Resolution For A MUN
Resolution For A MUN
Resolution For A MUN
Law of the Seas (UNCLOS), the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in South
China Sea, and the 2011 Agreement on a Code of Conduct, have not been effective in
helping to solve the conflict between affected nations:
Having examined the use of south china sea as a free international trade route is
imperative to the global economy and cannot be negotiated at once,
Acknowledging that the islands in the south china sea are rich in natural resources,
Stressing the importance of reaching a compromise and noting that past attempts at
negotiations have proven unsuccessful,
Fully believing that the stipulations of Article 73, part 3, of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea, which imposes a duty upon states to negotiate in
good faith, is not a non-binding recommendation but an obligation under
international law,
A. Recommends that the boundaries of the South china sea, in regard to first
priority of wielding the ocean’s resources, to said nations as follow’s :