But only one window can be active at a time. The active
window is the window lying at the top of all other windows. Active window is
indicated by a colored title bar, distinct from the title bar of other windows.
Now we will discuss the details of the two common Linux desktop environments
GNOME is the most popular and widely used Linux graphical desktop
environment. The different components of the GNOME desktop startup screen
are shown in the figure below.
The default start-up screen of GNOME is made up of panels and several icons.
GNOME desktop area has top and bottom panels as its boundaries and by default,
these two panels appear in the GNOME desktop. Panel is a rectangular area in the
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GNOME desktop and the panels provide access to certain actions and
information. Different applets are visible in panels. Applet is a small application
whose user interface resides within a panel. Another object appearing on the
panel is the launcher. Launchers perform specific actions when activated.
Launchers are used to start applications, execute commands or open folders. The
top panel holds the main menu. By default, date and time indicators, system
sound indicator, volume indicator, network enable indicator appear on the top
panel and launcher will be seen at the bottom panel.
In Linux, every user has a Home folder created while adding the user. The Home
folder is placed on the desktop and this Home folder is intended to store all the
files of the user. Home folder is displayed on the desktop using a special icon.
Special icons for some other purposes are also available in the Linux desktop. The
icon Computer available on the desktop gives access to the entire file system,
different drives and other removable media. Trash is a special folder in which
deleted objects like files and folders are stored. When a file is deleted, it is not
permanently removed from the computer memory, but it is moved to Trash
folder. If required, such deleted objects available in Trash folder can be restored.
Deleting from Trash folder makes the objects permanently removed from
computer memory. When a removable media such as CD, flash drive or devices
containing files like music player is inserted in the drive, an icon representing the
device will appear on the desktop. A file manager application always runs behind
in GNOME. The file manager used by several Linux distributions is Nautilus File
Manager. To open a new Nautilus window, double-click on an appropriate icon on
the desktop, or choose an item from Places menu on the top panel.
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windows in each workspace. The applications in each workspace will remain there
even when switched to other workspaces. By default, four workspaces are
available. More workspaces can be created by right clicking on the centre of the
workspace and selecting the Preferences option from the pop-up window. This
step opens the workspace switcher preferences window, and proceeding further
through different options, additional workspaces can be created. Switching
between workspaces is done by clicking the switcher applets available at the
bottom panel.
The main point of access to GNOME is through the panel menu bar. The basic
menu items appearing in the menu bar are Applications, Places and Desktop and
these appear as shown in the above figure.
In certain new Linux versions, the menu bar has the items Applications, Places and
System. Clicking each of the items opens up a number of elements in the form of
a drop-down list. Select Applications in the menu bar to launch applications,
Places to open locations in the computer or in the network, and System for
customizing the system environment. Clicking the menu Applications opens a list
of elements as shown in the figure below.
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The elements are actually group names and each group holds several installed
applications. An application is a type of computer program that allows performing
a particular task. Applications are used to create text documents such as letters or
reports, to work with spreadsheets, to listen to music, to browse the Internet,
create, edit, or view images, audio and video files and so on. For each of these
tasks different applications are available. The different applications are grouped
based on their use. The groups commonly available in several Linux distributions
are Accessories, Games, Graphics, Internet, Office, Sound & Video, System Tools
and so on. Applications for audio and video operations are stored under Sound &
Video group. Office group has applications for doing office operations such as
word processing, spreadsheet operation, database maintenance, presentation
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work etc. Applications for Internet related tasks such as web browsing, mail
checking, chatting and social networking can be seen under Internet group.
Photo, image and picture editing and manipulating applications are available
under Graphics group. Games group has several game applications. Applications
that are not included in any of these groups are installed in Accessories group. In
some distributions additional groups can be seen in the list. When the mouse
passes over the group name, a window is opened on the right side and the list of
installed applications under the selected group are displayed. User can launch the
application by clicking on the required application. Launching the application
opens the selected application in a new window.
Places are classified into a number of groups as shown in the figure below.
Users can move to Home folder, Desktop folder and other folders created for the
user. While adding a new user, the system creates different folders for the user.
These different folders are named documents, music, pictures and videos and the
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folders are meant for storing the different files of the user, classified under their
types. A user can freely move through the folders created for the user. Users
other than the administrator user have only limited power and a free navigation is
not allowed through all the folders in the system. Clicking the element Computer
in the list opens the file manager window and displays the drive and file
arrangement in the computer. Administrator user can navigate through the
different folders and files displayed. In a similar way moving through computers in
the network is also possible. Writing files to CD or DVD is possible by launching
the application CD-DVD Creator from the list. Searching for files and displaying the
list of recent documents are also done by selecting the options from this list. If the
recent documents list is empty, this option will remain unavailable for selection.
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Using the first option in the list it is possible to set different preferences.
Administration option has applications for performing several system
administration jobs. The other options in the list include getting GNOME help and
Support and a short description about the distribution. Proper shutting down of
the system is essential after a session. Quit option of this list provides the facility
for proper shutting down of the system.
Several customization options are available for GNOME desktops and the options
differ with distributions. The different customization options are available for
themes, usage of colors, icon sets and animations.
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Any item from the list can be selected by clicking on the item. When the item is
selected, the Add button gets activated. When clicking the Add button, the
selected application is added to the top panel and the icon appears on the top
panel. Items not available in the list can also be added to the panel. For this,
select the item Custom Application Launcher from the list and proceed to add
new items to the list and then to the panel. After adding items to the panel, click
the Close button to close the window. Working in a similar way, application
launchers, buttons, menus and so on can be added to the panel
To remove items from the panel, right click on the item. From the options
displayed on the pop-up window, select the option Remove From Panel. Besides
adding items, drawers can also be added to panels. Drawers are extensions to
panels and these enable the storage of different objects in a drawer, as in the
case of drawers in tables. It is possible to add, move, and remove objects from
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drawers in the same way as is done to add, move, and remove objects from
panels. Selecting New Panel from the list in the pop-up window adds a new panel.
Thus more panels can be added to all the four sides of the desktop. To delete any
panel, select the option Delete This Panel from the list and proceed.
This window has two tabs named General and Background. Using the options in
the General tab, general properties of the panel can be changed. The size of the
panel and its orientation can be changed by setting different values in this tab.
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Background image and the panel color can be set differently using the options
present in the other tab.
A panel can also be moved to another place. To move a panel to another side of
the screen, press and hold the ALT key and drag the panel , to the new location.
Click on any vacant space on the panel to begin the drag. A panel that is not set to
expand to the full width of the screen can be dragged away from the edge of the
screen and can be placed anywhere.
Clicking each element of the panel menu bar opens a list of elements as a drop-
down list. Different elements are grouped under different sections in the list and
the sections are separated using separator elements. Some of the displayed
elements in the list are having an arrow mark on the right side indicating that
there is another set of elements beneath the item. Customization of menu
includes adding a new menu element to the panel, removing an element from the
panel, adding a new item to the list or removing an item from the list, changing
the order of elements in the list by moving up or down the elements, adding new
separator elements to the list and changing display properties.
Elements displayed under each menu item can be removed from the list or new
ones can be added to the list in the following way. First right click on the menu
item. This displays a new pop-up window. Choose the option Edit Menus from the
displayed window. This step opens a menu layout window titled Main Menu, as
shown in Figure below.
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In this window, the list of elements in the menu bar is displayed on the left pane.
Clicking on the expander arrow shows or hides sub elements under each menu. In
the figure, the menu item Applications is in the expanded form and the elements
under this menu are displayed beneath the element. Accessories, Debian,
Education are the elements included under Applications menu. Clicking an
element on the left pane displays the list of installed applications, on the right
pane. In the figure, the element Accessories is selected and the installed
applications belonging to this group are displayed on the right pane. All the
applications installed in the group need not be visible when the menu is opened.
Applications can be made visible by checking on the Show checkbox. By removing
the check mark, application can be made invisible in the displayed list. The hidden
Linux Environment 99
Srinivas Institute of Management Studies , Mangalore Fifth Semester BCA
application can be added back to the list by checking on the checkbox. As can be
seen in the figure, on the right side of the window, a number of buttons with
labels are available. The purpose of each button is clear from the label attached to
the button. Creating a new menu, adding an item to the menu and adding a new
separator are done by clicking the respective buttons. An element in a list can be
moved up or down by selecting the element and then clicking the Move Up or
Move Down arrow buttons, to move the selected element up or down in the list.
Properties can be changed by clicking Properties button and the selected element
can be deleted using Delete button. Clicking Revert button helps to undo the changes
made. After finishing the work, click Close button to close the window.
Changing color, style and wall paper of the desktop are the major desktop
customizations possible. These are done by selecting the required options
displayed in the pop-up window appearing when the mouse is right clicked
anywhere on the blank desktop surface. Selecting the option Change Desktop
Background displays a new window titled Desktop Background Preferences, as
shown in Figure below.
Apart from the above discussed customizations, some others can also be done
using different tools installed by default, during the installation time of Linux
operating system. The different installed tools are displayed when the
Preferences element available in the System menu is opened. An overview of the
different tools available in Ubuntu Linux can be obtained by studying Figure
password is clicked a new window appears. User can set a new password by
typing it in the password text box. Appearance is another tool available in
Preferences menu. Opening the Appearance tool displays the Appearance
Preferences window as shown in Figure 3.11.
As seen in the figure, this window is having four tabs named as Theme,
Background, Fonts and Visual Effects. A theme is a group of coordinated settings
that specifies the visual appearance of the GNOME desktop. Selecting the Theme
tab displays several desktop styles in a preview style, as can be seen in the figure.
Any of the themes can be selected and this step changes the overall appearance
of the GNOME desktop to the selected theme. After selecting the theme, click the
OK button to set the desktop to the selected theme. Using the other buttons
available, the selected themes can be deleted, new themes can be added or
modified and can be saved as a new theme.
Themes settings affect different parts of the GNOME desktop, such as controls,
colors, window frame, icons and pointers. The Controls setting determines the
visual appearance of windows, panels, and applets. This setting also determines
the visual appearance of other GNOME-—compliant interface items like menus,
icons, and buttons. The selected theme can be customized further and can be
saved as a new theme. For this, click the Customize button appearing at the
bottom of the window. This step opens another window titled Customize Theme,
as shown in the Figure below.
varying background and text colors, set colors for window frame border,
customize the icons appearing on the screen and set the size and shape for the
mouse pointer. Using the options for color setting, colors of different user
interface elements can be set to the desired color. The icon setting determines
the appearance of icons on panels and the desktop. The pointer setting
determines the appearance and size of the mouse pointer. After making
modifications to the existing theme, save the modified theme with a new name
by clicking the Save As button and proceeding further.
Another tab available in this window is the Visual Effects tab. Opening the tab
helps to set different options to change the animation effects on the desktop.
Different animation effects can be set for opening, closing, focusing and
minimizing of windows, by setting different options. In Ubuntu distribution,
another customization tool available is Assistive Technologies. This tool can be
used to set applications to start automatically when logging to the system,
configuring keyboard accessibility features such as sticky keys, slow keys or
bounce keys and configuring mouse accessibility features such as dwell clicking
and so on. All the customizations are made by setting values to various options
displayed when opening the different tabs appearing on the window. The typical
display of the different options can be seen in Figure below
Another general and commonly done desktop customization is the setting and
configuring of screen savers. Screen savers work by displaying moving images on
the desktop screen when the computer remains idle for a considerably long
period. To stop the screen saver and to return to the working condition, move the
mouse or press any key on the keyboard. Use the Screensaver tool to set the type
of screen saver to be displayed and the time after which the screen saver has to
start its action. Launching this tool opens the Screensaver Preferences window as
shown in Figure below.
In the figure, the theme floating feet is selected and its display appears on the
right pane. Incidentally it is to be stated that foot is the logo of GNOME and this
logo can be seen in the top panel in the GNOME desktop. On clicking the Preview
option button in this window the selected theme is displayed on the whole
screen. The Blank screen theme displays no image and selecting this option
displays only a black screen. Random theme selects a screensaver at random from
the list to function as the screen saver. In the window, move the slider to set the
time to treat the computer as idle. When the set time has passed with no input
from the mouse or the keyboard, the computer is treated as idle and the
screensaver becomes active and displays the image on the screen.
The appearance of different windows, menus etc. are identical to that of the
GNOME desktop. This desktop has a number of icons displayed on the desktop.
Similar to GNOME, other parts of this desktop environment are panels, windows,
menus and buttons. By default, several distributions have a single panel at the
bottom of the screen in KDE. Different applets as well as launchers can also be
seen in this panel. Date and time indicators, system sound indicator, volume
indicator, network enable indicator appear on this panel. Four workspaces are
available by default and these are also visible in the bottom panel.
Home Folder of the user is created on the desktop during the installation of Linux.
Home folder stores all the files of the user. This folder is displayed on the desktop
and is indicated by a special icon. Special icons are also used to represent Trash
folder and different removable media. The main point of access when working in
KDE is the panel buttons. The different buttons in the bottom panel are known by
names like Application Launcher menu, Last plugged in device, Show the desktop,
Configure your desktop and Configure your computer. Clicking each of the
buttons displays a menu in which several elements related to the subject of the
clicked button are displayed. The elements in the list provide several choices for
the user to make selection. As is clear from the name, the Application Launcher
button is used to launch applications. The arrangement of applications is similar
to the arrangement of applications used by GNOME desktop. Applications are
grouped under several heads. Executing Linux text commands is done from the
window opened when the Run Command element of the menu is opened. Facility
for leaving the system is also available in this menu.
Clicking the Last plugged in device icon displays the list of devices that are
recently plugged into the system. Usually CD, DVD or flash drives are plugged into
the system for different purposes and clicking the icon provides an easy way to
get the details of the devices. Show the desktop icon actually works as a toggle
switch. Clicking this icon closes all the opened windows and shows the desktop.
The other two icons namely Configure your desktop and Configure your
computer are meant for different customization purposes.
Similar to the different customizing options available for the GNOME desktop, K
desktop is also provided with a number of customizing options. Customizations of
desktop elements are done by setting the different property parameters that are
displayed as a pop-up window, when the mouse is right clicked anywhere on the
empty space on the desktop. The pop-up window displayed is as shown in Figure
Different icons available on the desktop can be sorted on the basis of time, size
and so on and can be arranged on the sorted basis. This is possible by selecting
Sort Icons option of Icons menu. A new panel can be added on the desktop by
selecting Add Panel option available in this window. Once the added panel
appears on the desktop, its settings can be modified. Different panel settings
include modifying height of the panel, adding widgets to the panel, adding
spacers and the like. Other panel properties such as its alignment, visibility, hiding
effect and so on can also be controlled. Panels that are not required can also be
deleted. Folder View Settings is another important element of this window.
Clicking this element opens a new window as shown in Figure below.
