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From Research To Revenue: Module 3: Preparation of Patent Search & Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


Module 3: Preparation of
Patent Search & Analysis Report

From Research to Revenue

Gujarat Technological University

Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Nr.Visat Three Roads, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424 - Gujarat
Phone: 079-23267500 Fax : 079-2630 1500
Email : info@gtu.ac.in, registrar@gtu.ac.in
Web : http://www.gtu.ac.in

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


This content is jointly prepared and copyrighted by Dr. Manish A. Rachchh,

Associate Professor of GTU, Ahmedabad and Mr. Amit Patel, IPR-Coordinator,
GTU, Ahmedabad. We try to acknowledge the references wherever possible. If
some portion is not acknowledged then kindly consider that this is going to be used
for “Fare Use” purpose only. Further, this material can be used by readers for
“Fare Use” purpose only and should not be used for commercial purpose directly
or indirectly. The authors also duly acknowledge the support received from Honb.
Vice Chancellor Dr. Akshai Aggarwal Sir and Mr. Hiranmay Mahanta in
drafting this Module-3. For any clarification, suggestion or further assistance on
content part, kindly contact authors.

Dr. Manish A. Rachchh Mr. Amit Patel

manish.rachchh@gtu.edu.in ipr_projectofficer@gtu.edu.in

(M) +91-9909961894 (M) +91-9898801467

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad Page 2

Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Module-3- Preparation of Patent Search &

Analysis Report
1) Introduction about Patent Search & Analysis report
2) Objectives of Patent Search & Analysis report
3) Start Patent search using Open Source Databases
4) Content / Embodiments of Patent document
5) Format of Patent Search & Analysis report
6) Explanation of each field of Patent Search & Analysis Report
7) Demo of Complete report
8) Summary of Relevant patent searched
9) Important web links for Patent related material


Patent search in most systems of patent law constitutes all information that has been made
available to the public in any form before a given date that might be relevant to a patent’s claims
of originality. Patent search is the process by which prior inventions or ideas are examined, with
the goal being to find information that bears close similarity to a given patent or proposed

The documents searched during a patent search may include granted Indian, U.S. and foreign
patents, published patent applications, and non-patent literature, such as the Web, product
literature, and scientific journals and databases.

Patent search may include:

• Previous patents (Granted/ Published)
• Trade journal articles
• Publications (including data books and catalogues)
• Public discussions (conference and seminar)
• Trade shows
• Brochures
• Products, devices & equipments

Once the Patent Search has been done and you have identified few related patent documents,
then the question of its interpretation and analysis will come.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Patent Analysis report is the process through which you can summarize the relevant patents in
brief, concise and precise way and can able to understand the area of protection covered by such
patents. Once said analysis is over for 10 to 15 relevant patents, then from that you can able to
get very clear cut idea that in your interested field of technology, how much work has been done
so far and still how much “White space”/ “Blank space” is available to work upon from your
side. This will make your IDP/UDP/Dissertation project unique itself.


Once the Patent search and Analysis report has been prepared, it will be useful to different
concerned people in a different ways. These includes…….

• An inventor (like you) can make sure that your invention is unique before you spend time
and money to work upon some IDP/UDP/Dissertation topics (this would be a Novelty
• A patent examiner at Patent Office carries out Patent search to check the relevant prior
art, if any existed, and cite them on his First Examination Report (FER) to be sent to the
applicant. Depending on the similarity between the prior-art cited and accused
application, the Controller may reject the patent application for further proceedings or
allow it with some amendments. (this would be Novelty Search)
• A company would like to produce a product, and although they do not wish to patent the
product themselves, they want to make sure that they do not get sued by someone else
that might have already patented the idea (this would be an Infringement search).
• Company A is making a product, and is being sued by Company B, which believes it
holds a patent on the product, and Company A would like to prove that Company B’s
patent is invalid (this would be a Validity search).
• A researcher would like a comprehensive listing of the most recent patents in a certain
field, to help guide his research (this would be a State-of-the-Art search).


