Influences of Social and Educational Environments On Creativity During Adolescence: Does SES Matter?

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Influences of Social and Educational Environments

on Creativity During Adolescence: Does SES

David Yun Dai , Xiaoyuan Tan , Deepti Marathe , Anna Valtcheva , Robert M.
Pruzek & Jiliang Shen

To cite this article: David Yun Dai , Xiaoyuan Tan , Deepti Marathe , Anna Valtcheva , Robert
M. Pruzek & Jiliang Shen (2012) Influences of Social and Educational Environments on Creativity
During Adolescence: Does SES Matter?, Creativity Research Journal, 24:2-3, 191-199, DOI:

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CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 24(2–3), 191–199, 2012
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1040-0419 print=1532-6934 online
DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2012.677338

Influences of Social and Educational Environments on

Creativity During Adolescence: Does SES Matter?
David Yun Dai, Xiaoyuan Tan, Deepti Marathe, Anna Valtcheva, and Robert M. Pruzek
University at Albany, SUNY

Jiliang Shen
Beijing Normal University

It is well established that there is an academic achievement gap between students from
high and low socioeconomic family backgrounds. However, how being brought up
and living in different socioeconomic backgrounds impacts adolescent development,
particularly their creative capabilities and creativity-related personality traits, is not well
understood. This study compared creative capabilities and traits of 8th grade students of
2 school districts: a suburban, upper-middle class community and an urban community
with a large proportion of families under poverty, located in a northeastern state. The
results provide compelling evidence for a creativity gap. The study also found a possible
mediating role of academic achievement and intrinsic cognitive motivation, suggesting
that the psychosocial processes and mechanisms leading to the creativity gap are trac-
table. Implications of the findings for optimal adolescent development and social inter-
ventions are discussed.

It is well established that there is an academic achieve- research focused on personality factors in relation to
ment gap between students from high and low socioeco- creativity, whereas empirical research on the SES-related
nomic family backgrounds (Byrnes, 2003; Frederickson factors on the development of creativity is sparse and
& Petrides, 2008; McLoyd, 1998; Murdock, 2000). sporadic, most conducted back in 1980s or earlier. Lim-
Multiple factors, mechanisms, and pathways through ited evidence points to a distinct advantage enjoyed by
which low SES puts students at risk for academic failure children of higher SES over children of low SES, not only
have also been researched in depth (Grissmer, William- in academic achievement but in creative thinking as well
son, Kirby, & Berends, 1998). They involve, among (Lichtenwalner & Maxwell, 1969; Milgram, 1983;
others, parental supervision, material resources, and Ogletree, 1971); this phenomenon seems prevalent across
intellectual stimulation and value. cultures (e.g., Vijayalakshmi, 1980). Most studies
The question of a possible creativity gap between high traced this difference to early child-rearing practices
and low socioeconomic status (SES) or, more broadly, of and parenting styles (Harrington, Block & Block, 1987;
social and educational underpinnings of SES underlying Lichtenwalner & Maxwell, 1969), however, findings are
the development of creative potential, has not been not conclusive (see Miller & Gerard, 1979).
brought up and well addressed. One reason for the lack In a more recent study, Niu (2007) explored the inter-
of research attention is that creativity is often conceptua- play of individual factors (intelligence, personality,
lized and researched as an individual differences variable motivation, thinking styles and knowledge) and environ-
(e.g., Prabhu, Sutton, & Sauser, 2008). A preliminary mental factors (family and school) on creativity among
search in the PsycInfo database found a bulk of empirical Chinese students. After controlling for intelligence, Niu
found that social factors alone predicted as much vari-
Correspondence should be sent to David Yun Dai, ED233 ance in creativity as all the individual factors combined.
Educational Psychology, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY In an intervention study, Tsao (2008) found that guided
12222. E-mail:
192 DAI ET AL.