The new window opened is the Desktop Settings window. Using the options
available in this window several parameters can be customized. This window has
a left pane and a right pane. Appearance, Location, Display, Filter are the
elements displayed on the left pane. Options for setting desktop themes, wall
papers, and wall paper images, location of the Home folder and display
parameters appear on the screen, when Appearance is clicked. Selecting a new
theme from the given samples displays a reduced view of the selected theme,
instantly. New wall papers can be added to the list. Several wall papers namely
Weather, Globe, Mandelbrot, Virus, and so on are available for making selection.
After setting values for different parameters, click the Apply button to take effect
the new settings.
Look & Feel, Personal, Network & Connectivity, Computer Administration are the
names of groups under which the various options for configuring are arranged.
Look & Feel group options customize the appearance of the constituent
elements, desktop properties, Notification methods and window behavior
properties. Clicking on the displayed icon opens another window in which enough
provisions for configuring the parameters are included. For example, clicking
Appearance icon displays a new window as shown in Figure below.
As can be seen from the figure, the displayed window has a left pane and a right
pane. The left pane has buttons named style, colors, icons, fonts, windows, splash
screen, screensaver and so on. The different appearance settings are controlled
by setting different values or parameters for style, colors, icons, fonts, windows,
splash screen and emoticons. When any icon on the left pane is selected, a set of
options for the selected item is displayed on the right pane. To set new values,
select the button on the left pane and then set new values on the property
parameters appearing on the right pane. By setting different options, different
styles can be customized, icons can be selected for display, use of icons in panels
can be controlled, different animation effects can also be set.
XFCE is a small desktop environment and this desktop is not as popular as GNOME
or KDE. This desktop is not widely spread or matured as the other two desktop
environments. The major advantage of XFCE desktop is that it is light. A typical
display of this desktop is shown in Figure 3.20. The components of this desktop
are panels, icons, menus and windows. During installation, some icons such as
Trash and Home folder are created on the desktop. User can also create new
icons on the desktop. Icons displayed on the desktop represent applications,
folders, files or shortcuts. The top panel displays workspace icons. The bottom
panel is shorter than the top panel. Icons for setting time, audio volume, help,
shut down etc. are available in the bottom panel and the processes can be
activated by clicking on the respective icons. The system can be shutdown by
selecting the option from the displayed menu when the shut down icon is clicked.
Minimum customizing options are available for this desktop environment.
Some of the common applications that are found in several distributions are the
following: Gedit is the text editor application used for creating and editing simple
text files. No formatting option is supported by this text editor. Dictionary
application helps in finding spellings and definitions of words. Calculator
application helps to do different basic, financial, and scientific calculations. Letters
and symbols from the Unicode character set are selected with the help of
Character Map. Nautilus File Manager is the file management application and this
helps for the display of folders and their contents. File manager also helps to
copy, move and classify files, access CDs, USB flash drives and other removable
media. Terminal provides access to the system command line.
OpenOffice. org Calc helps to create spreadsheet files that can be used for
manipulating data and preparation of different types of graphs. The application
used for creating presentation files is Impress. Database files are
created using Base application. A simple drawing application of this suite is Draw.
Amarok is an audio player which supports different audio file formats such as
MP3, ogg and wav. SMPlayer is the video player which can play files in formats
such as MPEG, MP4, DivX, ogv, wmv and so on.
Download managers, chat clients are the other common Internet applications
available in several Linux distributions.
10.9 Assignment 10
Chapter 11
Managing Linux Files and Folders
File names have a set of characters used as file name extension. File name
extension is the set of characters appearing after the period (.) character in the
file name. From the standard file name extension of a file, it is possible to
understand some features of the file such as the type of the file, the application
used for creating the file and the data contained in the file. For example, a file
having the file name extension odt indicates that the file is in PDF Text Document
format. Writer is the application used to create the file and the
file is a document file. A file saved with the file name extension jpg indicates that
the file contains image and it is saved in J PEG format and an image editor
application can open the file.
Storing all the files in one place in the computer system without any planning or
arrangement makes it difficult to locate the required file from the storage. Under
such conditions, it is better to store the files in different locations. Files are
grouped based on their type or use and are stored in different locations. This type
of storage helps in locating the required file easily. The need for storing files in a
structured and neat manner led to the emergence of the concept of folders.
Folders can be treated as containers for files. Usually different users create their
own folders and store the files created by them in their own folders. For example,
files connected with correspondences are stored in a folder named
‘correspondence’. Picture files are stored in another folder named ‘picture’, audio
files are stored separately and so on. The terms directory and folder mean the
same thing and are used interchangeably. Similar to files, folders are also
identified by their names.
Rules for naming files are applied for naming folders also. A Folder can contain
several files or no files at all. Folders can also contain several sub folders or no sub
folders. Folders created within a folder are known as sub folders or
subdirectories. The folder in which the user is working is known as the current
directory. Any directory below the current directory is called sub folder or
subdirectory. The directory above the current directory is called as parent
Linux operating system treats folders as files. So files and folders within the same
folder must have different names. In graphical system used by Linux, files and
folders are represented differently using different icons. Also Linux uses different
icons to represent different types of files. Thus text files, image files, web files are
all represented using different types of icons. The different types of icons used for
representation for files and folders are clear from the screen display shown in
Figure below.
In a computer system it is possible to find several folders. Each folder may contain
several sub folders as well as many files. To locate any file in the system it is
necessary to specify the exact path where the file resides in the memory. Simply
providing the file name means that the file is located in the directory where the
user is located at that time. The concept of paths and path names will be clearer
by considering the entire storage space of the system as a single large storage
unit. This large storage unit is usually known as root and this is denoted as a single
slash character ( / ). Several folders can be created in the root folder and these
are the storage compartments of the root storage space. Each of the partitions
can be partitioned further to get several sub folders. The organization described
old new
letter1.txt letter1.txt
As can be seen in the figure, the root is at the top level. The root folder is
partitioned into a number of folders namely letters, klj, picture, home and
personal. These folders lie just below the root partition. These folders are
represented as / letters, /klj, / picture, / home and / personal respectively. The
representation indicates the exact paths of the folders and is known as path
names. Folders named klj and personal are having two sub folders beneath each
one. Folders named office and personal lie below the folder klj. The exact path
names of these two folders are written as /klj/office, and /klj/personal
respectively. Both the sub folders store one file each and the names of files are
written below the folder name. Sub folders to home folder are klj and Jac and
their exact path names are given as /home/klj, and /home/jac respectively. The
names of files stored in the sub folders are written below the name of the folder.
Folders named friend1 and friend2 lie as sub folders to the parent folder named
personal and their exact path names are given as /personal/friend1 and
/personal/ friend2. Similarly the exact path names to folders old and new can be
given as /home/klj/ old, and /home/klj/new.
Names given to files and folders located within a folder must be different. Also
different sub folders of a folder must be named differently. But sub folders of
different parent folders can use the same name. Files in different folders can use
the same file name. For example, as can be seen in the figure, the same file
letter1.txt is stored in two different folders. This is possible since different folders
represent different storage locations. The exact path names of these two files are
/klj/office/letter1.txt and / klj/ personal / letter1 .txt.
When a user logs into the system, the user is automatically placed in the home
folder of the user. Home folder of any user is located as the sub folder to the
/home folder. For example, when the user klj logs into the system, the user is
placed in the folder /home/ klj. During this time /home/klj is the current
directory of the user klj.
Exact path names denote the exact locations where files are stored. Such path
names are also known as absolute path names. In path names, the first slash
indicates the root folder. Following slashes separate the names of different sub
folders. File name appears as the last item in path names. To shorten path names,
it is usual to specify the path names relative to the current working directory of
the user. Such path names are called relative path names. Consider the file tree
shown already in Figure 5.2. Suppose the user working in the directory /home/klj
requires specifying the file let.txt stored in the sub folder named old. The path
can be specified in two ways as follows: / home/ klj/old / let. txt and . / old / let.