There are many open source Patent database are available. The list of which is given in Module-
2 (page no.15). Out of these use two important open source databases which includes….

i) Worldwide database available from EPO site

ii) Indian Patent Office (IPO) database from Patent office website

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Regarding how to do the search using above mentioned two databases, you can refer material of
Module-2- Patent Search Methodology available at:

After searching, down load at least 10 (Ten) patent documents from EPO / IPO database, which
you feels more relevant to your IDP/UDP/Dissertation topics.

After down loading 10 complete patent documents from EPO / IPO database, understand the
content / embodiment of Patent document as given under Point no. 4 and thereafter start
preparing Patent analysis report as per format given under next Point no. 5.


Content/ Embodiments of Patent Application
Any Patent Application filed in Indian Patent office should possess following structure:
– Title of invention
– Name of applicant(s), nationality and address
– Name of inventor(s), nationality and address
– Preamble of application
– Field of invention
– Background of Invention
– Object of invention
– Summary of Invention
– Detailed description
– Claims
– Figures (if any)
– Abstract

Searchable fields of Indian Patent

After 18 months of the date of filing, application get published by the Patent Office in the Paten
office journal with following details
o Application Number
o Date of Application
o Date of Publication
o Title Of Invention
o International Patent Classification (IPC)
o Name And Address Of The Applicant
o Name Of Inventors
o Priority Details (if any)
o Abstract (With OR Without Figure)

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Patent Search of Indian patents can be possible using Indian Patent office database (available
free online) by using any of above mentioned field.

Non-searchable fields of Indian Patent

At present following fields are not available online for search. These include:
– Field of invention
– Background of Invention
– Object of invention
– Summary of Invention
– Detailed description
– Claims
– Figures (if any)

Searchable fields of International Applications and Worldwide patens

Most of the major Patent Offices of the world, viz. USPTO, EPO, WIPO etc. are publishing full
text patent articles, in which each above mentioned searchable-fields as well as non-searchable
fields can be searched online.

After patent search, down load

• Bibliographic page
• Form 1
• Form 2

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


Click on “View documents”

Pop up might be blocked, so Allows Pop up from this site

Again click on “View documents”

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


After downloading and understanding different parts/embodiments of patent, now you can start
entering details of patent in the format given as per below.


Question Answer
Part 1: Patent Search Technique Used
Select any one from 1. Indian Patent Office database, 2.
1 Patent Search Database used* Espacenet (worldwide), and 3. Other (in case of other give
details in next provided text book).

Provide minimum 3 keywords, more than three keywords

2 Keywords Used for Search* each separated by coma.

Provide exact phrase consisting on keywords and Boolean

3 Search String Used* operators used to get relevant results.

Give the number of related patents you get after using

4 Number of Results/Hits Getting* proper Search String.

Part 2: Basic Data of Patented Invention/Bibliographic Data

Provide the branch of Engineering with which patent is
5 Category/ Field of Invention* associated (For e.g. Mechanical, chemical, electrical etc)

Provide the end field of technology with which patent is

Invention is Related to/Class of
6 Invention*
associated. (For e.g. – For automobile field’s student:
Patent is associated with gear, break, engine etc)

Provide the exact title of patent as shown on patent

7 Title of Invention* document.
For patent applications which are granted, give the patent
8 Patent No. number of such application here.

9 Application Number* Provide the Application Number of studied patent here.

10 Date of Filing/Application* Mention the date on which application for patent is made.

Mention the first date i.e. the date on which application

11 Priority Date for patent is made for this invention in any country. It will
be available from patent related documents.

Mention the Publication No./Journal No./Bulletin No etc

12 Publication/Journal Number in which application for patent is published.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

The date on which application for patent is published in

13 Publication Date official patent journal/bulletin.
Mention the country where application for patent is made
14 First Filled Country first for particular invention.
Application No./
Countries Where Filled
Patent No.
Give details of one or more countries and relevant
application/patent number in which application for patent
is made to protect invention
15 Also Published as

Name of City of Country of

Address of Inventor*
Inventor/s* Inventor Inventor
Give details of one or more inventors associated with development of invention

Name of
City of Country of
Applicant/ Address of Applicant*
Applicant Applicant
17 Give details of one or more applicant/assignee who has made an application for patent, and who owns
the rights of patent.

