शब्द हो के

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शब्द हो के ?

Words are the mirrors of human mind. Words give shape to our feelings. There are
words and then there are nice words to describe our feelings. Words can express our
thoughts. Words facilitate communication. Words convey your emotions. Words can
hurt, words can heal. Words can touch, words can feel. Words can reveal your culture;
words can make your future. Words speak your attitude; words can decide your
Words and languages are the harbinger of human evolution. Nice Words bear direct
fallout of human endeavour to better its kind. Nice Words used to describe feelings
have brought the humanity closer.  Words have facilitated the exchange of knowledge.
Words have made it possible for the humans to understand each other. 
On an individual level, words take up a different importance. Words are very critical
and delicate aspect of human relationship. Words can establish, and at the same time
can break a strong bond between humans. Words that we use can create our
impression at workplace and make or break our career. And there is a reason to
differentiate between words we use and the nice words to describe the feelings that
could have been used.

We use different words at different situations. However, we need to know the proper
words that fit in those situations. As words can achieve different meanings in different
context, we must understand the delicacy and importance of the words, and use them
judiciously. Here we try to suggest the ‘words’ that should be used in different
                    In Love: If you are in ‘love’, the most important word that must overflow
every time is, obviously, ‘love’. You must tell the other person how much you ‘love’
him/her. Just actions, hugs, glances are not sufficient, words hold the key. You must
express your ‘love’ through words. Tell the person why you ‘like’ and ‘adore’
him/her. Tell him/her that you ‘care’ and ‘long’ to ‘be with’ him/her. You must tell
that you ‘enjoy’ his/her company and that he/she mean ‘the world’ to you. You should
be ready to ‘do anything’ to make the ‘valuable’ relationship last ‘forever’ and ever. It
is imperative to use suitable and nice words to describe your feelings.
                    In Friendship: A ‘good’ friendship is as good as being in love, but the major
difference is that friendship is less delicate to handle. In a friendship you can be
outspoken and express feeling point-blank. You must ‘love’ the positive qualities of
your friend, at the same time you must tell your friend what you ‘dislike’ about
him/her. Suggest what your friend needs to do in order to ‘improve’ and ‘do better’ in
life. You must always ‘support’ your friend and ‘be there’ ‘come what may’. Using
nice words to describe feelings can be soothing and can do wonders in your
                    In Family: Family members ‘share’ all the feelings and whatever comes their
way. In order to maintain the family relations strong, you must ‘love’ other members,
‘like’ the way they are, ‘care’ for them and ‘help’ them anytime. A family must teach
and share ‘values’, seek ‘advice’ and ‘respect’ each other. A family must ‘support’
each other to stay ‘together’. Use these nice words and you would see the difference
for yourself.
                    In Neighbourhood: Your neighbourhood is your second family. You must
‘respect’ your neighbours, say ‘hi’, ‘hello’ every time you see them. Also ‘help’ them
in need and ‘thank’ them for whatever ‘cooperation’ they offer. We must ‘talk’ to our
neighbours regularly and improve ‘understanding’. These are the nice words you can
use to describe your feelings that would enhance your community bonding too.
                    In Workplace: ‘Hello’ and ‘hi’ filled with a lot of energy and positivity shall
be your opening words every time you meet your colleagues, followed by a warm
‘good morning’. Do remember to address your superiors with a tinge of respect added
to these words. In workplace, you should be ‘willing’ to ‘cooperate’, ‘coordinate’ and
take ‘responsibility’.  These words are not only nice but powerful too and if used
judiciously they can help you strengthen bonds with fellow workers.
                    If you are angry: We do get angry at times, whether in relationship, family or
at workplace. At first ‘honestly’ you must express that you are ‘angry’ because you
‘did not like’ something or the behaviour was ‘disgusting’ or ‘disappointing’. ‘Warn’
the person ‘not to repeat’ the behaviour and ‘suggest’ a solution. At the same time do
not ‘forget’ to ‘forgive’. Remember, it’s the words counts and you need to control
your emotions so that nothing but nice words should come out to describe your
                    If you hate someone: It is indeed difficult to tell someone that you hate
him/her. The best thing is to be ‘honest’ and pinpoint particular habit or behaviour that
was ‘annoying’. Tell the person why you ‘dislike’ him/her and ‘frankly’ decide to
‘amend’ the ways or ‘do not meet again’.
                    In a breakup: If the break up is ‘inevitable’, be ‘honest’ with your
‘compulsions’ and decide to ‘part the ways’. The relationship may be ‘leading to
nowhere’ or you may be ‘feeling stuck’. Ask to ‘excuse’, ‘forget’ what has happened
and ‘move ahead’. When the relationship is ending it makes sense to pull the last
straw with nice words rather than hatered.
                    If you want to appreciate: Certainly, there are many ‘good’ things happening
around us. You must ‘congratulate’ the person and ‘appreciate’ the efforts put in by
him/her. Any ‘good work’ ‘deserves’ ‘success’ and must get ‘applause’. Wish the
person ‘all the best’ for the future. Relate to person with nice words and it will give
real meaning to their hard work too.
                    If you want to motivate: We often need to motivate our family members or
colleagues ‘to do better’. There is always ‘next time’, and ‘better efforts’ will give
‘better returns’. Everybody ‘can do it’ if he/she decides to ‘concentrate’ and ‘work
hard’. Such is the power of nice words that they can extract maximum from people
beyond their abilities.
In short, remember that words do matter. Whenever you want to describe your
feelings, use only the words that matter and covey precisely what you want to say. It is
better to be quite than use wrong words and convey wrong message.
In general, intersperse your language with plenty of ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’ and do not
miss to say ‘Sorry’ wherever appropriate. In case of any doubt, refer the above
guide.  This is a great list of nice words to describe your feelings and I am sure you
will make best use of it.

हिराजडित महल के काम भट्टी डुल्न थालेपछि

सराबको मातमा आफैँ लाई भुल्न थालेपछि

नशानै जीवन भयो उद्देस्यको के कुरा भो

पिडा घोल्दै रक्सिसंग हर बखत झुल्न थालेपछि

के ब्येक्तितो बनाउनु के साहस दे खाउं मा

भट्टी संग जोड्या परिचय खुल्न थालेपछि

नशा मात अनि बोतल यिनै मेरा खोजि बने

बोतलको मज्जा संगै जीवन फुल्न थालेपछि
हिराजडित महल के काम भट्टी डुल्न थालेपछि
सराबको मातमा आफैँ लाई भल्
ु न थालेपछि


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