Zmi-Donducto'i Pioduati, One.: Opto Electronics Detectors-Programmable Unijunction Transistors

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^zmi-donducto'i ^Pioduati, One.

20 STERN AVE. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922

SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 (212) 227-6005
U.S.A. FAX: (973) 376-8960

ilnode-Cathdde D.C. Anode RiseTin-e Irraoiance to Forward on Voltage
Voltage Current t, Trigger VT P; Package Specification
Max. Max. Typica <S> Rg^SOOK'.!, Vs = 10V Max. Max. Package Outline Sheet
GE Type (V) (ma) (nsec) Max. (V) (mw; Type Mo. No.

L14T ±40 100 80 ImW/Cm2 1.5 200 TO-92 263 55.54

Cathode Gate Currert
Voltage Forward Voltage Holding to Fire Effective Irradiance
/mode to Cathode al 175ma Anode Curren t Current @ VAC = 40V To Trigger
-"orward and Reverse <S> Ro. = 27k!! (a) R,,,. = 27kn RA = 800H @ VAC — 40V Package Specification
Man. Max. Max. Max. RA = 800!! Package Outline Sheet
CET/pe <v; (V) (mA) (;iA) Max. Type No. No.
L1V 2.3 |*g$|* 10 lOmW/Cm' TO-18 53 55.41

Effective Irradiance
(mw/cm!) to Trigger '
Inc <a 25°C Max. Temp. °c at25°C TJ, 6Vdc Package ?63
Max Outline
GE Type PflV/Vso («r Opei. Stor. Win. Max. NO. Snee! No.
L8U » .44 MV no» 0.68 10.0 101 190.10
L8F ••»'• .44 wo° ISO* 0.68 10.0 101 190.10
UA too .44 «r .190* 0.68 10.0 W 190.10
L86 t» .44 100" 49B» 0.68 10.0 101 190.10
L8G 200 .44 100° --a»» 0.68 10.0 101 190.10

L81IU 25 .77 «*•; WP«. 0.68 10.0 102 190.10

L811F »'• .77 109" tto» 0.68 10.0 102 190.10
[aim 100 .77 IMP' .W 0.68 10.0 102 190.10
^TT ' ,
LflllB 'isr* .77 •m£: IW» 0.68 10.0 102 190.10
L811G 200 .77 «*- ?-w» 0.68 10.0 102 190.10
L9U 25 . .44 >«*>-;• •MSp»., 0.68 4.2 Ml 190.10
L9F -SB I .44 ioe» •'W 0.68 4.2 101 190.10 101
L9A m' .44 108» 150» 0.68 4.2 1M 190.10
L9B 158 .44 U»0° -HP. 0.68 4.2 101 190.10
L9G W .44 a«o» «0° 0.68 4.2 iet 190.10
L911U 25 .77 ...^i-,.
100° •' •'M0» 0.68 4.2 102 190.10
L911F 50 .77 iso» 0.68 4.2 102 190.10
L911A .77 100° 150° 0.68 4.2 102 190.10
L911B I* .77 top"
1» ' 150° 0.68 4.2 102 190.10
L911G 200 .77 108° 180° 0.68 4.2 m 190.10

NOTE: Gate current to trigger from direct electrical supply is 20 «A typical, 200 #A maximum at 25°C Tj.

1 Effective Irradiance to trigger decreases with increasing anode voltage and increasing gate to cathode resistance.

NJ Semi-conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without
nonce. Information fijrnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time or>ing
to press. However. NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use
-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders.

Quality Semi-Conductors

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