Mention whether the applicant for patent is an individual

18 Applicant for Patent is* person/s or an organisation (Company/College/University
etc). Select any one from Individual/Organisation

Part 3: Technical Part of Patented Invention

Limitation of Prior Give details about, what are the problems associated with
19 Technology/Art* previous available technologies.

Specific Problem Give details about objectives and benefits of particular

20 Solved/Objective of Invention* Invention/Patent.
Give in-detail brief information about patent, and its
21 Brief about Invention* technical details.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Give details of key learning points each student has

22 Key learning Points* understood after studying each patent.

Here students have to give details about what they have

understood after reading a patent document. What is the
23 Summary of Invention* invention about? What are problems of prior art? What are
its benefits? Etc. Students have to make summary of each
patent in not more than 500 words.

24 Number of claims* Give the number, How many claims are there in patent.

Select any one which is suitable for studied patent –

25 Patent Status* Published Application/Granted Patent/ In-force Patent/
Failed to maintain the Patent/Expired Patent

Select any one indicating % relevance of this patent

How much this invention is
26 related with your IDP/UDP? *
document with you IDP/UDP. : > 91 %, 71 to 90%, < 70 %,
Not related to IDP/UDP

After studying each patent thoroughly and by answering all

Do you have any idea to do the previous questions, each student has to answer this
anything around the said question very carefully and give your valuable ideas in a
very precise manner. Here students have to think for any
27 invention to improve it? possible modification/improvement in the studied patent
(Give short note in not more he/she can make so as to maximise its effectiveness/user
than 500 words) * friendliness. Students have to give idea about possible
alterations they can make in briefly about 500 words.

Part-4: Student details who has prepared Report

30 Name of student*
31 Enrolment number of student*
32 Branch of study*
33 Semester of study*
34 Institute name*
35 Title of your IDP/UDP*
36 Contact number of student*
37 E-mail id of student*
38 Name of your group members
working for this IDP/UDP (Provide 4
boxes to enter the name of students)*
39 Name of your Guide/Faculty
40 Contact number of your
Guide/Faculty mentor*
41 E-mail id of your Guide/Faculty
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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


1: What is meant by Patent Search Database Used?

Ans: Student has to give details of patent database from which they got a particular patent,
and by studying this patent they have to generate a Patent Search & Analysis Report.
Students can select any one from given drop down menu, in case if you have selected
“other” than you have to give details about to it.

2: What is meant by Key words used?

Ans: Student has to identify keywords related to their respective IDP/UDP definition, and
mention those keywords, which they have entered into patent database to get related
patents. Students have to give at least 3 keywords.

3: What is meant by Search string used?

Ans: Search string is the combination of key words along with Boolean operators like AND,
OR, NOT used for getting the related results/hits. Students have to give details about
which search string they have used to get patents related to their respective IDP/UDP.
(e.g. If one wants to search patents related to control speed of bike/car. Then he may use
search string like - Control AND Overspeed AND Automobile)

4: What is meant by Number of Results/Hits getting?

Ans: Here students have to give number of related patents comes after using above search
string into patent database search engine.

5: What is meant by Category/ Field of Invention?

Ans: Here students have to give details about the category/field of Invention. Brach of
technology with which patent is related. For example: whether it is associated with
Mechanical, Civil, Automobile, Computer etc. branch.

6: What is meant by Invention is related to/Class of invention?

Ans: Give detail about patent is related with which class of a particular branch of technology.
For example – For automobile related patents, Patent is related with steering, break,
suspension, light system etc. Here students have to give final subject area of each

7: What is meant by Title of Invention?

Ans: Here students have to mention exact title of patent as seen on each patent document.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

8: What is meant by Application Number?

Ans: Here student have to take care that application no. and patent no. for each patent are
different. So understand the difference between them and exactly provide the
application no of each patent. Application Number is the number given by patent
office at the time of receipt of application for patent, while the Patent Number is the
number given when the patent is granted after fulfilling all the requirements of patent

9: What is meant by Patent Number?

Ans: Patent is granted after around 2-5 years of making an application for patent, after
checking novelty feature and all other requirements by patent office. So in this question
mention the patent number.

10: What is meant by Date of Filing/Application?

Ans: Filing Date is the date on which application for the patent is made to respective patent

11: What is meant by Priority date?

