C It P of Added Phosphate
C It P of Added Phosphate
C It P of Added Phosphate
Received 31 January 2002; received in revised form 9 October 2002; accepted 9 October 2002
From the phosphate content in meat and meat protein a new ratio of free (non-protein) phosphate/protein (16 2 mg/g) was
calculated. From the level of soluble phosphate determined by capillary isotachophoresis (CITP), protein content determined by
Kjeldahl method and with the use of the earlier-mentioned ratio the amount of added phosphates could be calculated. The method
was compared with the spectrophotometric dry-ashing reference method on 34 samples and good agreement was found.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Phosphates; Protein; Capillary isotachophoresis; Meat products
The aim of this study was to compare a new iso- with 50 ml of distilled water in an ultrasonic bath for
tachophoretic method with a standard method for the approximately 30 min. The mixture was cooled and
determination of phosphates. This new method is able made up to volume with distilled water and then filtered
to determine individual polyphosphates directly in a (FILTRAK, 388, Germany). The filtrate was refiltered
water extract, thus avoiding the need for dry-ashing. through a membrane filter (0.45 mm, MACHEREY-
Thirty-four samples of meat products and six samples of NAGEL, Düren, Germany) prior to CITP analysis.
different kinds of meat were used. A ZKI 02 isotachophoresis analyser (Labeco, Spišská
Nová Ves, Slovak Republic) with column coupling was
used. The separation was performed in a FEP (fluori-
2. Materials and methods nated ethylene–propylene copolymer) pre-separation
capillary (160 0.8 mm i.d.), which was coupled to a
2.1. Samples FEP analytical capillary (160 0.8 mm i.d.). Zones were
detected by conductivity. The isotachophoretic data
Meat and meat product samples were obtained from were collected and evaluated by a software package
different market sources and were minced and wrapped ITPWin 2.20 (KasComp, Slovak Republic) running on
in sealed PE bags and stored in a freezer at 15 C until a personal computer. Anionic analysis of phosphates
analysis. They included 14 samples of ham, 10 samples was performed with a leading electrolyte comprising of
of frankfurters, four samples of chopped and one sam- 10 mM HCl+20 mM glycylglycine+0.05% hydro-
ple of whole mortadella, five samples of pate, and six xypropylmethylcelullose (pH=3.0) and a terminating
samples of meat from four species. electrolyte of 5 mM citric acid. The currents applied to
the pre-separation and the analytical capillary were 250
2.2. Reagents and solutions and 50 mA, respectively.
Calibration curves were constructed using solutions of
Sodium phosphate and glycylglycine were purchased monophosphate and di-phosphate at concentrations of
from Sigma-Adrich (Czech Republic), ascorbic acid, 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 mmol l1.
sodium, molybdate, zinc oxide, sodium diphosphate,
citric acid and hydrochloric acid were purchased from 2.3.4. Spectrophotometric determination of phosphorous
Lachema (Brno, Czech Republic). The remaining che- as molybdenum blue after dry-ashing
micals were supplied by PENTA (Czech Republic). All Phosphorous was determined, after dry-ashing, by
reagents were analytical grade. spectrophotometry at l=823 nm using the molybdate–
ascorbic acid reaction (Pulliainen & Wallin, 1996) and a
2.3. Analytical methods standard curve constructed using standard solutions (0,
0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 and 0.06 mg P). Spectro-
2.3.1. Protein photometric measurements were carried out with the
Protein (N 6.25) was determined as total nitrogen Spectronic1 model 20 GENESISTM VIS spectro-
by the Kjeldahl method modified by the addition of a photometer (Spectronic Instruments, Rochester NY,
mixture of K2SO4 and CuSO4 as catalyst. Samples (1.5 USA). All determinations were repeated at least once.
g) were digested with a mixture of sulphuric acid and Results were calculated as an average of replicates.