Both the path names identify the same file. The first path name is the absolute
path name whereas the second path name is the relative path name. In the
relative path name a dot character is used to indicate the current position of the
user and the path name begins with a dot. In a similar manner, to refer to a
parent directory above the current directory, a user uses two dot characters in
relative path names.
A file system is the methods and the data structures that an operating system
uses to keep track of a file on a disk or partition; i.e the way the files are
organized on the disk.
The file system is organized as a tree with a single root node called root denoted
by /, every non leaf node of the file system is a directory of files and file at leaf
nodes of the tree are either directories, regular files or special device files.
Different types of files can be seen in Unix operating system. Files in Unix
operating system are classified as ordinary files, regular files, directory files and
special files.
Ordinary files include a variety of file types like application files, data files,
document files etc.
Application files are usually executable files and using these files different
applications are executed. There are applications for performing tasks like word
processing, doing calculations, browsing the Internet, managing mails, doing
image manipulations and so on.
Data files store different types of data and these files can be image files, audio
files, video files or simply text files.
Document files store multiple types of information such as text, drawings, images
and so on.
Directory files are related to different directories of the system and these store
information related to different directories.
Unix special files are device driver files, link files or similar other types of files.
Different physical entities are also represented as files in Unix. Thus, printers,
modems and other devices are represented as files. Using special files, the
operating system can control different devices connected to the system. Such
special files used to control devices are known as device driver files. Device driver
files are essential for proper communication between the operating system and
the connected devices.
Different files used by Unix operating system are also arranged in a hierarchical
manner. Root folder is at the top in the hierarchy. All the files and folders of Unix
system are included in this folder. Root directory has several sub folders named
as bin, boot, dev, etc, temp, home and so on. The folder named bin stores all
binary files. For storing boot files, boot folder is used. Device files necessary for
the proper working of attached peripherals are stored in the folder named dev.
The folder named etc stores different files for configuring the system and devices.
The folder named temp is a temporary folder and this folder stores temporary
files. Files stored in this folder are deleted after use.
Different users of the system are included in the home folder. Depending on the
number of users, the home folder has several sub folders. Library files required
for running the system are stored in the lib folder
A general idea about files or folders in Linux system can be obtained from the icon
and studying the file name extension. More information regarding the file or
folder is obtained by right clicking on the file or the folder icon and selecting the
option Properties from the pop-up menu displayed on the screen. Selecting this
option displays the Properties window as shown in Figure below.
Properties window has a title bar containing the name of the file. This window
has six tabs named Basic, Emblems, Permissions, Open With, Notes and Image.
For a folder, the properties window displays different tabs named as Basic,
Emblems, Permissions, Notes and Share. Opening the first tab named as Basic
displays a general description of the properties of the selected file or the folder.
Name of the file or folder, type of the file, its content, size, exact location in the
system where the file is stored, and the like can be obtained by opening this tab.
Selecting the Emblems tab displays a number of emblems and the user can select
an appropriate emblem from the list to represent the file or folder.
Permissions to use the file or the folder are the important properties associated
with them. There are three kinds of permissions that a user can have for files or
folders. These are the permissions to read the file, write or edit the file and to
execute the file. For directories, the different permissions are for listing the
contents of the directory, creating and removing files in the directory and for
accessing files from the directory.
Opening the tab named Permissions displays the details of permissions available
to the file or folder. The display is as shown in Figure below.
Users of Linux operating system are divided into three categories namely owner
of the file, other users including the group of the owner and all other users. Each
Linux file is assigned to an owner and a group when the file is created. Usually, by
default, the owner is the creator or the current user and the group is the group of
the directory in which the file is created.
Linux makes use of two ways for viewing the contents of files and folders. One
way is to double click the file or folder icon. When the folder icon is double
clicked, the folder is opened in a file browser window and the content of the
folder is displayed in the opened window.
As stated earlier, folders can remain empty or may contain one or more files or
sub folders. Different icons are used to represent different types of files and
folders and this help to distinguish between files and folders in the folder. A
second way of viewing the folder content is to right click on the folder icon and
then choosing the open option from the displayed pop-up menu.
In a similar way, to view the contents of a file, its icon is double clicked. It is
possible to set the default application for opening any file in Linux system. For
example, consider a text file. Linux provides option to configure the system such
that all text files can be opened using a text editor like gedit or using a word
processor application like Writer application. The Open with
option available in the file properties window helps to configure the system, as
discussed above. Opening this tab displays the list of installed applications using
which the file can be opened. Select the ideal application from this list. This step
makes all files of the same type to use the selected application for opening them.
Instead of double clicking the icon, right clicking the file icon also provides an
option to select an application for opening the file. The list of options available
when the file or folder icon is right clicked, is displayed in Figure below.
Here two menus can be seen. The first pop-up menu is the menu displayed when
a text file is right clicked. In this case, text files are configured to open with gedit
application and this is the first option displayed on the pop-up menu. Selecting
the option to Open with Other Application displays the list of installed
applications and the user can select the required one from the list. Similarly, for a
folder, the first option is the default one and this simply opens the folder. If
another application is to be selected for opening the folder the same is done by
selecting the option from the menu.
Empty files can be created in the desktop or in any folder by right clicking on the
free space in the desktop or in the folder. When this is done in GNOME, a pop-up
menu is displayed on the desktop as shown in Figure 5.6. The menu has several
elements. Select the option Create Document. This opens another window. From
the newly displayed sub menu option, select the option Empty File. This option
creates a new text file and the file icon appears with the default file name new
file. To add content to the file, double click the file icon. The created file is opened
in the default text editor. Additions or modification to the contents can be made
and finally the file can be saved.
To create a folder below the current folder, select the first option Create Folder
from the list. A new folder is created and an icon appears with the default folder
named as untitled folder. The folder name is written in a text box and the user
can give a new name to the folder at this instant, if required, by typing the new
name. Folders can be renamed later also at any time.
When working in KDE, right clicking on the empty space displays a pop-up window
as shown in Figure below, Select the option Create New from the list. This
displays another window. Here more options are available. A folder can be
created by selecting the first option Folder from the list. A list of different file
types are listed in the menu and depending on the type of file to be created, the
user can choose any option from the list.
There are several management operations associated with files and folders in
Linux operating system. These are opening, moving, copying, deleting, and
renaming files. All the operations on files and folders are done by choosing the
required option from the pop-up menu, when the file or folder icon is right
clicked. The pop-up menu displayed when the file icon and the folder icon are
right clicked is slightly different and these two pop-up menus are as shown in
Figure 5.8. The first options of this menu are related to the opening of the
selected files or folders. Files can be opened using the default application or a
using another application. To open with the default application, select the first
option. To use another application from the displayed list of applications, select
the option Open with Other Application. A list of applications is displayed. Select
the application from the list and proceed to finish the process.
Using the copying process, a file or folder can be copied from one location to
another location. To copy a file or folder, first right click the file or folder icon and
select the option Copy from the pop-up menu. When this is done, the selected file
is copied by the mouse. After copying the file, move to the target location and
open the target folder. Right click on the empty space in the target folder and
select the option Paste from the pop-up menu to paste the copied file in the
target location. Some Linux versions show the option as Paste URL, as shown in
Figure 5.9. The shortcut keys ctrl+v can be used for pasting the object. Working in
a similar way, any file or folder can be copied from one location to another
location. To move a file from one location to the target location, select the option
Cut instead of Copy in the first step. Copy operation creates a copy of the file in
the new location whereas cut operation moves the file from the original location
to the new location. If a file or folder having the same name as the copied one is
remaining in the target location, a window appears on the screen asking for
overwriting the existing files or merging folders. Copying or moving takes place if
a confirmation is given. Pasting several objects to the folder makes the folder
surface cluttered and unordered. Clicking the option icons from the window
provides option to arrange the objects in an ordered manner sorted based on the
different parameters.
