You May Refer To Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust Et Al., 1980) For The Sample Graphs
You May Refer To Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust Et Al., 1980) For The Sample Graphs
You May Refer To Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust Et Al., 1980) For The Sample Graphs
A. Goal: To perform a case study on the distillation of a multicomponent system of your choice
I. Introduction
Provide a background on the system to be distilled and the industry where it is
Discuss the applications or uses of the product/s to be recovered.
II. Methodology
Specifications (e.g., pressure, feed conditions) should have realistic values. Having a
basis for the values is highly recommended, but not required.
III. Results and Discussion
Provide a justification on the models used in Part II.
Include the following figures:
o Composition profiles
o Variation with number of stages of total mole percent of desired component/s
in distillate and percentage recovery of the same component/s
o Recovery and concentration as a function of L0/D
o Effect of feed tray location on D recovery and concentration
You may refer to Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust et al., 1980)
for the sample graphs.
IV. Conclusions
V. References
Use the Harvard – Anglia style for your in-text citations and bibliography.
VI. Appendix: Thermodynamic Models Used
VII. Appendix: First Iteration of the Bubble Point Method Applied to the System
Refer to Example 10.1 of Separation Process Principles (Seader et al., 2011).
Use the same thermodynamic model as in the simulation.
VIII. Appendix: FUG (Approximate) Method Applied to the System