hydrogen peroxide and the content of nitrogen was
determined using a KJELTEC AUTO 1030 Analyser
(Tecator, Sweden). 3. Results and discussion
Table 1
Results of chemical analyses of different meat species
Pork Beef hind-quarter Chicken leg Chicken breast Turkey leg Turkey breast
Protein (%) 20.2 0.3 21.90.2 20.8 0.2 24.10.6 22.640.05 26.3 0.2
Net protein (%) 20.8 1.0 19.60.2 16.8 0.4 20.01.2 19.70.5 20.4 1.5
Protein-bound P2O5 (mg/kg)a 513 1 7708 981 39 8251 49436 567 40
Total P2O5 (RM) (mg/kg)b 4937124 4441105 451383 537763 412064 5445122
Free P2O5 (CITP) (mg/kg)c 35492 30895 329521 440310 362024 393131
Free P2O5 (RM) (mg/kg)d 4424125 3671114 3531198 455254 3626308 4878361
Ratio of Total P2O5 /Protein (mg/g) 24.5 0.7 20.40.5 21.8 0.5 22.20.7 221 20.8 0.5
Ratio of Free P2O5 /Protein (mg/g)e 17.6 0.3 14.00.1 15.8 0.2 18.20.5 15.90.1 14.9 0.2
Amount of P2O5 in net protein determined by reference method.
Amount of P2O5 determined by reference method.
Amount of free (non-protein) P2O5 determined by isotachophoresis.
Amount of free (non-protein) P2O5 calculated from the difference between total amount of P2O5 in meat and amount P2O5 found in net proteins
determined by reference method.
Amount of P2O5 determined by isotachophoresis.
sured six-times, was 1.6 and 4.3% for the reference Table 2
method and isotachophoretic methods, respectively. Results obtained by determination of phosphates in 34 meat products,
using the isotachophoresis (CITP) and photometric reference methods
3.1. Ratio of free phosphates/proteins in meat
Sample Source Protein (%) Phosphates (mg P2O5/kg)
Table 1 shows the results of the determination of
protein, net protein, phosphate (total and protein-
bound) in the different meats. The total phosphate was 1F Frankfurters 11.460.08 56015 63919
obtained by the spectrophotometric reference method, 2F 13.5 0.3 4459 34.60.5
3F 13.710.03 3998 4173
and free phosphate by CITP. Phosphate content was 4F 12.6 0.1 187052 190716
expressed as phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5=2.29P). 5F 12.540.05 6273 83110
According to the reference method the added phosphate 6F 12.590.08 540 5 59017
content is calculated from the difference between the 7F 14.260.05 139015 4235
total phosphorous (determined by the spectro- 8F 10.160.02 812 88.90.7
9F 16.6 0.3 55314 4725
photometric method) and phosphorous associated with 10F 9.8 0-2 96030 6765
the protein assuming 0.0106 expresses the amount 15M Mortadella 10.370.05 215022 161025
phosphorous in the meat proteins (g P/g protein). 11H Hams 19.2 0.1 373029 357345
Most of the phosphorous (85–90%) in meat is water- 12H 15.280.01 333055 254828
soluble (free) phosphates, which are determined by iso- 13H 23.580.07 206037 204415
14H 16.960.07 266089 164414
tachophoresis. Because of this it is necessary to change 16H 11.890.02 383085 369750
the method of calculation. The added phosphates were 17H 11.0 0.2 200044 188114
calculated from the difference between the sum of total 18H 14.090.01 311045 315022
free phosphorous and phosphorous associated with the 19H 19.800.05 171015 193414
proteins. Phosphate as phosphorous pentoxide in the 20H 11.680.08 196035 122711
21H 15.8 0.2 203046 184748
sample is calculated as follows: 22H 14.4 0.8 3220187 242820
23H 9.41 0.05 338035 322146
Phosphate ðmg P2 O5 =kgÞ ¼ F 10ðPr RÞ 24H 14.940.09 155024 154425
25H 13.5 0.8 2290142 295023
where F=sum of soluble phosphates (mg/kg) deter- 26P Pate 14.5 0.2 3305 4695
27P 4.55 0.07 98016 103212
mined by isotachophoresis; Pr=amount of protein (g/ 31P 11.2 0.1 172023 8729
100 g); R is the ratio of free protein phosphates to the 33P 7.5 0.1 230047 9868
protein content. R was defined as the ratio of the 34P 10.1 0.3 2589 9047
amount of free phosphate (sum of all soluble forms) 28S Chopped 11.3 0.4 71027 114.40.9
determined by CITP [Table 1, line Ratio of Free P2O5 / 29S 11.0 0.1 65011 5857
30S 11.590.05 96029 9937
Protein] and protein content. The average R value was 32S 12.9 0.3 107027 4805
16 2 mg/g.
768 M. Dusˇek et al. / Meat Science 65 (2003) 765–769
Because there are no added phosphates in fresh more variable than the total phosphate levels in meat
meat, the isotachophoretically determined phosphate in due to post-mortem changes (Witowska, 1981) as phos-
a water-extract of meat ‘‘corresponds’’ to the total phate is released from compounds such as proteins,
phosphate less the protein-bound phosphate deter- nucleotides, phospholipides, phosphocreatine.
mined by the reference method. The values of free
phosphates (non-protein) determined by CITP [see 3.2. Comparison of methods for the determination of
Table 1, line Free P2O5 (CITP)] are compared with added phosphates
those [Table 1, line Free P2O5 (RM)] calculated from
the diference between amount of total phosphate and Meat products (34) were divided into two groups,
amount of protein-bound phosphate determined from hams and other meat products (Fig. 1). Table 2 shows
the net protein [Table 1, line 4 and 3, respectively] by the concentration of added phosphates determined by
the reference method. Comparison of the free phos- the RM and CITP methods. It is clear that for the
phate levels in the meat samples, determined by CITP cheaper products (7P, 8P, 14H, 22H, 31P, 33P, 28S and
and RM shows small differences (Table 1). The lower 32S) the concentrations of added phosphates deter-
value of free phosphate determined by CITP, com- mined by CITP and RM were different. These differ-
pared with the reference method, could be because ences are probably due to added proteins (egg, milk,
there is some non-protein phosphates in meat, for plant protein extracts or isolates) in these products. The
example, nucleotides, phospholipids, phosphocreatine, different ratio of total phosphate/free phosphate in non-
etc. meat additives (Alli & Baker, 1981; Brooks & Morr,
From the data summarized in Table 1 the ratio of 1984) will decrease the value of added phosphates
total P2O5/protein in mg/g was calculated. The obtained determined by the CITP method. The negative results
value of 21 1 (it corresponds to (9.2 0.4)103 were obtained for products in which the content of
expressed as g P/g protein) is in good accord with the nitrogen compounds (proteins) was increased by the
value previously obtained (Kossovska, 1998). The ratio addition of material with a lower ratio of total phos-
of Total P2O5/protein (mg/g) ranges from 22 to 24.5 phate/protein than found in meat.
(RSD=6.9%) and is likely dependent on the meat spe- The results of CITP determination of added phos-
cies. The ratio of Free P2O5/protein (mg/g) obtained by phates were compared with those obtained by the spec-
CITP was wider, from 14.0 to 18.2 (RSD=9.7%) and trophotometric reference method (Fig. 1). It can be
varied more than the ratio of Total P2O5/protein concluded from the regression coefficients (intercept
obtained by RM. This wider range could be because the 104 122, slope 0.904 0.063) than the CITP method
CITP method determines only soluble free phosphate, gives lower results than the reference method. This is
i.e., a part of the total phosphates determined by RM. due to fact that each method (CITP and reference)
The ratio of free soluble phosphate/total phosphate is determines different forms of phosphate.
Fig. 1. The relationship between added phosphates (* hams, other meat products) calculated from the results determined by the isotachophoresis
(CITP) and by the reference method (RM).
M. Dusˇek et al. / Meat Science 65 (2003) 765–769 769
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