Chapter-13 & 14

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CHAPTER ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT both voltmeters in Figure (@) a voltmeter and an ammeter een r ac voltmeter V, reads (b) Schering bridge oe value, the de voltmeter will (©) a Kelvin double bridge ese) (d) a Maxwell bridge " Which of the following instrument will be used to measure alternating current only? (a) moving-iron voltmeter (b) permanent-magnet type ammeter (©) induction-type ammeter (@) moving-iron (attraction-type) ammeter. 7. When connecting wattmeters to a load sircuit consuming large current, it is s necessary to use (@) potential transformers (®) isolation transformers (©) power shunts (@) current transformers 8 Which of the following electrical ‘equipment cannot convert ac into de? (a) diode (b) converter (©) transformer (d) mercury-are rectifier 9, The readings of the three instruments in Figure may be used to find (a) efficiency (b) power factor (6) frequency (@) voltage regulation 2og 10. The electric device which blocks de but allows ac is called (b) inductor (@) transducer of a 100 per cent modulated AM transmitter is suppressedy the percentage power saving will be (a) 50 (b) 66.6 (©) 160 (@) zero 12, Fig. 1 shows Lissajous pattera obtained on the oscilloscope sercen when 6011z frequency is applied to its horizontal input known frequency is applied to its input, The unknown frequency 1 ssc hertzn (a) 40 (b) 90 ()30 (d) 300 13. By resolution ofan indicating instrument ismeant (a) the smaliest change in the output reading due to drifting of pointer smallest change in applied stimu nich will indicate a detectable in defleetion lifference between various 1g5 for the same applied stimulus (a) none of these 14, Threshold of sensitivity with respect to (b) measuring instrument is {a) the maximum signal which can be measured ~ {b) the value of sensitivity on the highest scale © ts sl of sn on the lowest (0 ses sel wich ret i - detectable output ‘15. The difference between the i i ELECTRICAL 7 19. 20. LAND ELECTRONIC MEASURE py (¢) its introduction into the circuit measurement does Not alter the gin conditions and the Power congym ve it for its operation is small (d) its resistance should be infinite Main advantage of PMMC insirumeny ) ratio providing higy Med. accuracy (b) uniform scale (© possiblity of using a single insrumey for many different current and vol ranges by use of shunts and mung pabiity suring both ac and dell quantities moving coi! instruments, scale useqjy linear scale (b) lin (c) square scale (d) logarithmic scale When an ac voltag' voltmeter (a) the meter gets damaged (b) meter reading is zero (c}pointer will oscillate to and fro (d) the pointer will not move atali + ‘The function of swamping resistor put series with the moving coil of a movi coil macier is (a) to achieve full-scale sensitivity of meter (b) to reduce the full-scale current (c) to increase the streneth of the field. (d) to compensate for transporatiy ve variations Frequency compensation in a moving. instrument is achieved by connec! (a) a capacitor in series with the live (b) a capacitor across the fixed coil (©) high resistance in series with the ¢ DPLECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 295 ‘The damping of ballistic gtavanometer jg 0. men «Tepe very small 3 sees used for de measurement (a) to make the system oscillating (a) 3) in order to get large first defection (atone ene eae {ein order to get small first deflection (Gekeiniee {@to:make the system critically damped (ase ee Sif the current sensitivity of 4 31. In: tr mie it atvanometer I increased, the ytd E tata used for a¢ measuremen (a) permanent magnet type (b) hot wire type (©) electrostatic type (A) induction type 32, pe Which of the following instruments should be used for measuring ac current? (a) induction type ammeter (b) moving iron (attraction type) ammeter (c) moving iron voltmeter (4) permanent magnet type ammeter . An clectrical measuring instrument has senstivity of 1000 ohms/volt. On 100 volt this instrument will have internal ‘have scale reading rms value on ac ‘ircuits hhave scale reading peak value on ac ireuits 33, 'Arsonval meter movement is rated HA, and only 25 pa is passing igh its coil, the deflection will be resistance of per cent of full scale (a) 100 () lot cent of full scale (©) 10° (d) 10002 er cent of full scale . All meters used for measuring current, cent of full scale voltage and resistance are basically ¢ deflection is given (a) multimeters __(b) voltmeters (©) current meters (d) ohm meters The phenomenon of creeping occurs in (a) ammeters (b) voltmeters (c) watt meters (d) energy meters ss Swamping resistance is added to the coil cireuit . (a) 10 increase the sensitivity (b) to reduce the temperature error - ~ (©) to reduce error due to thermal emf (a) to reduce the power drawn by the instrument et 296 39 40. 41. 42. 43. ELECTRIC! (6) spring control or gravity control (©) eddy current (4) fluid friction The most efficient form of dampi instrument is (@) eddy current (©)air friction Instrument ac (a) the measure of © reproduci-bility of the measurem: (b) closeness with which an instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity being measured (©) the smallest measurable input change (4) the ratio of the change in output signal to the change in the input signal rument efficiency is defined as ofthe instrument to read the (b) fluid friction (d) none of these curacy is defined as fonsistency oF ents Inst (a) the ability smallest input changes (b) the ratio of the measured quant full scale to the power taken by the instrument at full scale (6) the ratio of the change in output signal to the change in input signal (@) the ability of the system 0 reproduce the output in the same form as the input ‘Acurrent transformer (a) should have its secondary open while the primary is carrying current (6) should never have its secondary open ‘while the primary is carrying current (©) is never used with the seconday circuit Closed through ammeters, wattmeters, current coils or relay coils (a) may keep the secondary circuit closed without any serious trouble ‘Anderson bridge (a) requires a. ‘standard inductor in terms of which the loss angle of the capacitor is ity at expressed () is applicable for precise measurement of capacitances (©) is applicable for precise measurement of inductances over a wide range of values (d@) requires a standard resistor in terms of which the self inductance is expressed 45. 46, 47. 48. 49. 51. ALAND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT icularly suited for measurement (a) is part 1¢ over a Wide range of of capacitanc values (b) is particularly suited for measurement of inductance having high Q-value (©) is suited for measurement of capacitance having high Q-value capulatrnulted: fore meastrement. off inductance having low Q-value wien bridge is used for the measurement of (@) resistance (b) capacitance (©) frequency (d) inductance ‘AC bridges have (a) leakage error only (b) residual errors, waveform errors only (©) both (a) and (b) above (d) no error Induction ty! is (a) an ampere-hour meter (b) true watt-hour meter (c) wattmeter (@) none of these ‘Two-wattmeter method can be used ¢o measure the total power delivered to (a) star connected load only (b) delta connected load only (c) star as well as delta connected loads @ star connected with neutral load LYDT (@) converts linear motion into electrical nd’ eddy current errors frequency errors and pe single phase energymeter signal (b) translates electrical signal into linear motion (c) helps measuring (d) can be used to sense displacement Piezo-electric quartz crystal can be used (tempers (2 acceleration ® ee ummy strain (a) increase the Toor 3 ol increase the range (c) compensate for tem| (@) make the bridge “Soca ular in measuring the following jt_method of measuring ae is filter (b) high pass filter ss filter (d) band stop filter full-scale voltmeters V, and es of 100 KV anu connected in series to Ther L AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 297 58. A moving coin galvanometer is made into 4 dc. ammeter by Y connceting (2) low resistance across the meter (b) ahigh resistance in series with the meter. (©) 0 pure inductance across the moter (4) a capacitor is series with the meter. 59. The power ina resistor Ris estimated by measuring the voltage and current using the voltmeter-ammeter method, Two different arrangemens can be used as shown in circuit land 11, Less erroneous Tesulls are obtained by adopting + W + Circuit -1 WY) R © + o 8 + W) R Circuit - 11 o Fig. 13.4 (2) circuit | for low values of R (6) circuit II for values of R (6) circuit | for values of R (d) circuit 11 for low and high values of R. 60, In the ac bridge shown in the figure Z,= 450 ohm. = (300 - j 600) ohm. Zy=(200+5 100) ohm Fig. 13.5 ‘The value of unknown impedance Z, at balance is : ravi +1150) ohm (b) (100 ~ j150) ohm (©) (300 + j100) ohm (a) (0 + j150) ohm 62. 63. ELECTRIC |The A to D converter used in a digital instrument could be 1, successive approximation coverter type 2, flash converter type 3. dual slop converter type The correct sequence of the increasing order of the conversion time taken by these types is @)1,2,3 (b)2,1,3 (©)3,2,! (@3, 1,2 Which one of the following terms is NOT associated with a sample-and-hold circuit? (@) Conversion time (b) Acquisition time (c) Aperture time _(d) Sample mode Ina linear, an input of 5 sin wt produces an output of 10 cos wt. The output corresponding to input 10 cos at will be used to (@) +5 sin ot (©) #20 sin ot (b) -S sin ot (@)-20 sin wt 64, Match List-I with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-1 List-I1 (Parameter (Bridge) measured) ‘A. Audio frequency 1. Maxwell bridge B. High Qinducjor 2. Hy bridge C. Dielectric loss 3. Wien bridge D, Low Q inductor . 4, Scherring bridge Codes : A (a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 4 (@)1 D 1 1 2. aANwag w-anod 5 é 65. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-1 List-IT A. Meggar 1. Measurement of loss angle i isa dielectric B. Spectrum 2. Measurement of frequency analyser . Scherring 3. Measurement of insulation bridge resistance D. Digital 4, Measurement of harmonics counter 66. 67. 68, 69. 70. a AL AND ELECTRONIC MEASU REMENy Codes : A (a) 1 (b) 1 (©) 4 (d) 3 When an ac voltage is applied to PMMC voltmeter 4 (a) the mater gets damaged (b) meter reading is zero (c) pointer will oscillate to and fro (d) the pointer will not move at all A simple moving coil meter can not be used to measure radio frequency currents because (@) the meter would introduce ap inductive reactance in the circuit (b) large heat dissipation results (c) damping of the meter becomes difficult of radio frequencies (@) the meter is not very accurate at radio frequencies The error which does not result in moving iron instrument for both ac and de measurements (a) stray magnetic field error (b) hysteresis error (c) eddy current error (@ temperature error The advantage of a moving iron instrument is that (@) ithas linear scale - () its current sensitivity is high (c) it can be used under severe overload condition @) it can be used at high frequencies Moving iron meters can be used upto =Naug BeNNG Novag frequency of (@) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz (© 500 Hz (@ 1500 Hz The advantage of electrodynamometer type of instruments is (a) low torque/weight ratio 2 current x © scale. @) the coil being air cored, these - instruments are , AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 299 Bureelectrostatic 79. Deftection of the d° Arsonval meter movement is caused by (@) current in the coil and the magnet (b) the spring and the magnet (c) the pivot and the springs (d) the magnetic field atone 80. When we measure ae viltage with ad’ cheap,robust and small in size licating scale is uniform ting forcesare large a Arsonval meter movement, the meter aall Fecilsing will respond to get large first deflection 8 eae der to get small first deflection & cslenal e the system critically damped pecieaie teas instruments are not free (@) pulsating ac signal if 81. Ad’ Arsonval meter of 200 ohm coil and 0-1 mA sensitivity is to work as voltmeter of full scale rating 10 volts. The value of multiplier should be (a) 1 ka (b) 10k (©) 9800.2 (4) 900.2 82. Rectifier instruments indicate (a) rms value (b) average value () peak value (d) de value 83, The principle of d'Arsonval instrument is similar to which of the following instruments? (a) moving iron (b) PMMC (©) induction (d) digital |. In a ballistic galvanometer, damping follows (a) hyperbolic decay (b) logarithmic decay (©) exponential decay () exponential rise The instrument which should be used to measure 600 kV ac voltage is (a) Electrostatic voltmeter (b) Moving coil voltmeter (c) Moving iron voltmeter (d) Hot wire instrument ‘The instrument whose deflection is given © by the expression dal? is known as 300 88. 89. ‘90. m1. 82. 93. 95. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT (a) electrodynamic type (b) moving iron type (o) electrostatic type (a) induction type ec The deflection expression OAV? TH applies to the (a) moving iron type instrument (b) electrodynamic type instrument (c) electrostatic type instrument (4) induction type instrument Which of the following instruments consumes maximum power during measurement? (a) induction instrument (b) hot wire instrument (©) thermocouple instrument (d) electrodynamometer instrument Instrument used for de measurement alone is (a) moving iron type (b) permanent magnet type (c) clectrodynamic type (d) induction type Instrument used for ac measurement alone is (a) permanent magnet type (b) hot wireAype (c) electrostatic type , (d) induction type Which of the following instruments will have the same calibration on both acand de? (a) electrodynamometer type (b) moving iron type (c) moving coil type (d) induction type The multiplier and the meter movement in a voltmeter are always in (@) parallel (b) series (c) parallel-series _(d) series-parallel An electrical measuring instrument has senstivity of 1000 ohms/volt. On 100 volt scale, this instrument will have internal resistance of (a) 10.2 (v) 104 @10°a (@ 10002 The fuaction of a shunt in an ammeter (a) by pass the current (b) increase the meter's resistance (c) decrease the voltage drop (d) increase the current in the coil A measure of reproducibility of measurement is known as (a) resolution (b) fidelity (c) precision (d) accuracy Difference between the indicated value and the true value of a quantity is known as (@)Grosserror —_(b) absolute error (c) dynamic error (d) relative error |. Meggar is an instrument for (a) measuring current (0) measuring voltage (c) testing insulation (d) measuring power Gravity control instruments have scales which are not uniform but are crowded because (a) balance weight itself is not uniform (b) current is proportional to sin © where 0 is the deflection angle (©) balance weight is greater than control weiht (@) current is proportional to deflection angle 100. Eddy current damping can not be used for moving iron instruments because the (a) weight of instrument increases (b) presenceof premanent magnet required for this purpose will affect the defelection and hence the instrument reading size of instrument increases eddy currents will pass through iron and thereby cause loss 101. Precision measurement of resistances Is generally carried out by (a) potentiometer method (b) CRO method (c) voltmeter-ammeter method 96. s (©) @) (@) bridge method 102. Which of the following methods Is best uited for measurement of a de difference of 1 volt? (a) bridge method (b) voltmeter (VERO, (d) notent 4 spECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENy Instrument accuracy Is defined a5 () the measure of consis 301 ie 109. The common : lancey or method of measuring reproduci-bility of the Measurements S-phase balanced or unbalanced power | @) closeness with which an instrumeny K treading approaches the true value ct (8) one wattmeter method the quantity being measured (b) two wattmeter method (@) the smallest measurable input change (pine watnter method i , of these y ic chon change in output signal 19, lian cnerayiaaale at dy speed of th Bre eflicien tes Signal dise is aay d he eee : instrument efficiency Is defined as chieved when (6) the ability of the instrument to read (@) braking torque is less than the the smallest input changes pPerating torque (b) the ratio of the measured quantity at ) ae lorque is twice the operating i ale to the pows ee taken by the (6) braking torque is equal to the ; operating torque (©) the ratio of the Change in output signal (@) braking torque is more than the to the change in input signal operating torque the ability of the system to reproduce IIL. Three phase four-wire energy meter is the output in the same form as the used to measure = (a) single phase energy (b) two phase energy das (©) three phase balanced energy 1) the smallest measurable input change fe input cha (@) three phase unbalanced energy consistency or the reproducibility of 112. The mo: common method for measurement measurement of low resistance is ) ability to reproduce the output in the (a) Wheatstone bridge method _ same from as the input (b) potentiometer method (©) voltmeter-ammeter method (d) Kelvin's double bridge method 113. For measurement of very high resistance (insulation resistance), the instrument used is (a) multimeter (b) potentiometer (c) Meggar (d) Wheatstone bridge 114, A current transformer (a) should have its secondary open while the primary is carrying current (b) should never have its secondary open while the primary is carrying current (©) is never used with the secondary circuit closed through ammeters, wattmeters, current coils or relay coils (d) may keep the secondary circuit closed without any serious trouble 4115. If the secondary winding of current transformer is left open (a) there will be no current in the primary _(b) current transformer will blast lution of a measuring instrument is 302 (©) no damage will result a (d) there will be only magnetizing component of current in the primary 116. Instrument transformers are used in ac system for help in the measurement of (a) current and voltage (b) power and energy (©) power factor (d)all of these 17. For an instrument transformer, the ratio error is defined as (a) rated primary current/rated secondary current (b) nominal ratio-actual ratio/actual ratio (©) actual ratio/nominal ratio (@) actual ratio-nominal ratio/nominal ratio 118. Schering bridge is used to measure (a) resistance (b) frequency (©) input voltage (d) capacitance and its power factor 119. The dielectric loss of a capacitor can be measured by (a) Wien bridge (b) Owen bridge (©) Schering bridge (d) Maxwell bridge 120. Anderson bridge (a) requires a standard inductor in terms of which the loss angle of the capacitor is expressed (b) is applicable for precise measurement of capacitances (©) is applicable for precise measurement of inductances of over a wide range of values i (d) requires a standard resistor in terms of which the self inductance is expressed 121. Hay's bridge (a) is particularly suited for measurement of capacitance over a wide range of values (b) is particularly suited for measurement of inductance having high Q-value (©) is suited for measurement of Capacitance having high Q-value (d) is suited for measurement of inductance having low Q-value ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 122. Wien bridge is used for the measurement of (a) resistance _(b) capacitance (c) frequency (4) inductance 123. AC bridges have (a) leakage error and eddy current errors only (b) residual erros, frequency errors and waveform errors only (6) both (a) and (b) above (d) no error 124. Power of 6-phase circuit can be measured with minimum of (a) two wattmeters (b) three wattmeters (©) four wattmeters (@) five wattneters 125, Self balancing potentiometers are used (a) for industrial instruments (b) for vibration instruments (c) for experimental purposes in the laboratories (@) in recorders 126. Power factor meters have (a) only current coil (b) only voltage coils (c) both current and voltage coil (@) only inductive voltage coil 127. The ratio error in current transformer is due to (a) power factor of primary (b) wattless component of current in the primary (©) exciting current (d) leakage flux 128.In a Wheatstone bridge, known resistances are correct to within + 0.2%. The accuracy to which an unknown resistance can be measured is (a) 0.2% (b) 0.4% (©) + 06% @)+0.8% 129, Inductance is measured in terms of capacitance and resistance by using (a) Schering, (b) Anderson bri Gd) Wien bri 130. Which rience bridges in used to measure inductance of a low-Q inductor? { = useTIcAtsAND ELECTRONIC MEASURE! Be fayMoxwell bridge (oy lly bride i) Wien bridge fayAnderson bridge _ Wreawattmeter method can be used to Measure the (otal power delivered to _mesiar connected lond only eta connected lord only fs well as delta connected londs connected with neutral load Which of the following instruments is The est choice (0 measure a dle potential fifference of about 0.S volt, (he current |Wheatstone bridge happens ifa voltmeter is connected ‘ammeter in series with the load? a ‘an extremely high current flows ig almost no current in the circuit a device which form of power into another s one form of energy into MENT 403 138, Thermocouple (ransducer is used for (4) temperature measurement (b) velocity and vibration measurement (c) pressure measurement (d) acceleration mensurement Differential transformer transducer is Used for the measurement of (j) displacement (b) liquid level (c) temperature (W) speech and music P ple of Pirani gauge is based on (a) humidity of the medium (b) thermal conuictivity ofthe medium (c) combustibility of the medium (d) electrical resistivity of the medium A differential transformer is. (a) variable inductance transducer (b) variable pressure transducer (©) constant displicement tranisducer’ (A) constant pressyré transformer,” Thermistor is a bulk semiconductor device having temperature coefficient of resistance-which (a) high and ne (b) fow.and negative (e) high ami positive (@) low and positive © .. The device used Jo measure Mow of air ‘arotind an aeroplane is % 139, 140, 141, 142, (a) venturimeter —(e) orifice (b) Fotameter (Wd) anemometer 144, Ina pitot tiibe i (a) velocity head is converted into,pressure head (b) pressure head is'converted into velocity head z ’ (c) velocity head is converted into datiim head = (4) differential pressure i produced across the tube i - 445; Hot wire’ anemometer is used to measure r cee cae: a, (b) liquid discharge. (@) very low presstires 4 gas velocities relerence-clectrove ; <- (a) to measure average pH value (b) to produce a constant voltage (©) to provide temperature compensation (d) to produe a constant current 147, Peselein quartz crystal can be used « to measure (8) temperature (b) velocity (©) acceleration (4) Now : 1.9. Main advantage of semiconductor strain gauge over resistive strain gauge is its (a) high sensitivity (b) low sensitivity (©) smaller size (@) better ruggedness 149, The first stage of vertical amplifier of aCROisa (@) CE stage (0) CD stage (6) CS (FET) stage (d) CC stage 150. To minimize the loading of the circuit under (est, the input impedance of a CRO must (@) be low (b) be high () be capacitive (4) match with the out the circuit 1 151. Transistor Voltmeter (TYM) has (a) very high chms/volt rating (©) moderate ohms/volt rating (¢) low ohms/volt rating (2) very low ohms/vott rating 152. Transistor voltmeter» (2) can not measure ac voltage (b)ean not be designed to tage put impedance of measure 153, Transistor voltmete instrument and ¢ measurement of risa highly ‘Sensitive ‘an be used for the (b) power © ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE p (c) high frequency voltages d) low resistances nsistor volimeter is i (a) dynamometer type instrument (b) moving iron instrument (c) moving coil instrument (d) none of these 156. Which of the following instrume, be used to'measure very high fr small curent? (a) Induction type instrument *(b) Moving coil galvanometer * (© Electrodynamic ammeter (d) Thermocouple type instrument 157.The best method of mea, ‘capacitance is (a) CRO method (b) transistor voltmeter method (©) voltmeter-ammeter method (4) ac bridge method 158. The resolution of Dy. display is (a) 4 © ooo US may equency suring (b) 1/1000 (d) 1% 2 159. The Lissajous pattern obtained on a CRO js used to determine (a) amplitude of applied signal (b) current in a circuit @ (6) phase shift and frequency (d) distortion in a system, 160. A DVM measures (@)peak value. ~~ a (>) rms value (©) peak-to-peak valuc (@) average value 161. An FET VM employs FETs in (@) cascade mode (b) cascode mode (e) differential mode (4) common mode 162, Accuracy of a digital voltmeter is Specified as” a Percentage of the actual reading Percentage of the full scale reading _ (© number of least significant digits these » 163. The level range of harmonic analyze? ~ Using crystal filter Is from M with 4 digit” JCALAND ELECTRONIC MEASURENtE NT 324B 2 @ Bio cB (c) the load current ese 10 90.dB (4) none of the above {p10 18000 A dic voltmeter has a sensitivity of ared (0.29 abSOrption wavemeter, 1000 27 volt, When it measures half 172 “6. Cen wavereter fat scale in 100 V range, the current are ie ough the voltmeter will by js more accural ler will be feb re power fom he signa ee ite Coble less power from the'signal i‘ (d) 50 ma an 3s 173. A moving cou! paty: is made into ones ren resonance frequency at ae acters SuEaine madeinta 7 tion ine 7 Pe ctlde ——- oy 4 low resistance actos the mi 1A st filter (b) high pass fier (b) ea Tesistunce in series with the 4 pec tare ss eae filter (©) pure inductance across the meter 166. THE Semen Riaeaitdes ota (d) a capacitor in series with the meter measvre! 174. The current coil of single phase energy - (@balometer (b) cavity resonator meter is wounded ter (d) klystron (a) one limb of the laminated core 161, Which of the following meters is paiable (b) both the limbs of the laminated core "for radia, frequency measurement? with different turns Electrical resonance frequency meter (©) both the limbs of the laminated core | jerodyne frequency meter with same number of turns jon frequency meter (d) the centre of the limb on the laminated z ofthese. core men Pesce responds 175. The meter constant of energy meter is ~ tothe given by (a) average value of active power (a) revkW (b) rewk Wh. value at reactive power (©) revAvatt (d) rev Ws ue at active power : 176, The most commonly used type of single value al reactive power phase energy meter. is instrament employed in the fization of a polar type a.c eter is (a) dynamometer type - (b) eleetrostatic type (c) inttuction type (d) moving coil type 177, Some wire-wound resistors have bifilar winding. This type of winding is used bo a (a) increase the thermal stability (b) reduce the tolerance (6) reduce the inductance of winding, (d) double the power rating of the resistance 178, A CRO sereen has ten divisions on the sy horizontat scale. If'a voltage signal § sin (314t + 45% is examined with a line base setting of5 mesc/diy, the numberof cycle of signal Wisplaced on the sereen will be _ (8) 0.5 cycle (CYS cycles (b) 2.5 cycles (W) 10 cycles 179, A metal strain guage factor of two. it nominal resistance is 120 ohms. : undergoes strain at 10~, the pales change of resistance in response to the Strain is (a) 240 ohms (b) 2.x 10° ohm. (c) 2.4 x 107 ohms (@).1.2.« 107 ohm 180. A Lissajous pattern as shown in figure helow is observed on the secreen at a CRO when voltage of frequency f, and f, are applied to the x and y plates respectively. f, f, is then equal to va Ne {Seas BiG = (aY3s2 (1:2 7 Se)223.+ "@)2:1 181, Four ammeter M, » Mz» My sind-M With the TfoNowinp specifications are a¥a#a A current of | A is to be measured, To obtain minimum error i in the reading, one shoutd select meter @)M, ()M, (OM, Oy 182. A Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the measurement of (2) inductance (©) low resi ( aes G Fesistance (d) hij 183. A certain osefito: a scone with 4 cm by 4 cin sereen hi its own speed Output fed to its input at the Xand y sensitivities treyame: The osciNoscope will display a ‘ 185, Strain gauge LVDT and th 189. Which voltmeter LECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT z L (a) triangular wave jonal line (d) circle 184. In CRT aquadag carries (a) aqueous solution of araphite (b) sweep voltage (c) secondary emission electrons (d) none of these ‘mocouple may be classified as (a) active transducers (b) analogue transducers (©) primary transducers (d) none of these 186, In a dual beam oscilloscope (a) there are two seperate vertical inputs and wo separate horizontal inputs (b) there are two, seperate vertical inputs and there is-only one set of horizontal deflection plates (©) théré fs,only one. vertical input but there’ are.two separate horizontal -defléction plates | (@) théreris only ‘vie vertical and one horjzorital input” _ - 2 187: IF the transignts, durtng switching of a power supply gre to be studied, which Qf the following oscilloscbpe willbe Preferred? Ris G@) An ordinary: oscjlloseppe with high frequency sweep generator (6) Dua! beamescitoscope” , . (©) Dugltrace oscilloscope (@ Storage oseitloscoy 188.4 signal of 10 mv at 75 MHz is to be measured with instruntents? —” (@) VTVM (b) Cathode ray Oscilloscope (©) Moving iron voltmeter (4) Digital mutti which of the following ‘measuring $0 V direct current? 2 (2) Moving coil voltmeter (b) Hot-wire voltineter - © m Electrodynainioinet t @) Electrostatic Yolimeter ter : Would you select for a LAND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT piezoelectric crystal oscittator, the tion or tuning frequency is linea (©) V, will ane 30 Sprtional tothe viv. ce, ry 200 y OV and V2 will reat ass of the crystal a (4) My andy, wi root of the mass of the 193.4 the prasteat aan a: crystal © Practical units of voltage and ate ofthe mass ofthe crystal current wave each made 20 tine 4 Ae CTY SIA, ‘be the eonsequent.a nests Mteration in the size acitance? "'()'60 times Of the unit of cup; (4) 200 times (©) 20 times(d) nit ‘The arms ofa Shown in the Wheatstone bridge are given figure For the cbndHIVH!{HETeast tolerance * value of Ry will be connected across 600 ohm j reads 5 V The resistance 2 Fig. 13.9 Fig. 13.7 (a) 5042%Q (b) 504 3%Q ‘ (b) 500,obms (c) 504 5%Q (d) 50 + 10%2 (d) 2.4 k ohms 195.A thermo-couple ammeter gives full- le voltmeters V, and seale deflection’of bA. Whein it reads.ane of 100 KO/V and fifth of the scale, the current will be nected in series to (@)2a (b) 4A (447A () 5.78.4 196. How many times base cireuits docs dual trace CRO can have? (a)! (b)2 3 @a4 197. A Lissajous pattern on an oscilloscope has 5 horizontal tangencies and 2 vertical tangencies. The frequency of the horizontal input is 100 11. The frequency of the vertical input will be (a) 400 112 (b) 2500 Hz + (c) 4000 liz (d) 5000 tz. 198, In measurements made using a Q-meter, high impedance elements should rrably be connected in a) sta (b) delta (d) parallel 308 199. Ratio of the readings of two watt meters connected to measure power in.a balanced 3-phase load is 5:3 and.the load is inductive. The power factor at load Is (0)0:917 lead (b) 0.6 lead (0917 ly (Wd) 0.6.1ag 200. A basic d'Arsonyal movement with, inteénal resistance 1000 and full seale current |: mA Is to be.converted info a multirange de voltmeter with:voltage ranges 0 ~ 10V, 0 - 30¥, 0 - 100V 0 ~ 300V, The circujt arrangement-is shown in the figure. the yalue of Ry will be ‘ yo Fig. 13.10° (0.02 * ~ (b) 1009 ©9.9k2 (a) 10k 201. The giyen figure shows Wien bridge connection for. frequency measurement. Cand R are variables and ganged Aogether, For balanced condition the ~ expression for frequency ist when 2nCR ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT (a) Ry = Rp 0) Ry = 2Ry R, OR = a (@) Ry =3R, 202. The bridge suitable for the measurement of an unknown inductance in terms of a known capacitance would include +(a) Maxwell and Hay (b) Maxwell and Schering ) Hay and Schering (d) Maxwell Hay and Schering 203. Rectifier moying coil instruments respond to (a) peak valup, irrespective of the nature of the wave form’ (b) average value for all wave forms (c) rms value for all wave forms ‘3 (d) rms value for symmetrical square wayeform ». 204. An advantage which a VTVM has over a nonelectronic voltmeter is (a) lower power consumption (b) lower input impedance (¢) ability to; measure wider range sf. voltage and resistance (d) greater portability a 205. A meter has-a full-scale deflection or 30° , ala current of 1A, The response of the meter is square law, Assumjng spring control, the current for a defection 45° will be (a).0.25.A.. , .... (b)0.50A (c) 067A (d) 0.707 A ‘ 206. A permanent magnet mioving coil type ammeter and a-moving iron type ainmeter * are connected in series in a resistive circuit fed from output of a half wave: rectifier vottage source, If the moving “ron type Instrument reach 5 A,‘the eT Permanent, magnet moving coll-type, £4: ment is likely to read (a) zero (b)2.5A, (c) 3.184, (4) SA. 207. A aoa toed ‘wattmeter has its reading r' = : 4 ; power consumed incurrentcoll @ Hore cremed in patel ‘oil ae aypite measuring power in a three pha “408 Li by two wattmeter met hod:, ne lonting of the (wo wattmeter will be Maland opposite when . power factor is unity «i fosd is balanced ooee angle is between 60° and 90° © Gon is purely inductive ‘Apolarized electrolytic capacitor can be Hy only in sinusoidal circuits |B) inde and sinusoldal ac circuits {6 only in de circuit p ineireuithaving any arbitrary waveform ; ofcurrent =” , The major cause of creeping in an ypensation for friction jical vibrations ssive voltage across the potential is shown in the given figure, ratlo of the vertical signal (2:3 1e following ‘statement is JCALAND ELECTRONIC MEASUREAty; NT 309 (8)20 Vioaoy (6)24 Vio36V (€)29.4V 1030.6 (4) 29.94 10 30,06 V A slide wire potentiometer has 10 wires AUT m cach. With the help of a standard Yoltage source of 1.018 V it is Standardised by kecping the jockey at 101.8 em. If the resistance of the Potentiometer wires is 1000 ohm, then the value of the working current will be (a) 0.1ma (b) 0.5 mA ite i Ima (6) 10 mA . Natural frequency of vibration at a read used ina vibrating read frequency meter can be increased by (@) increasing the gap between the read and the electromagnet (b) decreasing the gap between the read and the electromagnet (c) increasing the length of the read (d) decreasing the length of the read 216. A single-phase energymeter is operating ‘on 230 V, S0Hz supply with a load of 20 A for two hours at upf. The meter makes 1380 revolutions in that period. The meter constant is (a) 695 rewkWh_ , (b) 150 rev/kWh (c) 0.15 rewkWh (d) 1/150 rev/kWh 217. Galvanometer type recorders uses (a) vibration galvanometer (b) ballistic galvanometer (c) D'Arsonval galvanometer (d)tangent galvanometer =). 218. What voltage would a voltmeter with impedance 20000 and range 0-1 V show in the circuit given below? 1190 Meter 100Q Fig, 13.13 ; ; f | (a) 82 mV, (c) 8 mv (b) 100 mv Wsv 219. The limiting error of measurement of power consumed by and the current passing through a resistance are 41,5% and 41% respectively, Then the limiting error of measurement of resistance will be (a) 40.5% (©) 42.5% (b) + 1,0% (W) 43.5% 220, For the yolimeter sirgult shawn in the given figure, (he basis P' Arson val meter used hag full-scale current of 1A and sheter resisianee (Ry) af 100 ohms, The values of the series resistanep Ry and Ry required for 10 V range and 60 V range will be respectively ; Fig, 13.14 (a) 9.9 kA and:40 ka. (b) 10 k&and 50 kA (©) 20 kQ and 30k (2) 200 4A and 250 kA : - Elgctronie valtieter provides more Accurate readings in high resistance cireuil as compared 10 @ non-electronic. voltmeter because of its (©) low materresistance \ (d) high resolution. 222, Modern electronic ‘mullimeters measure resistange by (2) using a bridge circuit (b) using an electronic bridge compensator: for'nulling, (©), forging a constant current and ‘Measuring the voltage across the unknown tegistance (4) colgur-coding technique 3:0 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEAsu REMENy 223.,Ln the case of power measur 74, 225: A strain gouge bridge 227. A resistor af 10k-ohm with 5% tolerance. =) 226A piezo electric transdycer has, the (wo wattmeter method in ae fy Ssphase.systeav with » pure inguertt oad ms (a) both the wattmeters will saine value but with oppo: (b) both the wattmeter will in, (©) both the watimeter wil sumevalue with same sign (d) one’ watimeter will indie the other will indicate s yolug ‘A.290¥, WOAs single-phase energymetey mokes 90 revolutions in 3 minutes at halt Igad rated voltage and Unily pf. If the : ’ indicates the site signs Wicale 2erg I indicate the ALG zero ang OME Non-zer9 meter constant 1800 revolutions/kWh, then its error al halfiond will be (8) 13.04 % slow. (b) 13.04 % fast (6) 19% slow (4) 15% fast Measures the strain in & cantilever where the gauge” ts fixed, With strain, the gauge Feslsiance Increases from 110 015, 110.82 0 If the gauge factor is 2.03, then the strain in the cantilever will be » (a) 2.06 x10? (6) 3.18 x 16 (©)3.81« 107 (4433x103 following parameter values; Crystal capacitance = 10" F Cable capacitangy + 2x 107!0 F Charge sensisivity » 4 x 10°® coulomblem If the gscliloscope usid tor read-out has an input resistance of | MW in parallel — with C * 4 x 107! F, then the voltage ‘sensitivity constant will be (a) 25Q0 Vicm.— (b) 3334 V/cm (¢)4000 Wem — (4) 4500 V/cm,” 's connested in series with a S k-ohms Fedstor at 10% tolerance, The tolerance limit af the serigs network will be j (a) 5% (b) 6.67% (6) 10% (¢) 8.38% 228, To the y-input of a CRO a signal defined — by 10 sin 100i applied. To the slap the signal 10 cos 100t is fed. Thi ve for both xrchannel and y-chaanel s same. The sgreen shows { i - FLECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE z ENT it ' (a)sinusoidal (6) a straight ting au (c) an cllipse d) ach Y © ip (d) a circle * 1.0 % respectively, then the magnitude 929.A certain meter h , of ma i 229. e000 a. pa Sensitivity of a inasimiupy possible percentage error ec nt required to the ne value Of resistance deduced from” ae cen ovement to fullseale ay mgasurement is nearly wi 8) 1.4% (b). 1.7%, (@) 5 WA (b) 10 pa (©) 2.4% a 3.4% (©) 20 HA (4) 50 pa 235. The number of comparators needed in +230. In digit voltmeter, over-ranging implies ® parallel conversion type 8-bit A to 1D De ty: tpt Convertor is “ next 4 digits are switched on ane (b) 16 2 255, (4) 256 236, In d.c, potentiometer measurements, it Second reading is often taken after reversing the polarities of the d.c. supply And the unknown voltage and the aver- fe) YF digits switched of Se ©) Felgitisswiches on . 3 ¢ a ® e (d) an indicator short growing Of the two reading is taken. This is with 1000 ohms/ V meter is used to measure 8 view of climinate the effects of istance on 150 V scale, The meter (a) ripples in the dc. supply is (b) stray magnetic fields, (b) 1K (c) stray thermal emfs (d)0.001 ohm (4) erroneous standardisation single-phase wattmeter operating 237: A digital voltmeter measures 0 Vand SA for S hours makes 1940 (a) peak value ns, Meter constant in revolutions (b) peak-to-peak value The power factor of the load (c) rms value (6) average value (b) 0.8 238. Which of the following instruments will (d) 0.6 have the same calibration on both a.c.. shed moying iron voltmeter is And d.c.? measure reais ein an a. (a) Electrodynamometer type If astray d.c. magnetic field i omer ie component along the axis of @indection ype : 239, The deflection of hot wire instrument depends on (a) RMS Value of alternating current (b) voltage : (c) average value of a,c, current (d) Instantaneous value of a,c, current. 240, Megger is an instrument for ~~ (a) measuring current (b) measuring voltage , (c) testing insulation ©” oe (d) measuring power . eo . 241. The instrument whose deflection is given es ect 0 by the expression 0 = 1? “ Is’ known , 312 (a) clectrodynamic type (b) repulsion type (c) electrostatic type (4) attraction type 242. Which of the following error docs not result in moving iron instrument with both dc, and wc? (a) stray magnetic field error (b) hysteresis error (©) eddy current error (4) temperature error. 243. VIYMs have (a) very high ohms / volt rating (b) moderate ohms / volt rating (c) law ohms / volt rating (@) very low ohms / volt rating 244. A shunt type ohmmeter is shown in the figure below, With R, disconnected, the meter reads full scale, ‘S' represents the meter current as a fraction of full scale current with R, connected such the Ry A Fig, 13.15 Ry R+R, ‘The value of R, is given by @)R, (b) Rp +R, RR, Ry + Ry > ORR ORF Re 245, A 150 V- moving ing accuracy class 1-0 reads 7SV when used in a circuit under standard conditions, The maximum possible percentage error sin the reading is (4.0 246. When testing # coil having a ressistance of 10 ohms, resonance occured when the ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT oscillator frequency was 10 MHzand the rotating capacitor was set at 500 / 25 pk. The effective value of the Q of the a is 200 (b) 254 toaM4 (d) 542 247, A 50 Hz voliage is measured with a moving iron voltmeter and a rectifier type uc voltmeter connected in parallel, If the meter readings are V, and y respectively and the meters are free from calibration errors, then the form factor of the ac vollage may be estimated as (a) VIV2 (b) LU VV, © v2VV, RV VY, 248, Consider the following statements regarding the causes of error in current transformers 1. Some exciting mmf is required by the primary winding to produce a flux 2, The flux density in the core is not a“ Unear function of the, magnetising force 3. There is some megnetic leakage in the secondary winding - 4, There is significant power consumption in the metering current. Of these statments (@) | and2 are correct (b) 1, 2and3 are correct (¢)2.and 4 are correct * (@)1,3 and 4 are correct ~ 249. The resistance of two colls of « wattme- ter are 0-0.1 ohm and 1000 ohms respectively and both are noninductive, The load current is 20A and the voltage across the load is 30 ¥, In one of the two ways ofc ‘ ' ’ (2) 0.1 %tgo high (b) 0.2% too high (€)0,15%to0 high (d)zero . 250. In the statement “the: wattmeter * "commonly used for power measurement at commerchal frequencies is of the X type. ‘This meter ‘consists of systems, the fixed | system being the Y coll and moving system-belng Z coll”. guscTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENY d Z stand respectively for (a) dynamometer, voltage and current (b) dynamometer, current and voltage {@) induction, voltage and current (@) induction, current and voltage qwo-wattmeter method is employed to r easure power in a 3-phase balanced system with the current coils connected » nthe A and C lines. The phase sequence js ABC. If the wattmeter with its current coil in A-phase line reads zero, then the power factor of the 3-phase load will be (@) zero lagging —_(b) zero leading “(©)0.5 lagging —_(d) 0.5 leading 452, The shunt type ohmeter is NOT suitale for high resistance measurements because = (@) a very low resistance of the meter would short the high unknown resistance {b),scale is highly cramped for high ¥ “resistance values (¢) full-scale value of the meter may be - exceeded 44) battery cannot supply the necessary ‘current for proper meter detection. 253. Agalvanometer is tested shown in figure, im the circuit where E = 1.5 V, R, = 1. ohm, R = 2500 ohm and R, is variable. With Ry set at 450 ohm, the galvanometer deflection is 140'min and with Ry set at 950 ohm, the galvanometer deflection 10 mm. The resistance of the Ra 33 (b) period measurement mode only (©) frequency and period measu modes respectively (d) period and frequency measurement moues respectively. 255, In the particular form of frequency meter, Ip F capacitor is conne ted across 4 symmetrical square wave signal of IV peak value, If the average value of the Current taken by (he capacitor, after full wave rectification is measured as 2 mA, then the frequency of the signal will be (@) 1000/nHz —" (b) 500 Iz (©) 1000 Hz (W) 1000 x Hz. 256. The meter constant of a single-phase 240 V induction wathour meter is 400 revolutions per kWh. The speed of the meter dise-for current of 10 amperes of 0.8 p,f. lagging will be (a) 12.8 rpm (b) 16.02 rmp (c) 18.2 rpm (4) 21.1 pm, | 257. A resistance strian guage with a guage factor of fastened to a steel member. subjected to a stress of 100 N/mm?. The modulus ‘of elasticity of steel is approximately 2 x 10° N / mm?. The percentage change in résistance is (a) LS (tl. (©) 0.15 @)o.1 258. Consider the following statements about LYDT as a transducer 1. The relationship between input displacement and output voltage is » almost linear 2. The range of displacement that can be measured is wide : 3. It does not form a loading on the ~ mechnical system. : Of these stamtements 7 (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct (c) 1 and 2 are correct (4) | and 3 are correct 259, A digital voltmeter uses a 10 MHz clock and has w voltage controlled generator which provides a width of 10 psec per volt of unit signal. 10 volts of input signal would correspond toa pulsecountof ent 314 (9) 500 (b) 750 (©) 1000 (4) 1500 260. An analog voltage signal whose highest significant is 1 kHz is to be digitally coded with a resolution of 0.01 % covering the voltage range of 0 to 10 volts, To avoid loss of information the MINIMUM number of bits in the digital code should be (a4 (b)8 ()10 (a) 14 261. The A to D converter used in a digital instrument could be 1. successive approximation coverter type 2, flash converter type 3. dual slope converter type. The correct sequence of the increasing order of the conversion time taken by these types is E (a) 1,2,3 (b)2,1,3 (3,21 (31,2 262. Which one of the follwing terms is NOT associated with a sample-and-hold circuit? (a) Conversion time (0) Acquisition time (c) Aperture time (¢) Sample mode. ‘ 263. For a FM /FM telemetry receiving system shown in the given figure, match List-1 with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists ° u t p t t s Fig. 13.17 List List lt (Black Box) (Circuitry) ABI 1, Band-Pass filter B.B2 2. Receiver C.B3 3. Low-pas filter D.B4 4. Amplifier 264, 265, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE Ng). “MENT 5. Subscartier discriminator Codes AS See RREC® 5... (a)3 2 4 ! (b)2 3 5 \ (©)2 1 5 @1 river 5 Two resistors Ry = 36 ohms and R. « 15 ohms, each having tolerance of + dy, are connected in series. The value of the resultant resistance will be % (a) 1114 00hm — (b) 111 £2.778 ohm (c) 111 £5.55 ohm (d) 111 # 7,23 ohm A S-bit weighted resistor DAC shown in the figure has Vp = 2V and RR = 2. For an input of 100 the output wil be Fig. 13.18 @-2V ()4V @2V @4v tert 266, Given 2,= 100 /50° | 2, = 300 190° aa | 2,7 200 10° The value of Z, of the bridge shown in the figure to be balanced is , ‘ AIL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE: pee MENT a (=) 6002-40” (b) 600 Z 1408 270.1 is require casure temperaturt (e600 2 -140° (d) 150 2 40° equired to measure temperature in the range of 1300°C ty 1500°C. The : For the 4c bridge circuit shown in the ‘Most suitable {thermocouple to be used x 280 eure at balance, the value of Ry, Ly 4s a Lransducer would be F nd Qy Will be respectively. (a) Chromet-constantan ze (b) Iron - eonstantan Bp (c) Chromel- alumel (d) Platinum - rhodium » Strai sensing trandsucers are mode of Various materials in various sizes and shapes. The sensitivity of a strain gauge is expressed in terms of a gauge factor. Fora certain application, a guage factor of 100 is desired, The proper strain gauge (0 be used in this case would be (a) Constantan strain yauge (b) Nichroma-V strain guage (c) Semiconductor strain guage (d) Platinum’ -tungsten alloy strain guage. . An angular position is to be measured using (ransducer, Which of the following (ypes of tranducers can be used for this purpose? 1. Circular potentiometer. 2, LYDT 3, E-pick off 4, Synchro. Select the correct ariswer using the codes given below Codes: : (@)1,2,3and4 “(by 1 and 3 “()1,2and4 (Land 4 Ina linear, an inpyt of 5 sin wl produces an output of £0 cos wt. The output corresponding to input 10 cos wt will be used (0. ; (a)+Ssinut - (b)=Ssinat (©)+20sinwt — (d)-20sinat, 274, Two resistance 100 Q + 5-0 and 150 Q are connet in series, If the ¢ yrs are specified as standard “ Gevations, the resllant eror will be pan yer using the codes given Mists 6 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE App, List (Parameter measured) (Bridge) A. Audio frequency —_ 1, Maxwell bridge B.lighQ inductor 2. Ily bridge C. Dielectric loss 3. Wien bridge D.LowQ inductor 4, Scherring bridge Codes : A (3 (b)2 (4 Ol 2 276, A sinusoidal waveform, when observed on an oscilloscope, has a peak to peak amplitude of 6 cm. If the vertical sensitivity setting is 5 V/cm, the rms value of the voltage will be (a) 10.6V (b) IV (©) 12.6V @)ISV. 277.In the two-wattmeter method of measuring power in a balanced three- phase circuit, one waltmeter shows zero and the other positive maximum, The load power factor is (a) zero (b)0.5 (©)0.866 (¢) 1.0 278. A.35 V de supply is connceted across a resistance of 600 ohm is series with an unknown resistance R,. A voltmeter having @ resistance of 1.2 k-ohm is connected across 600 ohm resistance and reads SY The value of resistance R, will List-ll c 2 4 1 anne wueo-c be (@)1200hm ——(c) 1.8 ohm (0)4000hm (4) 2.4 k-ohm 279. ‘Creep*is energy meters can be prevented by (a) using extra turns on the voltage coil (b) having two holes on opposite sides of the dise, © (c) using a stronger brake magnet (4) using steel laminations of high permeability 280. Wirich one of the following instraments should be used at M In the-given figure fof the measurement of magnitude x3 well ts direstton ofthe displacentent? ae : BO) iad ° | ¥ Displacement Fig. 13.21 (a) Permanent magnet. moving coi, voltmeter (b) Vacuum Tube voltmeter (VTVM) (c) Transistor voltmeter (TVM) (d) Phase Sensitive Detector (PSD), 281. A0-10 mA PMMC ammeter reads 4 ma ima circuit. Its bottom control spring snaps suddenly, The meter will now read, nearly. IGATE 1994) (a) 10mA (b)8mA (c)2mA (d) zero. 282. Four ammeters M1, M2, M3 and Mg with the followine specifications are available Instrument Type Full Seale] Accuracy val Yo of Fs ‘alue (4) ae Oles MI SAdigi - 20 +£0.10 dual slope Mi PMMC Ce M3_ [Electrodynamic] ~$ | 20.30 M4 ce ee Accurrent of 1 A is to be measured. To obtain minimum error in the reading, oneshould select meter [GATE 1995 (MI MO Neeet (M3 (M4 283. A Kelvin double bridge is best suited for ‘the measarement of GATE 1995] (a) inductance —_(b) capacitance (©) low resistance (4) high resistance 284, Type of bridge Application. (a) Wien bridge (P) Measurement of 3 resistance ©) Maxwell beldge (QyHigh Q inductors ee > scTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT a 37 -)enerring bridge (R) Measurement of iQ frequency anderson bridge (S) High voliage ‘ capacitors © plumleim bridge (T) LowQ inductors (U) Insensitive 10 > stray electrostatic fields Raimi [GATE 1995) -P,b-U,c-T.d-R,e-Q We eb-The-U.d-Re-Q Brjeeme he U.d-Qe-R ‘An advantage of @ permanent magnet al moving coil instrumetn is (hat itis [GATE 1996] free from frictino error (b) has high (torque/weight of the moving ) ratio ~ (@) has low (torque/weight of the moving ratio can us¢d on both a.c. and dc. The moving coil in a dynamometer imeterisconnected [GATE 1996] © current of a voltmeter is uniform. Its [GATE 1996] 291 A transfer instrument employed in the Standardization of a polar type a.c. Potentiometers {GATE 1997] (8) an electrostatic instrument (b) a thermal instrument (c) a dynamometer instrument (d) a moving coil instrument Ina LYDT, the two secondary voltages IGATE 1997] (@) are independent of the core position (b) vary unequally depending on the core position (©) vary equally depending on the core Position (4) are always in the phase quadrature 293. The primary current in a current transformer is dictated by [GATE 1997] (a) the secondary burden (0) the core of the transformer (©) the load current (@) none of the above A sinusoidal source of yoltage V and frequency f is connected to a series circuit of variable resistance, R and a fixed reactance,X. The locus of the tip of the current-phasor, I, as R is varried from Otomis [GATE 1998) (@) asemicircle with a diameter of V/X. (b) a straight line with a slope of UX. ©) anellipse with V/R as major axis, (d) acircle of radius R/X and origin at (0, V2). 295. A d.c, voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1000 Q/volt, When it measures half full scale in 100V range, the current through 29; 294, the volmeter is |GATE 1998} @l00mA I mA. ().0.5 mA (d) 50mA 296. A moving coil galvanometer is made into adc, ammeter by connecting |GATE 1998] (a4 low resistatice across the meter (b) abigh resistance in series with the meter (c)a pure inductance across the meter (@)a capeclior in series With the meter 297, Blectrortynamtic type wattmeters have igrge errors witile-measuring power in ‘ac circult atlow power factor conditions, singe the Voltage across amd the cvreent through the [GATE 1999} U8 (0) current coil are notin phase. (b) current coil are not in quadrature. (c) pressure coil are not in phase. (¢) pressure coil are not in quadrature. 298. The two waltmeter method is used to measure active power on u three phase, three wire system, If the phase vallage is unbalanced, then the power rea {GATE 2000) (@), affected by both negative sequence and zero sequence voltages (b) affected by negative sequence voltages ‘but not by zero sequence woltayes (©) affected by zero sequence voltages butnot by negative sequence voltay (4) not affected by negative or zero Sequence voltages. 299. The minimum number of wattmeter (8) Fequired to measure 3-phase, 3-wire balanced or unbalanced power Is |GATE 2001) (@t (b)2 (3 @)4 300. A current impulse, $8(1),is forced through capacitor €, The voltage V,(t), across theeapacitoris given by {GATE 2002) (ast (b) Su(ty-C woe om c S.A de fiotentiometér is designed to Measure up tombeut 2 V witha slide wire OF 800 mm. A standard cell of emf 1.18Y obtairis balance at 600 mm, A test Cell fs seen to obtain balance at 680 mm, Theemfofthetestectlis {GATE2004] ()}.00y 134 @1Ls0V @)1.0V 302. The cirewit in Figure is used to measure the power consumed by the load, The current coil and the voltage coil of the wattmeter have 0.02 © and 1000 resistances respectively. The measured power compared tothe load power will ~ {GATE 2004) 303, 304. 305, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREM EW Lowi | | load | Fig, 13.22 | (b) 0.2% less (d) 0.4% more Agalyanometer with a full scate scurrent of 10 mA has a resistance of 10000 ¢ The multiplying power (the ratio of measured current to" galvanometer current) of a 100 © shunt with this galvanometer is 200 (i) O.48a less (c) 0.2% more IGATE 2004) (ay 10 (b) 100 (eo) 10 ADC ammeter has a resistance of 0,19 and ils current range is 0-100A, If the range iy to be extended to 0-S00A, the” meter requires the following shunt resistahee (GATE 2005) @OMON (b)0.0110 () 0.025 92 W109 The set-up in Ure figure is used to measure reisistance R, The ammeter under voltmeter resistances are 0.01 9 and 2000 $2, respectively. Theit redding are2 and 180 ¥, respectively, giving a measured resistance of 90 Q. The Percentage error in the measurement is ~ (GATE 2005) Fig. 13.23 (b)2.35% (4.71% 306. A100 DC supply has two core cables 88 ils positive and negative leads: their insulation resistances to earth are 4 M2 and 6 MQ, respectively, as shown in the, (2.25% (45% giCAL AND ELECTRONIC MEAsuy ure. A voltmeter with resistance Ka Is used (0 Measure the insulation Sr gne eable. When connected between “fhe positive coreand earth, the voltmeter IGATE 2005) ie 1000 Vv —______, 6MQ * Fig, 13.24 wosv, @i6v @24V (@) 40V y wattmeters, which are connected to ssure the total power on a three phase supplying @ balanced load, read ‘and ~2.5 kW, respectively, The {I powere and the power factor, ively, are IGATE 2008) 0.334 (b) 13.0kW, 0.684 /,0.52 (d) 8.0 kW, 0.334 ciple of bridge duplex working [AS 1994] ce balance 100245 Qand+ 152 ted in series. If the errors are lard deviations, the be _—|TAS 1996] (b)#10.¢ (d) +202 31 31. ‘MENT S = 319 Codes: A B ic D @3 4 2 1 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 4 2 1 3 @) 1 4 2 3 -In the two-wattmeter method of Measuring power in a balanced three- Phase circuit, one wattmeter shows Zero and the other positive maximum. The load power factor is [IAS 1996] (a) zero (b)0.5 (c) 0,866 (4) 1.0 A'3S V de supply is connected across a resistance of 600 in series with an unknown resistance R,. A vollmeter having a resistance of 1.2 kQ is connected across 600 resistance and reads SV. The yalue of resistance R, will be [IAS 1996] (@) 1209 (b) 400. 2 ©1892 (242 ‘Creep’ in energy meters can be, prevented by {IAS 1996] (@) using extra tums of the voltage coil (b) having two holes on opposite sides of the disc . (©) using a stronger brake magnet (@) using siccl laminations of high permeability |. Which one of the following instruments should be used M in the given figure for the measurement of magnitude as well as direction of the displacement? [IAS 1996] 320 () Vacuum Tube voltmeter (VTVM) (©) Transistor voltmeter (TVM) (@) Phase Sensitive Detector (PSD) 315.An integrating digital voltmeter measures [IAS 1996] (a) true average valuc (b) mis value (©) peak yalue @ peak to peak value 316, Which of the following can be considered to be the advantages of Maxwell's jiductance-capacitance bridge when compared to other types of bridges? [IAS 1997] 1, Balance equation of real part independent of that of imaginary part 2, Frequency terms does not figure in the equation. 3. When balance is achieved, the value of capacitance mulliplicd by resistances gives the value of inductance. 4. The bridges is capable of measuring *Q! of coil of a very wide range, that from | to 200. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : Codes : (a)1,2and3—(b) 1, Sand 4 (1,2and4 (4) 2, 3and 4 317, A voltmeter has a uniform scale with 100 divisions, The full-scale reading is 10 V and could be read upto 1/10 of a scale division with some degree of certainity. It's resolution is [IAS 1997} @)O1V (0.02, (6) 0.01. V (4) 0.001 318, Three ammeters are used for power measurement in the load Z as shown in the given figure. [IAS 1997) ze ELE "RICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT Consider the following statements in this regard: Riz 1, Power is given by > (15 -13 ~1?) 2. It is best suited for appliances taking current of several amperes. 3, For the greatest accuracy I, and |, should be of the same order of magnitude, Of these statements : (a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct (©) 1 and 3 are correct (d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct 319. In the circuit shown in the given figure, L, is a known self-inductance of resistance r2- If Ry and Ry are non- inductive resistors and D is a detector, then Ais IAS 1997] Fig. 13.27 (a) an unknown self-inductance having resistance r) (b) an unknown capacitor (©),an__ unknown resistancer r (d) a pair of inductance and capacitance 320. One of the two wattmeters has read zero in the two-wattmeter method of power measurement. This indicated that the load phase angle is [IAS 1998} (ao (b) 30° (©) 60° (d) 90° 321. In the circuit shown In the given figure, three-phase supply is connected to ® star-connected load. If ammeters Ay Ay Ay read 12,5 A, what will be the reading ofammeter Ay? [IAS 1998] non-inductive 32,4 0-300V voltmeter has a guaranteed JCAL AND ELECTRONIC me, oe IC MEASUREMENT Fig, 13.28 375 (375A OBA (2385 ¥3 A (A) zero accuracy of 2 per cent of full-scale reading. If the voltage measured by this instrument is 180 V, then the limiting ‘error will be [TAS 1999] (a) less than 2% 5) less than 3% but greater than 2% less than 4% but greater than 3% (a) 4% Which one of the following statements "regarding Hay bridge and Maxwell ridge is correct? J1AS 1999} ay bridge is same as Maxwell bridge “having resistor R, in parallel with C, bridge has R, in series with C, faxwell bridge has R, in parallel bridge has R, in parallel with Cy xwell bridge has R, in series 325. Which 326. 327. 321 (c) Wien's bridge (4) De-Saute bridge of the following are the Teauirements of a CRO (cathode ray : loscope) or display of high frequency : nal (magahertz)? [IAS 1999] 3 Input capacitance should be low. Cathode ray tube shold be provided : with post-acceleration, . Shrot persistance phosphors should be + used in the screen, 4. Electromagnetic focussing deflection systein should be used. Select the correct answer using the codes given below + and Codes : (a) i,2and4—— (b) 1,3 and 4 (c) I, 2 and 3 (d) 2,3 and 4 A 1000/5 A bar primary current transformer has the ratioand phase error at its rated current with « certain secondary burden of — 0.4 per cent and +30 minutes respectively. If the number of secondary turns is reduced by unity, the new ratio error and phase error at the rated current and for the same burden will be respectively. [IAS 1999} (a)-0.24 per cent and + 30 minutes (b) + 0.26 per cent and + 30 minutes (c) +2.24 per cent and = 30 minutes (d) zero and + 30 minutes The Controlling torque and the electromagnetic damping of the fluxmeter are ; {IAS 1999 (a) small and heavy respectively (b) heavy and small respectively (c) both heavy (d) both small 328, If an induction (ype energy meter runs fast, if ean be slowed down by adjusting the [IAS 1999} (a) lag (b) light load : (©) position ofbraking magnet and making it move closer to the centre of the disc (d) position ‘of braking magnet and making jt. move away from the centre of the _ disc. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 322 329. 62 30 A Vv aaa Fig. 13.29 ‘An ideal ammeter is connected between terminals A and B of the network shown above. The current through the ammeter is [IAS 2002] (0.84 (b) 1.6A (©)0A (32 330. A star-connected pure resistive lond and a delta-connected pure inductive load are connected in parallel to a 3-phase. 