Between The Erythrocytes and Plasma
Between The Erythrocytes and Plasma
Between The Erythrocytes and Plasma
- A thrombus that breaks away ● The lack of these antigens is called type
and floats freely in the O
bloodstream ● The presence of both antigens A and B
- Can later clog vessel in critical is called type AB
areas such as the brain ● The presence of antigen A is called type
Bleeding Disorders ● The presence of antigen B is called type
● Thrombocytopenia ● The lack of both antigens A and B is
- Platelet deficiency called type O
- Even normal movements can ● Blood type AB can receive A, B, AB,
cause bleeding from small blood and O blood
vessels that require platelets for - Universal recipient
clotting ● Blood type B can receive B and O blood
● Hemophilia ● Blood type A can receive A and O blood
- Hereditary bleeding disorder ● Blood type O can receive O blood
- Normal clotting factors are - Universal donor
Rh Blood Groups
Blood Groups and Transfusions
● Named because of the presence or
● Large losses of blood have serious absence of one of eight Rh antigens
consequences (agglutinogen D) that was originally
- Loss of 15-30% causes defined in Rhesus monkeys
weakness ● Most Americans are Rh+ (Rh positive)
- Loss of over 30% causes shock, ● Problems can occur in mixing Rh+ blood
which can be fatal into a body with Rh- (Rh negative) blood
● Transfusions are the only way to replace
blood quickly Rh Dangers during Pregnancy
● Transfused blood must be of the same
blood group ● Danger occurs only when the mother is
Rh- and the father is Rh+, and the child
Human Blood Groups inherits the Rh+ factor
● RhoGAM shot can prevent build-up of
● Blood contains genetically determined anti-Rh+ in mother’s blood
proteins ● The mismatch of an Rh- mother carrying
● Antigens (a substance the body an Rh+ baby can cause problems for
recognizes as foreign) may be attacked the unborn child
by the immune system ● The first pregnancy usually proceeds
● Antibodies are the “recognizers” without problems
● Blood is “typed” by using antibodies that ● The immune system is sensitized after
will cause blood with certain proteins to the first pregnancy
clump (agglutination) ● In the second pregnancy, the mother’s
● There are over 30 common red blood immune system produces antibodies to
cell antigens attack the Rh+ blood (hemolytic disease
● The most vigorous transfusion reactions of the new-born)
and caused by ABO and Rh blood group
antigens Blood typing
ABO Blood Groups ● Blood samples are mixed with anti-A
and anti-B serum
● Based on the presence or absence of ● Coagulation or no coagulation leads to
two antigens determining blood type
- Type A
- Type B
Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology: