The Prediction of Final Settlement From 1D-Consolidation Test: A Case Study
The Prediction of Final Settlement From 1D-Consolidation Test: A Case Study
The Prediction of Final Settlement From 1D-Consolidation Test: A Case Study
Mohd Fakhrurrazi Bin Ishak1 and Mohd Hazreek Bin Zainal Abidin2
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental engineering, University of Malaysia Pahang,
P.O. Box 12, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang.
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat Johor.
Consolidation settlement is a major topic discussed by an engineers and geologists when
designing the structures. From past experienced, many case of building problems and failure
found that settlements could affect them by continuing settlement for many years with total
accumulated settlements being very large. This settlement may due to creep or secondary
settlement. There are many method used to predict the settlement such as Casagrande oedometer
(Terzaghi, 1923: Casagrande, 1936). We can predict the primary and secondary settlement in
laboratory by using 1-D consolidation oedometer test. The reliability of the prediction depends on
many factor such as good samples, human, apparatus and others uncertainties especially soils.
A fine-grained soil in saturated condition was subjected to an increasing compressive stress from
selected loading and caused the deformation or strain of soil skeleton. Strain is a cumulative
effect of grain distortion and particle rolling and slipping. This strain results in a reduction of void
ratio or voids volume which can only take place as pore fluid when it displaced. Since a fine-
grained soil has a low permeability coefficient, the pore fluid displacement was a rate process, or
time dependent. When the compression of a soil mass is a time dependent, it is termed as a
consolidation. A soil will be fully consolidated state when its volume remains constant under a
constant rate of stress. A soil will be normally consolidated condition when it is currently
corresponding to its maximum consolidation pressure. A soil will be over consolidated when the
present day overburden pressure is less than the highest historic consolidation pressure.
Terzaghi (1943) suggest the model of one-dimensional consolidation which used the steel spring
technique that represents the soil. It is assumed that the frictionless piston was supported by the
springs and the cylinder was filled with water. If a load was applied to the piston by the closed
valve, the length of the springs will remains unchanged since the water was assumed as
incompressible (undrained condition). If the load was induces an increase in total stress of ∆σ,
then the whole of this consideration must be count initially by an equal increase in porewater
pressure ∆u. When the valve was opened, excess porewater pressure will cause the water
overflow causing the reduction of porewater pressure. Then, the piston will sink as the spring was
compressed. Thus, the load was gradually transferred to the springs, causing them to be
shortening until it was carried by the springs. At the final stage, the increasing of effective stress
∆σ’ was equal to the increasing total stress resulting the reducing in excess porewater pressure to
zero. The rate of compression apparently depends on the extent of which valve was opened; this
is due to the analogous to the permeability soil.
In this study, the proposed Petrol Chemical Tank Reservoir at Shiang Wei PLO 414, Jalan Perak,
Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, Johor have been selected as a case study. The initial
applied load for this project was 140 kPa. The structure was built on a soil which subjected to the
settlement. Some settlement is inevitable, depending on the situation and some settlement is
tolerable. When we built a structure on a top of soil, some person need to have knowledge of how
settlement occurs and predict how much of it and also predict how fast the settlement will occur
in this situation. Traditionally, the consolidation behavior has been implemented in the laboratory
to determine the consolidation settlement within 90% degree of consolidation and estimation of
time to settlement. This project was proposed to Messrs. SHELL Malaysia Trading Sdn. Bhd.
LPG Business, Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn. Bhd. Changkat Semantan, Damansara Heinghts,
Kuala Lumpur.
A total number of two (2) boreholes were drilled using the rotary drilling machine according to
British Standard Code of Practice BS 5930:1981 “Site Investigation”. The depth of both
boreholes was 6.45m below the ground level. The borehole diameter ranged in size from 76.2mm
to 101.6mm. It was advanced by Multi-speed, rotary drilling machine. The rotary wash boring
was advanced partly by a chopping and twisting action of a light bit and partly by jetting water
which is pumped through the hollow drilled rod and bit. Then, cuttings were removed from the
hole by the circulating water. After that, drilled rod and bit moved up and down by pulling and
slackening the rope. The soil-laden water from the borehole was discharged into the same
reservoir where the coarse materials settled out and from which the so-called ‘wet samples’ can
be secured.
The SPT used a 50mm diameter x 600 long thick-walled split sampler tube which driven into
undisturbed soil under the impact of a sliding hammer weighing 65kg with a free fall of 760mm.
The penetration resistance of ‘N’ value was recorded as the number of hammer blows required
reached the penetration depth of 300mm. After the finished the job, the sampler tube was
removed and dissembled in order to provide a disturbed sample. The SPT was carried out at every
1.50m intervals and at the bottom of every borehole.
The physical properties observed within the soil layers were a soft to firm and sandy CLAY layer
(appendix A). This material was found in each borehole and their color was in a dark grey. The
thickness of this CLAY layer was varies from approximately 1.50m to 4.50m and with SPT- N-
average of 8. The observed of silty SAND layer found in each borehole was a medium dense to
dense. The color was varied from medium red to brown. The thickness of this layer was varies
from approximately 4.50m to 6.50m and SPT-N value range from 14 to 36 with an average of 25.
Undisturbed samples were taken from boreholes by using thin-walled tube sampler. The drilling
machine forced the thin-walled tube sampler into the undisturbed soil. During a sampling below
the water tables, the water was constant at the chasing top until the sampler was removed.
Subsequent of these samples, both ends of the sample will be coated with a non-shrinking wax to
ensure airtight seal. At this study area, the total of five (5) nos of undisturbed samples has been
taken which two (2) nos of them was from the borehole 1 at depth 3.00m and 3.60m and the
another three (3) were taken from borehole 2 at depth 1.50m, 2.10m and 2.70m.
Both disturbed and undisturbed samples were transported to the laboratory for investigation.
Several testing were conducted to the samples according to BS 1377:1990. The tests consist of
one-dimensional consolidation using oedometer machine.
Void Ratio
1 10 100 1000 10000
Pressure (kpa)
Void Ratio
1 10 100 1000 10000
Pressure (kpa)
Void Ratio
1 10 100 1000 10000
Pressure (kpa)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Pressure (kp a)
Void Ratio
1 10 100 1000 10000
Pressure (kpa)
Table 1: Parameter Based On One-D Consolidation Test BH1 UD1 3.00-3.60m and BH1 UD2
The condition of subsoil for BH2 was a soft soil layer from 0.00m to 2.10m BGL and the average
water table was 0.8m BGL. The testing parameters for BH 2 were listed in the table 2.
Table 2: Parameter Based On One-D Consolidation Test BH2 UD1 1.50-2.10m, BH2 UD1 1.50-2.10m
and BH2 UD3 2.70-3.30m
From the laboratory results, the highest settlement was 0.6m within 1.2 months. These indicate
that the soil was very high in settlement and time to reach 90% degree of consolidation was fast.
The consolidation settlement and time reach 90% consolidation settlement can be used to
evaluate the settlement for soil in order to predict the impact to the foundation.
The field testing using boring machine found a sandy CLAY layer at depth of 0.00m to 4.20m
which is lower in ‘N’ SPT value and this indicate that the soil was very weak in strength. For
suggestion, the soil for the proposed site should be improved by some methods before the
construction work being implemented or the using of piling foundation must be introduced in the
foundation design in order to solve the problems.
British Standards Institution (1981). B.S. 5930: Code of practice for site investigations. London:
British Standards Institution.
British Standards Institution. Method of Test Soil for Civil Engineering Purpose. London, BS
1377-1. 1990.
Das B.M., “Principles of Foundation Engineering”, Fourth Edition, PWS Publishing, 1998.
Das B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, Fifth Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2001.
Fred. G. bell. Engineering Geology and Construction. British Geological Survey, Spoon press.
James K. Mitchell and Kenichi Soga, “fundamentals of soil behavior”, third edition, John Wiley
& Sons, inc. 2005.
Skempton A. W. and Bjerrum L., “A contribution to the settlement analysis of foundation on
clay”, Geotechnique Journal, 7(4): 168-178. 1957.
Terzaghi K., “Theoretical soil mechanics”, John Wiley And Sons, New York, 1943.
Whitlow R., “Basic Soil Mechanic”, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001