1000 V3 V star-connected source. Each arm of the resistive load is 100 and each arm of the inductive load is 300 Q. The total line current supplied by the source is [IAS 2002] (10/2 (b)20A (©) 106A 20 OBA 331. Match List-I (Bridge Circuit) with List-II (Measured Parameter) and sclect the corect answer using the codes given below the lists: [JAS 2003} List-I Ust- (Bridge Circuit) (Measured Parameter) A. Hay's bridge 1. Low resistance B.Kelvin's double 2. Medium resistance bridge C. Schering bridge 3. High Q inductance D. Wheatstone bridge 4. Capacitoance (a) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 (©)A3, B-2, C-4, Del (©) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 (@A3,B-1,C-4,D-2 332, If two 300 V full-scale voltmeters V, ang V, having sensitivitles of 100 KOV ang 140 kQ/V respectively are connected in series to mensttre 500 V, thes [TAS 2093) 500 V (a) V, and V> will read 250 V each (b) V; will read 200 V and V, will read 360V (©) V, will read 300 V and Vz will read 200V (d) V; and V, will read 0 V each 333. In eddy current damping systems, the disc employed should be of IAS 2003} (a) conducting and magnetic material (b) conducting but non-magnetic material (c) magnetic but non-conducting material (@ non-conducting and non-magnetic material 334.An instrument that measures the insulation resistance of systems using 9 self-provided 1000 V d.c. generator is called JAS 2003} (@)VTVM * (b) Meggar (c) Thermocouple instrument @) Multimeter 335, Which one of the following variables cannot be measured directly vy a CRO? “IAS 2003) (@) Current (b) Voltage zi iG Phase difference o 336. The waveform given above is observed on the screen of a CRO. If the time/dlv L AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT y is set at 10 ps and the voitgiy at Es the frequency and peak to Peak |. Three vol oer € voltmeters re, IAs 2003} 2. Two vitmeters 3 TWo wattmet (er 4. One wattmeter ‘and one ammeter Select th le corre answer swer using the Biven below pe Codes : (a) | only (b) 3 only (c) | and 3 (4) Any one of 1, 2, 3 or 4 339. In the figure shown below, Al, A2 and A3 are ideal ammeters. If A2 and A3 Fead 4A and SA respectively, what is the readingt of AL? [TAS 2005] @) R @) ©) Vv = 100 cos wt Fig. 13.33 @) 1A (b) 3A E (c) 9A (d) Cannot be calculated without the values of R and C 340, Wagner's Earth Devices are used for a.c. bridge circuits for JAS 2005] @ eliminating the effect of earth ~ capacitances: (b) eliminating the effect of inter- ‘component capacitances - () eliminating the effect of stray electrostatic fields ‘(d) shielding the bridge elements While testing a coil having a resistance of 1.Q, resonance occured when the oscillator frequency was 10 MHzand the 324 (a)200 (c) 314 342. The given diagram shows De Sauty (254 (d) 542 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASURE py method to measure the unknown capacitance (C,).C, is given by [AS 2005] Ry , (unknown) standard Ra £ capacitor Fig. 13.34 R R? @C=Co* — ryee+e— R, R? Gace «Meee i () C= R @)c, w 343.A resistance is measured by the Voltmeter-ammeter method. The Voltmeter reading is 50 V on 100 V scale and ammeter reading is $0 mA on 100 mA scale, If both the meters are guaranteed for accuracy within 2% of full scale, what is the limit within which resistance can be measured? |LAS 2005] 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (©) 16. (c) 17, (@) 18, (b) 19. (b) 20, (a) 21, (b) 22, (d) 23. (d) 24, (a) ANSWERS (@)109 (402 1.1109 2.110.092 (b)20Q (4) 802 344, A resitance of 110 Q is specifieg significant figures as indicated belo, 3,0,000110M 2 For the above three indications, wh of the following statements is correct? (a) | represents greater precision and 3 (b) 2 represents greater precision by Using ws [As 2005) ich one than 2 t | and, 3 represent same precision (c) 2and 3 represent same precision (d) 3 is more precise than 1 and 2 345.1 Ry = Ry = Ry Rand R; = 1.1 iq the bridge circuit shown in the figure 13,35, then the reading in the ides, voltmeter connected between a and b is (0) 0.238 V. (©)-0.238 V. Fig. 13.35 (b) 0,138 y, @I1V. IGATE 2005) 73: (a) 74. (e) 75, (a) 76, (h). ascrtical AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT 128. (c) 190. @ 2a) SS Bere), 160. weet 3s 283, (314 (b) (a) 161, 192, (by) ee ©) 25 284, (a) 315. (a) 131. (©) 162. 193, 4g) 284 285, (b) 316. (a) 132, (4) . 1G (icone oe 286. (b) 317. (©) 133. (b) % 195906) ane (a) 2s 287. (a) 318. (a) 134. (c) HDG (ch a27 (a) S 288. (b) 319. (a) 135. (b) 197, (b) 2am (b) 258. 289. (©) 320. (©) ae 198.10) 5) do) BL) LO . . 291. (b) . (C ae (b) 230. (©) ; 292, (b) 323. (a) asl: (©) 231. (a) ‘ 293. (c) 324. (b) Fei 232 (0) 5 294, (a) 325. (d) Se (a) 233. (a) & 295, (@) 326. (a) eet (b) 234. (a) ' 296. (a) 327. (a) 4. (a) 235. (c) . 297, (c) 328. (a) 205. (d) 236. (c) 298. (d) 329. (a) 206. (c) 237. (d) : 299. (b) 330. (c) 207. (d) 238. (c) . 300, (d) 331. (4) 208. (d) 239. (d) . 301, (b) 332. (b) 209. (b) 240. (b) : 302. (c) 333. (b) 210. (©) 241, (b) 5 303. (c) 334. (b) 211. (b) 242. (b) . 304. (c) 335. (a) 212, (a) 243. (a) . 305. (d) 336. (a) 213. (c) 244. (b) . 306. (a) 337. (d) 714, (c) 245. (c) . 307. (d) 338. (b) 215. (b) 246. (b) : 308./(b) 339. (b) 216. (b) 247. (a) 309. (a) 340. (a) 217, (a) 248. (b) 310. (a) 341. (a) 218. (a) 249. (c) . 311. (b) 342. (a) 219, (d) 250. (b) 3 312, (a) 343. (©) 220. (a) 251. (¢) 313. (@) 344, (b) 345. (c) ed iz 3 POWER SYSTEM If each lamp in Figure takes 2 A, the current at point A will be— ampere: A : OOOO Fig. 14.1 (@)4 (b)2 (6 (8 AMO-V, 2-wire de line is converted into a 3-wire, 110/220 V line by adding a wire similar to that used in the 2-wire line. If same line loss is maintained then (a) power transmission would be doubled (b) each wire will carry one-third of the oad current when the load is equalty balanced between the two sides of the line. (©) the only advantage is that 200-V motors can be operated (4) the amount of copper would have been increased by 33.3% Which of the following generating tion has the minimum running cost? (2) hydro-electric station (b) nuclear power station (c) thermal power station (@) diesel power palnt One favourable economics fnetor in the transinission of power at high voltages is the (@) decreased insulation required by the line (b) increased 17R losses (©) smaller size of the generating station reduction of conductor cross-section 5, The letters D.P.D.T. identify a (a) conduct v(b) switch (c) thick wire (d) fuse 6. Differential relays are installed to protect the equipment against (a) reverse current “(b) internal faults (c) overcurrents (d) no voltage 7. The most important reason for not using the neutral in a 110/220-Y, 3-wire system is that (a) increased cost of a 3-fuse outlet out weighs its advantages (b) additional fuse _ unnecessary Ae) blowing of a neutral fuse may produce a serious voltage imbalance in the circuit (d) a neutral fuse increases the hazard of shecks & When switch S is closed in Figure, its reasonable (o expect the blowing of fuse: (a) F; but not F, and F (b) F; and F, but not Fy ()F, and F> but not F d) F, F, and F ifall fuses are rated at 10 A. protection is SYSTEM power the EHY system Is one onerg beyond tin g @ILky (b) 132 kv (©) 200 kV (d) 400 ky ane advantage of de systems over ge ms is tpraved lie regulation | (b)no skin effect (c)no charging currents \@) all of these Static voltage regulators use (@) saturable reactor (P)integrated circuit microprocessors iD II of these Which of the following methoa of © generating electric power from seq water is more advantageous? (ocean currents ~(b) tidal power ()wave power (4) none of these 43. In dimii ing value method of depreciation _ @ affixed rate is set aside cach year (B) depreciation charges are heavy in early years and maintenance charges are low (©) inlater years, maintenance charges are _~ heavy and depreciation charges are low {@) all of these : of low power factor are duction motors and arc lamp loads ) generating equipment during low loads industrial heating furnaces and arc ks of low power factor are ratings of generating, transmitting distributing equipment voltage drop and poor voltage ition Copper losses and high capital or of a power system can be 27 17, Tne fnetion of guard ring transmission nt {0 reduce the transmission losses ) 10 reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit (©) to increase'the earht ‘capacitance of the lowest unit i (4) none of these 8. Use of bundle conductors causes the critical voltage for cornona formation (a)10 decrease (b) to increase (©) to remain unlatered (4) does not existent 19. The Surge impedance of a long power (ransmission line is of the order of (@) soa () 750 (ec) 400Q 7% (©) 4009 (¢) 8002 Booster transformer is located at (a) sending end of transmission line (b) receiving and of transmission line (6) intermediate voint on a transmission line (@) none of these 21, Surge impedance of a transmission line is given by V@) Ji7C (&) JCTE © vic @ t/t 22, The string efficiency of an insulator can be increased by (a) reducing the number of strings in the insulator (b) increasing the number of strings in the insulator (©) correct grading of insulators of various capacities (4) none of these 23, The topmost wire in a distribution line is (a) neutral wire 9) earth wire (c) phase wire (4) any of these 24. Sheaths are used in power cables to (a) provide adequate insulation the strength of the cable e prevent moisture from entering the cable ofthese se EEE ra 328 (@) 30kV (b) S0kV (©) 70kV (d) 100 kV 26. Charging current in a transmission line (a) increases the line losses (b) decreases the line losses (c) does not effect the line losses (d) none of these Transposition of conductors in transmission line system is done when \Aa) the conductors are not spaced equilaterally « (b) the conductors are spaced equilaterally (@) atelephone line runs parallel to power line (4) none of these For the same power transmission, ifthe transmitted voltage increases by factor n, the size of the conductor gets multiplied by factor (a) In? (b) n? © Wn @r ). The Kelvin's law is limited because which 27. of the following assumption made in it is _ only partly true? (@) load factor is uniform (b) annual charges are of the form P, + aP, (©) both (2) and (b) above (d) none ofthe above Transmission line are classified as short, medium and long depending on the (a) length of line (b) charging current or no load current (©) capacitance of line \Ad) both (a) and (b) above 31. Corona is observed on (a) a.c. transmission lines only (b) d.c. transmission lines only \© both a.c, and d.c. transmission lines (d) none of these 32. An advantage of corona on transmission lines is that (@) it minimizes power loss (b) it reflects electrical surges Ac) it works as a surge modifier during overload: (@) none o: “se : 33. As the moisture content in the air increases, the disruptive critical voltage (@) increases 30. 34, 3s. 36. 39, POWER SYstey (b) decreases (c) remain constant (d) may increase or decrease Inductance in henries/metre of a single phase two parallel wire transmission line having conductor radius r and spacing p between conductors is equal to (a) 2n x 1077 In (2) r D (b) 4x 10-7 In (2) D (©) 4nx 107 In (2) 2D (44x 107 (22) For torque angle 5, the condition for maximum power transmission (a)5=0 (b) 5= 90° Bax R R 3X As per Indian Standards, the cross- sectional area of the neutral wire In a 3-phase 4 wire system is (a) twice that of a phase conductor (b) equal to that of a phase conductor (c) half that of a phase conductor (@) one-fourth that of a phase conductor A short transmission line has equivalent circuit consisting of (0) 8= tan’ (d)5= tant (@) series resistance R and series inductance L 2 (b) series resistance R and shunt capacitance C (c) series resistance R and shunt capacitance G (@) series inductance L and shunt capacitance G Proximity effect is due to current flowing inthe (a) earth (b) sheath \ (©) neighbouring conductor (@) all of these ‘The peak value of power angle curve of @ transmission line Is 50 MVA. If two- ower Sale ch identical ines are added in paratte, set resulting peak valuc is (b) 50 MvA (4) 200 Mva, (@) pucture test, mechanical test ang porosity test R (b) dry Mlashover test and wet flashover tests (@) temperature cycle and electromechani- cal tests (@ high voltage, proof load tests nce tests of power system (@) pucture test, mechanical test and porosity test (0) temperature cycle and electromechani- cal test (6) dry flashover test and wet flashover test (4) both (a) and (b) above 42, Guy is attached to a transmission line pole to (6) reduce the sag {b) hold the telephone lines “¢) strengthen the pole (@none of these 4, The fault MYA is given by Base MVA “Tu xeq (0) Base MVA x PLU. Xeq ( BEEMVA (P.U. Xeq)? (@) none of these 44, Breakdown of insulation of a cable can be avoided economically by the use of (®) insulating material with different lectric ) intersheath (¢) both (a) and (b) above (@) none of these 48. The dielectric strength of: 76 cm of mercury is (2) 2.11 kV:rms/em ©0)21,1 kV rms/em (211 kV rms/em (2110 kV mms/em 329 46, iD ci, Bulk oil cireuit breaker is suitable for Voltages upto (@akyv (©)2skv Op 1oky t ()36kV OF remote operation, circuit breaker Must be equipped with (a) shunt trip (b) inverse shunt trip (©) time delay trip (©) both (b) and (¢) above The following medium is employed for extinction of arc in air break circuit breakers? (a) oil (6) water 47, 48, (b) air (d) none of these Which of the following circuit breakers takes minimum time for installation? (a) bulk oil circuit breaker (b) minimum oil circuit breaker (c) air blast circuit breaker (d) SF circuit breaker In oil and air blast circuit breakers, the current zero interruption is attained by (a) lengthening of arc (b) cooling and blast effect (c)-deionizing the oil with forced air Ad) both (a) and (b) above Buchholz relays are used for transformers of ratings above (a) 100 kV (b) 200 kV (c) 500 kV (a) 1000 kv 52. The power factor of the are in a circuit breaker is (a) zero leading (b) zero lagging 7 (o) unity ” (@) any value from zero to unity 53. A high speed circuit breaker can complete its operation in (a)2to3 cycles “(b) 3 to 8 cycles (©)6to I2cycles (4) 10 to 20 cycles 54, Plug sctting of a relay can be altered by varying (a) number of ampere-tumns (b) air gap of magnetic path (c) adjustable back up stop (d) none of these 55, Various power system faults in increasing order of severity are 49, 50, $ 330 (@LGLL,LLG LLG @LLLGLLGLGLI (c) LLG, LLLG, LL, LG (d) LL, LG, LLLG, LLG 56, Which of following are used to reduce short circuit fault currents Va) reactors (b) resistors (c) capacitors (@) parallel combination of all these 57, Pilot wire protection is basically used for the protection of (@) transmission lines (b) alternators (c) switch gears (A) transformers 58. Which of the following carrier frequency is used in a carrier current protection ‘scheme? (a) 500 kHzto 5 kHz (b) 5kHzto SOkHz (©)S0kHzto 500 kHz (d)500kHzto $ MHz 59. The problem ofstability occurs in (a) de lines only ub) ac lines only (©) both de and ac lines (d) none of these 60. Which of the following condition causes transient instability in power system? (a) short circuit (b) switchng operations on the line (c) loss of excitation in a generator AA) all of these 61. Between the power house and consumer, there are usually a number of transformation and switching stations. These are called (@) transformer stations 9) intermediate stations ve substations (@) switch gears 62, The condition necessary for transient stability is UP?) 7 oa 2¢P, =P.) (6) 4%, 2a F ae G J 2 © ip 7 sono - POWER SYSTEM 5 ae) Oli to. 63, Modern trend in rail electrification in India is to use which of the following supply system Aa) 25 kV, 50Hz —(b) ISKV, SOHz (c) 6 KY, 50 Hz (d) 6 KY, de 64, Tractive force F, needed to accelerate a train of effective mass M for providing acceleration a is given by 77.8 Mac (N) 277.8 Ma (kg) (©) F,=Ma(N) (@) F, = Ma (kg) 65. Series traction motor operating on undulating de supply has undulation ratio p equal to d5=0 [eel I I (a toto, (gy Amma Tinax Tinax * "min Vina — 4 sels, Oe) aVe: Bee where Imax 81d Ipjn are respectively the maximum and minimum currents. 