Kashmir Issue Essay (400 Words) : "There Is No Substitute For Freedom."

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Kashmir Issue Essay (400 Words)

The Kashmir Issue is the burning question of today. It demands instant attention of the
world powers. No real peace can come to the Sub-continent until this problem is solved.

The British sold the valley of Kashmir to Gulab Sing in 1846. When Pakistan came into
being in 1947, the Kashmiri people wanted to join Pakistan came into being in 1947, the
Kashmiri people wanted to join Pakistan. Raja Hari Singh acceded to India. Sheikh Abdullah
supported the decision. The Kashmiris revolted against the decision and took up arms. The
Indian army entered Kashmir. Pakistan supported the Kashmiris. A part of Kashmir was
liberated. The matter was taken to the UNO. The UNO promised to hold a plebiscite in
Kashmir. India agreed to it. The war ended but India backed out her promise. Russia
supported India. The UNO was helpless. Plebiscite could not be held. A large part of the
valley is still under the occupation of India. The Kashmiris revolted against India in 1965 and
started their war of liberation. Pakistan prevents her from helping the Kashmiris. There was
another war between Pakistan and India. India promised to hold talks on this issue but she
has never fulfilled her promise.

There are religious, social, economic and geographical reasons for our adherence to
Kashmir. In the word “Pakistan” the letter “K” represents Kashmir. Firstly, the Kashmir are
our Muslims brothers. Secondly, a number of relatives of the Kashmiris live in Pakistan.
Thirdly, Kashmir is situated to the north of Pakistan. All its rivers flow to Pakistan. Fourthly,
economically, Kashmir and Pakistan are interdependent. Much of timber found in Kashmir
mountains are cut down and dragged down through the rivers in Pakistan. Another item is
fresh fruit and vegetables. The nearest market for these Kashmiri articles is Rawalpindi. If
this market refuses to accept these articles, the Kashmiri economy will get a severe

India is holding Kashmir only by force. The Indian soldiers enter the house and rob and rape
the ladies. Whenever, the Kashmiris resist, they attack and drop bombs. They demolish the
whole villages. They have arrested and imprisoned a number of innocent citizens. They
want to crush their freedom movement. But they will never succeed in emitting Islam from
their hearts. Now, Kashmiris are fighting the guerilla war. The Pakistani people are naturally
worried about their Kashmiri brothers. A general strike is held every year in Pakistan on 5th
February to support the Kashmiris. Most of the countries of the world support Pakistan’s
view of point.

Kashmir Issue Essay (500 Words)

“There is no substitute for freedom.”

Kashmir issue is the core issue between Pakistan and India. It has a deep and direct effect
on Indo-Pak Relations and peace and prosperity in South Asia. At present, it is an issue of
international importance. Kashmir problem is not new. It dates back to even before the
division of the Sub-continent into Pakistan and India. Pakistan and India became two
independent sovereign States but unfortunately, Kashmir could not enjoy freedom. The
people of Kashmir have been struggling for freedom for more than fifty years. One can
imagine the loss and sacrifices that have been offered and are still being offered by the
people of Kashmir.

Talking about Kashmir raises many questions in one’s mind like:

 Why is Kashmir not independent yet?

 What is the role of UNO?
 Is India superior to UNO?
 Is Kashmir issue insoluble?
 Why are Muslims suffering all over the world?

The answers to these questions are yet to be provided. Kashmir is officially known as
Jammu and Kashmir state. It shares borders with Pakistan, India, and China. It was under
the rule of Hindu Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Its population ratio is 80% Muslims and 20%
Hindus. At the time of partition of the Sub-continent, Kashmir was given a chance to join
Pakistan or India. Keeping in view the 80% Muslim population, it was very clear that
Kashmir would join Pakistan. But in order to safeguard Hindu interests, the Hindu Maharaja
turned the decision in favor of India.

“Kashmir has a right to be Free and Independent.”