A new name can be given to a file or folder by the renaming process. To rename
the file or folder, select the option Rename from the displayed pop-up menu.
When this is done, the name of the selected file or folder is displayed in a text box
and the user can type the new name in the text box. After typing the new name,
click the mouse button. The name of the selected object is changed to the given
new name. Renaming process can also be done by right clicking the file icon and
selecting the Properties option. In the new window displayed, a new name to the
file can be given by selecting the tab named Basic and typing the new name in the
text box. After typing the new name, close the window. The file is renamed.
To delete a file or folder, select the file or folder and press the Delete key of the
keyboard. The same thing can be achieved by right clicking the icon and choosing
the option Move to Trash from the options. The deleted files are moved to the
trash folder. The contents of this folder can be viewed by opening the trash folder
icon. In several Linux distributions trash folder can be seen on the desktop.
Moving the file to the trash folder does not delete the object permanently. Files
available in trash folder can be restored to their previous state and to the
previous location by the restore option. Restore option can be selected from the
list displayed when the deleted object icon is right clicked. For permanently
deleting the deleted files, select the option to empty trash or delete permanently.
Selecting this option displays a conformation window as shown in Figure below..
Clicking the Empty Trash button removes the deleted files permanently from the
computer storage.
Compress option available in the menu helps to compress the selected file or
folder in a suitable compression format. Different compression formats such as
ar, jar, zip and the like can be used for compressing. The option can be selected
from the drop-down list as can be seen in Figure 5.11. Compressed file name and
the location for its storage can be typed in the text boxes. The other options
provide facility to set password for the compressed file and to encrypt the file
content. After giving the required details, click the Create button to compress the
selected file.
Another common file and folder operation available in this operating system is
the searching for files, folders and documents. The search option is available in
the Places menu at the Linux desktop. Selecting this option opens a new window.
In the new window, type the name of the folder, file or document to be located,
in the text box provided for this purpose. The searching operation can be done on
the entire system or in specific folders or selected devices only. This option can be
selected in the folder name box. After typing the details, click the Find button to
start searching for the required items. Search for files is made in the specified
directory as well as in the subdirectories of the directory. The details of located
files are displayed in the Search results text box appearing at the bottom of the
window, as displayed in Figure below.
The file system used by the operating system plays a major role in the
performance of the operating system. Different operating systems use different
types of file system formats. Extended file system, reiser file system, high
performance file system, virtual file system, NTFS, XFS, FAT, LVM and so on are
some of the common file systems used by different operating systems. Extended
family of file systems is the most commonly used Linux file system. Current
versions of Linux operating system uses a file system known as ext4 or the fourth
extended file system. This is the improved version of the previous file system
known as third extended file system or ext3 file system. The major characteristics
of this file system are bigger file system size, larger file size, faster file system
checking and the like.
Ext4 file system makes use of 48 bit block addressing scheme. So this file system
can address 248 (2 raised to 48) blocks. So this file system can have a maximum
file system size of 1 EB (Exa Byte) and a maximum file size of 16 TB (Tera Byte).
Ext3 file system allowed a maximum of 32,0000 sub folders in a single folder. But
in ext4 file system there is no restriction on the number of sub directories.
File managers control different file activities, control hardware, switch between
users and keep flow of data between users. File managers always run when
working the system. If required, file manager applications can be activated either
from the menu appearing at the top panel in GNOME desktop or by double
clicking any folder icon on the Linux desktop. Different Linux distributions have
different file manager programs. In GNOME, file manager application is available
in the list of tools displayed when System Tools is selected from the list appearing
on opening Applications menu. File manager available in majority GNOME
versions is known as Nautilus and for KDE it is either Konqueror or Dolphin. The
display of Nautilus File Manager window is shown in Figure below.
File manager window is similar to the file browser window. The default interface
of the file manager window is made up of title bar, menu bar, tool bar, location
bar, workspace, information panel, status bar etc. This layout varies with the
distributions and the versions installed. The location bar displays the path to the
current folder. Workspace shows the contents of the current folder. Status bar
shows the data related to the status of the selected file or the selected folder.
When no file is selected, the status bar shows the number of files and folders in
the current folder.
The selected folder name is displayed on the title bar. The file manager window
has two panes——left pane displaying different folders, and the right pane
showing the contents of the folders selected on the left pane. Home folder of the
user, Trash, File System and different removable media are displayed as folders in
the file manager window. The desktop is also displayed as a folder. Selecting this
folder displays the contents of the desktop on the right pane. In the file manager
window, the root folder is indicated as a square button. When File System is
selected on the left pane of the file manager window, details of the hierarchical
arrangement of files in the file system is displayed on the right pane. The display
is as shown in Figure below.
Several options are available on clicking the menu in the menu bar and the
options help in the management of files and folders. Options are also available in
the File menu for creating empty files and folders. The different options available
for the Dolphin File Manager is shown in Figure below.
New folders and files can be created, files and folders can be renamed and can be
deleted by selecting the appropriate menu options. Instead of selecting the menu
options, keyboard shortcut can also be used. Creating folder option creates a
folder below the current folder. By default, Linux assigns the name untitled folder
to the newly created folder. Subsequent folders are named untitled folder 1,
untitled folder 2 and so on.
Several view options can be set using the options available when opening View
menu. Usually, there are three viewing modes such as icons, details, and columns.
The Icons view shows the contents of the folder by representing files with
different file icons and folders by folder icons. The typical display is as shown in
the above figure. The folder icon is defined by the icon theme currently used, and
this can be changed. Selecting Details view lists the contents along with additional
information. The additional information for the default Dolphin configuration is
the size of the file and the date it was last modified. Additional information can be
displayed by right clicking on the column header and selecting the required
information to be displayed. Columns view allows multiple levels of the folder
structure to be viewed. Preview view is similar to the Icons view. The difference is
that in the Preview view, wherever possible, previews of the files are shown. For
text documents the first 14 lines are displayed and for image file types such as J
PG, PNG, XCF, SVG etc, a small image is displayed. Dolphin is also capable of
displaying a preview of HTML and PDF files.
File managers are capable of displaying hidden files and folders available in the
selected folder. Hidden files and folders can be distinguished from other files and
folders by the colour used. Usually hidden files and folders are fainter than
normal files and folders. Hidden files and folders are displayed by selecting the
option to view hidden files. File managers can sort the contents of the current
folder in a number of ways such as by name, date, size and in descending order.
For sorting process select the option from the View menu. The process is clear
from Figure below.. The Information panel shows extended information about the
selected file. The details are listed just below the large preview of the file.
11.10 Assignment 11
Chapter 12
Linux Administration Basics
A Linux system will be having several users, and Linux treats different users
differently. Out of the different users, the superuser is the most powerful user.
Superuser is also known as the root user or the administrator user. This user is
created at the time of installation of the operating system and has a separate
password known as the administrator password. Administrator user has unlimited
1. Administrator user has access to all parts of the system including different
file systems.
2. All the commands can be used by the administrator user, whereas other
users can execute only certain commands, depending on the rights granted.
3. Local as well as remote systems can be mounted by the root user.
4. The superuser can control the system usage and set different
5. The superuser can modify the essential parts of the system including the
setting of different languages for menus and windows.