66. In a unsymmetrical three-phase line conductors are spaced at distances D2, Djs and D5). The equivalent distance D equals (@) (Dyz “Day °Dy))!? (©) YP j2“Da3 "Ds, a Dj. +D.3+D,; 3 Dip +Da3+Ds, ae 67. Tidal energy mainly makes use of (a) kinetic energy of water ») potential energy of water (c) both kinetic as well as potential energy of water (d) none of these 68. Maximum efficiency of an open cycle gas isnearly 30% (b) 40% — 60% ©) 50% en SYSTEM row 90 MW thermal power plant win - ene nearly how many tonnes of coal ‘one hour? . cannes (b) 150 tonnes VO "sootonnes (4) 15,000 tonnes © economic operation, the generator Fey highet positive incrementai wi nsmission of loss will operate at teatihe lowest positive incremental cost of ecco. (6) the lowest ncgative incremental cast of juction. (@ thehighest positive incremental cost of none of these qi. Insulation of the modera EHV lines js "designed basedon (@)lighting voltage —(b) switching voltage (©) corona (RL ni, Asystem is said to be effectively grounded ifits " (¢) neutral is grounded directly, 2 330 i >3\ (b) ratio of X, Xo (ratio of * > 2.0 x, \@ aio of 22 <3.0 he: 7%. Self GMD method is used to eval \@ inductance (b) capacitance (© inductance and capacitance both (@ none of these ‘M4. Stringing chart is useful for @) finding the sag in the conductor. (0) in the design of tower (@)in the design of insulator string (@ finding the distance betwecn the tower, 78, Leakage resistance of a 50 km long cable aoaors 100 km long cable it will - @ Ima. . @)2Ma ©0.66 ma (d)none of these "% Three insulating materials with breakdown strengths of 250 kV/cm, 20kViem, 150 kV Jem anil permittivities Fa 331 °F 2.5, 3.0 and 3 Core cable. If the fa ma sis 5 materials with cable with be (a) 2.5, 3.03.5 e used in a single tor of safety for the the location of the respect to the core of the b) 3. 5, ©3.5.3025 Mises 77. Mho relay is normally used for the Protection of (2) long transmission lines (b) medium length fines (6) short length lines (@) no length criterion 78. AMho ri layisa (2) voltage restrained directional relay (b) voltage controtied over current relay, (© directional restrained over current relay, (@) directional restrained over voltage relay. 79. A reactance relay is ) Voltage restrained directional relay. ) directional restrained over-cutrent (©) voltage restrained over-current relay. (d) none of these 80. To limit current chopping in vacuum circuit breakers, the contact material used has we) high vapour pressure and ‘low conductivity properties. (b) high vapour pressure and high conductivity properties. (c) low vapour pressure and high conductivity properties, @ low vapour pressure and low conductivity properties. 81. Match the items in List 1 to items in List-Il and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists a [A Surge arrester | P, Reduction of charging, ‘current B, Cireuit breaker | Q. Over voltage protection _|c. Series capacitor | R. Increase of power transfer S. Over current protection, D. Shunt reactor 332 82. 83. 84. 85. Oe 87. 88. @AR, BP, C-Q DS (d)A-S, B-R, C-Q, DP Rate of rise of restriking voltage depends &@) type of circuit breaker. (b) inductance of the system only. (6) capacitance of the system only. (d) inductance and capacitance of the system, If the fault current is 2000 amps, the relay setting 50% and the C.T, ratio is 4400/5, then the plug setting multiplier will be (a) 25 amps (b) 45 amps (©) $0 amps (d) none of these A large-size alternator is protected against overloads by providing (a) overcurrent relays. (b) temperature sensitive relays. (©) thermal relays. (d) none of these 50 Hz, four-pole turboalternator rated at 20 MVA, 43.2 kV has an inertia constant H = 4 kW sec/kVA. The K.E. stored in the rotor at synchronous speed is / (a) 80 kilojoules _(b) 80 megajoules (©) 40 megajoules (4) 20 megajoules IfP,, is the maximum power transferred, the loss on the system is P, == Oe - (a) none of these If the inertia constant H of a machine of 200 MVA is 2 p.u. it value corresponding to 400 MVA will be (a) 4 pau. (c) 4.0 p.u. ()2 pu. @0.5 px. ‘The curve between discharge in m*/s and time is called (@) discharge duration curve (b) hydrograph (€) load curve (@) flow histogram 89. 90. 91. 92. tons 93. 94. POWER SYSTEM Energy produced by fission reaction uranium baving massof atom m and velocity of light ¢ is 1 (a) me ) > mec 1 (o) me? (a) zyme In a nuclear power station, moderator is used to (a) absorb neutrons (b) reduce the speed of neutrons (c) accelerate the speed of neutrons (d) stop the chain reaction Commonly used atomic fuels are (a) Uranium, U-235 (b) Plutonium, Pu-239 (©) Thorium, Th-232 (d) all of these ‘The heat produced by 1 kg of atomic fuel Is equal to that produced by coal of weight (a) | ton (b) 100 tons (c) 1000 tons (d) 4237 Coolant used is fast breeder reactor is (a) heavy water (b) graphite (©) sodium (@) none of these Moderator used in fast breeder reactor is (a) heavy water (b) graphite (€) both (a) and (b) above (@) none of these Photo-voltaic cell produces electric energy from (a) electromagnetic energy (b) electrostatic energy (©) geothermal energy (4) both (a) and (b) above Collectors used for collecting solar energy are (a) paraboloid (b) solar radiators »(c) flat plate and focussing solar collectors @ note of these in MHD generation, emf in @imollmaly used exten (b) static emf (Hall emt 7 sysTEM and (c) above ayo @) ae ul inca! type of failure in wing 6 TH generation is in dynamic system | eel system ) echanical system mh (b) and (c) above EHV system Is one operating # yond pre (b) 132kV AV NORV (2) 400 kv ane advantage of de systems over ac ems is = improved line regulation (toskn effect | noskine oi (no charging curret | (pallerthese 4) Piot exciter is used when main exciter bs | Gselfexcited |. e)separately excited (0 induction motor driven (@)none of these (a2 Static voltage regulators use (@)saturble reactor (b) integrated circuit | (Gnicroprocessors 1(@) all ofthese {Which of the following method of generating electric power from sea water ismore advantageous? (a)ocean currents —_(b) tidal power (wave power (d) none of these | IM.Running cost of a power plant is based | on the cost of (@) energy of fuel | (b)consumable items | (maintenance and operation \) all of these Ms In straight line method of depreciation, the money deposited carries e interest vv) compound interest (©)no interest (9) a straight line interest 'W6.The book value of plant is (@) cost of plant a ‘accrued depreciation difference of (a) and (b) above (@) sum of (a) and (b) above 333 107. The Tne tain objective of tarttt Is to distribute equatabily the cost of (a) instattation and fue) (b) Power transmission and distribution ©) supplyin nong the various lassification of users (8) energy production among all its consumers 108, a 'YPeS of tariffs must recover the cost @) capital investment in generating equipment (©) operation, supplies and maintenance of equipment (©) metering equipment, billing, collection Costs, profit and wages (@) allof these Factors involved in fixing tariffs are (2) sceurce return from each consumer (b) simplicity, cheapness and easy explainability (©) incentive to consumers and charge , according to use (d) all of these Depreciation rate is less in the case of (a) diese! engine plant (b) nuclear plant (6) hydro-electric plant (d) steam power plant Economical loading based on the incremental rate gives (a) maximum conversion efficiency (b) good energy conversion efficiency W©) best system efficiency (4) economical demand factor 112. Causes of low power factor are (@) induction motors and arc lamp loads (>) gencrating equipment during low loads (©) industrial heating furnaces and are furnaces * \@) both (a) and (c) above 113. Drawbacks of low power factor are (a) high ratings of generating, transmit- ting and distributing equipment (b) large voltage drop and poor voltage regulation (©) large copper losses and high capital costs Vd) all of these 109, 110, Mi. 334 114, Power factor of a power system can be improved by (@ using phase advances, capacitors, capacitance boosters (b) unexcited synchronous motors on load (c) oy excited synchronous motors on no load (@) both (a) and (b) above 115, Diversity factor of a power system is the Aa) ratio of sum of consumer's maximum demands to maximum load on the station (b) ratio of average demand to maximum demand (©) reciprocal of (a) above (@) reciprocal of (b) above 116.The function of guard transmission lines is Aa) to reduce the transmission losses (b) to reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit (c) to increase the earth capacitance of the lowest unit (d) none of these 117. Use of bundle conductors causes the critical voltage for corona formation (a) to decrease V(b) to increase (c) to remain unlatered (d) does not existent 118, For maximum efficiency in transmission of bulk ac power, the power factor of the load should be (2) unity V(b) slightly less than unity lagging (©) slightly less than unity leading (d) cosiderably less than unity 119. The surge impedance of a long power transmission line is of the order of @) 509 (b) 759 ) 400 2. (4) 800.2 120. As the height of the transmission tower is increased, the line capacitance and line inductance respectively (a) decreases, decreases 2 increases, decreases (c) decreases, remains unlatered (d) increases, increases ring in ne Sie static | POWER SYSTEM 121. The corona discharge on transmission lines may be avoided by (a) increasing effective conductor radius (b) increasing the operating voltage (c) decreasing the spacing between the conductors (@) none of these 122, Voltage gradient on a transmission line conductor is hightest (a) at the surface of the conductor (b) at the centre of the conductor (c) at the distance equal to one radius from the surface (@) none of these 123, Booster transformer is located at (a) sending end of transmission line _ QQ) receiving end of transmission line (©) intermediate point on a transmission line (@) none of these 124. The transmission line between tower assumes the shape of @ (a) parabola (6) hyperbola @) catanary (d) arc of a circle 125, Voltage control in a power transmission line is achieved by (a) booster transfo ner (b) tap-changing transformer (0) injection of reactive power . 44) all of these 126. Surge impedance of a transmission line is given by (>) Yon. . a) Je © fie @uvte 127, In a power transmission line, the sag depends on (a) conductor material alone ] (b) tension in conductors alone (c) span of transmission line (A) all of these : 128. If the span of a transmission line is j increased by 10%, the sag of line increases by about b) 14% 2 1% (c) 21% (d) 28% ie 129. String efficiency is defined a8 ©) Ved Ven ©) aVp/Vem (VFA Vp) (2 Vp/Ven vt? sySTEM ere Vy is the flash over voltage of one Wit Ven the Mash over voltage of sting fount: string efficiency of an insulator can pelnereased by reducing the number of strings in the Me psulatoe ) increasing the number of strings in the v) insulator @) correct grading of insulators of various capacities (jynone of these spi The top most wire in 2 distribution ting tral wire ~ (b) earth wire is Giasewics | _ (€) any of these sa. ina$ insulator dise string, m= 1/6, The 1 fring efficiency will be cs (0) 29% (b) 58% on% _ © 85% 113. Sheaths are used in power cables (o {@) provide adequate insulation (0) increase the strength of the cable prevent moisture from entering the cable (@) none of these 3'For high voltage applications, the tors used are of Ee aepaniss type (b) pin type (©) strain type (d) none of these 135. On a transmission linc, whenever the conductors are dead ended or there is change in the direction of transmission ine, the insulators used are (@) strain type (b) suspension type (©) pin type (d) none of these Ree nics are normallyyused for ge upto @)30kV shox (9) 70kV (d) 100 kV Conductors used in high voltage \ Ri lines are stranded to _ (@) make it easy to handle - (b)reduce the cost (6) increase increase its tensile strength ‘to skin effect at high frequencies, e effective value of conductor 335 (a) decreases (b) increases (©) remains unaltered (4) may increase oF d crease or decrease 139. Surge Sunductance in power transmission | (a) insulators (c) pol lines is due to leakage over (b) conductors (d) jumpers 40. Charging current in a transmission fine (®) increases the line losses (©) decreases the line losses (©) does not effect the line losses (@) none of these + Ground wire is used in transmission system (8) 10 avoid overloading, (b) to give good insulation (©) to connect a cireuit conductor or other device to an carth plate (4) none of these The current by alternate charging and discharging of transmission linedue to ac voltage is called (a) oscillating voltage (b) charging current (c) line current (4) discharging current 143. Transposition of conductors in transmission line system is done when (a) the conductors are not spaced equilaterally (b) the conductors are spaced cquilaterally (©) a telephone line runs parallel to power line (d) none of these 144. The surge impedance of a transmission line differs from its characteristic impedance in that the surge impedance considers line (a) inductance to be zero (b) capacitance to be zero \ (©) resistance to’be infinite (d) both (a) and (b) above 145, Relative to fair wheather, in humid weather corona occurs at \@) lower voltage (b) higher, voltage (c) almost the same voltage (d) none of these 142, geil 336 146, For the same power transmission, if the transmitted voltage ii s by factor n, the size of the conductor gets multiplied by factor (a) Win? (en? (©) Un? @o 147. The ground should not be smaller than (a) No.6 copper —_(b) No. 8 copper ©) No. 10 copper (d) No, 12 copper 148, in a power transmission line, grounding is generally done at (a) the supply end _(b) the recei (c) middle of the line (c) nom@SE these 149. Earthing of power transmission line is necessary to provide protection against (a) overload (b) voltage fluctuation WG) electric shock (d) temperature rise of conductors As the height of a transmission tower is altered, the parameter which changes is ¥ (@) inductance (b) capacitance (c) conductance —_(d) none of these The Kelvin's law is limited because which of the following assumption made in it is only partly true? (a) load factor is uniform (b) annual charges are of the form P, +P, Ac) both (a) and (b) above (d) none of the above 152. In conductor of power transmission line, the voltage gradient is maximum at its (9) centre vb) surface (©) circle with half the radius (d) somewhere between (b) and (c) above 153. EHV cables are filled with chin ofl under ure to Va) prevent formation of voids (b) prevent entry of moisture. (c) to strengthen the cable conductor (d) to provide insulation 154, Cables in power transmission line are provided with intersheaths to (a) minimize stress () minimize high voltage (6) provide uniform stress distribution end 151. POWER SYSTEM (6) minimize charging current 155, Impedance and capacitance of ine depend upon transmission alone (a) current in the (b) voltage in the line aione (c) both (a) and (b) (4) physical configuration of conductors in space 156,Capacitance between the two conductors of a single phase two wire line is 0.5 #F/km. The capacitance of cach conductor to the neutral will be (@) 0.5 pF/km (0) 0.25 pF/ km v6) 1.0 pF/km (d) 2.0 pry km 157. Transmission lines are classified as short, medium and long depending on the (a) length of line (b) charging current or no load current () capacitance of line ~@) both (a) and (b) above 158, A series compensated transmission line ~~ has better (a) transient stability (b) steady state stability \(c) short circuit capacity (d) reactive capacity 159. Reactive power can be injected into a trans-mission line by using (a) series capacitors (b) shunt capacitors and