play in the classroom promoted children’s creativity in but can be enhanced (or hindered) by one’s social and
writing and conversation (see also Moore & Russ, educational environments during adolescence.
2008). In a longitudinal study, Gottfried, Gottfried, Particularly relevant to this study are different home
Bathurst, and Guerin (1994) found that children’s intrin- environments and educational experiences in school as
sic motivation was related to parental encouragement for perceived by students from high and low SES back-
task endogeny. Together, this body of research suggests a grounds. This study posited that parents with higher
set of psychosocial factors potentially mediating SES and levels of education will more likely support and engage
creativity. their adolescent children in a variety of intellectual activi-
Another reason for the lack of research on SES and ties and encourage the expression of those personal char-
creativity is that standard, reliable measures of acteristics conducive to creativity. One hypothesis was
achievement are easier to obtain than those of creativity. that the ethos and resources of a high-SES neighborhood
Theoretically, creativity can be measured in multiple and school district are more likely to be supportive of
ways, with different psychological underpinnings. For explorative, intellectually stimulating activities. There-
example, creative thinking can be operationalized in fore, the study selected two school districts that have
many ways, such as thinking divergently (Torrance, contrasting SES, but otherwise are comparable. Along
1972), constructing and combining broad categories the same line of logic, the study included several psycho-
(Cropley, 2000), or formulating and working with para- social measures such as how students perceived the
doxical ideas (Rothenberg, 1979). Also open to debate social-contextual support for individuality and creative
is the issue of the extent to which creativity can be seen expressions and how intrinsically motivated they are to
as an ability dissociated from experience and knowledge. pursue cognitive tasks.
Runco, Dow, and Smith (2006) compared two types of
performance: standard divergent thinking tasks (e.g.,
‘‘List uses for a shoe’’) and more knowledge-based idea- RESEARCH QUESTIONS
tion. They found evidence for a distinct knowledge basis
for creative ideation. Mumford, Marks, Connelly, Zec- The following research questions were addressed in the
caro, and Johnson (1998) also found a domain-specific study:
correlate of divergent thinking. Evidence seems to sug-
gest an experiential and knowledge basis of creative idea- 1. Are there major differences in divergent thinking
tion. Nevertheless, when divergent thinking performance and creativity-related personality traits between
of children was used to predict adult real-life creative students of the two school districts, which feature
achievement, it demonstrates higher predictive validity contrasting socio-economic characteristics?
than a measure of intelligence (Cramond, Matthews- 2. Do parent education levels make a difference
Morgan, Bandalos, & Zuo, 2005; Plucker, 1999). despite the fact their children live in a low-SES
An interest in SES and creativity put stakes on deve- community? Do school effects compensate for
lopmental and educational underpinnings of creativity low SES family effects?
during adolescence (Dai & Shen, 2008). In keeping with 3. Do parent education, school (and neighborhood)
the research tradition, creativity in this study was type, academic achievement (grades), perceived
defined and assessed in two broad categories: divergent parent and teacher support for the expression of
thinking and personality traits closely related to creative personal characteristics conducive to creativity,
expressions. Divergent thinking is the ability to and creative inclinations predict adolescent cre-
generate many ideas that are appropriate to the task ative capabilities as measured by a set of divergent
at hand (fluency), and flexible in crossing the boundary thinking tasks?
of categories (fluency) and original in terms of rarity
(originality). Divergent thinking is enhanced not only
through cognitive development, but also through an
education that supports an enriched, inquisitive, open
mind. Although divergent thinking is assessed using per-
formance measures, creative traits are defined as a set of A total of 234 eighth-grade students participated in the
motivational, attitudinal, and behavioral tendencies or study in the spring semester of their academic year.
proclivities conducive to creative ideation and pro- One hundred and twenty six came from an urban middle
ductivity, and typically measured by self-report instru- school and 108 from two middle schools in a suburban
ments. The underlying assumption regarding the school district, all located in a northeastern state. The
relationship between SES and creativity is that traits two school districts are comparable in school size (an
such as openness to experience and intrinsic cognitive average of 508 vs. 541 students), the number of teachers
motivation are likely nurtured early on in one’s life, (39 vs. 41), limited English proficiency (0.6% vs. 2.2%),

