Boost Your Analytics With ML For SQL Nerds: SQL Saturday Spokane - Mar 10, 2018
Boost Your Analytics With ML For SQL Nerds: SQL Saturday Spokane - Mar 10, 2018
Boost Your Analytics With ML For SQL Nerds: SQL Saturday Spokane - Mar 10, 2018
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services
1. Y ML
2. Operationalizing ML
3. Tips & Tricks
4. Resources
1. Y ML?
delighting customers
Intelligent solutions enable differentiation
10,000+ packages in CRAN
Community: Scalable to big data
2.5+M users Rich application and platform integration
Taught in most universities
Popular with new and recent grads
Thriving user groups worldwide
Typical Predictive Modelling Steps
Challenges of using R
Data Movement Deployment Scale and Performance
• Moving data from the DB to R • How do I call the R script from my • Most R functions are single threaded
production application? and only accommodate datasets that
• Runtime becomes painful as data fit into available memory
volumes grow
• Movement carries security risks
ML Operationalization pre SQL 2016
Separate Service or Embedded Logic
Analytic Server
Before SQL 2016: Messy!
.. and Bandwidth issue …
In-database advanced analytics
Pushing intelligence to where data lives
Application Application
Database Database
• Leverage built-in extensibility • Use familiar T-SQL stored procedures • Use parallelism query capabilities of
mechanisms to allow secure execution to invoke R scripts from your app in-memory and ColumnStore indexes
of R scripts
• Embed the returned predictions • Leverage RevoScaleR support for
and plots large datasets and parallel algorithms
Deploy predictive analytics
Make your apps
intelligent by consuming
Deploy with to natively predictions
predict with the model
Train a model with script and R code to
sp_execute_external_ predict with the model
Develop, explore and script and save in DB
experiment in your
favorite R IDE
SQL 2016: use sp_execute_external_script
SQL 2017: use PREDICT
sp_execute_external_script Patterns
Demo: ML in SQL Server
Toppings on your Frozen Yoghurt?
Like Toppings on your Frozen Yoghurt?
For demo ☺
Attach Picture
3. Tips & Tricks
SQL Server ML Features
Custom Reports for SSMS
Use SSMS custom reports from SQL Server Samples
SQL Server Extensibility Framework
Host external runtimes securely on SQL Server machine
Resource governance on external processes
EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL to control CPU, Memory, CPU Affinity
Integrate with SQL query execution
New external script operator to exchange data / parameters
Parallel query pushing data to multiple external processes / threads
Streaming mode execution
Batch mode execution (in SQL Server 2017)
Implied Authentication
Impersonation for loopback connections from external scripts
Just use trusted connection in connection string
Native Scoring – New in SQL Server 2017
Key Benefits:
Runs natively in SQL Server (No R / Python dependency)
Low latency for execution
Ideal for highly concurrent scoring of few rows
Can be used in INSERT/UPDATE/MERGE statement directly
Don’t Do
Run R / Python script as-is Develop/Test from RTVS, PTVS,
Embed secrets in scripts RStudio or other IDE
Do data transformations that can SQL Compute Context from
be achieved in SQL client
Access network resources Data processing &
Process/transform files as part of transformations in SQL Server
the stored procedure call Data integration using SQL
Embed the R/Python code Server features
directly in applications Model management in database
4. Resources
Call to action
Getting started SQL + ML tutorials:
SSMS Reports for R Services:
Build 2017: Serving AI with Data (SQL Server 2017):
SQL Server Samples on GitHub:
R Services
ML Services
Using RTVS:
Build 2017 session recordings on Channel 9:
Microsoft Virtual Academy online:
SQL User Group