reactors (c) synchronous capacitors v(@) ail of these 160. The earthing switch is generally installed on (a) main board V(b) isolator frame (c) circuit breaker frame (d) none of the above 161, Surge impedance of 2 si transmission line is 4002. ‘The surge impedance of a double circuit line of the same type will be , (a) 200 W 4 sysTEM e® io ge. transmission lines only oth c, and d.c. transmission lines lO Mone of these @Mjvantage of corona On (ransmission 16 esis that ein es power loss fe iteftcts electrical surges £ it works as 8 surge modifier during Overloads aynone of these Temperature inerease produces which of fhe following effect of & transmission fine? . f2) tension of the conductor and its sag » increase (tension of the conductor and its sag decrease (©) tension ‘of the conductor decreases and its sag increases (@ tension of the conductor increases and its sag decreases 165, Transformer connection at the sending ofa transmission line is usually Vo) stardelta (6) delta-delta (©) delta-star (@) star-star 166, High tension cables can be used for power transmission for voltages noe exceeding s kV (b) 22 kV @) 33 kV (@ M0 kv 167. As the moisture content in the air increases, the disruptive critical voltage (@) increases )) decreases (©) remains constant (@ may increase or decrease 16. The critical voltage of a transmission line may be increased by (@) increasing the conductor diameter (6) increasing the air spacing between the b conductors ©) both (a) and (b) above toy 008 ofthe above + 169, Dielectric losses in an electric system are KW. If the system voltage is doubled, the dielectric tosses becon @osw ©2kw ) 1.0 KW @4akw 337 170. Surge impedance Ze. expressed in terms Of ABCD parameter equals AD BA © Vac ©) Veo © Jac=pc “() JAC=CD Void formation in the dielectric material of an underground cable may be controlled by (a) using a high permitivity solid dielectric (b) providing a strong metallic sheath outside the cable (©) filling oil at high pressure as dielectric (4) none of these 172. An ACSR conductor having 7 steel strands and 24 aluminium conductors surrounding the steal strands is called (@)247ACSR —_(b) 7/24 ACSR (@)3I7ACSR_ (a) 7731 ACSR 173. Which of the following condition relates the line resistance R and line reactance X for maximum steady state power (rausmission on a transmission line? (@X=R (b)R= V3 X VOX= GR (@)X=R/Y2 174. For transmission line span of 21, horizontal tension at tower supports is T and weight of conductor/unit length is w. The maximum sag equals 171, A. 2wi? 2wi? »@) ites, OF wl 2wl Oo oO 175. Proximity effect is due to current Nowing in the (a) earth (b) sheath Wc) neighbouring conductor (d) all of these 176, Equal area criterion is applicable to an electric system if the system consists of \G) only one machine swinging with respect ton infinite bus (b) at least two machines swi respect to an infinite bus ing with 338 (©) at least three machines swinging with Fespect to an infinite bus (d) none of these 177. Impedance relays can be used for (a) phase faults only (b) earth faults only (c) both phase and earth faults (A) none of these 178. For a 400kV transmission line, the switching over voltage crest in kV is (2) 400 (b) 400 2 (c) 825 (@ is 179. For a 400 kV transmission line, the number of standard disc used in practice are (a)8 (b) 12 (c) 16 (d) 24 on level of the insulation is 180. Compared to the insulat station equipment, the li (a) the same (b) greater (©) less AA) not directly related 181. The sag of a transmission linc is affected by (2) its own weight and weight of the ice formed (b) temperature and wind condition (c) both (a) and (b) above (d) none of these 182. In a transmission line, the shunt conductance results due to (a) axial current in the conductor (b) radial current in the conductor Ao) leakage over the insulator (d) short circuiting of line by the load 183. A three-phase line is spaced at the corner of an equilateral triangle having each side at D and each conductor has GMR of r. The inductance of each conductor in henrys per metre is (a2 x 107 mS 2x 107 ne (64 x 10°7 In Dir (4) 2x 107 In Dir 184, Are voltage produced in ac circuit breaker is always POWER SYSTEM (a) in phase opposition to the arc current (b) in phase with the arc current (©) leading the arc current by 90° (d) lagging the arc current by 45° 185, The dielectric strength of air at 25°C and 76 cm of mercury is (a) 2.11 kV rms/em (6) 21.1 KV rmsiem (©) 211 kV rms/em (4) 2110 kV mmsiem 186, Which of thermal protection switch is provided in power line system to protect against? (@) overload (b) temperature rise (c)short citeuit, —_(d) over voltage 187. The following circuit breaker does not use pneumatic operating mechanism (@) air break circuit breaker (b) air blast circuit breaker (©) bulk oil cizcuit breaker (@) SF¢ circuit breaker 188, Fault diverters are basically (a) circuit breakers (b) fast switches (©) relays @ fuse 189, In a power system, the rate of rise of restriking voltage depends upon (@) switching condition only (b) circuit power factor only \@) both (a) and (b) above (@) none of these 190. The voltage across the circuit breaker pole after final current zero is (a) restriking voltage (b) recovery voltage (©) supply voltage (d) none of these 191, Bulk oil circuit breaker Is suitable for voltage upto z (a) 4kv (b) 10 kV ()25kV v(d) 36 kV 192. For remote operation, circuit breaker must be equipped with (a) shunt trip (b) inverse shunt trip (c) time delay trip \@) both (b) and (c) above _ 193. Lightining arrestor should be located (a) away from the circuit breaker \(b) near the circuit breakér (©) away from the transformer (@) near the transformer sysTEM cd bia 1 of the following circuit breaker se Meenerally used in applications in s a oil circuit breakers (@) Pe jumum oil circuit breakers Mi break circuit breakers vO ronc ofthese ¢ following medium is employed for 198 tinction of arc in air break circuit preakers? i air e Sr (d) none of these og na circuit breaker, the arcing contents 1 gre made of (aluminium Af copper tungsten alloy {electrolytic copper tungsten ign. Which of the following circuit breakers = takes minimum time for installation? (@) bulk oil circuit breaker (6) minimum oil circuit breaker (@)airblast circuit breaker 4G) SF circuit breaker {98. Cireuit breakers are essentially \(@) current carrying contacts called electrodes (b) arc extinguishers (¢)circuits to break the system (@ transformers to isolate two systems 199.1n a circuit breaker, arc is initiated by ~ the process of (@) thermal emission (b) field emission (c) alternators \@) transmission lines 20, Buchholz relay is used for the protection of 5 (®)switch yard (b) transformers (©) altemators (d) transmission lines ae basic problem in a circuit breaker to () maintain the arc 0) extinguish the arc (©) emit ionization electrons (@) none of these In oil and air blast circuit breakers, the current zero interruption Is attained by @) lengthening of arc (©) cooling and blast effect ) deionizing the oil with forced air (@) both (a) and (b) above 203, 204, 205, 206. 207. 208, 209. 210. 339 Air blast circuit breaker is operated at © pressure of Oru VO ky/em? — (b) 10 to 15 ke/em? i) 5 Wo 20 kg/em? \(d) 20 to 30 kg/em? © voltage appearing across the Contacts after the opening of the circuit breaker is called (2) surge voltage (©) are voltage (b) recovery voltage (d) break open voltage Buchholz relays are used for transformers of ratings above (@) 100 kv (b) 200 kV () 500 kv (@) 1000 kV Air blast cireuit breakers are preferred for (a) short duty (b) intermittent duty (©) repeated duty _(d) none of these The power factor of the are in a circuit breaker is (a) zero leading (b) zero lagging, (©) unity (d) any value from zero to unity For a 400 kV system, the capacity of lightning arrester should be (@)1kA (b) 5 kA (c) 10kA. (d) 50 kA. A high speed circuit breaker can complete its operation in (a)2to3cycles (b)3 to 8 cycles (©)610 12 cycles (d) 10 to 20 cycles Which of following are the desirable qualities of protective relays? (a) specd sensitivity (b) stabjiity.. reliability (©) selectivity, adequacy \(d) none of these 2. 212. 213. Basic quantity measured in a distance relay is (a) impedance (b) voltage difference (©) current difference (d) none of these Drop out to cutoff ratio for most relays is of the order of (a) 0.210 0.3 (b) 0.3 10 0.4 (c) 0.4 to 0.6 vd) 0.6 to 1.0 If the operation of a relay does not involve any change in air gap, then the ratio of rest (o pick up is usually 340 (a) low (b) medium (©) high (d) independent of the change in air gap 214. Plug setting of a relay can be altered by varying (a) number of ampere-turns (b) air gap of magnetie path (c) adjustable back up stop (4) none of these 215, Directional relays respond to the (a) Now of current —(b) voltage polar (ce) flow of power (d) all of these 216. Which of tho following is not an instantancous relay? (a) induction disc ype (b) hinged wrmajure type (¢) balanced beam type (d) polarized type 217.Which of the instantaneous relay? (a) thermocouple type (b) induction type Ac) permanent magnet moving coil ype (a) shaded pole.type 218. Which of the following is » directional relay? (a) mho relay (b) reactance relay (c) impedance relay A) both (a) and (b) above 219, Protective relays are devices which detect abnormal conditions in electrical circuits by measuring (a) current during abnormal condition (b) voltage during abnormal condition (¢) both (a) and (b) simulatancously \ 4d) constantly the electrical quantities which differ during normal and abnormal conditions — 220. A distance relay measures (2) current difference (b) voltage difference A) impedance difference (A) distance between two CT's 221, Various power system faults In increasing order of severity are (a) LG, LL, LLG LLG following is an POWER SYstTey, (b) LLG, LLG, LG, LL (d) LL, LG, LI Which of the following typeof resctory are popularly used in power systems? (a) compensation reactors (b) current limiting reactors (c) suppression or Peterson reactors (d) all of these _13.Shunt reactors are connected with transmission lines for (a) limiting fault current (6) limiting fault voltage (©) absorbing reacting power (d) absorbing high voltage surges Minimum faults occur in which of the following power system equipment? (a) transformer —_(b) switch gear (©) CT, PT. (4) alternator Interruption due to fault maintenance is minimum in (a) main and transfer bus arrangement (b) single bus arrangement (c) sectionalized single bus arrangement 222. 224. \@) double bus, double breaker arrangement 226. Most economic load on an overhead line is (a) greater than the natural load, (b) less than the natural load. (c) equal to the natural load, _ (d) none of these b 227.The p.u. impedance value of an alternator corresponding to base valu 13.2 kV and 30 MVA Is 0.2 p.u. The p.u. »value for the base values 13.8 kV and £ MYA will be (a) 0.306 p.u. (b) 0.33 pv, ©0318 pu. (4) 0.328 p.u. 228, Insulation of the modern EHV lines Is esigned based on 1) lighting voltage (0; switching voltage (6) corona @RI 229. Impulse ratio of a gap of given geometry dimension is ; fer with solid than with alr lectric. \Aa) gre dle system + 34t greater with air than with solid ; | ©) Gielectric. TRE capacity of the line is geysame for oth solid and air dielectric eM, (b) 217.8 MW. ~Maynone of these SMW. (a) 500 MW. . Ormpalse ratio of n rod gap is 37. For a lumped inductive load, with unity. in supply frequency n 1.2 and 1.5. and Q increase n 1.6 and 1.8, (b) P increases, Q decreases, _Gaybetween 2 and 2.2. WP decreases, Q increases rect of bonding the cable is ' oO and Q decrease, tw increase the effective resistance and ee loss on a particular system at ipdinciance. zis | kW/phase per km. The corona teincrease the effective resistance but loss on the same system with supply . : frequency 25 Hz will be reduce inductance, (a) 1 kW/phase/km. ») to decrease the effective resistance and (0)0.5kWiphaseskm. © ©) 0.667 kw/phase/km, (d) none of these ‘increase the inductance. 239, Most economic load on an underground ‘effective application of counterpoise cable will be ould be buried into the ground to (@) greater than its surge loading (0) less than the surge loading. (©) equal to the surge loading. metres. (d) none of these ust enough to avoid theft. 240. Self GMD method is used to evaluate ne of these VQ) inductance, loss is less when the shape of (b) capacitance. juctor is (©) inductance and capacitance both (d) none of these 241. Surge impedance of 50 miles long underground cable is 50 ohms. For a 25 miles length it will be (@) 25 ohms Y(b) 50 ohms () 100 ohms (d) none of these 242, Capacitance and inductance per unit, length of a line operating at 110 kV are 0.01 mF and 2 mil, The surge impedance Joading of the line will be * (a)40 MVA (b) 30 MVA ve 27MVA ——_—(d) none of these 243. Sending end vetiage of a feeder with 3 reactance 0.2 p.u. is 1.2 p.u. If the reactive power supplied at the receiving _ end of the feeder is 0.3 p.u., the yo drop of yolts in the feeder (0 0.072, me f earth rs a rin (a) increases the ‘ance. (b) increases he inductance. (c) decreases the capacitance. (4) decrease the inductance. 245. Effect of increase in temperature in ‘overhead transmission lines is to (a) increase the stress and length (b) decrease the stress and length (c) decrease the stress but increase the length, (d) none of these 246. Ferranti effect on long overhead lines is experienced when it is (a) lightly loaded. _(b) on full load at unity p.f. (c) on full load at 0.8 p.F. lag. (d) in all these cases, 7. In-rush current of a transformer at no Joad is maximum if the supply voltage isswitched on Aaa) at zero voltage value. (b) at peak voltage value, (c) at V2 value, (a) at 4372 V value 248. If the inductance and capacitance of a system are {.0 H and 0.01 pF respectively and the instantancous value of current interrupted is 10 amp, voltage across the breaker contacts will be (a) 50 kV “(b) 100 kV (c) 60 kV (d) S7kV 249. In case of a 3-phase short circuit in a system, the power fed into the system is Zy>%q (0) 24<4<% (©)Zy Mj. It is proposed to add some inertia to one of the two groups of machines for improving the transient stability of the system. It should be added to @)M, vb) M; (c) It does not matter whether to add to My or My (d) none of the above 297. For load flow solution the quantities ified at a load bus are (a) Pand Q (b) Pand| Vv], (©) Qand|V| (4) P and 8 298, Select he correct statement. (a) The higher the initial load, the larger the critical clearing angle. ») The higher the initial load, the lower the eriticalclearing angle. 346 (©) the initial load has nothing to do with the critical clearing angle (d) The higher the operati circuit breaker, the larger will be the critical clearing angle. 299, For stability and economic reasons we operate the transmission line with power angle in the range. (a) 40° to 25° (B) 30° 10 45° (©) 60° to 75° (d) 65° to 80° 300. Load low study is carried out for (a) fault calculations (b) stability studies (6) system planning (d) load frequency control. 301. For a two-bus system if the change in load at bus 2 is 5 MW and the corresponding change in generation at bus 4 is MW, the penalty factor of me of the bus 4 is (a) 0.6 (b) 4.67 (©) 0.625 (4) none of these 302, If P, is the maximum power transferred, the loss on the system is i on, Oar > 3P, => (d) none of these 303.A generator is connected to a synchronous motor. From stability point of view it is preferable to have (a) generator neutral reactance grounded and motor neutral resistance grounded. (b) generator and motor neutrals resistance grounded. (©) generator and motor reactance grounded. \@ generator neutral resistance and motor neutral reactance grounded. 