Ans: Priority date is the first date on which application for the patent is made. Where an
application for patent in India (or any other country) is based on a previously filed
patent application in any other country, the priority date of that patent shall be the date
of the previously filed application in which the invention was first disclosed.

12: What is meant by Publication/Journal Number?

Ans: After the application for patent is made, details about the patent application are
published in Patent office Journal of respective country. In this question students have
to mention the Publication No./Journal No./Bulletin No. etc in which application for
patent is published.

13: What is meant by Publication date?

Ans: For each patent, the publication date is the date on which particular issue of Patent
Office Journal containing details of specific patent application is published.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

14: What is meant by First Filled Country?

Ans: Patent gives territorial rights. So if inventor wants a patent protection in more than one
country than he has to file patent application in different countries separately for the
same invention. So the country in which applicant has filled first application is called
First Filled Country.

15: What is meant by Also published as (Name of Countries where patent filled & relevant
Patent (application) No)?

Ans: As said in answer of question 14, if inventor wants a patent protection for his invention
in more than one country than he has to file patent application in different countries
separately. So in answer of this question students have to give details about in which
countries application for the same invention is made, and the application number for
each such application. Were no data is available just answer it as Not Applicable.

16: What is meant by Name of Inventor/s and other details of Inventor/s?

Ans: Inventor/s is the one who has developed this invention. So here students have to give
name/s of Inventor/s of each patent. Also give other details like: Address, City &
Country of Inventor/s.

17: What is meant by Name of Applicant/ Assignee and other details of Applicant/

Ans: Applicant/ Assignee are the one who owns the rights of Patent. It is possible that the
inventor and the applicant for the patent are two different persons/entities. It is
particularly true for Patents developed by any legal entities (such as organisation,
company, colleges or universities). So in such cases students have to give name of such
applicant for the patent. In case where the inventor and applicant for patent both are the
same than give name of applicant/s here for one more time. Also give other details like:
Address, City & Country of Applicant/ Assignee.

18: What is meant by who is Applicant for patent?

Ans: To answer this question, Students have to select any one from individual or organisation
given under dropdown menu, as explained under answer of question of 17.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

Students can answer the following questions after thoroughly reading patent document.

19: What is meant by Limitation of Prior Art?

Ans: Prior art constitutes all information that is available to the public in any form before a
given date (i.e before the date of patent application). In answer of this question students
have to mention details about Limitations or problems associated with
technologies/product available before the patented article for which application for
patent is made.

20: What is meant by Specific Problem Solved/Objective of invention?

Ans: Here students have to describe the advantages/benefits of the patented article. And also
to add a note on what kind of problems will be solved by this invention.

21: What is meant by Brief about Invention?

Ans: Here students have to add a note on each technical detail associated with invention,
describe all aspects of Invention in full. Describe all the figures; give the examples
mentioned under patent document. In this part students have to give all details of

22: What is meant by Key Learning Point?

Ans: Here students have to give details about what things he/she has learnt about particular
technical field after reading a patent.

23: What is meant by Summary of invention?

Ans: Here students have to give details about what they have understood after reading a
patent document. What is the invention about? What are problems with present
available technology? What are benefits with this invention? Etc. Students have to
make summary of each patent in not more than 500 words.

24: What is meant by Number of claims?

Ans: Here students just have to mention the number of claims under each patent they have

25: What is meant by Patent Status?

Ans: Here students have to answer this question by selecting any one option from: Published
Application/ Granted Patent/ In-force Patent/ Failed to maintain the Patent/Expired
Patent. Students can get answer about this question by checking its status and by seeing
its renewal fees payment history.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

26: What is meant by how much this invention is related with your IDP/UDP?

Ans: Here student have to select any one option from > 91 %, 71 to 90%, < 70 %, Not
related to IDP/UDP in relation to the closeness of subject matter between studied patent
and the subject matter of everyone’s IDP/UDP.