and ethnic makeup (90.2% vs. 87.1% White), but different of categories the responses fall into; 14 broad categories
in the number of students eligible for free lunch (5.1% vs. were identified for the planet question, 21 for the toy dog
40.3%) and parental education levels (80% vs. 18% gradu- question, 21 for the parallel lines question, and 16 for the
ate degrees, and 4% vs. 50% not having college edu- dividing a square problem (see Appendix A for the names
cation). The records of 5 students were excluded from of categories for the former three items); and (c) orig-
data analyses due to a large number of missing values inality, based on how frequently a specific response was
for each of the cases, resulting in a final sample of 229 given by the total sample. Two points were given for a
students. response of less than 5% chance of occurrence, and 1
point for a response of 5–10% chance.

Instruments and Procedures

Measures of creativity-related traits. An inventory
Some basic demographic information such as gender and of 72 statements was developed to measure various
age were obtained through a questionnaire. Information aspects of personal characteristics known to be con-
was obtained on both father and mother’s education ducive to creative ideation. They include self-confidence
(whenever applicable): (a) middle school, (b) high school, (7 items from the Creativity Assessment Packet;
(c) college undergraduate, and (d) graduate school. Williams, 1980; e.g., ‘‘Compared with the people I know,
Self-reported academic achievement, in terms of ‘‘the I am a more confident person.’’), adventurousness or risk
grade that best reflects your achievement’’ ranging across taking (e.g., 5 items from the Creativity Assessment
A, B, C, D, and U, was also obtained in science=math Packet; e.g., ‘‘It’s exciting for me to try out new games
and language arts=social studies, respectively. The and activities.’’), curiosity (8 items from the Creativity
instruction made it clear that ‘‘best reflects’’ means Assessment Packet; e.g., ‘‘I like to ask questions that
‘‘most accurately reflect’’ one’s actual achievement in others have not thought of.’’), openness to experience
the past year. Besides, measurements used for the study (8 items from the NEO PI-R Personality Inventory;
included (a) a 4-item divergent thinking test, (b) a Costa & McCrae, 1992; e.g., ‘‘I found it interesting to
72-item questionnaire assessing creativity-related traits, learn and develop new hobbies.’’), and intrinsic motiv-
and (c) an 18-item questionnaire assessing one’s percep- ation for cognitively demanding activities or the need
tions of teacher and parent support for the development for cognition (13 items from the Need for Cognition
of creativity-related personality traits. inventory; Cacioppo, Petty, Feinstein, & Jarvis, 1996;
e.g., ‘‘After finishing a difficult intellectual task, I feel
relieved rather than find great satisfaction out of it’’);
Measures of divergent thinking. A four-item creativ-
norm-doubt (5 items, from the 16PF Questionnaire;
ity test, adapted from an instrument for a multinational
Liu, 1970; e.g., ‘‘My interest towards certain people
research project (Shen, 2005), was used for the study.
and things changes quite easily.’’), independence (11
The original instrument contains one item tapping into
items from the 16PF Questionnaire; e.g., ‘‘When I need
scientific creativity (‘‘List as many questions as possible
to find an address in an unfamiliar city, I would often
about a planet you like to travel’’), two tapping into tech-
turn to the city’s map for help.’’); persistence (10 items
nological inventiveness (improving the design of a toy
from the Creative Tendency Scale; Wang, 2003; e.g.,
dog and designing an apple-picking machine), and two
‘‘Sometimes I am quite determined to do something on
traditional divergent thinking tasks (drawing as many
the next day, but when the next day comes, that determi-
items as possible using parallel lines, for example, a
nation fades away’’), and self-acceptance (5 items from
pencil; and dividing a square into four equal areas in as
the California Psychological Inventory; Gough, 1987;
many ways as possible). Because the item of designing
e.g., ‘‘In my eyes, my father is an ideal man’’). A 5-point
an apple-picking machine is not a divergent thinking task
Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
(requiring the participant to construct a design, rather
agree (5) was used for this self-report instrument.
than generating multiple ideas), only the other four items
were used to ensure consistency of the measurement, as
well as the diversity of construct representation. For Measures of perceived teacher and parent
example, the planet and toy dog questions have a distinct support. There were 9 teacher items and 9 parent items
domain-specific component. All written responses were in this set of statements. This questionnaire was
coded consensually by two research team members, developed in conjunction with instruments of creative
and entered into a computer program (Zhang, 2005) inclinations as an attempt to assess the extent to which
especially designed for managing coded data and gener- teachers and parents support self-confidence, curiosity,
ating divergent thinking scores (see Appendix A). Each adventurousness, openness to experience, and intrinsic
item produced three scores: (a) fluency: a simple count motivation for cognitive engagement, among other
of the number of responses; (b) flexibility: the number creative inclinations. For example, an item tapping into
194 DAI ET AL.