304, In a 400 kV network, 350 kV is recorded at a 400 kV bus. The reactive power absorbed by a shunt rated for 50 MVAR, 400 kV connected at the bus is neutrals [GATE 1994] (0)61.73MVAR ——_(b)55.56MVAR (©)45MVAR ——\(d) 40.5 MVAR 305. HVDC Transmission is preferred to EHV~-AC because GATE 1994) POWER SYSTEM (a) HVDC terminal equipment are inexpensive (b) VAR compensation is not required in HVDC systems (©) system stability can be improved (d) Harmonics — problem is avoided 306, The surge impedance of a 400km long overhead transmission line is 400 ohms, For a 200 km length of the same line, the surgeimpedance willbe [GATE 1995] (a)200 (b) 8002 (©) 4002 (d) 1002 307. The insulation level of a 400 kV EHV overhead transmission line is decided on the basic of [GATE 1995] (a) lightning overvoltage (6) switching overvoltage (©) corona inception voltage (d) radio and TV interference 308, In order to have a lower cost of electrical energy generation, IGATE 1995} (a) the load factor and diversity factor should be low (b) the load factor should be low but diversity factor shold be high (©) the load factor should be high but diversity factor should be low \(@) the load factor and diversity factor should be high 309. The main criterion for selection of the size of a distribution for a radial distribution system is GATE 1995] (@) voltage drop _(b) corona loss (c) temperature rise (4) capital cost 310. The insulation resistance of a cable of length 10 km is 1 MQ. For a length of 100 km of the same cable, the insulation resistance will be * [GATE 1995] @)1MQ. (b) 10MQ (0) 0.1 MQ (@)0.01MQ 311, For a 500 Hz frequency excitation, ® 50 km long power line will be modelled’ as [GATE 1996} (a) short line . (b) medium line \) long line (@) data insufficient for decision er SYSTEM for an unbalanced fault, with paths for 2. Tero sequence currents, a the point of fault IGATE 1996) (@ the negative and zero sequence yoltages are minimum the negative and zero sequence voltages are maximum © the negative sequence voltage is minimum and zero sequence voltage is maximum (@ the negative sequence voltage is maximum and zero sequence voltage is minimum ‘13. If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting Is 50% and CT ratio is 400.5, the plug setting multiplier will be [GATE 1996 (925A (ISA ()50A “@) 10 414. The use of high-speed circuit-breakers IGATE 1997} (a) reduces the short circuit current (b) improves system stability \() decreases system stability (@) increases the short circuit current 415, Bundled cnductors are employed to improve the IGATE 1997] (a) appearance of the transmission line (b) mechanical stability of the line \(@) decreases system stability (@ increases the short circuit current 316, Series capacitive compensation in EHV transmission lines is used to [GATE 1998] (2) reduce the line loading (0) improve the stability of the system (©) reduce the voltage profile v(d) improve the protection of the line 317. A cable has the following characteristics. L= 0.201 wH/m and C = 196.2 p/F/m. The velocity of wave propagation through the cable is [GATE 1998} “@)32m/s (b) 159.24 pms ©)0.0312 m/s (d) 159.24 m/s 318 Ashunt reactor of 100 MVAr is operated 498% of its rated voltage and at 96% Sfits rated frequency, The reactive power by the reactor is ; [GATE 1998] ()98MVAr 104.02 MVAr (996.04 MvAr (d) 100.04 MVAr 347 319. For the network shown in figure, the Zero sequence reactance in p.u. are Indicated. The zero sequence dri Point reactance of the node 3 is [GATE 1998] i Qo oO 10 eee i E+awt--ok eo a 4 me Fig. 14.3 (a) 0.12 (b) 0.30 (c) 0.10. (d) 0.20 320. An overhead having a surge impedance of 400Q is connected in series with an underground cable having a surge impedance of 100 . If a surge of 50 kV trayels from the line end towards the line-cable junctions, the value of the transmitted voltage wave at the junction is IGATE 1999] (@)30kV )20kV (©) 80 kV (d)-30kV 321. The load carrying capability of a long AC transmission line is IGATE 1999} (a) always limited by the conductor size (6) limited by stability considerations. (©) reduced at low ambient temperatures. (@) decreased by the use of bundled conductors of single conductors. 322. Corona losses are minimized when IGATE 1999} (@) conductor size is reduced. \ Ab) smooth conductor is reduced. (©) sharp points are provided in the line hardware, (@) current density in conductors is reduced. 323 InaDCtransmission line [GATE 1999] (@) itis necessary for the sending end and receiving and receiving end to be operated in synchronism, (b) the effects of inductive and capacitive reactances are greater than ir _n AC _ transmission line of the same rating. AG) there are no effects due to inductive and capacitive reactances. @) power transfer capability is limited by stability considerations, 348 324, Steady state stability of a power system is the ability of the power system (0 . IGATE 1999] (@) maintain voltage at the rated voltage level, (b) maintain frequency exactly at $0 Hz maintain a spinning reserve margin at all times (4) maintain synchronism between machines and on external tie lines 325. Three sections of a feeder are provided with circuit breakers CBI, CB2, CBS, CB4, CBS and CBG. For a fault F as indicatedin Figure. [GATE 1999] ae! a we as cx Fig. 14.4 (@) CBS must be set to trip after CBI trips (b) CBS must be set to trip after CB3 and CB4 trip. (6) CBS must be set to trip after CB2 trips AG) CBS must be set to trip before CBI, CB2, CB3 and CB4 tri 326. Ina thermal power plant, the feed water coming (0 the economiser is heated using [GATE 2000) (a) H.P, steam (b) LP. steam (¢) direct heat in the furnace Vd) fue gases. 327.For given base yoltage and base volt-amperes, the per unit impedance value of an clement is x, What will be the per unit impedance value of this clement when the voltage and volt-ampere bases are both doubled? [GATE 2000] Vv a)0.5x. (b)2x, (©) 4x (a) x 328, In an inverse definite minimum time, electromagnetic type over-current relay, the minimum time feature Is achived use of {GATE 2000] saturation of the magnetic circuit (b) proper mechanical design (©) appropriate time delay element (d) electromagnetic damping. POWER SYSTEM 329, Out of the considerations (a) to (d) liste below, [GATE 2000] (@) no distance limitation related to steady state stabiloity (b) no reactive power requirement from the system at the two terminals (©) no substantia! effect on fault level of the two systems at the terminals inspite of the interconnection (d)_no corona problems 4330, In a 3-step distance protection, the reach of the three zones of the relay at the beginning of the first Hine typically extends upto IGATE 2000} {@) 100% of the first line, $0% of the second line and 20% of the third line (b) 80% ofthe first line, 50% of the second line and 20% of the third line (c) 80% of the first line, 20% of second fine and 10% of the third line (4) 50% of first line, $0% of second line ‘and 20% of the third line. 331. Consider a long, two-wire line composed of solid round conductors. ‘The radius of both conductors is 0.25 cm and the distance between their centres is Im, Hf this distance is doubled, then the inductance per unit length [GATE 2002] (@) doubles halves A) increases but does not double (d) decreases but does not halve 332. Consider a power system with three identical generators. The transmission losses are negligible. One generator (G1), has speed governor which maintains its speed constant at the rated value, while the other generators (G2 and G3) have governors with a droop of 5%. If the load of the system is increased, then In steady state. {GATE 2002] (@ generation of G2 & G3 is increased equally while generation of G1 is: we unchanged. aed )) generation of GI alone is laced while generation of G2 ¢ power SYSTEM 433.Along wire composed ofa smooth roung conductor runs above and parallel to the ground (assumed to be 9 conducting plane), A high vottage exine between the conductor and the ground, ‘The maximum electric stress occurs at z IGATE 2002) (a) the upper surface of the conductor. Ab) the lower surface of the conductor (©) the ground surface (@ midway between the conductor and ground. 434, Consider the problem of relay co. ordination for the distance relays R1 and R2 on adjacent lines of @ transmission system (Figure). The Zone 1 and Zone 2 setting for both the relays are indicated on the diagram. Which of the following indicates the correct time setting for the Zone 2 of relays Ri and R2, [GATE 2002} 2onex(ha) large Zonei(R2} Ql Yonel(Ri) 7 Fig. 14.5 (0) TZ2p, = 0.65, TZ2p=0.3s (0) TZ2p = 0.35, TZ2,, = 0.6 ()TZ2p, = 0.35, TZ2p, = 0.38 (@)T22p, = 0.18, TZ2p9= 0.38 335. Bundled conductors aremainly used in high voltage overhead transmission lines o : [GATE 2003] (a) reduce transmission line losses (b) increase mechanical strength of the linc \) reduce corona (d) reduce sag 336. A power system consists of 300 buses out of which 20 buses are generator buses, 25 buses are the ones with reactive power Support and 15 buses are the one with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses, It is proposed to perform 8 londflow analysis for a eet ti ee 4 am is ~ (GATE2003] 337, 338, 349 (2) 553 x 553 (b) $40 x 540 (©)555 x 555 (u) 554x554 Choose two appropriate auxiliary components of a HVDC transmission System from the following |GATE 2003] PDC. tine inductor Q AC. tine inductor R_ Reactive power sources S__ Distance relays on D.C. line Series capacitance on A.C. line (a) PandQ + (b) P and R (©) QandS (4) S and T The interrupting time of circuit breaker is the period between the instant of [GATE 2003} (@) initiation of short circuit and the are extinction on an opening operation (b) energizing of the trip circuit and the are m1 on an opening operation (©) initiation of short circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts (4) energizing of the trip circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts 339. The rated yoliag of a 3-phase power system is given as iGATE 2004] (a) rins phase voltage (b) peak phase voltage (©) square wave with peak value > °> Wei (@) pulsed wave with peak value Cs "5 Mateh List-1 (Power converters) with List-Il (Industrial Drive) and select the correct answer using the codes given 377. below the Lists: {IAS 2004) List-1 List-I1 (Power Converters) (Industrial Drive) ‘A. Dual converter 1. Cement Kiln drive B.DC chopper 2. Induction heating CC. Cyclo converter 3. Rolling mill dirve D. Inverter 4. Electrical vehicle §, Sugar mills Codes : eee piae =“) (eles lee. os oo 3 eed gle 2 ee 8 J Meets oS). a 2 POWER SYSTEM possible faults that may occur on g 378: Fowsmissicn tine are [TAS 2004] 3ephase fault L-L-G fault . fault L-G fault The decreasin, faults from the sta (a) 123-4 (b) 1-4-3-2 Ae) 1-3-2-4 (a) 1-3-4-2 379. Consider the following statements ; ‘The function of a condenser in a steam ~ power plant is (0 ‘condenser the large volume of steam to svater to be used as boiler feed water, receive large volume of steam exhausted from the steam turbine. tnaintain pressure below atmosphere so that maximum heat energy can be extracted from steam. Which of the statements given above are IAS 2004) g order of serverity of the ry point of view is correct? (a) land 2 (b)2and3 (c) | and3. Vd) 1,2 and 3 380, Match List 1 (Power Plnat) with List 111 (Application) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [AS 2004) List! List II A. Nuclear 1, Base load B. Diesel 2, Stand by C.Gas turbine 3. Base load or peak load D. Hydro 4, Peak load Codes : (a) 1-3-4-2 9) 4-2-1-3 (6) 4-31-2 Vv (d) 124-3 aie 381, Match List - I (Protection Scheme) wit List-I1 (Type of fault) correct answer using the codes git below the Lists : List-L (Protection Scheme) A, Differential protection 1. B. Behhole protection C. Buchholz protection 3. ower SYSTEM rl des: oer 8 8°. p (0) 1 4 2 5 ek. nd | Poe 203% es teases. tare el ‘The per unit impedance of a circuit 30 vement Is 0.15, Ifthe base kV and base MVA are halved, then what will be the new value of the per unit impedance of the circuit clement? WAS 2005) (0.075 (0.15 (030 (4) 0.60 333, A bundled conductor has 3 conductors, equilaterally speed as shown above. D, is the GMR of the ndivideual condueto what is the GMR of the bundled conductor? |TAS 2005] d Fig. 14.9 (a) (D,x¢)!? (b)(D, x a)'3 Ac)(D,x a)!” (4) Dx? 384,In a short transmission line, if the impedance of the line is 0,01 + j0.15 per unit when he load current is 1.0 p.u, at 0.8 lag power factor and the receiving end voltage Vp = 1.0 p.u. what is the regulation of the line? HAS 2005} (2) 0.8% (0) 0.9% Ac) 9.8% d) 1% 385, Which one of the following yields the value of the sage of conductors between two poles? (W is weight per unit length of conductor in N/m, L is the distance between two pole in meter, T is the (ension in conductor in'N) _ [AS 2005} (@)WL2/16T — \(b) WL2/8 (WL? /2T @West 386. For nominal n-represention of the (ransmission lines, the ABCD parameters — 355 are relatted (o Z and ¥ of the line, such that C parameter is given by {IAS 2005] (@c=1 (12) ¥z (byc=z ()C=204 (122) 4) C= 201 4 (1/4) ¥Z) 387. Which one of the following statement is correct? Ina load. duration curve the an integrated Power system, the uppermost crest Fepresents the energy contributed by {AS 2005] (@) base power station (b) major thermal station (©) peaking hydro or gas tubine (d) non-conventional pwer stations What is / are the disadvantages (s) of Gauss-Seidel method over Newton's metho in load-flow programmes? [IAS 2005) 388, (@) More iteration (b) More memory requirement and less accuracy (©) Less intcrations but more memory @ More accuracy and more memory 389. Mateh List-1 with List-Il and select the correct answer using the code piven helow the Lists ; [IAS 2005) List-1 List-t1 A, Buchholzrelay 1, Long lines B. Mho relay 2, Shon fines C.Impedancerelay 3. Medium lines D.Reactancerelay 4, Transformers, Codes : A B c D Va) 4 1 3 2 O32 a ed © 4 3 2 1 @3 4 2 1 390. If the fault current is 2000 A, the r setting is $0% and CT ratio is 400 ; 5, then what is the plug setting multiplier? IAS 2005} (2s (b) 15 ©)50 a) 10 356 POWER SYsTE ny how are (a) By using a transistor amplifier 391. In a static over-eurrent relay, ow a8 (b) By using aa integrating circuit inverse time characteristics obtained (By wing epag ee (a) By using a differentiating circuit 1. (a) 40. (b) 79. (b) 2. (a) 41. (a) 80. (@) 3.) 42.) BL. () 4. (d) 43. (a) 82. (d) S.(b) 44. @) 83. @) 8 (b) 157. (4) 196. (b)_ 235. (c) 274, (@) (6) 158. 9 197, (d)_— 236. (a) > 275, (c) 159. (d) 198. (a) -237. (©) 276, © 160. (b) 199. (d)_ 238, (©) 277, (@y 2) 161. (@) 200, (0) 239. (0) 278, @ 5: $4, (6) 162. (©) 204. (b) 240. (9) > 270 Fey HOES teats at 1a: aerate Eee 0) 8. (a) 86. (b) . (d) 164. (b) 203. (4) 242. (ce) 281, (gy 9. (a) 87. (c) (a) NGS: (8) 9° 204- (0) = 243 (c) arc 10. (d) 88. (b) . (d) 166. (e) 205. (ce) 244, (a) 283, (by NH. (a) 89. (b) . (c) 167. (db) 206. () 245. (ce) 284, gy 12, (b) 90. (b) .(c) 168. (c) 207. (©) 246. (a) 285, (@) 13. (a) 91. (@) . (c) 169. (b) 208. (c) 247. (a) 286. (a) lias) 92. (a) . (b) 170. (d) "209. (b) 248, (b) 287, @) 15. (d) 93.) 132, (db) 171. (©) 210, 249. (a) 288, 16. (a) & 94. (a) . (6) 172. (a) 211. (@) 250. (a) 289, (by 17. (a) 95. (a) (a) 173. (e) 212, (d)_— 251. (©) 290, (by 18, (b) 96. (0) (a) 174, (a) 213. (©) 252. (a) 291, 19, (e) 97. (d) » (a) 175. (c) 214. (a) 253, (a) 292, (a) 20. (c) 98, (a) 21. (a) 60. (a) 99. (a) 22. (c) 61, (©) —100. (a) 23. (b) 62. (@) 101, () 24. (©) i -102, (d) . (a) 176. (a) 215. (6) 254. (a) 293, (@) .(b) 177. (6) 216. (a) 255. (©) 294. (@) . (b) 178. (2) 217. (©) 286. (d) 295, . (a) 179, (A) 218. (d) 257. (b) 296, (by (©) 180. 4) 219. @) 258, (d) 297, (@) 25. (a) 5 103. (b) -

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