You May Refer To Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust Et Al., 1980) For The Sample Graphs

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Project for ChE 132

Deadline: 16 December 2016 (Friday)

A. Goal: To perform a case study on the distillation of a multicomponent system of your choice

B. Tool: Use ChemSep in your simulations

C. Output: Written report with the following outline:

I. Introduction
 Provide a background on the system to be distilled and the industry where it is
 Discuss the applications or uses of the product/s to be recovered.
II. Methodology
 Specifications (e.g., pressure, feed conditions) should have realistic values. Having a
basis for the values is highly recommended, but not required.
III. Results and Discussion
 Provide a justification on the models used in Part II.
 Include the following figures:
o Composition profiles
o Variation with number of stages of total mole percent of desired component/s
in distillate and percentage recovery of the same component/s
o Recovery and concentration as a function of L0/D
o Effect of feed tray location on D recovery and concentration
You may refer to Chapter 8 of Principles of Unit Operations (Foust et al., 1980)
for the sample graphs.
IV. Conclusions
V. References
 Use the Harvard – Anglia style for your in-text citations and bibliography.
VI. Appendix: Thermodynamic Models Used
VII. Appendix: First Iteration of the Bubble Point Method Applied to the System
 Refer to Example 10.1 of Separation Process Principles (Seader et al., 2011).
 Use the same thermodynamic model as in the simulation.
VIII. Appendix: FUG (Approximate) Method Applied to the System

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