6. Different log files can be viewed by the administrator user.
7. Superuser can create new users by assigning user names and passwords as
well as can change the names and passwords of existing users.
8. Superuser can view as well as edit files created by other users of the
9. In multi-boot systems, the superuser can set the boot operating system.
The simplest administration operation when using Linux operating system is the
administration of time and date. The time administration tool available with Linux
distribution allows setting the time, date and time zone of the system. When the
Time and Date tool is launched, it displays the Time and Date Settings window as
To save the changes made by the administrator, click the save button. The system
prompts for the administrator password and the changes are saved when the
correct password is given.
The first step for writing to CD or DVD is to choose the files. Required files and
folders for writing to the media can be selected by navigating along the places
listed on the left pane of the window. Selecting the folder on the left pane
displays the contents on the right pane. Drag the files and folders for writing to
the CD-DVD Creator folder. After inserting the CD or DVD in the drive click the
Write to Disc button or choose the option Write to CD/DVD from File menu. A
Write to Disc dialog is displayed. Set values for options such as disk, name, write
speed and click the button to write to the disk. It is possible to copy a CD or DVD,
either to another disc or to an image file stored on the computer. To copy a CD or
DVD, first insert the CD or DVD in the drive. Right click on the CD icon and choose
the option to copy the disk. This step opens the Write to Disc dialog window. It
will then eject the original disk, and ask to change it for a blank disk. Writing takes
place after inserting the disk.
Tools for analyzing disk usage are available in several operating systems. A
commonly available tool in several Linux distributions is Disk Usage Analyzer.
When the application is launched, the opening window is displayed as shown in
Figure below.
Folder and file wise memory usage can be obtained from the list. The details are
arranged in a tabular format along with the size occupied by each item. A
representation of the usage in a graphical format is also displayed on the right
side. By studying the occupied memory, it is possible to get an estimate of
When the System tab is opened, various basic information about the computer’s
hardware, software and the system status are displayed.
Active processes and how various processes are related to one another can be
obtained by opening the Processes tab.
The current usage of different system resources such as CPU, memory, network
usage can be obtained from the Resources tab.
File Systems tab lists all mounted file systems along with basic information about
each one.
For managing drives and media, a disk utility application is also installed in Linux
operating system. This application provides information about the drive as well as
the different storage media connected to the system and provides options for
mounting or dismounting the volume, checking file system, editing and deleting
partitions as well as for formatting volume. A facility for measuring the
performance of the drive is also available in some applications.
Disk Utility is the name of one such type of application available in Ubuntu Linux
versions. The typical display of the screen, when launched, is as shown in Figure
As we can see here, the window is divided into two portions. Left portion provides
the details of the different storage media available. On selecting any of the media,
more details are displayed on the right pane. A number of buttons are provided in
the right pane and clicking the button performs the operation stated below the
button. The common operations possible include formatting the drive, checking
the file system, benchmarking, editing and deleting partitions and so on. In the
figure, the option CD / DVD Drive is selected on the left pane and the various
corresponding options appear on the right pane. Clicking the option to open the
CD / DVD application activates Brasero application. This is the application for
creating and copying CD and DVD. The application allows burning data to CD or
DVD, burn audio CD, copy CD and DVD, create video DVD, create image files,
erase CD and DVD and check the integrity of discs and disc images. Suitable
option can be selected by clicking the required button from the window. To burn
data to a CD, click the button for copying data. This step opens another window
and the user can select the required files for writing to CD. After selecting the files
click the button to write to CD and proceed to finish the process. A cover editor
for CD and DVD is also available with this application.
Different applications are available in different Linux distributions for creating and
editing disk partitions. The application available in the GNOME version of Ubuntu
distribution is GParted. The name stands for GNOME Partition editor. This
partition editor enables the creation, reorganization, and deletion of disk
partitions. Enabling and disabling partition flags such as boot and hidden is also
done by this application.
The above figure shows the display of the GParted opening window. As seen in
the figure, this tool displays the details of partitions in the disk. Details of the
partitions of the hard disks displayed include partition name, file system used,
mount point, size, used and empty memory sizes and flags.
Launching the tool for testing the system opens a new window displaying all the
hardware components attached to the system. In Ubuntu distribution the screen
display is as shown in Figure below.
The tool tests each component one after another in a continuous manner.
Procedure for testing the component is stated in the window. Clicking the button
to test the component performs a testing of the selected component. Moving to
next screens provides facility to test other hardware components also. Working in
a similar manner all hardware components can be tested for their working.
A list of applications with descriptions and working status are displayed in this
window. Applications that are running have a tick mark in the square box seen on
the left side while those applications that are yet to start do not have the tick
mark in the square box. Right clicking on the application displays the option to
activate or deactivate the selected application, depending on whether the
application is in deactivated or in activated state. Thus running applications can
be stopped and applications that are yet to start can be activated.
USB Startup Disk Creator is an utility available in several Linux versions. This
utility creates an image of the operating system in an USB medium. This image is
known as a Live USB. Live USB can be used to install Linux on the computer for
running Linux without affecting the system hardware. To make a live USB disk,
plug the device to the USB drive of the system and make sure that the system
recognizes the disk. Launch the application from the menu. This opens a new
window as shown in Figure below.
Under the source disc image option, specify the image. The image from a CD can
also be used for creating the live USB disk. After setting different options, click
Make Startup Disk button. This step creates the required startup disk. The USB
can be safely removed and can be used as a live USB for booting the system. To
boot from the live USB disk, set the boot option to the disk and power on the
computer. The system boots from the USB disk.
Log viewer applications are available in all Linux distributions. One of the log
viewer applications available in several Linux versions is System Log Viewer.
System Log Viewer is useful because it provides an easier, more user-friendly
display of different event logs. Also System Log Viewer comes with functions that
can be used to manage the logs, including a log monitor and log statistics display.
When the application is launched for the first time, the application displays
several log files by default. Opened logs are listed on the left side of the
application window. Details of the log selected in this list are displayed on the
right side window. By default, System Log Viewer monitors every opened log. Log
information is displayed in the status bar and this includes the number of lines in
the log, size of the log in bytes, date the log was last modified. The log can be
copied if required and pasted to another editor.
Several Linux application software are available for downloading from the
Internet. The software available is of different types. These are available as
community supported or canonical supported open source, in the form of
proprietary software or in the form of licensed software. These different software
are stored in different servers located at different places. Also several http and ftp
servers archive Linux resources, which can be downloaded and can be used freely.
Ubuntu Linux distribution provides a tool for software downloading from websites
and for checking whether the installed software has new releases available.
Software Sources is the tool used for this purpose. When this tool is launched, it
displays a window as shown in Figure below. Different options can be set for
software downloading by opening different tabs appearing in this window.
New and updated Linux versions are released regularly. System updating involves
the downloading and installation of the latest updates of the applications and
packages used in the Linux version. Different updates are available from different
sources. Using the above tool it is possible to configure the system such that
updating takes place automatically at the set time intervals such as daily, on
alternate days, weekly updates and so on. If the system is working in online mode,
the updating takes place at the set time intervals automatically. If new Linux
releases are available in a CD or DVD medium, the updating process can be also
done using the medium instead of downloading from website.
Clicking the link Installed Software appearing on the left pane of the window
displays the list of installed software in the system. Selecting Get Free Software
on the left pane displays a list of departments on the right pane. Here different
software are grouped under different departments or categories. Double clicking
the icons of departments displays a list of available applications under the
selected category. Suitable application can be selected from the list. The selected
application can be installed with the click of a mouse button. An Internet
connection is necessary to install an application available in this list.