This illegal decision gave birth to the clash in Kashmir. To make it a problem the Maharaja
started barbarian acts against the people of Kashmir. As a result, the Muslims, for the sake
of survival, fled from Kashmir and found refuge in Pakistan. At this the Hindus found a
chance to enter their armed forces in Kashmir on October 26, 1947. Since then an unending
period of struggle and strife has been the fate of the people of Kashmir. Pakistan has
always raised its justified voice of peace in Kashmir. There has never been a justification for
the Indian genocide in Kashmir. Freedom is their natural right. Pakistan has always tried
peaceful efforts to settle the Kashmir issue. On the other hand, India has always believed in
war and escape. Pakistan always claims to settle this issue according to the UNO
Resolutions that gives the people of Kashmir a right to decide about their accession. But
India has only one policy “Avoid and genocide”.

“The Kashmiris have been dreaming about freedom for decades.”

For the last some years, there have been discussions between Pakistan and India to settle
the matter amicably. “Ailan-e-Lahore” is quite famous in this regard. The latest discussions
have taken place in July 2001 in India. Though no collective decision could be taken,
however, there has been a step to settle it. These latest talks are hopeful in the sense that
at least there would be an end to war and brutality.

Let us hope and pray that the innocent people of Kashmir Will finally win freedom. What not
has been sacrificed by the people of Kashmir? now it is duty of the UNO to take this issue
as top priority and play its part effectively to help the people of Kashmir to win long-awaited
Kashmir Issue Essay (1500 Words)
No constitution, no court, no law can save liberty when it dies in the hearts and minds of
men and women. It is dearly bought, continually paid for and difficult to keep. But the
oppressors who uproot the tree of others freedom are eventually crushed by its fall, for the
natives never compromise on their liberty and keep striving to breathe again in the air of
freedom. The same struggle is going on in the Valley of Kashmir.

“What stands if freedom falls?” Rudyard Kipling, For all we have and Are

It is nearly six decades since Kashmir has been a disputed territory due to the unjust and
immoral occupation of India on the large part of the Valley. The people of Kashmir are
valiantly fighting against the oppressors and sacrificing their lives for the right of self-
determination and liberation.

“Where the Spirit of Lord is, there is liberty.” New Testament

The Indian troops, on the other hand, are violating the human rights by genocide, mass
arrests, searches without the warrant, the widespread use of mental and physical tortures,
gang rapes, sieges and dismantling of the sacred places, destruction of houses and fields
and the infliction of starvation through long curfews. No international organization or world
power has so far made any serious and sincere attempt to settle this gravest issue that has
been a constant threat not only to regional stability but also to global peace.

A Paradise on the Earth

Kashmir that was usually called the earthly paradise due to its supreme natural beauty has
now become the valley of blood, bullets, bayonets, fire and dead bodies because of the
atrocities of the Indian army. The geographical location of Kashmir is tremendously
important as it borders on five countries, namely Pakistan, India, China, Russia and
Afghanistan. It is situated at the height of 5000 feet above the sea level comprising the area
of 85000 square miles. It has got all four seasons and the climate is bitterly cold in winter
and moderates in summer. The economy of Kashmir is mainly agricultural based on various
kinds of timber, silk, wool, fruit, saffron, walnut, wood, carpets and various other small
handicrafts. Kashmir is also highly rich in the deposition of various minerals, and it is also
the catchments area of some famous rivers which flow both in India and Pakistan. So, the
geographical location of Kashmir is of vital significance for both countries.

The issue of Kashmir dates back to 1845 when the British rulers ironically allowed Gulab
Singh to take possession of the state with the large majority of the Muslims therein. It was
virtually a despotic era for the Kashmiris and it eventually resulted in Quit Kashmir
Movement against the Maharaja in 1931. Later, in the unjust partition of the subcontinent
Kashmir was not included in Pakistan, rather it was left at the Hindu Maharajas mercy. The
people of Kashmir started no-tax agitation which, later on, assumed a militant form.
Having been defeated by the local Muslim population, the Hindu Maharaja invited Indian
troops to crush the agitation. India entered the valley and then refused to withdraw her
forces and eventually declared Kashmir as an integral part of India. Keeping in view the evil
designs of India, Pakistan also deployed her forces in the border regions. This confrontation
resulted in the first clash between India and Pakistan in 1948. The security Council
arranged a ceasefire dividing Kashmir by the Line of Control. In 1957, the United Nations
adopted a resolution which speaks:

“The final disposition of the state will be made in accordance with the will
of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and
impartial , plebiscite”

But the dispute never came to an end. In 1965, the war again broke out between India and
Pakistan. This war lasted for 22 days and it was again stopped by the Security Council.
While the third war that was fought in 1971 and it was a thoroughly losing experience for
Pakistan. It ended with the separation of East Pakistan, and gave way to Simla Agreement
which was signed by the then President Bhutto and Premier Indira Gandhi on July 3, 1972.
The accord speaks of:

“The final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir will be decided through same
future meeting between two heads of India and Pakistan.”

But the last three decades have proved that both the Simla Agreement and the United
Nations Resolution have nothing to do with the peaceful settlement of Kashmir Issue and
have thus become totally invalid.

So far as the role of Pakistan is concerned, it is of great significance. It is also an

undeniable fact that all the freedom movements of the world were supported by some
friendly countries. As the world organizations like Amnesty International and Red Cross are
doing nothing in this regard, the immediate responsibility rests on Pakistan to provide the
Kashmiris with moral, material and diplomatic assistance in order to find an honorable and
just solution of this problem. Besides this, a large number of Kashmiris are living on the
border towns of Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Wazirabad, Gujranwala and Lahore.

Even the national poet of Pakistan Allama Iqbal was basically a Kashmiri. How could then
we keep our eyes closed on the happenings in Kashmir?

“God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.” Thomas

It is also a hard fact that once the spirit of sacrifice and freedom is awakened in any nation,
it cannot be suppressed by any amount of force. This is what happened in Afghanistan,
Vietnam, Algeria, Yugoslavia, Ireland, the subcontinent and many other newly liberated the
Baltic States. The war of independence and freedom is also being fought in Palestine,
Chechnya, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. If America and USSR can be humiliated by the
Vietnamese and Afghan Mujahedeens why not India be humiliated by the brave and
determined Kashmiries whose sacrifices are greater than that of any freedom fighters in the
“What light is to the eyes, What air is to the lungs, What love is to the
heart Liberty is to the soul of mam.” R. N. Ingersoll
Possible Solutions
Many possible options regarding the solution of this problem are under active consideration,
namely to make the present Line of Control a permanent border, to give Kashmir semi-
independence or to allow the Kashmiris to have an absolutely independent national state.
But India and Pakistan should not impose any decision on the Kashmiris against their
wishes and long-cherished aspirations.

“Make way for liberty!” he cried, Made way for liberty, and died.” James

No decision or agreement would be binding and non-reversible unless the true Kashmiri
leaders are included in the dialogues. Pakistan has demonstrated a lot of flexibility on the
issue of Kashmir and has declared that it is open to new ideas and suggestions on a
solution that would be acceptable not only to Pakistan and India but also to the people of
Kashmir. However, there is still no sign that the two sides have reached any closer to a
solution of Kashmir. Indians rigid policy over the Kashmir issue is the main hindrance in this

To sum up, Kashmir has been internationally recognized as a disputed territory. Despite
terrible atrocities and flagrant human rights violations, the flames of mass rebellion are
rising higher and higher and there will be no end to it. The United Nations and the other
organizations should play their most needed role to settle this alarming issue through the
promised plebiscite.

The Indians must realize the hollowness of their claims and should not try to cheat the world
by holding bogus elections in the held Kashmir. Pakistan should continue her moral,
material and diplomatic support of the Kashmiris. The time is not far away when the
Kashmiris will succeed in dismantling the barbed wire entanglements, recently erected on
the Line of Control’ by the Indian government, as the German people demolished the Berlin
wall. But it is not possible unless India is condemned to find the intensity of the liberation
movement unbearable.

“When Liberty is gone, Life grown insipid and has lost Its relish.” Addition

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