27: What is the meaning of - Do you have any idea to do anything around the said invention
to improve it?
Ans: After studying each patent thoroughly and by answering all the previous questions, each
student has to answer this question very carefully and give your valuable ideas in a very
precise manner. Here students have to think for any possible modification/improvement
in the studied patent he/she can make so as to maximise its effectiveness/user
friendliness. Students have to give idea about possible alterations they can make in
briefly about 500 words.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


• A sample Patent Search and Analysis Report is generated by studying a TATA’s patent on

• The hyperlink for the original patent and associated data is available at:

• The tips on : How to access patent databases, Different parts of patent database and How to
interpret original patent document to generate Patent Search and Analysis Report – can be
found in a downloadable PDF file “Compendium of Module 3- Interpretation of Patent
documents from different databases” available on online project tracking portal.

• Sample Patent Search and Analysis Report should be like this:

Question Answer
Part 1: Patent Search Technique Used

1 Patent Search Database Used* Indian Patent Office database

1. Automobile
2. Speeding
3. Control
2 Keywords Used for Search* 4. Carbureted engine
5. Device
6. In case of more than Five Keywords :
Not Applicable
3 Search String Used* Control AND Speed AND Automobile

4 Number of Results/Hits Getting* 3

Part 2: Basic data of Patented invention/Bibliographic data

5 Category/ Field of Invention* Automobiles

Invention is Related to/Class of
6 Speed Control

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

7 Title of Invention* Device for Controlling Over speeding of Automobiles

8 Patent No. 227873

9 Application Number* 2031/MUM/2006

10 Date of Filing/Application* 12/12/2006
11 Priority Date 12/12/2006
12 Publication/Journal Number 10/2009
13 Publication Date 06/03/2009

14 First Filled Country India

Application No./
Countries Where Filled
Patent No.
15 Also Published as
Not Applicable for this Patent

Name of City of Country of

Address of Inventor*
Inventor/s* Inventor Inventor
Bombay House,
24 Homi Mody Street,
Kamanna Mumbai India
Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai 400001
Maharashtra, India.
Bombay House,
Srinivasan 24 Homi Mody Street,
Mumbai India
16 Govindarajan Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai 400001
Maharashtra, India.
Bombay House,
24 Homi Mody Street,
Suryakant Mumbai India
Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai 400001
Maharashtra, India.
Bombay House,
Sadagopan 24 Homi Mody Street,
Mumbai India
Krishnan Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai 400001
Maharashtra, India.
Name of
City of Country of
Applicant/ Address of Applicant*
Applicant Applicant
17 Bombay House,
TATA Motors 24 Homi Mody Street,
Mumbai India
Limited Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai 400001
Maharashtra, India.

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

18 Applicant for Patent is* Organization - Company

Part 3: Technical Part of Patented Invention

Carbureted engines do not have speed control
unit as an integral part of their design as seen in
multipoint fuel injection engines and diesel
engines. Carbureted engines now find
applications with alternate fuels such as CNG
Limitation of Prior and LPG and so their use in public domain is
19 Technology/Art* increases day by day. So by this kind of
inventions high speed engines and highly
offensive driving practice practiced by many city
drivers can be controlled. Maximum speed limit
and speed control of vehicles become an
essential and lifesaving feature.
The main object of this invention is to limit
engine speed at the desired and preset
maximum, which is achieved by both operating
Specific Problem
20 and fuel controls governed by an electronic
Solved/Objective of Invention*
speed control means. This not only avoids
overspeeding and resultant problems but also
increases the engine life and fuel efficiency.
The air and fuel quantity supplied to the engine
governs the speed of the engine and that of the
vehicle. The butterfly valve operated by the
throttle thro’ control linkage of the accelator
pedal. Air and fuel supply to the engine is
controlled by the opening of the butterfly valve.
However in a carburetor engine fuel flow is
governed by the carburetor which is
proportionate to the air flow power produced by
the ignition of air and fuel provides speed. It is
21 Brief about Invention*
understood that when the throttle is opened
more, increased quantity fuel and air is supplied
to the engine resulting in high speed.