parental support for adventurousness and openness to forming the six variables because their inclusion
experience states that ‘‘My parents encourage me to try would make interpretation of the factors conceptually
out new things, even though it may lead to failure.’’ An difficult.
item tapping into teacher support for intrinsic task For the divergent thinking test scores, the within-item
motivation states that ‘‘When I am engrossed in solving intercorrelations of fluency, flexibility, and originality
and thinking about a problem, my teachers encourage and across-item correlations among four measures of
me to keep going even when it delays my other work.’’ fluency, flexibility, and originality were examined. As
A 5-point Likert scale was used, ranging from hardly ever within-item intercorrelations of the three indexes (on
(1) to almost always (5). average .72 for planet, .92 for parallel lines, .79 for square,
and .81 for toy dog) were higher than across-item inter-
correlations of fluency, flexibility, and originality, respect-
Procedures. With the support of the administrative
ively (on average .38, .29, .32 for the three respective
staff of three middle schools from two school districts,
measures), the results support a domain- or task-specific
the divergent thinking test and the creativity-related
interpretation (Runco et al., 2006). Therefore, the four
traits questionnaire were administered to the 8th-grade
task measures were used to form a composite measure
participants in small groups. The total time offered to
of creativity. Aggregating the performance across the
participants was 50 minutes. The total time participants
four tasks not only better represents a diverse set of task
actually took to complete the tasks varied from a half
conditions set up to measure creative ideation but also
hour to 60 minutes. Participants were given either a
enhance the reliability of the measure. The alpha
movie ticket or an art craft present upon the completion
reliability for the composite measure of creativity is .86.
of the tasks as a token of thanks. Participation is volun-
Means, standard deviations, and zero-order intercor-
tary through parental consent and student assent, and
relations of all relevant variables are presented in
the reward or the token of thanks was not part of invi-
Table 1. For descriptive purposes, mean scores on each
tation (i.e., not used as incentives).
dimension for the high SES school and low SES school
are listed on the right side of the table. As can be seen,
all measures of achievement and psychosocial variables
are in favor of the former.
Preliminary Analysis
Effects of School and Parental Education
Since there were missing values in some cases, given the
small sample size of our study, a decision was made to To address the first research question about the differ-
impute the missing data. The missing data in ParentEd, ences in creativity between the two school districts, two
scgrade, artgrade, and AgeinMon were replaced by side-by-side boxplots were used (see Figure 1) to visualize
school means, and the missing data in the 90 Likert-type the differences. Comparing with that of the low-SES
items and in the creativity measures were imputed by school district (n ¼ 118), the creativity composite score
EM algorithm (Schafer, 1997), using SAS PROC MI. of the high-SES school district (n ¼ 111) had a wider
To reduce the dataset to manageable variables, image range and a higher mean. The two independent sample
factor analysis (Jöreskog, 1969) with varimax rotation t statistic was 6.85 with a degree freedom of 181 and a
was conducted with gender, age by month, and the 90 p-value of 0.0002, and the corresponding Cohen’s d was
self-report items, with the number of derived common 1.02.
factors determined by examining the scree plot as dis- To address the second research question regarding
cussed in Pruzek (2005). Six common factors were relative contributions of school and parent education, a
extracted, accounting for 28% of the total variance. univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conduc-
The six factors were conceptually meaningful and thus ted, with the composite score of creativity as a criterion
assigned the following labels, respectively, with alpha variable, and school type (high SES vs. low SES) and
reliabilities and numbers of items reported in the parent education (two levels: undergraduate or below,
parentheses: (a) perceived teacher and parent support and graduate) as two predictors. The reason that parent
(a ¼ .77, n ¼ 12), (b) self-confidence (a ¼ .85, n ¼ 16), education only had two levels was because the high SES
(c) intrinsic cognitive motivation or need for cognition school only had four students whose parents only had
(a ¼ .84, n ¼ 14, (d) openness to experience (a ¼ .64, high school education, thus not sufficient for an
n ¼ 13), (e) adventurousness (a ¼ .74, n ¼ 10), and (f) ANOVA analysis; therefore, parent education codes
artistic imagination (a ¼ .59, n ¼ 8). Six variables were for the high school and undergraduate levels were com-
derived by averaging the item cores. Five items with bined. The results indicate that there were statistically
high complexity values and low communality values significant main effects of school type (F(1, 225) ¼ 15.12,
were not included. Other 14 items were excluded from p ¼ .0002, partial g2 ¼ .063) and parent education

Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations of Environmental and Personal Variables Related to Creativity Capabilities and Creative
Inclinations (sample size ¼ 229)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High SES Low SES

1. Grade in M=Sci N=A 4.53 3.68

2. Grade in LA=SS .51 N=A 4.58 4.22
3. PT support .17 .26 .77 3.43 3.34
4. Self-confidence .41 .20 .21 .85 3.57 3.15
5. Artistic imagination .03 .18 .11 -.03 .59 3.30 3.25
6. Cognitive motivation .41 .22 .10 .61 .08 .84 3.43 2.83
7. Adventurousness .19 .24 .22 .11 .11 .25 .74 3.90 3.64
8. Openness .17 .20 .19 .06 .34 .12 .39 .64 3.63 3.34
9. Creative composite .38 .32 .12 .27 .05 .36 .14 .21 .86 125.82 83.81
Means 4.10 4.39 3.23 3.36 3.28 3.12 3.77 3.49 104.17
SD .97 .74 .83 .70 .60 .69 .57 .47 50.28

Note. On the diagonal are alpha reliabilities. Grade in M=Sci ¼ self-reported grades in math=science; Grade in LA=SS ¼ self-reported grades in
language arts=social studies. PT Support ¼ perceived parent and teacher support for developing creativity-related characteristics; Cognitive
Motivation ¼ Need for Cognition; Openness ¼ Openness to Experience. (On the right columns).
High SES ¼ mean scores for high SES schools, Low SES school ¼ mean scores for low SES schools.

(F(1, 225) ¼ 5.6, p ¼ .019, Partial g2 ¼ .024), but the parent a graduate degree, the high-SES school district (n ¼ 21)
education by school type interaction effect was not. also outperformed the low-SES school district (n ¼ 98)
Since parent education and school type was highly cor- by a notable margin (103 vs. 82). As indicated, the stu-
related (r ¼ .64), and the main effect of school type on dents of the lower parent education background but
creativity was confounded by the effect of parental edu- who were with the high-SES school district performed
cation, the score differences between students of the two better than the students of the higher parent education
school districts with matching parent education were background but who were with the low-SES school dis-
examined. The results (Figure 2) indicate that for the trict (103 vs. 91), suggesting a school compensatory effect.
higher parental education level (parents having graduate
degrees), the high-SES school district (n ¼ 90) outper-
formed the low-SES school district (n ¼ 20) by a large Mediating Effects of Psychological Variables
margin (131 vs. 91). For those whose parents did not have To address the third research question, a hierarchical
multiple regression was computed with the composite

FIGURE 1 Side-by-side boxplots to compare the creativity composite

score of the low SES school district and that of the high SES school FIGURE 2 Plotting mean scores of creativity by school types and
district. parent education levels. (Figure is provided in color online.)
196 DAI ET AL.

