People and Relationships: Vocabulary
People and Relationships: Vocabulary
People and Relationships: Vocabulary
People in relationship: Describing people:
• client (clients) • autonomous
NOUN A client of a professional person ADJECTIVE An autonomous person
o r organization is a person that receives a makes th e ir own decisions ra th e r than
service from them in return fo r payment. ■ a being influenced by someone else ■ They
solicitor and his client ■ The company requires proudly declared themselves p art of a new
clients to pay substantial fees in advance. autonomous province. ■ the liberal idea of the
• colleague (colleagues) autonomous individual
NOUN Your colleagues are the people you • consistent
w ork w ith, especially in a professional job. ADJECTIVE Someone who is consistent
■ Female academics are s till paid less than always behaves in the same way, has the
their male colleagues. ■ In the corporate same attitudes tow ards people or things,
world, the best sources of business are your or achieves the same level of success in
form er colleagues. som ething. ■ Becker has never been the most
• employer (employers) consistent of players anyway. ■ his consistent
NOUN Your employer is the person or support of free trade ■ a consistent character
organization that you w ork for. ■ employers with a m ajor thematic function
who hire illegal workers ■ The telephone • conventional
company is the country's largest employer. ADJECTIVE Someone who is conventional
• parent (parents) has behaviour and opinions that are
NOUN Your parents are your m other and ordinary and norm al. ■ a respectable
father. ■ Children need their parents. ■ When m arried woman with conventional opinions
you become a parent the things you once ■ this close, fairly conventional English family
cared about seem to have less value. • co-operative also cooperative
• sibling (siblings) ADJECTIVE If you say that someone is
NOUN Your siblings are your brothers and co-operative, you mean that they do what
sisters. [FORMAL] ■ Some studies have found you ask them w ithout com plaining or
that children are more friendly to younger arguing. ■ The president said the visit would
siblings of the same sex. ■ Sibling rivalry often develop friendly and co-operative relations
causes parents anxieties. between the two countries. ■ a contented and
• spouse (spouses) co-operative workforce
NOUN Someone’s spouse is the person they • efficient
are married to. Husbands and wives do not have ADJECTIVE If som ething or someone
to pay any inheritance tax when their spouse dies. is efficient, they are able to do tasks
Practice exercises
C ircle the w ords that you associate w ith fa m ily relationships. U nderline the w ords you
associate w ith professional relationships.
a client d colleague
b parent e spouse
c sibling f em ployer
Listen to three speakers ta lkin g about people who have been im po rta n t to them . Indicate
the person each speaker describes by w ritin g a le tte r a - f fro m Exercise 1 in each space.
j Exam tip:
i • You can often recognize w hether a word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb
from its ending.
: • Adjectives can have many different endings, but these are common.
Exam tip: In Part 4 of the IELTS Listening exam you have to listen to a ta lk on a topic of
general academic interest.
You do not need to know a ll of the vocabulary.
If you hear a word you don’t know, listen fo r expressions like:
a i.e.
b in other w ords
c that is
d by ... I mean
e that is to say
The text that follow s these expressions helps you understand the word.
Example: Employers value conscientious workers, that is workers who complete tasks
with care.
Listen to the e xtra ct fro m a lectu re about only ch ild re n and notice the expression the
02 speaker uses to indicate she is defining the key expressions 1-6 below. Look back at the
Exam tip and w rite a le tte r a -e in each space.
1 only children
2 parental resources
3 to le ran t ......
4 rn-nperative
5 autonom y
6 unconventional
0 5 Listen to the e xtra ct again and com plete the d e finitio n s the speaker gives fo r w ords 1-6
02 above. W rite one w ord in each space.
O Listen to the lecture extract about birth ord er and personality and answ er
03 questions 1 -5 by choosing the correct le tte r A, B or C.
Exam tip: Listen fo r key adjectives and clues in the context fo r what they mean.
5 What does the speaker say about the quality of research on birth order?
A Most research has been done correctly.
B Most research has been done incorrectly.
C Most research has come to a clear conclusion.