The engine over speed controller (EOSC) receives

the speed signals from the engine as input and
compares it with the predetermined maximum
speed set point contained in the EOSC unit when
the engine speed is less than the set value of
maximum speed the unit remains inactive and

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

no output signal is given. However, when the

engine speed is equal or more than the set
point, another electronic switch is activated such
that the ignition system generates misfire in one
cylinder to reduce the power generated by the
engine momentarily by tending to reduce the
engine speed. This control unit is pre-
programmed, that the engine speed still is more
than the maximum pre-set value, yet another
cylinder is triggered to misfire to impart better
control over the engine speed. If the engine
speed is still more than the maximum pre-set
value, the third cylinder is also triggered to
misfire in all the three cylinders for better speed
This misfire is monitored for a pre-determined
time which is settable in the unit and if this time
exceeds, the engine over speed control unit
deactivates an electronic switch to stop the fuel
supply to the engine. This is in addition to the
misfire in the cylinders and is aimed at positive
reduction in engine speed. Once the speed limit
is below the pre-set value electronic switch is
actuated to restart fuel supply. Simultaneously
the misfire switches is deactuated to stop misfire
and the engine restores its normal speed.
This device may also be attached to carbureted
22 Key Learning Points* engines running on bifuels like gasoline and CNG
and gasoline and LPG.
This patent is about to control over speeding of
vehicles with help of new device. The device
consists of input and an output units and a
programmed speed limit valve. The output is
connected to electronic switches which are
23 Summary of Invention* capable of causing misfire in the cylinders and
thereafter deactuating the fuel supply to the
engine to reduce the speed. When the speed
limit goes below the predetermined limit the
fuel supply switch is activated to restart the
24 Number of claims* 5

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report

25 Patent Status* Granted

• This invention is closely related to the

Subject matter of my IDP/UDP.
How much this invention is • This invention is not much related to the
26 related with your IDP/UDP? * Subject matter of my IDP/UDP.
• This invention is not related to the Subject
matter of my IDP/UDP.

• We can integrate engine with Electric

Do you have any idea to do
Controlling Unit (ECU) which controls the
anything around the said
opening and closing of valves.
27 invention to improve it?
(Give short note in not more than • We can also attach eddy current generating
500 words) * circuit on crank shaft, which activates once it
crosses speed limit.

Part-4: Student details who has prepared Report

28 Name of student*
29 Enrollment number of student*
30 Team Id *
31 Branch of study*
32 Semester of study*
33 Institute name*
34 Title of your IDP/UDP*
35 Contact number of student*
36 E-mail id of student* All these details will be directly fetched from the
Name of your group members data filled by students in the 1st phase of online
working for this IDP/UDP tracking system.
(Provide 4 boxes to enter the
name of students)*
Name of your Guide/Faculty
Contact number of your
Guide/Faculty mentor*
E-mail id of your Guide/Faculty

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report


In this part, students have to give details about what they have understood after reading five
patent documents. What is the invention about? What are problems with present available
technology? What are benefits with this invention? Etc. Students have to make cumulative
summary of total patent studied in not more than 1000 words.


Objectives of
Sr. Limitations of
Patent number Title of Patent Patented
No. prior art

Looking at above summary, your IDP/UDP/Dissertation is novel up to what extent?

Novelty grade:
– 90%,
– 50 to 90%,
– < 50%,
– Not novel

Looking at the objectives of above 10 Patents, can you think about any new solutions
for next level of improvement/development of technology? (Write at max. in 500

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Module 3: Patent Search and Analysis Report



[A] Material

[B] Video lecture

Part 1 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P70EJkELI90
Part 2 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLOAx8G9PL0
Part 3 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He__JjuEKnE&feature=share


[A] Material

[B] Video lecture

Part 1 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NymTmy3l9r4&feature=youtu.be&a
Part 2 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbD3VBQe_o8&feature=youtu.be&a
Part 3 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeTxQbF1_4c&feature=youtu.be&a
Part 4 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0gVl3IGFFM&feature=youtu.be&a
Part 5 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dpujnn8574&feature=youtu.be


Indian Patent Office Database: http://ipindiaservices.gov.in/patentsearch/search/index.aspx

European Patent Office Database (Espacenet):



WIPO Patent Database (PATENTSCOPE): http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/search.jsf

US patent database (USPTO) Full text Databases : http://patft.uspto.gov/
Google Patents : http://www.google.com/?tbm=pts
Free Patents Online: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/

Directory of Country Wise Intellectual Property Offices: http://www.wipo.int/directory/en/urls.jsp

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad Page 34

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