measure of creativity as a criterion variable. The DISCUSSION

rationale for this analysis was that adding achievement
and psychosocial variables would substantiate the ques- This study used two demographic variables, schools
tion of how high-SES school effects on creativity might attended (and the local communities these students live
be mediated by relevant psychosocial variables. In this in) and parent education levels, as two main predictors
analysis, school type and parent education level (two of a measure of divergent thinking. The distinct differ-
dummy variables) were entered in the first step, grades ence found in favor of the high-SES schools provide
in science=math and language arts=social studied com- clues as to how school, home, and neighborhood envir-
bined, and the perception of teacher and parent support onments might have impacted the development of cre-
(TPSuport) were entered in the second step. Since the ative potential in term of fluent, flexible, and original
variables of self-confidence and cognitive motivation ideation during adolescence. The findings suggest a crea-
were highly correlated (r ¼ .55), and the variables of tivity gap, analogous to the well-researched achievement
adventurousness and openness were also significantly gap, between those living and studying in upper-middle-
correlated, these two sets of variable were combined class suburban school districts and those living in mixed
and entered in the third step. The variable artistic lower- to middle-class school districts. The results
imagination was not correlated with the measure of crea- regarding the respective effect of school type relative to
tivity, and therefore was not included in the regression that of parent education seemed to suggest a school com-
analysis (see Table 2). pensatory effect, rather than parent education com-
The results show that school type and parent edu- pensatory effect, as school effects overrode parent
cation combined accounted for 20% of the variance in education effects, although the two are highly correlated
the measure of creativity. When academic achievement so that an synergistic explanation may be a better alter-
(grades in language arts=social studies and math=science native. A central question is how to explain this differ-
combined) and the perception of teacher support were ence developmentally.
entered into the equation, they accounted for additional The second set of variables under investigation was
6% of the variance. And the two combined measures of psychosocial in nature and meant to provide social-
creative inclinations (self-confidence, cognitive motiv- contextual conjectures and explanations: school achieve-
ation, adventurousness, and openness to experience) ment and perceived teacher and parent support for the
accounted for additional 1.5% of the variance. Together, development of creativity-related characteristics. The
the model accounted for 27% of the variance in the results seemed to indicate a distinct school achievement
composite measure of creativity. Predictors that yielded effect on creativity, not perceived teacher and parent
standardized regression coefficients statistically different support, both in terms of zero-order correlations and
from zero in the final model were school type (b ¼ .18, regression weights. Why the effect of perceived teacher
p ¼ .025), grades combined (b ¼ .21, p ¼ .003), and and parent support was not as salient can be open to
self-confidence and cognitive motivation combined many explanations, such as the self-report nature of
(b ¼ .14, p ¼ .04). Students who were from the suburban the measure; reporting one’s own performance tends to
school district, who have higher academic achievement, be more accurate than reporting how significant others
and who were more confident and cognitively treated themselves. But a more direct explanation is that
motivated, tended to perform better on the measure of variations in perceived supporting environments have
creativity. less direct bearing on the current performance than

The results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis with creative ability (composite measure) as a dependent variable

b step 1 R2 b step 2 R2 R2D b step 3 R2 R2D

Step 1:
School type .3 .23 .18
Parent education .19 .20
.13 .13
Step 2:
Grades combined .25 .21
Teacher support .04 .25 .06 .02
Step 3:
Confidence=Motivation .14
Adventurousness=Openness .03 .27 .015
2 2
Note. All decimals are rounded up to two digits. b is standardized regression coefficient. R D ¼R increase.

p < .05.  p < .01.