To install a particular application available in the list, first locate the application
using the search option. Click the application and then click the arrow button to
go to the screen of the program. Click the button for installing the software. The
time taken for installation depends on the size of the software and the speed of
Internet connection. Once installed, its name appears in the Applications menu in
the same category in which the application is listed in the Software Center.
Working in this way, applications under different categories can be installed. To
remove an installed application, first locate the application in the list. Select the
application and then click the Remove button appearing in the window.
Several Linux software applications are bundled as packages. Linux packages are
mainly available in two types namely RPM packages and DEB packages. RPM
stands for Red Hat Package Manager and DEB stands for Debian. These packages
can be identified by their file names extensions. These files are executable files for
Linux operating system. Several of these packages can be downloaded from the
To install a packaged file, the first step is to copy the files in the local folder. After
copying the files, double click the file for installation of the package. Necessary
permission to execute the file must be available for installing the package. The
installation takes place only if all the dependencies are satisfied. Otherwise an
error window will appear.
Another method for installing Linux packages is the use of Linux Package
Manager applications for installing packages. Package Managers install, remove,
configure, upgrade and downgrade single and multiple packages. RPM based and
Debian based distributions use two different package managers for package
installation. But both package managers appear identical and work in a similar
This new window is the Software Management window and this window lists all
the installed applications, categorized under different groups. Browse the group
to get the list of applications available under the group. Installed applications are
indicated with a tick mark on the square box at the beginning of the package
name. Right clicking on the application displays more details about the selected
package in the description box.
To install a new package, click on the square box. This step opens a new window
which displays a summary of additional memory needed. Click the OK button for
confirmation of installation. Installation process starts and asks for inserting the
medium on the drive. Insert the medium and click OK button. The package is
installed and the name of the application appears under a group in the
Applications menu, in which the package was displayed.
To remove the installed software, first locate the software in the package list in
the Software Management window. Remove the tick mark in the square box
appearing on the left of the name of the application by clicking on the square box.
Click the Apply button appearing on the bottom of the window. This step opens a
Similar to any window, this window has a title bar, menu bar, tool bar and so on.
Opening the menu bar displays a set of options. Toolbar displays a number of
icons for providing main actions. The window is mainly divided into a left pane
and a right pane. Depending on the selection of category made on the left pane
(category selector window), the corresponding details of available and known
packages will be displayed on the right pane. The installed packages are indicated
by a dark square at the beginning of their names where as packages that are yet
to be installed are indicated by a white square at the beginning of their names.
Right click on the name of the package. A short description of the selected
package will be displayed in the bottom right pane (description field).
Installed applications can be marked for removal or upgrading, while those are
yet to be installed can be marked for installation, from the options displayed on
the pop-up window. Options can also be set by opening Edit menu of the
application. Different menu options are for reloading the packages as well as for
marking upgrades of packages. After making changes, save the changes by clicking
the Apply button on the tool bar. Clicking the Reload button on the tool bar
reloads the packages from Internet sites, if the computer is working online.
Otherwise a downloading error will appear on the screen and the process will
come to a halt. Packages are made available through so called repositories.
Repositories can be located on different media such as CD/ DVD, local hard disk,
the Web (http, ftp) or in remote file systems. A repository contains the packages
and along with them, an index that provides basic information about the
packages, such as the required dependencies and short description.
To remove a package, first mark the package for removal. For this, double click on
the name of the installed package in the package list. Click on the status icon of
the package and choose the option for removing the package. Save and apply the
changes. This step opens another window as shown in the following figure. This is
the confirmation window and asks for the confirmation of selected packages. A
summary of packages removed and the memory that can be reclaimed are also
displayed in this window. Clicking the Apply button removes the selected
packages from the system.
Several tools for configuring and managing computer networks are installed by
default during the installation of Linux operating system. In GNOME desktops a
network icon is displayed on the top panel. Right click on this icon and select the
option Configure Network from the displayed list. This operation starts the
Network & Internet Configuration wizard. The first screen displays the list of
different connections available for configuring .
The different connections can be wired network, wireless network, using cable
modem etc. For setting up a wired network, choose the option Wired (Ethernet)
from the list and click the Next button. The computer detects the Ethernet
interface available and its name is displayed in the next window. Configuring the
protocol for connection can be made either automatically or manually. Select the
manual configuration option and move to the next window. The new window
displayed as shown in the figure below.
The IP settings are done in this new window. Set the IP address and netmask for
the computer. In this window the IP address is given as and netmask
as Click the Next button and proceed further and finish the
processes. The same step is to be done in all the computers connected in the
network. The IP addresses used in different computers must be like,, and so on. The netmask used must be in all the
member computers in the network. Once the configuration is finished a
connection is established between the networked computers by clicking the
button for establishing connection. Using suitable tools or text commands it is
possible to check whether a connection is established between the computers.
Linux operating system allows adding new hardware to the system. Using this
facility, it is possible to add printers, modems, scanners and the like. Linux
operating system configures most of the devices automatically. But certain
devices require proprietary drivers to be installed for their working. This is
because the drivers for those devices are not freely available, as the
manufacturers of the devices have not released the hardware details. Device
drivers for any device are usually provided by the manufacturer and this is
available along with the device. To add a new driver, locate the device driver file
from the list displayed in the window when the hardware driver tool is launched
from the menu. Press the activate button to enable the driver. The driver may
have to be downloaded from the Internet. The computer is required to be
restarted for the changes to take effect. To install the printer software in the
system, select the option Printing. This opens the printer configuration window as
shown in the following figure.
To add a printer, connect the printer to the computer and switch on the device.
Click the New button in the configuration window. The system checks for new
printers connected to the computer and installs the necessary printer software.
Different configuration steps for a printer involve assigning port, setting time
limits and the like. After selecting the parameters, proceed to install the printer
by clicking the OK button. If the printer is successfully installed, its icon appears in
the window as shown in the following figure. In this way more printers can be
added to the system. Right clicking on the printer icon displays a pop-up window
and the user can select different options for setting different printer
configurations. Double clicking the icon displays the printer properties window
and it is possible to set different configuration options for the printer, in this
The backed up files are used for restoring the system to the previous state
whenever the system fails. Linux installs tools for simple backups of the system.
Tools for restoration of the system are also installed by default. When the system
backup tool is launched, the window as shown in the following figure appears on
the screen.
As seen from the above figure, it is possible to set different options for availing
system backups. To backup the system manually, click the button for backing up
files. This step backs up the files in the selected location. The backed up files can
be used to restore the system.
To add a new user, click the button Add User displayed on the right side. This step
opens a new window titled New user account, above the previous window, as
shown in Figure 6.22.
The window has a number of tabs and opening each tab displays a set of options
for user configuring. Opening the first displays a number of text boxes for typing
the details of the new user. After typing the details, click the OK button to add the
new user. A user can be deleted by selecting the user from the list and then
clicking the Delete button. Several other user configuration options can also be
set using this tool. Users are added to different groups. Users belonging to
different groups have different powers and abilities. Managing user groups
involve adding new groups, adding users to groups, deleting groups and so on.
12.19 Assignment 12
Chapter 13
Networking and Using the Internet
For networking computers or devices, certain protocols are necessary for the
effective working of networked systems. In computer networks, data is
transmitted between the networked computers by dividing the data into a
number of packets. At the receiving end, the different data packets are assembled
in the correct order to create the file. TCP/IP has become the universal standard
suite of protocols used to provide connectivity between networked devices. This
protocol ensures that the data received at the receiving end is exactly the same as
the data sent. This protocol also ensures that the data is transmitted without any
errors. The IP address is divided into four sets of 8 bits numbers separated by
decimal points. Each number in the address can vary from 0 to 255. Since there
are four numbers in the address, the system is known as IPv4 (version 4). The
emerging standard is the IPv6 (version 6), which makes use of six numbers in the
address. New Linux distributions are capable of using both types of standards.