variations in school achievement, which has a direct A theoretically and practically important finding of
performance component. A distinct effect of academic the study is that creative potential, as indicated by flu-
achievement on the measure of creativity is not difficult ent, flexible, and original ideation, is associated with
to understand. The planet item and toy dog item entail two major schooling outcomes: academic achievement
creative ideation that is knowledge-rich; that is, one and intrinsic cognitive motivation. The role of intrinsic
has to have rich knowledge backgrounds to produce cognitive motivation (or need for cognition; Cacioppo
many novel ideas about what questions to ask about a & Petty, 1982), among other inclinations, provides a
planet (in the case of the planet item) and how to change bridge between the environmental conditions and cre-
structural and functional features of a toy dog. Even for ative expressions, and suggests a likely person-context
the square item, many innovative ways to divide a square reciprocal process leading to high performance on the
into four equal parts found in high performers in this measure of creativity as well as typical academic
study demonstrate good geometric knowledge as well achievement tasks.
as mathematical inventiveness, thus is to some extent As a preliminary effort to understanding the social
domain-specific (Runco et al., 2006). It is also conceiv- and educational impact on creativity, this study has its
able that even the most traditional divergent thinking limitations. School type and parent education are all
tasks such as the one used in the presented research, with social addresses (Bronfenbrenner, 1992), which are
parallel lines to draw objects, also require world knowl- social–structural but not social–psychological process
edge (Feldhusen & Goh, 1995). variables. They need to be unpacked empirically to
The third set of variables in the predictive equation, reveal their underpinnings. For example, more infor-
self-confidence and intrinsic motivation to engage in cog- mation is needed to understand how the two school dis-
nitively demanding activities (i.e., cognitive motivation), tricts differed in terms of curriculum and instruction,
was also psychosocial in nature, meant to explain and how the situation of educational resources and
long-term developmental effects on creativity, as these social capital in these neighborhoods or communities
variables show enduring individual differences and differed. Until these questions are answered, psychoso-
developmental continuity rather than varying from cial explanations for the data are still conjectural,
situation to situation. The results of the positive impact although the pattern of meditational effects that bridge
of cognitive motivation and self-confidence suggest poss- school type and parent education on the one hand and
ible mediation of both academic achievement and intrin- creative performance on the other provide important
sic motivation, arguably two of the most important clues and leads.
educational outcomes. As differences on these measures There are profound policy and practical implications
were evident between the two school districts (Table 1), it of a possible creativity gap, no less than the well-
can be inferred that school and parent effects on creativ- researched academic achievement gap. The issue not
ity may be mediated by these psychosocial variables. only concerns equity, the equal right to an enriched
At a conceptual and theoretical level, stable individ- social and educational environment, and ultimately, the
ual differences and long-term developmental changes equal opportunity for creative expression and pro-
and differences may play an important role in how ductivity; it also raises new possibility for increasing
social and educational experiences shape development social capital so that optimal adolescent development
of creativity. As indicated in the study, academic can be facilitated. Better school investment coupled with
achievement was associated with how adolescents per- parental investment in children’s intellectual develop-
formed on the creativity tasks, as well as how they were ment in terms of knowledge building and intellectual
motivated to pursue intellectually challenging tasks. interests seems to be a viable way of promoting
These variables are likely relational (reflecting a per- the development of creativity and enhancing creative
son–environment interface or ecology) rather than resid- performance.
ing either in the social context or in the person. Certain
individual temperament or personality characteristics
and abilities conducive to creativity are likely meshed
with or enhanced by certain environmental structures,
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198 DAI ET AL.

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APPENDIX A. CODES AND CATEGORIES spatial usage, things for building, things for physical
OF DIVERGENT THINKING AND culture, musical instruments, toy, dresses, sight, weapon,
COMPUTERIZED SORTING ghosts and spirits, abstractions, and experimental
14. Categories for the Planet Question Computer Program (Zhang, 2005) for data sorting
and management: Screen display (left column: words;
ET, biology, resource, structural properties, climate,
right column: categories)
physical environment, physical attributes, time, space
relationship, origins and future, survival, science=
technology=military, exploiture, and special sight

21. Categories for the Toy Dog Question

Change, add, change color, change figure, conformity,
detach, magnify, shrink, movement, pose, material,
re-arrange, overturn, sound attraction, visual attraction,
smell attraction, feeling attraction, substitute, remove,
expression, and making it intellective

21. Categories for the Parallel Lines Question

Food, animal, plant, design, body parts, universe,
vehicle, stationary, appliances, commodity, things for

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