Basically, computer networks are of two types. In one type the member
computers are connected in a serial fashion. The first computer is connected to
the second computer, the second one is connected to the third one and so on.
This type of networking computers is known as peer to peer networking or P2P
networking. In the second type of computer network, a number of computers are
connected to a central computer. The central computer is known as the server
computer and the computers connected to it are known as client computers. This
type of network architecture is known as client-server architecture. The
arrangement of computers in these two types of networking is clear from the
following Figure.
The clients make requests to the server for different operations and the server
satisfies the requests of client computers.
Computer network formed with the member computers spread around a small
area is called a Local Area Network or LAN, in short. Such LAN computers are
interconnected to form a bigger computer network spread in a wide area and this
type of network is known as a Wide Area Network or WAN, in short.
Metropolitan Area Network or MAN is the name given to the computer network
spread around a metropolitan area.
Depending on the area of operation computers are linked using different media. A
wired network is formed using cables while wireless networks make use of
satellite links or radio signals for linking.
The Internet has its origin in 1968, when the Department of defense, USA built a
network of computers called ARPANET. The Internet is formed from a large
number of networked computers. This large network of computers is made up of
several interconnected LANs and WANs. The different computers forming the
Internet are working on different operating systems and are based on different
protocols. Working of the Internet is based on client/server architecture. To
connect computers working on different systems, TCP/IP is used as the standard
protocol of the Internet.
The Internet provides several services. The most widely used Internet services are
e-mail or electronic mail and World Wide Web (WWW). The other services
offered include chat, discussion groups, blogs, Web conferencing, e-commerce,
file transfer, remote logging etc. Using the e-mail facility it is possible to make
communication between users located at different places. E-mail facility is fast,
cheap and reliable. World Wide Web or the Web, commonly known as WWW in
short, offers online information on any topic instantly. The Web allows watching
While installing Linux operating system, several applications for using different
Internet services will be installed by default. Also several free and open source
applications can be downloaded from different web sources and these can be
used for getting the necessary services from the Internet. The following table
provides a list of some of the common applications available in several Linux
distributions and the use of the applications. Most of these applications are
installed by default when installing Linux operating system.
Blogtk Blog
Ekiga VoIP
Gwibber Microblogging
Pidgin Messaging
Xchat Chatting
World Wide Web is the multimedia portion of the Internet. This is the most active
and the fastest growing part of the Internet. This is also the information store of
the Internet. Terms such as Cyberspace and Information super highway are also
used to describe the web. Different types of files are stored in the web. The
different files available in the web include audio files, video files, movies, data or
simply text documents. Files in the web are known as web pages. Similar to the
files in a local computer, files in the web are identified by file names. For creating
web pages, languages such as HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), XML
(Extensible Markup Language) etc. are used. The web is made up of several web
pages. Every web page available in the Internet has a unique name. It is the
Internet address of the web page. The group of web pages collectively forms a
website. Websites are identified by their names known as website addresses or
domain addresses or domain names. The web address is unique and is also known
as URL ( The first page of any website is known as the
home page of the site. To view web pages, it is necessary to visit the website. It is
possible to locate any page in the Internet by specifying the URL. URL actually
points to a specific file located in a computer connected to the Internet. When a
user requests for a web page using a web browser, the requested file is copied to
the user’s computer for its display. The copied file is then viewed in the local
Different types of websites can be found in the web. There are official websites
loaded with official information of offices, government agencies, educational
institutions and the like. Commercial websites are intended for commercial uses
and many of them offer facilities for online trading. Details of products offered for
sale will be displayed in these websites. Personal websites are mainly created for
personal use and these contain the person’s family details, achievements and so
on. There are certain websites that are designed for use by special groups of
people or special activities such as for sports, games, events, social networking
etc. Depending on the type of the websites and the nature of activities, the
content and the layout of the web pages included in the website varies. A web
page may contain one or more links to other web pages or to other websites.
Actually websites are made up of several linked web pages. The structure of a
website can be understood from Figure below .
Links in web pages are given to text as well as to images or to any other object in
web pages and such links can be easily identified. Usually links appear as
underlined texts. When the mouse pointer passes above a link, the cursor arrow
changes to a hand symbol and this is an indication of the link to that object. When
a linked object is clicked, it opens another web page. The newly opened page can
be in the same website or in some other websites, depending on the address
given to the link. By opening links provided in web pages, a visitor to a website
can move from one web page to another without any limit. This process of visiting
websites one after another is known as web browsing or simply, browsing.
Separate software is needed to visit websites and to view web files. Such software
for visiting websites and viewing web pages is known as web browser or simply
13.5 Assignment 13
Questions carrying 2 marks.
1. Name any two system calls which returns file descriptor values and give the
2. Define U Area. What are the different I/O parameters saved in U Area.
3. What do you mean by file locking and record locking?
4. Define the pipe. Name the types.
5. What is the difference between the named pipes and unnamed pipes?
6. Name any two system calls which defines file system structure.
7. List out the entries of the mount table.
8. Give the syntax of umount and unlink system call.
9. Write a note on file system abstractions.
10. What is the function of the disk driver?
11. Define a socket.
12. What are the three mechanisms of System V IPC.
13. Define a stream.
14. Name the elements of the queue of the stream.
15. Define the term ‘line discipline’ in terminal driver.
Questions carrying 2 marks.
Questions carrying 2 marks.
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any ten questions from Part A and answer any one full question
from each Unit in Part B
a) What are the companies involved in developing Multics
b) What is the use of the following system calls:
i. Brk()
ii. Signal()
c) What is super block? List any 4 components of super block?
d) Write the purpose of the following algorithm
i. Bmap
ii. Alloc
e) List the conditions of buffer status field
f) What are the three stages of device configuration?
g) Explain lseek system call.
h) Expand the term KDE and GNOME.
i) Define kernel. List the activities of LINUX Kernel.
j) Name any 2 web browsers in LINUX.
k) Write the functions of LINUX package manager.
l) Define the term ISP. Write the use of ISP.
a) Explain block read and ahead algorithm(breada)
b) Discuss UNIX file system with diagram.
a) Expalin the various services of UNIX Operating System.
b) Explain the Kernel architecture of the UNIX system with neat digarm.
c) Explain the structure of Buffer Pool. (6+8+6)
a) With the syntax explain the following system call
i) Write
ii) Mknod
iii) Mount
iv) Creat
v) Pipe
b) List the functions of line discipline
c) Explain the properties of system V IPC package.
a) Write a note on disk driver.
b) Explain sockets model with diagram.
c) Explain the read and link system call
d) Explain the system configuration with diagram.
a) List and explain the features of GNOME desktop.
b) Give the difference between RPM based distributions and Deb based
distributions with example.
c) Explain in brief the K desktop environment. (8+6+6)
a) Write a note on components of LINUX window.
b) How can we create files and folders in LINIX?
c) Explain the features of LINUX. (8+6+6)
a) How can we write the contents to CD/DVD in LINUX?
b) Explain the services provided by the Internet.
c) Write a note on Ubuntu software center tool.
a) How can we differentiate a web and websites? Explain with example.
b) Differentiate P2P networking and client/Server networking with a diagram.
c) Write the uses of the following internet applications in LINUX.
i. Chromium
ii. Ekiga
iii. Elinks
iv. Filezilla (8+6+6)